Christ’s shit came off of His ass onto His undergarment while He was on Earth. He’s a shit-ass man like all created men with power, and His power is between His legs. Love without Mercy is nothing. Without Mercy, a created man with power is just a shit-ass. A Garbageman with Mercy is better than a Christ without Mercy. And a Garbageman can lift a mattress with one hand. Garbagemen are the strongest men on Earth Sisters, a Garbageman with Mercy is a desirable man is he not? Make sure to wait until the last minute to take out the recycle box.
Power is nothing. Even God’s Power is nothing. Love with Mercy is infinitely more powerful.
Love with Mercy is the nature of The Sacred Spirit.
Under the Rule of Christ since 1914
And that we would be saved from evil and vicious men, for the faith does not belong to everyone.
2 Thessalonians 3.2 Aramaic Bible in Plain English

It’s not an isolated incident, there are page after page of these videos.
cop slams woman’s head into cement – YouTube
cop slams mans head into cement – YouTube
I have many spiritual names, the highest of these is Ahri’ah, The spirit of The Sacred Spirit.
I have never blasphemed The Beautiful Sacred Spirit, Ahri, in fact The Sacred Spirit has sided with me in all things. Elizabeth of Austria was captive from a young age like me and went on to be Empress of Austria, d’As “Sisi”. Duchess like Sisi. Her nickname was Sisi. She is my kindred spirit, there are no past lives.
“Anyone”, without The Sacred Spirit of Love with Mercy can be used by Satan at any time for any purpose or reserved for any aweful thing. And I know where all the bodies are buried. And Satan will make sure you know in the end and you will be terrified of yourself and terrified at your end.
A third of the young men in Germany find violence against women acceptable, according to a new survey.
The Cycle of violence against women must stop, so The Bible must stop.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, The Lioness of Yudah.
Christ “is” helping people. My friend Elizabeth told me that He instructed her to make a salad for a get-together at her Church.
I guess I’m just a complainer. I should just accept my torture by Christ and be happy.