Godaddy ruined my life’s work by serving my PNG images as WEBP images. Important people were looking at it but not anymore. When I hard code HTTP it is presented on the webpage as HTTPS. Evidence of malicious coding by Godaddy. The Tech Giants want to gaslight people into believing you need a domain name. This is not true. A website can be reached by computername/hostname. They also want to gaslight you into believing that it can take 15 minutes to receive an email. This is also not true. Email is instant, even with images. Microsoft acts as the middleman for business and government deciding who receives email and when. Are you a Microsoft approved investor? See The New Windows page to disable Microsoft’s transparent window and to stop ultra violet radio waves. No more little bumps on your nose (see The Blue Ray DOS page for more information about Ultra Violet Radio Waves). Development on Google Chrome was halted with the discovery of The Microsoft Text Input Application (aka The Circle Generator). It is a DDOS attack generator. Userid dlegault was found on one of the machines in the MSDN directory along with a copy of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. An investigation was done after the 25 pixel border-radius design (rounded corners) of was seen in the first advertisements for Windows 11. Clearly, they are idea thieves. The game is over.
Making WowTV on WowTown using The Impossible Box. Maximum resolution of a web page is 1920×1080. Windows Desktop at 800×600 and 200% Zoom. Can you guess the impossible box? Super Hint: portrait mode. Now do the math problem. Super Hint #2 Winter’s Coming then go to the page Winter’s Coming in the menu. Super HInt #3 a 45 degree angle. Super Hint #4 The Boomberg Video on the Fixing AI The Robot page. Super Hint #5 a plus sign. Super HInt #6 Windows Desktop Zoom 150%. Super Hint #7 The Microsoft Advantage Super HInt #8 The F11 Key.
9/1/2024 Hyper-recursion activated on Smile2Smile. A historic day for Electric Field Power and Communications. Response time is incredible.
Use The Opera Web Browser for WowTown. Pluto TV freezes from time to time, it is a problem at ViaCom. For Watching Pluto TV, you may prefer The Opera Web Browser. Programs may stop but the browser itself does not freeze up. It only requires a page reload. Try the dark theme and autohide the sidebar in Opera. Any other problem with Opera, close and reopen Opera.
Try Smile2Smile Trivia Chat and other features on the WowTown page below the TV
Exciting News 8/24/2024 Internet Logic Circuit II (ILC2) aka Bandwidth Eliminator II completed in Ottawa, Canada. A terminator was added to The Ethernet Switch, completing the circuit. The circuit is no longer running open. A simple RJ11 cord was used as the terminator. See The HyperWeb Connection page and The Real Star Trek Technology page to learn more.
The hardware portion ILC2 is The Ethernet Switch with a shielded 25ft (7.62m) RJ11 cable for attenuation and a 3″ RJ11 cable as the terminator. The HyperWeb Connection is a split DNS reflection server with hyper-recursion at SMILE2SMILE.LIVE Everything works together along with the WowTown web page. Just wow.
The original Bandwidth Eliminator was an NEC Versa 486SL with the attenuation and a glass disk. A 5 Volt Core processor is the key for the fastest speed over The Internet because The Backbone is 17 Volts and 12 Volts. It had a 56k modem and communication was instant. The formula was 475Mhz processor / 95 mhz bus speed = 5 Volts. The attenuation eliminates ramping on The Internet.
Bandwidth is irrelevant.
Tiffany McTaggart
Communications Research Specialist
In memory of Dan McTaggart, he would have loved it. All he wanted to do was to make a $10 toy that everyone could have fun with. His memory will live on beyond the stars. Warp speed, Dan. The lightning always goes to the ground and does not harm anyone. Just like you always wanted it to be.~Little Sparrow White Dove

New! Make your Windows computer work more like a TV
New! Fixing AI The Robot
IMPORTANT: TO FIX CRASHING TABS Type about:config into the Firefox address bar, Show all and search for media.wmf.vp9 and media.wmf.dxva.d3d11 double click them so that they say “False”. Firefox was stable for WowTown until about 6 months ago. Program updates made it unstable.
Smile2Smile HyperWeb by Apache Friends (of course, it’s only a legend)

