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This is from Y’aya (pronounced Y’hayah) The True God, and I have been authorized with His signature as an administrative assistant.
Watch Tower Christian Kabbalism and Kabbalistic Judaism Exposed
Kabbalism involves Jewish mysticism, magic and the occult, things we are warned about by Our Father in Heaven at Deuteronomy Chapter 18. Kabbalism involves Cabala and The Zohar, NOT The Bible.
Targum Onkelos the only valid Torah
All religions based on The Hebrew Tetragrammaton are false religions. The grammar of the Hebrew Bible and Masoretic Text is correct, but the vowels are Kabbalistic, that is, based on Jewish mysticism, magic and the occult, Cabalism and The Zohar, NOT The Bible. We are warned about Kabbalism and Spiritism at Deuteronomy Chapter 18. We have termed “spiritually clean” Judaism as “Kosher Judaism”. It has been proven conclusively that Watch Tower along with Kabbalistic Judaism together are The Synagogue of Satan mentioned in The Bible (Revelation 2:9, 3:9)
Exodus 3:14,15 Explained
14 So Ayh said to Moses. “I am Ahyah who is called Ihyah (meaning. I am sacred and they are calling me Ea).” And he added. “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, sacred has sent me to you.’” 15 Then Ayh said more to Moses.
“This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Y’aya the Ayh of your forefathers, the Ayh of Abraham, the Ayh of Isaac, and the Ayh of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation.
Divine Name and Titles were the primary target of Satan. Also The Name of The Messiah and Bible Names
Ayh means Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, derived from Ayya, which means Sacred Father (Genesis 1.1, Psalms 22.1 only Targum Onkelos do not believe the Tetragrammaton at all, I am destroying it for Our Father in Heaven with His Authority and with absolute power from God, Y’aya) 2022-03-26 2.33am Eastern Standard Time. No longer will The Nations be misled by it. Make The Way of Y’aya straight. Elohim is worship of El, Supreme god of The Canaanites and the last two letters of Elohim in Hebrew translate to the word “sea”. It is an insertion, part of The Etymological Sea Monster known as The Sea Monster in The Bible (Ezekiel 29.3, Ezekiel 32.2, Isaiah 27.1). See the page titled The Sea Monster to learn more.
The Meshikhi Faith https://Meshikhi.org and https://meshikha.org are the only official websites of The Meshikhi.

Watch Tower Scare Tactics

Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, The Secret Society known by insiders simply as “The Society”
Christian Kabbalism
The laity are spiritually beautiful and wonderful people who have no idea about the activities of The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the secret society known by insiders simply as “The Society”. The laity love God and His Son and love people. Please say a prayer for them.
Evidence I am providing as a former member of the inner circle of Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses anointed, the secret society known simply as “The Society” which I believed were involved in spiritual things that were not from God.
A leaked government report from a .gov web address
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1174772/ [PDF]
The mental health of Jehovah’s Witnesses
J Spencer
PMID: 1174772 DOI: 10.1192/bjp.126.6.556
The function of religion in human society is complex. The part played by religion in psychiatric disorders is even more obscure. Previous literature and theories are divided into two groups: one school believes that intense religiosity is a symptom-complex indicative of psychiatric disorder, while the opposing view is that religious belief in some way acts as a defence mechanism protecting the individual and his psyche. The present study of 50 Jehovah’s Witnesses admitted to the Mental Health Service facilities of Western Australia suggests that members of this section of the community are more likely to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital than the general population. Furthermore, followers of the sect are three times more likely to be diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia and nearly four times more likely from paranoid schizophrenia than the rest of the population at risk. These findings suggest that being a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses faith may be a risk factor predisposing to a schizophrenic illness. Further studies would be interesting in investigating whether pre-psychotic people are more likely to join the sect than normal people and what part (if any) membership has in bringing about such a breakdown.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1174772/ [PDF]
Isaiah 14:12 How you are fallen from heaven, Hillel son of the morning. How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations.
Hebrew: הֵילֵ֣ל בֶּן־שָׁ֑חַר | hêlēl ben-šāḥar double meaning, positive identification of Hillel as Satan and the historic figure Hillel
Methodology that produced Hillel. Putting הילל (הֵילֵ֣ל with no vowels) into Bing Translator produced Hillel precisely.
Hillel (c. 50 b.c.e.–early first century c.e.)
Palestinian rabbi, president of the Sanhedrin and interpreter of Biblical law: first to formulate definitive hermeneutic principles.
What we have received is the actual revelation of God’s Name Y’aya not the traditional rabbinic interpretation yehovah.
Strong’s H3068 Definition
יְהֹוָה Yᵉhôvâh, yeh-ho-vaw’; from H1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jeho-vah, Jewish national name of God:—Jehovah, the Lord. Compare H3050, H3069.
Hillel (who became Satan) and his angels rebelled against God’s authority and tried to overthrow Him (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-16; Revelation 12:7-8).
Proof Yehovah/Jehovah worship is linked to Kabbalism, the laity are unaware
The revelation about Hillel now indicates that “all” religious leaders are listening to Satan and the demons and believing them.
Nehemia Gordon, a prominent Karaite, is uncovering and revealing the ancient rabbinic origins of Yehovah, quoting rabbis who all trace back to Kabbalism (Jewish mysticism, magic and the occult).
One of those who supported the Kabbalist vowel pointing for Yehovah (Jehovah) is Hillel the Elder.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jehovah mentions Hillel the Elder specifically. Direct link between Jehovah and Kabbalism.
The Kabbalah of Hillel and Shammai
Hillel was never referred to as “Rabbi Hillel” in classical times or among early rabbinic sources. It was said about Hillel that his reputation was a greater honor than any rabbinic title would have been (גדול מרבן שמו). Nevertheless, in the modern era, when anecdotes of his life are recounted or his sayings are quoted by non-Orthodox writers, he is sometimes given the anachronistic title “rabbi”.
Masoretic text suspect
It is likely the purpose of the Masoretic vowel pointing was to obscure the Name of God Y’aya and to conceal the name of Satan Hillel, as well as to cause the incorrect pronunciation of God’s Name should anyone discover it using the Masoretic text, confounding the experts. I highly suspect Kabbalism was involved in the vowel pointing of the Hebrew text.
Remember, it was by “removing” the vowels that the name Hillel was uncovered.
This begins the tribulation foretold by Yeshua at Matthew Chapter 24. The Tribulation began July 2, 2021 at 10pm Eastern Standard Time with the uncovering of Hillel.
Previous Revelation Matthew 24:21 is now understood in Aramaic
ܢܗܘܐ ܓܝܪ ܗܝܕܝܢ ܐܘܠܨܢܐ ܪܒܐ ܐܝܢܐ ܕܠܐ ܗܘܐ ܡܢ ܪܫܝܬܗ ܕܥܠܡܐ ܘܥܕܡܐ ܠܗܫܐ ܘܠܐ ܢܗܘܐ
Matthew 24:21 For then Y’aya I beg you please to bring forth the greatest tribulation from the time of creation until forever. It is fitting Y’aya to bring it into existence.
