The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible (NAV)
Following the convention of The Israel Bible online, the yodh is translated as a /y/.

Ancient Hebrew had no diacritics
Use this link and httrack to download your own copy of The Hebrew Scriptures
Translating The Yodh
The j sound in English is an example of a palatal consonant, while the y sound in English (akin to the j sound in many other languages) is an example of a palatal approximant.
In the former case (palatal consonant), the tongue is raised and flattened to touch the palate while in the latter case (palatal approximant) it does not touch the palate completely, allowing air to flow between the palate and the tongue.
While the modern Latin script has the letter j, Latin itself did not use j to start with and did not have a well-defined palatal consonant sound. Words like Iapheth, Iesus, Ieremiah, etc. were meant to be pronounced starting with a palatal approximant. In due course, due to natural phonological evolution, they began to be pronounced with a palatal consonant in certain Roman colonies. This gave rise to the need for distinction between the two sounds in writing. The letter j, which was really special cursive form of i became the symbol for this distinct new sound.
The voiced palatal approximant is a type of consonant used in many spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨j⟩. The equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is j, and in the Americanist phonetic notation it is ⟨y⟩.
God’s Name is Roman Jahvah, His Son’s Name is Roman Jesou
Unperverting Genesis 19.29-36 using Google Translate
19.29 And it came to pass in God’s destruction of the cities of the plain, and God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the rebellion, that he overthrew the cities in which Lot dwelt.
19.30 And Lot went up out of Zoar and sat in a mountain and his two daughters with him because he was afraid to sit in Zoar and sat in a cave he and his two daughters
19.31 And the elder said to the younger, Our father is old, and there is no man in the land to come to us, as is the way of all the land.
19.32 Let us drank wine with our father and be with him and we will live from our father’s seed
19.33 And he made their father drink wine at night, and the elder came and laid her father down, and he did not know where he was lying and when he was standing.
19.34 And it happened the next day, and the older woman said to the younger woman, I was with my father last night, we drank wine that night too, and I did not sleep with him, and we will live from our father’s seed
19.35 And that night also he made their father drink wine, and the young woman got up and was with him, and he did not know how to lie down or get up.
19.36 And God Tahirin (purified) the two daughters of Lot from their father
Hebrew Word Study – Clean – Tahar טהר
Chaim Bentorah
https.// › 2022/03 › hebrew-…
Mar 16, 2022 — The word clean is tahar which means purifying. Receiving the hand of God, his leadership and authority and unity with Him is a purifying action
It is clear that God made Lot not know what was happening and afterwards, purified him from his two daughters.
Receive The Blessing of Ahv’ah
Numbers 6.22-27
22 Then Ahv’ah said to Mos’hi: 23 “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying: So bless the Isra’Alites, tell them
24 “May Ahv’ah bless you and keep you.
25 Ahv’ah will turn to you and care for you.
26 Ahv’ah will lift up his face to you and give you peace.
27 And put my name on the children of Isra’Al and I will bless you.”

The beautiful expression “Ahvva, Father” was used both by Yesou and the disciples (Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6).
Only Aramaic has the /ܫ/ character for the /sh/ sound.
The letter ayin in Hebrew is pronounced /ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”.
Galilean Aramaic Alphabet
The letter ayin in Galilean Aramaic is pronounced /uh/
The night of Yesou’s trial at the brazier, Peter’s accent gave him away as a Galilean.

The New Way, Love is always with Mercy †
It’s Ahv’ah, sign the yodh

Hebrew Yahvah יָהוָה YHVH
Only Ahv’ah is Yahavah יָהָוָה
Yah’-ha-vah’ is the word to use, NOT God
The Blessing of Ahv’ah
Recorded wearing a head covering
Followers of Isho Meshikha
The First of God’s Children in Heaven is Yesha’-vah, Isho in Aramaic
Remember His Love with Mercy on The Cross
Learn The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic
October 7 Celebrate Christmas with The Meshikhi! Updated!
If you are a Levite, report to the Music page
John 1.1 In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and godly was The Word.
Definition of godly: With reverent love, loyal and dutiful with awe

