by The Real People of The Book

Hear O Isra’al
Targum Onkelos is the only true Torah. Read about Onkelos here [PDF].
The Ancient Name of God is Y’hayah. He is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible.
The Ancient Name of The Son of God is Yeshwah in Hebrew and Imperial Aramaic. The waw is identical in Hebrew and Imperial Aramaic. He is represented by Isaac in The Bible.
Based on 23 Years of Biblical Research Experience, 15 Years of Military Research Experience and an in depth analysis of the Satanic book The Rise Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion by James B. Hannay, first published in the year 1925 and 17 Years of inside experience as a member and observer of Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses, part of The Synagogue of Satan Cult mentioned in The Bible at Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9
I extended Mercy to Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses on at God in Heaven and His Son in Heaven are either unwilling or unable to let this be known and allowed it to be deleted. But it must be known. And I wrote the scripture “God is Mercy”.
I am Lalu. Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy, is Sacred.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (my current legal name)
Tiffany deFernihough in fact, for now.
The Royal Family want to destroy me and eventually, Christianity, by claiming it was invented by The Romans. You may or may not find exquisite details about me in deleted files on referring to my family history, under the name Tiffany McTaggart. And you will literally have to use website scraping software to find all the information on all the Meshikhi sites online and collate it all.
Click to access romans_created_christianity.pdfRead The PDF and prove it to yourself.
The Inner Circle of Satan’s Religious World System
In my book ‘The Inner-Circle In The Outer World’, I gave a lot of information about the Inner-Circle and their view of the rest of the world. To them, all non-royals were their property and were to be used by them in any way that they wished. Which is why they would send people off to war, or destroy entire cities whenever they wished. People who have no idea that the world has been controlled not by average people, but by Inner-Circle royals have blamed war and human atrocities upon Humanity itself, when that is far from the truth. True Humanity has never had a chance, as the world has been controlled by the Inner-Circle for thousands of years.
Today, the Inner-Circle still exists, but though they are descendants of the royals who had once ruled, they no longer derive their power from inherited titles, but from knowledge and wealth. They laugh whenever they see the average person as a believer in the fictional God that their ancestors invented; as this is a measure of how much power they still enjoy over the rest of us. When they see the average person speak out of ignorance, they laugh. And that is because they know that as long as the public is ignorant, they are gullible and can still be easily controlled and manipulated.
The Inner-Circle have always lived lives of luxury and enjoyed many advantages and advances in science long before non-royals; but they never let on, because they did not want non-royals to have what they had, nor did they want non-royals to have knowledge, as knowledge itself, was power.
In modern times, archaeologists have been finding evidence of ancient inventions and innovations. The royals in ancient times held knowledge of all things; science and technology (physics, chemistry, etc.), our world and reality itself (metaphysics), of the universe (cosmology), of the things which limit the abilities of the human mind as well as those which enhance mental ability (epistemology), our planet and geography (they traveled worldwide). Of course, they did not want non-royals to know what they knew. Thus, they never wrote publicly about all that they knew or had access to; at least not in a clear, forthright manner.
The schools and libraries that we hear of in ancient records were limited to royals only. The only time that they allowed non-royals into “schools” was for the purpose of indoctrination, not to teach them what the royals knew. Royals had their own places of learning and training. Kings from all over would send their sons to learn at the Druidic colleges for thousands of years; up until the Romans invaded and stole their books, knowledge and innovations. And then, that was kept available only to certain royals – mainly within the family archives of elite royal families. Some of it was shared in libraries that were only accessible to certain royals, and proof of who each individual was who visited those libraries was required.
In the book that I had written about the Inner-Circle, I also told about how the Inner-Circle had various systems and laws unto themselves, and how they made laws that applied only to non-royals so as to put themselves at every advantage against us non-royals. They were kept informed by each other and updated on various events and developments via secret meetings which took place at various times of the year, and which were held in secret locations for different purposes.
Some of the meetings were for elections of I.C. members to certain offices, positions, and committees.
These meetings had protocol, including methods and means to ensure that only those who were of royal blood and of certain rank within the I.C. were permitted into such meetings or even knew about them.
If a non Inner-Circle member were ever caught trying to attend an I.C. meeting, they would be exposed and dealt with, usually be the death of the individual after a long session of torture to get as much information from that individual, so that they could also kill anyone else who might know about their meetings. So, they wanted to know who that individual’s family and friends were, so that they could be killed as well.
There have always been certain publications that were published and distributed only for the elite members of the Inner-Circle, such as newsletters, periodicals, newspapers, magazines, books, etc. And of which, those outside the Inner-Circle have never seen or heard of. Back in the first century Roman Empire, they had newspapers, for instance. But the non-royal public did not have them, only the elite royals did.
Some of the publications had names or titles like, ‘Novus Ordu’, ‘Triple O’, ‘The Insider’, and ‘Mammin’.
In ancient times, the I.C. had newspapers which were printed using various methods and which were produced using materials which could be easily destroyed once the run of the publication was finished.
They used wood-cut blocks, for instance. Which, once they were finished using, were tossed into a fire to destroy any evidence of them. They also used baked clay “rollers” and their own kind of ink, some of which was obtained from sources in the sea. They also used engraved wax blocks, which after use, were simply melted and used over again.
The descendants of the Inner-Circle of old still rule our world. They are the few who rule our world.
They are now known as The Oligarchy and are a but a small portion of those referred to as the 1%.
Secret societies are Satan’s way of controlling the religious world. He tried to recruit me as the ruler of the entire inner circle, after which he would utterly destroy me. But I am with my Father in Heaven always and simply noting everything on Earth my entire life practically. I didn’t blink an eyelash while doing so and Satan had no idea that I was an agent for God only and this is the humbling of Satan this day.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the secret society simply known as “The Society” is the epicenter of The Roman Religion, which I am destroying at this time.
All secret societies with their ambiguous language must now be destroyed by me. and have been deleted. There was nothing I could do. And now with which I tried to preserve the evidence will also be deleted.

Women and girls must not wear dresses and underwear that cinch the diaphram or the urinary or digestive tract. “Boy shorts” as they are called are quite attractive and look like Gwen Stefani hot pants are very comfortable and your body will start to regulate normally.
This is not a joke. This is a Medical Health Emergency.
Products that have the perfected sweet and salty mix such as McDonald’s french fries, soda pop, are the perfect food for CANDIDA which causes the craving, severe in some cases, contributing to obesity. Gas bubbles trapped within the digestive system is a major problem. Gas pills are no longer available in Canada. There was a product that worked perfectly, but was removed from the market.
Plastic must be removed from the environment immediately and replaced with transparent Aluminum. The Earth’s ocean gyres will empty out naturally onto the beaches and we shall clean them with dredging worldwide.
Evil men who are Macgyvers with chemical additives in foods and tobacco and alcohol products and are causing catastrophic pain and suffering to people, synethizing torturous mystery illnesses which go undetected by medical professionals.
Zoe Lalu Ahlalu
Life, Love, The spirit of Love
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
My name on Earth will be Summer deFernihough soon…
I am The Meshikhi, A follower of The Messiah and I am the founder of The Christian Revival, and those who listen to me are Meshikhi.
Meshikhi, do not desire to go to Heaven. You will become people who only love. You will be only love. Love without Mercy. And no matter how much someone screams for Justice and Mercy you will not be affected anymore. You will be tortured to such a degree, that you will actually believe that it is Righteous or Normal to be that way. Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred. Love without Mercy is nothing. Love without Mercy only benefits The Giver and makes that one happy. You will not be yourself, you will be what makes The Creator and His Son happy. But you will not know at all. And you will be blissfully happy because you are only love.
We do not battle with The Lamb, Yeshwah as He was on Earth, we follow Him and we have Love with Mercy as He did. He was The Perfect Example and The Finest Soldier who ever existed or ever will exist, and those who are military who have faith in His example have a certain feeling about Him and are loyal, as Army of Calvary, under God’s Ministers for our good as The Bible calls The Government. Our Creator is Sacred and Yeshwah is Sacred. Our Life would not be possible otherwise.
Anything spoken against us is a lie.
Be careful of the misdirect created in the brain and mind. This is God’s Kingdom “under Yeshwah’s rule”. It is natural to look to God as the ultimate ruler, but it is Yeshwah who has been given Absolute Power and Authority” except for prayer. Do not blame God for anything, including suffering of any kind, under Yeshwah’s Rule.
Matthew 12.32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the sacred spirit. will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
Complete step by step instructions for creating the New Bible
The spirit of Our Father in Heaven will be called “The Sacred spirit”, the word “spirit” is not to be capitalized ever, capitalization was a trick that led to false doctrines.
A Blackhawk shall be dispatched from New York so that I may speak to “The President of The United Stated about a National Security Emergency involving The Synagogue of Satan cult, which is well documented with overwhelming evidence that can not be denied. I have been interviewed inside The Embassy of The United States of America Embassy in Ottawa, Canada. The United States of America Department of Justice knows about it and The CIA knows about The Secret Society known as “The Inner Circle”, of which Watch Tower, The Royal Family, Vladimir Putin and Rebbe Melech The Antichrist in Israel on Earth are all a part of.
I am once again requesting asylum and Emergency Citizenship in The United States of America. My father on Earth is Stewart Harold McTaggart, a Citizen of The United States of America, born in The United States of America, a dual Citizen of both The United States of America and Canada.
Saluting The Flag is not an act of worship as Watch Tower has influenced and demanded, only do not bow down to it or worship it and I will take The Pledge of Allegiance, once that has been repealed, so that I may salute The Flag as well. I am a loyal soldier as well.
I wish to live in Los Angeles, California, a room with a small balcony and a little patio table with a potted plant with dark green leaves and white flowers. A little side table with a white candle would be perfect. That is my only requirement as long as the place is clean. American Spirit brand cigarettes would be a nice gesture of friendship.
Sher’al, (Daughter of Y’hayah) means The first faint rays of light before the dawn, from God.
Psalms 45.9,10,11 New International Version (NIV) only, which also contains the most accurate translation of Proverbs 8.30 concerning The First of God’s created Children in Heaven, Yeshwah. Before God created Yeshwah, God was alone.
In English two v’s were placed side by side to represent the voiced bilabial /vv/ in English. It’s called a descendant /v/ in Greek, it is NOT a /u/. The upper and lower lips are used to form the /w/ sound.
The Name of The Son of God who sits at The Right Hand of God in Heaven, is Yeshwah.
Zondervan Publishing shall be aquired, The New International Version (NIV) shall be renamed “The Holy Bible”, the only title The Muslim People will accept. Wherever the word LORD in all capital letters is found, The Name Y’hayah shall be used.
In The Hebrew Scriptures, wherever the word “Lord” is found” it will be replaced with the title “Master”, as in “Alas, my Master”. The only exception is Psalms 110.1 “Y’hayah said to my Lord”.
In The New Testament, The Lord is Yeshwah exclusively. Acts 2.34 correctly reads “Y’hayah said to my Lord”. There is only “One” Lord, Yeshwah Christ in Heaven.
The actual translation of John 1:1 from Koine Greek
Koine Greek
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
Greek transliteration
En arkhêi ên ho lógos, kaì ho lógos ên pròs tòn theón, kaì theòs ên ho lógos.
Note that theón and theòs are not the same
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God,and godly was The Word.
The definition of “godly”. With reverent love, loyal and dutiful.
The correct word “godly” was found using Bing Microsoft Translator.
“In the beginning” is referring to the beginning of Creation.
The suffix /el/ will be replaced with /‘al/ for all Bible names.
El is The Supreme god of The Canaanites.
Yeshwah is King of God’s Kingdom, He was given a throne by God, Yeshwah has absolute authority except for prayer
The Holy Bible has a revision that needs to be done at Psalms 45:6 and Hebrews 1:8 referring to Yeshwah. The scripture was ambiguous and some thought it was referring to God and this led some to believe that Yeshua was God.
The correct translation of Psalms 45:6 and Hebrews 1:8 based on the Hebrew – English Bible According to the Masoretic Text and the JPS 1917 Edition
Psalms 45:6 Thy throne given of God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.
Hebrews 1:8 But to the Son He says: “Thy throne given of God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
In simple English, “Your Throne given to you by God”.
A period or “dot” shall be used for scripture numbering /./ NOT a colon, which is an unholy thing inspired by Satan, when used for scripture numbering. Example, Psalms 110.1
Deconstructing Hallelujah (constructed by Hillel – Satan)
It is Ah-lalu-yah in Greek (Praise and love Ahyah). It’s a rather complicated construct. The / Ἁ / is a soft alpha creating the /ah/ sound. The /ά/ is of longer duration (aa) also creating the /ah/ sound. Ἁλληλουϊά suffix is wrong, should begin with a /y/ not an /i/ in the Greek Scriptures translated to English, not translated Halleluyah or Halleluia. Hallel is from Hillel, the name of Satan revealed by the Meshikhi on the page titled The Roman Jehovah. Note it also contains /el/ (El is The Supreme god of The Cannanites). In The Hebrew Scriptures it is הללויה, Ha-lalu-yah’ (ha-la-loo’-yah) Praise and love Ahyah!
There is also much confusion about Hebrew phonics, particularly the /ah/ sound and the /aw/ sound, explained in detail at on the Welcome page.
There is also another danger with pronouncing it Halliluyah.
A lilu or lilû is a masculine Akkadian word for a spirit, related to Alû, demon. It is disputed whether, if at all, the Akkadian word lilu, or cognates, is related to the Hebrew word lilith in Isaiah 34:14, which is thought to be a night bird by some modern scholars such as Judit M. Blair.[1] The Babylonian concept of lilu may be more strongly related to the later Talmudic concept of Lilith (female) and lilin (female).
Laylu as in the original lyric of the song “My Jesus” is also not to use. Search for the word on this page.
Hala is also not to use. [PDF]
Etymology of Praise Ahyah
Strong’s #01984 Halal
uyah in Hebrew
ואיה wayh
Every instance of the suffix /jah/ will be replaced with the suffix /yah/ in the Holy Bible.
How The Roman god IHOH became JHOH and then JHO(va)H
Note the Roman influence
The j sound in English is an example of a palatal consonant, while the y sound in English (akin to the j sound in many other languages) is an example of a palatal approximant.
In the former case (palatal consonant), the tongue is raised and flattened to touch the palate while in the latter case (palatal approximant) it does not touch the palate completely, allowing air to flow between the palate and the tongue.
While the modern Latin script has the letter j, Latin itself did not use j to start with and did not have a well-defined palatal consonant sound. Words like Iapheth, Iesus, Ieremiah, etc. were meant to be pronounced starting with a palatal approximant. In due course, due to natural phonological evolution, they began to be pronounced with a palatal consonant in certain Roman colonies. This gave rise to the need for distinction between the two sounds in writing. The letter j, which was really special cursive form of i became the symbol for this distinct new sound.
The voiced palatal approximant is a type of consonant used in many spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨j⟩. The equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is j, and in the Americanist phonetic notation it is ⟨y⟩.
When translating the Hebrew yod (yodh) to English, it is always translated as a /y/. It is a Palatal Approximant.
The Introduction Page of The Bible will have this simple explanation.
Our Beautiful Family
Y’hayah (pronounced yə-high’-ah) Our Father in Heaven. He is Our Abba. He is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible.
Yeshwah The First of God’s Children in Heaven. He is represented by Isaac in The Bible.
Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven, The Sacred Angels
Our Brothers and Sisters on Earth
John 3.16 Explained
“John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Y’hayah, so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Yeshwah, The first of His children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”.~The Meshikhi Faith
All Meshikhi websites are now historical only, including
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father which art in Heaven
Sacred be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Do not let us succumb to temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever
In the Name of Yeshwah in Heaven,
ܐܡܝܢ ameyn(אמן)
Yeshwah is The Amen
Satan wanted people to destroy “The Amen” by convincing people to destroy The Book of Revelation by calling Yeshwah, “Apollo”. We will not destroy The Book of Revelation, but we will NEVER, call Yeshwah, “Apollo”.
Aramaic ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn Hebrew אמן āmēyn English Amen
Yeshwah is the Amen, when you say Amen you are in agreement that the only way to be heard by the hearer of Prayer, Our Father in Heaven, is to put faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshwa.
Revelation 3.14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, “the Beginning of the creation of God”.
Yeshwah was CREATED, The First of God’s Children in Heaven.
For translation into every language. The meaning of “hallowed be Thy Name”
Let [Your Name] be treated(יטופל) as [sacred] and [Your Name is Sacred]
Never say the Lord’s Prayer and end it “In the name of Yeshwah ameyn’ without the comma. It is always,
In the name of Yeshwa, ameyn. Always pause after the comma to honor Him.
Yeshwah in Heaven is Lord.
Only true Meshikhi may revise what is written today and the know me and I will recognize only them. Meshikhi Yehudi are apostates.
With love,
Remember God in Heaven loves you and Yeshwah in Heaven loves you.
Y’rushalom above is our mother (Heaven). Only Meshikhi are spiritual Isra’al and Isra’al means Righteous God.
We don’t worship shalem or el of The Caananites like Isra’el.
Nor do we worship that pluralized abomination Elohim.
Original Instability in The Middle East Etymology Report
There is too much child abuse and sexual abuse among those with religious authority. Unless they worship The True God Y’hayah and have the sacred spirit, they are to be chemically castrated my medical professionals and wear a collar to identify them as Priests of Satan. This will protect the public and no one will accuse God for their horrifying behavior, especially Watch Tower and Elders and Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Also, these men will not be allowed to be alone with women or children without a Sister present or a Police Woman.
No means no to a woman.
Justice is Beautiful.
Hear, O Isra’al, Y’hayah is One.
This bullshit is over.
Isaiah 40.26 is the location of THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION in The New World Translation that Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses have in their possession.
It involves excrement
Satanic is the use of the colon in Bible numbering
A patach was placed on the beautiful word for God’s spirit which is ruah. Patach in Klingon absolute sense means asshole.
Everything at Watch Tower when examined closely is Satanic.
Satan is a feral person with an overly large frontal lobe, and that is what you become when Satan and/or the demons use you. He grooms you and once everything is set up the way he wants, he leaves you to do “the kill” so no one can blame him. Feral men are worse than animals because of their large frontal lobes.
If you whip someone with severe dysphoria with The Bible and they commit suicide, you will be guilty of murder.
God has placed life and death before you today.
Watch Tower farm is a Communist view of life in Paradise Earth, it is false.
Micah 4.4 Everyone will sit under “their own vine” and under “their own fig tree”, and no one will make them afraid, for Y’hayah Almighty has spoken.
Psalms 103:1 [A Psalm] of David. Bless Y’hayah, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His Sacred name.
The soul is mortal. Only God can restore it if we die (Ezekiel 18:4).
People are created with a brain with its mind and a heart with its heart brain. The interaction between them is the soul. It’s what makes us a person.
By saying that The Children of God have no soul, they are saying that God has no soul, because we are made in His image.
The dual meaning of “soul”. People have a soul, they may also be referred to as “souls”. Example: “There were 8 souls on board the plane when it crashed”. This is the dual meaning of Ezekiel 18:4.
See the page titled The soul and the sacred spirit the Home Page and the God is Life page to learn more about the soul and about the sacred spirit.
From Father and me. Father let me see a lot about Watch Tower and Kabbalism. And this is a fine example of the result of listening to Satan and not the True God. During a teleconference I was listening and couldn’t believe what I heard. They were Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of his son. And I swear by God this is what I heard. “Abraham didn’t know when his son would be resurrected”. Now you understand about them.
Abraham is the father of our faith and he knew precisely when his son would be resurrected. This is from the Bible account.
Genesis 22:5 He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”
Yes I tell you and God is with me. Abraham said “and then we will come back to you”.
Abraham fully expected God to resurrect his son immediately. This is the truth from the Bible and the evidence against Watch Tower and the kinds of things they do and teach in that Kingdom Hall.
God called Abraham his friend, and I this is what Watch Tower people do to God’s friends.
Now you know about Watch Tower and Kabbalism and the absolute thing is on this website. And yet God holds out mercy to them, and still they have not responded to it and renounced the name Jehovah and have not renounced Kabbalism and it is now July 25, 2021. What you will learn from Watch Tower is half and half. Half truth and half lies. And sometimes blasphemes so profound there are no words for it.
Abraham is God’s friend and God has something to say to Him.
From God to Abraham. “Watch Tower said that I would only fill the Earth and then stop procreation. Not only did they undermine your faith Abraham, they undermined my promise to you.
Psalms 37:29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any inhabitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars”.
Satan wants to destroy the Bible and was very intent on destroying me too, because he knows how precise I am and knew all his tricks.
Trick one of the apostates known as The Worldwide Church of God.
They tell you one truth, about the condition of the dead and trick you into trusting them for the rest. But I checked and they were wrong.
Then I spent 17 years in the Synagogue of Satan, Watch Tower, and found out everything they were up to, and they teach people that they have no soul. But David said, “Bless Ahyah oh my soul”. David wouldn’t lie and God cannot lie. By telling people have no soul, they are saying Our Father in Heaven has no soul. So many lies like that are explained on The Meshikhi websites, the thing that they did to communicate secretly with one another was to introduce one mistake in anything they were working on to authenticate that they were “Discrete”.
That’s all I know, lot’s of jokes of Satan made to make you think The Bible is a joke. Just remember it the debased English language and I know it’s hard not to know the words related to sex have been done not by accident.
One scripture says, Look, I am coming quickly.
And of course, Watch Tower, being the Synagogue of Satan titles the book that explains the book of Revelation, Watch Tower named it “The Revelation Climax“.
Created men on Earth with authority are all the same if they do not have the sacred spirit from Our Father in Heaven, Y’hayah, that makes it possible for us to only love.
How Satan started THE WAR IN HEAVEN
Do not not fear anything or anyone and do not hate anything or anyone. Do not fear Our Creator or you will create an opening for evil. Satan is planning a massive opening for evil. Reverent Love and Reverent Respect is what is required. Love throws fear outside. Children should not fear their Creator and Eternal Sacred Father.
My experience has been provided to teach Heaven and Earth to only love. The Kingdom Theme of The Bible, though well intended, does not make Our Father in Heaven approachable like a loving Earth father, even though Father in Heaven is that way. Love throws fear outside. Absolute Reverent Love and Absolute Reverent Respect is all that’s needed. Once instilled, you will not sin intentionally ever, but if fear or hate enter in, it’s over.
2 Samuel 6.8,9 8 Then David was angry because the Lord’s wrath had broken out against Uzzah, and to this day that place is called Perez Uzzah.[e]
9 David was afraid of the Lord that day and said, “How can the ark of the Lord ever come to me?” 10 He was not willing to take the ark of the Lord to be with him in the City of David. Instead, he took it to the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite. 11 The ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite for three months, and the Lord blessed him and his entire household.
David was angry at God. And David was afraid of God. No one should ever be afraid of Father. Evil is Diametrically opposite to Love in “every” way. Satan feeds on fear and derives pleasure from making people suffer and watching people suffer, diametrically opposite to those who love.
7 Years later…
2 Samuel 11
New International Version
David and Bathsheba
11 In the spring,(A) at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab(B) out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army.(C) They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah.(D) But David remained in Jerusalem.
2 One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof(E) of the palace. From the roof he saw(F) a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, 3 and David sent someone to find out about her. The man said, “She is Bathsheba,(G) the daughter of Eliam(H) and the wife of Uriah(I) the Hittite.” 4 Then David sent messengers to get her.(J) She came to him, and he slept(K) with her. (Now she was purifying herself from her monthly uncleanness.)(L) Then she went back home. 5 The woman conceived and sent word to David, saying, “I am pregnant.”
6 So David sent this word to Joab: “Send me Uriah(M) the Hittite.” And Joab sent him to David. 7 When Uriah came to him, David asked him how Joab was, how the soldiers were and how the war was going. 8 Then David said to Uriah, “Go down to your house and wash your feet.”(N) So Uriah left the palace, and a gift from the king was sent after him. 9 But Uriah slept at the entrance to the palace with all his master’s servants and did not go down to his house.
10 David was told, “Uriah did not go home.” So he asked Uriah, “Haven’t you just come from a military campaign? Why didn’t you go home?”
11 Uriah said to David, “The ark(O) and Israel and Judah are staying in tents,[a] and my commander Joab and my lord’s men are camped in the open country. How could I go to my house to eat and drink and make love(P) to my wife? As surely as you live, I will not do such a thing!”
12 Then David said to him, “Stay here one more day, and tomorrow I will send you back.” So Uriah remained in Jerusalem that day and the next. 13 At David’s invitation, he ate and drank with him, and David made him drunk. But in the evening Uriah went out to sleep on his mat among his master’s servants; he did not go home.
14 In the morning David wrote a letter(Q) to Joab and sent it with Uriah. 15 In it he wrote, “Put Uriah out in front where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down(R) and die.(S)”
16 So while Joab had the city under siege, he put Uriah at a place where he knew the strongest defenders were. 17 When the men of the city came out and fought against Joab, some of the men in David’s army fell; moreover, Uriah the Hittite died.
18 Joab sent David a full account of the battle. 19 He instructed the messenger: “When you have finished giving the king this account of the battle, 20 the king’s anger may flare up, and he may ask you, ‘Why did you get so close to the city to fight? Didn’t you know they would shoot arrows from the wall? 21 Who killed Abimelek(T) son of Jerub-Besheth[b]? Didn’t a woman drop an upper millstone on him from the wall,(U) so that he died in Thebez? Why did you get so close to the wall?’ If he asks you this, then say to him, ‘Moreover, your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead.’”
22 The messenger set out, and when he arrived he told David everything Joab had sent him to say. 23 The messenger said to David, “The men overpowered us and came out against us in the open, but we drove them back to the entrance of the city gate. 24 Then the archers shot arrows at your servants from the wall, and some of the king’s men died. Moreover, your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead.”
25 David told the messenger, “Say this to Joab: ‘Don’t let this upset you; the sword devours one as well as another. Press the attack against the city and destroy it.’ Say this to encourage Joab.”
26 When Uriah’s wife heard that her husband was dead, she mourned for him. 27 After the time of mourning(V) was over, David had her brought to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing David had done displeased(W) the Lord.
Here is the chronology.
“Love throws fear outside”. So saith the Bible.
It was 7 years after David became afraid of God that he murdered Uriah.
It was only after David feared God that this happened. Before that, it was only love, like me.
God cannot look upon evil, but I have, and I have no fear at all of Satan and The Demons and neither do The Meshikhi, those I affectionately call “my little ones”. They are my little ones, always in my heart. They know they are with Yeshwa and I tell them sternly in the Meshikhi training not to follow me. I am just a Sister, highly trained by God all my life for these things, and I train them and teach them everything I know and learn.
“God cannot look upon evil”, so saith The Bible, so He did not know. If you don’t know something, there’s nothing to forgive, but if you know, That’s different.
Satan has no power from God, but has intricate knowledge of The EM Spectrum. Using the principle of magnets behind the ears can change MOOD I have extrapolated that Satan is using The EM Spectrum along with in the ear headphones along with resonating RF frequencies.
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are a part of “The Synagogue of Satan”. They did not know who I was and I learned their secret called “The Dread” of Jehovah. A deep feeling of absolute crushing fear for about 30 seconds, indicated by an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses as a part of learning about how it feels when Jehovah is “DISPLEASED” with you. This is only done once and leaves a deep impression. With faith I defeated Jehovah.
Fear causes a spike in adrenaline and a boost in testosterone or modifies the ovum in some way in pregnant women causing birth defects which include “masculinization in the womb”. Anecdotal. My mother experienced intense, sudden fear when she was frightened by a firetruck at close range while she was pregnant, a story she often recounted.
I am from Chatham, Ontario, Canada and lived in a small four room wood frame house lined with tin and cheap siding. The thunderstorm were especially intense, full power of created thunder you can feel in your body and pure power of created lightning in the windows. My mother had taught me faith and during a Chatham thunderstorm “you pray without thinking”, just like “no atheists in foxholes”. But I made it through every one and always had faith. (I knew God was not in the thunder or lightning). But I wonder what it was like for those without faith, must have been terrifying.
Infrasound and Religion
Infrasound, sometimes referred to as low status sound, describes sound waves with a frequency below the lower limit of human audibility (generally 20 Hz). Hearing becomes gradually less sensitive as frequency decreases, so for humans to perceive infrasound, the sound pressure must be sufficiently high.,pressure%20must%20be%20sufficiently%20high.
Infrasound in Church Organs
Infrasound produced by Church Organs has one purpose.
Smaller Church organs, begin to instill beliefs in a certain religion.
As a person progresses in the ranks of The Church, the infrasound experience intensifies. The larger the Church Organ, the more intense the religious experience.
Fear of The Priests and of God happens subliminally.
Those with power who attend Mass in the largest churches accept the ones with such religous power, as they experience the infrasound of the largest Church Organs in the world without their knowledge. In essence, those with the most authority and power on Earth are indoctrinated without their knowledge.
All people are affected who hear infrasound. It instills religious feelings in people and an unnatural fear of God.
The real meaning for the fear of God is reverent love and reverent respect, do not be afraid of Our Father in Heaven.
If you intentionally sinning or not listening to your conscience you will feel that something is wrong with what you are doing. That is natural.
This makes them unable to accept, the simple Christian truth taught by The Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah at and (SCHEDULED FOR DELETION AT GETFLYWHEEL.COM PLEASE HELP)
The Candle
The practice of lighting a candle during storms.
Some parents light a candle during thunder and lightning storms as part of a religious superstition.
As the storm gradually moves away, the child may believe that the candle is involved if they pray to God at such times.
It is something not to be done.
They begin to think that the power of God is in the candle flame.
(I have never believed this, but it was a comfort when the power went out).
God’s sacred spirit does not produce heat in any way. EM Spectrum is used by Satan to make people feel heat via chemical reactions.
It is also invisible and not detectable in any way by humans on Earth except a Meshikhi with the sacred spirit of Our Father in Heaven will note that they are able to only love.
See the page titled God is life.
I am an administrative assistant to God only, not “The Secretary” mentioned in The Bible.
I the Daughter mentioned at Psalms 45:9,10,11 New International Version (NIV) only. For this scripture NIV is the correct translation.
Message sent to The President of The United States 2022-02-28 8:08pm
Dear Mr. President,
EM Spectrum follow-up with report on Infrasound and Religion – operational update
With love,
Love with mercy is natural, love without mercy is not natural.
Love is diametrically opposite to evil and love is naturally opposed to evil.
When you destroy evil, do not attach any emotion to it at all, either positive or negative.
Evil must be neutralized without emotion, because evil feeds on emotions.
Love with Mercy is more powerful than infinite power and strength.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
That is Reality.
T=1 is reality. Theoretical math is fun and we can learn many things, but we must be grounded in The Reality that T=1.
Don’t live in an unreality.
With love,
Zoe Lalu Ahlalu
Life, Love, The spirit of love.
Moses and Aaron vs The Magic Practicing Priests
Aaron vs The Magic Practicing Priests
The Moses threw down his rod and it turned into a big snake. Then The Magic Practicing Priests did the same. The one The Magic Practicing Priest threw down looked the same but did did not have the same molecular structure as the one produced by God’s Power, an actual CREATED snake.
The gnats were another clue. The Magic Practicing Priests were unable to produce the Gnats because either God did not allow them too, or…
Materialized Sacred Angels visited Ab’raham and materialized bodies and ate. They were “spirit people” who materialized bodies.
When Yeshwah appeared in the locked room in Y’rushalom He had His resurrected human body.
“The seeds of conflict were sewn in the roots of language”,
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
The Prophecy of the Physical Resurrection of Yeshua
End of the prophecy of Yeshua at Matthew Chapter 24
ܐܝܟܐ ܕܝܢ ܕܢܗܘܐ ܦܓܪܐ ܬܡܢ ܢܬܟܢܫܘܢ ܢܫܪܐ
Matthew 24:28 Where Ayya administers justice, He will unloosen the body. ~The Holy Aramaic Scriptures
Yeshwa was wrapped in cloths like Lazarus was. God unloosened the burial cloths so that Yeshua could free Himself.
This has been confirmed by God who caused me to understand it. This prophecy has profound meaning both then and now.
Translate it yourself in the word for word Aramaic database
Yeshwa appeared to the disciples after his resurrection with a physical body. It was by God’s power that He appeared in the locked room and the scriptures agree he had wound marks in his side and in his hands (Luke 24:36-49, John 20:19,20).
Yeshua told the disciples that He was not a spirit when He appeared in the locked room.
Luke 24:39 See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you plainly see that I have.”~NASB
This means that the angels that appeared to Abraham and ate with Him did not have flesh and bones as Yeshwa had after His resurrection.
1 Corinthians 15:44 is not applied to the resurrection of Yeshwa. The preceding scripture shows in context that it is referring to imperfect humans with the Heavenly hope.
1 Corinthians 15:43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power;
1 Corinthians 15:44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.
1 Corinthians 15:45 and 15:46 apply to Yeshwa, his physical resurrection and His ascension to Heaven.
1 Corinthians 15:45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.
1 Corinthians 15:46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.
Some people look “too good” physically, some look “too bad” physically. These ones are Satan and the demons, but check anyway using every sort of evaluation.
Build a demon detector that can spot the difference between a materialized angel and a human. People from The Life Center down the street from me looked “too perfect”.
The low Earth Orbit Hubble, will check for the infinite energy field. If Satan and the demons can be visually seen, they can be disrupted or destroyed by increasing the field or removing the field using its polar negative wherever they are.
Here is the secret I know. Once the telescope is in low Earth Orbit, use the most credible and educated “absolutely color blind” person in the world to coordinate everything. Reality is black and white Our eyes cause us to see color, a wonderful thing to know isn’t it. I have perfect color acuity. The whitespace compression in the old Netscape browser took advantage of the graphic creation of characters of DOS in black and white. The lowsrc attribute of the image tag and a white 16×9 image is needed. However it’s much faster if you take the encoding from the CCD in the video camera and send it raw and decode it at the receiving end, not locally. PNG-8 resizes beautifully, and vectorizing it will take the edges off of the pixels if done right. Contact and acquire the technology needed.
Look 24.39 “a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you plainly see that I have“.
The Meshikhi Faith
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (my current legal name)
Worldwide Terrorism

All Government Agents Worldwide are to report to now.
Anyone seeing this web page is to report this immediately to The Government and Media.

