CIA Submission Reference ID: H5KUU3G2 Do not mock a Prophetess of God, little ones. My voice has 5+ octaves.
Each one is responsible for their own life.
Genesis 6:3, Matthew 24:37 Bible time period 1914-2034 No one knows the day or the hour. The pivotal date is 1914. 2022 is also a pivotal year, the beginning of the time period now known as Jericho. The year of my birth, 1964, until 2034 is 70 years but is not significant in Bible prophecy.
Beloved Children of God,
Our Father in Heaven wants none of you to be destroyed, not one. And here is why. Our God loves His created people so much and His heart is so expansive and infinite in love that He does not want to harm a living soul. But to save you He must do some things and make decisions that He has to live with for the benefit of you. That’s why He must order the destruction of The Roman Religion, an ancient thing you know almost nothing about or nothing about. But He does not want to harm a living thing, not a sparrow falls without Him knowing it. But He is God, and a Father trying to save His Children. So He must give the most terrible orders of all time at the end, but only to save as many as possible from destruction. Because you would truly perish if He didn’t, the enemy has many of you in His grip, but God will deliver you. I just wanted you to know how much He loves you.
ܘܐܠܘ ܠܐ ܐܬܟܪܝܘ ܝܘܡܬܐ ܗܢܘܢ ܠܐ ܚܝܐ ܗܘܐ ܟܠ ܒܣܪ ܡܛܠ ܓܒܝܐ ܕܝܢ ܢܬܟܪܘܢ ܝܘܡܬܐ ܗܢܘܢ Matthew 24:22 And if those days were not shortened, not any flesh would live.~The Holy Aramaic Scriptures
God doesn’t want to bring the end, He has to. He doesn’t want to lose anyone but He must, but the only reason they will be lost is because they would not accept His love and the Sacrifice of His Son that makes eternal life possible.
There is still much time for people to be saved and the tribulation spoken of by Y'sho in Matthew Chapter 24 must occur before the end comes.
Luke 21:8 He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.
Share the love!
Change your life forever
This is the most important thing you will ever do
Meshikhi – Hebrew משיחי Transliteration: mshychy ( Translation: adj. Christian, Messianic Meshikhi meaning: “of the Messiah” or “A Follower of the Messiah”.
Real Meshikhi are followers of Y'sho the Messiah, Y'sho is King of Y'hayah's Kingdom now asserting authority over the Earth. Y'sho has absolute Power and Authority from Y'hayah, except for prayer. He has been ruling since 1914 in the midst of His enemies. Psalms Chapter 2, Psalms 110.2
Berean Literal Bible He first found his brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated Christ).
Y'sho worships Y'hayah the True Ay (God to those who do not know Him as such).
You are Meshikhi (Hebrew משיחי) when you transcend religion because you are following Y'sho (ee-sho) the Messiah more closely. We have put faith in His sacrifice. We are adorned and bejeweled with the love of our Heavenly Father Y'hayah. He is our shield and our beloved God. This is our family and you are one of God’s children. He only wants you to know that He loves you.
We are Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah and this is The Meshikhi Faith. We are Christians.
We are the happiest people in the world because we only love.
b'ahabah (With love),
The One and Only Aria, Daughter and Prophetess of Sacred Spirit, Ahri'ah
I am also Ari'Al, The Lion and Sher'Al, The Lioness of Yudah.
The Truth
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred. Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God
The Introduction Page of The Bible will have this simple explanation.
Ay’ah is Our Father in Heaven. He is Our Abba. He is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible. God's Name from Targum Onkelos is Y'hayah in Hebrew.
Y'sho is The First of God’s Children in Heaven. He is represented by Isaac in The Bible.
Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven are The Sacred Angels
Our Brothers and Sisters on Earth, some are saved, some are yet to be saved.
My Abba, what He is like, friendly with a nice smile
God, Al’Shaddai, God Almighty, Creator and Eternal Sacred Father
Ay’ah means “Spirit Sacred Father”. Aba means “Spirit Father”.
Ay’ah (Ay, Sacred Father, sounds like “eye”, /ah/ not /aw/) is Our Father in Heaven. God’s Name from Targum Onkelos is Y'hayah (Hebrew יְיָ Y'hayah). In the Easter Dialect of Aramaic it’s Aya. He is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible.
He is Our Aba (ahb’ah, /ah/ not /aw/) in Hebrew and The Eastern Dialect of Aramaic, Abba in The Western Dialect of Aramaic .
Ay’ah is God.
Y'sho, Perfect Love with Mercy. The Ahlaluyah.
Y'sho is The Way, The Truth and The Life.
The Son of God, Al’Gibbor, Mighty God (Mighty Authority) compare Psalms 82.6
The actual translation of John 1.1 from Koine Greek
John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God, and godly was The Word.
Y'sho (Eastern Dialect of Aramaic Aramaic ܝܼܫܘܿܥ Y'sho (ee'sho) is The First of God’s Children in Heaven. Before Y'sho was created, God was alone, with infinite love to give. Y'sho is The Way, The Truth and The Life. He is Our Oldest Brother in Heaven. Yesha in the absolute state means “Salvation”. He is represented by Isaac in The Bible.
Y'sho is Lord.
In Anglo-Saxon times, the lord was known as the hläford, from the Viking hläfweard, meaning a bread-keeper or ‘bread ward’. The lord was responsible for providing bread for his household; therefore he was head of the house. Y'sho volunteered and God provided Y'sho’s life for us. Y'sho is The Bread from Heaven. From The Book of Isayah, Our Father said, “Who shall we send”? And Y'sho’s response, “Here I am Father, send me”. He knew that God could not die because God is Eternal. Y'sho replaced Adam as Head of the earthly household, he is The Eternal Father of God’s Children on Earth instead of Adam. We pray to God and Y'sho provides the things we need.
John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Ay’ah, so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Y'sho, The first of His children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life..~The Meshikhi Faith
John 3.16 Explained
John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Ay’ah, so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Y'sho, The first of His children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life..~The Meshikhi Faith
Meshikhi are Followers of The Messiah, Y'sho Christ, The Son* of The Living God (Matthew 16:16, John 20:17).
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Y'sho is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Become a Christian in one minute and be saved in one minute just by telling someone about this site. Read about baptism on the page titled “Becoming Meshikhi”.
Matthew 28.19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Y'hayah and of The Son, Ye'sh'wah, The First of God’s Children in Heaven and of the sacred spirit, Ahri’.
Getting Baptized with a Purpose
The only way to be reconciled to God (to have Him truly as your father) is by means of the Sacrifice of Y'sho the Messiah, the Only Begotten Son of God. This is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Y'sho.
Belief in these things moves a person to want to be baptized by water immersion in the name of The Father, Y’yah, The Son, Y'sho the Messiah, and the Sacred spirit (read the page “The Soul and the Sacred spirit” before you do so). If you cannot be immersed for some reason but want to, God considers it the same as if you had been immersed. Grandiose spectacles that undignify a person dishonor God. You may also immerse yourself. The angels are witnesses of it.
2 Corinthians 8:12 For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.
1 Peter 3:21 Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Y'sho The Messiah.
There is no infant immersion. Young children are covered by their parents baptism until they can make their own decision to be baptized.
Then we must tell others about what we have learned.
Romans 10:9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Y'sho is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Y'sho told people that God loves them and that there is a wonderful future ahead. That is the loving thing to do and all you have to do.
Fill your heart with love and have an answer ready when people demand a reason for the hope in you.
Tell them to visit for the most comprehensive Bible knowledge in the world.
