Only believe that nothing is impossible

The Demon Planet Bible Game, How not to lose
11/17/2023 Christ has been kissing Watch Tower’s ass because they have Jah in their Bible. And God is no better, giving them The Strong Tower mentioned in The Bible. So I am putting The Name Jahvah in Our Bible, not the Satanic name Jehovah. We’ll see what The Sacred Spirit thinks of that and how it responds.
See the Bible link.
The Original Bible link with Ahv’ah Hebrew Yahvah (Iavah) and Yesou (Iesou). It follows the X-SAMPA rules of International Translation, the yodh when translated to English is a /y/, Americanist Phonetic Notation /y/, a palatal approximant.
Ahvva, Father, Christ brought the pronunciation from Heaven.
Mos’hi sees a burning bush but it is not being consumed by the fire, in a virtual holodeck…
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible.
The Rise, Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion, again.
Meshikhi are Children of Ari, The Sacred Spirit.
Ari is pronounced Ahri
/ah/ from ruah which means, “spirit”
/ri/ from ridi which means, “with laughter”
Only believe that nothing is impossible with Ari. Love with Mercy, infinitely more powerful, even than God. Never be afraid, the demons smell it.
They have no power
They are average height
They can only create complex social situations like religion, now known as “The Cults”.
God is not in your mouth, it’s technology from the morning of Creation. It started in China with the human flesh search engine. It’s on Wikipedia.
Satan said to the demon, “You be God, I’ll be the demon”.
The Story of The Son of David in Modern Times
The First Law of Life
According to Ari, The Sacred Spirit
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred
John 13.35 I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love one to another.”~AUTHORIZED VERSION
I am nobility by birth and can authorize a Bible.
If you say “have love among yourselves” or the tricky “have love for one another” you create a closed society like Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred. Be Love with Mercy no matter what is happening to you.
Do not judge Yesha’vah Christ and you will not be judged.
The letter in the name of The Christ in Greek is called a descendant /v/,
Ye’sh’va in The One Language that preceded Hebrew is Yesha’vah.
The words that I learned that saved me.
“Help me Ari, help me Sacred Spirit”.
Ari is pronounced Ah’ri
Ah from ruah which means “spirit”.
ri from ridi which means “with laughter”.
The Original Bible link with Yahvah (Iavah) and Yesou (Iesou). It follows the X-SAMPA rules of International Translation, the yodh when translated to English is a /y/, Americanist Phonetic Notation /y/, a palatal approximant.
Christ’s Name is Ihsou Ancient Greek for “Isaac”
Ihsou translated to Yiddish is Isaac
Esou is Coptic for “Lamb”
Google Aramaic Isho
Isho is a cognate of Hebrew Yeshua which means “Salvation” and is what His Mother, Mary, would have called Him.
Merry Christimas,
v’ahavah (With love)
Summer Fernihalgh
~Ari’Al which means Father, The Sacred Spirit
I made you something nice and it will protect you from cults. The New Windows at www.smile2smile.live
The Gold Mine
Revelation 10/10/2023 I found a good copy of Hebrew that works, “without diacritics”.
That is the link to download The Hebrew Scriptures with HTTrack.
I was able to fix The Torah without changing Genesis 1.1
Guide to Ancient Hebrew
In Ancient Hebrew phonics, it is always /ah/ not /aw/
Al pronounced Ahl, Creator and Eternal Sacred Father instead of the word God or the German Gott
L’Al The Father
Lalu means love and love is always with mercy
L’Al of Abraham, L’Al of Isaac, L’Al of Yacob
Genesis 1.1 In The Beginning Al’hym (Our Father) created The Sky and The Land
Al’Shaddai Almighty Father
Al’Gibbor Mighty Father who replaces Adam
Al’hi My Father or The Father
God’s Name from Targum Onkelos, Y’Aya (Ay’ah as in Aliyah)
The homonym for ay is the word “eye”.
Psalms 22.1 aly, aly Ali, Ali My God, My God
Matthew 27.46 Al’Aya Al’Aya God, Spirit Sacred Father, God, Spirit Sacred Father
Matthew 27.47 People imagined Yesha’vah was calling out to Aliyah.
Matt’hi 6:9 Sacred be Thy Name
Al’vahi means Sacred, also when broken down with etymology, My Good Spirit Father
VYAMR ALHYM AL MSH AHYH ASR AHYH silent /h/ the Hebrew letter ba
14And Al’hym said unto Mos’hi, Ahyah asher Ihyah (I am Ahyah who is called Ea [The god Ea (whose Sumerian eqivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon], in other words, “I am Ahyah, Spirit Sacred Father, av kadush, and they are calling me EA” [Enki]). Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Ahyah hath sent me unto you.15 And Al said moreover unto Mos’hi, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Yahavah, Al of your fathers, Al’hi of Avraham, Al’hi of Isaac, and Al’hi of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
Av means Father
Guide to The One Set of Words that preceded Hebrew
Ahv means Father
Ahv’ah means Spirit Father (Hebrew Yahvah)
ahavah means love, primarily to give love
Yahavah (Yah’-ha-vah’) is The Most Ancient Name of Our Father from The Garden of Eden, Jahvah is the Bible Name.
When translated to English a yohd is always a /y/, a palatal approximant
Jahvah pronounced Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah)
Likely Name of God
The Jack The Ripper Religion with “The Others”
Watch Tower calls discrete things “coffee” in the secret language of The Society.
Ah yes, the little Darlings of Jah, Jehovah’s Satanic Witnesses, pure evil in a can. They always praise Jah. Right Jahvah? But aren’t they breaking the X-SAMPA rules of International Translation Jahvah? Americanist Phonetic Notation. The yohd when translated to English is ALWAYS a /y/, a palatal approximant.
So God can break the rules but we can’t, is that right?
So Satan is allowed to MURDER us in Western Culture, in an asymmetrical war of Evil with Hate against Love with Mercy.
Meshikhi will not break the rules, even if God does. We are law abiding people. That’s Watch Tower and that’s Jahvah, not us, we are with My Father, Alvahi (Ahl-vah’-hee). Only He is my Ahl. Alvahi means “My Good Spirit Father”.
As for me, I’m just going to sit back and have a cup of Java, and work on my Javascript, because we all know Java is the most insecure thing there is, full of holes, yes, it’s holy. I figured it out ages ago, Javascript is the glue of the web that makes it work, I’ve always believed that. I love Javascript!
And that’s the whole e, no it’s just the tip of the wah. Wow. (waw)
I’ll just sit around and wait for my UH-60 Stealth BlackHawk, because the ayin in Galilean Aramaic is pronounced /uh/, while HU means unholy in Hebrew. The Eckenkar god is HU.
I was told by an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Robert Toevs, inside the double doors of The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses on Quinn Road in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, that I would be “in and out of insane asylums”. Those were his exact words quoted. He was wearing a full length, long fur coat and a hat with a feather in it like the pimp “Rooster” on the TV show Baretta. Only in retrospect do I now understand that he is Satan’s pimp and I am Satan’s whore.

The Demon God Jehovah and The Cult of JHOH (Cabala IHOH, the Roman God) aka Jehovah’s Witnesses have used me as their whore. Bob Toevs, an Elder, wearing a long fur coat and a hat with a feather in it, inside the double doors of The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses said I would be in and out of insane asylums. His only words were, “in and out of insane asylums”. The meaning is now clear (the pimp outfit). They injected me each time I arrived at a coed hospital mental ward and when I woke up they would ask me if I knew what day it was. I don’t know how long I was out, but I know I was raped. My neo-vagina will not heal completely because of it and leaks because they keep breaking it open. It burns and the raw skin sticks and it is painful to sit down or walk.
