
How I know about Satan
I have always loved God but before 1998 I was not aware of the danger of religion until I read the entire Bible. In 1998, I prayed to God and told Him that I would like to route Satan. Satan would be the mouse and I would be the cheese, and lead him on a merry chase. I communicated this silently to God. He thought it was funny and approved the idea. You just have to know Him. He is crazy funny.

Isaiah 14:12 How you are fallen from heaven, Hillel son of the morning. How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations.
“The Morning” is referring to “The Morning of Creation”.
Hebrew: הֵילֵ֣ל בֶּן־שָׁ֑חַר | hêlēl ben-šāḥar double meaning, positive identification of Hillel as Satan and the historic figure Hillel
Methodology that produced Hillel. Putting הילל (הֵילֵ֣ל with no vowels) into Bing Translator produced Hillel precisely.
Hillel (c. 50 b.c.e.–early first century c.e.)
Palestinian rabbi, president of the Sanhedrin and interpreter of Biblical law: first to formulate definitive hermeneutic principles.
What we have received is the actual revelation of God’s Name Y’aya (pronounced ay’ah) not the traditional rabbinic interpretation yehovah.
You are to teach your children that Satan is a mouse. But he is a bad mouse. Any problem with the bad mouse, never worry. Father in Heaven will take care of you. Just pray to Father in Heaven. You tell mommy and daddy about the bad mouse and they will tell Father too. The bad mouse will run away.
This the reality of The Meshikhi.
Ensure the children are not watching entertainment involving magic, occult, violence or evil. Deuteronomy 18:9-14, Psalms 11:5
For The Meshikhi. Imagine the power of God in your case as ten foot diamond walls in every direction. You are the cheese. The mouse can see the cheese and even smell the cheese and only wants to get the cheese. And so it continues relentlessly until it is lying prostrate, eyes bulging, looking at cheese, until it has the strength to try again. This is the truth of Satan, who has no power from God at all, and The Meshikhi, who have the infinite power of God with them. The mouse’s diminuitive brain does not understand that it may not have the cheese at all. But, that is the nature of mice.
Teach your little ones, little ones
Tell them the story about Buddy Boo
A story about Lalu, Love with Mercy vs Buddy Boo who is only Evil with hate.
by Princess Tiffany
“Tiffany” Champion Mouser
Satan aka “The Bad Mouse”

There was a Cherub gone wrong.
His name was Hillel.
He had a bad smell, that Hillel,
and he fell.
He hated God and His Son
and he hated their fun.
No matter what Father would do.
He became a bad mouse, a very bad mouse,
and his name is buddy boo.
He wanted to be as big as a house,
but he was small, not big at all.
One day, Father said to Lalu,
do you see the sky?
It was orange like cheese,
and she looked him in the eye.
And she had a funny thought
and they both laughed inside.
She’d be the cheese
and her and Father knew
She told everyone,
so Buddy Boo knew too.
She didn’t blink an eye,
because she knew buddy boo
with his trick in the sky,
and Father did too.
He gave her the evil eye,
she was just like a spy
Her eye wasn’t evil,
and now you know why.
It was only “called” the evil eye,
to understand the trick in the sky,
and to keep an eye on buddy boo.
He’d play tricks on Lalu,
but she had the evil eye,
and knew about the trick in the sky.
Oh what he would do, that buddyboo.
But Lalu always laughed inside
because she knew buddyboo
and knew what to do.
She would run to Father
whatever he’d do
And they’d have a laugh,
but not let not on a clue
to buddyboo.
She wouldn’t blink an eyelash,
is what Lalu would do
about buddyboo,
even though sometimes she was boohoo,
about you know who
and what he would do
to make other people boohoo too.
So Father told Lalu to say,
my Father has built a mouse trap buddyboo
that’s smarter than you buddy boo.
Yes little one, the bad mouse is buddy boo
and he will try to say boo to you too.
“Boo! boo! boo! buddy boo”, is what to do.
I do no not like you buddy boo.
Go away buddy boo, or you know what I’ll do?
I will tell my Father on you buddy boo
and you will be boo hoo buddy boo
Boo hoo to you buddy boo.
I know what to do
when you say boo, buddy boo.
And the bad mouse will run away,
like all bad mice do, every day
if they are bad like buddy boo.
Father told Lalu
All about you buddy boo
and called her buddy roo
and you made a boo boo buddy boo.
It’s what you always do, buddy boo,
cuz you’re not Father’s buddy roo, buddy boo.
I know what you do buddy boo,
and I’m not boo hoo because of you, buddy boo.
There’s nothing you can do, buddy boo, to make me boo hoo over you,
buddy boo.
You don’t have a clue buddy boo,
you’re just poo buddy boo,
and poo is what you do buddy boo.
Go away Mr. poo you are not a buddyroo, buddy boo.
You are are not number one and
You are not number two buddy boo,
and that’s what’s wrong with you, buddy boo.
You are ew, buddy boo, and icky goo buddy boo
and I’m not afraid of you, buddy boo
is what to do, about you know who.
Buddy boo looks like me and you,
buddy roo, so don’t be boohoo about buddy boo,
if he doesn’t look me and you, it’s you know who, it’s buddy boo.