Anniversary of 9/11 one month from now exactly.
I graduated from basic training 9/11/1981 and I am being framed.
Aptitude testing in Windsor Ontario June 10, 1981 Communications Research Military Occupation Code 291 (MOC 291), began Basic Training June 25, 1981 and in field training in Granville, Nova Scotia learned how to put together a military field phone.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
Love “and” Mercy
I have come to realize that I am no part of the Bible narrative, it definitely seemed that I was, so I made sure of all things.
Now is the time and now you must know. I was entrapped by subtle means into the Montfort Hospital Hospital by the woman, Sherilyn Sleeman. A coordinated attack was prepared which I thwarted only temporarily. During my first entrapment at Montfort Hospital I saw a woman in a tall chair, strapped in, that looked like a high chair, and she looked like a large baby in it, her screams at night were horrific. With no locks on the doors, even the doors to the toilet and no locks on the shower doors at the time, I knew what had happened. My previous roommate, Avena Thermonville clearly said to me, “you are a baby” which she has said on more than one occasion. They plan to gang rape me because I know everything about the Synagogue of Satan Cult and they want to have sex with me especially anally, to claim I am a homosexual, in support of Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses’ claim that I am a homosexual man and not a woman. I have called upon God because He knows I am a woman, and yet He allows these atrocities to happen to women. All I have ever done is to love God and His Son and to love people. God is love, but He is love without Mercy. I just wanted to let you know who was responsible, if it happens. This is God’s Kingdom under the rule of Yeshwa. God never let anyone touch His people. God has no feelings whatsoever for His Daughters, no natural feelings of a Father for a Daughter at all and neither does His Son, even though it has been proven conclusively that I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 New International Version (NIV) only. They both display love without mercy, and will not lift a finger to help me no matter what. His lack of Mercy for girls is seen all over the streets worldwide, and I have experienced it myself, driving into the dark in a taxi, alone with a man I did not know, at 3am, because I was set up for it.
God is so naive and innocent, He doesn’t even know that the Earth is a living Hell for some people including me, My first time in Montfort I was turned away from the door to dry off, and too men came in and were laughing maniacally at me and left. God is so naive and innocent and Yeshwa is just like Him, that they are dangerous to created females. Mary was overshadowed by God during her pregnancy to ensure Yeshwa was born perfect, displaying God’s ability to protect women during pregnancy against birth defects. And yet He does not do it for other imperfect women. Mary was imperfect. Apparently God does not answer the prayers of people born with birth defects under Yeshwa’s rule. How convenient. I’m sure God will forgive His special boy born without a birth defect. This is injustice. The Bible says “There is no injustice with God”. A trick. Yeshwa has all authority and power except for prayer. God’s hands are conveniently scripturally tied to do anything about His Son’s poor judgement. Only God has enough objectivity as the source of life to take care of women and girls born with a birth defect.
The Meshikhi Faith
With love,
Everything on this page is based on research done on The Internet.
Only the above info derived from the Khaburis Codex likely remains of the absolute truth. Anything that can result in a negative thought about Our Father in Heaven should not be considered part of the Bible narrative, but is a result of The Roman Religion that incorporated Christianity.
People who Love without Mercy only give to make themselves happy, regardless how it makes “you” feel.
Evil people only take, to make themselves happy.
It’s just a game of Give and Take in this Unreality, not real life, not Reality.
Get Real.
Life is Sacred and Love “with” Mercy is Sacred.
Love without mercy is nothing.
Diametrically speaking, Love without Mercy is either Blissfully Unaware and/or stupid about Life or Insane.
Wisdom takes time.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
I would say I know a bit about Life and about Love with Mercy. I am very aware and I am not insane or stupid.

My beautiful website is slated for deletion. I have no money, no place of my own, and only because of the love with mercy displayed by my friend Sheri, am I alive and have food, “for now”. has evidence of my forgiveness and mercy for Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses, who are part of The Synagogue of Satan Cult of which they are a part. God is “conveniently allowing it to be deleted because I have become very inconvenient. If He allows it to be deleted, it is a cover up and a lie. The Bible says “God Cannot Lie”. The Bible is inspired by the sacred spirit. Sin against the sacred spirit is the only unforgiveable sin.
My legal name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, trapped in Canada, a Commonwealth country controlled by The Royal Family in England, “in Reality”.
I am Summer deFernihough in fact.
Meshikhi are not competitive
Google the word competitive and these are the words that come up related to being competitive:
relating to or characterized by competition. ”a competitive sport”
Similar: ruthless merciless aggressive fierce dog-eat-dog cutthroat
Meshikhi are not competitive, we only love. We can strive to be “as good as” someone at what they do, but we do not try to “beat” them. One day I hope to sing as good as Etta James and to dance as well as Christina Aguilera. This is how to think, not to want to be better than someone else.
We want to be bff (best friends forever) with everyone, even that cannot be competitive and maybe especially that. Now you understand how to think.
Men and women will be perfect in “every” way soon. All women know what I mean. After Adam and Eve sinned, they became “imperfect”.
Competition is not good for anyone, especially in family, friendship and the arts.
rivalry · competitiveness · vying · contesting · opposition · contention · conflict · feuding · battling · fighting · struggling · strife · war
- an event or contest in which people compete:”a beauty competition”synonyms:contest · tournament · match · game · round · heat · fixture · event · meet · encounter · race · bout · fight · prize fight · quiz · trials · stakes · clash
- the person or people with whom one is competing, especially in a commercial or sporting arena; the opposition:”I walked around to check out the competition”synonyms:opposition · opposing side · other side · other team · field · enemy · foe · challengers · opponents · rivals · opposers · adversaries · fellow contenders · fellow competitors · corrivals
Meshikhi men and women who have the sacred spirit spirit of Our Creator are NOT “competitive”. Only evil men abuse women. The cycle of abuse ends now.
I thought I would try online dating, maybe to get 1 minute of love in this world. I am a virgin, but I texted with a guy and gave him the best sexual experience of all time, hoping it would satisfy him and I could just talk to a nice guy without any sexual talk. He even admitted it was the best ever. But instead of loving words or anything romantic or anything loving, he said, “Let me tell you about my cock”. I wouldn’t have minded later and it may even have been a fun time, but I wanted more than sex. So I tactfully said something to try and chane the subject for a minute. No response. I thought, maybe he fell aseep or something, because it was late and I have done late night texting before and it does happen. Then I realized He had hung up.
Whoever you were, if you are reading this, it was nice meeting your penis, but I was hoping to meet a man who might love me. This was before I was sure about Heaven. The wind blows where it wants to, so are all those born of the spirit. I am sure now. I want to live on Earth, in L.A. I’m always cold and I really need a change.
So, I’ve got $9 left and about half a pack of cigarettes. When I run out, Evil men and Satan will stop bothering me, and I will stop coughing unnaturally, and they will say I got better because I’m not smoking, which is bullshit. 100% Natural cigarettes, dried and rolled, with a natural tightly packed cotton filter are no problem and are about as addictive as a cup of coffee. They are not related to spiritism in any way and are not sexually suggestive in any way and are not “holy smokes”. I smoke them down to the filter every time and field strip them on cement every time, I am a very safety conscious smoker. I do not smoke to relax, I like to relax and have a cigarette and a perfect fresh cup of coffee. My family were tobacco merchants, ironically.
Nothing is more powerful than love with mercy, not even infinite power and strength, not even absolute power and authority from Our Creator, except for prayer, not even my friend Sheri, the top operative in The Synagogue of Satan Cult. I’ve explained everything to her and she is fine. Because of His secret love for Mary Magdalene, and the fact that He is “The Son of David”, and the fact that He was a man while He was on Earth, and didn’t know about voice register frequencies and their effect on brain/whole body communications, He figures He can either force me to go to Heaven and change my nature to masculine and make me one of the 144,000 because I would lose my nurturing quality as a woman and He and Our Creator and Satan Have proved they can do it, but it would be absolute murder one and Our Creator would be His accomplice. I’d be happy and never even know I ever existed as me, because they would alter my reality against my will. We are supposed to have free will. Well, not exactly. Those who go to heaven and all those in Heaven are only love, NOT “Love with Mercy”. Love without mercy only benefits the giver. Love without mercy is nothing. And I would be nothing but an unreality that makes someone else happy, but me as I am, and everything I ever was or wanted to do in life would be gone. I would be the happiest person I’m sure, but in reality I would truly be dead, and it would seem absolutely normal to me and to them.
That’s what it is like to have an insane artist as a Creator. Total and absolute unreality and bullshit.
I have trouble getting up after sitting down for a while, and I’ve always known that Yeshwa in Heaven wanted to alter my reality and have me be married to a woman. I know with the creative power that He has, He can certainly do it, but it is murder one.
The Munsters. That’s Watch Tower and The Synagogue of Satan Cult. Totally loveable, totally cute, and no one seems to notice there is something different about them.
I am a woman, I am not a lesbian and it is gross what I have experienced. I am held against my will using subtlety and I have been told that way I will be murdered.
I left a bread crumb trail a trillion miles long, but I don’t know if anyone will see it because Our Creator will do anything to protect His Son, The First of His Children in Heaven, and accuse me of anything to do so. That is a cover up and a lie. The Bible says “God cannot lie” and “there is no injustice with God”. That is pure bullshit. And the evidence is all over the Earth, people all over the streets in a war zone between God and Satan. I only know somehow that no matter what happens, I’ll be with people who only love, with mercy.
Micronize all medications in a centrifuge for faster relief and even molecularize them for INSTANT relief. Pills must be very tiny for people like me who have Acute Esophageal Spasm. Esophageal Cancer from cigarettes with chemical cocktails in them, is caused because the chemicals sit in phlegm in the Esophagus. The curing process in organic cigarettes is also a problem. Natural 100% dried and rolled cigarettes with an adequate filter to remove environmental factors introduced into the environment through industrialization are no problem. Chemical combinations are synthesizing extra tar and possibly Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) and Lactose.
With love,
Love with Mercy,
Just a nice girl from Chatham, Ontario, Canada born with a birth defect, I had it removed surgically. As for my Creator and His Son, The First of His Children in Heaven, sorry for for living and being so inconvenient for you. Makes me wish I had never read The Bible, until you pull a fast one at the end and actually pull The Real Bible on people, once I am conveniently out of the way. I’m sure Yeshwa and Mary Magdalene will get together one day, and it will be a happy occasion in Heaven. And everyone will congratulate them and throw a party for them. And I’ll be there. My ashes will be hung high above all the wedding guests.
My Mother is Winnifred Florence deFernihough and I am her Daughter, The Glittering Sword of God in her hand. She gave me the faith that I have. Chatham girls are strong. Chatham in Hebrew means “sealed”, at least that’s what I found on the Internet.
Our Creator does not foreordain anything… but He foresees everything…
But not this time.
I have love with mercy, but I’m not stupid.
Bathsheba was conveniently located right next door to David. Beautiful kids. Yeshwa was said to the most handsome among men.
Psalms 45.2 You are the most handsome of men; grace has anointed your lips, since God has blessed you forever. King James Bible Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God hath blessed thee for ever. New King James Version
Look for me in every revision of wordpress and look for my name using The Wayback Machine on The Internet.
Then you will know me,
Zoe Lalu Ahlalu
Life Love The spirit of love
Just a name, but significant in meaning. Must be another coincidence.

The New Reality Emergency Action Plan
I have chosen Pamela Melroy, Deputy Minister at NASA to complete the new energy source research.
All agencies are to coordinate with her using @Astro_Pam via Twitter
The New Microsoft Windows Personal Computer
The Earth’s Weather System is self correcting and we will fix it by removing all fossil fuel emissions worldwide in every country.
A lithium battery that is a safe alternative to nuclear batteries. In the first step, the lithium is micronized in a centrifuge. It is then reduced further to the molecular level and packed into a battery casing. There is no on/off state, only on all the time for consumer devices. The batteries will vary in size from the size of a power station down to A SIZE THAT FITS INSIDE A CONSUMER DEVICE.
All sine waves are to be eliminated.
This will eliminate all wired electricity, the grid has been compromised and is used by terrorists.
And here is a nice car to go with your new battery.
For the electric car, the rotation of the wheels of the car generate electricity, and charge the battery at the same time. Only a sufficient battery to start the vehicle moving is needed, Once the vehicle reaches 60kpm, the rotation of the wheels of the car, take over from the battery and power the vehicle.
Only a switch is needed to change from battery power to power generated by the rotation of the wheels.
All of these things are “my” ideas only. They belong to no one else.
MICROSOFT ACPI has been hacked by Iran.
The Windows ACPI driver, Acpi. sys, is an inbox component of the Windows operating system. The responsibilities of Acpi. sys include support for power management and Plug and Play (PnP) device enumeration. On hardware platforms that have an ACPI BIOS, the HAL causes Acpi.Dec 14, 2021
Memory address 4EBB in memory manufactured in China in Microsoft Windows based personal computers is going to be used to discredit Western Culture, what the Axis of Evil Calls “The Evil West”.
How it works.
1500 Megabytes of RAM and the operating system in static RAM.
Unhackable, no firewall required, no antivirus required.
Don’t use Chinese memory. It’s a terrible thing they are doing at memory address 4EBB to frighten people out of their mind with pictures of them naked or having sex or who knows what, personalized for an asymmetrical attack.
Buy American (AMI is the best I’ve seen)
You don’t need to drag Silicon through space, burn it in for one month.
Micronize all medications in a centrifuge for faster relief and even molecularize them for INSTANT relief. Pills must be very tiny for people like me who have Acute Esophageal Spasm. Esophageal Cancer from cigarettes with chemical cocktails in them, is caused because the chemicals sit in phlegm in the Esophagus. The curing process in organic cigarettes is also a problem. Natural 100% dried and rolled cigarettes with an adequate filter to remove environmental factors introduced into the environment through industrialization are no problem. Chemical combinations are synthesizing extra tar and possibly Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) and Lactose.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (Summer deFernihough in fact)
March 30, 2021 also tell him the amp chases the volt
A message sent to my daddy. I learned it by observing Creation. Lightning then thunder.
It’s mine, I own it and I have proof. I’ve been ripped off my whole life by powerful men who thought I was a moron. If you believe in evolution, “you” are the morons and you are The Flintstones and I am Jane Jetson. Higgs boson is a magnet.
Higgs boson: The ‘god particle’ explained | Space
Further, the Plasma rocket is the best solution and the plasma should be contained in a magnetic bottle.
Traveling to Mars with immortal plasma rockets (
I just wanted people to know I could have been a quadrillionaire money-wise, but I decided to serve God instead and spiritual things.
I am the Inventor of The Bandwidth Eliminator (Internet Logic Circuit)
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
Please take care of my friend Rhonda Mayer (maybe Meyer) and my friend Glen Evans in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan who invested in the original Bandwidth Eliminator Research (ILC – Internet Logic Circuit). I aquired the dual login information from Galacticomm legally, for $10,000 provided by Helen Carter, CEO of Inasec at the time. Please help her as well. I recognized that when a browser was logged in and the web page was frozen, logging in to a second instance of the browser made it faster.
Avoid Aluminum/Copper mix that causes heat. Apply power that would normally be applied to WiFi, to Bluetooth, it is a more elegant solution.
Gender Identity Solved.
I have “Pandora”. We can now help people understand and fix the problem very quickly. Spike in adrenaline, boost in testosterone, when a woman is frightened while pregnant. Masculinization in the womb happens if it’s a girl.
Gender Identity Solved.
I have “Pandora”. We can now help people understand and fix the problem very quickly. Estrogens introduced into the environment and hormones in food, cause feminization of boys in the womb.
Complete instructions for people with birth defects to understand their reality, including precise voice register training to harmonize the limbic nucleus with brain/whole body communication will be done regardless of what point in life they have full self realization.
Homosexuality referred to in The Bible is referring to homosexuality as a Lifestyle Choice, not Gender Identity related issues.
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are guilty of ignorance regarding Gender Identity issues in people and sexual harrassment of people who are experiencing life as themselves for the first time even later in life. They cleanse their congregations of people with birth defects and they experience torture unimaginable as Satan and the demons try to remove their reality of their actual gender. Elders of Jehovah’s Witnesses told me that men have a feminine side. This is not true, because men are made in God’s Image and He is 100% singular masculine according to The Bible. This is supported by the book The Rise, Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion by James B. Hannay, first published in 1925 which identified THE TWO SEX GOD JEHOVAH.
God took the rib from Adam, the area of the body with the required genetic material. Then artistic dynamic symmetry was added to Create the Woman, Eve. Males are created with static symmetry. Static symmetry and dynamic symmetry look beautiful side by side in people. My artistic dynamic symmetry was erased, precisely erased. But my smile was preserved. And the scar, no doubt from a steel toed boot, to add the ultimate signature of the most masculinized face possible under my left eye, seen in a certain light, the scar of a holy knight that I imagined as I read about Sparhawk and C’nedra. I identified with C’nedra, I used to read Science Fantasy and I read Science Fantasy novels before I read the Bible. I purchased them at White Dwarf Books in Vancouver and my favorite author was David Eddings, Because He Created a world without using any references that would remind me about this world we live in, and I could truly escape this world as I read. One series spanning 10 years by an author with a very creative imagination.
David Carroll Eddings (July 7, 1931 – June 2, 2009 ) was an American fantasy writer. With his wife Leigh, he authored several best-selling epic fantasy novel series, including The Belgariad (1982–84)
I was posted in Inuvik, Northwest Territories in Canada from 1982-1984 or 1985. I can’t remember offhand, a very isolated place, with not overly much to do and one TV Channel, CBC Inuvik, and the only American content was Barney Miller.
Watch Tower is the epicenter of The Roman Religion II.
Paul said, “if I do not have love, I am nothing. So True.
Death is unnatural. Evil is nothing.
Life is Sacred. Love with Mercy is Sacred.
Love without Mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver and makes them happy in their reality and satisfies them.
Evil is Nothing.
Love without Mercy is also nothing.
This Earth is covered with evidence that evil is allowed to coexist with love, this is unnatural.
East never meets west, there is no middle ground and there is no neutral exchange and there is no agreement in any way between love and evil.
Complex issues arise with Gender Identity when people are not able to even understand the laws of natural creation instituted by God and they have decades of Gender Identity conditioning and are unaware of it, except during times of absolute privacy, almost impossible for most people. God did not even know that frequency of the vocal registers along with brain whole body communication caused spirit people to perceive women as males. Masculine spiritual activity in any way is only torture and makes her experience unreality and I was physically altered from having a swan neck to having a lump in my throat. I screamed for mercy to Heaven and received no mercy.
Bees are a curiosity of life aren’t they? On the one hand they make sweet delicious honey and pollinate beautiful flowers. But they can also sting, and some of them more than others. Well, if you ever experienced pain personally, you might rethink the design, and give it some other design.
A love romance drama at a convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada is the other answer.
Two women have two different experiences. One chooses a godly man and one chooses an ungodly man and they end up both getting married. The woman who chooses the ungodly man experiences an unhappy life while the woman who chooses the godly man is happy. The poignant scene in the drama happens when the godly man hands the woman a rose. The thorn on the rose stem produces pain, and she believes that God has provided this man and that it is the right choice. It is a spiritual decision.
The Silver Thorn of A Loving Rose. The rose is associated with love.
Love without Mercy is nothing.
Where there is no Mercy, there is no God and No Son of God, as in the Bible.
God allows Satan to use virtual reality with haptic capability that can be felt, as they experience “His” world. It is an unreality.
The Bible gives away the plan of God. When Satan and the demons are no longer around, then people will experience “Reality” and even wild animals will be tame.
I wondered why I was allowed to experience great love and joy one moment as a happy woman and horror and death the next moment and wanting to die as I was masculinized using the horrific combination of ruach, a male thing in my upper respiratory tract, male voices in my mouth and external masculinization of parts of my body, even my vagina. That’s Satan’s World, a virtual world where you are alive in the fullest sense one moment and have radiant joy, and dead the next moment, experiencing suicidal morbid thoughts the next. No matter how much I screamed in agony, no how much I begged for mercy to Heaven, to God an His Son , there was no answer.
After 23 years of Biblical Research and 15 years of Communications Research, I have understood that “all” religions have one thing in common. There is love among the laity, that makes them believe that they must have found “The Truth” and the religious leaders are all listening to Satan and the demons who have no power from God, but utilize the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM Spectrum) in a way that makes it impossible for humans to experience Reality at all.
Using Photons, Chemical Reactions and The Radio portion of the Electromagnetic Spectrum,(EM Spectrum) in addition to spiritual virtual hell with haptic capability to make people look totally without reason and absolutely crazy, unaware of reality.
Yet God explains at Deuteronomy explains that we have no personal power.
Duteronomy 18.14 The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, (insert Name of God Here) “your God has not permitted you to do so“. ~New International Version (NIV).
I was entrapped by Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses twice in a mental hospital twice, injected with 4000mg, the standard “shot” they inject you with, and each time was unable to sleep with restless legs syndrome in addition to my torture. I am now physically unable to endure anymore, and yer God allows it to continue. I will likely be entrapped again, be unable to sleep, and in my depleted state, my death will look completely natural. A crazy woman, but not in reality. I have been lucid the whole time in reality, but when I checked to see if my psychiatrist at Montfort Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, had received the leaked Government Report about The Mental Health of Jehovah’s Witnesses from a .gov Internet address, submitted by Montfort Hospital web form, he said He hadn’t received it.
A leaked government report from a .gov web address [PDF]
The mental health of Jehovah’s Witnesses
J Spencer
PMID: 1174772 DOI: 10.1192/bjp.126.6.556
The function of religion in human society is complex. The part played by religion in psychiatric disorders is even more obscure. Previous literature and theories are divided into two groups: one school believes that intense religiosity is a symptom-complex indicative of psychiatric disorder, while the opposing view is that religious belief in some way acts as a defence mechanism protecting the individual and his psyche. The present study of 50 Jehovah’s Witnesses admitted to the Mental Health Service facilities of Western Australia suggests that members of this section of the community are more likely to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital than the general population. Furthermore, followers of the sect are three times more likely to be diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia and nearly four times more likely from paranoid schizophrenia than the rest of the population at risk. These findings suggest that being a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses faith may be a risk factor predisposing to a schizophrenic illness. Further studies would be interesting in investigating whether pre-psychotic people are more likely to join the sect than normal people and what part (if any) membership has in bringing about such a breakdown. [PDF]
Watch Tower teaches there is no hell. Kinda convenient.
Life for some people is hell on Earth, while for others it is a dreamy blissful experience. Satan uses this asymmetrical pattern of leaving some people alone completely, while torturing others without mercy non-stop.
With love,
Summer deFernihough

Anniversary of 9/11 one month from now exactly.
I graduated from basic training 9/11/1981 and I am being framed.
Aptitude testing in Windsor Ontario June 10, 1981 Communications Research Military Occupation Code 291 (MOC 291), began Basic Training June 25, 1981 and in field training in Granville, Nova Scotia learned how to put together a military field phone.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
Our Creator knows all times and seasons
Isaiah 8.18 Here am I, and the children God has given me.
15 “I do not request that you take them out of the world, but that “you watch over them” because of the wicked one.
“Take care of my Children”. No, you watch over them.
Paul said “without love I am nothing”.
Evil is nothing.
Love without Mercy is nothing.
To judge anyone, God would have to live each of the 20,000,000,000 for 7000 years. Also, I’d rather suffer for 1 day and be on a cross for 3 hours than live on Hamburger Hill for 7 years, as your body is blown apart with a sub machine gun. And it doesn’t leave a mark…
We are allowed to be virtualized by Satan, tortured endlessly, in farce trials of Satan. Satan taunts Our Creator to get Him to hand us over to be eaten as food. That is Satan’s ulterior motive. Skin in behalf of skin is a lie. Satan’s favorite food is Christian Women. And God doesn’t do anything about it and Yeshua doesn’t do anything about it.
I begged God to bring people spiritual relief, I am a nurturing woman, Love with Mercy. I believe Life is Sacred. I am innocent of every accusation of Watch Tower and every accusation of this world. And I am a woman soldier in The Army of Calvary. Funny thing, no one touched God’s people under “His” rule and He fought evil to bring His people into The Promised Land.
God says He doesn’t change, well neither do I. I can’t tolerate bullshit and “No one” touches my little ones. Remember you are my little ones, always in my heart and I am proud of you. You are always beautiful to me.
My little ones know me as Robochick. Wait til you meet Robocop. Read this entire page and get trained using the links under the “Stupid Satan Tricks” menu at
Don’t try to fight evil and win like I did little ones, you might not pass the Christianity torture test. Right… Check…
If you are in the dark forest, Satan is the one wearing the bright yellow fluorescent rain coat.
If you want to watch Satan on TV remember that spirit people are made of “finer” stuff. The infinite energy field may be found using sensors that are powered by trees. God is spirit, not energy. Do not worship trees like the Druids do.
Worth every moment for me little ones, I do not regret one moment and my conscience is clean and my heart is overjoyed about you.
All I ever did was to love Our Creator, To love His Son The First of His Children in Heaven, and to love people. I never was one of The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan, but for a long time I thought I was. It was a trick done to me while I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I always felt safe with Our Creator, now I know My entire Brain and Mind were just a game of Wi for Satan. Virtual Reality with Haptic capability confirmed.
Summer deFernihough
Canadian Armed Forces Military Id# D12004878
All I ever wanted to be was a little servant girl telling Naaman, “Go to the Prophet in Y’rushalom and He will help you” and Deborah encouraging Barak. I never even wanted my name mentioned, but this became impossible.
Hey Watch Tower, never did by the /j/.
X-SAMPA International rules of translation, buddyboos. Americanist phonetic notation, the yod (yodh) is always translated as a /y/ when translating Hebrew to English. The Name is Yehowah, Yeho means “God”. You seem to have a habit of breaking the rules. Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God. You strained out the gnat but gulped down the camel Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The camel was forgetting mercy. Love without mercy is nothing. You are so dismissive of people. You don’t see the tears of the lowly ones or hear their cries. And when they pour out their soul to you, you do not listen to them. You will find many of the people born with birth defects that you threw away like garbage at UUA. We know you hate us.
These are God’s Children Watch Tower not garbage. The Bible refers to homosexuality as a lifestyle choice, not Gender Identity issues. Guess they ruin “the look” you are going for, “Nazi North Korea”.

