Escaping The Cult of JHOH

The Universe is a Symphony and an Aria. The nature of The Secret Spirit is Love with Mercy. Love with Mercy is natural, Love without Mercy is unnatural. The Sacred Spirit is Life itself.
Without Mercy, life is just a bunch of numbers, cerebral only.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart-brain and the interaction between them is the soul. It’s what makes us a person.
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe they have no soul. So their love for others is cerebral only, they have no mercy. If you are not one of them or listen to them, you are just a part of Satan’s World that will be destroyed. You are nothing.
God does not show favoritism, so saith The Bible.
God does not have a chosen people for Christianity, Christianity is for everyone.
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe they are God’s Chosen People and only they know the truth.
The Bible they use says, “have love among yourselves”. When you say have love among yourselves or the tricky love one another, you create a closed society.
The correct words are “have love one to another”, it includes everyone.
Jehovah’s Witnesses love each other.
You can’t love people enough, if you hate everything they do and believe that their worship is demonized.
Anyone without Ari (pronounced Ah’ri), The Sacred Spirit may be used by Satan at any time for anything or reserved for use at any time for any aweful thing.
Evil has no power. Satan and The Demons are average height people, feral with large frontal lobes and intellect. People are psychopaths when they are used by Satan and The Demons. You see the danger. Global Cults are the problem, complex social situations created by Satan and The Demons. This is not clearly explained in The Bible.
Only have no fear of the deities at all, they smell it.
Have love with mercy for everybody until they feel better. That is ahavah, outward love.
Do not be cerebral. Always speak love with mercy, don’t just think it, especially when talking to Our Father in Heaven. When you speak it, you feel it in your heart and soul. Hanna’s lips were moving when she poured out her soul to God. Do this even with your soul using your name and your soul will be a beautiful soul and make sure and tell your soul that it is beautiful when it moves you to do the right thing. Ari is beautiful and wonderful. Talk to Father and Ari, the comforter and the spirit of the truth, will help you, my beloved little ones.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart brain containing 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. The interaction between them is the soul. You feel it in your upper body to the right of your heart. It’s what makes us a person. The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind and does not touch the body. It actuates our mind. Filled with The Sacred Spirit means “supplied with a full complement”, the Merriam Webster definition of filled. You receive The Sacred Spirit once and it is with you forever.
John 14.16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
Yesou was “The Helper”. The Sacred Spirit is “another helper”.
And is helping us.
Jehovah’s Witnesses are Love without Mercy, they are human creatures, not people.
Just as those in The Former Heaven are Love without Mercy, spirit creatures, not people.
Love is always with Mercy.
Love without Mercy is nothing, it only benefits the giver and makes them happy. Love without Mercy is bordering on evil, the result is the same, suffering.
If you have The Sacred Spirit, Love with Mercy is all the time, not just once.
If you have The Sacred Spirit and withhold Mercy, it is damaging to your soul. That is how those in Heaven became The He-av’-en, Love without Mercy, like Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Satan spent His time in Heaven learning everything about everything, The Bible says that he was set “with every precious stone”. But he always had an ulterior motive. To get you God and to get you, Heaven. And he did get you, in many ways. Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses were created to get me, The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and as usual, he wanted to use someone as a tool to get you. But I am not a tool of Satan. But you are ignorant Heaven and without knowledge and you will pass away and be nothing if you do not repent and turn around. Because you do not know about the nature of life or the nature of evil people. So much so, that you are dangerous to me.
Revelation 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more.
Love without Mercy is nothing, and you will be nothing, if you don’t.
Life is telling you, but as usual, you are not listening. You do not hear the cry of the lowly one and you do not see their tears and when they pour out their soul to you, you are not listening. Because you believe you know it all. Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are like that.
The Sacred Spirit is Life itself and Life can only be one way. Love without Mercy is not compatible with The Sacred Spirit. The nature of The Sacred Spirit is Love with Mercy.
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite to evil with hate. And love with mercy is naturally opposed to evil hate.
Satanic people who manifest evil.
Diametric spiritual, mental, and emotional response to the suffering of others is unnatural and felt even physically through brain/mind whole body communication as pleasure. Spiritual, mental, and emotional response to the suffering of others is an enjoyable experience for them. Each response of this type of person when understanding that another person has pain is inappropriate and absolutely amoral.
Evil is not attractive, it is repellent, ugly. All of God’s Children are beautiful when they have His spirit, because we are naturally more attractive.
Funny, loving, loving the arts, cool, intelligent and able to do anything we can imagine.
Those who persist in manifesting evil have an ugly disposition, are boring, stupid, senseless morons who will eventually end up like Satan at Armageddon and either kill themselves or each other.
God’s thoughts are sophisticated, intellectually pleasing.
Satan’s thoughts are diametrically opposite.
I have not been shown mercy by Heaven, so The Sacred Spirit has sided with me in all things, not with Heaven, because I am Love with Mercy.
You’re not me and I’m not you, God.
You’re not me and I’m not you, Christ.
You’re not me and I’m not you, Heaven.
You’re not me and I’m not you, O Satan.
All of you Spirit Creatures stay the fuck out of my reality.
How it works.
You are now conscious of these facts.
If you do not remove The Watch Tower Torture Device from my mouth, O God, well then go to oblivion and all Heaven with you. Your Son won’t remove it, He would have to admit He is guilty and made a mistake about me and sinned against me and violated me in a profoundly unholy way.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Only Karaite Judaism are spiritually clean. Kabbalistic Judaism and Watch Tower and Jehovahs Witnesses Christian Kabbalism are not. They are made unclean by the Satanic name Jehovah. All forms of Cabala are spiritually unclean.
The revealing by The Sacred Spirit of The other Satan in Heaven, the other Cherub That Covereth was a catalyst for many things. “The Former Heaven” is passing away as a result.
Mass Hysteria Possible (updated)
Christianity, Mass Hysteria Possible if you do not understand
Fighting back, tear down The Virtual Holodeck
Cult escape plan at the bottom of this page
8,000,000 psychotic people, all working together to create The End of The World
I am The Queen of Psalms 45.9,10,11 (King James Authorized Version)
Christ tried to murder me, the evidence.
The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses Salem Witch Hunt. You will not find represented in a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, anyone experiencing Gender Identity issues related to a birth defect, unless they made the changes prior to becoming one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are Aryan about it. They don’t believe in it, as Ben Ayettey, an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses, told Officer Brown, the Police Officer of The Ottawa Police handling my case.
Revelation 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more.

The death of Christ. The Passover Meal and The Resurrection.
He will receive full honors always, He is The Ahlaluyah. The long night is over beloved. Rest, from your suffering.
This is how He must be honored always, it is how The Meshikhi have always honored Him more than any other people on Earth and always will honor Him. Only speak of Y’sho at Calvary, Love with Mercy, no matter what was happening to Him, even on The Cross. His spirit will live forever, in us.
The music group, Celtic Woman has magnified God and Honored His Son, the way they should be honored. That is how you honor God and that is how you honor His Son. It is a statute forever that they should be honored this way with the song “Amazing Grace”. That is the kind of Majesty that is deserved and that will be the standard for The Meshikhi forever. No one will lose appreciation ever again, and it shall be, on The Anniversary of The Death of Y’sho Christ forever. A true day of remembrance.