It is only because of Our Father and Y'sho that we can do this. All those in Heaven want what we want, that everyone would have Y’yah as their father. This is what Y'sho explained and what He was willing to die for. Y’yah is our Father and we are His children, if you want to explain it easily.
It’s simple. It’s about Our Father in Heaven and His Son Y'sho and what they were willing to do to save us.
Proverbs 15:23 The one giving an answer at the right time, being tender, turns back anger; and how good is the answer.
Love people, talk to them, laugh with them, cry with them, do not hesitate to pray with them if you sense they need it, be genuine friends. If it comes up in a natural spiritual conversation, tell them whatever they would like to know. Only love people and God will do the rest by means of the sacred spirit that is with you.
Our example is Y'sho. Y'sho only loved people. That’s how he did things. People could not wait to be with him. They rejoiced around him. That is the true Christian Religion, That is The Way (Acts 19:9).
Love is natural and occurs naturally. When someone loves you and gives evidence of it, it is only natural to love them back.
Treat everyone as your brothers and sisters, because they are God’s children, just as you are.
Targum Onkelos is the only True Torah. The Original Torah has no vowels. Translating one word at a time without Kabbalistic vowels and diacritics with Microsoft Bing Translator can produce a perfect word for word Bible. The vowel pointing of The Hebrew Bible, The Masoretic Text and even Targum Onkelos is Kabbalistic. Kabbalism is from Cabala, Jewish Mysticism, Magic and The Occult. God warns us about it at Deuteronomy Chapter 18, where He says "I did not give you anything like that".
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the Secret Society known by insiders as "The Society", a Society within a Society, are the epicenter of The Roman Religion II and are a part of The Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9). I am a victim of them. They are practicing Christian Kabbalism. They will repent according to these scriptures. But they must not bow down to me, it is unholy. It takes 6 months to a year and a half to be indoctrinated into The Synagogue of Satan by Watch Tower and Jehovah's Witnesses.
The correlation
8,000,000 missing children worldwide annually
8,000,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide
Part of their training for their ministry that takes place in the evening during the week, includes noting if the householder has children indicated by toys in the yard.
I have overwhelming evidence that the things Jehovah's Witnesses do are done unconciously. A video showing that the footnote system in the Bible that they use proves Jehovah is Jesus, anathema to their beliefs.
The 4 winds of salvation come first and “then” later Watch Tower, The 4 winds of destruction. You have carried the golden calf into the sea bed Watch Tower, and not put the story together in the right order.
God has placed life and death before you today.
Repent therefore and have your sins washed.
2 Timothy 3.14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;
I am "The Daughter" of Psalms 45.9,10,11 Only those loyal to Christ listen to me. Sacred Spirit, which has the name Ahri, has sided with me in all things. Nothing is as powerful as Ahri. My name is to be Tiffany Tracy di Bernardone d'As Sisi (Duchess as Sisi), Duchess of Normandy, Sacred Spirit sided with Elisabeth of Austria who had the nickname "Sisi", who was captive from the young age of 15 and became Empress.
The name of St. Francis, San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me.
The 3 Leopards, Richard I, see the article “Why 3 Leopards?“
Fernihalgh, Normandy My Family were Tobacco Merchants worldwide and my GrandFather, Edward Stanley Fernihough would have been Head of the Teutonic Order, The Treachery took place in Lancashire
The Teutonic Order, my Knights
Abrahamic “Vulture”
Ab – meaning “father”, raham – meaning “compassion” (root word רחם vulture
Where the ruins are, there The Vultures will gather (Matthew 24.28)
The Lion of YudahTwo Leopards3 LeopardsFernihalgh, NormandyThe Teutonic OrderThe Vulture
Psalms Chapter 22
19But be not thou far from me, O Ay’ah: O my strength, haste thee to help me. 20Deliver my soul from the sword; unchanging one, from the power of the dog. 21Save me from the lion’s mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns. 22I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. 23Ye that revere Ay’ah, praise him; all ye the seed of Yacob, glorify him; and revere him, all ye the seed of Isra’Al.
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 authorized to do this. I am also nobility. I carried The Cross for you but wasn't hung up on one, that is the only difference between me and Our Beloved Y'sho.
Only True Nobility can Authorize a Bible. I am Nobility, not Royalty. Nobility serves others. All I am is a Sister of you. Do not bow down, it is unholy.
Revelation 22.9 But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who keep the words of this scroll. Worship God!”
I am also The Blacksmith and have invented the new way to deliver power that is not harmful to the earth or to people and domestic animals.
All Glory to God and Honor His Son Y'sho, both helped me to do this.
The Blacksmith
CIA Submission Reference ID’s: L6FQS47K, TFXNCKZR ,JF5UY3JU, UQK24RNE, 42YKQLN8, WG7GMMSY
I am The Blacksmith, written into The Bible by Sacred Spirit, Ahri'ah.
“See, it is I who created the blacksmith
who fans the coals into flame
and forges a weapon fit for its work.
And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc;
no weapon forged against you will prevail,
and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of Y'hayah,
and this is their vindication from me,”
declares Y'hayah.
The seeds of conflict were sewn in the roots of language.~Tiffany McTaggart, Etymology
27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
The actual translation of John 1.1 from Koine Greek
John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God, and godly was The Word.
“godly” means “with reverent love, loyal and dutiful with awe”.
I understood the problem a long time ago. I found the solution when I put together my first military field phone. It ran off of a 9V Volt DC Battery and I buried the wire. It was week 7 of Basic Training in Granville, Nova Scotia. I graduated September 11, 1981. I am being framed for the upcoming Global 9/11.
What do lamps, iPhones and iPads have in common. They get hot. Apple did not include a ground on the USB AC adapter, so it gets hot. It is recommended that you buy a grounded plug to plug it into. The same goes for any device that does not have a grounded plug.
Rapid Ascent and Descent on aircraft used as a cost saving method, can cause batteries to in EarPods to explode due to pressurization in the cabin.
What is your problem? People are dying for nothing because of not having an accurate Bible. The Roman Religion that incorporated Christianity ruined it. I have fixed so much of it, it is ridiculous that the world does not have it.
Father explains things in the Bible in a sophisticated way, for a simple person to understand or a scientist.
From Abba: "The Earth is my footstool".
In simple terms, a footstool is located in front of and below a chair.
In scientific terms, this is relativity, the juxtaposition of the chair and the footstool.
Heaven is a million miles to the East and above The Earth. But the distance is nothing to Our Father, He is that powerful.
That is why Abba and Y'sho are called, "The Kings from The East" in The Bible.
The Western Sky was the canvas and Father was the Artist, creating what The Bible calls "the sky phenomenon". He knew it was perfect when He had the sunset just right. The artist was located facing West, the canvas facing Him.
And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.
It is Ay like the letter /i/ The homonym is the word "eye" in English. It means Sacred Father.
It is /ah/ not /aw/ in Ancient Hebrew phonics. /ah/ is from ruah which means "spirit". The name of the sacred spirit is Ahri, /ri/ from ridi which means "with laughter".
He is Our Spirit Sacred Father.
In Ancient Hebrew His Name is Y'hayah. In English it is Y'hayah. Targum Onkelos is the only true Torah. Brother Onkelos cleansed himself more than Gamali'Al.
Exodus 23.13 Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips. “Pay close attention to all my instructions. You must not call on the name of any other gods. Do not even speak their names. “Pay attention to all that I have said to you, and make no mention of the names of other gods, nor let it be heard on your lips.
Know Father's thinking on this. If you don't know something, nothing to forgive, but once you know or if you do know, that's different.
The j sound in English is an example of a palatal consonant, while the y sound in English (akin to the j sound in many other languages) is an example of a palatal approximant.
