The He-ath’-en (The Others)

Disturbing message in The Bible from The He-ath’-en (The Others) decoded.

It all boils down to etymology

The Aramaic word ath pronounced awth means sign, miraculous signs, wonders

He-ath’-en (The Others)
/en/ is plural

He-av’-en (The Fathers)
/av/ in Hebrew means Father
/en/ is plural
F ath ers

The F—ing awthers.

You cannot deny the existence of The He-ath’-en (The Others) anymore, or call me crazy. The evidence is in your own Bible.

How to detect if someone is with The He-ath’-en (The Others)

Use spectrographic photography, you can detect the He-ath’-en (The Others) when they are with a human host.

They know when you are listening

They have no natural sense of humour, they use funny videos and funny content off of The Internet to sound normal

An unnatural response to the suffering of others, diametrically opposite to a person with love with mercy. Perfect optics, perfect audio.

When The He-ath’-en (The Others) control them, they are feral, with large frontal lobes and intellect. The prophecy about Christ proves it “Dogs surround me”. Do no be afraid, they can smell fear. I have actually heard their grunting and growling up close when they held me down to be injected. All I was doing was praying and trying to reason with the Doctor. They do everything unconsciously.

Disabling the Holodeck Effect

Everything is made of something. There is nothing that is not made of something. You must understand this principle.

We will shield the Earth from the holodeck effect. If it can be turned on it can be turned off.

We will put the Earth under a microscope and look at the reality. A Hubble equipped low Earth orbiter will be used with X-Ray capability and using color-blind operators. We see in color, the reality is black and white.

We will use the Aria frequency and understand everything about light on Earth.

The “spirit people” who have biotechnology and hyperstealth biotechnology will be detectable. They do not have God’s spirit but they are made of something.

They are invisible to the naked eye because they are made of finer material than we are. Like a fine rain that you can’t see, but you go outside and discover that it’s raining. Everything is made of something. There is nothing that is not made of something. You must understand this principle.

They rely heavily on The Electromagnetic Spectrum to produce audio and visual paranormal phenomena and are also capable of virtual reality while you are awake and virtual reality with haptic response during the sleep cycle. People “feel” being dissected by aliens. Paranormal researchers have detected their haunting activity with magnetometers. The three primary parts of the EM Spectrum used are photons to create images, chemical reactions and the portion of The EM Spectrum known as radio for “voices” and sound effects.

I’m the Duchess of Normandy. I’m Normandy, a military genius also. It’s genetic. Same brain structure, same thought pattern.

The Quiet War

The most brilliant military strategy ever devised against The Axis of Evil. Take out key personnel only who operate top equipment. No one left to operate anything destructive. The instructions how to operate the equipment is kept in safes. So no one should be able to operate it. Maybe it was a solar flare, or maybe the Aliens did it. We’re looking into it.

The War Against False Religion

The War of Love with Mercy vs Evil with hate has begun. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are the grey area. They are the middle man in Satan’s Organization handing people over to The Jovian Cult who practice sacrifices like in ancient Isra’Al but with people. They practice Christian Kabbalism not Christianity. They are The Snake. And the only way to kill a snake is to cut the head off, or it will come back and bite you. As of the writing about Christian Kabbalism on Wikipedia Christian Kabbalism had not been achieved. Satan accomplished it using the Satanic name Jehovah. The order of The Sacred Spirit is “Remove The Turban and Lift The Crown”, take all their money and sell off everything they have and give it to the abuse victims. Do the same with all Global Cults.

To find the victims Google the following:

Watch Tower abuse victim

Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victim

Watch Tower abuse victim rape

Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victim rape

All that will remain is Love with Mercy vs Evil with Hate.

Let your eye not feel sorry when destroying evil.

Do not laugh about, do not cry about it, as this would be damaging to you.

Just do it.

May Ari, The Sacred Spirit be with all of you who are Love with Mercy.

Tiffany Tracy McTaggart

Word of The Sacred Spirit

Never Forget

Jehovah’s Witnesses are with The He-ath’-en (The Others) in their homes and in their private lives. Proof that they do everything unconsciously and are psychotic. When they step out the front door of their home their brain tells them, “Act normal”.

People on fixed incomes who cannot afford their own place with a lock on the door, their own toilet and a kitchenette are tortured victims of The He-ath’-en (The Others). Room for rent is a sadistic joke of The He-ath’-en (The Others). Guaranteed suffering is the result for those who are vulnerable. Absolute no justice, absolute no mercy.

