Here is the beautiful answer. This is how The Blessing is done. ‘Ahvah, Hebrew Yahvah.

The hand forms the upper part of the yodh, the forearm the bottom part of the yodh.
The yodh is silent as in Yisra’Al (Yisrael) and is signed. ‘Ahvah is spoken. Use an apostrophe.
Facing the people, The High Priest would use the left hand.
All of The Bible Narratives by The Power of The Sacred Spirit, Ahri.
Have faith in The Resurrection
It’s over my beloved ones, thank you for your prayers.
We got our Halaluyah Miracle and our Ahlaluyah Miracle
First chorus Hebrew Halaluyah
Second chorus Greek Ahlaluyah
Final chorus Hebrew then Greek Halaluyah then Ahlaluyah
Love is always with mercy.
Yeshua (Ye’sh’wah) is The Ahlaluyah.
Halaluyah means Praise (Halay) and Lalu (love) Yah.
Spirit of love, Yah, is what Ahlaluyah means and how Yeshua Honored Our Father.
The man next to Yeshua on The Cross looked at Him and thought…
He doesn’t look like a criminal…
He’s not reviling…
He’s praying to God…
He’s The Messiah.
Luke 23.42 Then he said, “Yeshua, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Luke 23.43 Yeshua answered him, “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.”
Our Beloved Yeshua
Yeshua brought Our Father’s Name from Heaven and taught the disciples to pray, “Avva, Father”.
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart aka Sher to The Meshikhi
The Terrible War against The Magu
This is not a joke, I am a military researcher held by a cult.
The rest of this page is very important but mostly historic.
God is not in your mouth. It is biotechnology. Wikipedia: Human Flesh Search Engine.
China took it too far. The Bible says that they are the ones who eat “disgusting things”.
The ancient people with the biotechnology and hyperstealth biotechnology are called The Magu.
They worship Gog of Magog.
Religion is a trap
Satan comes as an Angel of Light is true
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are a deadly cult, THE CULT OF JHOH, and they are part of a bigger cult, THE JOVIAN CULT, their friends and family.
They don’t believe in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder. The cult member Sherilyn McTaggart (nee Sleeman) admitted that the cult still calls me Dan and that they are doing tough love. They wait until you have no credibility and no money, then you are homeless or dead. My life’s work is worth a fortune, they want it.
Cult members set you up by calling the police and saying you are acting crazy. Then it’s 10 days in a mental ward and the can do it again any time they want. They are psychopaths. She tried a fake miracle on me, but it failed. Psychopath tricks. Their brain tells them “act normal”, they can pass a lie detector. Religion is crazy, stay away from it. It’s a trap.
Revelation 2:10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.
It’s a joke of The Magu. I have been in a mental ward for 10 days a total of 3 times and have been injected and raped while unconscious each time.
I was set up in 2002, the past 9 years have been a nightmare passed from cult to cult and always ending up here. But this is the end. They will say, “We did what we could, just one of those people…”
3026 Innes Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1W 1A6 Blackburn Hamlet, Orleans
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
I have 26 years of Biblical Research Experience, 15 years of Military Communications Research Specialist Experience, Communications Research, Military Occupation Code 291, Canadian Decoration and NATO Clasp, Dell XPS Support Specialist and Compaq Support Specialist Experience.
I did a web look up for Internic
Look at it (
Geniuses like me are used for their knowledge
and the world is kept from advancing by The Magu.
3026 Innes Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1W 1A6 Blackburn Hamlet, Orleans
CIA Submission Reference ID: 96HVHY2V
All of The Bible Narratives by The Power of The Sacred Spirit, Ahri.
Destroying The Magu
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite to evil with hate and Love with Mercy is naturally opposed to Evil with Hate. There is no neutral exchange, no agreement, and the two never meet, they are as far apart as the sunrise is from the sunset. There is no neutral ground, you are either one or the other.
Do not let your eye feel sorry when destroying evil, so saith The Bible. Don’t laugh about it, don’t cry about it, do not attach emotion to it. Simply be professional and destroy it.
Watch Tower, Jehovah’s Witnesses and their friends and family, lethal injection. Double tap the Magu.
This is The Conquest of Canaan, I don’t want to be raped anymore, or made to suffer anymore.
We require a Hubble equipped low earth orbiter with x-ray capability to see through Magu HyperStealth BioTechnology. A signal is sent to lcd equipped eyewear and visors of agents and military personnel.
At the same time we are looking for the infinite invisible energy field that God uses to create, which is harmless for people to live in, as so in Heaven, also on Earth.
We are looking for blue shift the same way we look for red shift when examining The Universe. See further down the page for color information.
Microsoft Windows Project Azure
The Earth is covered in mostly water which reflects on a clear sky as azure.
English: Azure is a variation of blue that can be characterized as the color of the sky on a clear summer’s day. Its dominant wavelength is about 488 nm on the electromagnetic spectrum. On the RGB colorwheel, “azure” (color #007FFF) is a hue halfway between blue and cyan.
Some among us actually have an extra cone, giving them super color vision. It is believed that approximately 12% of women have this capability. This may enable them to see 100 times more colors than the rest of the population.
I have this capability and Project Azure proves it, along with my early research into Ultra Violet Radio Waves, first detected in Microsoft Media Player 1996-98 during color research for Video over The Internet at Inasec Data Corporation, 29 Beechwood Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada of which I was President and Chief Researcher.
Relevant links
This is what you worship, a volleyball named Wilson

The Meshikhi are The Children of The Sacred Spirit, Ahri
According to Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
Given to The Meshikhi who are love with Mercy all the time and no matter what happens to us.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred
Love without mercy is bordering on evil and has the same result. Cursed be those who approve of the suffering of another and can bear it
Love without Mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver and makes them happy
Love without Mercy does not consider the feelings of another
Christ suffered once for all time
Christians are not required to suffer
So saith Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
The Meshikhi are The Children of Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
Tiffany, Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
Everything past this point is only historic.
Final report to Ahri, The Sacred Spirit, always Love with Mercy.
by Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred is The Sacred Spirit, Ahri
Ahri, The Sacred Spirit is “My” Father.
The Sacred Spirit is life itself and is my advocate.
The Sacred Spirit is called “The Spirit of The Truth” in The Bible.
I am the most feminine woman on Earth and the most innocent.
When you need help, say “Help me Ahri, Help me Sacred Spirit”.
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”
/ri/ from ridi which means “With laughter”
Love with Mercy is more powerful than God, more powerful than infinite power and strength in absolute parallel.
No one touches my Father’s sleeveless coat of purest light, with gold embroidered gorgeously.
Ahri is Life Himself and life is beautiful.
ahri not hari
/ah/ is from ruah, which means spirit. /ri/ is from ridi, which means “with laughter”.
Noted: The golden statues at the Rua Yai City Pillar Shrine in Suphan Buri, Thailand