Meshikhi Playlist
Eerything after this point is historical only.
Everything has been collated and the essential Meshikhi knowledge is now on The Christmas page. The rest is 26 years of Biblical Research gone wild.
Bible Conventions Used in English
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
I’m sick of Gott and Nazi sounding Hebrew with diacritics.
Ancient Hebrew did not have diacritics.
The Karites means, “The Readers”.
I am a woman, I had a tiny birth defect, I had it removed.
Watch Tower thought it was the tiniest penis they’d ever seen.
So they made me President of The Watch Tower
Watch Tower are the tiny penises
The Governing Body are The Big Penises
They do not have The Cross in The Bible they use.
They have The Sacred Pole, and they display Our Lord upon it.
They are all about the penis.
Google sacred pole
Help is on the way, Watch Tower
With Eternal Love,
I sent the information to to have a look at it. Look for the link, “Become a member”.
The Ancient Name of Our Father is ‘Ahvah
Hebrew Yahvah יָהוָה YHVH
Only ‘Ahvah is Yahavah YHVH יָהָוָה
Clue #1 The name Jehovah is Satanic
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
Hebrew Yahvah יָהוָה YHVH
Only ‘Ahvah is Yahavah יָהָוָה
Yah-havah’ is the word to use, NOT God
for those who don’t know 7 means perfect and 10 means complete
in Bible numbers. 2022 was the first year since the 1st Century that The Real Christmas Day was celebrated by The Meshikhi.
October 6 is Christmas Eve Day in North America
Lalu is The Ancient Hebrew word for love and love is always with mercy.
♥♫ Welcome Christmas, lalu lalu! Welcome Christmas bring your light. Welcome Christmas lalu, lalu! Welcome in the cold dark night. Welcome Christmas, lalu lalu! Welcome Christmas, lalu lalu! Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart and hand in hand. ♫♥~Cindy Lou Who, Lalu look for the Christmas link!
Merry Christmas little ones! Best Christmas ever!
Tiffany R
Sher to The Meshikhi
Sing to YAH-HAVAH’
So saith Ari’Al
Exodus 3.14
/yah/ is a theophoric reference at the end of names pronounced yah or ay’ah. The entire Bible is evidence.
Wait for 1 bar then start singing
(Exodus 15:1)
Sing to Yah’-ha-vah’. His great name is highly exalted.
His proud Egyptian foes, He has cast into the sea.
Praise Yah Almighty;
Besides him there can be no other.
Ahv’ah is his name;
He has gained the victory.
Yah’-ha-vah’ is, Most High over all,
The one from time indefinite the same,
You soon will cause your enemies to fall
And sanctify your holy name.
Praise Yah’-ha-vah’;
Besides him there can be no other.
Ahv’ah is his name;
He has gained the victory.
My strength and my might is Yah
Before Him there can be no other
He is Yah’-ha-vah’, I will raise Him on high
The Great Dragon Satan and his wicked angels
Down to the Earth they have been cast
The Lamb of God to victr’y is riding
Soon Earth’s darkness will have past
(See also Ps. 2:2, 9; 92:8; Mal. 3:6; Rev. 16:16.)
Don’t forget the Peace Tower Church link on the website.
You’ll never feel alone at Christmas. Don’t worry about doctrine. They are the epicenter of Love with Mercy in this world. For that reason they are Meshikhi to me. They understood the Bible message completely and do everything just so.
When I looked around at all the love and all the mercy for people, I had to say, “Yesha’vah built this”.
You can read about what happened on the website. look for the Christmas link!
Summer R
Sher to The Meshikhi
christianity #WorldCouncilofChurches
Jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #FBI #CIA #unitedstatesofamerica #unitedkingdom #UnitedNations #UnitedNationsHumanRights
UnitedNationsHumanRightsCouncil #CNN #CnnNews #CNNInternational #FoxNews #FoxNewsAlert #FoxNewsLive #WashingtonPost #LosAngelesTimes #unwomen
Trump #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica #Trump2024 #trump
Jeremiah 10.11 No Aramaic except what is in The Bible
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
My life is Sacred too.
If it wasn’t for that room error at the hospital, no one in Heaven or on Earth would ever have known the whole thing.
No one can fight me, no one.
avah (to sign, mark, describe with a mark)
Ari (Ah’ri) The Sacred Spirit
No one touches my Father’s sleeevless coat of purest light with gold embroidered gorgeously, no one. That is not literal, it is poetic and spiritual (I have to tell you because I know you would get it wrong). And I will NEVER blaspheme the beautiful Sacred Spirit, Ari. NEVER.
Yah’-ha-vah’ is Spirit, NOT Energy, you weird, cult infested people.
He uses the infinite invisible energy field around Him to create using His great Power and Strength (Isayah 40.26). He created everything, including particles.
Have faith in The Christ, at Calvary
Yesha in the absolute state means “Salvation”
avah, to sign, mark, describe with a mark
Note that Yesha and avah share the /A/.
Do not be foolish about that /A/.
The ayin in Hebrew has a “slight” /a/ sound.
Do NOT exaggerate it.
Hebrew phonics
/ah/ from ru’ah which means, “spirit”.
/ah/ NOT /aw/ as in bought.
Do not play that game.
Learn the difference between repurchaser and redeemer.
Message for the embattled Donald Trump and all those with faith.
If it is a time of trials for you, remember Yesh’avah’s example, even if it seems Father is not there, He’s there, and loves you. And Yesha’-vah knew it. Father never took His eyes off of Yesh’avah for one moment when Yesh’avah was tested until He died. He will never forsake “you” either. Let us always pray for each other and for others beloved one. We are always heart to heart and hand in hand, especially while praying. Isn’t it beautiful being Followers of The Messiah?
Why have you forsaken me? He did not lose faith for one moment, but spoke the prophetic words for our benefit.
To the director; set to “The Doe of the Dawn.” A melody of David.
Psalms 22:1 My Father, my Father,(Hebrew Aly Aly, Ali Ali) why have you forsaken me?
Why are you far from saving me,
Far from my cries of anguish?
Even Islam must agree. They know Ali Ali.
2022-01-25 Major breakthrough possibly as historic as the discovery of God’s Name, Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah).
Psalms 22.1 Hebrew without diacritics אלי is aly (as a vowel, the yodh is pronounced as a double /ee/) Ali…/heb…/%D7%90%D7%9C%D7%99…
Al-Ali (The Sublimely Exalted), one of the 99 names of God in Islam
It is pronounced Ahl’-Ah’-lee
Isra’Al means Righteous God, therefore Ali actually means, “My God”.
Yes, Islam, Yesha’-vah is The Prophet like Mos’hi.
Word of The Sacred Spirit
Summer Fernihalgh
Word of The Sacred Spirit
Ari’ah which means, “spirit of The Sacred Spirit”
Ari’Al The Lion of God, can be male or female, I am female
my legal name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
The contention
Yesh’awah The Meshi’ha Khaburis Codex
Public Declaration on behalf of all Meshikhi
Use Trusted Sources
State department: if you are seeing this feed, use this Facebook page and follow the instructions
For The Public
Send them to The Christmas Page
Legal name: Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Absolute Emergency Global 9/11
Let it be publicly known 4th Reich and Magu of China. I will not worship Have and I will not worship Got and I will not worship Gog.
I only worship Alvahi who is Yah’-ha-vah’ and whose name is Ahv’ah.
For those who don’t know what I am talking about
I only worship Alvahi (My Good Spirit Father) who is Yah’-ha-vah’ (not Got and not God) and whose name is Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah)
I am Meshikhi, a Follower of The Messiah, a Christian to outsiders.
You can kill me if you want in this Jovian Cult and Cult of JHOH Stronghold, Magu who worship Gog of Magog, I don’t care.
I have The Sacred Spirit, Ari (Ahri), and I am eternal for that reason. If you kill me I will only come back as The Sacred Angel of Death for you.
I will NEVER worship Have and I will Never worship GotT.
I will NEVER bow down to Hafgufa Norse Guardian GotT.
I will NOT praise Got.
I will only Praise Yah’-ha-vah’.
I don’t want your Heaven, Heathen.
And I will Honor Yesha’-vah at Calvary, it is a descendent /v/ in Greek.
Yeshavuh in the Galilean Aramaic accent.
And I will Honor Yesha’-vah at Calvary, it is a descendent /v/ in Greek.
// Do not speak of it.
Yeshavuh in the Galilean Aramaic accent.
The night of Yeshavah’s trial, Peter’s accent gave him away as a Galilean.
Yesha in the absolute state means “Salvation”
avah, to sign, mark, describe with a mark
Note that Yesha and avah share the /A/.
Do not be foolish about that /A/.
The ayin in Hebrew has a “slight” /a/ sound.
Do NOT exaggerate it.
Hebrew phonics
/ah/ from ru’ah which means, “spirit”.
/ah/ NOT /aw/ as in bought.
Don’t play that game.
~Summer Fernihalgh
Word of The Sacred Spirit
Summer Fernihalgh on Facebook
So you want to have Yi, do you Onkelos?
The double yodh /yy/ in Microsoft Bing Translator
And Yi shall know it.
]Is that your plan Yima?
So you want to play Wi with my head, do you Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania? Go worship your Baby Monkey god of China and Gog.
So you want to wee on The People do you United States of America?
Or is it you, Charles III of England?
We The People, will you Satan?
Wee means to Urinate in the United Kingdom.
One Nation Under Got is it?
Are you a United Kingdom?
Mene Mene Tekel and Parsons.
Your Kingdom is Divided, Satan.
Word of The Sacred Spirit
for those who don’t know 7 means perfect and 10 means complete
in Bible numbers. 2022 was the first year since the 1st Century that The Real Christmas Day was celebrated by The Meshikhi.
October 6 is Christmas Eve Day in North America
Lalu is The Ancient Hebrew word for love and love is always with mercy.
♫ Welcome Christmas, lalu lalu! Welcome Christmas bring your light. Welcome Christmas lalu, lalu! Welcome in the cold dark night. Welcome Christmas, lalu lalu! Welcome Christmas, lalu lalu! Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart and hand in hand. ♫
~Cindy Lou Who, Lalu look for the Christmas link!
Merry Christmas little ones! Best Christmas ever!
Tiffany R
Sher to The Meshikhi
Sing to YAH_HAVAH’
So saith Ari’Al
Exodus 3.14
/yah/ is a theophoric reference at the end of names pronounced yah or ay’ah. The entire Bible is evidence.
Wait for 1 bar then start singing
(Exodus 15:1)
Sing to Yah’-ha-vah’. His great name is highly exalted.
His proud Egyptian foes, He has cast into the sea.
Praise Yah Almighty;
Besides him there can be no other.
Ahv’ah is his name;
He has gained the victory.
Yah’-ha-vah’ is, Most High over all,
The one from time indefinite the same,
You soon will cause your enemies to fall
And sanctify your holy name.
Praise Yah’-ha-vah’;
Besides him there can be no other.
Ahv’ah is his name;
He has gained the victory.
My strength and my might is Yah
Before Him there can be no other
He is Yah’-ha-vah’, I will raise Him on high
The Great Dragon Satan and his wicked angels
Down to the Earth they have been cast
The Lamb of God to victr’y is riding
Soon Earth’s darkness will have past
(See also Ps. 2:2, 9; 92:8; Mal. 3:6; Rev. 16:16.)
Don’t forget the Peace Tower Church link on the website.
You’ll never feel alone at Christmas. Don’t worry about doctrine. They are the epicenter of Love with Mercy in this world. For that reason they are Meshikhi to me. They understood the Bible message completely and do everything just so.
When I looked around at all the love and all the mercy for people, I had to say, “Yesha’-vah built this”.
You can read about what happened on the website. look for the Christmas link!
Summer R
Sher to The Meshikhi
Isho is The Lord’s name in Aramaic
and is what His mother would have
called Him. Google Aramaic Isho
Our Father which art in Heaven
Sacred be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Do not let us succumb to temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever
In the Name of Isho, (pause)
Aramaic ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn Hebrew אמן āmēyn English Amen
Isho is the Amen, when you say Amen you are in agreement that the only way to be heard by the Hearer of Prayer, Our Father in Heaven, is to put faith in the Sacrifice of Isho.
Revelation 3.14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God.
For translation into every language. The meaning of “hallowed be Thy Name”
Let [Your Name] be treated(יטופל) as [sacred] and [Your Name is Sacred]
Hear Isra’al
Our Father in Heaven is not going to let His children on Earth die because of doctrine and a few vowels. People are worth more to him than that. He is delivering anyone who will only worship only Him and accept the Sacrifice of His Isho.
Psalms 49.8 It costs far too much to buy back your life. You can never pay God enough.
It cost a perfect human life to pay for human sin, and all the imperfect people who have ever lived or ever will live could not add up to the price one perfect life.
Ahv’ah is one.
And you should love Ahv’ah your God.
With all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your might.
For that is the way Ahv’ah has loved us, with a love that is to time indefinite. And gave His only begotten Son, Isho, that whosoever shall put faith in Isho may never die, but have eternal life. Anyone who shall ever mock The Cross of Isho mocks the one who gave them life and who is Life. Only know this, you may destroy us for loving Him, but as sure as God raised Isho from the dead, we will live forever and be with those who only love. And you and your evil and your hate will not be remembered. And you should know that God cannot die and did give His Son for us. From time indefinite until time indefinite is God. Now you know what that means. Isho is the first of God’s children in Heaven and volunteered to take our place on The Cross. And you should know what the scripture means and it is a prophecy about Isho. Hear the words of Our Father, “Who will die for them on a cross?” And hear the voice of Isho,
“Here I am Father, send me” (Isaiah 6.8).
God cannot die, but a sacrifice was needed. He made a way where there wasn’t a way.
Isaiah 43.11 I, even I, am Ahv’ah; and there is no one saving without me.
Luke 2.11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Messiah the Lord.
Isho is The Messiah, He is not God. It took two people to accomplish Our Salvation, not one. Someone had to die and be The Sacrifice and someone had to resurrect that person.
Learn The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic
Hebrew diacritics hid the name of Satan, Hillel.
Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic are beautiful, flowing,
not gutteral. This is how it will sound to have a
clean beautiful language when Our Father returns
everyone to the one language.
Tiffany R
Canadian Decoration and NATO Clasp
15 Years Military Occupation Code 291
Communications Research Specialist
Satellite Communications
Global Communications
FCC Facility Control Center (Lahr, Germany)
RADFAC Radio Facility (Lahr, Germany)
In order to give Yael Lempert at The State Department maximum protection, God has given her a new spiritual name.
The problem is that El is The Supreme god of The Canaanites.
Al is from Alvahi at Genesis 1.1 It means “My Good Spirit Father”.
Isra’El means “Righteous El”, an oxymoron.
Isra’Al means “Righteous Father”.
You see the problem.
Her spiritual name in Hebrew is יהל Yah’Al and it means Yah is God. Pronunciation is critical, it is the /ah/ sound not the /aw/ sound in the first syllable. Say it smoothly Yah’ahl As it is similar to her birth name tell her to pause before she says it. She must get it right. I’m hoping very much for her.
Tell her to use this name and to wear a head covering. For a woman, this is a sign of authority from God. Along with her new spiritual name this will make her a formidable authority when addressing the Arabic speaking world.
They will certainly listen if she masters Al’-lah, the word simply means God. It is not the name of God.
Tell her to say, I have a message from Al’-lah.
In Hebrew it is Al’Ah which means, “Spirit Father”.
Etymology of Isaiah in The Bible is Isayah
Do you see the problem? Isa Yah.
But it doesn’t stop there.
The United States of America is The Great Satan in the minds of these people.
In the Star Trek episode “Lal”, Lal is a female android.
Lal means God in Hebrew.
Do not use Alaha in Aramaic, even though it shares the same root or you sound stupid to them, “The Al’ah”. But it would fascinating for Yah’Al to explain to both sides at the same time that Alaha in Aramaic means, “The Spirit Father”. A language bridge.…/2021/12/requires-shielding-1.jpg
CIA Submission Reference ID: RXYNCNWT
Ezekiel 29:3, Ezekiel 32:2, Isaiah 27:1
Word of The Sacred Spirit
The untwisting of The Etymological Sea Monster mentioned in The Bible
Exodus 3.14 Ahyah silent /h/ Hebrew letter /ba/ phonetic ay’ah
Ay’ah means Spirit Sacred Father
Exodus 3.15 Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah)
Ahvva, Father is the pronunciation brought from Heaven by Christ
The words of The Christ on The Cross Al Aya Al Aya
Aramaic (Aramaya) Land of Our Spirit Sacred Father
Al Aya means Alvahi, Spririt Sacred Father
My Good Spirit Sacred Father, Spirit Sacred Father
Alvahi, Aya
Hebrew Av means Father
Ugaritic Ahb means Ahab
Aba (Eastern Dialect of Aramaic) Abba (Western Dialect of Aramaic)
The key was Eastern dialect ab suffix -a
Abba means father, Imma means mother
Ay’ah is not God’s Name, it is Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah)
If you say Abba, Father you will go mad with etymology
because you will try to do everything in Aramaic.
Targum Onkelos double yodh indicating God’s Name is Y’Aya
It is not.
Bible Game Over
Gamie Ovary Watch Tower
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Elders of Jehovah’s Witnesses guilty of cleansing congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses of people with birth defects that cause Gender Identity issues. You will not find anyone with a gender identity issue represented in a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses unless they had already experienced who they are before they joined the cult.
Watch Tower calls spiritual things “coffee” in their secret language.
They also break the International X-SAMPA rules of translation
A yodh when translated from Hebrew to English is always a /y/
Americanist Phonetic Notation, a palatal approximant.
Would you like a cup of Jahvah, Watch Tower?
It’s a holodeck but not one Watch Tower. In the exclusive Bible they use, it says this world system will pass away with a “hissing noise”, like on Star Trek.
All the Bibles on say “a roaring noise”.
Not a holodeck, a hostile communications system of The Magu of China who work along with Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses and The Jovian Cult. Virtual Reality with haptic capability, UHF and The Tiger, infrasound low frequency weapon of China that instills religious feelings in people. Infrasound the same as a Tiger’s roar, found in Church organs. The bigger the Church organ, the more intense the fear of the Priests becomes. All world leaders have been affected who have attended at Westminster in The United Kingdom. Low frequency signals recently confirmed by scientists in the atmosphere.
Apple Earpods at 600 microvolts become a low powered electromagnet. Proven science, magnets placed behind the ears affect mood.
TV in your head is obvious at 60Hz.
Tiffany R