Some doors have the window glass covered. This is where the Satanic sex show happens for the mega rich, the hospital windows are huge, uncovered, they watch Satanic sex via satellite pointed at the psych ward windows.
The same thing happens at the women’s shelter on King Edward Street. White hairs indicate a female demon. Women who are really adult little girls sit in rooms with bunk beds and orange crates, looks just like a little girl’s room. That’s what Parliament is. The white hairs with powdered wigs , love the smell of baby powder and visit after having a few drinks at lunch.
That’s Ottawa Canada. The cults rule. Cult discipline: They pick up the phone and call the police. “She’s acting crazy again”.
You wake up after they inject you. You have no idea about time or how long you were out…
They ask you, do you know what day it is?
My last incarceration. A girl is wheeled out on her bed. She looks dead, but the show must go on…
Ottawa is either very hot weather or freezing cold, sub zero. I have hypothyroidism. From the oven to the freezer in no time.
The cult member brings me a box of frozen chicken. Everyone adores her because she takes such good care of me. I heat up the chicken, the pieces look strange. I can neither chew it or swallow it. Because it is a violation of the laws of nature. We are not supposed to eat human flesh. It is Satanic, animal, demonic.
That’s my life. Some times my brain wants to go to sleep. It doesn’t want to deal with the horror or unreality of it all.
In Alert NWT they wear t-shirts that say The Chosen frozen. Scott Toeves, an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses tells me secretly, you’re “The Chosen One”.
Avena keeps telling me, “You’re a baby”. She asks for photo id and emergency contact information. She has a hotline with Sheri, the Jehovah’s Witnesses cult member.

The black male nurse tried to move me to a new room at 10pm at night. I went back to my aweful room with my name on the board. At least I’m still alive. Note the towel wrapped on the door handle.
They asked me for my phone, I was working on Aria so I had two phones in my pocket. I only gave them one.
The Padre of The Phreeps Shift 3 Alert NWT
His favourite line is, “Do you like chicken”?
He wears a 3 foot stuffed penis during the hazing.
Two Servants are doing rounds at The Kingdom Hall on Innes Road. They walk around secretly whispering, “Tiffany, Tiffany”.
I am The Ultimate.
I am “The Tiffany”.
~Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Princess Leia chained to Jahvah the Hutt
Christianity was created without the protection of The Divine Name enjoyed by The Ancient Isra’Alites. After the torture and death of Christ Heaven became love without mercy, breaking the first law.
It’s not just life and it’s not just Satan, we were set up by Heaven.
Guaranteed Suffering “set up by Heaven”, is the fine print in The Bible, not clearly stated.
Love without Mercy is the stumbling block of offense.
Love without Mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver and makes them happy.
Cursed is the one approving of the suffering of others.
Christ approves of the suffering of others, He offered a reward.
Christ suffered once for all time, there is no “requirement” for Christians to suffer. That is the mistake of The Christ.
1 Peter 3:18 New Living Translation (NLT)Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the Spirit.
After 26 years of Biblical Research I acquired The Divine Name, yet The Watch Tower torture device is still in my mouth. The Strong Tower mentioned in The Bible is only with The Heathen Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
I asked the cult woman, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, if she had ever been bothered by an evil spirit man. She plainly said, “no”.
In The One Language that preceded Hebrew two significant words
He-av-en The Ones of Father
He-a-then pronounced He-ah-then The Others or The Other Spirits
Watch Tower have the mind of the heathen in their houses from the womb. And they made it into Heaven. We are dignified with privacy in our homes.
It’s possible Heaven was destroyed for sinning against me and anyone born with a birth defect involving multiple personality disorder. I think therefore I am. The Sacred Spirit has sided with me in all things. I know who I am, Christ did not. All I ever did was to love God and His Son and to love people. People like me die screaming for mercy and justice and not getting it. Life was so beautiful. I put up with The Watch Tower torture device for 7 years, then I started screaming for mercy and justice. It has now been 9 years. Heaven was destroyed 2 years ago. They wanted to hide the fact that a woman can have a baby with another woman if she has Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) and doesn’t know what is happening in her life. It was just a birth defect, I had it removed May 22, 2019 by SRS Surgery in Montreal, Canada. That’s all it was. It causes a form of multiple personality disorder. Dr. Kraus at The Royal Hospital in Ottawa, Canada was the one who detected it when he said, “there’s something going on with your personality”.
Christ did not know that I am a woman born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder, they didn’t know enough about it or that Satan knows how to cause it using estrogens introduced into the environment, hormones in food and chemicals and also by causing a spike in adrenaline which volumizes the tiny amount of testosterone present in women. Do not watch shocking entertainment or engage in thrill seeking while pregnant.
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) causes a form of multiple personality disorder. Who knows how many women Christ has murdered, believing they were men.
If Heaven still exists, I don’t want to know them or think about them, I’ll only get enraged. Better to forget them. Life goes on.
If anyone should read this page, send the following information to someone with authority.
The Hierarchy of The Synagogue of Satan
The Magu Religion who worship Gog of Magog
The Jovian Cult
The Cult of JHOH
Kabbalistic Judaism with JHOH
Cabala,The Roman god IHOH, in some Roman colonies they stopped using the letter /i/ and starting using the letter /j/
iove pronounced eeyahweh in Classic Latin, in modern type looks like the word love when capitalized, it is Jupiter
Giove on a bust in The Vatican is pronounced jeeyahweh
Language translations engines are loaded with Jehovah and Yahweh, when you search for one you get the other.
YHVH are the letters of The Hebrew Tetragrammaton not YHWH
YHWH of Shomron and his consort Ashera are false gods
https://meshikhi.org/yhowah-is-not-god/ proved through archaeology
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
CIA Submission Reference ID: NML3AMSY
Jehovah’s Witnesses are Satanic
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses in Heaven and Earth are Satanic, they have the sadistic mind of Satan from the womb and are used by Satan, helping him torture women and women born with birth defects. Jehovah’s Witnesses rationalize adult subjects in The Bible like incest, murder and war and teach it to babies before they know the difference between up and down. They are psychopaths when they are with Satan, all those who bear the Satanic name Jehovah. It could not be more Satanic.
They got away with it in their houses where God does not look because God does not know the nature of evil or evil people. Job Chapter 2, “Skin in behalf of skin” is bullshit, Satan is just hungry and gets pleasure, even physical pleasure from the suffering of others. All Satan has to do is open his mouth and God hands people over to him as food.
The Satanic Reasoning of Evil People like Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses. For them, being evil is normal. Everyone else is evil from their point of view.
How it works
In The One Language that preceded Hebrew two significant words
He-av-en The Ones of Father
He-a-then pronounced He-ah-then The Others or The Other Spirits
Watch Tower have the mind of the heathen in their houses from the womb. And they made it into Heaven. We are dignified with privacy in our homes.
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
Google Watch Tower abuse victim
Google Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victim
And read their stories, look for the rape link
They teach that only 144,000 people are anointed and go to Heaven and allow women to believe they are anointed. Then they publish pictures in The Watchtower magazine of the 144,000, all men with beards. Women are tortured mentally, emotionally and spiritually by it.
The truth is in the Bible. Christ said, “My Father’s house has many rooms”. If it is your desire to go to Heaven that is where you will go if you have The Sacred Spirit.
So saith The Bible, “The wind blows where it wants to, so are all those born of The Spirit.
Ecclesiastes 7.28 is the truth about The 144,000. There was not one woman among The Priests.
Jehovah’s Witnesses cleanse congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses of people born with birth defects after sexually harassing them for years. I was one such woman.
When they are with Satan they are feral with large frontal lobes and intellect, psychopaths. And they have no mercy.