Note: NOT HRI Krishna
Note: NOT HRI Rama
Note: NOT HRI Kari
Note: NOT The Royal HRI
In other words, NOT Buddhist.
Meshikhi say “Big Hari deal” to Buddhism.
Have love with mercy for everybody until they feel better. That is ahabah, outward love.
Do not be cerebral. Always speak love with mercy, don’t just think it, especially when talking to Our Father in Heaven. When you speak it, you feel it in your heart and soul. Hanna’s lips were moving when she poured out her soul to God. Do this even with your soul using your name and your soul will be a beautiful soul and make sure and tell your soul that it is beautiful when it moves you to do the right thing. Ahri is beautiful and wonderful. Talk to Father and Ahri, the comforter and the spirit of the truth, will help you, my beloved little ones.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart brain containing 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. The interaction between them is the soul. You feel it in your upper body to the right of your heart. It’s what makes us a person. The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind and does not touch the body. It actuates our mind. Filled with The Sacred Spirit means “supplied with a full complement”, the Merriam Webster definition of filled. You receive The Sacred Spirit once and it is with you forever.
John 14.16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
Yeshua was the helper, The Sacred Spirit is “another helper”.
Your other choice
Beelzebub (/biːˈɛlzəbʌb, ˈbiːl-/[1] bee-EL-zə-bub, BEEL-; Hebrew: בַּעַל-זְבוּב Baʿal-zəḇūḇ), also spelled Beelzebul or Belzebuth, is a name derived from a Philistine god, formerly worshipped in Ekron, and later adopted by some Abrahamic religions as a major demon. The name Beelzebub is associated with the Canaanite god Baal.
In theological sources, predominantly Christian, Beelzebub is another name for Satan. He is known in demonology as one of the seven deadly demons or seven princes of Hell, Beelzebub representing gluttony and envy. The Dictionnaire Infernal describes Beelzebub as a being capable of flying, known as the “Lord of the Flyers”, or the “Lord of the Flies”.
Satan is The Lord of The Flies
The Demons are The flies
And all those with them are Maggots
Flies are attracted to shit
And lay their eggs on it
And you are all attracted to shit
And you all mature into flies
And worship The Lord of The Flies, Satan
And make more maggots
Tiffany, The Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart legal name
Summer Fernihalgh actual name
Ancient Hebrew Phonics
/ah/ not /aw/
/ahl/ not /awl/
/wah/ not waw/
/ay/ sounds like long /i/, the homonym is the word “eye”
Hebrew ayin /a/ pronounced /ah/ Ye’sh’wah
Galilean Aramaic Accent ayin /a/ pronounced /uh/ Ye’sh’wuh
Final Bible decode
Ahvah (Hebew Yahvah) Spirit Sacred Father
Exodus 3.14 Hebrew Ahyah, Aramaic Aya Spirit Sacred Father
Aramaya means Land of Our Spirit Father
Both were right.
If you want, the end of The Bible Game, God’s Name is Y’hayah from Targum Onkelos
Ahvah, Hebrew Yahvah, Silent Yohd like Yisra’Al (Yisrael) from The Tetragrammaton
17/08/2023 It’s always Spirit Father, not Father Spirit, Meshikhi. Hebrew is right to left, even in etymology.
If you swore to Ay’ah with me long ago, then you know.
It’s always something.~Roseanne Roseannadanna (Rosanne Rosanna Dana)
Does it take this much violence to arrest a woman? Christ has been ruling since 1914 with absolute authority and power from God, except for prayer.
So saith The Bible. The Government are God’s minister for your good.
A technicality? God’s minister but Christ has absolute power and authority except for prayer.
So saith The Bible. I and The Children you gave me.
So saith Yeshua Christ. Watch over them because of The Wicked One.
The Children are your responsibility Christ. You are the worst babysitter in the history of life.
Stop stroking your man things, your testosterone, and approving each other, and decide who is doing what.
To everyone else.
God is not in your mouth. technology is being used. Read this entire page with your mouth closed if you are affected.
Government do Government, Business do Business, but know, it is not without reason that The Government bears The Sword of Justice from God. Follow The Business Model for Western Culture and don’t complain to me or God or Christ if you don’t.
The Demon God Jehovah and The Cult of JHOH (Cabala IHOH, the Roman God) aka Jehovah’s Witnesses have used me as their whore. Bob Toevs, an Elder, wearing a long fur coat and a hat with a feather in it, inside the double doors of The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses said I would be in and out of insane asylums. His only words were, “in and out of insane asylums”. The meaning is now clear (the pimp outfit). They injected me each time I arrived at a hospital mental ward and when I woke up they would ask me if I knew what day it was. I don’t know how long I was out, but I know I was raped. My neo-vagina will not heal completely because of it and leaks because they keep breaking it open. It burns and the raw skin sticks and it is painful to sit down or walk.
They are psychopaths, demonized inside their houses and the moment they leave the house, their brain tells them, “act normal”. This is the absolute truth and I swear by The Sacred Spirit it is.
Isaiah 45.15 Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Savior of Israel.
All I ever did was to love God and His Son and to love people.
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Cult of JHOH Religion, Psychopathic Jack The Rippers.
Read this entire page, whether believe it all or not and you will understand
The Correlation
8,000,000 Missing Children Worldwide Annually
8,000,000 Million Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide
Google Watch Tower Abuse Victim
Then Google Jehovah’s Witnesses Abuse Victim
An endless stream of them, read their stories, especially the rape link.
15/08/2023 REVELATION
The male caucasian with dark tan emerged for the
first time today. He is living across the street
near the bus stop, in the bushes, and has made
himself a little house in the high weeds,
yes across from this Jovian
stronghold and cult of JHOH, Watch Tower and
Jehovah’s Witnesses HQ.
The police were called and the officer was unconcerned,
they know him and say he has a mental problem and
said hello to him and then drove away.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
To The Meshikhi,
Final Bible decode
Ahvah (Hebew Yahvah) Spirit Father
Exodus 3.14 Hebrew Ahyah, Aramaic Aya Spirit Father
Aramaya means Land of Our Spirit Father
Both were right.
If you want, the end of The Bible Game, God’s Name is Y’hayah.
Christ is dead.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart aka Sher to The Meshikhi
The Bible Game
From my Facebook account that proves everything. The account is best reached on the website I built use the wowdowntown button. It might be the only way for you to reach me is to set up your computer as instructed.
You will need to use Google Chrome in Incognito mode Run as Administrator. Here’s how.
I am a woman with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
and Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t believe in it.
It causes Gender Identity issues for which you are expelled from Jehovah’s Witnesses, but they never let you go and control your life. They call it tough love.
They want me to repent for the way I was born,
a little girl from Chatham, Ontario born with a birth defect.
They are The Cult of JHOH Religion and they are all
Here is my resume, when I was born I was named
Daniel Edward McTaggart. In 1964 in a small town
doctors didn’t know about such things and I was
raised as a male. At the age of 52 I finally
understood what was happening to me.
My endocrinologist is Dr. Visram in Ottawa, Canada
and I had my birth defect removed. But the cult
still believes that I am a man.
The photos section of my Facebook page has pictures I took of what happens at night in The General Hospital Psychiatric Ward in Ottawa Canada. Cults call the police to entrap people and then no one ever listens to them again. That’s how it’s done.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Mental Health of Jehovah’s Witnesses I just figured it out. The one holding me was on anti-psychotic medication Abilify just switched to Prozac without telling me. They are psychopaths. It all adds up.
Mental Health of Jehovah’s Witnesses I just figured it out. The one holding me was on anti-psychotic medication Abilify just switched to Prozac without telling me. They are psychopaths. It all adds up.
Leaked Government Report trying to figure out what’s going on.
The function of religion in human society is complex. The part played by religion in psychiatric disorders is even more obscure. Previous literature and theories are divided into two groups: one school believes that intense religiosity is a symptom-complex indicative of psychiatric disorder, while the opposing view is that religious belief in some way acts as a defence mechanism protecting the individual and his psyche.
The present study of 50 Jehovah’s Witnesses admitted to the Mental Health Service facilities of Western Australia suggests that members of this section of the community are more likely to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital than the general population. Furthermore, followers of the sect are three times more likely to be diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia and nearly four times more likely from paranoid schizophrenia than the rest of the population at risk.
These findings suggest that being a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses faith may be a risk factor predisposing to a schizophrenic illness. Further studies would be interesting in investigating whether pre-psychotic people are more likely to join the sect than normal people and what part (if any) membership has in bringing about such a breakdown.
Leaked Government Report trying to find out what’s going on.…/The-Mental-Health-of-Jehovahs……/C3C3B14DA9C1DA3D9A699E2D1F5…
I said, “I’m going to hitchhike to Windsor it’s too dangerous here for me because of the cults”. She said, “Oh, ok”.
She’s not my friend, she’s a psychopath! I belong to Peace Tower Church in Ottawa, Canada on Bronson Ave. I am NOT one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
A Demon Planet, a Demon God, Satanic Bibles put together by The Romans. The game is find all the mysterious clues. The Bible is made up of a collection of ancient texts. One reference was to Gog of Magog. An ancient people called The Magu. They have technology from the morning of Creation and want to keep us ignorant. They have HyperStealth Biotechnology, ninja outfits that render them invisible. All their technology is biotechnology which is why it is superior. I won The Bible Game but I’m paying for it, a 59 year old Christian lady held by a Satanic Cult, The Cult of JHOH (Roman IHOH). In some Roman colonies they replaced the /i/ with a /j/. These are Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses, psychopaths. They are part of the larger Jovian Cult who practice sacrifices like the ancient Isra’Alites, but on humans. The bones of holy people like myself are taken to The Vatican as relics. This is The Truth. The mysterious Gliding Serpent Cult have a god named HU. No one knows about them, yet they have 600,000 links on Google. They are the perfect ones with a perfect life and Satan never touches them. They are The Silent. They never name their god, only hint at it, calling it The HU. That is Eckenkar. My brother-in-law was an Eck-Master. It is a game of cults and everyone without The Sacred Spirit, Ahri, are players in The Bible Game, used by Satan and they do everything unconsciously. It is an asymmetrical war of Evil with Hate against those with Love with Mercy. Anyone who wants to help people with love with mercy like myself are trapped and made homeless or a cult member calls the police and has them locked up for 10 days in a mental ward. After that you are discredited, on the crazy list. No one will listen to you or believe you. Evil has no power, but Satan creates these complex social situations like the one I am in. It is basically hopeless unless I get help. I will either die on the street, raped and homeless or be a sex show, my dead body being used by macabre people. I am a military communications research specialist turned scientist and my life’s work is priceless, and The Jovians want it. I found out too late that who I thought was my friend turned out to be a psychopath, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and that I have be been set up since 2002 when this began, but especially since 2016 when I started realizing something was wrong. They will be a super cult if they get my technology and use it and my death will look natural, no matter what.

No matter what happens between God and Satan, be assured that if you have faith in The Sacrifice of Our Beloved Yeshua and are Love with Mercy, we will be with people who only love, with mercy.
Final Etymology in The Bible Game
Akkadian Cuneiform Ab means “Sea” or “Window”.
Hebrew Av means “Father”.
We are in a holodeck. When I was 10 years old I was always trying to run away and hitchhiking. While walking along the highway talking to God, I was followed by a transparent window over my left shoulder about 3 feet by 3 feet. This is the mystery of Windows and what happened to me. Read the whole page, you don’t have to believe everything, but you must believe the cult information. I swear by The Sacred Spirit it is true. It is on the page titled Stop The Axis of Evil on
Final clues in The Bible Game
The technology I’ve worked on, my life’s work, is priceless. The Jovians want it, The Cult of JHOH wants it, The Axis of Evil wants it and The 4th Reich wants it. It requires Western Culture Government Control.
I have also developed aesthetically perfect Microsoft Windows based on the average color of The Universe from NASA and perfect video over The Internet.
HyperStealth Biotechnology clothing is the same color as The Watch Tower blue city in New York and the color of the two Toyotas located at 3026 Innes Road, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada K1W 1A6 Blackburn Hamlet Orleans, a major Jovian Cult stronghold. Sherilyn McTaggart (nee Sleeman) is a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Cult of JHOH Religion. The cult member downstairs arrived home 22:55pm and made sure I saw the headlights with the two-tone blue pattern reflected on the white garage door. It’s just a game to them, life and death, and they think its funny.
The Magu color frequency and source of the hostile signal that makes people susceptible to Magu and Chinese technology is blue #00DAFF.
In times past they would put their victim down a deep well, like the one at 147 Woods St. in Chatham, Ontario, N7L 3P9, Canada, where I grew up. Now they put them in the sewer. Out front of the cult stronghold at 3026 Innes Road, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada K1W 1A6 Blackburn Hamlet Orleans, there is a blue dot exactly that color painted on the sewer just to let me know.
Chatham means “sealed” in Hebrew, like the well at 147 Woods St. in Chatham, Ontario, Canada N7L 3P9.
It is a Satanic joke about me, Satan thought I was Daffy Duck, failing over and over while Porky Pig got away with the gold. What Satan did not know, I was only studying him and working on x-files and csi and studying ancient religion for 47 years.
Porky Pig was The Tech Giants and The Watch Tower woman who has controlled my life in this cult stronghold. She is Magu all the way.
Wrong Magu, I’m Tiffany Stark

I realized I had to become Iron Woman

Aesthetically Perfect Microsoft Windows

J.A.R.V.I.S. Colors

I am The Author of HyperWeb and The Creator of The Bandwidth Eliminator
0 Volt Emitter with 0 Resistance Field, impregnable security on the grid.

Ultra Violet Radio Waves
First discovered in Microsoft Windows Media player 1996-98 Inasec Data Corporation, Ottawa, Canada
Helen Carter, CEO. I decided I wanted Helen Carter as part of my team because she spoke the language of business and she did an awesome job gathering the top technical companies in the world to look at my research.

Significant: Highlight the block with your mouse, major tech giant sites have the blue pong color