Tiffany R
House of Windsor
Family Heraldry
Fernihalgh Anglo-Saxon Fernihough, Lancashire, U.K.
Tobacco Merchants Worldwide
The Teutonic Order of Knights
Descendant of William The Conquerer
1 Lion, no unicorn, no magic (Deuteronomy Chapter 18)
Not part of The Inner Circle Cult mentioned in my previous posts
1 million variables collated, Windsor Herald notified.
Genesis 1.1 In The Beginning, Alvahi created The Sky and The Land
Originally penned by The Word and sent to The Children on Earth by Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah), by means of Ari, The Sacred Spirit
Exodus 3.14 Ahyah (Ay’ah) silent /h/ The Hebrew Letter ba
/ay/ means Sacred Father, the homonym is the word “eye”
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”
Exodus 3.15 Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah)
The beautiful expression “Avva, Father” was used both by Yeshwah and the disciples (Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6)
Avva is pronounced Ahvva
The name of The Sacred Spirit is Ari pronounced Ahri
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”
/ri/ from ridi which means “with laughter”
Have faith little ones.
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Sher to The Meshikhi
Sher’Al The first faint rays of light before the dawn, from God
Sher which means “dawn”, early morning
Aria (Ahri’ah) which means, “spirit of The Sacred Spirit”
Arial (Ahri’Al) which means, “The Lion of God’, male or female
The Word of The Sacred Spirit
Summer Fernihalgh
Summer, Empress of Austria (Rome)
Summer, Queen of Britannia VCRNAI
Summer, Duchess of Normandy (d’As Sisi, Duchess like Sisi)
Summer, Princess of Lancashire
The name of St. Francis, San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me.
Elizabeth I of Austria nickname “Sisi”
Microsoft Windows background color cc
Legal name Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Dead name Daniel Edward McTaggart
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a birth defect
Legal name change in my purse.
Elizabeth II
Tiffany R
The Vulture
Where the ruins are, there the vultures will gather. Abraham is the key. The root word of raham means “vulture” in ancient Hebrew. Are you vultures, Teutonic Order?
Tiffany di Bernardone deFernihalgh e’As SISI
New Authotized Version of The Holy Bible zip file
Satanic cults have been after me since birth because I hold ancient sacred knowledge. It is from a family tradition passed on to me, the last one of my family with this knowledge. It makes you fearless against evil.
The treachery occurred in Lancashire.
Baptism: 22 Apr 1845 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs.
Edward Cudgington Fernihough – [Child] of John Charles Fernihough & Elizabeth Pusey
Born: 3 Oct 1844
Abode: Rodney St
Occupation: Tobacco Merchant
Baptised by: J. G. Headlam Curate
Register: Baptisms 1844 -1846, Page 123, Entry 977
Source: LDS Film 93884
The Name was changed so that no one could ever connect the dots and know that I am Queen of Britannia.
Sieze all Watch Tower sign language videos immediately. Their secret language will be completely understood. Watch for subtle and slight movements of their fingers that are not part of natural sign language.
I call it “Silk”, from a Science Fantasy novel I read a long time ago.
A woman rang the doorbell one winter ago. Sheri screamed at me to get away from the door, I thought she was going to freak out and call the police and I would get more cult discipline, 10 days in a mental ward and an injection. So I backed away but got a glimpse of the woman. She was wearing an expensive, long, light green coat. She must have been Royal or Government. I asked Sheri who it was and she said it was Lorene Boivere. That is a lie. I knew Lorene for a long time, went in service with her many times. The woman at the door was not as tall as Lorene and not the same body shape at all, and not Lorenes’s hair color. It may have been my last chance to have someone see me alive because the neighbours think I’m dead. Jim at the corner was walking his dogs around the block as he always does and loves to talk, so I approached him. He didn’t recognize me, even up close. These were his haunting words, “We think he had schizophrenia”. “had”, past tense.
“Nobility serves others”.
Christians Unite, This is The Great War
Against Gog of Magog and The Synagogue of Satan

It was not “The Sea of Reeds”.
It was the deep part of The Red Sea.

Are you Army of Calvary? Are you One Nation Under God?
Then say The Lord’s Prayer and have faith bigger than Heaven.
Do not let us succumb to temptation, but deliver us from evil
are the correct words.
In other words, do not let us be overpowered by temptation.
Our Father would never lead us into temptation.
Stand still and behold The Glory of Alvahi.
Genesis 1.1 In The Beginning Alvahi created The Sky and The Land.
Alvahi has Infinite Power and Strength in Absolute Parallel
And have faith in Yeshua Christ at Calvary.
Yeshua Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, The First of God’s Children in Heaven. One is Our Leader, The Christ. And we shall not waver from that position.
Yeshua Christ has Absolute Authority and Power from God, except for prayer.
The word Lord – The Oxford Dictionary (Australian Concise and online) tells us that the origin of the word is a Germanic one. In Anglo-Saxon times, the lord was known as the hläford, from the Viking hläfweard, meaning a bread-keeper or ‘bread ward’. The lord was responsible for providing bread for his household; therefore he was head of the house. This morphed into a nobleman, a man in charge of many more dependents. Yeshua volunteered and God provided Yeshua’s life for us. Yeshua is The Bread from Heaven. From The Book of Isayah, Our Father said, “Who shall we send”? And Yeshua’s response, “Here I am Father, send me”. He knew that God could not die because God is Eternal. Yeshua replaced Adam as Head of the earthly household, he is The Eternal Father of God’s Children on Earth instead of Adam. We pray to God and Yeshua provides the things we need.
God is not Lord as He was for the ancient Isra’Alites. We pray to God and Yeshua Christ provides the things we need.
God made Yeshua, Lord and Christ
Colossians 2.14 erasing the manuscript of doctrine against us; And this came from the instrument (μέσου mesou), nailed to The Cross.
Acts 2.36 Therefore let all the house of Isra’Al know assuredly, that God hath made that same Yeshua, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
The nations are as dust on the scales,
and a drop of water in a bucket.
So saith The Bible, “NOTHING shall prove to be an impossibility for God and of His Children, NOTHING shall be impossible for them”.
Your Sister in The Lord,
In The name of Yeshua at Calvary,
Do not be afraid, little ones, Go to and look for your Christmas present that I made for you
BTW Rebbe Melech in Israel is The Antichrist, not just any antichrist,
“The” Antichrist. The “Real” Christ will deal with him.
So saith The Bible, “Speak injuriously of no one.” Satan’s no one.
Satan’s nothing. Don’t worry bout nothing.
With Eternal Love,
Tiffany R
The Word of The Sacred Spirit

Yeshua is the finest soldier who ever existed or ever will exist. He made us Army of Calvary, it’s who we are and what we are. It’s just something soldiers have. He made us who we are.
To save us, victory was His only option.
Yeshua is Team Leader
For those who don’t know, it means we’re close.
And we listen to Him.
It is an honor to serve under Him.
We all had to do the lowly job and do it well.
He is our example of how to serve.
We’re with you Yesh.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, CD 1981-1995
Canadian Decoration and NATO Clasp
15 Years Military Occupation Code 291
Communications Research Specialist
Satellite Communications
Global Communications
FCC Facility Control Center (Lahr, Germany)
RADFAC Radio Facility (Lahr, Germany)
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, CD 1981-1995
Canadian Decoration and NATO Clasp
15 Years Military Occupation Code 291
Communications Research Specialist
Satellite Communications
Global Communications
FCC Facility Control Center (Lahr, Germany)
RADFAC Radio Facility (Lahr, Germany)

