The Demon Planet, Jehovah and The Christianity Trap using The Romanized Bible
It is a new war against The Love without Mercy of Watch Tower in Heaven and on Earth and The Evil with Hate on Earth.
Christ tries to explain Himself

The Heathen “Ministry of Christ”
Later in His ministry, he had a nice way of asking for a hand out. Foxes have dens… He did miracles for everyone and proved he could provide miraculous food, He never roughed it. And He always had the protection of God with The Divine Name and God’s Power. Hypocrite. Christianity was created WITHOUT the protection of The Divine Name. Guaranteed Suffering.
It’s not just life and it’s not just Satan. We were set up by Heaven for guaranteed suffering.
Moby Dick, The White Whale
The Cycle of Abuse Against Women
When a woman says “Stop”, you stop. No means no to a woman, I don’t care who the hell you are.
And it shall be written
She piled upon Christ’s head the sum of all the woman rage and holy rage felt by her sisters from Eve down; and then, as if her chest had been a mortar, she burst her hot heart’s shell upon it.
And even after 26 years of Biblical Research and finding His real Name and God’s real Name I still have The Watch Tower torture device in my mouth, a male abusive voice with profanity every waking moment, even though I have not been one of Jehovah’s Witnesses since 2017 when I was expelled and handed over to Satan for a whipping and torture by Christ. 12/19/2023 Christ is not a woman. Does not have the heart, soul, mind, spirit or anything else of a woman, so He has no empathy and doesn’t think it’s torture or abuse. In fact, He thinks it’s funny. I have been abused by Christ since 2017. He’s Watch Tower all the way, they are the same, Love without Mercy. I’m sick of Christ’s man jokes and man things. Christ is a man so an abusive male voice with profanity doesn’t hurt Him.
That’s why a third of men in Germany think that violence against women is acceptable, they are made in God’s image. A male abusive voice with profanity does not hurt a man.
Colossians 1.15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
Christ says, I leave it in her mouth so she can have faith. That is bullshit. I have faith bigger than Heaven. He finally found a woman that He can abuse and get away with it, like all abusers. He is a man and His power is between His legs.
2/19/24 The Angel of Satan that Paul had is not for women, a male abusive voice with profanity. It beats up my feelings. I put up with it for 7 years but then demanded it be removed. I’ve been screaming for mercy and justice for 2 years. I just can’t put up with it anymore. It’s not about integrity or anything else, it’s about the fact that I am a woman.
Women put up with abuse for a long time but if it keeps going on eventually we shut down and say goodbye.
I’ll always love Y’sho but it’s just too much for me, I’m not a man, I’m not Paul.
I’m Tiffany, not Timothy.
With love,
Tiffany McTaggart
It is now 7 Planets in Alignment Day. I am a woman and Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses in Heaven and on Earth have had 9 years to prove otherwise. The Sacred Spirit has said “No more”. It has brutalized my emotions and hacked my heart and mind to such a degree that it has damaged my soul. There will be no Watch Tower or Jehovah’s Witnesses in The New Heaven or The New Earth. The name Jehovah will be a curse forever. And Christ is Elkanah, Jacob, David, revealed by The Sacred Spirit Himself and must die so that I may live. I am Eternal with The Sacred Spirit. Heaven and Earth will be destroyed before Heaven or Earth will ever destroy this woman. So saith Ari, The Sacred Spirit.
It’s a man’s world, created for men. The predominant color science colors are blue sky and green foliage.
Boy colors. Women were an afterthought, a scattering of pink flowers and a rare accidental pink sky.
Christ hands people over to Satan for “discipline”, because God and Christ do not know the nature of evil or the nature of evil people. “Skin in behalf of skin” in Job Chapter 2 is bullshit. Satan gets pleasure, even physical pleasure from the suffering of others is the truth and his ulterior motive. Also, God has never experienced physical pain, yet He has allowed it. God has never felt a pin prick in His finger. Therefore, I propose a simple laser treatment to destroy the pain center in the brain, no pain center, no pain signal.
What if it had only been a beautiful story about a Father and His Son and His Sacrifice and their names had been etched on gold plates and preserved by good Priests. And the seven words that I added to John 3.16 “The First of God’s Children in Heaven”. The Apostasy would never have happened and everyone would have been born true Christians.
John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah יָהוָה YHVH) so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Yesou (Koine Greek Ihsou is Yiddish “Isaac”, Esou Coptic “Lamb” pronounced Iesoh, Aramaic Isho), The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
How beautiful life would have been.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred. So saith Ari, The Sacred Spirit.
The Love without Mercy of Christ in Heaven is the stumbling block of offense (Luke 17.1,2).
