Somewhere in one of the books published by these psychopaths, is THE INSANE THEORY that the Earth was originally a greenhouse, with water coming up from the ground.
The Earth was created with the perfect amount of cloud cover.
No, creating more cloud cover will not create a Paradise, it will threaten all life on Earth. So much so…
Matthew 24.22 “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.
The water cycle is how the Earth works, it is described in The Bible.
Warm air experiments in The Western Arctic are affecting Wisconsin.
There was frost overnight in July here in Ottawa, Canada. July is historically the hottest month, you psychopaths with Satan.

Bitumen roads, bitumen roofs, warm wires.
That is what North American cities are made of.
There is no airflow close to the house, so
air conditioning is used. And hot air is
trapped in the attic, to heat up the bitumen also.
In Inuvik N.W.T. in Canada there is a road from the town to the airport made with cement that does not buckle or crack because of thermafrost. The initial cost is expensive but there is no maintenance cost afterwards.
a black viscous mixture of hydrocarbons obtained naturally or as a residue from petroleum distillation. It is used for road surfacing and roofing.
What Is Bitumen?
The term bitumen refers to a substance produced through the distillation of crude oil. Bitumen is known for its waterproofing and adhesive properties and is commonly used in the construction industry, notably for roads and highways. Production occurs through distillation, which removes lighter crude oil components like gasoline and diesel, leaving the heavier bitumen behind. Deposits can also occur naturally at the bottom of ancient lakes, where prehistoric organisms have decayed and been subjected to heat and pressure.
Solution: cement roads and a whole house fan on the second floor. Cool air in drawn in through the windows, and hot air is pushed out through the attic vents. I created one using an old $15 fan from Walmart. the only problem, because of constant resistance (which I have solved) the wire burned and it no longer worked.
North American cities are heat radiators and that’s the truth.
In Germany the roofs are made of clay tiles and last forever and are not hot.
And any respectable German mechanic would be disgusted. Engines that run extra hot because they are never shampoo’d.
Yes, Europe, Earth is The City and The United States of America is, “Hot child in The City”.
The child is wonderful and idealistic but like all children, they are naive. They believe they are doing Star Trek things and believe in The United States of Russia, while VladiMIR Putin is planning to be Hitler in Space.
The Reality, A Czar with 4 Traditional State Religions is what you are looking at. History repeating itself. 1914 is 2022.

Welcome to Jericho. The child wants to be friends with Hitler and is creating Mars.
To learn more about this child, use the search on this website using the keyword phrase: Dry vagina
Enteric coatings on medications introduce polymers into the human body and medications violate the brain/blood barrier.
They suffer from an inumerable amount of mystery illnesses.
The lifestyle is such that people do not eat breakfast, they suffer from chronic low blood sugar which is diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome, tiredness that feels like death is imminent. I learned this because I am a cult prisoner.
North American cities are the problem, the cities of Nimrod.
I understood something was up, U.S. Government messaging to The Vatican tipped me off. Quantum physics are a clear stop sign in science. Put the Earth under a microscope, a Hubble equipped low Earth orbiter with x-ray capability and use completely color blind operators to see the reality if you want to. That is permissible.
Emergency: Police.UK Terrorism Report ATH-2815-23-15000-000
This is a spiritual website but read the page anyway. Critical National and International Security Emergency involving terrorism.
I posted this Warning on The White House
Facebook page. Please send it to via the Contact form.
Terrorist are using Hyperstealth technology from Canada. They will kill everyone in The Oval Office and send a message to the media saying “Ha Ha we got you” if you do not read my website right now.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
This is not a joke. I am military. Ask a Vietnam Vet, When Charlie’s got a gun to your head, you don’t think, you just do.
Therefore all eyes on Libya. Libya is the Terrorist Incubator, Iran is doing the incubating with their “Voice of God” Radio Frequency (RF) Technology.
Global 9/11 involves Axis of Evil civilian aircraft and the same technology that was used to down The United States of America Stealth Drone will be used to down Western Culture civilian aircraft on autopilot. Intermediate Landing System (ILS) must not be used for now, Precision Approach Radar (PAR) only and maintain visual contact as much as possible for landing. No consumer electronics in aircraft washrooms at all, the same technology used for Internet over the wiring in your home has enabled terrorists to hack the grid and disrupt any electrical system. Critical components on aircraft must have their control panels coated with copper tempest shielding paint.
I require emergency medical assistance and world class security and I am asking The United Nations for help.
I was tipped off in 1998 while doing Internet Research.
Blueline Taxi cabs with sophisticated Gandalf Communications
in a taxi cab with Middle Eastern speaking driver.
I have 15 years of Military Communications Research Experience
Military Occupation Code 291
They know the schedule of every bus, train and flight.
The attack will come from Canada.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Canadian Decoration and NATO Clasp
I am the Author of Hyperweb and no one else. I also have the Hyperweb Server with hyper-recursion as proof. I want all Government Computers and Servers secured with The 0 Volt Emitter which is unhackable and with Hyperweb. I am working along with and on my Hyperweb Initiative. suggestion confirmation URL
Information to secure computers and servers are at
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Setting up Hyperweb on a Windows Computer
Requires The Tor Browser, for now.