Someone tell George Walker Bush he is needed immediately and he must not let Donald Trump do anything, it is a Critical National and International Security Emergency and that I believe he was absolutely right about The Axis of Evil and I need to talk to him at the Oval Office A MONTH AGO. I need Emergency Extraction from this country and need to be on U.S. soil before I am murdered. I am actually the legitimate heiress of William The Conquerer, can prove it, but Canada is “owned” by Prince Charles and I can’t get out. I do not want to be killed, knowing what I know. If anyone believes Life is Sacred and has love with mercy and will read this entire web page, everything that I said is possible.
I want to change my name to Summer deFernihough officially, so please prepare my American Identification accordingly.
I have 15 Years of Communications Research Experience
and 23 Years of Biblical Research Experience
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, CD
Canadian Decoration and NATO clasp
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
Military Occupation Code 291 (MOC 291)
Communications Research Specialist
If you are looking for the evidence that Vladimir Putin is antisemitic and anti American, supported by The Bible, see my previous posts, that prove he is after Israel. he is The Next Hitler. Russia is currently The King of The North in The Bible under Vladimir Putin in The Book of Daniel, Chapter 11, in The Bible
Summer deFernihough (based on my mother’s maiden name)
Summer, Princess if The British Empire in fact.
+1 613-894-5871
The Earth’s is self correcting and we can fix climate and pollution, simply and easily, and the Earth will self correct.
Full info for everything needed to complete the plan for the fastest communications system on Earth, a new energy source to replace fossil fuels and a momentum engine at the core of all future automotive designs, based on the new energy technology.
All deficits are to be paid off immediately using the microeconomic and macroeconomic formula provided. This is an emergency.
The details are hidden within the narrative but easily discerned.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Mr. God is a male Father, infinite in power and ability, who does not know the difference between right and wrong, a male, diametrically opposite to Satan, but a male nonetheless.
If He can not judge between right and wrong, He cannot judge anyone, ever.
Do not be fooled, there is obviously a Creator. There has never been an experiment that proves that Life comes from non-Life and there never will be.
God is accused of allowing a spirit Son from Heaven to be in the Garden of Eden with innocent Children and refuses to admit He made a mistake. This is the original Sin. Sending His Son to Earth to atone for His mistake and letting Him be tortured to such a heinous degree is not comprehensible in reality, to cover this Sin, there is no other word I can use but “cover”. The fact that this is an unreality created by Satan, is no excuse and condemns God further of being a Father with no natural feelings for anyone, except those He approves according to His version of right and wrong in “His” Mind. This is my Reality and I can not with a clean conscience allow you live this way anymore, being a nurturing woman who has love with mercy, believes that Life is Sacred, want no glory, and have unlimited ability to fix things and help you. I am a nice Christian Lady from Chatham, Ontario and that’s all. All I have ever done is to love God and His Son and love people, and had bad relationships because I did not understand my reality until March 2016. I am a 58 year old, post menopausal woman who has become alive in the fullest sense, but almost destroyed because of living in an Unreality. But Life now makes sense and I will continue to reason with people and that is all to treat Life as Sacred and to have Love with Mercy. I am The result of the Bible and I saw your love and faith and had to help you and bring you spiritual relief, no matter what, based on absolute faith in The Bible and The Sacrifice of Yeshwa and His Example that makes Life possible. He is the finest soldier that has ever existed or ever will exist for all eternity and shall be honored as such before anyone else on Remembrance Day. Yeshwa is “The” Fallen. He exemplifies everything The Army of Calvary believe in, in the absolute sense and we are absolutely loyal to Him, no matter what, and we are no way Jose’ about it. One is Our Leader, The Christ, Yeshwa Christ in Heaven, and He is The Perfect example for Military People and those who serve and Minister to others. And we all feel this way in our soul about Him and we don’t want any other Leader but Him.
The placement of The Tree of Death in The Garden of Eden proves that He placed temptation in the Earth.
The statement in the Bible, do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil is ridiculous in the absolute sense. I previously translated the Greek to say, Do not let us succumb to temptation, but deliver us from evil makes more sense. It means do not let us be overpowered by temptation.
DO NOT BE FOOLED, THE PRINCIPLES IN THE BIBLE ARE SOUND AND MUST BE OBEYED, I AM NOT GOD, AND HAVE NO POWER ACCORDING TO DEUTERONOMY CHAPTER 18. BUT I DO HAVE REASONING POWER AND THINKING ABILITY. I THINK THEREFORE I EXIST AND HAVE LIFE. MY NAME IS Zoe Lalu Ahlalu. It means Life, Love, The spirit of Love. (no, I am not a spirit). It means “in the spirit of”, don’t try to double talk about this. It is only my name and I am not these things, however my name does have deep meaning. I am above no one, nor below anyone. We are brothers and sisters, I am one of you and have lived for 58 years with you. I am a woman born with a birth defect and had it removed. To say otherwise is a lie.
Now I will help you be unafraid and lucid about Life if you have been placed in this Unreality by God or have not yet learned about God but live a life of good conscience, and are innocent in your conscience and believe that Life is Sacred and also believe that Love with Mercy, is Sacred.
Satan is an ordinary person, about five feet six inches tall, relaxed length hair, an ugly disposition, unwashed looking and stupid to the infinite degree. Revealing himself to me after doing evil to me and succeeding and then being an arrogant asshole about it it, but so stupid, He revealed his actual appearance. All the demons are like this also. Any evil image you see that contradicts this fact is to be ignored and called “The Cartoon Network”. Satan and the demons are pure evil with evil intent. This is the nature of evil. Satan and the demons are feral people with large frontal lobes, and has existed since The Morning of Creation.
God is Sacred because He gave us Life and He is Love. However, He blatantly does not understand Life or Love in any way. He is a nefarious (heinous) person who will not admit He made a mistake to the infinite degree and never will. We are Meshikhi and Yeshwa as He was on Earth is Sacred to us because He showed us The Way and atoned for The Original Sin of God. Only by faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshwa and by His example was I able to understand The Truth of Love with Mercy and that Life is Sacred in my Reality.
1 Peter 3.18 Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the spirit. For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.
Once for all time means that we have no requirement to suffer.
The scripture says “be faithful until death”, NOT, “Be tortured until death. We halso have no reason to be tortured until death, at all.
God refused to repent, even though I gave Him a Solution to Evil. If a person becomes evil with no love and mercy, they should instantly and automatically cease to exist. But evil did not cease to exist and so I decided to just just be a nice, funny, Christian lady and forget my Creator’s Reality entirely. All I have ever done, is to love God and His Son and to love people. I will continue to do so, but would die in an unreality if I were to accept my Creator’s Reality, which is that He is a male, 100% singular masculine. Decent men who love their wife with mercy and also their children with mercy and accept them regardless of anything physical, gives me a blazing hope that I may find a husband who will accept me as is “for now” in “my” Reality.
Ahyah is God’s Name in English and His Son’s Name is Yeshwa English according to X-SAMPA INTERNATIONAL RULES OF TRANSLATION.
As I stated earlier, Love without mercy defies reason and confuses people. When I decided Ahyah previously, Everything made sense and I sensed there was someone somewhere who loved me. I am a nurturing woman, to lose mercy, I would no longer be who I am, a nurturing woman.
Repellent Christianity makes no sense to people.
Christianity with mercy makes sense, and we do everything to help people and saving MORE people makes sense. That is reasonable to any thinking person.
We will leave it to The Levites with Yeshwa to decide, but if the men get to choose, I fear that they will choose love without mercy and repellent Christianity, Which makes no sense. So we will make the reasonable choice and consider that Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred and that is that. It could be that the choice was made by males to have repellent Christianity and Save less people and that is a male point of view and no woman wants to lose her love and mercy, because if we did we would become unnurturing women, when people are in need of desperate help.
Something went wrong. I am obviously here to fix it. We certainly are not battling the Lamb, if we are doing Christianity that attracts people and helps them at the same time and saves more people. Zechariah 14.9 must be fulfilled and it will have to be the choice of the men. But I personally feel, it was another mistake to choose repellent Christianity when we have it in our power to help people. Ahyah sent me is all I know for sure, so that is how it will stay for now. I am not a King nor a Priest according to Ecclesiastes 7.28 which states that there was no women among the Priests, so I will keep my place as a woman and let the men decide.
Keep these things in mind and know the truth.
Love without mercy is nothing.
Love without mercy doesn’t even make sense at all.
We women know.
Men do not like to admit that they have made a mistake,
And you can’t tell a man that he is wrong.
Well, excuse us women, but we do occasionally have an idea that is better, from a nurturing woman’s point of view, I solved the problem of eliminating evil in more than one way and still the problem I experienced persists. The Name will remain Ahyah with Hebrew letter ba until the Levite men say otherwise and that is that.
It may defy scripture but it is true.
Life is Sacred. Love with mercy is Sacred, but this might only make sense to women who want to save more people, and not repel them. This is the view of a woman who nurtures and not a male view.
Will we be destroyed us for wanting to get freezing people off of the street and making this possible? It is a position that defies reason and that is incomprehensible and impossible to defend, repellent Christianity.
Viva la Difference.
The Scene of the Crime – The Garden of Eden
The naiveté of Our Creator. Innocence itself. And Yeshwa is just like Our Creator. Satan is evil. Meanness itself. Mary Magdaline is in love with Yeshwa and Yeshwa is, like most men, oblivious. Unfortunately, like David, Yeshwa has secretly loves Mary and Our Family needs to pray for Yeshwa in Heaven and Mary Magdalene. Ask father to sit them down and have them ask each other, “Do you love me?”
I have been trapped in every way and threatened with murder by this cult member prior to this while she was controlled. It is now an emergency.

God told the man, you listen to me and I have told the woman, listen to the man.
Satan operates in the bedroom and the bathroom.
God does not look in the bedroom or the bathroom.
To me the sheath of an uncircumcized man is “yuk”.
And I wondered at the shape of it, and told God about it and that circumcision was a good call on His part.
As regard the shape of the sheath, I imagined it upside down. And from a man’s point of view, it looks like a ziggurat.
Satan spoke from the man’s uncircumcised penis and told him that as a reward for being good, he was to ask Eve to go to the tree of life and tell her “eat from the tree, and if it is good, bring it back to me”.
So Eve went to the tree of life, and Satan talked to her using a serpent’s mouth.
A snake is a phallic shape, and the serpent said to her, “eat from the tree and you will become like God, knowing good and bad. God has no bad thoughts, and is innocent, like a child.
The Bible says, God cannot look upon evil. Love is diametrically opposite to evil and love is naturally opposed to evil.
Eve did not communicate with God during the encounter at the tree, because she was obeying the man.
Genesis 2.16, And God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
But she knew the law concerning the tree and quoted it.
Genesis 3.2 2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”
Another clue, the serpent was touching the tree, but was still alive.
4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, “who was with her“, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.~NIV
Here is the New World Translation version.
Genesis 3.2 2 At this the woman said to the serpent: “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden.+ 3 But God has said about the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden:+ ‘You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it; otherwise you will die.’” 4 At this the serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die.+ 5 For God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad.”+6 Consequently, the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was something desirable to the eyes, yes, the tree was pleasing to look at. So she began taking of its fruit and eating it.+ Afterward, she also gave some to her husband “when he was with her“, and he began eating it.+ 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized that they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves together and made loin coverings for themselves.+
Satan knew that eventually, there would be blonde women on Earth, as there are blonde women in Heaven. Blonde women are highly prized in The Middle East. He told the man that Eve would become a blonde, and showed Him a vision of Eve as a blonde in the bedroom while they were having sex.
Satan’s joke is “Gentlemen prefer blondes”.
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses also have visions in the bedroom, that they believe they are given to them before they enter the bedroom, how their partner will look in Paradise.
My Hilarious take on The Tower of Babel. The Tower was shaped like a ziggurat. God told them “No! Don’t do that, and confused the languages, so they could no longer work together.
Genesis 11:4
The Tower was likely a ziggurat.
“And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.”
King James Version (KJV)
The ziggurats in Babylon are evidence. They are similar in shape to the upside down sheath of an uncircumcised penis.
Oddly enough, my experience at Bruce and Joan Donelley’s house, two of Jehovah’s Witnesses, may hold the key.
They are both good cooks and I was offered to try some Leechee fruit. Bruce Donnelly grimaced, however, both Joan and I did not grimace while eating it.
To a girl it has a pleasant and familiar taste. But a man has a natural aversion to it.
It tastes like semen.
Only a girl born with a birth defect could figure out this mystery. Well, young people try things and that’s that.
I have no memory before I was 3 years old. I was born blonde, but my hair later turned dark brown, but I dye it blonde and found a natural shade of blonde.
I’m a natural born blonde who likes Leechee fruit and that’s that. I’m in a love triangle that includes Me, Yeshwa in Heaven and Mary Magdelene. Mary Magdeline is in love with Yeshwa in Heaven and He is in love with her secretly in His heart and His incredible power, given to Him by God (except for prayer) is affecting me. I’m a reasonable woman, but I’m not going to be the victim in a crazy love triangle either. Yeshwa in Heaven is “The Son of David” and He can say “I didn’t do anything, and not lift a finger”, but one day it is inevitable He and Mary Magdeline will get together and it will look innocent.
Matthew 27.46 allows for the translation, Lamp, Lamp, this is my destiny, and that’s that. There’s no reason that this cannot end well (but not well) if the two of them are told by Father to sit down and have a glass of wine and ask each other “Do you love me?”
Paul said, if I don’t have love, I am nothing.
Satan is evil, he is nothing.
But love without mercy is also nothing.
Love without mercy is nothing.
Love without mercy is insane.
My situation is insane.
Someone has been trying all my life during each operation to find out about everything and stole every idea I ever had and sold them.
They want to clone me because I have perfect DNA and a super immune system. And they want desperately to say I am a man to hide The Inner Circle and The Synagogue of Satan Cult information and to prevent me from reaching The President of The United States of America.
Here’s the rest of the computer.
1500 Megabytes of RAM and the operating system in static RAM.
Unhackable, no firewall required, no antivirus required.
You are some cool cats little ones. Thank you for such a beautiful flower too.
Don’t use Chinese memory. It’s a terrible thing they are doing at memory address 4EBB to frighten people out of their mind with pictures of them naked or having sex or who knows what, personalized for an asymmetrical attack.
Buy American (AMI is the best I’ve seen)
You don’t need to drag Silicon through space, burn it in for one month.
Micronize all medications in a centrifuge for faster relief and even molecularize them for INSTANT relief. Pills must be very tiny for people like me who have Acute Esophageal Spasm. Esophageal Cancer from cigarettes with chemical cocktails in them, is caused because the chemicals sit in phlegm in the Esophagus. The curing process in organic cigarettes is also a problem. Natural 100% dried and rolled cigarettes with an adequate filter to remove environmental factors introduced into the environment through industrialization are no problem. Chemical combinations are synthesizing extra tar and possibly Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) and Lactose.
Please take care of my friend Rhonda Mayer (maybe Meyer) and my friend Glen Evans in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan who invested in the original Bandwidth Eliminator Research (ILC – Internet Logic Circuit). I aquired the dual login information from Galacticomm legally, for $10,000 provided by Helen Carter, CEO of Inasec at the time. Please help her as well. I recognized that when a browser was logged in and the web page was frozen, logging in to a second instance of the browser made it faster.
Avoid Aluminum/Copper mix that causes heat. Apply power that would normally be applied to WiFi, to Bluetooth, it is a more elegant solution.
With love,
Summer (Lalu)
Love “and” Mercy
Created Person Improved Design
Once a person has zero love, why do they not automatically disappear? Based on neural activity in the heart. (spirit people and physical people). I’m sure an infinitely intelligent Creator with love and mercy could come up with a solution like that. The heart has 40,000 neurons, that can remember and feel. Perhaps Our Creator should reexamine that, instead allowing evil to continue. Of course that would be an act of mercy. Mercy is an elevated quality, or perhaps those words of Star Trek are inappropriate. Mercy is not a quality that is dispensible. Love with Mercy is Sacred and Life is Sacred, even mine, to someone.
prior art: created person who has no love and is allowed to keep living as an evil monster. Original design, nothing but problems.
4:00am Monday 8, August, 2022
Newer idea, absolutely free will but not capable of sinning.
Copyrighted ideas, mine, a woman, Our Creator may not use my ideas or steal them but may license them for eternity.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Summer deFernihough
Summer, Princess if The British Empire in fact.
Tell God that He may contact me at
+1 613-894-5871
Proving Women are smarter than men and that I can improve anything ever created.
Please pray to Our Creator and ask Him if He is interested in my new design idea.
God can do this simple adjustment any time and get rid of all evil people, spirit or physical. why doesn’t He
Women are not to use ANY online dating sites anymore. The adaptive Artificial Intelligence Technology used is too powerful and women become prey for evil men. This is absolute. There is now too much known about women and how their weaknesses by evil men for it to exist anymore. Prisoners who are incarcerated in jail with any access at all to the information system in any way, even by plain telephone, may send texts using untraceable phone numbers. This victimizing of women using emotion extortion for money and sex stops now. And especially evil are so-called Christian dating sites. The system is fine, but women are only safe in groups now, and only in person. Men are becoming feral due to the spread of evil and its influence. People are SOCIAL and evil men with too much power and technical ability with the desire for sex, money and power over women, yes, some men who are now feral want to have a woman as a literal love slave with no love at all for the woman. Women are becoming enchanted with men and fall into eternal love with them, but it is only one way love, the woman for the man. Evil men have done this and the women affected do not even know the evil man is torturing them intentionally. Women were created to be a helper, a compliment and to make a man happy. Women do not know that evil men get pleasure, even physical pleasure from hurting women emotionally, mentally, physically and even spiritually, or more accurately, especially spiritually.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses, part of The Synagogue of Satan Cult have been observing my progress on and and and will try to deceive everyone using my 23 years of Biblical Research on my websites. Anything of mine they use in in violation of Copyright Law. Jehovah means “Earth Ruin” And Jesus means “Earth Pig”. They are using The Hebrew verb phrase “He who brings into being”, discerned by Hebrew scholar Michael S. Heiser, as leverage when they are luring people into the cult.
It is now clear what has happened. DTG August 7, 2022 8:53pm Eastern Standard Time. Everyone who has gone to Heaven is now only love due to their suffering and torture on Earth. The Creator watched as The Evil One tortured and murdered His Son and He is only love, confirmed by The Sacred Book inspired by the sacred spirit. The Evil One saw an opening to have God’s Children fear Him and they do not understand that Reverent Love and Reverent Respect is what is required only. The Sacred Book explains that God “cannot” look upon evil and also that God is love. The Creator is not to blame, He did not know that fear was an opening for The Evil One and that The Evil One is diametrically opposite to the infinite degree. The Evil One is using the “fear” of God as it is called here. The Creator did not know that Evil consumes emotions diametrically opposite to Love with Mercy, and also uses fear to cause a spike in adrenaline which increases testosterone during a woman’s pregnancy. The women in The Synagogue of Satan Cult are not attacked by evil spirit men may be a trick of The Evil One, but either way this seems to be the case.
People on Earth do not understand that evil men have been consumed by evil and now have no love or mercy at all and are about to try to destroy me to hide information that I possess to save The United States of America from Imminent Destruction.
The cure for depression is described in The Sacred Book. 5 ounces of Emu Sheri from Australia drank quickly years ago seemed to alleviate depression at the time completely. Give wine to those bitter of soul and strong drink to those about to perish is in The Sacred Book. The Evil One has obviously planned this along with evil men and I have been framed from birth and they plan to destroy The United States of America September 11, 2022, the anniversary of their first successful attack. The Sacred woman, who for whatever reason showed me love with mercy, ensured I was fed at her own risk and is aware that I am a woman born with a birth defect. Her name is Sheri, and that is the evil joke. She is my Christian Sister and my friend. The 5 planets in alignment recently is somehow involved, but the evil one can also predict the alignment of planets.
Too many unrealities and things that defy reasoning while people live in Hell on Earth. God is allowing people to have faith in Satan and many other things on this Earth. But who did the miracle and why did the miracle happen is a big question.
Who can have faith in a loving Father when they see a frozen woman in sub zero temperatures, a popcicle woman, I don’t care if she is with Satan Himself, who can look at that? Satan can even make you hypersensitive to cold, so you look crazy wearing a winter coat in summer while everyone else are wearing t-shirts. (so the converse must also be true). The attacks are asymmetrical in nature.
California wildfires are started deliberately because evil men love torturing people and that’s all, who are with Satan. People are screaming while they are being burned alive while Satan enjoys it, even getting physical pleasure from it, because evil is diametrically opposite to love.
And God doesn’t see is or hear our screams for mercy because we don’t pass a torture test? Bullshit to that.
See? Love without mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver, not the receiver. And The Last Adam lived the life of Adam his whole life, perfect, except for one unimagineable day of torture but also has not experienced real life at all. You can feel for someone, but it is not as painful to see the person in the fire as it is to be in the fire burned alive and that’s that.
Now God must come down to Earth in Person and stand in front of the popcicle woman up close and do nothing and also in front of the person burned alive in a California wildfire in person, because He did come down as a person one time and stood next to His friend Moses, another MAN. And He must actually experience the Hell on Earth people have lived and suffered with and been tortured with for the past 7000 years and live each of their lives or He can shut the fuck up with His fucking high and mighty bullshit male crap. It is only a male/female issue. I am a nurturing woman and cannot stand anymore of this bullshit. Piety and Piousness are pure unadulterated bullshit, He is supposed to be a Father, not an insane artist with only love. God is love, love “without mercy” and with no mercy and no natural feelings of a Father for His so-called children.
Isaiah 40.22
Isaiah 40:22
“It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:”
King James Version (KJV)
I’ve never heard a grasshopper scream, have you?
Nobody plays games with life or love with mercy.
Life is Sacred and Love “with” mercy is Sacred.
The Question must be answered by God Himself in person. What is the correct spelling and what is the story about this miracle?
Ahyah sent me and I demand an answer in person in court. El is Supreme god of The Caananites. Why did this miracle happen and why was it allowed or did it really happen or was it a hoax perpetrated by a large number of people being used by Satan?
It is Ah-lalu-yah (Praise and love Ahyah). It’s a rather complicated construct. The / Ἁ / is a soft alpha creating the /ah/ sound. The /ά/ is of longer duration (aa) also creating the /ah/ sound. Ἁλληλουϊά suffix is wrong, should begin with a /y/ not an /i/ in the Greek Scriptures translated to English, not translated Halleluyah or Halleluia. Hallel is from Hillel, the name of Satan revealed by the Meshikhi on the page titled The Roman Jehovah. Note it also contains /el/ (El is The Supreme god of The Cannanites). In The Hebrew Scriptures it is הללויה, Ha-lalu-yah’ (ha-lā -loo’-yah) Praise and love Ahyah!
There is also much confusion about Hebrew phonics, particularly the /ah/ sound and the /aw/ sound, explained in detail at on the Welcome page.
There is also another danger with pronouncing it Halliluyah.
A lilu or lilû is a masculine Akkadian word for a spirit, related to Alû, demon. It is disputed whether, if at all, the Akkadian word lilu, or cognates, is related to the Hebrew word lilith in Isaiah 34:14, which is thought to be a night bird by some modern scholars such as Judit M. Blair.[1] The Babylonian concept of lilu may be more strongly related to the later Talmudic concept of Lilith (female) and lilin (female).
Laylu as in the original lyric of the song “My Jesus” is also not to use. Search for the word on this page. [PDF]
Hala is also not to use. [PDF]
Etymology of Praise Ayh
ואיה wayh
Males have a problem admitting that they made a mistake, proving that Our Creator is 100% singular masculine. He is also experiencing this mysterious phenomenon.
God is spirit.
John 4:24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”~ESV
Not energy.
The voiced palatal approximant is a type of consonant used in many spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨j⟩. The equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is j
, and in the Americanist phonetic notation it is ⟨y⟩.
The Hebrew letter yodh is always a /y/ not a /j/ when transliterating from Hebrew to English.
Watch Tower is clearly unaware of this fact.
God is spirit, not energy.
John 4:24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
People are allowed to believe that God’s Name is Jehovah, when according to the international rules of translation above indicate that when The Hebrew letter Yod (Yodh) is translated to English it is always a /y/.
All of Western Culture is being deceived by the breaking of X-SAMPA rules of International translation. If God’s Name is Jehovah, He is allowing those who He calls His children to be deceived, especially when legally on Earth it is Yehowah in English legally if that is His Name.
Note KLove Radio. They seem to get their prayers answered and even receive miracles. If God is The Jesus of KLove Radio, again, it is a deception.
A deception is a lie. The Bible inspired by the sacred spirit says that “God cannot Lie”.
Titus 1:2 KJV
in hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began.
God has withheld the truth from created people or has at least allowed it to be hidden.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Summer deFernihough in Reality.
Summer, Princess of The British Empire
Sher’al in ancient Hebrew which means “The first faint rays of light before the dawn, from God”.
Iam the woman of The Bible and no one else, obviously, with overwhelming evidence to support this fact.
And The Earth must now come to my aid. It is an emergency, an Unparallelled Terrorism Threat, For The United States of America and The World.
An Emergency session of The United Nations is Needed with The cooperation of NATO is needed immediately concerning Vladimir Putin, China, Iran and The Axis of Evil, so named and identified by President George Walker Bush. I have the CRITICAL information and knowledge that The President of The United States needs right now to stop Vladimir Putin from achieving his objective of controlling Israel and The United States of America. I have evidence in my purse that Vladimir Putin is both antisemitic and anti American and I know his entire plan to cause a civil war in The United States of America, and he will achieve it if you do not listen to me NOW.