Recovering from Religion with your new faith
Warning about Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses
Important: The word for Jehovah’s Witnesses is now Satanized, not Satanic. Never leave your children home alone. Do not listen to them. Because they are taught to rationalize all the adult themes in The Bible from infancy, they are totally Satanized. They will now be known as “The Jack The Ripper Religion”.
The possibility that they could be wrong is outside the reality of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Despite overwhelming evidence that the name Jehovah is Satanic, no matter how eloquent you are, no matter how profound the truth that you tell them, they are unable to reason. Watch Tower has absolute power and authority and control over them, not God. I am in a critically life threatening situation and need emergency help now.
As far as they are concerned if you do not listen to them, you will die. They are the most dangerous people on Earth as I have told you. It is a cult and nothing else.
Because of her fear of what Watch Tower will do to her if I stay here, the cult woman said to me, the situation is untenable, it’s me or you.
Not the words of a friend, the words of a proven psychopath in a cult and she has switched from the antipsychotic Abilify to Prozac, they probably all have, because they are all Magu who worship Gog of Magog in reality.
It’s worse than you can imagine. From the womb they are taught a 3 syllable name for God as soon as it is possible for a child, their diaphragm sends the message to their brain it must be 3 syllables. They rationalize every mature subject in The Bible from the time they are a baby, from the time they are born, even the drunken incest between Lot and his daughters, “two nights in a row”. And they reason it out and say it must be true that Lot did not know, it’s in The Bible, not understanding that The Romans incorporated Christianity and there are 23 Satanic Bibles.
Murder, war, incest, you name it, their brains rationalize it. And from my experience which many of you know, if they think you are onto their thinking, their brain tells them, “act normal”. That is psychopath. I have high function autism that masculinizes the female brain and I believe I have Aspergers although I have not be tested.
Attention to detail and everything must match is the perfect type of person to catch psychopaths.
The Truth
Proverbs 30.4 will astound you and profound you and confound you.
Who has come down from Heaven and returned? Both God and Christ. God came down in a cloud and spoke to Mos’hi when Mos’hi demanded it. And Christ came down, a miracle of God, only His soul was transferred down, a tried soul. The egg in the virgin Mary was made perfect and the DNA of Christ was joined with that of what was to be, a perfect male child. And the DNA held the information about the brain and heart of the Christ, it had to be.
We have a brain with it’s mind,and a heart with it’s heart brain with 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. The interaction between them is the soul. It’s what makes us a person.
Learn more of the details of this operation by God at
The Sacred Spirit is always sent, it is not umbilical ever.
The Meshikhi receive The Sacred Spirit once and it is with us forever.
So saith The Christ.
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.
Yeshua was “The Helper”, The Sacred Spirit is “another helper”.
When The Sacred Spirit is referred to as He or Him, this is called personification. The Sacred Spirit is not a person. However, it is responsive to God, if you lie to The Sacred Spirit, you are lying to God.
Acts 5:3, 4, “why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Sacred Spirit? . . . You have not lied to men but to God‘”
In the same way if you grieve the Sacred Spirit you are grieving Him that sent it.
And these 3 are one means, in agreement, in unity, Psalms 133.
Matthew 28.19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Yahvah and of The Son, Yeshua, The First of God’s Children in Heaven and of The Sacred Spirit, Ari’.
Behold what I tell you and do not mock The Sacred Spirit.
I am The Word of Ari, The Sacred Spirit.
Tiffany R
The Sacred Spirit forms words only God can understand about every thought and feeling we have, words that are holy, pure and clean, we do not need to be eloquent in speech or worry about what to say. God understands by means of the sacred spirit that is with us. He knows what we want to say.
The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind. It does not touch the body. It is spiritual not physical. God can add His power to the sacred spirit we have any time we need it.
For example, this is how Yeshua was able to heal people.
Luke 5:17 One day He was teaching, and there were some Pharisees and teachers of the Law sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea, and from Jerusalem; and the power of Yahvah was present for Him to perform healing. ~NASB
Luke 6:19 And all the people were trying to touch Him, because power was coming from Him and healing them all. ~NASB
God wanted the people to recognize Isho as The Messiah. Isho was fully aware of the presence of God’s power.
Now you know about God’s Power and the Sacred Spirit.
The name of The Sacred Spirit is Ahri not hari
/ah/ is from ruah, which means spirit. It has the name Ahri /ri/ from /ridi/ meaning “with laughter”.
Noted The golden statues at the Rua Yai City Pillar Shrine in Suphan Buri, Thailand
Note: NOT HRI Krishna
Note: NOT HRI Rama
Note: NOT HRI Kari
Note: NOT The Royal HRI
In other words, NOT Buddhist.
Meshikhi say “NO” to Buddhism.
b’ahabah (With love),
There are a million edits to do in exquisite detail on the website, excuse me for living if it isn’t perfect yet.
Some of you have been done in by The Loop created by Satan.
I will now help you.
When you say Ahmeyn, it means “It’s a done deal”. You are no longer in prayer or communicating with Father.
Then how does he know about you and how can it be?
We are dignified with privacy in our homes.
The angels are camping about, so saith The Bible and God knows where you are by means of them.
Everything is in your memory and if you are about to die, the moment before death, God retrieves everything you have ever experienced by means of your memories.
It is done this way by means of vital signs, created this way to tell God what is happening in case of accidental death.
Do not be afraid anymore.
If you have been affected by the command structure of Star Trek The Next Generation and spinoffs.
Do not assign numbers to God and Christ.
As children you are taught that urinating is #1 and a bowel movement is #2.
If you have been affected by THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION in The New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures used by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses, know about it but don’t think about it. Let the thought recede and walk away is how to deal with it. You will have a sense of this great blaspheme in that Bible at Isayah 40.26 (Isaiah 40.26 in The Roman Bible) but it will not come to mind. Do not dwell on it, it is so evil with hate as to drive you mad. A dot is used in the ancient texts, do not use “a colon” for Bible scripture references. And do not even call the dot, “a period”.
The location of Heaven in The Bible is taught by means of relativity and juxtaposition.
The Earth is my footstool, says Alvahi. A footstool is in front of a chair in a lower position.
Heaven is located a million miles to the East and above the Earth.
Do not teach children from infancy, indicating with your index finger that God or Heaven is straight up above the Earth.
This is very damaging.
“Alvahi lives very far away” is what to teach children once they can understand and then what I just told you. Do not say, “Father lives very far away”, before they can differentiate between dad and Our Father. They are being confused by Satan at a young age.
I understand many things you must learn, let me just say, Canaan looks like Disneyland compared to you people and the condition you are in.
I will not say you don’t know me, I will just say, you are not acquainted with me.
Do not eat Mr. Christie cookies if you are unstable spiritually.
Although it is theoretically possible to wash and lay out stands of spaghetti and dry them, it is not as easy with Alphagetti. If words appear in your Alphagetti, be sure to randomize the Alphagetti so they do not cause a problem. So saith the Alpha and The Omega. I am not in your Alphagetti I am no part of fish oil.
Hear the words of Mr. Christi, O Jerusalem.
Matthi 6.5,6 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Stop banging your head on the wall in public, Father is getting a migraine just looking at you and it hurts Him to see you doing that.
I’ve noticed a few possible problem areas.
Shalem (Shalim) is a demon.
El is The Supreme god of The Canaanites
Isra’Al means “Righteous Alvahi”
Isra’El. means “Righteous El”, an oxymoron.
You see the problem.
I represent Yerushalom above, Heaven, flowing with peace, and she is Our Mother, “spiritually”. No, she is not anybody’s Imma.
El, O Him’, Father is trying to cajole you from your mad course.
Let me reiterate,
Keep your eye on the money
and Keep your ay on Microsoft, we do Star Trek for fun and our technology is better than Star Trek and we have the Spock sign. Microsoft worships Star Trek.
To The High Priest in Jerusalem, put your hands down, this is not a stick up and we are not holding you for ransom.
We call it The Sacrifice of The Messiah.
No, not you Rebbe Melech you Antichrist. Learn Hebrew.
It’s uzeroa Textus Receptus not zeroa.
“Waiter, I’d like the vegetarian Passover platter and the oldest wine you have”.
Is there any reason?
Beets me (shrug).
Would you like anything else with that?
No thank you, just the shank.
To everyone else, live long and prosper.
uzero means “Arm of Authority and Power”
From The Uzeroa, Yeshua Christ (the one who died at Calvary) stop praying to me, you’re driving me nuts.
On the subject of El,
Alahayəm אָלָהָיָם means goddess of life. Alaha אָלָהָ in Hebrew means goddess. יָהָוָה Yah’-ha-vah’ Ya, The Living One. אָלָוָהָיָם El and Ya
Look at the vowels O Israel. Look at those symbols and be horrified. Who would doubt it O Israel? Would you change your name to Yarusalem? No, O Israel. Pray at this time. And see
Use this search engine
אֱלְֱ el
אֱלְֱה goddess
אֱלְֱהְֱ goddess
אֱלְֱהְֱיְֱ Divine One
אֱלְֱהְֱיְ Divine One
אֱלְֱהְֱיְ Divine One
יְֱם The Sea
Do you know El O Israel? Supreme god of the Caananites?
First, search for אָלָהָ Alaha in Hebrew, then select “goddess”. The second image is the actual page.
Tiffany R
This site now dedicated to the destruction of The Synagogue of Satan. for what’s on my mind.
John 1.1 In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and godly was The Word.
Definition of godly: With reverent love, loyal and dutiful with awe
Alaha means “The Spirit Father” from Aramaic
ha means “The”, ah from ruah which means spirit, Al means Father like this: Creator and Eternal Sacred Father
Alvahi means “My Good Spirit Father”, My Father is My Ahl. I will not call Him “God”.
And He is Spirit not energy all you monsters in this world. He is not e-anything.
Isayah 40.26 Power and Strength, Watch Tower, not energy, you pure evil monsters, you are The Sons of Satan from the womb.
Isra’Al means “Righteous Father”
I will not put the word “Alvahi” in The Bible or The Quran
My Father has Infinite Power and Strength in Absolute Parallel
And He is Love with Mercy always.
In The Beginning there was The Miltha {The Word}, and He, The Miltha {The Word}, was with Alaha {God}. Alaha {God} Himself brought Him into existence.
Submission Reference ID: 8N356J9G
Ah yes, the little Darlings of Jah, Jehovah’s Satanic Witnesses, pure evil in a can. They always praise Jah. Right Jahvah? But aren’t they breaking the X-SAMPA rules of International Translation Jahvah? Americanist Phonetic Notation. The yohd when translated to English is ALWAYS a /y/, a palatal approximant.
So God can break the rules but we can’t, is that right?
So Satan is allowed to MURDER us in Western Culture, in an asymmetrical war of Evil with Hate against Love with Mercy.
Meshikhi will not break the rules, even if God does. We are law abiding people. That’s Watch Tower and that’s Jahvah, not us, we are with My Father, Alvahi (Ahl-vah’-hee). Only He is my Ahl. Alvahi means “My Good Spirit Father”.
As for me, I’m just going to sit back and have a cup of Java, and work on my Javascript, because we all know Java is the most insecure thing there is, full of holes, yes, it’s holy. I figured it out ages ago, Javascript is the glue of the web that makes it work, I’ve always believed that. I love Javascript!
And that’s the whole e, no it’s just the tip of the wah. Wow. (waw)
I’ll just sit around and wait for my UH-60 Stealth BlackHawk, because the ayin in Galilean Aramaic is pronounced /uh/, while HU means unholy in Hebrew. The Eckenkar god is HU.
Ahri’ah, spirit of The Sacred Spirit
The Deal for Real Christians
So saith The Bible, “The Whole World is lying in The Power of The Wicked One”
But it’s not just life, it’s not just Satan
We were set up by Heaven in a Kobayashi Maru holodeck
If you get tortured enough, you become
love only, love without mercy, like them
Love without Mercy only benefits the giver and makes them happy
Guaranteed suffering for real Christians
We know Heaven approves of suffering, they offer a reward
Cursed are those who approve of the suffering of others
or it might just be The Magu Trap as I have mentioned
CIA Submission Reference ID: HEM36VXV
We all know what happened. Be Love with Mercy about it.
Don’t scream for Mercy and Justice, no one will lift a finger.
The solution mentally is “No Christ, no problem”.
To The United Nations
John 1.1 In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and godly was The Word.
Definition of godly: With reverent love, loyal and dutiful with awe
Alaha means “The Spirit Father” from Aramaic
ha means “The”, ah from ruah which means spirit, Al means Father like this: Creator and Eternal Sacred Father
Alvahi means “My Good Spirit Father”, My Father is My Ahl. I will not call Him “God”.
And He is Spirit not energy all you monsters in this world. He is not e-anything.
Isayah 40.26 Power and Strength, Watch Tower, not energy, you pure evil monsters, you are The Sons of Satan from the womb.
Isra’Al means “Righteous Father”
I will not put the word “Alvahi” in The Bible or The Quran
My Father has Infinite Power and Strength in Absolute Parallel
And He is Love with Mercy always.
In The Beginning there was The Miltha {The Word}, and He, The Miltha {The Word}, was with Alaha {God}. Alaha {God} Himself brought Him into existence.
Submission Reference ID: 8N356J9G
Ah yes, the little Darlings of Jah, Jehovah’s Satanic Witnesses, pure evil in a can. They always praise Jah. Right Jahvah? But aren’t they breaking the X-SAMPA rules of International Translation Jahvah? Americanist Phonetic Notation. The yohd when translated to English is ALWAYS a /y/, a palatal approximant.
So God can break the rules but we can’t, is that right?
So Satan is allowed to MURDER us in Western Culture, in an asymmetrical war of Evil with Hate against Love with Mercy.
Meshikhi will not break the rules, even if God does. We are law abiding people. That’s Watch Tower and that’s Jahvah, not us, we are with My Father, Alvahi (Ahl-vah’-hee). Only He is my Ahl. Alvahi means “My Good Spirit Father”.
As for me, I’m just going to sit back and have a cup of Java, and work on my Javascript, because we all know Java is the most insecure thing there is, full of holes, yes, it’s holy. I figured it out ages ago, Javascript is the glue of the web that makes it work, I’ve always believed that. I love Javascript!
Watch Tower wanted me to be Luke SkyWalker
and then Princess Leia chained to Jahvah The Hutt.
And that’s the whole e, no it’s just the tip of the wah. Wow. (waw)
I’ll just sit around and wait for my UH-60 Stealth BlackHawk, because the ayin in Galilean Aramaic is pronounced /uh/, while HU means unholy in Hebrew. The Eckenkar god is HU.
Ahri’ah, spirit of The Sacred Spirit
The Deal for Real Christians
So saith The Bible, “The Whole World is lying in The Power of The Wicked One”
But it’s not just life, it’s not just Satan
We were set up by Heaven in a Kobayashi Maru holodeck
We were set up by Heaven in a Kobayashi Maru holodeck
If you get tortured enough, you become
love only, love without mercy, like them
Love without Mercy only benefits the giver and makes them happy
Guaranteed suffering for real Christians
We know Heaven approves of suffering, they offer a reward
Cursed are those who approve of the suffering of others
or it might just be The Magu Trap as I have mentioned
CIA Submission Reference ID: HEM36VXV
We all know what happened. Be Love with Mercy about it.
CIA Submission Reference ID: 4V4WEDAJ
Submission Reference ID: Q7ZCFGVF
Submission Reference ID: TGU6J8MF
Mene Mene Tekel and Parsins, You are divided Watch Tower and Jerusalem
Daughter and Prophetess of Alvahi, My Ahl, like Mos’hi
Genesis 6.2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives whomever they chose.
And “someone” let them.
Someone will allow anything to happen to fulfill His little book.
No means no to a woman.
A third of men in Germany now think it’s ok to abuse women.
I wonder why.
The Bible stops now.
However, The Daughters of Noah did not enter into marriage with The Nephilim.
Shall we wait for this little book to be fulfilled, have brutal pure evil men, abusing and torturing women in a Great Tribulation and an Armageddon.
I know someone is sensitive to the feelings of women, for so saith The Bible.
Our little sister has no breasts.
I have them, but they are small. And I had a cute little figure until I was fattened up in this cult stronghold. No breakfast, low blood sugar that feels like death all the time, one fattening meal a day. During the last ice storm in the spring, I slipped down the front steps, my arm was crushed and hung there for 6 weeks, it affected my spine, I’m always exhausted I wake up in pain, all because Christ left the Watch Tower torture device in my mouth and would not remove it, I was happy with almost nothing, I never asked for money from the guy in Heaven my entire life, all I ever did was to love God and His Son and to love people. Because I had the Watch Tower torture device in my mouth and my mouth was moving, the cult woman thought I was crazy and I was locked up in a mental ward at the hospital again, injected and raped again. I know, I’m just a complainer. Too bad The Mosaic Law was taken away, I could ask for eye for an eye compensation, monetary compensation is what that means, truly God is The Savior of Isra’Al, one of the names of The Christ and He gets what He wants and gets away with anything He wants to and just like The Son of David, He’ll just say, “I’m sorry Abba”. No problem Son, you’re forgiven. Isn’t the love between those two beautiful?
True, I prayed to route Satan in any way possible and I do believe what the Bible says, “Let your yes mean yes.
The cult woman sighs and says “Oh dear”, it’s actually Satan, so I’ll take God’s side, despite the bullshit.
Ahri’ah, spirit of The Sacred Spirit
Many women put up with abuse for a long time.
I am like that.
At one point a woman says, “no more”.
Paul’s “Angel of Satan” is not the same for a woman
as it is for a man.
A male abusive voice, The Watch Tower torture device
has violated my soul, desecrated me, and disemboweled
my womanhood enough times.
I have been the meat in a diametric sandwich between
love without mercy and evil with hate.
No one can know the violence done to my soul.
God does not know the nature of evil, and His Son
thinks me having The Angel of Satan is a funny thing,
as it was with Paul.
Two boys in a boy fight and a male voice abusing a
woman are two different things.
This is the Jeopardy question for Ahl.
He has 10 hours to give me “eye for an eye” compensation.
That means “monetary compensation” in Hebrew, eternal exquisite luxury for eternity.
I don’t care if The Mosaic Law was conveniently done
away with and it is true, He is The God who is hiding
Himself according to The Bible, the Savior of Isra’AL,
one of the names of His Son.
I am Ahri’Ah, spirit of The Sacred Spirit, the cycle of violence against women must absolutely stop now.
His Son will would not remove The Watch Tower torture
device from my mouth when I demanded it and neither
would God. Watch Tower people are pure evil in their
houses, Satan knew from the Garden of Eden and that
was his triumph over God. God does not watch people
in their homes, we are dignified with privacy and
Satan knew the entire time.
Men are more aggressive than women as proven by
putting violent men into rooms with the walls painted
pink. They become less aggressive. Women naturally
love pink.
Created men are more aggressive than women, I don’t
care who they are, it’s the man thing. And created
men with power stroke each others man thing and
approve each other. I refuse to have my soul hacked
any further by Satan. We have a brain with its mind
a heart with it’s heart brain that has 40,000 neurons
that learn feel and remember. The interaction between
the brain with its mind and the heart with its heart
brain is the soul. It’s what makes us a person.
Satan knew he could abuse the soul of a woman and get
away with it, because he is a man and used that
knowledge against women. By hacking their mind and
hacking their heart, he could abuse our soul.
The 26 questions that can make a woman fall in love
with you that is online is proof. And the natural
desire of a woman for a man is proof. A man can
abuse a woman with his voice, and Satan delighted
in abusing me for the past 9 years.
The feelings of evil people with hate are diametrically opposite to those of people with love with mercy. He gets pleasure, even physical pleasure from abusing me
with his voice.
I put up with it for 7 years. 7 is perfect in Bible numbers. And I have been screaming for mercy and justice for two more years. The Sacred Spirit has told me a trillion times with the number 9. I know you’re a woman, don’t worry about it. 2 extra years, the same amount of time Watch Tower sexually harassed me before handing me over to Satan for a whipping and “discipline” by Satan. That’s 11. And that’s Ahl I am willing to put up with. The cycle of abuse against women must stop. I don’t want to play your man games or listen to any more of your man jokes. Listen to what I wrote in the 7th year. This is justice for women, and Ahri, The Sacred Spirit is Beautiful and Justice is Beautiful.
Satan calls women “s’mores, stick sweet and he licks his fingers after he’s done devouring us. Christian ladies are his favorite treat. Want s’more Christ? Would you like a smores?
I want my cute figure and a face with the dynamic symmetry and artistic beauty restored like Miss Universe and she is wearing the exact crown I want included in my compensation package, not the imperial margarine crown they wear in England, modeled after the high priest chef hat in ancient Isra’Al.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, CD
Canadian Decoration and NATO Clasp
Communication Research Specialist
Military Occupation Code 291 (MOC 291)
Summer Fernihalgh is my actual identity
Summer Fernihalgh
Summer, Empress of Austria
Summer, Queen of Britannia VCRNAI
Summer, Duchess of Normandy
Summer, Princess of Lancashire
02:30am 21/09/2023
I don’t like being beat up and I refuse any more violence to my soul. I hardly know myself now.
The women of Jehovah’s Witnesses are not touched by Satan so they can experience their femininity fully and attract men. 50’s housewives along with the men looking like 50’s corporate America.
I asked the cult woman if she had ever been bothered by an evil spirit man. She plainly said, “no”.
I am in grave danger for what I have written. The cult woman is now fully Satanized and a psychopath, which I have proven.