The Watch Tower article Angels and Extraterrestrials stated that the aliens wear blue and that blue is their favorite color. How would they know? I believe The Watch Tower blue city is the Headquarters of The He-ath’-en (The Others) using human hosts.

A Biblical Perspective

Jehovah’s Witness practice Christian Kabbalism not Christianity

The Rise, Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion and The Two-Sex god Jehovah is The Roman god IHOH of Cabala. In some Roman Colonies they stopped using an /i/ and started using a /j/, Luther’s crooked /i/. IHOH became JHOH. JHOH-vah. Good JHOH. /vah/ means good in Hebrew.

The Cult of JHOH.

Jehovah’s Witnesses have progressively become a closed society since they adopted the name Jehovah in 1931. In this same year, Herbert W. Armstrong became an ordained minister and went on to lead The Worldwide Church of God (now The Restored Church of God), using the powerful medium of television to convince the world’s evangelicals that The United States and Britain constituted Israel. This is the reason for the incredible battlements and expenditures around Israel both overtly and covertly. Jehovah’s Witnesses have even modeled their Kingdom Halls after “synagogues” (Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9). 

The name Jehovah is Satanic, it is the most Satanic name there is

Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9

The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah. Jehovah’s Witnesses admitted in their own magazine that the inside of their Kingdom Halls are modelled after “synagogues”. They are a Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9)

Cabala Roman God IHOH is the Tetragrammaton backwards, in some Roman colonies they stopped using the letter /i/ and began using the letter /j/, creating JHOH.

/vah/ in Hebrew means “good”. JHOH-vah means Good JHOH.

/je/ from /geo/ means “Earth”

hovah from Strong’s Concordance means, “ruin, mischief”

Jehovah means, “Earth Ruin”

The Roman Jehovah

/je/ from /geo/ means “Earth”

sus from Merriam Webster online dictionary means “bearded pig or swine”

Jesus means, “Earth Pig”

The Roman Jesus

I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and have experienced The Horror from The Book of Daniel “On The Wing of The Temple”. Jehovah’s Witnesses court Jerusalem using their shared war experience as The Purple Triangles, that is how they are on The Wing of The Temple.

The Pontiff (High Priest) must coronate me as The Empress of Austria-Rome. This is how it must be, or at least how I want it to be.

Apparently Jehovah’s Witnesses have Presidential Clearance. I was told about Area 51 by an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses who sells coffee. He said to me, “All Jehovah’s Witnesses know”. He explained it to me using classified language. or perhaps Jehovah’s Witnesses learned it from The Aliens. A Watchtower article titled “Angels and Extraterrestrials” stated that the aliens’ favorite color is blue and they wear blue. How would they know? The Watch Tower “Blue City” is Headquarters for The He-ath’-en (The Others). That’s how they know.

Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that after The Flood the disobedient angels could no longer materialize bodies. I believe it not to be true. I know about The Illuminati, in fact I believe I have encountered them. Too perfect, almost shiny skin.

Warn The President.

The Bible “does” say that “Satan” masquerades as An Angel of Light. The Bible is a collection of ancient texts with clues to our ancient past. Do not discount anything. It is quite possible and probable that The Illuminati are materialized demons or human hosts.

I was angry with God. I said, “I don’t care what happens between God and Satan. And I experienced power and love like never before. A clue in The Bible, Ariel and etymology helped me understand the name of The Sacred Spirit is Ah’ri (Hebrew Ari).

I am careful not to blaspheme The Sacred Spirit. Just say, “Help me Ari, help me Sacred Spirit”. Everything I have told you is true but I understand some of the things that happened to me are so horrific you may not believe me.

and remember Genesis 6.2 …and God let them. But in this case, maybe you would never know otherwise The Horror from The Book of Daniel “On The Wing of The Temple”, Jehovah’s Witnesses.

It’s a pretty prison with perfect optics. Take no action. Just tell the woman, we’re here for your protection, we’ll be around. Your friend is The Duchess of Normandy. Speak softly and be Love with Mercy. I am target one and she is target two and vice versa.

Genesis 6.2 …and God let them. If do not listen to me and work on destroying The He-ath’-en (The Others), they will make sure that you will be at The Great Slaughter mentioned in The Bible.

