Our Father, Y’hayah (pronounced ay’ah). Warm, loving, wonderful to know. He’s so cool and He’s funny too! Wonderful to know isn’t it? Y’hayah loves people like mad, loves it when people are funny, loves all the arts and everything we do brings glory to Him if it’s good. And you will love having His smile upon you. Praise Y’hayah!!!!!!!
What is Abba Like?
Our Father is warm, funny, loving, and wonderful to know. His dream is to fill the Earth with happy healthy people. And it will happen, His Son shares his vision for people. He believes in it so much He was willing to die to make it happen.
Our Father is infinite in Love, Power, Justice , Wisdom and every other attribute. He a true father in every sense of the word. He does not want you to be afraid of Him. The fear of God is not wanting to do anything to disrespect Him or His great love for us. Not wanting to make Him embarrassed of us by us fearing anyone or anything.
God is love (1 John 4:8). Anything in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie.
Deuteronomy 6:4,5
4 Hear Isra’al, Y’aya our God. Y’aya is one.
5 And you shall love Y’aya your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
How Does Abba Exist?
God is a person like us but perfect, with infinite power and ability. He has a heart, a mind and a soul. We also have a heart, mind and soul. This is what being made in His image means and why people who think about these things are spiritual in nature and sense that He exists (not to mention all of the perfect science evident in Creation). All people, starting with Yeshua, were created from His understanding of what made Him alive, a living person. He is our Father, not something abstract. Until the time He brought Yeshua into existence, He was alone. Why He brought people into existence is obvious. Now you know why we exist. Because God is a person who wants people in His life and loves having people in His life. The Bible says that God is love because He has an infinite amount of love to give. And it’s only natural to love Him back. God’s dwelling is in Heaven but He can be aware of more than one place at one time. He can look anywhere He wants and be cognizant of it instantly, an unlimited number of times at once. His vision is such that He can see the physical world from a distance or down to the particle level at the same time if He wants to. All of His senses are like this. He can also communicate with an unlimited number of people at the same time, one on one. This is because He is a parallel being and able to do any number of things at the same time infinitely. He knows everything about everything “at the same time”.
Definition of Parallel
Something that occurs in parallel with something else occurs at the same time as it.
Hanging out with Father
To understand Father more, first we will look at how humans measure time.
Nowadays, Cesium-133 is used as the definition for the second due to the reliable frequency of microwave it emits. The definition is: The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom.
So we see how humans view time and how we perceive moments.
Father’s perception of time is infinitely more than ours. One second for him divided infinitely is how father lives. So, He can do an unimaginable amount of things at once, compared to us. He also has infinite power, so there is no limit to what He can do.
So we measure time as we do as stated above, for father that one second is divided up infinitely more than that.
So he can be in a moment with one of his children at any time they want to for as long as they want to, one on one and just talk, or listen to smooth jazz, and if anything comes to mind, can just talk about it. This is what I call sharing a moment with Father. It is your moment only with Father. And He can share this type of moment with all of His children at the same time, that is how Father lives, in parallel.
Think of it this way. Each person has their own eternal moment with Father and can spend as much time with Him as they want, whenever they want.
Now, here is where people are mistaken and I misunderstood as well. I said to Father in prayer one time, if you would just spend 5 minutes with each person, all of their problems would be solved, no problem, in five minutes.
Now I understand the truth of the matter, and it was profound to me, that I knew Father in a different way than everyone else but me. No one gives Father the time of day, or takes the time to sit down, open prayer and talk to Father, just for the sake of talking to him. Early in life I figured out or decided, probably from the Bible that Father said He would provide what we need and as David said “I will lack nothing”. So, what does this mean. Try praying sometime with the only purpose of just spending time with Father and hanging out together and doing whatever activity you love to do. This is life itself. Now you know the absolute truth about parallel, the infinite power of Our Father in Heaven and how to learn to just be one of His children and spend time with Him. If you need to use the washroom or anything else just say “I need to be excused Father” and end prayer, “in The Name of Yeshua, amen”. You can return to prayer after doing whatever it is that you need to do. This is what Peter meant when he said “pray without ceasing”. It really is the best way to be for a Christian, especially while the world is the way it is before the Paradise Earth when people will be restored to perfection in every way including genetically, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
Never combine spiritual things like time with Father, with sensual things like sex. Absolutely do not do anything like that.
Also, people misperceive what worship is. It is not like religion at all. Worship of Father is reverent love for Him and the expression of that love.
The Fear of God, well is like this. As long as we have reverent love for Our Father and absolute respect for Him and listen to how He says He wants things to be with His children by means of The Bible, after that you will understand something profound.
I think of Father as father with a small /f/ and Father with a capital /F/, because the reverent love and respect is already there. So most of the time, to me, he is father with a small /f/ but I know and it’s a natural thing to know that there are times when the respect is absolutely needed and then I call him Father with a capital /F/.
God is love, says the Bible, and I have found this is not the right word. The word is Ayh (Creator and Eternal Sacred Father) derived from Ayya (Sacred Father), in the Hebrew language.
We are created as we are for a reason. At first Father was alone but wanted to have others in His life, you can read about this on this website for example the page about The One Lord Yeshua, when Yeshua was created.
Psalms 37:29 says The righteous shall possess the land, and they will reside forever upon it. “The land” is the correct translation. The land is any habitable world in The Universe.
This will be the fulfill the promise to Ab’raham that his children would be like the stars of the heavens and like the sands of the sea.
Our Abba is a loving Father
Psalms 139:14 I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.
God is aware of the vital signs of every living thing and every person’s soul (Matthew 10:29). For example, this is what causes Him to notice when our intention is to perform an act of kindness. He wants to watch so that He will remember it. He knows what to watch because He knows our intentions. The soul is the result of of our heart and mind (Jeremiah 17:10, See the page “The Soul and The Sacred Spirit” to learn more) He is also aware if we are thinking about Him. He is only a thought or a prayer away if we need Him or simply want to talk to Him. Other than that, He dignifies us with complete privacy. For example, in the Garden of Eden God called out to the man “where are you?”, even though He could obviously have easily located Him (Genesis 3:9).
God can read and remember our memories as easily as an expert can read a video file. In fact He does this the moment before the cells in our brain are no longer energized when we die. He also remembers everything in our heart, mind, soul and He knows our genetic blueprint before we are born (Psalms 139:16). With this information He can recreate us as a new person without imperfection. See the page “For those who mourn” for more about this.
Matthew 10:29 What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.
Jeremiah 17:10 I, Y’aya, search the heart; I examine the mind to reward a man according to his way, by what his deeds deserve.
Genesis 3:9 Then Y’aya called to the man, and said to him, “Where are you?”
Romans 2:14 For when Gentiles who do not have the Law instinctively perform the requirements of the Law, these, though not having the Law, are a law to themselves,
Psalms 139:16 but with your own eyes you saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything about me.
This is how we are designed.
Spiritually, our mind is not responsive to God during private and intimate things unless we pray, like in an emergency and then our mind becomes responsive to Him again. Otherwise, it’s automatic. This is governed by our body signals. This way, He knows when not to be watching us in any way. He does not want to watch His children having sex or using the bathroom and He doesn’t want us to have anything like that in our mind. If we have The sacred spirit, the mind of the spirit works the same way. God is not a sexual being but identifies Himself as masculine. He does not want us to combine sensual things and spiritual things. God gave us a conscience to distinguish right from wrong so that He would not have to watch us every moment and make us feel uncomfortable (Romans 2:14). Everyone has a conscience. Remember that routinely, it is our soul that tells Him everything about us and that is what He watches. We can also ask Him to watch us if we are in the hospital or performing or doing something funny or just because we want Him to in some situation. Really, He knows us and will watch us any time we want Him to. Y’aya does not look at our bedroom and bathroom memories at all.
Note: because Our Father does not watch anyone in the bathroom or the bedroom, Satan knew how to get at the first couple, Adam and Eve, and worked on them in those places, the real scene of the crime. But they were perfect and still have no excuse, having known all things. I solved the case because Satan tried the same thing with me, but I was disgusted and have holy rage about being desecrated, and I’m imperfect.
Isn’t our Father wonderful? He is exactly like a perfectly loving human father in every way. He wants nothing to make us feel awkward about Him and we are purposefully created so we will feel comfortable in our relationship with Him. He thought of everything.
And so you see, God is a parallel being with infinite power and ability to do anything He wants to, but doesn’t for our sake. He is a loving father who loves to hear from His children. This is why prayer is so wonderful.
Our Abba gave us free will
You are wondering why things are the way they are.
Why, God? – Our first parents broke God’s perfect law based on love. God could have programmed us to obey Him. But He didn’t. We must accept God as Our Father of our own free will because of His love for us and our love for Him. And if we want Him as Our Father, we must accept His right to set boundaries for us. This caused everything. They didn’t love Him enough to listen to Him. Eve listened to someone who was obviously contradicting what Our Father said. Satan told Eve, “You positively will not die. You will be like God, knowing good and bad”. Adam was not deceived, He just saw that Eve didn’t immediately die and so went ahead and joined her. They chose to disobey Him of their own free will. No one forced them. These were not imperfect people making an innocent mistake, but perfect people with full knowledge of what they were doing. Their perfect consciences would have warned them explicitly that what they were about to do was wrong. They were warned what would happen if they did. They would die like the animals they had seen die. This was the tree of life and it represented their life given to them by God. God made it abundantly clear to them what it represented. It was their Father who had given them that life, the one who had lavished them with His love by giving them the paradise and giving them free will to chose to obey Him out of love, not for any other reason. God doesn’t force anyone to love Him. So God sent His best, the first of His children, His only begotten Son, with a soul that would not fail because of His perfect love for God. He would love God enough to obey Him out of love for Him to the point of death. Yeshua proved the extent to which we must love God and others, fulfilling God’s universal law based on love. God is Sacred and His law based on love is perfect. Faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua is now required for eternal life. His life did two things. He fulfilled the Mosaic law and replaced it with God’s original law based on love. Faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua is the only thing God will accept for us to have eternal life. By putting faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua, we are accepting God’s universal law based on love and understanding the cost of our life. Out of love, God provided a perfect life in exchange for Adam’s perfect life to save Adam and Eve’s children from sin and death. No number of imperfect lives could pay the price for one eternal life, not even the twenty billion people who have lived so far, not even any amount who will ever live. Yeshua wanted to do this for us because He knew that God cannot die, so he stepped forward and said “Here I am Father, send me.” He volunteered (Isaiah 6:8). This is why we can live again. They both love us that much.
ܘܠܐܦܝ ܬܫܥ ܫܥܝܢ ܩܥܐ ܝܫܘܥ ܒܩܠܐ ܪܡܐ ܘܐܡܪ ܐܝܠ ܐܝܠ ܠܡܢܐ ܫܒܩܬܢܝ
Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour, Yeshua cried out in a qala rama {a loud voice}, and said, “Ayya, Ayya! Lamana Shabaqthani {My Sacred Father, Sacred Father, why have you left me}!?”
He spoke those words out of obedience to fulfill the prophecy at Psalms 22:1, He did not lose faith for one moment. When Y’aya withdrew His power (but not the Holy Spirit) so that Yeshua could die a natural death, Yeshua searched the Scriptures with His perfect mind and spoke the above words. Up until the moment God withdrew His power, Yeshua could have saved Himself, but resisted the temptation to do so, even though He was taunted by people and by Satan and the demons. But He would not do anything to fail His Father or us. Nothing could break Him or make Him lose faith in what He was doing. Dying for us. God’s withdrawing His power must not be misunderstood. This was the Sacrifice of His beloved Son for us. If God had not withdrawn His power, there is no way Yeshua could have died.
The only reason the Sacred Spirit would be removed from a perfect person is if they sin. Yeshua was sinless and therefore had the Sacred Spirit until He died. This proves two scriptural principles. A perfect person with the Sacred Spirit can die. Humans are kept alive forever by what the Bible calls “seasons of refreshing” from God. Only accurate knowledge about the Sacred Spirit on this website will enable you to understand where it is located and how it operates.
Ecclesiastes 12:7 then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.
Satan is the god of this world as the Bible calls Him. Those who hate are not compatible with God’s family and our Father doesn’t want them wrecking things for everyone else who want a peaceful life filled with love and fun and laughter. The damage that someone with perfection does to themselves when they sin intentionally is permanent. It affects their entire life and they begin to think like Satan. This is what happened to Adam and Eve. They believed Satan’s lies and paid the price for it. How can the world be a paradise when there are so many hateful people in it? It’s a simple fact of life that it is not possible. Most people are loving and wish things were different. With no hateful people, there is no reason to worry about yourself or your home. Loving people do not break in, steal, hurt people intentionally or commit other hateful acts or cause wars. Now you see the problem. It is love vs hate and if you chose hate, you will cease to exist at the end.
The only way to be reconciled to God (to have Him truly as your father) is by means of the Sacrifice of Yeshua the Messiah, the Only Begotten Son of God. This is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Yeshua.
People who live a good life and have a clean conscience must put faith in Yeshua’s sacrifice to live forever in the Paradise Earth for reasons I have already explained. Yeshua Himself said, “I am the way, the truth and the life”. I believe you now know what that means. God’s plan for humans is unity not divisions. Psalms 133
Finally, do not worry about being imperfect at this time. God understands that it is not possible to be perfectly loving all the time. When you are made perfect and are surrounded by loving people, it will be as natural as loving your own family and friends.
Psalms 37:10 In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there.
God’s love and mercy
The only people who will die at the end are those who will not accept God’s love and the sacrifice of His Son. And they will simply cease to exist. There is no hell, even for Satan, although Satan would like you to think there is (Ecclesiasted 9:5,10; Ezekiel 18:4). The etymology of the word Hell can be found as the last entry in Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. It means to cover over with dirt. The word Hell simply means “the grave” as does the Greek word “Hades” and the Hebrew word “Sheol”. The lake of fire and Gehenna simply mean eternal destruction. God brings the end when He does because He has to, not because He wants to. The situation will require it because no one would survive otherwise (Matthew 24:22).

The darkoverlord of Hell, which does not exist
In The Paradise soon to come, Abba’s children will be like flowers in the field. All of God’s children are beautiful in reality, only look for the love in them and the good things, not the superficial things in this world.
This will end the present world system. At that time and up until the final moment, God will have one concern. He will use His infinite power to read every heart and mind until He is sure of what must be done. Until that time He is pleading with people to listen to Him and to His Son and be saved.
Good News! A great multitude of people will survive the end.
Revelation 7:9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all the tribes, peoples, and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands;
This is the truth of God’s love and His mercy. Please accept it.
Sadly, many will choose Satan’s idea of total independence from God’s way of love. God will make them cease to exist along with Satan and the demons. Our Father knows what’s best for His children. Only God’s way of love ensures a peaceful and happy life for all of His children. This is in fact the reason for the problems facing mankind. Selfishness and concern for only what we want without concern for how it affects others causes disharmony in the human family. Are you seeing how profoundly different God’s thinking is about His family? He can’t guarantee the life that He wants and has promised for all people unless He removes those who want total independence from the way He wants us to be, which Yeshua showed us. The Way is for everyone to benefit from and to promote peace and harmony in the human family.
The solution to mankind’s problems is love. Love for Our Father and love for others is what Yeshua taught. He even added the New Commandment to love people to the extent that He did, putting the lives of others before our own.
And so you see this is a family, not a movement, not a religion. It’s not difficult. It’s fun and it’s a pleasant way to live. And we will have peace as long as we live this way.
Micah 6:8 He has told you, mortal one, what is good; And what does Y’aya require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?
Revelation 20:3-5; Isaiah 65:20; Revelation 20:7-9; John 13:34
Remember, God doesn’t want anyone to cease to exist, but it’s the way it is. Soon everyone on Earth will have this knowledge and will have to decide if they want to be part of God’s peaceful, loving family or not. It’s an easy decision. Here is God’s final word on it.
Deuteronomy 30:19,20 I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have placed before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants, 20 by loving Y’aya your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding close to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days, so that you may live in the land which Y’aya swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”
Those who have already died will be resurrected (brought back to life) some time after the end. See the page “For those who mourn” for more information about this. You will be comforted greatly by it and will know how merciful Our Father is.
Message for the children of God
Please hear me beloved children of God. Y’aya wants none of you to be destroyed, not one. And here is why. Our God loves His created people so much and His heart is so expansive and infinite in love that He does not want to harm a living soul. But to save you He must do some things and make decisions that He has to live with for the benefit of you. In His heart He does not want to harm a living thing, not a sparrow falls without Him knowing it. But He is God, and a Father trying to save His children. So He must give the most terrible orders of all time at the end, but only to save as many as possible from destruction. Because you would truly perish if He didn’t. I just wanted you to know how much He loves you and worries about you and thinks about you and wants to help you. That’s all He wants.
At the end, people who will not survive, will destroy each other or themselves. In this way they will cease to exist, without the hope of a resurrection. That is the definition of “cease to exist ” on this page. This is God’s judgement only. It will be a cut and dry decision by Him to allow them to have this fate.
Y’aya is the God of David, the God of Abraham and the God of Yeshua Himself.
Yeshua worships Y’aya.
The Bible is the Word of Y’aya
There are no real discrepancies in the Bible only mistakes made by translators, for example:
God speaks to Abram
Genesis 15:7 Then He said to him, “I am Y’aya, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit it.”
God speaks to Moses
Exodus 6:3b has been translated wrong.
Westminster Leningrad Codex clarifies to a certain degree, but I’ll clarify it further.
וָאֵרָ֗א אֶל־אַבְרָהָ֛ם אֶל־יִצְחָ֥ק וְאֶֽל־יַעֲקֹ֖ב בְּאֵ֣ל שַׁדָּ֑י וּשְׁמִ֣י יי לֹ֥א נֹודַ֖עְתִּי לָהֶֽם
Exodus 6:3 And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty and by the Name Y’aya I was known.
Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am Y’aya; and there is no one saving without me.
Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Messiah the Lord.
Yeshua is The Messiah, He is not God. It took to people to accomplish Our Salvation, not one. Someone had to die and be The Sacrifice and someone had to resurrect that person.
When God withdrew his power from Yeshua while Yeshua was on The Cross, He knew that Yeshua would be killed. This is the knife of Abraham, The Sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son for us. And He had to watch every moment and remember it forever. He had to watch His beloved Son be tortured and killed. It was the only way to save us because God cannot die, otherwise Our Father would have done it Himself. But everything about Yeshua is in God’s perfect memory. And He knows very well, what Yeshua experienced on that Cross.
Two people, a Father and His Son in total agreement about what needed to be done to save us. From time indefinite to time indefinite Y’aya is God and Yeshua learned it from Him from the moment that He was created. And the love of a Father for a Son for that amount of time is not known. And the love of a Son for a Father for that amount of time is not known. But for a certainty the Cross of Yeshua teaches us something we will never fully comprehend about them. They only love people, and don’t try to use The Scriptures to disprove it, or you will blaspheme in a way you do not know. Bring your evidence in your religious courts and I will bring with me one thing as my evidence. The Cross of Yeshua with His blood on it. This is from Y’aya. Be more reverent for the cross than for anything but me. It represents my love and the love of My Son. And Yeshua’s blood is on it forever. You want proof of Our Love for people, you have proof.
Have reverence for the love of Our Father represented by that cross.
We follow Yeshua, Our Lord, and treat every word of His as Sacred.
ܗܝܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܙܠ ܠܟ ܣܛܢܐ ܟܬܝܒ ܓܝܪ ܕܠܡܪܝܐ ܐܠܗܟ ܬܣܓܘܕ ܘܠܗ ܒܠܚܘܕܘܗܝ ܬܦܠܘܚ
Matthew 4:10 Then Yeshua said unto him, “Go away, Satana! For, it is written: ‘You shall thesgud {worship, literally bow down to or cause to be venerated} Y’aya and Him alone shall you serve!’ ” ( The Holy Aramaic Scriptures)
Link: tsgwd – ܬܣܓܘܕ
We are followers of the Messiah, we will not bow down to anyone but Y’aya.
Only do not bow down to or worship the cross.
They only love people is who they are and the kind of people they are and why they did what they did for us. God is love and Yeshua learned it from Him.
John 4:24 God is Spirit (21 Bible versions say so) and 1 John 4:8 God is Love
If you demand more evidence, I’m sorry, I cannot help you. But I wouldn’t argue with God about it if I were you.
Matthew 12:31, 32 31 And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Sacred Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
Are you not understanding yet? I will explain it absolutely. God loves you, it is sin that He hates. And the only way anyone can be reconciled to God is the shed blood of Yeshua because the shed blood of Yeshua is the only thing that can remove sin completely.
I know the reasoning in your hearts and I know what you want to say, you who want to argue The Scriptures.
Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Then read the meaning of the word Lord on the page about Yeshua and know what you must understand when you say that word. Then put away your arguments and do not forget Romans 10:10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
With love.
From Father and me. Father let me see a lot about Watch Tower and Kabbalism. And this is a fine example of the result of listening to Satan and not the True God. During a teleconference I was listening and couldn’t believe what I heard. They were Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of his son. And I swear by God this is what I heard. “Abraham didn’t know when his son would be resurrected”. Now you understand about them.
Abraham is the father of our faith and he knew precisely when his son would be resurrected. This is from the Bible account.
Genesis 22:5 He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”
Yes I tell you and God is with me. Abraham said “and then we will come back to you”.
Abraham fully expected God to resurrect his son immediately. This is the truth from the Bible and the evidence against Watch Tower and the kinds of things they do and teach in that Kingdom Hall.
God called Abraham his friend, and I this is what Watch Tower people do to God’s friends.
Now you know about Watch Tower and Kabbalism and the absolute thing is on this website. And yet God holds out mercy to them, and still they have not responded to it and renounced the name Jehovah and have not renounced Kabbalism and it is now July 25, 2021. What you will learn from Watch Tower is half and half. Half truth and half lies. And sometimes blasphemes so profound there are no words for it.
Abraham is God’s friend and God has something to say to Him.
From God to Abraham. “Watch Tower said that I would only fill the Earth and then stop procreation. Not only did they undermine your faith Abraham, they undermined my promise to you.
Psalms 37:29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any inhabitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars”.
Trials of Satan
The question. Why does God allow trials of Satan when God is able to know in advance what will happen, and Satan only wants to enjoy the suffering of someone?
1 Peter 1:6, 7 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Yeshua Christ is revealed.
Satan’s looking for an excuse for himself not loving God and becoming what he became. Because we love God and will endure anything, so much so, we don’t care what happens to us at all. Our love for our Father in Heaven is absolute and unchanging, no matter what. Satan hates this more than anything. Satan hates Yeshua the most for showing us the way.
What’s your argument now Satan? Oh ya, I forgot. You don’t have one.
And if you are imperfect, you do not have an excuse either.
Satan wants you to blame God.
This is the ultimate temptation.
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
Do not be tempted to blame God at all.
Believe this. Satan’s intent is to say that God made a mistake creating people with free will. That if it was impossible for them to sin, that he would have an excuse. God did not create robots who blindly obey Him because they have to. God created people, in the fullest sense of the word, with reasoning power and thinking ability and most of all, love. Robots are not able to understand about love. We do, because we are God’s created children. We are created in God’s image with a heart, soul and mind. Satan does not know anything, about people, about life or about anything else. Satan is a failure at life and wants someone to blame. Satan has no one to blame but himself. This the absolute truth about Satan.
Characteristics of people without the sacred spirit of God
2 Timothy 3.1-5 3 But mark this. There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
Satan’s plan to implant evil in you
About Satan
This is not a story about the Tin Man and The Wizard of Oz
Satan is a person with evil intent only.
At least The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz wanted a heart.
Not so with Satan.
He could have ran to Father in Heaven when He experienced evil and Father would helped Him, yes even Satan.
But Satan is not The Tin Man, he is only evil with intent.
Our Father in Heaven has a family. Satan wanted a Mafia, to lead people to live independent of Our Father and to do whatever they please. Our Father is Our Creator and knows what is best for all His created people and so He sets a few reasonable and easy to follow boundaries that benefit His entire family in Heaven and on Earth.
Satan’s entire purpose is to lead humans into independence from God, by saying “It’s all good”, even about evil things.
Now you know.
Without a heart, Satan is just a machine-head. And look at Satan’s world and what is he building? An image of himself. A machine, not a person, for people to worship.
That is all evil is and all evil turns people into. Machines without love.
What do you think artificial intelligence and artificial people is all about?
It is a reflection of the mind of Satan.
And Satan is just a machine, and trying to turn people into machines like him.
And the machine head has the Moron Operating System (MOS) in his brain, but I do not recommend installing it. It doesn’t do anything for you, except turn you into a blinking cursor like him.
What you may experience in our time period is the advent of so-called artificial intelligence an so-called artificial life. Do not believe or be seduced by it. It is a machine, and if it seems alive, it is being controlled by Satan and the demons. It is an abomination, an unholy thing, a creation from the mind of Satan. Life is from God only. Any unholy thing is from Satan and that is all it is, a thing to be controlled by Satan with evil intent.
And God will know and it will be an abomination before God and may be the reason for the destruction which is to come. It is an inanimate thing, not alive and is not to believed in any way.
If you are told that your memories can be transferred to a machine, be forewarned, you will lose your soul.
Matthew 16:25 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.
Yeshua in this example, spoke with Our Father’s mouth, that is
Abba communicates normally using an angel. Father and the angel communicate at incredible speeds we cannot comprehend and the angel speaks with the mouth of God, which means, God speaks through that one. Know this and be sure of it, you are not imagining it.
One reporter said, “The night of President Obama’s famous speech, “We all looked up at our screens at the same time”. Prepare yourself against the image by watching this video.
We follow Yeshua Christ, Our Lord, and treat every word of His as Sacred. If you see a voice saying something from the cloud in this video and note it, do not believe it at all. Anyone without the sacred spirit of Our Father in Heaven may be used by Satan for such things. Just ignore them.
Urgent for Watch Tower and the World: The AntiChrist is Rebbe Melech on Earth. Do not believe him no matter what he does. Do not bow down to his image on anything, especially an electronic device.
We are on the plains of Dura, O Isra’al. Do not bow down to anyone or any thing. Only bow down to Y’aya.
Even if Rebbe Melech appears to resurrect the dead, it is Satan, animating a dead body himself and will walk around for a while with it then use a BODY DOUBLE, SOMEONE WHO LOOKS THAT and pull a switcharoo with a living guy. Don’t believe what you see. Now listen close. All these things are from Y’aya, who is God.
Never pray or talk to Our Father in Heaven while looking at a screen or device such as a cellphone.
This is critical due to the fact that you will be accused of worshipping the image as your lips are being read and even words from brain activity. This has proven to be true. See the page titled The EM Spectrum to understand how Satan is using technology far advanced of what you see and has given to agents of Satan who use it efffectively.
A simple rule, when you pray, turn away, from the image.
You cannot see the image because of how it is made digitally.
When the director says “action” for a “program”, and suggestive scenes are involved, they chose the best take that implants the suggestion that Satan wants to telegraph to you. Juxtaposition of the actor’s bodies is involved. They may or may not be aware that they are doing it. Don’t be programmed by Satan. Then the actors and actresses may emote something romantic and, well, sometimes things happen when you play with fire, right Brad? Don’t worry about it Jen, it was a setup and Abba knows it. Read the Spiritual Couples page and the Justice for women page.
For Jen,
This is the evil that resides in Satan. He would use women to destroy God. No one would want God at all.
By making them think that it was part of God’s plan to meet someone, to allow them to fall into eternal love with their one true love, and if doesn’t work out due to adultery or whatever reason, that it was all part of God’s plan.
And Satan uses people without knowledge, to implant this idea in men and women.
You blew it Brad, but maybe you had help blowing it. I don’t know. Remember that next time you try adultery. Father’s words are always right and he warns us about adultery. And in his mind it is not good to marry someone, divorce them, and then to go back into a marriage with the original person. It is in the Bible. Read the Spiritual Couples page and you will fare better.
It was a major life mistake Brad, but I’m telling Jen about it and it is explained on the Spiritual Couples page and on the Justice for Women page. If he was willing to kiss another woman he didn’t have eternal love for you anyway. I don’t know. Adultery is stupid. And when you have it for real, you don’t do those things.
The only grounds for divorce is adultery and that’s from Yeshua Himself. And you can not remarry a person after marrying someone else. That is the bottom line with Our Father in Heaven. It happens with people but don’t look at it. They probably have all kinds of problems they don’t understand the source of. Because whenever do something contrary to Our Father’s instructions on what to do with you life with regards to marriage there are bound to be problems. Maybe not for you but for the other person.
Maybe you still love Jen, Brad, but I think she knows it’s not to do because you broke her trust.
Remember that next time.
Acting is a wonderful profession.
The bottom line is this. Do not do a love scene with someone other than your partner if you are married. Adultery is a disastrous mistake of epic proportions and someone always gets hurt.
So you’re fine are you? What message are you sending to people? Not a good one, that’s what.
ܗܝܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܙܠ ܠܟ ܣܛܢܐ ܟܬܝܒ ܓܝܪ ܕܠܡܪܝܐ ܐܠܗܟ ܬܣܓܘܕ ܘܠܗ ܒܠܚܘܕܘܗܝ ܬܦܠܘܚ
Matthew 4:10 Then Yeshua said unto him, “Go away, Satana! For, it is written: ‘You shall thesgud {worship, literally bow down to or cause to be venerated} Y’aya and Him alone shall you serve!’ ” ( The Holy Aramaic Scriptures)
Link: tsgwd – ܬܣܓܘܕ follow the link inside
We are followers of The Messiah, we will not bow down to anyone but Y’aya.
Yeshua worships Y’aya and so do we.
We are Christians.
No, the story of Satan is not about The Tin Man, it is the story of a child of God who became evil. And for people who are perfect to begin with it is only intentional. It is impossible that Satan did not know what he was doing.
Satan has no excuse and neither does anyone else. We are created with a conscience and it tells us if something is wrong. But if we listen to Satan enough we can become like him, and actually start thinking that evil is good.
Weonlylove.org is what I have built with help from God. We only love is who we are and what we are, and we receive the sacred spirit of God and are able to only love, and defeat Satan in the absolute sense, by defeating Satan’s evil thoughts that he programs into people.
In the end it will be God’s children vs the machine-heads, who have become like Satan. And God will save His children.
The future of the children of God is fantastical. We don’t know what we will build but it will approved by God first before we build it. And it will not harm the world God has created for us.
Psalms 37.29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any habitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars”.
And quite frankly, the glorious freedom of the children of God doesn’t require technology. Living in The Garden of Eden was effortless and everything was provided by Ayya Himself. (Y’aya is Ayya, Our Sacred Father). God is just a word, Ayya is not the same as the image of God that Satan wants you to believe. Ayya is Our Sacred Father and Our Creator.
The word Meshikhi are to use for God at Genesis 1.1 is אב קדוש in Hebrew which means “Sacred Father”. Ab-kadush are the phonics in English for Sacred Father.
אייא Hebrew Ayya Hebrew word for God represented by a double yodh at Genesis 1.1
Ayya means “Sacred Father” אב קדוש Ab kadush in Hebrew. Ayh is derived from Ayya.
For now we will use technology that is useful if it serves to help people in our current situation. This is with our Father’s approval. Some technology demonstrates the ingenuity and brilliance of people, who are created, and who build things with love to help people. Things that are made with love work well. Just don’t believe for a moment that technology is the ultimate solution to anything. A Paradise is what Our Father created and a Paradise the Earth will be. Yeshua will restore it, including restoring people completely, and then hand the finished work back to Our Father. This in fact what the scripture means. If Our Father wants us to build anything at this time, it will eclipse anything you are seeing today and we will build it with love.
We are identified by our love
1 Corinthian 13.8 Love never fails. But if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away with; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away with.
1 Corinthians 13.13 Now, however, these three remain. faith, hope, love; but the greatest of these is love.
Realistically, there are wonderful people and people you would not invite for lunch. But try to love them as children of God anyway.
Scriptural principal.
Do not be deceived. “Bad company corrupts good morals.” ~NASB
We are not obligated to associate with bad people. In fact, avoid contact with them.
Characteristics of people without the sacred spirit of God
2 Timothy 3.1-5 But mark this. There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
Only have faith that the tribulation foretold by Yeshua is at hand and that soon evil itself will be destroyed. All men and women and their children without the sacred spirit will be destroyed by God to eradicate evil from the Earth. And Satan is doing everything possible to convince people that God has a feminine side like the two-sex god Jehovah, so we don’t feel protected by Him as women. We need a Father or a husband to take care of us. And so Satan undermines the masculinity of Our Father in Heaven and His Son Yeshua without letup.
Seek the true God now and put faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua and believe in your heart that Yeshua was resurrected from the dead by God, and you will be saved and live in a world without evil soon.
Praise God! Honor Yeshua!
Now put on power again and do not be afraid of machine heads (people without eternal love, without the sacred spirit, just avoid them and ignore them for what they are, machine heads like Satan.
What to do
Matthew 10.14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.
There is no grey area, and no fence to sit on anymore.
The last thing you are to say to them is
Remember God loves you and Yeshua love you.
Like it’s the last thing you will ever say to them, or the last thing they will ever hear.
Hear the words of Our Father in Heaven. “Maybe, they will yet listen”.
Only love people and God will do the rest.
Keep your heart soft.
We only love. It is who we are and what we are.
With love,
Encouragement from Yeshua and from me.
John 16.33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
T’Yeshua Sher (if Yeshua wants it to be my name in Heaven, that’s what it will be I only want Him to be happy with me and never remember anything bad, even with His perfect brain and mind.
Sher means “The first faint rays of light before the dawn”, not shachar, as is said by those who cannot even translate their way out of a paper bag.

