There is only one scripture in Aramaic in The Book of Jeremiah.
Psalms 22.1 Hebrew Scriptures aly aly and the double aleph in Aramaic from the name Jeremiah in Aramaic, Aramya. The root word between the alephs means "to be exulted". In other words, Y'hayah to be exulted. Matthew 27.46 Al'Aya Al'Aya which means God Aya, God Aya in Aramaic in The Eastern Dialect. The Prophets name is not Elijah. It is Aliyah (A·liʹyah).
I had translated Matthew 27.46 in Greek as Lamba , Lamba Sabaqthani. Lamp, lamp, you are my destiny. I am the lamp, but the Greek does not agree with the Aramaic.
It may have something to do with the fact that I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11.
Matthew 27.46 can only be translated with Eternal Love for Y'sho, which I cultivated.
The Meshikhi
I am The Meshikhi, a Follower of The Messiah and those who listen to me are Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah. Only those loyal to Christ listen to me.
Pure Cross, Pure Bible, The Meshikhi
Y'hayah (Hebrew יְיָ Y'hayah)
Zechariah 14:9 In that day Y'hayah will be king over all the Earth and shall be one and His Name one. Y'hayah it shall be.
/ay/ Sacred Father
/ay’ah/ Spirit Sacred Father
Aya /ay/ with suffix -a Eastern Dialect of Aramaic vocalized ay’ah
Aba /ab/ with suffix -a Eastern Dialect of Aramaic vocalized Ahb’ah
Abba Western Dialect of Aramaic vocalized Ahb’ah
Aba and Abba both mean “Spirit Father”
Prefix or suffix /Al/ means God.
Suffix /ah/ is from ruah which means "spirit".
It's a temptation to want to use Y'hayah as God's name. Do not succumb to it. There are no h's in God's name in The Torah, don't do it. It's just /yy/ and that's all. Do not succumb to Paleo-Hebrew for the same reason. Lots of guessing. Leave that to the followers of William Tyndale. But it sounds Hebrew…, is not good. It's a guess at best when you go down that road, it's a dead end road. But it sounds nice… also not good. Same reasoning. We have Targum Onkelos, it makes sense and we aren't jumping to conclusions or making our own rules. We only do etymology, not pseudo-etymology based on what we imagine. We are pure Bible and pure Cross, not Kabbalistic. We NEVER guess.
Dany'Al 6.6,7 6 Now among them were some from the tribe of Judah: Dany'Al, Han·a·nyʹah, Mishʹa·Al, and Az·a·ryʹah. 7 And the principal court official assigned names to them; he gave to Dany'Al the name Bel·te·shazʹzar, to Han·a·nyʹah the name Shaʹdrach, to Mishʹa·Al the name Meʹshach, and to Az·a·ryʹah the name A·bedʹne·go.
Aramaya (vocalized Aram-ay’ah) Land of Our Spirit Sacred Father
Psalms 22.1 aly aly is Al’Aya Al’Aya
Aramaic Matthew 27.46 Al’Aya Al’Aya Sabaqthani or God Aya, God Aya why have you left me?
Greek Lamba Lamba Sabaqthani “Lamp, lamp, you are my destiny”.
I am the one referred to as “The Lamp”.
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 The Lioness of Yudah
Sher’Al means “The first faint rays of light before the dawn, from God”
The invisible God is the one I worship. His Name is Y'hayah. The Hebrew Bible is true and nothing was omitted so I could find out these truths. Every historian knows that Y'sho was a real person. And we must have faith about that. I found the truth about everything and nothing added up except Y'hayah, the invisible God. Now I am free. The Khaburis Codex was the key. Y'hayah loosened Y'sho’s bandages and he was able to leave the tomb, He was even given clothes. This is the ultimate truth you are now learning. The Khaburis Codex is 65 years older than the oldest Greek text. And it makes sense. I translated the key scriptures letter by letter to make sure. God loosened Y'sho’s bandages in the tomb, the disciples asked Y'sho to pray to God for them during the storm on the sea, proving Y'sho is The Messiah, not God. The Bible is inspired and that is also a key. You cannot lie to the sacred spirit, the truth gets transmitted no matter what. The Romans incorporated Christianity with disastrous results, especially for women. The Roman Bible must be destroyed. I have created The Princess Tiffany Version, a cleaned up version. Y'hayah, is The Ultimate Truth. It's too complicated for children to understand. Simply tell them The Story About Buddy Boo in the Meshikhi Training.
ahri not hari
/ah/ is from ruah, which means spirit. It has the name Ahri /ri/ from /ridi/ meaning "with laughter".