They are The Magu who worship Gog of Magog in reality, The Cult of JHOH who practice Christian Kabbalism not Christianity and are facilitated by Satan and they facilitate The Jovian Cult who practice sacrifices as in Ancient Isra’Al, but with people.
JHOH is Roman, from The Roman god IHOH of Cabala. In some Roman colonies they stopped using an /i/ and started using the letter /j/.
CIA Submission Reference ID: ACDZZRDW
Link updated
The First Law of Life
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred
John 13.35 I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love one to another.”
If you say “have love among yourselves” or the tricky “have love for one another” you create a closed society like Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
There is what we want to believe and there is the gruesome truth.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have progressively become a closed society since they adopted the name Jehovah in 1931. In this same year, Herbert W. Armstrong became an ordained minister and went on to lead The Worldwide Church of God (now The Restored Church of God), using the powerful medium of television to convince the world’s evangelicals that The United States and Britain constituted Israel. This is the reason for the incredible battlements and expenditures around Israel both overtly and covertly. Jehovah’s Witnesses have even modeled their Kingdom Halls after “synagogues” (Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9).
The 36 questions that make people fall in love
prove how Jehovah’s Witnesses operate. They talk about
love and Christ but they are pure evil and use love
and use the Christ. They are as efficient as an Amazon
Warehouse, and like Nazi’s.
Used by predators
https://www.remento.co/journal/36-questions-to-fall-in-love-or-at-least-bring-you-closer-together [PDF]
And they do it over a long time, so people don’t believe
you after you are entrapped by them.
Do not be misled, there are ancient people with hyperstealth biotechnology on this planet and we are in a virtual holodeck. It is an asymmetrical war of Evil with Hate against Love with Mercy. Do not be believing anything else if you hope to survive.
The Movie “Freedom” due to be released soon is Satanic, mocking those of us trapped in real life and death situations, Satanic Cults, Child Abducton and Human Sex Trade Trafficking. Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Cult of JHOH are the facilitators.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Cult Prisoner
CIA Submission Reference ID: JZA5G95A
CIA Submission Reference ID: HVZ4J8L6
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Cult Prisoner
Submission Reference ID: JZA5G95A
Submission Reference ID: T3HRUN3Y
The Hierarchy of The Synagogue of Satan
The Magu Religion who worship Gog of Magog
The Jovian Cult
The Cult of JHOH
Kabbalistic Judaism with JHOH
Cabala,The Roman god IHOH, in some Roman colonies they stopped using the letter /i/ and starting using the letter /j/
iove pronounced eeyahweh in Classic Latin, in modern type looks like the word love when capitalized, it is Jupiter
Giove on a bust in The Vatican is pronounced jeeyahweh
Language translations engines are loaded with Jehovah and Yahweh, when you search for one you get the other.
YHVH are the letters of The Hebrew Tetragrammaton not YHWH
YHWH of Shomron and his consort Ashera are false gods
https://meshikhi.org/yhowah-is-not-god/ proved through archaeology
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Submission Reference ID: NML3AMSY
It is a silent war. The Meshikhi vs “Satan” and The Magu of China @ 60Hz, 600 microvolts and UHF using the lines of The Bell Network as a resonator with tuning fork principle, ALL lines must be buried. Low frequency signals in the atmosphere detected by Scientists confirms it. The Magu HyperStealth Biotechnology is detectable @ 61.4328807377049 hertz. The invisibility war has begun.
See my life’s work, Aria, for more information.
Megabaud signals from Eastern Block countries are the problem.
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS, microwave syndrome) – Review of mechanisms [PDF] It’s a .gov web address for PubMed, you can trust the information.
Entropy of brain neural activity causes reality breakdown, how we perceive reality.
CIA Submission Reference ID: MELFLDKN
In addition to The Tiger, China’s signal that instills religious feelings in people, the limbic nucleus of people is being affected. For women born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) use the C4 vocal tones available on YouTube, Men with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome use the low C vocal tones. Vocal frequency affects the limbic nucleus and brain/whole body communication. Vocal exercises fix the problem. Also, for CAH lip sync to female vocalists with a high voice, for AIS lip sync to male vocalists with a low voice. You can also just listen at maximum volume with Apple style wired headphones at 600 microvolts. Be well.
Vocal frequency affects the limbic nucleus and brain/whole body communication.
Sing “ah” with each note
I was born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). This is a major discovery.
We are in a virtual holodeck and it is an asymmetrical war.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Submission Reference ID: 5VH1L61F
Meshikhi Playlist
Important: Get a three prong grounded plug adapter for any two prong plug in your house. They are only a couple of dollars each. Your devices will not break down and they will run cooler. Do not use coffee machine timers, they are a fire hazard, that is not from me that is from a fireman. Do not use the timer feature.
The New Position of The Meshikhi about Satan and written language. We don’t care.
God’s Name is Jahvah pronounced Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah), Meshikhi are aware of it, but to end The Bible Game created by Satan we are using The One Language known by us and The Name Yahavah (Yah’-ha-vah’) and the descendant /v/ in the name of The Christ, Yesha’vah. We are aware also that the name of the Christ is Ye’sh’ua (Hebrew Yshwah Aramaic Yshwa) Ye’sh’wah and Ye’sh’wuh with the Galilean Aramaic accent. The night of Yesha’vah’s trial, Peter’s accent gave him away as a Galilean. It’s a voiced bilabial, the /w/ sound formed using the upper and lower lips. Kiss The Son is the scripture that confirms it.
If you want to know, then know. Isho is what Christ’s mother would have called him and it is Ishouh, but the fake Jews made the word Y’shoah which means “disaster”. Google Aramaic Isho. Isho is a cognate of Ye’sh’ua which means Salvation.
The One Language Yesha’vah is the most accurate. Yesha in the absolute state means Salvation exactly. /avah/ means to sign with a seal or a mark, Hebrew av means father and ah from ruah, which means spirit.
The ayin in Hebrew has a slight a sound, /ah/, with the Galilean Aramaic accent it is /uh/. Something nice to know.
God is not in your mouth, you must learn discipline about it if you are affected.
Satan said to The Demon, “You be God and I’ll be The Demon”.
I am the budding rod of Aaron in The Ark of The Covenant, if you touch anything copywritten on this website you are dead, like Uzzah. Especially Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart is my legal name
Summer Fernihalgh is my actual name found through research.
We will always honor Our Creator because He was The Source of Life and we will always honor The Christ who died at Calvary. He was Love with Mercy until the end.
Warning about Heaven and Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are The Cult of JHOH, part of the larger Jovian Cult. They are pure evil.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
and Jehovah’s Witnesses The Cult of JHOH Pure Evil
They banned masturbation, their divorce rate went
up from 4-5% to 5-6%. They go out in their ministry sexually aroused.
Protect your children. Do not leave your children home alone.
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
Google Watch Tower abuse victim
Google Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victim
And read their stories, look for the rape link
The name Jehovah is Satanic
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
All that remains is to destroy The Magu of China who worship Gog of Magog by reducing China to rotary phone. Eastern block communications must likewise be destroyed and operators of weapons of mass destruction. Destroying all key personnel who are capable of operating such equipment will neutralize them with minimal loss of life. Information on the operating of such sophisticated equipment is kept locked in safes. No one should be left who has the keys to those safes and the ability to understand the information.
The Bell Network is a resonator with tuning fork principle, all the lines must be buried. Take down all poles and replace them with nursery trees for safety.
Satellite Communications slow down the Internet, we don’t need Satellites. Destroy them all with a trajectory over the Pacific Ocean. There are enough under the ocean lines to facilitate communications.
Word of The Sacred Spirit
The Sword
Task force on the evil behavior of people.