According to Business Insider, Watchtower has the widest distribution of any magazine worldwide. People are making wrong decisions including financial decisions because Watchtower tells them that it is The End of The World.

If you don’t believe me here is the article.

Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are creating The End of The World.

You believe the JW’s because they are whoring Jesus around to get you to believe in The Two-Sex god Jehovah.

Let me make that clear. The JW’s “leverage” the name Jesus and even the name Yahweh to get you to worship The Two-Sex god Jehovah.

Tell Jehovah’s Witnesses. “You have carried The Golden Calf into the sea bed and not put the story together in the right order. I will tell you the riddle of The Golden Calf. The Golden Calf is the name Jehovah. The four winds of salvation must happen first.”

Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses have already banned masturbation.
If you let them steal my perfect bible, you’ll all be missionaries
for them. I hope you like “the missionary position”.

When Jehovah’s Witnesses banned masturbation, their divorce rate went up.
Psychotic, Sexually Frustrated, Satanic Men, at your door. Sometimes children answer the door.

Video Evidence The footnote system of The New World Translation of The Bible used by Jehovah’s Witnesses proves Jehovah is Jesus anethema to their Beliefs.
They do everything unconsciously. Summer Fernihalgh @sfernihalgh

My legal name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart

3026 Innes Road

Gloucester, Ontario

K1W 1A6

The address is complicated and can only be found by postal code.

Innes Road, Blackburn Hamlet, Orleans

Ottawa, Ontario

There are two roads named Innes Road, the one I am at is in Blackburn Hamlet,

close to The Fire Station and The Yellow Catholic Church.

The woman has been with The He-ath’-en (The Others) for a long time. She

was adopted by two of Jehovah’s Witnesses when she was 6 months old.

Ignore anything she says about me. It’s hard to say how she will react.

But be soft spoken and be love with mercy. She is on medication that

could give her a heart attack. She should not have been prescribed it

over 50 years old. Her new doctor is weening her off of it.

I am requesting asylum in The United States of America and asking for

emergency citizenship. My Father is a dual citizen of Canada and The United States

Stewart Harold McTaggart. It may be the only way I ever get out of Canada.

They have a helicopter and one of the local members of Jehovah’s Witnesses,

Stephane Lebuis, has a car wrapping service.

I am former military. I require a recognizable UH-60 Stealth Black Hawk. There is a school yard

nearby. But I also need my things with me. I need a large laptop bag and a suitcase

for some clothes.

I am royalty by birth, The Duchess of Normandy.

I will need new identification, Summer Fernihalgh.

Tiffany Tracy McTaggart

Word of The Sacred Spirit


My torture photo

Ottawa, Canada hospitals have Co-ed mental wards. Women are injected and raped while unconscious. I know I was raped, I have a neo-vagina and they broke it open so it leaks and the raw skin sticks together and burns.

I sent my sister my torture picture in my red dress hoping she would realize something was terribly wrong. Her comment, “Have you lost weight?”

The Mental Health of Jehovah’s Witnesses, a leaked Government Report

from a .gov web address


Visit my website My new theme will be “Hated like Christ”.

P.S.S.S. Maybe you can ask The He-ath’-en (The Others) for help. But just so you know, they want you to die in The Great Slaughter mentioned in The Bible. What’s up with that? Anyway, I’m just a hick from Chatham, what do I know. By the way, some of you were hosts for The He-ath’-en (The Others) and created the technology that will kill you. You did it unconsciously. At the end, The He-ath’-en (The Others) will terrify you and horrify you by telling you what you did while you were human hosts and tell you where you buried the bodies. Many of you will die from fear, some of you will kill yourselves and kill each other. I don’t want to be around to see it. Well, you could listen to Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses, but I wouldn’t recommend it. The Watch Tower Blue City is the Headquarters of The He-ath’-en (The Others). Bad idea. Well, that’s it from me, maybe you’ll get lucky and The Bible is wrong. The Bible does warn about worshipping The God of Good luck though. Maybe it’s a trick. Well gang, it just goes to show you. It’s always something. Every dog has it’s day. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. When you are with the He-ath’-en (The Others), you are feral with large frontal lobes and intellect. Yes dogs. It was in a prophecy about Christ! “Dogs surround me”. I can relate. But I digress. Without me, you are probably all dead, that’s why I said goodbye. The world ends in 2034, 2029 without me helping you. I don’t want to be alarmist, but that’s kind of the reality. There I go again, blah blah blah. Sorry about that, I’m just a hick from Chatham, I don’t know when to shut up. Well, it’s kind of creepy talking to dead people, so I’ll stop now. Have faith, I did, but Heaven had no mercy, so I can’t vouch for them. I know the question you have about me. Are you an alien? The best answer that I can give is, I’m not from here. Pleasant 1080p dreams, whatever that means. Wow, who knew they would make a dream machine to drive you insane? Anyway, I’m sure it’s not important. Nothing is to you.