Recreating The Ben Franklin Experiment

- Use the same materials as Ben Franklin but bigger
- A Leyden Jar the size of a powerhouse
- The ambient electrical charge from lightning causes Ion Fusion
Natural inexhaustable power- Any and all wires must be buried
The amp chases the volt. First lighting, then thunder.
The Volt is lightning, The Amp is thunder. Lightning breaks the sound barrier at The Aria Frequency.
A Leyden Jar (pronounced līdn jar) the size of a power plant contructed using Alon transparent aluminum instead of glass creates the ceramic superconductor.
A Leyden Array can be any size, from micro to macro, the principle is the same.
Direct Current (DC)
Inception Idea: A military field phone but bigger.
I knew I would create it one day when I put together my first military field phone.
It ran on a battery and we buried the wire.
July 4, 2024 This is our Independence Day. Independence from oil.
Tiffany McTaggart
Leyden jar, device for storing static electricity, discovered accidentally and investigated by the Dutch physicist Pieter van Musschenbroek of the University of Leiden in 1746, and independently by the German inventor Ewald Georg von Kleist in 1745.
It typically consists of a glass jar with metal foil cemented to the inside and the outside surfaces, and a metal terminal projecting vertically through the jar lid to make contact with the inner foil. It was the original form of the capacitor (also called a condenser). In 1752 Ben Franklin proved that lightning was an example of electric conduction by flying a silk kite during a thunderstorm. He collected electric charge from a cloud by means of wet twine attached to a key and thence to a Leyden jar.”>
Current batteries leak energy. Duracell Batteries must be arc welded or created like a Caramilk chocolate bar.
█ | _
From a baud | to a bit
Riverdance: Bit to the baud and the baud to the bit

Radio Transistor Switch, On State and Off State only
The Age of Binary Communications has arrived
The End of Sine Waves Worldwide
I had the idea ages ago. Tower FM transmitting with 1 Gigawatt from The CN Tower in Toronto, Canada. I knew it would be perfect for Internet.
Cellular Towers converted to FM Towers, Tower FM. A dongle for the Sim and an FM Receiver. What could be easier? Gigawatt FM HyperWeb and Hardware only Solid State Internet by phone number. The future of all Communications. See our Press Release for more information.
The continuity equation
There is a Roman saying, “Per ardua ad alta”. Without labour there is nothing. The only reason for failure is a failure to act. We are your friends, we also love Riverdance.
To Phillip Knox of Performance Systems Internaational (PSI). Much has happened since the original Bandwidth Eliminator Research at Inasec Data Corporation in Ottawa 1996-98. We have understood Riverdance. See The Ethernet Switch on The HyperWeb Connection page. I still want to see PSI Frame Relay on the backbone in Chicago. It is the most elegant solution. You are Nubian, you understand what I am saying. That is where the traffic jam is. 17 Volts and 12 Volts on the backbone must be maintained. The 5 Volt differential is critical. The software proxy caching controller is perfect, however people are hacking the web cache and doing terrible things to people, terrorizing them with video and AI, similar to the Metaphysic Software and The original link was made private 06/21/2024 to hide this evidence
A solution was found, Developer Mode of Google Chrome. I now have secure television with secure web pages at GitHub.
Tiffany McTaggart
Bandwidth Eliminator and Eliminator Mathematics
Follow the Building The Ship link on the Real Star Trek Technology page.
Alain Debuc was taught Eliminator Mathematics by me under a non-disclosure agreement,
1996-1998 Inasec Data Corporation, 29 Beechwood Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
But he doesn’t know everything.
Search for The Bandwidth Eliminator Principle subheading on this page:
For Binary Communications, let Dash=1 and Dot=0
Looks and works like morse code, the current or wave is present during the time period of the dot or dash and absent during the time between dots and dashes (on/off keying) with the same amplitude of computer bits (1’s and 0’s).
Example HELLO in binary is written as 01001000 01000101 01001100 01001100 01001111
Example HELLO in Binary Comommunications .-..-… .-…-.- .-..–.. .-..–.. .-..—-

The Ford Momentum
Not exactly as shown. The diameter of the wheels is increased to accommodate The Lift Chassis. It will look like a Hot Wheels car.
The Lift Chassis: The “wings” are under the car and create enough lift to defy gravity as if the car was much lighter in weight.