Honor the Son as you honor the Father, but do not bow down to Him. These are the words of Y'sho on the subject from Aramaic and this is how He feels about it. He does not want people to bow down to anyone but Y'hayah,
We follow Y'sho, Our Lord, and treat every word of His as Sacred.
ܗܝܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܙܠ ܠܟ ܣܛܢܐ ܟܬܝܒ ܓܝܪ ܕܠܡܪܝܐ ܐܠܗܟ ܬܣܓܘܕ ܘܠܗ ܒܠܚܘܕܘܗܝ ܬܦܠܘܚ Matthew 4:10 Then Y'sho said unto him, “Go away, Satana! For, it is written: ‘You shall thesgud {worship, literally bow down to or cause to be venerated} God and Him alone shall you serve!’ ” ( The Holy Aramaic Scriptures)
144,000 men out of all humanity. Ecclesiastes 7.28 There was not one woman among the Priests. May Y'hayah bless you, you Sons of Levi. The time period is Jericho, 2022-2029 and what I have written for you is the budding rod of Aaron in The Ark of The Covenant . But you must be prepared.
Revelation 7.4 4 And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Isra'Al.
~Sher'Al, it means "The first faint rays of light before the dawn, from God".
~Sher, it means "dawn", early morning.
My little ones know me and listen to me.
The 4 winds of salvation come first and “then” later Watch Tower, The 4 winds of destruction. You have carried the golden calf into the sea bed Watch Tower, and not put the story together in the right order.
God has placed life and death before you today.
Repent, therefore, and have your sins washed.
Russia 2022
You must act. You will act.
This is the original message to The President of The United States of America with Date Time Group.
It is a repeat of 1914.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
CIA Submission Reference ID: 6E8FKN4G CIA Submission Reference ID: ZYR9H96E CIA Submission Reference ID: QNASLFJK
~Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (Sher, The Lioness of Yudah) It is 1:13pm and the sun is at the 10am position in the sky in Ottawa, Canada. 1/11/2023 Confirmed by one of Jehovah's Witnesses so it could be a visual trick (I've had the moon follow me before, I knew it was Satan doing his David Copperfield impersonation, I was like "You've gotta be joking. No way Jose' is the moon following me. I did the sister equation to EMC2, the speed of light divided by pi and you think I will believe the moon is following me?).
I have 25 years of Biblical Research Experience and 15 years of Military Communications Research Experience.
Holodeck created by God with safeties off, run by Satan. Only the people are real and most do not have the sacred spirit. Anyone without the sacred spirit from Y'hayah, The True God, may be used by Satan. It's that easy.
Holodeck Confirmed.
Satan's extensive use of The Electromagnetic Spectrum also reconfirmed. Photons for light, chemical reactions and the portion of the EM Spectrum known as "radio" for voices. I feel it is too much unreality for people, virtual reality with haptic capability should not be allowed, re: alien abduction experiences. For some people in this asymmetrical war, the holodeck is a torture chamber of horrors.
Satan operates in the bedroom and bathroom where God chooses not to look. Some people keep cribs in the bedroom.
Date time group 1/11/23 10:36pm Eastern Standard Time.
I am also done with God's Name Game, I won. Could life be any more stupid. Satan can even hack the speech center of your brain. That is just too much bullshit for me.
Rest assured, it is impossible to have the sacred spirit and a demon at the same time. It is only communications.
The Mosque Dream
Around the year 2000 I was conducting a Bible Study with a Muslim man and he confided in me that everyone in his mosque had had a dream about planes flying into tall buildings just prior to 9/11. I assured the man that the dream was not from God. God cannot perform an evil act nor can he be tried with evil, says The Bible. It is the most highly guarded secret of Islam. They believe everyone will eventually be Muslim.
The Mosque Dream was not spiritual, it was a communications event.
A previous incident at CFS Leitrim, a Master Corporal, Karen Bowen, came into Ops shaking and white as a sheet, claiming she had seen a grey alien. I wondered if Satan was using the EM Spectrum. That is now obvious to me.
The attacks are asymmetrical, so no one can say anything without sounding crazy to people. The technology being employed is from the morning of creation.
The backing in most mirrors is conductive. You are not a monster or crazy or demonized. Turn off your iPhone and look at your reflection in bright sunlight in the dark glass.
God foresees things, like David's sin with Bathsheba, but doesn't do anything about it, because He can't judge you until you actually sin. That's life.
Isaiah 14:12 How you are fallen from heaven, Hillel son of the morning. How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations.
Hebrew: הֵילֵ֣ל בֶּן־שָׁ֑חַר | hêlēl ben-šāḥar double meaning, positive identification of Hillel as Satan and the historic figure Hillel
Methodology that produced Hillel. Putting הילל (הֵילֵ֣ל with no vowels) into Bing Translator produced Hillel precisely.