Well, I am Love with Mercy, so here’s a bit about The He-ath’-en (The Others). Hope it helps 🙂

@FBI @CIA We are like circus animals performing for The He-ath’-en (The Others). But now we will destroy our trainers, and not be entertainment for them anymore. Knowledge is power. Now we have the power.

@FBI @CIA How do I know? I am a human pet of The He-ath’-en (The Others). Here’s your bed, here’s your food, here’s your water dish. No is my answer. I will not be that anymore.

Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Message for The Tech Companies

Acknowledge me as The Duchess of Normandy or you will NEVER know anything. You will not know Electronic Velcro and I will never give you The Silver Screen Math or Fancy ANSI. You will look like idiots as I flaunt it in front of you and you do not even know what you are looking at, Mr. Flintstone. What will you do if the Earth has a polarity change and you do not have electricity that works? It’s a mighty cold day, Mr. Flintstone, mighty cold. Of course if you had the momentum engine, that might help, for some things. But then again, I’m just a hick from Chatham, Ontario, Canada. What do I know. What did Christ know, just a hick from Nazareth, right? That’s what you think right? Well, Chatham means “sealed” in Hebrew, sealed by The Sacred Spirit. But then again, you don’t believe in anything like that do you, monkey boy? You want to prove evolution, monkey boy, but I’m way ahead of you. I’m not from here actually, more like a million miles away to the East and above The Earth. Well, I do go on don’t I? Sorry about that. Just the dumb hick in me I guess.

I think you are a bunch of Mouons.

Read about Weak Polar Vortex on the home page.

Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses were used to get me, The Daughter. They are with The He-ath’-en (The Others) in their homes and in their private lives. They do not have holy spirit. Anyone without holy spirit may be used at any time by The He-ath’-en (The Others) or reserved for any aweful thing. The Sacred Spirit is aware of all these things because I am aware of all these things.

Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that after The Flood, the disobedient angels were no longer able to materialize bodies. I believe this not to be true and it explains the alien phenomena. The aliens are materialized demons. There was an encounter with a grey alien at CFS Leitrim in 1995. Master Corporal Karen Bowen came into the building as white as a ghost and shaking, claiming she had just seen a grey alien. She is absolutely credible and I believe her. The Illuminati are either just dupes or hosts for The He-ath’-en (The Others). Either way they are totally deceived. For anyone who may read this, warn The President.

There are Two Satans

The two Cherubs that covered The Ark of The Covenant in Heaven worked together. One would stay in Heaven, one would start the war. All to get me, The Daughter.

Christ is Elkanah, Jacob, David, revealed by The Sacred Spirit Himself, He wanted another woman, not me. He has love psychosis for another woman like David had for Bathsheba and would murder me to have her, but The Sacred Spirit is infinitely stronger than Christ.

Love without Mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver and makes them happy. Christ wants to make Himself happy.

Heaven and Earth will be destroyed before Heaven or Earth ever destroy this woman, says Ari, The Sacred Spirit. And it will happen. Revelation 21.1

I have had a vision of the dead Christ, with egg shaped white eyes, lying there dead, His body probably preserved in Heaven by God.

I was tortured for 9 years with no mercy, no matter how much I begged or screamed. It didn’t matter.

All because God did not know the nature of evil or evil people. People with Love with Mercy are diametrically opposite to people with Evil with Hate. When we feel pain when we see someone suffer, people with Evil with Hate feel pleasure, even physical pleasure, even sexual pleasure and Satan told me, “I’m masturbating about it”. God hands people over to Satan not knowing his ulterior motive to get pleasure. God facilitates Satan’s pleasure when He hands someone over to him. That is The Truth and The Sacred Spirit knows it because I know it.

Now you know why The Former Heaven is The Former Heaven at Revelation 21.1 And I was also tortured by Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses in Heaven and on Earth who were facilitated by Satan.

