The Perfected Bible that would kill us all. Religious leaders are the problem. Christian love flourishes among the laity so they believe they have the truth. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania use a Satanic Bible with The Cross removed from it. The Bible that they use is exclusive and so is the matching doctrine. God does not show favoritism, so saith The Bible, there is no chosen people for Christianity. They have become the deadly cult of JHOH Religion (The Roman god IHOH of Cabala, in some Roman Colonies they started using a /j/ instead of an /i/. They violate X-Sampa rules of translation in North America, Americanist phonetic notation, the yodh when translated to English is always a /y/ a palatal approximant.
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
I was horrified sitting in a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses as they rationalized the drunken incest of Lot and his daughters. Children are in attendance, even at the evening meeting during the week open to the public, which the public rarely attends. They are taught that they have no soul, the word soul has a dual meaning, but they are Pharisaic and resist the idea that people have a soul. If people have no soul, it follows that God has no soul.
2 Kings 9.32-37
32 He looked up at the window and called out, “Who is on my side? Who?” Two or three eunuchs looked down at him. 33 “Throw her down!” Jehu said. So they threw her down, and some of her blood spattered the wall and the horses as they trampled her underfoot.
34 Jehu went in and ate and drank. “Take care of that cursed woman,” he said, “and bury her, for she was a king’s daughter.” 35 But when they went out to bury her, they found nothing except her skull, her feet and her hands. 36 They went back and told Jehu, who said, “This is the word of the Lord that he spoke through his servant Elijah the Tishbite: On the plot of ground at Jezreel dogs will devour Jezebel’s flesh.[f]37 Jezebel’s body will be like dung on the ground in the plot at Jezreel, so that no one will be able to say, ‘This is Jezebel.’”
Yes, those were the days weren’t they? When The Holy One of Isra’Al called the shots and ruled over Isra’Al. Not like today, when we are in a diametrical sandwich in an asymmetrical war between love without mercy in Heaven and evil with hate on Earth. Yes, these are different times, aren’t they? And before I did my 26 years of Biblical Research, no one had God’s Name to call upon Him for mercy or help like the ancient Isra’alites did.
You see the problem. There are too many uneducated and unstable people and people conditioned by violent Subcription TV and Movies who listen to Voice of God Technology, RF Communications in the air, who honestly believe that is the way to go. So they do throw the woman out the window, hoping that dogs will eat her.
If Jehovah’s Witnesses use The Bible on this site and use the name Jehovah, it would become a perfect Satanic Bible with perfect reasoning.
They are a part of The Macabre Jovian cult who practice sacrifices like the ancient Isra’Alites, but with people. I am in extreme danger.
Use this website’s search function for terms Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses and Jovian and collate everything and dissolve Watch Tower immediately to protect the public, especially women and children.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses worship Gog of Magog along with The Jovian Cult. They use Christ and Christianity as a front. They are psychopaths who believe they are God’s Chosen People and are having fun with God when in fact they are groomed by Satan and The Demons in their homes without God’s knowledge. God dignifies us with privacy in our homes. God was unaware of the existence of The Jovian Cult which began in The Garden of Eden. A short time after the flood, it started up again.
By Jove. Iove with an /i/. Looks like the word love. It is pronounced eeyaweh in Classic Latin and means Jupiter. The name Giove is on a bust at The Vatican. It is pronounced jeeyaweh.
The language databases of online language translation engines are loaded so that if you search for Yahweh, you get Jehovah as the English translation and vice versa.
God is represented by Abraham in The Bible, His Son, The First of His Children in Heaven, is represented by Isaac in The Bible. Two people. Before His Son was created, God was alone, with infinite love to give. Now you know the “why” of why we are alive. God wanted other people in His life and only wants to love them as His Children. That is all.
Yesh’avah is Lord
Colossians 2.14 erasing the manuscript of doctrine against us; And this came from the instrument (μέσου mesou), nailed to The Cross.
The Law of Life
According to Ahri, The Sacred Spirit and written on The Cross at Calvary by Yesh’avah.
Given to The Meshikhi who are love with Mercy all the time and no matter what happens to us.
The Meshikhi are Children of The Sacred Spirit, Ahri.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite to evil with hate.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back. Not to love them back is unnatural.
Love without mercy is bordering on evil and has the same result. Cursed be those who approve of the suffering of another and can bear it
Love without Mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver and makes them happy
Love without Mercy does not consider the feelings of another
When a person chooses evil with hate, they become feral with large frontal lobes, wild animals with intellect. They must be destroyed. Do not attach emotion to destroying evil people, don’t laugh about it, don’t cry about it. Otherwise it would be damaging to you.
Christ suffered once for all time
Christians are not required to suffer
So saith Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
The Meshikhi are The Children of Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
Tiffany, Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
No one ever talks about what happened invisibly, the night of Yesh’avah’s Trial or the day that He died for us. I was whipped spiritually by Satan when Jehovah’s Witnesses threw me away like garbage. You have to remember that a third of the angels of Heaven were cast down and they all wanted a piece of The Messiah. We don’t know and we will never know, I had a taste of it. There are a trillion sacred angels. Never speak a word against Our Lord, God saw what happened invisibly and had to remember everything about His Son so that He could resurrect Him after His death. We don’t know, we will never know.
He was despised and was avoided by men,
A man who was meant for pains and was familiar with sickness.
It was as if his face were hidden from us.
He was despised, and we held him as of no account.
4 Truly he himself carried our sicknesses,
And he bore our pains.
But we considered him as plagued, stricken by God and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgression;
He was crushed for our errors.
He bore the punishment for our peace,
And because of his wounds we were healed.
Yesh’avah is Sacred to The Meshikhi. And I have the honor of being The Promised One of Yesh’avah. I don’t know how to accept these words, but they are mine.
Lama, Lama Sabaqthani, is Lamba, Lamba.
Lamp, Lamp, you are my destiny.
I am The Lamp.
Yesh’avah is written all over my heart and everything I have ever comprehended about Him is in my soul forever. I will never know, beloved, but I will know. And you will never know but you will know. Now go and magnify Father the way you always want to, Lion of Yudah. Do I not know you? I learned it from you. Sometimes more is required.
Yesh’avah magnified God above the heavens, and He has not changed.
Ancient Aramaic and Hebrew are beautiful, soft and musical, not gutteral. The Hebrew diacritic system is Satanic.
When you need help, say “Help me Ahri, Help me Sacred Spirit”.
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit” /ri/ from ridi which means “With laughter”
Love with Mercy is more powerful than God, more powerful than infinite power and strength in absolute parallel.
No one touches my Father’s sleeveless coat of purest light, with gold embroidered gorgeously.
Ahri is Life Himself and life is beautiful.
A Creator may not create life and destroy it without cause A Creator may not alter a person’s ultimate reality or perception of themselves A Creator may not make Laws and not be subject to them A Creator may not write a person’s history in advance before it happens
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite of Evil with Hate and Love with Mercy is naturally opposed to Evil with Hate. Love with Mercy and Evil with hate are as far apart as the sunrise and the sunset, they never meet, there is no agreement between the two, there is no neutral exchange and there is no middle ground.
Never forget the love and mercy of Yeshwah. He showed us The Way.
Have love with mercy for everybody until they feel better. That is ahabah, outward love.
Do not be cerebral. Always speak love with mercy, don’t just think it, especially when talking to Our Father in Heaven. When you speak it, you feel it in your heart and soul. Hanna’s lips were moving when she poured out her soul to God. Do this even with your soul using your name and your soul will be a beautiful soul and make sure and tell your soul that it is beautiful when it moves you to do the right thing. Ahri is beautiful and wonderful. Talk to Father and Ahri, the comforter and the spirit of the truth, will help you, my beloved little ones.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart brain containing 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. The interaction between them is the soul. You feel it in your upper body to the right of your heart. It’s what makes us a person. The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind and does not touch the body. It actuates our mind. Filled with The Sacred Spirit means “supplied with a full complement”, the Merriam Webster definition of filled. You receive The Sacred Spirit once and it is with you forever.
John 14.16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
Yesh’avah was “The Helper”. The Sacred Spirit is “another helper”.
The Perfected Bible that would kill us all. Religious leaders are the problem. Christian love flourishes among the laity so they believe they have the truth. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania use a Satanic Bible with The Cross removed from it. The Bible that they use is exclusive and so is the matching doctrine. God does not show favoritism, so saith The Bible, there is no chosen people for Christianity. They have become the deadly cult of JHOH Religion (The Roman god IHOH of Cabala, in some Roman Colonies they started using a /j/ instead of an /i/. They violate X-Sampa rules of translation in North America, Americanist phonetic notation, the yodh when translated to English is always a /y/ a palatal approximant.
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
I was horrified sitting in a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses as they rationalized the drunken incest of Lot and his daughters. Children are in attendance, even at the evening meeting during the week open to the public, which the public rarely attends. They are taught that they have no soul, the word soul has a dual meaning, but they are Pharisaic and resist the idea that people have a soul. If people have no soul, it follows that God has no soul. You see the problem.
If Jehovah’s Witnesses use The Bible on this site and use the name Jehovah, it would become a perfect Satanic Bible with perfect reasoning.
They are a part of The Macabre Jovian cult who practice sacrifices like the ancient Isra’Alites, but with people. I am in extreme danger.
God is represented by Abraham in The Bible, His Son, The First of His Children in Heaven, is represented by Isaac in The Bible. Two people. Before His Son was created, God was alone, with infinite love to give. Now you know the “why” of why we are alive. God wanted other people in His life and only wants to love them as His Children. That is all.
Yesh’avah is Lord
Colossians 2.14 erasing the manuscript of doctrine against us; And this came from the instrument (μέσου mesou), nailed to The Cross.
The Law of Life
According to Ahri, The Sacred Spirit and written on The Cross at Calvary by Yesh’avah.
Given to The Meshikhi who are love with Mercy all the time and no matter what happens to us.
The Meshikhi are Children of The Sacred Spirit, Ahri.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite to evil with hate.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back. Not to love them back is unnatural.
Love without mercy is bordering on evil and has the same result. Cursed be those who approve of the suffering of another and can bear it
Love without Mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver and makes them happy
Love without Mercy does not consider the feelings of another
When a person chooses evil with hate, they become feral with large frontal lobes, wild animals with intellect. They must be destroyed. Do not attach emotion to destroying evil people, don’t laugh about it, don’t cry about it. Otherwise it would be damaging to you.
Christ suffered once for all time
Christians are not required to suffer
So saith Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
The Meshikhi are The Children of Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
Tiffany, Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
No one ever talks about what happened invisibly, the night of Yesh’avah’s Trial or the day that He died for us. I was whipped spiritually by Satan when Jehovah’s Witnesses threw me away like garbage. You have to remember that a third of the angels of Heaven were cast down and they all wanted a piece of The Messiah. We don’t know and we will never know, I had a taste of it. There are a trillion sacred angels. Never speak a word against Our Lord, God saw what happened invisibly and had to remember everything about His Son so that He could resurrect Him after His death. We don’t know, we will never know.
He was despised and was avoided by men,
A man who was meant for pains and was familiar with sickness.
It was as if his face were hidden from us.
He was despised, and we held him as of no account.
4 Truly he himself carried our sicknesses,
And he bore our pains.
But we considered him as plagued, stricken by God and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgression;
He was crushed for our errors.
He bore the punishment for our peace,
And because of his wounds we were healed.
Yesh’avah is Sacred to The Meshikhi. And I have the honor of being The Promised One of Yesh’avah. I don’t know how to accept these words, but they are mine.