Hillel (c. 50 b.c.e.–early first century c.e.)
Palestinian rabbi, president of the Sanhedrin and interpreter of Biblical law: first to formulate definitive hermeneutic principles.
What we have received is the actual revelation of God’s Name Y’yah not the traditional rabbinic interpretation yehovah.
"The seeds of conflict were sewn in the roots of language".~Tiffany McTaggart
Matthew 13:27,28a 27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
28a “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
The New Authorized Version of The Bible, The Princess Tiffany Version, must be made available worldwide and this website preserved. To The Government, there is no need for causing panic, simply state that new information has been found through etymology.
The Ineffable Name of God is Y'hayah
God's Name from The Garden of Eden is Y'hayah (Hebrew יְיָ Y'hayah) from Targum Onkelos. Silent Y as in Yisra'Al, silent sheva. After years of etymology and deliberation, the foolproof way of spelling it in English is Y'hayah, Exodus 3.14 AHYH silent Hebrew letter ba (h) creates Ahyah which means Sacred, in context. In The Lord's Prayer it is "Sacred be Thy Name".
Y’hayah (pronounced yə-high’-ah), is a Hebrew verb phrase. It means "The Living One" or "The One Who Lives", Our Father in Heaven. Yahweh is also a Hebrew verb phrase, it means, "The One Who Brings Into Being". These are descriptive titles, not God's Name. Y'hayah is The Name of God in Hebrew. Only Y'hayah is Y'hayah and only Y'hayah is Yahweh.
Y'sho brought Our Father's Name
Matthew 27.47 And some of those who were standing there, when they heard it, said, “This man is calling for Aliyah (A·liʹyah, Aliya in Aramaic).” The word Aramaya means Land of Our Spirit Sacred Father. God Aya is Al’Aya in Aramaic. Suffix or prefix /Al/ means “God”. Psalms 22.1 without diacritics accurately says /aly, aly/ “Al’Aya, Al’Aya” (God, Aya, God, Aya) alluding to the double yodh at Geneses 1.1 in Targum Onkelos, the only true Torah. Brother Onkelos cleansed himself more than Gamali’Al. The ayin in Hebrew is an /a/ proumounced /ah/. In Galilean Aramaic the ayin is an /a/ pronounced /uh/.
El'ijah is not the name of the Prophet, it is Aliyah (A·liʹyah). El is the Supreme god of The Canaanites.
In Hebrew God's Name is spelled Y'hayah, in English it is Y'hayah.
There was only one scripture in the book of Jeremiah written in Aramaic, The Prophet's Name was the key to understanding God's Name in Aramaic. Aramya, the root word between the alephs means "to be exulted". Aya to be exulted in Aramaic. Double yodh in Hebrew in Targum Onkelos and Double Aleph in The Eastern Dialect of Aramaic, both referred to God's Name.
Our Father is Y'hayah (Ay’ah) from Targum Onkelos, The only True Torah. Brother Onkelos cleansed himself more than Gamali’Al. The first Y is silent like Yisra’Al then a silent Sheva and Then Aya (phonetic Ay’ah Spirit Sacred Father, Ab Kadush in Ancient Hebrew). Ay with means Sacred Father in Ancient Hebrew as does Ay in Ancient Aramaic with suffix /a/, Aya. Psalms 22.1 Aly, Aly (Al’Aya Al’Aya phonetic Al’Ay’ah Al’Ay’ah Matthew 27.46 God Y'hayah, God Y'hayah)
Exodus 3.14 AHYH phonetic Ahyah asher Ihyah.
Exodus 3.14,15 Riddle
14 And God said unto Moses, Ahyah asher Ihyah (I am Y'hayah who is called Ea [The god Ea (whose Sumerian eqivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon], in other words, "I am Y'hayah, Spirit Sacred Father, abkadush, and they are calling me Ea".) Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra'Al, Ahyah hath sent me unto you.
15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto The Children of Isra'Al, Y'hayah God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
Note that The Authorized version says "The Children of Isra'Al, not "Sons"
root word ab means "father"
root word ay means "sacred father"
prefix or suffix /Al/ means "God". Isra'Al, Dany'Al, Ezeky'Al, Ari'Al
prefix or suffix /El/ means El, Supreme god of The Canaanites
poetic form of Y'hayah is Yah in The Torah, Yah not Yaw
/ah/ is from ruah, which means "spirit"
yah is a theophoric reference pronounced the same as ay'ah, do not use iah or jah
Ancient Hebrew Phonics
/ah/ not /aw/ /ahl/ not /awl/ /wah/ not waw/ /ay/ sounds like long /i/, the homonym is the word "eye" Hebrew ayin /a/ pronounced /ah/ Galilean Aramaic Accent ayin /a/ pronounced /uh/
Ancient Hebrew without diacritics must be transliterated letter for letter using The Hebrew Lexilogos Keyboard and then translated. X-SAMPA rules of translation must be adhered to.
