Nobility serves others
I love ALL my little ones.~Y’hayah
Elizabeth II

All Glory to Y’hayah and Honor His Son Yeshwah!
Tiffany R

Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire, House of Windsor
Daughter of Winnifred Florence deFernihough
Direct descendant of William The Conquerer

It’s a frame job. Satan has always hated YESHWAH.~Sher
I didn’t even know who I was yet, just kept trying to find answers.
In what I call “Fort Knox” I could relax and me, a woman.
Had to be so careful.
Sure there were fantasies,
But then I would dream the following dream
Me and my husband would go somewhare and talk to Father,
My husband would open prayer to Father, and they would talk,
Then Father would say “How are you Tiffany?”
Wonderful, Father, I am so happy
Yeshwah is my dream
21 Bibles including Textus Receptus have a small /l/
Sarah called Abraham lord in her heart. I know the feeling.
I felt the same about Yeshwah.
Father’s little yohd’s, Sarah and Sher’al
Targum Onkelos
Genesis 1.1 yy
Father’s signature
Then I translated Matthew 27.46 and my life turned into a nightmare, a living hell.
Lamba Lamba sabachthani
I am The Lamp~Sher’al
With every spark of love burned away, eternal love always returns
No one could ever understand that unless they had Eternal Love for Yeshwah.
Eternal love always come back
When I’m busy it’s not so bad
Translated using Microsoft Bing
https://meshikhi.org tells the whole story.
Yeshwah is written all over my heart
Everything I’ve ever comprehended about Him is in my soul
We are always together
~The Lioness of Yudah

The man next to Yeshwah on The Cross looked at Him and thought…
He doesn’t look like a criminal…
He’s not reviling…
He’s praying to God…
He’s The Messiah.
Nobody touch Our Beloved Yeshwah.~Sher’al
Yes, little ones clear Satanic activity, identified by their sheer stupidity.~Tiff
Yes little ones, I’ve told Satan a million times, “Never bring a sponge to a brain fight!”
That’s how you you tell if someone is with Satan. MORONS!~Thank you.
To the right unhonorable Justin Trudeau.
I want you and your entire Government to “get off of my land immediately”. After 23 years of Biblical Research, I found my Father’s Name Y’hayah and you can not legislate away my inheritance. You are much mistaken.
You are FIRED.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred

The First “Love With Mercy Mission” will be a gutted Parliament Building. Everyone who is homeless will be taken care of there. They will be taken care of as people should be. Not outside in sub-zero temperatures. I don’t care if she is Satanized totally, there should not be a frozen popsicle lady outside The Rideau Centre, in sub zero temperatures with freezer burn. Period. They are not animals. Domesticated animals will not be left outside that way either. If they are wild they use created instinctive wisdom, once they are domesticated, they have feelings. They will have a nice clean room with a lock for privacy, a nice comfy bed, clean sheets, food, coffee, cigarettes and food and freedom. Experts of every kind will be employed to find out what their problems are.
A coat from North Face, long for the girls and 3/4 length for the males with a radiant lining that reflects heat toward the body and they may choose the style they want. On my inspection of Parliament Hill I was aghast to find a huge Heritage Building “EMPTY”. Mercy Mission One will be the model of how to do things as David did things in The Bible. Mephibosheth, meaning “from the mouth of shame” was invited to sit at his table. David made sure that every last person was taken care of.
There will never be a frozen person in Canada again and anyone who needs help and does not get mercy and requests asylum here will be immediately provided “instant” asylum after a police check.
THAT is a HERITAGE to be proud of.
Jonah 4:6-11 God cared about animals in Nineveh, too
The picture of God’s concern for animals as well as humans, such a key part of the Flood story, was revisited in other parts of Scripture. In a fascinating short story, the prophet Jonah grudgingly warned Nineveh (capital of Assyria) of impending judgment, and was angry when God spared the repentant city. At the end of the story, God asked the furious prophet if it was not right that God should pity 120,000 people “and also many animals.”
Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
Tiffany, Princess of The British Empire Worldwide.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart is my current legal name, Tiffany deFernihough in fact.
Edward Stanley deFernihough
Birth Certificate