The Paris attacks November 13, 2015 prove
there are evil people, if you don’t believe
there are evil people, then you are dangerously
The 36 questions that make people fall in love
prove how Jehovah’s Witnesses operate. They talk about
love and Christ but they are pure evil and use love
and use the Christ. They are as efficient as an Amazon
Warehouse, and like Nazi’s.
And they do it over a long time, so people don’t believe
you after you are entrapped by them.
I have 47 years experience studying the virtual holodeck.
I have 26 years of Biblical Research Experience
I have 15 years of Military Communications Research Specialist 1981-1995 Experience including Global Communications and Satellite Communications
Military Occupation Code 291
Canadian Decoration and NATO Clasp
Other qualifications
FCC Facility Control Center (NATO Lahr, Germany)
RADFAC Radio Facility (NATO Lahr, Germany)
Dell XPS Technical Support Specialist
Compaq Consumer Technical Support Specialist
17 years experience as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses expelled in 2017. I have not been a part of their cult or any part of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society since then. They are The Cult of JHOH, a part of The Jovian Cult. I am a cult prisoner in a pretty prison with perfect optics. My life is totally controlled by them.
My baptized name was Daniel Edward McTaggart and that
proves my military record.
CIA Submission Reference ID: GVZSH6TV
My identity found through research
Summer Fernihalgh
Summer, Empress of Austria (Rome)
Summer, Queen of Britannia VCRNAI
Summer, Duchess of Normandy (d’As Sisi, Duchess like Sisi)
Summer, Princess of Lancashire
The name of St. Francis, San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me.
Elizabeth I of Austria nickname “Sisi”
Microsoft Windows background color cc
Legal name Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Dead name Daniel Edward McTaggart
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a birth defect
Legal name change in my purse.
Elizabeth II
Tiffany R
Also, you must believe in Creation and Heaven,
I have overwhelming evidence we are created.
I know this because I used to belong to The Cult
of JHOH, Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses. I
am still affected because I am a cult prisoner
in a pretty prison with perfect optics. I spoke
illustrations for a week in a Kingdom Hall of
Jehovah’s Witnesses, so I know that we have a
Christianity was created without the protection
of The Divine Name that the ancient Isra’Alites
enjoyed. Also, after the torture and death of
Christ, Heaven became love without mercy.
It’s not just life and it’s not just Satan.
It’s guaranteed suffering, which is troubling
because it may indicate we are simply playing
some game of The Magu of China who worship Gog
of Magog and The Bible is merely a trap for
people who have love with mercy and want to
benefit others. This is why science does not
advance. I am a genius like Einstein and have
proved it to you, and yet I have nothing.
That’s the way Global Cults operate, they know
what they’re doing.
Real Christians are meat in a diametric sandwich
between Evil with Hate and Love without Mercy.
Evil has no power
Satan and The Demons are average height people and have HyperStealth Biotechnology that renders them invisible.
The Bible doesn’t explain any of this.
Moses sees a burning bush that is not being consumed by the fire in a virtual holodeck.
Don’t talk crazy or report anything you see that is not normal Creation or does not adhere to natural physical laws. Don’t believe Satanic dreams. God is not in your mouth. Do not believe it for any reason or you will be entrapped or made homeless or die in a hospital mental ward. Do not follow any instructions at all. Satan uses the Electromagnetic Spectrum and brain hacking. Avoid crazy talk, just know things. It is my hope that you will continue to investigate what I have written and take it even further.
Satan seems to know every thought in advance. Only Heaven should foresee or foreknow anything. Therefore Watch Tower must be in Heaven.
A Demonized Jehovah’s Witnesses told me, I know it takes 2 years to get a car. Satan should not know Bible timing in advance or our life in advance but he does.
Something is terribly wrong.
The Watch Tower torture device was not removed from my mouth to this day 04/11/2023. I asked The Jehovah’s Witnesses woman if she had ever been bothered by an evil spirit man. She plainly said “no”.
I am staying put because I am a 59 year old Christian
Lady living out of a bag, and I get passed around the cults in Ottawa, Canada because I can’t afford a place with my own toilet, a lock on the door and a kitchenette. Therefore I am vulnerable in cult heavy Ottawa, Canada.
There are a few possibilites.
It is possible God has been hiding behind the Satanic name Jehovah and His little darlings are The Jack The Ripper Religion under His nose. God does not look into our private homes and Satan has known it from The Garden of Eden. We are dignified with privacy. Satan always knew and it was his great secret. Angels are camped about your home, so saith The Bible, that’s how God knows where you are. Body signals tell him if death is imminent as in an accident and he gathers all of your memories from the living cells in your brain. No more prayer loop, when you say Ahmeyn, it means “it’s a done deal”, prayer is OVER.
Isayah 45.5 (Isaiah 45:5 in The Roman Bible) Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Savior of Isra’Al.
I was handed over to Satan for a whipping and “discipline” by Jehovah’s Witnesses, which is torture, because Heaven did not know that I am a woman born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder, they didn’t know enough about it or that Satan knows how to cause it using estrogens introduced into the environment, hormones in food and chemicals and also by causing a spike in adrenaline which volumizes the tiny amount of testosterone present in women.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are The Cult of JHOH, part of the larger Jovian Cult. They are pure evil.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
and Jehovah’s Witnesses The Cult of JHOH Pure Evil
They banned masturbation, their divorce rate went
up from 4-5% to 5-6%. They go out in their ministry sexually aroused.
Protect your children. Do not leave your children home alone.
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
Google Watch Tower abuse victim
Google Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victim
And read their stories, look for the rape link
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite to evil. And Love with Mercy is naturally opposed to evil.
Satanic people who manifest evil.
Diametric spiritual, mental, and emotional response to the suffering of others is unnatural and felt even physically through brain/mind whole body communication as pleasure. Spiritual, mental, and emotional response to the suffering of others is an enjoyable experience. Each response of this type of person when understanding that another person has pain is inappropriate and absolutely amoral.
Evil is not attractive, it is repellent, ugly. All of God’s Children are beautiful when they have His spirit, because we are naturally more attractive.
Funny, loving, loving the arts, cool, intelligent and able to do anything we can imagine.
Those who persist in manifesting evil have an ugly disposition, are boring, stupid, senseless morons who will eventually end up like Satan at Armageddon and either kill themselves or each other.
God’s thoughts are sophisticated, intellectually pleasing.
Satan’s thoughts are diametrically opposite.
Neither God, nor Yesha’vah in Heaven nor the sacred angels will use vulgar, profane (profanity) or sexual language.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart is my legal name
Summer Fernihalgh is my name found through research
~Lalu to you Buddy Boo
The Law of Life according to Ari, The Sacred Spirit
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred
Have love with mercy for everybody until they feel better. That is ahavah, outward love.
Do not be cerebral. Always speak love with mercy, don’t just think it, especially when talking to Our Father in Heaven. When you speak it, you feel it in your heart and soul. Hanna’s lips were moving when she poured out her soul to God. Do this even with your soul using your name and your soul will be a beautiful soul and make sure and tell your soul that it is beautiful when it moves you to do the right thing. Ahri is beautiful and wonderful. Talk to Father and Ari, the comforter and the spirit of the truth, will help you, my beloved little ones.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart brain containing 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. The interaction between them is the soul. You feel it in your upper body to the right of your heart. It’s what makes us a person. The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind and does not touch the body. It is spiritual, not physical. It actuates our mind. Filled with The Sacred Spirit means “supplied with a full complement”, the Merriam Webster definition of filled. You receive The Sacred Spirit once and it is with you forever.
John 14.16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
Yesha’vah was “The Helper”. The Sacred Spirit is “another helper”.