Christ spent 3 hours on a cross, I spent 3 years on a cross with no mercy. Christ let Satan do His dirty work to get what He wants, but I did not blaspheme beautiful Ah’ri, The Sacred Spirit. I am not a blasphemer, just a victim. That’s all I have ever been. That’s all I know of life. Suffering.

Love without Mercy is bordering on Evil with Hate because the result is the same, suffering. So you can’t say Christ is evil, just bordering on Evil. “No Mercy” is excrement. “No Mercy” is sadistic, animal, demonic.

And Christ had no mercy for me, like a demon.

Play your fucking Bible Game and keep your fucking Bible and continue to be subservient to The He-ath’-en (The Others).

And I am sick to death of The Heathen “Ministry of Christ”.

The Angel of Satan that Paul had is a male abusive voice of a demon with profanity and vulgar sexual language. It does not hurt a man, but it brutalizes a woman, tortures her heart and mind and cannibalizes her and damages her soul. Christ loves profanity in my Holy Princess mouth, In fact, Christ thinks it’s funny. The MotherFucker of all created men ever thinks it’s funny. I’ve had it every waking moment for 9 years, 3 years more than I could bear, I’m a woman, a weaker vessel, not a man you dirty fucking Christ.

Genesis 6.2 …and God let them.

He let’s His spirit boys do whatever they want to women. He’s all about The Boys.

That’s not a blaspheme, just a male/female issue.

It is The White Whale. Why do men abuse women? It doesn’t hurt them.

The Scummy Dross of Christ

When a woman says stop, you stop. No means no to a woman. And God and Christ are damn well going to learn it. I’ve known for some time, The Sacred Spirit is making a correction to life for The New Heaven and The New Earth.

An abusive male voice can harm a woman, even physically. It must not be used against a woman. It is violence to a woman’s soul. It hacks her brain and heart which damages her soul.

Christ eats suffering like candy. A little boy in charge of the candy store.

He doesn’t get pleasure from suffering like Satan, but He gets satisfaction from it, like a good cigarette after sex.

Christ is Judge Trelane from Star Trek. A little boy with God-like power but no mercy.

I can’t stand it anymore.

The definition of unmerciful is “excessive”. Excessive is the word.

I’m sorry about The Cross, Christ, I know you were murdered once. But that doesn’t mean that we should be murdered every moment of every day of our lives without mercy.

I want all of Watch Tower’s money, every penny as compensation for wrecking my life and destroying me and my credibility. As you may have seen, I’m not crazy, I’m a genius like Einstein.

I am a woman. Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses in Heaven and Earth have had 9 years to prove otherwise. The Sacred Spirit says “no more”. With the degree of torture I’ve had, I’m sure by now if I was a man I’d be one, you bastards. You and Christ are guilty of gross unholy sin against me.

All I ever did was to love God and His Son and to love people. I am an innocent woman. A little girl born with a birth defect who never had a chance in life. And God let men steal from me, and abuse me and rape me in a co-ed mental ward in Ottawa, Canada, and every other aweful thing. I know I was raped because they broke open my neo-vagina and now it leaks and the raw skin sticks together and burns. I don’t care who the fuck God thinks He is, all the money and power in the world and a new body would not begin to compensate me for the amount I have suffered. You wanna fuck me, you’re going to pay for it and I’ll sue Montfort Hospital and The Ottawa General Hospital and any other fucker who wants to take anything from me or do anything to me. And the fucking lying doctor who lied about what I said to him, he wasn’t even listening to me, he was daydreaming about his sabatical in Paris. Dr. Ducharme. Another malpractice suit. I’ve had it with all you fuckers, brain fucking me and trying to take away everything I have and everything I am, most recently Microsoft and Pluto TV who had poor quality video until they stole my web code. Well I now “I” own CBS and Paramount and is the new home of Pluto TV. And I’m keeping it as fucking payment, but not in full. My life’s work on Television Over Internet is priceless. I will fucking destroy you Pluto TV because I caught you red handed using my code. Done a certain way, it produces long faces and I caught you doing it and I can prove it. You will all fucking pay one way or another. And anyone who does not recognize me as The Duchess of Normandy will die at Armageddon, 9 years from now. You will be dead forever. Every SciTech Company knows me and they have all stolen from me for decades but guess what. I did The Aria Equation that proves that I am a genius like Einstein and no one will believe you, they will believe me.

© Copyright 2017-2023 Tiffany Tracy McTaggart