Ah yes, the little Darlings of Jah, Jehovah’s Satanic Witnesses, pure evil in a can. They always praise Jah. Right Jahvah? But aren’t they breaking the X-SAMPA rules of International Translation Jahvah? Americanist Phonetic Notation. The yohd when translated to English is ALWAYS a /y/, a palatal approximant.
So God can break the rules but we can’t, is that right?
So Satan is allowed to MURDER us in Western Culture, in an asymmetrical war of Evil with Hate against Love with Mercy.
Meshikhi will not break the rules, even if God does. We are law abiding people. That’s Watch Tower and that’s Jahvah, not us, we are with My Father, Alvahi (Ahl-vah’-hee). Only He is my Ahl. Alvahi means “My Good Spirit Father”.
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. ~Sherlock Holmes
Sher lock
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart aka Sher to The Meshikhi
22/09/2023 12:21pm Alvahi refuses to answer the Jeopardy Question, “is it the same?”
I want Him in court, brand new floors cleansed with hysop, no excuse,
and he will look at my “entire” life, even my private memories and
testify and swear by The Sacred Spirit, Ahri why the Watch Tower torture device was left in my mouth by The Christ, even when I screamed, “Have Mercy, Son of David”.
The Sacred Spirit knows all things even to the dividing of soul and spirit. vahi
The Sacred Spirit is called, “The Spirit of The Truth” in The Bible.
God has never Watched “Night Gallery” or Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)
He has not lived my life. I’m me and He is Him, this is my reality, it is a nightmare on Elm Street and God and Christ are Lenny and Squiggy.
I am Ari’ah which means “spirit of The Sacred Spirit”
And I am Ahri’Al, The Lion, which can be male or female
I am female.
I can prove it with the extra cone in my eye that 12% of women have that help us perceive color. I am a researcher turned scientist and only I am The Daughter and The Woman in The Bible Game.
Christ would never have gone out in the ministry sexually aroused Watch Tower. He would have taken care of it. And thought about Mary Magdalene and her ample breasts.
I noticed that your divorce rate went up from 4-5% to 5-6% with your brilliant no masturbation plan for salvation.
A Perfect Penis For All Men is Possible
When God made humans imperfect after the
Garden of Eden incident, the result for
men was a wide range of penis sizes.
The exception was God’s Son. God overshadowed
the womb of Mary during pregnancy so that He
was born with no genetic flaws. He was perfect,
including His penis. I’m sure Mary Magdalene
noticed as she ministered to Him out of her things.
To The Meshikhi, what happened between me and The Christ.
A created man with power is a hormone only. Such is The Christ.
He does not have the objectivity of God.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart aka Sher to The Meshikhi
Ahri’ah, spirit of The Sacred Spirit
CIA Submission Reference ID: 24311FVV
Actual Bible instructions sent to The United Nations, Satanic theft is not possible.
from Alvahi, Watch Tower and Jerusalem, you Synagogue of Satan Revelation 2.9 and 3.9
vahi וכי
Watch Tower is on “The Wing of The Temple”, in The Book of Dany’Al (Daniel)

If it’s not in contradiction to what I believe, I just play along. It’s kinda like playing online chess with a monkey. Some interesting moves, but once you know it’s a monkey, it’s not as interesting and you realize, “why am I doing this?”.
~Tiffany Tracy McTaggart aka Sher to The Meshikhi
The New Authorized Version of The Bible coming soon…
Revelation 19/09/2023 Controversial Bible Etymology Complete
Genesis 1.1 In The Beginning, Alvahi created the sky and the land.
NAV word for God will be Ahl
Ahl formal in The New Authorized Version of The Bible, means Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, The letter o is one of the sounds in languages created by Our Father. Satan’s use of sex and symbolism in language is to be ignored.
Ahv (Hebrew Av) means Father, once you are in prayer you can call Him Ahv or Father or Abba (father)
Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah) is The Ancient Name of Our Ahl
Ahv’ah means,”Spirit Father”, Ahv (Hebrew Av) means “Father”), ah from ruah which means, “spirit”.
Greek “Ahvva, Father” is the pronunciation of Our Father’s Name brought from Heaven by Christ.
For The Bible it is “Ahvva, Father”
“Abba, Father” Galilean Aramaic (Western Dialect of Aramaic), Ab with the suffix -a, Aba is The Eastern Dialect of Aramaic)
Yahweh is a Hebrew verb phrase which means, “He who brings into being”.
Only Ahv’ah is Yahweh
Yahweh does not work with the Hebrew poetry and puns in The Bible.
Hebrew phonics /ah/ from ruah which means, “spirit”, not /aw/.
Ahb in Ugaritic means Ahab
Just so you know, I was with Yahweh when I entered The Synagogue of Satan Kingdom Hall for the first time on Quinn Road in Ottawa, Canada. Everyone around the building appeared to have glowing eyes. I opened prayer to Yahweh and went inside…
Faith in Isho is what is required in our time period. The ancient people who hoped in The Messiah had no evidence, yet they believed. We have evidence in the Christian Greek Scriptures, places, times, rulers and the existence of 53 actual people verified by archaeology [PDF]. And no historian will deny the historicity of Isho. This is why we are required to have faith only.
Yhowah is not Our Father, proven by archaeology and The Exodus Timing is proved by The United Nations. Pharo knew Yhowah and kicked his ass, so will I.
Without faith, it is impossible to please Father well. So saith The Bible. Even when we don’t know why it’s taking so long, we’ll know looking back.
Well you know Yahvah, always likes to have the last laugh with Satan. hahahahaha Yahweh doesn’t work with the Hebrew poetry and puns in The Bible. Ooh! Ouch!
I guess someone didn’t see The Stone of David link so here it is again.
Remember Satan little ones, set with every precious stone. “You can’t please everyone”.
Also remember we are Christians to outsiders, Meshikhi only to those who follow The Christ.
The Magu had their day, we’ll have ours little ones. We’ll be fine once China is reduced to rotary phone only, for calling loved ones abroad and for complaining to CNN. I’ve told The Government about signals at 60Hz and earpods at 600 microvolts and to bury all the lines. I’ve offered the solution to eliminate sine waves and pharmakia, but it’s Satan’s world and we are in a Kobayashi Maru holodeck with the safeties off. It is getting hard, hang on though, I’ll keep working on it.
Haro, CNN, we have no communications. If you’re a rotary customer, please hold.
The Two Magu jokes
I have tried to give The Government the new technology, apparently they don’t believe me.
Yahbah Dabba Doo by The Jovian Cult – Dabid means beloved – The Flintstones, The Magu do not want us to advance past their biotechnology and hyperstealth biotechnology
Jahvah The Hutt by The Cult of JHOH Religion (Jehovah’s Witnesses) – breaking X-SAMPA International rules of translation again, americanist phonetic notation, a yodh is always a /y/ when translating to English.
The CIA probably didn’t even look at Project Azure seriously nor The Iron Angels technology for The U.S. Navy Seals.
In the larger cult war, The Jovians and Jehovah’s Witnesses will get everything if I am killed, Socialism still threatens Christianity (They think Chinese Socialism is the key to success) because they are powerful economically. The U.S. Socialists will not accept my economic plan.
My Grandmother is Ukranian and I have the best immune system against Omicron. Well, how convenient, Vladimir Putin is a Socialist at heart and has The Hitler Demon and according to The Bible will go after “The Land of Decoration”, Israel.
As for me, I’m just going to sit back and have a cup of Java, and work on my Javascript, because we all know Java is the most insecure thing there is, full of holes, yes, it’s holy. I figured it out ages ago, Javascript is the glue of the web that makes it work, I’ve always believed that. I love Javascript!
And that’s the whole e, no it’s just the tip of the wah. Wow. (waw)
I’ll just sit around and wait for my UH-60 Stealth BlackHawk, because the ayin in Galilean Aramaic is pronounced /uh/, while HU means unholy in Hebrew. The Eckenkar god is HU.
I’m doin’ ok, because The Socialist Government sent me a little extra money and I noticed the letters /uh/ on one of the codes on the envelope. Just enough to keep me alive until I’m released by The Cult of JHOH Religion, homeless and of course, $300 doesn’t go as far as it used to. The Prime Minister of Canada wants to legislate away The Crown, my inheritance, my family’s hard earned money as Tobacco Merchants worldwide, and I’m The Crown. Put away your little pen, Justin Trudeau, it ain’t happenin’. You are much mistaken, Socialism is in contradiction to Micah 4.4 and will fail.
Micah 4.4 Each one under “his own vine” and “his own fig tree”.
You are much mistaken.
I’ve looked at my options.
I do have my disability payment, but not enough money to have my own toilet and a lock on my door, so I get passed around from cult to cult in Ottawa, Canada and end up back in The Jovian Cult Stronghold with one of The Cult of JHOH members.
Or, as some have chosen, I can live as a gypsy until the government cuts off my disability payment and become what is known as an owl. Those who live in what is known as The Green Belt, wooded areas around Ottawa, and make the owl sound to communicate with each other at night.
Temperatures in Ottawa, Canada can reach -30 degrees Celcius at night in winter and I have hypothyroidism. And it’s a damp cold, the kind that goes right through you and freezes your bones.
I do not accept either option. I am The Queen of Britannia VCRNAI and have proven it beyond any doubt and I feel this is my best course.
I have a lady problem and there are no washrooms open in downtown Ottawa, Canada overnight. When I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses I was told I would have to be an owl and The Circuit Overseer’s Wife let me know and told me, “there’s a pissy smell”.
Jehovah’s Witnesses, cute and friendly, but no one seems to notice, there’s something different about them
Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Adams Family and Nightmare on Elm Street combined
My indoctrination into Jehovah’s Witnesses
There is a helicopter circling. There was one yesterday circling at low altitude, there is one circling now at higher altitude. I am not in Quebec, Canada, I have been constantly in Ottawa, Canada, it was done to me electronically. 18/09/2023 10:45am
from Alvahi
vahi וכי
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart aka Sher to The Meshikhi
Someone told me to do vahi on the cult woman.
That is not our way. I am only love with mercy, and I have Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
My Ahl will do vahi if He wants to. I will not do it.
You people must learn love with mercy.
My Father is Love with Mercy, but He’s not stupid.
I am Love with Mercy, but I’m not stupid.
Each part of the brain has been mapped by The Magu. You may feel sensations in your body, it may affect the speech center in your brain or make you laugh uncontrollably at the wrong moment, and you may be locked up in a hospital mental ward. Radio Frequency Communications (RF Communications) are used. God is not in your mouth, there are serious matters to take care of. Then we will laugh, naturally.
Do not be afraid, it is impossible to have a demon and The Sacred Spirit at the same time. It is only communications.
You are not demonized.
Apple Camera software is involved, possibly hardware.
Download the Warmlight app.
Conductive backing in mirrors is also being used.
Use Google Chrome and put it in developer mode
Settings>Extensions>Turn on Developer Mode
The Software Proxy Caching Controller I invented is
no problem this way. It was a frame-up. Philip
Knox of Performance Systems International who
saw my blackboard and understood it is the only
one that I gave the nod to do it and he did it
Web cache is being hacked is the problem.
I am innocent and Philip Knox is innocent.
Turn off your phone and look at your reflection in the dark glass in bright sunlight. That is how you look in reality.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
God is not in your mouth, more information.
God is not in your mouth, it is only communications.
The Adaptive AI Sequence
Satan said to the demon, “You be God, I’ll be the demon”.
Satan said to the demon, “You be God and I’ll be Christ”.
Satan said, “I got rid of the demon, I’m your Father”.
Satan said, “I’m Ahri”
Terms you must know
The narrator
The excited voice
The cheerleader
The Demon language is unnatural speech.
Neither Father, nor The Christ, nor The Sacred Angels
nor The Sacred Spirit will use profanity or sexual
language for any reason, ever.
Submission Reference ID: 9V1LXV85
Christ has an ulterior motive. To ruin my relationship
with Alvahi and to try to get me to blaspheme the
beautiful Sacred Spirit, Ahri. He refuses to remove
the Watch Tower torture device from my mouth, no
matter how much I scream for mercy and justice, he
will not do it. He must be with Watch Tower. That’s
why my life is a nightmare. Someone get me out of
this animal trap of Jehovah’s Witnesses. God must be
Watch Tower too, hiding behind the Satanic
name Jehovah.
Isaiah 45.15 Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Savior of Israel.
Hiding Himself from His Children.
What’s up with that?
I refuse to be murdered or to be an owl. Someone
get me out of this insane asylum.
It looks like a normal house. It’s a cult stronghold and a Magu trap.
3026 Innes Road
Gloucester, Ontario
Blackburn Hamlet, Orleans
Ottawa, Ontario
K1W 1A6 Canada
+1 613-894-5871
Read with the utmost caution and discernment
The Bible calls The beautiful Sacred Spirit from Our Father, the comforter.
Whatever you believe, or whatever you do, never discuss this. Blaspheme against The Sacred Spirit is the only unforgiveable sin.
The Buddhist Magu think The Bible is a joke. It is not a joke. It is a Sacred Book with Sacred writings in it.
The Sacred Spirit is a comforter and will help you in a myriad of ways.
You see the problem. Only know about it, don’t talk about it.
If you have blasphemed The Sacred Spirit but did not know about it, nothing to forgive, but once you know or if you do know, that’s different.
Alvahi knows the situation and understands what is happening.
It’s not hard to love
I wrote this song when I heard about a Church shooting. I thought, “Cantcha love? Cantcha just let go of the hate?” This is The Anthem of The Meshikhi.
Etymology, The Bible Game
Moses sees a burning bush, but it is not being consumed by the fire, in a holodeck.