Love without Mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver and makes them happy. Love without Mercy is bordering on evil and the result is the same as Evil with Hate. Suffering.
You can’t teach people Love with Mercy and then be Love without Mercy.
This is Christ’s crime. Love without Mercy. No Mercy is sadistic.
It is only natural for people to be attracted to Love with Mercy. Don’t blame the people for doing something absolutely natural. Seeking Love with Mercy. The Religious Leaders know this, so Love with Mercy flourishes among the laity and they worship false gods.
Love with Mercy is The Nature of Ari, The Beautiful Sacred Spirit.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggartf
Word of The Sacred Spirit
Where there is no Mercy, there is no God and no Son of God, that’s how to know
Satan has used estrogens introduced into the environment, hormones in food and chemicals to cause birth defects that masculinize girls and feminize boys in the womb. Satan wants to create a 100% masculinized female or a 100% feminized man. The damage is done. The Bible is not made up as this document says, but The Two Sex god Jehovah is explained. It was discovered that vocal frequency affects the limbic nucleus in the brain and brain/whole-body communication. Heaven cannot tell the boys from the girls because of it. The key is that hormones are not needed to feel masculine or feminine. Heaven must allow all people since the industrial age began to experience their entire life in case they have a form of multiple personality disorder. The Sacred Spirit can discern it to the dividing of soul and spirit.
The Rise, Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion
The Romans Created Christianity
The Watch Tower Christ is an asshowle towards me and Watch Tower in Heaven and on Earth are the bubkes who torture me, facilitated by Satan.
Matthew 24.29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:~KJV
I am The Daughter in The Bible, The Promised One of Christ and The Shulamite maiden. However, I am invoking the Law that whether you translate Isaiah 9.6 Eternal Father or Father Mighty Aviad, I am not required to be married to The Christ. Father/Daughter is forbidden in The Bible.
Among the forbidden couples are parent-child, sister-brother, grandparent-grandchild, uncle-niece, aunt-nephew, and between half siblings and certain close in-laws. This “Levitical law” is found in Leviticus 18:6-18, supplemented by Leviticus 20:17-21 and Deuteronomy 27:20-23. n
I want a husband, not just an owner and I don’t want to be a “scripture-wife”. He would not show me mercy. No mercy, no way. I’m Love with Mercy but I’m not stupid.
Even Solomon in all his wisdom could not seduce me.
Do not call me Sher or Sher’Al anymore, Meshikhi. Call me Hannah. The nature of The Sacred Spirit is Love with Mercy. “And Hannah went away concerned no more”. Interestingly, Hannah means, “favor, grace”.
For those who know the story, Hannah was one of the two wives of Al’kanah.
I am a woman and a Prophetess. A woman always knows. I always knew there was someone else.
Genesis 6.2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives whomever they chose.
And God let them. He lets spirit men do what they want. The Watch Tower Torture Device remains in my mouth. 1/14/2024
Well, well, well. We have reached the epitaph of you people, haven’t we?
On the two websites and
I offered you enough technology to create a “better than Star Trek” future.
I even offered you a solution to your Bible to end religious conflict.
But that isn’t what you really want is it, you men?
You want power.
Let me show you power.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Ottawa, Canada
Even to this day 2/9/2024 I have The Watch Tower torture device in my mouth. The definition of unmerciful is excessive. I’ve had to live with it since 2014. That is excessive. That is unmerciful.
2/19/24 The Angel of Satan that Paul had is not for women, a male abusive voice with profanity. It beats up my feelings. I put up with it for 7 years but then demanded it be removed. I’ve been screaming for mercy and justice for 2 years. I just can’t put up with it anymore. It’s not about integrity or anything else, it’s about the fact that I am a woman. He’s like a dog licking His testicles. I don’t want to watch.
Women put up with abuse for a long time but if it keeps going on eventually we shut down and say goodbye.
I’ll always love Y’sho but it’s just too much for me,
With love,
Tiffany McTaggart
Christ’s shit came off of His ass onto His undergarment while He was on Earth. He’s a shit-ass man like all created men with power, and His power is between His legs. Love without Mercy is nothing. Without Mercy, a created man with power is just a shit-ass. A Garbageman with Mercy is better than a Christ without Mercy. And a Garbageman can lift a mattress with one hand. Garbagemen are the strongest men on Earth Sisters, a Garbageman with Mercy is a desirable man is he not? Make sure to wait until the last minute to take out the recycle box.
Power is nothing. Even God’s Power is nothing. Love with Mercy is infinitely more powerful.
Love with Mercy is the nature of The Sacred Spirit.
He has not lived my life. I’m me and He is Him, this is my reality, it is a nightmare on Elm Street and God and Christ are Lenny and Squiggy.