In the former case (palatal consonant), the tongue is raised and flattened to touch the palate while in the latter case (palatal approximant) it does not touch the palate completely, allowing air to flow between the palate and the tongue.
While the modern Latin script has the letter j, Latin itself did not use j to start with and did not have a well-defined palatal consonant sound. Words like Iapheth, Iesus, Ieremiah, etc. were meant to be pronounced starting with a palatal approximant. In due course, due to natural phonological evolution, they began to be pronounced with a palatal consonant in certain Roman colonies. This gave rise to the need for distinction between the two sounds in writing. The letter j, which was really special cursive form of i became the symbol for this distinct new sound.
The voiced palatal approximant is a type of consonant used in many spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨j⟩. The equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is j, and in the Americanist phonetic notation it is ⟨y⟩.
This means that when translating Hebrew to English the yodh as a consonant is always a /y/ not a /j/.
The yohd, as a vowel, can have the /ee/ sound represented by an /i/.
It always comes up online, so here is the definitive answer.
Waw or Vav
Ancient Hebrew by Christopher Rollston
Voiced bilabial means your upper and lower lips form the /w/ shape and sound called a “waw” pronounced "wow" in Hebrew.
Q.About when did the Hebrew ‘waw’ begin to be taken as ‘vav’?
A. The historic pronunciation of this letter (a voiced bilabial) is /waw/, a pronunciation attested in various Semitic languages (ancient and modern). Moreover, even the Masoretes (600 C.E.–1000 C.E.) arguably pronounced this letter as /waw/ (not /vav/). The common pronunciation of this letter today as /vav/ (rather than /waw/) is a reflection of conventions in the modern period, primarily those hailing from Germanic language practices (notice, for example, that the German letter /w/ is pronounced as an English /v/, not as an English /w/; thus, the German word “Wasser” [water] is pronounced /vasser/ in German). In sum, the tradition of pronouncing this letter as /waw/ is historically more accurate (and so it is found in many grammars of biblical Hebrew, including Thomas Lambdin’s). The convention of pronouncing it as /vav/ is also acceptable, but this pronunciation does hail from the modern period.
Christopher Rollston is an associate professor in the Department of Classical and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at George Washington University. He is a philologist and epigrapher of ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean languages and works in more than a dozen ancient and modern languages, including Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, as well as Ugaritic, Phoenician, Akkadian, Ammonite, and Moabite. He is the author of several books, including Writing and Literacy in the World of Ancient Israel (SBL, 2010).
The Bible says "Kiss The Son", the name Ye'sh'wah in Hebrew and Ye'sh'wuh in Galilean Aramaic has a voiced bilabial, the /w/ sound. You have to pucker up to make the /w/ sound. It's a waw. I am The Promised One of Y'sho, I should know. BTW Sisters, cool it, He's mine. On the cheek only, for you. For you Brothers in North America, it was normal in Y'sho's culture to greet another Brother with a friendly kiss on both cheeks or on the neck with family or dear friends.
It's a descendant /v/ in Greek. In English, two v's were placed side by side /vv/, to represent this sound.
The French name for the letter w is double vé (pronounced /du.blə.ve/), double /v/. It has two pronunciations in French: as English /w/ in words that were borrowed from English, Dutch, or various other Asian or African languages. For example, it is pronounced as English w in whig, whist, wasabi, and wok.
The other pronunciation of w is /v/, used in words borrowed from German or the Scandinavian languages. For example, it is pronounced /v/ in walhalla and walkyrie.
The French Use of the Letter "W"
While the French language uses the Latin (or Roman) alphabet with 26 letters today, this was not always so. The letter "w" was added in the 19th century, most likely because of its use in the languages of other countries with whom the French interacted.
The same can be said for the letter "k," which made an even later appearance in the French alphabet.
In use, the letter "w" is found primarily in words borrowed from other languages. In almost every instance, the letter takes on the sound from the source language. For instance, it sounds like a '"v" for German words and like an English "w" in English words.
The Khaburis Codex is 65 years older than the oldest Greek text. has a complete integration of The Khaburis Manuscript text, however, the translation is the work of copyists and is totally unreliable. It requires letter for letter transliteration to be understood. The process is the same as for Hebrew without vowels. Transliterate letter for letter, find the root within the word, then translate with prefixes and suffixes in context. See The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic about phonetic sounding.
Ye’sh’wah in Hebrew YSHWUH ܝܫܘܥ Syriac, The Eastern Dialect of Aramaic, pronounced Yeshwuh in Galilean Aramaic. The ayin in Galilean Aramaic is pronounced /uh/.
Matthew 27.47 And some of those who were standing there, when they heard it, said, “This man is calling for Aliyah (Aliya in Aramaic).” The word Aramaya means Land of Our Spirit Sacred Father. God Aya is Al’Aya in Aramaic. Suffix or prefix /Al/ means “God”. Psalms 22.1 without diacritics accurately says /aly, aly/ “Al’Aya, Al’Aya” (God, Aya, God, Aya) alluding to the double yodh at Geneses 1.1 in Targum Onkelos, the only true Torah. Brother Onkelos cleansed himself more than Gamali’Al. The ayin in Hebrew is an /a/ proumounced /ah/. In Galilean Aramaic the ayin is an /a/ pronounced /uh/.
El'ijah is not the name of the Prophet, it is Al'iyah. El is the Supreme god of The Canaanites.
In Hebrew God's Name is spelled Y'hayah, in English it is Y'hayah.
There was only one scripture in the book of Jeremiah written in Aramaic, The Prophet's Name was the key to understanding God's Name in Aramaic. Aramya, the root word between the alephs means "to be exulted". Aya to be exulted in Aramaic. Double yodh in Hebrew in Targum Onkelos and Double Aleph in The Eastern Dialect of Aramaic, both referred to God's Name.
Our Father is Y'hayah (ay’ah) from Targum Onkelos, The only True Torah. Brother Onkelos cleansed himself more than Gamali’Al. The first Y is silent like Yisra’Al then a silent Sheva and Then Aya (phonetic ay’ah Spirit Sacred Father, Ab Kadush in Ancient Hebrew). Ayh with silent Hebrew letter ba /h/ means Sacred Father in Ancient Hebrew as does Ay in Ancient Aramaic with suffix /a/, Aya. Psalms 22.1 Aly, Aly (Al’Aya Al’Aya phonetic Al’Ay’ah Al’Ay’ah Matthew 27.46 God, Y'hayah, God, Y'hayah) Exodus 3.14 AHYH phonetic Ahyah asher Ihyah.
Exodus 3.14,15 Riddle
14 And God said unto Moses, Ahyah asher Ihyah (I am Y'hayah who is called Ea [The god Ea (whose Sumerian eqivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon], in other words, "I am Y'hayah, Spirit Sacred Father, abkadush, and they are calling me EA" [Enki]). Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra'Al, Ahyah hath sent me unto you.
15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra'Al, Y'hayah God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
Note that The Authorized version says "the children of Isra'Al, not "sons"
Ahyh means “Sacred”. From Matthew Chapter 6 “Our Father in Heaven, “Sacred” be Thy Name.
Father but not Father, Sacred Spirit Ahri'ah.
December 16, 2022 Announcement
After 7 years of deliberation and researching etymology, the final foolproof spelling of God's Name in English is Y'hayah.
It means "Spirit Sacred Father".
Ay means Sacred Father. Sounds like the letter /i/, the homonym is “eye”.
/ah/ is from ruah, which means spirit. The name of the sacred spirit is Ahri, /ri/ from /ridi/ meaning "with laughter".
Full etymology and reasoning may be found in the
introduction to The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible.