It is now apparent that a major component of the tribulation will be spiritual.
Genesis 6:3, Matthew 24:37 Bible time period 1914-2034 C.E. No one knows the day or the hour.
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Kabbalism is very convincing and I have experienced it myself as a member of the inner circle of The Society but never subscribed to it. You will have to war against Satan himself, but you can prevail with the infinite power of God. Only Y’aya is God.
Satan is less than nothing compared to the infinite power of God.
How it works
Whoever in your mind is God in Heaven will dominate you and continue to be your master.
Only Y’aya in Heaven is God.
Exodus 23:13 “Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips.
If you think in your mind that Jehovah is in Heaven you will invoke him.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have progressively become a closed society since they adopted the name Jehovah in 1931. In this same year, Herbert W. Armstrong became an ordained minister and went on to lead The Worldwide Church of God (now The Restored Church of God), using the powerful medium of television to convince the world’s evangelicals that The United States and Britain constituted Israel. This is the reason for the incredible battlements and expenditures around Israel both overtly and covertly. Jehovah’s Witnesses have even modeled their Kingdom Halls after “synagogues” (Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9).
Revelation 2:9 I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.
Products of Christian Kabbalism
- they have an exclusive Bible with matching doctrine
- spiritual conversations are rehearsed, not natural, even casual conversations in casual settings are rehearsed based on keywords, like the way Google works. Unfortunately, like Google, some answers are correct and some are absolutely not correct. They only have partial knowledge. You can’t love people enough if you hate everything they do and believe that their worship is demonized. There are people who love God and His Son so much but can not differentiate the two people because their translation of the Bible is slanted because of false religion doctrines.
- they have class distinctions
- they teach non-scriptural suggestions about sex
- they deny the physical resurrection of the Messiah (Luke 24:39)
- they deny the cross calling it a stake or pole
- they teach people that they have no soul (Psalms 103:1)
- they have the abomination of desolation in their Bible (Isaiah 40:26)
- they believe God can perform an evil act
- requirement for two witnesses in the Bible misused
- they harass and expel people based on irreversible gender identity issues
- they use the Kabbalist name Jehovah for God – they were warned
- they use the popularity of the name Yahweh as leverage when indoctrinating people
- they use the popularity of the name Jesus Christ, also for leverage when indoctrinating people
Eery coincidence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillel_Zeitlin
Early attempts at Christian Kabbalism
How Yehovah became Jehovah
Same Kabbalah vowel points
The j sound in English is an example of a palatal consonant, while the y sound in English (akin to the j sound in many other languages) is an example of a palatal approximant.
In the former case (palatal consonant), the tongue is raised and flattened to touch the palate while in the latter case (palatal approximant) it does not touch the palate completely, allowing air to flow between the palate and the tongue.
While the modern Latin script has the letter j, Latin itself did not use j to start with and did not have a well-defined palatal consonant sound. Words like Iapheth, Iesus, Ieremiah, etc. were meant to be pronounced starting with a palatal approximant. In due course, due to natural phonological evolution, they began to be pronounced with a palatal consonant in certain Roman colonies. This gave rise to the need for distinction between the two sounds in writing. The letter j, which was really special cursive form of i became the symbol for this distinct new sound.
The voiced palatal approximant is a type of consonant used in many spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨j⟩. The equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is j, and in the Americanist phonetic notation it is ⟨y⟩.
This means that when translating Hebrew to English the yodh is always a /y/ not a /j/.
Watch Tower has broken this rule when translating the yodh to English.
Kosher Judaism vs Kabbalism (Jewish mysticism, magic and the occult Deuteronomy Chapter 18)
True Judaism who are sincerely, I believe, trying to believe and have faith but are not sure yet about the promised Messiah.
The Roman Jehovah
Jehovah is the Name currently understood in some Bibles. It is actually Y’aya, not Jehovah, even though you may have known the True God personally and called Him by the Name Jehovah as I did for 18 years. This is the profound truth of the matter. I never believed that the first letter of His Name (yodh) was pronounced as an English /j/. And this is what led me to my lifetime search for the ancient Name of Our Father in Heaven, which has culminated with the Name Y’aya.
The book “The Rise, Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion” is all about how the Name Jehovah originated, however it caused the author to doubt the Bible itself, which is a tragedy. But he did leave many valuable insights into Divine Names and their origins and we owe him a debt of gratitude for looking at everything in existence concerning sexual symbolism and language. I have outlined some of of the highlights on the page titled “Do not be deceived”.
How The Roman god IHOH became JHOH and then JHO(va)H
Note the Roman influence
The j sound in English is an example of a palatal consonant, while the y sound in English (akin to the j sound in many other languages) is an example of a palatal approximant.
In the former case (palatal consonant), the tongue is raised and flattened to touch the palate while in the latter case (palatal approximant) it does not touch the palate completely, allowing air to flow between the palate and the tongue.
While the modern Latin script has the letter j, Latin itself did not use j to start with and did not have a well-defined palatal consonant sound. Words like Iapheth, Iesus, Ieremiah, etc. were meant to be pronounced starting with a palatal approximant. In due course, due to natural phonological evolution, they began to be pronounced with a palatal consonant in certain Roman colonies. This gave rise to the need for distinction between the two sounds in writing. The letter j, which was really special cursive form of i became the symbol for this distinct new sound.
The voiced palatal approximant is a type of consonant used in many spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨j⟩. The equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is j
, and in the Americanist phonetic notation it is ⟨y⟩.
The Roman god IHOH and Kabbalism
You may read about IHOH here, and also here but use discernment, both IHOH and HU are mentioned.
With this understanding you may read the book The Rise, Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion by James B. Hannay online in this archive
The Rise, Decline and Fall of the Roman Religion by By James B. Hannay 257 Pages, Originally published 1925 ISBN ISBN 0-7873-0369-0
You can find it in print here if you are interested.
Kabbalistic interpretation of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton
Glynda-Lee Hoffmann writes in: The Secret Dowry of Eve: Woman’s Role in the Development of Consciousness:
In Genesis the Qabalists presented the pattern of wholeness in several ingenious ways throughout the text. The pattern can be recognized only (initially) if the text is studied letter by letter, because it is revealed through the code that positions the letters. The code is quite simple. All the words of text are actually acronyms. For instance, “the Lord” is the acronym YHWH, derived from the first letters of the names of the Autiot, Yod-Hay-Waw-Hawy. Yod is a physical container, the body. Waw or Vav is the sixth Aut…, a fertilizing agent. Hay, fifth Aut in the Qabalic system, is the archetype of life. YHWH has two Hays – one for inner life and the other for outher life.