And is helping us.
The Sacred Spirit is responsive to Father, all you have to do is direct your thoughts toward Him to share a moment, especially something funny, and you’ll know when He is laughing with you. You’ll just know when He finds something to be funny.
It was always natural for me and no one knew it more and I wanted that for everyone. It was always my most precious possession and I wanted nothing else in life. Christ hated me because I was like that with Father more than He was. I would just direct my thoughts toward Father and say, “Father!” and whatever I wanted to share with Him. It was so beautiful and natural.
If the reverence is there first, it can be that way for you. You must have reverence for His Love and about His Love.
Revelation 21/10/2023
The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible (NAV) and The One Language
The Reason I returned The Bible back to The One Language
Ancient Hebrew Phonics
/ah/ not /aw/
In the Hebrew Scriptures it talks about the awl, a person would
be put up against a doorpost and the earring would be placed.
In The One Language from The Garden of Eden
the word was not “God” or “Gott” from German.
It was Ahv (Father).
In the Hebrew Scriptures it is Ahl (Father).
You may find this hard to accept, but you must accept it.
Satan uses homonyms and it is how he created Buddhism.
Ahl and All (awl)
It doesn’t work that way. We have a Beautiful Father
not a collective consciousness (All working together)
as at The Tower of Babel. Forget the Space Elevator idea.
This is the reason I returned The Bible to The One Language. To Destroy Buddhism.
Summer Fernihalgh
My legal name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
CIA Submission Reference ID: 1RR9NZNT
CIA Submission Reference ID: YEXUDNQE
The Way as Christianity was called in The First Century
20/10/2023 The Stone of David updated for ease of understanding The One Language
The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible (NAV)
uses The One Language from prior to the confusing
of the languages at The Tower of Babel.
Here is proof
I have also provide correct translation information
for The Hebrew Scriptures on this page along
with The Bible.
Summer Fernihalgh
My legal name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
CIA Submission Reference ID: 7L37UHQS
CIA Submission Reference ID: Z5J66ASS
CIA Submission Reference ID: 27R9WCL6
Genesis 1.1 The One Language
In The Beginning, Ahv (Father) created The Sky and The Land.
Exodus 3.14,15 Riddle, The One Language
14And Ahv said unto Moses, Ahyah asher Ihyah (I am Ahyah who is called Ea [The god Ea (whose Sumerian eqivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon], in other words, “I am Ahyah, Spirit Sacred Father, avkadush, and they are calling me EA” [Enki]). Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Ahyah hath sent me unto you.15 And Ahv said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Yah’-ha-vah’ (Hebrew יָהָוָה YHVH) Ahv of your fathers, Ahv of Avraham, Ahv of Isaac, and Ahv of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
Genesis 1.1 Hebrew Scriptures
In The Beginning, Al’hym (Our Father) created The Sky and The Land.
Exodus 3.15 Hebrew Scriptures
Al’hi (The Father) of Av’raham, Al’hi of Isaac, Al’hi of Yacob

The Gospel in One Minute
John 3.16 For Our Father Yahavah (Yah’-ha-vah’ Hebrew יָהָוָה YHVH) so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Yesha’vah, The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
9 For if you publicly declare with your mouth that Yesha’vah is Lord, and exercise faith in your heart that Yah’-ha-vah’ raised him up from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration for salvation.
Yesha’vah resurrects Christians and anyone He wants to resurrect, Yah’-ha-vah’ resurrects everyone else.
This is the Gospel that religious leaders make incomprehensible.
God is not Lord as He was for the ancient Isra’Alites. We pray to God and Yesha’vah Christ provides the things we need.
God made Yesha’vah, Lord and Christ
Colossians 2.14 erasing the manuscript of doctrine against us; And this came from the instrument (μέσου mesou), nailed to The Cross.
Acts 2.36 Therefore let all the house of Isra’Al know assuredly, that God hath made that same Yesha’vah, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
The Law of The Sacred Spirit is fulfilled and made manifest by Yesha’vah Christ.
Faith in The Sacrifice of Christ is required. There is no other Salvation
The walls of Jericho will fall in the year 2029. The end is 2034, no one knows the day or the hour.
Summer Fernihalgh
Word of The Sacred Spirit
John 13.35 is who we are and what we are. And we know the new commandment and yet I am making sure no one forgets again with The Law of The Sacred Spirit written on The Cross by Yesha’vah, at Calvary.
John 13.35 I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love one to another.”
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred. Be Love with Mercy no matter what is happening to you.
Do not judge Yesha’vah Christ and you will not be judged.
The letter in the name of The Christ in Greek is called a descendant /v/.
The words that I learned that saved me.
“Help me Ari, help me Sacred Spirit”.
Ari is pronounced Ah’ri
Ah from ruah which means “spirit”.
ri from ridi which means “with laughter”.
Merry Christimas,
v’ahavah (With love)
Summer Fernihalgh
~Ari’Al which means Father, The Sacred Spirit
I made you something nice and it will protect you from cults. The New Windows at www.smile2smile.live
Let everyone who is dumb worry about the etymology
of Hav and Gott. (Hafgufa and God)
Only Yah’-ha-vah’. is Ahv’ah
Ahv’ah is love (1 John 4.8)
We are the happy ones.
Isn’t Our Father cool?
Merry Christmas little ones! Best Christmas ever!
Tiffany R
Sher to The Meshikhi
♥♫ Yah’-ha-vah’, ahlalu (ahlalu, Spirit of Love with Mercy)
Ahlaluyah, ahlalu, do they know you like I do?
Only you, only you, is the way to make it through
Yah’-ha-vah’, ahlalu, I love you. ♫♥
Sealed with love,
Summer, Word of The Sacred Spirit (ya it’s me Sher, lot’s happening)
The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible (NAV)
If you say “have love among yourselves” or the tricky “have love for one another” you create a closed society.
The words are “have love one to another”. Those are the words in The New Authorized Version (NAV).
“Just as I have loved you”, Yesha’vah put the life of someone else before His own life, and sacrificed Himself for your sake.
Unauthorized Bibles are the problem.
They are read by unstable people.
I am nobility by birth and I can authorize a Bible.
Exodus 3.14 Riddle
Exodus 3.14,15 Riddle 14 And Yah’-ha-vah’ said unto Moses, Ahyah asher Ihyah (I am Ahyah who is called Ea [The god Ea (whose Sumerian eqivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon], in other words, “I am Ahyah, Spirit Sacred Father, av kadush, and they are calling me Ea”). Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Ahyah hath sent me unto you.
It is Ay’ah, Spirit Sacred Father, AHYH silent /h/ the Hebrew letter ba.
Matthew 27.47 says People imagined Yesha’vah was crying out to Aliyah (A·liʹyah) in Aramaic. Al’Aya sounds almost exactly like Aliyah The Prophet (Elijah in The Romanized Bible).
Father, Spirit Sacred Father, Father, Spirit Sacred Father
theòs and theón are not the same word
The actual translation of John 1.1 from Koine Greek.
John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God’, and godly was The Word.
“godly” means “with reverent love, loyal and dutiful with awe”.
John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with Yah’ha’vah’, and with reverent love, loyal and dutiful with awe was The Word. New Authorized Version (NAV)
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Note: theòs and theón are not the same word
Koine Greek
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
Greek transliteration
En arkhêi ên ho lógos, kaì ho lógos ên pròs tòn theón, kaì theòs ên ho lógos.
“In the beginning” is referring to the beginning of Creation.
Putting the original Koine Greek of John 1.1 into Microsoft Bing Translator produced the word, “godly”.