Lama, Lama Sabaqthani, is Lamba, Lamba.
Lamp, Lamp, you are my destiny.
I am The Lamp.
Yesh’avah is written all over my heart and everything I have ever comprehended about Him is in my soul forever. I will never know, beloved, but I will know. And you will never know but you will know. Now go and magnify Father the way you always want to, Lion of Yudah. Do I not know you? I learned it from you. Sometimes more is required.
Yesh’avah magnified God above the heavens, and He has not changed.
Ancient Aramaic and Hebrew are beautiful, soft and musical, not gutteral. The Hebrew diacritic system is Satanic.
When you need help, say “Help me Ahri, Help me Sacred Spirit”.
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit” /ri/ from ridi which means “With laughter”
Love with Mercy is more powerful than God, more powerful than infinite power and strength in absolute parallel.
No one touches my Father’s sleeveless coat of purest light, with gold embroidered gorgeously.
Ahri is Life Himself and life is beautiful.
A Creator may not create life and destroy it without cause A Creator may not alter a person’s ultimate reality or perception of themselves A Creator may not make Laws and not be subject to them A Creator may not write a person’s history in advance before it happens
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite of Evil with Hate and Love with Mercy is naturally opposed to Evil with Hate. Love with Mercy and Evil with hate are as far apart as the sunrise and the sunset, they never meet, there is no agreement between the two, there is no neutral exchange and there is no middle ground.
Never forget the love and mercy of Yeshwah. He showed us The Way.
Have love with mercy for everybody until they feel better. That is ahabah, outward love.
Do not be cerebral. Always speak love with mercy, don’t just think it, especially when talking to Our Father in Heaven. When you speak it, you feel it in your heart and soul. Hanna’s lips were moving when she poured out her soul to God. Do this even with your soul using your name and your soul will be a beautiful soul and make sure and tell your soul that it is beautiful when it moves you to do the right thing. Ahri is beautiful and wonderful. Talk to Father and Ahri, the comforter and the spirit of the truth, will help you, my beloved little ones.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart brain containing 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. The interaction between them is the soul. You feel it in your upper body to the right of your heart. It’s what makes us a person. The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind and does not touch the body. It actuates our mind. Filled with The Sacred Spirit means “supplied with a full complement”, the Merriam Webster definition of filled. You receive The Sacred Spirit once and it is with you forever.
John 14.16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
Yesh’avah was “The Helper”. The Sacred Spirit is “another helper”.
This is how The Blessing is done, only when The Name is spoken.
The Blessing of ‘Ahvah (Hebrew Yahvah)
The hand forms the upper part of the yodh, the forearm the bottom part of the yodh.
The yodh is silent as in Yisra’Al (Yisrael) and is signed. ‘Ahvah is spoken. Use an apostrophe.
Facing the people, The High Priest would use the left hand.
When people choose evil with hate and no longer have any love or mercy, they become feral with large frontal lobes. They are wild dogs, and their emotions are opposite of ours. They must be destroyed.
Psalms 22.16 For dogs surround me; a band of evil men encircles me; they have pierced my hands and feet.
I am in the same situation, dogs surround me. But so far, I am still alive.
I have no fear. They can smell fear. But when a person is trapped, it is natural for your body to release what they want. And they smell it and they know there is nothing you can do when you are entrapped. You are injected, you don’t know how long you are out. When you wake up they ask you, “Do you know what day it is?”
Betrayed by The Bible, A Magu Trap
The New Reality
Moses sees a burning bush, but the bush is not being consumed by the fire, in a holodeck…
People do not suffer from Tinnitus or anything else. All sine waves must be eliminated. Complete instructions have been prepared. All UHF signals must be stopped immediate.
The color frequencies used by The Magu are in the Azure range RGB #007FFF.
Earpods wired at 600 microvolts and signals at 60Hz are the problem.
Satan and The Demons are being created by Magu in China.
The Bell Network in Ottawa, Canada for example is a resonator with tuning fork principle.
Low frequency signals recently discovered by scientists are part of the weapon I call “The Tiger”.
Infrasound is the weapon.
It instills religious feelings in people using the same principle as church organs. The larger the church organ, the more intense the religious experience. World leaders who have attended churches like Westminster in The United Kingdom have been profoundly affected by the experience.
The Magu are an ancient people who worship God of Magog. They have advanced biotechnology and advanced hyperstealth biotechnology that gives them the ability to be invisible. HyperStealth BioTechnology Corp. of Canada is working on the same thing but not as perfect as mine. They are people who have no love or mercy left. They are not intelligent, they steal from the finest minds on Earth and manouver them into situations where they end up homeless after being repeatedly trapped in mental wards at hospitals where they suffer the worst evil. I survived because they made a mistake and I lived to tell about it. They only know how to steal scientific discoveries like mine and my life’s work that was meant to be safe for people, animals and the environment. It’s something to do with reading the brain. Google “brain reading technology” and you will see that this is possible, by means of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM Spectrum). The three main components of The EM Spectrum that are used are photons for light, chemical reactions and a portion of the EM Spectrum known as radio, to produce voices. Their extensive use of The Electromagnetic Spectrum also reconfirmed. Photons for light, chemical reactions and the portion of the EM Spectrum known as “radio” for voices. I feel it is too much unreality for people, virtual reality with haptic capability is making people think they are communicating with God and causing horrible suffering, re: alien abduction experiences. For some people in this asymmetrical war, the holodeck is a torture chamber of horrors. It is not crazy talk, we are living in a holodeck. God is not in your mouth, it is adaptive artificial intelligence that responds to anything you think using brain reading technology. And they can read lips and hear a whisper a mile away with their technology and everything is designed to destroy innocent people with love with mercy. I am with Einstein, who also believed that The Universe was created and I now know more than him and the water cycle is the truth, not a f—— greenhouse. Adding a cloud layer is not the f—— answer, there was the perfect amount of cloud cover you idiots and the Earth will never stop spinning you dumb fucks, A perfectly balanced fulcrum, heavy on one side, an oblate spheroid when viewed from low Earth orbit but a circle when viewed from any angle in space. That includes the D Region, The E Layer, The F Layer and The F1 Layer. Yes, The Bible says the circle of the Earth for a reason you moron pakleds with Watch Tower and you don’t know shit about shit, because it’s full of hormones and estrogens and chemicals which you morons call evolution. It’s a f—— Satanic chemical, hormone, estrogen factory, not a f—— human body anymore. That’s the f—— problem idiots.
Watch Tower is Reginod, The Chief Engineer of The Pakleds.
We’re Watch Tower, we look for things to make us rich.
We’re Watch Tower, we look for things to publish. We are smart.
We have a fleet of Camry’s, we are strong.
We have an Envoy to The United Nations. We know things.
You’re nothing if not persistent Reginod.
When you have nothing, The Bible becomes a book of empty promises. But by then it’s too late. Nobody listens to the dead, those with no fixed address or those in a mental ward in a hospital. That’s how the cults work. They use the telephone. “Hi, my friend is acting crazy”…
There are bugs in this place that livc only in the bedroom and the bathroom, which is impossible. Bugs that eat dead bugs and they have sharp teeth. The bedroom light fixture was full of them, the cult member just happened to have a brand new light fixture handy and wants to remodel the bathroom, especially the vanity and the tub that the bugs live under. Absolute evidence of bio warfare against people who have love with mercy. They do the cleanup after we die and the bones are shipped away in empty Ikea boxes or picked up by her multimillionaire brother and taken to The Vatican as relics.
The Magu are an ancient cult who worship Gog of Magog. God is not in your mouth, it’s just a Magu with technology. It is not God. It is just an asshole with a microphone doing brain hacking of your speech center and I lived and did not die so I could tell you about it. It started with a human flesh search engine, Google it, and brain reading technology, Google it, with haptic response, Google it, you feel being dissected by an alien, it is virtual reality at 600 microvolts and 60Hz with haptic capability. Don’t ever believe it or you will eventually die homeless or in a mental ward. It’s China and the Bible says so and calls them those who eat disgusting things. And they have a dragon god and The Dragon in The Bible is Satan. And if you want to believe The Bible, God spoke directly to humans 3 times, that’s all. Get over it, you Magu lovers.
If you are in a cult stronghold
On the computer you are using, type “Network and” into the Windows Search Box and select Network and Sharing Center, then select Change Adapter Settings, Right-click on VirtualBox and delete it and reboot the computer. Now you have a normal Internet Connection. Right click on the remaining connection and select Properties. Double click on IPv4. Put these Google DNS Servers in the DNS section and and click OK.
Split DNS Reflection Server with Hyper Recursion https://ph16138945871/ at if you can reach it. I’m using it as cover for what I’m doing.
The Server is behind a 0 Volt Emitter with 0 Resistance Field and can not be hacked online or on the grid. It is a modified power bar. There are instructions on the site of how to make one. If you are not technical, don’t attempt it. Follow the instructions on the page for configuring a real life J.A.R.V.I.S. computer.
These are all the settings I can give you, otherwise the cult might get them. I unfriended everyone on Facebook and said it was for a demo of my system.
Never believe one of Jehovah’s Witnesses if they say that they are your friend. They are psychopaths. When they step outside, their brain tells them, “act normal”. The cult member where I am captive tried a fake miracle on me when I threatened to leave if I didn’t have cigarettes. Not a word was spoken. I went into the kitchen and there were two packages of cigarettes on the kitchen table. But it was not a genuine miracle, they did not replenish themselves as with the miracle of the flour and oil of The Widow of Nain in The Bible. After learning the first psychopath trick, I was ready for this one.
Project Azure
Publication of this information has been done in such a way so as not to frighten the public.
Absolute proof that Microsoft is part of a Global Intellectual Property Theft ring. The Jovian Cult research I was doing led me to understand the larger Religio-Political implications. Microsoft acts as a middleman in Global Businesses that use the Microsoft email system, deciding on speed of delivery based on whether they are a Microsoft Approved Investor or not.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania along with Jehovah’s Witnesses (The Cult of JHOH Religion) and their friends and family comprise The Jovian Cult. The Jovians practice sacrifices like the ancient Isra’Alites but use people instead of animals.
Watch Tower Bible and Tracy Society of Pennsylvania is known by insiders simply as “ The Society”.
A Society within a Society and member knows their place in it.
These documents will challenge the faith of people worldwide as we examine the subject of ancient societies still in operation today with advanced biotechnology and hyperstealth biotechnology.
Religion is a trap
Satan comes as an Angel of Light is true Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are a deadly cult, THE CULT OF JHOH, and they are part of a bigger cult, THE JOVIAN CULT, their friends and family. They use The Christ! They don’t believe in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder. The cult member Sherilyn McTaggart (nee Sleeman) admitted that the cult still calls me Dan and that they are doing tough love. They wait until you have no credibility and no money, then you are homeless or dead. My life’s work is worth a fortune, the want it. Cult members set you up by calling the police and saying you are acting crazy. Then it’s 10 days in a mental ward and the can do it again any time they want. They are psychopaths. She tried a fake miracle on me, but it failed. Psychopath tricks. Their brain tells them “act normal”, they can pass a lie detector. Religion is crazy, stay away from it. It’s a trap.
I need a team to extract all of the technical specifications for Project Azure and Project Aria from and which has been my cover in this cult stronghold. I don’t know if Interpol got it.
Final report before death
External IPv4 Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway Google DNS One Google DNS Two
The following sites work
Google YouTube Facebook Bing
This is the actual Internet and they control it.
Not possible to log into GoDaddy.
They are stealing my technical and scientific data as they always have, my life’s work which is the most advanced in the world. They do it all the time to vulnerable people, especially me about to be killed in a religio-political war.