Therefore, YHWH is not a deity, but rather a reference to the continual process of inner life fertilizing outer life and outer life fertilizing inner life. It is the self-awareness and transformation that unfold as we process data from both our inner and outer worlds, naturally producing changes and alterations in behavior. YHWH is a process that can occur only in human beings, the simple process of recognizing when our actions fail to result in what we intended, producing a change in our behavior so that the desired intentions can then be realized. When YHWH is read linguistically, it becomes the clumsy Yahweh and irrevocably loses its original sacred meaning. Its interpretation as the Lord, or Jehovah, is equally misleading.
It sounds like she is saying that YHWH is an acronym for those four letters, and she uses Qabalistic concepts. But her conclusion that YHWH is a process and “not a deity” sounds in conflict with the teachings in the Torah. Is that just her own conclusion and not that of Qabalah?
Also read: Language: The Reason for Middle East instability
Watch Tower inappropriate suggestions to people about sex,non-scriptural teachings
Watch Tower has turned the glory if God into a joke about masturbation on the Internet. They do many such things. They “suggest” what you should wear. This also not to do. Our Father in Heaven loves endless variety and it is evident in creation. North Korea also suggests what people should wear. I’ve written about hair length for men on this website. It should not be only 1950’s corporate and beards should be allowed. The Christian congregation is not a military barracks. Relaxed hair length for men and beards would go a long way to naturalizing Jehovah’s Witnesses as people and individuals, not controlled in such subtle ways that you are perceived as a cult.
Watchtower image masturbation article, subheading How to Stop Unclean Practices
The masturbation decision by Jehovah’s Witnesses declaring it an unclean habit is the most embarrassing in the history of religion, based on sophisticated editing and making associations with unclean practices, not on scriptural reasoning. It is beyond words. Sex by yourself including masturbation is a personal choice matter, we are dignified with it.
Watch Tower introduces dangerous thought linking technique to make masturbation an unclean practice.
When I tried to formulate my idea on a paragraph in Watch Tower at a meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I was told by an Elder, Bob Toevs afterwards, “use the thoughts in the paragraphs, those are the good ones”. Independent thought is frowned upon.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have progressively become a closed society since 1931. They are genuinely loving people by nature and believe their doctrine is the only way to salvation and their god, the only God. The religious leaders know how to control people and they know how to gaslight them and convince them that anything that they say is gospel. They are able to change the reality of God and the Bible in your mind with their doctrine and matching Bible.
The Bible is explicit about what not to do sexually. Nothing else is needed but its clear instructions. 2 Timothy 3:16,17
Normally, the thought linking technique is very sophisticated and invisible to readers. On this subject however, it is abundantly clear.
Watchtower August 2016 paragraph 17 implying masturbation “is the same as” or “is as bad as” sexual immorality when it is not even directly mentioned in the Bible.
Bold is the association.
Italic is the desired belief they want to inculcate in the mind of the reader
Here is the excerpt:
What can help a Christian to decide whether to get married? 17 Whether to stay single or to get married is a matter of determining in one’s heart if one is able to cultivate the gift of singleness. The apostle Paul recommended singleness; yet, he said: “Because of the prevalence of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband.” Paul added: “If they do not have self-control, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to be inflamed with passion.” Getting married can help a person to avoid letting passion lead him to such a practice as masturbation or to sexual immorality.
Note the linkage. …such as a practice as masturbation or to sexual immorality. There is no actual link, it is very sophisticated editing. By tying it to sexual immorality with the word “or” it is making it the same as sexual immorality.
If you want to and insist on tying the word uncleanness to the emission of semen at Leviticus, then what about a woman who is masturbating? There is no emission of semen. You are only ceremonially unclean for a while after sex across the board. But if it is urgent or an emergency, pray anyway.
The leap by Watchtower – Making masturbation an unclean habit, once again making associations, not using scriptural reasoning.
Watch Tower August 2017 paragraph 8 8. What are some things that can make us unclean in God’s eyes?
8 Uncleanness. The original Bible word translated “uncleanness” is a broad term that includes much more than sexual sins. It can refer to the harmful practice of smoking or the telling of obscene jokes. (2 Cor. 7:1; Eph. 5:3, 4) It also applies to unclean activities practiced by an individual in private, such as reading sexually stimulating books or viewing pornography, which may lead to the unclean habit of masturbation.?—Col. 3:5.
To fully appreciate Watch Tower’s view, you must read this page.
Watchtower is the widest distributed magazine worldwide and included the above instructions about masturbation.
It is better to masturbate than to have sex before you are married. Or worse, engaging in spiritual things while sexually aroused.
Where it concerns sex, Watchtower doesn’t know anything. Nothing else is needed except for the Bible’s clear instructions about sex.
What can I say about you, beloved Witnesses. So much faith, so much love for God, so much gone wrong.
A young man in the ministry once told the group that an elder had once told him never to put his penis in a girl’s mouth.
This is the truth about the kind of things that happen with people who are raised as Jehovah’s Witnesses.
As for Christianity, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their Elders are socially backwards, spiritually xenophobic and sexually immature people with regards to God, who believe they will lead people to Salvation by telling them not to masturbate.
Transsexual, transgender and intersex people are not represented in Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses because they are sexually harassed and expelled for the way they are born.
The tragedy of it is, they (the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their Elders), believe they are God’s chosen people and they don’t even know His blessed Name. Only the love of the laity has saved anyone so far.
Concluding Facts
Proven above is the fact that the Masoretic Text and Hebrew Bible are incorrect. The grammar is correct, the vowels are not. Removing the vowels altogether reveal the name of Satan Hillel, linked directly to Hillel the Elder, who was not a Rabbi at all, but was so named as the greatest sage of all time and given the title “The Rabbi”. He lived until c. 30 C.E. as a member of the Sanhedrin, the same Sanhedrin, who whipped and beat The Messiah in an all night mock trial and resulted in the murder of Him, nailed to a cross at Cavalry. And a direct link is provided above, proving that Hillel The Elder was one of the ones who approved of the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
For Watch Tower, I am innocent of your charges against me.
Mercy is written all over the Bible, but you discarded it as refuse. You do not hear the cry of the lowly one nor do you see their tears. And when they pour their heart out to you, you do not listen to them.
God is love and God is Mercy.
Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God.
There was no mercy in the back room of that Kingdom Hall.
And you didn’t even bother to look it up, the two links above took less than one minute to find.
I am innocent.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Eli understood, he saw Hanna’s tears, heard the sound in her voice and realized what was going on and then immediately knew what to do. That is a Priest of God with mercy. A man of God.
All I ever did was love you and you threw me away like garbage. So I did what David did, first order of business, set up worship in the wilderness.