And it must always be broadcast worldwide. And everyone should be singing on Earth and remembering The Christ at Calvary. Because you owe your life to Him. Never forget that.
This is written for all future generations and we will not forget the name of Yesou Christ. To conclude prayer, we will always say, “Thank you for Y’sho”. His name will not be forgotten, only to be in a book on a shelf with dust on it. We shall honor Him forever and never forget His name, Meshikhi.
Watch Tower says that after the thousand years we will not have to pray in the name of Christ anymore but will talk to God directly. We will not be like them.
This is a statute forever for all those who are Love with Mercy and want to be called Meshikhi and Christians. Christians to outsiders as in The Bible, Meshikhi to those who follow The Christ.
Future generations of Meshikhi will not be rich brats who do not appreciate sacred things and sacred people.
Rest from your suffering Yesou Christ, the long night is over, beloved.
Stay in Heaven but remember Mercy.
Do not judge Yeshou Christ and you will not be judged.
Y’sho is written all over my heart
and everything I have ever comprehended about Him
is in my soul forever.
Only I could help Y’sho get over His suffering.
Only I could love Him enough.
Only I could do it and only me.
It is as nothing, eternal love is like that. It always comes back. That is the problem with eternal love, it always comes back. It is the problem and the solution.
I am The Lioness of Yudah and The Wife of Y’sho.
Word of The Sacred Spirit
The Meshikhi are Children of Ah’ri, The Sacred Spirit.
Sacred seven times is The Sacred Spirit. Ahri, The Sacred Spirit is “My” Father. The Sacred Spirit is life itself and is my advocate.
The Sacred Spirit is called “The Spirit of The Truth” in The Bible.
I am the most feminine woman on Earth and the most innocent.
When you need help, say “Help me Ahri, Help me Sacred Spirit”.
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit” /ri/ from ridi which means “With laughter”
Is that not so Meshikhi? All Meshikhi know, if it’s funny, it’s Father 🙂
More Sacred than any person or anything in Heaven or Earth is Ahri.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit.
No one touches my Father’s sleeveless coat of purest light with gold embroidered gorgeously.
Paul reasoned that we know we are created because we have a body and move about. The question is, “Where did God get His body?”
The Bible is a collection of ancient texts that give us clues as to our ancient past.
The name Ari’Al in the Bible is a girl’s name. (Ariel in the Roman Bible)
Ari’Al means, “Father is Ari”
Ari’ah means, “spirit of Ari”
The words that I learned that saved me.
“Help me Ari, help me Sacred Spirit”.
Ari (Hebrew) is pronounced Ah’ri in The One Language that preceded Hebrew.
Ah from ruah which means “spirit”.
ri from ridi which means “with laughter”.
Ah’ri is not “God” or the German “Gott”, He is my Father.
Only Ah’ri is Alvahi, which means, “My Good Spirit Father”.
Note: NOT HRI Krishna
Note: NOT HRI Rama
Note: NOT HRI Kari
Note: NOT The Royal HRI
In other words, NOT Buddhist.
Meshikhi say “NO” to Buddhism.
I am not Mata Hari, I am a Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit and Word of The Sacred Spirit.
Cursed forever is anyone who puts a patach on the beautiful word ruah (ru’-ah) which means spirit
I am The Queen of Psalms 45.9,10,11 (King James Authorized Version)
Revelation 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more.
The former Heaven is passing away and I am destroying the evil machine on Earth.~Soji
Isaiah 45.15 Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Savior of Israel.
Jehovah, that is the name you’re going by isn’t it? The Satanic name Jehovah?
Your Son handed me over, an innocent woman, for a whipping and torture by Satan that you call discipline.
Christ is guilty of murdering an unknown number of people with multiple personality disorder by putting the wrong personality on them because Heaven did not know someone could have a different personality in private.
Your little monsters, Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are with The He-ath’-en (The Others) in their homes and in their private lives, Jehovah.
And I am not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and I am not Watch Tower, Jehovah, and have not been one of Jehovah’s Witnesses since 2017, when I was handed over to Satan for a whipping and torture that you call discipline.
I do not even have their theology, and yet The Watch Tower Torture Device remains in my mouth. And it accuses you and Christ day and night forever. 3/17/2024
The former Heaven is passing away and now you know why.
Revelation 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more. (the sea of the wicked Isaiah 57.20)
Daughter of Winnifred Florence Rumble (nee McTaggart, nee Fernihough)
Daughter of Edward Stanley Fernihalgh King of Brittania VCRNAI
From Vcrnai ; a loc n., Norm. Fernihough. From Fernihalgh
Fernihalgh, not “Ferney Hall”, Britain.
Anglo-Saxon Fernihough phonetic Fern’-i-how’

The territories and dominion of the Holy Roman Empire in terms of present-day states comprised Germany (except Southern Schleswig), Austria (except Burgenland), the Czech Republic, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Slovenia (except Prekmurje), besides significant parts of eastern France (mainly Artois, Alsace, Franche-Comté, French Flanders, Savoy and Lorraine), northern Italy (mainly Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, Trentino and South Tyrol), and western Poland (mainly Silesia, Pomerania and Neumark).
May God Bless The Holy Roman Empire

I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11, a woman born with a birth defect. Proof. No one else knew about the Aviad and no one else knew the name of The Sacred Spirit. Do not be afraid little ones.
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible. Something less than Yesou is here. Ari, The Sacred Spirit knew, therefore Father knew. It is impossible to even imagine that Christ did not know.
I don’t know how to accept these words, but they are mine.
Lama, Lama (Lamba, Lamba) Sabaqthani.
Lamp, Lamp, you are my destiny.
I am The Lamp.
My GrandFather is King of Brittania VCRNAI Edward Stanley Fernihalgh
The treachery occurred at the Lancashire Registry.
My family were Tobacco Merchants.
Baptism: 22 Apr 1845 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs.
Edward Cudgington Fernihough – [Child] of John Charles Fernihough & Elizabeth Pusey
Born: 3 Oct 1844
Abode: Rodney St
Occupation: Tobacco Merchant
Baptised by: J. G. Headlam Curate
Register: Baptisms 1844 -1846, Page 123, Entry 977
Source: LDS Film 93884
The Name was changed so that no one could ever connect the dots and know that I am Queen of Britannia. When I visit England, only I sit on The Throne.
The Manchester Arms are actually The Fernihalgh Arms
The Globe
The Merchant Ship (My family were Tobacco Merchants worldwide)
The Helmet of The Head of The Teutonic Order
Tiffany Fernihalgh (Anglo-Saxon Fernihough)
Tiffany , Empress of Austria (Rome)
Tiffany , Queen of Britannia VCRNAI
Tiffany , Duchess of Normandy (d’As Sisi, Duchess like Sisi)
Tiffany , Princess of Lancashire
The name of St. Francis, San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me.
Elizabeth of Austria nickname “Sisi”
Legal name Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Baptized name Daniel Edward McTaggart
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a birth defect
Legal name change in my purse.
Elizabeth II
Tiffany R
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
3026 Innes Road
Gloucester, Ontario
Blackburn Hamlet, Orleans
Ottawa, Ontario
(Orleans, Ontario)
K1W 1A6 Canada
+1 613-894-5871
If you are Meshikhi, copy this website with httrack and put it up somewhere complete. May you be blessed by The Sacred Spirit.