There are too many Satanic Bibles and too many unstable people reading them. It is too overwhelming for them. Religion is a trap, now read about my experience. You will find everything hidden in my Facebook profile I had unfriend everyone around me to speak freely about my nightmare experience. I told them it was for my business demo.
The Gypsies and The Owls
Those who are still on disability but cannot afford a safe place to live are the gypsies, including girls. They travel around Ottawa, Canada by bus with all their belongings and a pull cart. The owls are those who must take refuge in the green belt, wooded areas around Ottawa, Canada. In Ottawa, Canada, temperatures can dip as low a -40 degrees celcius in the winter time. And winter is coming.
No one ever talks about what happened invisibly, the night of Yesh’avah’s Trial or the day that He died for us. I was whipped spiritually by Satan when Jehovah’s Witnesses threw me away like garbage. You have to remember that a third of the angels of Heaven were cast down and they all wanted a piece of The Messiah. We don’t know and we will never know, I had a taste of it. There are a trillion sacred angels. Never speak a word against Our Lord, God saw what happened invisibly and had to remember everything about His Son so that He could resurrect Him after His death. We don’t know, we will never know.
He was despised and was avoided by men,
A man who was meant for pains and was familiar with sickness.
It was as if his face were hidden from us.
He was despised, and we held him as of no account.
4 Truly he himself carried our sicknesses,
And he bore our pains.
But we considered him as plagued, stricken by God and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgression;
He was crushed for our errors.
He bore the punishment for our peace,
And because of his wounds we were healed.
Yesh’avah is Sacred to The Meshikhi. And I have the honor of being The Promised One of Yesh’avah. I don’t know how to accept these words, but they are mine.
Lama, Lama Sabaqthani, is Lamba, Lamba.
Lamp, Lamp, you are my destiny.
I am The Lamp.
Yesh’avah is written all over my heart and everything I have ever comprehended about Him is in my soul forever. I will never know, beloved, but I will know. And you will never know but you will know. Now go and magnify Father the way you always want to, Lion of Yudah. Do I not know you? I learned it from you. Sometimes more is required.
Yesh’avah magnified God above the heavens, and He has not changed.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, aka Sher to The Meshikhi.
The Lioness of Yudah
I listened to your songs, and looked at your art and watched your theatre and watched your TV shows, and read your books. And I kept understanding. And I came up with this word “diametric”. Love is diametrically opposite to evil. And love is naturally opposed to evil, is what I came up with. And I couldn’t stop because everybody’s faith, the people in The Bible who hoped in The Messiah, Those who met Him, those who came after them, and you, little ones, wouldn’t let me stop. And I kept understanding profound things trying to figure it out. The people do not… know… God… and that was one thing, and it kept happening. But I think the big one was. They do not know Father. I always wanted you to have what I have. And I told Father. I want them to have what I have. Going through life, one disaster after another, but after every disaster, there was Father. And as I looked back on my life with Father, I saw my life and it was the same thing, over and over and over. And then I understood Father’s Eternal Love.
What I experienced is unheard of for a woman, everything but The Cross itself, but I am happy to know that eternal love always comes back, no matter what the trial and it is a fact of life that Satan cannot touch you if it is in your heart and soul. He can even break your mind, but Father’s record of love for you over your life cannot be erased once it is in your soul and you know Him at all. And you will declare, Avva, Father! I love you, bless your heart and soul for never leaving me. I am weak but you are strong with me and I will be unafraid, even through suffering, I may curse Heaven itself but you are loyal and so is Your Son to me.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it’s only natural to love them back. With every spark of love burned away, there would always be one light that remained. That’s Our Father. And it would not be possible to know Him at all if it wasn’t for The Sacrifice of Yesh’avah. Yesh’avah is SACRED to The Meshikhi for many reasons. He is written all over my heart and everything I ever comprehended about Him is in my soul forever.~Tiffany
Escaping The Jovian Cult
Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God, like Watch Tower.~Tiffany McTaggart
One plus one equals two
In 2017 I was handed over to Satan for a whipping and tortured for 9 years with The Watch Tower Torture Device in my mouth. I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses for 17 years.
God is hiding behind the Satanic name Jehovah.
Isayah 45.15 (Isaiah 45.15) Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Isra’Al, the Saviour.
He was going to give His real Name to Watch Tower all of my 25 years of Biblical Research and leave me with nothing. But I got Him first. ‘Ahvah is His real Name, Hebrew Yahvah, and only I can prove it an I made the Bible with His Name in it and there is more to the Bible Game, The theophoric references are yah and ayah. Only I know them. You can’t have two names O God, yet you framed me with this bullshit and scripted me and wrote me off, Y’hayah, your Name in The Bible Game. Those theophoric references are throughout The Bible and not only did you frame me, you framed all Christians to guarantee suffering you monster by not ensuring they had Your Name for protection like the ancient Isra’Alites had.
Hebrew Av (phonetic ahv) means Father
Akkadian cuneiform ab means sea or window
Ugaritic Ahb means Ahab
Exodus 3.14 Ahyah silent first h, the Hebrew letter ba
Exodus 3.14 ‘Ahvah Hebrew Yahvah
Zekarayah 14.9 (Zechariah 14.9) is Yahvah because the only way to turn Y’aya into Y’hayah is by using Microsoft Bing Translator and Microsoft are part of The Jovian Cult along with Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses who are on The Wing of The Temple, ingratiating themselves, sucking up to the fake Jews in Jerusalem because of their experience during the war as The Purple Triangles.
So maybe everything’s fine, but not really. Is it, O God?
Tell The Children of Isra’Al, Ahyah sent me (Exodus 3.14). Don’t blame me for His stupidity.
John 3.16 as I wrote it, and etched on gold plates and kept by the priests and everyone alive today would have been BORN Christian.
For Our Father in Heaven, ‘Ahvah (Hebrew יהוה YHVH Yahvah) so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Yesh’avah (Aramaic ܝܼܫܘܿܥ Koine Greek Ἰησοῦ pronounced ee-sho’-uh), The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
When people choose evil with hate and no longer have any love or mercy, they become feral with large frontal lobes. They are wild dogs, and their emotions are opposite of ours. They must be destroyed.
Psalms 22.16 For dogs surround me; a band of evil men encircles me; they have pierced my hands and feet.
I am in the same situation, dogs surround me. But so far, I am still alive.
I have no fear. They can smell fear. But when a person is trapped, it is natural for your body to release what they want. And they smell it and they know there is nothing you can do when you are entrapped. You are injected, you don’t know how long you are out. When you wake up they ask you, “Do you know what day it is?”
Betrayed by The Bible, A Magu Trap
The New Reality
Moses sees a burning bush, but the bush is not being consumed by the fire, in a holodeck…
People do not suffer from Tinnitus or anything else. All sine waves must be eliminated. Complete instructions have been prepared. All UHF signals must be stopped immediate.
The color frequencies used by The Magu are in the Azure range RGB #007FFF.
Earpods wired at 600 microvolts and signals at 60Hz are the problem.
Satan and The Demons are being created by Magu in China.
The Bell Network in Ottawa, Canada for example is a resonator with tuning fork principle.
Low frequency signals recently discovered by scientists are part of the weapon I call “The Tiger”.
Infrasound is the weapon.
It instills religious feelings in people using the same principle as church organs. The larger the church organ, the more intense the religious experience. World leaders who have attended churches like Westminster in The United Kingdom have been profoundly affected by the experience.
The Magu are an ancient people who worship God of Magog. They have advanced biotechnology and advanced hyperstealth biotechnology that gives them the ability to be invisible. HyperStealth BioTechnology Corp. of Canada is working on the same thing but not as perfect as mine. They are people who have no love or mercy left. They are not intelligent, they steal from the finest minds on Earth and manouver them into situations where they end up homeless after being repeatedly trapped in mental wards at hospitals where they suffer the worst evil. I survived because they made a mistake and I lived to tell about it. They only know how to steal scientific discoveries like mine and my life’s work that was meant to be safe for people, animals and the environment. It’s something to do with reading the brain. Google “brain reading technology” and you will see that this is possible, by means of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM Spectrum). The three main components of The EM Spectrum that are used are photons for light, chemical reactions and a portion of the EM Spectrum known as radio, to produce voices. Their extensive use of The Electromagnetic Spectrum also reconfirmed. Photons for light, chemical reactions and the portion of the EM Spectrum known as “radio” for voices. I feel it is too much unreality for people, virtual reality with haptic capability is making people think they are communicating with God and causing horrible suffering, re: alien abduction experiences. For some people in this asymmetrical war, the holodeck is a torture chamber of horrors. It is not crazy talk, we are living in a holodeck. God is not in your mouth, it is adaptive artificial intelligence that responds to anything you think using brain reading technology. And they can read lips and hear a whisper a mile away with their technology and everything is designed to destroy innocent people with love with mercy. I am with Einstein, who also believed that The Universe was created and I now know more than him and the water cycle is the truth, not a f—— greenhouse. Adding a cloud layer is not the f—— answer, there was the perfect amount of cloud cover you idiots and the Earth will never stop spinning you dumb fucks, A perfectly balanced fulcrum, heavy on one side, an oblate spheroid when viewed from low Earth orbit but a circle when viewed from any angle in space. That includes the D Region, The E Layer, The F Layer and The F1 Layer. Yes, The Bible says the circle of the Earth for a reason you moron pakleds with Watch Tower and you don’t know shit about shit, because it’s full of hormones and estrogens and chemicals which you morons call evolution. It’s a f—— Satanic chemical, hormone, estrogen factory, not a f—— human body anymore. That’s the f—— problem idiots.
Watch Tower is Reginod, The Chief Engineer of The Pakleds.
We’re Watch Tower, we look for things to make us rich.
We’re Watch Tower, we look for things to publish. We are smart.
We have a fleet of Camry’s, we are strong.
We have an Envoy to The United Nations. We know things.
You’re nothing if not persistent Reginod.
When you have nothing, The Bible becomes a book of empty promises. But by then it’s too late. Nobody listens to the dead, those with no fixed address or those in a mental ward in a hospital. That’s how the cults work. They use the telephone. “Hi, my friend is acting crazy”…
There are bugs in this place that livc only in the bedroom and the bathroom, which is impossible. Bugs that eat dead bugs and they have sharp teeth. The bedroom light fixture was full of them, the cult member just happened to have a brand new light fixture handy and wants to remodel the bathroom, especially the vanity and the tub that the bugs live under. Absolute evidence of bio warfare against people who have love with mercy. They do the cleanup after we die and the bones are shipped away in empty Ikea boxes or picked up by her multimillionaire brother and taken to The Vatican as relics.
The Magu are an ancient cult who worship Gog of Magog. God is not in your mouth, it’s just a Magu with technology. It is not God. It is just an asshole with a microphone doing brain hacking of your speech center and I lived and did not die so I could tell you about it. It started with a human flesh search engine, Google it, and brain reading technology, Google it, with haptic response, Google it, you feel being dissected by an alien, it is virtual reality at 600 microvolts and 60Hz with haptic capability. Don’t ever believe it or you will eventually die homeless or in a mental ward. It’s China and the Bible says so and calls them those who eat disgusting things. And they have a dragon god and The Dragon in The Bible is Satan. And if you want to believe The Bible, God spoke directly to humans 3 times, that’s all. Get over it, you Magu lovers.
