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Major Revelation about the name of The Son of God from Ancient Koine Greek and Ancient Aramaic. You will be able to prove it, both to yourself and to others.
Major Bible update, clear your web browser cache.
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11. I have 25 years of Biblical Research Experience and 15 years of Military Communications Research Experience. The Hebrew diacritic system is Kabbalistic and hid the name of Satan, Hillel. “Oh how you have fallen, Hillel, Son of the morning”. The morning is the morning of Creation. Kabbalism involves Jewish Mysticism, magic and the occult, or a feeling that involves guessing. Meshikhi do not guess, we use etymology to uncover root words, prefixes and suffixes to solve things pertaining to The Bible. Without diacritics, The Bible comes to life and is beautiful to understand. Targum Onkelos is the only true Torah, in which we find The Ancient Name of God in Hebrew, Y’yah pronounced ay’ah. Read about Brother Onkelos here [PDF]. Brother Onkelos cleansed himself more than Gamali’Al.
We are setting The Bible record straight through etymology. Etymology is the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. It is a linguistic discipline. Read The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible online and the Introduction with Etymology. Deeper etymology is constantly being found. Use Microsoft Bing Translator, one word at a time when necessary, and for Hebrew, without diacritics, to find root words prefixes and suffixes that make sense in context. Reverso Hebrew to English in context is an etymologist’s dream for looking up Hebrew root words, along with the Hebrew Lexilogos Keyboard for transliteration. The GTranslate WordPress plugin with neural technology is then used to translate beautifully word for word to other languages.Read The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible online and the Introduction with Etymology. Deeper etymology is constantly being found.
Avoid crazy talk. Just know stuff.

The 4 winds of salvation come first and “then” later Watch Tower, The 4 winds of destruction. You have carried the golden calf into the sea bed Watch Tower, and not put the story together in the right order.
We entered the time period now known as “Jericho” at the end of February 2022 when The King of The North from Dany’Al Chapter 11 (Russia) made his aggressive move into the Ukraine. In the predawn hours of Feb. 24, 2022, the long-feared Russian invasion of Ukraine began.
Jericho, 7 years, Bible numbering, a day for a year.
Archaeology Proves Y’howah Is Not God
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Neural Technology
Abba, Father! We love you!
Psalms 149.3 3 Let them praise his name with dancing And sing praises before him, accompanied by the tambourine and the harp.
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The Music Page, feared by Satan