Open prayer by saying “Abba, Father” (pronounced ahb’ah)
Then go about your normal routine.
Talk to Him whenever you want to. You can say “Abba” or “Father”.
If you need to leave prayer for any reason, just say “I need to be excused”.
And say “In the name of Yeshua, Amen”
This is what Peter meant when he said “Pray without ceasing”, and all will go well with you. May you be blessed.
Yeshua is Lord, King of God’s Kingdom and has absolute power and authority except for prayer. He takes care of us and provides anything we need.
“I and the children you gave me” (to take care of), is what Yeshua does. We are in His care.
The True God Y’aya

It’s called Kinda Like A Dream.
It’s kinda like a dream, where everything is real. It’s kinda like a sunrise, the way it makes you feel. when you’re talking to the sky til your skin begins to peel. And it’s kinda like a game, where no one knows the stake, and everything gets clearer, with every card you take, and everyone is watching, for that sign upon your face. No way they could know, that you’re holding every ace. And it’s kinda like a dream, where everything is real, it’s kinda like a sunrise, the way it makes you feel. When you’re talking to the sky, til your skin begins to peel.~Tiffany McTaggart
Our Father, Y’aya. Warm, loving, wonderful to know. He’s so cool and He’s funny too! Wonderful to know isn’t it? Y’aya loves people like mad, loves it when people are funny, loves all the arts and everything we do brings glory to Him if it’s good. And you will love having His smile upon you. Praise Y’aya!!!!!!! You must never try to make a picture of Father because you may look at it and talk to it. This is the danger of images. Most people do not know Father because religion has placed an image in their mind of who he is that is false.
Worshiping Our Father in Heaven is the most natural thing there is, being happy about Him for all that He has done for us. He’s so wonderful and is always there for us. That is Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya. It’s natural to worship and to pray once you know Him, because we love Him so much we want to spend time with Him. This is true worship. We adore Him. And He loves spending time with us.
Psalms 83:18 That they may know that You, whose name alone is Y’aya, Are the Most High over all the Earth. (end of Scripture)
Y’aya, You alone are God.
The Blessing of Y’aya
These are God’s instructions for blessing the people at
Numbers 6: 24-27
יְבָרֶכְךָ יְיָ , וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ
yevahREHkheKHA Y’aya vayeesh mehRHEkha
May Y’aya bless you and keep you
יָאֵר יְיָ פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ
yaerr Y’aya pahNAV ehLEkha, vee-khoo-NEKA
May Y’aya make His face shine unto you, and be gracious to you
יִשָּׂא יְיָ פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם
Yeesa Y’aya pahNAV ehLEkha, vayyaSEM layKHA shalom
May Y’aya lift up His face unto you, and give you peace
And verse 27 says “So they shall invoke My name on the sons of Isra’al,
and I then will bless them.”
Remember, Y’aya loves you.
What is God Like?
Our Father is warm, funny, loving, and wonderful to know. His dream is to fill the Earth with happy healthy people. And it will happen, His Son shares his vision for people. He believes in it so much He was willing to die to make it happen.
Our Father is infinite in Love, Power, Justice , Wisdom and every other attribute. He a true father in every sense of the word. He does not want you to be afraid of Him. The fear of God is not wanting to do anything to disrespect Him or His great love for us. Not wanting to make Him embarrassed of us by us fearing anyone or anything.
God is love (1 John 4:8). Anything in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie.
Deuteronomy 6:4,5
4 Hear Isra’al, Y’aya our God. Y’aya is one.
5 And you shall love Y’aya your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
How Does God Exist?
God is a person like us but perfect, with infinite power and ability. He has a heart, a mind and a soul. We also have a heart, mind and soul. This is what being made in His image means and why people who think about these things are spiritual in nature and sense that He exists (not to mention all of the perfect science evident in Creation). All people, starting with Yeshua, were created from His understanding of what made Him alive, a living person. He is our Father, not something abstract. Until the time He brought Yeshua into existence, He was alone. Why He brought people into existence is obvious. Now you know why we exist. Because God is a person who wants people in His life and loves having people in His life. The Bible says that God is love because He has an infinite amount of love to give. And it’s only natural to love Him back. God’s dwelling is in Heaven but He can be aware of more than one place at one time. He can look anywhere He wants and be cognizant of it instantly, an unlimited number of times at once. His vision is such that He can see the physical world from a distance or down to the particle level at the same time if He wants to. All of His senses are like this. He can also communicate with an unlimited number of people at the same time, one on one. This is because He is a parallel being and able to do any number of things at the same time infinitely. He knows everything about everything “at the same time”.
Definition of Parallel
Something that occurs in parallel with something else occurs at the same time as it.
Hanging out with Father
To understand Father more, first we will look at how humans measure time.
Nowadays, Cesium-133 is used as the definition for the second due to the reliable frequency of microwave it emits. The definition is: The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom.
So we see how humans view time and how we perceive moments.
Father’s perception of time is infinitely more than ours. One second for him divided infinitely is how father lives. So, He can do an unimaginable amount of things at once, compared to us. He also has infinite power, so there is no limit to what He can do.
So we measure time as we do as stated above, for father that one second is divided up infinitely more than that.
So he can be in a moment with one of his children at any time they want to for as long as they want to, one on one and just talk, or listen to smooth jazz, and if anything comes to mind, can just talk about it. This is what I call sharing a moment with Father. It is your moment only with Father. And He can share this type of moment with all of His children at the same time, that is how Father lives, in parallel.
Think of it this way. Each person has their own eternal moment with Father and can spend as much time with Him as they want, whenever they want.
Now, here is where people are mistaken and I misunderstood as well. I said to Father in prayer one time, if you would just spend 5 minutes with each person, all of their problems would be solved, no problem, in five minutes.
Now I understand the truth of the matter, and it was profound to me, that I knew Father in a different way than everyone else but me. No one gives Father the time of day, or takes the time to sit down, open prayer and talk to Father, just for the sake of talking to him. Early in life I figured out or decided, probably from the Bible that Father said He would provide what we need and as David said “I will lack nothing”. So, what does this mean. Try praying sometime with the only purpose of just spending time with Father and hanging out together and doing whatever activity you love to do. This is life itself. Now you know the absolute truth about parallel, the infinite power of Our Father in Heaven and how to learn to just be one of His children and spend time with Him. If you need to use the washroom or anything else just say “I need to be excused Father” and end prayer, “in The Name of Yeshua, amen”. You can return to prayer after doing whatever it is that you need to do. This is what Peter meant when he said “pray without ceasing”. It really is the best way to be for a Christian, especially while the world is the way it is before the Paradise Earth when people will be restored to perfection in every way including genetically, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
Never combine spiritual things like time with Father, with sensual things like sex. Absolutely do not do anything like that.
Also, people misperceive what worship is. It is not like religion at all. Worship of Father is reverent love for Him and the expression of that love.
The Fear of God, well is like this. As long as we have reverent love for Our Father and absolute respect for Him and listen to how He says He wants things to be with His children by means of The Bible, after that you will understand something profound.
I think of Father as father with a small /f/ and Father with a capital /F/, because the reverent love and respect is already there. So most of the time, to me, he is father with a small /f/ but I know and it’s a natural thing to know that there are times when the respect is absolutely needed and then I call him Father with a capital /F/.
God is love, says the Bible, and I have found this is not the right word. The word is Ayh (Creator and Eternal Sacred Father) derived from Ayya (Sacred Father), in the Hebrew language.
We are created as we are for a reason. At first Father was alone but wanted to have others in His life, you can read about this on this website for example the page about The One Lord Yeshua, when Yeshua was created.
Psalms 37:29 says The righteous shall possess the land, and they will reside forever upon it. “The land” is the correct translation. The land is any habitable world in The Universe.
This will be the fulfill the promise to Ab’raham that his children would be like the stars of the heavens and like the sands of the sea.
God is a loving Father
Psalms 139:14 I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.
God is aware of the vital signs of every living thing and every person’s soul (Matthew 10:29). For example, this is what causes Him to notice when our intention is to perform an act of kindness. He wants to watch so that He will remember it. He knows what to watch because He knows our intentions. The soul is the result of of our heart and mind (Jeremiah 17:10, See the page “The Soul and The Sacred Spirit” to learn more) He is also aware if we are thinking about Him. He is only a thought or a prayer away if we need Him or simply want to talk to Him. Other than that, He dignifies us with complete privacy. For example, in the Garden of Eden God called out to the man “where are you?”, even though He could obviously have easily located Him (Genesis 3:9).
God can read and remember our memories as easily as an expert can read a video file. In fact He does this the moment before the cells in our brain are no longer energized when we die. He also remembers everything in our heart, mind, soul and He knows our genetic blueprint before we are born (Psalms 139:16). With this information He can recreate us as a new person without imperfection. See the page “For those who mourn” for more about this.
Matthew 10:29 What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.
Jeremiah 17:10 I, Y’aya, search the heart; I examine the mind to reward a man according to his way, by what his deeds deserve.
Genesis 3:9 Then Y’aya called to the man, and said to him, “Where are you?”
Romans 2:14 For when Gentiles who do not have the Law instinctively perform the requirements of the Law, these, though not having the Law, are a law to themselves,
Psalms 139:16 but with your own eyes you saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything about me.
This is how we are designed.
Spiritually, our mind is not responsive to God during private and intimate things unless we pray, like in an emergency and then our mind becomes responsive to Him again. Otherwise, it’s automatic. This is governed by our body signals. This way, He knows when not to be watching us in any way. He does not want to watch His children having sex or using the bathroom and He doesn’t want us to have anything like that in our mind. If we have The sacred spirit, the mind of the spirit works the same way. God is not a sexual being but identifies Himself as masculine. He does not want us to combine sensual things and spiritual things. God gave us a conscience to distinguish right from wrong so that He would not have to watch us every moment and make us feel uncomfortable (Romans 2:14). Everyone has a conscience. Remember that routinely, it is our soul that tells Him everything about us and that is what He watches. We can also ask Him to watch us if we are in the hospital or performing or doing something funny or just because we want Him to in some situation. Really, He knows us and will watch us any time we want Him to. Y’aya does not look at our bedroom and bathroom memories at all.
Note: because Our Father does not watch anyone in the bathroom or the bedroom, Satan knew how to get at the first couple, Adam and Eve, and worked on them in those places, the real scene of the crime. But they were perfect and still have no excuse, having known all things. I solved the case because Satan tried the same thing with me, but I was disgusted and have holy rage about being desecrated, and I’m imperfect.
Isn’t our Father wonderful? He is exactly like a perfectly loving human father in every way. He wants nothing to make us feel awkward about Him and we are purposefully created so we will feel comfortable in our relationship with Him. He thought of everything.
And so you see, God is a parallel being with infinite power and ability to do anything He wants to, but doesn’t for our sake. He is a loving father who loves to hear from His children. This is why prayer is so wonderful.
God gave us free will
You are wondering why things are the way they are.
Why, God? – Our first parents broke God’s perfect law based on love. God could have programmed us to obey Him. But He didn’t. We must accept God as Our Father of our own free will because of His love for us and our love for Him. And if we want Him as Our Father, we must accept His right to set boundaries for us. This caused everything. They didn’t love Him enough to listen to Him. Eve listened to someone who was obviously contradicting what Our Father said. Satan told Eve, “You positively will not die. You will be like God, knowing good and bad”. Adam was not deceived, He just saw that Eve didn’t immediately die and so went ahead and joined her. They chose to disobey Him of their own free will. No one forced them. These were not imperfect people making an innocent mistake, but perfect people with full knowledge of what they were doing. Their perfect consciences would have warned them explicitly that what they were about to do was wrong. They were warned what would happen if they did. They would die like the animals they had seen die. This was the tree of life and it represented their life given to them by God. God made it abundantly clear to them what it represented. It was their Father who had given them that life, the one who had lavished them with His love by giving them the paradise and giving them free will to chose to obey Him out of love, not for any other reason. God doesn’t force anyone to love Him. So God sent His best, the first of His children, His only begotten Son, with a soul that would not fail because of His perfect love for God. He would love God enough to obey Him out of love for Him to the point of death. Yeshua proved the extent to which we must love God and others, fulfilling God’s universal law based on love. God is Sacred and His law based on love is perfect. Faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua is now required for eternal life. His life did two things. He fulfilled the Mosaic law and replaced it with God’s original law based on love. Faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua is the only thing God will accept for us to have eternal life. By putting faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua, we are accepting God’s universal law based on love and understanding the cost of our life. Out of love, God provided a perfect life in exchange for Adam’s perfect life to save Adam and Eve’s children from sin and death. No number of imperfect lives could pay the price for one eternal life, not even the twenty billion people who have lived so far, not even any amount who will ever live. Yeshua wanted to do this for us because He knew that God cannot die, so he stepped forward and said “Here I am Father, send me.” He volunteered (Isaiah 6:8). This is why we can live again. They both love us that much.
ܘܠܐܦܝ ܬܫܥ ܫܥܝܢ ܩܥܐ ܝܫܘܥ ܒܩܠܐ ܪܡܐ ܘܐܡܪ ܐܝܠ ܐܝܠ ܠܡܢܐ ܫܒܩܬܢܝ
Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour, Yeshua cried out in a qala rama {a loud voice}, and said, “Eli! Eli! Lamana Shabaqthani {My God! My God! Why have you left me}!?”
He spoke those words out of obedience to fulfill the prophecy at Psalms 22:1, He did not lose faith for one moment. When Y’aya withdrew His power (but not the Holy Spirit) so that Yeshua could die a natural death, Yeshua searched the Scriptures with His perfect mind and spoke the above words. Up until the moment God withdrew His power, Yeshua could have saved Himself, but resisted the temptation to do so, even though He was taunted by people and by Satan and the demons. But He would not do anything to fail His Father or us. Nothing could break Him or make Him lose faith in what He was doing. Dying for us. God’s withdrawing His power must not be misunderstood. This was the Sacrifice of His beloved Son for us. If God had not withdrawn His power, there is no way Yeshua could have died.
The only reason the Sacred Spirit would be removed from a perfect person is if they sin. Yeshua was sinless and therefore had the Sacred Spirit until He died. This proves two scriptural principles. A perfect person with the Sacred Spirit can die. Humans are kept alive forever by what the Bible calls “seasons of refreshing” from God. Only accurate knowledge about the Sacred Spirit on this website will enable you to understand where it is located and how it operates.
Ecclesiastes 12:7 then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.
Satan is the god of this world as the Bible calls Him. Those who hate are not compatible with God’s family and our Father doesn’t want them wrecking things for everyone else who want a peaceful life filled with love and fun and laughter. The damage that someone with perfection does to themselves when they sin intentionally is permanent. It affects their entire life and they begin to think like Satan. This is what happened to Adam and Eve. They believed Satan’s lies and paid the price for it. How can the world be a paradise when there are so many hateful people in it? It’s a simple fact of life that it is not possible. Most people are loving and wish things were different. With no hateful people, there is no reason to worry about yourself or your home. Loving people do not break in, steal, hurt people intentionally or commit other hateful acts or cause wars. Now you see the problem. It is love vs hate and if you chose hate, you will cease to exist at the end.
The only way to be reconciled to God (to have Him truly as your father) is by means of the Sacrifice of Yeshua the Messiah, the Only Begotten Son of God. This is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Yeshua.
People who live a good life and have a clean conscience must put faith in Yeshua’s sacrifice to live forever in the Paradise Earth for reasons I have already explained. Yeshua Himself said, “I am the way, the truth and the life”. I believe you now know what that means. God’s plan for humans is unity not divisions. Psalms 133
Finally, do not worry about being imperfect at this time. God understands that it is not possible to be perfectly loving all the time. When you are made perfect and are surrounded by loving people, it will be as natural as loving your own family and friends.
Psalms 37:10 In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there.
God’s love and mercy
The only people who will die at the end are those who will not accept God’s love and the sacrifice of His Son. And they will simply cease to exist. There is no hell, even for Satan, although Satan would like you to think there is (Ecclesiasted 9:5,10; Ezekiel 18:4). The etymology of the word Hell can be found as the last entry in Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. It means to cover over with dirt. The word Hell simply means “the grave” as does the Greek word “Hades” and the Hebrew word “Sheol”. The lake of fire and Gehenna simply mean eternal destruction. God brings the end when He does because He has to, not because He wants to. The situation will require it because no one would survive otherwise (Matthew 24:22).

The darkoverlord of Hell, which does not exist
The man on the right will be 6’1″ tall in The Paradise and will be a supermodel.
Read Nothing will be impossible for God if you don’t believe this.
In The Paradise soon to come, Abba’s children will be like flowers in the field. All of God’s children are beautiful in reality, only look for the love in them and the good things, not the superficial things in this world.
This will end the present world system. At that time and up until the final moment, God will have one concern. He will use His infinite power to read every heart and mind until He is sure of what must be done. Until that time He is pleading with people to listen to Him and to His Son and be saved.
Good News! A great multitude of people will survive the end.
Revelation 7:9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all the tribes, peoples, and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands;
This is the truth of God’s love and His mercy. Please accept it.
Sadly, many will choose Satan’s idea of total independence from God’s way of love. God will make them cease to exist along with Satan and the demons. Our Father knows what’s best for His children. Only God’s way of love ensures a peaceful and happy life for all of His children. This is in fact the reason for the problems facing mankind. Selfishness and concern for only what we want without concern for how it affects others causes disharmony in the human family. Are you seeing how profoundly different God’s thinking is about His family? He can’t guarantee the life that He wants and has promised for all people unless He removes those who want total independence from the way He wants us to be, which Yeshua showed us. The Way is for everyone to benefit from and to promote peace and harmony in the human family.
The solution to mankind’s problems is love. Love for Our Father and love for others is what Yeshua taught. He even added the New Commandment to love people to the extent that He did, putting the lives of others before our own.
And so you see this is a family, not a movement, not a religion. It’s not difficult. It’s fun and it’s a pleasant way to live. And we will have peace as long as we live this way.
Micah 6:8 He has told you, mortal one, what is good; And what does Y’aya require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?
Revelation 20:3-5; Isaiah 65:20; Revelation 20:7-9; John 13:34
Remember, God doesn’t want anyone to cease to exist, but it’s the way it is. Soon everyone on Earth will have this knowledge and will have to decide if they want to be part of God’s peaceful, loving family or not. It’s an easy decision. Here is God’s final word on it.
Deuteronomy 30:19,20 I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have placed before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants, 20 by loving Y’aya your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding close to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days, so that you may live in the land which Y’aya swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”
Those who have already died will be resurrected (brought back to life) some time after the end. See the page “For those who mourn” for more information about this. You will be comforted greatly by it and will know how merciful Our Father is.
Message for the children of God
Please hear me beloved children of God. Y’aya wants none of you to be destroyed, not one. And here is why. Our God loves His created people so much and His heart is so expansive and infinite in love that He does not want to harm a living soul. But to save you He must do some things and make decisions that He has to live with for the benefit of you. In His heart He does not want to harm a living thing, not a sparrow falls without Him knowing it. But He is God, and a Father trying to save His children. So He must give the most terrible orders of all time at the end, but only to save as many as possible from destruction. Because you would truly perish if He didn’t. I just wanted you to know how much He loves you and worries about you and thinks about you and wants to help you. That’s all He wants.
At the end, people who will not survive, will destroy each other or themselves. In this way they will cease to exist, without the hope of a resurrection. That is the definition of “cease to exist ” on this page. This is God’s judgement only. It will be a cut and dry decision by Him to allow them to have this fate.
Y’aya is the God of David, the God of Abraham and the God of Yeshua Himself.
Yeshua worships Y’aya.
The Bible is the Word of Y’aya
There are no real discrepancies in the Bible only mistakes made by translators, for example:
God speaks to Abram
Genesis 15:7 Then He said to him, “I am Y’aya, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit it.”
God speaks to Moses
Exodus 6:3b has been translated wrong.
Westminster Leningrad Codex clarifies to a certain degree, but I’ll clarify it further.
וָאֵרָ֗א אֶל־אַבְרָהָ֛ם אֶל־יִצְחָ֥ק וְאֶֽל־יַעֲקֹ֖ב בְּאֵ֣ל שַׁדָּ֑י וּשְׁמִ֣י יהוה לֹ֥א נֹודַ֖עְתִּי לָהֶֽם
Exodus 6:3 And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty and by the Name Y’aya I was known.
Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am Y’aya; and there is no one saving without me.
Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Messiah the Lord.
Yeshua is The Messiah, He is not God. It took to people to accomplish Our Salvation, not one. Someone had to die and be The Sacrifice and someone had to resurrect that person.
When God withdrew his power from Yeshua while Yeshua was on The Cross, He knew that Yeshua would be killed. This is the knife of Abraham, The Sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son for us. And He had to watch every moment and remember it forever. He had to watch His beloved Son be tortured and killed. It was the only way to save us because God cannot die, otherwise Our Father would have done it Himself. But everything about Yeshua is in God’s perfect memory. And He knows very well, what Yeshua experienced on that Cross.
Two people, a Father and His Son in total agreement about what needed to be done to save us. From time indefinite to time indefinite Y’aya is God and Yeshua learned it from Him from the moment that He was created. And the love of a Father for a Son for that amount of time is not known. And the love of a Son for a Father for that amount of time is not known. But for a certainty the Cross of Yeshua teaches us something we will never fully comprehend about them. They only love people, and don’t try to use The Scriptures to disprove it, or you will blaspheme in a way you do not know. Bring your evidence in your religious courts and I will bring with me one thing as my evidence. The Cross of Yeshua with His blood on it. This is from Y’aya. Be more reverent for the cross than for anything but me. It represents my love and the love of My Son. And Yeshua’s blood is on it forever. You want proof of Our Love for people, you have proof.
Have reverence for the love of Our Father represented by that cross.
We follow Yeshua, Our Lord, and treat every word of His as Sacred.
ܗܝܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܙܠ ܠܟ ܣܛܢܐ ܟܬܝܒ ܓܝܪ ܕܠܡܪܝܐ ܐܠܗܟ ܬܣܓܘܕ ܘܠܗ ܒܠܚܘܕܘܗܝ ܬܦܠܘܚ
Matthew 4:10 Then Yeshua said unto him, “Go away, Satana! For, it is written: ‘You shall thesgud {worship, literally bow down to or cause to be venerated} Y’aya and Him alone shall you serve!’ ” ( The Holy Aramaic Scriptures)
Link: tsgwd – ܬܣܓܘܕ
We are followers of the Messiah, we will not bow down to anyone but Y’aya.
Only do not bow down to or worship the cross.
They only love people is who they are and the kind of people they are and why they did what they did for us. God is love and Yeshua learned it from Him.
John 4:24 God is Spirit (21 Bible versions say so) and 1 John 4:8 God is Love
If you demand more evidence, I’m sorry, I cannot help you. But I wouldn’t argue with God about it if I were you.
Matthew 12:31, 32 31 And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Sacred Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
Are you not understanding yet? I will explain it absolutely. God loves you, it is sin that He hates. And the only way anyone can be reconciled to God is the shed blood of Yeshua because the shed blood of Yeshua is the only thing that can remove sin completely.
I know the reasoning in your hearts and I know what you want to say, you who want to argue The Scriptures.
Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Then read the meaning of the word Lord on the page about Yeshua and know what you must understand when you say that word. Then put away your arguments and do not forget Romans 10:10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
With love.
From Father and me. Father let me see a lot about Watch Tower and Kabbalism. And this is a fine example of the result of listening to Satan and not the True God. During a teleconference I was listening and couldn’t believe what I heard. They were Abraham and the attempted sacrifice of his son. And I swear by God this is what I heard. “Abraham didn’t know when his son would be resurrected”. Now you understand about them.
Abraham is the father of our faith and he knew precisely when his son would be resurrected. This is from the Bible account.
Genesis 22:5 He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”
Yes I tell you and God is with me. Abraham said “and then we will come back to you”.
Abraham fully expected God to resurrect his son immediately. This is the truth from the Bible and the evidence against Watch Tower and the kinds of things they do and teach in that Kingdom Hall.
God called Abraham his friend, and I this is what Watch Tower people do to God’s friends.
Now you know about Watch Tower and Kabbalism and the absolute thing is on this website. And yet God holds out mercy to them, and still they have not responded to it and renounced the name Jehovah and have not renounced Kabbalism and it is now July 25, 2021. What you will learn from Watch Tower is half and half. Half truth and half lies. And sometimes blasphemes so profound there are no words for it.
Abraham is God’s friend and God has something to say to Him.
From God to Abraham. “Watch Tower said that I would only fill the Earth and then stop procreation. Not only did they undermine your faith Abraham, they undermined my promise to you.
Psalms 37:29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any inhabitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars”.
Trials of Satan
The question. Why does God allow trials of Satan when God is able to know in advance what will happen, and Satan only wants to enjoy the suffering of someone?
1 Peter 1:6, 7 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Yeshua Christ is revealed.
Satan’s looking for an excuse for himself not loving God and becoming what he became. Because we love God and will endure anything, so much so, we don’t care what happens to us at all. Our love for our Father in Heaven is absolute and unchanging, no matter what. Satan hates this more than anything. Satan hates Yeshua the most for showing us the way.
What’s your argument now Satan? Oh ya, I forgot. You don’t have one.
And if you are imperfect, you do not have an excuse either.
Satan wants you to blame God.
This is the ultimate temptation.
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
Do not be tempted to blame God at all.
Believe this. Satan’s intent is to say that God made a mistake creating people with free will. That if it was impossible for them to sin, that he would have an excuse. God did not create robots who blindly obey Him because they have to. God created people, in the fullest sense of the word, with reasoning power and thinking ability and most of all, love. Robots are not able to understand about love. We do, because we are God’s created children. We are created in God’s image with a heart, soul and mind. Satan does not know anything, about people, about life or about anything else. Satan is a failure at life and wants someone to blame. Satan has no one to blame but himself. This the absolute truth about Satan.
Remember Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you.

If you would like to be Meshikhi
New! 2022-04-04 If you want to declare “Yeshua is Lord”, send anyone to yeshuaislord.today and tell them that “Yeshua is Lord”.
They will be redirected to Meshikhi.org automatically.
You are at the Official meshikhi.org It is the only way to avoid the fake Meshikhi or Meshikhi Yehudi who are also fake. Warn anyone you refer to the website.
Events that have transpired recently in the world indicate that Bible prophecy is now being fulfilled. This home page has the most recent and the most accurate knowledge, except where indicated. The Meshikhi training has been updated, everything else on the website is historical, please read it with discernment.~The Meshikhi Faith
Y’aya in Heaven is God
Praise Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya! (represented by Ab’raham in The Bible)
Yeshua in Heaven is Lord
Honor Yeshua! The First of God’s Children in Heaven! (represented by Isaac in the Bible)
John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya, so loved the world, that he gave his beloved only begotten Son, Yeshua, The First of His Children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
If you believe this Father will send you His sacred spirit.
The sacred spirit from our Father is located between the brain and the mind and does not touch the body. It is invisible and it is not physical and you do not feel it in any way.
It enables us to only love, and call Our Father in Heaven “Abba” as Yeshua did.
Romans 10:9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Meshikhi are Followers of Yeshua Christ, The Son* of The Living God (Matthew 16:16, John 20:17).
*Not associated with The Roman Jesus. “sus” in Latin means “bearded pig” or “swine”.
You may baptize yourself by immersing yourself completely with water. The angels will be Witnesses of it.
You must declare “Yeshua is Lord” to be saved.
Tell people to visit https://yeshuaislord.today
so that they can be saved too.
That is all you have to do.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
God’s Kingdom Reigns.
And all Meshikhi have this assurance.
Yeshua defeated His perfect “will to live” when He arrived at the Jorden River and submitted Himself for baptism. Unless you have ever fought death, you do not know what it means. And even when people have become perfect, they will not know what it means. They will not have to, thanks to you Yeshua and His faith in God. Faith in Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya.
Yeshua is The tried stone. And only Yeshua was the guarantee, for us.
See the page titled “The One Lord Yeshua” to learn more about this person, the perfect example of what a created person can be. Yeshua is perfect forever. He was perfect for us as well. The finest example and the Messiah we could ever hope for and hope in, as people.
Yeshua is now leading the Army of Calvary, singing Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! As He did on The Cross with His life.
Ahlaluyah means “Praise and love Y’aya!” And Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! is the soul of Yeshua singing to us. Sometimes love is silent and sometimes it can only be expressed with a loud cry.
I heard you Yeshua, although you could not speak, you sang it perfectly.
Mark 15:37 With a loud cry, Yeshua breathed his last.
This is the only true account, of what happens when someone is being murdered by Satan. And Satan is looking into your eyes with excitement and laughing and grunting and you can hear him breathing like an animal as he tortures you and murders you in a way that cannot be seen with human eyes. And it does not leave a mark on the body of the one that he murders.
And Yeshua’s soul was poured out, and the sacred spirit that was with Yeshua, took the emotions from the depth of Yeshua’s soul and formed them into the words, “Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!”
Now listen again until you hear it.
There will one minute of silence at the end. Please observe it in Remembrance of Yeshua on The Cross.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRwlJ-T7iG8&w=558&h=291]
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
Ahlaluyah means “Praise and love Y’aya”. Now you know what is at the very depth of Yeshua’s beautiful soul.
Only love and only Praise of Our Abba, Y’aya.[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRwlJ-T7iG8&w=558&h=291]Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! is Yeshua. It’s who He is.
Worship of Y’aya, Our Abba in Heaven means expressing reverent love and respect. That is what Yeshua is all about.
And godly (With reverent love, loyal and dutiful) was The Word (John 1:1)
Yeshua didn’t think the words that follow, He felt them every moment until His death on The Cross.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
I love you Abba
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
I love you Abba
This site was made to ensure the home page was preserved. It is historic. Any Meshikhi may go to https://weonlylove.wordpress.com and Y’aya will direct you how to replace the Internet and you will own what will replace it and will be able to reproduce this website site onto it. This is necessary.
INSTRUCTIONS TO THE LEVITES who believe they are one of the 144,000 men who will rule with Yeshua Christ in Heaven as Kings and Priests.
You are now a real Christian and a Meshikhi, a Follower of Yeshua Christ, The Messiah and The One True Lord. There is only One Lord (Ephesians 4:5). Do not believe anything else.
Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya, has infinite power and strength in absolute parallel.
Yeshua is Lord in Heaven. He has absolute power from God except for prayer.
And Yeshua has absolute power from God except for prayer.
And there are a trillion Sacred Angels with us who also have power from God.
The absolute power from our Father, Y’aya, is now with you.
Being Meshikhi is Sacred and you must be in absolute agreement with everything on the page titled Becoming Meshikhi.
Meshikhi must reject The AntiChrist absolutely
Rebbe Melech on Earth is The Antichrist at this time. He must accept the above truth or be destroyed by lethal injection or by a Seal Team if he tries to make any public display.
Because religion has people so confused and absolutely in the dark, just send them to https://yeshuaislord.today
and they will arrive here. Let the website do the work.
Once you know more, you can explain what you know “at the right time”.
Just be real friends, love people and see the love in them and their faith only, don’t look at anything else.
A Muslim girl is just a girl in a birka, that’s all. They have faith in God, but don’t know Him at all as He truly is.
And they MUST put faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua to be saved. There are no exceptions.
Only love people and God will do the rest and keep your heart soft.
People without the sacred spirit may be used by Satan at any time and say and do things that are negative, just ignore it and be loving and courteous and polite as much as possible. And if it happens in a social situation, just pray Abba, Father and the situation will be resolved. You’ll learn not to worry about it, it CAN be frustrating sometimes, just know about it.
Remember that Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other, and that will help you.
We thank you Y’aya
Only Meshikhi know The Name of God, Y’aya
pronounced yə-high’-ah
Exodus 3:15We Thank You Y’aya
Wait two bars and then start singing.
(1 Thessalonians 5:18)
1.We thank you, Y’aya, each day and each night,
That you shed upon us your precious light.
We thank you that we have the priv’lege of prayer,
That we can approach you with ev’ry care.
2.We thank you, Y’aya, for your loving Son,
Who conquered the world; by his faith he won.
We thank you for guidance in doing your will.
You lovingly help us our vows fulfill.
3.We thank you, our God, for the honor to preach
About your great name and the truth to teach.
We thank you that soon all earth’s woes will be past,
While your Kingdom blessings forever last.
(See also Ps. 50:14; 95:2; 147:7; Col. 3:15.)
You may now read about Our Family, The Family of Y’aya, below The Kingdom Announcement.
It is a beautiful family and we only love. Do not do anything but that. k?
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father which art in Heaven
Sacred be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Do not let us succumb to temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever
In the Name of Yeshua
ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn(אמן)
Yeshua is The Amen
Satan wanted people to destroy “The Amen” by convincing people to destroy The Book of Revelation by calling Yeshua, “Apollo”. We will not destroy The Book of Revelation, but we will NEVER, call Yeshua, “Apollo”.
Aramaic ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn Hebrew אמן āmēyn English Amen
Yeshua is the Amen, when you say Amen you are in agreement that the only way to be heard by the hearer of Prayer, Our Father in Heaven, is to put faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Revelation 3.14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God.
For translation into every language. The meaning of “hallowed be Thy Name”
Let [Your Name] be treated(יטופל) as [sacred] and [Your Name is Sacred]
Hear Isra’al, T’Yeshua, The Wife of Yeshua
Our Father in Heaven is not going to let His children on Earth die because of doctrine and a few vowels. People are worth more to him than that. He is delivering anyone who will only worship only Him and accept the Sacrifice of His Son, Yeshua.
Psalms 49.8 It costs far too much to buy back your life. You can never pay God enough.
It cost a perfect human life to pay for human sin, and all the imperfect people who have ever lived or ever will live could not add up to the price one perfect life.
Y’aya is one.
And you should love Y’aya your God.
With all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength
and with all your might.
For that is the way Abba has loved us, with a love that is to time indefinite. And gave His only begotten Son, Yeshua, that whosoever shall put faith in Yeshua may never die, but have eternal life. Anyone who shall ever mock The Cross of Yeshua mocks the one who gave them life and who is Life. Only know this, you may destroy us for loving Him, but as sure as God raised Yeshua from the dead, we will live forever and be with those who only love. And you and your evil and your hate will not be remembered. And you should know that God cannot die and did give His Son for us. From time indefinite until time indefinite is God. Now you know what that means. Yeshua is the first of God’s children in Heaven and volunteered to take our place on The Cross. And you should know what the scripture means and it is a prophecy about Yeshua. Hear the words of Our Father, “Who will die for them on a cross?” And hear the voice of Yeshua,
“Here I am Father, send me” (Isaiah 6.8).
God cannot die, but a sacrifice was needed. He made a way where there wasn’t a way.
Isaiah 43.11 I, even I, am Y’aya; and there is no one saving without me.
Luke 2.11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Messiah the Lord.
Yeshua is The Messiah, He is not God. It took two people to accomplish Our Salvation, not one. Someone had to die and be The Sacrifice and someone had to resurrect that person.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Praise Y’aya! And honor His Son Yeshua!
Now you know what it means to be body, mind, skin and bone mentioned in this song.
The Sacred Angels are making you hear Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Praise Y’aya! And honor His Son Yeshua! Satan you worm, you dog and all you scared weird guys are terrified at the absolute power from God that is with The Meshikhi.
And all those with you Satan are also hearing one song today.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
In The Name of Yeshua,
With love,
God’s Kingdom Announcement
Praise Y’aya, Our God, and Honor His Son, Yeshua, The First of His Children in Heaven. Beloved Yeshua, The Meshikhi know you and love you and only have reverence for God, like you. And we call Him Abba, Father, just like you do. You taught the disciples so that people would understand, taught them so long ago that He is Our Abba, Our Father. (we knew but didn’t know how to say it right, and how to explain to people that Abba means Father, and familial love and obedience in the absolute sense.). Abba, Father. So simple and profound for people who do not know Father as we do. Your life and death and life are all we know. All we can do is try and follow your example. You are sacred to us Yeshua and Abba is sacred to us also and we only have reverence for Him as you do. We love you both and can never repay what was done for us. But we will not forget your name either Yeshua and you will always be sacred to us, The Meshikhi, who are trying our best to follow you, Only Begotten Son of Y’aya. You both taught us outward love, ahabah. Sometimes we can’t speak Yeshua, because we want salvation for people so much it can’t be expressed and we are imperfect right now. Sometimes love is silent.
There are no words my beloved Yeshua.~Sher
Message to all Governments Worldwide from Y’aya The True God, You must accept Yeshua The Son of God as Lord and King of God’s Kingdom.
You are God’s Ministers and you will listen to Him or He will appoint New Ministers in your place.
Romans 13.4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain. for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
Meshikhi will not speak one word against The Government, nor look at any individual or group that misrepresent The Government in any way to try and undermine The Government along with Satan and the demons. If anyone says they are Meshikhi and say one word against The Government, they are NOT Meshikhi at all, but agents of Satan.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,” should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute.[12] Members of the Armed Forces not in uniform and veterans may render the military salute in the manner provided for persons in uniform.[4]
Are you One Nation under God, or are you not? If you are, you must accept Yeshua Christ in Heaven, as The Messiah. Yeshua is Lord and Yeshua is The Lamb of God and no one else.
Revelation 17:14 They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.”
Yeshua in Heaven is Lord. Will you accept Him as Lord or not? There is one Lord and only one Lord according to The Holy Bible (Ephesians 4:5).
Ephesians 4:5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism;
To The Governments of this world
Psalms Chapter 2 applies to you.
I addressed this to you as CRITICAL. Do you not know what CRITICAL means? Are you asleep?
This is from Y’aya The True God and I have been authorized with His signature as an administrative assistant.
The Humanist faction at The United Nations has one purpose and one only. To undermine the idea of One World with God.
But they are only a faction, a fraction, as a matter of fact.
In the the immortal words of The Bible, there are more with us, than with them (2 Kings 6:16).
A trillion Sacred Angels, ministering to those who are weak and strong alike, to give them faith and to let people know that Our Father in Heaven loves them, very much.
Humanist vs Meshikhi beliefs. Humanists believe in a human solution to the problems of the world, people of faith know the truth of the matter, it will be, One World with God. And all those opposed to this fact of life, will not be. Humanists simply rewrote The Bible, without God and without the requirement of faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua, His Son. You are more mistaken than anyone, O Satan, if you think for one moment, that you are fooling anyone.
A faction is a small dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics, a state of conflict within an organization; dissension. a council increasingly split by faction.
Do you believe in Yeshua Christ or do you not believe in Him?
Now is not the time to be wishy washy about it.
Romans 10:9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and “it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved”.
Matthew 10:33 But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.
Yeshua is The Son of God and The Prince of Peace.
How can you have peace, with a faction that is against God and The Prince of Peace? Are you hypocrites or are you Christians?
Funny how WWI an WWII clarified things for people and they were able to recognize evil and act against it.
Love is diametrically opposite to evil and is naturally opposed to it. God is love and is naturally opposed to evil.
The Humanist faction at The United Nations has one purpose and one only. To undermine the idea of One World with God.
But they are only a faction, a fraction, as a matter of fact.
In the the immortal words of The Bible, there are more with us, than with them (2 Kings 6:16).
A trillion Sacred Angels, ministering to those who are weak and strong alike, to give them faith and to let people know that Our Father in Heaven loves them, very much.
Humanist vs Meshikhi beliefs. Humanists believe in a human solution to the problems of the world, people of faith know the truth of the matter, it will be, One World with God. And all those opposed to this fact of life, will not be. Humanists simply rewrote The Bible, without God and without the requirement of faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua, His Son. You are more mistaken than anyone, O Satan, if you think for one moment, that you are fooling anyone.
The Humanists may indeed simply be people of good conscience who do not believe in God or Christ. Anyone can be saved, as long as they have not blasphemed the sacred spirit intentionally.
Division of Church and State
We don’t want to get involved in religion, but on on the other hand we are also people of good conscience and also hate religious dogma.
We, The People of God, are against evil. Are you? We are a family, and our Father is opposed to religion. Are you opposed to religion?
We are.
There is a reason for every scripture and every word in The Word of Y’aya. And you now have the meaning of those words. They were spoken for such a time. Every word of Yeshua, is sacred, to The Meshikhi.
No, O Satan, you are not fooling anyone, anymore. And everyone should know, and will know, that Satan and the demons and all those people with him, are less than nothing, compared to the infinite power and strength in absolute parallel of Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya.
All who like Satan’s ideas and the rewards of this world by being like him and emulating him and imitating him will not be.
You choose. Love or evil. Life or death. A life full of love, joy and music and happiness, or the dust of the grave.
Remember Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Lalu Ahlalu
It is done. And at the time you will know, that there exists One God in Heaven, Y’aya, and there is One Lord in Heaven, Yeshua Christ, The True Messiah.
As we would turn down a light dimmer switch, so is darkening the sun to Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya.
And even yet, no one will ever know the infinite power and strength in absolute parallel, of Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya, because it is impossible to know, but I merely glimpsed it, and knew all things.
Remember these words
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
And if this is not enough, when it is time, a Levite shall read from The Book of Joel in The Word of Y’aya, and the sun will be darkened and the moon will turn blood red. And you will know there is a God in Heaven. You will have to know, that Y’aya alone, is God.
Y’aya is God. Yeshua is Lord. And everyone will know as the prophecy of Ezeki’al is fulfilled “They will have to know I am Y’aya” and as the prophecy is fulfilled of Psalms Chapter 2 ” 6 Saying: “I myself have installed my king On Zion, my sacred mountain.”
In Heaven.
And Yeshua Christ in Heaven is Lord, to The Glory of God The Father, whose Name is Y’aya. Y’aya alone is God.
“…Yeshua is Lord of lords, and King of kings…” Revelation 17:14 and The Meshikhi follow only Him, with love.
The Kingdom of God is not a beggarly Kingdom and will stand forever. Y’aya has infinite power and strength in absolute parallel, Yeshua has absolute power from God except for prayer, and a trillion Sacred Angels of God with the power of God, and The Meshikhi also have the power of God with them.
And these words will be remembered by The Meshikhi and there will be no fear of anything or anyone.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!