The Azure Signal
The Earth is covered in mostly water which reflects on a clear sky as azure.
English: Azure is a variation of blue that can be characterized as the color of the sky on a clear summer’s day. Its dominant wavelength is about 488 nm on the electromagnetic spectrum. On the RGB colorwheel, “azure” (color #007FFF) is a hue halfway between blue and cyan.
There also bugs in the bedroom and bathroom at this address, impossible, but there they are. I was bitten by one, slow poison but my super i8mmune system keeps killing the poison. The cult member holding me was also bitten not long ago, she will eventually die. Don’t blame me, if you choose not to investigate this ultimate biohazard and entymologists’ worst nightmare. You were warned.
No see’ems in Ottawa, Canada, not Florida, which grow to be visible. Seen and smelled by the 3 year old cat here, in the bedroom. They are airborne.
Fireflies produce a “cold light”, with no infrared or ultraviolet frequencies. The light may be yellow, green, or pale red, with wavelengths from 510 to 670 nanometers. Some species such as the dimly glowing “blue ghost” of the Eastern US may seem to emit blueish-white light from a distance and in low light conditions, but their glow is bright green when observed up close.[17] Their perceived blue tint may be due to the Purkinje effect.[18]
Clear fireflies at this address, extremely rare event and no one responded to me.
488nm if you are ever interested, it may happen again if it warms up this month or maybe next summer. Natural pure light without power.
I hope someone finds this website and is able to understand enough to stop the Azure Signal.
Put a Zoom meeting number into iPhone phone settings instead of phone number.
You will find the signal codename: PONG.
The Bible is full of Satanic undertones, jokes Satan played on our Father. Our Father does not understand pure evil Satanic jokes and we don’t care what evil does or how smart Satan and The Demons think they are. We are Love with Mercy because Our Father is Love with Mercy and so is His Son, Yeshua, The first of God’s Children in Heaven. I have the misfortune after 47 years of studying how Satan and The Demons operate along with the Magu. I’m neither white hat nor black hat in technology, I am grey hat, knowing the extremes of both. Mine is better because I made sure it worked in harmony with the Earth and would not harm people or animals. Such things are pleasing in the eyes of God and I get the blessing for that as well. Quantum is a stop sign in physics and making Quantum Internet worldwide will only result in destruction of people’s perception of reality. We are to understand Quantum Physics but never use them. That is the reality, just as T=1 is the reality. If you are grounded in these realities then nothing is impossible to do.
Final Etymology in The Bible Game
Akkadian Cuneiform Ab means “Sea” or “Window”.
Hebrew Av means “Father”. God’s Ancient Name is Ahvah (Hebrew Yahvah), Avva, Father
The Satanic joke was Yabba Dabba Doo, Yahvah, Avva do
Something was up in Bedrock
Watch Tower and their Satanic game is Star Wars
The Book published by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
Holy Spirit, “The Force” Behind The New Order, a blaspheme that is unprecedented
New World Translation used by Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses Isaiah 40.26 implies that God is energy in contradiction to The Bible
God is Spirit, so saith The Bible, NOT energy
The Theory of Everything is wrong, if it involves God in any way.
See the page titled Becoming Meshikhi for more information about that, it was part of the etymological Sea Monster mentioned in The Bible
God creates using the invisible infinite energy field around Him using His Great Power and Strength
Scott Toevs, an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses told me that I was “The Chosen One” and apparently has Presidential Clearance for Area 51
I understood the problem when more and more people were reporting their religion as “Jedi” on The U.S. Census.
Their entire secret language may be decoded by careful examination of their sign language videos by sign language experts with the video at half speed or less. Look for subtle movements of the fingers. It was in a book I read long ago, a character named “Silk” and so I named it that. You will be able to sit in a restaurant behind them and listen to them and understand the entire secret conversation. But they know I am aware of it, so live recordings of conventions and meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses is probably the way to enlightenment.
I was mistaken as Watch Tower, I was only an observer and had top level clearance all the way up to “Discrete”. I know the whole set up.
People need to know.
06:32a.m. 13/08/2023
Listen carefully to every word of this song I wrote a long time ago. The First Illuminati.
Further info
Recording made with iPhone 6S Plus voice memo recorder, the high ambience signal is suspected to be Ultra High Frequency (UHF). The clicking noise is unidentified and not within the normal hearing range of humans. Something is also triggering the motion detection light.
Recorded in silence at 5am outside 3026 Innes Road, Gloucester, Ontario K1W 1A6 Blackburn Hamlet Orleans.
High ambience noise and clicking.
Best heard 3 a.m. no city noise.
Sent to Canadian Security Establishment (CSE) for analysis.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Moses sees a burning bush but the bush is not being consumed, in a holodeck.
Previously written: Crazy Talk
Nobody knew, not even God. Read The Jehovah Demon
According to Medical Pseudo-Science:
Hearing a high-pitched sound can be due to many different factors, including123:
- Loud noise exposure
- Hearing loss
- Medications
- Acoustic neuroma, which can cause continuous, high-pitched ringing in one ear
- Tinnitus, a condition that results in the sensation of noise or ringing in the ears, and it may be caused by exposure to loud noises or age-related hearing loss.
I had the best hearing of anyone in my particular occupation.
Satan’s joke: Chinky Chinky Chinese Chicken, have a drumstick and your brain starts clickin’.
I am a woman. Love with Mercy and nurturing. God is 100% singular masculine, so is His Son, so are he 144,000 idiots. I can’t stand hearing The Children on this world screaming anymore.
No one touches my little ones anymore.
Read this whole page. If you don’t read it all you are a Satanic asshole.
I must destroy the world out of mercy if it doesn’t stop, this asymmetrical war of Evil with Hate against Love with Mercy. And The Sacred Spirit will make us a place, those with Love with Mercy only.
Isayah 40.22 (Isaiah 40.22) He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.
I’ve never heard a grasshopper scream either O God, you stupid man.
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS, microwave syndrome) – Review of mechanisms
The Government knows. This is a Government link.
My Bandwidth Eliminator Communications Technology and 0 Volt Emitter with 0 Resistance field threaten those who do big energy and big power. I want no sinewaves at all and no energy through the air at all. And all lines must be buried. They are able to bear the torture of others.
I am not and Ahri, The Sacred Spirit is not able to bear it anymore.
Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred is The Sacred Spirit, Ahri
According to Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
Given to The Meshikhi who are love with Mercy all the time and no matter what happens to us.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred
Love without mercy is bordering on evil and has the same result. Cursed be those who approve of the suffering of another and can bear it
Love without Mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver and makes them happy
Love without Mercy does not consider the feelings of another
Christ suffered once for all time
Christians are not required to suffer
So saith Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
The Meshikhi are The Children of Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
Tiffany, Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
Everything past this point is only historic.
Final report to Ahri, The Sacred Spirit, always Love with Mercy.
by Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred is The Sacred Spirit, Ahri
Ahri, The Sacred Spirit is “My” Father.
The Sacred Spirit is life itself and is my advocate.
The Sacred Spirit is called “The Spirit of The Truth” in The Bible.
I am the most feminine woman on Earth and the most innocent.
When you need help, say “Help me Ahri, Help me Sacred Spirit”.
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”
/ri/ from ridi which means “With laughter”
Love with Mercy is more powerful than God, more powerful than infinite power and strength in absolute parallel.
No one touches my Father’s sleeveless coat of purest light, with gold embroidered gorgeously.
Ahri is Life Himself and life is beautiful.
ahri not hari
/ah/ is from ruah, which means spirit. /ri/ is from ridi, which means “with laughter”.
Noted: The golden statues at the Rua Yai City Pillar Shrine in Suphan Buri, Thailand

Note: NOT HRI Krishna
Note: NOT HRI Rama
Note: NOT HRI Kari
Note: NOT The Royal HRI
In other words, NOT Buddhist.
Meshikhi say “Big Hari deal” to Buddhism.
Ancient Hebrew Phonics
/ah/ not /aw/
/ahl/ not /awl/
/wah/ not waw/
/ay/ sounds like long /i/, the homonym is the word “eye”
Hebrew ayin /a/ pronounced /ah/ Ye’sh’wah
Galilean Aramaic Accent ayin /a/ pronounced /uh/ Ye’sh’wuh
Message to Jehovah The Demon God

Nobody wants you asshole, no one who has love with mercy wants you at all Jehovah, or anyone like you. Thou art The Lord of The Flies you little shit, and your demon friends are The Flies, it’s no surprise that there are maggots with you, who are like flies on shit.
Iove looks like the word love, begins with an /i/
Excerpts from The Roman Religion II page
Critical to understanding that Jove is related to Jupiter is Jovian Theology and The Iguvine Tablets.
If we check a pronunciation chart of classical Latin in a book called Vox Latina, which is one of the most respected and authoritative books on the pronunciation of classical Latin, this is what we find:
The “i” is pronounced as a double “EE” sound as in the word sheep.
The “o” is pronounced as a “AH” sound as in the word father.
The “v” is pronounced as a “W” as in the word w-hale.
The “e” is pronounced as “EH” as in the word pet.
If we put the sounds together EE + AH + W + EH it pronounces YaHWeH. The EE sound + AH sound = iYaH and W + EH = Weh. Put the two sounds together and it pronounces eeYaHWeH spelled iove in classical Latin.
How The Roman god IHOH became JHOH and then JHO(va)H
Note the Roman influence
The j sound in English is an example of a palatal consonant, while the y sound in English (akin to the j sound in many other languages) is an example of a palatal approximant.
In the former case (palatal consonant), the tongue is raised and flattened to touch the palate while in the latter case (palatal approximant) it does not touch the palate completely, allowing air to flow between the palate and the tongue.
While the modern Latin script has the letter j, Latin itself did not use j to start with and did not have a well-defined palatal consonant sound. Words like Iapheth, Iesus, Ieremiah, etc. were meant to be pronounced starting with a palatal approximant. In due course, due to natural phonological evolution, they began to be pronounced with a palatal consonant in certain Roman colonies. This gave rise to the need for distinction between the two sounds in writing. The letter j, which was really special cursive form of i became the symbol for this distinct new sound.
The voiced palatal approximant is a type of consonant used in many spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨j⟩. The equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is j
, and in the Americanist phonetic notation it is ⟨y⟩.
The Roman god IHOH and Kabbalism
You may read about IHOH here, and also here but use discernment, both The Roman IHOH and HU of Eckenkar (The Gliding Serpent Cult) are mentioned.
People of Earth are caught in an asymmetrical war of Evil with Hate against Love with Mercy.
Heaven is Love without Mercy, bordering on evil.
And they approve of suffering.
I was the meat in a diametric sandwich between Love without Mercy from Heaven and Evil with Hate on the asymmetrical Hell on Earth.
Their God is a child God who does not even understand the Law of Life fully.
The First created one of that one, has no mercy due to His torture and death and suffering for one day, yet He expects everyone who would follow Him to suffer until death whatever amount of years their life is.
The entire thing is outrageous, here is the smoking gun.
In the year 1914 God offloaded all of the pure evil invisible spirit men in Heaven onto His Children on Earth who did not have The Name of God to protect them or so they could ask for Mercy like the ancient Isral’ites had. No one touched The Isral’ites. After 25 years of Biblical Research I have found the actual Name of God, Yahvah, which is pronounced Ahvah. This has resulted in untold suffering of people since the death of Christ not having The Name of their God as protection, guaranteeing suffering.
Genuine Christians must live in abject poverty and experience a no-win scenario, no matter how
industrious or how ingenius they are.
Proof is my system built in captivity by The Cult of JHOH Religion
on an old computer in the back room that the cult member only uses once a year for doing taxes online.
I cannot be accused of leveraging the Government system for those with disabilities.
During the last ice storm of the season, I had a severe fall down the steps which were covered in ice, crushing my right arm, it was immobile for six weeks. It also affected my spine, I cannot even get dressed without experiencing pain.
Confronted with these facts, there was no act of attrition by Heaven or anyone on Earth.
The beautiful Sacred Spirit, Ahri, and myself are the two witnesses required in their Bible, and I submit my life of 59 years as evidence.
Heaven insists on repellent Christianity which can in no way save as many people as attractive Christianity.
They have used backward reasoning, allowing evil to be rewarded while good is punished. The Children here have no sense of right and wrong because of it, and Heaven blames “them”.
People can not make a reasoned choice to choose life based on The Sacrifice of Yeshua, The First of God’s Children in Heaven because they are living in a holodeck which those with Evil with Hate control.
People experience being dissected by virtual aliens repeatedly in a virtual reality experience with haptic response capability and many such things.
Life is an unreality for those with Love with Mercy.
Earth is unsuitable for those with Love with Mercy as The Creator of this world
does not understand even the most basic principle of The Law of Life.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
Heaven is accused of Love without Mercy like that of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses. And perhaps this is not coincidental. It is possible that God has been hiding behind the Satanic name Jehovah, not knowing his little darling are psychopaths, because He dignifies people with privacy and does not watch them in their homes.
Satan knew this fact of life, even at The Garden of Eden, the scene of the crime.
Isaiah 45.15 Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Savior of Israel.
Where do people learn their behaviors? In the crib kept in the bedroom, with the woman on top of the man, screaming, Oh God! Oh God! I’m coming! I’m coming! The beginning of Canaanite spirituality in an innocent child.
I understood this because my mother and father divorced when I was two years old. I have a habit of playing with my fingernails. I met my father later in life and as I sat across the table from him, I noticed him playing with his fingernails, exactly like I do.
All I ever did was to love God and His Son and to love people.
Here is the final and absolute answer about The Name of God, I was trying to be nice about it.
Early Meshikhi Research which has come to fruition.
To The Last Meshikhi, The Last Christians and those arriving from weonlylove. Something went wrong.
Full update
The Roman Religion has a strangle hold on Government. Review all Roman Religion pages again. And be ready for anything. Do not be entrapped by Watch Tower, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Kabbalistic Judaism or Eckenkar. Friends and family comprise The Jovian Cult, not mentioned in The Bible. See the Roman Religion II page and The Roman Yahweh page.
Matthew 10.16 “Remember it is I who am sending you out, as sheep into the midst of wolves; prove yourselves as sagacious as serpents, and as innocent as doves.
Google it and apply every meaning.
The Real Meshikhi know who they are. Read this entire page and the instructions at the bottom of
We are love with mercy but we are not stupid.
Never speak a word against The Government is what we do, the historic sites are proof.
With love,
Because it was a complicated situation and to avoid confusion, I completed everything on
You will find the absolute answer to everything there.
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart aka Sher to The Meshikhi
In the year 1914 God offloaded all of the pure evil invisible spirit men in Heaven onto His Children on Earth who did not have The Name of God to protect them or so they could ask for Mercy like the ancient Isral’ites had. No one touched The Isral’ites. After 25 years of Biblical Research I have found the actual Name of God, Y’hayah. Keep reading this entire page and don’t stop. God is not in your mouth, keep your mouth closed while reading. God guaranteed people would suffer who are real Christians with love with mercy by not giving them His Name for protection, since the death of Christ. And He’s planning a great slaughter or extermination. Look that up in The Bible. So don’t wait for The God of Isra’Al to save you, Heaven won’t lift a finger. Christ and The 144,000 want you to suffer like them so that you will become love without mercy like them, and approve of the suffering of others.
Satan said to the demon, “You be God and I’ll be the demon”.
And his new one, “I’m Ahri”.
You don’t love me back because I’m not perfect like The Christ, you want Bob Dylan, who’s really just Bob Zimmerman, middle class and perfect. Must have been nice, a perfect life, except for 1 day. I came up the hard way. I wouldn’t want His life. I have love with mercy for people all the time, not just one day. And I never approve of the suffering of another person because I have empathy for them, they’re just like me.
Conversation: Yeshua and his dad
“Dad, Satan’s making me trouble, can I stay with you and mom tonight? Of course son, you’re always welcome. I’ll have your mom make you something to eat.
I’ve only been raped 3 times. I can’t wait to qualify as a Christian who suffers. But I won’t hold my breath waiting for help from The Holy One of Isra’Al or His Son.
I beat Heaven, Satan and The Demons and The Holodeck. I beat the no-win scenario, now you can too. Heaven is not judging anyone until I am satisfied that they had a fair chance at life.
Tiffany, Daughter and Prophetess of Ahri, The Sacred Spirit.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back. Not to love them back is unnatural. Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
09/08/2023 I have just instructed God in a basic principle of Lalu.
A life is more important than a book. My very life is threatened by the psychopathic Cult of JHOH religion.
And not even Heaven will lift a finger to help me.
Satan has told me through one of the cult members I won’t get help for two more more years. Only God can foresee or foreknow. Satan has help in Heaven. Someone in Heaven is working with him.
Therefore your Bible timing means shit to me, O God.
Somewhere in one of the books published by these psychopaths, is THE INSANE THEORY that the Earth was originally a greenhouse, with water coming up from the ground.
The Earth was created with the perfect amount of cloud cover.
No, creating more cloud cover will not create a Paradise, it will threaten all life on Earth. So much so…
Matthew 24.22 “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.
The water cycle is how the Earth works, it is described in The Bible.
Warm air experiments in The Western Arctic are affecting Wisconsin.
There was frost overnight in July here in Ottawa, Canada. July is historically the hottest month, you psychopaths with Satan.