Reverso Hebrew to English in context is to be used for every syllable of every word in dispute. Otherwise you end up with this kind of abomination. The Etymological Sea Monster, El'ohim
THE GREAT HOMONYM at Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1
אֱלְֱהְֱיְֱם Break it down syllable by syllable.
אֱלְֱ el (El, Supreme god of The unholy Canaanites) אֱלְֱה goddess אֱלְֱהְֱ goddess אֱלְֱהְֱיְֱ Divine One אֱלְֱהְֱיְ Divine One אֱלְֱהְֱיְ Divine One יְֱם The Sea
The word for God in Aramaic is Alaha, that is a title.
Alaha must never be translated to Hebrew as one of the meanings is “goddess”. The Reverso Context Hebrew to English Translation Engine is invaluable for finding the etymology of false gods.
It can rightly be said that everyone in the world with faith contributed to this website. Y'sho was with you to help you achieve this impossible task and prepared everything with you in advance.
Your prayers were heard by Y'hayah and Y'hayah sent Y'sho to help us.
Meshikhi – Hebrew משיחי Transliteration: mshychy ( Translation: adj. Christian, Messianic Meshikhi meaning: “of the Messiah” or “A Follower of the Messiah”.
Real Meshikhi are followers of Y'sho the Messiah, Y'sho is King of Y'hayah's Kingdom now asserting authority over the Earth. Y'sho has absolute Power and Authority from Y'hayah, except for prayer. He has been ruling since 1914 in the midst of His enemies. Psalms Chapter 2, Psalms 110.2
Berean Literal Bible He first found his brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated Christ).
Y'sho worships Y'hayah the True Ay (Sacred Father, God to those who do not know Him as such).
You are Meshikhi (Hebrew משיחי) when you transcend religion because you are following Y'sho (ee'-sho) the Messiah more closely. We have put faith in His sacrifice. We are adorned and bejeweled with the love of our Heavenly Father Y'hayah. He is our shield and our beloved God. This is our family and you are one of God’s children. He only wants you to know that He loves you.
We are Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah and this is The Meshikhi Faith. We are Christians.
We are the happiest people in the world because we only love.
Faith in Y'sho is what is required in our time period. The ancient people who hoped in The Messiah had no evidence, yet they believed. We have evidence in the Christian Greek Scriptures, places, times, rulers and the existence of 53 actual people verified by archaeology [PDF]. And no historian will deny the historicity of Y'sho. This is why we are required to have faith only.
b'ahabah (With love),
The One and Only Aria, Daughter and Prophetess of Sacred Spirit, Ahri'ah
I am also Ari'Al, The Lion and Sher'Al, The Lioness of Yudah.
The Truth
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred. Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God
Why The Meshikha (Aramaic for Messiah) is needed
Psalms 37.29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any inhabitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars”.
Watch this video
In the video you heard a reference to the angel of the LORD. When you see the LORD in capital letters in a Bible it is referring to Y'hayah the True God. There is only one Lord, Y'sho The Messiah (Ephesians 4:5).
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
Eternal Life is now based on Faith in The Sacrifice of Y'sho, nothing else.
God has never had an evil thought. He only knows evil through cause and effect and that evil thoughts are diametrically opposite to His, which are pure love. Also, God’s thoughts are sophisticated, intellectually pleasing. Satan’s thoughts and feelings are diametrically opposite to God’s. The tree of life in The Garden represented life itself, and a Universal Law based on love. Christ fulfilled the Law, He didn’t abolish it. When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back. Not to, is unnatural.
If you are not moved by reading The Book of Mark, I advise you to reexamine your life.
Satan twisted the purpose of the tree of life and inspired a line in The Lord’s Prayer that says “Lead us not into temptation”. God would not lead us into temptation. The actual translation I did says “Do not let us succumb to temptation”, those are the correct words. In other words, do not let us be overpowered by temptation.
Ay’ah is Our Father in Heaven. He is Our Abba. He is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible. God's Name from Targum Onkelos is Y'hayah in Hebrew.
Y'sho is The First of God’s Children in Heaven. He is represented by Isaac in The Bible.
Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven are The Sacred Angels
Our Brothers and Sisters on Earth, some are saved, some are yet to be saved.