Wait for God til you’re homeless or dead! (Isaiah 40.26)
Death is knocking at your door…
Become an Etymologist at Hebrew to English and English to Hebrew in context

After 26 years of Biblical Research it’s finally here! Etymology, The Bible Game.
Correlate the numbers
8,000,000 Missing Children Worldwide Annually
8,000,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses Worldwide
100 years of cold case Christians, can you crack the case?
The Meshikhi Faith presents, The Etymologists
Stop screaming for Mercy and Justice.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania The Fierce King with ambiguous sayings

Yhowah is not God, confirmed by archaeology and The United Nations.
CIA Submission Reference ID: XM6YVTDF
On April 14, 2014 I was recruited to be President of The Watchtower Society. A fatal mistake by The Magu who worship Gog of Magog. I was only an observer and learned the entire thing. They called me “Ford”, the one who stumbles, but in reality, I was “Winston Churchill”.
The secret language of “The Society” may be understood by slowing down videos of live sign language conventions and assemblies of Jehovah’s Witnesses, to 1/2 speed or less. Slight movements of the fingers. I named it “Silk”, after a character in a book I read a long time ago. And it’s that smooth, like silk.
Scott Toevs, an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses, apparently has Presidential Clearance and above and told me about Area 51. Once the secret language is known, you can simply sit behind them in a restaurant and listen to the conversation.
CIA Submission Reference ID: 26DV19DF
Proof I had top level authority of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, The Secret Society known by insiders simply as “The Society”.
Authorization “Discrete”, Faithful and Discrete Slave
Elder relay Norbert Koek
Op Code 333
Elder relay Benjamin Ayettey
They are terrified of braking ranks, threatened with institutionalization in an insane asylum.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (legal name)
Summer Fernihalgh in actuality
CIA Submission Reference ID: YQM5VWEA
Read about My Amazing Journey
What you are about to read is true. I was born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), and had Dysphoria most of my life, for 52 years, a girl raised as a boy, which causes a form of multiple personality disorder. In absolute privacy, I was myself, a woman. I would brace myself and “put on” my alter ego when I had to be with people. As you read this, you are reading it from the point of view of someone who did not even know what was going on in their life. My name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, here is my experience being indoctrinated into Jehovah’s Witnesses as “Dan McTaggart”. Remember, you are reading it from the point of view of my alter ego. I was baptized June 19, 1999 and began observing Watch Tower April 14, 2014, dates easy to remember because I am number dyslexic.
CIA Submission Reference ID: 925EX418
Here is the song mentioned in my story. I hadn’t read the whole Bible yet or Psalms 55.
Wish I Could Fly written by Tiffany McTaggart’s alter ego Dan McTaggart
I am only one person now, Tiffany McTaggart, I have 5+ octives in my voice.
Vocal frequency affects the limbic nucleus and brain/whole body communication.
Sing “ah” with each note
I was born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). This is a major discovery.
CIA Submission Reference ID: AFALQD7N
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (my legal name)
Summer Fernihalgh in actuality
Clue #1 The name Jehovah is Satanic
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
Clue #2 The Kobayashi Maru
God created Christianity without the protection of His Name that the ancient Isra’Alites had. Guaranteed suffering and poverty in a Kobayashi Maru holodeck. After 26 years of Biblical Research I figured it out, but He won’t acknowledge it, He is hiding behind the Satanic name Jehovah. I have overwhelming evidence of this fact. Satan had every legal right to use Jehovah’s Witnesses in their houses any time he wants, where God does not look. We are dignified with privacy in our homes. Angels “camp about” as The Bible says. This went on for 100 years until Jehovah’s Witnesses became Satanic psychopaths. That link is a leaked report from a .gov web address with the purpose of seeing if anyone has information about them. Most of them are on medication, a verifiable fact. In reality, it is a Demon Planet with The Jehovah Demon who runs the holodeck. The only way to help Jehovah’s Witnesses is to dissolve Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, The Secret Society known by insiders simply as “The Society”. A Society within a Society, part of the larger Jovian Cult who practice sacrifices like those done in ancient Isra’Al, but with people. They routinely “cleanse” Congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses of people born with birth defects that cause Gender Identity issues. They do not believe in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder. I am a woman. I confronted the cult member who controls my life by asking her why she called me “The Houseguest that you know about” on the phone with some of her Witness friends. I was horrified. She said, “They still call you Dan”. This totally explains why she told me it was “tough love”. It has been 9 years. They still consider me an unrepentant man. I demanded a divorce and she dragged her feet forever but says it is finally done. I have not seen the paperwork.
Isaiah 45.15 Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Savior of Isra’Al.
Isra’Al is one of the names of His Son and that’s what the scripture is about, saving his special boy from the truth that I wrote about The Christ on this website.
Clue #3 Global Satanic Cults
Clue #4 Jehovah’s Witnesses “cleanse” congregations of anyone born with a birth defect that causes Gender Identity issues
The book “The Rise, Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion” by James B. Hannay was an attempt to remove the h’s from Hebrew and to equate The Hebrew language with Assyrian. The book is dangerous for this reason, however it does expose the two-sex god Jehovah. Men created with a feminine side and women created with a masculine side is not true. Estrogens introduced into the environment and hormones in food plus chemicals cause birth defects which create this illusion.
An Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses told me men have a feminine side, this is not true. There are only men and women and men and women born with birth defects like me. Mercy is what is needed because of this. Gamie Ovary Watch Tower, you have no mercy and you are Aryan about Gender Identity.
Clue #5 The Magu who worship Gog of Magog
Clue #6 They do everything unconsciously
Clue #7 The Etymology of Jehovah and Jesus
Problems with The Beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses
by My Authority
John 13.35
By this all people will know you are my disciples
KJV if you have love one to another
NWT if you have love among yourselves
NAV if you have love one to another
What happened to The Bible Students
Jehovah’s Witnesses have progressively become a closed society since they adopted the name Jehovah in 1931. In this same year, Herbert W. Armstrong became an ordained minister and went on to lead The Worldwide Church of God (now The Restored Church of God), using the powerful medium of television to convince the world’s evangelicals that The United States and Britain constituted Israel. This is the reason for the incredible battlements and expenditures around Israel both overtly and covertly. Jehovah’s Witnesses have even modeled their Kingdom Halls after “synagogues” (Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9).
Clue #1 The name Jehovah is Satanic
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
They believe they are God’s “Chosen people” in contradiction to The Bible.
Romans 2.11 For God does not show favoritism. (NIV)
God does not have a chosen people for Christianity.
No one in the 1st Century worshipped The Messiah
Hebrews 1.6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God be prostrated before him.
The word in Greek is “prostrated” not worshipped. People prostrated before Isho. No one in The First Century worshipped Isho. They knew that Isho was The Messiah, “The Anointed One” or “Christ”.
The Cross
Historian Josephus c. 36 AD [PDF] is the authority and he said it was a cross and Beth Mardutha, The Syriac Institute, translates the word in Aramaic as “cross”.
The Holy Aramaic Scriptures agree ܙܩܝܦܗ
Aramaic word search
The Romanized Bible with The Roman Jesus worship that most people have and The New World Translation used by Jehovah’s Witnesses with The Cross removed from it are fundamentally wrong.
Important: The word for Jehovah’s Witnesses is now Satanized, not Satanic. Never leave your children home alone. Do not listen to them. Because they are taught to rationalize all the adult themes in The Bible from infancy, they are totally Satanized. They will now be known as “The Jack The Ripper Religion”.
They believe they are God’s “Chosen people” in contradiction to The Bible.
Romans 2.11 For God does not show favoritism. (NIV)
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Founder of The Meshikhi Faith
The Idyllic life of Christ according Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Part II not shown because they use a sacred pole and not a cross. Not exactly The Passion of The Christ with a bicycle seat on The Cross.
Only pure evil gets the strong tower mentioned in The Bible. It’s a Magu trap on a Demon Planet. If you read the Bible, your brain is read using technology and your life is shit. Don’t do it if you haven’t yet because you’ll end up with Chinese technology hacking the speech center in your brain and you will be trapped and killed if you are love with mercy and love people and want to help them. Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are the purest evil, a society within a society, so they get the strong tower and the most blessings. The women are left alone spiritually, they are the fucking lure for the men on this planet. Beware. The Bible is a collection of ancient knowledge, one of the things is The Magu who worship Gog of Magog, like watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses. They can be used by these evil creatures at any time or reserved for use later Their emotions are opposite to those with love with mercy, they feed on negative emotions and get pleasure from the suffering of others, even physical pleasure. Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are love without mercy. I have learned that holy rage over injustice about the situation can lead to you being love without mercy like what they call Heaven. Do not be desiring Heaven. Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses have been like this from the womb for 100 years. They are dismissive of people, do not value the lives of others at all, believe they are God’s Chosen People, are psychopaths and when they step outside their homes or when they think they are being discovered, their brain tells them, “act normal”. It makes you feel complacent. Do not be complacent. That is what I have learned as a cult prisoner of The Cult of JHOH and The Jovian Cult. That’s how it works, but I find myself still wanting my Father as I always have, life is just too empty and meaningless without Him.
That’s what you did to me Teutonic Order. Sea Horses on the lawn out front, 400m away with WiMax from London England. Is that your spirit animal, The Sea Horse? Do you own Starwind? Why not put Mary in a puddle, or Mary in a bird bath or Mary in a half shell on the front lawn? I’m sure she’s disgusted with you, she worships Yahweh like me. “I” wrote the letter to the fake Elizabeth II with the names Yahweh and Yeshua. Did she tell you she did it? Or did Charles III tell you he did it. Elizabeth of Austria was Elizabeth I and I am Elizabeth II not her. All she did was drink my family’s hard earned tobacco money. They were tobacco merchants worldwide. Windsor Herald won’t admit it and you won’t admit it. Lloyd has muppets and toy dinosaurs on their heraldry, I have lions on mine. My Grandfather, Edward Stanley Fernihalgh (Anglo-Saxon Fernihough) would have been King and Head of The Teutonic order and his bones are rolling over in his grave and he is cursing you from Heaven. And you will be cursed until you say, “Blessed is she who comes in The Name of Yahweh and made us a real Authorized Version of The Bible we can understand”.