The Momentum Engine and The Jett Axle
Forced induction incredible lift power and torque, like a miniature jet engine, jet-torque (JETT)
Lift Chassis

Black holes rotate, turning the universal disc and anchoring it at the same time, keeping it oriented in 3D space. They emit graviton waves which work along with Higgs Boson, which is a special kind of magnet that utilizes the vacuum of space. Objects leave a black hole at half the speed, the answer is inertia caused by the pull of the black hole, but the momentum from the weight keeps it going. The inside of the black hole works like a glass tumbler rotating at extraordinary speed. To get your brain to understand the principle, a 10 pin bowling ball goes in, a 5 pin bowling ball comes out with the same weight as a 10 pin bowling ball. 4 cats go into the black hole, one cat, the size of a normal cat comes out with 4 times the weight. Jupiter also acts as a vacuum. We are protected. The Earth will not be destroyed by an astroid. The pull of gravity, weight and momentum are all involved in building The Momentum Engine which I will build along with Ford Motor Company, The Ford Momentum © Copyright 2024 Ford Motor Company and Tiffany McTaggart, together we will reinvent The Wheel. It involves lift, what the car is made of, very specific timing and a new type of tire. This is the end of the horseless carriage. Horse Power does something in your brain. Big horse. The answer is little horse, let’s just call it Lift Power instead of Horse Power. Jet engine technology lifts the cylinder, the natural pull of gravity because of the weight of the cylinder lets it drop. Timing is critical. Timing is determined using natural gauss 43.66199133 atomic units (Sound Wave)
Natural Sound Frequency 436.619913 Hz and the Aria frequency of the rotation of the wheels 61.4880777049 km/hr. Thrust from the jet axle’s turbofans lifts the cylinders. Requires heavy duty rear hub assembly.
HyperStealth BioTechnology, mine is better
Smile2Smile Hyperweb – The Future of The Web
Interac only on Smile2Smile
Deal between Merchants to enable Interac on Smile2Smile, Make a deal with Interac so it is easy for a customer to use Interac at all Smile2Smile Outlets including Apple Music.
Customer can Start buying music right away, even 1 album, with their Interac Bank Card. Anyone can buy an album right away when they hit WowTown with their Interac Card.
Does this model make sense to you? Eight billion people with Interac cards, buying
I’m sure if they buy 1 album and it is easy… they might buy one every month or when a new song comes out that they love “at that moment”.
They have enough money, they WANT TO BUY IT, but they don’t have a CREDIT CARD so Apple music becomes a disappointing experience and they never visit Apple Music again. They go “SOMEWHERE ELSE”.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
Business in The New Reality
North America

Perceived as weak
If the U.S. entered a steep recession or depression without dragging the rest of the world with it, users might leave the dollar. Another option would involve some major power, such as China or a post-European Union Germany, reinstating a commodity-based standard and monopolizing the reserve currency space.
In 2017, there were 3.5 billion consumers in the world. By 2030, the number will be 5.6 billion. 88% of the next billion consumers will be from Asia.
The people in The East believe that their economic strength is from God and that the “Evil West” is weak. Therefore North America must become absolutely wealthy.
For North America to balance the world economy and become obscenely rich, every day must become 50% off day for all consumer products. Your economic opponents know that volume of consumers is the way to go economically.
The rule of 50%. Which is best?
100,000 @ 100 or 1,000,000 @ 50
100,000 @ 10 or 1,000,000 @ 5
These are modest numbers. The actual numbers with 8,000,000,000 people on Earth is far greater than you can imagine.
In 2017, there were 3.5 billion consumers in the world. By 2030, the number will be 5.6 billion. 88% of the next billion consumers will be from Asia.
Do the math now. Every day is Black Friday and a Shopping Frenzy.
Just a principle, but you get the idea. This especially applies to 100% Natural rolled and dried tobacco and to Natural alcohol products.
Then and only then will you be able to negotiate a fair price for oil. Dubai West is what you will be if you listen to me. Having trillions of dollars is not a sin, unless of course you are a church with a trillion dollars in a swiss bank account and asking poor people for money and extorting from them. The Bible principle is at Matthew 10:8 you received free, give without charge. Any religion that charges money for priestly services may be taxed at 100% retroactively as far back as you can find. Tax them out of existence for doing this to people.
I told The White House about everything on this website. They refuse to act. That is why every person of good conscience MUST Vote Christian.