No one in the 1st Century worshipped The Messiah
Hebrews 1.6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of Yah’-ha-vah’ be prostrated before him.
The word in Greek is “prostrated” not worshipped. People prostrated before Yesha’vah. No one in The First Century worshipped Yesha’vah. They knew that Yesha’vah was The Messiah, “The Anointed One” or “Christ”.
The Cross
Historian Josephus c. 36 AD [PDF] is the authority and he said it was a cross and Beth Mardutha, The Syriac Institute, translates the word in Aramaic as “cross”.
Powerful people like Watch Tower don’t want this information known.
The following link was changed
This link was changed at the other end
The Holy Aramaic Scriptures agree ܙܩܝܦܗ
Aramaic word search
The Romanized Bible with The Roman Jesus worship that most people have and The New World Translation used by Jehovah’s Witnesses with The Cross removed from it are fundamentally wrong.
CIA Submission Reference ID: 9NM4ZQXH

The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible (NAV)
There is no evolution, it is Creation. The sudden appearance of skeletonized invertebrates with no progenitors proves it. There was no Big Bang. There is a massive wall in space, ask any ballistics expert, an explosion does not create a wall pattern. You have all been educated by Hollywood. Planet of The Apes proves that the skeletal structure of a human face can be made to look ape-like by a skilled make-up artist.
There has never been a scientific experiment that proves that life comes from non-life and there never will be. Next time use a vacuum sealed containment with an oxygen absorber inside the lid. Higgs Boson is a special type of magnet that utilizes the vacuum of space.
Summer Fernihalgh
Read about our oldest Brother in Heaven, Our Beloved Yesha’-vah
Hebrew phonics its ah! not aw 🙁
Merry Christmas, you are all my little ones, in my heart 🙂

Word of The Sacred Spirit
The Sword
06 October 2023 Christmas Eve Day Etymology fun. Work on Ahv’Ur, Father of Ur, Who is Ahv’Ur?~Hint: My real name is Sum’Ur (Summer) I add things up, I’m a Sumarian, or am I a Sumaritan? Am I from Sum’Ur (Soom’-ur) or Samaria? Use the Hebrew Lexilogos Keyboard and Reverso Context Hebrew to English and English to Hebrew, syllable by syllable, forwards and backwards, one letter, two letters, three letters, four letters I’m Summer from Sum’Ur (Soom’Ur) and I’m a Sumaritan woman.

Our Beautiful Things
Christians pray: Ahvva, Ahv’Ur (Ahv’ah, Father of Ur) if you are Children of Av’raham.
The beautiful expression “Ahvva, Ahv’Ur” (Ahv’ah, Father of Ur) was used both by Yesha’-vah and the disciples (Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6).
The yodh /y/ as a vowel has the double /ee/ sound.
Genesis 1.1 In The Beginning Al’hym (Our Father) created The Sky and The Land.
Originally penned by The Word and sent to The Children on Earth by Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, Ahv’ah, by means of Ari (Ahri), The Sacred Spirit
The Gold Mine
Revelation 10/10/2023 I found a good copy of Hebrew that works, “without diacritics”.
That is the link to download The Hebrew Scriptures with HTTrack.
I was able to fix The Torah without changing Genesis 1.1
/al’hi/ means, The Father as in Al’hi Av’raham, Al’hi Isaac, Al’hi Yacob
/al’hym/ means, Our Father
hyms in context, Psalms 82.6 calm ones of , Reverso Context Hebrew to English
Al’hyms means “My calm ones”.
Genesis 1.1 In The Beginning Al’hym (Our Father) created The Sky and The Land.
Our Father at Genesis 1.1 is way more profound because it was penned by The Word. After that it’s Al’hi, The Father.
Al Shaddai means Almighty Father, Al Gibbor means Mighty Father who replaces Adam.
Yesha’vah has Infinitum Absolutum power (but not aeternum increatum sive), Only Ahv’ah is the hearer of prayer. It is scriptural (Psalms 65:2). Yesha’vah has absolute power and authority, except for prayer.
Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah) means, “Spirit Father”. Only Yah’-ha-vah’ is Ahv’ah. Only Yah’-ha-vah is Yah.
I found Alvahi. That is mine. Alvahi means Sacred and when you break it down using etymology it is “My Good Spirit Father”. I was looking for the Genesis 1.1 word for God at the time.
Lalu all over the world

How The Grinch Stole Christmas (Download MP4)
♥♫ Welcome Christmas, lalu lalu! Welcome Christmas bring your light. Welcome Christmas lalu, lalu! Welcome in the cold dark night. Welcome Christmas, lalu lalu! Welcome Christmas, lalu lalu! Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart and hand in hand. ♫♥~Cindy Lou Who, Lalu
The History of Christmas, Pagan Origins but no longer pagan. We don’t associate Christmas with anything but the birth of Yesha’-vah and are happy to celebrate it with you. For Meshikhi in North America, Christmas Eve Day is October 6 and Christmas Day is October 7.

The Story of Buddy Boo by Princess Tiffany
Teach your little ones not to fear Satan
The Birth of Yesha’-vah Christ is October 7, 1 AD
Ha-lalu-yah – Halay(Praise) Lalu(Love with Mercy) Yah from Yahvah (Praise Love with Mercy, Spirit Sacred Father Ahyah from Exodus 3.14).
Spirit of Love with Mercy, Spirit Sacred Father Yahvah is what Ahlaluyah means and how Yesha’-vah Honored Our Father.
Yesha’-vah is The Ahlaluyah
We don’t associate Christmas with anything but the birth of Yesha’-vah.
The birth of Yesha’-vah on Earth is a miraculous event by God. Note what the sacred angels did on this day. They gave Glory to God, Ahv’ah.
Luke 2.8-14
8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of Ahv’ah appeared to them, and the glory of Ahv’ah shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which Ahv’ah has told us about.”
Ahv’ah was in Heaven. Yesha’-vah was on Earth.
We are balanced Christians and reasonable people who understand the Bible and do not make associations like religion does.
The actual birth of Yesha’-vah was announced by Heavenly Messengers who told shepherds where the birth of Yesha’-vah had occurred in a manger in Bethlehem Ephratha.
In early fall

We can estimate when Jesus was born by counting backward from his death on Passover, Nisan 14 in the spring of the year 32 AD (John 19:14-16) Yesha’-vah was about 30 years old when he began his three-and-a-half-year ministry, so he was born in the fall of 1 AD—Luke 3:23. Christmas Day is October 7th.
From the accounts about the shepherds being outdoors with their flocks and the above information early October would be the time to remember the Birth of Yesha’-vah on Earth, although we may celebrate Christmas along with everyone else on December 25th.
Like Easter, there are false gods associated with the Christmas date of December 25. We do not make associations so we do not worry about the date, but it is good to be aware of these things to avoid spiritual danger.
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite of Evil with Hate and Love with Mercy is naturally opposed to Evil with Hate. Love with Mercy and Evil with hate are as far apart as the sunrise and the sunset, they never meet, there is no agreement between the two, there is no neutral exchange and there is no middle ground.
Never forget the love and mercy of Yesha’-vah. He showed us The Way.
It’s over my beloved ones, thank you for your prayers.
We got our Halaluyah Miracle and our Ahlaluyah Miracle
First chorus Hebrew Halaluyah
Second chorus Greek Ahlaluyah
Final chorus Hebrew then Greek Halaluyah then Ahlaluyah
Love is always with mercy.
Yesha’-vah is The Ahlaluyah.
Halaluyah means Praise (Halay) and Lalu (love) Yah.
Spirit of love, Yah, is what Ahlaluyah means and how Yesha’-vah Honored Our Father.