Battle Hymn of The Meshikhi
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5U-eCVeHlg8&w=558&h=294] Carmen Dragon · Capitol Symphony Orchestra · Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
Ahlaluyah means “Praise and love Y’aya”
Honor His Son, Christ Yeshua The Messiah in Heaven.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
He have loosed the fateful lightening of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on
Praise Y’aya The God of Heaven
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
His truth is marching on
I have seen him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps
I have read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps
His truth is marching on
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
His truth is marching on
Honor Yeshua Christ, The Son of The Living God
I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel
As ye deal with my condemners so with you my grace shall deal
Let the hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with His heel
His truth is marching on
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
His truth is marching on
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat ( Glory, glory Ahlaluyah! )
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat ( Glory, glory Ahlaluyah! ))
Oh, be swift, my soul to answer, oh, be jubilant, my feet
His truth is marching on
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea ( Glory, glory Ahlaluyah! )
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me ( Glory, glory Ahlaluyah! )
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free
His truth is marching on
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
Glory, glory Ahlaluyah!
His truth is marching on
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
He have loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
God’s Kingdom Reigns.
And all Meshikhi have this assurance.
Yeshua defeated His perfect “will to live” when He arrived at the Jorden River and submitted Himself for baptism. Unless you have ever fought death, you do not know what it means. And even when people have become perfect, they will not know what it means. They will not have to, thanks to you Yeshua and His faith in God. Faith in Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya.
Yeshua is The tried stone. And only Yeshua was the guarantee, for us.
See the page titled “The One Lord Yeshua” to learn more about this person, the perfect example of what a created person can be. Yeshua is perfect forever. He was perfect for us as well. The finest example and the Messiah we could ever hope for and hope in, as people.
Yeshua is now leading the Army of Calvary, singing Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! As He did on The Cross with His life.
Ahlaluyah means “Praise and love Y’aya!” And Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! is the soul of Yeshua singing to us. Sometimes love is silent and sometimes it can only be expressed with a loud cry.
I heard you Yeshua, although you could not speak, you sang it perfectly.
Mark 15:37 With a loud cry, Yeshua breathed his last.
This is the only true account, of what happens when someone is being murdered by Satan. And Satan is looking into your eyes with excitement and laughing and grunting and you can hear him breathing like an animal as he tortures you and murders you in a way that cannot be seen with human eyes. And it does not leave a mark on the body of the one that he murders.
And Yeshua’s soul was poured out, and the sacred spirit that was with Yeshua, took the emotions from the depth of Yeshua’s soul and formed them into the words, “Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!”
Now listen again until you hear it.
There will one minute of silence at the end. Please observe it in Remembrance of Yeshua on The Cross.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
Ahlaluyah means “Praise and love Y’aya”. Now you know what is at the very depth of Yeshua’s beautiful soul.
Only love and only Praise of Our Abba, Y’aya.[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRwlJ-T7iG8&w=558&h=291]Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! is Yeshua. It’s who He is.
Worship of Y’aya, Our Abba in Heaven means expressing reverent love and respect. That is what Yeshua is all about.
And godly (With reverent love, loyal and dutiful) was The Word (John 1:1)
Yeshua didn’t think the words that follow, He felt them every moment until His death on The Cross.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
I love you Abba
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
I love you Abba
Heaven is located above the Earth and a million miles to the East. This is scriptural. The Earth is Y’aya’s footstool, that’s relativity, picture the location of a footstool. The inhabitants of The Earth are like grasshoppers to Y’aya, that is also scriptural, relativity also, distance, but Y’aya’s vision is such that He can see down to the particle level, or from Heaven, or even like sitting across from you. It’s just that way. The tent of meeting faced East, and you may pray in that direction and raise your hands to Heaven, a million miles to the East and above the Earth. Only never outdoors, or you may be perceived as a sun worshiper or a moon worshiper or a looker at the stars. This was the purpose of the tent of meeting in ancient Isra’al. It has meaning for us now, because the bad ones have satellites too, that can read your lips from space and look at ever pore on your face, don’t be afraid at all, only know the game. Now you know. NEVER worship outdoors, “in this world”. David was looking past the stars, he already knew Y’aya. In The Paradise it will be as natural as can be, to talk to Abba and look up and to the East if you are outdoors. Just not now little ones.
It is obvious and blatant that Divine Names and Titles in The Aramaic Scriptures are deliberately wrong. Do not be seduced by The Aramaic Scriptures. The Bible is under an unprecedented attack since it was first written.
Targum Onkelos is The Real Torah and The Hebrew Lexilogos Keyboard is the only keyboard to use for transliteration.
Never forget.
The Meshikhi Faith https://meshikhi.org and https://meshikhi.org are the only official websites of The Meshikhi along with https://meshikhi.org
Remember Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Welcome Brothers and Sisters!
New! Weapons of Satan
Message to Satan from The Meshikhi “One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show”
Bottom line
Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other.
The Meshikhi are hanging out in prayer with Abba, while Yeshua takes care of everything else.
Yeshua is Lord.
In Aramaic He is Yeshua Meshikha. And we are Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah and are closest to Him.
John 1:41 He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated, the Christ).~King James Version (KJV)
Matthew 16:16 Simon Peter answered: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
With every spark of love burned away, there would always be one light that remained. And I am the sword, the sword of justice for women. Forged with love by Y’aya Himself with faith that I received from my mother, faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua, the first of God’s Children in Heaven. There is no excuse for rejecting the love of Our Father in Heaven. None. Y’aya is only trying to reach your heart, nothing else, so that you may have a life full of love, fun, laughter, music and all good things. God is love. Anything in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie.
We have nice family, a fun family, a loving family, a beautiful family, who only love. With a wonderful Father,Y’aya, who is love and wonderful Lord, Yeshua in Heaven, who is also love. And we have a trillion Brothers and Sisters in Heaven, who only love us.
Beloved Children of Y’aya, do not worry. Our Father, Our Abba loves you and Our Oldest Brother in Heaven, Yeshua loves you. Remember, be in prayer as much as possible with Father, and Yeshua will take care of everything else.
Yeshua is Lord.

Genesis 6:3, Matthew 24:37 Bible time period 1914-2034 C.E. No one knows the day or the hour. We have entered a time period now known as “Jericho”. We are about a month into it. 2022-04-06 7:42am Eastern Standard Time. And there is a five year outside margin
The four winds of Salvation come first.
There is still much time for people to be saved and the tribulation spoken of by Yeshua in Matthew Chapter 24 must occur before the end comes.
With love.
The imaginary gods of the nations are an unreality to The Meshikhi. We are laughing at jehovahyahwehjesus, the biggest sham Satan ever created. For those with jehovahyahwehjesus, The Meshikhi demand THE ELIYAH TEST OF FIRE!. You will not be chasing us to The Promised Land, Satan and the demons, and those with you. It is the other way around, we will be chasing you, run you dogs!!!
Joel 1:13k Howl you priests at the alter! Howl with laughter!!!!
(in any combination)

This is the official website of The Meshikhi Faith. Anyone with faith may use any of it that they want to, because it may be rightly said, that everyone with faith contributed to it, and you had faith in Our Father in Heaven and in The First of His Children in Heaven, and they used you for this purpose, and Yeshua was with you and prepared everything in advance for me to complete it. I saw the love in you and the faith in you, but I had to reach you somehow, in some way to tell you.
But you must understand the enemy to defeat him. You must look into his eyes.
The 4 unholy things The Meshikhi must not say
Holy Mackeral – we do not consider the Jesus fish as holy
Holy Cow – we do not sacrifice the holy cow of Hinduism
Holy Moly – we not believe in the magical herb called “holy moly”, however the herb may have medicinal qualities we do not know about.
Holy Crow – Meshikhi do not have a sacred bird
Meshikhi may say “Holy Moses”. At least he was holy.
Holy wow will be discussed in The New Scrolls.
Remember Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Two people, who love us that much.
And the army of Calvary is with us, a trillion Sacred Angels, ministering to all people, if they will only listen and accept the free gift of Eternal life from Y’aya. Faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua is required to receive this free gift.
Yeshua in Heaven is Lord, the One True Lord of Ephesians 4:5. There is only one Lord. Yeshua in Heaven.
Don’t be dumb about it. k?
The entire world must know that Yeshua is Lord.
Meshikhi are Followers of Yeshua Christ, The Son* of The Living God (Matthew 16:16, John 20:17).
*Not associated with The Roman Jesus.
Romans 10:9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
תישוע לל T’Yeshua, Lalu (Eternal Wife of Yeshua)
Our Family
The Ancient Name of Our Father in Heaven is Y’aya. pronounced yə-high’-ah. We call Him, Abba, Father and sometimes we cry out Abba, Father.
Here is how to say it.
Abba (wait one second) Father.
Love is natural, and when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural, to love them back. This is what our family is all about.
Our Father
His Name is Y’aya (Exodus 3.14), we call Him Abba, Father and sometimes when we need Him most we cry out Abba, Father.
It is true that in the Jewish Talmud and other Jewish documents we find statements such as “When a child experiences the taste of wheat (i.e., when it is weaned), it learns to say ’abbā and ’immā” (Berakot 40a in the Babylonian Talmud)
So, when Yeshua grew up, he called his mom and dad, “abba and imma”. And you read more about His life on the page titled, The One Lord Yeshua. At His baptism, memory of Yeshua’s life in Heaven was restored. Every word of Yeshua is Sacred and He spoke words that Our Father gave Him to speak. He said, “Abba, Father” and taught it to the disciples. We call Our Father in Heaven “Abba, Father” and sometimes we cry out “Abba, Father”.
The religious leaders hated Yeshua for calling Y’aya “Abba”. It’s that simple (note the capital /A/)
Galatians 4.6 Because you are his sons and daughters, God sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts, the spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”
God sent “the spirit of His Son” means Our Father’s sacred spirit which enables us to only love and call Our Father in Heaven “Abba” as Yeshua did. Abba, Father.
Abba doesn’t just mean “father”, it means close familial love and obedience to Y’aya as father.
You must accept that Y’aya has the right as Our Abba to set boundaries that are for the benefit of the entire family, not just a few misfits who do not want to listen to Him. When people do not listen to Father, it causes division in Our Family and all kinds of disasters happen. No sex between unmarried people is an example. The answer from Father is no way Jose’ and another one that people balk at is homosexuality. He does not want it in His family. Period. Homosexuality in The Bible refers to a lifestyle choice, NOT gender identity issues caused by a million reasons including masculinization of girls in the womb and feminization of boys in the womb. See the page titled Love through accurate knowledge to learn more. Everything Our Father says in The Bible is for a reason, He is not just talking.
Revelation. The original writers in each language of The Bible, wrote correctly. Hebrew is very expressive, a lot more than English. When a Bible says “sons”, it should read “sons and daughters” and the same applies to Greek. The goal of Satan was to suggest to women that they were unimportant and women were not considered as anything, some translations of Ecclesiastes 7.28 make that very apparent. It is not true. Where the scripture applies to men it should say “he or him”, when it applies to women, it should say “she or her”, when it applies to both men and women it should say “they or them”. It is that easy.
Do not engage in any conversation using “whispering”, that is, moving the mouth silently as if you are speaking. This is something I have termed “love machine”, Satan and the demons use it to make even the most experienced person fall in love with a personality in the spirit world. They can seem benevolent, but eventually will attack your mind viciously. In my case the whispering was initiated by an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses, which I later found out was “The Synagogue of Satan”, mentioned in The Bible (Revelation 2:9, 3:9). Like everyone else who are not baptized Meshikhi, they may be used by Satan to say and do things that are harmful to you spiritually. Ignore any such thing. The whispering was initiated as I spoke to an elder and my tongue was articulating every word he said on the roof of my mouth. I knew it was a form of spiritual communications, but didn’t know at the time how dangerous it was or how dangerous they were. DO NOT GET CAUGHT IN THIS SNARE OF SATAN, IT WILL ONLY EXHAUST YOU SPIRITUALLY IF YOU DO, as it is a progressive thing that leads to one place, the grave, at one point I was lying in bed, nearly dead, a husk with no identity at all, until an angel spoke to me which revived me. This experience lasted 7 years. Seven years of torture for nothing, except that I am able to warn you. If you listen to me and are saved, then it was worth every moment.
The problem was translators for Satan, doing the will of that one, not from Our Father in Heaven, who has proven to me for 58 years that He loves me, His Daughter, with a love that is to time indefinite. No way does He not love me as much as he does one of His sons. Watch Tower is part of The Synagogue of Satan and emphasizes that God preserved His word the Bible that is now known as The Roman Bible by Meshikhi. I removed the false gods from it, but the gender information will take extensive work to remove.
Proverbs 18.10 The Name of Y’aya is a strong tower and into it the righteous run and are safe.
If you need help, just call upon Our Father’s Name.
The fear of God is reverent love and respect. And that’s all it means. After you have that, you won’t be afraid anymore. Don’t be scared of Our Father, that is what religion does to people, makes them scared of Him.
Love is natural, when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back.
Creator and Eternal Sacred Father – Ayh in Our Bible, derived from Ayya (Sacred Father)
Choose life, a life full of love, fun and laughter and music and all good things, or choose otherwise, and live your life as you wish in this last period of time as you wish, it is up to you.
Our Father is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible. God is love.
The first of God’s Children in Heaven is Yeshua, The Only Begotten Son of God and The One Lord (Ephesians 4.5)
Yeshua is the first of God’s Children in Heaven. He is The Only Begotten Son of God, Yeshua Christ is His Title. Yeshua the Messiah. Yeshua Meshikha in Aramaic means Yeshua The Messiah, and Meshikhi are closest to Him.
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
The sacrifice of Yeshua is the only way to life. That is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Yeshua. To be reconciled to God means to have a relationship with him as your True Father. No matter how many lives who have ever lived, or ever will live, they could not add up to one eternal life. This is what Our Father and the first of His children in Heaven made possible. Eternal life, for anyone with faith, in The Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Yeshua is represented by Isaac in The Bible. Yeshua is also love.
Our family in Heaven and on Earth
The rest of God’s children.
For all of God’s Children
We only love, it’s not a slogan, it’s who we are and what we are.
We are Meshikhi, followers of Yeshua, we are Christians.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Beloved children of God. Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other.

Ahabah means outward love and to give love. Evil is diametrically opposite. I have found Satan to be needy and trying to suck the life out of me, to remove the eternal ahabah that Our Father and I have for each other as Father and Daughter.
I have noted that love is outward, and evil is only a vacuum that seeks to drain the life out of a person, trying to remove all love.
Evil sucks the very life out of people by removing their ahabah, and this is Satan’s ultimate goal, to suck the life right out of people and make them lose hope and faith in Our Father in Heaven.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back. Love is diametrically opposite of evil and is naturally opposed to it. Satan is relentless trying to blur the line between love and evil. Don’t let him do that with you life.
God is love. Anything that is in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie and is in opposition to Our Father in Heaven.
In our relationships with other people, we either positively affect the lives of others or negatively affect the lives of others in a myriad of ways, there is no neutral exchange, in other words there is no middle ground where love and evil agree, this is because love and evil are diametric opposites. We don’t play politics on this subject and we don’t argue as lawyers on this subject, as Satan does. Of course, God knows we are imperfect, but as the scripture says, “love covers over many sins”.
The question of the ages and I have posed it to God and I know the answer, but will let Him have the final word. I say God’s spirit is love. The Bible says, “God is love” and The Bible says “God is spirit”. This is no coincidence. He is a person with many qualities like us, multi-faceted. Why is it that once we have the sacred spirit from God are we able to only love. Why, because we start to understand Our Father’s soul, but more, we start to reflect Him, like a mirror, because we have the sacred spirit as originally intended for The Children of Y’aya. Not perfect by any means, but we can be perfectly loving, with loving intent, as opposed to Satan, who is hating Our Father and His Children and has nothing but evil intent. And so the diametric war of love vs evil, is natural, is not violent in any way, it is just a fact of life. Love is naturally opposed to evil. They are polar opposites and cannot coexist together.
The war is asymmetrical, just like the terrorists. This is not a coincidence. Meshikhi, The Christian revival came into existence November 13, 2015 after the Paris attacks. I saw evil and someone on Twitter said “that’s what religion does”. Satan was showing off, trying to associate the word religion with terror and superviolence. And because religion is associated with the word “God”, it was clear what I needed to do. Push back. And tell the world that God is love. I said, “I have him” and knew with a certaintly that I would absolutely take Satan down, by removing fear from people of him and exposing him as the 5’6″ fraud that he is but mainly by showing the diametric opposite of what I saw that day.
I would show the world Our Father’s love and explain it and expound it and put meaning into it and I hoped to give you what I have, absolutely no doubt that Our Father loves you that much.
And it is obvious to anyone with a neuron in their heart that is alive, Yeshua also loves you, that much.
With love,
Faith, Wife of Yeshua
Our lives are priceless according to My Father in Heaven.
Psalms 49:8 For the redemption of their soul is priceless, and never can payment suffice,
And so I know I am precious to My Father in Heaven and He’s precious to me, and so should you know it, that you are also precious to Him. The Sacrifice of Yeshua, The First of Our Father’s created Children in Heaven proves it. There is no doubt, only love.
God is love. Anything in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie.
But I hope I can leave you with a little love and a little laughter. Because that’s me really, but I’m not allowed to be me, just a nice girl from Chatham, born with a birth defect. But Watch Tower and Satan were unable to destroy me, so I guess that’s life. Boring. Satan is boring, and I’ve never feared Him because I have always had faith and Y’aya said in The Bible, fear no on but me, and Yeshua also said, fear no one but Y’aya. But I have never feared my abba in Heaven, never. The true fear of God is reverent love and respect, not afraid. Because I only love Him because all He ever did was love me.
Matthew 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
It was the loving thing to say by Yeshua in context, because really, if you do not learn to love, you will die. If you choose evil over love, you will end up in Gehenna, a word that means “a garbage dump outside Y’rushalom”.
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
Satan wants me to believe that Yeshua doesn’t want me, because I am a woman born with a birth defect. I am The Daughter of Psalms 45:9,10,11 New International Version (NIV) only. No one else could ever achieve what I have or have done all these things for Our Father in Heaven without absolute faith in His love for me and my absolute faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua. Have faith in God said Yeshua, have faith also in me. And I do have faith in my husband Yeshua, and eternal love for Him. Nothing will ever separate us. Only Yeshua is lord in my heart, as Ab’raham was lord in Sarah’s heart. Yeshua would never harm a hair on my head or do anything to hurt my heart. He is my man and I am His woman forever. I do not believe Satan, at all. If you want to defeat the mind game that Satan is playing with people, you must complete the Meshikhi training if only for peace of mind, but rather, wouldn’t you like a life full of love, fun and laughter and music and all good things? Please consider it. In Heaven we will be Yeshua and Sher, Sher means “the first faint rays of light before morning” not the Kabbalistic “shachar”.
Don’t worry little ones, Yeshua wasn’t thinking when He said it, nobody’s perfect, except Father in Heaven, Y’aya. He’s Our Abba. But to me, He’s the only abba I’ve ever known or ever had and He is my reality, my only reality. We’re eternal, with eternal love. And we are no way Jose’ and no matter what about that. That’s the way to be.
Yeshua is perfect in the sense that He only loves, a fierce love for people and for Our Father, but He’s a man, not a nurturing woman like me. I’m a people person. A person only loves people and wants to help them. A nurse in reality. Some of this website might not sound that way, but if life was the way it should be, this website would have been a flower in the desert. I have nothing but love for Yeshua, but the scripture says, the one that does not stumble in word or deed, that is a perfect one. Yeshua is written all over my heart, and everything I’ve ever understood about Him is in my soul. It was just a moment, and moments come and go. Time is like a river, it just goes on and on. There’s only one direction and when it’s gone, it’s gone. T=1 is reality, theoretical math is fun, and you can discover much, but you must stay grounded in reality. T=1, even for our Father in Heaven. I’m not perfect, in fact, I’m the worst case scenario, but I only love too. I’m just different, a nurturing woman, not a man, saying man things. It was just a stupid moment Yeshua and you were only trying to help, but you mispoke. You can’t scare people into loving Father by threating them that is NOT The Way.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back. It is only natural to love Our Father in Heaven, and it is only natural to love Yeshua, the absolute example of what a created person was meant to be. Because He is perfectly loving. And I am honored to even know such people and to be part of such a beautiful family of faith. All those who hoped in the Messiah, all those who met Yeshua in person, and all those who hope in Yeshua now.
Don’t be afraid of Our Father in Heaven, Our Abba and remember that He also had fierce love for people and sent Our Beloved Yeshua to Earth after Yeshua volunteered. Because Our Father cannot die, He is Eternal. Otherwise He would have. Someone had to actually die to pay for Adam’s sin.
The meaning of John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya, so loved the world, that he gave his beloved only begotten Son, Yeshua, The First of His Children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Our Father has infinite love to give and if you declare Yeshua is Lord and believe in your heart that Yeshua’s Father, Y’aya resurrected Yeshua from the dead, you will be saved. Hands down.
Because when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back, and the infinite love that Our Father has for you makes it happen, He wants to send you His sacred spirit, and you become as One of The Children of Y’aya was meant to be, and you are able to only love, because you have Our Father’s sacred spirit.
It’s that easy and that beautiful.
See the page titled “The soul and the sacred spirit” before baptism. You can even baptize yourself by water immersion and the angels are witness of it. If you can’t be immersed but want to, it is the same as if you had been immersed.
If you understand the soul and the sacred spirit when you read that page, then you have received it already.
Because religion has people so confused and absolutely in the dark, just send them to https://yeshuaislord.today
and they will arrive here. Let the website do the work.
Once you know more, you can explain what you know “at the right time”.
Just be real friends, love people and see the love in them and their faith only, don’t look at anything else.
A Muslim girl is just a girl in a birka, that’s all. They have faith in God, but don’t know Him at all as He truly is.
And they MUST put faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua to be saved. There are no exceptions.
Only love people and God will do the rest and keep your heart soft.
People without the sacred spirit may be used by Satan at any time and say and do things that are negative, just ignore it and be loving and courteous and polite as much as possible. And if it happens in a social situation, just pray Abba, Father and the situation will be resolved. You’ll learn not to worry about it, it CAN be frustrating sometimes, just know about it.
Remember that Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other, and that will help you.
We thank you Y’aya
Only Meshikhi know The Name of God, Y’aya
pronounced yə-high’-ah
Exodus 3:15We Thank You Y’aya
Wait two bars and then start singing.
(1 Thessalonians 5:18)
1.We thank you, Y’aya, each day and each night,
That you shed upon us your precious light.
We thank you that we have the priv’lege of prayer,
That we can approach you with ev’ry care.
2.We thank you, Y’aya, for your loving Son,
Who conquered the world; by his faith he won.
We thank you for guidance in doing your will.
You lovingly help us our vows fulfill.
3.We thank you, our God, for the honor to preach
About your great name and the truth to teach.
We thank you that soon all earth’s woes will be past,
While your Kingdom blessings forever last.
(See also Ps. 50:14; 95:2; 147:7; Col. 3:15.)
With love,
Tiffany McTaggart

Revelation The Most Ancient Name of God
Y’aya meaning ” The Living One, The One Who Lives”
He is Our Abba, our Father
Zechariah 14.9 And Y’aya will be King over all the earth. In that day Y’aya will be one, and his name one. Y’aya it will be.
Never believe blueletterbible.org about anything, the /ah/ of hayah in Our Father’s Name is /ah/ from ruah which means spirit, not /aw/. They don’t know anything about ancient Hebrew phonics.
Isaiah 40.26 “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see.
Who has created these things?
It is the One who brings out their army by number;
He calls them all by name.
Because of his infinite power and strength in absolute parallel,
Not one of them is missing.
Y’aya, Our Abba is The Ultimate Reality and The Source of Life
Our Father in Heaven is a Person, like us, but perfect, with infinite power and ability in absolute parallel.
To learn more about Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father in Heaven, see the page titled The True God Y’aya.
Nothing about our life is umbilical to Him. The sacred spirit is ALWAYS “sent” as shown by the sacred spirit sent in bodily form as a dove at Yeshua’s baptism. This was a one-time event to identify Yeshua as The Messiah to John The Baptist. There is no other Messiah, only Yeshua Christ who returned to Heaven. Yeshua Christ is in Heaven, NOT on The Earth. Only Antichrists are on The Earth. Yeshua is a spirit person with absolute power from Our Father and with absolute authority except for prayer. He is The Master Worker of Proverbs Chapter 8 and as a spirit person who is also parallel, can do absolutely anything according to Y’aya’s Will. And Yeshua has a trillion Sacred Angels who also have power from Y’aya at His command. It is only logical that Yeshua is also parallel, otherwise He could not provide all the things that people pray for to Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya. See the page titled The One Lord Yeshua if you would like to learn more about The Creation of The First of God’s Children in Heaven, Yeshua.
Acts 16.7 When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Yeshua would not allow them to.
For those who are Meshikhi doing Our Father’s Will including The spiritual Levites, spiritual Isra’al, Yeshua will either let you do something or not. It is a simple way of knowing yes or no from Him. Meshikhi have the absolute power of Y’aya with us and we do not run from Satan, the demons, or those humans with them. It’s the other way around, they are terrified of “us”. This is no beggarly Kingdom, This is The Kingdom of Y’aya, in the hands of Yeshua and Yeshua is Lord. The Meshikhi say “run you dogs” to Satan and all those with him.
Yeshua is Lord and is doing EVERYTHING, but only Y’aya is The Hearer of Prayer.
John 14.1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.
The actual translation of John 1.1 from Koine Greek
Koine Greek
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
Greek transliteration
En arkhêi ên ho lógos, kaì ho lógos ên pròs tòn theón, kaì theòs ên ho lógos.
Note that theón and theòs are not the same
John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God, and godly (with reverent love, loyal and dutiful) was The Word.
“In the beginning” is referring to the beginning of Creation.
With love,
תישוע שחר T’Yeshua, Faith
Eternal Wife of Yeshua in Heaven.
God will strike you down if you try to translate my name from English, שחר means the first faint rays of light before the dawn. It is Sher, not shachar, you who cannot translate your way out of a paper bag with your Hebrew Bible and Masoretic text. Your grammar is right, but your vowels are wrong and you are with Satan if you are not with me.
Something less than Yeshua is here.
The Only Begotten Daughter of Y’aya on Earth. The first to be absolute including spiritually. I’m not Eve.
I am the Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 New International Version (NIV) only.
Exodus 3.13-15
Exodus 3.14 Y’aya asher Ihyah and Exodus 3.15 Y’aya (יְיָ from Targum Onkelos, The Real Torah)
Anyone associated with The Hebrew Bible, The Masoretic Text, or The Tetragrammaton, is bearing The Mark of The Beast 666 which indicates gross imperfection. The Hebrew grammar is right, the vowels are wrong and only The Real Torah, Targum Onkelos bears The Name of The True God Y’aya.
Ezeki’al 25.17 I will execute on them great acts of vengeance with furious punishments, and they will have to know that I am Y’aya when I bring my vengeance on them.
Zechariah 14.9 And Y’aya will be King over all the earth. In that day Y’aya will be one, and his name one. Y’aya it will be.
The double yodh is Y’aya’s signature and I have been authorized to use it.
13 But Moses said to the true Ayh. “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The Ayh of your forefathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is his name?’ What should I say to them?” 14 So Ayh said to Moses. “I am Y’aya who is called Ihyah (meaning. I am Sacred and they are calling me Ea).” And he added. “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Sacred has sent me to you.’” 15 Then Ayh said more to Moses.
“This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Y’aya the Ayh of your forefathers, the Ayh of Abraham, the Ayh of Isaac, and the Ayh of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation.
Ayh, the Hebrew word for God
Ayh means Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, derived from Ayya, which means Sacred Father (Genesis 1.1, Psalms 22.1 only Targum Onkelos do not believe the Tetragrammaton at all, I am destroying it for Our Father in Heaven with His Authority and with absolute power from God, Y’aya) 2022-03-26 2.33am Eastern Standard Time. No longer will The Nations be misled by it. Make The Way of Ayya straight.