Those of us who are women and those of us who are women born with birth defects who are Meshikhi, are a willing Sacrifice for Our Father in Heaven. All I ever did was to love Our Father in Heaven, love His Son and to love people. Because of what was done to me since April 14,2014 when I became a member of The Inner Circle of The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, The Secret Society known to insiders simply as “The Society”, who are tied directly to The Enclave of Satan, I am no longer able to communicate with my brain without being masculinized by a male spirit. This is unholy and I have been desecrated as a woman and made an abomination. It is not my fault. I am abdicating responsibility to Heaven, because I can not talk to myself or to my Father in Heaven or pray or worship without this masculine spirit presence. Mercy has been extended to Watch Tower by Our Father in Heaven and by me, the site details the Satanic nature of Watch Tower as part of The Synagogue of Satan mentioned in The Bible along with Kabbalistic Judaism (not what I have termed Kosher Judaism).
Watch Tower is guilty of “cleansing” their congregations of people with birth defects and the evidence is all over this website, including this page. They end up at UUA or alone. Some people suffer from severe dysphoria, and I have no doubt that Watch Tower has caused some, to commit suicide, if they didn’t understand what was happening to them and it destroyed their faith that they were developing.
Watch Tower is part of The Synagogue of Satan mentioned in The Bible and I have supplied more than overwhelming evidence to this truth, beginning with the page titled The Roman Jehovah and culminating in the page titled The Roman Religion II, of which Watch Tower is the epicenter of evil in this world along with Kabbalistic Judaism (not what I have termed Kosher Judaism). Kabbalism involves Jewish mysticism, magic and the occult, things Our
Father in Heaven warns us about in The Bible at Deuteronomy Chapter 18.
Satan also has other religio-political plans. The aggressive move by Russia into the Ukraine is the beginning of the final part of the days mentioned in The Bible, The Manifestation of The King of The North described in Chapter 11 of The Book of Daniel. Nothing can stop what will happen next, it is the foreknowledge of Our Father in Heaven of the actions and results and everything about people and what they will do and He extrapolates it to the infinite degree in absolute parallel and is able to write what will happen in advance.
Bible prophecy is now being fulfilled and nothing can stop it, it is history, written in advance in The Bible by the infinite knowledge about people and their every inclination and what they will do, whether for good or evil.
Yeshua is The Way, The Truth and The Life, the only way to have eternal life.
Yeshua is Lord.
Reverence belongs to Y’aya alone and Meshikhi will only bow down to Y’aya and it is only Y’aya we will serve and it is to Him alone we will render sacred service. And that is absolute and that is final.
As you will read in the training titled “Who we are” in the main menu, we do not fear anything or anyone, least of all Satan, who is nothing and is 5’6″ tall. There are many with Satan and so it seems he is everywhere at once. This is a lie.
I and an unknown number of others are The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan, and have exposed Satan completely and he is utterly defeated. He is an ignorant asshole, for lack of a better word in English, a moron, an idiot and really nothing to worry about.
It is scriptural. The scripture says, without love, I am nothing. And Satan has no love at all. Therefore Satan is nothing.
The Meshikhi are the only real Christians on Earth. Our Father is with us, with infinite power and strength in absolute parallel. He is the ultimate reality and the source of life.
Yeshua is Lord and has absolute power and authority from Father, except for prayer.
The scripture, “I and The Children You gave me (to care of) applies to Yeshua Christ in Heaven only.
Enjoy time in prayer with Father as explained on this page and Yeshua will take care of everything else.
And The Meshikhi have Our Brothers and Sisters from Heaven with us, a trillion Sacred Angels, who also have the power of Our Father.
Everyone now has a cut and dry choice, you can accept Our Father’s love, or Satan and his evil and hate. We don’t call Our Father “God”, for us, Father is Our Ayh, Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father.
So choose, Our Father in Heaven, or Satan, The god of this world.
Choose love or evil, its up to you.
Love is diametrically opposite to evil and love is naturally opposed to evil.
That is the truth of the matter.
Satan is terrified of Our Father, terrified of Yeshua and terrified of The Meshikhi who have the absolute power of Our Father with us.
Satan is not chasing us anywhere or doing anything to us. We are driving Satan out, not the other way around.
The Message from The Meshikhi to Satan and the demons and all those people on Earth who are with them and enjoying the rewards Satan gives them is this, “Run you dogs, we will not be afraid of you nor anyone with you murdering asshole. No, you are much mistaken.
For The Children of Our Father in Heaven Y’aya,
Remember Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Do not be afraid anymore. k?
Satan’s Master Plan
“The present study of SOM neurons in the human bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc) provides unequivocal new data supporting the view that transsexualism may reflect a form of brain hermaphroditism such that this limbic nucleus itself is structurally sexually differentiated opposite to the transsexual’s genetic and genital sex.”
Satan devised ways to produce masculinization and feminization in the womb of pregnant women to convince humans that there is a two-sex God named Jehovah [PDF], a God with a feminine side. He then attacks the limbic nucleus of people born with this condition in an effort to convince people that there is a two-in-one person, both male and female at the same time. Post mortem examination of a person is the only way to determine the true gender of a person born with this condition. Some people know what gender they are, some do not find out until until later in life because of a lifetime of conditioning.
Satan also created The Roman Religion, which I am destroying with the power of God that is with me. The Roman Religion documents [PDF] and doctrine were created to destroy the Bible and make it unbelievable.
God is singular, masculine only and The Roman Religion will be destroyed by God.
The Inner Circle of Satan’s Religious World System
In my book ‘The Inner-Circle In The Outer World’, I gave a lot of information about the Inner-Circle and their view of the rest of the world. To them, all non-royals were their property and were to be used by them in any way that they wished. Which is why they would send people off to war, or destroy entire cities whenever they wished. People who have no idea that the world has been controlled not by average people, but by Inner-Circle royals have blamed war and human atrocities upon Humanity itself, when that is far from the truth. True Humanity has never had a chance, as the world has been controlled by the Inner-Circle for thousands of years.
Today, the Inner-Circle still exists, but though they are descendants of the royals who had once ruled, they no longer derive their power from inherited titles, but from knowledge and wealth. They laugh whenever they see the average person as a believer in the fictional God that their ancestors invented; as this is a measure of how much power they still enjoy over the rest of us. When they see the average person speak out of ignorance, they laugh. And that is because they know that as long as the public is ignorant, they are gullible and can still be easily controlled and manipulated.
The Inner-Circle have always lived lives of luxury and enjoyed many advantages and advances in science long before non-royals; but they never let on, because they did not want non-royals to have what they had, nor did they want non-royals to have knowledge, as knowledge itself, was power.
In modern times, archaeologists have been finding evidence of ancient inventions and innovations. The royals in ancient times held knowledge of all things; science and technology (physics, chemistry, etc.), our world and reality itself (metaphysics), of the universe (cosmology), of the things which limit the abilities of the human mind as well as those which enhance mental ability (epistemology), our planet and geography (they traveled worldwide). Of course, they did not want non-royals to know what they knew. Thus, they never wrote publicly about all that they knew or had access to; at least not in a clear, forthright manner.