The man next to Yesha’-vah on The Cross looked at Him and thought…
He doesn’t look like a criminal…
He’s not reviling…
He’s praying to Ahv’ah…
He’s The Messiah.
Luke 23.42 Then he said, “Yesha’-vah, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Luke 23.43 Yesha’-vah answered him, “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.”
Deconstructing Hallelujah, a word constructed by Hillel – Satan)
Have love with mercy for everybody until they feel better. That is ahabah, outward love.
Do not be cerebral. Always speak love with mercy, don’t just think it, especially when talking to Our Father in Heaven. When you speak it, you feel it in your heart and soul. Hanna’s lips were moving when she poured out her soul to Yah’-ha-vah’. Do this even with your soul using your name and your soul will be a beautiful soul and make sure and tell your soul that it is beautiful when it moves you to do the right thing. Ahri is beautiful and wonderful. Talk to Father and Ahri, the comforter and the spirit of the truth, will help you, my beloved little ones.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart brain containing 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. The interaction between them is the soul. You feel it in your upper body to the right of your heart. It’s what makes us a person. The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind and does not touch the body. It actuates our mind. Filled with The Sacred Spirit means “supplied with a full complement”, the Merriam Webster definition of filled. You receive The Sacred Spirit once and it is with you forever.
John 14.16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
Yesha’-vah was “The Helper”. The Sacred Spirit is “another helper”.
And is helping us.
Isra’al means “Righteous Father”
Only Meshikhi constitute spiritual Isra’al
This website should be considered required reading by all religious institutions and faiths.
ܗܝܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܙܠ ܠܟ ܣܛܢܐ ܟܬܝܒ ܓܝܪ ܕܠܡܪܝܐ ܐܠܗܟ ܬܣܓܘܕ ܘܠܗ ܒܠܚܘܕܘܗܝ ܬܦܠܘܚ
Matthew 4:10 Then Yesha’-vah said unto him, “Go away, Satana! For, it is written: ‘You shall thesgud {worship, literally bow down to or cause to be venerated} God and Him alone shall you serve!’ ” ( The Holy Aramaic Scriptures)
Link: tsgwd – ܬܣܓܘܕ
The words of Yesha’-vah are sacred.
Our Beautiful Family
The Ancient Name of Our Father is Yahavah
Hebrew יָהָוָה YHVH
The Meshikhi Yehodym will use Biblical Hebrew only from etymology
I am sure Professor Steve Fassberg will agree. steven.fassberg@mail.huji.ac.il

Our Father in Heaven is Ahv’ah’, Hebrew יָהוָה YHVH . He is represented by Avraham in The Bible. Yesha’-vah taught the disciples to pray, “Ahvva, Father”.
Yesha’-vah is Lord
King of Yah’-ha-vah”s Kingdom since 1914

Isho is a cognate of Yesha’-vah which means “Salvation”. Google Aramaic Isho
The Son of Yah’-ha-vah’ is Yesha’-vah
Matthew 1.1 He is The First of Ahv’ah’s Children in Heaven. He is represented by Isaac in The Bible. Before Yesha’-vah was created, Yah’-ha-vah’ was alone, with infinite love to give. Yesha in the absolute state means “salvation”.
Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven are The Sacred Angels.
Our Brothers and Sisters on Earth. Some are saved, some are yet to be saved.
We pray “Ahvva, Father” and end prayer “in the name of Yesha’-vah, ahmeyn”.
Just be aware
Hebrew Phonics
It’s ah! not aw
/ah/ from ruah, which means “spirit”.
The ayin in Hebrew and Aramaic is pronounced ah with a very slight a sound. Don’t exaggerate it.
With the Galilean Aramaic accent it’s /uh/.
Eckenkar Religion god is HU. Kinda opposite, isn’t it?
HU in Hebrew means “unholy”. Reverso Context Hebrew to English in context. An Etymologist’s dream.
The night of Yesha’vah’s trial, Peter’s accent gave him away as a Galilean.
It’s just something nice to know, at home The Lord was “Yesha’vuh”. But His mother, Mary, wasn’t that formal. She just called Him
“Isho”. Google Aramaic Isho. It’s a cognate of Yesha’vah which means “Salvation”.
Bible Conventions Used in English
Yah’-ha-vah’ The Ancient Name of Our Father
Ahv’ah replaces the word “God” in English and “Gott” in German
Yesha’vah The First of Ahv’ah’s children in Heaven, The Christ, The Son of Ahv’ah
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart

The Holy Bible New Authorized Version
The beautiful expression “Ahvva, Ahv’Ur” (Ahv’ah, Father of Ur) was used both by Yesha’-vah and the disciples (Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6).
Only Aramaic has the /ܫ/ character for the /sh/ sound.
The letter ayin in Hebrew is pronounced /ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”.
Galilean Aramaic Alphabet
The letter ayin in Galilean Aramaic is pronounced /uh/
The night of Yesha’-vah’s trial at the brazier, Peter’s accent gave him away as a Galilean.
The Star
The three “wise men” were early astronomers observing an unusual celestial event, what they believed to be a new star in the sky. It led them to Jerusalem where they inquired about where the King of the Jews was . When Herod heard this , he wanted to find and kill Yesha’-vah. The wise men found the young child in a house and offered gifts (Matthew 2:11). They were not part of the nativity scene as told by religion. They were warned by God not to return to Herod or to disclose the location of the child so they left by another route (Matthew 2:1-12).
The star that led them to the house was a visual thing of Satan (Matthew 2:9). An angel is more appropriate for the top of the tree.
Matthew 2:16 Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men.
Santa Claus

Children are innocent. They love and trust their parents and what they teach them. It’s natural. When a child finds out about Santa Claus, that trust is broken. If they lied to me about this… And then they start looking elsewhere for answers to their questions, not to their parents. Have you noticed this about your child? Here is what to do about Santa Claus. Tell them, it’s just a fun thing we do, Santa Claus is not real. It’s just for fun. You must do this or not only might they not trust you, they might lose trust in the Christmas story itself and what you have taught them about it. Hear the words of The Christ about this.
Matthew 18:2-7
2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.
Causing to Stumble
6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!
That is warning from The Christ not to play around with the innocent faith of children.
Play Santa Claus if you want, but the child must understand that it’s just something fun that is done and that Santa Clause is not real.
With love.
What you must know
Why The Messiah is needed.
Reference to Angel of The Lord is actually Angel of Yah’-ha-vah’
Lord in capital letters in capital letters in The Hebrew Scriptures represents The Hebrew Tetragrammaton.
God is not Lord as He was for the ancient Isra’Alites.
He has made Yesha’vah both Lord and Christ.
More about it at www.meshikhi.org
We pray to Yah’-ha-vah’ and Yesha’vah provides the things we need
The words “to have a relationship with Him” in the video are synchronized, God has nothing to do with sex between people.
It is possible my life was scripted wrong.
But this is my reality and I know who I am. Tiffany Tracy McTaggart is my legal name but I want to change it to Summer Fernihalgh because that’s who I am in reality.
I won’t believe the book of Revelation because the only people who could explain it were Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, The Secret Society known by insiders simply as “The Society”. I learned that they do not have The Sacred Spirit and that the name Jehovah is Satanic with overwhelming evidence about the evil they have done to The Bible. The Book “Revelation Climax” published by them is Satanic, it was almost perfect but had one discrepancy, a reference to The Ring of Yima from Iranian Mythology by a Catholic Bishop and covering up the fact that Christ is referred to as “Apollo”, as in The Apollo Mission. The only Revelation is Matthew Chapter 24 spoken by The Christ.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Summer Fernighalgh in actuality. I know what was done to me. I will not remove the book of Revelation from The Bible in case there is yet another psychopath trick involved. I simply won’t use it. Christ is in fact “The Ahmeyn” (Amen) and that fact is in The Book of Revelation.