Dr. Campbell at the Montfort says 4000mg is “The Standard Dosage”.
But the last two times, I was up for a month with out sleeping each time. A full month of medication (in one “SHOT”) producing restless legs syndrome so bad you can’t sleep for a month.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred

The Truth
This is a message for Prince Henry Charles Albert David
The Duke of Sussex
I am Tiffany deFernihough. My family were Tobacco Merchants. All of the holdings of The British Empire belong to “my” family.
They wanted to add your mother’s beauty to the royal family. Here is the weapon that was used.
Have the back of the driver’s eye sockets checked for any indication of laser marks.
Matthew 27.46 Lamp Lamp
Or it was Satan framing MI-6.
I am a military woman and a Communications Research Specialist.
I need help or I will end up like my cousin and your mother, Diana.
I’m sorry about your mother, she only loved people with mercy, in her soul.
I lost my mother the same way.
The royal family wants to eventually destroy Christianity.
Here’s proof.
Remember Y’hayah loves you
Gender Identity Breakthrough
See my heart? See the first summer dress I could afford new?
The vocal frequency happened when I said the word “Summer”.
It is C#4 when I use Zoe, a touch higher.
Incorrect vocal frequency confuses both the limbic nucleus
and how you feel about gender in your body. It is impossible
for spirit people to judge, and Our Hard-Hearted Creator of Earth Did not Know and Neither did Yeshwah, it was a discovery I made. A BREAKTHROUGH FOR TREATING PEOPLE WITH “BIRTH DEFECTS” causing gender identity problems.
I had a swan neck… it was so beautiful.
I’m the cute one, I’m Dot.
Heaven did not know, that’s the evidence against Prince Charles and Yeshwah (Yeshwuh in Galilean Aramaic).
The wind blows where it wants to, so saith The Bible. I will stay on Earth and my decision stands, you Despot Creator and Son in Heaven, funny eh Creator, I screamed at you for Justice and Mercy I got none and then Yeshwah rolls into town and I start talking Texas like George Walker Bush? He was playing on my emotions. No coverups any more, you stupid men don’t have any common sense, and this girl’s not leaving her little ones EVER.
Foxes have dens, I don’t and I’m a girl, not a fucking man bitch. I found out the truth about Heaven and I do not want it at all. You let Satan have his way with me and to top off the fucking movie, I was screaming in agony for Justice and Mercy, only to find out our stupid creator wasn’t even listening to prayer. Feeling “POWERFUL” YESHWAH? What are girls supposed to use against pure evil invisible spirit men, their nails? if they don’t have a den, you men? Think it was a good idea letting spirit men eat me as food? Then have some leftovers. I know you don’t like sloppy seconds sex, especially after Satan. Will I have Rosemary’s baby next?

Go into the washroom Yeshwah and look in the mirror and say “Be reasonable, the Lord is at hand.
The Lord is near. Philippians 4:5, ESV: Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand;
Look to your right whoknowswho and do the same thing.
All you fucking men need every woman in creation to give you the frying pan treatment across the head to knock some sense into you.

Screw you Magoo.
My name on Earth will be Tiffany deFernihough soon…
I am The Meshikhi, A follower of The Messiah and I am the founder of The Christian Revival, and those who listen to me are Meshikhi. We follow the example of Yeshwah at Calvary not The Pig of pigs and Hog of hogs, love without mercy is nothing.

Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (my current legal name).
All I ever did was to love God and His Son and people with ETERNAL LOVE.
I never hurt anyone intentionally, but relationships failed because I didn’t know my true reality until later in life, suffering for 52 years with dysphoria.
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are a part of The Synagogue of Satan, mentioned in the Bible, and I have overwhelming evidence of my life on The Internet Wayback machine online, every WordPress revision I’ve ever done and my website meshikhi.org was allowed to be deleted. I did the math. The Isra’alites waited for Our Desot creator for 400 years, I do not have that luxury. I also discovered that Our Despot Creator “has” love” and “has” life, but doesn’t know about them.
Can’t please everyone.
A Hubble telescope in low Earth orbit will be employed to find the infinite invisible energy field used in Heaven. We are looking for elements smaller than particles. As in Heaven, also upon the Earth, is the scriptural reasoning, they are able to live in it naturally without harm. This is the same field the Creator uses to create things from. Therefore it is safe to use.
X-Ray attached to the Hubble will be used along with colorblind scientists to detect and see Satan and the demons. If we can see them, they can be destroyed. They are pure evil therefore we are able to with a clean conscience, as long as we do not attach emotion to it. This is known as cut and dry. Reality is black and white, Our eyes allow us to see colour.
The Bell telephone wiring system is inspired by Satan. Upon examining the network structure at Bell while applying for work, they showed it to me. It is a resonator and a radiator. Every Bell pole must be removed and replaced with nursury trees.