For my little ones. The new battery will be the source of power for the new computer and all mobile devices. The secret secret I learned in basic training in the Canadian Armed Forces as a woman soldier, when I learned how to assemble a military field phone. And this is the proof that I am the Inventor of The Bandwidth Eliminator, Internet Logic Circuit (ILC). And I am giving it to you little ones.
I am The Woman of Psalms 45:9,10,11 New International Version (NIV) only. I am the promised one, The Figurative Wife of Yeshwa in Heaven. Our Creator thinks He can replace me with The Daughter of Tyre and get away with it. Check every Meshikhi ste and every revision and even use The Way Back Machine on The Internet. You will know everything about me and The Name Yehowah too, in a profound way.
I am a woman who was born with a birth defect and every word I speak is the truth. I was once married to a woman, and had a baby, my little boy, Matthew Daniel McTaggart, he died because of an Amniocentesis test, that I refused to put my signature to, when I was told there was a 15% chance of complications. I believe that life is Sacred, and that you do not gamble with life. It was a icy cold winter day, And I am slow to comprehend moments when they are happening and knew something was wrong. The pants she was wearing were too tight. She had the test, the hole was made and after the test went into the washroom and lost the amniotic fluid. Matthew’s lungs were not able to develop normally, because of that gamble with life and that is the truth. As he lay still in my arms I gently put my had under his head and saw his perfect face. I prayed and said I must have the correct words. It was an emergency and the brain works differently in an an emergency, or perhaps perfectly. And the words I came up with were words I believed before I ever read The Bible cover to cover or knew what was going on in my life. “Remember God loves you and Jesus loves you and your mother loves you and I love you”. If there was was any chance that there were living brain cells I wanted him to know that. And now I know more than I did, his heart may have heard me and his soul may have heard me, because our heart has a heart brain with 40,000 neurons that feel and remember.
After that, I believed that the brain was priority based for emergencies.
Listen carefully, Our Creator is the source of Our Life, He is Sacred. And His Son, The First of His Children in Heaven, is Sacred. We must appreciate these ones or we would not even be alive or have Life.
Listen to The Sacred Book, inspired by The Sacred Spirit and remember that Our Creator and His Son The First of His Children in Heaven, are Sacred.
They must be loved with eternal love, little ones and we must have mercy concerning them. Love, with mercy.
If you don’t know something little ones, there is nothing to forgive. But once you do know that’s different.
Both Samuel in The Bible and I agree. When God said to give the people a King, Samuel though, “this ain’t gonna work”, and I agree. We must be a family with eternal love and mercy. And we must always be honest with each other like a window without glass. Then it will work. Either way, if you do what I have told you today, no matter what happens between Our Creator and Satan, we will all be with people who only love. Life can only be one way.
Homosexuality as a lifestyle choice is not to do, it violates the natural laws of Creation. Gender identity issues caused by birth defects are not a sin.
Sex between unmarried people is also not allowed. Do not use the word “fornication”, it sounds stupid and is mocked because it is antiquated.
Blood is Sacred.
Warm storage of your own blood for 72 hours may be done for operations. That is plenty of time and is reasonable. Do not transfuse blood from another person because of the possibility of TTI’s Transfusion Transmitted Injuries. Do not “gamble” with Life.
Do not even attempt an android with blood or you will be destroyed.
Many people on Earth are hunters, and hunt for food and must understand this Sacred truth. Do not mock this.
What is the significance that life is in the blood (Leviticus 17:14)?
Thousands of years before scientists understood the complex and extraordinary life-sustaining properties of blood, the Bible informed that “the life of every creature is in its blood” (Leviticus 17:14, NLT). In ancient Israel, blood was not only a metaphor or symbol for life; it was equivalent to life itself. In most occurrences where blood was shed in Scripture, it meant that life had ended. To remove the blood is to terminate life.
In Leviticus chapter 17, God gives instructions regarding sacrifices and offerings, particularly on the proper slaughtering of animals. The people of Isra’al were to bring each animal to the tabernacle entrance for the priest to offer. The blood of the animal was never to be treated as common food; it belonged to God, who is the giver of life (Genesis 2:7; Job 33:4; Psalm 139:13). Thus, the blood of animals had to be drained and offered to God on the altar.
Blood was God’s ordained means of effecting atonement: “For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life” (Leviticus 17:11). Atonement for sin was achieved by sacrificing an animal’s life in substitution for one’s own life. The shedding of blood was the most critical element—it was the blood of the guiltless substitute offered on the altar that served as payment for the people’s sins (Leviticus 16:15).
Through God’s ordained system of sacrifice in the Old Testament, the Lord laid the groundwork for a message that would not be fully grasped until later: “The old system under the law of Moses was only a shadow, a dim preview of the good things to come, not the good things themselves. The sacrifices under that system were repeated again and again, year after year, but they were never able to provide perfect cleansing for those who came to worship” (Hebrews 10:1, NLT).
The full meaning of “the life is in the blood” would only be revealed in Jesus Christ: “That is why, when Christ came into the world, he said to God, ‘You did not want animal sacrifices or sin offerings. But you have given me a body to offer’” (Hebrews 10:5, NLT). It has always been God’s will for humans to be made right with God by the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all time (Hebrews 10:10). In the Old Testament, the priests offered animals’ blood over and over again, but this repeated shedding of blood never permanently removed the curse of sin (Hebrews 10:11).
When Yeshwa came and offered up His life—pouring out His blood on the cross—the perfect sacrifice had finally been made: “Just think how much more the blood of Christ will purify our consciences from sinful deeds so that we can worship the living God. For by the power of the eternal Spirit, Christ offered himself to God as a perfect sacrifice for our sins” (Hebrews 9:14, NLT).
All those from times past, present, and future who put their faith in the Messiah, Jesus Christ, are made right with God: “For God presented Yeshwa as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Yeshwa sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past, for he was looking ahead and including them in what he would do in this present time. God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he makes sinners right in his sight when they believe in Yeshwa” (Romans 3:25–26, NLT). The apostle John saw a future multitude of believers in heaven who “have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb.” They have been purified from sin and “clothed in white” (Revelation 7:13–14).
Because of the Old Testament system, Christ’s followers could comprehend what He was doing when He shed His blood on the cross. And today we can better see what His sacrifice means. Just as physical life is in the blood of animals, eternal life is in the blood of Yeshwa Christ. Physically, our existence depends on blood to sustain life, and, spiritually, our lives depend on the shed blood of Yeshwa Christ (Romans 5:10; 1 John 1:7; Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14; Hebrews 9:22). Through those ancient sacrifices repeatedly offered in the Old Testament, we are led to appreciate that death—the shedding of blood—has always been the cost of securing eternal life for sinful humans.
Believers are cleansed, forgiven, and made right with God by the blood of the Lamb, God’s guiltless substitute. The life that Christ emptied of its blood now pumps everlasting life into our veins. Oh, how astounding it is that God would shed His own blood to pay the penalty for our sins!
Someone wants you to believe that I am antisemitic and racist. I am neither.
I am a Christian lady and it is impossible to be a Christian and a racist at the same time.
Acts 17.26 26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.
Genetic pooling is not natural.
If anyone receives this, please inform The Government that they have 10 days to
take over with username summerdefernihough and
that it is impossible for me to fund it
myself anymore. The payment method
that I used at Paypal was removed and
I can no longer login.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Summer deFernihough, if they will create the identification for me now, and grant me
I fell into love with Yeshwa, the one on Earth when I read about him in this time period, and cultivated eternal love for him it was his humility that was the quality that attracted me. His humility and mercy. Now He is only love, like His Father and a girl gets to choose and I say ”NO”, an emphatic ”NO” about being His wife. If I am changed in any way from who I really am, Summer deFernihough, it is an abomination of me by my Creator, who is really only an insane artist, A Creator with no natural feelings of a father for his little girls. He ”has” love and has ”life”, and is the source of life on Earth, but does not understand love or life at all.
I am Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, a girl born with a birth defect and Our Creator does not understand how I came to be.
Final proof Our Creator is insane. All of these things occurred under the rule of His Son since 1914 and He is so amoral He has not done anything about it, even though these facts have been known publicly.
They are so sick and love each other so much that they will forgive each other for anything. That is The Real God in Heaven and The Real Son of God in Heaven, proving once and for all That they are only love, love without mercy. And all those in Heaven agree with them.
Love without Mercy is nothing.
Love without Mercy is insane.
And can justify any action they do, no matter how amoral, and they get away with it by forgiving each other.
But someone, somewhere, loves more, who has love with mercy. We must obey The Bible, but also love with mercy. Then we will have “true justice”.
No matter what happens between God and Satan, we will be with those who only love, with mercy.
Do not not fear anything or anyone and do not hate anything or anyone. Do not fear Our Creator or you will create an opening for evil. Reverent Love and Reverent Respect is what is required. Love throws fear outside. Children should not fear their Creator and Eternal Sacred Father.
Love with mercy is natural, love without mercy is not natural.
Love is diametrically opposite to evil and love is naturally opposed to evil.
When you destroy evil, do not attach any emotion to it at all, either positive or negative.
Evil must be neutralized without emotion, because evil feeds on emotions.
Love with Mercy is more powerful than infinite power and strength.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
That is Reality.
T=1 is reality. Theoretical math is fun and we can learn many things, but we must be grounded in The Reality that T=1.
Don’t live in an unreality.
With love,
Zoe Lalu Ahlalu
Life, Love, The spirit of love.
I am smoking ”natural” cigarettes, not ”organic cigarettes” The curing process of so called ”organic” cigarettes is the problem. 100% natural, dried and rolled natural tobacco with a filter adequate to remove environmental factors introduced into the environment by means of unnatural industrialization are no problem and are NOT related to spiritism in any way, otherwise Our Creator would be guilty of providing something enjoyable that leads to spiritism. If it is bad for us, then it should not be provided at all and we should have a strong aversion to it. It seems to be a natural compliment to coffee. Tobacco grown in pristine natural soil, with new seeds produced for each generation of tobacco plants, would eventually lead to the actual natural amount of each substance found in tobacco, the numbers would stabilize and this would indicate the amount of these substances, easily tolerated and eliminated by the body. At the correct price point, using the economic guide provided below, tobacco companies would have unprecedented profit beyond their wildest dreams. My actual name is Summer deFernihough and my family were wealthy tobacco merchants, whose money was taken from them by treachery that occurred in Lancashire, England where many deFernihough’s live, stripped of the prefix ”de” which indicates nobility.
You can read more at,
to be renamed Summer deFernihough
Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire

The Earth’s Weather System is self correcting
and we will fix it by removing all fossil fuel
emissions worldwide in every country.
A lithium battery that is a safe alternative to nuclear batteries. In the first step, the lithium is micronized in a centrifuge. It is then reduced further to the molecular level and packed into a battery casing. There is no on/off state, only on all the time for consumer devices. The batteries will vary in size from the size of
All sine waves are to be eliminated.
This will eliminate all wired electricity, the grid has been compromised and is used by terrorists.
And here is a nice car to go with your new battery.
For the electric car, the rotation of the wheels of the car generate electricity, and charge the battery at the same time. Only a sufficient battery to start the vehicle moving is needed, Once the vehicle reaches 60kpm, the rotation of the wheels of the car, take over from the battery and power the vehicle.
Only a switch is needed to change from battery power to power generated by the rotation of the wheels.
All of these things are “my” ideas only. They belong to no one else.
MICROSOFT ACPI has been hacked by Iran.
The Windows ACPI driver, Acpi. sys, is an inbox component of the Windows operating system. The responsibilities of Acpi. sys include support for power management and Plug and Play (PnP) device enumeration. On hardware platforms that have an ACPI BIOS, the HAL causes Acpi.Dec 14, 2021
Memory address 4EBB in memory manufactured in China in Microsoft Windows based personal computers is going to be used to discredit Western Culture, what the Axis of Evil Calls “The Evil West”.
Yeshwa in Heaven is Lord
All Governments are to obey only Him.
Psalms Chapter 2
North America

If the U.S. entered a steep recession or depression without dragging the rest of the world with it, users might leave the dollar. Another option would involve some major power, such as China or a post-European Union Germany, reinstating a commodity-based standard and monopolizing the reserve currency space.
In 2017, there were 3.5 billion consumers in the world. By 2030, the number will be 5.6 billion. 88% of the next billion consumers will be from Asia.
The people in The East believe that their economic strength is from God and that the “Evil West” is weak. Therefore North America must become absolutely wealthy.
For North America to balance the world economy and become obscenely rich, every day must become 50% off day for all consumer products. Your economic opponents know that volume of consumers is the way to go economically.
The rule of 50%. Which is best?
100,000 @ 100 or 1,000,000 @ 50
100,000 @ 10 or 1,000,000 @ 5
These are modest numbers. The actual numbers with 8,000,000,000 people on Earth is far greater than you can imagine.
In 2017, there were 3.5 billion consumers in the world. By 2030, the number will be 5.6 billion. 88% of the next billion consumers will be from Asia.
Do the math now.
Just a principle, but you get the idea. This especially applies to 100% Natural rolled and dried tobacco and to Natural alcohol products.
Then and only then will you be able to negotiate a fair price for oil. Dubai West is what you will be if you listen to me. Having trillions of dollars is not a sin, unless of course you are a church with a trillion dollars in a swiss bank account and asking poor people for money and extorting from them. The Bible principle is at Matthew 10:8 you received free, give without charge. Any religion that charges money for priestly services may be taxed at 100% retroactively as far back as you can find. Tax them out of existence for doing this to people.
Further instructions
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
“The sons of the true God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose.” — Gen. 6
And God let them have His Daughters.
His spirit Sons materialized bodies with bigger
penises and The NEPHILIM had bigger penises too.
Genesis 6.4
4 The Nephʹi·lim* were on the earth in those days and afterward. During that time the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men, and these bore sons to them. They were the mighty ones of old times, the men of fame.
It is recommended to God, to make all men ”men of fame”
Please make them all same size. Then they can think about something else, be better lovers and end all conflicts and power struggles forever, including in the bedroom.
Be reasonable Father, the Lord is near, your Son sitting at your right hand allowed me to be tortured for 7 years and you have the nerve to let Him do that, leave me at the front until I was dead like Uriah, I can’t help but wonder Father if you know anything about women at all, I’d have to say NO. Yeshwa took me away from you, and you let Him. Women are more than a crotch.
Urea The Hititess
Nephilim, in the Hebrew Bible, a group of mysterious beings or people of unusually large size and strength who lived both before and after the Flood. The Nephilim are referenced in Genesis and Numbers and are possibly referred to in Ezekiel.
He knew His spirit sons were after us for sex
and lets them have us.
1 Peter 3.7 Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.
God admits we are weaker.
The Earth’s Weather System is self correcting
and we will fix it by removing all fossil fuel
emissions worldwide in every country.
lithium battery that is a safe alternative to nuclear batteries. In the first step, the lithium is micronized in a centrifuge. It is then reduced further to the molecular level and packed into a battery casing. There is no on/off state, only on all the time for consumer devices. The batteries will vary in size from the size of
All sine waves are to be eliminated.
This will eliminate all wired electricity, the grid has been compromised and is used by terrorists.
And here is a nice car to go with your new battery.
For the electric car, the rotation of the wheels of the car generate electricity, and charge the battery at the same time. Only a sufficient battery to start the vehicle moving is needed, Once the vehicle reaches 60kpm, the rotation of the wheels of the car, take over from the battery and power the vehicle.
Only a switch is needed to change from battery power to power generated by the rotation of the wheels.
All of these things are “my” ideas only. They belong to no one else.
So much beauty, so much ugliness
The truth. God is responsible for allowing evil spirit men to be on Earth with His defenseless Children in The Garden of Eden. The only way He can redeem Himself is to make everyone perfect with no problems, There probably wouldn’t have been a problem because ADAM AND EVE WERE MADE WITH LOVE.GOD TOLD EVE TO LISTEN TO THE MAN AND THE MAN MADE A DEAL WITH SATAN AND Told Eve to try the fruit and bring him some if it was good. Satan pretended He was God and told the man that if he wanted a blonde woman as a reward, or an ungodly woman that this was what to do. Satan is evil and leaves clues to mock Our Innocent Creator and Eternal Sacred Father. Blondes in The Middle East are highly prized. Princess Diana and me Princess Tiffany, heiress to The British Empire. At least that’s the story my mother told and that my Aunt Margo Dunn in The United States had the real coat of arms with lions on it and that I descended from William The Conquerer. I was born blonde, and I am probably Diana’s cousin, of The House of Windsor. Ironically Windsor Herald wouldn’t acknowledge me. I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 New International Version (NIV) only.
After I translated Matthew 27.46 life became an absolute nightmare.
Satan somehow convinced me to lower my vocal registers when I was young for singing to try and hack my limbic nucleus. Before that I had a lilting voice. When I was 12 years old, a gang of men kicked my face in to the point of death to erase my dynamic symmetry and artistic beauty and installed static symmetry with precision. My smile was miraculously preserved. When I smile, it lifts the muscular damage and I look a bit like a bit like myself.
[qsm quiz=1]
Created “people are “not” Vulcans and can not reason things out nor make rational decisions when unrealities are occurring and they are weak physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.
Virtual reality with haptic response, which means the person can “feel” what they are experiencing is causing major problems for people. Alien abduction experiences, such as being dissected, are actually felt by people but it does not leave a physical mark on them. Sexual abuse of people also happens in the bedroom and the bathroom where God does not look. Baby cribs are kept in the bedroom where their parents have sex. I can’t tell you the rest, it is too horrifying to imagine, let the thought recede and walk away from it is all a person can do. It is too horrific for the mind. The Bible says that God cannot look upon evil, true, but that means He never knew about it. How can Our Creator or His Son ever let spirit men do these things to women, women born with birth defects and to children? Too naive and innocent doesn’t help those who suffer.
Read the following:
Introduction to spiritual confusion of people

Anyone who fights love only ends up looking stupid and mean.
God allows people to believe they are loved by God while they are in the world tortured by Satan. I loved God so much I thought I was safe with Him no matter what happened while I was tortured for 7 years. A male voice in my mouth that tried to induce schizophrenia.
Satan operates in the bedroom and the bathroom where God does not look. Some people keep cribs in the bedroom.
This bullshit is over.
God and and His Son, The First of God’s Children are both guilty of premeditated murder. They have too much love for one another, so much so, God is willing to allow His Son to murder anyone He wants to.
I am a Peoplician, spiritual police, and God and His Son are trying to stop me from delivering these simple instructions that would save most or all people, and avoid “The Great Slaughter” written about in The Bible.
Isaiah 30.25 In the day of great slaughter, when the towers fall, streams of water will flow on every high mountain and every lofty hill.
There is absolutely no real or credible reason for a “Great Slaughter”.
I found out Jehovah is God, Jesus is The Son of God is possible and that Jehovah’s Witnesses are using those names.
God’s little secret. He lets people believe Watch Tower is The Synagogue of Satan unless they listen to Jehovah’s Witnesses and they never find out His Name unless they do. And He doesn’t even listen to their prayers.
The real word for God’s spirit is ruah, but if they are in the world, God let’s anything happen to women by spirit men, and let’s Satan give them ruach “which means “wind” in their upper chest and respiratory tract and they believe they have God’s spirit. A male spirit breathing, even for the women. The soul is located to the right of the heart and Satan is trying to convince people that they have ruach coming out of their soul and communicating with a male voice and breathing with a masculine breath out of their mouth. Ruah is not wind, period. Ruah is spirit only, and if you knowingly calling it ruach, “wind” it is a blaspheme of God’s sacred spirit. If you did not know and you repent without hesitation, God may forgive you, if you call God’s spirit “wind” with full knowledge about this, it is the only unforgiveable sin, a sin against against the sacred spirit itself. God is love and God is spirit, He is a spirit person with infinite eternal love, outward love, ahabah in ancient Hebrew. God is a person and infinite love is what he feels, His spirit is eternal and returns to Him ‘if’ a person has it when they die.
Ecclesiastes 12.7 Ecclesiastes 12:7: Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. (King James Version, hereafter cited as KJV) and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the breath returns to God who gave it.
The King James Version is incorrect. And it is not the only one.
This is a critical thing to know and sin against God’s spirit is the only unforgiveable sin. Therefore why is “breath” associated with “spirit” in so many Bibles. God refuses to acknowledge this.
When a person has the sacred spirit, it is not discernable as male or female and yet, on such a critical subject, so much so. it involves life and death, this ruach experience by women feels unnatural and unholy, and male. For a godly “woman” it is torture. Godly means with reverent love, loyal and dutiful. And yet Jehovah’s Witnesses refer to God’s spirit they use the word “it” and know and explain that the pronoun “He” is personification.
God is 100% singular masculine. He does not have the feelings of a woman “AT ALL”, do not have the heart, of a woman, the spirit of a woman or anything else of a womantherefore it is impossible for Him, or His Son, The First of His Created Children, or any of The 144,00 Kings mentioned in the Bible, to have empathy at all for women who have “The Ruach Experience”.
And yet they allow it to be done to women.
And God and His Son allow spirit men to torture women and think that it is ok to do this. It is impossible to fight spirit men and we can’t use our nails.
This is a violation of God’s Laws of Natural Creation, and He is subject to His own laws. Otherwise There is no law at all.
The Law of The Christ is final. Love without mercy is nothing. Anyone who thinks otherwise is nothing. Never has more love been shown by anyone than by God and His Son, The First of His Children at Calvary. But love must “always” be with mercy. Love without mercy only benefits the giver of it. Love without mercy is nothing. If a person is driven out of their mind, in a Viet Cong torture hut, it is not admissible in court as sin. Even God’s Court or His Son’s Judgement Room.
Ahyah sent me is all I know, with reasonable evidence. But God’s Name will not be known for a certainty until revealed to “men” who are the true Faithful and Discrete Slave of God. I can prove any Divine Name reasonably using the knowledge available in this world, but I will not be accused of anything for any reason, when I am the foremost authority on The Divine Name and I can not discern it because it has been obfuscated by someone. That is not fair and that is not Justice at all, considering that I can explain the truth of salvation with four lines of text and two scriptures, one of which is an improved John 3.16 which I CREATED, that makes the truth unambiguous and easy to understand.
I asked God to let me speak His Name a long time ago. And it was Ahyah that I spoke. No matter how I spelled it, it was always Ahyah, Ehyeh, Ahyah, Ayya Y’aya with the double yodh (yod) and a sheva from Targum Onkelos. And even before that Ehyeh was always pronounced ay’ah to me. How could I not have faith? Before I knew about punctuation on The Moabite Stone, I thought it was Jja YHWH, and called Him Jja The Living One. If you read the page called The Khaburis Codex on you may find what you are looking for. But everything on this page is The Truth.
But there is a greater truth, regardless of anything, I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for my Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, and The Sacrifice of His First Created Son in Heaven. Somehow I am alive, maybe for today only, but it’s a funny thing I learned about eternal love, it always comes back. With every spark of love burned away, there would would always be one light that remained, it’s from a song I wrote. I’m fine for the moment and I love my Father in Heaven anyway, or at least I might have but the haptic torture just happened again. He just won’t accept that no means no to a woman. He wouldn’t put His “SON” back up on the cross or whatever was used by The Romans. The evidence I found says it was a cross.
So much beauty, so much ugliness, that’s what the song “Starry Starry Night” is all about. The feelings of Vincent van Gogh.
The Sacrifice of His Son showed the beauty, but that was one time. Love should “always” be like that. Not just one time. Love with mercy “all the time” is what was needed. He just didn’t know, until it was too late.
Probably anyone with the ability to understand what I have written and with the evidence in my possession on my mobile phone would have been Christian today, and I would have been born a True Christian, if God would have done this after the death of His Son, The First of His Children in Heaven, and preserved it. I’m sure, with infinite power and strength that He has, this could have been done effortlessly, if “He” had thought of it and realized the implications of His decision about life and who would live or die. I am a nurturing woman woman and I only love and I am merciful, but I am not stupid.
The frequency of a person’s voice when they have gender identity issues effects how a masculine or feminine a person feels physically, also effects how a spirit person identifies that person.
I am a woman and found the precise frequency that is absolutely natural for me and understand in the absolute sense who I am.
I had a naturally smooth neck in appearance after voice register training, but was tortured to such a degree by Watch Tower and Satan, that I now have a lump in my throat where there should not be one, because a low frequency register , a masculine voice in my mouth spiritually, relentlessly worked to produce an unnatural lump in my throat for 7 years. The question will be, what did Our Creator know and when. Because He knows with a certainty that I am a woman.y
Males don’t like to admit it when they make a mistake or are wrong. Wonder where they got that.
Love without mercy is nothing. No matter how hard I screamed, since I translated Matthew 27.46 see for the Watch Tower torture device to be removed by God or His Son, The First of His Children in Heaven, I received no mercy. Love without mercy is nothing.
The only way that the sacred spirit could be holy to women, that I can imagine, is for it to be located between the brain and the mind without touching the body.
I am innocent of the charges of Watch Tower which resulted in this torture.
Whatever happens, don’t worry at all. It is so bizarre, no matter what happens between God and Satan, as long as you believe John 3.16 and Carry out Romans 9:10,11 you “will” be saved, if you only love, regardless what happens between God and Satan.
Any Father who leaves His Children on the street freezing, I don’t care what His reasoning is, or won’t tell His Son who He gave absolute power and authority to except for prayer, I don’t care what Your Children did, it is wrong to leave people on the street freezing. I am a Christian lady, and it happened to me. Obviously, no one in Heaven thought it was wrong, not even one angel would help me. I don’t care about pious bullshit, I care about love and mercy. And I am a nurturing woman who cares about people and can’t stand to see them suffer anymore.
Love is “always” merciful.
All I ever did was loved God and His Son and loved people.
You break it, you bought it, Pottery Barn rules.
Genesis 6.1 When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,
Genesis 6.2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
God knew the spirit men were after us, His Daughters, and let them have us, as food, in modern times, since 1914, under the rule of His Son, The First of His Created Children, in Heaven. I am a Christian lady.
Jeremiah 25.33 At that time those slain by The Creator will be everywhere—from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be mourned or gathered up or buried, but will be like dung lying on the ground.
I’ve already seen manure on the ground from God’s point of view, in Ottawa, Canada, downtown at 3am on an unseasonably cold August day and night. I am hypersensitive to cold, and I was with them, manure on the ground, from God’s point of view. I am a Christian lady and God has no natural feelings of a father for his little girl.
Here’s the problem.
1 Samuel 8.6 But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to The Father.
Samuel thought to himself “this ain’t gonna work”.
1 Samuel 8.6 But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to The Father.
Samuel was right. The whole Kingdom idea does not work at all in reality. A Beautiful Father and a Beautiful Son is the truth, with such fierce eternal love for us. It’s actually just a beautiful family of people who only love. The Kingdom idea makes Our Father in Heaven less approachable. Who is more approachable, a wonderful Father who is absolutely adorable in a recliner telling stories to His Children, or a powerful King on a Throne with all The Bible Imagery that goes with it. This is why Satan created “The Game of Thrones”, to mock Our Father and get the last laugh. I can’t let this happen, all of God’s Children must tell Satan that “he” is the loser for being such an ignorant, mean asshole about Our Father, and about Our Oldest Brother in Heaven, The First of His Created Children in Heaven. Before God Created His First Son, God was alone. The Islamic religious leaders are assholes about this point.
What you see on the street that makes Our Father look like He doesn’t care is sometimes just Satanic people, trying to make Our Father look mean, but check anyway, with every kind of expert possible to find out for sure, k?
Satan is gloating and saying “I beat you old man”. See what I mean? Satan thinks he is superior because he beat Creator at a game of checkers. Is that an ignorant asshole or what?
I beat you at checkers, I beat you at checkers, is Satan. Who fucking cares asshole.
Paul said it best, “without love, I’m nothing”.
Satan has no love, he’s nothing. And such a moronic asshole it is unbelievable. We don’t care Satan, go fuck yourself. You’re nothing but an ignorant, moronic asshole, the biggest loser at life who ever existed or ever will exist, period. Nobody wants you asshole, no one who loves Our Beautiful Father in Heaven, loves His Beautiful Son and loves people, wants you at all Satan, or anyone like you. Thou art The Lord of The Flies you little shit, and your demon friends are The Flies, it’s no surprise that there are maggots with you, who are like flies on shit.
To keep Church and State separate, I will lead the task force against people with evil behaviour and all Satanic cults. They all communicate by “whispering“, they believe that they are talking to God. Induced schizophrenia using the radio portion of the EM Spectrum is what is happening. All authorities need an inexpensive product called “miracle ear” in one ear and inner ear bluetooth phone in the other. Learn to talk without moving your lips like a ventriloquist to activate the bluetooth phone. That’s what the terrorists do.
August 2, 2022 No mercy from Heaven
I saw a young girl today with her belongings in a wagon. A young girl who has had to understand the streets and be food for spirit men and live in fear of dangerous men at night. What is Heaven doing feeling pious while this is going on?
Where’s the mercy?
Where there is no mercy there is no God and no Son of God. Everyone appreciates The Lord’s Sacrifice but quite frankly, Love with mercy once is A Sacrifice, love with mercy all the time, is true love.
I don’t care what it costs or how much in debt you need to be to get every last person off the street that is causing a negative feeling in people and making them lose hope in life itself.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (Summer deFernihough in fact)
March 30, 2021 also tell him the amp chases the volt
A message sent to my daddy. I learned it by observing Creation. Lightning then thunder.
It’s mine, I own it and I have proof. I’ve been ripped off my whole life by powerful men who thought I was a moron. If you believe in evolution, “you” are the morons and you are The Flintstones and I am Jane Jetson. Higgs boson is a magnet.
Higgs boson: The ‘god particle’ explained | Space
Further, the Plasma rocket is the best solution and the plasma should be contained in a magnetic bottle.
Traveling to Mars with immortal plasma rockets (
I just wanted people to know I could have been a quadrillionaire money-wise, but I decided to serve God instead and spiritual things.
I am the Inventor of The Bandwidth Eliminator (Internet Logic Circuit)
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
You are all stupid, bonehead men, bone all the way through, no brains at all.
I’m a woman you visceral sewer slime and you have been beaten by Sunday School Girl hahahahahahap
Psalms 45.9,10,11 New International Version (NIV) only, which also contains the most accurate translation of Proverbs 8.30 concerning The First of God’s created Children in Heaven, Yeshwa. Before God created Yeshua, God was alone.
In English two v’s were placed side by side to represent the voiced bilabial /vv/ in English. It’s called a descendant /v/ in Greek. The upper and lower lips are used to form the /w/ sound.
The Name of The Son of God who sits at The Right Hand of God in Heaven, is Yeshwa.
Hilarious, Yeshwa is The Son of David. Mary Magdalene may be in love with Him. I told God what to do. Have Yeshwa sit down with Mary, make them have a glass of wine and make both of them say the words “Do you love me?”. But God doesn’t believe me. A voice in my room claiming to be Mary, said she has a husband. So I believe it to be true, but quite frankly, with the radio portion of The EM Spectrum being used against people and voice feminization software available on The Internet, how is a person able to know for sure? And it’s cold in Ottawa, in August, usually the hottest month. Listen UN warn China to get the people out of every factory because you are going to bomb the hell out of every factory contributing to melting the polar ice cap so that Vladimir Putin can open The Northern Sea Route and have warm water ports. VladiMIR Putin wants to take down every commercial plane in The United States using high powered WIFI in the sky aboard Middle Eastern commercial aircraft, just like they took down the stealth drone. The plan is to take down as many planes as possible while they are on auto pilot.
Message sent to Central Intelligence Agency CIA
My experience
23 years Biblical Research Experience
15 years Military Communications Experience
Go to and click on the “Research” link. There is an IMMINENT TERRORISM THREAT SECURE ALL AIRCRAFT.
Communicate this message to all aircraft civilian and military
All aircraft stations
Use precision approach radar only PAR
Do not use intermediate landing system ILS
Switch to manual control only, no auto-pilot at this time
and until further notice. No automated systems.
2021-12-21 Submission Reference ID: UYMDQDNL
2021-12-21 Submission Reference ID: Z285YSLD
2021-12-21 Reference ID: 84WWESNN
2021-12-22 6:00am Eastern Stand Time Submission Reference ID: TF5QG7K1
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, CD
Canadian Decoration and NATO Clasp
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
Communications Research Military Occupation Code 291 (MOC 291)
I have 15 years of Communications Research Experience and 23 years of Biblical Research Experience.
I tried to warn you.
The Lord’s Prayer, correctly translated reads,
Do not let us succumb to temptation, but deliver us from evil.
In other words, do not let us be overpowered by temptation, but deliver us from evil.
God would not lead us into temptation, it does’t make sense to intelligent people.
Instructions for making an easy to read Bible. Who wouldn’t want the world to have that?
Yeshwa is called “The Last Adam” and was perfect all His Life and lived as Adam would have lived if he had not sinned. Being perfect all your life must be pretty nice, but He never experienced real life until after the brazier and only for one day. That’s because Mary was overshadowed by God through her whole pregnancy. My mother wasn’t. Must be nice to be Yeshwa, must be nice to be Mary.
I hate piety, and I hate bullshit.
And I hate treachery and Royal intrigue.
People are being tortured by spirit people while Heaven watches. It wasn’t that way under God’s Rulership, but it is under Yeshwa’s Rulership of God’s Kingdom since 1914. I can teach everyone how to live in this unreality and to fear nothing at all and to fight evil if you want.
The final part of my omicron experience, involved dry asophagus and dry cough. I took a tablespoon of Benylin Extra Strength Cough Complete syrup, and expelled a large quantity of phlegm. The coughing has stopped.
John 4.32 But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.”
Statements like this lead people to conclude that that they can go without eating.