The schools and libraries that we hear of in ancient records were limited to royals only. The only time that they allowed non-royals into “schools” was for the purpose of indoctrination, not to teach them what the royals knew. Royals had their own places of learning and training. Kings from all over would send their sons to learn at the Druidic colleges for thousands of years; up until the Romans invaded and stole their books, knowledge and innovations. And then, that was kept available only to certain royals – mainly within the family archives of elite royal families. Some of it was shared in libraries that were only accessible to certain royals, and proof of who each individual was who visited those libraries was required.
In the book that I had written about the Inner-Circle, I also told about how the Inner-Circle had various systems and laws unto themselves, and how they made laws that applied only to non-royals so as to put themselves at every advantage against us non-royals. They were kept informed by each other and updated on various events and developments via secret meetings which took place at various times of the year, and which were held in secret locations for different purposes.
Some of the meetings were for elections of I.C. members to certain offices, positions, and committees.
These meetings had protocol, including methods and means to ensure that only those who were of royal blood and of certain rank within the I.C. were permitted into such meetings or even knew about them.
If a non Inner-Circle member were ever caught trying to attend an I.C. meeting, they would be exposed and dealt with, usually be the death of the individual after a long session of torture to get as much information from that individual, so that they could also kill anyone else who might know about their meetings. So, they wanted to know who that individual’s family and friends were, so that they could be killed as well.
There have always been certain publications that were published and distributed only for the elite members of the Inner-Circle, such as newsletters, periodicals, newspapers, magazines, books, etc. And of which, those outside the Inner-Circle have never seen or heard of. Back in the first century Roman Empire, they had newspapers, for instance. But the non-royal public did not have them, only the elite royals did.
Some of the publications had names or titles like, ‘Novus Ordu’, ‘Triple O’, ‘The Insider’, and ‘Mammin’.
In ancient times, the I.C. had newspapers which were printed using various methods and which were produced using materials which could be easily destroyed once the run of the publication was finished.
They used wood-cut blocks, for instance. Which, once they were finished using, were tossed into a fire to destroy any evidence of them. They also used baked clay “rollers” and their own kind of ink, some of which was obtained from sources in the sea. They also used engraved wax blocks, which after use, were simply melted and used over again.
The descendants of the Inner-Circle of old still rule our world. They are the few who rule our world.
They are now known as The Oligarchy and are a but a small portion of those referred to as the 1%.
Secret societies are Satan’s way of controlling the religious world. He tried to recruit me as the ruler of the entire inner circle, after which he would utterly destroy me. But I am with my Father in Heaven always and simply noting everything on Earth my entire life practically. I didn’t blink an eyelash while doing so and Satan had no idea that I was an agent for God only and this is the humbling of Satan this day.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the secret society simply known as “The Society” is the epicenter of The Roman Religion, which I am destroying at this time.
All secret societies with their ambiguous language must now be destroyed by me.
The Government and The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, The Secret Society known simply as “The Society”
I became one of the anointed of Jehovah’s Witnesses, a member of their inner circle, April 14, 2014. At that time I began to have terrible spiritual problems and experiences.
I sent a message to Watchtower via their Bible study request form using my inner circle code 333. As a member of the inner circle of “The Society” the secret society of Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses anointed, it was a way of messaging them. But I was only trying to help them with doctrine and called it a doctrinal update.
Google “Mental Health of Jehovah’s Witnesses” with quotes to access a leaked government report that supports this. There is nothing wrong with the mental health of these people, it is entrapment (entrapment by malevolent spirit people). They are threatened spiritually if they expose anything about the inner circle of “The Society”. You will be considered to be “crazy” if you do.
Evidence I am providing as a former member of the inner circle of Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses anointed, the secret society known simply as “The Society” which I believed were involved in spiritual things that were not from God. A leaked government report.
A leaked government report from a .gov web address
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1174772/ [PDF]
The mental health of Jehovah’s Witnesses
J Spencer
PMID: 1174772 DOI: 10.1192/bjp.126.6.556
The function of religion in human society is complex. The part played by religion in psychiatric disorders is even more obscure. Previous literature and theories are divided into two groups: one school believes that intense religiosity is a symptom-complex indicative of psychiatric disorder, while the opposing view is that religious belief in some way acts as a defence mechanism protecting the individual and his psyche. The present study of 50 Jehovah’s Witnesses admitted to the Mental Health Service facilities of Western Australia suggests that members of this section of the community are more likely to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital than the general population. Furthermore, followers of the sect are three times more likely to be diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia and nearly four times more likely from paranoid schizophrenia than the rest of the population at risk. These findings suggest that being a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses faith may be a risk factor predisposing to a schizophrenic illness. Further studies would be interesting in investigating whether pre-psychotic people are more likely to join the sect than normal people and what part (if any) membership has in bringing about such a breakdown.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1174772/ [PDF]
Communications with the spirits is done by “whispering”, moving your mouth silently. This is especially problematic for schizophrenics who whisper to themselves as part of their illness. Hence the diagnosis by doctors that people who become Jehovah’s Witnesses are predisposed in this way. In my case it was initiated by an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses during a conversation with him in the hospital when he visited me. As he spoke, the words he was saying were articulated by my tongue against the roof of my mouth. I knew it was some form of spiritual communications and I became adept at it. It progressed to “whispering” discretely and then “voices”. Those who engage in it are susceptible to mental torment and eventually mental torture. I refused to believe that God, who is love, would do this to anyone. Neither God, nor the Son of God, nor the Sacred Angels would use profanity and sexual language. Eventually, the true God, Y’aya, helped me to understand it and gave me the strength to endure it and gave me mastery over it.
The Society has it’s own secret language which is ambiguous speech. Only those who are anointed can understand it and I am a master of it. Messages and related images are sent overtly through the Watchtower magazine. This is why some images seem strange in the Watchtower. For example an image of a classroom full of monkeys. This indicated you were part of Monkey School, a Society inner circle thing. There are many such examples. Spiritual insights are known as “coffee” and communications via ambiguous speech is known as “the recipe”.
I hinted my inner circle code to an Elder while in field service. We were writing down house numbers. The house number was 33, so I saw the opportunity to let him know I was with the inner circle. When I used my inner circle code 333 he said to me, “I thought you were interesting”.
I also had the ultimate authority codeword “discrete”, which I used on only one occasion privately while in a car with an Elder and explained something spiritual to him.
As one who has the gift of discerning the spirits I have explained everything. Read the home page. You can be safe with Y’aya and He knows what was done to you. Understand that it is only communications, you are not demonized. It is impossible to have the sacred spirit of God and a demon at the same time. You might end up in a nauseating conversation with the stupid ones, that’s about it. The dreams have been programmed in, they are meaningless. Ignore them, regardless of production quality.
Here is where the man with ambiguous sayings is revealed. It is The Society. (Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania)
Daniel 8:23 “And in the final part of their kingdom, as the transgressors act to a completion, a fierce-looking king who understands ambiguous sayings will stand up.~New World Translation (NWT)
Isaiah 33:19 You will see those arrogant people no more, people whose speech is obscure, whose language is strange and incomprehensible.~New International Version
I was told about Area 51 by an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses. He told me that all Jehovah’s Witnesses know about it.