Bitumen roads, bitumen roofs, warm wires.
That is what North American cities are made of.
There is no airflow close to the house, so
air conditioning is used. And hot air is
trapped in the attic, to heat up the bitumen also.
In Inuvik N.W.T. in Canada there is a road from the town to the airport made with cement that does not buckle or crack because of thermafrost. The initial cost is expensive but there is no maintenance cost afterwards.
a black viscous mixture of hydrocarbons obtained naturally or as a residue from petroleum distillation. It is used for road surfacing and roofing.
What Is Bitumen?
The term bitumen refers to a substance produced through the distillation of crude oil. Bitumen is known for its waterproofing and adhesive properties and is commonly used in the construction industry, notably for roads and highways. Production occurs through distillation, which removes lighter crude oil components like gasoline and diesel, leaving the heavier bitumen behind. Deposits can also occur naturally at the bottom of ancient lakes, where prehistoric organisms have decayed and been subjected to heat and pressure.
Solution: cement roads and a whole house fan on the second floor. Cool air in drawn in through the windows, and hot air is pushed out through the attic vents. I created one using an old $15 fan from Walmart. the only problem, because of constant resistance (which I have solved) the wire burned and it no longer worked.
North American cities are heat radiators and that’s the truth.
In Germany the roofs are made of clay tiles and last forever and are not hot.
And any respectable German mechanic would be disgusted. Engines that run extra hot because they are never shampoo’d.
Yes, Europe, Earth is The City and The United States of America is, “Hot child in The City”.
The child is wonderful and idealistic but like all children, they are naive. They believe they are doing Star Trek things and believe in The United States of Russia, while VladiMIR Putin is planning to be Hitler in Space.
The Reality, A Czar with 4 Traditional State Religions is what you are looking at. History repeating itself. 1914 is 2022.

Welcome to Jericho. The child wants to be friends with Hitler and is creating Mars.
To learn more about this child, use the search on this website using the keyword phrase: Dry vagina
Enteric coatings on medications introduce polymers into the human body and medications violate the brain/blood barrier.
They suffer from an inumerable amount of mystery illnesses.
The lifestyle is such that people do not eat breakfast, they suffer from chronic low blood sugar which is diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome, tiredness that feels like death is imminent. I learned this because I am a cult prisoner.
North American cities are the problem, the cities of Nimrod.
I understood something was up, U.S. Government messaging to The Vatican tipped me off. Quantum physics are a clear stop sign in science. Put the Earth under a microscope, a Hubble equipped low Earth orbiter with x-ray capability and use completely color blind operators to see the reality if you want to. That is permissible.
Emergency: Police.UK Terrorism Report ATH-2815-23-15000-000
This is a spiritual website but read the page anyway. Critical National and International Security Emergency involving terrorism.
I posted this Warning on The White House
Facebook page. Please send it to via the Contact form.
Terrorist are using Hyperstealth technology from Canada. They will kill everyone in The Oval Office and send a message to the media saying “Ha Ha we got you” if you do not read my website right now.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
This is not a joke. I am military. Ask a Vietnam Vet, When Charlie’s got a gun to your head, you don’t think, you just do.
Therefore all eyes on Libya. Libya is the Terrorist Incubator, Iran is doing the incubating with their “Voice of God” Radio Frequency (RF) Technology.
Global 9/11 involves Axis of Evil civilian aircraft and the same technology that was used to down The United States of America Stealth Drone will be used to down Western Culture civilian aircraft on autopilot. Intermediate Landing System (ILS) must not be used for now, Precision Approach Radar (PAR) only and maintain visual contact as much as possible for landing. No consumer electronics in aircraft washrooms at all, the same technology used for Internet over the wiring in your home has enabled terrorists to hack the grid and disrupt any electrical system. Critical components on aircraft must have their control panels coated with copper tempest shielding paint.
I require emergency medical assistance and world class security and I am asking The United Nations for help.
I was tipped off in 1998 while doing Internet Research.
Blueline Taxi cabs with sophisticated Gandalf Communications
in a taxi cab with Middle Eastern speaking driver.
I have 15 years of Military Communications Research Experience
Military Occupation Code 291
They know the schedule of every bus, train and flight.
The attack will come from Canada.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Canadian Decoration and NATO Clasp
I am the Author of Hyperweb and no one else. I also have the Hyperweb Server with hyper-recursion as proof. I want all Government Computers and Servers secured with The 0 Volt Emitter which is unhackable and with Hyperweb. I am working along with and on my Hyperweb Initiative. suggestion confirmation URL
Information to secure computers and servers are at
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Setting up Hyperweb on a Windows Computer
Requires The Tor Browser, for now.

Setting up The 0 Volt Emitter

This is a National and International Security Emergency, Government Personnel may be compromised in their offices and in their homes.
The Tiger – China’s Infrasound Weapon Confirmed By Scientists, that causes mental breakdown and unreality in Western Culture, Slow Torture
all eyes on Libya. Libya is the Terrorist Incubator, Iran is doing the incubating with their “Voice of God” Radio Frequency (RF) Technology.
The Axis of Evil Weapon of Choice, Heavy RF that hit Joe Biden (during his speech) and me
Wi-Fi sends data via electromagnetic radiation, a type of energy. The radiation creates areas called electromagnetic fields (EMFs).

I have discovered how to do power at 0 Volts but it requires Western Culture Government Control. China, Russia and The Middle East all want to effect religio-political change in Western Culture. Vladimir Putin is a Communist but is an opportunist who will cooperate with anyone until he achieves his goal of world domination as a Czar, with the 4 traditional State Religions only.

They all attack using Radio Frequency Communications. It is known science that magnets placed behind the ears change mood. Electrical impulses to magnets inside EarPods create a low power electromagnet.
Communications above ground act as a resonator with tuning fork principle. Satellite signals at 40megabaud+ are used for this purpose by Russia, China and Iran, resonating off of the lines. Lines must be buried to be safe to people and animals.
Infrasound, the same that is used in Church organs to cause people to have religious feelings is also what is happening. The bigger the Church organ, the more intense the religious experience. World leaders are affected for this reason as they attend Churches like Westminster. Low frequency sounds like that of a tigers roar are a weapon. Interestingly, China has a tiger god.
Megabaud Hertz
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS, microwave syndrome) – Review of mechanisms [PDF]
CIA Submission Reference ID: MELFLDKN
For more information see the page Technology for The New Reality
Evil men create Satan and the demons using photons for light, chemical reactions and the portion of the Electromagnetic spectrum known as “radio” to make people hear voices. The technology is now capable of virtual reality with haptic response. People “feel” being dissected by aliens in a VR Experience. Chemicals in foods cause dry esophagus, dry colon and dry vagina. Chemicals that sit in phlegm in the asophagus are the cause of esophageal cancer.
Rapid Ascent and Descent on aircraft used as a cost saving method, can cause batteries to in EarPods to explode due to pressurization in the cabin.
I have 15 Years of Military Communications Experience, 25 years of Biblical Research experience and Specialize in analyzing evil behavior in people caused by religion and cults.
Watch Tower are a part of The Synagogue of Satan Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9. They are causing untold suffering to people with that cursed thing they call a Bible that they use. They are NOT intelligent. They only rehearse their lines to perfection and practice their brand of love without mercy. They are feral with large frontal lobes when they are with Satan, and many of them are trained “FROM THE WOMB”.
A new day has dawned for The Children of Abraham.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11

Tiffany Fernihalgh

Message for The Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Tiffany di Bernardone d’As “Sisi” Fernihalgh

I have chosen the name Tiffany di Bernardone d’As “Sisi”, Duchess as Elizabeth of Austria, nicknamed “Sisi” because I believe from etymology that sacred spirit sided with her. She was captive from the young age of 15, I have been a target my entire life but have resources Elisabeth never had, to help me. There are no past lives (Ecc 9.5,10) but I feel a real connection with her and with St. Francis, wanting to help people.
The name of St. Francis, San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me.
Fernyhalgh, Lancashire Ladyewell is attached to St. Mary’s RC Church, Fernyhalgh
St. Francis of Assisi
Alternate titles: Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone, Poverello, San Francesco d’Assisi
Click to access 44d2c2268ae398579ebb3a1bf91548cfcaa0.pdf
Nobility serves others
I am “The Daughter” of Psalms 45.9,10,11 Only those loyal to Christ listen to me. Sacred Spirit, which has the name Ahri, has sided with me in all things. Nothing is as powerful as Ahri. My name is to be Tiffany Tracy di Bernardone d’As Sisi (Duchess as Sisi), Duchess of Normandy, Sacred Spirit sided with Elisabeth of Austria who had the nickname “Sisi”, who was captive from the young age of 15 and became Empress.
The name of St. Francis, San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me.
Do you know history? From where do you herald? I herald from Normandy. That is my heraldry. Although the images were lost, the text survived and my detailed lineage.
Bible Game Over
There are at least 23 Satanic Bibles influenced by The Roman Religion that incorporated Christianity.
Revelation 06/08/2023
Diacritics were added to Hebrew and Aramaic to obfuscate The Name of God and Christ and to hide the name of Satan, Hillel.