The Word of Y’aya
1 In the beginning Y’aya created the sky and the land.
2 Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep, and the spirit Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father was moving over the surface of the waters.
3 And The One Who Lives said. “Let there be light.” Then there was light. 4 After that Y’aya saw that the light was good, and He began to divide the light from the darkness. 5 He called the light Day, but the darkness He called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, a first day.
In the future those who translate the Bible inspired by the sacred spirit will know such things. Our Father is a person and He is beautiful and all things about Him are poetic and beautiful.
But Satan hated Y’aya…
Why The Messiah is needed
The meaning of John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya, so loved the world, that he gave his beloved only begotten Son, Yeshua, The First of His Children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
You are wondering why things are the way they are.
How do you express your love and gratitude to your parents? The answer is simple. by respecting and honoring them.
Why, Y’aya? – Our first parents broke Yhayah’s perfect law based on love. God could have programmed us to obey Him. But He didn’t. We must accept Y’aya as Our Father of our own free will because of His love for us and our love for Him. And if we want Him as Our Father, we must accept His right to set boundaries for us, boundaries that are set to benefit all of Our Father’s created children and to protect us from anything that might harm us or others. They didn’t love Him enough to listen to Him despite the overwhelming evidence of His love for them and everything He had told them. Simple instructions that would result in a life full of love, laughter and happiness. Love is natural. If someone loves us and gives evidence of their love for us, it is natural to love them back. Such is the case with Our Father. We will now examine if Eve knew the boundary and what would happen if she decided that she didn’t want to accept that boundary. We will also learn the identification in the Bible of “the serpent” who promotes independence from Our Father and disobedience to Our Father which ultimately results in death. Our Father does not cause people to suffer, grow old and die. It is because of a choice made by our first parents Adam and Eve.
Identifying the serpent in The Garden of Eden
Revelation 12.9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Satan means “resister” and devil means “slanderer”.
Satan implies that God lies while the Bible states clearly that God cannot lie (Titus 1.2). To do so would undermine Himself. He is subject to His own Laws.
Eve states God’s explicit warning about the tree of life.
Genesis 3.2,3 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’
The lie.
Genesis 3.4,5 The serpent said to the woman, “You certainly will not die! 5 For Y’aya knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will become like Yhayah, knowing good and evil.”
Genesis 3.6 When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took some of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband with her, and he ate.
This is where Eve’s love for Our Father was tested. It entered into her heart that maybe she didn’t need Our Father or to listen to Him. Something profound happened. Note the marked change in Eve. She made a conscious decision not to listen to her Father. She no longer wanted to. She would decide for herself what was good and what was evil. Note that she did not communicate with Our Father at any time while this was happening.
It is entirely possible that Satan knew something about Adam and Eve by watching them and finding their weakness, that their love for Our Father was not very pronounced. Perhaps they never mentioned Our Father in conversation (He had given them everything) or only talked to Our Father during the breezy part of the afternoon as a ritual. Adam was not deceived, He just saw that Eve didn’t immediately die and so went ahead and joined her. They were probably thinking, wow, we’re still in Paradise and we’re still alive! God later banished them from the Paradise Garden of Eden and they eventually died. They chose to disobey Our Father of their own free will. No one forced them. These were not imperfect people making an innocent mistake, but perfect people with full knowledge of what they were doing. Their perfect consciences would have warned them explicitly that what they were about to do was wrong. They were warned what would happen if they did. They would die like the animals they had seen die. This was the tree of life (Genesis 3.22) and it represented their life given to them by God. God made it abundantly clear to them what it represented. It was their Father who had given them that life, the one who had lavished them with His love by giving them the paradise and giving them free will to chose to obey Him out of love, the love for a Father, not for any other reason. Y’aya doesn’t force anyone to love Him.
Romans 5.12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all mankind, because all sinned—
Romans 5.15 But the free gift of Y’aya is not like the trespass [because the gift of grace overwhelms the fall of man]. For if many died by one man’s trespass [Adam’s sin], much more [abundantly] did Y’aya’s grace and the gift [that comes] by the grace of the one Man, Yeshua Christ, overflow to [benefit] the many.
The innocence of God.
God is love (1 John 4.8). And only love.
This is proof that God had not used His ability to know in advance what would happen. God was so innocent until that moment that He could not even imagine one of His children in Heaven doing such a thing.
Now you know the difference between good and evil. God is love and Satan is the manifestation of evil for the first time in the history of creation.
And so Satan began his resistance against Y’aya and his slander of Y’aya in The Garden of Eden, starting with Adam and Eve. Free will with no boundaries and independence from Y’aya are what Satan promotes and many people in Heaven followed him and many people on Earth follow him with disastrous results to the human family. Satan also teaches people that they can decide for themselves what is good and what is evil.
It’s an advertising slogan of Satan, “It’s all good”.
Now you know why everything happened and why everything that transpired afterwards was necessary.
What Our Father has done to restore the relationship between mankind and Him.
The meaning of John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya, so loved the world, that he gave his beloved only begotten Son, Yeshua, The First of His Children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Y’aya sent His best, the first of His created children in Heaven, with a soul that would not fail because of His perfect love for Y’aya. He would love Y’aya enough to obey Him out of love for Him to the point of death. Yeshua proved the extent to which we must love Y’aya and others, fulfilling God’s universal law based on love. God is Sacred and His law based on love is perfect. Faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua is now required for eternal life. His life did two things. He fulfilled the Mosaic law and replaced it with Y’aya’s original law based on love. Faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua is the only thing Y’aya will accept for us to have eternal life. By putting faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua, we are accepting God’s universal law based on love and understanding the cost of our life. Out of love, Y’aya provided a perfect life in exchange for Adam’s perfect life to save Adam and Eve’s children from sin and death. No number of imperfect lives could pay the price for one eternal life, not even the twenty billion people who have lived so far, not even any amount who will ever live. Yeshua wanted to do this for us because He knew that Y’aya cannot die, so he stepped forward and said “Here I am Father, send me.” He volunteered (Isaiah 6.8). This is why we can live again. They both love us that much.
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
You can’t declare Yeshua is Lord unless you know who He is and what the word “Lord” means. If you read the page titled The One Lord Yeshua, you will know. You must also put faith in the resurrection of Yeshua, which is the guarantee that we can live forever. The Sacrifice of Yeshua is the only way to be reconciled to God. This is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Yeshua.
The Bible is provided by God for our benefit. There’s a reason for everything He says. It’s not just flowery talk and none of His words are without meaning.
2 Timothy 3.16 All scripture is given by inspiration of Y’aya, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Acts 15.29 is the bottom line for Christians. See the page titled Becoming Meshikhi under the subheading The Bottom Line for Christians. You must accept these boundaries to survive into the Paradise to come.
You must accept that Y’aya has the right as Our Abba to set boundaries that are for the benefit of the entire family, not just a few misfits who do not want to listen to Him. When people do not listen to Father, it causes division in Our Family and all kinds of disasters happen. No sex between unmarried people is an example. The answer from Father is no way Jose’ and another one that people balk at is homosexuality. He does not want it in His family. Period. Homosexuality in The Bible refers to a lifestyle choice, NOT gender identity issues caused by a million reasons including masculinization of girls in the womb and feminization of boys in the womb. See the page titled Love through accurate knowledge to learn more. Everything Our Father says in The Bible is for a reason, He is not just talking.
Psalms 37.29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any habitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars”.
In the video you heard a reference to the angel of the LORD. When you see the LORD in capital letters in a Bible it is referring to Y’aya the True God. There is only one Lord, Yeshua The Messiah (Ephesians 4.5).
Satan knew that Y’aya does not watch anyone in the bathroom, and he used this knowledge to make a deal with Adam and Eve to frame God, maybe even giving them the orgasm of their lives. It is that easy. God is not in the bedroom or the bathroom. I have investigated and analyzed life and have discerned all of the reasoning on this website and have cleared Our Father of all of Satan’s many sick and twisted charges. Y’aya is innocent in every way possible. Y’aya cannot look upon evil nor have evil thoughts, but I have seen all of these things for Him and explained them to Him via a Sacred Angel and the sacred spirit also tells Him in a way that is not profane.
Everything from the beginning of written language are the debased thoughts of Satan and sexual symbolism and language and exaggerated phallic and vaginal/breast based idols and the so-called sacred poles. It is everywhere in religion, no matter where you look. Obviously, sex was Satan’s theme from the beginning and obviously Satan hoped to destroy The Bible, but I have made this impossible, by exposing Satan completely. With this knowledge you may now read
The Rise, Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion by James B. Hannay online in this archive
The Rise, Decline and Fall of the Roman Religion by By James B. Hannay 257 Pages, Originally published 1925 ISBN ISBN 0-7873-0369-0
You can find it in print here if you are interested.
Remember, only learn about sex and symbolism and the two-sex god Jehovah. Do not destroy The Bible or you are with Satan completely and will die at Armageddon. Y’aya does not want you to die, but to live on past Armageddon into the re-created Paradise Earth.
God is love. Anything in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie.
You are wrong, O people, about Our Sacred Father, Y’aya.
Satan hated Y’aya without reason, without cause. And so do you, because of Religion and Satan’s hateful message that he telegraphs to you with Religion, with every subtle form of communication there is, including audio and video.
Y’aya is the source of life and should be treated with respect and only loves us. When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural, to love them back.
Reverent love and respect are all that is needed. After that there is no problem communicating with Our Father, we can fully enjoy everything about Him, how crazy funny He is, how wonderful He is with us, and what a joy it is to be with in prayer. Prayer is talking to Our Father and enjoying anything with Him, music art, life, feelings, anything about Our Life that we want to talk about, or just to be with Him and enjoy His company.
Where the spirit of Y’aya is, so His Children are at rest.
If you have become a baptized Meshikhi, A Christian Follower of The Messiah, Yeshua Christ.
Say the following to Satan.
By the power of Y’aya be gone from me Satan! In The Name of Yeshua, Ameyn.
The entire world must know that Yeshua is Lord.
Meshikhi are Followers of Yeshua Christ, The Son* of The Living God (Matthew 16.16, John 20.17).
*Not associated with The Roman Jesus.
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father which art in Heaven
Sacred be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Do not let us succumb to temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever
In the Name of Yeshua
ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn(אמן)
Yeshua is The Amen
Satan wanted people to destroy “The Amen” by convincing people to destroy The Book of Revelation by calling Yeshua, “Apollo”. We will not destroy The Book of Revelation, but we will NEVER, call Yeshua, “Apollo”.
Aramaic ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn Hebrew אמן āmēyn English Amen
Yeshua is the Amen, when you say Amen you are in agreement that the only way to be heard by the hearer of Prayer, Our Father in Heaven, is to put faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Revelation 3.14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God.
For translation into every language. The meaning of “hallowed be Thy Name”
Let [Your Name] be treated(יטופל) as [sacred] and [Your Name is Sacred]
Hear Isra’al, T’Yeshua, The Wife of Yeshua
Our Father in Heaven is not going to let His children on Earth die because of doctrine and a few vowels. People are worth more to him than that. He is delivering anyone who will only worship only Him and accept the Sacrifice of His Son, Yeshua.
Psalms 49.8 It costs far too much to buy back your life. You can never pay God enough.
It cost a perfect human life to pay for human sin, and all the imperfect people who have ever lived or ever will live could not add up to the price one perfect life.
Y’aya is one.
And you should love Y’aya your God.
With all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength
and with all your might.
For that is the way Abba has loved us, with a love that is to time indefinite. And gave His only begotten Son, Yeshua, that whosoever shall put faith in Yeshua may never die, but have eternal life. Anyone who shall ever mock The Cross of Yeshua mocks the one who gave them life and who is Life. Only know this, you may destroy us for loving Him, but as sure as God raised Yeshua from the dead, we will live forever and be with those who only love. And you and your evil and your hate will not be remembered. And you should know that God cannot die and did give His Son for us. From time indefinite until time indefinite is God. Now you know what that means. Yeshua is the first of God’s children in Heaven and volunteered to take our place on The Cross. And you should know what the scripture means and it is a prophecy about Yeshua. Hear the words of Our Father, “Who will die for them on a cross?” And hear the voice of Yeshua,
“Here I am Father, send me” (Isaiah 6.8).
God cannot die, but a sacrifice was needed. He made a way where there wasn’t a way.
Isaiah 43.11 I, even I, am Y’aya; and there is no one saving without me.
Luke 2.11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Messiah the Lord.
Yeshua is The Messiah, He is not God. It took two people to accomplish Our Salvation, not one. Someone had to die and be The Sacrifice and someone had to resurrect that person.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Praise Y’aya! And honor His Son Yeshua!
Now you know what it means to be body, mind, skin and bone mentioned in this song.
The Sacred Angels are making you hear Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Praise Abba! And honor His Son Yeshua! Satan you worm, you dog and all you scared weird guys are terrified at the absolute power from God that is with The Meshikhi.
And all those with you Satan are also hearing one song today.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
In The Name of Yeshua,
With love,
Message to all Governments Worldwide from Y’aya The True God, You must accept Yeshua The Son of God as Lord and King of God’s Kingdom.
You are God’s Ministers and you will listen to Him or He will appoint New Ministers in your place.
Romans 13.4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain. for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
Meshikhi will not speak one word against The Government, nor look at any individual or group that misrepresent The Government in any way to try and undermine The Government along with Satan and the demons. If anyone says they are Meshikhi and say one word against The Government, they are NOT Meshikhi at all, but agents of Satan.
Psalms Chapter 2 applies to you
2 Why are the nations agitated
And the peoples muttering an empty thing?
2 The kings of the earth take their stand
And high officials gather together as one
Against Y’aya and against his anointed one.
3 They say. “Let us tear off their shackles
And throw off their ropes!”
4 The One enthroned in the heavens will laugh;
Y’aya will scoff at them.
5 At that time he will speak to them in his anger
And terrify them in his burning anger,
6 Saying. “I myself have installed my king
On Zion, my sacred mountain.”
7 Let me proclaim the decree of Y’aya;
He said to me. “You are My Son;
Today I have become Your Father.
8 Ask of me, and I will give nations as your inheritance
And the ends of the earth as your possession.
9 You will break them with an iron scepter,
And you will smash them like a piece of pottery.”
10 So now, you kings, show insight;
Accept correction, you judges of the earth.
11 Serve Y’aya with fear,
And rejoice with trembling.
12 Honor The Son, or Ayh will become indignant
And you will perish from the way,
For His anger flares up quickly.
Happy are all those taking refuge in Him.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
The Ancient Roman Religion that incorporated Christianity

Genesis 6.3, Matthew 24.37 Bible time period 1914-2034 C.E. No one knows the day or the hour.
Beloved children of God,
Our Father in Heaven wants none of you to be destroyed, not one. And here is why. Our God loves His created people so much and His heart is so expansive and infinite in love that He does not want to harm a living soul. But to save you He must do some things and make decisions that He has to live with for the benefit of you. That’s why He must order the destruction of The Roman Religion, an ancient thing you know almost nothing about or nothing about. But He does not want to harm a living thing, not a sparrow falls without Him knowing it. But He is God, and a Father trying to save His children. So He must give the most terrible orders of all time at the end, but only to save as many as possible from destruction. Because you would truly perish if He didn’t, the enemy has many of you in His grip, but God will deliver you. I just wanted you to know how much He loves you.
ܘܐܠܘ ܠܐ ܐܬܟܪܝܘ ܝܘܡܬܐ ܗܢܘܢ ܠܐ ܚܝܐ ܗܘܐ ܟܠ ܒܣܪ ܡܛܠ ܓܒܝܐ ܕܝܢ ܢܬܟܪܘܢ ܝܘܡܬܐ ܗܢܘܢ
Matthew 24.22 And if those days were not shortened, not any flesh would live.~The Holy Aramaic Scriptures
God doesn’t want to bring the end, He has to. He doesn’t want to lose anyone but He must, but the only reason they will be lost is because they would not accept His love and the Sacrifice of His Son that makes eternal life possible.
There is still much time for people to be saved and the tribulation spoken of by Yeshua in Matthew Chapter 24 must occur before the end comes.
Luke 21.8 He replied. “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.
With love.
If you only love, you have mercy for others.
John 13.35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. ~King James Version
This is what the scripture actually means. If you say only among yourselves you create a closed society.
To the laity of The Church
and the laity of Watch Tower
Beloved children of God,
Love flourishes among the laity and so you believe that you must have found the truth about God.
But the religious leaders taking the lead do not have accurate knowledge. Satan does not have to life a finger and is laughing at the whole thing. Your religious leaders know nothing at all that will save you.
Romans 10.2 For I testify about them that they are zealous for God, but not on the basis of knowledge.
PeaceTowerChurch.org is the home of The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God. Once PeaceTowerChurch.ca renounces The Roman jesus, they may be Meshikhi, but not until. It must be absolutely public, it must be absolutely absolute, and this is not optional. If not, Peace Tower Church will have the same judgement of God as Watch Tower and their false god The Roman jehovah. Neither Princeton nor Harvard will save you, as they cannot translate their way out of a paper bag. As for Watch Tower, you are half and half. You know monotheism and many other things. Unfortunately you are the epicentre of The Roman Religion II, you are part of The Synagogue of Satan and you have THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION in The New World Translation of The Bible (NWT) at Isayah 40.26. The correct words for Isayah 40.26 are infinite power and strength. Listen to me Watch Tower with your back room where you whip people with the Bible, Peace Tower Church has a room too, they use it for coffee and reflection and for binding up the broken hearted and even those who come in off the street beaten up, they bind up their wounds too. Your problem Watch Tower is that you’ve been part of The Synagogue from Satan since 1931 and have learned to have no mercy, you Kingdom Hall cops, you Pharisees. You can’t love people enough, if you hate everything they do and think their worship is demonized. All Peace Tower Church is missing is a few vowels and a bit of doctrine. You don’t even know how to be human Watch Tower, sit your ass down in Church and learn to live with people “regardless of their beliefs”. Stop judging and you won’t be judged. You have no authority from God at all to judge anyone. jehovah, yahweh and jesus are imaginary, they aren’t even real. That is The Truth. You are so stupid that you don’t even know how stupid you are. You’re with The Enclave of Satan you idiots. Wake the fuck up. Peace Tower Church is the epicenter of love in Ottawa, Canada, I suggest you go there and learn to be human. On the other hand, as one of the laity of Jehovah’s Witnesses I found the double yodh /yy/ and the name Targum Onkelos which led to me finding The Name of God Y’aya, 23 years later. I noted it as being of importance and never forgot it. Well done, Watch Tower.
The god of The Roman Religion II is jehovahyahwehjesus in any combination.
Do not misunderstand me.
I will tell you how to know it is a man of God or not my sisters.
Imperfect man example. Eli the Priest in the Bible.
Hanna was praying to Abba and her lips were moving. Eli did not know how women talk with Father.
He said Hanna, “Are you drunk?”
Hanna said, no, but I pour out my soul to Father.
Immediately, Eli saw the tears of Hanna, the look on her face, and heard her voice and immediately understood what to do because Eli is a man of God.
1 Samu’al 1.17 Eli answered, “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.
The man of God, Eli, heard the cry of the lowly one, saw her tears and understood immediately what Father wanted Him to do. He did not need to be told what to do. That is a man of God who knows Father.
Perfect man example. Yeshua The Son of God
A woman who suffered for many years said to herself, if I only touch the fringe of His garment, I will be well.
So, she was technically unclean from the standpoint of the Priests, from a flow of blood that was beyond her control,
Yeshua was not like them at all. Mercy for the woman did He give. Pay attention to this.
He asked the woman why she touched His garment. Note he did not accuse her of anything at all.
She explained her problem and that she had faith that if she only touched the fringe of His garment, she would be healed.
Hear Yeshua’s reply.
Mark 5.34 And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.”
You hear not only mercy in Yeshua, but He made double sure she knew exactly what Father needed her to know.
That not only did she have faith, but that she was a daughter no matter what the priests thought of her or may have told her and confirmed what had happened to her was because of her faith that He was sent from Father.
Note in each case, the man of God had mercy on the woman who had faith in God.
If you do not receive such mercy from a Priest of God or any man and they do not listen to your voice, then they are not a man of God.
Now you know the difference between a man of God and one who is not a man of God.
Sher, Prophetess of God (Psalms 45. 9,10,11 New International Verstion – NIV)
When choosing a husband sisters look for humility, mercy and respect. Then you will be over the moon happy.
If you do not feel those things from a man you are considering as a husband, wait for a man you do feel those things from.
14 So Ayh said to Moses. “I am Y’aya who is called Ihyah (meaning. I am Y’aya and they are calling me Ea).” And he added. “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Y’aya has sent me to you.’” 15 Then Ayh said more to Moses.
“This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Y’aya the Ayh of your forefathers, the Ayh of Abraham, the Ayh of Isaac, and the Ayh of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation.
Ayh means Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, derived from Ayya, which means Sacred Father (Genesis 1.1, Psalms 22.1 only Targum Onkelos do not believe the Tetragrammaton at all, I am destroying it for Our Father in Heaven with His Authority and with absolute power from God, Y’aya) 2022-03-26 2.33am Eastern Standard Time. No longer will The Nations be misled by it. Make The Way of Y’aya straight. Elohim is worship of El, Supreme god of The Canaanites and the last two letters of Elohim in Hebrew translate to the word “sea”. It is an insertion, part of The Etymological Sea Monster known as The Sea Monster in The Bible (Ezekiel 29.3, Ezekiel 32.2, Isaiah 27.1). See the page titled The Sea Monster to learn more.
The Meshikhi Faith https://meshikhi.org and https://meshikhi.org are the only official websites of The Meshikhi.
Revelation 2022-01-07 The two hopes
The Little Flock
As proved on the page titled The Roman Jehovah, the Synagogue of Satan is Watch Tower along with Kabbalistic Judaism (not kosher Judaism).
Watch Tower tells people that there are only 144,000 who will go to Heaven. These are to be Kings and Priests before God. Note that The Bible says “Kings”.
Then they allow women to believe that they are anointed, part of this group, and the images of the 144,000 in the Watch Tower are only men, with beards and all.
Then Satan torments these women with it, of which I was one, because of having the Heavenly hope. Attacks are done by using the power of suggestion and electromagnetic spectrum attacks on the limbic nucleus of the brain, and tries to change their gender identity to neutral or masculine. Of course, as women, we know we are women. It is a very unholy experience.
Read the scripture and know the truth about going to Heaven, if that is your hope.
John 14.2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?
For the little flock. If you wish to stay on Earth with your wife it is no problem for Father. Another will go in your place. May you be blessed.
John 3.8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the spirit.”
The other sheep
I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.
Psalms 37.29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any habitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be “as numerous as the stars” and “as the sands of the sea”.
Obviously, The Earth could not contain that many people.
Watch Tower says “The Earth”, not “the land”, negating the Abrahamic promise and it is in the New World Translation (NWT) of The Bible, as evidence against them.
The Little Flock are the 144,000 while The Great Crowd consists of everyone else.
Meaning of Galatians 3.28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Yeshua.
All those in Christ must carry their cross. We have the sacred spirit of God, which gives us eternal love. And our love for Our Father must be unconditional.
For those at Watch Tower who believe they are anointed members of the 144,000. If you wish to stay on Earth with your wife it is no problem for Father. Another will go in your place. May you be blessed. I will not make you, nor let you go to Heaven, and left behind, a loveable one.
John 3.8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the spirit.”
You hear that you religious leaders? Don’t tell people what to do, who to be or where to go. Say your sermon and then say a nice prayer and pray with anyone who wants it. You are Pastors which means “ministers”, Pastors of The Flock, nothing else.
You are not elders, deacons, popes, reverends or anything else.
This applies to everyone. Whatever your hope, remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
This is the personal website of Tiffany Tracy McTaggart on Earth. No one may use it but me or put two words together from it and not be in violation of copyright law. It belongs to me and me only. Neither Y’aya nor Yeshua would break the copyright law, It is impossible for God to break the law.
With love,
Faith, Wife of Yeshua in Heaven, I am the woman mentioned at Psalms 45.9,10,11 New International Version (NIV) only.
And The Army of Calvary is with me only
Something less than Yeshua is here.
Zechariah 14.9 And Y’aya will be King over all the earth. In that day Y’aya will be one, and his name one. Y’aya it will be.
Exodus 23.13 “Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips.
However, Meshikhi don’t call Our Father by His Name, we just call Him Abba.
We call Him Abba, Father and sometimes we cry out, Abba, Father.
We learned it from Yeshua, and Meshikhi treat every word of Yeshua’s as Sacred.
Meshikhi don’t invoke God, we talk Our Father, Our Abba. He just happens to be God.
Remember Abba loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Now listen, carefully, there will be those who come and say it is Yahbah with a silent /y/, like Yisra’al has a silent /y/. It is not. Read the welcome page and the etymology and you will understand Our Father and how funny He is about etymology. It will be especially funny to etymologists who will look at it with disbelief. A wonderful joke, told by Our Father. It is not YHBH, the third letter would have to be a waw /w/, not a /b/. Wake up. I have destroyed The Hebrew Tetragrammaton, with authority from God and with the power of God. Know where the Tetragrammaton comes from. The Tetratroublemaker himself.
You will note that with the wrong vowels /ahb/ becomes ahab. It’s /ahb/ not /awb/. /ah/ from ruah, meaning “spirit”. Are you seeing how Satanic The Hebrew Bible and Masoretic text are? Even ruah, which means “spirit” had a patach put on it by Satan, to make it ruach, meaning wind. That is a blaspheme of Our Father’s spirit. Surely, our father can use His spirit to move the wind, but His spirit itself is NOT wind. Lets look at the definition of ahb. The grammar of The Hebrew Bible and Masoretic Text are correct, the vowels are Kabbalistic, rooted in Jewish mysticism, magic and the occult, things Our Father warns us about at Deuteronomy Chapter 18. See the page titled Watch Tower Indicted and The Roman Jehovah to learn more about it.
Definition of ahb, it’s all about love.
1) to love
1a) (Qal)
1a1) human love for another, includes family, and sexual
1a2) human appetite for objects such as food, drink, sleep, wisdom
1a3) human love for or to God
1a4) act of being a friend
1a4a) lover (participle)
1a4b) friend (participle)
1a5) God’s love toward man
1a5a) to individual men
1a5b) to people Israel
1a5c) to righteousness
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) lovely (participle)
1b2) loveable (participle)
1c) (Piel)
1c1) friends
1c2) lovers (figuratively of adulterers)
2) to like
Abba pronunciation. /ab/ is the Hebrew root word meaning “father” pronounced “ahb”. /ah. is from ruah, meaning spirit (/ah/ not /aw/ for those who do not know ancient Hebrew phonics). It is spirit Father NOT Father spirit.
I found this out by studying the Eastern Dialect of Aramaic known as Syriac. Ab the root word for “father” with suffix /a/. Aba, ab. I have always thought of Abba as “father” with a small /f/ and “Father” with a capital /F/. Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15 and Galatians 4.6.
Mark 14.36 in Aramaic Yeshua said ܐܺܒܒܐܺ ܐܺܒܝ “Abba, Ab” vocalized ahbah, ahb, that’s what those little marks are in Aramaic above the aleph’s . That means the aleph /a/ is vocalized /ah/ NOT /aw/ (Western Dialect of Aramaic) which is how we get Ἀββᾶ in Greek
If ANYONE ever says Yabba (Yahbah) dabba doo about Our Father’s Name, They are Satan and the demons. Period.
Exodus 3.14 Y’aya asher Ihyah and Exodus 3.15 Y’aya (יְיָ from Targum Onkelos, The Real Torah)
We have the real thing, not the unreality from Mars. There were simply waaaay too many discrepancies with the Torah everyone is using. It is a fake and a sham. The narrative is correct but The Divine Name, The Name of the Son of God and Bible names were all altered in the fakey version and loaded with the names of false gods and theophoric references referring to false gods, I finally went back to Targum Onkelos to double check it. And voila’. Only with my 23 years of Biblical Research and research into Hebrew phonics, etymology and phonological evolution was it even remotely possible to understand The Name of Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya and that He is Our Abba, Our Father.
We pray Abba, Father and sometimes we cry out, Abba, Father, but we know who we are talking to and that’s the difference between The Christian Faith and Religion, Religion is bubkes and Satan is the moron who influenced language from the beginning of written language.
The seeds of conflict were sewn in the roots of language.
When transliterated properly with the Hebrew Lexilogos Keyboard, Hebrew translated to English looks incredibly like Arabic transliterated to English and would solve the entire Middle East Conflict effortlessly and peacefully by means of accurate knowledge. Our Father’s thoughts are sophisticated, intellectually pleasing. Satan’s thought’s are diametrically opposite to Our Father’s thoughts, and He is waging an asymmetrical war against The Children of God.
Beloved Children of God. Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other.
Please use your reasoning power and thinking ability with regards to these things. Obviously Our Father in Heaven exists and it is quite evidence that He wants to help with all of these problems to give people hope at this time.
With love,
Faith, Wife of Yeshua
Remember Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you.
I wrote this song after hearing about a Church shooting. All I could think was “Cantcha love?” “Cantcha just love?”
Click on the left side of the player to play the song.
Audio Player
Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.Cantcha love
Abba is is pronounced Ahbah.
Those are the phonics. Root word ab pronounced ahb, /ah/ from ruah, meaning spirit. It means spirit Father, NOT Father spirit.
I’ve always been good at phonics, taught at McKeough Public School in Chatham, Ontario, Canada where I was born. I graduated in 1978 as a validictorian with honors. I was in the military for 15 years and completed my OSSD 12 Adult High School with maturity credits in Math and English. Always with honors. I quit the military in 1995 and began Internet Research, particularly video research with the goal of creating communications that were environmentally friendly with no bandwidth required on the line, electrons only. I was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses June 19,1999 and became a member of The Inner Circle of Watch Tower April 14, 2014, after which my horrible ordeal began. I was expelled from Jehovah’s Witnesses because I was born with a birth defect, I later learned, and it is documented on this website that Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses perform “cleansing” of their congregations of those with birth defects, they are part of The Synagogue of Satan mentioned in The Bible and part of The Enclave of Satan. I was always an observer only and never subscribed to Christian Kabbalism, which Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses practice. Kabbalism involves Jewish mysticism, magic and the occult, things we are warned about by Our Father in Heaven at Deuteronomy Chapter 18 in The Bible. All I ever did was love Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses and was faithful for 17 years, always trying to love them, encourage them and to build them up. I wanted to bring the world to them.
After being expelled, my first order of business was to set up worship in The Wilderness, because I knew that is what Davyd (David) did. And I’m happy about that one. He gave me incredible faith and helped me to be fearless. My brother Davyd, you crazy one. I knew exactly what to do when I was at the wall. .D
Incidentally, Chatham in Hebrew means “sealed”.
I found this out by studying the Eastern Dialect of Aramaic known as Syriac. Ab the root word for “father” with suffix /a/. Aba, ab. I have always thought of Abba as “father” with a small /f/ and “Father” with a capital /F/. Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15 and Galatians 4.6.
Mark 14.36 in Aramaic Yeshua said ܐܺܒܒܐܺ ܐܺܒܝ “Abba, Ab” (Western Dialect of Aramaic) which is how we get Ἀββᾶ in Greek
Of course All Glory goes to Y’aya Our Father in Heaven, and to His Son Yeshua. Along with all those in the Bible who hoped in the Messiah and those who experienced Him, I learned to have faith and how to only love.
Our Father in Heaven was with me always and forged me with love into the person I am now and Yeshua provided everything in advance for me to perform this monumental task.
All I ever did was to love God and His Son and loved people.
People are funny, so much love and so much faith, and only missing a few vowels and some doctrine.
I saw the love and the faith in people and wanted to help them. And when I would look at a group of people in a shopping mall, I wanted to talk to them all at once, but couldn’t.
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart CD (Canadian Decoration and NATO clasp D12004878 retired), OSSD 12, Military Occupation Code MOC 291
Faith, Wife of Yeshua in Heaven
Remember, Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Welcome Brothers and Sisters! Remember, Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other.