Buddy boo is boohoo because Lalu knew
about buddy boo cuz Father told her
what to do when she was two buddy roo
and her mommy did too.
She said pray to Father buddy roo
so Lalu always knew what to do.
And Father taught her from when she was two
about buddy boo until she knew
and they would loopy doopy buddy boo
and laugh and laugh about buddy boo,
but she knew not to blink an eyelash
was what to do.
And Father said one day buddy roo
we will laugh and laugh and laugh
at buddy boo cuz I’m always with you,
cuz you’re my buddy roo
and you’re safe and sound from buddy boo
and all my buddy roo’s are always safe too.
Because buddy boo is not not number one
or number two but he’s number one and number two anywho buddy roo.
You are are poo buddy boo
and p oh oh are you buddy boo.
Oh oh buddy boo, you are through
and that’s you buddy boo.
Thou art poo buddy boo
and that’s all you do buddy boo
and that is true about you, buddy boo.
I’m a buddy roo and you don’t have a clue, buddy boo.
You do not love and that is poo, buddy boo
and boohoo are you buddy boo
because I’m a buddy roo
MY Father is nothing like you buddy boo
and he loves me too, not like you.
Go away is what I say
to you buddy boo,
I don’t want your poo buddy boo
and I don’t want you buddy boo.
Boohoo to you, buddy boo.
Don’t tell me boo, buddy boo
because I am me and you are you
and I’m a a buddy roo, and you are poo.
I’m not you buddy boo
You knew what not to do, buddy boo.
Father says what to do buddy boo, not you buddy boo.
Boo hoo to you, buddy boo.
I’m a buddy roo and my Father is too, not you, buddy boo.
You’re a bad mouse buddy boo
and Father knew you before you were two, buddy boo.
And I’m a happy buddy roo, but not you, buddy boo.
And my Father is smarter than you
and His Son is too,
and taught me how to do what to do, buddy boo.
And I tell all my friends too, buddy boo.
Because that is what to do about you, buddy boo.
And His Son is my buddy roo too, buddy boo.
And He’s nothing like you, buddy boo
because He loves me too and is smarter than you too, buddy boo.
And we are buddy roo’s too but not you. buddy boo.
And scary dreams are from you, not my Father or His Son, Mr. poo.
The toilet is your throne and I know what to do, about you, buddy boo.
The End
b’ahabah (With love,)
From Princess Tiffany, your buddy roo, I’m just like you, and “I” love you too. Now say your prayer and thank Our Father and when your done here’s what to do. Say “in the name of Y’sho, tell your Son I love Him too, buddy roo. Ameyn. Easy peasy to do buddy roo’s. Don’t forget, like buddy boo. And Father will love you forever and He will know you love Him too, buddy roo. Father is The Best Buddy Roo you ever knew, and that is true… buddy roo. Y’sho knew Our Buddy Roo and prayed to Father too, even though He always knew what to do. k?
Heaven is a million miles to to the East and above The Earth, not over your head. The Most Holy in The Tent of Meeting was facing East. This is from Y’hayah and no one knew, and that’s The End of buddy boo.
My name is Tiffany, sometimes my friends call me Tiff. It comes out naturally, not all the time. That’s how I know, every friend of mine.
Thank you Father, I love you too, in the name of Y’sho, our buddy roo. Ahmeyn 🙂
July 23, 2021 Father is so funny, but this one was Father’s funniest of all time. You will read about it in the Paradise. I cannot tell you because it would spoil the joke. Hint. It has to do with Satan.
From Tiffany, a scripture about Father. Tiffany 1:1 That people may know just how funny you are.
Father is so cool. Satan is diametrically opposite to Our Father in Heaven. Satan is just a petaQ in the absolute sense.
From Tiffany, a scripture about Satan. Tiffany 1:2 That people may know just how stupid he was compared to Our Father in Heaven.
I call Satan “little g”. It is scriptural (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Satan is less than nothing compared to the infinite power of Y’hayah The God of Isra’al.
We are a free people with Our God Y’hayah, infinite in power and we put faith in the Sacrifice of Y’sho and Y’sho is King of God’s Kingdom with infinite power from God and absolute authority except for prayer. And we have the “sacred” angels with us too.
If anyone asks you if you have asked Jesus in, tell them “We don’t use catch phrases”. It is a trap and a snare of Satan. They are referring to the false jesus-god belonging to Satan. And Satan will use anyone he wants to, who worships the false jesus-god. And he does so, very effectively (but don’t hold it against them, they are unaware of it when it happens). They are zombies for Satan to use. Some of my best friends are zombies. Meshikhi do not call Our Father Jesus or Lord. If anyone says anything to you that sounds like a command, do not believe. Pray to Y’hayah and to not submit to it. It is Satan or one of his demons. So it is with all those who not have the sacred spirit of God. Just be as firm but as nice as possible in your response. If anything should happen in a work environment like this, do not worry at all. Y’hayah will take care of you. You are not alone.
If you want to you can say we worship Y’hayah, not Jesus.
2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
1 John 5:19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.
Matthew 7:22,23 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; leave me, you who practice lawlessness.’
Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am Y’hayah; and there is no one saving without me.
Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
We are Meshikhi, Followers of the Messiah, Y’sho is our Saviour, we are imperfect and make mistakes but we will only love and not be provoked to hate anyone. We are a family, the children of God. Every possible person saved is what we believe in. And we all love Our Father in Heaven Y’hayah and we all love His Son, Y’sho.
This information is largely for people who are not yet Meshikhi, as we do not experience things overly much. We are with Y’hayah the True God and heed His warnings in the Bible (Deuteronomy 18:9-14).
Avoid the Unholy Things of Satan
Deuteronomy 18:9-14
Occult Practices
9 When you enter the land Y’hayah your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. 10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to Y’hayah; because of these same detestable practices Y’hayah your God will drive out those nations before you. 13 You must be blameless before Y’hayah your God.
14 The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, Y’hayah your God has not permitted you to do so.
God is love. Satan is hate. Satan is diametrically opposite to Y’hayah. Satan is not omnipresent nor omniscient. He is not as large as the planet. He is a person, about 5’6″ tall of meanness. A third of the angels were cast out of Heaven with him because they decided to follow him. This is why it may seem that Satan is in many places at the same time. It’s just a trick.
Bible knowledge is a result of painstaking research. Learning is progressive with aid of sacred spirit actuating our mind. We understand further what we have researched upon waking. We do not use uncanny power.
Satan and the demons can use the EM Spectrum in ways we cannot understand. They can produce photons and chemical reactions.
How to take a selfie. Use your cell phone camera video function and take a screen shot of it. You may have never seen how you actually look before and for some it will be a revelation. Do not use artificial lighting at all, only natural light. Satan and the demons manipulate artificial light to produce images that do not look like you.
Near death experiences such as light tunnels can be the result of elevated CO2 levels. However, visions of Heaven can be produced by Satan or the demons, having been in Heaven, it can be very realistic. Again, they can imitate the voice of God during these experiences and give instructions to the person as if from God.
Death vs Near Death
Those who say they have died and come back and have had visions of Heaven are mistaken. It is not scriptural. The dead know nothing and have no knowledge. In near death experiences the brain cells are still energized and the person can be resuscitated. True death is explained by the Bible.
Ecclesiastes 9:5,10 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. 10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
Only love people and ignore anything negative they might say. Just remember Our Father in Heaven loves you. This also applies to any other negative thing. It is not from God but from some other source. Just pray immediately. Our Father knows about these things and is only for you, not against you. I hope you are comforted by this.
James 4:7 Submit therefore to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Satan and the demons also keep copious notes on their victims so it seems that they have personal knowledge only you know, making it seem that they can read your mind. Satan and the demons are aware if you keep a diary and also use geo-location information and personal information you share via the Internet. Human mind readers are using uncanny power of Satan and the demons give them this information. It is written in God’s Law not to consult spirit mediums. It is also important to note that if you consult a fortune teller, Satan and the demons will cause what is foretold to happen.
It is important to not be paranoid about Satan and the demons. Aliens are simply demons flying around at high speed. Alien abduction victims have experienced full demonic attacks that are very real. On the spiritual side, if you are involved in magic or any other thing not approved by God, you are vulnerable to demonic attacks. These attacks are physical and illusory at the same time. Yoga comes from a word meaning to “Yoke” with a superhuman being. Meditating in Yoga by blanking your mind is inviting Satan and the demons. The balanced view is that exercise and Yoga pants are no problem, but if you are asked to blank your mind, you are susceptible to demonic experiences. Again, we are aware of these things, but not worried about them. We are with Y’hayah God and listen to His warnings about such things (Deuteronomy 18:9-14). Satan and the demons can imitate the voices of loved ones who die and appear as ghosts.
Satan and the demons are very selective about materializing things. For example, they may materialize a piece of wood or some other object if you are involved in spiritual activities not approved by God. People who experience this believe it is a miracle of God. This is also how actual magic works, not simply slight of hand tricks. This is scriptural. Moses threw down his rod and it turned into a snake, the magic practising priests then did the same with the power of Satan. However, they could not produce gnats which caused them to admit it was the power of God that produced the gnats for Moses.
2022-01-20 6:20am update
Satan continues his terrible and boring pursuit of me, despite the fact that I obviously have the power of
God with me.
This can only be explained in Indian.
I asked Father to put Satan on the line.
I say,
“Father, Satan has hole in head”.
“Not sure how he function, but he function”.
Satan and demons basically minions”.
And so we see clearly, beloved children of God, the two paths. Fear inspiring reverent love for God like Y’sho or Satan’s result, fear inspiring stupidity.
Remember that every negative utterance of Satan is confirmation that you are with God and that God is with you.
You must now picture Satan, 5 foot six, on Earth, standing before the God of Heaven, skulking around, and with nothing but evil in his brain and mind. And he’s pointing at you, and making every ludicrous and absurd accusation possible in an effort to undermine you and to separate you from the love of Our Father and Our Great God in Heaven. Do not be deceived or believe anything, but that Our Father loves you with a love that is to time indefinite and that you are precious to Him.