Abba (ahb'ah) means Spirit Father, Eastern Dialect of Aramaic Aba, ab (Ahb-ah, Ahb).
It is always "Spirit Father" NOT "Father Spirit". This is an important distinction.
It is urgent that you read this page and the "Learn The Way" section of the menu system. Jehovah's Witnesses are on "The Wing of The Temple" as foretold by Dani'Al The Prophet.
May you be blessed,
As Brother Henry Van Der Horn once said, "People don't know what they don't know".
Splane it to them.
With Love and Mercy,
Your Sister,
Tiffany McTaggart
♥♫ My finest gifts I bring ♫♥
Faith in Y'sho is what is required in our time period. The ancient people who hoped in The Messiah had no evidence, yet they believed. We have evidence in the Christian Greek Scriptures, places, times, rulers and the existence of 53 actual people verified by archaeology [PDF]. And no historian will deny the historicity of Y'sho. This is why we are required to have faith only.
Be sure to read about Our Beautiful Family of Faith on this page
We are Lalu, Love with Mercy and We are Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah
Lalu means Love with Mercy in Ancient Hebrew, that’s who we are and what we are, a people, a Family of Faith always, Eternal Love with Mercy always. Christians to outsiders, just like in The Bible, Meshikhi to those who follow The Christ.
Lalu Worldwide
Read The Book of Mark. Y'sho cried out, is the truth. And the sacred spirit formed words only God understood. Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Pure ahabah, selfless outward love, fierce love, for Our Father and for us.
Luke 23.45 “And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.”
Faith in Y'sho (ee'sho) is what is causing these things to happen
Let the Love with Mercy flow from you as it flowed from Y'sho. Honor Y'sho by being like Him and demonstrating Our Father's Love and Mercy for people. What greater gift could you give someone than eternal life?
Y'sho (ee'sho) is The Ahlaluyah,
Ha-lalu-yah – Halay(Praise) Lalu(Love with Mercy) Yah from Y’yah (Praise Love with Mercy, Spirit Sacred Father Ahyah from Exodus 3.14).
Spirit of Love with Mercy, Spirit Sacred Father Y’yah is what Ahlaluyah means and how Y'sho Honored Our Father.
The man next to Y'sho on The Cross looked at Him and thought…
He doesn’t look like a criminal…
He’s not reviling…
He’s praying to God…
He’s The Messiah.
Luke 23.42 Then he said, “Y'sho, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Luke 23.43 Y'sho answered him, “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.”
Welcome Brothers and Sisters! Let's pray together.
completed by Ari’Al, Prophetess of Sacred Spirit, Ahri’ah
Our Father, which art in Heaven Sacred be Thy Name Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done On Earth, as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who trespass against us Do not let us succumb to temptation But deliver us from evil For yours is the Kingdom The power and the glory forever In the Name of Y'sho, (always pause for a moment) Ahmeyn
You will know when you are experiencing evil and praying The Lord’s Prayer will be the natural thing to do. It should also be said daily at any time and at the beginning of any spiritual gathering of 2 or more people. For other prayers and talking to Father, we start with “Abba, Father” and sometimes we cry out “Abba, Father!” (Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6) Always end prayer "In the name of Y'sho, Ahmeyn (Hebrew and Aramaic) or Amen (English)." The comma indicates a slight pause after Y'sho's name. Be in prayer whenever you are not doing something else. Do not mix spiritual and sensual things.
When your heart moves you to do so, genuflect when you say the Name Y'sho at the end of a prayer. Make the sign of the cross on your upper body, top, bottom - right, left, ending at your heart. This teaches your soul reverence for The Cross of Y'sho. You will feel it in your soul. The Cross of Yeshua represents Our Father’s love for us and Y'sho’s love for us. The Name Yeshua will never become just a word to say at the end of a prayer. This is from Y'hayah. Be more reverent for the cross than for anything but me.
The Lord’s prayer should be said at the beginning of every Church service and spiritual gathering. It is a guarantee of spiritual protection for the congregation of God. Genuflect naturally not quickly.
You may pray any other prayer at any time. Even just to say “I love you Father”. When you talk to Father he knows what you mean and He knows how you feel and He knows everything about your situation in life. He knows everything about everything. The sacred spirit forms words that are pure, clean and holy that only Father can understand all at the same time (Father is a parallel person). Only talk to Him, I beg you, and know that your Father loves you with a love that is to time indefinite. You don’t have to be eloquent or anything, just be yourself and pour out your heart to Him if you need to or when you need to or even if you just want to say something funny to make Him laugh or to share a laugh with Him. This is how to pray. Father will laugh with you and cry with you and will comfort you if you need it or when you need it, especially when you need it the most. Always remember, Father is a person in every sense of the word, not something abstract. And you will know God, yes you will know Abba Himself and who He is and what type of person He is. Did not Y'sho learn everything from Father? Did He not laugh with the people and cry them when they were mourning? What Y'sho learned was how to be with people and how Father thinks of people and He is so much like Father. Y'sho’s love for people is what you must understand if you want to understand Our Father at all. Yes, look closely at Y'sho and what He did for people and how He was with people. If you will understand Y'sho all the way to the Cross and after resurrection, then you understand Father and what He is like in real life. As I’ve told you Father cannot die. But I tell you, Father would have done it for you if He could. And it also had to be a perfect human to replace Adam. The one to do this, to die for us, could not be part God and part human. This is the other reason.
From God Himself. “I wanted to. But I am eternal and it was impossible for me to die for you . I love you. Do not be confused anymore. To the people now living or who will ever live . Y'sho is not God. Y'sho is my Son. More than anything, Y'sho only wanted you to know how much I love you. I love you and Y'sho loves you.”
God is love and God is spirit. Neither are umbilical, but you’ll know when you commune with God that He loves you with Eternal Love and you will know the truth. If it’s funny, it’s Father.
This is the Lord’s prayer translated from Aramaic (letter by letter with etymology translation)
ܐܒܘܢ ܕܒܫܡܝܐ ܢܬܩܕܫ ܫܡܟ Merciful Father (ܐܒܘܢ abwn) in Heaven, sanctify your Name
ܬܐܬܐ ܡܠܟܘܬܟ ܢܗܘܐ ܨܒܝܢܟ ܐܝܟܢܐ ܕܒܫܡܝܐ ܐܦ ܒܐܪܥܐ Bring your Kingdom into existence, your will, as in Heaven also on Earth
ܗܒܠܢ ܠܚܡܐ ܕܣܘܢܩܢܢ ܝܘܡܢܐ Prepare the bread we need today
ܘܫܒܘܩ ܠܢ ܚܘܒܝܢ ܐܝܟܢܐ ܕܐܦ ܚܢܢ ܫܒܩܢ ܠܚܝܒܝܢ Forgive my debt as I also forgive my debtors
ܘܠܐ ܬܥܠܢ ܠܢܣܝܘܢܐ ܐܠܐ ܦܨܢ ܡܢ ܒܝܫܐ ܡܛܠ ܕܕܝܠܟ ܗܝ It is right to deliver the destitute from trial because of Your Name
ܡܠܟܘܬܐ ܘܚܝܠܐ ܘܬܫܒܘܚܬܐ ܠܥܠܡ ܥܠܡܝܢ Kingdom power and glory, never ending, eternal
Beh, b'shem Y'sho
In the Name of Y'sho,
It takes 53 seconds to say the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, even less in English. Yeshua started every day with prayer so He was always prepared spiritually. Yeshua was not married. If you are married, see the Spiritual Couples page. It is different for couples and God wants you to be happy about prayer.
You can pray any other prayer at any time and talk to Our Father in Heaven. Open prayer with "Father in Heaven Yahavah”. After you are in prayer with Our Father you can just say “father”. Just be natural with Him. When you are done praying say, in the Name of Yeshua, amen.