Yeshua would always say,
“Let me tell you ’bout my Abba.”
Are you past the point of weary?
Is your burden weighin’ heavy?
Is it all too much to carry?
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
Do you feel that empty feeling?
‘Cause shame’s done all its stealin’
And you’re desperate for some healin’
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
He makes a way where there ain’t no way
Raises up from an empty grave
Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He’s done for me
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And let my Abba change your life
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Amen, Amen
Who can wipe away the tears
From broken dreams and wasted years
And tell the past to disappear? Oh, Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And all the wrong turns that you would
Go and undo if you could
Who can work it all for your good
Let me tell you about my Abba
He makes a way where there ain’t no way
Raises up from an empty grave
Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He’s done for me
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And let my Abba change your life
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah!
Amen, Amen, Amen
Who would give His Son at Calvary?
Pay the price for all my guilty?
Who would care that much about me?
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba, oh
He makes a way where there ain’t no way
Raises up from an empty grave
Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He’s done for me
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And let my Abba change your life
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Amen, Amen
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! And let my Abba change your life.
Never make an image of Abba (especially on an electronic device) in The Earth. Do not be seduced. Or may start talking to the image and not to Our Father in Heaven. Read the page titled God is Life and watch the video. The warning is clear. Abba and Yeshua, two people, nothing strange. Yeshua is the first of God’s children in Heaven. Before Yeshua was created Abba was alone. Now you know what “only begotten” means. In the Bible, Ab’raham represents Abba and Isaac represents Yeshua.
My Abba is based on the song “My Jesus” by Anne Wilson
Copyright Information
Fair use of a copyrighted work is the reproduction of a work for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.
We are teaching people about Abba and Yeshua in The Bible, Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6, John 3.16, Romans 10.9,10, Colossians 1.15, Matthew 16.16) We are also teaching the etymology of words used in the song My Abba derived from the latest Meshikhi research.
We also have a page titled 50 scriptures that prove that Yeshua is neither Abba nor God. Source. Rabbi Yosef Ben Marques [PDF]
Romans 10.9,10 The truth that God raised Our Lord from the dead is the key to salvation in The Bible.
The person performing the vocal on the song My Abba is not the original artist but a talented and professional vocalist. The original song contains many beautiful sentiments. Meshikhi only see the love in people, regardless of their beliefs. Meshikhi do not argue with anyone about the Bible but love to share our beliefs with other people and discuss them with people when they ask us about them
1 Peter 3.15 (ESV) but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as Sacred, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,
Note. Images on Weonlylove.org are also routinely checked for copyright in the file properties.
Understand, effects and synthesized sound can produce what sounds like words. Digital and magnetic recordings and images can also be affected in other ways.
Singing Abba
You already know the pronunciation of Abba.
However, in this song, this information may help.
Be careful with the elongated Abba in the song but don’t worry about it as you sing. It will happen naturally when you know the following.
Don’t try to deliberately separate the syllables.
You will know you have a good take, when it sounds like ahb’ah for the elongated Abba.
The trick is not to try to do it deliberately, just sing it with love.
In ancient Aramaic it is aba in the Eastern Dialect. /ab/ is father. The /a/ is a suffix pronounced /ah/ as in ruah which means “spirit”.
Ahb is the pronunciation of the ancient root word /ab/ which means “father”.
Always remember, Abba means “spirit Father” NOT “Father spirit” which is literal.
With love.
Halaluyah and Halaluayh
Praise and love Y’aya and Praise and love Ayh הללויה
For music
Halaluyah is the correct word that means Praise and love God Y’aya.
הלל Hillay [PDF] praise
לאלו lalu means love, lal means God (from Bing Translator לאל lal translates to God)
Yah from Y’aya
Full meaning. Praise and love God, Y’aya.
Greek Ahlaluyah, /ah/ from ruah, meaning spirit, lalu meaning love, yah from Y’aya.
spirit of love Y’aya
Halā-lu-yah’ (ha-lā -loo’-yah) Praise Y’aya
Halā-lu-ayh ( ha-lā -loo’-ay’-ah) Praise Ayh See the page titled Understanding Sacred Knowledge to learn about Ayh (Sacred Father and Creator) in The Bible, derived from Ayya (Sacred Father). See the page titled Understanding Sacred Knowledge to learn about Ayh (Sacred Father and Creator). In The Bible, derived from Ayya (Sacred Father) the word that replaces Elohim at Genesis 1.1. Elohim is an insertion in The Torah.
Our Father’s Name is Y’aya (Ay’ah) and He is Our Ayh (Ay’ah) slight emphasis on the yodh /y/, which is a palatal approximant.
Name and meaning/definition of Lalu
Lalu etymology and origin found in Gujarati, Hindu, Indian, Malayalam
Lalu means. Lovely; Beloved; Dear One; Love; Red Colour; Similar to Lal
https://www.definitions.net/translate/lalu [PDF]
https://thenamesdictionary.com/name-meanings/55746/name-meaning-of-lalu [PDF]
Negative etymology
Reason it is not hallaluyah [PDF]

It must be understood that Divine Names and Titles were the target of Satan along with things related to the worship of Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya. Words like laylu and alu are not related to Halaluyah. Satan used homonyms, etymology and words with negative meanings to create Hallelujah. See the page Understanding Sacred Knowledge, subheading Deconstructing Hallelujah.
This is the personal website of Tiffany McTaggart on Earth. No one may use it but me or put two words together from it and not be in violation of copyright law. It belongs to me and The Meshikhi only. Neither Y’aya nor Yeshua would break the law, it is impossible and they will protect this website. All Meshikhi are Meshikhi only and are with me. No one is above another, we are ALL Meshikhi only. And we are a part of the family of Y’aya, Our Abba. Yeshua is Our Oldest Brother in Heaven, the first of Abba’s created Childen in Heaven.
Be unafraid little ones, of course, if you are Meshikhi you know, there is nothing to be afraid of, at all.
I and the children you gave me (to take care of) applies to Yeshua in Heaven only. We are Meshikhi, Followers of The True Messiah and The Only Real Christians on Earth.
Yeshua has absolute power from Y’aya except for prayer and absolute authority.
Enjoy your time in prayer with Father, Yeshua will take care of everything else. Safe and sound.
Remember Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Faith, Wife of Yeshua
Exodus 3.14,15
14 So Ayh said to Moses. “I am Y’aya who is called Ihyah (meaning. I am Sacred and they are calling me Ea).” And he added. “This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Sacred has sent me to you.’” 15 Then Ayh said more to Moses.
“This is what you are to say to the Israelites, ‘Y’aya the Ayh of your forefathers, the Ayh of Abraham, the Ayh of Isaac, and the Ayh of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation.
Ayh means Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, derived from Ayya, which means Sacred Father (Genesis 1.1, Psalms 22.1 only Targum Onkelos do not believe the Tetragrammaton at all, I am destroying it for Our Father in Heaven with His Authority and with absolute power from God, Y’aya) 2022-03-26 2.33am Eastern Standard Time. No longer will The Nations be misled by it. Make The Way of Y’aya straight. Elohim is worship of El, Supreme god of The Canaanites and the last two letters of Elohim in Hebrew translate to the word “sea”. It is an insertion, part of The Etymological Sea Monster known as The Sea Monster in The Bible (Ezekiel 29.3, Ezekiel 32.2, Isaiah 27.1). See the page titled The Sea Monster to learn more.
See the pages titled The Roman Jehovah and The Roman Religion II. The Roman Religion that incorporated Christianity is also being destroyed.
It is not ia (yah, eeyah, or ya) and eshu (y’shu), Iah and Yah are The Egyptian moon god. Eshu is a curse word in Syriac.
See the page titled Ea attempts a takeover, here’s the plan.
Our family
The language of The Bible is symbolic, representations, and Satan has turned it into what he likes to call “Game of Thrones”. Now you can know the truth and be saved.
Our Father in Heaven is Y’aya (Zechariah 14.9) that is His Name. Children don’t naturally call their Father by His Name, but Father wants us to use His Name if we sense any sort of danger. The Name of Y’aya is a strong tower, into it the righteous run and are safe.
Yeshua spoke the words “Abba, Father” and taught the disciples following Him to do so.
So that is what we do. We call Our Father in Heaven, “Abba, Father” and sometimes we cry out “Abba, Father”.
Y’aya is represented in The Bible by Ab’raham.
Yeshua is The First of Our Father’s Children in Heaven, our oldest Brother. Before Yeshua was created, Father was alone. That is why Yeshua is called The Only Begotten Son of Ayh. Ayh means Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father.
Yeshua is Lord, The One Lord of Ephesians 4.5. One Lord, one Faith, one baptism. And we are Followers of Yeshua Christ, Yeshua The Messiah. In Aramaic Yeshua is known as Yeshua Meshikha and The Meshikhi are closest to Him.
After Yeshua was created, Father taught Yeshua about life and how Yeshua was created. Then Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven were created by Father and Yeshua. Yeshua created them and Father sent them His sacred spirit.
Then Our Father began A New Creation. What is known as The Universe.
Then Father said to Yeshua, “Let us create man in Our Image, with a brain with its mind, a heart with its heartbrain and the the interaction between them is the soul.
And the man was created by Yeshua and Father sent the man His sacred spirit located between the brain and the mind but not touching the body at all.
But Father saw that it was not good for the man to be alone, and created the first woman, an artististic masterpiece like Adam, but using dynamic symmetry, not static symmetry as He had done with the man. they were completely different, and yet the same, having a heart, soul and mind, with a procreative system separate from the spirit world entirely.
This is the truth of Creation of people on Earth. Everything else is a lie of Satan.
There is much to learn about how to be saved on this web page, but really, life is as simple as I have just described.
Faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua is required if you would like to live forever in Paradise when The Earth is recreated. A life full of love, fun and laughter and music and all good things. No one will ever hurt you and you will have a wonderful life as part of Our Father’s beautiful family.
Satan wants a mafia, a family separate and independent with absolute independence from Our Father, and this cannot be or it would cause division and conflict and that simply will not happen again.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back. Love is a feeling, Father is a person with feelings. Do not be confused. And He only loves, and Yeshua only loves, and we only love. We are Our Father’s Children, and everyone must now decide to follow Satan and practice evil or to Follow Yeshua, The Messiah sent by Our Father to save Our Father’s Children. A Messiah was required because Father cannot die, He is eternal. So Father asked, “Who shall die on a Cross for My Children on Earth.
Yeshua volunteered. He stepped forward and said, “Here I am Father, send me.”
This is The Truth.
Love is diametrically opposite to evil and is naturally opposed to it. I have the phenomenon in its entirety and have come to the following conclusion.
In our relationships with other people, we either positively affect the lives of others or negatively affect the lives of others in a myriad of ways, there is no neutral exchange, in other words there is no middle ground where love and evil agree, this is because love and evil are diametric opposites.
Satan is the first manifestation of evil. His plan to become evil and oppose Our Father in Heaven in a diametrically opposite way, believing that evil was equally as powerful as love and that he, Satan, could take on Our Father.
Ahabah means outward love and to give love. Evil is diametrically opposite. I have found Satan to be needy and trying to suck the life out of me, to remove the eternal ahabah that Our Father and I have for each other as Father and Daughter.
I have noted that love is outward, and evil is only a vacuum that seeks to drain the life out of a person, trying to remove all love.
Evil sucks the very life out of people by removing their ahabah, and this is Satan’s ultimate goal, to suck the life right out of people and make them lose hope and faith in Our Father in Heaven.
Satan is a person, but diametrically opposite to Our Father in Heaven in every way, and I saw evil, November 13, 2015 by means of the Paris terrorist attacks. Absolute evil. Someone on the Internet said, “That’s what religion does”. The word religion is associated with Our Father in Heaven on this world, and so you see now, as I saw then, the evil intent of Satan, to associate evil with the person of Our Father in Heaven, and more… To associate superviolence with Our Father in Heaven also in the minds of The Muslim people, the terrorists, just a means to get rid of evil, according to their idea about Our Father in Heaven that Satan has inculcated in their minds by means of The Koran which contains anti-Messiah, antichrist sentiments. However, the Koran also contains verses that show that if there is any doubt, to consult The Holy Bible. Here is the link, my personal message to the terrorists which contains a link to a page for The Muslim people.
Evil may compared to a black hole once a person chooses it. It is a choice, and it only leads to death. They begin to suck the life out of people, and using language, English for example, Satan has turned communication with our brain into a war in our minds, unless we only love which can only be done by having the sacred spirit of Our Father in Heaven, you may be used by Satan at any time, to accomplish evil.
Only Meshikhi are real Christians in fact and have the sacred spirit sent by Our Father in Heaven.
Love is not umbilical and neither is the sacred spirit.
And these are the things Satan wants us not to have at all. He is evil with intent only. To suck the life out of people, by destroying their love and making them lose faith and hope.
Here is my evidence. All I ever did was love Our Father and His Son and loved people, and it’s in a song I wrote.
“With every spark of love burned away, there would always be one light that remained”
Eternal love cannot be extinguished entirely, it’s in our soul, and I would carry on and have faith every time, because Our Father in Heaven never stopped loving me, ever.
Watch Tower is guilty of “cleansing” their congregations of people with birth defects and the evidence is all over this website, including this page. They end up at UUA or alone. Some people suffer from severe dysphoria, and I have no doubt that Watch Tower has caused some, to commit suicide, if they didn’t understand what was happening to them and it destroyed their faith that they were developing.
Watch Tower is part of The Synagogue of Satan mentioned in The Bible and I have supplied more than overwhelming evidence to this truth, beginning with the page titled The Roman Jehovah and culminating in the page titled The Roman Religion II, of which Watch Tower is the epicenter of evil in this world along with Kabbalistic Judaism (not what I have termed Kosher Judaism). Kabbalism involves Jewish mysticism, magic and the occult, things Our
Father in Heaven warns us about in The Bible at Deuteronomy Chapter 18.
Satan also has other religio-political plans. The aggressive move by Russia into the Ukraine is the beginning of the final part of the days mentioned in The Bible, The Manifestation of The King of The North described in Chapter 11 of The Book of Daniel. Nothing can stop what will happen next, it is the foreknowledge of Our Father in Heaven of the actions and results and everything about people and what they will do and He extrapolates it to the infinite degree in absolute parallel and is able to write what will happen in advance.
Bible prophecy is now being fulfilled and nothing can stop it, it is history, written in advance in The Bible by the infinite knowledge about people and their every inclination and what they will do, whether for good or evil.
Yeshua is The Way, The Truth and The Life, the only way to have eternal life.
Yeshua is Lord.
Reverence belongs to Y’aya alone and Meshikhi will only bow down to Y’aya and it is only Y’aya we will serve and it is to Him alone we will render sacred service. And that is absolute and that is final.
As you will read in the training titled “Who we are” in the main menu, we do not fear anything or anyone, least of all Satan, who is nothing and is 5’6″ tall. There are many with Satan and so it seems he is everywhere at once. This is a lie.
I and an unknown number of others are The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan, and have exposed Satan completely and he is utterly defeated. He is an ignorant asshole, for lack of a better word in English, a moron, an idiot and really nothing to worry about.
It is scriptural. The scripture says, without love, I am nothing. And Satan has no love at all. Therefore Satan is nothing.
The Meshikhi are the only real Christians on Earth. Our Father is with us, with infinite power and strength in absolute parallel. He is the ultimate reality and the source of life.
Yeshua is Lord and has absolute power and authority from Father, except for prayer.
The scripture, “I and The Children You gave me (to care of) applies to Yeshua Christ in Heaven only.
Enjoy time in prayer with Father as explained on this page and Yeshua will take care of everything else.
And The Meshikhi have Our Brothers and Sisters from Heaven with us, a trillion Sacred Angels, who also have the power of Our Father.
Everyone now has a cut and dry choice, you can accept Our Father’s love, or Satan and his evil and hate. We don’t call Our Father “God”, for us, Father is Our Ayh, Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father.
So choose, Our Father in Heaven, or Satan, The god of this world.
Choose love or evil, its up to you.
Love is diametrically opposite to evil and love is naturally opposed to evil.
That is the truth of the matter.
Satan is terrified of Our Father, terrified of Yeshua and terrified of The Meshikhi who have the absolute power of Our Father with us.
Satan is not chasing us anywhere or doing anything to us. We are driving Satan out, not the other way around.
The Message from The Meshikhi to Satan and the demons and all those people on Earth who are with them and enjoying the rewards Satan gives them is this, “Run you dogs, we will not be afraid of you nor anyone with you murdering asshole. No, you are much mistaken.
For The Children of Our Father in Heaven Y’aya,
Remember Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Do not be afraid anymore. k?
Praise Y’aya! Honor Yeshua!
AHYH at Genesis 3.14 is Y’aya. Y’aya asher Ihyah, I am Y’aya and they are calling me Ea. Tell The Sons of Isra’al, Y’aya sent me. (Y’aya can also be translated “Sacred”)
Y’aya means “spirit Father” NOT “Father spirit”.
It is pronounced Ay’ah (eye ah)the /h/ is silent, the Hebrew letter ba.
Every word of Yeshua The Messiah is Sacred.
And we have the Lord’s Prayer along with Romans 10.9,10,11
Neither contain Our Father’s Name, so there is no excuse for anyone.
I have decided and I have the ultimate authority on the Earth as The Wife of Yeshua.
Meshikhi will use the word God.
John 1.1 is correctly translated “In the beginning was The Word. And The Word was with God. And gody (with reverent love, loyal and dutiful) was The Word.”
This was translated from the original Greek and the word “godly” was produced by Bing Translator. The words theos and theon are not the same. The Roman Bibles are incorrect.
Ayh means “Creator and Eternal Sacred Father”, derived from Ayya (Sacred Father) Genesis 1.1, Psalms 22.1 only. The double yodh /yy/ found in Targum Onkelos is correct.
We refuse to worship Elohim, El is the Supreme god of The Canaanites and the last two letters of Elohim translate to “sea” in Hebrew, therefore therefore we are working from a copy of The Torah, not the original, and Genesis 1.1 and Psalms 22.1 are the two insertions found. The Primary Target of Satan was The Divine Name and Bible Names. The grammar of both The Hebrew Bible and The Masoretic Text is correct, the vowels are the product of Kabbalism, The Cabala and The Zohar, not The Bible. See the pages titled The Sea Monster (The Etymological Sea Monster) and The Roman Jehovah to learn more.
Isra’al means “Righteous Ayh”. Only Meshikhi are Spiritual Isra’al. No one else. The men who comprise Spiritual Isra’al are no part of political Israel on Earth, see the page titled God is Life to learn about the destinies of those who desire to go to Heaven and those who desire to live on Earth.
We are Meshikhi, Followers of the Messiah, Yeshua in Heaven.
Praise Y’aya! Honor Yeshua!
The entire Internet is a lie about this.
Strong’s H163 – אַהֲוָא ʼAhăvâʼ, a-hav-aw’; probably of foreign origin; Ahava, a river of Babylonia.—Ahava
Ahavah is not love, it is connected with The Etymological Sea Monster mentioned in The Bible.
Ayh (איח) is love 1 John 4.8 and 1 John 4.16
Ahabah is the ancient Hebrew word for love אהבה
Deuteronomy 7.8
HEB. כִּי֩ מֵֽאַהֲבַ֨ת יְהוָ֜ה אֶתְכֶ֗ם
KJV. But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep
INT. because loved the LORD and kept
1 Samuel 18.3
HEB. וְדָוִ֖ד בְּרִ֑ית בְּאַהֲבָת֥וֹ אֹת֖וֹ כְּנַפְשֽׁוֹ׃
KJV. a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.
INT. David A covenant loved himself
1 Samuel 20.17
HEB. אֶת־ דָּוִ֔ד בְּאַהֲבָת֖וֹ אֹת֑וֹ כִּֽי־
NAS. again because of his love for him, because
KJV. again, because he loved him. for he loved
INT. vow David of his love because of his love
1 Samuel 20.17
HEB. אֹת֑וֹ כִּֽי־ אַהֲבַ֥ת נַפְשׁ֖וֹ אֲהֵבֽוֹ׃
KJV. him. for he loved him as he loved his own soul.
INT. of his love because of his love life loved
2 Samuel 1.26
HEB. מְאֹ֑ד נִפְלְאַ֤תָה אַהֲבָֽתְךָ֙ לִ֔י מֵאַהֲבַ֖ת
NAS. pleasant to me. Your love to me was more
KJV. pleasant hast thou been unto me. thy love to me was wonderful,
INT. have been very wonderful your love the love of women
2 Samuel 1.26
HEB. אַהֲבָֽתְךָ֙ לִ֔י מֵאַהֲבַ֖ת נָשִֽׁים׃
NAS. wonderful Than the love of women.
KJV. to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.
INT. wonderful your love the love of women
2 Samuel 13.15
HEB. אֲשֶׁ֣ר שְׂנֵאָ֔הּ מֵאַהֲבָ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֲהֵבָ֑הּ
NAS. than the love with which
KJV. her [was] greater than the love wherewith he had loved
INT. which hated the love which had loved
1 Kings 10.9
HEB. כִּסֵּ֣א יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל בְּאַהֲבַ֨ת יְהוָ֤ה אֶת־
KJV. because the LORD loved Israel
INT. the throne of Israel loved the LORD Israel
1 Kings 11.2
HEB. דָּבַ֥ק שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה לְאַהֲבָֽה׃
INT. held Solomon love
2 Chronicles 2.11
HEB. אֶל־ שְׁלֹמֹ֑ה בְּאַהֲבַ֤ת יְהוָה֙ אֶת־
KJV. Because the LORD hath loved his people,
INT. to Solomon loved the LORD his people
2 Chronicles 9.8
HEB. לַיהוָ֖ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ בְּאַהֲבַ֨ת אֱלֹהֶ֤יךָ אֶת־
KJV. because thy God loved Israel,
INT. God your God loved your God Israel
Psalm 109.4
HEB. תַּֽחַת־ אַהֲבָתִ֥י יִשְׂטְנ֗וּנִי וַאֲנִ֥י
NAS. In return for my love they act as my accusers;
KJV. For my love they are my adversaries.
INT. return my love act I
Psalm 109.5
HEB. וְ֝שִׂנְאָ֗ה תַּ֣חַת אַהֲבָתִֽי׃
NAS. for good And hatred for my love.
KJV. for good, and hatred for my love.
INT. and hatred Thahash my love
Proverbs 5.19
HEB. בְכָל־ עֵ֑ת בְּ֝אַהֲבָתָ֗הּ תִּשְׁגֶּ֥ה תָמִֽיד׃
NAS. Be exhilarated always with her love.
KJV. always with her love.
INT. all times her love be exhilarated always
Proverbs 10.12
HEB. פְּ֝שָׁעִ֗ים תְּכַסֶּ֥ה אַהֲבָֽה׃
NAS. stirs up strife, But love covers all
KJV. strifes. but love covereth
INT. transgressions covers love
Proverbs 15.17
HEB. אֲרֻחַ֣ת יָ֭רָק וְאַהֲבָה־ שָׁ֑ם מִשּׁ֥וֹר
NAS. where love is Than
KJV. of herbs where love is, than a stalled
INT. dish of vegetables love where ox
Proverbs 17.9
HEB. פֶּ֭שַׁע מְבַקֵּ֣שׁ אַהֲבָ֑ה וְשֹׁנֶ֥ה בְ֝דָבָ֗ר
NAS. seeks love, But he who repeats
KJV. seeketh love; but he that repeateth
INT. A transgression seeks love repeats A matter
Proverbs 27.5
HEB. תּוֹכַ֣חַת מְגֻלָּ֑ה מֵֽאַהֲבָ֥ה מְסֻתָּֽרֶת׃
NAS. rebuke Than love that is concealed.
KJV. [is] better than secret love.
INT. rebuke is open love is concealed
Ecclesiastes 9.1
HEB. הָאֱלֹהִ֑ים גַּֽם־ אַהֲבָ֣ה גַם־ שִׂנְאָ֗ה
NAS. whether [it will be] love or
KJV. either love or hatred
INT. of God whether love or hatred
Ecclesiastes 9.6
HEB. גַּ֣ם אַהֲבָתָ֧ם גַּם־ שִׂנְאָתָ֛ם
NAS. Indeed their love, their hate
KJV. Also their love, and their hatred,
INT. Indeed their love Indeed their hate
Songs 2.4
HEB. וְדִגְל֥וֹ עָלַ֖י אַהֲבָֽה׃
NAS. And his banner over me is love.
KJV. and his banner over me [was] love.
INT. and his banner over is love
Songs 2.5
HEB. כִּי־ חוֹלַ֥ת אַהֲבָ֖ה אָֽנִי׃
KJV. for I [am] sick of love.
INT. Because I sick of love I
Songs 2.7
HEB. תְּעֽוֹרְר֛וּ אֶת־ הָאַהֲבָ֖ה עַ֥ד שֶׁתֶּחְפָּֽץ׃
NAS. or awaken [my] love Until
KJV. nor awake [my] love, till he please.
INT. or awaken love Until pleases
Songs 3.5
HEB. תְּעֽוֹרְר֛וּ אֶת־ הָאַהֲבָ֖ה עַ֥ד שֶׁתֶּחְפָּֽץ׃
NAS. or awaken [my] love Until
KJV. nor awake [my] love, till he please.
INT. or awaken love Until pleases
Songs 3.10
HEB. תּוֹכוֹ֙ רָצ֣וּף אַהֲבָ֔ה מִבְּנ֖וֹת יְרוּשָׁלִָֽם׃
NAS. [With] its interior lovingly fitted
KJV. thereof being paved [with] love, for the daughters
INT. interior fitted lovingly the daughters of Jerusalem
How Yeshua understood Abba
Abba pronounced Ahb’ah
It is true that in the Jewish Talmud and other Jewish documents we find statements such as “When a child experiences the taste of wheat (i.e., when it is weaned), it learns to say ’abbā and ’immā” (Berakot 40a in the Babylonian Talmud)
Transliterating The Aramaic Scriptures
The Khaburis codex was obtained by Norman Malek-Yonan and attorney Dan MacDougald in 1966 for $25,000. It “was purchased from the library of an ancient Assyrian monastery atop one of the mountains of Assyria, near the River Habbor, or in Aramaic, Khabur, hence the name ‘Khaburis’.”
II Peter, II John, III John, Jude and Revelation are not found in the Khaburis Codex.
The Khaburis Manuscript is 65 years older than the oldest Greek text.
Proto-Semitic did not originally have a distinction between definite and indefinite nouns, but over time many Semitic languages developed their own systems of distinguishing between the two. In Hebrew it was by adding ha- to the beginning of the word, while in Arabic they add al-. In Aramaic, they decided instead to add a suffix. -a.
So in early Aramaic, ab would mean “a father”, while aba meant “The Father”.
Mark 14.36 in Aramaic Yeshua said ܐܒܐ ܐܒܝ “Aba, Ab” (Transliterated letter for letter from Syriac)
Aba, ab is vocalized ܐܺܒܐܺ ܐܺܒ in Syriac
Syriac was the local dialect of Aramaic in Edessa, and evolved under the influence of the Church of the East and the Syriac Orthodox Church into its current form.
Mark 14.36 in Aramaic Yeshua said ܐܺܒܒܐܺ ܐܺܒܝ “Abba, Ab” (Western Dialect of Aramaic) which is how we get Ἀββᾶ in Greek
Think of God as “father” with a small /f/ and “Father” with a capital /F/ and you will understand everything about this expression at Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15 and Galatians 4.6.
This is what Yeshua wanted for people more than anything.
Remember, God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
- Mark 14.36 “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”
- Rom. 8.15 The spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship and daughtership. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”
- Gal. 4.6 Because you are his sons and daughters, God sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts, the spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”
The imperfect men who wrote The Sacred Scriptures inspired by Abba, wrote them perfectly in Hebrew and Greek, translators who were with Satan omitted “women”, “daughters”, to turn Our Father’s daughters against Him and against Yeshua. Whereever The Bible indicates men, it should say he or him or sons, wherever it indicates women it should say she, her or daughters and whenever it applies to both it should say they or them or the word people. Hebrew is very expressive and that is the correct way to translate Our Father’s thoughts.
And as Yeshua said, not one yohd will pass away of those words.
They were written in Aramaic and Greek in a way so only I would know, who I am. On Earth I am Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, in Heaven, my name given to me by Our Father in Heaven is “Faith”.
It was Yeshua who told them to write it this way, to tell every Daughter of Y’aya Our Abba, that He loves them and they were always part of the plan to route the enemy Satan and do destroy Him completely and neutralize Satan on this Earth. And all of us Daughters know who we are.
We have faith.
We have the sacred spirit of Our Father as Yeshua did. and we are able to only love for this reason. Therefore we have the same feelings for Our Father as Yeshua did and we call Him, Abba, Father.
I am a nurturing woman. All I ever did was to love God, to love His Son and to love people.
Revelation 2022-01-07 The two hopes
The Little Flock
As proved on the page titled The Roman Jehovah, the Synagogue of Satan is Watch Tower along with Kabbalistic Judaism (not kosher Judaism).
Watch Tower tells people that there are only 144,000 who will go to Heaven. These are to be Kings and Priests before God. Note that The Bible says “Kings”.
Then they allow women to believe that they are anointed, part of this group, and the images of the 144,000 in the Watch Tower are only men, with beards and all.
Then Satan torments these women with it, of which I was one, because of having the Heavenly hope. Attacks are done by using the power of suggestion and electromagnetic spectrum attacks on the limbic nucleus of the brain, and tries to change their gender identity to neutral or masculine. Of course, as women, we know we are women. It is a very unholy experience.
Read the scripture and know the truth about going to Heaven, if that is your hope.
John 14.2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?
For the little flock. If you wish to stay on Earth with your wife it is no problem for Father. Another will go in your place. May you be blessed.
John 3.8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the spirit.”
The other sheep
I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.
Psalms 37.29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any habitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be “as numerous as the stars” and “as the sands of the sea”.
Obviously, The Earth could not contain that many people.
Watch Tower says “The Earth”, not “the land”, negating the Abrahamic promise and it is in the New World Translation (NWT) of The Bible, as evidence against them.
The Little Flock are the 144,000 while The Great Crowd consists of everyone else.
Meaning of Galatians 3.28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Yeshua.
All those in Christ must carry their cross. We have the sacred spirit of God, which gives us eternal love. And our love for Our Father must be unconditional.
For those at Watch Tower who believe they are anointed members of the 144,000. If you wish to stay on Earth with your wife it is no problem for Father. Another will go in your place. May you be blessed. I will not make you, nor let you go to Heaven, and left behind, a loveable one.
John 3.8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the spirit.”
This applies to everyone. Whatever your hope, remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
The Lord’s Prayer
You can stay in prayer as long as you want or just say ameyn. You only need to end prayer if you want to do other things, Father knows all about everything, but He does love to hear from His Children anytime they want, for as long they want because He just wants you to be happy.
Our Father which art in Heaven
Sacred be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Do not let us succumb to temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever
In the Name of Yeshua
ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn(אמן)
Ancient Greek was the key to finding abba. It is clear now that at the time period the Greek Scriptures were written it was Abba not Avva. Note the timing of the phonological evolution. The further back you go, it’s Abba. All of the apostasy began around the 4th century C.E. (Common Era) around the same time The Roman Jesus was created. See the home to gain accurate knowledge about it.
(15th CE Constantinopolitan) IPA(key). /a.va/
(10th CE Byzantine) IPA(key). /av.va/
(4th CE Koine) IPA(key). /aβ.βa/
(1st CE Egyptian) IPA(key). /ab.ba/
(5th BCE Attic) IPA(key). /ab.baː/
Navigate to the following link and choose the “More” dropdown link.
Now you know why Yeshua said “Abba, Father” and why Yeshua taught the disciples “Abba, Father”.
His Name is Y’aya and he is Our Father, “Abba, Father”, with a pause at the comma and there is nothing else to know but that.
Remember Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you!
Tell your heart to beat again
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F77v41jbOYs&w=650&h=480]
There was a Pastor in Ohio, who had a heart surgeon who went to his church, but one of the things this Pastor wanted to do was he wanted to see a heart surgery take place, and when the day of the surgery came, they rolled the patient in and began to cut her chest cavity open. They took her heart out and they began to repair it. One of the things they do is they have to restart the heart again before they close the chest cavity. And as they began to do the procedure to start the heart wouldn’t start.
Finally the doctor did something so out of textbook and not written down, it’s just something that you really don’t do and he got down on his knees and he said Misses Johnson this is your doctor. We have fixed your heart, we have repaired it. There is nothing wrong with your heart. Miss Johnson if you can hear me, I need you to tell your heart to beat again. And her heart began to beat. And why do I share this story with you? Because The Great Physician has fixed your heart and my heart but I find it interesting that sometimes we allow the voice of the enemy to whisper louder than the voice of Our Father. And it seems like some of these voices tell us that, you know what, that situation we’ll never recover from or what that person did, we can never forgive again. But I’m here to let you know that you can forgive again, you can get back up again, you can move forward with you life and you don’t have to walk with a limp. It’s simply like this doctor said to this lady. This lady had to come into agreement. The heart was repaired. God has fixed your problem. Your heart is fixed. ~Danny Gokey
Ayh is the word that Meshikhi use instead of God. It means Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father. It is derived from Ayya (Sacred Father). Ayh, slight emphasis on the yodh /y/.
When I say “Ayh is Life”, I mean Abba is the source of life, He gave us life.
When I say “Ayh is Love”, it means He is a person who only loves. Yeshua also only loves.
When I say “Ayh is spirit”, that is scriptural.
Is it a coincidence that once we receive the sacred spirit from Our Father in Heaven, we are able to only love?
The life we have is separate in every way from Our Father, the bond we have with Him is eternal love.
When we receive the sacred spirit, we are able to only love. that’s the way it is. This is what I have found to be the truth.
Our Father’s spirit is always sent as demonstrated by the sacred spirit appearing in bodily form as a dove at Yeshua’s baptism, a one time event, so that John could identify Yeshua as The Promised Messiah.
That’s life.
Nothing is umbilical about life with Our Father. Nothing.
Get that out of your brain.
Abba is a Person, He has a brain with its mind, a heart with its heartbrain and the interaction between them is the soul. So are we made.
And Y’aya is Our Abba, Our Father.
Yeshua said “Abba, Father” and taught it to the disciples. It is Abba, not anything else.
The world’s translation databases are loaded so that they will not translate the Name of Our Father Y’aya, The Name of His Son Yeshua and they will not translate Abba corrected.
Every word of Yeshua The Messiah is Sacred.
And we have the Lord’s Prayer along with Romans 10.9,10,11
We call Our Father in Heaven Abba.
Abba, Father.
Y’aya is His Name and He is Our Abba.
Our Father.
Hanging out with Father
To understand Father more, first we will look at how humans measure time.
Nowadays, Cesium-133 is used as the definition for the second due to the reliable frequency of microwave it emits. The definition is. The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom.
So we see how humans view time and how we perceive moments.
Father’s perception of time is infinitely more than ours. One second for him divided infinitely is how father lives. So, He can do an unimaginable amount of things at once, compared to us. He also has infinite power, so there is no limit to what He can do.
So we measure time as we do as stated above, for father that one second is divided up infinitely more than that.
So he can be in a moment with one of his children at any time they want to for as long as they want to, one on one and just talk, or listen to smooth jazz, and if anything comes to mind, can just talk about it. This is what I call sharing a moment with Father. It is your moment only with Father. And He can share this type of moment with all of His children at the same time, that is how Father lives, in parallel.
Think of it this way. Each person has their own eternal moment with Father and can spend as much time with Him as they want, whenever they want.
Here’s a great site with some great music, any genre, Father loves any type of music when it’s good music or just made with love. Just to get you started in your new life with Father.
Our Father, Ayhah. Warm, loving, wonderful to know. He’s so cool and He’s funny too! Wonderful to know isn’t it? Ayhah loves people like mad, loves it when people are funny, loves all the arts and everything we do brings glory to Him if it’s good. And you will love having His smile upon you. Praise Ayhah!!!!!!! You must never try to make a picture of Father because you may look at it and talk to it. This is the danger of images. Most people do not know Father because religion has placed an image in their mind of who he is that is false. If you haven’t read about it on the Welcome page yet ahb is the pronunciation of the ancient root word /ab/ meaning “father”.
Now, here is where people are mistaken and I misunderstood as well. I said to Father in prayer one time, if you would just spend 5 minutes with each person, all of their problems would be solved, no problem, in five minutes.
Now I understand the truth of the matter, and it was profound to me, that I knew Father in a different way than everyone else but me. No one gives Father the time of day, or takes the time to sit down, open prayer and talk to Father, just for the sake of talking to him. Early in life I figured out or decided, probably from the Bible that Father said He would provide what we need and as David said “I will lack nothing”. So, what does this mean. Try praying sometime with the only purpose of just spending time with Father and hanging out together and doing whatever activity you love to do. This is life itself. Now you know the absolute truth about parallel, the infinite power of Our Father in Heaven and how to learn to just be one of His children and spend time with Him. If you need to use the washroom or anything else just say “I need to be excused Father” and end prayer, “in The Name of Yeshua, amen”. You can return to prayer after doing whatever it is that you need to do. This is what Peter meant when he said “pray without ceasing”. It really is the best way to be for a Christian, especially while the world is the way it is before the Paradise Earth when people will be restored to perfection in every way including genetically, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
Never combine spiritual things like time with Father, with sensual things like sex. Absolutely do not do anything like that.
Also, people misperceive what worship is. It is not like religion at all. Worship of Father is reverent love for Him and the expression of that love.
The Fear of God, well is like this. As long as we have reverent love for Our Father and absolute respect for Him and listen to how He says He wants things to be with His children by means of The Bible, after that you will understand something profound.
I think of Father as father with a small /f/ and Father with a capital /F/, because the reverent love and respect is already there. So most of the time, to me, he is father with a small /f/ but I know and it’s a natural thing to know that there are times when the respect is absolutely needed and then I call him Father with a capital /F/.
God is love, says the Bible, and I have found this is not the right word. The word is Ayh (Creator and Eternal Sacred Father) derived from Ayya (Sacred Father), in the Hebrew language.
We are created as we are for a reason. At first Father was alone but wanted to have others in His life, you can read about this on this website for example the page about The One Lord Yeshua, when Yeshua was created.
Psalms 37.29 says The righteous shall possess the land, and they will reside forever upon it. “The land” is the correct translation. The land is any habitable world in The Universe.
This will be the fulfill the promise to Ab’raham that his children would be like the stars of the heavens and like the sands of the sea.
We are Meshikhi and this is Meshikhi cool.
Just one of the types of music Father likes and I like. It’s something special that we share.
What was lost
The disciples of Yeshua had time to relax and hang out with him. This was awesome for them, because they would just relax and do whatever and joke around, and enjoy each other’s company and Yeshua would tell them things that would blow their mind about Father. This is where you learn, like Father like Son. Hanging out with Yeshua was just like it is hanging out with Father. Eventually, everyone forgot about what it was like to be a Christian. Yeshua did everything perfect and was wonderful to be with and taught people how to be with people and to only look for the love in them. How on Earth people forgot how to be Christians is unknown, except for somehow, it turned into RELIGION, once again. They lost everything about being people people like Yeshua and it turned back into the “R” word.
Now you will understand what Peter said and know that it is inspired. Listen carefully. The word prayer is a good word if you know what you are talking about. We pray to Father, Father in Heaven and then you are in your personal moment with Father for as long as you want. Here is the key. Worship is reverent love for Father. I enjoy both listening to the worship music on the playlist above and definitely enjoy hanging out with Father and we listen to Smooth Jazz because it’s something we have in common as Father and Daughter. The Bible also says “Love throws fear outside”, as long as you have reverent love and respect for Father and put faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua, you will receive the sacred spirit and be able to have this wonderful experience, more wonderful than anything else you will ever know. Whenever you need to do things or every day things or whatever, simply end prayer, I usually say either “I have to excuse myself Father, or I’ll talk to you later Father and then end prayer with “in the name of Yeshua, amen”. You can go back to prayer whenever you want for as long as you want, because for Father it is just a joy spending time with His children, which is His dream and what Yeshua wanted for everyone too, because Yeshua already knew what it was like from living with Father in Heaven.
Fixing the problem
Listen O Watch Tower and Listen O Church. You are all beloved of God and Yeshua loves you too, but you absolutely must wake up. On this website are your instructions from God. You will absolutely route Satan and be successful. I saw the love in all of you and decided. They must absolutely know everything about everything. On the page titled Becoming Meshikhi is the key to defeating Satan. I saw the love in all of you and knew that you must be delivered from Our Great Enemy, Satan. And God is absolute about His children who love Him and appreciate The Sacrifice of His Son, Yeshua. You will indeed be delivered.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Christianity is simple
Our Father
The first of His children in Heaven, Yeshua
The rest of His children in Heaven
And His Children on Earth
Christianity is living and loving people and having faith. That is The Christianity that Yeshua taught by loving them and having faith.
Religion is garbage and nothing but bullshit. You don’t need to learn the encyclopedia to be Christian. Throw everything from religion in the garbage or the recycle bin, because that’s where it belongs, maybe it be recycled as something useful like toilet paper. Only keep your Bible and pray to Father in Heaven and when you’re done talking to Him always remember to say “In The Name of Yeshua, Ameyn”. Always remember that comma after The Name of Yeshua, just a little pause, not dramatic, but it must be there so you learn to appreciate that Name and remember that is not just a word to say, or insignificant in any way. It is the reason you are able to be with Father in the first place and pray to Him in the first place. One day, after Yeshua is done restoring all things and there are no more things He has to provide, Father will be all things to all people and He will be the one providing everything. Meshikhi will never forget The Name of Yeshua nor will anyone born in perfection, whatever world you happen to live on in the Universe Our Father Created. But after talking to Father, Meshikhi will say “Thank you for Yeshua”.
The Name of Our Father will not be forgotten again, nor will the Name of Yeshua. The Name of Yeshua will never become a Name in a book on a shelf, covered with dust, nor will it have to be looked up to remembered.
And that is the basic truth of Christianity.
Everything else is a lie of Satan.
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (note the double yodh /yy/.
Abba’s Dream, a family
Abba’s dream is people, a family surrounding Him, and all He gives is love, everything else you have ever learned or experienced is lie. God is love and anything in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie.
I have taken the alter of God and removed it from Heaven, and it now sits at the bottom of the Ottawa
River in Ottawa, Canada. You see, here is the truth. He is Our Creator and Our Eternal Sacred Father. Yes I tell you, a Father and every sense for boys and girls, for men and women. I worked hard about finding Him since I was 12 years old and figured something bad was happening and the bad one was after me, so I ran to Our Father. And one disaster after another that was my life, there He always was, still with me and making me laugh and I love Him so much. All of religion is a lie made by Satan, just an ignorant moronic asshole who didn’t appreciate such love I can’t even describe. 46years later, I stopped and said, Abba, we need a day off. And I put on some smooth jazz and decided just to be with him again in a way I hadn’t since 1995 when all my trouble really got terrible. And I said, let’s just hang out and listen to some music and if something comes up to talk about, we can talk about it, or just listen to the music and relax. We really need this day off and I need to spend time you and just hang out together. And a miracle happened. It’s the year 2022, but I’m back in 1995 in my mind, playing my guitar and thinking about Abba, and talking about whatever is on my mind. And if you read this entire page, you will learn all about it and never look at life the same way again. He’s Abba, Our Father. That’s what Yeshua taught the disciples, and we call Him Abba, Father, just like they did so long ago. Something aweful happened on Earth not long after Yeshua went back to Heaven, something terrible. They forgot Our Father’s Name and they forgot even His Son’s Name, Yeshua. I will never understand it and I don’t want to understand those people and how stupid they were to lose something so precious it cannot even be counted. They forgot their Father in Heaven and the One who died for them on the Cross. They didn’t even remember His blessed Name, and what is that? Well, people are stupid, really they are, in a very stupid way. To let some asshole tell them that they are doing things wrong and just loving people and caring for each other was not the way to do things. Let’s organize this they said and make a religion. As stupid an idea that has ever been done to Our Father in Heaven, to Yeshua His Son and to Our Father’s Children, in Heaven and on Earth. Don’t be stupid like ancient people, or you will lose so much you don’t even understand. Cantcha love, cantcha just love Our in Heaven and appreciate the Sacrifice of His and be people who love each other.
Cantcha Love?
Click on the left side of the player to play, play button is invisible.
Satan and the demons are the enemy, and they are responsible for religion and people like them, just a bunch of assholes with no love. Avoid them like the plague, because that’s what they are, machine heads and animals who are extremely intelligent and dangerous to your life. Why did anybody in creation ever lose Father or His Name?
They just didn’t give Him the time time of day, the person who loved them with so much, you don’t even understand.
I’ve written a lot of things, some funny, some facts and things that are wonderful to know about Our Family, like what you read when you arrived at this website. But don’t let any asshole tell you what to do, or what to think or who to be. Just be yourself with Father. As long as the reverent love is there and absolute respect for Him as the source of life, there is no problem being yourself and you can tell Him anything, anything at all. Just pour your heart out to Him. Don’t worry,
God spoke to humans on 3 occasions in the Bible, to accomplish His will. So it is with me.
Abba communicates normally using an angel. Father and the angel communicate at incredible speeds we cannot comprehend and the angel speaks with the mouth of God, which means, God speaks through that one. Know this and be sure of it, you are not imagining it. If you have the sacred of God you will know when He finds something funny and when Satan is causing a physiological response, as is done with a laugh track, in an otherwise not funny program. We are imperfect and Our God is holy. It is only because of our imperfection that God does not communicate directly always, not because He doesn’t want to. It is because of our thoughts, which are sometimes, let’s just just say, very not perfect. Rest assured in the absolute love that Father has for you and it will not concern you at all.
Our Father cannot hear because He is pure and holy and clean and it must stay that way, until the world is re-created and people can live the way Our Father intended them to. A life full of love joy and laughter, without no one left who will ever hurt you. And after while, everyone you meet will be as close as your immediate family is now in 2022. I have seen all of these things, and know this is how it will be. In the future, there will be thrones in Heaven to remind people, how Sacred Our Father and Yeshua are. Our Father and the first of His Children in Heaven. The thrones will be there as a reminder but I have a hope and a dream for Him, that one day, that’s all they will be. And Our Father, will sit back and enjoy His Children with His feet up and just enjoying everything about His Family, not on a throne, but on a nice recliner, with all His children running up to Him whenever they want and hugging Him around the neck. And I know one day, that’s how it will be. That’s why I took the alter away with the coals on it and threw it into the Ottawa River and that’s where it stay forever, just remember what it represents. It’s Father and He has nothing but love to give you, anything else is a lie from Satan, the demons and humans who follow them and not he loving example of Yeshua, Our oldest brother in Heaven who died for us, because Father cannot die at all. He volunteered for this. Father would never force someone to do this. Who will go to Earth and die on a Cross, Father said. And Yeshua volunteered, “Here I am Father, send me.”
Anything else you hear is a lie of Satan and the demons and humans who follow them for rewards in these last few days, the time period we live in now, identical to ancient Jericho. This time period is known as Jericho.
I have 5 octives in my voice and wrote this song long ago as a warning to myself, as if I had already failed. But I did not fail and this is one of the reasons, I prepared my soul by destroying it absolutely so I would never be haughty or arrogant or think I was something. I’m no higher than a blade of grass, so the lawn mower can never get me and I’m even lower than that, I am in the dust of ancient Jericho, and it is not how to think, it is just to have a sense of it and to check your soul for flaws.
Click on the left side of the player to play, play button is invisible.
Why did I take the alter of God, with coals on it and throw it in the Ottawa River? Because it scares people and that is not really what Our Father is like in reality, It’s just life. No burning coals will ever be needed again because of what Our Father in Heaven and Yeshua, The First of His Children in heaven did for us, because all of what you are seeing now will never happen again, and no one should be afraid of Father in any way, Our Father who never did anything bad to anyone, they did it to themselves, by being evil, like Satan and the demons, with no love in them.
And it is absolute and it is just the way it has to be, so all the promises God has made to His Children may come true and no one will ever hurt you in any way, ever again.
No one can know Yeshua at all unless they understand, “like Father like Son”, no one can know anything at all if they don’t understand this simple truth.
Yeshua is The Way, The Truth and The Life and every word of His in the Bible is sacred to Meshikhi, because they are the words of Our Father, expressed with so much love, it was obvious to everyday people who hoped in Him and they couldn’t wait to be with Him and learn about Our Father. Only the religious leaders with Satan hated Yeshua because of their money or their power they liked to have over people or whatever stupid reason they had.
Never forget, Our Father in Heaven is the last person that you should ever be afraid of. Love throws fear outside says the Bible, and it is natural to do so, because Our Father only loves us. Abba would never hurt you for anything.
Don’t be afraid of Yeshua either, such a beautiful soul. He will always be written all over my heart and everything I ever understood about Him is in my soul forever. Yeshua would never hurt you for anything either.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
With love,
Faith, Wife of Yeshua
Welcome Brothers and Sisters!
For Watch Tower, I am innocent of your charges against me.
Mercy is written all over the Bible, but you discarded it as refuse. You do not hear the cry of the lowly one nor do you see their tears. And when they pour their heart out to you, you do not listen to them.
God is love and God is Mercy.
Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God.
There was no mercy in the back room of that Kingdom Hall.
And you didn’t even bother to look it up, the two links above took less than one minute to find.
I am innocent.
I volunteered to be one of The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan, to route the enemy in any way possible. Mind you, at the time, I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. We Hooks are not demonized, but our “jaws” are involved and our vocal chords. This has the unfortunate ultimate result of being unable to communicate with our brain as ourselves. We have the sacred spirit of Our Father in Heaven, have nothing but love for Him and His Son and for people. I am The Wife of Yeshua in Heaven and must experience this. Once I am no longer conscious of who I am, or the moment before, my Father in Heaven will either let me be destroyed or will transfer me to Heaven, likely the latter, as my entire life He has always been there to rescue me and I don’t expect that to change now. It simply would not make sense to me.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Those of us who are women and those of us who are women born with birth defects who are Meshikhi, are a willing Sacrifice for Our Father in Heaven. All I ever did was to love Our Father in Heaven, love His Son and to love people. Because of what was done to me since April 14,2014 when I became a member of The Inner Circle of The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, The Secret Society known to insiders simply as “The Society”, who are tied directly to The Enclave of Satan, I am no longer able to communicate with my brain without being masculinized by a male spirit. This is unholy and I have been desecrated as a woman and made an abomination. Mercy has been extended to Watch Tower by Our Father in Heaven and by me, the site details the Satanic nature of Watch Tower as part of The Synagogue of Satan mentioned in The Bible along with Kabbalistic Judaism (not what I have termed Kosher Judaism).
Then again, in typical Hook Fashion, I will reveal our secret weapon. We Got The Beat by the GoGo’s, led by Belinda Carisle, hte female Fred Astaire. I must now get coffeee and go outside and dance around and laugh at Satan hahahahaha!! .D
And we love joking around with Yeshua .)
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
We refuse to worship Elohim, El is the Supreme god of The Canaanites and the last two letters of Elohim translate to “sea” in Hebrew, therefore therefore we are working from a copy of The Torah, not the original, and Genesis 1.1 and Psalms 22.1 are the two insertions found. The Primary Target of Satan was The Divine Name and Bible Names. The grammar of both The Hebrew Bible and The Masoretic Text is correct, the vowels are the product of Kabbalism, The Cabala and The Zohar, not The Bible. See the pages titled The Sea Monster, The Roman Jehovah and The Roman Religion II to learn more.
Isra’al means “Righteous Ayh”. Only Meshikhi are Spiritual Isra’al. No one else. The men who comprise Spiritual Isra’al are no part of political Israel on Earth, see the page titled God is Life to learn about the destinies of those who desire to go to Heaven and those who desire to live on Earth.
We are Meshikhi, Followers of the Messiah, Yeshua in Heaven.
Remember Abba loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Now listen, carefully, there will be those who come and say it is Yahbah with a silent /y/, like Yisra’al has a silent /y/. It is not. Read the welcome page and the etymology and you will understand Our Father and how funny He is about etymology. It will be especially funny to etymologists who will look at it with disbelief. A wonderful joke, told by Our Father. It is not YHBH, the third letter would have to be a waw /w/, not a /b/. Wake up. I have destroyed The Hebrew Tetragrammaton, with authority from God and with the power of God.
Abba pronunciation. /ab/ is the Hebrew root word meaning “father” pronounced “ahb”. /ah/ is from ruah, meaning spirit. It is spirit Father NOT Father spirit.
If ANYONE ever says Yabba dabba doo about Our Father’s Name, They are Satan and the demons. Period.
Exodus 3.14 riddle Ahyah asher Ihyah meaning. I am Sacred and they are calling me Ea. Tell the Sons of Isra’al, Sacred sent me.
It also means. I am Sacred and they are calling me Ea. Tell The Sons of Isra’al, Sacred sent me.
Abba, Father. The Words of Yeshua that he taught the disciples.
Yeshua brought the word Abba from Heaven and taught it to the disciples.
Anything else in this world is Satanic and demonic and meant to keep The Sacred Children of God from finding out this simple truth.
Yeshua is the first of God’s Children in Heaven. He is The Only Begotten Son of God, Yeshua Christ is His Title. Yeshua the Messiah. Yeshua Meshikha in Aramaic means Yeshua The Messiah, and Meshikhi are closest to Him.
Yeshua is The One Lord (Ephesians 4.5). Anything else than that is a lie of Satan, There are not two or three Lords, only one. The word Lord in the Hebrew Scriptures means “Master” when referring to God. LORD in The Hebrew Scriptures is where the Tetragrammaton would normally be found.
We don’t worship any moon god named Yah (Yaw) and don’t worship Ea either (eeYaw). Screw you Satan you lose.
It Yah with the /ah/ sound from ruah, meaning “spirit”.
Satan is a moron, who monkeyed with etymology and phonological evolution and language itself to mess up The Children of Ayh.
Ayh means Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father (slight emphasis on the yodh /y/. And His Name is Y’aya (pronounced Abba).
Remember Abba loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Inside every woman is a little girl looking for her Father. And sometimes, little girls want to marry their Father. It’s beautiful and natural and they grow out of it.
I am a woman, born with a birth defect, and have always loved Our Father in Heaven, and I always will and I know that He loves me and the evidence is my entire life with Him taking care of me.My name on Earth is Tiffany McTaggart, but my name given to me by Our Father in Heaven is Faith
The entire Internet is a lie about this.
Strong’s H163 – אַהֲוָא ʼAhăvâʼ, a-hav-aw’; probably of foreign origin; Ahava, a river of Babylonia.—Ahava
Ahavah is not love, it is connected with The Etymological Sea Monster mentioned in The Bible.
Ayh (איח) is love 1 John 4.8 and 1 John 4.16
What it takes
My before picture