I am Ber’Ari

Satan is The Patach and he shall receive no more honor on this world anymore
Summer Fernihalgh, Word of The Sacred Spirit, The Sword
and The Blacksmith of The Bible
Behold The Bat’left

The Hebrew word פַּתָּח (pataḥ) is a vowel sign represented by a horizontal line underneath a letter. In modern Hebrew, it indicates the phoneme /a/ which is close to the “a” sound in the English word “far” and is transliterated as an “a” 12.
In the Bible, the Hebrew word פָּתָה (pathah) is used as a verb and has several meanings such as “to be spacious, wide or open”, “to allure”, “to deceive”, “to enlarge”, “to entice”, “to flatter”, “to persuade”, and “to be simple” 34.
Patach — To Open

Design and Sefirah
The patach is displayed as a straight line (similar to a horizontal vav). The patach represents the Sefirah of Chochmah1—the flash of an idea or wisdom. It alludes to the horizontal line of thought, as explained in the letter hei.
The numerical value of the patach is six, corresponding to the gematria of the letter vav.
To open; to have a glimmer of what was previously closed and to acquire knowledge.
Six means imperfect in Bible numbers [PDF].~Source
PataQ in Klingon is pronounced Patach. You may search it and the definition is weirdo, but every Star Trek fan knows that in the emphatic absolue sense it means, ASSHOLE.
Patach is Satanic.
The use of the colon : in Bible numbering is Satanic. A “dot” is used in The Hebrew Scriptures. Do not call it a “period” either.
THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION is in The New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures used by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses at Isayah 40.26 (Isaiah 40.26 in The Roman Bible). Read THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION AND PUT IT TOGETHER. COLON, PATAQ, ISAIAH 40.26 NWT Colon, Pataq, Excrement.
God is Spirit, NOT Energy.
Satan is nothing but a PataQ, about Our Father and His Spirit, and hates The Son of God, The First of God’s Children in Heaven and murdered him, torturing The Christ invisibly on The Cross in the most painful way possible. Crushing His testicles and disembowling Him invisibly. Do not speak of it.
Or is that just crazy talk?
The War Against False Religion
The War of Love with Mercy vs Evil with hate has begun. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are the grey area. They are the middle man in Satan’s Organization handing people over to The Jovian Cult who practice sacrifices like in ancient Isra’Al but with people. They practice Christian Kabbalism not Christianity. They are The Snake. And the only way to kill a snake is to cut the head off, or it will come back and bite you. As of the writing about Christian Kabbalism on Wikipedia Christian Kabbalism had not been achieved. Satan accomplished it using the Satanic name Jehovah. The order of The Sacred Spirit is “Remove The Turban and Lift The Crown”, take all their money and sell off everything they have and give it to the abuse victims. Do the same with all Global Cults.
To find the victims Google the following:
Watch Tower abuse victim
Watch Tower abuse victim rape
Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victim
Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victim rape
All that will remain is Love with Mercy vs Evil with Hate.
Let your eye not feel sorry when destroying evil.
Do not laugh about, do not cry about it, as this would be damaging to you.
Just do it.
May Ari, The Sacred Spirit be with all of you who are Love with Mercy.
There is no grey area, it is imaginary.
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite to evil with hate and
Love with Mercy is naturally opposed to evil with hate.
There is no neutral exchange between Love with Mercy and evil with hate.
There is no agreement and there is no middle ground between Love with Mercy and Evil with hate.
Do not be deceived. There is no “fine line”, between Love with Mercy and evil with hate. They are as far apart as the sunrise is from the sunset. East does not meet West.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Word of The Sacred Spirit
Every city blanketed with Quantum FM, an environment in which Satan cannot operate.
People of Good Conscience must vote Christian and that means GOP, Government of The People
A new world to explore Veranda, a home away from home
av Hebrew for father
en is plural
The fathers
The Others
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are with The He-ath-en (The Others) in their homes and in their private lives. They are also Love without Mercy.
Meshikhi will always remember Yesou Christ at Calvary and His example of Love with Mercy no matter what was happening to Him. After His return to Heaven, He became Love without Mercy, and so did all those so tortured, The He-av’-en.
The He-av’-en and The He-ath’-en. Neither have any mercy.
There was an old electrical pole in the form of A Cross across from The Jehovah’s Witnesses Cult Stronghold where I am controlled from. They recently replaced it. Just thought I’d mention it.
Sherilyn McTaggart has been shredding paper for a year and a half. Bags of shredding every week. Decluttering. There will be no evidence that I was ever here.
The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses wants to distance themselves from Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and say, “We didn’t do anything”. They use legal entities. What is the name of the magazine distributed by Jehovah’s Witnesses? WatchTower. The roosters have come home to roost.
Do not call The New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures (NWT), “their Bible” for the same reason. Call it, “The Bible that they use”.
They practice Christian Kabbalism, not Christianity.
If you believe it you can create it. Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses believe it the end of the world with such conviction that they are creating the end of the world by telegraphing to people worldwide that the end is imminent. According to Business Insider, WatchTower has the widest distribution of any magazine worldwide. If they are not stopped, they will create the end of the world as people make their decisions based on this belief. With the new brochure “Love People”, Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are branding themselves as “The Love People”. It uses love science, which is asking questions that cause you to fall in love, with them and with their exclusive doctrine and matching Bible. They now have the power to create the end of the world.
The 36 questions that make people fall in love prove how Jehovah’s Witnesses operate. They talk about love and Christ but they are pure evil and use love and use the Christ. They are as efficient as an Amazon Warehouse.
Used by predators
The video on that page proves they do things unconsciously. And they scour neighborhoods, it’s highly methodical search. Latch key kids go missing, the parents don’t admit they left the child home alone.
How it’s done to children
I was an amp’d child. I have memory regressions to five years old. I have no memories before 5 years old, only a few moments on one sunny day.
Our brains our degaussed when we are children. I have no memories prior to 5 years old except I remember a sense of being alive for a few moments. When I am upset I have memory regressions to 5 years old, but I retain my 60 years of experience.
Our brains were amp’d as children.
As of the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units, the ampere is defined by fixing the elementary charge e to be exactly 1.602176634×10−19 C (coulomb),[6][9] which means an ampere is an electric current equivalent to 1019 elementary charges moving every 1.602176634 seconds or 6.241509074×1018 elementary charges moving in a second. Prior to the redefinition the ampere was defined as the current passing through 2 parallel wires 1 metre apart that produces a magnetic force of 2×10−7 newtons per metre.
A woman that lived down the street, Maude Gregory on Woods Street in Chatham, Ontario, Canada was similarly amp’d, probably because she had information that would expose it.
The story was that she was on the phone during a lightning storm. The rest of her life, all she did was cry, “Big Bully, Big Bully. Big Bully Big Bully.”
I wanted to figure out what happened to her on the phone. I thought, it’s not the volt that got her, it was the amp.
Then I wondered if something happened to me.
I looked up ampere and there it was. Two metal plates is how they do it.
Buying an amp’d kid is like buying a new computer, they start living from the time they are amp’d. And they have no memory of their parents or what happened.
And here I am, controlled in and from this cult stronghold.
My Mother taught me that I am Royalty, so I researched it and found out everything about it. I am The Duchess of Normandy, Queen of Britannia VCRNAI. St. Francis’ name is San Francesco d’Assisi, it is a prophecy about me. d’As Sisi, Duchess like Sisi, Elisabeth of Austria was nicknamed Sisi.