Note: Do not communicate with the spirit world outside of prayer in any way. This is includes "whispering" or moving your mouth silently. This will be especially difficult for schizophrenics, but if you pray about it, Yahavah will help you not to.
Never answer any "voices" whether audible or mental. And remember that Satan and the demons can read lips.
Also, there are human agents of Satan, fully on his side who have devices that can hear a whisper a mile away and can read your lips from space using a satellite.
Follow the scriptural advice and "go into your little room" to pray when you want to pour out your heart to God which may involve moving your mouth silently in prayer.
Prayer is talking with Our Father. Treat it like a conversation. As long as you have love and respect it is natural and relaxed. Walk around, sit, stand or whatever. It is a wonderful experience. Just express yourself naturally. God can understand our imperfection and what we mean exactly no matter how we say it, He understands just like He understands languages. And even if we can't find the words, the mind of the Spirit translates our thoughts and feelings into words God can understand. He always knows what we mean when we say something to Him. I think of Him as father with a small "f" and Father with a capital "F". This is how He likes things to be.
When we say amen that is the end of the conversation.
Prayer is absolutley secure.
Proverbs 18:10 The name of Y'hayah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous one runs and receives protection.
And sometimes, like Nehemayah, all we have time to say is "Y'hayah". Rest assured that He hears you and will be with you.
Y'sho is The Way, The Truth and The Life, we also hope in Him.
Y'hayah (Hebrew יְיָ Y'hayah) means Spirit Sacred Father, abkadush (ahb'-kadush) in Hebrew (/Y'/ Silent Y like Yisra'Al, silent sheva). He is The "Ay" (Sacred Father) of Isra'Al, we don't call Him "God", but do so to help people who do not know Him as Sacred Father. Eye is a Satanic homonym of Ay, such as Eye of Ra". It's how Satan uses language as a weapon. Y’aya (ay’ah) is God's Name, it means Spirit Sacred Father. He is Our Abba.
It's Aba Eastern Dialect of Aramaic, Abba Western Dialect of Aramaic.
"Abba, Father" is how we express natural affection for Our "Spirit" Father. (Eastern Dialect of Aramaic Aba, ab phonetic ahb'ah, ahb, Akkadian abu pronounced ahb-uh, ab not av, it became av around the 3rd century through phonological evolution) God is Love and God is spirit. Our obedience comes from our eternal love and trust when we have His spirit, not out of fear. Love throws fear outside, says The Bible. He is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible.
Note the timing of the phonological evolution, the farther back you go, it is abba not avva which came later. And it's certainly not Ava which is feminine. Long /a/.
How Y'sho understood Abba
It is true that in the Jewish Talmud and other Jewish documents we find statements such as “When a child experiences the taste of wheat (i.e., when it is weaned), it learns to say ’abbā and ’immā” (Berakot 40a in the Babylonian Talmud)
Transliterating from Aramaic
The Khaburis codex was obtained by Norman Malek-Yonan and attorney Dan MacDougald in 1966 for $25,000. It “was purchased from the library of an ancient Assyrian monastery atop one of the mountains of Assyria, near the River Habbor, or in Aramaic, Khabur, hence the name ‘Khaburis’.”
II Peter, II John, III John, Jude and Revelation are not found in the Khaburis Codex.
The Khaburis Manuscript is 65 years older than the oldest Greek text.
Proto-Semitic did not originally have a distinction between definite and indefinite nouns, but over time many Semitic languages developed their own systems of distinguishing between the two. In Hebrew it was by adding ha- to the beginning of the word, while in Arabic they add al-. In Aramaic, they decided instead to add a suffix: -a.
So in early Aramaic, ab would mean “a father”, while aba meant “The Father”.
Mark 14:36 in Aramaic Y'sho said ܐܒܐ ܐܒܝ “Aba, Ab” (Transliterated letter for letter from Syriac)
Think of God as “father” with a small /f/ and “Father” with a capital /F/ and you will understand everything about this expression at Mark 14:36, Romans 8:15 and Galatians 4:6.
This is what Y'sho wanted for people more than anything.
Remember, God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Mark 14:36 “Aba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”
Rom. 8:15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Aba, Father.”
Gal. 4:6 Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Aba, Father.”
Both Yeshua and Paul provide the meaning of the word Aba as ‘Father’. The point Paul is making both here and in Galatians 4 is that being able to address God as ‘Father’ is a profound privilege. This is what separates the son from the mere servant. As adopted sons, we are privileged now to address God as “Father,” not merely collectively as was the Jewish custom, but individually which was inconceivable to Jewish thinking. This is why the Jews attempted to stone Jesus for blasphemy in John 5:18 when he called God his Father.
“For this reason, therefore, the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because He not only was breaking the Sabbath, but also was calling God His own Father, and here is the Satanic false charge "making Himself equal with God".
The name of Abraham, Hebrew אַבְרָחָמ is pronounced Ab’raham.
Ab – meaning “father”
raham – meaning “compassion” (root word רחם vulture, see final hieroglyph on the home page. It is the Egyptian vulture sign.)
Paul says for us to be able to address God as “Father” is a privilege we now enjoy that we did not previously have.
This is where translation must be done correctly. Abraham is not a vulture literally. Common sense must be applied. The following scripture explains the root word for vulture in the name Ab’raham.
In the Soleb, Northern Sudan excavation report and all other publications following this initial reading, the final sign is classed as G43 quail chick (w), but this was a mistake, and the sign is clearly the G1 Egyptian vulture (a) representing aleph.
Note the difference in head shape between the quail chick and the final character which is Egyptian vulture or aleph. The head of the bird is more rounded while the head shape of the vulture is more angular.
Scripture undergoing fulfillment
Matthew 24.28 Wherever the ruins are, there the vultures will gather.
So we see the connection through accurate knowledge.
Cartouche @ Soleb, Northern SudanCorrected Report
All of this notwithstanding, you must understand the joke Father told me.
A Moabite (Meshe Stele) and an Egyptian (Soleb Cartouche) walk into a ba (Hebrew letter ba, silent h).
Father let me do the punchline. The Moabites and Egyptians are lovely people, but they're not kosher. Hebrew sources only for The Divine Name. Targum Onkelos is the only true Torah "without" Kabbalistic vowels.
Early Meshikhi Research Solution
The Solution
Ahabah, Outward love
Ahava, A river in Babylonia, according to Strong’s Concordance of The Bible
Strong’s H163 – אַהֲוָא ʼAhăvâʼ, a-hav-aw’; probably of foreign origin; Ahava, a river of Babylonia:—Ahava.
Don't even get me started about Yemoja (pronounced YemoYa) the river goddess. I've had one too many encounters with the Orishas, including MarYa, as if MarDuk wasn't a big enough clue in the Bible (MardUk). And as The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 (NIV) only, I can tell you, Gold of Ophir is not yellow, the color of urine, and I am not Urea the Hititess.
b'ahabah (With love),
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Y’hayah (pronounced yə-high’-ah), is a Hebrew verb phrase. It means "The Living One" or "The One Who Lives", Our Father in Heaven. Yahweh is also a Hebrew verb phrase, it means, "The One who brings into being". These are descriptive titles, not God's Name. Y'hayah is The Name of God.
Y'sho, The First of God's Created Children in Heaven. Before Y'sho was created, God was alone, with infinite love to give.
Y’sho Hebrew יְשׁוֹ
Y’sho Aramaic ܝܼܫܘܿܥ
Y’sho Greek Ieso
Why The Messiah is needed
Berean Literal Bible John 1.41 He first found his brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated Christ).