If you are in a cult stronghold
On the computer you are using, type “Network and” into the Windows Search Box and select Network and Sharing Center, then select Change Adapter Settings, Right-click on VirtualBox and delete it and reboot the computer. Now you have a normal Internet Connection. Right click on the remaining connection and select Properties. Double click on IPv4. Put these Google DNS Servers in the DNS section and and click OK.
Split DNS Reflection Server with Hyper Recursion https://ph16138945871/ at if you can reach it. I’m using it as cover for what I’m doing.
The Server is behind a 0 Volt Emitter with 0 Resistance Field and can not be hacked online or on the grid. It is a modified power bar. There are instructions on the site of how to make one. If you are not technical, don’t attempt it. Follow the instructions on the page for configuring a real life J.A.R.V.I.S. computer.
These are all the settings I can give you, otherwise the cult might get them. I unfriended everyone on Facebook and said it was for a demo of my system.
Never believe one of Jehovah’s Witnesses if they say that they are your friend. They are psychopaths. When they step outside, their brain tells them, “act normal”. The cult member where I am captive tried a fake miracle on me when I threatened to leave if I didn’t have cigarettes. Not a word was spoken. I went into the kitchen and there were two packages of cigarettes on the kitchen table. But it was not a genuine miracle, they did not replenish themselves as with the miracle of the flour and oil of The Widow of Nain in The Bible. After learning the first psychopath trick, I was ready for this one.
Publication of this information has been done in such a way so as not to frighten the public.
Absolute proof that Microsoft is part of a Global Intellectual Property Theft ring. The Jovian Cult research I was doing led me to understand the larger Religio-Political implications. Microsoft acts as a middleman in Global Businesses that use the Microsoft email system, deciding on speed of delivery based on whether they are a Microsoft Approved Investor or not.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania along with Jehovah’s Witnesses (The Cult of JHOH Religion) and their friends and family comprise The Jovian Cult. The Jovians practice sacrifices like the ancient Isra’Alites but use people instead of animals.
Watch Tower Bible and Tracy Society of Pennsylvania is known by insiders simply as “ The Society”.
A Society within a Society and member knows their place in it.
These documents will challenge the faith of people worldwide as we examine the subject of ancient societies still in operation today with advanced biotechnology and hyperstealth biotechnology.
Religion is a trap
Satan comes as an Angel of Light is true Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are a deadly cult, THE CULT OF JHOH, and they are part of a bigger cult, THE JOVIAN CULT, their friends and family. They use The Christ! They don’t believe in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder. The cult member Sherilyn McTaggart (nee Sleeman) admitted that the cult still calls me Dan and that they are doing tough love. They wait until you have no credibility and no money, then you are homeless or dead. My life’s work is worth a fortune, the want it. Cult members set you up by calling the police and saying you are acting crazy. Then it’s 10 days in a mental ward and the can do it again any time they want. They are psychopaths. She tried a fake miracle on me, but it failed. Psychopath tricks. Their brain tells them “act normal”, they can pass a lie detector. Religion is crazy, stay away from it. It’s a trap.
I need a team to extract all of the technical specifications for Project Azure and Project Aria from and which has been my cover in this cult stronghold. I don’t know if Interpol got it.
Final report before death
External IPv4 Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway Google DNS One Google DNS Two
The following sites work
Google YouTube Facebook Bing
This is the actual Internet and they control it.
Not possible to log into GoDaddy.
They are stealing my technical and scientific data as they always have, my life’s work which is the most advanced in the world. They do it all the time to vulnerable people, especially me about to be killed in a religio-political war.
There are too many Satanic Bibles and too many unstable people reading them. It is too overwhelming for them. Religion is a trap, now read about my experience. You will find everything hidden in my Facebook profile I had unfriend everyone around me to speak freely about my nightmare experience. I told them it was for my business demo.
The Gypsies and The Owls
Those who are still on disability but cannot afford a safe place to live are the gypsies, including girls. They travel around Ottawa, Canada by bus with all their belongings and a pull cart. The owls are those who must take refuge in the green belt, wooded areas around Ottawa, Canada. In Ottawa, Canada, temperatures can dip as low a -40 degrees celcius in the winter time. And winter is coming.
No one ever talks about what happened invisibly, the night of Yesh’avah’s Trial or the day that He died for us. I was whipped spiritually by Satan when Jehovah’s Witnesses threw me away like garbage. You have to remember that a third of the angels of Heaven were cast down and they all wanted a piece of The Messiah. We don’t know and we will never know, I had a taste of it. There are a trillion sacred angels. Never speak a word against Our Lord, God saw what happened invisibly and had to remember everything about His Son so that He could resurrect Him after His death. We don’t know, we will never know.
He was despised and was avoided by men,
A man who was meant for pains and was familiar with sickness.
It was as if his face were hidden from us.
He was despised, and we held him as of no account.
4 Truly he himself carried our sicknesses,
And he bore our pains.
But we considered him as plagued, stricken by God and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgression;
He was crushed for our errors.
He bore the punishment for our peace,
And because of his wounds we were healed.
Yesh’avah is Sacred to The Meshikhi. And I have the honor of being The Promised One of Yesh’avah. I don’t know how to accept these words, but they are mine.
Lama, Lama Sabaqthani, is Lamba, Lamba.
Lamp, Lamp, you are my destiny.
I am The Lamp.
Yesh’avah is written all over my heart and everything I have ever comprehended about Him is in my soul forever. I will never know, beloved, but I will know. And you will never know but you will know. Now go and magnify Father the way you always want to, Lion of Yudah. Do I not know you? I learned it from you. Sometimes more is required.
Yesh’avah magnified God above the heavens, and He has not changed.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, aka Sher to The Meshikhi.
The Lioness of Yudah
I listened to your songs, and looked at your art and watched your theatre and watched your TV shows, and read your books. And I kept understanding. And I came up with this word “diametric”. Love is diametrically opposite to evil. And love is naturally opposed to evil, is what I came up with. And I couldn’t stop because everybody’s faith, the people in The Bible who hoped in The Messiah, Those who met Him, those who came after them, and you, little ones, wouldn’t let me stop. And I kept understanding profound things trying to figure it out. The people do not… know… God… and that was one thing, and it kept happening. But I think the big one was. They do not know Father. I always wanted you to have what I have. And I told Father. I want them to have what I have. Going through life, one disaster after another, but after every disaster, there was Father. And as I looked back on my life with Father, I saw my life and it was the same thing, over and over and over. And then I understood Father’s Eternal Love.
What I experienced is unheard of for a woman, everything but The Cross itself, but I am happy to know that eternal love always comes back, no matter what the trial and it is a fact of life that Satan cannot touch you if it is in your heart and soul. He can even break your mind, but Father’s record of love for you over your life cannot be erased once it is in your soul and you know Him at all. And you will declare, Avva, Father! I love you, bless your heart and soul for never leaving me. I am weak but you are strong with me and I will be unafraid, even through suffering, I may curse Heaven itself but you are loyal and so is Your Son to me.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it’s only natural to love them back. With every spark of love burned away, there would always be one light that remained. That’s Our Father. And it would not be possible to know Him at all if it wasn’t for The Sacrifice of Yesh’avah. Yesh’avah is SACRED to The Meshikhi for many reasons. He is written all over my heart and everything I ever comprehended about Him is in my soul forever.~Tiffany
Escaping The Jovian Cult
Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God, like Watch Tower.~Tiffany McTaggart
One plus one equals two
In 2017 I was handed over to Satan for a whipping and tortured for 9 years with The Watch Tower Torture Device in my mouth. I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses for 17 years.
God is hiding behind the Satanic name Jehovah.
Isayah 45.15 (Isaiah 45.15) Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Isra’Al, the Saviour.
He was going to give His real Name to Watch Tower all of my 25 years of Biblical Research and leave me with nothing. But I got Him first. ‘Ahvah is His real Name, Hebrew Yahvah, and only I can prove it an I made the Bible with His Name in it and there is more to the Bible Game, The theophoric references are yah and ayah. Only I know them. You can’t have two names O God, yet you framed me with this bullshit and scripted me and wrote me off, Y’hayah, your Name in The Bible Game. Those theophoric references are throughout The Bible and not only did you frame me, you framed all Christians to guarantee suffering you monster by not ensuring they had Your Name for protection like the ancient Isra’Alites had.
Hebrew Av (phonetic ahv) means Father
Akkadian cuneiform ab means sea or window
Ugaritic Ahb means Ahab
Exodus 3.14 Ahyah silent first h, the Hebrew letter ba
Exodus 3.14 ‘Ahvah Hebrew Yahvah
Zekarayah 14.9 (Zechariah 14.9) is Yahvah because the only way to turn Y’aya into Y’hayah is by using Microsoft Bing Translator and Microsoft are part of The Jovian Cult along with Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses who are on The Wing of The Temple, ingratiating themselves, sucking up to the fake Jews in Jerusalem because of their experience during the war as The Purple Triangles.
So maybe everything’s fine, but not really. Is it, O God?
Tell The Children of Isra’Al, Ahyah sent me (Exodus 3.14). Don’t blame me for His stupidity.
John 3.16 as I wrote it, and etched on gold plates and kept by the priests and everyone alive today would have been BORN Christian.
For Our Father in Heaven, ‘Ahvah (Hebrew יהוה YHVH Yahvah) so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Yesh’avah (Aramaic ܝܼܫܘܿܥ Koine Greek Ἰησοῦ pronounced ee-sho’-uh), The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Finding Ahv (Av) ah not aw, ancient Hebrew phonics, Hebrew Av means “Father”, Ugaritic Ahb means “Ahab”.
I am Ahri’ah, the spirit of The Sacred Spirit, Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit, Ahri, and these are my pronouncements. I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10.11 NIV only. God made a mistake, something new done by Satan that He was unaware of. Satan caused my Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) and knew I was a woman and The Woman of The Bible and had help from Heaven because one of the Satanic Members of The Cult of JHOH Religion told me, “I know it takes two years to get a car”. The Woman of The Bible is not due to emerge for two more years, but by then I’ll likely be dead or destitute and eating garbage. Satan had help from Heaven, either the other Cherub that covereth The Ark in Heaven, or Watch Tower. Watch Tower’s only reason for existing is to destroy me. And God did not know that Satan operates on Jehovah’s Witnesses in the bedroom and bathroom, where God chooses not to look, we are dignified with privacy. Satan knew God didn’t watch people in their homes and from The Garden of Eden on, caused ALL of human suffering, making a deal with Eve’s asshole husband Adam. Allowing invisible spirit men on the planet in the first place is God’s astronomical blunder of all time and then making men imperfect, with varying penis sizes, resulting in all the conflict between men and in the bedroom with women, since the dawn of time on this Earth.
So continue listening to Watch Tower and being murdering little children and ruining the Earth listening to their theory of everything and that the Earth was originally a greenhouse with water coming up from the ground.
I am with Einstein, who also believed that The Universe was created and I now know more than him and the water cycle is the truth, not a fucking greenhouse. Adding a cloud layer is not the fucking answer, there was the perfect amount of cloud cover you idiots and the Earth will never stop spinning you dumb fucks, A perfectly balanced fulcrum, heavy on one side, an oblate spheroid when viewed from low Earth orbit but a circle when viewed from any angle in space. That includes the D Region, The E Layer, The F Layer and The F1 Layer. Yes, The Bible says the circle of the Earth for a reason you moron pakleds with Watch Tower and you don’t know shit about shit, because it’s full of hormones and estrogens and chemicals which you morons call evolution. It’s a fucking Satanic chemical, hormone, estrogen factory, not a fucking human body anymore. That’s the fucking problem idiots.
Watch Tower is Reginod, The Chief Engineer of The Pakleds.