John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Ay’ah, so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Y'sho, The first of His children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life..~The Meshikhi Faith
Meshikhi are Followers of The Messiah, Y'sho Christ, The Son* of The Living God (Matthew 16:16, John 20:17).
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Y'sho is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Become a Christian in one minute and be saved in one minute just by telling someone about this site. Why not use social media?
Matthew 28.19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Y'hayah and of The Son, Y'sho, The First of God’s Children in Heaven and of the sacred spirit, Ahri’.
ahri not hari
/ah/ is from ruah, which means spirit. It has the name Ahri /ri/ from /ridi/ meaning "with laughter".
December 31, 2022 I summarized The Bible message with 4 lines of text and three scriptures and a better written John 3.16. Question: Why wasn't it done in the first place and etched on gold plates and preserved. The answer is simple.
Ecclesiastes 7.28 There was not one woman among the Priests.
It took 25 years of Biblical Research and 15 years of Military Communications Research to straighten it out.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (Sher, The Lioness of Yudah)
My Abba, what He is like, friendly with a nice smile
God, Al’Shaddai, God Almighty, Creator and Eternal Sacred Father
Ay’ah means “Spirit Sacred Father”. Aba means “Spirit Father”.
Ay’ah (Ay, Sacred Father, sounds like “eye”, /ah/ not /aw/) is Our Father in Heaven. God’s Name from Targum Onkelos is Y'hayah (Hebrew יְיָ Y'hayah). In the Easter Dialect of Aramaic it’s Aya. He is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible.
He is Our Aba (ahb’ah, /ah/ not /aw/) in Hebrew and The Eastern Dialect of Aramaic, Abba in The Western Dialect of Aramaic .
Y'hayah, Our Spirit Sacred Father
Y'hayah (Hebrew יְיָ Y'hayah English phonetic Y'hayah) means Spirit Sacred Father, abkadush (ahb'-kadush) in Hebrew (/Y'/ Silent Y like Yisra'Al, silent sheva). He is The "Ay" (Sacred Father) of Isra'Al, we don't call Him "God", but do so to help people who do not know Him as Sacred Father. Eye is a Satanic homonym of Ay, such as Eye of Ra". It's how Satan uses language as a weapon. Y’aya (ay’ah) is God's Name, it means Spirit Sacred Father. He is Our Abba.
It's Aba Eastern Dialect of Aramaic, Abba Western Dialect of Aramaic.
"Abba, Father" is how we express natural affection for Our "Spirit" Father. (Eastern Dialect of Aramaic Aba, ab phonetic ahb'ah, ahb, Akkadian abu pronounced ahb-uh, ab not av, it became av around the 3rd century through phonological evolution) God is Love and God is spirit. Our obedience comes from our eternal love and trust when we have His spirit, not out of fear. Love throws fear outside, says The Bible. He is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible.
Ay’ah is God.
Y'sho, Perfect Love with Mercy. The Ahlaluyah.
The Son of God, Al’Gibbor, Mighty God (Mighty Authority) compare Psalms 82.6
The actual translation of John 1.1 from Koine Greek
John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God, and godly was The Word.
Y'sho (Eastern Dialect of Aramaic ܝܼܫܘܿܥ Y'sho (ee'sho) is The First of God’s Children in Heaven. Before Y'sho was created, God was alone, with infinite love to give. Y'sho is The Way, The Truth and The Life. Y'sho is Lord of The House of Y'hayah, The First of His Created Children in Heaven. who died at Calvary in the 1st Century and Our Oldest Brother, much older than everyone else in Heaven. Y'sho is funny like Father but He is "The Quiet One". He is represented by Isaac in The Bible.
He is Y’sho Hebrew יְשׁוֹ, Esou, Coptic for Lamb, Ihsou, Ancient Greek transliterated and translated to Yiddish as Isaac. He is "The Messiah", "The Christ", "The Word" and "The Lamb of God".
Love with Mercy, Y'sho is The Ahlaluyah /ah/ from ruah which means spirit. The spirit of Love With Mercy, Y'hayah. Y'sho is also LALU like Our Father, “Love with Mercy”.
John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and godly (with reverent love, loyal and dutiful with awe) was The Word.
John 1.35 The next day John again was standing with two of his disciples, 36 and as he watched Y'sho walk by, he exclaimed, “Look, here is the Lamb of God!” 37 The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Y'sho.
John 1.41 He first found his brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated Christ, The Anointed One).
Y'sho is Lord.