The Jovian Cult steals from us all of our lives because we are geniuses.
Then Jehovah’s Witnesses hand us over to the Jovian Cult who practice sacrifices like in ancient Isra’Al but with people.
So far I am still alive, it is a miracle that I lived long enough to tell someone about it.
I bought the computer in the back room for $250 from the cult woman. On it is userid dlegault in the MSDN Microsoft Developer Network directory on the computer. It is currently bricked and has to be booted from an Operating System DVD.
They want to take my life’s work, Aria and Bandwidth Eliminator, to fund Global Cults. I also made the most advanced Bible ever made since it was originally written. The information on my laptop is priceless.
The Synagogue of Satan

There is what we want to believe and there is the gruesome truth.
Do not be misled, there are ancient people with hyperstealth biotechnology on this planet and we are in a holodeck. It is an asymmetrical war of Evil with Hate against Love with Mercy. Do not be believing anything else if you hope to survive.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have progressively become a closed society since they adopted the name Jehovah in 1931. In this same year, Herbert W. Armstrong became an ordained minister and went on to lead The Worldwide Church of God (now The Restored Church of God), using the powerful medium of television to convince the world’s evangelicals that The United States and Britain constituted Israel. This is the reason for the incredible battlements and expenditures around Israel both overtly and covertly. Jehovah’s Witnesses have even modeled their Kingdom Halls after “synagogues” (Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9).
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses refer to The United States and Britain as “The False Prophet” in their doctrine.
Romans 2.11 For God does not show favoritism.
God does not have a chosen people for Christianity, Christianity is for everyone.
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are a closed society, they will not listen to anyone. If you are not one of them or listen to them they consider you to be a part of Satan’s World that will be destroyed. You are dismissed as nothing. Their love for you is cerebral only, because they believe that they have no soul. And they do not feel mercy for you.
The name Jehovah is Satanic
Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
Cabala Roman God IHOH is the Tetragrammaton backwards, in some Roman colonies they stopped using the letter /i/ and began using the letter /j/, creating JHOH.
/vah/ in Hebrew means “good”. JHOH-vah means Good JHOH.
/je/ from /geo/ means “Earth”
hovah from Strong’s Concordance means, “ruin, mischief”
Jehovah means, “Earth Ruin”
/je/ from /geo/ means “Earth”
sus from Merriam Webster online dictionary means “bearded pig or swine”
Jesus means, “Earth Pig”

iove in classic Latin is pronounced eeyahweh, the name of the false god Jupiter.
iove is Jupiter, the god of The Jovian Cult.
It looks like the word “love” in modern typeface.
When you put Jehovah into language engines you get Yahweh and vice versa.
Jehovah’s Witnesses hand people over to The Jovian Cult who practice sacrifices as in Ancient Isra’Al, but with people.
Be sure to do carbon dating on all of the relics at The Vatican, break open everything, nothing is too sacred.
I am The Daughter, sitting outside having a cigarette being covered in snow during The Great Storm, and I am reminded of an older woman, sitting in front of The Rideau Center in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, with freezer burn and snow falling on her in sub zero temperatures.
In Alert NWT they wear t-shirts that say “The Chosen Frozen”. Scott Toeves, an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses and a big Star Wars fan told me secretly, you’re “The Chosen One”.
One of their publications is called, Holy Spirit, “The Force” Behind The New Order.
God is Spirit, not Energy, so saith The Bible.
The Abomination of Desolation is in The Bible that they use at Isaiah 40.26. They believe in The Theory of Everything.
This city and Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses were created for one purpose. To trap me, The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11.
I will be leaving Canada by the power of God and never returning except to visit or maybe never. My life has been a nightmare here.
God’s Name is Ahv’ah Hebrew Yahvah יָהוָה YHVH.
Watch Tower would like to Romanize it with the letter /j/ like they did with Jehovah.
They want me to be Princess Leia chained to Jahvah the Hutt.
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible. Please remember me. Something less than Yesou is here. Ari, The Sacred Spirit knew, therefore Father knew. Satan knows that I am a real Princess.
I finally understood that The Watch Tower Christ was a false Christ because he had no mercy. And in a terrible moment I came up with the new theology from what I knew. God is Mercy.
A U.S. Census revealed that more and more people were identifying their religion as “Jedi”.
To George Lucas: I love Star Wars, it is a masterpiece. I strongly believe in stories that are about the fight of good vs evil. They highlight the best of qualities of created people. And your movie helped me understand what was happening to me. Do not ever have a negative thought about it.
I listened to your songs, and watched your movies and looked at your art and watched your theatre and watched your TV shows, and read your books. And I kept understanding. And I came up with this word “diametric”. Love is diametrically opposite to evil. And love is naturally opposed to evil, is what I came up with. And I couldn’t stop because everybody’s faith, the people in The Bible who hoped in The Messiah, Those who met Him, those who came after them, and you, little ones, wouldn’t let me stop. And I kept understanding profound things trying to figure it out. The people do not… know… God… and that was one thing, and it kept happening. But I think the big one was. They do not know Father. I always wanted you to have what I have. And I told Father. I want them to have what I have. Going through life, one disaster after another, but after every disaster, there was Father. And as I looked back on my life with Father, I saw my life and it was the same thing, over and over and over. And then I understood Father’s Eternal Love.
I’m a spiritual, sci-fi, sci-fantasy chick. Aren’t I a marvel?
A marvel will whip evil every time.
I had to become IronWoman and be Admiral of Star Fleet and Agent K and Agent Scully and be like The CIA Director and like Seal Team Wow and be unstoppable like Sia. I needed the best of all of you in my fight against evil. I have high function autism and believe I also have Asperger’s although I have not been tested. Attention to detail and everything has to match. The best combination for busting a psychopath trick. All of the ancient Isra’Alites knew, we have no personal power (Deuteronomy Chapter 18), but with Love and Mercy and Faith like those in The Bible, we can do marvelous things.
Don’t do crazy talk, just know stuff. Meshikhi are all trained by me.
Message for Satan: Wrong move Monkey Boy

No mercy was the wrong move of all time with me. I was outside talking to The Sacred Angels who camp about and threating Heaven with holy fire and The Law of The Sacred Spirit “Love with Mercy”, having one cigarette after another and blasting Chris Tomlin’s song “Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone” and kept getting stronger and stronger until I destroyed every theology on Earth.
It’s kinda like playing online chess with a Monkey. Some interesting moves, but once you know it’s a monkey…
The Son of David in Modern Times
Mass Hysteria Possible (updated)
Christianity, Mass Hysteria Possible if you do not understand
Fighting back, tear down The Virtual Holodeck
Cult escape plan at the bottom of this pageH
I am The Queen of Psalms 45.9,10,11 (King James Authorized Version)
Revelation 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more.
The former Heaven is passing away and I am destroying the evil machine on Earth.~Soji
Isaiah 45.15 Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Savior of Israel.
Jehovah, that is the name you’re going by isn’t it? The Satanic name Jehovah?
Your Son handed me over, an innocent woman, for a whipping and torture by Satan that you call discipline.
Christ is guilty of murdering an unknown number of people with multiple personality disorder by putting the wrong personality on them because Heaven did not know someone could have a different personality in private.
