Holy Bible

The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible (NAV)

Ancient Hebrew had no diacritics

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Translating The Yodh

The j sound in English is an example of a palatal consonant, while the y sound in English (akin to the j sound in many other languages) is an example of a palatal approximant.
In the former case (palatal consonant), the tongue is raised and flattened to touch the palate while in the latter case (palatal approximant) it does not touch the palate completely, allowing air to flow between the palate and the tongue.

While the modern Latin script has the letter j, Latin itself did not use j to start with and did not have a well-defined palatal consonant sound. Words like Iapheth, Iesus, Ieremiah, etc. were meant to be pronounced starting with a palatal approximant. In due course, due to natural phonological evolution, they began to be pronounced with a palatal consonant in certain Roman colonies. This gave rise to the need for distinction between the two sounds in writing. The letter j, which was really special cursive form of i became the symbol for this distinct new sound.

The voiced palatal approximant is a type of consonant used in many spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨j⟩. The equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is j, and in the Americanist phonetic notation it is ⟨y⟩.

God’s Name is Roman Jahvah, His Son’s Name is Roman Jesou

Unperverting Genesis 19.29-36 using Google Translate

19.29 And it came to pass in God’s destruction of the cities of the plain, and God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the rebellion, that he overthrew the cities in which Lot dwelt.

19.30 And Lot went up out of Zoar and sat in a mountain and his two daughters with him because he was afraid to sit in Zoar and sat in a cave he and his two daughters

19.31 And the elder said to the younger, Our father is old, and there is no man in the land to come to us, as is the way of all the land.

19.32 Let us drank wine with our father and be with him and we will live from our father’s seed

19.33 And he made their father drink wine at night, and the elder came and laid her father down, and he did not know where he was lying and when he was standing.

19.34 And it happened the next day, and the older woman said to the younger woman, I was with my father last night, we drank wine that night too, and I did not sleep with him, and we will live from our father’s seed

19.35 And that night also he made their father drink wine, and the young woman got up and was with him, and he did not know how to lie down or get up.

19.36 And God Tahirin (purified) the two daughters of Lot from their father

Hebrew Word Study – Clean – Tahar טהר
Chaim Bentorah
https.//www.chaimbentorah.com › 2022/03 › hebrew-…
Mar 16, 2022 — The word clean is tahar which means purifying. Receiving the hand of God, his leadership and authority and unity with Him is a purifying action

It is clear that God made Lot not know what was happening and afterwards, purified him from his two daughters.

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