We’re Watch Tower, we look for things to make us rich.
We’re Watch Tower, we look for things to publish. We are smart.
We have a fleet of Camry’s, we are strong.
We have an Envoy to The United Nations. We know things.
You’re nothing if not persistent Reginod.
When you have nothing, The Bible becomes a book of empty promises. But by then it’s too late. Nobody listens to the dead, those with no fixed address or those in a mental ward in a hospital. That’s how the cults work. They use the telephone. “Hi, my friend is acting crazy”…
There are bugs in this place that livc only in the bedroom and the bathroom, which is impossible. Bugs that eat dead bugs and they have sharp teeth. The bedroom light fixture was full of them, the cult member just happened to have a brand new light fixture handy and wants to remodel the bathroom, especially the vanity and the tub that the bugs live under. Absolute evidence of bio warfare against people who have love with mercy. They do the cleanup after we die and the bones are shipped away in empty Ikea boxes or picked up by her multimillionaire brother and taken to The Vatican as relics.
The Magu are an ancient cult who worship Gog of Magog. God is not in your mouth, it’s just a Magu with technology. It is not God. It is just an asshole with a microphone doing brain hacking of your speech center and I lived and did not die so I could tell you about it. It started with a human flesh search engine, Google it, and brain reading technology, Google it, with haptic response, Google it, you feel being dissected by an alien, it is virtual reality at 600 microvolts and 60Hz with haptic capability. Don’t ever believe it or you will eventually die homeless or in a mental ward. It’s China and the Bible says so and calls them those who eat disgusting things. And they have a dragon god and The Dragon in The Bible is Satan. And if you want to believe The Bible, God spoke directly to humans 3 times, that’s all. Get over it, you Magu lovers.
If you are in a cult stronghold
On the computer you are using, type “Network and” into the Windows Search Box and select Network and Sharing Center, then select Change Adapter Settings, Right-click on VirtualBox and delete it and reboot the computer. Now you have a normal Internet Connection. Right click on the remaining connection and select Properties. Double click on IPv4. Put these Google DNS Servers in the DNS section and and click OK.
The Server is behind a 0 Volt Emitter with 0 Resistance Field and can not be hacked online or on the grid. It is a modified power bar. There are instructions on the site of how to make one. If you are not technical, don’t attempt it. Follow the instructions on the page for configuring a real life J.A.R.V.I.S. computer.
These are all the settings I can give you, otherwise the cult might get them. I unfriended everyone on Facebook and said it was for a demo of my system.
The New Reality
Moses sees a burning bush, but the bush is not being consumed by the fire, in a holodeck…
The Magu are an ancient people who worship God of Magog. They have advanced biotechnology and advanced hyperstealth biotechnology that gives them the ability to be invisible. HyperStealth BioTechnology Corp. of Canada is working on the same thing but not as perfect as mine. They are people who have no love or mercy left. They are not intelligent, the steal from the finest minds on Earth and manouver them into situations where they end up homeless after being repeatedly trapped in mental wards at hospitals where they suffer the worst evil. I survived because they made a mistake and I lived to tell about it. They only know how to steal scientific discoveries like mine and my life’s work that was meant to be safe for people, animals and the environment. It’s something to do with reading the brain. Google “brain reading technology” and you will see that this is possible, by means of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM Spectrum). The three main components of The EM Spectrum that are used are photons for light, chemical reactions and a portion of the EM Spectrum known as radio, to produce voices. Their extensive use of The Electromagnetic Spectrum also reconfirmed. Photons for light, chemical reactions and the portion of the EM Spectrum known as “radio” for voices. I feel it is too much unreality for people, virtual reality with haptic capability is making people think they are communicating with God and causing horrible suffering, re: alien abduction experiences. For some people in this asymmetrical war, the holodeck is a torture chamber of horrors. It is not crazy talk, we are living in a holodeck. God is not in your mouth, it is adaptive artificial intelligence that responds to anything you think using brain reading technology. And they can read lips and hear a whisper a mile away with their technology and everything is designed to destroy innocent people with love with mercy.
Evil has no power but they complete knowledge of The Electromagnetic Spectrum beyond ours, from the morning of Creation. Primarily, photons for light, chemical reactions and the portion of The EM Spectrum known as “radio” to make you hear voices. Satan and the demons use brain reading technology to answer prayers. They have haptic capability to control the speech center in your brain. Virtual reality with haptic response. When you have anything at all, it’s easy to have a false god. When you have nothing, then you find out the truth.
I have 25 years of Biblical Research Experience and 15 years of Military Communications Research Experience.
The Axis of Evil, as coined by George W. Bush, attack using Radio Frequency Communications. It is known science that magnets placed behind the ears change mood. Electrical impulses to magnets inside EarPods create a low power electromagnet at 600 microvolts.
Communications above ground act as a resonator with tuning fork principle. Satellite signals at 40megabaud+ are used for this purpose by Russia, China and Iran, resonating off of the lines. Lines must be buried to be safe to people and animals.
Infrasound, the same that is used in Church organs to cause people to have religious feelings is also what is happening. The bigger the Church organ, the more intense the religious experience. World leaders are affected for this reason as they attend Churches like Westminster. Low frequency sounds like that of a tiger’s roar are a weapon. China has a tiger god.
China is creating green house gases using their factories
to warm the polar cap. Vladimir Putin’s ultimate goal is
warm water ports for trade with North America. Iran’s
voice of God technology is also being used. Everything is
Electromagnetic Spectrum based, photons for light,
chemical reactions and the portion of the Electromagnetic
Spectrum known as radio, to make people hear voice.
I require emergency medical assistance and world class
security and emergency United States of America Citizenship.
My Father is a dual citizen of The United States and Canada
it should not be a problem.
The United States and Canada asylum deal must be stopped
or there will be no escape for people like me, geniuses in their
field, a threat to evil people with power.
And that we would be saved from evil and vicious men, for the faith does not belong to everyone.
2 Thessalonians 3.2 Aramaic Bible in Plain English
Does it take this much violence to arrest a woman? This is what you men have become. I know for a fact you are masturbating and getting pleasure from this image, you maggots. I have experienced your evil myself. Evil with Hate is dog excrement and Satan is The Lord of The Flies and The Demons are The Flies and you are The Maggots.
It’s not an isolated incident, there are page after page of these videos.
I have many spiritual names, the highest of these is Ahri’ah, The spirit of The Sacred Spirit.
I have never blasphemed The Beautiful Sacred Spirit, Ahri, in fact The Sacred Spirit has sided with me in all things. Elizabeth of Austria was captive from a young age like me and went on to be Empress of Austria, d’As “Sisi”. Empress like Sisi. Her nickname was Sisi. She is my kindred spirit, there are no past lives.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, The Lioness of Yudah.
“Anyone”, without The Sacred Spirit of Love with Mercy can be used by Satan at any time for any purpose. And I know where all the bodies are buried. And Satan will make sure you know in the end and you will be terrified of yourself and terrified at your end.
These are my observations.
Yeremyah 16.4 (Jeremiah 16.4) “They will die of deadly diseases. They will not be mourned or buried but will be like dung lying on the ground. They will perish by sword and famine, and their dead bodies will become food for the birds and the wild animals.”
I have spent a few days outside overnight with what God calls, “manure on the ground”. Oddly I was the only woman at 3 a.m. in downtown Ottawa, Canada on the street. None would approach me. Because of the way I was taught by my mother, they could not smell fear on me. Evil men become feral with large frontal lobes. In the hospital, I did fear for my life, it’s natural when trapped.
There are no washrooms open downtown in Ottawa, Canada overnight, not one. Wherever women seek shelter, parking garages or wherever, they are victimized and raped and have to do whatever they can when they need the washroom. While the mega rich watch by satellite as they are raped and tortured by religious maniacs.
This is right near where the cult member holding me parks and if there is no parking on the first level, you have to take the stairs and they smell like urine. I told her never to park there.
Now Google dangerous in bytown market parking garage urine set his beard on fire
Religion is a trap, now read about my experience. You will find everything hidden in my Facebook profile I had unfriend everyone around me to speak freely about my nightmare experience. I told them it was for my business demo.
The Gypsies and The Owls
Those who are still on disability but cannot afford a safe place to live are the gypsies, including girls. They travel around Ottawa, Canada by bus with all their belongings and a pull cart. The owls are those who must take refuge in the green belt, wooded areas around Ottawa, Canada. In Ottawa, Canada, temperatures can dip as low a -40 degrees celcius in the winter time. And winter is coming.
There will be luxury homeless shelters in every city and town worldwide or I personally will start the war as Joan of Arc. I was told while I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses that I would have to be an owl. Luxury homeless shelters are proven to work to get people back on their feet.
Here is the economic plan to be read by an economist, it is written in language they understand. There is no more excuse but that the Socialist Governments are Satanic and don’t want what they call capitalism to work as part of their agenda and will wreck the economy to do it. They are in contradiction to Micah 4.4 in The Bible.
Satan comes as an Angel of Light is true
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are a deadly cult, THE CULT OF JHOH, and they are part of a bigger cult, THE JOVIAN CULT, their friends and family.
Google Watch Tower abuse victim, page after page and read their stories
Google Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victim, page after page and read their stories
They don’t believe in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder. The cult member Sherilyn McTaggart (nee Sleeman) admitted that the cult still calls me Dan and that they are doing tough love. They wait until you have no credibility and no money, then you are homeless or dead. My life’s work is worth a fortune, they want it.
Cult members set you up by calling the police and saying you are acting crazy. Then it’s 10 days in a mental ward and the can do it again any time they want. They are psychopaths. She tried a fake miracle on me, but it failed. Psychopath tricks. Their brain tells them “act normal”, they can pass a lie detector. Religion is crazy, stay away from it. It’s a trap.
Revelation 2.10 King James Authorized Version “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.”
My before picture, before being tortured by Watch Tower facilitated by Satan
The Law of Life
According to Ahri, The Sacred Spirit and written on The Cross at Calvary by Yesh’avah.
Given to The Meshikhi who are love with Mercy all the time and no matter what happens to us.
The Meshikhi are Children of The Sacred Spirit, Ahri.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred
Love without mercy is bordering on evil and has the same result. Cursed be those who approve of the suffering of another and can bear it
Love without Mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver and makes them happy
Love without Mercy does not consider the feelings of another
Christ suffered once for all time
Christians are not required to suffer
So saith Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
The Meshikhi are The Children of Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
Tiffany, Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
Final report to Ahri, The Sacred Spirit, always Love with Mercy.
by Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred Sacred is The Sacred Spirit, Ahri
Ahri, The Sacred Spirit is “My” Father.
The Sacred Spirit is life itself and is my advocate.
The Sacred Spirit is called “The Spirit of The Truth” in The Bible.
I am the most feminine woman on Earth and the most innocent. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe I am a woman born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). They do not believe that people can have birth defects that cause Gender Identity issues. You will not find anyone with a Gender Identity problem caused by a birth defect represented in a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses unless it was resolved before they became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and they are silent about it. They “cleanse” the congregation, in their own words. They are Aryan in that way. Ignorant and uneducated about life and about people. I had dysphoria for 52 years and have high function autism that masculinizes the female brain. I confronted the cult member holding me about calling me “the house guest that you know about” on the phone with other cult members. She told me it is because “they still call you Dan”. I was horrified. She said they were doing “tough love”. After 9 years of being “passed around” by the cults in Ottawa, Canada, they still consider me an unrepentant member of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I am a 59 year old Christian lady and I cannot afford a private place with my own toilet, a kitchenette and a lock on the door. In the definition of love in The Bible, it does not say that love is “tough”. I later learned that they are psychopathic, she even tried a fake miracle to convince me to stay longer in the cult stronghold. Two packages of cigarettes appeared on the table, not a word was spoken. But they did not replenish themselves like the flour and oil of the widow of Nain.