The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan

The Hooks in the Jaws of Satan
The bad guys enjoy misleading people and having humans in servitude to them. As a matter of fact, if I hadn’t caught them in time, they would have undermined the work God gave me to do. This is the fulfillment of Mark 13:25.
We are people who have volunteered, to route the enemy, Satan and the demons, in any way possible (mostly confusing him and wasting his time). We also work on exposing his “grand schemes”.
I and an unknown number of others are the hooks in the jaws of Satan (Ezekiel 38:4, Ezekiel 29:4) and we can’t stop laughing now, Y’hayah is so funny. Satan did not know. My hook cover story, always raging against God. And we knew the entire time and not knew at the same time. When we were at the very edge, Y’hayah would remind us, what we were doing and that we are hooks in the jaws of Satan. Then we would laugh, because we fooled the bad ones every time. And we knew Our Father in Heaven Y’hayah was happy with us. That is our reward that we treasure. We are all volunteers. Y’hayah made us out of all the people with faith we have ever met or read about in the Bible and all those in Heaven. And even if you weren’t in the Bible you were just so. Praise Y’hayah! Praise Y’hayah! Praise Y’hayah! and Honour Y’sho! Honour Y’sho! Honour Y’sho!
To all the Followers of the Messiah ever and all those who ever hoped in Him from the Hooks in the Jaws of Satan.
We want you all to know, that we love you with words that cannot be expressed. And to the Meshikhi who listened to me, I’m so proud of you and God heard your prayers for me. You are my little ones in my heart always. I can only cry with joy when I think about you.
So many people with so much faith. You will never know how your examples of faith helped us.
With love,
The Hooks in the Jaws of Satan (Ezekiel 38:4, Ezekiel 29:4).
Slap The Dragon Day
November 12 is now Slap The Dragon Day, instituted by Sparkly hook.
Anything goes on Slap The Dragon Day. Take him on or ignore him completely.
No matter what, you must at least insult Satan at least 10 times on Slap The Dragon Day
Here’s the new jingle
It’s slap the dragon day
Tell him to go away
We don’t care anyway
It’s slap the dragon day
It’s slap the dragon day
“Whatever Satan” day
Whatever he will say
We don’t care anyway
It’s slap the dragon day
Tell him to go away
We don’t care anyway
It’s slap the dragon day
See if you can make Satan mad enough to use his “scary” voice. Loads of fun!!!!!
Happy Slap The Dragon Day
Update: Father enjoyed Slap The Dragon Day so much that He has just declared every day is now Slap The Dragon Day!
The Meshikhi vs Satan – What you must endure

The mind of God, infinite in thought and possibility. Satan’s mind, diametrically opposite. Satan’s brain, like all brains, modeled upon what the Creator of all life learned about His own existence , is now a working brain devoid of reason, while at the same time, Satan is self aware but deluded to the infinite degree of thought and possibility. This is my definition of evil intent that I learned while having the infinite power of God with me. Father’s thoughts are sophisticated, intellectually pleasing.
All of Satan’s thoughts of overpowering anyone who is with the infinite power of God must be dismissed as bubkes.
It is like an ant looking into infinity and saying , this distance is nothing to me. I will go there and I will build my anthill and I will be king of my anthill because I am the most powerful ant of all time. (Thank you to Father for the last part).
Like Pharaoh, Satan has a bit of a humility problem. Satan’s last thoughts will not have words but may be expressed as follows. “God Creator, me not!”.
Also Our Father’s logic is beautiful and perfect, Satan’s logic is stupid and ugly and is not be be considered as it only leads to disaster because the dullness of it was never meant to exist in a created mind. You will become boring and stupid to those with thinking ability.
Satan will agree with you only as a futile attempt to undermine your faith in what you are thinking. He never made it past psychology 101 and did not pay attention in class in his early life. Anything negative thought about yourself or what you believe to be true is Satan in a nutshell (no pun intended). And he wants you to doubt yourself and to think absolutely opposite to Our Father in Heaven.
This will will help you as Meshikhi to realize what you are up against or more accurately what you must endure. The nauseatingly stupid thoughts of Satan.
For those not yet Meshikhi please read the page about The True God Y’hayah as soon as possible.
“All of Satan’s thoughts are backwards to my thoughts”, says Y’hayah.
We are locked in mortal combat with Satan, but with Our Father’s infinite power we are not concerned at all and it is the ultimate comedy experience of all time. You will recognize Our Father’s natural sense of humour vs Satan’s using your own thoughts against you to invoke a physiological laugh response. Remember, it is your funny thought, not Satan’s. When you realize what Satan is doing, then you will feel the nausea.
Listening to Satan’s delusion of grandeur is so boring, that if it wasn’t for Father’s sense of humor, I would have died from boredom long ago or committed Hari Kari. The only impressive thing about Satan is how unimpressive he is. A person so boring…
For those who have endured Satan and suffer from Post Boredom Nausea Disorder (PBND), Father knows about it.
It was with this understanding and with this condition that I realized the greatest truth of all time. Satan actually believes in his mind, even now, that even though I have the infinite power of God with me, that I do not know what he is doing all of the time. And this why I was stunned. He is relentlessly stupid and that is his power, or should I say, lack of it. Every time he opens his mouth, he reveals this truth every time.