Psalms 37:29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any inhabitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars”.
In the video you heard a reference to the angel of the LORD. When you see the LORD in capital letters in a Bible it is referring to Y’yah the True God. There is only one Lord, Y'sho The Messiah (Ephesians 4:5).
Aramaic ܝܼܫܘܿܥ Y'sho (ee'sho) is Lord of The House of Y'Ayh, The First of His Created Children in Heaven. who died at Calvary in the 1st Century and Our Oldest Brother, much older than everyone else in Heaven. Yesh is funny like Father but He is "The Quiet One". In Anglo-Saxon times, the lord was known as the hläford, from the Viking hläfweard, meaning a bread-keeper or ‘bread ward’. The lord was responsible for providing bread for his household; therefore he was head of the house. Y’sho volunteered and God provided Y’sho’s life for us. Y’sho is The Bread from Heaven. From The Book of Isayah, Our Father said, “Who shall we send”? And Y’sho’s response, “Here I am Father, send me”. He knew that God could not die because God is Eternal. Y’sho replaced Adam as Head of the earthly household, he is The Eternal Father of God’s Children on Earth instead of Adam. We pray to God and Y’sho provides the things we need.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
Y'sho The First of God’s Children in Heaven. He is represented by Isaac in The Bible. He is Y’su (Hebrew) Esou, Coptic for Lamb, Ihsou, Ancient Greek, translated to Yiddish as Isaac. He is "The Messiah", "The Christ", "The Word" and "The Lamb of God".
Love with Mercy, Y'sho is The Ahlaluyah /ah/ from ruah which means spirit. The spirit of Love With Mercy, Y’yah. Yeshua is also LALU like Our Father, “Love with Mercy”.
John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and godly (with reverent love, loyal and dutiful with awe) was The Word.
John 1.35 The next day John again was standing with two of his disciples, 36 and as he watched Y'sho walk by, he exclaimed, “Look, here is the Lamb of God!” 37 The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Y'sho.
John 1.41 He first found his brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated Christ, The Anointed One).
Y'sho The Son of God, seated at The Right Hand of God in Heaven, who died at Calvary in The 1st Century. Y'sho is "The Finest Soldier" who has ever existed or ever will exist, Commander in Chief of The Sacred Angels and The Meshikhi, by the order of Y'hayah, Our God. One is Our Leader, The Christ. We are Army of Calvary, all the way. Y'sho has absolute Power and Authority from God, except for prayer.
Y'sho is Lord. Only Y'hayah is "The Hearer of Prayer", only Y'hayah is God.
Y'sho is Al'Gibbor, "Mighty God" or "Mighty Authority" (compare Psalms 82.6), God is "Almighty", Al'Shaddai.
The rest of the family
Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven are The Sacred Angels.
All of God's Children on Earth are also Our Brothers and Sisters. Some are Saved, some are yet to be Saved, by putting faith in The Sacrifice of Y'sho.
John 3.16 Explained
“John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Y'hayah, so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Y'sho, The first of His children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”.~The Meshikhi Faith
Meshikhi are Followers of The Messiah, Y'sho Christ, The Son* of The Living God (Matthew 16:16, John 20:17).
Romans 10:9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Y'sho is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Become a Christian in one minute and be saved in one minute. Read about baptism on the page titled “Becoming Meshikhi”.
All Meshikhi websites are now historical only. is easy to remember and spell.
The Great Commission Explained
Matthew 28.16-20 Explained
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Y'sho had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they prostrated themselves before Him; but some doubted. 18 Then Y'sho came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Y'hayah and of the Son, Y'sho, The First of God's Children in Heaven and of the sacred spirit, Ahri', 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Sacred Spirit, Ahri'ah
ruah means “spirit”, the name of the sacred spirit is Ahri, ri from ridi, meaning “with laughter”. The name of Father’s spirit is Ahri. If it's Father but not Father, it's Sacred Spirit, Ahri'ah. Every Meshikhi knows, "If it's funny, it's Father."
Y’yah is pronounced ay’ah (Spirit Father, NEVER Father Spirit). This is important to know.
These three are one, in agreement, in unity. Psalms Chapter 133.1, John 17.22
Only if you have the sacred spirit sent by Our Father, will you comprehend Father but not Father, Sacred Spirit, Ahri'ah.
God spoke to a person on Earth directly only 3 times in The Bible.
What can we say of Satan? Diametrically opposite to God, absolutely powerless compared to God, but honestly doesn't believe it. Anyone without Our Father's spirir can be used by Him, be extra cautious when dealing with those with authority. Remember also about the EM Spectrum that he uses, photons for light, chemical reactions and the portion of The Electromagnetic Spectrum, known as "radio" (voices).
ahri not hari
/ah/ is from ruah, which means spirit. It has the name Ahri /ri/ from /ridi/ meaning "with laughter".
/ah/ not /aw/ /ahl/ not /awl/ /wah/ not waw/ /ay/ sounds like long /i/, the homonym is the word "eye" Hebrew ayin /a/ pronounced /ah/ Ye'sh'wah Galilean Aramaic Accent ayin /a/ pronounced /uh/ Ye'sh'wuh
Exodus 3.14,15 Riddle
14 And God said unto Moses, Ahyah asher Ihyah (I am Y'hayah who is called Ea [Enki, Pantheon god of The Egyptians], in other words, "I am Y'hayah, Spirit Sacred Father, abkadush, and they are calling me EA" [Enki]). Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra'Al, Ahyah hath sent me unto you.
Ahyah means Sacred in context, as in The Lord's Prayer, "Sacred be Thy Name".
15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, Y'hayah (Hebrew יְיָ Y'hayah) God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Yacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
Remember Abba loves you and Yeshwuh loves you with Eternal Love that never ends. Eternal Love always comes back, it is in your heart and in your soul forever and cannot be removed, like your Faith.
Always tell your soul, "I will not lose one particle of faith, it is mine, I own it. No one can take it from me. I am Meshikhi and we are Pure Bible and Pure Cross, and we are Love with Mercy, We are Lalu".
Always remember, Y'sho is "The Ahlaluyah", The spirit of Love with Mercy of Y'hayah (ay'ah). Always a silent Hebrew letter ba, /h/ for Exodus 3.14 AHYH Ahyah. Our Father's name. It's what makes The Hebrew language distinct.
Y’rushalom above is our mother (Heaven). Only Meshikhi are spiritual Isra’al and Isra’al means Righteous God.
We don’t worship shalem or el of The Caananites like Isra’el.
Nor do we worship that pluralized abomination El'ohim.
Y'sho died on A Cross. Confirmed by Josephus c. 36 AD, a historian known as an authority for the time period known as Greco-Roman. The word "cross" is confirmed in Aramaic by Beth Mardutha The Syriac Institute.
Learn more on the next page under the subheading "Our Beautiful Family of Faith.