Witnesses are with satan and the demons. Do not listen to them. We are Meshikhi only, Followers of Yeshua Christ, The Messiah. Yeshua is The One Lord of Ephesians 4.5. Only Yeshua is Lord. There is only One Lord, and that is scriptural. Only Yeshua, Our Beloved Yeshua is Lord.
To all those who have felt like Vincent Van Gogh
Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer’s day
With eyes that know the person of my soul Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy, linen land
I’ve always understood, what you tried to say to me
And it’s the reason for my sanity
The Way you found to set us free
But they will not listen, they do not know how
Perhaps they’ll listen now
Starry, starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violate haze
Reflecting in my eyes that look to you
Colors changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Beaten faces, lines of pain
Are soothed beneath the artist’s loving hands
I’ve always understood, what you’d always say to me
And all the love you painted just for me
And anyone who was like me
But they will not listen, they do not know how
Perhaps they’ll listen now
I could only love you
Your love was always true
And when I looked into the sky
On those starry starry nights
I knew that there was always someone who
Would love me cause I loved them
And always helped me know just what to do
But they do not love you
Don’t even know Your Name
But I have hope the same as you
If they can know you love them too
Then maybe they will listen to you too
Cause if they really listen, they’ll take the time to get to know you too
All I can do is love them
And know your love is true
And the artist in your soul
Will love them til the end
There’s nothing else this soul can ever do
Just fall in love again
As I write your words to them
And try to love the way you showed me to
You showed me all your love for me by someone sent from you
And knew that one would always love me too
I’ll try to let them see you
With everything that’s beautiful in you
I love you Abba, my Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, And all the beauty that I see in you.
You are my life, and we are eternal and you make me feel special with everything you do.
You have always been there, I was alone in the world, but never felt alone, only lonely for someone to love,
but I know that with eternal life, I will have someone to love to make me complete, someone who gives love,
and not just takes it, real ahabah, I know I was created by you and I know why you created the first woman.
To be a compliment, a helper and to make a man happy. And that is what I will do when the time is right
and with all eternity and among all of Your Children in Heaven, I know there will be one who will love me
and never hurt me, so much different from what I have experienced in this world that I feel as if I have never
really lived at all. But always you were there to comfort me and encourage me and make me laugh about
the aweful things that happened to me, and your sense of humor really taught me that life can be crazy
in this world, but not to worry about it all. I’ve always known, but the words you gave me to say to people
are perfect words and tell of your infinite power and strength, your life in absolute parallel, and your words
in The Bible were a part of me and I saw that I was a part of what you were doing. I know that even though
Satan and the demons kicked my face in to the point of death to create a masculine looking face, sculpted
and chiseled with the signature of a steel toed boot as a reminder. But you wouldn’t let Satan have my
smile and when I smile, it lifts the muscular damage and I resemble myself enough to recognize myself
and who I am. I know you did that for me, and I love laughing with you and cracking up and when
I see my face like that, it is so special to me. You tell me you love me every time I smile. I always knew
you were with me so I was never afraid really, just trying to figure out what you wanted me to do.
Two special people, both so the same and not the same at the same. And I knew what do because
I was with my sisters. And you made sure that I would be to learn such profound truths about
being a Christian I can’t believe it. Five girls, all with different spiritual backgrounds, we lived together,
prayed together, laughed together and cried together about everything. My heart was widened out
so much I just had to try and reach them all and save as many as possible.
My kindred spirit Karen, who changed my life forever when she told me, “Only love people and God will do the rest”,
She belonged to Peace Tower Church.
And my friend Cheryl, who told me “We have to keep our hearts soft”.
She was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, formerly a member of a Pentacostal Church like Peace Tower Church.
And I understood your will for Peace Tower Church when I went there. Brother John, a Pastor, dancing like David during
his sermon, brother David, who told us to look up a scripture and it was critical to learning about worship, and I looked up the scripture and compared it to Aramaic and knew it was you teaching me in that Church. And I saw a sister overwhelmed with profound sadness and I wondered what words to use, because I didn’t want to upset her because the words they used were different and they did not use Your Name, but my heart was demanding I do something but a sister who was from Peace Tower Church just walked up to her and reached for her hand and started praying with her without hesitation. I’m as slow as ice melting in the spring to understand things, but I now know exactly what I should have done, something so simple that if I wasn’t so slow I would have reached her first, but I have learned the lesson profoundly. You wanted me to see what to do and I resolved at that time that I would never hesitate again to do exactly what the person needed and that is to simply hold the hand of my sister and open prayer with, Father in Heaven, and just let the love flow from my heart and soul and let the sacred spirit help me say the words perfectly exactly the best way to help the person the most and to have absolute faith that they were the right words and that that is how to minister to someone “at the right time”. Reaching out to someone at the right time is what to do, that is the Christian Way and that is how it should be done. No rehearsing anything, not worrying about anything, just giving love to the person along You Father and that is the real way to minister to someone when they need it.
I learned to be genuine friends with people as Yeshua was, nothing contrived. And love them with ahabah which in ancient Hebrew means primarily to give love.
Yeshua was perfect and ministered to the people perfectly with your words that he knew and remembered perfectly and ahabah flowed from His heart and with the sacred spirit. And He showed me so many things in the way He was with people and how He felt about them. He also laughed with them and cried with them and was true friends with them and I know He danced at the wedding where He performed His first miracle. And more and more I needed to think like Him for situations and learned His genius and why He is called Wisdom. When making an important decision, even though He was The Son of God and Wisdom personified from ages with you, He still prayed all night about the apostles. He always prayed even though He was perfect, even when He knew the answer, to make sure of everything with you. So critical were the decisions that He had to make, He never relied on Himself but relied on you to make sure of all things and to make absolutely sure, that it would be impossible not to fulfill every minute detail of Bible prophecy. He knew so much but still prayed anyway is what I learned and so many things about how He handled situations that I found myself drawing more and more on His thoughts. And the result was perfect every time, because I was in prayer to you.
Truly Yeshua is The Way, The Truth and The Life. The Way is to love people with a giving love, ahabah, The Truth is every word you to speak and every word of Yeshua is sacred and The Life is The Life is the life we could never have without His Sacrifice for us, eternal life that never ends, full of love, joy and laughter with no more of the problems of this word or the pain we suffer in this world. All the lives that have ever lived and all the lives who will ever live, could never add up to one eternal life, so He became like us but perfect and did what it was impossible for anyone but Him to do. And poured out His heart and his soul to the very last on The Cross, and I heard His words, “Sacred Father, Sacred Father, why have you left me?” He did not falter for one moment in His faith but spoke the words from Psalms 22.1 to fulfill Bible prophecy. When the power from Our Father left Yeshua, He spoke those words. When Father withdrew His power, this was the knife of Abraham, and Yeshua became absolutely defenseless against Satan and Satan’s demon hoard. And they were like dogs and howled with evil laughter and tortured Him spiritually which no one saw, not leaving a mark. I have been whipped spiritually by Satan, so I know his suffering was not just physical. And then Satan’s pure evil faced Him, with no way Yeshua could defend Himself and Satan murdered Him in the most horrible way possible while looking at Him with eyes full of hatred and nothing but evil, and smiling and laughing as he killed Yeshua in the most painful way possible, because that is what Satan is.
People mock The Cross of Yeshua by having themselves nailed to crosses down in Mexico to say, look how easy this is! And Satan does not bother them at all but sits on the sidelines laughing, and mocking The Sacred Cross of Yeshua even in this day.
Your eternal Sacred Daughter
Tiffany McTaggart
Meshikhi: Instructions to The Levites
The Ancient Name of Our Father in Heaven is Y’aya. pronounced yə-high’-ah. We call Him, Abba, Father and sometimes we cry out Abba, Father.
Here is how to say it.
Abba (wait one second) Father.
Now listen, my little Levites. Satan is The Criminal and you are Robocop. Transcend religion without harming a hair on anyone’s head spiritually and only speak with love. Peace Tower Church is a soft landing for people and they only be helped when religion is made to not be and exposed for what it is. They are preventing people from being with Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya and they must be absolutely routed with accurate knowledge only. The knowledge is provided below. Have it with you on your phone and on a paper backup. And you will enter their religious courts as RoboPastors. And you will walk out of the fire, unharmed. Only love people and God will do the rest, keep your heart soft. But when it comes to religion, it is cut and dry. You must not be provoked in any way, because you are the ones with the knowledge of Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya and of His Christ, Yeshua. Yeshua will be at the front of you, Sacred Angels behind Him and in front of you. Sacred Angels will be on both sides of you and behind you. No one and no thing will touch you. You are The Levites, The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God, Spiritual Isra’al and no one else. Look ahead and down and be relaxed but alert. Do not look around except to smile at people and feel for them as you go in to their religious courts. “Do not look around”, says Y’aya, Your Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, “You are with My Son, The Only Begotten, The Messiah. Now you know what to do. I am RoboChick, The Wife of Yeshua. Yeshua is in Heaven, I am on Earth at this time.
Your name is MURPHY
The Answers that have been prepared for you in advance. Do not deviate from them little ones
Preparing for The Religious Courts
The Bible is the Word of Y’aya
We are in the dust of ancient Jericho, not as high as a blade of grass. The lawn mower cannot get us for this reason.
We are humble, friendly, respectful and crazy funny. We only love Our Abba, love His Son and love people. It is all we know.
There are no real discrepancies in the Bible only mistakes made by translators, for example:
God speaks to Abram
Genesis 15:7 Then He said to him, “I am Y’aya, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit it.”
God speaks to Moses
Exodus 6:3b has been translated wrong.
Westminster Leningrad Codex clarifies to a certain degree, but I’ll clarify it further.
וָאֵרָ֗א אֶל־אַבְרָהָ֛ם אֶל־יִצְחָ֥ק וְאֶֽל־יַעֲקֹ֖ב בְּאֵ֣ל שַׁדָּ֑י וּשְׁמִ֣י יהוה לֹ֥א נֹודַ֖עְתִּי לָהֶֽם
Exodus 6:3 And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty and by the Name Y’aya I was known.
Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am Y’aya; and there is no one saving without me.
Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Messiah the Lord.
Yeshua is The Messiah, He is not God. It took to people to accomplish Our Salvation, not one. Someone had to die and be The Sacrifice and someone had to resurrect that person.
When God withdrew his power from Yeshua while Yeshua was on The Cross, He knew that Yeshua would be killed. This is the knife of Abraham, The Sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son for us. And He had to watch every moment and remember it forever. He had to watch His beloved Son be tortured and killed. It was the only way to save us because God cannot die, otherwise Our Father would have done it Himself. But everything about Yeshua is in God’s perfect memory. And He knows very well, what Yeshua experienced on that Cross.
Two people, a Father and His Son in total agreement about what needed to be done to save us. From time indefinite to time indefinite Y’aya is God and Yeshua learned it from Him from the moment that He was created. And the love of a Father for a Son for that amount of time is not known. And the love of a Son for a Father for that amount of time is not known. But for a certainty the Cross of Yeshua teaches us something we will never fully comprehend about them. They only love people, and don’t try to use The Scriptures to disprove it, or you will blaspheme in a way you do not know. Bring your evidence in your religious courts and I will bring with me one thing as my evidence. The Cross of Yeshua with His blood on it. This is from Y’aya. Be more reverent for the cross than for anything but me. It represents my love and the love of My Son. And Yeshua’s blood is on it forever. You want proof of Our Love for people, you have proof.
Have reverence for the love of Our Father represented by that cross.
We follow Yeshua, Our Lord, and treat every word of His as Sacred.
ܗܝܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܙܠ ܠܟ ܣܛܢܐ ܟܬܝܒ ܓܝܪ ܕܠܡܪܝܐ ܐܠܗܟ ܬܣܓܘܕ ܘܠܗ ܒܠܚܘܕܘܗܝ ܬܦܠܘܚ
Matthew 4:10 Then Yeshua said unto him, “Go away, Satana! For, it is written: ‘You shall thesgud {worship, literally bow down to or cause to be venerated} Y’aya and Him alone shall you serve!’ ” ( The Holy Aramaic Scriptures)
Link: tsgwd – ܬܣܓܘܕ
We are followers of the Messiah, we will not bow down to anyone but Y’aya.
Only do not bow down to or worship the cross.
They only love people is who they are and the kind of people they are and why they did what they did for us. God is love and Yeshua learned it from Him.
John 4:24 God is Spirit (21 Bible versions say so) and 1 John 4:8 God is Love
If you demand more evidence, I’m sorry, I cannot help you. But I wouldn’t argue with God about it if I were you.
Matthew 12:31, 32 31 And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Sacred Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
Are you not understanding yet? I will explain it absolutely. God loves you, it is sin that He hates. And the only way anyone can be reconciled to God is the shed blood of Yeshua because the shed blood of Yeshua is the only thing that can remove sin completely.
I know the reasoning in your hearts and I know what you want to say, you who want to argue The Scriptures.
Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Then read the meaning of the word Lord on the page about Yeshua and know what you must understand when you say that word. Then put away your arguments and do not forget Romans 10:10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
With love.