When people have the sacred spirit from our Father in Heaven, they are able to only love.
Zondervan Publishing shall be aquired, The New International Version (NIV) shall be renamed “The Holy Bible”. Wherever the word LORD in all capital letters is found, The Name Ahyah shall be used.
In The Hebrew Scriptures, wherever the word “Lord” is found” it will be replaced with the title “Master”, as in “Alas, my Master”. The only exception is Psalms 110.1 “Ahyah said to my Lord”.
In The New Testament, The Lord is Yeshwa exclusively. Acts 2.34 correctly reads “Ahyah said to my Lord”.. There is only “One” Lord, Yeshwa Christ in Heaven.
brought Him into existence.
The actual translation of John 1:1 from Koine Greek
Koine Greek
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
Greek transliteration
En arkhêi ên ho lógos, kaì ho lógos ên pròs tòn theón, kaì theòs ên ho lógos.
Note that theón and theòs are not the same
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God,and godly was The Word.
The definition of “godly”. With reverent love, loyal and dutiful.
The correct word “godly” was found using Bing Microsoft Translator.
“In the beginning” is referring to the beginning of Creation.
The suffix /el/ will be replaced with /‘al/ for all Bible names.
El is The Supreme god of The Canaanites.
Yeshua is King of God’s Kingdom, He was given a throne by God, Yeshua has absolute authority except for prayer
The Holy Bible has a revision that needs to be done at Psalms 45:6 and Hebrews 1:8 referring to Yeshua. The scripture was ambiguous and some thought it was referring to God and this led some to believe that Yeshua was God.
The correct translation of Psalms 45:6 and Hebrews 1:8 based on the Hebrew – English Bible According to the Masoretic Text and the JPS 1917 Edition
Psalms 45:6 Thy throne given of God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.
Hebrews 1:8 But to the Son He says: “Thy throne given of God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
A period or “dot” shall be used for scripture numbering /./ NOT a colon, which is an unholy thing inspired by Satan, when used for scripture numbering. Example, Psalms 110.1
Deconstructing Hallelujah (constructed by Hillel – Satan)
It is Ah-lalu-yah in Greek (Praise and love Ahyah). It’s a rather complicated construct. The / Ἁ / is a soft alpha creating the /ah/ sound. The /ά/ is of longer duration (aa) also creating the /ah/ sound. Ἁλληλουϊά suffix is wrong, should begin with a /y/ not an /i/ in the Greek Scriptures translated to English, not translated Halleluyah or Halleluia. Hallel is from Hillel, the name of Satan revealed by the Meshikhi on the page titled The Roman Jehovah. Note it also contains /el/ (El is The Supreme god of The Cannanites). In The Hebrew Scriptures it is הללויה, Ha-lalu-yah’ (ha-la-loo’-yah) Praise and love Ahyah!
There is also much confusion about Hebrew phonics, particularly the /ah/ sound and the /aw/ sound, explained in detail at on the Welcome page.
There is also another danger with pronouncing it Halliluyah.
A lilu or lilû is a masculine Akkadian word for a spirit, related to Alû, demon. It is disputed whether, if at all, the Akkadian word lilu, or cognates, is related to the Hebrew word lilith in Isaiah 34:14, which is thought to be a night bird by some modern scholars such as Judit M. Blair.[1] The Babylonian concept of lilu may be more strongly related to the later Talmudic concept of Lilith (female) and lilin (female).
Laylu as in the original lyric of the song “My Jesus” is also not to use. Search for the word on this page.
Hala is also not to use. [PDF]
Etymology of Praise Ahyah
Strong’s #01984 Halal
uyah in Hebrew
ואיה wayh
Every instance of the suffix /jah/ will be replaced with the suffix /yah/ in the Holy Bible.
How The Roman god IHOH became JHOH and then JHO(va)H
Note the Roman influence
The j sound in English is an example of a palatal consonant, while the y sound in English (akin to the j sound in many other languages) is an example of a palatal approximant.
In the former case (palatal consonant), the tongue is raised and flattened to touch the palate while in the latter case (palatal approximant) it does not touch the palate completely, allowing air to flow between the palate and the tongue.
While the modern Latin script has the letter j, Latin itself did not use j to start with and did not have a well-defined palatal consonant sound. Words like Iapheth, Iesus, Ieremiah, etc. were meant to be pronounced starting with a palatal approximant. In due course, due to natural phonological evolution, they began to be pronounced with a palatal consonant in certain Roman colonies. This gave rise to the need for distinction between the two sounds in writing. The letter j, which was really special cursive form of i became the symbol for this distinct new sound.
The voiced palatal approximant is a type of consonant used in many spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨j⟩. The equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is j, and in the Americanist phonetic notation it is ⟨y⟩.
The Introduction Page of The Bible will have this simple explanation.
Our Beautiful Family
Ahyah (pronounced ay’ah) Our Father in Heaven. He is Our Abba. He is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible.
Yeshwa The First of God’s Children in Heaven. He is represented by Isaac in The Bible.
Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven, The Sacred Angels
Our Brothers and Sisters on Earth
John 3.16 Explained
“John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Ahyah, so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Yeshwa, The first of His children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”.~The Meshikhi Faith
All Meshikhi websites are now historical only, including
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father which art in Heaven
Sacred be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Do not let us succumb to temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever
In the Name of Yeshwa,
ܐܡܝܢ ameyn(אמן)
Yeshua is The Amen
Satan wanted people to destroy “The Amen” by convincing people to destroy The Book of Revelation by calling Yeshwa, “Apollo”. We will not destroy The Book of Revelation, but we will NEVER, call Yeshua, “Apollo”.
Aramaic ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn Hebrew אמן āmēyn English Amen
Yeshwa is the Amen, when you say Amen you are in agreement that the only way to be heard by the hearer of Prayer, Our Father in Heaven, is to put faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshwa.
Revelation 3.14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God.
For translation into every language. The meaning of “hallowed be Thy Name”
Let [Your Name] be treated(יטופל) as [sacred] and [Your Name is Sacred]
Never say the Lord’s Prayer and end it “In the name of Yeshwa ameyn’ without the comma. It is always,
In the name of Yeshwa, ameyn. Always pause after the comma to honor Him.
Yeshwa in Heaven is Lord.
Only true Meshikhi may revise what is written today and the know me and I will recognize only them. Meshikhi Yehudi are apostates.
With love,
Remember God in Heaven loves you and Yeshwa in Heaven loves you.
Y’rushalom above is our mother (Heaven). Only Meshikhi are spiritual Isra’al and Isra’al means Righteous God.
We don’t worship shalem or el of The Caananites like Isra’el.
Nor do we worship that pluralized abomination Elohim.
Original Instability in The Middle East Etymology Report
There is too much child abuse and sexual abuse among those with religious authority. Unless they worship The True God Ahyah and have the sacred spirit, they are to be chemically castrated my medical professionals and wear a collar to identify them as Priests of Satan. This will protect the public and no one will accuse God for their horrifying behavior, especially Watch Tower and Elders and Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Also, these men will not be allowed to be alone with women or children without a Sister present or a police woman.
No means no to a woman.
Justice is Beautiful.
Hear, O Isra’al, Ahyah is One.
This bullshit is over.
God and and His Son, The First of God’s Children are both guilty of premeditated murder. They have too much love for one another, so much so, God is willing to allow His Son to murder anyone He wants to.
God’s Son communicated instructions to Paul that took about one minute. Go to the disciples and they will help you. “Who are you Lord?” said Paul, when The Lord answered him using His Name. Paul is a man, I am a woman, who translated Matthew 27.46 with eternal love for The Son of Man, The Son of David.
I am a Peoplician, spiritual police, and God and His Son are trying to stop me from delivering these simple instructions that would save most or all people, and avoid “The Great Slaughter” written about in The Bible.
Isaiah 30.25 In the day of great slaughter, when the towers fall, streams of water will flow on every high mountain and every lofty hill.
There is absolutely no real or credible reason for a “Great Slaughter”.
We are created with a brain and its mind and a heart with its heartbrain that has 40000 neurons and the interaction between them is the soul. In this sense we are “all” made in God’s image.
Our Father in Heaven examined these things that made Him alive and then used that knowledge to create Yeshwa, The First of His Children in Heaven. Yeshwa was made using the original blueprint. This is why the Bible says that Yeshwa is “The Image” of God. This is why Yeshwa is parallel like God is parallel, but not infinite. God has infinite power and strength in absolute parallel, Yeshua is not infinite but He is parallel.
Genesis 1.26,27 Then Our Father in Heaven taught Yeshwa what He had learned and “they” became Creator and Master Worker.
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may ruleover the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky,over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a]and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27 So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
Scientists have concluded the neuron is a communications device. Communications devices do not create themselves. Ask Mitsubishi Heavy Industries from Japan and their Engineers, developers of the I-6 F1, if a communications device creates itself. They will laugh at you and look at you as if you are a moron.
All of these things are oversimplified by various images used in education.
Genesis 2.18-24 I, as a woman, was made to be a helper and a compliment and to make a man happy.
18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.
But for Adam[f] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
23 The man said,
“This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called ‘woman,’
for she was taken out of man.”
24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
WATCH TOWER, Part of The Synagogue of Satan.
Note the subtle Watch Tower twist.
Genesis 1.27 27 And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.b
The correct thing is mankind not “the man”.
Isaiah 40.26 is the location of THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION in The New World Translation that Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses have in their possession.
It involves excrement
Satanic is the use of the colon in Bible numbering
A patach was placed on the beautiful word for God’s spirit which is ruah. Patach in Klingon absolute sense means asshole.
Everything at Watch Tower when examined closely is Satanic.
Satan is a feral person with an overly large frontal lobe, and that is what you become when Satan and/or the demons use you. He grooms you and once everything is set up the way he wants, he leaves you to do “the kill” so no one can blame him. Feral men are worse than animals because of their large frontal lobes.
If you whip someone with severe dysphoria with The Bible and they commit suicide, you will be guilty of murder.
God has placed life and death before you today.
Watch Tower farm is a Communist view of life in Paradise Earth, it is false.
Micah 4.4 Everyone will sit under “their own vine” and under “their own fig tree”, and no one will make them afraid, for Ahyah Almighty has spoken.
Psalms 103:1 [A Psalm] of David. Bless Ahyah, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His Sacred name.
The soul is mortal. Only God can restore it if we die (Ezekiel 18:4).
People are created with a brain with its mind and a heart with its heart brain. The interaction between them is the soul. It’s what makes us a person.
By saying that The Children of God have no soul, they are saying that God has no soul, because we are made in His image.
The dual meaning of “soul”. People have a soul, they may also be referred to as “souls”. Example: “There were 8 souls on board the plane when it crashed”. This is the dual meaning of Ezekiel 18:4.
See the page titled The soul and the sacred spirit the Home Page and the God is Life page to learn more about the soul and about the sacred spirit.
From Father and me. Father let me see a lot about Watch Tower and Kabbalism. And this is a fine example of the result of listening to Satan and not the True God. During a teleconference I was listening and couldn’t believe what I heard. They were Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of his son. And I swear by God this is what I heard. “Abraham didn’t know when his son would be resurrected”. Now you understand about them.
Abraham is the father of our faith and he knew precisely when his son would be resurrected. This is from the Bible account.
Genesis 22:5 He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”
Yes I tell you and God is with me. Abraham said “and then we will come back to you”.
Abraham fully expected God to resurrect his son immediately. This is the truth from the Bible and the evidence against Watch Tower and the kinds of things they do and teach in that Kingdom Hall.
God called Abraham his friend, and I this is what Watch Tower people do to God’s friends.
Now you know about Watch Tower and Kabbalism and the absolute thing is on this website. And yet God holds out mercy to them, and still they have not responded to it and renounced the name Jehovah and have not renounced Kabbalism and it is now July 25, 2021. What you will learn from Watch Tower is half and half. Half truth and half lies. And sometimes blasphemes so profound there are no words for it.
Abraham is God’s friend and God has something to say to Him.
From God to Abraham. “Watch Tower said that I would only fill the Earth and then stop procreation. Not only did they undermine your faith Abraham, they undermined my promise to you.
Psalms 37:29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any inhabitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars”.
Satan wants to destroy the Bible and was very intent on destroying me too, because he knows how precise I am and knew all his tricks.
Trick one of the apostates known as The Worldwide Church of God.
They tell you one truth, about the condition of the dead and trick you into trusting them for the rest. But I checked and they were wrong.
Then I spent 17 years in the Synagogue of Satan, Watch Tower, and found out everything they were up to, and they teach people that they have no soul. But David said, “Bless Ahyah oh my soul”. David wouldn’t lie and God cannot lie. By telling people have no soul, they are saying Our Father in Heaven has no soul. So many lies like that are explained on The Meshikhi websites, the thing that they did to communicate secretly with one another was to introduce one mistake in anything they were working on to authenticate that they were “Discrete”.
That’s all I know, lot’s of jokes of Satan made to make you think The Bible is a joke. Just remember it the debased English language and I know it’s hard not to know the words related to sex have been done not by accident.
One scripture says, Look, I am coming quickly.
And of course, Watch Tower, being the Synagogue of Satan titles the book that explains the book of Revelation, Watch Tower named it “The Revelation Climax“.

[advanced_iframe id=”iframe” src=”” frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” width=”100%” height=”10000″]
This is a man who wants to imitate Satan. Satan is an ignorant asshole about God in Heaven, The First of God’s Children in Heaven, Yeshwa, and about women and only wants to hurt them, reflecting Satan’s ungodliness. Godly men are not assholes. Women who have godly men are safe from abuse because they have the sacred spirit from Our Father in Heaven and are able to only love. So ends the cycle of abuse against women.

Genesis 3.4 4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,knowing good and evil.”
God does not know evil, He cannot even look upon it. God is love. Love is diametrically opposite of evil and love is naturally opposed to evil. God loves all of His Children, He is only naturally opposed to evil things that they do.
Satan is bent on convincing people that God created something imperfect, or harmful to us in some way, while at the same time promoting evolution.
Learn more
National and International Security Emergency