In Anglo-Saxon times, the lord was known as the hläford, from the Viking hläfweard, meaning a bread-keeper or ‘bread ward’. The lord was responsible for providing bread for his household; therefore he was head of the house. Y'sho volunteered and God provided Y'sho’s life for us. Y'sho is The Bread from Heaven. From The Book of Isayah, Our Father said, “Who shall we send”? And Y'sho’s response, “Here I am Father, send me”. He knew that God could not die because God is Eternal. Y'sho replaced Adam as Head of the earthly household, he is The Eternal Father of God’s Children on Earth instead of Adam. We pray to God and Y'sho provides the things we need.
God made Y'sho, Lord.
Change your life forever
This is the most important thing you will ever do
Meshikhi – Hebrew משיחי Transliteration: mshychy ( Translation: adj. Christian, Messianic Meshikhi meaning: “of the Messiah” or “A Follower of the Messiah”.
John 1.41 He first found his brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated Christ).
Y'sho is The Messiah, The Anointed One or Christ. He is called Y'sho Meshikha in Aramaic.
We are Lalu. Lalu means Love with Mercy in Ancient Hebrew, that’s who we are and what we are, Christians to outsiders, just like in The Bible, Meshikhi to those who follow The Christ.
A Beautiful Father, Our Abba. His Beautiful Son, The First of God’s Children in Heaven, Our Oldest Brother, Y'sho (He’s funny like Father but He’s “the quiet one”), Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven, Our Brothers and Sisters on Earth. That is all we need to know. A Family always, Eternal Love with Mercy always.
Why The Messiah is needed
In the video you heard a reference to the angel of the LORD. When you see the LORD in capital letters in a Bible it is referring to Y’yah the True God. There is only one Lord, Y'sho The Messiah (Ephesians 4:5). As beautiful as the video is, The words “to have a relationship with him (God)”, are synchronized for when the woman smiles at the man”. This was certainly unintentional.
It was impossible for imperfect people to fulfill The Law. All of the imperfect lives that have ever existed could never replace the Eternal Life of Adam that was lost.
That is what was lost, Perfect Eternal Life.
Y'sho Christ was perfect and fulfilled The Law “a life for a life” and replaced the first created man who sinned, Adam. As children of Adam, we can now be saved if we have faith in The Sacrifice of Y'sho. Y'sho is called “The Last Adam”. We are now under The Law of The Christ, “Love with Mercy”.
Christian Requirements are minimal
God's Name is Y'hayah (Hebrew יְיָ Y'hayah)
The bottom line for Christians
Acts 15:28,29 For it seemed good to sacred spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things: that you abstain from food sacrificed to idols, and from blood, the meat of any animal has been strangled, and from sex between unmarried people. If you keep yourselves from such things you will do well.
abstain from eating food offered to idols
abstain from blood – see explanation below
abstain from fornication – no sex between unmarried people
abstain from things strangled – do not eat meat from animals that have not been properly bled
Matthew 18.3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter The Kingdom of Heaven.
Sex between unmarried people is not allowed. Do not use the word “fornication”, it sounds stupid and is mocked because it is antiquated.
Blood is Sacred.
Warm storage of your own blood for 72 hours may be done for operations. That is plenty of time to prepare for an operation and is reasonable. Do not transfuse blood from another person because of the possibility of TTI’s Transfusion Transmitted Injuries. Do not “gamble” with Life.
For catastrophic blood loss, volume is needed, not blood.
Many people on Earth are hunters, and hunt for food and must understand this Sacred truth. Do not mock this.
The blood issue
Watch Tower, Jehovah’s Witnesses and The Blood Issue
This is a deeply personal subject and can only be decided with accurate knowledge and prayer. The information provided is to help you be prepared and to know about the scriptural principles involved. It is your personal decision only and should be made prayerfully.
It is logical and reasonable that your own blood can be used. This is the latest information that could be found about warm storage of blood for up to 72 hours.
72 hours is plenty of time to prepare for an operation and to store your own blood.
Y'sho was in the tomb for exactly 3 days and 3 nights. His body did not see corruption, including His blood.
The scriptural principle “be reasonable” must be applied.
Blood must not be refrigerated and must be in vacuum sealed containers.
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are guilty for every death of someone who believes their unreasonable rules, which are like the rules of the first century Pharisees. They have discarded as refuse The Mercy of God and God’s reasonableness and do not consider that life is Sacred as God does.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
Philippians 4:5 Let your reasonableness become known to all men. The Lord is near. ~New World Translation, The Bible they use.
With transfusions there is a danger of Transfusion Transmitted Injury (TTI’s).
All translations of the Greek Scriptures say abstain from blood. Non-blood medical treatment is usually an option and is readily available. Talk to your doctor or surgeon and make sure that they are aware of your decision about the use of blood. For some surgeries, this is a reasonable choice because there is no perceived risk by the surgeon.