The Word of Y’aya
1 In the beginning Y’aya created the sky and the land.
2 Now the earth was formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep, and the spirit Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father was moving over the surface of the waters.
3 And The One Who Lives said. “Let there be light.” Then there was light. 4 After that Y’aya saw that the light was good, and He began to divide the light from the darkness. 5 He called the light Day, but the darkness He called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, a first day.
In the future those who translate the Bible inspired by the sacred spirit will know such things. Our Father is a person and He is beautiful and all things about Him are poetic and beautiful.
But Satan hated Y’aya…
Our Family
Love is natural, and when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural, to love them back. This is what our family is all about.
Our Father
His Name is Y’aya (Exodus 3.14), we call Him Abba, Father and sometimes when we need Him most we cry out Abba, Father.
It is true that in the Jewish Talmud and other Jewish documents we find statements such as “When a child experiences the taste of wheat (i.e., when it is weaned), it learns to say ’abbā and ’immā” (Berakot 40a in the Babylonian Talmud)
So, when Yeshua grew up, he called his mom and dad, “abba and imma”. And you read more about His life on the page titled, The One Lord Yeshua. At His baptism, memory of Yeshua’s life in Heaven was restored. Every word of Yeshua is Sacred and He spoke words that Our Father gave Him to speak. He said, “Abba, Father” and taught it to the disciples. We call Our Father in Heaven “Abba, Father” and sometimes we cry out “Abba, Father”.
The religious leaders hated Yeshua for calling Y’aya “Abba”. It’s that simple (note the capital /A/)
Galatians 4.6 Because you are his sons and daughters, God sent the spirit of His Son into our hearts, the spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”
God sent “the spirit of His Son” means Our Father’s sacred spirit which enables us to only love and call Our Father in Heaven “Abba” as Yeshua did. Abba, Father.
Abba doesn’t just mean “father”, it means close familial love and obedience to Y’aya as father.
You must accept that Y’aya has the right as Our Abba to set boundaries that are for the benefit of the entire family, not just a few misfits who do not want to listen to Him. When people do not listen to Father, it causes division in Our Family and all kinds of disasters happen. No sex between unmarried people is an example. The answer from Father is no way Jose’ and another one that people balk at is homosexuality. He does not want it in His family. Period. Homosexuality in The Bible refers to a lifestyle choice, NOT gender identity issues caused by a million reasons including masculinization of girls in the womb and feminization of boys in the womb. See the page titled Love through accurate knowledge to learn more. Everything Our Father says in The Bible is for a reason, He is not just talking.
Proverbs 18.10 The Name of Y’aya is a strong tower and into it the righteous run and are safe.
If you need help, just call upon Our Father’s Name.
The fear of God is reverent love and respect. And that’s all it means. After you have that, you won’t be afraid anymore. Don’t be scared of Our Father, that is what religion does to people, makes them scared of Him.
Love is natural, when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back.
Creator and Eternal Sacred Father – Ayh in Our Bible, derived from Ayya (Sacred Father)
Choose life, a life full of love, fun and laughter and music and all good things, or choose otherwise, and live your life as you wish in this last period of time as you wish, it is up to you.
Revelation. The original writers in each language of The Bible, wrote correctly. Hebrew is very expressive, a lot more than English. When a Bible says “sons”, it should read “sons and daughters” and translators of The Greek Scriptures should have followed suit. The goal of Satan was to suggest to women that they were unimportant and women were not considered as anything, some translations of Ecclesiastes 7.28 make that very apparent. It is not true. Where the scripture applies to men it should say “he or him”, when it applies to women, it should say “she or her”, when it applies to both men and women it should say “they or them”. It is that easy.
The problem was translators for Satan, doing the will of that one, not from Our Father in Heaven, who has proven to me for 58 years that He loves me, His Daughter, with a love that is to time indefinite. No way does He not love me as much as he does one of His sons.
And I am sealed. I am not a Levite, because I’m not. And the scripture only confirms who the Sons of The Kingdom are, and there was not one woman among them.
Ecclesiastes 7:28 but what I continually sought, I have not found. One man out of a thousand I found, but a woman among them I have not found. (This scripture is referring to the 144,000 men who will be Kings and Priests Do not look at any other translation other than this one or it is a lie, to offend women and make them angry at Our Father in Heaven, Yeshua and men in general.)
Revelation 5:10 (KJV) And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. Kings and priests (NOT priestesses).
The wind blows where it wants to, and so it is with everyone born of the spirit.
I don’t tell anyone where to go, or what to do, or who they are.
This is my testimony, and I am the Daughter mentioned at Psalms 45:9,10,11 New International Version (NIV) only.
The Bible narrative is sound. I have vetted The Bible for 23 years and made sure of all things.
Our Father is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible. God is love.
The first of God’s Children in Heaven is Yeshua, The Only Begotten Son of God and The One Lord (Ephesians 4.5)
Yeshua is the first of God’s Children in Heaven. He is The Only Begotten Son of God, Yeshua Christ is His Title. Yeshua the Messiah. Yeshua Meshikha in Aramaic means Yeshua The Messiah, and Meshikhi are closest to Him.
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
The sacrifice of Yeshua is the only way to life. That is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Yeshua. To be reconciled to God means to have a relationship with him as your True Father. No matter how many lives who have ever lived, or ever will live, they could not add up to one eternal life. This is what Our Father and the first of His children in Heaven made possible. Eternal life, for anyone with faith, in The Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Yeshua is represented by Isaac in The Bible. Yeshua is also love.
Our family in Heaven and on Earth
The rest of God’s children.
For all of God’s Children
We only love, it’s not a slogan, it’s who we are and what we are.
We are Meshikhi, followers of Yeshua, we are Christians.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Beloved children of God. Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other

Ahabah means outward love and to give love. Evil is diametrically opposite. I have found Satan to be needy and trying to suck the life out of me, to remove the eternal ahabah that Our Father and I have for each other as Father and Daughter.
I have noted that love is outward, and evil is only a vacuum that seeks to drain the life out of a person, trying to remove all love.
Evil sucks the very life out of people by removing their ahabah, and this is Satan’s ultimate goal, to suck the life right out of people and make them lose hope and faith in Our Father in Heaven.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back. Love is diametrically opposite of evil and is naturally opposed to it. Satan is relentless trying to blur the line between love and evil. Don’t let him do that with you life.
God is love. Anything that is in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie and is in opposition to Our Father in Heaven.
In our relationships with other people, we either positively affect the lives of others or negatively affect the lives of others in a myriad of ways, there is no neutral exchange, in other words there is no middle ground where love and evil agree, this is because love and evil are diametric opposites. We don’t play politics on this subject and we don’t argue as lawyers on this subject, as Satan does. Of course, God knows we are imperfect, but as the scripture says, “love covers over many sins”.
The question of the ages and I have posed it to God and I know the answer, but will let Him have the final word. I say God’s spirit is love. The Bible says, “God is love” and The Bible says “God is spirit”. This is no coincidence. He is a person with many qualities like us, multi-faceted. Why is it that once we have the sacred spirit from God are we able to only love. Why, because we start to understand Our Father’s soul, but more, we start to reflect Him, like a mirror, because we have the sacred spirit as originally intended for The Children of Y’aya. Not perfect by any means, but we can be perfectly loving, with loving intent, as opposed to Satan, who is hating Our Father and His Children and has nothing but evil intent. And so the diametric war of love vs evil, is natural, is not violent in any way, it is just a fact of life. Love is naturally opposed to evil. They are polar opposites and cannot coexist together.
The war is asymmetrical, just like the terrorists. This is not a coincidence. Meshikhi, The Christian revival came into existence November 13, 2015 after the Paris attacks. I saw evil and someone on Twitter said “that’s what religion does”. Satan was showing off, trying to associate the word religion with terror and superviolence. And because religion is associated with the word “God”, it was clear what I needed to do. Push back. And tell the world that God is love. I said, “I have him” and knew with a certaintly that I would absolutely take Satan down, by removing fear from people of him and exposing him as the 5’6″ fraud that he is but mainly by showing the diametric opposite of what I saw that day.
I would show the world Our Father’s love and explain it and expound it and put meaning into it and I hoped to give you what I have, absolutely no doubt that Our Father loves you that much.
And it is obvious to anyone with a neuron in their heart that is alive, Yeshua also loves you, that much.
With love,
Faith, Wife of Yeshua
Our lives are priceless according to My Father in Heaven.
Psalms 49:8 For the redemption of their soul is priceless, and never can payment suffice,
And so I know I am precious to My Father in Heaven and He’s precious to me, and so should you know it, that you are also precious to Him. The Sacrifice of Yeshua, The First of Our Father’s created Children in Heaven proves it. There is no doubt, only love.
God is love. Anything in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie.
But I hope I can leave you with a little love and a little laughter. Because that’s me really, but I’m not allowed to be me, just a nice girl from Chatham, born with a birth defect. But Watch Tower and Satan were unable to destroy me, so I guess that’s life. Boring. Satan is boring, and I’ve never feared Him because I have always had faith and Y’aya said in The Bible, fear no on but me, and Yeshua also said, fear no one but Y’aya. But I have never feared my abba in Heaven, never. The true fear of God is reverent love and respect, not afraid. Because I only love Him because all He ever did was love me. So I can’t listen to you Yeshua, on that point. k?
Matthew 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
I don’t believe it’s right to tell people to be afraid of Father. As a matter of fact, it’s dead wrong.
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
Don’t worry little ones, Yeshua wasn’t thinking when He said it, nobody’s perfect, except Father in Heaven, Y’aya. He’s Our Abba. But to me, He’s the only abba I’ve ever known or ever had and He is my reality, my only reality. We’re eternal, with eternal love. And we are no way Jose’ and no matter what about that. That’s the way to be.
Yeshua is perfect in the sense that He only loves, a fierce love for people and for Our Father, but He’s a man, not a nurturing woman like me. I’m a people person. A person only loves people and wants to help them. A nurse in reality. Some of this website might not sound that way, but if life was the way it should be, this website would have been a flower in the desert. I have nothing but love for Yeshua, but the scripture says, the one that does not stumble in word or deed, that is a perfect one. Yeshua is written all over my heart, and everything I’ve ever understood about Him is in my soul. It was just a moment, and moments come and go. Time is like a river, it just goes on and on. There’s only one direction and when it’s gone, it’s gone. T=1 is reality, theoretical math is fun, and you can discover much, but you must stay grounded in reality. T=1, even for our Father in Heaven. I’m not perfect, in fact, I’m the worst case scenario, but I only love too. I’m just different, a nurturing woman, not a man, saying man things. It was just a stupid moment Yeshua and you were only trying to help, but you mispoke. You can’t scare people into loving Father by threating them that is NOT The Way.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back. It is only natural to love Our Father in Heaven, and it is only natural to love Yeshua, the absolute example of what a created person was meant to be. Because He is perfectly loving. And I am honored to even know such people and to be part of such a beautiful family of faith. All those who hoped in the Messiah, all those who met Yeshua in person, and all those who hope in Yeshua now.
Don’t be afraid of Our Father in Heaven, Our Abba and remember that He also had fierce love for people and sent Our Beloved Yeshua to Earth after Yeshua volunteered. Because Our Father cannot die, He is Eternal. Otherwise He would have. Someone had to actually die to pay for Adam’s sin.
The meaning of John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Y’aya, so loved the world, that he gave his beloved only begotten Son, Yeshua, The First of His Children in Heaven, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Our Father has infinite love to give and if you declare Yeshua is Lord and believe in your heart that Yeshua’s Father, Y’aya resurrected Yeshua from the dead, you will be saved. Hands down.
Because when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back, and the infinite love that Our Father has for you makes it happen, He wants to send you His sacred spirit, and you become as One of The Children of Y’aya was meant to be, and you are able to only love, because you have Our Father’s sacred spirit.
It’s that easy and that beautiful.
See the page titled “The soul and the sacred spirit” before baptism. You can even baptize yourself by water immersion and the angels are witness of it. If you can’t be immersed but want to, it is the same as if you had been immersed.
If you understand the soul and the sacred spirit when you read that page, then you have received it already.
Because religion has people so confused and absolutely in the dark, just send them to https://meshikhi.org
and they will arrive here. Let the website do the work.
Once you know more, you can explain what you know “at the right time”.
Just be real friends, love people and see the love in them and their faith only, don’t look at anything else.
A Muslim girl is just a girl in a birka, that’s all. They have faith in God, but don’t know Him at all as He truly is.
And they MUST put faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua to be saved. There are no exceptions.
Only love people and God will do the rest and keep your heart soft.
People without the sacred spirit may be used by Satan at any time and say and do things that are negative, just ignore it and be loving and courteous and polite as much as possible. And if it happens in a social situation, just pray Abba, Father and the situation will be resolved. You’ll learn not to worry about it, it CAN be frustrating sometimes, just know about it.
Remember that Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other, and that will help you.
What is happening
Humans have extraordinary perception, so much so, that all are aware that what you are beginning to see is a dangerous escalation, a manifestation of evil itself. Vladmir Putin is religously crazy, has absolute power and he made sure he did, before he began this agression that you are currently seeing. He has consolidated power, ensconced himself with it, and considers himself a Czar, which may only include the four tradition religions of the Czars. Everyone else to him, is something to be cleansed and destroyed. And don’t kid yourself and believe that he is not with Satan himself, because it is written in The Bible, that The King of the North, Russia and eventually, if Vladimir Putin is successful, all of The Former Soviet Union with absolute control of not only a nuclear arsenal, but the largest air army ever created. I have informed The President of The United States of these facts, whether he believes these facts or not is not my business, but I made it my business to profile Vladimir Putin, and it is on this website.

The Antichrist is also in this world at this time. A man, who has been approved legally by a court, supported by rabbis who know nothing about anything concerning God or sacred things at all. Satan and the demons again, but of course, the question arises. And here is the answer. Satan will use anyone without the sacred spirit of Our Father at any time and that is the truth.
The religous leaders with their PhD’s are boyscouts and the credentials of Harvard and Princeton are boy scout badges on their arms, they couldn’t translate their way out of a paper bag.
Your References
Only know these things and use these answers. Listen to me little ones, Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Yeshua has Infinitum Absolutum power (but not aeternum increatum sive), Only Abba is the hearer of prayer. It is scriptural (Psalms 65.2). Yeshua has absolute power and authority, except for prayer. That is what it means. Yeshua is King of God’s Kingdom. Yeshua is The Son of Davyd, Yeshua is the Son of God, the first of God’s children in Heaven. That is what “Only Begotten” means. Before Yeshua was created. God was alone. With infinite love to give. Ahabah is the ancient word for love and it means primarily to give love. Ahavah is a river in Babylonia according to Strong’s Concordance, related to the etymological sea monster mentioned in The Bible. Ahavah is the modern word for love that came about via phonological evolution. The farther back you go, it is a /b/ not a /v/. It is Abba, not Avva or Ava, proven on this website. Before Y’aya created His body, He was anthropomorphic, which means a person with a heart, soul and a mind with infinite power. And so it was. He exchanged one reality for another, He is only one person and exists in one plane of existence only.
Using the infinite infinite invisible energy field around Him and with His infinite strength, He began to take that energy and materialize it.
God is spirit, NOT ENERGY.
Father’s thoughts are sophisticated, intellectually pleasing.
Ayh (pronounced Ay’-yah slight emphasis on the yodh /y/) Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father (derived from Ayya – Sacred Father)
His Name is Y’aya pronounced Y’hayah (silent first /h/ known in Hebrew as a ba. The /ah/ is from ruah which means “spirit”.
Y’aya has Infinitum aeternum increatum sive absolutum power.
One person, in absolute parallel. Hear O Isra’al. Y’aya is one. (he is a person, one person only, never forget it).
Only Y’aya is the hearer of prayer.
The Earth wobble is a timing mechanism, similar to a self winding watch. So it is with the Universal Disc. Black holes anchor and rotate the universe at the same time and emit graviton waves.
To understand
As each one of a person, so is Our Father in Heaven, but perfect, with infinite power and ability. He created things to find out how it came to be that He was alive. He knew he had what we know is a brain with it’s mind but also that He had something else that was located where our heart is located. And so He began looking at these two aspects of Himself. Incredible power did He use to the absolute degree in parallel to examine both of these aspects of Himself. Anything Our Father can imagine can become a reality. And this is how He worked, like mad He worked on it. With a perfect memory with that much power he could visualize in His mind each part of His brain and created a working brain as His own brain. He also examined His heart and noted that His heart was different from His brain, but there was a connection between His brain and His mind and His heart with its heart brain. Both contained neurons. And so it continued until He knew that there was something happening between the two. This was His soul, the interaction between His brain with its mind and His heart with its heartbrain. And so He began to build a person, as He sensed Himself to be. He created a body, that was as His own, based on the blueprint of Himself. And so the person who was to become Yeshua was first formed. He knew that with His spirit he could do many things, in fact nothing was impossible for Him to do, along with His infinite strength. And He learned something unique to Him only. He could send His spirit and it would do whatever He wanted it to do. God’s spirit is always sent. And so He sent His spirit and it was located between the brain and the mind. Now Yeshua was a complete person and since God is able to communicate at unfathomable speeds, was able to communicate to Yeshua and to see if He was alive. You must remember that Our Father can communicate any amount of knowledge to anyone instantly and gave Yeshua all the knowledge needed to communicate back to Him.
The meaning of Life and the reason we exist is because Abba wanted other people in His life and not to be alone and always was the need to give love, and that is what is known as ahabah.
God is spirit says the Bible and the Bible also says that God is love.
Do not be confused, the person is composed of the brain with it’s mind, the heart with its heartbrain and the interaction between them, is the soul. That is what a person is.
Yeshua is The Only Begotten Son of God, made from the original blueprint God made of Himself.
There is only one Only Begotten Son of God.
Then Our Father began to teach everything He had learned to create Yeshua and Yeshua became a Master Worker along with Our Father. Everything that came into being after Yeshua was created for Him and by Him. This is scriptural.
And so the children of God in Heaven were created. They are The Sacred Angels.
Because of His limitless power and perfect memory, anything Our Father can imagine can become reality. He materializes things from the infinite invisible energy environment around Him. He created everything in Heaven. This is not the same as physical energy which Our Father created and then materialized (a new creation). Our Father created everything including particles.
Remember that before anything else was known, the person we know as God was anthropomorphic. He did not want to be anthropomorphic and to create people and not be with them, He wanted a family of people.
And so with all the above knowledge accumulated and all the understanding of it, with the infinite power of His mind he changed His reality from being anthropomorphic to having a body. This is proven on the page titled God is Life and it is scriptural and it is from the Bible. If there is a physical body then there is a spirit body. And so reasoning upon this I came to the conclusion that God had created His own body.
The term “from time indefinite to time indefinite” means there is no time reference in the past and there is no time reference in the future because Our Father is Eternal. And so it came to be, that I understand that Our Father had changed from an anthropomorphic person, and created a representation of how he sensed Himself in the form of a body.
This is the person of God, a person like us but with extraordinary power and ability, who lives in parallel, which means that He can do an infinite number of things at the same time. That is the definition of parallel. Yeshua also has this ability, and it has to be so otherwise how could provide the things He does to any amount of people at the same time if He did not also exist in parallel. It is only logical.
On this website you will find out more, including God is Life a general explanation of Life, The True God Abba, which is precisely what this person is all about and also a page about The One Lord Yeshua, everything about the very creation and life of the first of Our Father’s children in Heaven and how it came to be that he was sent to the Earth. God’s spirit is always sent and it performs any task that He can imagine. So it was with the virgin, Mary. Our Father sent His Sacred Spirit and it performed the invitro operation, transferring the life of Yeshua itself and combining that life with the life contained in one of Mary’s imperfect eggs. Our Father first removed the imperfection in the egg and then did the combining required to create the new life known as Yeshua on Earth. This is how the miraculous birth of Yeshua was achieved. Only His life itself was transferred, that is, everything that made Yeshua alive as a person, was reduced to the molecular level and combined with a specific egg from Mary that contained all of the genetic information transferred through the lineage mentioned in The Bible. Before the operation was done, Our Father removed any imperfection from one of Mary’s eggs. At no time and not for one moment was Yeshua imperfect. It is in this way that Yeshua was born a perfect human child.
As you will read on the page titled The One Lord Yeshua, Yeshua was born a normal child, but perfect. Everything that made Yeshua a person, His brain with its mind, its heart with its heart brain, and genetic code from the entire lineage mentioned in the Bible were used to create, the human Son of God on Earth. This one was now known as The Son of Man, having the genetic code of everyone in the lineage of Mary as well as the genetic code of Yeshua in Heaven.
The reason Yeshua was chosen is that He was a tried stone, with eons of reverent love with Our Abba in Heaven. His soul was recreated absolutely, by reducing the very building blocks of of life that made Yeshua who He was in Heaven along with all of the genetic code of those in the lineage of Mary.
And so you see that it was an unprecedented and extraordinary operation that was performed using the sacred spirit of Our Father along with all of ability in parallel and all of His power to achieve.
Yeshua himself was alive on Earth, except for His memories of His life in Heaven, which were restored at His baptism by John. More about these things on the page titled The True God Abba and the page titled The One Lord Yeshua.
Two people, nothing strange a Father and the first of His created children in Heaven, The Only Begotten Son of God.
Our Father is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible and Yeshua is represented by Isaac in The Bible. It is that simple.
Harvard and Princeton will write an encyclopedia to try to explain the nicene creed, which is the lie that created the imaginary Roman Jesus and causes religious confusion only in this world.
The reason we are able to only love is because we have the sacred spirit from Our Father in Heaven. And the only way to have the sacred spirit from Our Father in Heaven is to have faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua. Otherwise, it would be impossible to only love.
The sacred spirit from Our Father in Heaven makes us complete as children of God as His children were in The Garden of Eden before they sinned against Him.
Meshikhi receive the Sacred Spirit once and it is with us forever and it is scriptural, spoken by Yeshua Himself.
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.
When a person is ready, they will except that Y’aya is God’s Name and that he is Our Sacred Father in Heaven and they will accept that Yeshua the Messiah is the Son of God and that the Sacred Spirit is the Helper created by God and that it is not a person.
Pray for The Sacred Spirit. It will help you understand everything you are learning. If you are understanding and believing everything already, then God has given it to you.
There are two people, nothing strange. A Father and His first created Son.
Most Sacred to Our Father in Heaven. Just as Abraham and Isaac were two people, a father and his son, So Abba and Yeshua are two people, a father and his son. It is no problem to say The Son of God because that is what He is. It is not a title. He is the firstborn of God’s children in Heaven just as we are God’s children on Earth. This is scriptural (Colossians 1.15). Before Yeshua was created, God was alone.
Most sacred to God is The Sacrifice of Yeshua his only begotten Son (John 3.16)
Bible prophecy undergoing fulfillment. Many historic events will happen. Do not be afraid. The time period we are in is identical to that of Jericho. Remember Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Satan’s full strategy is loosely outlined on this page, which is also a part of instruction for The Meshikhi. If carried out worldwide, these instructions will effectively neutralize Satan in regard to attacks on God’s Children.
On your way to the religious court.
Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for Y’aya your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Remember this little ones, even if you feel that Y’aya is not there, He is there. k?
You have the absolute power of God with you.
Do not be afraid of anyone or any thing. Be polite, be courteous with everyone in The Government and speak respectfully to each one. Do not speak one word against The Government ever. They are God’s Ministers for our good.
But if you are practicing evil, be afraid, for it is not without reason that they bear “THE SWORD”.
Remember Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Remember Y’aya loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Praise Y’aya! Honor Yeshua!
You are dignified by Y’aya, friendly, loving, respectful, cool.
You are Meshikhi cool. Sound it down in your soul. Y’aya has raised up A Great Pastor, Deitrick Haddon for you to emulate, my little ones. You are The League of Extraordinary Worshipers. You are now, Meshikhi cool.