No more secret society.
The Synagogue of Satan is The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the secret society known by insiders, simply as, “The Society”.
Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses are a processing center for Satan. People born with birth defects caused by Satan are tortured there. Women who suffer from masculinization in the womb are groomed and conditioned and Satan along with the elders of Jehovah’s Witnesses try to convince women born with a birth defect, that they are men with a feminine side. And elder told me that men have a feminine side, which is not how God created men and women. They are either masculine or feminine. The soul is formed first and then the body is masculinized or feminized in the womb. One elder visiting with another elder where I lived appeared to me, he is a man, but a the appearance of a woman did I see spiritually superimposed on his face. The way the men all cut their hair the same who are Jehovah’s Witnesses is a design of Satan. It must be brush cut around the edges. If a woman who has been masculinized in the womb and realizes it and grows her hair, the elders immediately begin to sexually harrass her and whip her with the Bible in the back room. Two men alone in the back room with a woman, trying to convince her that she is a man with a feminine side, which is not how God created men and women. Further, in the ultimate degrading of all time, asked me rhetorically if I had a penis. I am a woman who had a birth defect and had it surgically removed. They charged me with brazen conduct, made me read a scripture about male temple prostitutes, and told me I did not appreciate sacred things like my baptism into Christ. All the evidence about the name jehovah on this site prove that it is the two sex god of the Roman Religion that incorporated Christianity, and that Watch Tower and the Society reflect the thoughts of Satan and do Satan’s will in this regard without even knowing anything about people, and life or anything else. They do not see the tears of the lowly one or hear their cries nor listen to them as they pour out their soul before them. People born with birth defects are branded as wicked and handed over to Satan to be whipped spiritually by Satan as Our Lord Yeshua was. This is the truth of God that I am speaking. But God was with me, and always a Father to me and helped me to understand what was happening to me, His daughter.
Jehovah’s Witnesses call the process of getting rid of people born with birth defects “cleansing the congregation”.
The following video proves Jesus is Jehovah, a belief anethema to the beliefs of Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Their footnote system appears to prove it conclusively, even though I have proven it is false on this website.
This proves that Watch Tower created the footnote system in their Bible unconsciously. There is no doubt.
The Society is a cult of Satan.
Reported to:
2022-03-27 12:23am Eastern Standard Time
Scriptural Evidence about The Synagogue of Satan
The Abomination of Desolation
Isaiah 40:26 26 “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name. Because of his infinite power and strength in absolute parallel, Not one of them is missing.
Y’aya is The Ultimate Reality
The Abomination of Desolation
Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15
Daniel 9:27 And he will confirm a covenant with many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of the temple will come the abomination that causes desolation, until the decreed destruction is poured out upon him.”~Berean Study Bible
Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the sacred place, (whoso readeth, let him understand) ~King James Version
In response to Jehovah’s Witnesses belief that “God” is the source of Dynamic Energy. We are Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah. We do not believe that Y’aya is the source of dynamic energy.
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Because of His limitless power and perfect memory, anything Y’aya can imagine can become reality. He materializes things from the infinite invisible energy environment around Him. He created everything in Heaven. This is not the same as physical energy which Y’aya created and then materialized (a new creation). Y’aya created everything including particles.
The Theory of Dynamic Energy – A Blaspheme
If the theory of dynamic energy were true, everything in the universe would be materialized dynamic energy.
As we have stated, Y’aya is a Spirit. This is scriptural.
These are things we are aware of.
If Y’aya Himself was the source of dynamic energy, there is only one logical conclusion. Everything in the physical universe including us would be materialized dynamic energy.
Everything, including what we eat, would be materialized dynamic energy.
It would pass through our digestive system and go out into the sewer.
Let me make this bluntly clear. Nothing came out of Yeshua’s body except water and blood.
The theory that Y’aya is the source of dynamic energy and that matter is materialized dynamic energy, is a blaspheme.
And it is in the New World Translation of the Bible.
Proof of what Jehovah’s Witnesses believe and teach. This is only one reference from the Awake magazine.
g 11/11 pp. 7-9 – Awake!—2011 Cultivate Love That Never Fails (2 occurrences) 104:24) The universe also gives proof that Jehovah is the Source of dynamic energy and inexhaustible power.
There are abundant references as evidence and every Bible on Earth contradicts the New World Translation used by Jehovah’s Witnesses, with reference to God’s power.
This is directly from the New World Translation.(NWT)
Isaiah 40:26 “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things?+ It is the One who brings out their army by number;He calls them all by name.+ Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power,+Not one of them is missing.
It was progressive over time, until they finally starting calling the Sacred Spirit of God, dynamic holy spirit.
This is a quote.
yb83 pp. 257-259 Jehovah’s Progressive Organization QUOTE Were it not for Jehovah’s dynamic holy spirit they would not have been able to carry out his will and purpose. Hence all praise and thanksgiving go to Jehovah for what has been accomplished.
During a public talk in a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, God was compared to a battery and the Sacred Spirit of God, His life, compared to electricity. I am telling you the truth, believe it or not. And they ask for it repeatedly.
They have no knowledge of the Sacred Spirit whatsoever, and their magazines are the most widely published publications on Earth. This is public knowledge.
Meshikhi receive the Sacred Spirit once and it is with us forever and it is scriptural, spoken by Yeshua Himself.
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.
There are those who are [in opposition to] but [totally unaware ]about Christianity and everything kosher. Their god is is Aja [PDF](Brauma the trancendental energy false god with his millions of gods with him).
[Satan is trying to equate Aja=name of false god] with [Aya=Title of God in Aramaic that means “Sacred Father”].
Aja | Mfn. Not Born, Existing From All Eternity |
Aja | M. Name Of The First Uncreated Being |
Aja | M. Brahmā–, Viṣṇu–, Śiva–, Kāma– |
What is about to occur.
Watch Tower is poised to validate transcendental energy with their Theory of Dynamic Energy in their New World Translation (NWT) of The Bible. This is THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION.
aja—the transcendental energy, who also never takes birth SB 10.3.47. Compound Sanskrit Words Containing: aja. aja-anda-sangha—of the multitude of universes
The word referring to [Our Sacred Father] [in Heaven] in Western Culture (called G0d) is [Aya in Aramaic].
Christianity and Western Culture are threatened by Aja, the primary false god of Indian Culture. This opens pandora’s box because Aja is Pronounced Aya. The Indian Culture has millions of gods.
God is spirit.
John 4:24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”~ESV
Not energy.
The voiced palatal approximant is a type of consonant used in many spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨j⟩. The equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is j
, and in the Americanist phonetic notation it is ⟨y⟩.
The Hebrew letter yodh is always a /y/ not a /j/ when transliterating from Hebrew to English.
Watch Tower is clearly unaware of this fact.
God is spirit, not energy.