Praise Y’hayah! Honor Yeshwah!

Behold, The Glory of Y’hayah
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin7/15/20162 CommentsThese are cryptic words. They are words which proclaimed imminent judgment to a king who was drunk with his own power. They rise from the mists of ancient Babylon, a kingdom destroyed some 2,500 years ago, largely a victim of its own arrogance, indulgence and presumption. These prophetic words, written on the wall by the hand of God Himself would not prove false. By morning the king would be dead and his kingdom given over to foreigners.Translation: ‘Mene’ – “God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; |

To illustrate, New Scientist reported that two physicists at the University of Tokyo applied an extremely strong magnetic field to a horizontal tube partially filled with water. The water rushed to the ends of the tube, leaving the middle section dry. The phenomenon, discovered in 1994, works because water is weakly diamagnetic, repelled by a magnet. The established phenomenon of water moving from where a magnetic field is very high to where it is lower has been dubbed The Moses Effect. New Scientist noted: “Pushing water around is easy—if you have a big enough magnet. And if you do, then nearly anything is possible.”
Of course, one could not say with absoluteness which process God used when he parted the Red Sea for the Isra’alites. But the Creator knows in the fullest detail all the laws of nature. He could easily control certain aspects of one law by employing another of the laws that he originated. To humans, the result could seem miraculous, especially if they did not fully grasp the laws involved.
Love with Mercy is more powerful than infinite power and strength, more powerful than The Creator of this Earth.
Y’hayah will split The Atlantic Ocean, in the name of Yeshwah.
Nothing will prove to be an impossibility for God, so saith The Bible, and of His Children, nothing will be impossible for them.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
With love,
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred

This is a message for Prince Henry Charles Albert David
The Duke of Sussex
I am Tiffany deFernihough. My family were Tobacco Merchants. All of the holdings of The British Empire belong to “my” family.
They wanted to add your mother’s beauty to the royal family. Here is the weapon that was used.
Have the back of the driver’s eye sockets checked for any indication of laser marks.
I am a military woman and a Communications Research Specialist.
I need help or I will end up like my cousin and your mother, Diana.
I’m sorry about your mother, she only loved people with mercy, in her soul.
I lost my mother the same way.
The royal family wants to eventually destroy Christianity.
Here’s proof.
Remember Y’hayah loves you
For Diana, Daughter of Y’hayah
I would have loved to know you Diana, my Sister, my cousin. Justice is Beautiful Diana and Y’hayah is also “Justice”. And you are always alive to Him.
With love,
Tiffany, Daughter of Y’hayah
September 9, 2022 Declaration of Comedy War against The Magoo.
Despite all warnings, I, Princess Tiffany, have authorized THE LEVITES,
and we will not relent, until there are no more Magoo.
Authorized Y’HAYAH HAS SPOKEN “No One” is FUNNIER than me. “Slay them”.
Tiffany 1.1 Father is FUNNY.
Watch it Magoo…
You think you’re funny do you?
It was over before it started.
My feet are size “13”. That’s a big shoe. “A really, really big shoe”~Tiff
! Samuel 21.13 So he pretended to be insane in their presence; and while he was in their hands he acted like a madman, making marks on the doors of the gate and letting saliva run down his beard.
~Princess Tiffany, Sister of DAVID
~The Lalu
Only Meshikhi Levites are Bob

Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
Tiffany, Princess of The British Empire Worldwide
The United States of America and Russia are The Enemy

Be reasonable, The Lord is near, in our hearts.~We are a people, The Lalu, and we are Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah, which when translated means “Christ”. I saw the Love in you and your Faith~Lalu
~Zoe Lalu Ahlalu (Life, Love, The spirit of Love) Just a name, but significant in meaning. I am your Sister, DO NOT bow down to me ever, it is unholy to me in the absolute sense of the word.