I am myopic and miscounted the points on the flag of Isra’Al, I thought it might be a problem
The answer is Fernihalgh, a location in Northern Normandy. deFernihalgh means “of Fernihalgh”. It is French, it denotes nobility. I am not just “of Fernihalgh”. I “am” Fernihalgh. I am Royalty, not just Nobility.
And my Mother, Winnifred Florence Fernihalgh. She would have been the best Queen Britannia ever had. She was a Woman of God and of Faith.
My Grandmother was Ukrainian. Windsor is rightfully mine.
I am Queen of Britannia, Charles III is King of England.
Summer Fernihalgh
Summer, Queen of Britannia VCRNAI
Summer, Duchess of Normandy
Summer, Princess of Lancashire
House of Windsor
My Cousin is Princess Diana, she was love with mercy. She only loved people.
My legal name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Pronunciation Guide
Ye’sh’ua and Isra’Al are one.
/ua/ pronounced /wah/” in Hebrew, /wuh/ in Galilean Aramaic.
The name of The Christ is Yshwah in Hebrew. Yeshwah (Ye’-sh’-wah), in Galilean Aramaic it is Yeshwuh. The mysterious letter ayin is /a/ in Hebrew phonetic ah, /u/ in Aramaic phonetic uh.
Yesha in the absolute state means “salvation”.
Reverse Transliterating The Name Jesus (Ιεσυς)
The waw can sound like a /w/ or a /v/. Yeshwah, the /w/ is a voiced bilabial.
It is scriptural. “Kiss The Son”. The upper and lower lips form the voiced bilabial.
Only Yeshua in Heaven, The First of God’s Children in Heaven, is Lord.
We are Meshikhi Yehodym. Meshikhi Yehudi are apostates who have adopted The Nicene Creed.
Choose your God, O Yerushalom.
Are you flowing with peace?
Yisra’Al (Israal) means “Righteous God”, referring to Our Father in Heaven
Yisra’El (Israel) means “Righteous El”, Supreme god of The Canaanites, an oxymoron
You see the problem.
ישראל Isra’Al meaning: Righteous God, the Hebrew diacritic system is Kabbalistic.
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11. I have 25 years of Biblical Research Experience and 15 years of Military Communications Research Experience. The Hebrew diacritic system is Kabbalistic and hid the name of Satan, Hillel. “Oh how you have fallen, Hillel, Son of the morning”. The morning is the morning of Creation. Kabbalism involves Jewish Mysticism, magic and the occult, or a feeling that involves guessing. Meshikhi do not guess, we use etymology to uncover root words, prefixes and suffixes to solve things pertaining to The Bible. Without diacritics, The Bible comes to life and is beautiful to understand.
I just told Father, I am going to use The Stone of David, because God has said in The Bible, “I will kill The Sea Monster that is in the sea”. It is an etymological Sea Monster.
The j sound in English is an example of a palatal consonant, while the y sound in English (akin to the j sound in many other languages) is an example of a palatal approximant.
In the former case (palatal consonant), the tongue is raised and flattened to touch the palate while in the latter case (palatal approximant) it does not touch the palate completely, allowing air to flow between the palate and the tongue.
While the modern Latin script has the letter j, Latin itself did not use j to start with and did not have a well-defined palatal consonant sound. Words like Iapheth, Iesus, Ieremiah, etc. were meant to be pronounced starting with a palatal approximant. In due course, due to natural phonological evolution, they began to be pronounced with a palatal consonant in certain Roman colonies. This gave rise to the need for distinction between the two sounds in writing. The letter j, which was really special cursive form of i became the symbol for this distinct new sound.
The voiced palatal approximant is a type of consonant used in many spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨j⟩. The equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is j, and in the Americanist phonetic notation it is ⟨y⟩.
This means that when translating Hebrew to English the yodh as a consonant is always a /y/ not a /j/.
The yohd, as a vowel, can have the /ee/ sound represented by an /i/. Example: Psalms 22.1 Aly, Aly without diacritics is Ali, Ali.
I got tired of Satan’s endless nattering and boasting. I must have told him a million times to shut up. That shut him up. TCO, Taken care of. (That’s how I used to sign my military reports).
“One shot” Sher

I killed JehovahYahwehJesus.
With love,
P.S. Satan and his damn window. Here’s the color information.
Microsoft Windows Dissected

Microsoft is anti-Google Chrome
Look at this warning I have to put up on my site.
I developed my system for Google Chrome.
If you get a website error while using Google Chrome Web Browser, simply close and reopen the browser. The problem is the Microsoft Text Input Application (DDOS Attack Generator) and Edge Launcher which causes AppLock to be suspended. Windows will no longer release memory, for example, to watch a full movie.
Ctrl-Alt-Del, Choose Task Manager, End Task on Microsoft Text Input Application and copies of Microsoft Edge Browser then close and reopen Google Chrome.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
The Demon God Jehovah and The Cult of JHOH (Cabala IHOH, the Roman God) aka Jehovah’s Witnesses have used me as their whore. Bob Toevs, an Elder, wearing a long fur coat and a hat with a feather in it, inside the double doors of The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses said I would be in and out of insane asylums. His only words were, “in and out of insane asylums”. The meaning is now clear (the pimp outfit). They injected me each time I arrived at a hospital mental ward and when I woke up they would ask me if I knew what day it was. I don’t know how long I was out, but I know I was raped. My neo-vagina will not heal completely because of it and leaks because they keep breaking it open. It burns and the raw skin sticks and it is painful to sit down or walk.
They are psychopaths, demonized inside their houses and the moment they leave the house, their brain tells them, “act normal”. This is the absolute truth and I swear by The Sacred Spirit it is.
Isaiah 45.15 Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Savior of Israel.
All I ever did was to love God and His Son and to love people.
I am Lalu and I am love with mercy. Love with Mercy is all the time, not just once.
Love without Mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver and makes them happy.
Do not be desiring Heaven little ones or to be like them. Be Love with Mercy all the time.
They approve of suffering, it is unnatural to approve of the suffering of others.
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite of Evil with Hate and Love with Mercy is naturally opposed to Evil with Hate. Love with Mercy and Evil with hate are as far apart as the sunrise and the sunset, they never meet, there is no agreement between the two, there is no neutral exchange and there is no middle ground.
Never forget the love and mercy of Yeshwah. He showed us The Way.
Have love with mercy for everybody until they feel better. That is ahabah, outward love.
Do not be cerebral. Always speak love with mercy, don’t just think it, especially when talking to Our Father in Heaven. When you speak it, you feel it in your heart and soul. Hanna’s lips were moving when she poured out her soul to God. Do this even with your soul using your name and your soul will be a beautiful soul and make sure and tell your soul that it is beautiful when it moves you to do the right thing. Ahri is beautiful and wonderful. Talk to Father and Ahri, the comforter and the spirit of the truth, will help you, my beloved little ones.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart brain containing 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. The interaction between them is the soul. You feel it in your upper body to the right of your heart. It’s what makes us a person. The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind and does not touch the body. It actuates our mind. Filled with The Sacred Spirit means “supplied with a full complement”, the Merriam Webster definition of filled. You receive The Sacred Spirit once and it is with you forever.
John 14.16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
The name of The Sacred Spirit is Ahri. /ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”, /ri/ from ridi which means “with laughter”.
The sacred spirit is not the aweful word ruach, it is not wind. God’s spirit can move the wind, but His spirit is not wind. The Hebrew diacritic system hid the name of Satan, Hillel, and also put a cursed patach on the beautiful world ruah which means “spirit”.
Demon Planet Alternate Reality, otherwise known as “my life”.
Problem solved: In Father’s reality, there is no CSI. He has never watched CSI. 31/07/2023 ~Tiffany
The Law of Life according to The Sacred Spirit. Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
Help us Ahri. Help us Sacred Spirit. The Sacred Spirit only has one source, God, according to The Bible.
Sophisticated technology is being used by China and The Axis of Evil coined by George Walker Bush.
Wikipedia: Human Flesh Search Engine. The speech center in your brain is being hacked and you are having virtual experiences with haptic response. Haptic means you feel what is happening as if it were real.
Final Analysis of Religio-Political Warfare being carried out against Western Culture
60Hz TV in you’re head – Satanic dreams and images
Top Down
Scientists detected low frequency signatures in the atmosphere confirming The Tiger, China’s infrasound weapon. Creates fear and unrest in the population. The same low frequency of a Tiger’s roar. Infrasound is used in Church organs. The bigger the Church organ the more a person experiences religious feelings. World leaders who have attended the biggest Churches have been instilled with an unnatural fear of the Priests.
Bell Network in Ottawa, Canada is a resonator with tuning fork principle
600µV Apple wired headphones
China and The Axis of Evil long term goals are Chinese Socialism and The Buddhist Religion.
All eyes on Libya. Libya is The Incubator, Iran is the incubator using “Voice of God” technology.
Everything is Electromagnetic Spectrum based to produce Satan and The Demons. Photons to produce images and video, chemical reactions and the portion of the EM Spectrum known as “Radio” to haunt people and make them hear voices.
Web Caching Worldwide is being hacked, people are seeing horrific images of themselves on Apple iPhone camera and video. The technology uses the same type of software found at to masculinize females and feminize males.
The technology is also being used in mirrors with a conductive backing.
Solution found for The Software Proxy Caching Controller Problem was to use Google Chrome Web Browser in Developer Mode.
George W. Bush knew the truth and wasn’t afraid
It is a silent war. In The East they call their Religio-Political Strategy “Walk Slow”. They don’t care how long it takes. They want to dominate the world with Chinese Socialism and Buddhism and wipe out Christianity. Socialism is in contradiction to Micah 4.4 in The Bible and will not prevail.
The Christ is opposition to Socialism Worldwide.
You lose, Dragon.
Matthew 27.46 in Greek is Lamba , Lamba Sabaqthani. Lamp, lamp, you are my destiny. As The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11, I am the lamp.
It is impossible for Ishouh Christ to contradict those words and I am The Promised One of Ishouh.
And I know how He feels about Micah 4.4 and about me. It is impossible for Him to desire anyone but me because I was created for Him only.
Ishouh is my dream
21 Bibles including Textus Receptus have a small /l/
Sarah called Abraham lord in her heart. I know the feeling.
I felt the same about Ishouh.
Father’s little yohd’s, Sarah and Sher’al
Targum Onkelos
Genesis 1.1 yy
Father’s signature
Then I translated Matthew 27.46 and my life turned into a nightmare, a living hell.
Lamba Lamba sabachthani
Lamp! Lamp! You are my Destiny. I am The Lamp~Sher’al
With every spark of love burned away, eternal love always returns
No one could ever understand that unless they had Eternal Love for Ishouh.
Eternal love always come back
When I’m busy it’s not so bad
Translated using Microsoft Bing
Ishouh is written all over my heart
Everything I’ve ever comprehended about Him is in my soul
We are always together
See the subtitle Armageddon Math on this page.
~The Lioness of Yudah