John 4:24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Psalms 103:1 [A Psalm] of David. Bless Y’aya, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His Sacred name.
The soul is mortal. Only God can restore it if we die (Ezekiel 18:4).
People are created with a brain with its mind and a heart with its heart brain. The interaction between them is the soul. It’s what makes us a person.
By saying that The Children of God have no soul, they are saying that God has no soul, because we are made in His image.
The dual meaning of “soul”. People have a soul, they may also be referred to as “souls”. Example: “There were 8 souls on board the plane when it crashed”. This is the dual meaning of Ezekiel 18:4.
See the page titled The soul and the sacred spirit the Home Page and the God is Life page to learn more about the soul and about the sacred spirit.
From Father and me. Father let me see a lot about Watch Tower and Kabbalism. And this is a fine example of the result of listening to Satan and not the True God. During a teleconference I was listening and couldn’t believe what I heard. They were Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of his son. And I swear by God this is what I heard. “Abraham didn’t know when his son would be resurrected”. Now you understand about them.
Abraham is the father of our faith and he knew precisely when his son would be resurrected. This is from the Bible account.
Genesis 22:5 He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”
Yes I tell you and God is with me. Abraham said “and then we will come back to you”.
Abraham fully expected God to resurrect his son immediately. This is the truth from the Bible and the evidence against Watch Tower and the kinds of things they do and teach in that Kingdom Hall.
God called Abraham his friend, and I this is what Watch Tower people do to God’s friends.
Now you know about Watch Tower and Kabbalism and the absolute thing is on this website. And yet God holds out mercy to them, and still they have not responded to it and renounced the name Jehovah and have not renounced Kabbalism and it is now July 25, 2021. What you will learn from Watch Tower is half and half. Half truth and half lies. And sometimes blasphemes so profound there are no words for it.
Abraham is God’s friend and God has something to say to Him.
From God to Abraham. “Watch Tower said that I would only fill the Earth and then stop procreation. Not only did they undermine your faith Abraham, they undermined my promise to you.
Psalms 37:29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any inhabitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars”.
Satan wants to destroy the Bible and was very intent on destroying me too, because he knows how precise I am and knew all his tricks.
Trick one of the apostates known as The Worldwide Church of God.
They tell you one truth, about the condition of the dead and trick you into trusting them for the rest. But I checked and they were wrong.
Then I spent 17 years in the Synagogue of Satan, Watch Tower, and found out everything they were up to, and they teach people that they have no soul. But David said, “Bless Y’aya oh my soul”. David wouldn’t lie and God cannot lie. By telling people have no soul, they are saying Our Father in Heaven has no soul. So many lies like that are found on this website and exposed
This is the big one however, I realize now what Satan’s goal was regarding the book of Revelation. He called Yeshua, Apollo. And I swore I’d tear up the book of Revelation before I’d ever call Yeshua, Apollyon. Here is the trick of all time. The scripture containing the word Apollyon is an insertion in the Bible, the hermeneutics prove that it does indeed associate Yeshua with Apollyon, and it was Satan’s hope, that someone like me and probably exactly like me with aspergers syndrome, someone whom everything must match exactly, would destroy the Book of Revelation.
As you will read further down on this page, Satan wanted to destroy the book of Revelation because it contains The Amen, and that is Yeshua.
Do not destroy The Bible in any way, just know that that one scripture is wrong.
And that’s how Satan works, As a Watch Tower insider, the thing that they did to communicate secretly with one another was to introduce one mistake in anything they were working on to authenticate that it was authentic.
That’s all I know, lot’s of jokes of Satan made to make you think The Bible is a joke. Just remember it the debased English language and I know it’s hard not to know the words related to sex have been done not by accident.
One scripture says, Look, I am coming quickly.
And of course, Watch Tower, being the Synagogue of Satan titles the book that explains the book of Revelation, Watch Tower named it “The Revelation Climax“. In the book, The Watch Tower approves of calling Yeshua “Apollyon”
Further, we will destroy The Book of Revelation before we ever call Yeshua “Apollyon”.
Satan tries to destroy “The Amen”
Yeshua is The Amen
Satan wanted people to destroy “The Amen” by convincing people to destroy The Book of Revelation by calling Yeshua, “Apollo”. We will not destroy The Book of Revelation, but we will NEVER, call Yeshua, “Apollo”. As a person with aspergers syndrome I was a natural target to do this.
Aramaic ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn Hebrew אמן āmēyn English Amen
Yeshua is the Amen, when you say Amen you are in agreement that the only way to be heard by the hearer of Prayer, Our Father in Heaven, is to put faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Revelation 3.14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God.
For translation into every language. The meaning of “hallowed be Thy Name”
Let [Your Name] be treated(יטופל) as [sacred] and [Your Name is Sacred]
This is all true and so is everything on this website.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you, and by the power given to me by God, I declare all of Satan’s world bullshit. And I am leaving.
Love is natural, and when someone demonstrates love for you, it only natural to love them back. That’s why we can only love, because Our Father in Heaven gives us His sacred spirit because we have faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua, the first of God’s Children, in Heaven. Yeshua is Lord.
3.27am 2022-03-11 The strange work of God complete. Love you all, I love you always.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Praise Y’aya! Honor Yeshua!
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
As proved on the page titled The Roman Jehovah, the Synagogue of Satan is Watch Tower along with Kabbalistic Judaism (not kosher Judaism).
Watch Tower tells people that there are only 144,000 who will go to Heaven. These are to be Kings and Priests before God. Note that The Bible says “Kings”.
Then they allow women to believe that they are anointed, part of this group, and the images of the 144,000 in the Watch Tower are only men, with beards and all.
Then Satan torments these women with it, of which I was one, because of having the Heavenly hope. Attacks are done by using the power of suggestion and electromagnetic spectrum attacks on the limbic nucleus of the brain, and tries to change their gender identity to neutral or masculine. Of course, as women, we know we are women. It is a very unholy experience.

The Rise, Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion by James B. Hannay online in this archive
The Rise, Decline and Fall of the Roman Religion by By James B. Hannay 257 Pages, Originally published 1925 ISBN ISBN 0-7873-0369-0
You can find it in print here if you are interested.
Remember, only learn about sex and symbolism and the two-sex god Jehovah. Do not destroy The Bible or you are with Satan completely and will die at Armageddon. Y’aya does not want you to die, but to live on past Armageddon into the re-created Paradise Earth.
God is love. Anything in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie.
You are wrong, O people, about Our Sacred Father, Y’aya.
Satan hated Y’aya without reason, without cause. And so do you, because of Religion and Satan’s hateful message that he telegraphs to you with Religion, with every subtle form of communication there is, including audio and video.
Y’aya is the source of life and should be treated with respect and only loves us. When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural, to love them back.