Your little monsters, Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are with The He-ath’-en (The Others) in their homes and in their private lives, Jehovah.
And I am not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and I am not Watch Tower, Jehovah, and have not been one of Jehovah’s Witnesses since 2017, when I was handed over to Satan for a whipping and torture that you call discipline.
I do not even have their theology, and yet The Watch Tower Torture Device remains in my mouth. And it accuses you and Christ day and night forever. 3/17/2024
The former Heaven is passing away and now you know why.
Revelation 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more. (the sea of the wicked Isaiah 57.20)
When you have nothing, The Bible becomes a book of empty promises. But by then it’s too late and you’ve lost all your credibility because of Jehovah’s Witnesses and The Christ does what he wants with you. All you can do is beg The Sacred Spirit, “Help me Ah’ri, help me Sacred Spirit.
Where there is no mercy there is no God and no Son of God. If there was they wouldn’t touch a woman sexually or allow them to be touched sexually. Women must come forward with their stories. But the abuse mentioned below shows many women have been abused sexually. Nobody wants an amoral God, who even if you pray, doesn’t stop them.
How many women, while being raped, have cried, “God help me” and continued to be raped. The numbers are uncountable.
Romans 9.15 For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”
How beautiful it would have been if He had said, “I will have mercy on whoever needs it, and I will have compassion on whoever needs it”.
But if it was a Watch Tower woman or one of Jehovah’s Witnesses screaming the Satanic name Jehovah, she would get help.
Christ’s throne is covered in my blood and He dips His finger in it and licks it and savors it.
Christ made a mistake about me, a little girl born with a birth defect. If He admits it He will be killed instantly for sinning against me and the wages sin pays is death. He refuses to admit it.
3/15/2024 Christ, Judge Trelane, the little naughty boy with God-like power, set it up so that if I am lying down on my side, I am myself, but if I lie down on my back, my dead personality is on me.
Christ: “Look daddy, look what I can do with my God-like power! Isn’t it funny?
The only problem is, it is torture for me.
Making Sense out of The Bible
26 years of Biblical research and finding the Actual Divine Name from The Garden of Eden made no difference. Neither God nor The Son of God showed mercy.
Christianity was created without the protection of The Divine Name, to guarantee suffering in a torture holodeck ruled by Satan. It’s not just life and it’s not just Satan. “We were set up” by Heaven. No one touched The Isra’Alites, no one. And everyone knew it, The Isra’Alites knew it and their enemies knew it.
The backward reasoning of The Former Heaven (Revelation 21.1). Evil is allowed to be rewarded while innocent people suffer. It’s backwards and teaches people to believe that suffering is a good thing. Suffering is not a good thing.
Cursed is the one who approves of the suffering of others.
Christ approves of suffering, He offered a reward. It’s in The Bible and accuses Him.
Invisible people on the planet were the problem in the first place and they are the problem now. The Garden of Eden incident would never have happened if there were no invisible people on the planet. The Garden of Eden was the first manifestation of evil ever, there was nothing to foresee or foreknow, therefore God is innocent of that. But after the world of Noah’s time was destroyed it was a crime to allow invisible people on the planet, it was proven what happens when there are invisible people on the planet. There should have been none on the planet after the flood.
Genesis 6.4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
Listen to this bullshit. Hero’s, men of renown? They were the fucking problem.
Then God offloaded more invisible people onto the planet onto His Children and we see the result.
Did putting more invisible evil people on the planet, put more temptations before The Children of God or less temptations. It put more temptations before them than ever.
The Love without Mercy of Christ in Heaven is the stumbling block of offense.
Repellent Christianity can never save as many people or the most people possible as attractive Christianity. It is a fact that cannot be disputed or argued about.
Suffering does not attract people to Christianity, it repels them.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred. You can’t teach Love with Mercy in The Bible and then be Love without Mercy when you return to Heaven and luxury living.
The nature of The Sacred Spirit is Love with Mercy. It is natural for people to seek love with mercy and they find it in Church. Don’t blame them for worshiping false gods, when they are just doing something natural. Seeking love with mercy and finding it.
The Bible teaches Love with Mercy and then we find ourselves to be the meat in a diametric sandwich between the love without mercy of Christ in Heaven and the evil with hate of Satan and The Demons.
It’s not kosher.
Love without Mercy only benefits the giver and makes them happy. Love without Mercy is bordering on evil and the result is the same, suffering.
What is making Christ happy? That we suffer like Him on The Cross, “every day”? I thought we were supposed to carry the cross, not hang on it every day.
Now you will starve Christ with no one to feed you any more suffering in your little shop of horrors. You’re Love without Mercy, just like Watch Tower, He-av’-en.
The Watch Tower Torture Device is still in my mouth, even though I’ve had nothing to do with them since 2017 and I don’t even have their theology. Oh well, I guess Christ is Watch Tower and He has a girlfriend that He wants to replace me with. The Sacred Spirit said, “NO”, Christ. Continue to mock The Sacred Spirit and you will continue to be mocked.
Your throne is covered with my blood.
I have profession medical evaluations that prove I am a woman.
Dr. Kraus at The Royal Ottawa Hospital made the genius diagnosis when he said, “There’s something going on with your personality”. I was evaluated by a professional psychologist an expert on Gender Identity and my endocrinologist Dr. Visram in Ottawa says I have all the female markers of a girl born with a birth defect and my Advocate, The Sacred Spirit has testified about me that I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11, The Blacksmith of The Bible and The Duchess of Normandy.
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia causes a form of multiple personality disorder and Christ did not know that I am a woman. But that’s bullshit, because Satan knew and The Other Cherub in Heaven knew. There is no excuse for the No Mercy policy of Christ about me or His supporting Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses by having no mercy on me but leaving The Watch Tower Torture Device in my mouth. He has proved just how cruel and sadistic He really is in real life since His return to Heaven.
Christ is using The Watch Tower Torture device, the male abusive voice of a demon in my mouth and on my vocal cords. He is also using the isolation effect, the sameness effect that I experienced in isolation in The Arctic while I was in the military caused by no normal social contact. Absence of human contact is associated with declines in cognitive function. It is slowy erasing my personality. He will say it’s natural. It is not natural, it is murder of my personality.
The women with Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses have never been touched by spirit men. Therefore no spirit man in Heaven or on Earth may ever touch a woman again or there is injustice with God. So saith Ari, The Sacred Spirit.
The Heathen “Ministry of Christ”
After the torture and death of Christ, He became Love without Mercy and so did all those so tortured. They have love but no mercy at all. They are The He-av’-en.
Old Heaven does not hear the cry of the lowly one or see their tears. And when you pour out your soul to them, they’re not listening.
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are with The He-ath-en (The Others) in their homes and in their private lives. They are also Love without Mercy.
Meshikhi will always remember Yesou Christ at Calvary and His example of Love with Mercy no matter what was happening to Him. After His return to Heaven, He became Love without Mercy, and so did all those so tortured, The He-av’-en.
And they mocked Ari, The Sacred Spirit.
Revelation 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more.
I noted the Love without Mercy of Watch Tower and understood what happened.
“Let us laugh together”, says Mr. Smooth.
Association with Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses, those groomed by Satan, was the problem with Christ. proving the scripture which says, “Bad associations spoil good morals”.