For hunters, only meat that is properly bled should be eaten.
Acts 15:29 the above is the bottom line for Christians.
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (my legal name at this time)
Zoe Lalu Ahlalu (Life, Love with Mercy, The spirit of Love with Mercy)
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
The Meshikhi Faith
Watchtower Magazine 1959
If hemorrhaging should occur at the time of an operation and by some means the blood is immediately channeled back into the body, this would be allowable. The use of some device whereby the blood is diverted and a certain area or organ is temporarily bypassed during surgery would be Biblically permissible, for the blood would be flowing from one’s body through the apparatus and right back into the body again.
This is extreme. Blood can be transferred directly to a vacuum sealed container just as easily. It is scientific to do so.
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses must acknowledge that they are a part of Satan’s world, but much more, a part of The Synagogue of Satan, Along with Kabbalistic Judaism, on The Wing Of The Temple as spoken of by Daniel The Prophet in The Bible and that they are also the epicenter of The Roman Religion II. And they must admit that they are practicing Christian Kabbalism and doing so unconsciously. The evidence is profound and overwhelming and cannot be denied in any way. They must renounce the name Jehovah and accept that Y’yah is God to be saved.
You must not invoke the names of other gods; they must not be heard on your lips. Deuteronomy 6:13 Revere (do not fear) Y'hayah your God, serve Him only, and take your oaths in His name. Deuteronomy 10:20
Revere is the correct word, not “fear”.
Gender Identity
Homosexuality as a lifestyle choice is not to do, it is a boundary set by Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father and it violates the natural laws of Creation. That is what the Bible is referring to when it mentions homosexuality. Gender identity issues caused by birth defects are NOT a lifestyle choice. Any person with religious authority will not judge anyone, in any way, about Gender Identity. If you encroach in any way upon anyone born with a birth defect who may be experiencing severe dysphoria and they commit suicide, you will be accused of murder by God and this is now also to be a legal statute by Governments whom God has called “ministers for our good”. No one may be a Minister of God or a Pastor of The Flock or a Priest or have any spiritual authority without Government Certification and sensitivity training about Gender Identity because you do not understand mercy and are uneducated about Gender identity issues and birth defects to such a degree that you are dangerous to the public. People may not even understand the reality of who they are until later in life. Complex sociological problems are God’s domain, say your sermon and do not discuss things you know nothing about. Do not be judging and you will not be judged. The Bible’s message of Salvation is so simple and is explained in such simple terms even a child can understand The entire Bible message in one minute. No one needs an encyclopedia or a Princeton or Harvard degree to understand it. Acts 15:29 the above is the bottom line for Christians.
Read about being baptized as a Christian below.
The Great Commission Explained
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Y'sho had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they prostrated themselves before Him; but some doubted. 18 Then Y'sho came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Ay’ah and of the Son, Y'sho Christ, The First of God’s Children in Heaven and of Sacred Spirit, Ahri 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
If you have the sacred spirit, when you commune with God you will know that He loves you with Eternal love and that if it's funny, it's Father.
Getting Baptized with a Purpose
Y'sho is Lord.
In Anglo-Saxon times, the lord was known as the hläford, from the Viking hläfweard, meaning a bread-keeper or ‘bread ward’. The lord was responsible for providing bread for his household; therefore he was head of the house. Y'sho volunteered and God provided Y'sho’s life for us. Y'sho is The Bread from Heaven. From The Book of Isayah, Our Father said, “Who shall we send”? And Y'sho’s response, “Here I am Father, send me”. He knew that God could not die because God is Eternal. Y'sho replaced Adam as Head of the earthly household, he is The Eternal Father of God’s Children on Earth instead of Adam. We pray to God and Y'sho provides the things we need.
God made Y'sho, Lord.
Acts 2.36 Therefore, let all the house of Isra'Al know for a certainty that God made him both Lord and Christ, this Y'sho whom you executed on a cross.
Here I Am, Send Me
Wait 2 bars then start singing.
(Isaiah 6:8)
1.Today men heap reproach and shame
Upon Our Father's holy name.
Some show God weak; some paint him cruel.
“There is no God,” so shouts the fool.
Who’ll go Our Father's name to clear?
Who’ll sing his praise for all to hear?
‘God, here I am! Send me, send me!
I’ll sing your praises faithfully.
No greater honor could there be, God.
Here I am! Send me, send me!’
2.Some make the claim that God is slow;
The love of God they do not know.
Some worship idols made of stone;
Some would put Caesar on God’s throne.
Who’ll tell the wicked what’s in store?
