The Synagogue of Satan
Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9

The name Jehovah is Satanic
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are part of The Synagogue of Satan. They are The Horror of Dany’Al and are on The Wing of The Temple according to Dany’Al. In their magazines they even admit that their Kingdom Halls are modelled after “synagogues”. See the Warning About Watch Tower Menu and find out what their false Christ did to me. And they have THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION in The Bible that they use.
Christ thinks those men are playing a game with Him, but they are groomed by Satan himself. Then Satan leaves them to do the kill so that you can’t blame him. Jehovah’s Witnesses hand people over to The Jovian cult to be killed. That’s their role in Satan’s operation. The Jovian Cult practices sacrifices like in ancient Isra’Al but with people.
DANY’AL 9.27 and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until the complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who causes the horror.”~AMP
DANY’AL 9.27 And the abomination of desolation will be on a wing of the temple until the decreed destruction is poured out on the desolator.”~CSB
If you say “have love among yourselves” or the tricky “have love for one another” you create a closed society.
The New World Translation by Jehovah’s Witnesses has the words “have love among yourselves”.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have progressively become a closed society since they adopted the name Jehovah in 1931. In this same year, Herbert W. Armstrong became an ordained minister and went on to lead The Worldwide Church of God (now The Restored Church of God), using the powerful medium of television to convince the world’s evangelicals that The United States and Britain constituted Israel. This is the reason for the incredible battlements and expenditures around Israel both overtly and covertly. Jehovah’s Witnesses have even modeled their Kingdom Halls after “synagogues” (Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9).
They believe they are God’s Chosen People and that everyone else is a part of Satan’s world.
The words from The Authorized Version are “have love one to another”. Those are the words in The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible (NAV) on this website.
The Head Game of The Roman Religion
The Romans would cut the heads off of the enemy and play soccer with them.
Satan said to The Demon: “You be God and I’ll be The Demon”.
Satan said, “I got rid of The Demon, I’m God”.
Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God.
Whoever is God in your mind will continue to be your Master.
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