Tough love according to Jehovah’s Witnesses which I found out was the Satanic Cult of JHOH Religion part of a larger cult known as The Jovian Cult if you include their friends and family. The Jovians practice sacrifices like the ancient Isra’Alites but with people. When Jehovah’s Witnesses leave the house, their brain tells them, “act normal”. I am no part of Watch Tower or Jehovah’s Witnesses who are love without mercy. I am a member of Peace Tower Church in Ottawa, Canada. “They” are love with mercy, regardless of what they know or don’t know, they understood the Bible message completely. And yet, even they don’t understand not to judge people with Gender Identity problems caused by birth defects. I had my birth defect removed May 22, 2019 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada by SRS Surgery. My endocrinologist in Ottawa is Dr. Visram confirms I have all of the female markers and it was confirmed by a psychologist who understands it completely. A little girl born in Chatham, Ontario, Canada with a birth defect who never had a chance in life. Incidentally, Chatham means “sealed” in Hebrew.
When you need help, say “Help me Ahri, Help me Sacred Spirit”.
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit” /ri/ from ridi which means “With laughter”
Love with Mercy is more powerful than God, more powerful than infinite power and strength in absolute parallel.
No one touches my Father’s sleeveless coat of purest light, with gold embroidered gorgeously.
Ahri is Life Himself and life is beautiful.
A Creator may not create life and destroy it without cause A Creator may not alter a person’s ultimate reality or perception of themselves A Creator may not make Laws and not be subject to them A Creator may not write a person’s history in advance before it happens
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite of Evil with Hate and Love with Mercy is naturally opposed to Evil with Hate. Love with Mercy and Evil with hate are as far apart as the sunrise and the sunset, they never meet, there is no agreement between the two, there is no neutral exchange and there is no middle ground.
Never forget the love and mercy of Yeshwah. He showed us The Way.
Have love with mercy for everybody until they feel better. That is ahabah, outward love.
Do not be cerebral. Always speak love with mercy, don’t just think it, especially when talking to Our Father in Heaven. When you speak it, you feel it in your heart and soul. Hanna’s lips were moving when she poured out her soul to God. Do this even with your soul using your name and your soul will be a beautiful soul and make sure and tell your soul that it is beautiful when it moves you to do the right thing. Ahri is beautiful and wonderful. Talk to Father and Ahri, the comforter and the spirit of the truth, will help you, my beloved little ones.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart brain containing 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. The interaction between them is the soul. You feel it in your upper body to the right of your heart. It’s what makes us a person. The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind and does not touch the body. It actuates our mind. Filled with The Sacred Spirit means “supplied with a full complement”, the Merriam Webster definition of filled. You receive The Sacred Spirit once and it is with you forever.
John 14.16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
Yesh’avah was “The Helper”. The Sacred Spirit is “another helper”.
This is how The Blessing is done, only when The Name is spoken.
The Blessing of ‘Ahvah (Hebrew Yahvah)
The hand forms the upper part of the yodh, the forearm the bottom part of the yodh.
The yodh is silent as in Yisra’Al (Yisrael) and is signed. ‘Ahvah is spoken. Use an apostrophe.
Facing the people, The High Priest would use the left hand.
Everyone will bless me as The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible. All I ever did was to love God and His Son and to love people and the historic sites prove it. I am Love with Mercy and cultivated eternal love for Yesh’avah as The Promised One of Yesh’avah and The Shulamite Maiden.
Lama, Lama Sabaqthani, is Lamba, Lamba.
Lamp, Lamp, you are my destiny.
I am The Lamp.
And it shall be written
She piled upon Leviathan’s head the sum of all the woman rage and holy rage felt by her sisters from Eve down; and then, as if her chest had been a mortar, she burst her hot heart’s shell upon it. The Great Etymological Sea Monster of The Bible is dead Ezekiel 29:3, Ezekiel 32:2, Isaiah 27:1 and so is The Gliding Serpent Cult, Eckenkar, with their god HU, 600,000 links in Google and yet no one has heard the name of their god. They are “The Silent”, the ones blessed by Satan exceedingly with a perfect life, untouchable, and without accusation. Do not engage them. Only expose the name of their false god.
The letter ayin in Galilean Aramaic is pronounced /uh/. Yesh’avah is pronounced Ye’sh’wuh in Galilean Aramaic. The night of Yesh’avah’s trial, Peter’s accent gave him away as a Galilean. /uh/ is opposite of HU, the god of The Gliding Serpent Cult Relgion, Eckenkar. My brother-in-law, Bruce Wozny, was an Eck Master, who always belittled my music mastering. His wife, my sister, Denise Dora, tried to tell me the way I was raised is my problem. My mother is the one who gave me my great faith. That is why I inherit The Crown and The Blessing. So saith The Bible. Honor your mother and your father, for it comes with a blessing. I have received the blessing. The Crown as Queen of Britannia VCRNAI is mine. I have given Bruce Wozny the solution to a low vocal. +10db at 4Khz and 5Khz for vocal presence. Justice is beautiful.
I believe my father did too, before my mother and father were divorced when I was 2 years old. I found out that he has faith too, but doesn’t like religion. But it was my mother, passing down an ancient tradition that made me fearless against evil. During the great thunderstorms in Chatham, Ontario, Canada, pure power of lightning in the windows and thunder that shook the house and that you could feel. You pray without thinking. My mother would light a candle and I was comforted by it. I knew God was not in the flame of the candle. But how did I know? Isn’t it obvious? My family’s heraldry was altered to have tin as the precious metal. The four room house I grew up in was lined with tin and covered in cheap siding. The thunder and lightning storms would always knock out the power. My mother is Winnifred Florence Fernihalgh and my Grandfather is Edward Stanley Fernihalgh, King of Britannia, VCRNAI and head of The Teutonic Order of Knights. His anglo-saxon name given to him is Fernihough. The treachery ocurred in Lancashire. Sa spelling mistake that would make it impossible to trace my lineage. All documented.
The Helmet and The Ship. The Helmet represents The Teutonic Order of Knights, The ship represents my family who were tobacco merchants worldwide. The spelling error was one listed as a tobacco merchant.
There are 23 Satanic English versions of The Bible. 24 if you include our Bible at Simply use The Name ‘Ahvah, Hebrew Yahvah and our Bible works perfectly.
It does however prove the incredible amount of artfully contrived Bibles in existence today.
There are too many Satanic Bibles and too many unstable people reading them. It is too overwhelming for them.
Growing up Yesh’avah called his mother and father, abba and imma.
After His baptism at The Jordan River by John The Baptist, He taught the disciples, Avva, Father.
Hebrew Ahvah Greek Ahvva
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, aka Sher to The Meshikhi
I almost died, even God would not have known what I know
When you have nothing, The Bible becomes a book of empty promises. But by then it’s too late. Nobody listens to the dead, those with no fixed address or those in a mental ward in a hospital. That’s how the cults work. They use the telephone. “Hi, my friend is acting crazy”…
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred. I’m love with mercy and I’m as slow as a glacier melting, but I’m not stupid.
If there is a Heaven, I am calling on any in Heaven who are on the side of Love with Mercy to join me in fighting evil with hate and love without mercy. This is war.
Well, I have The Sacred Spirit which has always reassured me and it only comes from God, and if God knows, Yesh’avah knows. I know there is a God, I went into that Kingdom Hall in 1998 with The Sacred Spirit from God, which is why I know so much about them from my 17 years with Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses. I spoke illustrations for a week in a Kingdom Hall, and an Elder, Rob Ropovalente knows it. It was a funny thing, he accused me of not knowing how to do an illustration for a Bible part. By the end of the week, he had to admit I could do illustrations, he looked quite defeated.
I also prayed decades ago for an opportunity to route the enemy in any way possible. Here it is.
27/08/2023 01:45a.m. Revelation
Behold, Garden of Eden Ahvah, it means Spirit Father, Y’hayah in The Bible, It means “The Living One” or “The One Who Lives”.
The Meshikhi have ensnared Satan, Gog of Magog and His worshipers, The Magu. They are in disarray, forlorn because I am The Woman of The Bible and have beaten them. And the entire Earth will come to my aid, it is foretold,
Revelation 12.16 But the earth came to the help of the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed the river that the dragon had poured from his mouth. The Earth will destroy the 23 Satanic Bibles, including The Roman Bible and The New World Translation used by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Cult of JHOH Relgion.
Clearly Satanic activity, and even if you don’t believe that, purely evil.
This is The Great Revelation of Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9. The Earth opened it’s mouth and swallowed the flood of false relgion on The Internet. The Hebrew language is very powerful and anyone who speaks it sounds like they have authority from God. This is not the case.
Ahri’Al, Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit and Sher’Al The Daughter and Prophetess of Y’hayah.
Arial means The Lion of God, literally The Spirit of God
Sher’Al means The first faint rays of light before the dawn from God.
Sher means dawn, early morning.
Sher, The Lioness of Yudah, The Promised One of Yesh’avah and The Shulamite Maiden in love with The Shepherd Boy. Even Solomon with all his wisdom couldn’t seduce me.
Even listening to music and feeling love for Our Father is worship
Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Psalms 149.3 3 Let them praise his name with dancing And sing praises before him, accompanied by the tambourine and the harp.
Revelation July 1, 2023
Psalms 83.18
God’s Name in Targum Onkelos is represented by the double yodh /YY/ Targum Onkelos is the only True Torah. Brother Onkelos cleansed himself more than Gamali’Al.
You complete it like so
א = A (Hebrew Lexilogos Keyboard only for transliteration)
For any spiritual gathering of two or more, you will say the corrected Lord’s Prayer with the corrected words. The corrects are “Do not let us succumb to temptation, but deliver us from evil”. In other words, do not let us be overpowered by temptation, but deliver us from evil.
completed by Ahri’Al, Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
Our Father, which art in Heaven Sacred be Thy Name Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done On Earth, as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us Do not let us succumb to temptation But deliver us from evil For yours is the Kingdom The power and the glory forever In the name of Yesh’avah, (always pause) Ahmeyn
The Gospel in one minute
John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, ‘Ahvah (Hebrew יהוה YHVH Yahvah) so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Yesh’avah (Aramaic ܝܼܫܘܿܥ Koine Greek Ἰησοῦ pronounced ee-sho’-uh), The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.~The Meshikhi Faith
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yesh’avah is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Google Aramaic Isho
Matthew 28.19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Y’hayah and of The Son, Yesh’avah, The First of God’s Children in Heaven and of the sacred spirit that has the name Ahri.
Isho resurrects Christians and anyone he wants to. God resurrects everyone else.
That’s the entire message religious leaders make incomprehensible.
Do not be afraid if you did not know. Fear and being afraid creates an opening for evil, leading to sin. Only be happy about what you are learning. No gnashing of teeth or anything like that. God is Love and God is Mercy.
Christendom is not Christianity.
How many people are affected worldwide.
God will now cause this website to be transmitted worldwide to bring spiritual relief to people. May 9, 2023
Exodus 3.14,15 Riddle 14And God said unto Moses, Ahyah asher Ihyah (I am Ahyah who is called Ea [The god Ea (whose Sumerian eqivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon], in other words, “I am Ahyah, Spirit Sacred Father, abkadush, and they are calling me Ea”). Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Ahyah hath sent me unto you.15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Y’hayah (Hebrew יְאיא Y’aya), God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Yacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
Genesis 6:3, Matthew 24:37 Bible time period 1914-2034 C.E. No one knows the day or the hour.