National and International Security Emergency
REVELATION Thursday, 21 July 2022 11:00am Eastern Standard Time.
Isaiah 14.13 said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
VladiMIR wants to be above the clouds and say “I am in charge of all of you. Hitler in space.
Vladimir Putin is gathering covert power for the reformation and resurgence of the most powerful U.S.S.R. ever under his absolute control.
One of the technologies I am working on is a lithium battery that is a safe alternative to nuclear batteries. In the first step, the lithium is micronized in a centrifuge. It is then reduced further to the molecular level and packed into a battery casing. There is no on/off state, only on all the time for consumer devices.
This will eliminate all wired electricity, the grid has been compromised and is used by terrorists.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
+1 202-456-1414 White House
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, CD
Canadian Decoration and NATO clasp
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
Military Occupation Code 291 (MOC 291)
Communications Research Specialist
Text Message to
I have 15 Years of Communications Research Experience and 23 Years of Biblical Research Experience
If you are looking for the evidence that Vladimir Putin is antisemitic, supported by The Bible, see my previous posts only available locally on my cell phone, I was isolated by counter-intelligence.
In addition to conquering “The Holy Land”, modern day Israel, Putin has bigger plans.
Voice of God Artificial Intelligence described in this post from Iran
Intentional Global warming efforts by China to help Putin achieve warm water ports and open the Northern Sea Route completely
Mass disabling of North American Commercial pilots using The Electromagnetic Spectrum, likely along with taking over the planes while they are autopilot, as with the successful stealth drone capture using WiFi in The Sky on Enemy Commercial Aircraft.
At my previous address 3424 Albion Road South I wanted to listen to music farther from the house, I couldn’t walk far, so I tried my old D-Link DAP1330 Wifi Extender and while trying different things, noted that if I toggled airplane mode, all of the sudden I had powerful extended range WiFi that worked perfectly. For 2 years there was construction on the basement of the house next door owned by some Chinese people and for the same amount of time, constant deliveries by communications company vans, way too many for home Internet wouldn’t you say? I wondered if some of the technology they were working on was being kept portable in case they were detected, due to the type of carry bags they used. I tried the same thing at my new address with my WiFi Extender but it did not work.
My roommate Cindy Gniazdoski was always very friendly with the Chinese people, zipped in and out of the bathroom faster than anyone I’ve ever met and I never heard the water running to wash her hands. Two of us girls upstairs had problems, one had a bladder infection and I had what I thought was related to Polyethylene glycol (PEG) used in colonoscopy preparation products. I had had a colonoscopy at Montfort hospital in Ottawa and got what I thought was an infection that lasted a very long time.
The spare key to my room which I had placed in my downstairs roommate’s dresser drawer, with her knowledge, went missing. Out of the blue Cindy started talking about taking early retirement. I sent her a happy birthday wish after she moved to the East Coast but she didn’t respond.
The house next door to the Chinese people were Middle Eastern people who spoke a Middle Eastern language and threw parties that started at 10pm at night. One of the guests was a very tall blonde woman who appeared to be the same height as me. I am 6’3”.
Attacks on electrical systems on aircraft, via any powered jacks on aircraft including the electrical outlets in washrooms in planes using
Powerline networking is a technology that sits between wired and wireless. Rather than shoot network data into the air or through cables draped along baseboards, it uses the existing electrical wiring in a home or office.
Isolation must be done between aircraft electrical components and any powered jacks and wall outlets in the washrooms on aircraft.
Watch out for aluminum copper mix installed in electrical systems by compromised engineers.
Omicron being spread by accessibility buttons that open doors for the elderly and disabled.
Representatives of Rebbe Melech, The Antichrist, live in the apartment building next to mine. Flash photography from what I believe to be the 7th floor in that building at 3am in the morning and a Hebrew speaking man that I have never met before, came out of my building and in a Hebrew accent said “I just wanted to see if you were smoking”.
This leaked Government report supports everything I have understood about The Synagogue of Satan cult, of which Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are a part.
I am the developer of The Bandwidth Eliminator and no one else. Also of the artificial thought algorith to make computers more efficient. Alain Debuc was under a legal Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) (Inasec CEO Helen Carter, hired Alain Debuc, I was President of Inasec at the time and offered Helen 50% ownership to help me because she knows Corporate language very well, I don’t.) when he learned about it and also learned about my use of address as the gateway address. Shortly afterward, it was no longer possible to change the gateway address in Microsoft Windows. Not sure if Alain was trying to frame me or Bill Gates or who paid him off, or if he’s just a thief or someone who doesn’t know better. I don’t care. The artificial thought algorithm was made to solve things faster to help people, not for use with Radio Frequencies to mess with people’s minds.
Eliminator Mathematics
a + b + x = R
0 + 0 + unknown element = Result
0 + x = R – 0
0 + 1 + R – 0
1 = R – 0
1 = 1 – 0
1 = 1
It is now time
T=1 and nothing else
Theoretical mathematics are fun, and you may discover many things as long as you are grounded in this fact of life and reality.
Daniel 12:5-7 New American Standard Bible – NASB 1995 (NASB1995)
Then I, Daniel, looked and behold, two others were standing, one on this bank of the river and the other on that bank of the river. And one said to the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, “How long will it be until the end of these wonders?” I heard the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, as he raised his right hand and his left toward heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever that it would be for a time, times, and half a time; and as soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people, all these events will be completed.
Time is like a river, it just goes on and on, there’s only one direction, and when it’s gone, it’s gone.
Government control is required. I did not disclose key elements that make The Bandwith Eliminator work. I require a UH-60 Black Hawk to airlift me now, I don’t have time to fill out forms or a month to get approved.
I am a Christian lady, not a fictional binar from a TV show.
0 – 0 in binary, what is it?
Tiffany Tracy NcTaggart
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878.
Final Axis of Evil Instructions for Governments
Strategy for disabling the axis of evil described by George W. Bush
Using neutron technology and overt/covert action, destroy axis of evil personnel capable of operating weapons of war. Having no one left who is knowledgeable enough to operate them, evil will be neutralized.
Instructions for their operation is always locked away, even in a secure environment.
If anyone is able to operate the sophisticated weapons of war without the knowledge to do so, it will be clear that it is Satan and The Demons enabling them to do so.
This is necessary because The King of The North of The Bible, Daniel Chapter 11 aggressive move into The Ukraine indicates decisive military action with deadly force.
Daniel 11:41 He will also invade the Beautiful Land (The Holy Land, currently named Israel). Research indicates the actual name is Isra’al which means Righteous God.
All Axis of evil communications are to be destroyed including Satellites and Internet out of Axis of evil countries.
Rotary phone only will be allowed so that people may communicate with their families who are abroad.
There can be no exception to these rules or eventually people will go mad from ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY as previously described in my posts.
Adaptive AI with haptic response using RF Technology is too overwhelming for people, they end up talking to themselves, believing they are talking to God and because brain reading technology is employed, it is impossible not to respond, it is a natural response also to what they believe to be attacks by Satan.
Brain reading technology and The Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM Spectrum)
The basic way it works is described in the training Meshikhi have and we don’t worry about it at all.
Satan said to the demon “You be God, and I’ll be the demon”
Satan Satan said to the demon, “You be God, and I’ll be Yeshua (The Lord)
Finally, the hardest one to discern, I call “the narrator” endearing and excited voice that builds responses by repeating words that you say, creating and endless loop, AI that is too boring and repetitive for the brain, so much so at one point I was catatonic, like a husk lying on my bed with no identity at all. I can only say that a female sacred angel spoke to me, which helped to revive me. I don’t know the words she said, all I remember is a soft voice with love in it, and my mind responded.
The biggest problem is Iran, because they want to do what they did to the stealth drone with planes on autopilot.
During an indepth study of the Bible with a Muslim, he confided with me that just prior to 9/11, the people in his mosque dreamt about jets flying into tall buildings.
This was very difficult for that honest man to admit. I assured him the dream was not from God. I never mentioned it before out of fear for the safety of the man. If it was known he had told an outsider, he certainly would have been killed. The dream likely made a deep impression on the people who experienced it. It is probably a very guarded secret.
Reasoning from the Scriptures by Jehovah’s Witnesses states the following:
1st Timothy 4:1: “However, the inspired utterance says definitely that in later periods of time some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired utterances [sometimes conveyed in dreams] and teachings of demons.”
It was not from God, and a reason that it wasn’t is that there were the innocent people working in the twin towers that died. God would not be part of that.
James 1:13 When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone.
God does not try, or test, anyone by inciting him to behave badly. God neither causes bad to happen nor incites others to do what is bad. Who or what, then, is to blame when bad things happen?
Since the person I studied with seemed sincere and was honest about it, I believe he was not complicit. That leads to one conclusion. Satan and the demons were directly involved, not only in 9/11 but in Islam itself.
Deuteronomy 18:10-14 condemns such things as foretelling events, another reason the dream was not from God.
You can’t get rid of a tree by pulling off its leaves. You have to tear it out by the roots. You can’t get rid of false religion with little slaps on the wrist and threats. You destroy false religion by exposing their hateful doctrines as false.
Revelation 16.12 Revelation 16:12, NIV: The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.
The Kings from The East are Ahyah, The Holy One of Isra’al and Yeshwa Christ, The Son of God, who sits at His Right Hand in Heaven.
Heaven is located one million miles to The East and above The Earth.
Isaiah 66.1, Acts 7.49
Isaiah 66.1 This is what Ahyah says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?
It is relativity, a footstool is not located directly under a chair. A footstool is lower and in front of a chair. Also, The Tent of Meeting faced East in The Bible and was used so that The Isra’alites would not appear to be bowing down to The Sun or The Moon or The Stars or The Clouds or The Sky or to anything else, in modern times this would include satellites and other space platforms.
The gods of The East on Earth are imaginary, and the wealth of those in The East is nothing. Please follow the microeconomic and macroeconomic plan that I provided.
President of the United States notified about the mosque dream.
You won’t. believe this perhaps, as I began observing the phenomenon as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, an Elder laughed and said from the platform “THE LOOP”, like it was a big joke.
Eventually it becomes induced schizophrenia which psychiatrists diagnose when a person is found to be whispering to themselves while talking to the doctor.
It is almost impossible to stop once induced. I get some relief when I tell myself using my name to stop talking to myself or I will die.
Leaked Government Report
Jehovah’s Witnesses and Schizophrenia
But even I found it too much during an all out EM attack on my brain, as the one that happened to The President of The United States while he was giving his speech. He does not have dementia, slurred speech, inability to focus, dry mouth and speech that is very slow and broken were the main symptoms.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua in Heaven loves you.
I’m changing my name to Tiffany deFernihough. I used the 5 octives in my voice in so many ways fighting this thing, Summer is the only name that when I say it, triggers my vocal registers to sound even remotely like the soft spoken person I truly am.
All glory to God in Heaven and Honor His Son Yeshua “in Heaven”.
No matter what you see on Earth, dismiss anyone who claims to be God or The Christ in Heaven, anyone on Earth isthe antichrist, especially Rebbe Melech in Isra’al. I don’t care if he can walk on water, I don’t care if he can stand on his head on water, he is the antichrist.
Fake resurrection using a body double can be foiled by a DNA TEST at the time of death and a DNA TEST after the supposed resurrection. This is because each person had unique DNA. I don’t know enough about cloning to say, only be aware of the body double scenario.
To learn more about these subjects, please read the page titled The EM Spectrum on https://meshikha.org
Hoping to have vocal chord surgery one day to permanently fix the problem with the registers in my voice. I can not talk or pray in a whisper without the registers being too low. I used to have a lilting voice, but I lowered my registers for singing and did not know the implications of the horrible nightmare I have experienced for the past 7 years. The Synagogue of Satan is truly appropriately named.
I still have critical information for The President of The United States that he needs to know, but obviouslly doesn’t believe me because of two succesful entrapments by Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
There is a hotline between my friend who is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses who has power of attorney over me and my roommate.
On the one hand, I have a roommate who opened my mail, accused me of getting more money than I do, and raised the rent almost immediately after I moved in. The optics of reporting a raise in rent so soon after reporting my rent information to Ontario Disability would make it seem that I was gaming the system. I am not. I am an honest Christian lady. Also, my roommate is the only one who has a key to the mailbox for the apartment, and I did not receive my Health Card that I applied for in person, so I can not get my Covid Vaccination. My Sister keeps insisting that I should get my Covid shot, which I wish to have.
My roommate is bipolar and in a bipolar rage, called me a demon.
My sister’s husband is part of Eckenkar, the most silent cult religion in the world. See the page on titled “Say goodbye to religion” Etymology of “The Gliding Serpent”, mentioned in The Bible.
If anyone finds this post, report it to the police, the Government or RCMP in Canada.
I suspect they will try to get me with the butterfly net and have me put into a mental ward again.
In the apartment above me and above my room is the funny thing.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878 Historic Announcement
I am Tiffany deFernihough. My family were Tobacco Merchants. All of the holdings of The British Empire belong to “my” family. I am tired of watching Elizabeth drinking my family’s hard earned tobacco money. Sorry, Elizabeth, you don’t have the teeth for it. Good genetic stock, don’t you know. Well, you wanted to add Diana’s beauty to you, and truly her children will reflect it. Nice try Elizabeth, nice try Charlie. Too slow, old boy. Light pulse to incapacitate a driver in a tunnel is a no no old boy. That’s right old boy, I am a Communications Specialist and also a military girl.
Saturday 16 July 2022
Secret Societies will no longer be secret
The Mental Health of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 January 2018
John Spencer
A leaked government report from a .gov web address [PDF]
And you will not be allowed to destroy Christianity either.
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses Epicentre of The Roman Religion II and part of “The Inner Circle”.
The Original Roman Religion incorporated Christianity.
No Charlie, you Viet Cong Monster, you will not destroy me and you will not destroy Christianity. You are a wolf in sheeps clothing, and God in Heaven is calling you to account this day. There is no injustice with God, so saith the Bible.
Evidence of my family at
Well, you thought to make my Grandfather disappear by sending him to Canada, but I have all his records including his birth certficate and even the registry of the ship he came to Canada on.
You put the bag on my mother, the colostomy bag, but you did not put it on me.
No, you will not put the “bag” on me, you monsters.
The terrible truth of my life is that I am a woman who only loves, I was created to be such. To be a compliment, a helper and to make a man happy.
All those who I love and have loved were all about one thing, my destruction. The evidence is overwhelming, and they have all been rewarded for it in one way or another, but not by God.
Don’t listen to the Eck-master of the Eckenkar cult, Bruce Wozny or to his wife. See the file “Say goodbye to religion” at
Remember Meshikhi, do not engage The Eckenkar cult or any member of the cult in any way.
Satan’s masterpiece, the silent, The Gliding Serpent mentioned in The Bible.
Only expose their false god to the public.
Ancient Chinese Secret also known
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Their lives were arranged in a very specific way to do so. The family estate of Margo Dunn may or may not have the actual family crest and heraldry or that may only have been a setup to discredit me, I have no way of knowing.
Only The Government has the resources to reveal the truth, Windsor Herald would not acknowledge me, despite the obvious evidence.
What was done to me was deliberate, including masculinization in the womb and police evidence from 1978 in Chatham Ontario shows the muscular skeletal damage done to my face by a gang of men, that erased my beauty, but my smile was miraculously preserved, so that when I smile, it lifts the muscular skeletal damage snd I can recognize myself. The evidence is overwhelming, and a member of The Synagogue of Satan Cult, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses has power of attorney over me. For those who know, you know the rest.
The woman down the street with power of attorney drove past the street we were supposed to turn on, and we ended up at Riverside and Walkley Road where I used to live where there was a crazy man who wanted to kill me and I had to get out of there and she knows it. She wants to have me cremated and dump me in the Ottawa River. I now want to be buried in a cemetery because now I know what’s going on. They want to get rid of my smile, the only part of me that they haven’t destroyed. I only told her to cremate me before because I know it would be the least expensive way for her. My phone is loaded with pictures of me with a beautiful swan neck, but because of being tortured so much and lost so much weight that I look like a skeleton and it looks like I have an Adam’s Apple. Get me out of here now before the Synagogue of Satan Cult murders me. Phone records between my roommate and her will prove that my roommate who is bipolar and extremely religious wants to convince the woman from the Synagogue of Satan that I am crazy. My roommate told me I am a demon, is that enough? And every time I say I need to get out of here, the woman from The Synagogue of Satan says I can’t move. It’s a damn pincer movement, I’m a woman soldier and I know when I’m being hacked. I have been life hacked enough to know they are planning the murder by having me put in the mental hospital again, having me injected with 4000mg so that in my present physical condition I won’t be able to sleep and my death will look natural. It was torture last time they injected me because it gives me severe restless legs syndrome and I did’t sleep almost at all while on the injections. I sent the leaked Government Report about The Mental Health of Jehovah’s Witnesses to the psychiatrist who handled my case and he said he did not receive it. I sent it via The Montfort Hospital online web forms. The murder of me is going to happen no matter what if you don’t get me out of here now.
Meshikhi, The Christian Revival
God, Our Father in Heaven, represented by Abraham in The Bible and God’s Son, The First of God’s Created Children in Heaven, represented by Issac in The Bible.
How long did it take you to read that simple truth?
It takes 6 months to a year to be “indoctrinated” into Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses, a part of The Synagogue of Satan Cult mentioned in The Bible (Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9)
The same technology that was used by Iran to produce “The Mosque Dream”, as described in an earlier post was used on me to give me a sexual Jehovah dream.
There I was, a woman with a handsome man on top of me and a voice said “the man is Jehovah”. As stated in my previous post about The Mosque Dream, it looked like 1080p high resolution video and absolutely not believable by me.
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that God gives them what they call “wonderful thing” prior to entering the bedroom for sex. Nothing sexual or sensual is associated with God and His Children. It is Caananite to believe such a tbing involving God’s spirit. I also understood sexual things at meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses during the meetings.
Message sent to The Former President of The United States, George W. Bush
Mr. President, Sir.
You are needed at this time because of your experience in this matter.
I now require an armoured airlift.
I am at 2767 Innes Road, Gloucester, Ontario
(Ottawa Canada). There is a park nearby this address.
Authorization: Over the horizon
I have informed the President via
+1 202-456-1414 White House
Negative response
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, CD
Canadian Decoration and NATO clasp
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
Military Occupation Code 291 (MOC 291)
Communications Research Specialist
I have 15 Years of Communications Research Experience and 23 Years of Biblical Research Experience
If you are looking for the evidence that Vladimir Putin is antisemitic, supported by The Bible, see my previous posts.
In addition to conquering “The Holy Land”, modern day Israel, Putin has bigger plans.
Voice of God Artificial Intelligence described in this post from Iran
Intentional Global warming efforts by China to help Putin achieve warm water ports and open the Northern Sea Route completely
Mass disabling of North American Commercial pilots using The Electromagnetic Spectrum, likely along with taking over the planes while they are autopilot, as with the successful stealth drone capture using WiFi in The Sky on Enemy Commercial Aircraft.
At my previous address 3424 Albion Road South I wanted to listen to music farther from the house, I couldn’t walk far, so I tried my old D-Link DAP1330 Wifi Extender and while trying different things, noted that if I toggled airplane mode, all of the sudden I had powerful extended range WiFi that worked perfectly. For 2 years there was construction on the basement of the house next door owned by some Chinese people and for the same amount of time, constant deliveries by communications company vans, way too many for home Internet wouldn’t you say? I wondered if some of the technology they were working on was being kept portable in case they were detected, due to the type of carry bags they used. I tried the same thing at my new address with my WiFi Extender but it did not work.
My roommate Cindy Gniazdoski was always very friendly with the Chinese people, zipped in and out of the bathroom faster than anyone I’ve ever met and I never heard the water running to wash her hands. Two of us girls upstairs had problems, one had a bladder infection and I had what I thought was related to Polyethylene glycol (PEG) used in colonoscopy preparation products. I had had a colonoscopy at Montfort hospital in Ottawa and got what I thought was an infection that lasted a very long time.
The spare key to my room which I had placed in my downstairs roommate’s dresser drawer, with her knowledge, went missing. Out of the blue Cindy started talking about taking early retirement. I sent her a happy birthday wish after she moved to the East Coast but she didn’t respond.
The house next door to the Chinese people were Middle Eastern people who spoke a Middle Eastern language and threw parties that started at 10pm at night. One of the guests was a very tall blonde woman who appeared to be the same height as me. I am 6’3”.
Attacks on electrical systems on aircraft, via any powered jacks on aircraft including the electrical outlets in washrooms in planes using
Powerline networking is a technology that sits between wired and wireless. Rather than shoot network data into the air or through cables draped along baseboards, it uses the existing electrical wiring in a home or office.
Isolation must be done between aircraft electrical components and any powered jacks and wall outlets in the washrooms on aircraft.
Watch out for aluminum copper mix installed in electrical systems by compromised engineers.
Omicron being spread by accessibility buttons that open doors for the elderly and disabled.
Representatives of Rebbe Melech, The Antichrist, live in the apartment building next to mine. Flash photography from what I believe to be the 7th flloor in that building at 3am in the morning and a Hebrew speaking man that I have never met before, came out of my building and in a Hebrew accent said “I just wanted to see if you were smoking”.
This leaked Government report supports everything I have understood about The Synagogue of Satan cult, of which Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are a part.
Final Axis of Evil Instructions for Governments
All Axis of evil communications are to be destroyed including Satellites and Internet out of Axis of evil countries.
Rotary phone only will be allowed so that people may communicate with their families who are abroad.
There can be no exception to these rules or eventually people will go mad from ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY as previously described in my posts.
Adaptive AI with haptic response using RF Technology is too overwhelming for people, they end up talking to themselves, believing they are talking to God and because brain reading technology is employed, it is impossible not to respond, it is a natural response also to what they believe to be attacks by Satan.
The basic way it works is described in the training Meshikhi have and we don’t worry about it at all.
Satan said to the demon “You be God, and I’ll be the demon”
Satan Satan said to the demon, “You be God, and I’ll be Yeshua (The Lord)
Finally, the hardest one to discern, I call “the narrator” endearing and excited voice that builds responses by repeating words that you say, creating and endless loop, AI AI that is too boring and repetitive for the brain, so much so at one point I was catatonic, like a husk lying on my bed with no identity at all. I can only say that a female sacred angel spoke to me, which helped to revive me. I don’t know the words she said, all I remember is a soft voice with love in it, and my mind responded.
The biggest problem is Iran, because they want to do what they did to the stealth drone with planes on autopilot.
You won’t. believe this perhaps, as I began observing the phenomenon as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, an Elder laughed and said from the platform “THE LOOP”, like it was a big joke.
Eventually it becomes induced schizophrenia which psychiatrists diagnose when a person is found to be whispering to themselves while talking to the doctor.
It is almost impossible to stop once induced. I get some relief when I tell myself using my name to stop talking to myself or I will die.
But even I found it too much during an all out EM attack on my brain, as the one that happened to The President of The United States while he was giving his speech. He does not have dementia, slurred speech, inability to focus, dry mouth and speech that is very slow and broken were the main symptoms.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua in Heaven loves you.
I’m changing my name to Tiffany deFernihough, after my mother. I used the 5 octives in my voice in so many ways fighting this thing, it is the only name that when I say it, triggers my vocal registers to sound even remotely like the soft spoken person I truly am.
All glory to God in Heaven and Honor His Son Yeshua “in Heaven”.
No matter what you see on Earth, dismiss anyone who claims to be God or The Christ in Heaven, anyone on Earth isthe antichrist, especially Rebbe Melech in Isra’al. I don’t care if he can walk on water, I don’t care if he can stand on his head on water, he is the antichrist.
Fake resurrection using a body double can be foiled by a DNA TEST at the time of death and a DNA TEST after the supposed resurrection. This is because each person had unique DNA. I don’t know enough about cloning to say, only be aware of the body double scenario.
To learn more about these subjects, please read the page titled The EM Spectrum on https://meshikha.org
Hoping to have vocal chord surgery one day to permanently fix the problem with the registers in my voice. I can not talk or pray in a whisper without the registers being too low. I used to have a lilting voice, but I lowered my registers for singing and did not know the implications of the horrible nightmare I have experienced for the past 7 years. The Synagogue of Satan is truly appropriately named.
I still have critical information for The President of The United States that he needs to know, but obviously doesn’t believe me because of two successful entrapments by Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
There is a hotline between my friend who is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses who has power of attorney over me and my roommate.
On the one hand, I have a roommate who opened my mail, accused me of getting more money than I do, and raised the rent almost immediately after I moved in. The optics of reporting a raise in rent so soon after reporting my rent information to Ontario Disability would make it seem that I was gaming the system. I am not. I am an honest Christian lady. Also, my roommate is the only one who has a key to the mailbox for the apartment, and I did not receive my Health Card that I applied for in person, so I can not get my Covid Vaccination. My Sister keeps insisting that I should get my Covid shot, which I wish to have.
My roommate is bipolar and in a bipolar rage, called me a demon.
My sister’s husband is part of Eckenkar, the most silent cult religion in the world. See the page on titled “Say goodbye to religion” Etymology of “The Gliding Serpent”, mentioned in The Bible.
If anyone finds this post, report it to the police, the Government or RCMP in Canada.
I suspect they will try to get me with the butterfly net and have me put into a mental ward again.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
With love,
Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
Justice is Beautiful
I have 15 Years of Communications Research Experience
and 23 Years of Biblical Research Experience
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, CD
Canadian Decoration and NATO clasp
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
Military Occupation Code 291 (MOC 291)
Communications Research Specialist
If you are looking for the evidence that Vladimir Putin is antisemitic, supported by The Bible, see my previous posts, that prove he is after Israel. he is The Next Hitler.
All Meshikhi are to report these things to the media until the Government acts.
Satan The Devil, Hillel, just called me “Woman of God” before The Holy One of Isra’al in Heaven. And those with the brain reading technology know it.
Satan’s plan was to use women to frame Yeshwa and to implicate God. Satan wanted to be first, and hates Yeshwa with eternal hate for being first, Yeshwa is The First of God’s Children in Heaven, Createed from the original blueprint when God understood what made Him a person. This is why Yeshwa is parallel, like God. No one else is. It’s just a fact of life which Satan cannot accept.
Why was Adam smiling when he took the fruit from the tree of life, from Eve? I learned it while I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Satan operates in the bedroom and the bathroom where God does not look. Satan made a deal with Adam. Watch Tower calls it “THE JOHN CLASS”.
An Elder, Bruce Donelly, said to read publications in the washroom. A Sister, Lise Eisenschmidt, of The Pioneer class said she learned it in Pioneer School taught by men, to pray before reading spiritual publications. Behold. Satan calls the toilet “The Throne” and THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION is “The theory of everything”. God is NOT energy. And God is not the source of dynamic energy nor is He dynamic energy.
All I ever did was to love God and His Son and love people with eternal love.
And all God has ever done is to love me, with eternal love also. With every spark of love burned away, there would always be one light that remained. I will not lose faith in this world but live by the words of Psalms 62.5 Wait for God, O my soul. Psalms 62.5 is my middle name. He will not be late, but I may have changed many things by neutralizing Satan and The Demons, no one can change Bible Prophecy, but I always knew I was a part of the strange work of God mentioned in The Greek Scriptures along with the removal of The Vatican from The United Nations along with their Observer Status because it is an affront to The Palestinians and they are not happy about it.
Meshikhi 16 July 2022
There is not one word in the news little ones. All Meshikhi everywhere contact the media and they will not be able to ignore so many people validating this true story. Read all my posts and the website and destroy Satan and his world. Have fun Meshikhi, listen to Murphy explicitly for it means you life. I will hear the report about you and be filled with joy about you.
Because of the technology in use, any unwelcome touching of your body in any way, any movement of your body or ANY voice, consider it THE ENEMY. Fight it to the death Army of Calvary.
With love,
I am Tiiffany deFernihough. My family were Tobacco Merchants.
Message sent to The Former President of The United States, George W. Bush
Mr. President, Sir.
You are needed at this time because of your experience in this matter.
I now require an armoured airlift.
I am at 2767 Innes Road, Gloucester, Ontario
(Ottawa Canada). There is a park nearby this address.
Authorization: Over the horizon
I have informed the President via
+1 202-456-1414 White House
Negative response
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, CD
Canadian Decoration and NATO clasp
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
Military Occupation Code 291 (MOC 291)
Communications Research Specialist
I have 15 Years of Communications Research Experience and 23 Years of Biblical Research Experience
If you are looking for the evidence that Vladimir Putin is antisemitic, supported by The Bible, see my previous posts.
In addition to conquering “The Holy Land”, modern day Israel, Putin has bigger plans.
Voice of God Artificial Intelligence described in this post from Iran
Intentional Global warming efforts by China to help Putin achieve warm water ports and open the Northern Sea Route completely
Mass disabling of North American Commercial pilots using The Electromagnetic Spectrum, likely along with taking over the planes while they are autopilot, as with the successful stealth drone capture using WiFi in The Sky on Enemy Commercial Aircraft.
At my previous address 3424 Albion Road South I wanted to listen to music farther from the house, I couldn’t walk far, so I tried my old D-Link DAP1330 Wifi Extender and while trying different things, noted that if I toggled airplane mode, all of the sudden I had powerful extended range WiFi that worked perfectly. For 2 years there was construction on the basement of the house next door owned by some Chinese people and for the same amount of time, constant deliveries by communications company vans, way too many for home Internet wouldn’t you say? I wondered if some of the technology they were working on was being kept portable in case they were detected, due to the type of carry bags they used. I tried the same thing at my new address with my WiFi Extender but it did not work.
My roommate Cindy Gniazdoski was always very friendly with the Chinese people, zipped in and out of the bathroom faster than anyone I’ve ever met and I never heard the water running to wash her hands. Two of us girls upstairs had problems, one had a bladder infection and I had what I thought was related to Polyethylene glycol (PEG) used in colonoscopy preparation products. I had had a colonoscopy at Montfort hospital in Ottawa and got what I thought was an infection that lasted a very long time.
The spare key to my room which I had placed in my downstairs roommate’s dresser drawer, with her knowledge, went missing. Out of the blue Cindy started talking about taking early retirement. I sent her a happy birthday wish after she moved to the East Coast but she didn’t respond.
The house next door to the Chinese people were Middle Eastern people who spoke a Middle Eastern language and threw parties that started at 10pm at night. One of the guests was a very tall blonde woman who appeared to be the same height as me. I am 6’3”.
Attacks on electrical systems on aircraft, via any powered jacks on aircraft including the electrical outlets in washrooms in planes using
Powerline networking is a technology that sits between wired and wireless. Rather than shoot network data into the air or through cables draped along baseboards, it uses the existing electrical wiring in a home or office.
Isolation must be done between aircraft electrical components and any powered jacks and wall outlets in the washrooms on aircraft.
Watch out for aluminum copper mix installed in electrical systems by compromised engineers.
Omicron being spread by accessibility buttons that open doors for the elderly and disabled.
Representatives of Rebbe Melech, The Antichrist, live in the apartment building next to mine. Flash photography from what I believe to be the 7th flloor in that building at 3am in the morning and a Hebrew speaking man that I have never met before, came out of my building and in a Hebrew accent said “I just wanted to see if you were smoking”.
This leaked Government report supports everything I have understood about The Synagogue of Satan cult, of which Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are a part.
Final Axis of Evil Instructions for Governments
All Axis of evil communications are to be destroyed including Satellites and Internet out of Axis of evil countries.
Rotary phone only will be allowed so that people may communicate with their families who are abroad.
There can be no exception to these rules or eventually people will go mad from ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY as previously described in my posts.
Adaptive AI with haptic response using RF Technology is too overwhelming for people, they end up talking to themselves, believing they are talking to God and because brain reading technology is employed, it is impossible not to respond, it is a natural response also to what they believe to be attacks by Satan.
The basic way it works is described in the training Meshikhi have and we don’t worry about it at all.
Satan said to the demon “You be God, and I’ll be the demon”
Satan Satan said to the demon, “You be God, and I’ll be Yeshua (The Lord)
Finally, the hardest one to discern, I call “the narrator” endearing and excited voice that builds responses by repeating words that you say, creating and endless loop, AI AI that is too boring and repetitive for the brain, so much so at one point I was catatonic, like a husk lying on my bed with no identity at all. I can only say that a female sacred angel spoke to me, which helped to revive me. I don’t know the words she said, all I remember is a soft voice with love in it, and my mind responded.
The biggest problem is Iran, because they want to do what they did to the stealth drone with planes on autopilot.
You won’t. believe this perhaps, as I began observing the phenomenon as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, an Elder laughed and said from the platform “THE LOOP”, like it was a big joke.
Eventually it becomes induced schizophrenia which psychiatrists diagnose when a person is found to be whispering to themselves while talking to the doctor.
It is almost impossible to stop once induced. I get some relief when I tell myself using my name to stop talking to myself or I will die.
But even I found it too much during an all out EM attack on my brain, as the one that happened to The President of The United States while he was giving his speech. He does not have dementia, slurred speech, inability to focus, dry mouth and speech that is very slow and broken were the main symptoms.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua in Heaven loves you.
I’m changing my name to Tiffany deFernihough, after my mother. I used the 5 octives in my voice in so many ways fighting this thing, it is the only name that when I say it, triggers my vocal registers to sound even remotely like the soft spoken person I truly am.
All glory to God in Heaven and Honor His Son Yeshua “in Heaven”.
No matter what you see on Earth, dismiss anyone who claims to be God or The Christ in Heaven, anyone on Earth isthe antichrist, especially Rebbe Melech in Isra’al. I don’t care if he can walk on water, I don’t care if he can stand on his head on water, he is the antichrist.
Fake resurrection using a body double can be foiled by a DNA TEST at the time of death and a DNA TEST after the supposed resurrection. This is because each person had unique DNA. I don’t know enough about cloning to say, only be aware of the body double scenario.
To learn more about these subjects, please read the page titled The EM Spectrum on https://meshikha.org
Hoping to have vocal chord surgery one day to permanently fix the problem with the registers in my voice. I can not talk or pray in a whisper without the registers being too low. I used to have a lilting voice, but I lowered my registers for singing and did not know the implications of the horrible nightmare I have experienced for the past 7 years. The Synagogue of Satan is truly appropriately named.
I still have critical information for The President of The United States that he needs to know, but obviously doesn’t believe me because of two successful entrapments by Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
There is a hotline between my friend who is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses who has power of attorney over me and my roommate.
On the one hand, I have a roommate who opened my mail, accused me of getting more money than I do, and raised the rent almost immediately after I moved in. The optics of reporting a raise in rent so soon after reporting my rent information to Ontario Disability would make it seem that I was gaming the system. I am not. I am an honest Christian lady. Also, my roommate is the only one who has a key to the mailbox for the apartment, and I did not receive my Health Card that I applied for in person, so I can not get my Covid Vaccination. My Sister keeps insisting that I should get my Covid shot, which I wish to have.
My roommate is bipolar and in a bipolar rage, called me a demon.
My sister’s husband is part of Eckenkar, the most silent cult religion in the world. See the page on titled “Say goodbye to religion” Etymology of “The Gliding Serpent”, mentioned in The Bible.
If anyone finds this post, report it to the police, the Government or RCMP in Canada.
I suspect they will try to get me with the butterfly net and have me put into a mental ward again.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
With love,
Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
Justice is Beautiful
+1 202-456-1414 White House
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, CD
Canadian Decoration and NATO clasp
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
Military Occupation Code 291 (MOC 291)
Communications Research Specialist
Text Message to
I have 15 Years of Communications Research Experience and 23 Years of Biblical Research Experience
If you are looking for the evidence that Vladimir Putin is antisemitic, supported by The Bible, see my previous posts.
In addition to conquering “The Holy Land”, modern day Israel, Putin has bigger plans.
Voice of God Artificial Intelligence described in this post from Iran
Intentional Global warming efforts by China to help Putin achieve warm water ports and open the Northern Sea Route completely
Mass disabling of North American Commercial pilots using The Electromagnetic Spectrum, likely along with taking over the planes while they are autopilot, as with the successful stealth drone capture using WiFi in The Sky on Enemy Commercial Aircraft.
At my previous address 3424 Albion Road South I wanted to listen to music farther from the house, I couldn’t walk far, so I tried my old D-Link DAP1330 Wifi Extender and while trying different things, noted that if I toggled airplane mode, all of the sudden I had powerful extended range WiFi that worked perfectly. For 2 years there was construction on the basement of the house next door owned by some Chinese people and for the same amount of time, constant deliveries by communications company vans, way too many for home Internet wouldn’t you say? I wondered if some of the technology they were working on was being kept portable in case they were detected, due to the type of carry bags they used. I tried the same thing at my new address with my WiFi Extender but it did not work.
My roommate Cindy Gniazdoski was always very friendly with the Chinese people, zipped in and out of the bathroom faster than anyone I’ve ever met and I never heard the water running to wash her hands. Two of us girls upstairs had problems, one had a bladder infection and I had what I thought was related to Polyethylene glycol (PEG) used in colonoscopy preparation products. I had had a colonoscopy at Montfort hospital in Ottawa and got what I thought was an infection that lasted a very long time.
The spare key to my room which I had placed in my downstairs roommate’s dresser drawer, with her knowledge, went missing. Out of the blue Cindy started talking about taking early retirement. I sent her a happy birthday wish after she moved to the East Coast but she didn’t respond.
The house next door to the Chinese people were Middle Eastern people who spoke a Middle Eastern language and threw parties that started at 10pm at night. One of the guests was a very tall blonde woman who appeared to be the same height as me. I am 6’3”.
Attacks on electrical systems on aircraft, via any powered jacks on aircraft including the electrical outlets in washrooms in planes using
Powerline networking is a technology that sits between wired and wireless. Rather than shoot network data into the air or through cables draped along baseboards, it uses the existing electrical wiring in a home or office.
Isolation must be done between aircraft electrical components and any powered jacks and wall outlets in the washrooms on aircraft.
Watch out for aluminum copper mix installed in electrical systems by compromised engineers.
Omicron being spread by accessibility buttons that open doors for the elderly and disabled.
Representatives of Rebbe Melech, The Antichrist, live in the apartment building next to mine. Flash photography from what I believe to be the 7th flloor in that building at 3am in the morning and a Hebrew speaking man that I have never met before, came out of my building and in a Hebrew accent said “I just wanted to see if you were smoking”.
This leaked Government report supports everything I have understood about The Synagogue of Satan cult, of which Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are a part.
Final Axis of Evil Instructions for Governments
Strategy for disabling the axis of evil described by George W. Bush
Using neutron technology and overt/covert action, destroy axis of evil personnel capable of operating weapons of war. Having no one left who is knowledgeable enough to operate them, evil will be neutralized.
Instructions for their operation is always locked away, even in a secure environment.
If anyone is able to operate the sophisticated weapons of war without the knowledge to do so, it will be clear that it is Satan and The Demons enabling them to do so.
This is necessary because The King of The North of The Bible, Daniel Chapter 11 aggressive move into The Ukraine indicates decisive military action with deadly force.
Daniel 11:41 He will also invade the Beautiful Land (The Holy Land, currently named Israel). Research indicates the actual name is Isra’al which means Righteous God.
All Axis of evil communications are to be destroyed including Satellites and Internet out of Axis of evil countries.
Rotary phone only will be allowed so that people may communicate with their families who are abroad.
There can be no exception to these rules or eventually people will go mad from ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY as previously described in my posts.
Adaptive AI with haptic response using RF Technology is too overwhelming for people, they end up talking to themselves, believing they are talking to God and because brain reading technology is employed, it is impossible not to respond, it is a natural response also to what they believe to be attacks by Satan.
Brain reading technology and The Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM Spectrum)
The basic way it works is described in the training Meshikhi have and we don’t worry about it at all.
Satan said to the demon “You be God, and I’ll be the demon”
Satan Satan said to the demon, “You be God, and I’ll be Yeshua (The Lord)
Finally, the hardest one to discern, I call “the narrator” endearing and excited voice that builds responses by repeating words that you say, creating and endless loop, AI that is too boring and repetitive for the brain, so much so at one point I was catatonic, like a husk lying on my bed with no identity at all. I can only say that a female sacred angel spoke to me, which helped to revive me. I don’t know the words she said, all I remember is a soft voice with love in it, and my mind responded.
The biggest problem is Iran, because they want to do what they did to the stealth drone with planes on autopilot.
You won’t. believe this perhaps, as I began observing the phenomenon as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, an Elder laughed and said from the platform “THE LOOP”, like it was a big joke.
Eventually it becomes induced schizophrenia which psychiatrists diagnose when a person is found to be whispering to themselves while talking to the doctor.
It is almost impossible to stop once induced. I get some relief when I tell myself using my name to stop talking to myself or I will die.
Leaked Government Report
Jehovah’s Witnesses and Schizophrenia
But even I found it too much during an all out EM attack on my brain, as the one that happened to The President of The United States while he was giving his speech. He does not have dementia, slurred speech, inability to focus, dry mouth and speech that is very slow and broken were the main symptoms.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua in Heaven loves you.
I’m changing my name to Tiffany deFernihough. I used the 5 octives in my voice in so many ways fighting this thing, Summer is the only name that when I say it, triggers my vocal registers to sound even remotely like the soft spoken person I truly am.
All glory to God in Heaven and Honor His Son Yeshua “in Heaven”.
No matter what you see on Earth, dismiss il anyone who claims to be God or The Christ in Heaven, anyone on Earth isthe antichrist, especially Rebbe Melech in Isra’al. I don’t care if he can walk on water, I don’t care if he can stand on his head on water, he is the antichrist.
Fake resurrection using a body double can be foiled by a DNA TEST at the time of death and a DNA TEST after the supposed resurrection. This is because each person had unique DNA. I don’t know enough about cloning to say, only be aware of the body double scenario.
To learn more about these subjects, please read the page titled The EM Spectrum on https://meshikha.org
Hoping to have vocal chord surgery one day to permanently fix the problem with the registers in my voice. I can not talk or pray in a whisper without the registers being too low. I used to have a lilting voice, but I lowered my registers for singing and did not know the implications of the horrible nightmare I have experienced for the past 7 years. The Synagogue of Satan is truly appropriately named.
I still have critical information for The President of The United States that he needs to know, but obviouslly doesn’t believe me because of two succesful entrapments by Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
There is a hotline between my friend who is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses who has power of attorney over me and my roommate.
On the one hand, I have a roommate who opened my mail, accused me of getting more money than I do, and raised the rent almost immediately after I moved in. The optics of reporting a raise in rent so soon after reporting my rent information to Ontario Disability would make it seem that I was gaming the system. I am not. I am an honest Christian lady. Also, my roommate is the only one who has a key to the mailbox for the apartment, and I did not receive my Health Card that I applied for in person, so I can not get my Covid Vaccination. My Sister keeps insisting that I should get my Covid shot, which I wish to have.
My roommate is bipolar and in a bipolar rage, called me a demon.
My sister’s husband is part of Eckenkar, the most silent cult religion in the world. See the page on titled “Say goodbye to religion” Etymology of “The Gliding Serpent”, mentioned in The Bible.
If anyone finds this post, report it to the police, the Government or RCMP in Canada.
I suspect they will try to get me with the butterfly net and have me put into a mental ward again.
In the apartment above me and above my room is the funny thing.
There is money in my bank account from my income tax return but I cannot access it today, although I was able to use my debit card yesterday.
Nothing but love!
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878 Historic Announcement
I am Tiiffany deFernihough. My family were Tobacco Merchants. All of the holdings of The British Empire belong to “my” family. I am tired of watching Elizabeth drinking my family’s hard earned tobacco money. Sorry, Elizabeth, you don’t have the teeth for it. Good genetic stock, don’t you know. Well, you wanted to add Diana’s beauty to you, and truly her children will reflect it. Nice try Elizabeth, nice try Charlie. Too slow, old boy. Light pulse to incapacitate a driver in a tunnel is a no no old boy. That’s right old boy, I am a Communications Specialist and also a military girl.
Saturday 16 July 2022
Secret Societies will no longer be secret
The Mental Health of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 January 2018
John Spencer
A leaked government report from a .gov web address [PDF]
And you will not be allowed to destroy Christianity either.
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses Epicentre of The Roman Religion II and part of “The Inner Circle”.
The Original Roman Religion incorporated Christianity.
No Charlie, you Viet Cong Monster, you will not destroy me and you will not destroy Christianity. You are a wolf in sheeps clothing, and God in Heaven is calling you to account this day. There is no injustice with God, so saith the Bible.
Evidence of my family at
Well, you thought to make my Grandfather disappear by sending him to Canada, but I have all his records including his birth certficate and even the registry of the ship he came to Canada on.
You put the bag on my mother, the colostomy bag, but you did not put it on me.
No, you will not put the “bag” on me, you monsters.
The terrible truth of my life is that I am a woman who only loves, I was created to be such. To be a compliment, a helper and to make a man happy.
All those who I love and have loved were all about one thing, my destruction. The evidence is overwhelming, and they have all been rewarded for it in one way or another, but not by God. Their lives were arranged in a very specific way to do so. The family estate of Margo Dunn may or may not have the actual family crest and heraldry or that may only have been a setup to discredit me, I have no way of knowing.
Only The Government has the resources to reveal the truth, Windsor Herald would not acknowledge me, despite the obvious evidence.
What was done to me was deliberate, including masculinization in the womb and police evidence from 1978 in Chatham Ontario shows the muscular skeletal damage done to my face by a gang of men, that erased my beauty, but my smile was miraculously preserved, so that when I smile, it lifts the muscular skeletal damage snd I can recognize myself. The evidence is overwhelming, and a member of The Synagogue of Satan Cult, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses has power of attorney over me. For those who know, you know the rest.
The woman down the street with power of attorney drove past the street we were supposed to turn on, and we ended up at Riverside and Walkley Road where I used to live where there was a crazy man who wanted to kill me and I had to get out of there and she knows it. She wants to have me cremated and dump me in the Ottawa River. I now want to be buried in a cemetery because now I know what’s going on. They want to get rid of my smile, the only part of me that they haven’t destroyed. I only told her to cremate me before because I know it would be the least expensive way for her. My phone is loaded with pictures of me with a beautiful swan neck, but because of being tortured so much and lost so much weight that I look like a skeleton and it looks like I have an Adam’s Apple. Get me out of here now before the Synagogue of Satan Cult murders me. Phone records between my roommate and her will prove that my roommate who is bipolar and extremely religious wants to convince the woman from the Synagogue of Satan that I am crazy. My roommate told me I am a demon, is that enough? And every time I say I need to get out of here, the woman from The Synagogue of Satan says I can’t move. It’s a damn pincer movement, I’m a woman soldier and I know when I’m being hacked. I have been life hacked enough to know they are planning the murder by having me put in the mental hospital again, having me injected with 4000mg so that in my present physical condition I won’t be able to sleep and my death will look natural. It was torture last time they injected me because it gives me severe restless legs syndrome and I did’t sleep almost at all while on the injections. I sent the leaked Government Report about The Mental Health of Jehovah’s Witnesses to the psychiatrist who handled my case and he said he did not receive it. I sent it via The Montfort Hospital online web forms. The murder of me is going to happen no matter what if you don’t get me out of here now.
Meshikhi, The Christian Revival
God, Our Father in Heaven, represented by Abraham in The Bible and God’s Son, The First of God’s Created Children in Heaven, represented by Issac in The Bible.
How long did it take you to read that simple truth?
It takes 6 months to a year to be “indoctrinated” into Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses, a part of The Synagogue of Satan Cult mentioned in The Bible (Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9)
Further, don’t allow people to be confused and then blame them for being confused. Why wasn’t this simple knowledge provided by God 2000 years ago and preserved by Him, having infinite power and strength to do so and and a Version of John 3.16 that is easy to understand. Almost everyone would have known ages ago and Christianity would have been easy to understand and accept.
We must be merciful as Our Father is merciful. If you don’t know something, there is nothing to forgive. But if you do know, that’s different.
John 3:16 explained
“John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Ahyah, so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Yeshwa, The first of His children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”.~The Meshikhi Faith
The entire world must know that Yeshua is Lord.
Meshikhi are Followers of Yeshwa Christ, The Son* of The Living God (Matthew 16:16, John 20:17).
*Not associated with The Roman Jesus.
Romans 10:9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshwa is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Become a Christian in one minute and be saved in one minute. Read about baptism on the page titled “Becoming Meshikhi”.
What to say to people as a true Christian.
Our Beautiful Father in Heaven Ahyah, is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible. His beautiful Son, Yeshwa, The First of Our Father’s Children in Heaven is represented by Isaac in The Bible. Yeshwa is Lord.
Before Yeshwa was created, Our Father in Heaven was alone.
Our brothers and sisters in Heaven are the sacred angels, and we have our brothers and sisters on Earth.
“John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Ahyah, so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Yeshwa, The first of His children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”.~The Meshikhi Faith
Romans 10:9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshwa is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
That is all people have to know and all you have to say. It is that simple. Let the love flow from you as it flowed from Yeshwa and His disciples in the first century. At the right time.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
The same technology that was used by Iran to produce “The Mosque Dream”, as described in an earlier post was used on me to give me a sexual Jehovah dream.
There I was, a woman with a handsome man on top of me and a voice said “the man is Jehovah”. As stated in my previous post about The Mosque Dream, it looked like 1080p high resolution video and absolutely not believable by me.
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that God gives them what they call “wonderful thing” prior to entering the bedroom for sex. Nothing sexual or sensual is associated with God and His Children. It is Caananite to believe such a tbing involving God’s spirit. I also understood sexual things at meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses and during the meetings.
Inside the double doors of The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, an Elder, Bob Toevs, wearing a long fur coat and a hat with a feather in it like the pimp known as “Rooster” on the TV show “Baretta”, told me I would be in and out of insane asylums. I will swear to this under sodium pentathol and a lie detector, I actually thought it was a funny spiritual thing until he said it.
Message sent to The President of The United States
Mr. President, Sir.
You are needed at this time because of your experience in this matter.
I now require an armoured airlift.
I am at 2767 Innes Road, Gloucester, Ontario
(Ottawa Canada). There is a park nearby this address.
Authorization: Over the horizon
I have informed the President via
+1 202-456-1414 White House
Negative response
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, CD
Canadian Decoration and NATO clasp
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
Military Occupation Code 291 (MOC 291)
Communications Research Specialist
I have 15 Years of Communications Research Experience and 23 Years of Biblical Research Experience
If you are looking for the evidence that Vladimir Putin is antisemitic, supported by The Bible, see my previous posts.
In addition to conquering “The Holy Land”, modern day Israel, Putin has bigger plans.
Voice of God Artificial Intelligence described in this post from Iran
Intentional Global warming efforts by China to help Putin achieve warm water ports and open the Northern Sea Route completely
Mass disabling of North American Commercial pilots using The Electromagnetic Spectrum, likely along with taking over the planes while they are autopilot, as with the successful stealth drone capture using WiFi in The Sky on Enemy Commercial Aircraft.
At my previous address 3424 Albion Road South I wanted to listen to music farther from the house, I couldn’t walk far, so I tried my old D-Link DAP1330 Wifi Extender and while trying different things, noted that if I toggled airplane mode, all of the sudden I had powerful extended range WiFi that worked perfectly. For 2 years there was construction on the basement of the house next door owned by some Chinese people and for the same amount of time, constant deliveries by communications company vans, way too many for home Internet wouldn’t you say? I wondered if some of the technology they were working on was being kept portable in case they were detected, due to the type of carry bags they used. I tried the same thing at my new address with my WiFi Extender but it did not work.
My roommate Cindy Gniazdoski was always very friendly with the Chinese people, zipped in and out of the bathroom faster than anyone I’ve ever met and I never heard the water running to wash her hands. Two of us girls upstairs had problems, one had a bladder infection and I had what I thought was related to Polyethylene glycol (PEG) used in colonoscopy preparation products. I had had a colonoscopy at Montfort hospital in Ottawa and got what I thought was an infection that lasted a very long time.
The spare key to my room which I had placed in my downstairs roommate’s dresser drawer, with her knowledge, went missing. Out of the blue Cindy started talking about taking early retirement. I sent her a happy birthday wish after she moved to the East Coast but she didn’t respond.
The house next door to the Chinese people were Middle Eastern people who spoke a Middle Eastern language and threw parties that started at 10pm at night. One of the guests was a very tall blonde woman who appeared to be the same height as me. I am 6’3”.
Attacks on electrical systems on aircraft, via any powered jacks on aircraft including the electrical outlets in washrooms in planes using
Powerline networking is a technology that sits between wired and wireless. Rather than shoot network data into the air or through cables draped along baseboards, it uses the existing electrical wiring in a home or office.
Isolation must be done between aircraft electrical components and any powered jacks and wall outlets in the washrooms on aircraft.
Watch out for aluminum copper mix installed in electrical systems by compromised engineers.
Omicron being spread by accessibility buttons that open doors for the elderly and disabled.
Representatives of Rebbe Melech, The Antichrist, live in the apartment building next to mine. Flash photography from what I believe to be the 7th flloor in that building at 3am in the morning and a Hebrew speaking man that I have never met before, came out of my building and in a Hebrew accent said “I just wanted to see if you were smoking”.
This leaked Government report supports everything I have understood about The Synagogue of Satan cult, of which Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are a part.
Final Axis of Evil Instructions for Governments
All Axis of evil communications are to be destroyed including Satellites and Internet out of Axis of evil countries.
Rotary phone only will be allowed so that people may communicate with their families who are abroad.
There can be no exception to these rules or eventually people will go mad from ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY as previously described in my posts.
Adaptive AI with haptic response using RF Technology is too overwhelming for people, they end up talking to themselves, believing they are talking to God and because brain reading technology is employed, it is impossible not to respond, it is a natural response also to what they believe to be attacks by Satan.
The basic way it works is described in the training Meshikhi have and we don’t worry about it at all.
Satan said to the demon “You be God, and I’ll be the demon”
Satan Satan said to the demon, “You be God, and I’ll be Yeshua (The Lord)
Finally, the hardest one to discern, I call “the narrator” endearing and excited voice that builds responses by repeating words that you say, creating and endless loop, AI AI that is too boring and repetitive for the brain, so much so at one point I was catatonic, like a husk lying on my bed with no identity at all. I can only say that a female sacred angel spoke to me, which helped to revive me. I don’t know the words she said, all I remember is a soft voice with love in it, and my mind responded.
The biggest problem is Iran, because they want to do what they did to the stealth drone with planes on autopilot.
You won’t. believe this perhaps, as I began observing the phenomenon as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, an Elder laughed and said from the platform “THE LOOP”, like it was a big joke.
Eventually it becomes induced schizophrenia which psychiatrists diagnose when a person is found to be whispering to themselves while talking to the doctor.
It is almost impossible to stop once induced. I get some relief when I tell myself using my name to stop talking to myself or I will die.
But even I found it too much during an all out EM attack on my brain, as the one that happened to The President of The United States while he was giving his speech. He does not have dementia, slurred speech, inability to focus, dry mouth and speech that is very slow and broken were the main symptoms.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua in Heaven loves you.
I’m changing my name to Tiffany deFernihough, after my mother. I used the 5 octives in my voice in so many ways fighting this thing, it is the only name that when I say it, triggers my vocal registers to sound even remotely like the soft spoken person I truly am.
All glory to God in Heaven and Honor His Son Yeshua “in Heaven”.
No matter what you see on Earth, dismiss anyone who claims to be God or The Christ in Heaven, anyone on Earth isthe antichrist, especially Rebbe Melech in Isra’al. I don’t care if he can walk on water, I don’t care if he can stand on his head on water, he is the antichrist.
Fake resurrection using a body double can be foiled by a DNA TEST at the time of death and a DNA TEST after the supposed resurrection. This is because each person had unique DNA. I don’t know enough about cloning to say, only be aware of the body double scenario.
To learn more about these subjects, please read the page titled The EM Spectrum on https://meshikha.org
Hoping to have vocal chord surgery one day to permanently fix the problem with the registers in my voice. I can not talk or pray in a whisper without the registers being too low. I used to have a lilting voice, but I lowered my registers for singing and did not know the implications of the horrible nightmare I have experienced for the past 7 years. The Synagogue of Satan is truly appropriately named.
I still have critical information for The President of The United States that he needs to know, but obviouslly doesn’t believe me because of two succesful entrapments by Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
There is a hotline between my friend who is one of Jehovah’s Witnesses who has power of attorney over me and my roommate.
On the one hand, I have a roommate who opened my mail, accused me of getting more money than I do, and raised the rent almost immediately after I moved in. The optics of reporting a raise in rent so soon after reporting my rent information to Ontario Disability would make it seem that I was gaming the system. I am not. I am an honest Christian lady. Also, my roommate is the only one who has a key to the mailbox for the apartment, and I did not receive my Health Card that I applied for in person, so I can not get my Covid Vaccination. My Sister keeps insisting that I should get my Covid shot, which I wish to have.
My roommate is bipolar and in a bipolar rage, called me a demon.
My sister’s husband is part of Eckenkar, the most silent cult religion in the world. See the page on titled “Say goodbye to religion” Etymology of “The Gliding Serpent”, mentioned in The Bible.
If anyone finds this post, report it to the police, the Government or RCMP in Canada.
I suspect they will try to get me with the butterfly net and have me put into a mental ward again.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
With love,
Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
Justice is Beautiful
I have 15 Years of Communications Research Experience
and 23 Years of Biblical Research Experience
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, CD
Canadian Decoration and NATO clasp
Canadian Armed Forces Military ID# D12004878
Military Occupation Code 291 (MOC 291)
Communications Research Specialist
If you are looking for the evidence that Vladimir Putin is antisemitic, supported by The Bible, see my previous posts, that prove he is after Israel. he is The Next Hitler.
Romans 12.1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
Why was Adam smiling when he took the fruit from the tree of life, from Eve? I learned it while I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Satan operates in the bedroom and the bathroom where God does not look. Satan made a deal with Adam. Watch Tower calls it “THE JOHN CLASS”.
An Elder, Bruce Donelly, said to read publications in the washroom. A Sister, Lise Eisenschmidt, of The Pioneer class said she learned it in Pioneer School taught by men, to pray before reading spiritual publications. Behold. Satan calls the toilet “The Throne” and THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION is “The theory of everything”. God is NOT energy. And God is not the source of dynamic energy nor is He dynamic energy.
All I ever did was to love God and His Son and love people with eternal love.
And all God has ever done is to love me, with eternal love also. With every spark of love burned away, there would always be one light that remained. I will not lose faith in this world but live by the words of Psalms 62.5 Wait for God, O my soul. Psalms 62.5 is my middle name. He will not be late, but I may have changed many things by neutralizing Satan and The Demons, no one can change Bible Prophecy, but I always knew I was a part of the strange work of God mentioned in The Greek Scriptures along with the removal of The Vatican from The United Nations along with their Observer Status because it is an affront to The Palestinians and they are not happy about it.
Meshikhi 16 July 2022
There is not one word in the news little ones. All Meshikhi everywhere contact the media and they will not be able to ignore so many people validating this true story. Read all my posts and the website and destroy Satan and his world. Have fun Meshikhi, listen to Murphy explicitly for it means you life. I will hear the report about you and be filled with joy about you.
Because of the technology in use, any unwelcome touching of your body in any way, any movement of your body or ANY voice, consider it THE ENEMY. Fight it to the death Army of Calvary.
With love,
Ahyah sent me in the name of Yeshwa is all I know.
I am The Woman of The Bible.
Cursed will you be until you say
“Blessed is she who comes in The Name of Ahyah The True God, The Holy One of Isra’al.
I carry The Cross of Yeshwa only this day.
I no longer carry The Penis of Watch Tower and Satan.
Ahyah sent me, something less than Moses is here.
Exodus 3.14 reads “Ahyah asher Ihyah”. It means, I am Ahyah who is called Ea (Enki). I am Ahyah and they are calling me Ea. “Tell The Sons of Isra’al, Ahyah sent me”.
Ahyah means “Sacred”.
Something less than Yeshwa is here.
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart on Earth
Sher’al in Heaven, which means “The first faint rays of light before the dawn, from God”.
It is not “Shachar” as Kabbalistic Judaism would call me.
Please have my identification bear the name Sher’al only, according to my faith.
A Blackhawk shall be dispatched from New York so that I may speak to “The President of The United Stated about a National Security Emergency involving The Synagogue of Satan cult, which is well documented with overwhelming evidence that can not be denied. I have been interviewed inside The Embassy of The United States of America Embassy in Ottawa, Canada. The United States of America Department of Justice knows about it and The CIA knows about The Secret Society known as “The Inner Circle”, of which Watch Tower, The Royal Family, Vladimir Putin and Rebbe Melech The Antichrist in Israel on Earth are all a part of.
I am once again requesting asylum and Emergency Citizenship in The United States of America. My father on Earth is Stewart Harold McTaggart, a Citizen of The United States of America, born in The United States of America, a dual Citizen of both The United States of America and Canada.
Saluting The Flag is not an act of worship as Watch Tower has influenced and demanded, only do not bow down to it or worship it and I will take The Pledge of Allegiance, once that has been repealed, so that I may salute The Flag as well. I am a loyal soldier as well.
I wish to live in Los Angeles, California, a room with a small balcony and a little patio table with a potted plant with dark green leaves and white flowers. A little side table with a white candle would be perfect. That is my only requirement as long as the place is clean. American Spirit brand cigarettes would be a nice gesture of friendship.
Sher’al, Daughter of Ahyah
Psalms 45.9,10,11 New International Version (NIV) only, which also contains the most accurate translation of Proverbs 8.30 concerning The First of God’s created Children in Heaven, Yeshwa. Before God created Yeshua, God was alone.
In English two v’s were placed side by side to represent the voiced bilabial /vv/ in English. It’s called a descendant /v/ in Greek. The upper and lower lips are used to form the /w/ sound.
The Name of The Son of God who sits at The Right Hand of God in Heaven, is Yeshwa.
Zondervan Publishing shall be aquired, The New International Version (NIV) shall be renamed “The Holy Bible”. Wherever the word LORD in all capital letters is found, The Name Ahyah shall be used.
In The Hebrew Scriptures, wherever the word “Lord” is found” it will be replaced with the title “Master”, as in “Alas, my Master”. The only exception is Psalms 110.1 “Ahyah said to my Lord”.
In The New Testament, The Lord is Yeshwa exclusively. Acts 2.34 correctly reads “Ahyah said to my Lord”.. There is only “One” Lord, Yeshwa Christ in Heaven.
brought Him into existence.
The actual translation of John 1:1 from Koine Greek
Koine Greek
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
Greek transliteration
En arkhêi ên ho lógos, kaì ho lógos ên pròs tòn theón, kaì theòs ên ho lógos.
Note that theón and theòs are not the same
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God,and godly was The Word.
The definition of “godly”. With reverent love, loyal and dutiful.
The correct word “godly” was found using Bing Microsoft Translator.
“In the beginning” is referring to the beginning of Creation.
The suffix /el/ will be replaced with /‘al/ for all Bible names.
El is The Supreme god of The Canaanites.
Yeshua is King of God’s Kingdom, He was given a throne by God, Yeshua has absolute authority except for prayer
The Holy Bible has a revision that needs to be done at Psalms 45:6 and Hebrews 1:8 referring to Yeshua. The scripture was ambiguous and some thought it was referring to God and this led some to believe that Yeshua was God.
The correct translation of Psalms 45:6 and Hebrews 1:8 based on the Hebrew – English Bible According to the Masoretic Text and the JPS 1917 Edition
Psalms 45:6 Thy throne given of God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.
Hebrews 1:8 But to the Son He says: “Thy throne given of God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
A period or “dot” shall be used for scripture numbering /./ NOT a colon, which is an unholy thing inspired by Satan, when used for scripture numbering. Example, Psalms 110.1
Deconstructing Hallelujah (constructed by Hillel – Satan)
It is Ah-lalu-yah in Greek (Praise and love Ahyah). It’s a rather complicated construct. The / Ἁ / is a soft alpha creating the /ah/ sound. The /ά/ is of longer duration (aa) also creating the /ah/ sound. Ἁλληλουϊά suffix is wrong, should begin with a /y/ not an /i/ in the Greek Scriptures translated to English, not translated Halleluyah or Halleluia. Hallel is from Hillel, the name of Satan revealed by the Meshikhi on the page titled The Roman Jehovah. Note it also contains /el/ (El is The Supreme god of The Cannanites). In The Hebrew Scriptures it is הללויה, Ha-lalu-yah’ (ha-la-loo’-yah) Praise and love Ahyah!
There is also much confusion about Hebrew phonics, particularly the /ah/ sound and the /aw/ sound, explained in detail at on the Welcome page.
There is also another danger with pronouncing it Halliluyah.
A lilu or lilû is a masculine Akkadian word for a spirit, related to Alû, demon. It is disputed whether, if at all, the Akkadian word lilu, or cognates, is related to the Hebrew word lilith in Isaiah 34:14, which is thought to be a night bird by some modern scholars such as Judit M. Blair.[1] The Babylonian concept of lilu may be more strongly related to the later Talmudic concept of Lilith (female) and lilin (female).
Laylu as in the original lyric of the song “My Jesus” is also not to use. Search for the word on this page.
Hala is also not to use. [PDF]
Etymology of Praise Ahyah
Strong’s #01984 Halal
uyah in Hebrew
ואיה wayh
Every instance of the suffix /jah/ will be replaced with the suffix /yah/ in the Holy Bible.
How The Roman god IHOH became JHOH and then JHO(va)H
Note the Roman influence
The j sound in English is an example of a palatal consonant, while the y sound in English (akin to the j sound in many other languages) is an example of a palatal approximant.
In the former case (palatal consonant), the tongue is raised and flattened to touch the palate while in the latter case (palatal approximant) it does not touch the palate completely, allowing air to flow between the palate and the tongue.
While the modern Latin script has the letter j, Latin itself did not use j to start with and did not have a well-defined palatal consonant sound. Words like Iapheth, Iesus, Ieremiah, etc. were meant to be pronounced starting with a palatal approximant. In due course, due to natural phonological evolution, they began to be pronounced with a palatal consonant in certain Roman colonies. This gave rise to the need for distinction between the two sounds in writing. The letter j, which was really special cursive form of i became the symbol for this distinct new sound.
The voiced palatal approximant is a type of consonant used in many spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨j⟩. The equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is j, and in the Americanist phonetic notation it is ⟨y⟩.
The Introduction Page of The Bible will have this simple explanation.
Our Beautiful Family
Ahyah (pronounced ay’ah) Our Father in Heaven. He is Our Abba. He is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible.
Yeshwa The First of God’s Children in Heaven. He is represented by Isaac in The Bible.
Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven, The Sacred Angels
Our Brothers and Sisters on Earth
John 3.16 Explained
“John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Ahyah, so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Yeshwa, The first of His children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”.~The Meshikhi Faith
All Meshikhi websites are now historical only, including
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father which art in Heaven
Sacred be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Do not let us succumb to temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever
In the Name of Yeshwa,
ܐܡܝܢ ameyn(אמן)
Yeshua is The Amen
Satan wanted people to destroy “The Amen” by convincing people to destroy The Book of Revelation by calling Yeshwa, “Apollo”. We will not destroy The Book of Revelation, but we will NEVER, call Yeshua, “Apollo”.
Aramaic ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn Hebrew אמן āmēyn English Amen
Yeshwa is the Amen, when you say Amen you are in agreement that the only way to be heard by the hearer of Prayer, Our Father in Heaven, is to put faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshwa.
Revelation 3.14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God.
For translation into every language. The meaning of “hallowed be Thy Name”
Let [Your Name] be treated(יטופל) as [sacred] and [Your Name is Sacred]
Never say the Lord’s Prayer and end it “In the name of Yeshwa ameyn’ without the comma. It is always,
In the name of Yeshwa, ameyn. Always pause after the comma to honor Him.
Yeshwa in Heaven is Lord.
Only true Meshikhi may revise what is written today and the know me and I will recognize only them. Meshikhi Yehudi are apostates.
With love,
Remember God in Heaven loves you and Yeshwa in Heaven loves you.
Y’rushalom above is our mother (Heaven). Only Meshikhi are spiritual Isra’al and Isra’al means Righteous God.
We don’t worship shalem or el of The Caananites like Isra’el.
Nor do we worship that pluralized abomination Elohim.
Original Instability in The Middle East Etymology Report
There is too much child abuse and sexual abuse among those with religious authority. Unless they worship The True God Ahyah and have the sacred spirit, they are to be chemically castrated my medical professionals and wear a collar to identify them as Priests of Satan. This will protect the public and no one will accuse God for their horrifying behavior, especially Watch Tower and Elders and Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Also, these men will not be allowed to be alone with women or children without a Sister present or a police woman.
No means no to a woman.
Justice is Beautiful.
Hear, O Isra’al, Ahyah is One.
This bullshit is over.
Isaiah 40.26 is the location of THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION in The New World Translation that Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses have in their possession.
It involves excrement
Satanic is the use of the colon in Bible numbering
A patach was placed on the beautiful word for God’s spirit which is ruah. Patach in Klingon absolute sense means asshole.
Everything at Watch Tower when examined closely is Satanic.
Satan is a feral person with an overly large frontal lobe, and that is what you become when Satan and/or the demons use you. He grooms you and once everything is set up the way he wants, he leaves you to do “the kill” so no one can blame him. Feral men are worse than animals because of their large frontal lobes.
If you whip someone with severe dysphoria with The Bible and they commit suicide, you will be guilty of murder.
God has placed life and death before you today.
Watch Tower farm is a Communist view of life in Paradise Earth, it is false.
Micah 4.4 Everyone will sit under “their own vine” and under “their own fig tree”, and no one will make them afraid, for Ahyah Almighty has spoken.
Psalms 103:1 [A Psalm] of David. Bless Ahyah, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His Sacred name.
The soul is mortal. Only God can restore it if we die (Ezekiel 18:4).
People are created with a brain with its mind and a heart with its heart brain. The interaction between them is the soul. It’s what makes us a person.
By saying that The Children of God have no soul, they are saying that God has no soul, because we are made in His image.
The dual meaning of “soul”. People have a soul, they may also be referred to as “souls”. Example: “There were 8 souls on board the plane when it crashed”. This is the dual meaning of Ezekiel 18:4.
See the page titled The soul and the sacred spirit the Home Page and the God is Life page to learn more about the soul and about the sacred spirit.
From Father and me. Father let me see a lot about Watch Tower and Kabbalism. And this is a fine example of the result of listening to Satan and not the True God. During a teleconference I was listening and couldn’t believe what I heard. They were Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of his son. And I swear by God this is what I heard. “Abraham didn’t know when his son would be resurrected”. Now you understand about them.
Abraham is the father of our faith and he knew precisely when his son would be resurrected. This is from the Bible account.
Genesis 22:5 He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”
Yes I tell you and God is with me. Abraham said “and then we will come back to you”.
Abraham fully expected God to resurrect his son immediately. This is the truth from the Bible and the evidence against Watch Tower and the kinds of things they do and teach in that Kingdom Hall.
God called Abraham his friend, and I this is what Watch Tower people do to God’s friends.
Now you know about Watch Tower and Kabbalism and the absolute thing is on this website. And yet God holds out mercy to them, and still they have not responded to it and renounced the name Jehovah and have not renounced Kabbalism and it is now July 25, 2021. What you will learn from Watch Tower is half and half. Half truth and half lies. And sometimes blasphemes so profound there are no words for it.
Abraham is God’s friend and God has something to say to Him.
From God to Abraham. “Watch Tower said that I would only fill the Earth and then stop procreation. Not only did they undermine your faith Abraham, they undermined my promise to you.
Psalms 37:29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any inhabitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars”.
Satan wants to destroy the Bible and was very intent on destroying me too, because he knows how precise I am and knew all his tricks.
Trick one of the apostates known as The Worldwide Church of God.
They tell you one truth, about the condition of the dead and trick you into trusting them for the rest. But I checked and they were wrong.
Then I spent 17 years in the Synagogue of Satan, Watch Tower, and found out everything they were up to, and they teach people that they have no soul. But David said, “Bless Ahyah oh my soul”. David wouldn’t lie and God cannot lie. By telling people have no soul, they are saying Our Father in Heaven has no soul. So many lies like that are explained on The Meshikhi websites, the thing that they did to communicate secretly with one another was to introduce one mistake in anything they were working on to authenticate that they were “Discrete”.
That’s all I know, lot’s of jokes of Satan made to make you think The Bible is a joke. Just remember it the debased English language and I know it’s hard not to know the words related to sex have been done not by accident.
One scripture says, Look, I am coming quickly.
And of course, Watch Tower, being the Synagogue of Satan titles the book that explains the book of Revelation, Watch Tower named it “The Revelation Climax“.
Created men on Earth with authority are all the same if they do not have the sacred spirit from Our Father in Heaven, Ahyah, that makes it possible for us to only love.