“Let us laugh at The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11” says Watch Tower in Heaven and Watch Tower facilitated by Satan on Earth.
And my blood is all over The Throne of Christ.
An example of how Mr. Smooth works is situation comedies on TV featuring unmarried sex. No sex between unmarried people is a boundary set by Our Father in Heaven in The Bible. You will not see The Kingdom of God if you practice it.
The He-av’-en and The He-ath’-en. Neither have any mercy.
You’re the worst thing that could have happened to people, Christ.
I asked the woman in the cult stronghold if she had ever been bothered by a spirit man. She plainly said, “no”.
They are left alone to lure unwary men into their Satanic cult.
The Daughter
Ari, The Sacred Spirit, my advocate, has awarded custody of The Children of God to me. They need Love with Mercy, not a hard nose Master who is Christ.
Bad enough the people have Satan as a TaskMaster, they don’t need to go from one hard nose to another, Christ.
God is not a TaskMaster and He does not carry a whip.
Being a Slave of God means being a Slave to His love.
You have grossly misrepresented God in my case, Christ. God is Mercy.
I am Ari’Al and I am Ari’ah and I have had it with you, Christ.
Do you think you are above The Sacred Spirit, Christ? Even God is subject to His own laws. Who are you to overstep them?, little boy?
You will not misrepresent My Father to people, you little bastard.
Do not touch my little ones again.
Learn the lesson of the little cat, Christ
What do you want little one, are you hungry?
Let me get that for you.
Here you go.
She was clearly crying for something, Christ.
She’s eating.
Isayah 8.18 (Isaiah 8.18) I and The Children you gave me.
I will rewrite the scripture for you, Christ, so that you will understand it.
Isayah 8.18 (Isaiah 8.18) I and The Children you gave me, to take care of.
It is implied. Clearly you do not understand The Bible, or God.
You wouldn’t know how to take care of a cat, let alone God’s Children, Christ.
I will be staying on Earth, they will be safe, with me.
John 3:8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of The Sacred Spirit.”
You handed me, an innocent woman, over to Satan for a whipping and torture that you call discipline and “tough love” and don’t want to admit that you made a mistake.
Tough is not one of the words used in The Bible to explain what love is.
You are an idiot savant. Perhaps because of your torture, you forgot Mercy.
“Learn The Lesson”, so saith Ari, The Sacred Spirit.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
Love is always with Mercy.
You remembered the former but not the ladder.
The Ladder is Jacob’s Ladder.
Jacob’s Ladder is Mercy and the only way you may go to Heaven or remain in Heaven.
Do you like Heaven, Christ?
Think about it.
So saith The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11.
I spent 2 years on A Cross, you spent 3 hours on A Cross. Hardly worth mentioning isn’t it?
There was an old electrical pole in the form of A Cross across from The Jehovah’s Witnesses Cult Stronghold where I am controlled from. They recently replaced it. Just thought I’d mention it.
“The Wings of The Wind” for you Christ and all those with you who do not have mercy. You have grossly misrepresented my Father. All those in Heaven who do not have mercy will not have the sacred spirit and be cast out of Heaven, all those without mercy, including Christ. They will be disembodied spirits outside of Heaven forever.
Christ was Love with Mercy on The Cross but when He returned to Heaven, He only knew power. A little boy, with God-like power but no Mercy, obviously and blatantly without knowledge of The Sacred Spirit. Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred. so saith Ah’ri The Sacred Spirit. Love is always with Mercy, with me.
If you do not love Mercy, then you do not love me, says Ah’ri. “I am Love with Mercy”, says Ah’ri and happy are those who love me.
Thank you Ah’ri, thank you Sacred Spirit.
No amount of suffering is enough for Christ. But I could not cast you down to The Earth with Satan and The Demons, that would not be mercy and you have suffered enough. With the interstellar wind is where you will be, rest from your suffering, Yesou Christ. Be with those who only love but who have no mercy in them.
As we travel the stars, remember the interstellar wind and The Love of Yesou Christ, He was Love with Mercy all the way to The Cross and on The Cross. And He taught us to be Love with Mercy no matter what is happening to us.
This is written for all future generations and we will not forget the name of Yesou Christ. To conclude prayer, we will always say, “Thank you for Y’sho”. His name will not be forgotten, only to be in a book on a shelf with dust on it. We shall honor Him forever and never forget His name, Meshikhi.
Watch Tower says that after the thousand years we will not have to pray in the name of Christ anymore but will talk to God directly. We will not be like them.
This is a statute forever for all those who are Love with Mercy and want to be called Meshikhi and Christians. Christians to outsiders as in The Bible, Meshikhi to those who follow The Christ.
Future generations of Meshikhi will not be rich brats who do not appreciate sacred things and sacred people.
Rest from your suffering Yesou Christ, the long night is over, beloved.
Stay in Heaven but remember Mercy.
Do not judge Yeshou Christ and you will not be judged.
Y’sho is written all over my heart
and everything I have ever comprehended about Him
is in my soul forever.
Only I could help Y’sho get over His suffering.
Only I could love Him enough.
Only I could do it and only me.
It is as nothing, eternal love is like that. It always comes back. That is the problem with eternal love, it always comes back. It is the problem and the solution.
I am The Lioness of Yudah, Wife of Y’sho.
Word of The Sacred Spirit
He has the love psychosis that David had for Bathsheba for another woman.
As the song says, “Ain’t no cure for love”.
I know about transference. All my love will go to another man some day.
I tried. Y’sho is still trying to get rid of me by putting a dead and imaginary personality on me. The sacred spirit said “NO” and also, no substitutions.
But I’m sure father will give Him the desires of His Heart. They’re like that.
And high above all the wedding guests, Y’sho will hang the ashes of my lovely wedding dress.
I’m not invited to the wedding.
He’s gone Ah’ri, transference happened and He’s gone.
Nothing I can do about that.
You have mocked The Sacred Spirit and me for the last time, space monkey.
Satan gets pleasure, even physical pleasure from the suffering of people, that’s why he asks God to hand people over. The Watch Tower torture device in my mouth, the male abusive voice of a demon even said, “I’m masturbating about it”. God did not know the nature of evil people, that they have diametrically opposite emotions of normal people. I’ve experienced evil done to me all my life but especially during the past 9 years. That’s how I know. “Skin in behalf of skin”, spoken by Satan in the book of Job Chapter 2 is pure bullshit. He’s just hungry. And Christian ladies are his favorite sticky treat, and he licks his fingers afterwards. They handed me over to Satan as food. I am not Watch Tower or one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and have not been since 2017. Even after further research made my theology different than Watch Tower’s monotheism, the Watch Tower Torture device remains in my mouth, incriminating Christ as being with them.
Heaven is guilty of facilitating the sexual pleasure of Satan because they did not understand the nature of evil people. It has always been Satan’s ulterior motive for accusing people of a myriad of things.
Job Chapter 2 verses 4-7
But Satan answered Yahvah: “Skin for skin. A man will give everything that he has for his life. 5 But, for a change, stretch out your hand and strike his bone and flesh, and he will surely curse you to your very face.”
6 Then Yahvah said to Satan: “Look! He is in your hand! Only do not take his life!” 7 So Satan went out from the presence of Yahvah and struck Ayob with painful boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.
Job had a bad week, I’ve been hanging on a Cross for two years.