And I am being held in a Cult of JHOH stronghold. The Watch Tower communist farm in New York is also in contradiction to Micah 4.4, therefore The Christ is also opposed to them. MIcah 4.4 says, Each one under “his own vine” and under “his own fig tree”. Not in a commune.
The Meshikhi Faith presents… Ratatouille, a case of Rattie in The Hatti
Rattie in The Hatti Law
God spoke to humans 3 times in The Bible only. God is not in your mouth. The scripture that says the word is in your mouth is talking about the word of salvation in the adjoining scripture.
Satan said to The Demon, “You be God and I’ll be The Demon”
New: Satan said, “I got rid of The Demon, I’m God”.
Do not listen to the narrator.
Do not listen to the excited voice.
Neither God nor Ishouh Christ, nor The Sacred Angels nor The Sacred Spirit will use profanity or sexual language.
Law enforcement will wear the product “Miracle Ear”, to catch people breaking the Rattie in The Hatti Law.
Read this entire page, whether believe it all or not and you will understand
The Correlation
8,000,000 Missing Children Worldwide Annually
8,000,000 Million Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide
Google Watch Tower Abuse Victim
Then Google Jehovah’s Witnesses Abuse Victim
An endless stream of them, read their stories.
The Mystery of Jehovah’s Witnesses
The Mystery of Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Cult of JHOH and The Jovian Cult, their friends and family.
Cabala, The Roman god IHOH.
In some Roman colonies they started using an /I/ instead of a /J/. Hence JHOH.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are practicing Kabbalism and do things unconsciously.
Absolute video proof.
The footnote system of The New World Translation (NWT) used by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses proves that Jehovah is Jesus, anathema to their beliefs.
The Jovian Cult practice sacrifices like those of Ancient Isra’Al (Israel).
El is The Supreme god of The Canaanites
Isra’Al means Righteous God
Isra’El means Righteous El, an oxymoron
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
How Jehovah, The Demon God and all The Demons answer prayer
- Lip reading and lip reading by Satellite
- Google Brain Reading Technology
- Whisper device that can hear a whisper a mile away
- Asking others to pray for you
All The Demons coordinate to answer prayers and attack people who have love with mercy
Gamie Ovary, Watch Tower.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Tiffany, not Timothy.
If you would like to argue further, I’ll see you in court, but I must warn you, my advocate is THE SACRED SPIRIT itself.
He will condemn you and accuse you and cross examine you until you say, “Blessed is she, who comes in The Name of Y’hayah.
This is where you are being tested. Read that statement until your mind is clean.
You have called The Cross of Ishouh Christ at Calvary, a phallic symbol. What looks more like a phallic symbol Watch Tower, a cross or a pole?
You have a sacred pole Watch Tower and you have displayed Our Lord upon it.
One image on JW.ORG was so graphic and horrific I prayed that God make you take it down, and you did. It was a Satanic photo op at The Worst possible moment of The Christ’s suffering.
Josephus 36 A.D. says it was “a cross”.
Beth Mardutha, The Syriac Institute translates the word as “cross”.
Before you answer, know that Ishouh Christ in Heaven helped them prepare the database in advance.
And I believe He knows it was “A Cross”.
The New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures (NWT) that you use publicly, has The Cross removed from it and replaced with the word ”stake”. Do you know what’s at stake? Your life, that’s what.
Also read “that” statement until your mind is clean.
And that screen reader Satan gave you to watch me make The Bible will not benefit you. You know, the “spiritual” one, the uncanny one. What COLOR is the cover of The Watch Tower CD-Rom at this time? You will not “pull the book on me” with Satan.
Funny how you use The American spelling of the word “color” in Canada. It’s “colour” in Canada.
No Watch Tower, American Corporate English is not the future.
People will learn the one set of words instantly and naturally. Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic are beautiful, musical and flowing, not guttural, and has no diacritics.
Here’s a sample, The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic by India Jiva. Oh, but you will have to accept that they love God and His Son too, not just you.
And you will have to accept that I do too.
God is love and God is Mercy. You understood the former but not the ladder.
You cannot get to Heaven without Jacob’s Ladder.
Maybe The Ladder Day Saints have The Answer for you, but you’d have to talk them…
I am The Founder of The Meshikhi Faith, and The Ladder Day Saints are with me and “WE” are with “THE CHRIST”.
You have strained out the gnat but gulped down the camel. The camel is “no mercy”, Watch Tower.
Inside the penis oriented mind of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

Do not worry about being without spot, Watch Tower. As my mother used to say, It’ll all come out in the wash”.
I saw this picture in The Watchtower and knew the problem.…/strip-off-keep-off-old-personality/
Final about me
Only one other person, The Christ, knew how to fold a head covering and what it meant.
When done correctly, it looks like unleavened bread.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
The Lioness of Yudah
Hebrew: I am Sher’Al, The First faint rays of light before the dawn from God
Hebrew: And I am Sher, dawn, early morning
It also means “milk”. You are needing milk, not solid food and must learn from the beginning the things pertaining to God.
Tiffany, Queen of Britannia VCRNAI
Tiffany, Duchess of Normandy
Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
House of Windsor
Satan had help from Heaven, either someone who was Watch Tower or The other Cherub that covereth The Ark in Heaven.
They both did visual contact without acknowledge meant while looking at something in The Ark. One would start The War in Heaven, one would remain silent until it was time for me to emerge as The Woman of The Bible and The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 New International Version only.
Satan always knew my movements in advance and one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in this stronghold of The Jovian Cult and The Cult of JHOH told me last week, “I know it takes two years to get a car”. Only God can foresee or foreknow. Therefore Satan had advanced Bible timing information only known in Heaven about me.
This is why it is an emergency for me now.
But one of the local members of The Cult of JHOH has a car wrapping service and everything has already been prepared because it has been too long since I was interviewed inside The Embassy of The United States of America. I now require more. Air Mobile and NOT from Canada. I now need a UH-60 Stealth Black Hawk to come in under the radar to rescue me and the other woman here. Two women and one pet carrier.
Or The United States of America will never know what I know and it will catastrophic for you.
Early on, I wondered if God was trying to find out what was going on with His Daughters on Earth and gave me The Sacred Spirit to know from a woman’s point of view.
Reasoning at
Satan knew I was a woman and knew that God has never watched CSI (Crime Scene Investigation), the TV series.
Satan knew I was a woman because he is the one who caused my Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH).
A spike of adrenaline, volumizing the tiny amount of testosterone women have, he terrified my mother while she was pregnant with me.
See also the link called “Scene of The Crime”.
The Garden of Eden was the first manifestation of evil ever. Before that, there was nothing to foresee or foreknow. God is innocent.
Evil did not exist.
Satan also knew that Our Father dignified His Children with privacy and did not look at them in their home. They had a place they would go to commune with Father about the breezy part of the day.
But he also may have noticed that the man was unenthusiastic or not looking forward to it and that it had become more of a ritual for him. Perhaps it was only a sigh that gave him away…
Satan was The Steward over The Earth and had an evil thought.
What evil lurks in the hearts of men, Satan knows…
Men play the game of love until they get married and then the game is over. The woman becomes something to satisfy him, and because men became imperfect, they all had different penis sizes and some men began trying to make themselves feel better about themselves in the bedroom, not loving the woman naturally.
I have given the solution on, a perfect penis for every man. Induce puberty until the damn thing is fixed.
Although that’s not really the problem. It is how you love a woman that matters to a woman, regardless of size.
I am fixing the bedroom and nothing can stop me.
I like 4 milk and 4 sugars in my coffee or tea. 10 sugars is “yuk”, no sugar us ewww.
Observe your wife making coffee and you will know how she likes it. Or, make coffee for her and observe her reaction.
This is a statute to time indefinite, if you get my meaning
Evidence of what The Jovian Cult and Jehovah’s Witnesses are trying to do to me
Conversation with Satan via Sherilyn MCTAGGART ((nee Sleeman), as in John Sleeman, multimillionaire of Sleeman Whiskey and Beer with The Jovian Cult.
He needs a bit of money for his new venture, Sleeman Whiskey.
I was up all night exhausted, I’m lying down barely able to stay awake. She starts trying to make me sound stupid. She has some black and white photos she wants to scan. She says Staples scans them at 600DPI. I said that sounds fine.
Then she comes in and says that there’s a scanner for sale that scans at 4800DPI.
I’m used to their psychopath bullshit because her psychopath father tried to sell me off hook on the Bell Network and a rusty magnet on a string. I want none of their bullshit, I am using ultraviolet radio waves, busting Microsoft Corporation, I am The Author of HyperWeb at and I am a military Communications Research Specialist including Satellite Communications and Global Communications. I had to teach this psychopath how to Google. Her technician at Kirby IP can verify that she is not technical.
But she is a patent and trademarks expert and can talk technical, and when she is with Satan, very technical.
Read about why these psychopaths are full of shit and why I would not buy the rusty magnet on a string from her father, a technician who worked for “The Bell” and I will never do a 600dpi anything.
These psychopaths want to say that my life’s work is from one of their moron ideas, no way.
I began smile2smile BBS in 1995 not 1996 so Glen Evans can also get lost. Yanick Tessier from Galacticomm can verify this fact, he knows me.
I have the original files about ultraviolet radio waves before I ever met these psychopaths and I put together a military field phone before I ever met these psychopaths.
I hope it is now abundantly clear what is going on and what they are trying to do.
Absolute Emergency
Beyond Emergency
Before my name change, I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and my name was Daniel Edward McTaggart. I sent the
U.S. President information that looked
iron clad about the name Jehovah. It
The United States of America, under
Ronald Regan, put the PDF in a vault
in Fort Knox.
I later found it does not work in Hebrew.
Evidence: The name Isaiah
I sent them that information, but the PDF was so well done, The U.S. considers it the most holy document ever done in modern times.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Bandwidth Eliminator Research
I was posted to CFS Lahr, Germany in 1989-1991. While there I saw the first computer I wanted, a Magnavox with a cd-rom and Groliers Encyclopedia on it. It was $3000, too expensive for a married corporal.
I was at the Heidelberg American PX and saw an Intel 286 Packard Bell and they had great prices at The American PX. The next day, I heard that the Intel 386 had come out and you needed it to run Windows. I drove like a madwoman in my BMW 318 back to Heidelberg to get it, in a snowstorm.
So began my life as a Computer Enthusiast and later, a Windows Optimization nut.
I knew every specification and every cutting edge feature in Computer Shopper Magazine. It was about an inch thick.
Fast forward to my 1995-1998 and present day Video Over The Internet Research that culminated in Bandwidth Eliminator, The Leap in 1998. But there would be many hard times and my personal life seemed to be one disaster after another. But always, I was working on Bandwidth Eliminator in my mind. I was a Military Communications Research Soecialist by trade, Military Occupation Code 291. I had a unique resume and I always loved esoteric knowledge. I was a Trekkie, a spiritual Sci-Fi chick and Sci-Fantasy chick. And if I learned something esoteric, I put it in my pocket and kept it to myself. It is now 2023 and here’s the cool thing.
Intel Celeron, 5 Volt Core, 256K Cache, no clock. No clock, no electrical resistance. Intel Celeron runs so cool it requires no heat sync. The Internet Backbone back in 1995 was 17Volts and 12Volts, a 5 Volt differential.
That’s where the 5 Volt Core came in in my early Video Over The Internet research.
In the early days I was also interested in smooth power, I wanted perfect 1’s and 0’s with no resends.
I learned the cool thing when I put together my first military field phone. It ran on a 9 Volt battery and we had to bury the line.
My idea is a Lithium Ion Battery as big as a powerhouse with the lines buried. Bypass the computer bus, from the processor straight to the IPV6 Address in memory. Windows is loaded onto the Starwind Ram Disk and started as. Windows Service.
Direct memory to memory internal and external communications.
The Windows Gateway is set to
The Windows Computer Name is set to Country Code, Area Code and Phone Number
For example, mine is 1.613.894.5871
The Windows Workgroup is set to the name of your Telecom Provider
Example: Freedom-Mobile
Windows installed on the computer in one of two ways.
Ideally, a static ram drive
Optionally, Windows is installed onto a writeable cd-rom and then the session is closed. The cd-rom is set as the boot drive.
Security while plugged into the electrical grid is impregnable with my modified power bar, The 0 Volt Emitter with 0 Resistance Field.
0 Resistance means 0 heat. Cool Power.
The Computer is set to Transmit (Tx) half duplex turning it into half of an Emitter Circuit. The Receiver is The Web Browser.
Two computers configured this way create a Full Two Way Emitter Circuit.
The DSL Modem is set to IRQ 9 for sharing.
HyperWeb: Windows Proxy is set to *.*.*.* Port 80
B.O.I.N.C. 32bit software is used on a 64 but processor system
Use the buttons on the home page to set up what will be part of the most massively parallel and Global J.A.R.V.I.S ever conceived.
Welcome to The 51st Century.
Future systems will work like the Green Acres crank phone but without the pole.
The only requirement is to get electrons moving. They are carried along slightly above the wire with what I call Electron Lift. Electrons move at the speed of gravity along the wire at the golden angle.
DC only – On and Off – 1’s and 0’s
Dry line is used, html is UTF8 Encoded.
Performance Systems International (PSI)
Frame Relay on The Backbone in Chicago.
Contact Phillip Knox
My blackboard, but he built The Software Proxy Caching Controller, I gave him the nod to do so. It belongs to him only worldwide.
To Dunn at Boeing,
Your folksy guy that moved into the office next to mine at 29 Beechwood Avenue did a good job stealing the relay that I told Alain Debuc under a non-disclosure agreement how to create at 29 Beechwood Ave. Ottawa, Ontario, Inasec Inc. You were betrayed by Don Orr, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses who worked on the airfield for First Air. How ironic.
Daniel Edward McTaggart 1964-2016
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart 2016-2023
Same person: A woman born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder that causes a form of multiple personality disorder.
How to bust psychopaths
I have high function autism that masculines the female brain.
I haven’t been tested, but I believe I have Asperger’s.
Attention to detail and everything has to match.
I only had to see one trick and I was hyper aware.
I also have a form of retardation, I am as slow as a glacier melting, but I’m a genius like Albert Einstein.
Tiffany Tracy MCTAGGART
Note on these documents, one says Chatham, one says Ontario. Neither one has Chatham, Ontario, where I was born. The Government is involved, The Prime Minister of Canada wants to legislate away The Crown and I am nobility. I am The Crown. He wants Socialism which is in contradiction to Micah 4.4 in The Bible.
Nobility Serves Others.
The Psychopath Trick
Today I won the game against the psychopathic Jehovah’s Witnesses.
She put the extra 2 packages of cigarettes out to make me wonder if it was a miracle. No more cigarettes miraculously appeared. Also, I know she is hell bent to keep me here and Jehovah’s Witnesses still think I’m a man, I got her to admit that to. I told her I was leaving, she said I was trying to manipulate her to get cigarettes. I told her, if that’s what you think, no way do I want them. She said “I will get you one pack”. That’s all I needed to know. So she drove me down to Petro Canada down the street to get them, but a new thing happened. She didn’t want me to go into the store as usual. She said, “Wait here, I’ll get them”. So I sat in the car and waited. She was taking too long. When she finally got back to the car she opened the door and tossed them at me. She had started to write an email in the store and suddenly had her phone in her hand after tossing the cigarettes at me. I said “Whatcha up to?” She said, I have to finish this email. I said who’s it for? It was a blurred answer too complicated to describe or remember. But I remember fragments of it.
“No one you know” and then something about work. There were no miraculous cigarettes and obviously they want to keep me here. If they were miraculous they would have been replenished again, enough to last until I got my monthly cheque. The horrifying truth. She believes Watch Tower so much, that she actually believes that I am her husband, not a girl born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). Because Watch Tower doesn’t believe in it, she doesn’t believe in it, and that is the aweful truth.
Even with overwhelming evidence, these people will not sincerely believe anything other than what they believe. It is an alternate reality, a society within a society, who do not believe anything people say at all. I’ve always known that they are dismissive of people outside of their cult.
She dragged her feet forever, but I finally got my legal divorce. At least that’s what she says, there’s no way I can believe anything for sure in this situation or be complacent for a moment.
I don’t know if she became partially lucid for a moment today when she admitted that the cult still calls me Dan.
It’s that bad, but there was no miracle, it was a psychopath trick.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
I have pleaded with this cult member. She calls it “jumping down her throat”. They simply will not believe, even with overwhelming evidence, that the name Jehovah is Satanic.
They ruined my life, 17 years with them and 9 more with what this cult member said is “tough love”.
There is no such thing, only love with mercy. When the Bible describes all the things that love is, tough is not one of them.
They are guilty of “cleansing” congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses of anyone born with a birth defect that causes gender identity issues.
The Supreme Court says they have the right to expel whoever they want from their group. But they cannot sexually harass a person for two years before they do it and torture me for 9 more years, controlling my life, doing what they call “tough love”, trying to get me to repent for something it is impossible to repent from.
I am a woman born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder, they don’t believe in it, is not an acceptable answer for me.
I want them to have the most severe public reprimand possible, and they will say “ok, we accept it”, but in the minds of these psychopaths, they will say to themselves, they just don’t know what we know. They know nothing, I am a Scientist so I know that for sure. They gather information and they publish it, that is all. They are in no way Scientists.
I am sick of everyone pandering to them as they work with the Jovian Cult and other cults in Ottawa, Canada, knowing full well my vulnerability. The cults pass me around and I always end up back at psychopath hq with nowhere else to go.
I can not earn a living in Canada, because Justin Trudeau wants to legislate away the crown and I am nobility. This cult member’s brother is John Sleeman of Sleeman Beer and Whiskey and he received The Order of Canada from Justin Trudeau.
Those are facts, not crazy talk. I was entrapped and that is the only answer and now you know more.
And I am exposing Chinese Socialism because it is in contradiction to Micah 4.4 in The Bible whether you like it or not and it will have a resounding defeat.
I have found out why this cult member calls me “The houseguest that you know about”.
I confronted her with it and she said the reason is “They still call you Dan”.
And it explains my torture.
They are desperate that no one find out that they did this to a woman with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder, because they do not believe in it.
I want emergency out of here now and all their money put in my Simplii Financial Chequing account.
Tiffany Tracy MCTAGGART