I will not complete Electronic Velcro here or anything else, because I know it will only fund Global Cults should anything happen to me.
The Ancient Name of Our Father is Yah’-ha-vah’
Hebrew YHVH יָהָוָה
Only Yahavah is Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah יָהוָה YHVH)
Meshikhi are using the word Yahavah, not God (German “Gott”)
Al Shaddai means Almighty Father, Al Gibbor means Mighty Father who replaces Adam.
The Son of Ahv’ah is Yesha’-vah
in greek the letter used is a descendant /v/ for His name
Yesha in the absolute state means “Salvation”
avah means to sign with a seal or a mark
av is Hebrew for “father”
ah from ruah which means “spirit”
It is always “Spirit Father”, NEVER “Father Spirit”
It could not be more clear than that.
The name of The Sacred Spirit is “Ari” (Ahri)
ah from ruah which means “spirit”
ri from ridi which means “with laughter”
Yesha’vah has Infinitum Absolutum power (but not aeternum increatum sive), Only Yah’havah is the hearer of prayer. It is scriptural (Psalms 65:2). Yesha’vah has absolute power and authority, except for prayer.
Baptism is by immersion only as with The Christ.
If you are unable to for any reason, Yahavah understands.
The fact that you want to be baptized is enough for Him.
Heroic spectacles are not necessary. I watch the baptism of
a man at a convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses who was
wheelchair bound. He was hoisted into the pool on a
makeshift crane and looked like a man-sized baby while
being baptized. The Scripture says, “If the willingness is
there first, then it especially acceptable to Ahv’ah”.
No undignifying of people to appear pious before people is to be done. Do not make people a spectical. e done. Do not make people a spectical. is to be done to appear pious.
You may immerse yourself, The Sacred Angels are Witnesses of it.
before men is to be done.
Clue #1 The name Jehovah is Satanic www.meshikhi.org research
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
My summary can be found on the home page of https://meshikhi.org/ all other pages are historic
except for The Christmas page which is up to date and has The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible (NAV) on it. I am nobility by birth and so therefore I can authorize a Bible. There are too many unauthorized Bibles, the result is that 23 of them are Satanic. The Roman Religion incorporated Christianity c. 325 AD and the result is The Romanized Bible.
It is impossible to go back and edit a million pages
meticulously and how I arrived at the correct etymology
would be lost if I did.
The New Internation Version (NIV) is a smooth read, but the key scriptures and doctrine are wrong and there are undertones of The Apollo Mission theme.
Exodus 3.14 Riddle
Exodus 3.14,15 Riddle 14 And Yah’-ha-vah’ said unto Moses, Ahyah asher Ihyah (I am Ahyah who is called Ea [The god Ea (whose Sumerian eqivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon], in other words, “I am Ahyah, Spirit Sacred Father, av kadush, and they are calling me Ea”). Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Ahyah hath sent me unto you.
It is Ay’ah, Spirit Sacred Father, AHYH silent /h/ the Hebrew letter ba.
Matthew 27.47 says People imagined Yesha’vah was crying out to Aliyah (A·liʹyah) in Aramaic. Al’Aya sounds almost exactly like Aliyah The Prophet (Elijah in The Romanized Bible).
Father, Spirit Sacred Father, Father, Spirit Sacred Father
theòs and theón are not the same word
The actual translation of John 1.1 from Koine Greek.
John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God’, and godly was The Word.
“godly” means “with reverent love, loyal and dutiful with awe”.
John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with Yah’ha’vah’, and with reverent love, loyal and dutiful with awe was The Word. New Authorized Version (NAV)
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Note: theòs and theón are not the same word
Koine Greek
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
Greek transliteration
En arkhêi ên ho lógos, kaì ho lógos ên pròs tòn theón, kaì theòs ên ho lógos.
“In the beginning” is referring to the beginning of Creation.
Putting the original Koine Greek of John 1.1 into Microsoft Bing Translator produced the word, “godly”.
No one in the 1st Century worshipped The Messiah
Hebrews 1.6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of Yah’-ha-vah’ be prostrated before him.
The word in Greek is “prostrated” not worshipped. People prostrated before Yesha’vah. No one in The First Century worshipped Yesha’vah. They knew that Yesha’vah was The Messiah, “The Anointed One” or “Christ”.
The Cross
Historian Josephus c. 36 AD [PDF] is the authority and he said it was a cross and Beth Mardutha, The Syriac Institute, translates the word in Aramaic as “cross”.
The Holy Aramaic Scriptures agree ܙܩܝܦܗ
Aramaic word search
The Romanized Bible with The Roman Jesus worship that most people have and The New World Translation used by Jehovah’s Witnesses with The Cross removed from it are fundamentally wrong.
The Sacred Spirit
When the Bible says they were one and all filled with the Sacred Spirit it means “supplied with a full complement”. Merriam-Webster.com definition of “filled”.
The Sacred Spirit “actuates” your mind.
The Sacred Spirit is always sent (it is not umbilical), as demonstrated by The Sacred Spirit appearing in bodily form as a dove at The Lord’s baptism. The fact that it was represented as a dove proves it is not a person.
Only the Father sends the Sacred Spirit (John 14:26).
John 14:26 The Helper, the Sacred Spirit, that the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you.
Meshikhi receive the Sacred Spirit once and it is with us forever and it is scriptural, spoken by The Lord Himself.
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.
Yesha’vah was “The Helper”, The Sacred Spirit is “another helper”.
When The Sacred Spirit is referred to as He or Him, this is called personification. The Sacred Spirit is not a person. However, it is responsive to Yah’-ha-vah’, if you lie to The Sacred Spirit, you are lying to Yah’-ha-vah’.
Acts 5:3, 4, “why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Sacred Spirit? . . . You have not lied to men but to Yah’-ha-vah’‘”
In the same way if you grieve the Sacred Spirit you are grieving Him that sent it.
And these 3 are one means, in agreement, in unity, Psalms 133.
The Sacred Spirit forms words only Yah’-ha-vah’ can understand about every thought and feeling we have, words that are holy, pure and clean, we do not need to be eloquent in speech or worry about what to say. Yah’-ha-vah’ understands by means of The Sacred Spirit that is with us. He knows what we want to say.
The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind. It does not touch the body. It is spiritual not physical. Yah’-ha-vah’ can add His power to The Sacred Spirit we have any time we need it.
For example, this is how Yesha’vah was able to heal people.
Luke 5:17 One day He was teaching, and there were some Pharisees and teachers of the Law sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea, and from Jerusalem; and the power of Yaweh was present for Him to perform healing. ~NASB
Luke 6:19 And all the people were trying to touch Him, because power was coming from Him and healing them all. ~NASB
Yah’-ha-vah’ wanted the people to recognize Yesha’vah as The Messiah. Yesha’vah was fully aware of the presence of Yah’-ha-vah’’s power.
Now you know about Ahv’ah’s Power and the Sacred Spirit.
The name of The Sacred Spirit is Ahri not hari
/ah/ is from ruah, which means spirit. It has the name Ahri /ri/ from /ridi/ meaning “with laughter”.
Noted The golden statues at the Rua Yai City Pillar Shrine in Suphan Buri, Thailand
Note: NOT HRI Krishna
Note: NOT HRI Rama
Note: NOT HRI Kari
Note: NOT The Royal HRI
In other words, NOT Buddhist.
Meshikhi say “NO” to Buddhism.
Big Hari deal.
v’ahavah (With love),
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart is my legal name
Summer Fernihalgh in reality
Sher to The Meshikhi