Christ doesn’t get pleasure from suffering, but He does get satisfaction. Like a cigarette after good sex. After His horrific experience on The Cross, the suffering of His followers gives Him satisfaction. There’s nothing that can be done about it.
Heaven is mentally sick from withholding mercy, cursed is the one who approves of the suffering of others. Christ approves of suffering, He offered a reward. It is not natural to approve of the suffering of others, especially if you have The Sacred Spirit. I have suffered more than anyone, but I am still love with mercy for people. What is your excuse Christ? I get no satisfaction from the suffering of people, opposite, I can’t stand to hear these children on Earth screaming and not getting help. What really is your problem Christ? I spent 2 years on a Cross, you spent 3 hours on a Cross. Not worth mentioning, right? No one in their right mind could withhold mercy from these children with all that God-like power you have been given.
No mercy at all is sadistic.
Here’s how it will happen, like it happened with David.
When confronted about my death by the Sacred Spirit and God knows about it, Christ will put on the dog face like David and say, “I’m sorry Ahvva”. God will say, “I can see you are remorseful, your sin is forgiven. You can have Brittany as your wife.”
Heaven and the He-av’-en will go on and continue to be only love, love without mercy.
I will be dead and Heaven will go on as usual, like nothing happened.
The Old Heaven Revelation 21.1
The Old Heaven is guilty of accusing falsely and bearing false witness.
They did not know that a person could have a different personality in private than they do publicly and handed people over to Satan for a whipping and torture that they call discipline.
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) is a known disorder that causes a form of multiple personality disorder.
The disorder is a rare form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) resulting in excessive adrenal male hormone secretion caused by deficient secretion of cortisol, a vital steroid hormone. This begins to affect sexual development at approximately 9 weeks of pregnancy and leads to masculization of the genitalia in the female fetus, resulting in genital ambiguity.
“Female infants born with this disorder may be misidentified as males and raised that way. Now that we understand much more about this disorder, we believe it will be possible to prevent an incorrect sex assignment in a fetus and avoid all of the social, cultural, and sexual issues that can come from such an error,” says the study’s senior investigator, Maria I. New, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Genetics and Genomic Sciences, and Director of the Adrenal Steroid Disorders Program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. The study’s lead author is Ahmed Khattab, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
I discovered that vocal frequency affects the limbic nucleus and brain/whole body communication.
Vocal register training and lip syncing to singing in the C#4 range can help if you’re a girl. The same principle applies to men, use the low vocal range.
Dr. Kraus at The Royal Ottawa Hospital made the genius diagnosis when he said, “There’s something going on with your personality”.
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. ~Sherlock Holmes
Christ tried to murder me by putting a dead and imaginary personality on me. He wanted some other woman, not me. The Sacred Spirit stopped Him.
Don’t do Crazy Talk, just know stuff
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
The War Against False Religion
The War of Love with Mercy vs Evil with hate has begun. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are the grey area. They are the middle man in Satan’s Organization handing people over to The Jovian Cult who practice sacrifices like in ancient Isra’Al but with people. They practice Christian Kabbalism not Christianity. They are The Snake. And the only way to kill a snake is to cut the head off, or it will come back and bite you. As of the writing about Christian Kabbalism on Wikipedia Christian Kabbalism had not been achieved. Satan accomplished it using the Satanic name Jehovah. The order of The Sacred Spirit is “Remove The Turban and Lift The Crown”, take all their money and sell off everything they have and give it to the abuse victims. Do the same with all Global Cults.
To find the victims Google the following:
Watch Tower abuse victim
Watch Tower abuse victim rape
Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victim
Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victim rape
All that will remain is Love with Mercy vs Evil with Hate.
Let your eye not feel sorry when destroying evil.
Do not laugh about, do not cry about it, as this would be damaging to you.
Just do it.
May Ari, The Sacred Spirit be with all of you who are Love with Mercy.
There is no grey area, it is imaginary.
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite to evil with hate and
Love with Mercy is naturally opposed to evil with hate.
There is no neutral exchange between Love with Mercy and evil with hate.
There is no agreement and there is no middle ground between Love with Mercy and Evil with hate.
Do not be deceived. There is no “fine line”, between Love with Mercy and evil with hate. They are as far apart as the sunrise is from the sunset. East does not meet West.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Word of The Sacred Spirit
Every city blanketed with Quantum FM, an environment in which Satan cannot operate.
People of Good Conscience must vote Christian and that means GOP, Government of The People
A new world to explore Veranda, a home away from home
av Hebrew for father
en is plural
The fathers
The Others
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are with The He-ath-en (The Others) in their homes and in their private lives. They are also Love without Mercy.
Meshikhi will always remember Yesou Christ at Calvary and His example of Love with Mercy no matter what was happening to Him. After His return to Heaven, He became Love without Mercy, and so did all those so tortured, The He-av’-en.
The He-av’-en and The He-ath’-en. Neither have any mercy.
There was an old electrical pole in the form of A Cross across from The Jehovah’s Witnesses Cult Stronghold where I am controlled from. They recently replaced it. Just thought I’d mention it.
Sherilyn McTaggart has been shredding paper for a year and a half. Bags of shredding every week. Decluttering. There will be no evidence that I was ever here.
The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses wants to distance themselves from Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and say, “We didn’t do anything”. They use legal entities. What is the name of the magazine distributed by Jehovah’s Witnesses? WatchTower. The roosters have come home to roost.
Do not call The New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures (NWT), “their Bible” for the same reason. Call it, “The Bible that they use”.
They practice Christian Kabbalism, not Christianity.
If you believe it you can create it. Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses believe it the end of the world with such conviction that they are creating the end of the world by telegraphing to people worldwide that the end is imminent. According to Business Insider, WatchTower has the widest distribution of any magazine worldwide. If they are not stopped, they will create the end of the world as people make their decisions based on this belief. With the new brochure “Love People”, Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are branding themselves as “The Love People”. It uses love science, which is asking questions that cause you to fall in love, with them and with their exclusive doctrine and matching Bible. They now have the power to create the end of the world.
The 36 questions that make people fall in love prove how Jehovah’s Witnesses operate. They talk about love and Christ but they are pure evil and use love and use the Christ. They are as efficient as an Amazon Warehouse.
Used by predators
The video on that page proves they do things unconsciously. And they scour neighborhoods, it’s highly methodical search. Latch key kids go missing, the parents don’t admit they left the child home alone.
How it’s done to children
I was an amp’d child. I have memory regressions to five years old. I have no memories before 5 years old, only a few moments on one sunny day.
Our brains our degaussed when we are children. I have no memories prior to 5 years old except I remember a sense of being alive for a few moments. When I am upset I have memory regressions to 5 years old, but I retain my 60 years of experience.
Our brains were amp’d as children.
As of the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units, the ampere is defined by fixing the elementary charge e to be exactly 1.602176634×10−19 C (coulomb),[6][9] which means an ampere is an electric current equivalent to 1019 elementary charges moving every 1.602176634 seconds or 6.241509074×1018 elementary charges moving in a second. Prior to the redefinition the ampere was defined as the current passing through 2 parallel wires 1 metre apart that produces a magnetic force of 2×10−7 newtons per metre.
A woman that lived down the street, Maude Gregory on Woods Street in Chatham, Ontario, Canada was similarly amp’d, probably because she had information that would expose it.