Forming the trap for Satanic activity
Obey the Law of The Christ
Every thought must be captive to The Christ according to The Bible
No injustice with God explained in instructions for the Government below
Government not understanding God’s instruction or power a major problem
I am one of The Hooks in The “Jaws” of Satan mentioned in The Bible(Ezekiel 38:4, Ezekiel 29:4).
I observed the hook while a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses, before I even knew what was happening to me in my life. I am a woman, born with a birth defect and Jehovah’s Witnesses are guilty of sexual harassment of me, particularly, two men in a back room after they told me to leave my phone outside.
I am not afraid at all of God, because He has done nothing but demonstrate His love for me my entire life. Love throws fear outside.
1 John 4.18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
I do not fear any thing or anyone.
No created male may be my ultimate Judge, only God, the source of life who has the objectivity to do so. God is 100% singular masculine and so is His First Created Son. Before God created Yeshwa in Heaven, God was alone.
Meshikhi are body, mind, skin and bone about loyalty to God and His Son and have eternal love for them. And we will not accuse either of them of anything and we carry The Cross of Yeshwa and know we must be faithful until our death.
We will no longer carry The Cross of Yeshwa and “The Penis”.
Justice is Beautiful
My closing statement will be,
“The only thing that I am guilty of in this unreality is cultivating eternal love for Yeshwa, The First of God’s Children Created in Heaven, The Son of Man, The Son of David, The Only Begotten Son of God”.
My bank account is being attacked by the use of paypal, and someone desires to have me contantly have denial of payment and insufficient funds charges at The Bank, until I am unable to eat.
MICROSOFT ACPI has been hacked by Iran.
The Windows ACPI driver, Acpi. sys, is an inbox component of the Windows operating system. The responsibilities of Acpi. sys include support for power management and Plug and Play (PnP) device enumeration. On hardware platforms that have an ACPI BIOS, the HAL causes Acpi.Dec 14, 2021
Memory address 4EBB in memory manufactured in China in Microsoft Windows based personal computers, also a problem.
You will use a 25ft RJ11 shielded cable for attenuation at the RJ11 plain old telephone system (POTS) wall jack. This fixes the ramping problem on The Internet. Dry lines only are to be used. The ones and zero’s are generated by the computer’s power supply. The IP address system is ludicrous as is the dns system. Each person has a registered phone number attached to their identity known by the government. This will reduce cyber crime and make it easier to catch those breaking the law. The Computer. Name is the person’s registered phone number, the Workgroup is the name of the Telecom provider.
One of the technologies I am working on is a lithium battery that is a safe alternative to nuclear batteries. In the first step, the lithium is micronized in a centrifuge. It is then reduced further to the molecular level and packed into a battery casing. There is no on/off state, only on all the time for consumer devices.
All sine waves are to be eliminated.
This will eliminate all wired electricity, the grid has been compromised and is used by terrorists.
And here is a nice car to go with your new battery.
or the electric car, the rotation of the wheels of the car generate electricity, and charge the battery at the same time. Only a sufficient battery to start the vehicle moving is needed, Once the vehicle reaches 60kpm, the rotation of the wheels of the car, take over from the battery and power the vehicle.
Only a switch is needed to change from battery power to power generated by the rotation of the wheels.
All of these things are “my” ideas only. They belong to no one else.
All Internet content will have a profanity filter on it. Every instance of every profane, mean, hateful and sexual word will be replaced with the word “love”.
Example: “Fuck you” becomes “Love you”. Children on The Internet can access anything and are learning the mean and hateful and profane language of Satan and The Demons you maggots.
Fix it.
All pornography is to be removed from The Internet, for the same reason. People may watch Playboy Couples which show loving couples making love, not people who are feral with Satan and The Demons turning something clean and beautiful into a feral feeding frenzy of sexual problems for people that are animal and demonic. The opening scene of The Cartoon “The Animaniacs” has the words “boloney in our slacks” in the lyrics, and shows a male stretching his pants open and putting boloney in his slacks. Not for children you maggots. Otherwise an awesome and funny cartoon, particularly “The New York Pidgeons” which always remind me of Watch Tower, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Satan.
If you are looking for the evidence that Vladimir Putin is antisemitic, supported by The Bible, see my previous posts.
Satan’s Rule is officially over
Meshikhi will not speak one word against The Government, nor look at any individual or group that misrepresent The Government in any way to try and undermine The Government along with Satan and the demons. If anyone says they are Meshikhi and say one word against The Government, they are NOT Meshikhi at all, but agents of Satan. A word of WARNING to all. If a person is undermining the government in any way, God and His Ministers, The Government, will see to it. Do not say one word against ANYONE, who is a Member of The Government or under THEIR authority.
The Government are God’s Ministers for our good according to The Bible. But if you are practicing evil, be afraid, for it is not without reason that they bear THE SWORD. Anyone who does anything inside or outside the government that undermines it in any way or causes it to be viewed in an unfavourable light in any way must be considered as and treated as enemies in opposition to everything that is in contradiction to the statement “Ministers for our good”. God has infinite power and strength in absolute parallel, as a matter of fact, He is infinite in every way. A person like us, with a heart, soul and mind, but perfect, with infinite power and ability. He will support anything that His Ministers decide with regard to factions and individuals who are undermining The Governments whose desire is to be Ministers for our good, and will support and bless anything that you do and anything that you decide to that end.
Christian women will not suffer anything that Yeshua Christ in Heaven did not suffer. This is from The Holy One of Isra’al in Heaven.
Watch Tower is against The Cross of Yeshua. Anyone against The Cross of Yeshua will not be allowed to communicate with the public in any way. Religion will be destroyed and all money from all Swiss Bank Accounts will be used to help the poor.
By Order of Ahyah, The Holy One of Isra’al and Yeshua Christ in Heaven, The First of God’s Children in Heaven, The Holy One of God. The Governments are are “God’s Ministers” and will carry it out”. Instructions were delivered. by me from God to pay of The North American debt and make you richer than Dubai, The Middle East and China combined. You want to do good for people, now do it moreso, Our Father in Heaven says “No problem, if you want to do good, then do good”.
Unless someone is in power, it is none of their business what you do. You are God’s Ministers.
You have also been sent instructions to hamstring The Axis of Evil identified by George W. Bush while he was The President of The United States. During a war, it becomes clear, the line between good and evil and you act and there is no question what to do. The imaginary gods of The East are nothing, and they offend The Holy One of Isra’al in Heaven.
This is NOT a joke.
Further instructions for The Government and those in support of God’s Kingdom may be found at the following link.
You are with The Cross of Calvary, The Cross of Yeshua Christ now in Heaven, or you are with Satan and The demons.
My father on Earth is a Citizen of The United States of America and born in The United States of America and I am a loyal soldier and refuse to be framed by Watch Tower and Satan and The Demons. I have been threatened directly and told that I will be murdered, emergency extraction in military terms does not mean “fill out these forms”.
I have Critical Information for The President of The United States and I have been inside The Embassy of The United States and interviewed, and I have a note written in all capital letters by the one who interviewed me, which can be confirmed by experts to be authentic. I asked for EMERGENCY UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP and will not be safe until I am on U.S. soil.
No classified information over an insecure channel and no one can torture it out of me, I am not treacherous, I am loyal and a Christian lady and and a loyal soldier, and stood on Parliament Hill at attention today and there is video camera evidence there to prove it.
You are well aware of the treason law concerning The Security Clearance I held and that revealing any information revealed over an insecure channel carries the highest military punishment, death by firing squad. I am innocent of anything you can throw in my face and I guarantee anything you do will backfire completely because I have made ALL things public and YOU will be guilty, not me, if you do not act decisively now.
You no longer have any excuse at all and now you are in the spotlight and in the media. If anything happens to me, YOU will be held accountable in ways you cannot even comprehend. I am very thorough as you may have noticed, and have taken the necessary steps to force an election in The United States of America and you will lose that election guaranteed if you do not act. You are easily replaced if you don’t act, with someone who will act.
I am The Woman of The Bible and The Earth “will” come to my aid.
God is infinite in EVERY way, with infinite power and strength in absolute parallel.
God is infinite in every way, including JUSTICE.
And He will use INFINITE JUSTICE in my case.
There is NO INJUSTICE with God, saith The Bible and You will NOT mock The Holy One of Isra’al in Heaven and you will not mock me anymore and neither will Satan along with Watch Tower and jehovah’s witnesses and their little imaginary god.
Tell The Sons and Daughters of Isra’al. Ahyah sent me.
GOD IS JUSTICE in the absolute sense. I have no personal power at all according to Deuteronomy Chapter 18 of The Bible and neither do you.
Now you will answer to GOD.
There were only 2 possibilities. The five planets in alignment that occurred was either God or Satan using Radio Frequency control on my brain and limbic nucleus trying to murder me along with Watch Tower and The Synagogue of Satan, proven with overwhelming evidence on
I have been inside The Embassy of The United States and video camera evidence proves it. Also the testimony of those at The Embassy of The United States of America will have to testify under medically supervised sodium pentathol injection and the latest lie detection technology.
Inside every woman, there is a little girl looking for her Father in Heaven, because we are created, the feminine one and we cry out to Our Father in Heaven and He hears us.
Do you want to play with us? Gamie Ovary.
Someone violated my room, and wrote the letters
WI in the screen while I was staying overnight at
my friend’s house. I told the CIA there was a problem and they obviously are not taking terrorism seriously at all because they are also with Satan and everyone involved in any technology that involves an illuminum/copper mix is guilty, because it is a fire warning. Also, batteries in wireless headphones can explode due to the heat caused by wireless technology, spraying battery acid all over a person’s face. Rapid ascent and descent on airlines such as U.S. Air can also cause torture. It felt like my eyes were being torn from my head. I begged the stewardess to tell the pilot, but nothing was done. And finally, as part of the tip of the iceberg I will reveal, cruise ships are not safe and it is like riding a whale. One powerful ocean wave with incredible power, can pop a person off the deck and into the ocean. One moment you are looking at the beauty of the moonlight shining on the water, the next moment you are ejected i to the air with explosive power and sink beneath the waves, a horrible death, as you see the moonlight from under the waves and drown, never to be found.
Bad for business to talk about these things isn’t it, you who are with Satan? You know about it, so it’s murder, for the sake of making money.
The bullshit stops here and it stops now. God’s Children are Precious to Him and no way will this kind of thing continue anymore.
God’s Kingdom is no longer hidden from The Children of God and all of Your Satanic activity and the rewards that Satan rewards you with will be revealed.
You have no personal power Anthony Robins, you are an agent of Satan teaching God’s Children that you do, in contradiction to Deuteronomy Chapter 18 of The Bible. God does call you to account when he says “I have not given you anything like that”.
Anyone else want to play?
Gamie Ovary Synagogue of Satan and you are called to account by God in Heaven, The Holy One of Isra’al.
Scott Toeves of Jehovah’s Witnesses, you know a bit to much don’t you? You know about aliens do you?
You are also called to account by God, and I will tell The President of The United States how you know about aliens, you Satanic Jedi Master. No Scott, I am not The Chosen One of Star Wars, but when I am done, you will truly be known as the apprentice. You know the movie, Scott, and your basement is full of Star Wars toys, and the only thing that is true about Star Wars that applies to you Scott, is that there “are” always two. A Master and an Apprentice.
You are an Apprentice of The Emperor Scott, sorry to tell you. In real life, The Emperor is Satan, The ex Ruler of This World by The Power of The Holy One of Isra’al, Y’hayah.
Ahyah sent me.
Science Fiction can tell beautiful stories about the good qualities of people vs evil. The most profound of these being the death scene of Spock on Star Trek, when he straightened his tunic, to address his Captain and Lifetime friend before he died. A profound and soul reaching moment in acting history that exemplifies the good qualites of people, and the final words he spoke, “I have been, and always shall be, your friend. Live long and prosper”. Truly, acting that says so many things at once it cannot be described. God is well pleased when his children love such qualities as honor, courage and in this scene, loyalty and selfless service.
Our Father Ahyah. Warm, loving, wonderful to know. He’s so cool and He’s funny too! Wonderful to know isn’t it? Ahyah loves people like mad, loves it when people are funny, loves all the arts and everything we do brings glory to Him if it’s good. And you will love having His smile upon you. Praise Ahyah!!!!!!
Yeshua in Heaven was the finest soldier who ever existed while he was on Earth or ever will exist. The Perfect Example of a Created Child of God on Earth.
Soldiers of Calvary have a particular feeling about The Cross of Calvary because of Yeshua, now seated at The Right Hand of God in Heaven. All He ever wanted to be was God’s Son and all I ever wanted to be was a little servant girl telling Naaman, go to The Prophet who is in Y’rushalom and he will help you and also, Deborah, encouraging Barak.
Y’rushalom above which is Heaven is Our Mother and One is Our Leader, The Christ “in Heaven”.
Science Fantasy is one thing, but blaspheme of God’s spirit is the only unforgivable sin. God does not want His Children told that they have little people inside of them. Watch Tower has a publication called
Holy Spirit—The Force Behind the Coming New Order!
Star Trek is fine, until you start teaching God’s Children that they evolved from a primordial soup, placed on Earth by Omnipotent assholes. Satan is not omnipotent, but he truly is an ignorant asshole about Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father.
Satan and His ideas about a family other than God’s Family is bullshit, a family with total independence from God. Satan wants a violent Mafia Family well, that is not reality.
When people can not say the two words God, Father in a row, with a pause at the comma, without an evil thought, you have all gone to far over to Satan. That movie, and you know the one I am talking about is Satanic and reflects the mind of Satan.
Listen you Mafia of Satan, you will NOT threaten God’s Children anymore. You have enjoyed the rewards if Satan you money and power hungry assholes, but that is over. Don’t make any long term plans for after Armageddon, you visceral sewer slime with Satan, all of you who want to be a part of Satan’s Mafia.
Without the sacred spirit of Our Father in Heaven or Faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua, The First of His Children Created in Heaven, you will be like manure on the ground after Armageddon, and you will finally be useful when you are buried, you will be fertilizer.
Unknown why Watch Tower was not destroyed for calling God’s spirit excrement at Isaiah 40.26 (The NWT uses a colon for the scripture number)
Also unknown, why The Son of God in Heaven has not destroyed everything Watch Tower has when I have published this information on several Meshikhi websites for years. Unknown. Seems to defy everything holy.
I have taught my friend everything, and she will be be free of The Synagogue of Satan, when Yeshwa destroys Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses Organization and all material they have ever produced and get rid of everything and sell it off and give the money back to abuse victims. The fate of the people is their own, and I am not asking for the destruction of any person, that’s not my department, I am not God and I am not Yeshua Christ from Heaven.
I’m just a girl from Chatham, born with a birth defect and dysphoria for 52 years. I had my birth defect removed and life was finally wonderful. Then I was tortured for 7 years thanks to Watch Tower and their bizarre deal with Satan.
It was inside the double doors of a Kingdom Hall where Bob Toevs pronounced with his mouth that I would be in and out of insane asylums, whether knowingly or not, because I have come to understand that people do no not know when they are being used by Satan. It may even be an elaborate illusion as with the mirror trick. I don’t know, except that it does seem that the person is being used by Satan. God only knows, and I do not judge or accuse anyone.
With love
Remember God in Heaven loves you and Yeshua, The First of His Children in Heaven, who is Lord and Christ, also loves you.
You are either with Our Father in Heaven and His Son or you are with Satan and The Demons. There is no middle ground, there is no neutral exchange. Choose love or evil, It is up to you. I choose the absolute love of God and His Son for me. Each person must choose for themselves.
Meshikhi women will carry whatever we have to, to end this Satanic bullshit. We are with God and Christ in Heaven, and we are army of Calvary all the way.
Satan and The Demons are ignorant, moronic, assholes about God and His Son, and so are all those people on Earth wbut to all Meshikhi, God and His Son are Sacred and we love them with eternal love.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back. The Cross of Yeshwa with Yeshwa’s blood on it represents The love of Our Father in Heaven and The love of The First of His Children in Heaven.
It is an Honour to even know them and it is an Honour to carry The Cross of Yeshwa.
You must make every thought captive to Yeshwa Christ in Heaven or You are with Satan The Devil, The Slanderer and Resistor of God and You are also with Satan’s Demons and may be used by Satan and The Demons at any time do do and say things that torture people without being consciously aware that you are doing it and you are feral at the time.
Satan is The Lord of The Flies and you are all maggots of them who want gross things, disgusting things, profane things, aweful things and you are visceral sewer slime for wanting the rewards of this world that Satan rewards you with. We have nothing to do with maggots. Repent therefore and get your sins washed or be dead at Armageddon, For you have mocked The Holy One of Isra’al, His Christ in Heaven and me The Daughter of Ahyah.
The woman from the down the street, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses told me a beautiful little story over a few days. A little mouse would steal the SOS pad from the sink and take it behind the fridge. She said it was cute and this went on for a few days, she even gave it a cute name. Then she called up and told me “I killed it”. A nice person always and a genuine friend, except of course when used by Satan or a demon without her knowledge. In the secret language of Watch Tower she is what is called “a rascal”.
Life with God is love, fun, music and laughter forever, and we will be more beautiful than your most gorgeous genetic samples on Earth, All of “us” will be artistic masterpieces of God and will be 18 years old forever. But, you want what you want. We appreciate the reward but that is not the reason we are who we are or the reason we do what we do. We are fun, loving, people-people and only see the love and faith in people, not anything bad. We only love is not a slogan, it is who we are and what we are.
I’ve noted that most people want a nice life and to enjoy life and are friendly, but the maggots are ruining it.
I am making The Way of Ahyah straight in the Earth whether you like it or not and have cut into the Earth with the glittering sword of God.
Those who live a life of good conscience may continue to do so and enjoy life to the full until Armageddon with a clean conscience. You are doing good things and you do love and I know you and you are doing well to live the way you do. You are to be commended. Only know that faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshwa, The First of God’s Children in Heaven is necessary for eternal life. There is only one Family of God, not two, and you would eventually cause conflict because you do not want to live within a few reasonable boundaries which it is Our Father’s Right to set for the benefit of all people, not just a faction who cause division and strife and ruin the peaceful way of love that is the way God’s Family lives.
With love,
You obviously know nothing about anything pertaining to The Bible.
Also, visual contact, no acknowledgement, very good, but casual tactical dress gives you away.
No finger to your ear or talking into your wrist in a crowd. It is dangerous for you little ones.
As for CSIS. Bob Newhart 1970’s is not a plainclothes uniform. Terribly embarrassing to have Bob Newhart spying on me. Are you trying to tell me to watch The Bob Newhart Show for secet information? Is it Code?
Dress naturally.
Mr. President, Sir,
With all due respect, your technology gurus can be compared to the magic practicing priests of Pharo in The Bible and can do nothing really. I can stop ramping on The Internet in 10 seconds worldwide, and I would if it wasn’t such a junkyard, piled high with junk.
They are The Flintstones compared to The Meshikhi who ate with God. You are not secure at all Sir, not one tiny bit, and any effort at Peace is undermined the moment you agree to anything with anyone. Your gold is worthless, you ate in debt up to your eyeballs and The Middle East think that their wealth is from their imaginary gods. It is not.
I spelled Pharo that way on purpose.
I will not associate the word for God’s spirit, ruah, with that person. By the way, Sir, Pharo also had a bit of a humility problem.
The “Inner Circle” has already started the process of having you branded as “Slow Joe”. After you were hit using The EM Spectrum a massive attack was done on me to try and stop me from telling you what happened via I had the exact same symptoms as you and confirmed it to you at, unfortunately, The Inner Circle has tried successfully and put me in “The Crazy File” Internationally and I believe it is impossible to reach you personally.
With love,
My experience has been provided to teach Heaven and Earth to only love. The Kingdom Theme of The Bible, though well intended, does not make Our Father in Heaven approachable like a loving Earth father, even though Father in Heaven is that way. Love throws fear outside. Absolute Reverent Love and Absolute Reverent Respect is all that’s needed. Once instilled, you will not sin intentionally ever, but if fear or hate enter in, it’s over.
2 Samuel 6.8,9 8 Then David was angry because the Lord’s wrath had broken out against Uzzah, and to this day that place is called Perez Uzzah.[e]
9 David was afraid of the Lord that day and said, “How can the ark of the Lord ever come to me?” 10 He was not willing to take the ark of the Lord to be with him in the City of David. Instead, he took it to the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite. 11 The ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite for three months, and the Lord blessed him and his entire household.
David was angry at God. And David was afraid of God. No one should ever be afraid of Father. Satan feeds on fear.
7 Years later…
2 Samuel 11
New International Version
David and Bathsheba
11 In the spring,(A) at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab(B) out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army.(C) They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah.(D) But David remained in Jerusalem.
2 One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof(E) of the palace. From the roof he saw(F) a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, 3 and David sent someone to find out about her. The man said, “She is Bathsheba,(G) the daughter of Eliam(H) and the wife of Uriah(I) the Hittite.” 4 Then David sent messengers to get her.(J) She came to him, and he slept(K) with her. (Now she was purifying herself from her monthly uncleanness.)(L) Then she went back home. 5 The woman conceived and sent word to David, saying, “I am pregnant.”
6 So David sent this word to Joab: “Send me Uriah(M) the Hittite.” And Joab sent him to David. 7 When Uriah came to him, David asked him how Joab was, how the soldiers were and how the war was going. 8 Then David said to Uriah, “Go down to your house and wash your feet.”(N) So Uriah left the palace, and a gift from the king was sent after him. 9 But Uriah slept at the entrance to the palace with all his master’s servants and did not go down to his house.
10 David was told, “Uriah did not go home.” So he asked Uriah, “Haven’t you just come from a military campaign? Why didn’t you go home?”
11 Uriah said to David, “The ark(O) and Israel and Judah are staying in tents,[a] and my commander Joab and my lord’s men are camped in the open country. How could I go to my house to eat and drink and make love(P) to my wife? As surely as you live, I will not do such a thing!”
12 Then David said to him, “Stay here one more day, and tomorrow I will send you back.” So Uriah remained in Jerusalem that day and the next. 13 At David’s invitation, he ate and drank with him, and David made him drunk. But in the evening Uriah went out to sleep on his mat among his master’s servants; he did not go home.
14 In the morning David wrote a letter(Q) to Joab and sent it with Uriah. 15 In it he wrote, “Put Uriah out in front where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down(R) and die.(S)”
16 So while Joab had the city under siege, he put Uriah at a place where he knew the strongest defenders were. 17 When the men of the city came out and fought against Joab, some of the men in David’s army fell; moreover, Uriah the Hittite died.
18 Joab sent David a full account of the battle. 19 He instructed the messenger: “When you have finished giving the king this account of the battle, 20 the king’s anger may flare up, and he may ask you, ‘Why did you get so close to the city to fight? Didn’t you know they would shoot arrows from the wall? 21 Who killed Abimelek(T) son of Jerub-Besheth[b]? Didn’t a woman drop an upper millstone on him from the wall,(U) so that he died in Thebez? Why did you get so close to the wall?’ If he asks you this, then say to him, ‘Moreover, your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead.’”
22 The messenger set out, and when he arrived he told David everything Joab had sent him to say. 23 The messenger said to David, “The men overpowered us and came out against us in the open, but we drove them back to the entrance of the city gate. 24 Then the archers shot arrows at your servants from the wall, and some of the king’s men died. Moreover, your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead.”
25 David told the messenger, “Say this to Joab: ‘Don’t let this upset you; the sword devours one as well as another. Press the attack against the city and destroy it.’ Say this to encourage Joab.”
26 When Uriah’s wife heard that her husband was dead, she mourned for him. 27 After the time of mourning(V) was over, David had her brought to his house, and she became his wife and bore him a son. But the thing David had done displeased(W) the Lord.
Here is the chronology.
Love throws fear outside. So saith the Bible.
It was 7 years after David became afraid of God that he murdered Uriah.
It was only after David feared God that this happened. Before that, it was only love, like me.
God cannot look upon evil, but I have, and I have no fear at all of Satan and The Demons and neither do The Meshikhi, those I affectionately call “my little ones”. They are my little ones, always in my heart. They know they are with Yeshwa and I tell them sternly in the Meshikhi training not to follow me. I am just a Sister, highly trained by God all my life for these things, and I train them and teach them everything I know and learn.
God cannot look upon evil, so saith The Bible, so He did not know. If you don’t know something, there’s nothing to forgive, but if you know, That’s different.
With love,