Summer Fernihalgh
Summer, Queen of Britannia VCRNAI
Summer, Duchess of Normandy
Summer, Princess of Lancashire
House of Windsor
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart is my current legal name.
I’m not just nobility “deFernihalgh”. I’m Normandy, I “am” Fernihalgh.
The Ship is Tobacco Merchants Worldwide and The Helmet is Head of The Teutonic Order
Don’t you recognize The Lion of Yudah? It says “Yerushalom”, flowing with peace.
You certainly are not Yerushalom.
This is The Ancient Order of Things

Note The People Come First Teutonic Order, not your personal luxury
The Arms of England
Only those who are Army of Calvary can be Teutonic Knights because Army of Calvary are loyal to Christ


The Vulture
Where the ruins are, there the vultures will gather. Abraham is the key. The root word of raham means “vulture” in ancient Hebrew. Are you vultures, Teutonic Order?
Tiffany di Bernardone deFernihalgh e’As SISI
New Authotized Version of The Holy Bible zip file
Satanic cults have been after me since birth because I hold ancient sacred knowledge. It is from a family tradition passed on to me, the last one of my family with this knowledge. It makes you fearless against evil.
The treachery occurred in Lancashire.
Baptism: 22 Apr 1845 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs.
Edward Cudgington Fernihough – [Child] of John Charles Fernihough & Elizabeth Pusey
Born: 3 Oct 1844
Abode: Rodney St
Occupation: Tobacco Merchant
Baptised by: J. G. Headlam Curate
Register: Baptisms 1844 -1846, Page 123, Entry 977
Source: LDS Film 93884
The Name was changed so that no one could ever connect the dots and know that I am Queen of Britannia.
Sieze all Watch Tower sign language videos immediately. Their secret language will be completely understood. Watch for subtle and slight movements of their fingers that are not part of natural sign language.
I call it “Silk”, from a Science Fantasy novel I read a long time ago.
A woman rang the doorbell one winter ago. Sheri screamed at me to get away from the door, I thought she was going to freak out and call the police and I would get more cult discipline, 10 days in a mental ward and an injection. So I backed away but got a glimpse of the woman. She was wearing an expensive, long, light green coat. She must have been Royal or Government. I asked Sheri who it was and she said it was Lorene Boivere. That is a lie. I knew Lorene for a long time, went in service with her many times. The woman at the door was not as tall as Lorene and not the same body shape at all, and not Lorenes’s hair color. It may have been my last chance to have someone see me alive because the neighbours think I’m dead. Jim at the corner was walking his dogs around the block as he always does and loves to talk, so I approached him. He didn’t recognize me, even up close. These were his haunting words, “We think he had schizophrenia”. “had”, past tense.
This is The New Order of Things by My Authority
John 13.35
By this all people will know you are my disciples
KJV if you have love one to another
NWT if you have love among yourselves
NAV if you have love one to another
The New Authorized Version is correct.
Listen to me, you Yahshua bastards.
יֶשַׁע Yeshua is The Messiah
pronounced Ye’-shu’-a
Yesha יֶשַׁע absolute state (salvation)
Sounds like Yesha even when you spell it Yeshua יֶשַׁוּע
Yeshua means “Salvation”.
It is pronounced Ye’-sh’-ua. Locally, He would have been called Yeshua (Ye’sh’wuh) (Galilean Aramaic accent). It’s just something to know about Him. This is the only Aramaic thing to believe. The night of Yeshua’s trial, Peter’s accent gave him away as a Galilean.
and in the Torah the final letter is always ayin. There is a partial /a/ sound in it.
Once again we return to the Torah for absolution. It is the supreme authority in Hebrew.
שוע is pronounced shu’-a Salvation.
Therefore Ye’sh’ua is absolute. Ye’sha and sh-ua’. Both
Ye’sha in the absolute state and sh-ua’. So for for pronunciation we will favor the absolute state “and” the Torah. Ye’sh’ua. Our Father in Heaven made it impossible to undermine it or to change the pronunciation.
The reason it’s not Ye-shu’-ah
Philippians 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: ~King James Version
The reason we use the Name Yeshua is because it means Salvation.
The, “sus” in English means swine or “bearded pig”. It is said the /s/ was added in Greek to indicate masculine. Possibly true at the time of translation. But since Greek is not universally translated with the /s/ we do not use it. Also, Hebrew names in the Bible have meaning that can be lost in translation or transliteration, rendering them meaningless. We don’t want to lose “Salvation”.
shu by itself is an Assyrian curse word. Get behind me Satan and you sons of Korah.
We do research, not Cabala, not Kabbalism

אלוהי Alvahi is Ahl
It’s Father!
pronounced Ahl-vah’-hee in every language
Ancient Hebrew phonics /ah/ not /aw/
Alvahi (Ahl-vah’-hee) means “sacred”. Ahl (Al) means “Father”.
/Al/ Ahl Father, /vh/ vah “good”, /ah/ from ruah, spirit, /hy/ (hae) my
Ancient meaning, “My Good Spirit Father”
Alvahi, Sacred be thy Name (Matthi 6.9)
Alvahi is Life Himself and life is beautiful.
Isra’Al means “Righteous Father”
I am Ahri’ah, which means “spirit of The Sacred Spirit, Ahri”
Alaha means “The Spirit Father” from Aramaic
ha means “The”, ah from ruah which means spirit, Al means Father like this: Creator and Eternal Sacred Father
Alvahi means “My Good Spirit Father”, My Father is Ahl. I will not call Him “God”.
And He is Spirit not energy all you monsters in this world. He is not e-anything.
Isayah 40.26 Power and Strength, Watch Tower, not energy, you pure evil monsters, you are The Sons of Satan from the womb.
Isra’Al means “Righteous Father”
I will not put the word “Alvahi” in The Bible or The Quran
My Father has Infinite Power and Strength in Absolute Parallel
And He is Love with Mercy always.
No one touches My Father’s sleeveless coat of purest light with gold embroidered gorgeously. That is not literal, it is poetic and spiritual.
Ahl has more reverence in it than Ahv
My face was kicked in to the point of death in 1978 when I was 12, I knew Mr. Crazy Pants was after me. I knew I had to run to Father. Alvahi is My Father. Satan is nothin’, don’t worry about nothin’.
Keep your “God” you people and the Eye of Ra on your dollar and it will remain worthless. The base of the pyramid is not perfectly square. Stupid aliens, using line of sight. No wonder their ships can’t fly straight.
No you people in Havaii, He is not green. It is an artistic signature on what The Bible calls “The Sky Phenomenon”. It changes every moment so we never get tired of looking at it.
Hav and Haf in etymology of the word “have”. The false god Hafgufa. You don’t want Alvahi, you want Havaii and a war between the hav’s and the hav not’s. Did you notice HAV is an anagram of AHV?
Ghandi knew. You worship Mammon.
Hey Bill Gates, I got the mammon colored Windows Desktop, do I win a prize or something? Like a trip to Hav-ah-ee? The electronic spirit of The Norse Guardian God Hafgufa? Aqua RGB #99cccc slider at 44. It’s ok Bill, I know you didn’t steal my color DOS screen, I know you were inspired by Satan. No problem.
I made a batch file and ran bat2exe, what did you use? Microsoft Visual Studio?
8K is all you’ll ever need!
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart aka Sher to The Meshikhi Yehodym
BTW, you should really firewall memory address 4EBB, just sayin’. Cheap Chinese memory problem.
Open Windows with Iron Shield
No more cult problem

Welcome Brothers and Sisters!
Message for The United Nations
I am “The Daughter” of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and “The Woman” of The Bible

John 10.9 “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture”.
Warning: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses do not have The Cross in The Bible that they use and they do not have The Sacred Spirit. There is overwhelming evidence that the name Jehovah is Satanic. It doesn’t bother them. Do not let them talk to your children.~The Meshikhi Faith

According to Moore, George Foot (1911). 311 “Jehovah” in Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 15, 11th ed, the Samaritan priests have preserved a liturgical pronunciation “Yahwe” or “Yahwa” to the present day, that is 1911.
The door of The Temple was taken off of The Temple in Jerusalem and taken to The Temple in Samaria.
I am The Samaritan Woman at the well and I have decided to use The Stone of David.
The Meshikhi Faith. Beautiful, easy to understand