Setting up The 0 Volt Emitter

This is a National and International Security Emergency, Government Personnel may be compromised in their offices and in their homes.
The Tiger – China’s Infrasound Weapon Confirmed By Scientists, that causes mental breakdown and unreality in Western Culture, Slow Torture
all eyes on Libya. Libya is the Terrorist Incubator, Iran is doing the incubating with their “Voice of God” Radio Frequency (RF) Technology.
The Axis of Evil Weapon of Choice, Heavy RF that hit Joe Biden (during his speech) and me
Wi-Fi sends data via electromagnetic radiation, a type of energy. The radiation creates areas called electromagnetic fields (EMFs).

I have discovered how to do power at 0 Volts but it requires Western Culture Government Control. China, Russia and The Middle East all want to effect religio-political change in Western Culture. Vladimir Putin is a Communist but is an opportunist who will cooperate with anyone until he achieves his goal of world domination as a Czar, with the 4 traditional State Religions only.

They all attack using Radio Frequency Communications. It is known science that magnets placed behind the ears change mood. Electrical impulses to magnets inside EarPods create a low power electromagnet.
Communications above ground act as a resonator with tuning fork principle. Satellite signals at 40megabaud+ are used for this purpose by Russia, China and Iran, resonating off of the lines. Lines must be buried to be safe to people and animals.
Infrasound, the same that is used in Church organs to cause people to have religious feelings is also what is happening. The bigger the Church organ, the more intense the religious experience. World leaders are affected for this reason as they attend Churches like Westminster. Low frequency sounds like that of a tigers roar are a weapon. Interestingly, China has a tiger god.
Megabaud Hertz
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS, microwave syndrome) – Review of mechanisms [PDF]
CIA Submission Reference ID: MELFLDKN
For more information see the page Technology for The New Reality
Evil men create Satan and the demons using photons for light, chemical reactions and the portion of the Electromagnetic spectrum known as “radio” to make people hear voices. The technology is now capable of virtual reality with haptic response. People “feel” being dissected by aliens in a VR Experience. Chemicals in foods cause dry esophagus, dry colon and dry vagina. Chemicals that sit in phlegm in the asophagus are the cause of esophageal cancer.
Rapid Ascent and Descent on aircraft used as a cost saving method, can cause batteries to in EarPods to explode due to pressurization in the cabin.
I have 15 Years of Military Communications Experience, 25 years of Biblical Research experience and Specialize in analyzing evil behavior in people caused by religion and cults.
Watch Tower are a part of The Synagogue of Satan Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9. They are causing untold suffering to people with that cursed thing they call a Bible that they use. They are NOT intelligent. They only rehearse their lines to perfection and practice their brand of love without mercy. They are feral with large frontal lobes when they are with Satan, and many of them are trained “FROM THE WOMB”.
A new day has dawned for The Children of Abraham.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11

Tiffany Fernihalgh

Message for The Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Tiffany di Bernardone d’As “Sisi” Fernihalgh