Game of Thrones – A New Level
Satan seduced the people and made them want a King like the surrounding nations.
Samuel was not happy about it and said to himself, “This ain’t gonna work”. I am in absolute agreement with Samuel in The Bible. There is no way people can be as comfortable with a Powerful King on a Throne with all The Crazy Bible Imagery as they can for just a Father. The story should have been about a Father and His Son and a Sacrifice that was needed because God cannot die.
I have 47 years experience fighting evil and I know your thoughts, those who worship The Roman Jesus.
God would have been The Sacrifice if it were possible.
Psalm 146:4 KJV His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; In that very day his thoughts perish. KJV: King James Version
It had to be a corresponding ransom, corresponding to Adam, not part God, part human.
Father could not take the chance of losing all of His Children, because His thoughts would perish and everything about us is in His perfect memory.
If He did, His death would be for naught.
Technology like this was used to accuse me. Search YouTube for Metaphysic Simon Cowell Elvis.
When I was entrapped in the psychiatric ward at the hospital they would inject me. I do not know how long I was out and have no recollection what was done to me, but I’m not stupid.
Metaphysic Technology
Y’hayah is The Actual Name of God, He was planning to Give it to the Satanic Watch Tower and The Psychopathic Jehovah’s Witnesses
and create Nazi North Korea, people who are totally controlled.
God does not look inside people’s houses, Satan knew this and set up Jehovah’s Witnesses, outside the house their brain says “act normal”, inside their house, they can be used by Satan all he wants.
Jehovah’s Wittnesses believe they are God’s Chosen People. God does not have a chosen people for Christianity.
Romans 2.11 For God does not show favoritism.
God has been hiding behind the Satanic Name Jehovah and does not know His little darlings Jehovah’s Witnesses are Satanic psychopaths inside their houses.
Isayah 45.15 (Isaiah 45.15) Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Savior of Israel.
Busted by Ahri, The Sacred Spirit.
Use Trusted Sources
The Law regarding saluting the flag and superior officers must be repealed. Saluting the flag or a superior officer is a sign of honor and respect only, it is not worship in any way. That is the product of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, a part of The Synagogue of Satan mentioned at Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9 along with their friends and family. Do not leave your children home alone or allow them to talk to Jehovah’s Witnesses.
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this. Targum Onkelos is The Only True Torah in which we find God’s Ancient Name Y’hayah (Hebrew Y’aya) represented by the double yodh (YY). There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
God is represented by Abraham in The Bible, His Son, The First of His Children in Heaven, is represented by Isaac in The Bible. Two people. Before His Son was created, God was alone, with infinite love to give. Now you know the “why” of why we are alive. God wanted other people in His life and only wants to love them as His Children. That is all.
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses know this, but nothing else about The Bible or Life.
Satan traps people this way. Do not be deceived anymore. Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses do not have The Sacred Spirit from God. And they have removed The Cross from their Bible so Satan leaves them alone spiritually. That is what it means to bear the Satanic name Jehovah.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back. Not to love them back is unnatural.
John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Y’hayah (Hebrew יְאיא Y’aya) so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Ishouh (Aramaic ܝܼܫܘܿܥ Y’shouh), The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.~The Meshikhi Faith
I am not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses
If anyone can see this message, send it to The President of The United States via the contace form at
To those vetting this message,
I am military, this is not a joke.
Mr. President,
I am being held by a cult.
I am requesting emergency citizenship
in The United States of America and
Emergency Asylum in The United States
of America.
I have overwhelming evidence that
Jehovah’s Witnesses are a Satanic Cult
and that the name Jehovah is Satanic.
The cult member holding me is a woman.
Security video at Petro Canada gas station
down the street will show her buying a
carton of cigarettes using her own bank
card, not mine. Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t smoke
and are totally against smoking.
I am a smoker.
My Legal Name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
I have my birth certificate and name
change certificate with me.
I am at 3026 Innes Road
Gloucester, Ontario
Blackburn Hamlet, Orleans
Ottawa, Ontario
K1W 1A6 Canada
My father is Stewart Harold McTaggart
a dual citizen of both Canada and
The United States of America
My mobile number is +1(613)894-5871
Please help me
I am the Author of Hyperweb and have with me
the protype modified power bar and attenuation cable
for DSL Modems that eliminates ramping on the Internet
as proof of who I am.
I am not in Quebec, that was done to me using technology.
Between 1998 and 2016 there was a picture in Watch Tower magazine of a classroom full of little monkeys at desks with a human professor at the blackboard.
The Correlation
8,000,000 Missing Children Worldwide Annually
8,000,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide
The Chinese have a monkey god and eat monkey brains.
Protect your children and never let them talk to Jehovah’s Witnesses and never leave your children home alone.
I tried little ones, read cultwatch about how to escape a cult. Despite overwhelming evidence they said nothing about Jehovah’s Witnesses.
But don’t ever lose hope, look at this
Jehovah’s Witnesses ‘ along with their friends and family are part of the larger Jovian Cult . Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the secret society known by insiders simoly as “The Society”, along with their friends and family are a society within a society, that goes all the way up to the top.
Read The HyperWeb Initiative.
I told her not to read The Demon Planet alternate reality page on, because she might have a heart attack. But she loves spoilers and read it anyway.
She was on the phone with the organization and I overheard her say, “You know about my house guest. Does that sound like a friend? But I still try to help her and be love with mercy.
She’s loyal to Watch Tower and is afraid of what might happen if I stay much longer. I have until August 30, but I don’t have enough money for my own place, not even for a room with my own washroom and a lock on the door. They are smooth as glass and they are on their best behavior right now. She actually said, “It’s me or you”.
With love,
I always give honor to those deserving honor. It is who and what I am because such things are pleasing in the eyes of God. The link is also on The Royal Facebook page, so no one can say I just made it up or did it today 13 June 2023 2:47pm Eastern Standard Time is the current date time group.
Update: I wanted to wear my beautiful coat my friend Karen Howard gave me.
I got to the front door and Sheri said “You can’t wear that”.
I said you’re not my owner.
I swear by My Father in Heaven and The Sacred Spirit in the name of The Christ, she said, “Yes I am.”
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Ahri, help me, Sacred Spirit, Help me.
Sacred Spirit Ahri’ah help me in the name of Ishouh Christ in Heaven, Ahmeyn.
Ahmeyn means “DONE DEAL”.
Satanic cults have been after me since birth because I hold ancient sacred knowledge. It is from a family tradition passed on to me, the last one of my family with this knowledge. It makes you fearless against evil.
The treachery occurred in Lancashire.
Baptism Record for Edward Cudgington Fernihough “Tobacco Merchant”, note spelling “Cudgington”
Baptism: 22 Apr 1845 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs.Edward Cudgington Fernihough – [Child] of John Charles Fernihough & Elizabeth Pusey Born: 3 Oct 1844 Abode: Rodney St Occupation: Tobacco Merchant Baptised by: J. G. Headlam Curate Register: Baptisms 1844 -1846, Page 123, Entry 977 Source: LDS Film 93884…/stpeter/baptisms_1845.html
The Name was changed so that no one could ever connect the dots and know that I am Queen of Britannia.
Sieze all Watch Tower sign language videos immediately. Their secret language will be completely understood. Watch for subtle and slight movements of their fingers that are not part of natural sign language.
I call it “Silk”, from a Science Fantasy novel I read a long time ago.
A woman rang the doorbell one winter ago. Sheri screamed at me to get away from the door, I thought she was going to freak out and call the police and I would get more cult discipline, 10 days in a mental ward and an injection. So I backed away but got a glimpse of the woman. She was wearing an expensive, long, light green coat. She must have been Royal or Government. I asked Sheri who it was and she said it was Lorene Boivere. That is a lie. I knew Lorene for a long time, went in service with her many times. The woman at the door was not as tall as Lorene and not the same body shape at all, and not Lorenes’s hair color. It may have been my last chance to have someone see me alive because the neighbours think I’m dead. Jim at the corner was walking his dogs around the block as he always does and loves to talk, so I approached him. He didn’t recognize me, even up close. These were his haunting words, “We think he had schizophrenia”. “had”, past tense.
Do not let your children talk to Jehovah’s Witnesses and do not leave your children home alone, they are vulnerable and will be inculcated with the Satanic name Jehovah and worship that false god later in life. Guaranteed.
I have 25 years of Biblical Research and have overwhelming evidence that the name Jehovah is Satanic.
The Correlation
8,000,000 Missing children worldwide annually
8,000,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide
I have no recollection of being alive prior to 5 years old and I am having memory regressions to 5 years old. I am being kept as a human pet. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe they are God’s Chosen People when they are a part of Satan’s World like most people and can be used by Satan at any time. Anyone without The Sacred Spirit of Y’hayah can be used by Satan.
I was outside having a cigarette and the family dog Sasha brought me a large strangely shaped bone. The demonized woman named her WiFi Connection “Sasha”
I have absolute overwhelming evidence that they do everything unconsciously.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Latest updates on my Facebook page.
Instruction for The Little Ones, cult prisoners worldwide.
Go out front to the sidewalk and stand on city propery Little Ones. This is how I will arrange things. You will not be considered crazy anymore. It will be a worldwide announcement and you will be asked if you would like to get away from the place. Just say yes, I want to get out of here forever.
After my initial capture, the cult member would call the police without saying anything if I seemed to be too happy or was laughing about something. Then it would be 10 days in a mental ward at the hospital. It is Satanic discipline. I have Willis-Ekbom disease and after one of the injections at the hospital, it kept me awake for a month. I simply cannot take it physically anymore. I am too weak. One more injection would kill me, and it would look natural.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart 3026 Innes Road, Gloucester, Ontario, K1W 1A6 Canada I tried to warn The Embassy of The United States of America and was interviewed inside The Embassy. I am military. No one gets inside The Embassy without a reason.
The Laity are blissfully unaware of the activities of The Elders of Jehovah’s
Witnesses in the back room which they call “The Second School”. Christian love flourishes among The Laity so they believe that they
have the truth. This is true of all religions.
The Religious Leaders and Gender Identity
Google Watch Tower Abuse Victim
Google Jehovah’s Witnesses Abuse Victim
Look for the rape link.
Physical evidence of Satanic activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses. How they get rid of the bodies.
Cannibal bugs in the bedroom and bathroom only. The bones are put in a box and handed off to visitors.
The correlation:
8,000,000 Missing children annually worldwide
8,000,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide
Please hurry, The bone box for me has already been delivered at the house next door.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
3026 Innes Road
Gloucester, Ontario
K1W 1A6 Canada
Blackburn Hamlet, Orleans
Near the fire hall
3030A burned down, there is a new house there.
The fire hall is only a few doors do9wn.
Some doors have the window glass covered. This is where the Satanic sex show happens for the mega rich, the hospital windows are huge, uncovered, they watch Satanic sex via satellite pointed at the psych ward windows.
The same thing happens at the women’s shelter on King Edward Street. White hairs indicate a female demon. Women who are really adult little girls sit in rooms with bunk beds and orange crates, looks just like a little girl’s room. That’s what Parliament is. The white hairs with powdered wigs , love the smell of baby powder and visit after having a few drinks at lunch.
That’s Ottawa Canada. The cults rule. Cult discipline: They pick up the phone and call the police. “She’s acting crazy again”.
You wake up after they inject you. You have no idea about time or how long you were out…
They ask you, do you know what day it is?
My last incarceration. A girl is wheeled out on her bed. She looks dead, but the show must go on…
Ottawa is either very hot weather or freezing cold, sub zero. I have hypothyroidism. From the oven to the freezer in no time.
The cult member brings me a box of frozen chicken. Everyone adores her because she takes such good care of me. I heat up the chicken, the pieces look strange. I can neither chew it or swallow it. Because it is a violation of the laws of nature. We are not supposed to eat human flesh. It is Satanic, animal, demonic.
That’s my life. Some times my brain wants to go to sleep. It doesn’t want to deal with the horror or unreality of it all.
In Alert NWT they wear t-shirts that say The Chosen frozen. Scott Toeves, an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses tells me secretly, you’re “The Chosen One”.
Avena keeps telling me, “You’re a baby”. She asks for photo if and emergency contact information. She has a hotline with Sheri.
The Padre of The Phreeps Shift 3 Alert NWT
His favourite line is, “Do you like chicken”?
He wears a 3 foot stuffed penis during the hazing.
Two Servants are doing rounds at The Kindom Hall on Innes Road. They walk around secretly whispering, “Tiffany, Tiffany”.
I am The Ultimate.
I am “The Tiffany”.
Please help
Use the login at
The 4th Reich wants my hand carry only information.
God’s Ancient Name Y’hayah (Hebrew יְאיא Y’aya)
Targum Onkelos is The Only True Torah