Who’ll warn of God’s great final war?
‘God, here I am! Send me, send me!
I’ll sound the warning fearlessly.
No greater honor could there be, God.
Here I am! Send me, send me!’
3.Today the meek ones mourn and sigh
Because the evils multiply.
With honest hearts they seek to find
The truth that gives real peace of mind.
Who’ll go with comfort to the meek?
Who’ll help them righteousness to seek?
‘God, here I am! Send me, send me!
I’ll teach the meek ones patiently.
No greater honor could there be, God.
Here I am! Send me, send me!’
(See also Ps. 10:4; Ezek. 9:4.)
b'ahabah (With love),
The Meshikhi Faith
The only way to be reconciled to God (to have Him truly as your father) is by means of the Sacrifice of Y'sho the Messiah, the Only Begotten Son of God. This is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Y'sho.
Belief in these things moves a person to want to be baptized by water immersion in the name of The Father, Y'hayah, The Son, Y'sho the Messiah, and the Sacred Spirit, Ahri (read the page “The Soul and the Sacred spirit” before you do so). If you cannot be immersed for some reason but want to, God considers it the same as if you had been immersed. Grandiose spectacles that undignify a person dishonor God. You may also immerse yourself. The angels are witnesses of it.
2 Corinthians 8:12 For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.
1 Peter 3:21 Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Y'sho The Messiah.
There is no infant immersion. Young children are covered by their parents baptism until they can make their own decision to be baptized.
Then we must tell others about what we have learned.
Romans 10:9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Y'sho is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Y'sho told people that God loves them and that there is a wonderful future ahead. That is the loving thing to do and all you have to do.
Fill your heart with love and have an answer ready when people demand a reason for the hope in you.
Tell them to visit for the most comprehensive Bible knowledge in the world.
It is only because of Our Father and Y'sho that we can do this. All those in Heaven want what we want, that everyone would have Y'hayah as their Father. This is what Y'sho explained and what He was willing to die for. Y'hayah is our Father and we are His Children, if you want to explain it easily.
It’s simple. It’s about Our Father in Heaven and His Son Y'sho and what they were willing to do to save us.
Proverbs 15:23 The one giving an answer at the right time, being tender, turns back anger; and how good is the answer.
Love people, talk to them, laugh with them, cry with them, do not hesitate to pray with them if you sense they need it, be genuine friends. If it comes up in a natural spiritual conversation, tell them whatever they would like to know. Only love people and God will do the rest by means of the sacred spirit that is with you.
Our example is Y'sho. Y'sho only loved people. That’s how he did things. People could not wait to be with him. They rejoiced around him. That is the true Christian Faith, That is The Way (Acts 19:9).
Love is natural and occurs naturally. When someone loves you and gives evidence of it, it is only natural to love them back.
Treat everyone as your brothers and sisters, because they are God’s Children, just as you are.
We are Lalu, Love with Mercy and We are Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah
Lalu means Love with Mercy in Ancient Hebrew, that’s who we are and what we are, a people, a Family of Faith always, Eternal Love with Mercy always. Christians to outsiders, just like in The Bible, Meshikhi to those who follow The Christ.
Lalu Worldwide
Read The Book of Mark. Y'sho cried out, is the truth. And the sacred spirit formed words only God understood. Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Pure ahabah, selfless outward love, fierce love, for Our Father and for us.
Luke 23.45 “And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.”
Faith in Y'sho (ee'-sho) is what is causing these things to happen
Let the Love with Mercy flow from you as it flowed from Y'sho. Honor Y'sho by being like Him and demonstrating Our Father's Love and Mercy for people. What greater gift could you give someone than eternal life?
Y'sho (ee'sho) is The Ahlaluyah,
Ha-lalu-yah – Halay(Praise) Lalu(Love with Mercy) Yah from Y'hayah (Praise Love with Mercy, Spirit Sacred Father Ahyah from Exodus 3.14).
Spirit of Love with Mercy, Spirit Sacred Father Y'hayah is what Ahlaluyah means and how Y'sho Honored Our Father.
The man next to Y'sho on The Cross looked at Him and thought…
He doesn’t look like a criminal…
He’s not reviling…
He’s praying to God…
He’s The Messiah.
Luke 23.42 Then he said, “Y'sho, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Luke 23.43 Y'sho answered him, “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.”
Welcome Brothers and Sisters! Let's pray together.
completed by Ahri’Al, Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
Our Father, which art in Heaven Sacred be Thy Name Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done On Earth, as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us Do not let us succumb to temptation But deliver us from evil For yours is the Kingdom The power and the glory forever In the Name of Y'sho, (always pause for a moment) Ahmeyn