What I experienced is unheard of for a woman, everything but The Cross itself, but I am happy to know that eternal love always comes back, no matter what the trial and it is a fact of life that Satan cannot touch you if it is in your heart and soul. He can even break your mind, but Father’s record of love for you over your life cannot be erased once it is in your soul and you know Him at all. And you will declare, Abba, Father! I love you, bless your heart and soul for never leaving me. I am weak but you are strong with me and I will be unafraid, even through suffering, I may curse Heaven itself but you are loyal and so is Your Son to me.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it’s only natural to love them back. With every spark of love burned away, there would always be one light that remained. That’s Our Father. And it would not be possible to know Him at all if it wasn’t for The Sacrifice of Y'sho. Y'sho is SACRED to The Meshikhi for many reasons. He is written all over my heart and everything I ever comprehended about Him is in my soul forever.~Tiffany
A child should never fear their father, it is unnatural to do so. Fear and being afraid of Our Father creates an opening for evil leading to sin. Confirmed through Bible Chronology. The incident with Uzzah caused David to fear Our Father, 7 years later he sinned by committing adultery with Bathsheba. Before becoming afraid of Our Father, David was only Lalu, love with mercy. God cannot look upon evil, so saith The Bible. This is why Our Father did not recognize that David was being set up. He also cannot fathom the sick and evil “jokes” of Satan that were done to discredit God. These are revelations in modern times and sacred spirit has sided with me in my estimation of why evil things happen to people and God does not seem to notice. I was tipped off by Paul when he spoke about “the angel of Satan” in The Bible and did a lifelong study of how Satan and The Demons operate. Their feelings are diametrically opposite to natural love, they feel happiness and even physical pleasure at the suffering of others. This is how to recognize evil people, they enjoy watching suffering, love violence and do not laugh at natural humor, their humor is sick and perverted and is always at the expense of others.
The word that will replace fear is "revere". "Have deep honor and respect for" Our Spirit Sacred Father, Y'hayah.
On this site you may read what seem to be negative to the ultimate degree things. These are The Satanic Narratives Satan desired to instill, he being pure evil. As you have just read, it didn't work. Me and Father are eternal, that is, Eternal Love, and we're no way Jose' and no matter what about it. So be training your soul.
Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
Ahri'Al, Prophetess of Sacred Spirit Ahri'ah
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This is the most important thing you will ever do
Meshikhi – Hebrew משיחי Transliteration: mshychy ( Translation: adj. Christian, Messianic Meshikhi meaning: “of the Messiah” or “A Follower of the Messiah”.
Real Meshikhi are followers of Y'sho the Messiah, Y'sho is King of Y'hayah's Kingdom now asserting authority over the Earth. Y'sho has absolute Power and Authority from Y'hayah, except for prayer. He has been ruling since 1914 C.E. in the midst of His enemies. Psalms Chapter 2, Psalms 110.2
Berean Literal Bible He first found his brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated Christ).
Y'sho worships Y'hayah the True Ay (God to those who do not know Him as such).
You are Meshikhi (Hebrew משיחי) when you transcend religion because you are following Y'sho (ee'sho) The Messiah more closely. We have put faith in His sacrifice. We are adorned and bejeweled with the love of our Heavenly Father Y'hayah (ay'ah). He is our shield and our beloved God. This is our family and you are one of God’s children. He only wants you to know that He loves you.
We are Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah and this is The Meshikhi Faith. We are Christians.
We are the happiest people in the world because we only love.
b'ahabah (With love),
The One and Only Aria, Daughter and Prophetess of Sacred Spirit, Ahri'ah
I am also Ari'Al, The Lion and Sher'Al, The Lioness of Yudah.
The Problem: The Innocence of Father, Andy Griffith And Y'sho, Opie/David, the proliferation of unauthorized Bibles and The Romanization of The Bible by The Roman Religion that incorporated Christianity.
An unauthorized version will say at Exodus 3.14 "Tell the Sons of Isra'Al". This excludes "The Daughters". The Authorized Version says, Tell "The Children" of Isra'Al.
Father is Andy Griffith. In His perfect mind and heart, He can only understand evil as cause and effect, He can't actually understand it at all, being Pure Love. Y'sho became like Him, Pure Love[youtube]
The Tribulation foretold by Y'sho at Matthew Chapter 24 must not occur. It was found that fear and being afraid creates an opening for evil, leading to sin. Exactly seven years after the incident with Uzzah and The Ark of The Covenant, David committed sin with Bathsheba. He was set up, Satan knew what would happen if people feared God. God cannot look upon evil nor understand Satan’s pure, sick, infinite evil jokes played upon him. It is simply not possible for Him to know evil because Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite to Evil with Hate as East does not meet West. The implications of any Tribulation are obvious. The Bible will now stop at “The Strange work of God”, mentioned in The Greek Scriptures and all things will be corrected by me. On the plus side Father’s thoughts are sophisticated, intellectually pleasing, Satan is a moron, diametically opposite to Father’s thoughts are His thoughts and he is in what the Bible calls “Tartarus”, spiritual darkness. He can’t understand how I understand everything, I have sacred spirit.
What Happened to The Bible?
The Roman Religion Incorporated Christianity and problems for reasoning Christians are the result. The seeds of conflict were sewn in the roots of language.~Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
The Parable of the Weeds
24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
God cannot look upon evil or have an evil thought. It is literally impossible, As far as East cannot meet West. Because He is Pure Love and Pure Mercy and His Son became as He is, on The Cross. Y'sho is The Ahlaluyah. Love with Mercy to that degree.
What I experienced is unheard of for a woman, everything but The Cross itself, but I am happy to know that eternal love always comes back, no matter what the trial and it is a fact of life that Satan cannot touch you if it is in your heart and soul. He can even break your mind, but Father’s record of love for you over your life cannot be erased once it is in your soul and you know Him at all. And you will declare, Abba, Father! I love you, bless your heart and soul for never leaving me. I am weak but you are strong with me and I will be unafraid, even through suffering, I may curse Heaven itself but you are loyal and so is Your Son to me.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it’s only natural to love them back. With every spark of love burned away, there would always be one light that remained. That’s Our Father. And it would not be possible to know Him at all if it wasn’t for The Sacrifice of Y'sho. Y'sho is SACRED to The Meshikhi for many reasons. He is written all over my heart and everything I ever comprehended about Him is in my soul forever.~Tiffany
Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
Tiffany, Queen of The British Empire Worldwide
Tiffany di Bernardone d’As “Sisi”, Empress of Rome
With love and mercy,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (my current legal name)
Meshikhi training now includes "The Story of Buddy Boo" for all your little ones, little ones
All Meshikhi and Comedians report for duty. The Comedy Gold Formula can be found here.
I can't look at The Bible too closely, the discepancies are glaring, but I know The Romans incorporated Christianity with disastrous results. But the beautiful truth that I found and the lifetime of love from Our Father can't be denied. I didn't want to be Joan of Arc, But more and more I identified with her. There are no past lives, and I didn't want to be Joan of Arc, I only wanted to be a Christian Lady, but that is not possible in this life. We are who we are and I know what I know. I became an etymologist and a historian and a rebel for God because it just didn't add up for me. Now I'm Joan of Arc and Little Suzie Who, Lalu and Admiral Morrow, Star Fleet Federation of Planets, in real life. That's my crazy life. I guess Father knew what I'd be, Judge Judy, a no bullshit type of woman. Heard it all, seen it all, And when Judge Judy raises her little hand, criminals know, it's over.
Read The Book of Mark. Y'sho cried out, is the truth. And sacred spirit formed words only God understood. Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Pure ahabah, selfless outward love, fierce love, for Our Father and for us.