Do not be afraid, Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses, Father is here with His Son.
All The Relgious Leaders are wrong, Christian love flourishes among the laity so they believe that they have the truth. Jehovah’s Witnesses are free today of The Cult of JHOH, Cabala IHOH The Roman god.
In some Roman colonies the /I/ was replaced with a /J/.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
God is not in your mouth. Close your mouth while reading. Sophisticated technology is involved.
I have 25 years of Biblical Research Experience and 15 years of Military Communications Experience and I know that I am lucid, perhaps the only one.
Login to Wowbook at it has become a critical emergency. Use your Facebook Login, my account is
I am a girl born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, raised as a male which causes a form of multiple personality disorder. I suffered with dysphoria for 52 years until I understood what was happening to me.
Watch Tower, facilitated by Satan were trying to create a two-in-one along with Satan. The Book Rise Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion by James B. Hannay explains about the two sex god Jehovah. Satan wanted a totally masculinized female with natural feminine body movement.
The Sacred Spirit has told me a million times, I know you are a woman, don’t worry about it. The Sacred Spirit only comes from one place, Our Father.
It is over little ones.
What I am about to tell you is the truth.
Satan is responsible for monkeying with The Bible. There are 23 versions of The Bible that are Satanic. Targum Onkelos is The Only True Torah confirmed by the correct Aramaic Bible.
We will know the whole beautiful truth once The Aramaic Bible is translated. There is nothing to worry about at all.
Only have faith that there is a God who loves us, His Name is Y’hayah and that He has a Son, The First of His Children in Heaven, Ishouh (ee-sho’-uh).
This is the end of The Roman Religion. Author James B. Hannay who wrote Rise Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion knew there was something wrong with The Bible. The Romans would take their enemies heads and play soccer with them. Satan has been playing with our heads. Only have faith and watch the beautiful truth unfold.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Google Watch Tower Abuse Victim
Google Jehovah’s Witnesses Abuse Victim
Look for the rape link.
Here’s what The Jovian Cult was after
Use HTTrack
to copy and
Also my Facebook posts
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
New! Demon Planet Alternate Reality, remember the home page is the safe place.
People cannot live in two realities, it is literally impossible.
Message to The Oval Office, it is inevitable. 300,000,000 people will see my business plan and decide to be richer than Dubai and fuck you.
You can always go live at The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Communist Farm and be The Jehovah Demon’s Witnesses and have your own little Nazi North Korea.
But the people will be people of The Bible.
Micah 4.4 Each one under “his own vine” and under “his own fig tree”.
Have a nice day, but not really.
Sent to The White House
A Prophetess has to say what a prophetess has to say. It must be understandable to those she is prophesying to, in language they understand.
~Ahri’Al, Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
If you have a health concern, use PubMed too look up symptoms. It is a government site. If you have anecdotal evidence of something that helps, send it too them, no matter how small or insignificant it seems. It may be the tip they need.
Quantum physics is a stop sign in science and may be the reason God steps in when He does. There are two things happening at once. Powerful Axis of Evil Megabaud signals and China’s Infrasound Weapon, detected by scientists recently. I told NSA that I believed that the Powerful Megabaud signals were a weapon, and I am certain of it. I also sent the link from PubMed, a government link about Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome. The Powerful Axis of Evil Megabaud signals are half of the problem. I went into Bell Communications in Ottawa, Canada to apply for an engineering job. They showed me the entire Bell Network schematic and one word only came to me, “RESONATOR”. The Bell Network is acting as a resonator using the tuning fork principle is causing a problem with the neurons in people’s brains causing mental breakdown. The lines must be buried and every pole replaced with a nursery tree. Scientists have found that magnets placed behind the ears affect mood. But when wired they become an electromagnet capable of reaching behind the ears. Earpods. There a lot of religio-political things involved to cause unrest in Western Culture populations. The United States is cautioned not to let Donald Trump to become President in this situation because it may trigger a civil war.
Rapid ascent and descent used as a cost saving method by airlines can cause the battery in an Earpod to explode due to cabin pressurization.
In the area I am in, there is a heavy concentration of demonic activity. A lady walked by in a hospital gown with her arm in a sling. There is no hospital nearby. However, there is Amica, a long walk from here, so it’s not impossible, and she may have dementia. But because of my situation, I can’t do anything about it or I will sound crazy.
Star Trek Spectre of The Gun Act 4
Act Four
The corral is encircled by a force field so that escape is impossible. Spock, realizing this situation is only as real as their minds accept it to be, tries to convince the others that if they recognize that the situation is not real, they will not die and Kirk observes that the “smallest doubt” would be enough to kill them, just as it had killed Chekov. McCoy argues that they don’t have that “clockwork ticker” in their heads like Spock, that they can’t just turn it off and on at will. Kirk says that they must. Using a mind meld, Spock is able to convince everyone else that the bullets are not real, they are merely “shadows” and “illusions”; and “spectres without body… to be ignored.”
God is real. I spoke illustrations for a week in a Kingdom Hall when I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Listen to this amazing explanation of what is happening in Western Culture. China keeps coming up as the common denominator.
Meshikhi, The Christian Revival