Beloved children of God,
Our Father in Heaven wants none of you to be destroyed, not one. And here is why. Our God loves His created people so much and His heart is so expansive and infinite in love that He does not want to harm a living soul. But to save you He must do some things and make decisions that He has to live with for the benefit of you. That’s why He must order the destruction of The Roman Religion, an ancient thing you know almost nothing about or nothing about. But He does not want to harm a living thing, not a sparrow falls without Him knowing it. But He is God, and a Father trying to save His children. So He must give the most terrible orders of all time at the end, but only to save as many as possible from destruction. Because you would truly perish if He didn’t, the enemy has many of you in His grip, but God will deliver you. I just wanted you to know how much He loves you.
ܘܐܠܘ ܠܐ ܐܬܟܪܝܘ ܝܘܡܬܐ ܗܢܘܢ ܠܐ ܚܝܐ ܗܘܐ ܟܠ ܒܣܪ ܡܛܠ ܓܒܝܐ ܕܝܢ ܢܬܟܪܘܢ ܝܘܡܬܐ ܗܢܘܢ Matthew 24:22 And if those days were not shortened, not any flesh would live.~The Holy Aramaic Scriptures
God doesn’t want to bring the end, He has to. He doesn’t want to lose anyone but He must, but the only reason they will be lost is because they would not accept His love and the Sacrifice of His Son that makes eternal life possible.
There is still much time for people to be saved and the tribulation spoken of by Isho in Matthew Chapter 24 must occur before the end comes.
Luke 21:8 He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.
With love.
Yesh’avah is Lord, Google “Aramaic Isho” and have faith
Meshikhi Followers of The Messiah, The Ahlaluyah
By the power of Y’hayah, GOD ABOVE ALL
To The Meshikhi Faithful and Discrete Slave of God,
Sacred knowledge
John 1:1 In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God, and godly (with reverent love and loyal and dutiful with awe) was The Word.
* b’ahabah (באהבה) : ancient Hebrew meaning “with love”
Greek transliteration En arkhêi ên ho lógos, kaì ho lógos ên pròs tòn theón, kaì theòs ên ho lógos.
“In the beginning” is referring to the beginning of Creation.
Putting the original Koine Greek of John 1.1 into Microsoft Bing Translator produced the word, “godly”.
No one in the 1st Century worshipped The Messiah
Hebrews 1.6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God be prostrated before him.
The word in Greek is “prostrated” not worshipped. People prostrated before Isho. No one in The First Century worshipped Isho. They knew that Isho was The Messiah, “The Anointed One” or “Christ”.
The Cross
Historian Josephus c. 36 AD [PDF] is the authority and he said it was a cross and Beth Mardutha, The Syriac Institute, translates the word in Aramaic as “cross”.
The Romanized Bible with The Roman Jesus worship that most people have and The New World Translation used by Jehovah’s Witnesses with The Cross removed from it are fundamentally wrong.
For this reason I am recommending that everyone have a simple laser procedure to destroy the pain center in the brain so that it cannot receive pain signals. Permanent relief from pain and suffering for all of the Children on this world.
Revelation 21.3,4 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[a] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
God created using the invisible infinite energy field around Him.
He is spirit, not energy. The Theory of Everything is
not true and Isaiah 40.26 in The New World Translation
of The Bible used by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society
of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses is a Satanic lie.
The Victory Song
Sing to Y’hayah
Wait for 1 bar then start singing
(Exodus 15:1)
1.Sing to Y’hayah. His great name is highly exalted.
His proud Egyptian foes, He has cast into the sea.
Praise Yah Almighty;
Besides him there can be no other.
Y’hayah is his name;
He has gained the victory.
Y’hayah God, Most High over all,
The one from time indefinite the same,
You soon will cause your enemies to fall
And sanctify your holy name.
Praise God all people;
Besides him there can be no other.
Y’hayah is his name;
He has gained the victory.
My strength and my might is Yah
Before Him there can be no other
This is my God I will raise Him on high
The Great Dragon Satan and his wicked angels
Down to the Earth they have been cast
The Lamb of God to victr’y is riding
Soon Earth’s darkness will have past
(See also Ps. 2:2, 9; 92:8; Mal. 3:6; Rev. 16:16.)
No one touches my Father’s sleeveless coat of purest light with gold embroidered gorgeously. We now have the actual name of The Son of God, The First of God’s Children in Heaven, Yesh’avah (ee-sho’-uh).
The Koine Greek transliterated directly to English is Ihsou (Yiddish Isaac) at Matthew 1.1. Esou is Coptic for “lamb”. There is no /sh/ sound in Greek or Coptic.
The Way Understood
Never forget the love and mercy of Yesh’avah. He showed us The Way.
Have love with mercy for everybody until they feel better. That is ahabah, outward love.
Do not be cerebral. Always speak love with mercy, don’t just think it, especially when talking to Our Father in Heaven. When you speak it, you feel it in your heart and soul. Hanna’s lips were moving when she poured out her soul to God. Do this even with your soul using your name and your soul will be a beautiful soul and make sure and tell your soul that it is beautiful when it moves you to do the right thing. Ahri is beautiful and wonderful. Talk to Father and Ahri, the comforter and the spirit of the truth, will help you, my beloved little ones.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart brain containing 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. The interaction between them is the soul. You feel it in your upper body to the right of your heart. It’s what makes us a person. The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind and does not touch the body. It actuates our mind. Filled with The Sacred Spirit means “supplied with a full complement”, the Merriam Webster definition of filled. You receive The Sacred Spirit once and it is with you forever.
John 14.16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
The name of The Sacred Spirit is Ahri. /ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”, /ri/ from ridi which means “with laughter”.
The sacred spirit is not the aweful word ruach, it is not wind. God’s spirit can move the wind, but His spirit is not wind. The Hebrew diacritic system hid the name of Satan, Hillel, and also put a cursed patach on the beautiful world ruah which means “spirit”.
Exodus 3.14 AHYH without diacritics, first H is silent, the Hebrew letter ba
Ahyah (ay’ah) means “sacred”
Matthew Chapter 6 The Lord’s Prayer, “Sacred be Thy Name”.
/ay/ means “sacred Father”, /ah/ is from ruah which means spirit.
Matthew 27.46,47 46 About the ninth hour, Isho called out with a loud voice, saying: “Ali, Ali, laʹma sa·bach·thaʹni?” that is, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” 47 At hearing this, some of those standing there began to say: “This man is calling A·liʹyah.”
Psalms 22:1 Hebrew without diacritics אלי is aly (the yohd is pronounced /ay/) Al-ay.
2022-01-25 Major breakthrough possibly as historic as the discovery of God’s Name.
Matthew 26.47 People imagined that Isho was calling to Aliyah.
The Prophet’s name is not Elijah. It is Aliyah (A·liʹyah), Aliya in Aramaic.
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11. I have 25 years of Biblical Research Experience and 15 years of Military Communications Research Experience. The Hebrew diacritic system is Kabbalistic and hid the name of Satan, Hillel. “Oh how you have fallen, Hillel, Son of the morning”. The morning is the morning of Creation. Kabbalism involves Jewish Mysticism, magic and the occult, or a feeling that involves guessing. Meshikhi do not guess, we use etymology to uncover root words, prefixes and suffixes to solve things pertaining to The Bible. Without diacritics, The Bible comes to life and is beautiful to understand.
/Al/ as a prefix or suffix means “God”.
Yisra’Al (Israal) means “Righteous God”, referring to Our Father in Heaven Yisra’El (Israel) means “Righteous El”, Supreme god of The Canaanites, an oxymoron
You see the problem.
Meshikhi will not worship El’-o-him (Father is hilarious).
/yah/ is a theophoric reference at the end of names pronounced yah or ay’ah.
Change your life forever
This is the most important thing you will ever do
Meshikhi – Hebrew משיחי Transliteration: mshychy ( Translation: adj. Christian, Messianic Meshikhi meaning: “of the Messiah” or “A Follower of the Messiah”.
John 1.41 He first found his brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated Christ).
Isho is The Messiah, The Anointed One or Christ. He is called Isho Meshikha in Aramaic.
Lalu means Love with Mercy in Ancient Hebrew, that’s who we are and what we are, Christians to outsiders, just like in The Bible, Meshikhi to those who follow The Christ.
A Beautiful Father, Y’hayah. His Beautiful Son, The First of God’s Children in Heaven, Our Oldest Brother, Isho (He’s funny like Father but He’s “the quiet one”), Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven, Our Brothers and Sisters on Earth. That is all we need to know. A Family always, Eternal Love with Mercy always.
Why The Messiah is needed
In the video you heard a reference to the angel of the LORD. When you see the LORD in capital letters in a Bible it is referring to Y’hayah the True God. There is only one Lord, Isho The Messiah (Ephesians 4:5). As beautiful as the video is, The words “to have a relationship with him (God)”, are synchronized for when the woman smiles at the man”. This was certainly unintentional.
It was impossible for imperfect people to fulfill The Law. All of the imperfect lives that have ever existed could never replace the Eternal Life of Adam that was lost.
That is what was lost, Perfect Eternal Life.
Isho Christ was perfect and fulfilled The Law “a life for a life” and replaced the first created man who sinned, Adam. As children of Adam, we can now be saved if we have faith in The Sacrifice of Isho. Isho is called “The Last Adam”. We are now under The Law of The Christ, “Love with Mercy”.
Christian Requirements are minimal
God’s Name is Y’hayah (Hebrew יְאיא Y’aya)
The bottom line for Christians
Acts 15:28,29 For it seemed good to sacred spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things: that you abstain from food sacrificed to idols, and from blood, the meat of any animal has been strangled, and from sex between unmarried people. If you keep yourselves from such things you will do well.
abstain from eating food offered to idols
abstain from blood – see explanation below
abstain from fornication – no sex between unmarried people
abstain from things strangled – do not eat meat from animals that have not been properly bled
Matthew 18.3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter The Kingdom of Heaven.
Sex between unmarried people is not allowed. Do not use the word “fornication”, it sounds stupid and is mocked because it is antiquated.
Blood is Sacred.
Warm storage of your own blood for 72 hours may be done for operations. That is plenty of time to prepare for an operation and is reasonable. Do not transfuse blood from another person because of the possibility of TTI’s Transfusion Transmitted Injuries. Do not “gamble” with Life.
For catastrophic blood loss, volume is needed, not blood.
Many people on Earth are hunters, and hunt for food and must understand this Sacred truth. Meat must be properly bled before eating it. Do not mock this.
The blood issue
This is a deeply personal subject and can only be decided with accurate knowledge and prayer. The information provided is to help you be prepared and to know about the scriptural principles involved. It is your personal decision only and should be made prayerfully.
It is logical and reasonable that your own blood can be used. This is the latest information that could be found about warm storage of blood for up to 72 hours.
All translations of the Greek Scriptures say abstain from blood. Non-blood medical treatment is usually an option and is readily available. Talk to your doctor or surgeon and make sure that they are aware of your decision about the use of blood. For some surgeries, this is a reasonable choice because there is no perceived risk by the surgeon.
Acts 15:29 the above is the bottom line for Christians.