Do not pray to Yeshwah, only to Y’hayah
Honour the Son as you honour the Father, but do not bow down to Him. These are the words of Yeshwah on the subject from Aramaic and this is how He feels about it. He does not want people to bow down to anyone but Y’hayah,
We follow Yeshwah, Our Lord, and treat every word of His as Sacred.
ܗܝܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܙܠ ܠܟ ܣܛܢܐ ܟܬܝܒ ܓܝܪ ܕܠܡܪܝܐ ܐܠܗܟ ܬܣܓܘܕ ܘܠܗ ܒܠܚܘܕܘܗܝ ܬܦܠܘܚ
Matthew 4:10 Then Yeshwah said unto him, “Go away, Satana! For, it is written: ‘You shall thesgud {worship, literally bow down to or cause to be venerated} Y’hayah and Him alone shall you serve!’ ” ( The Holy Aramaic Scriptures)
Link: tsgwd – ܬܣܓܘܕ
We are followers of the Messiah, we will not bow down to anyone but Y’hayah.
The meaning of Psalms 45:11 is clarified absolutely by the New International Version. We are to “honor” Yeshwah.
Evil is nothing
Love without Mercy is nothing.
Binary 0 – Binary 0
Do The Math
Love without Mercy only benefits the giver
We don’t associate Christmas with anything but the birth of Yeshwah.
The birth of Yeshwah on Earth is a miraculous event by God. Note what the sacred angels did on this day. They gave Glory to God, Y’hayah.
Luke 2:8-14
8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of Y’hayah appeared to them, and the glory of Y’hayah shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which Y’hayah has told us about.”
Y’hayah was in Heaven. Yeshwah was on Earth.
We are balanced Christians and reasonable people who understand the Bible and do not make associations like religion does.
The actual birth of Yeshwah was announced by Heavenly Messengers who told shepherds where the birth of Yeshua had occurred in a manger in Bethlehem Ephratha.
In early fall
We can estimate when Jesus was born by counting backward from his death on Passover, Nisan 14 in the spring of the year 33 C.E. (John 19:14-16) Yeshua was about 30 years old when he began his three-and-a-half-year ministry, so he was born in the early fall of 2 B.C.E.—Luke 3:23.
From the accounts about the shepherds being outdoors with their flocks and the above information early October would be the time to remember the Birth of Yeshwah on Earth, although we may celebrate Christmas along with everyone else on December 25th.
Like Easter, there are false gods associated with the Christmas date of December 25. We do not make associations so we do not worry about the date, but it is good to be aware of these things to avoid spiritual danger.
The Star
The three “wise men” were early astronomers observing an unusual celestial event, what they believed to be a new star in the sky. It led them to Jerusalem where they inquired about where the King of the Jews was . When Herod heard this , he wanted to find and kill Yeshua. The wise men found the young child in a house and offered gifts (Matthew 2:11). They were not part of the nativity scene as told by religion. They were warned by God not to return to Herod or to disclose the location of the child so they left by another route (Matthew 2:1-12).
The star that led them to the house was a visual thing of Satan (Matthew 2:9). An angel is more appropriate for the top of the tree.
Matthew 2:16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men.
Santa Claus

Children are innocent. They love and trust their parents and what they teach them. It’s natural. When a child finds out about Santa Claus, that trust is broken. If they lied to me about this… And then they start looking elsewhere for answers to their questions, not to their parents. Have you noticed this about your child? Here is what to do about Santa Claus. Tell them, it’s just a jokey thing we do, Santa Claus is not real. It’s just for fun. You must do this or not only might they not trust you, they might lose trust in the Christmas story itself and what you have taught them about it. Hear the words of The Christ about this.
Matthew 18:2-7
2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.
Causing to Stumble
6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!
That is warning from The Christ not to play around with the innocent faith of children.
Play Santa Claus if you want, but the child must understand that it’s just something fun that is done and that Santa Clause is not real.
With love.