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Meshikhi – Hebrew משיחי
Transliteration: mshychy (
Translation: adj. Christian, Messianic
Meshikhi meaning: “of the Messiah” or “A Follower of the Messiah”.

Followers of The Messiah
Psalms 149:3 They shall praise His name with dancing; They shall sing praises to Him with tambourine and lyre.

Deitrick Haddon
God has raised up a Great Pastor for The Meshikhi

League of Extraordinary Worshippers
Meshikhi Top 40
Free download of My Abba and Wish I Could Fly
My Abba
Welcome Brothers and Sisters! Remember, Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other.

Yeshwah would always say,
“Let me tell you ’bout my Abba.”
Are you past the point of weary?
Is your burden weighin’ heavy?
Is it all too much to carry?
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
Do you feel that empty feeling?
‘Cause shame’s done all its stealin’
And you’re desperate for some healin’
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
He makes a way where there ain’t no way
Raises up from an empty grave
Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He’s done for me
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And let my Abba change your life
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Amen, Amen
Who can wipe away the tears
From broken dreams and wasted years
And tell the past to disappear? Oh, Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And all the wrong turns that you would
Go and undo if you could
Who can work it all for your good
Let me tell you about my Abba
He makes a way where there ain’t no way
Raises up from an empty grave
Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He’s done for me
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And let my Abba change your life
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah!
Amen, Amen, Amen
Who would give His Son at Calvary?
Pay the price for all my guilty?
Who would care that much about me?
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba, oh
He makes a way where there ain’t no way
Raises up from an empty grave
Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He’s done for me
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And let my Abba change your life
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Amen, Amen
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! And let my Abba change your life.
Never make an image of Abba (especially on an electronic device) in The Earth. Do not be seduced. Or may start talking to the image and not to Our Father in Heaven. Read the page titled God is Life and watch the video. The warning is clear. Abba and Yeshwah, two people, nothing strange. Yeshwah is the first of God’s children in Heaven. Before Yeshwah was created Abba was alone. Now you know what “only begotten” means. In the Bible, Ab’raham represents Abba and Isaac represents Yeshwah.
My Abba is based on the song “My Jesus” by Anne Wilson
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Fair use of a copyrighted work is the reproduction of a work for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.
We are teaching people about Abba and Yeshwah in The Bible, Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6, John 3.16, Romans 10.9,10, Colossians 1.15, Matthew 16.16) We are also teaching the etymology of words used in the song My Abba derived from the latest Meshikhi research.
We also have a page titled 50 scriptures that prove that Yeshwah is neither Abba nor God. Source. Rabbi Yosef Ben Marques [PDF]
Romans 10.9,10 The truth that God raised Our Lord from the dead is the key to salvation in The Bible.
The person performing the vocal on the song My Abba is not the original artist but a talented and professional vocalist. The original song contains many beautiful sentiments. Meshikhi only see the love in people, regardless of their beliefs. Meshikhi do not argue with anyone about the Bible but love to share our beliefs with other people and discuss them with people when they ask us about them
1 Peter 3.15 (ESV) but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as Sacred, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,
Note. Images used by The Meshikhi Faith are also routinely checked for copyright in the file properties.
Understand, effects and synthesized sound can produce what sounds like words. Digital and magnetic recordings and images can also be affected in other ways.
Singing Abba
You already know the pronunciation of Abba (Ahb’-ah).
However, in this song, this information may help.
Be careful with the elongated Abba in the song but don’t worry about it as you sing. It will happen naturally when you know the following.
Don’t try to deliberately separate the syllables.
You will know you have a good take, when it sounds like ahb’ah for the elongated Abba.
The trick is not to try to do it deliberately, just sing it with love.
In ancient Aramaic it is aba in the Eastern Dialect. /ab/ is father. The /a/ is a suffix vocalized /ah/ as in ruah which means “spirit”.
Ahb is the pronunciation of the ancient root word /ab/ which means “father”.
Always remember, Abba means “spirit Father” NOT “Father spirit” which is literal.
With love.
Halaluyah and Halaluayh
Praise and love Y’hayah and Praise and love Ayh הללויה
For music
Halaluyah is the correct word that means Praise and love God Y’hayah.
הלל Hillay [PDF] praise
לאלו lalu means love, lal means God (from Bing Translator לאל lal translates to God)
Yah from Y’hayah
Full meaning. Praise and love God, Y’hayah.
Greek Ahlaluyah, /ah/ from ruah, meaning spirit, lalu meaning love, yah from Y’hayah.
spirit of love Y’hayah
Halā-lu-yah’ (ha-lā -loo’-yah) Praise Y’hayah
Halā-lu-ayh ( ha-lā -loo’-ay’-ah) Praise Ayh See the page titled Understanding Sacred Knowledge to learn about Ayh (Sacred Father and Creator) in The Bible, derived from Ayya (Sacred Father). See the page titled Understanding Sacred Knowledge to learn about Ayh (Sacred Father and Creator). In The Bible, derived from Ayya (Sacred Father) the word that replaces Elohim at Genesis 1.1. Elohim is an insertion in The Torah.
Our Father’s Name is Y’hayah (Ay’ah) and He is Our Ayh (Ay’ah) slight emphasis on the yodh /y/, which is a palatal approximant.
Name and meaning/definition of Lalu
Lalu etymology and origin found in Gujarati, Hindu, Indian, Malayalam
Lalu means. Lovely; Beloved; Dear One; Love; Red Colour; Similar to Lal [PDF] [PDF]
Negative etymology
Reason it is not hallaluyah [PDF]

It must be understood that Divine Names and Titles were the target of Satan along with things related to the worship of Our Father in Heaven, Y’hayah. Words like laylu and alu are not related to Halaluyah. Satan used homonyms, etymology and words with negative meanings to create Hallelujah. See the page Understanding Sacred Knowledge, subheading Deconstructing Hallelujah.
This is the personal website of Tiffany McTaggart on Earth. No one may use it but me or put two words together from it and not be in violation of copyright law. It belongs to me and The Meshikhi only. Neither Y’hayah nor Yeshwah would break the law, it is impossible and they will protect this website. All Meshikhi are Meshikhi only and are with me. No one is above another, we are ALL Meshikhi only. And we are a part of the family of Y’hayah, Our Abba. Yeshwah is Our Oldest Brother in Heaven, the first of Abba’s created Childen in Heaven.
Be unafraid little ones, of course, if you are Meshikhi you know, there is nothing to be afraid of, at all.
I and the children you gave me (to take care of) applies to Yeshwah in Heaven only. We are Meshikhi, Followers of The True Messiah and The Only Real Christians on Earth.
Yeshwah has absolute power from Y’hayah except for prayer and absolute authority.
Enjoy your time in prayer with Father, Yeshwah will take care of everything else. Safe and sound.
Remember Y’hayah loves you and Yeshwah loves you.
Sher, Wife of Yeshwah in Heaven
To The Directors of Music. Meshikhi do not use “Lord” or “Jesus” when referring to Our Father in Heaven.
Our Father’s Name is Y’hayah.
He’s Our Abba and He’s Our Father.
Abba, Father.
To the directors of music. Meshikhi do not say “Jesus” or “Lord” when referring to Our Father in Heaven.
Remember Y’hayah loves you and Yeshwah loves you.