The Meshikhi Playlist
The Gospel in One Minute

John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Yahweh (Hebrew יָהוֶה YHWH) so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Yeshua (Galilean Aramaic ܝܝܫܘ Yeshwuh pronounced ye’-sh’-wuh), The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Google Aramaic Isho
Matthew 28.19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Yahweh and of The Son, Yeshua, The First of God’s Children in Heaven and of the sacred spirit that has the name Ahri.
God is not Lord as He was for the ancient Isra’Alites. We pray to God and Yeshua Christ provides the things we need.
God made Yeshua, Lord and Christ
Colossians 2.14 erasing the manuscript of doctrine against us; And this came from the instrument (μέσου mesou), nailed to The Cross.
Acts 2.36 Therefore let all the house of Isra’Al know assuredly, that God hath made that same Yeshua, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
Yeshua resurrects Christians and anyone he wants to. God resurrects everyone else.
That’s the entire message religious leaders make incomprehensible.
Why The Messiah is needed
Exodus 3.14 Riddle
Exodus 3.14,15 Riddle 14And God said unto Moses, Ahyah asher Ihyah (I am Ahyah who is called Ea [The god Ea (whose Sumerian eqivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon], in other words, “I am Ahyah, Spirit Sacred Father, abkadush, and they are calling me Ea”). Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Ahyah hath sent me unto you.
It is Ay’ah, Spirit Sacred Father, AHYH silent /h/ the Hebrew letter ba.
Matthew 27.47 says People imagined Yeshwah was crying out to Aliyah (A·liʹyah) in Aramaic. Al’Aya sounds almost exactly like Aliyah The Prophet (Elijah in The Romanized Bible).
Aya is pronounced Ay’ah, Hebrew is a phonetic language like English and can be read and understood without vowels. The Karaites means “The Readers” and I must speak with them.
theòs and theón are not the same word
The actual translation of John 1.1 from Koine Greek.
John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God, and godly was The Word.
“godly” means “with reverent love, loyal and dutiful with awe”.
Note: theòs and theón are not the same word
Koine Greek
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
Greek transliteration
En arkhêi ên ho lógos, kaì ho lógos ên pròs tòn theón, kaì theòs ên ho lógos.
“In the beginning” is referring to the beginning of Creation.
Putting the original Koine Greek of John 1.1 into Microsoft Bing Translator produced the word, “godly”.
No one in the 1st Century worshipped The Messiah
Hebrews 1.6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God be prostrated before him.
The word in Greek is “prostrated” not worshipped. People prostrated before Isho. No one in The First Century worshipped Isho. They knew that Isho was The Messiah, “The Anointed One” or “Christ”.
The Cross
Historian Josephus c. 36 AD [PDF] is the authority and he said it was a cross and Beth Mardutha, The Syriac Institute, translates the word in Aramaic as “cross”.
The Holy Aramaic Scriptures agree ܙܩܝܦܗ
The Romanized Bible with The Roman Jesus worship that most people have and The New World Translation used by Jehovah’s Witnesses with The Cross removed from it are fundamentally wrong.
The Sacred Spirit
When the Bible says they were one and all filled with the Sacred Spirit it means “supplied with a full complement”. definition of “filled”.
The Sacred Spirit “actuates” your mind.
The Sacred Spirit is always sent (it is not umbilical), as demonstrated by The Sacred Spirit appearing in bodily form as a dove at The Lord’s baptism. The fact that it was represented as a dove proves it is not a person.
Only the Father sends the Sacred Spirit (John 14:26).
John 14:26 The Helper, the Sacred Spirit, that the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you.
Meshikhi receive the Sacred Spirit once and it is with us forever and it is scriptural, spoken by The Lord Himself.
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.
Yeshua was “The Helper”, The Sacred Spirit is “another helper”.
When The Sacred Spirit is referred to as He or Him, this is called personification. The Sacred Spirit is not a person. However, it is responsive to God, if you lie to The Sacred Spirit, you are lying to God.
Acts 5:3, 4, “why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Sacred Spirit? . . . You have not lied to men but to God‘”
In the same way if you grieve the Sacred Spirit you are grieving Him that sent it.
And these 3 are one means, in agreement, in unity, Psalms 133.
The Sacred Spirit forms words only God can understand about every thought and feeling we have, words that are holy, pure and clean, we do not need to be eloquent in speech or worry about what to say. God understands by means of the sacred spirit that is with us. He knows what we want to say.
The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind. It does not touch the body. It is spiritual not physical. God can add His power to the sacred spirit we have any time we need it.
For example, this is how Yeshua was able to heal people.
Luke 5:17 One day He was teaching, and there were some Pharisees and teachers of the Law sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea, and from Jerusalem; and the power of Yaweh was present for Him to perform healing. ~NASB
Luke 6:19 And all the people were trying to touch Him, because power was coming from Him and healing them all. ~NASB
God wanted the people to recognize Isho as The Messiah. Isho was fully aware of the presence of God’s power.
Now you know about God’s Power and the Sacred Spirit.
The name of The Sacred Spirit is Ahri not hari
/ah/ is from ruah, which means spirit. It has the name Ahri /ri/ from /ridi/ meaning “with laughter”.
Noted The golden statues at the Rua Yai City Pillar Shrine in Suphan Buri, Thailand
Note: NOT HRI Krishna
Note: NOT HRI Rama
Note: NOT HRI Kari
Note: NOT The Royal HRI
In other words, NOT Buddhist.
Meshikhi say “NO” to Buddhism.
b’ahabah (With love),
The Law of Life
According to Ahri, The Sacred Spirit and written on The Cross at Calvary by Yeshua.
Given to The Meshikhi who are Love with Mercy all the time and no matter what happens to us.
The Meshikhi are Children of The Sacred Spirit, Ahri.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
A life is more important than a book.
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite to evil with hate.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back. Not to love them back is unnatural.
Love without mercy is bordering on evil and has the same result. Cursed be those who approve of the suffering of another and can bear it
Love without Mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver and makes them happy
Love without Mercy does not consider the feelings of another
When a person chooses evil with hate, they become feral with large frontal lobes, wild animals with intellect. They must be destroyed. Do not attach emotion to destroying evil people, don’t laugh about it, don’t cry about it. Otherwise it would be damaging to you.
Christ suffered once for all time
Christians are not required to suffer
So saith Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
The Meshikhi are The Children of Ahri, The Sacred Spirit
Tiffany, Daughter and Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
No one ever talks about what happened invisibly, the night of Yeshua’s Trial or the day that He died for us. I was whipped spiritually by Satan when Jehovah’s Witnesses threw me away like garbage. You have to remember that a third of the angels of Heaven were cast down and they all wanted a piece of The Messiah. We don’t know and we will never know, I had a taste of it. There are a trillion sacred angels. Never speak a word against Our Lord, God saw what happened invisibly and had to remember everything about His Son so that He could resurrect Him after His death. We don’t know, we will never know.
He was despised and was avoided by men,
A man who was meant for pains and was familiar with sickness.
It was as if his face were hidden from us.
He was despised, and we held him as of no account.
4 Truly he himself carried our sicknesses,
And he bore our pains.
But we considered him as plagued, stricken by God and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgression;
He was crushed for our errors.
He bore the punishment for our peace,
And because of his wounds we were healed.
Yeshua is Sacred to The Meshikhi. And I have the honor of being The Promised One of Yeshua. I don’t know how to accept these words, but they are mine.
Lama, Lama Sabaqthani, is Lamba, Lamba.
Lamp, Lamp, you are my destiny.
I am The Lamp.
Yeshua is written all over my heart and everything I have ever comprehended about Him is in my soul forever. I will never know, beloved, but I will know. And you will never know but you will know. Now go and magnify Father the way you always want to, Lion of Yudah. Do I not know you? I learned it from you. Sometimes more is required.
Yeshua magnified God above the heavens, and He has not changed.
How Yeshua worships Our Father. Think this way.
With Eternal Love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, aka Sher to The Meshikhi.
The Lioness of Yudah
The Truth will set you free and give you more faith than ever

The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic. With love, Tiffany
Used with permission from the beloved India Jiva
Ancient Aramaic and Hebrew are beautiful, soft and musical, not gutteral. The Hebrew diacritic system is Satanic.
When you need help, say “Help me Ahri, Help me Sacred Spirit”.
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”
/ri/ from ridi which means “With laughter”
Love with Mercy is more powerful than God, more powerful than infinite power and strength in absolute parallel.
No one touches my Father’s sleeveless coat of purest light, with gold embroidered gorgeously.
Ahri is Life Himself and life is beautiful.
A Creator may not create life and destroy it without cause
A Creator may not alter a person’s ultimate reality or perception of themselves
A Creator may not make Laws and not be subject to them
A Creator may not write a person’s history in advance before it happens
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite of Evil with Hate and Love with Mercy is naturally opposed to Evil with Hate. Love with Mercy and Evil with hate are as far apart as the sunrise and the sunset, they never meet, there is no agreement between the two, there is no neutral exchange and there is no middle ground.
Never forget the love and mercy of Yeshua. He showed us The Way.
It’s over my beloved ones, thank you for your prayers.
We got our Halaluyah Miracle and our Ahlaluyah Miracle
First chorus Hebrew Halaluyah
Second chorus Greek Ahlaluyah
Final chorus Hebrew then Greek Halaluyah then Ahlaluyah
Love is always with mercy.
Yeshua is The Ahlaluyah.
Halaluyah means Praise (Halay) and Lalu (love) Yah.
Spirit of love, Yah, is what Ahlaluyah means and how Yeshua Honored Our Father.
The man next to Yeshua on The Cross looked at Him and thought…
He doesn’t look like a criminal…
He’s not reviling…
He’s praying to God…
He’s The Messiah.
Luke 23.42 Then he said, “Yeshua, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Luke 23.43 Yeshua answered him, “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.”
Deconstructing Hallelujah, a word constructed by Hillel – Satan)
Have love with mercy for everybody until they feel better. That is ahabah, outward love.
Do not be cerebral. Always speak love with mercy, don’t just think it, especially when talking to Our Father in Heaven. When you speak it, you feel it in your heart and soul. Hanna’s lips were moving when she poured out her soul to God. Do this even with your soul using your name and your soul will be a beautiful soul and make sure and tell your soul that it is beautiful when it moves you to do the right thing. Ahri is beautiful and wonderful. Talk to Father and Ahri, the comforter and the spirit of the truth, will help you, my beloved little ones.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart brain containing 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. The interaction between them is the soul. You feel it in your upper body to the right of your heart. It’s what makes us a person. The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind and does not touch the body. It actuates our mind. Filled with The Sacred Spirit means “supplied with a full complement”, the Merriam Webster definition of filled. You receive The Sacred Spirit once and it is with you forever.
John 14.16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
Yeshua was “The Helper”. The Sacred Spirit is “another helper”.
And is helping us.
Isra’al means “Righteous God”
Only Meshikhi constitute spiritual Isra’al
This website should be considered required reading by all religious institutions and faiths.
ܗܝܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܙܠ ܠܟ ܣܛܢܐ ܟܬܝܒ ܓܝܪ ܕܠܡܪܝܐ ܐܠܗܟ ܬܣܓܘܕ ܘܠܗ ܒܠܚܘܕܘܗܝ ܬܦܠܘܚ
Matthew 4:10 Then Yeshua said unto him, “Go away, Satana! For, it is written: ‘You shall thesgud {worship, literally bow down to or cause to be venerated} God and Him alone shall you serve!’ ” ( The Holy Aramaic Scriptures)
Link: tsgwd – ܬܣܓܘܕ
The words of Yeshua are sacred.
Our Beautiful Family
The Ancient Name of God is Yahvah
Hebrew יָהוָה YHVH
The Meshikhi Yehodym will use Biblical Hebrew only from etymology
I am sure Professor Steve Fassberg will agree.

Our Father in Heaven is Yahvah Hebrew יָהוָה YHVH . He is represented by Avraham in The Bible. Yeshua taught the disciples to pray, “Ahvva, Father”.
Yeshua is Lord
King of God’s Kingdom since 1914
ܕܝܫܘܥ d Yeshwuh in Galilean Aramaic Matthew 1.1

Isho is a cognate of Yeshua which means “Salvation”. Google Aramaic Isho
The Son of God is Yeshua (ye’-sh’-wah) ܕܝܫܘܥ d Yeshwuh in Galilean Aramaic Matthew 1.1 He is The First of God’s Children in Heaven. He is represented by Isaac in The Bible. Before Yeshua was created, God was alone, with infinite love to give. Yesha in the absolute state means “salvation”.
Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven are The Sacred Angels.
Our Brothers and Sisters on Earth. Some are saved, some are yet to be saved.
We pray “Abba, Father” and end prayer “in the name of Yeshua, ahmeyn”.

The Holy Bible New Authorized Version
The beautiful expression “Ahvva, Father” was used both by Yeshua and the disciples (Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6).
Only Aramaic has the /ܫ/ character for the /sh/ sound.
The letter ayin in Hebrew is pronounced /ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”.
Galilean Aramaic Alphabet
The letter ayin in Galilean Aramaic is pronounced /uh/
The night of Yeshua’s trial at the brazier, Peter’s accent gave him away as a Galilean.