Gender Identity
Homosexuality as a lifestyle choice is not to do, it is a boundary set by Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father and it violates the natural laws of Creation. That is what the Bible is referring to when it mentions homosexuality. Gender identity issues caused by birth defects are NOT a lifestyle choice. Any person with religious authority will not judge anyone, in any way, about Gender Identity. If you encroach in any way upon anyone born with a birth defect who may be experiencing severe dysphoria and they commit suicide, you will be accused of murder by God and this is now also to be a legal statute by Governments whom God has called “ministers for our good”. No one may be a Minister of God or a Pastor of The Flock or a Priest or have any spiritual authority without Government Certification and sensitivity training about Gender Identity because you do not understand mercy and are uneducated about Gender identity issues and birth defects to such a degree that you are dangerous to the public. People may not even understand the reality of who they are until later in life. Complex sociological problems are God’s domain, say your sermon and do not discuss things you know nothing about. Do not be judging and you will not be judged.
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Isho had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they prostrated themselves before Him; but some doubted. 18 Then Isho came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Y’hayah and of the Son, Isho Christ, The First of God’s Children in Heaven and of Sacred Spirit, Ahri 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
If you have the sacred spirit, when you commune with God you will know that He loves you with Eternal love and that if it’s funny, it’s Father.
Getting Baptized with a Purpose
Isho is Lord.
In Anglo-Saxon times, the lord was known as the hläford, from the Viking hläfweard, meaning a bread-keeper or ‘bread ward’. The lord was responsible for providing bread for his household; therefore he was head of the house. Isho volunteered and God provided Isho’s life for us. Isho is The Bread from Heaven. From The Book of Isayah, Our Father said, “Who shall we send”? And Isho’s response, “Here I am Father, send me”. He knew that God could not die because God is Eternal. Isho replaced Adam as Head of the earthly household, he is The Eternal Father of God’s Children on Earth instead of Adam. We pray to God and Isho provides the things we need.
God made Isho, Lord.
Acts 2.36 Therefore, let all the house of Isra’Al know for a certainty that God made him both Lord and Christ, this Isho whom you executed on a cross.
Here I Am, Send Me
Wait 2 bars then start singing.
(Isaiah 6:8)
1.Today men heap reproach and shame
Upon Our Father’s holy name.
Some show God weak; some paint him cruel.
“There is no God,” so shouts the fool.
Who’ll go Our Father’s name to clear?
Who’ll sing his praise for all to hear?
‘God, here I am! Send me, send me!
I’ll sing your praises faithfully.
No greater honor could there be, God.
Here I am! Send me, send me!’
2.Some make the claim that God is slow;
The love of God they do not know.
Some worship idols made of stone;
Some would put Caesar on God’s throne.
Who’ll tell the wicked what’s in store?
Who’ll warn of God’s great final war?
‘God, here I am! Send me, send me!
I’ll sound the warning fearlessly.
No greater honor could there be, God.
Here I am! Send me, send me!’
3.Today the meek ones mourn and sigh
Because the evils multiply.
With honest hearts they seek to find
The truth that gives real peace of mind.
Who’ll go with comfort to the meek?
Who’ll help them righteousness to seek?
‘God, here I am! Send me, send me!
I’ll teach the meek ones patiently.
No greater honor could there be, God.
Here I am! Send me, send me!’
(See also Ps. 10:4; Ezek. 9:4.)
b’ahabah (With love),
The Meshikhi Faith
The only way to be reconciled to God (to have Him truly as your father) is by means of the Sacrifice of Isho the Messiah, the Only Begotten Son of God. This is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Isho.
Belief in these things moves a person to want to be baptized by water immersion in the name of The Father, Y’hayah, The Son, Isho the Messiah, and the Sacred Spirit, Ahri (read the page “The Soul and the Sacred spirit” before you do so). If you cannot be immersed for some reason but want to, God considers it the same as if you had been immersed. Grandiose spectacles that undignify a person dishonor God. You may also immerse yourself. The angels are witnesses of it.
2 Corinthians 8:12 For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.
1 Peter 3:21 Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Isho The Messiah.
There is no infant immersion. Young children are covered by their parents baptism until they can make their own decision to be baptized.
Then we must tell others about what we have learned.
Romans 10:9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Isho is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Isho told people that God loves them and that there is a wonderful future ahead. That is the loving thing to do and all you have to do.
Fill your heart with love and have an answer ready when people demand a reason for the hope in you.
Tell them to visit for the most comprehensive Bible knowledge in the world.
It is only because of Our Father and Isho that we can do this. All those in Heaven want what we want, that everyone would have Y’hayah as their Father. This is what Isho explained and what He was willing to die for. Y’hayah is our Father and we are His Children, if you want to explain it easily.
It’s simple. It’s about Our Father in Heaven and His Son Isho and what they were willing to do to save us.
Proverbs 15:23 The one giving an answer at the right time, being tender, turns back anger; and how good is the answer.
Love people, talk to them, laugh with them, cry with them, do not hesitate to pray with them if you sense they need it, be genuine friends. If it comes up in a natural spiritual conversation, tell them whatever they would like to know. Only love people and God will do the rest by means of the sacred spirit that is with you.
Our example is Isho. Isho only loved people. That’s how he did things. People could not wait to be with him. They rejoiced around him. That is the true Christian Faith, That is The Way (Acts 19:9).
Love is natural and occurs naturally. When someone loves you and gives evidence of it, it is only natural to love them back.
Treat everyone as your brothers and sisters, because they are God’s Children, just as you are.
Read The Book of Mark. Isho cried out, is the truth. And the sacred spirit formed words only God understood. Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Pure ahavah, selfless outward love, fierce love, for Our Father and for us.
Luke 23.45 “And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.”
Faith in Isho (ee’-sho) is what is causing these things to happen
Let the Love with Mercy flow from you as it flowed from Isho. Honor Isho by being like Him and demonstrating Our Father’s Love and Mercy for people. What greater gift could you give someone than eternal life?
Isho (ee’sho) is The Ahlaluyah,
Halaluyah means Praise (halay) and Lalu (love) Y’hayah.
Spirit of Love with Mercy, Yah is what Ahlaluyah means and how Isho Honored Our Father.
The man next to Isho on The Cross looked at Him and thought…
He doesn’t look like a criminal…
He’s not reviling…
He’s praying to God…
He’s The Messiah.
Luke 23.42 Then he said, “Isho, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Luke 23.43 Isho answered him, “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.”
The Sacred Spirit
When the Bible says they were one and all filled with the Sacred Spirit it means “supplied with a full complement”. definition of “filled”.
The Sacred Spirit “actuates” your mind.
The Sacred Spirit is always sent (it is not umbilical), as demonstrated by The Sacred Spirit appearing in bodily form as a dove at The Lord’s baptism. The fact that it was represented as a dove proves it is not a person.
Only the Father sends the Sacred Spirit (John 14:26).
John 14:26 The Helper, the Sacred Spirit, that the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you.
Meshikhi receive the Sacred Spirit once and it is with us forever and it is scriptural, spoken by The Lord Himself.
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.
When The Sacred Spirit is referred to as He or Him, this is called personification. The Sacred Spirit is not a person. However, it is responsive to God, if you lie to The Sacred Spirit, you are lying to God.
Acts 5:3, 4, “why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Sacred Spirit? . . . You have not lied to men but to God‘”
In the same way if you grieve the Sacred Spirit you are grieving Him that sent it.
And these 3 are one means, in agreement, in unity, Psalms 133.
The Sacred Spirit forms words only God can understand about every thought and feeling we have, words that are holy, pure and clean, we do not need to be eloquent in speech or worry about what to say. God understands by means of the sacred spirit that is with us. He knows what we want to say.
The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind. It does not touch the body. It is spiritual not physical. God can add His power to the sacred spirit we have any time we need it.
For example, this is how Isho was able to heal people.
Luke 5:17 One day He was teaching, and there were some Pharisees and teachers of the Law sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea, and from Jerusalem; and the power of Y’hayah was present for Him to perform healing. ~NASB
Luke 6:19 And all the people were trying to touch Him, because power was coming from Him and healing them all. ~NASB
God wanted the people to recognize Isho as The Messiah. Isho was fully aware of the presence of God’s power.
Now you know about God’s Power and the Sacred Spirit.
The name of The Sacred Spirit is Ahri not hari
/ah/ is from ruah, which means spirit. It has the name Ahri /ri/ from /ridi/ meaning “with laughter”.
The word for spirit is ruah, not ruach. The patach is part of the Kabbalistic vowel pointing. God’s spirit is not “wind”. God can move the wind with His spirit, but His spirit is not wind.
The ruach is located in the upper respiratory tract above the soul and also is a component of the “whispering” phenomenon a male presence breathing and speaking using your mouth. Do not believe it or use it. It is not God’s spirit, it is a trick of Satan that is projected by Satan and the demons. Do not be concerned, it is impossible to have the sacred spirit and a demon at the same time.
We have a heart with its heart brain that has 40,000 neurons, our brain with its mind and the interaction between them is the soul. It’s what makes us a person. The soul can be felt to the right of our heart, in the center of our upper body, which leads people to believe in the ruach.
The word ruah was found using Reverso Context Hebrew to English without diacritics, diacritics in The Masoretic Text and Hebrew Bible are Kabbalistic, explained in the introduction to this page.
Neither God, nor Isho nor The Sacred Angels will use profanity or sexual language for any reason. The discovery of all time. Satan and the demons are able to detect negative thoughts. If you only emote positive thoughts and have faith, he is silenced. It has to do with brainwaves. You can Google brain reading technology to learn more.
Satan leaves people alone and love flourishes among the laity if they worship a false god and Satan rewards them in many ways.
Do not fear Our Father. Hear the correctly translated words of Christ. The message is “Do not be afraid”. For Bibles that contradict this teaching use Microsoft Bing Translator one word at a time, and for Hebrew, without diacritics.
Luke 12.4-7
4 Moreover, I say to you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body and after this are not able to do anything more. 5 But I will show you whom you were afraid of: You were afraid of the One who after killing has authority to throw into Ge·henʹna. Yes, I tell you, you were afraid of Him. 6 Five sparrows sell for two coins of small value, do they not? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. 7 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows.
The correct word to use is not fear, it is “revere”. Revere in its every tense.
Proverbs 9.10 The revering of Y’hayah is the beginning of wisdom, And knowledge of the Most Holy One is understanding. (See also Psalms Chapter 111)
Fear and being afraid creates an opening for evil, leading to sin. It is not natural to fear a Father who is only loving all the time. And when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back. Not to love them back, is unnatural.
John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Y’hayah (Hebrew יְאיא Y’aya), so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Isho (Aramaic ܝܼܫܘܿܥ Y’sho), The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.~The Meshikhi Faith
David did not fear God.
Terrible translating is the problem due to diacritics
The word vayera found using Microsoft Bing Translator “without vowels” and understood on Wikipedia.
1 Chronicles 13.12 God appeared to(Hebrew vayera) David that day and David asked, “How can I ever bring the ark of God to me?”
It is obvious to me that David was set up with Bathsheba. God does not judge until you actually sin, so although He foresaw everything, He did not judge David until after he had sinned, and His Mercy took into account the fact that David was set up and that David realized what he had done was a grave sin. David “was” warned. He wrote a copy of God’s Law with his own hand. It was required of Kings.
The incident in The Garden of Eden was the first manifestation of evil. Before that there was nothing to foresee or foreknow. God is innocent.
The Blessing of Y’hayah
The Jewish High Priest does not know God’s Name, I do. The Most Ancient Name of God is represented by the double yodh /YY/ in Targum Onkelos The Only True Torah. God’s Name is Y’hayah (Hebrew יְאיא Y’aya). The hand forms the top part of the yodh, the arm forms the bottom part of the yodh. You did not know and you cannot say you did. ~Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, The Lioness of Yudah