I have counselled Satan and explained all the above on more than one occasion. I have come to the conclusion that were he to accept these truths, it would shatter the great illusion in his deluded mind and he would realize in the absolute sense, the tragedy that he is.
From Father to Satan. “Satan, you have been found unfit for reality of any kind”.
Thank God for His mercy upon us and in helping us to endure the unreality that is in Satan’s mind. Thank God for Our Father’s sense of humor that delivers us from such boredom, that we would not survive otherwise.
Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds by means of Y’sho The Messiah.
If not for the infinite power of God and my absolute faith in Y’sho The Messiah, it would have been impossible for me to withstand the stupidity and boringness that is Satan.
Father and His love and Y’sho and His love have always been my reality, Satan can simply not face this fact. Or He would have to admit to himself, that he has spent fifty seven years trying to do the impossible. To convince me that he is all powerful and can outwit, out-think and outsmart my Father. I have always found this absurd in the extreme and Father will tell you this is true. As Father has always been my reality, so Satan has always been the ultimate unreality. He is real, but simply is not a part of my reality at all.
Satan, you are dismissed and you always have been by me.
If you fear Satan please reread the page titled The True God Y’hayah and meditate upon it. Y’hayah, infinite in love and power and in every other way, vs Satan, with no power from God and the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The answer will become clear and you will will truly say “what on Earth, why on Earth, and how on Earth have I been afraid of Satan.
Note: in spiritual communications we hear both sides of the spiritual world and Satan may use the EM Spectrum while you are discerning the spirits to manipulate your vocal chords. This is known as the voice of Satan. It is like a cross between nails on a chalkboard and a broken record. Satan has difficulty coming up with new material. Satan may try to use his scary voice on you or intimidate you, you must not take it seriously. Try to come up with a funny response. Pray to Father so He can enjoy this funny experience with you. Our Father’s voice is that of a kind and loving father, Satan’s is not. Father’s voice has love in it, Satan’s is devoid of it. Satan along with his horde of demons work together to make it appear that Satan is everywhere at once, when in fact, he is 5’6″ tall and can only be in one place at a time. He does have human helpers who he rewards known as “agents of Satan” (not to be confused with government agents).
Satan has no power from God. This is why he must resort to using the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM Spectrum). He also has no way of knowing what is going on in Heaven. This is known in the Bible as “Tartarus”.
Satan is worst possible example of a created person. A walking disaster and a tragic joke of a person who is nothing but evil. You now know about Satan and how his life turned out. Y’sho is diametrically opposite to Satan in every way and is the best example of what a created person was meant to be. Y’sho is just like Our Father in Heaven. If you follow the example of Y’sho and love people as He did, you will truly be a Meshikhi.
The EM Spectrum
You may experience physical phenomena, visual phenomena and even voices. Or you may not, because Satan and the demons know you are Meshikhi and the public now knows what is happening who visit this website. Satan and the demons use the EM Spectrum and produce photons (visual), chemical reactions (adrenaline) and audio (voices). Demonic activity is asymmetrical like terrorist activity. This explains the alien abduction experience and Satanic dreams.
The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of frequencies (the spectrum) of electromagnetic radiation and their respective wavelengths and photon energies. The electromagnetic spectrum covers electromagnetic waves with frequencies ranging from below one hertz to above 10²⁵ hertz, corresponding to wavelengths from thousands of kilometers down to a fraction of the size of an atomic nucleus. This frequency range is divided into separate bands, and the electromagnetic waves within each frequency band are called by different names; beginning at the low frequency (long wavelength) end of the spectrum these are: radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays at the high-frequency (short wavelength) end. The electromagnetic waves in each of these bands have different characteristics, such as how they are produced, how they interact with matter, and their practical applications. The limit for long wavelengths is the size of the universe itself, while it is thought that the short wavelength limit is in the vicinity of the Planck length. Gamma rays, X-rays, and high ultraviolet are classified as ionizing radiation as their photons have enough energy to ionize atoms, causing chemical reactions.

Have faith
Even knowing, that I have the infinite power of God with me, Satan still tries to undermine me. He knows he is doomed to failure against the infinite power of God. And I have told him that Father has accounted for all my imperfection and every possible mistake I could make. I have told Satan that no matter what he thinks or does or says, he will only magnify God above everything, honor Y’sho and glorify me. And yet he persists. Satan must think this way, he has to. It is inescapable. Were he to think otherwise it would shatter the delusion that he has created of himself, and there would be nothing left but a babbling idiot.