The story was that she was on the phone during a lightning storm. The rest of her life, all she did was cry, “Big Bully, Big Bully. Big Bully Big Bully.”
I wanted to figure out what happened to her on the phone. I thought, it’s not the volt that got her, it was the amp.
Then I wondered if something happened to me.
I looked up ampere and there it was. Two metal plates is how they do it.
Buying an amp’d kid is like buying a new computer, they start living from the time they are amp’d. And they have no memory of their parents or what happened.
And here I am, controlled in and from this cult stronghold.
My Mother taught me that I am Royalty, so I researched it and found out everything about it. I am The Duchess of Normandy, Queen of Britannia VCRNAI. St. Francis’ name is San Francesco d’Assisi, it is a prophecy about me. d’As Sisi, Duchess like Sisi, Elisabeth of Austria was nicknamed Sisi.
The Jovian Cult steals from us all of our lives because we are geniuses.
Then Jehovah’s Witnesses hand us over to the Jovian Cult who practice sacrifices like in ancient Isra’Al but with people.
So far I am still alive, it is a miracle that I lived long enough to tell someone about it.
I bought the computer in the back room for $250 from the cult woman. On it is userid dlegault in the MSDN Microsoft Developer Network directory on the computer. It is currently bricked and has to be booted from an Operating System DVD.
They want to take my life’s work, Aria and Bandwidth Eliminator, to fund Global Cults. I also made the most advanced Bible ever made since it was originally written. The information on my laptop is priceless.
Some among us actually have an extra cone, giving them super color vision. It is believed that approximately 12% of women have this capability. This may enable them to see 100 times more colors than the rest of the population. I was born with Tetrachromacy. I used to watch Star Trek in Black and White. I could see the blue in Spock’s tunic and the red in Scotty’s tunic, but not the color of Kirk’s tunic. My friend down the street got color TV and I saw Star Trek in color for the first time and the gold tunic of Captain James T. Kirk.
With love,
Satan operates in the bedroom and bathroom of Jehovah’s Witnesses and has done so since the garden of Eden. He knew I was someone else in private because I had my own private bedroom. I wrote about my hope for the future, a beautiful husband who would open prayer for us and read the Bible to me. That’s not a fantasy, that’s a dream.
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11, The Blacksmith and The Duchess of Normandy, all attested to by The Sacred Spirit.

Only believe that nothing is impossible
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred, according to Ari, The Sacred Spirit.
Love without Mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver and makes them happy.
Love with Mercy is all the time, not just once. You can’t say, “I’ll have mercy today but not tomorrow”. Love with Mercy is all the time if you have The Sacred Spirit. Withholding Mercy is damaging to your soul.
Love without Mercy is bordering on evil. The result is the same as evil with hate, suffering.
Christ suffered once for all time, there is no “requirement” for Christians to suffer.
1 Peter 3:18 New Living Translation (NLT)Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the Spirit.
Love with Mercy is the only thing that works.
The walls of Jericho will fall in the year 2029. The end is 2034, no one knows the day or the hour.
Summer Fernihalgh
Word of The Sacred Spirit
John 13.35 is who we are and what we are. And we know the new commandment and yet I am making sure no one forgets again with The Law of The Sacred Spirit written on The Cross by Yesou, at Calvary.
John 13.35 I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love one to another.”
If you say “have love among yourselves”, or the tricky have love for each other, you create a closed society. The correct words are, have love one to another, it is inclusive, it includes everyone.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred. Be Love with Mercy no matter what is happening to you.
Do not judge Yesou Christ and you will not be judged.
It’s torture to think that Christ could exist without Mercy, but He does.
The letter in the name of The Christ in Greek is called a descendant /v/.
In the one language that preceded Hebrew, the word for God is Yahavah (Yah’-ha-vah’).
In the one language that preceded Hebrew, the name of the Christ is Yesh’avah.
The words that I learned that saved me.
“Help me Ari, help me Sacred Spirit”.
Ari is pronounced Ah’ri in The One Language that preceded Hebrew.
Ah from ruah which means “spirit”.
ri from ridi which means “with laughter”.
The nature of The Sacred Spirit is Love with Mercy.
No mercy is sadistic, animal, demonic.
Love with Mercy is the nature of The Sacred Spirit.
The Sacred Spirit is Life itself.
No Mercy is not compatible with The Sacred Spirit.
Those without Mercy are not compatible with Life.
Love with Mercy is the nature of The Sacred Spirit.
It’s natural.
Love without Mercy is unnatural.
The Love without Mercy of Christ in Heaven is the stumbling block of offense.
Love is always with Mercy if you have The Sacred Spirit, it’s natural.
Filled with sacred spirit means “supplied with a full complement”, the Merriam Webster definition of filled.
Why it’s NOT RUA The golden statues at the Rua Yai City Pillar Shrine in Suphan Buri, Thailand, You people are only demonic.

Note: NOT HRI Krishna
Note: NOT HRI Rama
Note: NOT HRI Kari
Note: NOT The Royal HRI
In other words, NOT Buddhist.
Meshikhi say “NO” to Buddhism.
I am not Mata Hari, I am a Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit and Word of The Sacred Spirit.
Conversation with Satan
I asked God to let me question Satan
A life full of fun, love, laughter, music the arts and everything else
What was wrong with everything perfect in Heaven, Hillel
Life with everything on it is not good
What was not good about it
It was boring like crazy
No Hillel, YOU are boring
Who are you to tell me what I am
Someone who knows you, and no one in Heaven will disagree with me
(An actual angel came and patted me on the back over my left shoulder)
Rich brats who don’t appreciate anything and become hooligans, that’s you and your buddies
Rich brats who don’t appreciate anything and become assholes like you
You are dismissed, Hillel, as usual. As always.
Hillel was stupid enough to admit it.
All of God’s Children in Heaven were rich brats, not all of them turned out like Hillel and his friends, they appreciated everything.
Being a rich brat is not a bad thing if you appreciate what you have.
It’s a nice thing.
All of God’s Children in Heaven were rich brats, and Father loved to spoil them.
The Bible says that Hillel was “set with every precious stone”, given everything possible.
Now Hillel is miserable and misery loves company.
Stupid is as stupid does.~Forest Gump
In other words, don’t be stupid like Hillel.
You will become stupid, boring, with an ugly disposition and repel people.
Evil with hate is excrement
Satan is Lord of The Flies
And The Demons are The Flies
And if you listen to them, you are The Maggots
Scroll down the page for the technology information.
Meshikhi will always remember Yesou Christ at Calvary and His example of Love with Mercy no matter what was happening to Him. After His return to Heaven, He became Love without Mercy, and so did all those so tortured, The He-av’-en.
And they mocked Ari, The Sacred Spirit.
Revelation 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more.
I noted the Love without Mercy of Watch Tower and understood what happened.
“Let us laugh together”, says Mr. Smooth.
Association with Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses, those groomed by Satan, was the problem with Christ. proving the scripture which says, “Bad associations spoil good morals”.
“Let us laugh at The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11” says Watch Tower in Heaven and Watch Tower facilitated by Satan on Earth.
And my blood is all over The Throne of Christ.
An example of how Mr. Smooth works is situation comedies on TV featuring unmarried sex. No sex between unmarried people is a boundary set by Our Father in Heaven in The Bible. You will not see The Kingdom of God if you practice it.
Don’t do Crazy Talk, just know stuff