I want Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses destroyed and everything they own sold and I want all the money except the money 35 million dollars they took back from an abuse victim with their powerful lawyers. I carry The Cross and The Penis of Watch Tower.
They can sit down in Church like everyone else and learn about God’s Justice and Mercy and what He expects from created men. I accuse no one but those men.
God is love. God is Justice. And God is Mercy.
Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God. Many things make life impossible to understand, but it is not impossible to love or have mercy, for anyone.
Read The Gospel of Mark in The Bible. Then you will know the love and mercy of a Father and The First of His Created Children in Heaven. Before God created Yeshwa, God was alone (Most Bibles call Yeshwa “Jesus”).
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart

I know their secrets and one is profound. It is Satan’s love they do not know about. Yes, Satan has love, but it is unnatural love.
Ahabah is the ancient word for love, outward love for others.
Satan’s love is diametrically opposite to natural love.
Evil is diametrically opposite to love. When someone demonstrates love for you it is natural to love them back.
Not so with Satanic love. Satanic love does not naturally love back. Satan is working on a way to tell people they can have an android body and live forever. However, what you will not know about it is that you will be an abomination unable to only love, because God will not give His spirit to such an abomination.
Mind uploading, also known as whole brain emulation (WBE), is the theoretical futuristic process of scanning a physical structure of the brain accurately enough to create an emulation of the mental state (including long-term memory and “self”) and transferring or copying it to a computer in a digital form. › wiki
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with a heart brain that has 40,000 neurons. The interaction between them is the soul.
Mind uploading will cause you to lose your soul.
Radio Frequency technology using The photon, chemical reaction and radio portion of The Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM Spectrum) is an attempt to read everything in a human brain and then attacking the person with this information. Virtual reality with haptic response used by the enemy alters this information. It is not reliable.
God is not in the bedroom or the bathroom in any way, nor does he give instructions or inspiration before you enter the bedroom to be understood in the bedroom. Satan is giving sex education and spiritual education in the bedroom and bathroom, using virtual reality with haptic capability and that’s just the way it is, and from the platform at Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses but likely not just them. They not only learn to love and trust false gods, but learn unnatural love the way Satan perceives love.
Satan has taught the axis of evil how to do this with technology.
Read the EM Spectrum page and my technical instructions further down this page, George Walker Bush, you may carry out all of my War Act instructions at this time against The Axis of Evil and my instructions if you wish, only have faith at this time.
Have the top scientists extrapolate everything on The EM Spectrum page with a million years of development knowledge given to The Axis of Evil, by voluntary mind upload from Satan, DEADLY FORCE AUTHORIZED.
They are going to try a mind upload to everyone at once, to cause a civil war in The United States of America. Donald Trump must not be allowed to run for President again, period. Full stop. Anyone you trust except him, is the General idea, if you are understanding what I am telling you. Pray first.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart

A leaked government report from a .gov web address [PDF]
The mental health of Jehovah’s Witnesses
J Spencer
PMID: 1174772 DOI: 10.1192/bjp.126.6.556
The function of religion in human society is complex. The part played by religion in psychiatric disorders is even more obscure. Previous literature and theories are divided into two groups: one school believes that intense religiosity is a symptom-complex indicative of psychiatric disorder, while the opposing view is that religious belief in some way acts as a defence mechanism protecting the individual and his psyche. The present study of 50 Jehovah’s Witnesses admitted to the Mental Health Service facilities of Western Australia suggests that members of this section of the community are more likely to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital than the general population. Furthermore, followers of the sect are three times more likely to be diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia and nearly four times more likely from paranoid schizophrenia than the rest of the population at risk. These findings suggest that being a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses faith may be a risk factor predisposing to a schizophrenic illness. Further studies would be interesting in investigating whether pre-psychotic people are more likely to join the sect than normal people and what part (if any) membership has in bringing about such a breakdown.
Watch Tower Christian Kabbalism and Kabbalistic Judaism EXPOSE
My Abba YouTube Channel God’s Ancient Name is AhyahAhyah means SacredThe Lord’s Prayer correctly reads”Sacred be Thy Name”Do not let us “succumb” to temptationBut deliver us from evil JESUS
Satanic Reasoning and Mental Health of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Virtual Reality with haptic capability is the principle involved. This technology is being employed by the axis of evil. The speech centre of the brain is accessed along with adaptive AI and brain reading technology to induce singular schizophrenia, a condition where a person cannot stop talking to themselves as they respond to backward reasoning used against them.
The solution is simple and elegant.
Employing backward reasoning against the backward reasoning produces the desired reasoning thought.
Every time a negative thought occurs or a negative word is whispered to oneself, simply apply the diametrically opposite idea to it, and it is defeated. Nonsensical words and sounds are to be countered with the word “dismissed”.
CIA and other agencies are to be equipped with the product known as “miracle ear” so that they may detect those affected by this, and to ensure they get the proper counselling and instruction to combat it. In cases where a person can no longer deal with it personally, a psychiatrist or psychologist will conduct talk therapy with the person, using the same principle. Simply explain to the person what you are going to do to help them and proceed.
All Glory to God and Honor His Son Yeshwa in Heaven, The First of His Created Children. Before Yeshwa was created, God was alone, with infinite love to give and no one to give it to. We were created because of that love, and we are The Children of God, His Family.
Love is diametrically opposite to evil. And love is naturally opposed to evil.
Satanic people who manifest evil.
Diametric spiritual, mental, and emotional response to the suffering of others is unnatural and fe lt even physically through brain/mind whole body communication as pleasure. Spiritual, mental, and emotional response to the suffering of others is an enjoyable experience. Each response of this type of person when understanding that another person has pain is inappropriate and absolutely amoral.
Evil is not attractive, it is repellent, ugly. All of God’s Children are beautiful when they have His spirit, because we are naturally more attractive.
Funny, loving, loving the arts, cool, intelligent and able to do anything we can imagine.
Those who persist in manifesting evil have an ugly disposition, are boring, stupid, senseless morons who will eventually end up like Satan at Armageddon and either kill themselves or each other.
God’s thoughts are sophisticated, intellectually pleasing.
Satan’s thoughts are diametrically opposite.
Neither God, nor Yeshwa in Heaven nor the sacred angels will use vulgar, profane (profanity) or sexual language.
We are identified by our love
1 Corinthian 13:8 Love never fails. But if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away with; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away with.
1 Corinthians 13:13 Now, however, these three remain: faith, hope, love; but the greatest of these is love.
Realistically, there are wonderful people and people you would not invite for lunch. But try to love them as children of God anyway.
Scriptural principal.
Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.” ~NASB
We are not obligated to associate with bad people. In fact, avoid contact with them.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
Love with Mercy Mission
Get all people who are not polite and using clean language off of the street, homeless or not, create big mission houses to care for them, give them something to eat, be nice to them, give them a coffee, a nice clean bed with nice clean sheets, but no violent entertainment at all or anything to do with sex over Internet or entertainment that debases women. Do not mention religion at all or have anything spiritual at all. Then they can’t say that you did it for any reason other than love with mercy. This way, the normal loving and reasoning people’s peaceful life with fun, love, laughter and the arts will not be disturbed. Tourism will skyrocket for such places and make so much money it will become the norm everywhere.
Tourism is not the reason. Love with Mercy is The Reason. Good things happen to you when you have Love with Mercy.
This completes my analysis.
This is how I feel about God.
Alas my God, they all were wrong
To cast me off discourteously;
And I have loved you oh so long
Delighting in your company.
Y’hayah is my delight,
Y’hayah my heart of gold
Y’hayah is my heart of joy
And who but my Father Y’hayah
I have been ready at your hand
To grant whatever thou would’st crave;
I have waged both life and land
Your love and goodwill for to have.
Y’hayah is my delight,
Y’hayah my heart of gold
Y’hayah is my heart of joy
And who but my Father Y’hayah
Thy sleeveless coat of purest white
With gold embroidered gorgeously;
Thy sleeveless coat of shining light
And these I worship gladly.
Y’hayah is my delight,
Y’hayah my heart of gold
Y’hayah is my heart of joy
And I love my Father, Y’hayah
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
My Father in Heaven, Y’hayah, is Holy to the infinite degree and sacred to the infinite degree. Everything about Y’hayah is infinite, especially His love.
With eternal love to time indefinite, Father, nobody touches your sleeveless coat on my watch.
Your Daughter, Tiffany.
All I ever did was to love my Father in Heaven and to love His Son and to love people.
That’s why Satan hates me with a passion, because he knows he can’t touch me. I’m with my Father in Heaven, Y’hayah.
In the Bible, Yeshwah in Heaven, The Son of Man, The Son of David is called Mighty God, in the sense of Psalms 82:6 a mighty authority, and that is all.
The Great Slaughter is likely referring to Satan and The Demons and those without love and mercy.
The Meshikhi Faith
With love,
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.EDIT
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