He was counting on luck, that maybe he was in some way going to defeat the infinite power of God by chance. The Bible warns against worshiping the god of good luck. I do not rely on luck, I know the infinite power of God and that Satan is less than nothing compared to the infinite power of God. I have absolute faith in God and have absolute faith in the Sacrifice of Y’sho. It is impossible for a Meshikhi, with this faith, to be undermined by Satan. But Satan must try anyway. It is the only trajectory that he can pursue. Satan must be believe that he is more powerful in thought than God, he must think this ludicrous thought, this supercilious thought or become lucid in the most profound way imagineable. He lives in denial. Y’hayah is God from time indefinite to time indefinite and Satan is only a million years old, a mere child in comparison but an adult who believes he knows the infinite power and mind and thoughts of God. At this moment, he is being told and I told him what would happen if he continued on this course against me. I told him I would drag him to the feet of Y’sho and that he would be at the feet of Y’sho (which he now is) and that when I was done him, he would be sitting in the corner sucking his thumb. I told him you are not fighting me, you are fighting the infinite power of God that is with me. This is where we are now or are about to be. Y’hayah has just confirmed that Satan is in the corner sucking his thumb at this time. Our Father created me and used all the examples of faith in the Bible to teach me and and taught me my entire life about people and their faith and their love. Also, Father had Y’sho prepare everything that I would need in advance, using faithful people worldwide and on the Internet to absolutely guarantee my success, an iron clad guarantee that it would be impossible for me to fail even though I am impossibly imperfect. A million coincidences are no longer a coincidence but a miracle. I have always known this fact and always knew God would provide escape for me and though I am as slow as ice melting in the spring and can mistakes during critical moments, the infinite power of God is my shield and God has accounted for and considered every possible mistake I could possibly make and I am the prime example that no matter how imperfect you are, if you love Our Father and have faith in Him and His Son, Satan is doomed to failure every time. As I went through life I would always know absolutely that God was with me, because of how funny Our Father is. This was my power and my strength and my absolute belief always. And the more I watched Satan and his vain attempts, the more I knew. It was like watching a bad movie, so poorly acted and so predictable was Satan, that I understood profoundly the mind of Satan. As God is infinite in wisdom and power, so Satan is profoundly and absolutely underwhelming to the ultimate degree. I would be embarrassed beyond all measure were I to fear Satan and would not be able to go to Heaven and look at anyone if I ever feared Satan. Because to do so, would be the ultimate humiliation and the ultimate embarrassment of me. To me, the fear of God is to do anything that would indicate that I am not aware of His love, his infinite love for me, and that He is truly my Father. I have faith, hope and love and Satan has none of these things. Therefore he is powerless against me. I give you my faith my little ones and have asked Father that you have what I have. I have always known as far back as I can remember that God was there and watching, so I wanted to make Him laugh every time Satan tried anything. And I knew absolutely that Father was happy with me and that Satan had no idea whatsoever what Father and I were up to and that when I found something funny about the obviousness of what Satan was doing, I would laugh and Father would laugh also. I just knew that Father found it funny, I just knew, because that is who Our Father is. Father is funny and Satan is not funny, this cannot be overstated. This is how you will know that Father is with you no matter what and knows the situation and knows a million miles in advance what Satan is planning to do and what to do about it for you. Satan is a train wreck of a person, who absolutely must persist because not to do so would unravel his mind completely. Just have fun, knowing that Father is for you and never against you and that the infinite power of God is with you and that Y’sho has prepared everything in advance for you that you will need. Only have faith and look at the faith and love in people.
Goodbye my litle ones, I have prayed for all of you and now you know what to do.
The entire world must know that Y’sho is Lord. Romans 10:9,10
Romans 10:9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Y’sho is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
This is required at the right time.
Only love people and have faith. That is how to be with people. That’s what Y’sho did.
ܒܗܕܐ ܢܕܥ ܟܠ ܐܢܫ ܕܬܠܡܝܕܝ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܐܢ ܚܘܒܐ ܢܗܘܐ ܒܟܘܢ ܚܕ ܠܘܬ ܚܕ
John 13:35 By this you will announce to mankind you are a disciple if you have love among one another and towards each one.~The Aramaic Scriptures
Only love people and look for the love in them. We must not fall into the snare of religion. Spiritual conversations are natural and occur naturally. Don’t rehearse what you will say. Just talk to people, live with people, laugh with them, cry with them, don’t hesitate to pray with them and appreciate that they are children of God also. Then you will have the right attitude.
I used to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and would witness to people until I was told something so profound it changed my life forever. “Only love people and God will do the rest”. Then I stopped witnessing to people and became a better Christian in the fullest sense possible. We only love is what we do and who we are. We are Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah and this is The Meshikhi Faith. We are not Jehovah’s Witnesses. We are Meshikhi only. You can’t love people enough if you hate everything they do and believe that their worship is demonized and we are not a closed society or a secret society or anything like that and I will impress it upon you one more time. We only love, we are not a religion, we are a faith. Sound it down into your soul.
Praise Y’hayah and honor Y’sho. Y’hayah is God and Y’sho is Lord.
Remember that God loves you and Y’sho loves you. It is the most important thing to know. And let others know at the right time.
“Remember God loves you and Y’sho loves you”.
Say it like it is the last thing you will ever say to them or the last thing they will ever hear.
If you have read the section about becoming Meshikhi you know absolutely. They are two people, who love you that much.
Details about Satan’s Destruction
Satan does not love anyone or any thing
Except perhaps for himself
And this is the source of his great conceited delusion
He doesn’t know how to give or receive love
He is only evil
It is said that love is the opposite of hate
I believe that the opposite of love is evil
Satan was in Heaven for a million years and received nothing but love and learned so much from Our Father. But it wasn’t good enough for him.