With love,
~Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, Judge Judy Jetson
The Who's down in Whoville didn't know The Star was from Satan when the movie was made Watch Tower, that's the lesson and the truth and how innocent they are in the eyes of God, and the tree is just a tree to them and that's all it is. Put an angel on top and it's quite beautiful. An angel showed me just how beautiful it can look and Our Father approved and sacred spirit testified about it. The Love with Mercy is what most people remember, you Grinch. From experience, Mercy is not your strong suit. "You did NOT strain out the gnat, but you DID gulp down the camel". You are copyists without knowledge about Our Father, NOT Christians with sacred spirit. Love without Mercy is NOTHING. I experienced the love and mercy of the laity, but it wasn't until I observed Watch Tower that I started to understand the problem. You hate The Who's and that's not what to do, Mr. Magoo. Love one to another is what to do, you, not just among yourselves. That's why you are a closed Society. And your Bible proves it, that's what it says, "love among yourselves" only. Mercy is written all over The Bible, especially and most importantly The Sacrifice of Y'sho, and you are teaching people Corporate Christianity with "special" this and "special" that, perks for performance and through your super smooth subtle hints you are creating Communist Nazi North Korea, not Micah 4.4. You bought the farm, and it's in New York, The Commune farm idea of Watch Tower. It is NOT scriptural. Each one under "his own" vine and "his own" fig tree IS scriptural. You have turned The Majesty of God into a joke about masturbation on The Internet. You are homophobic, calling The Cross of Y'sho a phallic Symbol. What looks more like a penis Watch Tower, a Cross or "your " Sacred Pole. Josephus 37 A.D. is the answer, a respected historian who was there during that period of time. It is a Cross, and Beth Mardutha, The Syriac Institute translates the word as "Cross", from Aramaic. There are only 8 million of you because most people who read The Bible "KNOW THE LORD'S PRAYER", AND ARE PROTECTED BY IT. As Earl Thomas would say, "One Monkey Don't Stop No Show".
My legal name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart. My ancestral name was found through etymology to be di Bernardone, I am an ancestress of St. Francis. My Social Insurance Number is 475 861 977. My legal birth name was Daniel Edward McTaggart.
I am a little girl who was born with a birth defect. I had it removed with SRS Surgery in Montreal, Quebec May 22, 2019. Watch Tower are guilty of cleansing Congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses of people with birth defects causing Gender Identity issues. Homosexuality mentioned in The Bible is referring to a lifestyle choice, not problems related to birth defects that cause Gender Identity issues.
Vocal register frequency affects the limbic nucleus in the brain affecting Gender Identity. With the right vocal register frequency, brain-whole body communications is perfected.
Heaven did not know at all, and I was sexually harassed for two years and tortured by Watch Tower for seven more years for no reason. I am a Victim of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania part of The Synagogue of Satan, mentioned in The Bible at Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9
Jehovah’s Witnesses and The Governing Body are innocent dupes as are my Sister Denise Dora McTaggart and Sherilyn Anne-Marie Sleeman McTaggart, all of whom have exhibited love with mercy.
The Society are part of the IOVE CULT, the first letter is “eye”, pronounced /ee/, it is deceiving. In classic Latin it is eeYahWeh. In modern English it is Jove as in Jovian, in Cabala it is IHOH, with the influence of some Roman Colonies it became JHOH.
You can't love people enough, if you hate everything that they do and believe that their worship is demonized.
I am innocent of the charges of Watch Tower and The Elders of Jehovah's Witnesses.
I am NOT Ja'El. I am The One and Only Aria, Ari'Al, The Lion and Yah'Al, Prophetess of Sacred Spirit, Ahri'ah and of The Holy One of Isra'Al, AND THE TENT PEG IS IN MY HAND, O Sisera. Get behind me Satan, you think your own evil, twisted thoughts not God's thoughts, you visceral sewer slime. You're nothing but a pataQ. And as if that were not enough, I am also Sher'Al, The Lioness of Yudah and I am going wildcat, and kicking your whiny butt to China and back.
These are are my little ones with me, in my heart always, the ones I have taught all things. Gorgeous Christian Gentlemen and Gorgeous Golden Age Christian Ladies. I never forgot you, little ones, you are always in my heart and soul forever.~Sher
Don't Worry about the haircuts Brothers, relaxed length hair is fine, just not long, the crown of beauty is for us Sisters 😉
The epicenter of love in this world on Bronson Avenue in Ottawa, Canada. Copy it down to the floorboards and everything they do, including Outreach, Prayer Group and Celebration worship. They have a large room for coffee and reflection and I actually saw someone who came in off of the street beat up and they were binding his wounds with bandages, binding up the broken hearted in every way. With love and mercy. They always say, "Welcome, Brother" or "Welcome, Sister", at the door.~Tiffany McTaggart, proud to be a part of such beauty. I looked around at all the love there and felt it and said "Y'sho built this". They got the message loud and clear. I knew that Abba wanted me to experience it because my friend Amma kept asking me if I wanted to go to Church with her, every Sunday. I finally acquiesced. Abba definitely wanted me to go there. My friend Karen Howard, also a Sister from Peace Tower Church, told me, "Only love people and God will do the rest". It was the most profound thing ever said to me, I stopped Witnessing that day and never thought about what to say again. And my friend Cheryl Willet, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses used to be Pentecostal and told me, "We have to keep our heart soft". I added it up and Peace Tower Church has my testimonial on record about it.
~Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
They were perfect, and one Sister even named the name Y'sho. But the fake Jesus got to our beautiful Pastor, Mike Vincent and he said the following in the closing prayer, “Thank you Jesus, in Jesus’ name, amen”. I immediately prayed to Abba and said “Father! he doesn’t know!” Mike Vincent was then off to Oasis, rewarded for doing Satan’s will. Every brain of every person in the place was scrambled that day and I was stumbled. I went back to see if it was just a mistake and understood by everyone as such. To my horror, they all now believed that 1 plus 1 = 1 in natural mathematics. So I set out to recreate Celebration Worship, even the music, on this website.~Tiffany
I distributed a card to everyone after Church one Sunday with on it.
~Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred
Abba, always fascinating
Targum Onkelos is The Only True Torah, Brother Onkelos cleansed himself more than Gamali'Al.
Y'hayah (ay'ah) Spirit Father and Y’hayah (pronounced yə-high’-ah), The Living One or The One Who Lives, Our Father in Heaven. He is Our Abba. He is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible. ruah means "spirit", Ahri is the name of the sacred spirit, ri from ridi, meaning "with laughter". The name of Father's spirit is Ahri. When it is Father but not Father it is Sacred Spirit Ahri'ah all the way.
Y'sho The First of God’s Children in Heaven. He is represented by Isaac in The Bible. He is Y'su (Hebrew) Esou, Coptic for Lamb, Ihsou, Ancient Greek, translated to Yiddish as Isaac
Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven, The Sacred Angels
Our Brothers and Sisters on Earth
John 3.16 Explained
“John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Y'hayah, so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Y'sho, The first of His children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”.~The Meshikhi Faith
Meshikhi are Followers of The Messiah, Y'sho Christ, The Son* of The Living God (Matthew 16:16, John 20:17).
Romans 10:9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Y'sho is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Become a Christian in one minute and be saved in one minute. Read about baptism on the page titled “Becoming Meshikhi”.
All Meshikhi websites are now historical only. is easy to remember and spell.
Y'hayah is pronounced ay'ah (Spirit Sacred Father, abkadush, NEVER Father Spirit).
completed by Ari'Al, Prophetess of Sacred Spirit, Ahri'ah
Our Father, which art in Heaven
Sacred be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Do not let us succumb to temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever
In the Name of Y'sho, (always pause for a moment)
ܐܡܝܢ ameyn(אמן)
Y'sho is The Amen
Learn About Praying
Satan wanted people to destroy “The Amen” by convincing people to destroy The Book of Revelation by calling Y'sho, “Apollo”. We will not destroy The Book of Revelation, but we will NEVER, call Y'sho, “Apollo”.
Aramaic ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn Hebrew אמן āmēyn English Amen
Y'sho is the Amen, when you say Amen you are in agreement that the only way to be heard by the hearer of Prayer, Our Father in Heaven, is to put faith in the Sacrifice of Y'sho.
Revelation 3.14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, “the Beginning of the creation of God”.
Y'sho was CREATED, The First of God’s Children in Heaven.