Reverent love and respect are all that is needed. After that there is no problem communicating with Our Father, we can fully enjoy everything about Him, how crazy funny He is, how wonderful He is with us, and what a joy it is to be with in prayer. Prayer is talking to Our Father and enjoying anything with Him, music art, life, feelings, anything about Our Life that we want to talk about, or just to be with Him and enjoy His company.
Where the spirit of Y’aya is, so His Children are at rest.
If you have become a baptized Meshikhi, A Christian Follower of The Messiah, Yeshua Christ.
Say the following to Satan.
By the power of Y’aya be gone from me Satan! In The Name of Yeshua, Ameyn.
The entire world must know that Yeshua is Lord.
Meshikhi are Followers of Yeshua Christ, The Son* of The Living God (Matthew 16.16, John 20.17).
*Not associated with The Roman Jesus.
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father which art in Heaven
Sacred be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Do not let us succumb to temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever
In the Name of Yeshua
ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn(אמן)
Yeshua is The Amen
Satan wanted people to destroy “The Amen” by convincing people to destroy The Book of Revelation by calling Yeshua, “Apollo”. We will not destroy The Book of Revelation, but we will NEVER, call Yeshua, “Apollo”.
Aramaic ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn Hebrew אמן āmēyn English Amen
Yeshua is the Amen, when you say Amen you are in agreement that the only way to be heard by the hearer of Prayer, Our Father in Heaven, is to put faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Revelation 3.14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God.
For translation into every language. The meaning of “hallowed be Thy Name”
Let [Your Name] be treated(יטופל) as [sacred] and [Your Name is Sacred]
Hear Isra’al, T’Yeshua, The Wife of Yeshua
Our Father in Heaven is not going to let His children on Earth die because of doctrine and a few vowels. People are worth more to him than that. He is delivering anyone who will only worship only Him and accept the Sacrifice of His Son, Yeshua.
Psalms 49.8 It costs far too much to buy back your life. You can never pay God enough.
It cost a perfect human life to pay for human sin, and all the imperfect people who have ever lived or ever will live could not add up to the price one perfect life.
Y’aya is one.
And you should love Y’aya your God.
With all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength
and with all your might.
For that is the way Abba has loved us, with a love that is to time indefinite. And gave His only begotten Son, Yeshua, that whosoever shall put faith in Yeshua may never die, but have eternal life. Anyone who shall ever mock The Cross of Yeshua mocks the one who gave them life and who is Life. Only know this, you may destroy us for loving Him, but as sure as God raised Yeshua from the dead, we will live forever and be with those who only love. And you and your evil and your hate will not be remembered. And you should know that God cannot die and did give His Son for us. From time indefinite until time indefinite is God. Now you know what that means. Yeshua is the first of God’s children in Heaven and volunteered to take our place on The Cross. Watch Tower displays Our Lord Yeshua on a sacred pole, Historian Josephus said it was a cross and he is an authority, not Watch Tower. Watch Tower says the cross is a phallic symbol. What looks more phallic, Watch Tower, a cross or a pole. And you should know what the scripture means and it is a prophecy about Yeshua. Hear the words of Our Father, “Who will die for them on a cross?” And hear the voice of Yeshua,
“Here I am Father, send me” (Isaiah 6.8).
God cannot die, but a sacrifice was needed. He made a way where there wasn’t a way.
Isaiah 43.11 I, even I, am Y’aya; and there is no one saving without me.
Luke 2.11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Messiah the Lord.
Yeshua is The Messiah, He is not God. It took two people to accomplish Our Salvation, not one. Someone had to die and be The Sacrifice and someone had to resurrect that person.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Praise Y’aya! And honor His Son Yeshua!
Now you know what it means to be body, mind, skin and bone.
The Sacred Angels are making you hear Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Praise Abba! And honor His Son Yeshua! Satan you worm, you dog and all you scared weird guys are terrified at the absolute power from God that is with The Meshikhi.
And all those with you Satan are also hearing one song today.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
In The Name of Yeshua,
With love,
The Final Evidence

Luke 24:39 See My hands and My feet, that it is I myself; touch me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you plainly see that I have.”~NASB
Watch Tower denies the physical resurrection of Yeshua Christ, The Messiah. They say it was a “spiritual resurrection. All they teach is lies because they are part of The Synagogue of Satan
Here’s the Biblical evidence against Watch Tower
The Prophecy of the Physical Resurrection of Yeshua
End of the prophecy of Yeshua at Matthew Chapter 24
ܐܝܟܐ ܕܝܢ ܕܢܗܘܐ ܦܓܪܐ ܬܡܢ ܢܬܟܢܫܘܢ ܢܫܪܐ
Matthew 24:28 Where Y’aya administers justice, He will unloosen the body. ~The Holy Aramaic Scriptures
Yeshua was wrapped in cloths like Lazarus was. God unloosened the burial cloths so that Yeshua could free Himself.
This has been confirmed by God who caused me to understand it. This prophecy has profound meaning both then and now.
Translate it yourself in the word for word Aramaic database
Yeshua appeared to the disciples after his resurrection with a physical body. It was by God’s power that He appeared in the locked room and the scriptures agree he had wound marks in his side and in his hands (Luke 24:36-49, John 20:19,20).
Yeshua told the disciples that He was not a spirit when He appeared in the locked room.
Luke 24:39 See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you plainly see that I have.”~NASB
This means that the angels that appeared to Abraham and ate with Him did not have flesh and bones as Yeshua had after His resurrection.
1 Corinthians 15:44 is not applied to the resurrection of Yeshua. The preceding scripture shows in context that it is referring to imperfect humans with the Heavenly hope.
1 Corinthians 15:43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power;
1 Corinthians 15:44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.
1 Corinthians 15:45 and 15:46 apply to Yeshua, his physical resurrection and His ascension to Heaven.
1 Corinthians 15:45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.
1 Corinthians 15:46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.
Yeshua is Alive!
Accounts of people not recognizing him are explained in Luke 24:16
ܘܥܝܢܝܗܘܢ ܐܚܝܕܢ ܗܘܝ ܕܠܐ ܢܣܬܟܠܘܢܝܗܝ
Luke 24:16 but Y’aya caused their eyes to be closed to understanding
They did not recognize Yeshua until God allowed them to.
Accounts of Yeshua appearing on the sea to the disciples and in a locked room in Y’rushalom are by God’s power, nothing else.
You don’t have mercy Watch Tower, nor do you have the sacred spirit from Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya. You are a part of Satan’s world, just like everyone else who knows nothing about God.
Watch Tower, the pot calling the kettle black, is what they are.

Josephus is the authority [PDF] and he says it was a cross.
Romans Chapter 5 must be read by all people and to all people you who are Levites so they know what they are getting and why if they put faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Because of their abuses and defending abusers and their phallic symbol sacred pole which is spiritually at the root of their thought patterns, and deeply engrained, a position they cannot even justify, they are all about the male member. Recommend castration of all the men who are Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses to protect the innocent from being abused by them and for public safety. Even if get rid of the Synagogue of Satan cult, they will still be dangerous men.