Details about Satan’s destruction
Everyone in Heaven will be wearing white except for Satan. Satan will be wearing black (as usual).
The scripture says “without love I am nothing”. So true. Satan is nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
At Satan’s final destruction, before Satan is winked out of existence by Y’sho, Y’sho will say “Well, here goes nothing”.
And Satan will be gone forever.
Everyone in Heaven will shrug (as if to say, “what do we do now?”. And then, with my best hostess voice, I will say, “anyone up for coffee”?
Father will say “Thank you Sher, that would be lovely.”
Father being hilarious as usual.
Satan can tell you a lot of things and maybe you’ll believe him.
But he can’t tell you anything about what’s important for life.
Satan doesn’t know anything about life or people or anything.
God is love. Satan is evil.
The Sacrifice of Y’sho tells you everything knowable about the two people, God and Y’sho, and means life for people. Anything else Satan tries to tell you is a lie.
Go and sell your junk on the Internet Satan and your religion. The Meshikhi are not interested at all. And the Meshikhi cannot be bought or sold. We don’t want anything from you at all. Creep. (I am referring to Satan’s junk and his religion)
God’s cardinal qualities are love, mercy, kindness and humility.
Satan’s cardinal qualities are boring, nauseating, conceited and stupid. These he has in abundance.
I hope that you will see where following Satan leads.
Satan and the demons may even try to say they understand that the power of God is with you. They do not actually believe it.
For to admit that they know the truth, would undo Satan and the demons completely and their minds would be left in a puddle as they face the terrifying truth of their mortality and the nearness of their final destruction.
August 4, 2021 if you read the page How to beat Satan every time, you will be fully insulated from Satan and from his evil and his stupidity and his conceited delusion about being able to crack Meshikhi who have the infinite power of God with them.
Concluding Notes
I have counselled Satan on numerous occasions about these things. He has a conceited delusion that he able to defeat God. Satan wants to be God over everyone and every thing. This is out of the question. Satan has a handful of Kabbalistic rabbis and the EM Spectrum as his power, vs the infinite power of God. When dealing with Satan, remember that if you tell him that he is not God, or that he cannot defeat God, he will not believe you. Just make up funny things that you think Father will find funny. This is the thing to do.
Satan. Boring. Stupid. Repetitive. Have faith, you can endure it with God’s help.
Satan is not to be taken seriously in any way.
On a serious note. Satan had a wonderful Father, a loving father, a caring Father, a nice Father who is funny and everything. Satan is just a pataQ, to not appreciate Our Father in Heaven.
See the outcome of the two people, Y’sho and Satan. Y’sho remained perfect and only loves, Satan is just a pataQ. Now you know who to follow and who to be like. Y’sho is the example to follow.
Satan is dead to me.
Satan is now 5’6″ tall of nothing, standing before Y’hayah, The God of Israel, looking stupid.
It is believed, that for our safety, God removed Satan’s frontal lobe, before casting him to the Earth. This is possibly the meaning of “hurled” to the Earth. Hurl is the ancient Hebrew word for labotomy.
It has been discovered by Weonlylove that not only did the Hebrew diacritic system hide the name of Satan, Hillel, but also the best recipe for pineapple flan you will ever have. Only one sister of Jehovah’s Witnesses uses this recipe which tipped off that Satan and Watch Tower were up to something. This is “the smoking gun”. Do not be seduced O Isra’al by their pineapple flan. This is known by Watch Tower simply as “the recipe”.
Revelation 2022-01-26
Urgent for The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan: “Satan is all mouth. No brain repeat no brain”. Only the hooks may appreciate this fully. Re: Paul’s Angel of Satan, it is like going to a bad movie over and over. Disregard Satan entirely repeat, do not engage Satan, or he will continue to threaten you over and over and over and over and over again. You must understand. He was once a mighty Cherub. Emphasis on “was”. I have been threatened with destruction for seven years by Satan, and I finally lost it. I told him “do it, just do it, or shut up about it”. I begged Our Father to have him shut up about it. I repeat for emphasis, Satan, 5 foot 6 inches tall, Satan is less than nothing compared to the infinite power of God and stands before the God of Heaven who must endure his gnattering. Please try to console Father about it. He has endured much and needs and deserves our mercy.
Satan cannot read your mind in the absolute sense but he uses the electromagnetic spectrum and advanced brain reading technology far superior to what is currently known by science.
Abba is perfect, Satan is diametrically opposite to perfect.
Satan went out to lunch and never came back.
He kept putting garbage in his brain for too long and now he is a garbage head.
It is the same principle as computers, garbage in, garbage out.
This is how he became like the 3 stooges all in one and like a monkey throwing feces.
This is what happens if you are an ignorant, moronic asshole about your life and don’t appreciate anything.
You begin to reason backwards.
This is what happens when you make the leap from love to evil.
Evil is an empty vacuum, and you become empty, devoid of reason, only a needy thing trying to fill an empty void.
A vacuum head.
And the saying is true, misery loves company.
Satan wants you to be like him.
From The Mind of Satan
Father’s thoughts are sophisticated, intellectually pleasing.
Satan’s thoughts are diametrically opposite to Father’s thoughts.
To illustrate this I will relate an experience that happened to me, and you will understand about Satan in the absolute sense and know his thoughts.
I have always known about Satan and what he was doing around me, to try and invoke fear in me. I have the absolute power of Our Father with me, so you can imagine my thoughts during this epic fail of Satan.
In the place where I typically have a cigarette and my coffee, a little place in front of my apartment building, away from the area where the men smoke, Satan did the following. And these are his thoughts while doing so.
Prepare yourself to see into the mind of Satan.
First I will tell you what he did. There was dog poop on the ground in the little place where I normally have a cigarette. The people here are very nice and I know of no one who would let their dog do such a thing near the entrance.
Here are Satan’s thoughts, the fear inspiring overlord of the world, in his mind.
I will control the bum of the dog, and I will will place the poop before sparkly hook, and she will be in fear and know that I am near.
No! No Satan. Bad dog Satan.
And so now you know, the evil intent of Satan and his absolute desperate attempt to strike fear into the heart of sparkly hook.
I have now found a name for such an event. SOs. Same old Satan. Stupid as always.
You will now recognize the enemy in the absolute sense and understand that this is the epitomy of the mind of Satan and these are his thoughts always. Always stupid, always Satan.
Know your enemy and his evil intent.
I have seen the enemy, yes my own eyes have looked upon him. Oh well…
Sparkly Hook

Imagine Satan, 5’6″ tall (his actual height) in a matador outfit standing before the God of Isra’al, yes, The God of Heaven, taunting Him with a red cape.

Tip from The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan: If Satan and the demons use profanity or sexual language, offer them flowers and call them “honey”.
Example: Honey, here are some flowers, I hope you feel better. (picture it also when you do it)
Always be polite and as nice as possible. HilaRIOUS FuN.
I also said, “honey, you know the Bible says, speak injuriously of no one”
I told Satan, “Honey, don’t you be hanging around with that Jehovah, he’s bad association”. You know what it says in The Bible,
“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
They simply can’t stand us being funny.
I will be on vacation for about a week, I am having trouble with analogies. I think Father is hinting that He wants me to accept early retirement.
Listen O Watch Tower and Listen O Church. Now you know. It is the children of God vs The Scared Little Weird Guys, satan and the demons.
Do not fear says Y’hayah for I am with you, and so is My Son, Y’sho, with absolute power except for prayer.
Is Father not hilarious? Is not Y’sho, The Son of God? (Y’sho is the quiet one).
Love throws fear outside, and we have God’s power with us, the God of Isra’al, the God of Ab’raham, Isaac and Jacob, The God of David, The God of Y’sho.
Satan and the demons cannot throw fear outside and are terrified of God’s power that is with us and their weakness is being revealed at this time.
Satan and the demons have no power from God so must resort to manipulating the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM Spectrum) in ways only now being understood. I suspected they were using it, since about 1995. See the page titled The EM Spectrum.
The only concerns we must have are the false Divine Names and Titles and Bible names deliberately concealed by the Hebrew diacritics in the Masoretic text and Hebrew Bible and Bible doctrine explained on this website.
These are our weapons of light.
We have God’s power with us. The scared little weird guys are terrified about it and being found out to be scared little weird guys.
With love,
Sparkly Hook
You have the absolute power of God. Fear nothing and no one. This is the decree of Our Father, Our Abba.
2 Chronicles 20:17 You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance Y’hayah will give you, Yudah and Y’rushalom. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and Y’hayah will be with you.’
The God of Isral’al and His Son, Y’sho who is The Christ, The Messiah and The One Lord is with Him (Ephesians 4:5) along with the sacred angels. Do not act panicky or look around or pay attention to anything or listen to anyone who threatens you. They are empty threats against The Meshikhi.
Only get the things done that are on this website and document everything and add it to your knowledge that you have. The Tribulation foretold by Y’sho in Matthew Chapter 24 began with the uncovering of the name of Satan, Hillel, by removing the diacritics in Hebrew. Everything is culminating at this time.
Do not afraid of anything and mock the scared little weird guys when they threaten you. Nothing will stop you from completing the strange work of God that began with this website. And have faith that all things that you need have been prepared in advance by Y’sho as God has decreed.
You are now Meshikhi and with the True God. Do not fear anything anymore. No way hose’ are you to fear Satan and the demons in any way ever again or anyone with them. Not even nuclear weapons are anything to be feared, they are firecrackers to Y’hayah.
Behold, the strange work of God (Isaiah 28:21) and give Him glory and magnify Him above everything as Y’sho and all Heaven wishes.
Praise Y’hayah! Honor Y’sho! The Kingdom of God in the hands of Y’sho is at hand. Let the children of God exult in Our God Y’hayah by putting faith in Him and in His Son.
Satan and the demons and everyone in this world are less than nothing compared to the infinite power of Our God and Y’sho has absolute power from God except for prayer. And the sacred angels are with us.
Make the way of Y’hayah straight.
Remember God loves you and Y’sho loves you.
Now prepare yourself for battle.