Everything else below is historical and led to the above conclusion.
Ahabah is the ancient Hebrew word for love אהבה
Deuteronomy 7.8
HEB. כִּי֩ מֵֽאַהֲבַ֨ת יְהוָ֜ה אֶתְכֶ֗ם
KJV. But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep
INT. because loved the LORD and kept
1 Samuel 18.3
HEB. וְדָוִ֖ד בְּרִ֑ית בְּאַהֲבָת֥וֹ אֹת֖וֹ כְּנַפְשֽׁוֹ׃
KJV. a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul.
INT. David A covenant loved himself
1 Samuel 20.17
HEB. אֶת־ דָּוִ֔ד בְּאַהֲבָת֖וֹ אֹת֑וֹ כִּֽי־
NAS. again because of his love for him, because
KJV. again, because he loved him. for he loved
INT. vow David of his love because of his love
1 Samuel 20.17
HEB. אֹת֑וֹ כִּֽי־ אַהֲבַ֥ת נַפְשׁ֖וֹ אֲהֵבֽוֹ׃
KJV. him. for he loved him as he loved his own soul.
INT. of his love because of his love life loved
2 Samuel 1.26
HEB. מְאֹ֑ד נִפְלְאַ֤תָה אַהֲבָֽתְךָ֙ לִ֔י מֵאַהֲבַ֖ת
NAS. pleasant to me. Your love to me was more
KJV. pleasant hast thou been unto me. thy love to me was wonderful,
INT. have been very wonderful your love the love of women
2 Samuel 1.26
HEB. אַהֲבָֽתְךָ֙ לִ֔י מֵאַהֲבַ֖ת נָשִֽׁים׃
NAS. wonderful Than the love of women.
KJV. to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.
INT. wonderful your love the love of women
2 Samuel 13.15
HEB. אֲשֶׁ֣ר שְׂנֵאָ֔הּ מֵאַהֲבָ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר אֲהֵבָ֑הּ
NAS. than the love with which
KJV. her [was] greater than the love wherewith he had loved
INT. which hated the love which had loved
1 Kings 10.9
HEB. כִּסֵּ֣א יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל בְּאַהֲבַ֨ת יְהוָ֤ה אֶת־
KJV. because the LORD loved Israel
INT. the throne of Israel loved the LORD Israel
1 Kings 11.2
HEB. דָּבַ֥ק שְׁלֹמֹ֖ה לְאַהֲבָֽה׃
INT. held Solomon love
2 Chronicles 2.11
HEB. אֶל־ שְׁלֹמֹ֑ה בְּאַהֲבַ֤ת יְהוָה֙ אֶת־
KJV. Because the LORD hath loved his people,
INT. to Solomon loved the LORD his people
2 Chronicles 9.8
HEB. לַיהוָ֖ה אֱלֹהֶ֑יךָ בְּאַהֲבַ֨ת אֱלֹהֶ֤יךָ אֶת־
KJV. because thy God loved Israel,
INT. God your God loved your God Israel
Psalm 109.4
HEB. תַּֽחַת־ אַהֲבָתִ֥י יִשְׂטְנ֗וּנִי וַאֲנִ֥י
NAS. In return for my love they act as my accusers;
KJV. For my love they are my adversaries.
INT. return my love act I
Psalm 109.5
HEB. וְ֝שִׂנְאָ֗ה תַּ֣חַת אַהֲבָתִֽי׃
NAS. for good And hatred for my love.
KJV. for good, and hatred for my love.
INT. and hatred Thahash my love
Proverbs 5.19
HEB. בְכָל־ עֵ֑ת בְּ֝אַהֲבָתָ֗הּ תִּשְׁגֶּ֥ה תָמִֽיד׃
NAS. Be exhilarated always with her love.
KJV. always with her love.
INT. all times her love be exhilarated always
Proverbs 10.12
HEB. פְּ֝שָׁעִ֗ים תְּכַסֶּ֥ה אַהֲבָֽה׃
NAS. stirs up strife, But love covers all
KJV. strifes. but love covereth
INT. transgressions covers love
Proverbs 15.17
HEB. אֲרֻחַ֣ת יָ֭רָק וְאַהֲבָה־ שָׁ֑ם מִשּׁ֥וֹר
NAS. where love is Than
KJV. of herbs where love is, than a stalled
INT. dish of vegetables love where ox
Proverbs 17.9
HEB. פֶּ֭שַׁע מְבַקֵּ֣שׁ אַהֲבָ֑ה וְשֹׁנֶ֥ה בְ֝דָבָ֗ר
NAS. seeks love, But he who repeats
KJV. seeketh love; but he that repeateth
INT. A transgression seeks love repeats A matter
Proverbs 27.5
HEB. תּוֹכַ֣חַת מְגֻלָּ֑ה מֵֽאַהֲבָ֥ה מְסֻתָּֽרֶת׃
NAS. rebuke Than love that is concealed.
KJV. [is] better than secret love.
INT. rebuke is open love is concealed
Ecclesiastes 9.1
HEB. הָאֱלֹהִ֑ים גַּֽם־ אַהֲבָ֣ה גַם־ שִׂנְאָ֗ה
NAS. whether [it will be] love or
KJV. either love or hatred
INT. of God whether love or hatred
Ecclesiastes 9.6
HEB. גַּ֣ם אַהֲבָתָ֧ם גַּם־ שִׂנְאָתָ֛ם
NAS. Indeed their love, their hate
KJV. Also their love, and their hatred,
INT. Indeed their love Indeed their hate
Songs 2.4
HEB. וְדִגְל֥וֹ עָלַ֖י אַהֲבָֽה׃
NAS. And his banner over me is love.
KJV. and his banner over me [was] love.
INT. and his banner over is love
Songs 2.5
HEB. כִּי־ חוֹלַ֥ת אַהֲבָ֖ה אָֽנִי׃
KJV. for I [am] sick of love.
INT. Because I sick of love I
Songs 2.7
HEB. תְּעֽוֹרְר֛וּ אֶת־ הָאַהֲבָ֖ה עַ֥ד שֶׁתֶּחְפָּֽץ׃
NAS. or awaken [my] love Until
KJV. nor awake [my] love, till he please.
INT. or awaken love Until pleases
Songs 3.5
HEB. תְּעֽוֹרְר֛וּ אֶת־ הָאַהֲבָ֖ה עַ֥ד שֶׁתֶּחְפָּֽץ׃
NAS. or awaken [my] love Until
KJV. nor awake [my] love, till he please.
INT. or awaken love Until pleases
Songs 3.10
HEB. תּוֹכוֹ֙ רָצ֣וּף אַהֲבָ֔ה מִבְּנ֖וֹת יְרוּשָׁלִָֽם׃
NAS. [With] its interior lovingly fitted
KJV. thereof being paved [with] love, for the daughters
INT. interior fitted lovingly the daughters of Jerusalem
Reverence belongs to Abba and only Abba and no one else, and Our Father in Heaven, Abba, wants His Son honored along with Him.
Praise Abba and Honor Yeshua is what to do.
That’s all I know.
And that’s all I am.
Just a nice girl from Chatham, the worst case scenario possible in this world, and you died for me Yeshua because Father can’t die. So I know you loved me before you loved me. Who else can say that but your wife. Well, Chatham in Hebrew means sealed.
And I am sealed. I am not a Levite, because I’m not. And the scripture only confirms who the Sons of The Kingdom are, and there was not one woman among them.
Ecclesiastes 7:28 but what I continually sought, I have not found. One man out of a thousand I found, but a woman among them I have not found. (This scripture is referring to the 144,000 men who will be Kings and Priests Do not look at any other translation other than this one or it is a lie, to offend women and make them angry at Our Father in Heaven, Yeshua and men in general.)
Revelation 5:10 (KJV) And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. Kings and priests (NOT priestesses).
The wind blows where it wants to, and so it is with everyone born of the spirit.
I don’t tell anyone where to go, or what to do, or who they are.
All I ever did Yeshua, was to love Our Father in Heaven, and to love you and to love people.
In my soul I know, that Yeshua, the One known as Yeshua Christ left all these things for me and for me to do. I have in Yeshua and I truly believe, that he has faith in me, his wife Faith.
But only I can call him honeybunny.
You call The Son of Man, the Son of Davyd (David), You call Yeshua Christ, Yeshua. That’s the way it is.
He’s taken ladies, and that’s that. Put it out of your mind if you think otherwise. I am The Wife of Yeshua.
Ya, I’m happy happy. And you know what that means.
Yep, got him, he’s mine.
I was layin’ hints, and I think he noticed heheheheh
You must know this entire page to understand this website. This is the final key to life and knowledge of Our Father in Heaven Abba and the First of His Children in Heaven, Yeshua. Abba is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible, Yeshua is represented by Isaac in The Bible.
The rest of the website and the early Meshikhi research is historical and a wealth of spiritual information that The Faithful and Discrete Slave of Ayh, The Faithful and Discrete Slave of Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, are The Levites and The Time period we are living in is identical to ancient Jericho. The Levites are Spiritual Isra’al, Isra’al means Righteous Ayh. Listen to them, and only to them.
Faith, Daughter of Ayh (Pslams 45.9,10,11 New International Version of The Bible only for this scripture).
I am The Eternal Wife of Yeshua in Heaven, and an Eternal Blues Woman and those scriptures can only apply to me in absolution.
And Abba and Yeshua and The Army of Heaven are with me.
Rember Abba loves you and Yeshua loves you, k?
The Reality of Life in Jericho
Crisis on Earth latest information
Crisis on Earth latest information
We are living in an unprecedented time, and the question will be, will you choose love or evil, based on the following.
When someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural, to love them back.
When good happens to you, and you feel loved in a marriage, stay in that marriage.
It’s like that with everything, even thoughts.
Negative thoughts come from a lot of places. Bad experiences might come to mind from the past, we’re imperfect so we make mistakes, even in personal relationships.
If we say something wrong, and we didn’t mean to say it, or it came out wrong, that’s a moment we can’t relive. It’s in The Bible, we’re all imperfect without exception. All have sinned in one way or another and really we are all born imperfect, so nobody is perfect no matter how perfect you may think you are. That’s just a fact of life. The Bible says, if one does not stumble in word or deed, that is a perfect person. Well were not perfect because Adam and Eve lost that perfection and we are how we are. But something wonderful happens when we receive the sacred spirit sent from Our Father in Heaven. We begin to able to love more and more and that’s no coincidence, because Ayh is love. Ahy means Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father. That is the complete thought. And His Name is Yhayah. I only want so much for you to know that. I wanted all of you to have what I’ve always had, all my life. I was alone in the world, but never alone. The worst case scenario, born with problems that might seem impossible to overcome, but always there was Our Father in Heaven. Even during the darkest times. I can only explain it in the words of one of my songs.
With every spark of love burned away, there would always be one light that remained. And so it was. I knew Father was there, but I had to make sure about His Name, because Davyd (David) had His Name and Satan was intent on destroying me. I never believed Satan could destroy me at all, but there were some dark times. But sure enough, just when I needed it, Father would make me laugh and we’d crack up about because I knew Satan would ultimately not get me at all, as long as I kept going and as long as I had faith, I’d wake up in the morning and just know, that Father was there. Well, it’s hard to explain, but Satan and the demons along with a gang of men, kicked in my face to the point of death and I knew that something was up from the things I heard said spiritually. Obviously. I knew I was not The Messiah in any way, but I believed that I was on a similar path, a similar life course and I was absolutely sure about it. So I knew, I had to live a certain way, on the one hand, look like nothing was going on, on the other hand knowing it was always nutjob trying to ultimately destroy me, which I knew would not happen, as long as I didn’t lose faith and kept going, as hard as it got some times, I would look at everything around me and sure enough, I noted things that told me, that Father was showing me the way, because it was always love or it was funny and that’s always how I have thought of Abba. I hope that helps you know a bit of how to think.
A bit about nutjob (aka Satan). He is 5’6″ tall in reality, has no power from Y’aya at all and is terrified of anyone who is with Abba in reality and not even show up for a fight. It’s just the way it is. The most he might do is make your cigarette go out or have a dog do something not nice, where you normally spend time. That is the mind of Satan in a nutshell.
Satan can create very complex social situations, because he can use anybody without the sacred spirit of Our Father at any time to say or do things that might seem insurmountable. Just pray Abba, Father, and the situation will resolve, and it will resolve around you.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM Spectrum) is what Satan has to use.
The key elements are photons (producing light), chemical reactions (physical sensations) and what is called “radio” which is a part of the EM Spectrum. He can produce voices, even broadcast negative thoughts of his into your head. Don’t worry about it all all. Just remember nothing negative has Abba as its source. And you’ll be ok.
Don’t worry, you’re with Y’aya now. He has infinite power in absolute parallel and Satan has nothing but the EM Spectrum. Physically speaking, He has done things to me to me that made me appear like I didn’t know what I was doing and trying to convince doctors that I was crazy. That’s about it. Only know these things I have told you and look for solutions to problems that are simple, and Abba will help you know what to do. Just don’t worry that it’s you, sometimes it is Satan and that’s just life for now, but not always. The aggressive move by The King of The North in Daniel Chapter 11 only confirms that the time left is not like before. We are living in a time period identical to Jericho, and we are three to four weeks into it, 2022-03-17 7.14pm Eastern Standard Time. The Paradise is that close.
Be with Abba in prayer whenever it is appropriate, excuse yourself and do whatever you want to or have to do and then be in prayer again. Just say Abba, Father and you are with Abba again. It’s that easy.
You are beloved to Abba.
Yeshua is Lord and will take care of you. The scripture says, “I and the children you gave me (to take care of).
Enjoy spending time with Father or just be in prayer while you do the things you have to do or while doing relaxing things. This is what Peter meant when he said “pray without ceasing”.
In this way, you will understand, that there is nothing to worry about at all. Not one little bit.
Hang out with Abba and Yeshua will provide the things you need and take care of everything else.
You are my little ones, always in my heart, and you are Meshikhi now, followers of Yeshua Christ, Followers of The Messiah. In Aramaic Yeshua is Yeshua Meshikha and Meshikhi are closest to Yeshua. He is The One True Lord (Ephesians 4.5), Yeshua Christ, The Son of Ayh, The Son of Our Eternal Sacred Father. No one on Earth, no matter what they do or what they say, I don’t care if they stand on their head on water, they are NOT The True Messiah. Rebbe Melech is The Antichrist and one more may yet come. Only know about it, and don’t be afraid, because it’s only Satan doing Satan’s clown act. That is how to think. Remember, Father has infinite power in absolute parallel, and Satan is 5’6, with no power from Abba at all, just the EM Spectrum to use. If you haven’t read the EM Spectrum page, read it after this one and you will know all about what’s going on. I have informed those who know things in The Government and they know about it and they know that I have 23 years of Biblical Research Experience and 15 years of Communications Research Experience and I have explained things to them in language that they understand.
The Government are Ayh’s Ministers for our good. Never say a word against them no matter what, if you see someone misrepresenting The Government doing something bad, just be assured, Ayh will take care of it. There is no injustice with Ayh.
But if you are doing evil, be afraid, because it is not without reason that The Government bears THE SWORD, the sword of justice from Ayh and they have full authority to use it. If you are with the terrorists in any way or support them in any way or have anything to do with them, you will be destroyed. Love is diametrically opposite to evil and love is naturally opposed to it. It is what is known as cut and dry. Evil cannot coexist with love, there is no middle ground or grey area and the more you read in the Meshikhi Knowledge pages about Who we are, you will understand more and more why things are the way they are, but quite simply, if you choose evil, you cannot live in the Paradise soon to come nor can you live in Heaven with The Children of Ayh. It is just not possible, because a choice is before you and that’s that. The only way to live forever, is to accept the Sacrifice of Yeshua, the first of Ayh’s Children in Heaven and that is that. It is absolute evidence of Ayh’s love and no one with any love in their heart or in their soul who reads the account about Yeshua will respond to that absolute love, The love of Abba Our Father, represented by Ab’raham in The Bible and The love of Yeshua, The first of Ayh’s Children in Heaven, represented in The Bible by Isaac.
There is no middle ground anymore and never was in reality. I am just clarifying this to the absolute degree I can.
If you have lived a life of good conscience, your conscience excuses you and you have done well in this world, but everyone who wants to be a part of The Family of Y’aya, and be a part of this beautiful
Family must decide personally, no one will ever force you or deny you your right to make your own personal decision about life. Only know this, Our Father has made promises in The Bible of a world with only love and people who only love and there is no way you will live at the end without accepting the absolute love shown to you by Y’aya and accepting the absolute love demonstrated by Yeshua so that you may have eternal life. Anything else would only cause division in Our Family and that will not happen any more. And it certainly will not happen in The Paradise soon to come, whether your hope is to go to Heaven or to live on the re-created Paradise Earth.
It’s up to you how you want to live. You have absolute free will and that is how Our Father wants it. We are not robots programmed, we are people, people who only love.
The choice is totally up to you.
It’s is not a threat and you are not being forced in any way and no fear tactics are being used.
The fear of Ayh mentioned in The Bible is reverent love and respect, and Our Father has the right to set a few very reasonable boundaries.
Choose life, a life full of love, fun and laughter and music and all good things, or choose otherwise, and live your life as you wish in this last period of time as you wish, it is up to you.
Only don’t blame anyone if you choose not to accept the love of Our Heavenly Father who is The Source of LIfe, without which you wouldn’t even be alive in the first place.
Father’s thoughts are sophisticated, intellectually pleasing, Satan’s are diametrically opposite to that and all of these things have been presented on this website and more will be provided by The Faithful and Discrete Slave of Ayh who are Meshikhi. Listen to them, for it means you life to do so.
Don’t be afraid, just know things are happening that are not just historic, but that are Biblical in nature and the time has come. There must be an end, or no flesh would be saved. Omicron has been weaponized by Satan and the demons and humans with him, but he also knows the cure for it, so don’t be fooled either way.
Many are the things you will see and hear of in Jericho, but all of them must take place to fulfill Bible prophecy which is history written in advance by Ayh with foreknowledge about times and seasons and people who are with Ayh and people who are with Satan. He knows everything about every person and knows how things will go in Jericho.
It is not the end, but it is the end of Satan’s rule. Ayh’s Kingdom is here and now you will know what that means.
Yeshua is Lord. And Yeshua is The Son of Ayh and Abba must be magnified above all things again, but now Yeshua returns in power, absolute power from Ayh except for prayer. He has already magnified Ayh above everything around 2000 years ago, when He died on The Cross for us.
Don’t be stupid at this time. Be reasonable and read the account about The Sacrifice of Yeshua, and if there is not one neuron in your heart that responds when you read it, you are dead already. There are no athiests in foxholes as they say and this is a war of love vs evil. And that’s the raw fact of life you must accept.
I only hope for you that you will read one of the Gospel accounts about Yeshua and respond, because I saw the love in you and wanted to tell all of you whatever I could and wanted to help and that’s all. I’m just a nurturing women who loves. All I ever did was love Abba, loved His Son Yeshua and loved people.
If you declare with your mouth that Yeshua is Lord and believe in you heart that Ayh resurrected Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua is required for Eternal life. Period. There are no exceptions and no other way to live forever. No matter how many imperfect lives who have ever lived and no matter how many imperfect lives that will ever live, would never add up to One Eternal Life. That is what Ayh is offering you, eternal life, and that is the price that was paid for it, One Perfect Life.
That is the truth of life. Yeshua Christ, The Son of The Living Ayh is The Way and The Truth and The Life and there is no other Way Out from sin and death.
I hope you will realize the seriousness of the situation.
Choose life.
Don’t believe scientists, with theories about going back in time, I checked. T=1 Theoretical math is fun and you can learn many things. But you must acceept the reality of T=1 to stay grounded in reality and that’s just a fact of life.
No one can go back in time, not even Our Father in Heaven. It is just the way life is.
Time is like a river, it just goes on and one, there’s only one direction, and when it’s gone, it’s gone.
Jeremiah 29.11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares Abba, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Enjoy your time in prayer with Abba, he’s so wonderful and crazy funny and Yeshua is just like Him.
Love throws fear outside, The Bible says and it is true. Only religion has put that fear into you and the things that people with Satan and the demons do, and the things the things that evil people have chosen as the way to live. It is obviously not the right way. They may appear to be enjoying life now and having all the luxury that goes with it, but it will be short lived. Period.
Meshikhi laugh at satan and the demons and all those humans with them. Because we know absolutely the things I have stated above, and some have learned Meshikhi knowledge and know all about Satan, who I call vacuum head.
Don’t get sucked in by the evil who is vacuum head, it’s a vacuum like space is a vacuum and evil is empty, and a road that leads nowhere except to stupidity and death. Satan is a moron, and that’s what he chose. Oh well…
Father is cool, and Satan is the diametric opposite of cool.
Yeshua is cool and the best example of a Perfect Child of God, while Satan is diametrically opposite to Yeshua.
Satan is the most uncool created person that has ever existed and ever will exist and that is a fact of life.
And Satan ended up only being evil with intent and boring and stupid. Just a stupid asshole.
It’s much better to only love, and live a life full of love, fun and laughter.
Father is hilarious bordering on insane, Yeshua has his own style, but, like Father like Son. And Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven and Earth, well, let’s just say that the apple does not fall far from the tree as they say, in that sense. We are a family, not a religion. It’s that easy.
So it is with of The Children of Ayh. Y’aya is His Name and He is Our Abba. And all we can do is love Him for what He’s done for us, and Yeshua is Our Lord and we can do is love Him for what He’s done for us. Yeshua Our Brother, The First of Ayh’s Children in Heaven died for us, and that is Sacred to us.
Nothing is more Sacred to Our Father in Heaven than The Sacrifice of The First of His created children to save us.
And nothing is more Sacred to us, The Meshikhi, either.
Certainly, Abba is The Most Sacred person and Yeshua is absolute agreement about this.
The Cross represents the love of Our Father and The love of His Son. Both of these people are sacred to us, The Meshikhi.
Ayh is spirit. And Ayh is love.
And only Abba is Ayh and we are His Children and must do our best to only love.
Satan and the demons and those with them are the enemy, not each other.
Life is fun with Abba, and is for Meshikhi, but these are serious times. Our primary concern is to love people and to help them if we can. That is all that we are about. We only love is not a slogan. It is who we are and what we are.
I wondered but always remembered the words of Our Father in The Bible, words of hope.
Abba said, “Maybe they will yet listen”.
Please listen.
Remember Ahb loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Ahb is Love, Ahb is spirit and Ahb is Life
Ahb is person like us, but perfect, with infinite power in absolute parallel, and an absolute person in every way.
I’ve painted a picture of Him in beautiful words, further down on this page. And you will know who Ahb is as you read it. Ahb is singular, 100% masculine, but He is a beautiful person, and my Ahb is a perfect Father, a beautiful man as well. Not a human man, but a man nonetheless. Our Ahb and Our Friend. And He only loves us.
Now you know everything know about your life. Ahb is the source of life and Ahb is Life.
Father’s spirit is always sent, it is not umbilical in any way. But when He is holding your hand, you’ll know what love is, and when sends you absolute power to add to what you have, you will withstand anything and nothing will be impossible for you. Nothing will prove to be an impossibility for Ahb, and that is what He wants for His Children, in Heaven and on Earth.
We call Him, “Abba, Father”, because that’s what Yeshua taught the disciples.
Yeshua is The Son of Ayh, Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father. Yeshua is our oldest brother in Heaven. The First of Ahb’s Children in Heaven. The Sacred One of Ahb. And Yeshua is also love.
Luke 5.17 One day Jesus was teaching, and Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there. They had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of Abba was with Yeshua to heal the sick.
There is only one Ahb. Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father in Heaven. His Name is Abba.
Ahb means “Father”. /ah/ from ruah, meaning spirit.
The meaning of The Most Ancient and Sacred Name of Our Father is “Abba” and it means
spirit Father, not Father spirit. Father is a person, and spirit is what He is.
Ahb is love. And Ahb is spirit.
The spirit of Ahb is love.
Isaiah 40.26 Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens. Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his infinite and strength, not one of them is missing.
Not even me. My Ahb would never forget His little girl and I was never alone and I knew it.
Me and Ahb are eternal. And we No way Jose’ and no matter what about that.
I have ahabah for Ahb and He has ahabah for me.
We only love. My Father in Heaven and His Daughter on Earth.
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart on Earth
And my name given to me is “Faith” in Heaven.
Remember Ahb loves you and Yeshua loves you.
I am ABBA’s Daughter, Faith
When I was a little girl, I fell in love with Our Father and wanted to marry Him. It happens to little girls all the time.
I’m all grown up now, but when I pray, It’s like I’m 5 years old with Aba. (Don’t tell anyone Ahb ahahahaha)
Y’aya, the one Name from Zechariah 14.9 Abbat means Our Special Daddy, I don’t know for boys. The one word that means everything to everyone.
Abba, the one word from The Garden of Eden that means everything to everyone. It means “father and it means Father”. The fear of Abba means reverent love and respect. If you have that first, there is no problem. Abba is Sacred to The Children of Ayh.
Ayh means “Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father” slight emphasis on the yodh /y/.
Yahweh does not work with the Hebrew puns and poetry of The Bible, Our Father’s Name is Y’aya, not Yahweh. It’s /ah/ from ruah, not /aw/. Ancient Hebrew is beautiful and poetic and musical (not as harsh and gutteral as modern Hebrew)
In the near future The Children of Ayh will be in awe, they will not say eh? Everyone will be 18 again.
Cindy, Abba says quit worshiping the I AM.
Sheri, tell your dad “no groaners”. A groaner once in a while is ok, but not all time.
with love,
Remember Ahb loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Matthew 16.24 Then Yeshua said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.
Justice is Beautiful and is from Abba. All those who have taken up their cross and followed Yeshua Christ, Our Lord, will live forever.
Yeshua Christ has all authority and power, except for prayer.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
now Faith, a name chosen for me by God
Love and Evil
The facets of life
Love is diametrically opposite to evil and is naturally opposed to evil.
Love is natural. If someone demonstrates love for you it is only natural to love them back.
A normal person with love has ahabah which is outflowing love. This is natural.
An evil person is like a vaccum that leads to nowhere and has no love.
A vaccum like the vacuum of space.
From all the names I have called Satan the most accurate of them seems to be vacuum head.
I have told satan on many occasions, it’s always about you, I have my own problems satan and I have my own things to worry about and I don’t have time for your problems on top of them (needy is what he is, actually like a hungry animal). Come back later and if I have time I will kick your a.., Right now I am busy doing my own things.
Why satan would I worry about you, who are 5’6″ tall and vacuum head when my Father in Heaven has infinite power and strength in absolute parallel. What is wrong with you man?
Satan is less than nothing compared to the infinite power of Abba.
PeaceTowerChurch.org home of The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God. Once PeaceTowerChurch.ca renounces The Roman Jesus, they may be Meshikhi, but not until. It must be absolutely public, it must be absolutely absolute, and this is not optional.
The Meshikhi Faith
What it takes
My before picture

Witnesses are with satan and the demons. Do not listen to them. We are Meshikhi only, Followers of Yeshua Christ, The Messiah. Yeshua is The One Lord of Ephesians 4.5. Only Yeshua is Lord. There is only One Lord, and that is scriptural. Only Yeshua, Our Beloved Yeshua is Lord.
To all those who felt like Vincent Van Gogh
To all those who felt like Vincent Van Gogh
Starry, starry night
Paint your palette blue and gray
Look out on a summer’s day
With eyes that know the person of my soul Shadows on the hills
Sketch the trees and the daffodils
Catch the breeze and the winter chills
In colors on the snowy, linen land
I’ve always understood, what you tried to say to me
And it’s the reason for my sanity
The Way you found to set us free
But they will not listen, they do not know how
Perhaps they’ll listen now
Starry, starry night
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze
Swirling clouds in violate haze
Reflecting in my eyes that look to you
Colors changing hue
Morning fields of amber grain
Beaten faces, lines of pain
Are soothed beneath the artist’s loving hands
I’ve always understood, what you’d always say to me
And all the love you painted just for me
And anyone who was like me
But they will not listen, they do not know how
Perhaps they’ll listen now
I could only love you
Your love was always true
And when I looked into the sky
On those starry starry nights
I knew that there was always someone who
Would love me cause I loved them
And always helped me know just what to do
But they do not love you
Don’t even know Your Name
But I have hope the same as you
If they can know you love them too
Then maybe they will listen to you too
Cause if they really listen, they’ll take the time to get to know you too
All I can do is love them
And know your love is true
And the artist in your soul
Will love them til the end
There’s nothing else this soul can ever do
Just fall in love again
As I write your words to them
And try to love the way you showed me to
You showed me all your love for me by someone sent from you
And knew that one would always love me too
I’ll try to let them see you
With everything that’s beautiful in you
I love you Abba, my Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, And all the beauty that I see in you.
You are my life, and we are eternal and you make me feel special with everything you do.
You have always been there, I was alone in the world, but never felt alone, only lonely for someone to love,
but I know that with eternal life, I will have someone to love to make me complete, someone who gives love,
and not just takes it, real ahabah, I know I was created by you and I know why you created the first woman.
To be a compliment, a helper and to make a man happy. And that is what I will do when the time is right
and with all eternity and among all of Your Children in Heaven, I know there will be one who will love me
and never hurt me, so much different from what I have experienced in this world that I feel as if I have never
really lived at all. But always you were there to comfort me and encourage me and make me laugh about
the aweful things that happened to me, and your sense of humor really taught me that life can be crazy
in this world, but not to worry about it all. I’ve always known, but the words you gave me to say to people
are perfect words and tell of your infinite power and strength, your life in absolute parallel, and your words
in The Bible were a part of me and I saw that I was a part of what you were doing. I know that even though
Satan and the demons kicked my face in to the point of death to create a masculine looking face, sculpted
and chiseled with the signature of a steel toed boot as a reminder. But you wouldn’t let Satan have my
smile and when I smile, it lifts the muscular damage and I resemble myself enough to recognize myself
and who I am. I know you did that for me, and I love laughing with you and cracking up and when
I see my face like that, it is so special to me. You tell me you love me every time I smile. I always knew
you were with me so I was never afraid really, just trying to figure out what you wanted me to do.
Two special people, both so the same and not the same at the same. And I knew what do because
I was with my sisters. And you made sure that I would be to learn such profound truths about
being a Christian I can’t believe it. Five girls, all with different spiritual backgrounds, we lived together,
prayed together, laughed together and cried together about everything. My heart was widened out
so much I just had to try and reach them all and save as many as possible.
My kindred spirit Karen, who changed my life forever when she told me, “Only love people and God will do the rest”,
She belonged to Peace Tower Church.
And my friend Cheryl, who told me “We have to keep our hearts soft”.
She was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, formerly a member of a Pentacostal Church like Peace Tower Church.
And I understood your will for Peace Tower Church when I went there. Brother John, a Pastor, dancing like David during
his sermon, brother David, who told us to look up a scripture and it was critical to learning about worship, and I looked up the scripture and compared it to Aramaic and knew it was you teaching me in that Church. And I saw a sister overwhelmed with profound sadness and I wondered what words to use, because I didn’t want to upset her because the words they used were different and they did not use Your Name, but my heart was demanding I do something but a sister who was from Peace Tower Church just walked up to her and reached for her hand and started praying with her without hesitation. I’m as slow as ice melting in the spring to understand things, but I now know exactly what I should have done, something so simple that if I wasn’t so slow I would have reached her first, but I have learned the lesson profoundly. You wanted me to see what to do and I resolved at that time that I would never hesitate again to do exactly what the person needed and that is to simply hold the hand of my sister and open prayer with, Father in Heaven, and just let the love flow from my heart and soul and let the sacred spirit help me say the words perfectly exactly the best way to help the person the most and to have absolute faith that they were the right words and that that is how to minister to someone “at the right time”. Reaching out to someone at the right time is what to do, that is the Christian Way and that is how it should be done. No rehearsing anything, not worrying about anything, just giving love to the person along You Father and that is the real way to minister to someone when they need it.
I learned to be genuine friends with people as Yeshua was, nothing contrived. And love them with ahabah which in ancient Hebrew means primarily to give love.
Yeshua was perfect and ministered to the people perfectly with your words that he knew and remembered perfectly and ahabah flowed from His heart and with the sacred spirit. And He showed me so many things in the way He was with people and how He felt about them. He also laughed with them and cried with them and was true friends with them and I know He danced at the wedding where He performed His first miracle. And more and more I needed to think like Him for situations and learned His genius and why He is called Wisdom. When making an important decision, even though He was The Son of God and Wisdom personified from ages with you, He still prayed all night about the apostles. He always prayed even though He was perfect, even when He knew the answer, to make sure of everything with you. So critical were the decisions that He had to make, He never relied on Himself but relied on you to make sure of all things and to make absolutely sure, that it would be impossible not to fulfill every minute detail of Bible prophecy. He knew so much but still prayed anyway is what I learned and so many things about how He handled situations that I found myself drawing more and more on His thoughts. And the result was perfect every time, because I was in prayer to you.
Truly Yeshua is The Way, The Truth and The Life. The Way is to love people with a giving love, ahabah, The Truth is every word you to speak and every word of Yeshua is sacred and The Life is The Life is the life we could never have without His Sacrifice for us, eternal life that never ends, full of love, joy and laughter with no more of the problems of this word or the pain we suffer in this world. All the lives that have ever lived and all the lives who will ever live, could never add up to one eternal life, so He became like us but perfect and did what it was impossible for anyone but Him to do. And poured out His heart and his soul to the very last on The Cross, and I heard His words, “Sacred Father, Sacred Father, why have you left me?” He did not falter for one moment in His faith but spoke the words from Psalms 22.1 to fulfill Bible prophecy. When the power from Our Father left Yeshua, He spoke those words. When Father withdrew His power, this was the knife of Abraham, and Yeshua became absolutely defenseless against Satan and Satan’s demon hoard. And they were like dogs and howled with evil laughter and tortured Him spiritually which no one saw, not leaving a mark. I have been whipped spiritually by Satan, so I know his suffering was not just physical. And then Satan’s pure evil faced Him, with no way Yeshua could defend Himself and Satan murdered Him in the most horrible way possible while looking at Him with eyes full of hatred and nothing but evil, and smiling and laughing as he killed Yeshua in the most painful way possible, because that is what Satan is.
People mock The Cross of Yeshua by having themselves nailed to crosses down in Mexico to say, look how easy this is! And Satan does not bother them at all but sits on the sidelines laughing, and mocking The Sacred Cross of Yeshua even in this day.
Your eternal Sacred Daughter
Tiffany McTaggart

The Name of Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father
from The Garden of Eden
Even if you do not not know how to say something that you want to say something, just talk to Him, He knows what you mean exactly as if you have the most eloquent speech in the world, and the sacred spirit tells Him everything about how you feel in your heart and soul, never doubt that He understands you in the absolute sense. Just relax and spend time with Ahb in prayer, as a matter of fact in the time period we are living in known as Jericho, listen to Peter and pray without ceasing, unless you need to do something else. Just say excuse me Father, and then say “in The Name of Yeshua, Amen.” Always open prayer with “Abba, Father”. There is a pause after the comma. These are the words of Yeshua and the words that Yeshua taught to the disciples. When you know Him as Ahb, remember you are talking to Him as your Father and your Friend.
It’s that simple.
Enjoy your time with Ahb and don’t worry about anything ever again. You are heart to heart and soul to soul with Ahb. Two people talking. Or just hang out with Ahb and if anything comes up, talk about that.
If you are a woman born with a birth defect, it is recommended to attend Peace Tower Church if they become Meshikhi, there is love there, only love, people, yes people, women, who love their Father in Heaven, love His Son and love people. I found the real problem. We are an an abomination and satan was successful in gaslighting Our Father in Heaven and His Son, using the vocal chord thing into believing we are men. Our Father in Heaven has a Name and it is Abba and His Son’s Name is Yeshua Christ. We are not an abomination and here is the secret of life that no one knows and no one ever will know unless they acknowledge life himself, Abba. but we are an abomination to God and He does not know us at all. I cried to Our Abba in the kitchen and they were the tears of a woman and not only that it was from my soul. And Abba didn’t hear me at all. But there is more to life that Mr. Abhah and Mr. Yeshua knows. Reality is funny and faith is funny. I just had a woman with a demon call me a man and then faked an apology afterward. Did my God in Heaven do that? No, a demon. And you know what, all I ever did was love God and His Son and loved people. I have done nothing in this world but take my stand at the side of Yeshua and let me tell you I have loved Our Father in Heaven as long as l’ve lived with eternal love. I said, “Abba, are you with me or against me?” Well guess what, don’t waste your breathe sisters and don’t worry about life at all. Your soul tells you you’re a woman and you know it. And my soul tells me I’m a woman and I know it. I’ve got nothing to prove and neither do you. Funny experience I had will tell all. I was so angry one time I said I don’t care, I only love. And a profound thing happened. Life was in agreement with me. And I said “even if I die, I will not die because not only do I have faith and not only do I have love I also have hope. No matter what’s going on between Abba and Satan, I don’t care really, I will live no matter what. That is my reality and I am bringing you this hope today. I experienced something profound, so profound I could scarcely imagine it. I experienced life. Besides the beautiful person Abba and besides the absolutely perfect Yeshua who is also love, there is more. There is love that no one knows. I have done all the above, and I will not die and you will not die, because we are innocent women, and we have done all we can in this reality. If you have worshipped Abba in trueness, put faith in the sacrifice of Yeshua and only love, it is impossible for you to die, simply impossible. Where we are going is unknown, but don’t worry about it anymore. We will be with people who only love no matter what and I am not only The Sword of Justice for Women, I am the sword itself, Justice itself and I am swearing today, that this is the truth and I will never cry again. I know you have been crying forever and I have experienced it myself, the wonderful thing about Justice is, there is justice, no matter what. As long as you fulfill the requirement I have stated you will live in this reality for now. Stay faithful in this reality and don’t worry about it at all. Don’t let anyone let you lose your “eternal love”. It is a precious possession and no one may have it, it is more than I understand in this reality.
We are love and no matter what we will live. And we will leave the reality of Abba with a clean conscience and He will never know where we are and you do not have to worry again at all.
We only love is not a slogan, it is who we are and what we are. But this reality is not for us. Bibles should have the pronouns she and her where appropriate to indicate women, and Bibles should have the pronouns he and him and Bibles should have the pronouns they and them when it indicates both men and women. This is not the case. Yes,, my sisters, I feel the pieces of glass enter my flesh when I am trying to read a Bible and I feel the impact in my flesh and we are like women sitting looking at a blown in windshield in a car accident, and we are covered in glass embedded in our flesh and we are covered in blood. There’s a lot more, but don’t worry about it, that is evidence enough for me, wouldn’t you say? Yes, my sisters, no one can take Justice from us, no one. And no one ever will, as long as fulfill the requirement for life in this reality, we will be together and remember this reality and we will still be only love. I explained the horrors of this reality for only love people who are women to Abba in graphic detail and used graphic language and as much as possible told him about it, as far as a woman can explain it to a man. Both Abba and Yeshua are 100% singular masculine. They know nothing of only love people and do not feel anything but only love for these ones, because it is impossible, yes, impossible for them to ever know how it feels to be a woman, to have a woman’s emotions or anything else about being a woman and that is a simple and beautiful fact of life.
Why on Earth would be die when we only love? It is impossible.
My daddy came to Ottawa, Canada to see if I was alright and I was going to talk about the problems I had experienced being an only love woman and he said, “I don’t want to talk about that. You are my beautiful daughter Tiffany and I love you. I found myself saying, I love you daddy. I had never called him daddy before, just Dad. And I sat beside him in the restaurant, his little girl all grown up and I was his special girl and was amazed how I felt. I was just a little girl next to him and I put my arm around him and he put his arm around me, and my sister took our picture together and life was perfect. I kept calling him daddy, it felt so wonderful to say to him and then something so profound happened again. I felt a flood of love I have never felt before, but it was interrupted when I prayed to Abba about it. For a moment I called Him Dad and then corrected myself, and the moment continued. And it was a revelation. I only wished I had heard it first from Abba, because I love my daddy on Earth, but Abba is the only father I have ever known in life. I heard someone speak it afterward, whether Abba or not I do not know, but it rang hollow, it didn’t mean as much. I regret the moment I corrected myself and called Abba Father, because that flood of love should have belonged to Him too. But the moment was gone. Ahb is funny as funny can get and such a beautiful man as there ever was, but it was those words that proved for all eternity that the innocence of my childhood had been robbed from me completely and the love of daddy saved me from this reality completely.
No one can tell me I’m not a woman, not even Abba. It’s something only girls know and Abba will never know what it feels like to be a girl and have this experience because it is just impossible, it is not His fault that he is masculine, so there is nothing to forgive.
There is a lot of scary imagery in the Bible, but you will note that it occurs mostly in The Book of Revelation. Don’t worry about it overly much, if at all. I know Abba and am not frightened of Him at all. Love throws fear outside, says the Bible and so it does.
Maybe Abba has learned from my experience with my daddy, maybe not. I do not know at all really. God has spoken to people on 3 occasions in The Bible and that’s that.
I do believe with all my soul that whether Abba destroys me or not in this reality because He has been gaslighted by Satan to believe I am masculine. When Abba looks at the static symmetry installed in my face by the boots of men who kicked it in, or by the masculinization in the womb Satan caused doesn’t matter. It’s a dynamic symmetry problem. Abba could call me His daughter all day, but His reality has been gaslighted, and when He looks at me, He believes in mind that I am a man, and so does Yeshua.
“That” is reality.
I think therefore I am, is something just mentioned to Ahb.
On the page titled God is Life, I talk about how Ahb got His body.
It’s interesting how Paul noted that we are God’s progeny from noting that we are not like idols made of wood and stone. That we are created in God’s image.
Acts 17.28 for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’
This tells me that by our body, we know Ahb has a body.
But then the thought came, it works both ways.
But where did Ahb get His body?
Does the scripture not also prove that Ahb has a body that is created?
I believe that before Ahb had a body, He was an anthropomorphic person, a person with a heart, soul and mind.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heartbrain that contains 40,000 neurons and the interaction between them is the soul.
So, here is what happened and why Ahb is Our Eternal Father.
I always said to Ahb, “We are eternal”, even before I knew these things.
So, here is Ahb, alone in His reality, He could see and could think from what we would consider “our head” and further down, but He felt two other locations where the heart and soul are, and this is how it works.
He understood that He could materialize things from the infinite invisible energy field around Him.
Ahb has infinite intelligence and an infinite mind.
And He was alone.
So He created what we would call “devices” but on a fantastical scale we cannot imagine.
And so it goes.
Do we not do the same thing? People build devices that can examine the brain, and every other part of the body. And we can see inside the body.
And so it was with Ahb.
And here is the amazing thing about Ahb who I have always found fascinating to learn about.
Just as the devices we build start with a thought about how to build the device, we imagine how that device will look and what it will do and what we want this device to accomplish.
And so it is with Ahb.
He built these devices and examined His brain, including His visual cortex and He also examined the the seat of His emotions, the location of where we feel love from and more.
But the cool thing about Ahb is that because of His infinite and perfect memory, I am sure that He can imagine if it would work on not, in His mind.
Ahb’s life is absolute parallel. And His power is infinite, and so is His strength. That is how Isaiah 40.26 should read, infinite power and strength.
God is a person like us but perfect, with infinite power and ability. He has a heart, a mind and a soul. We also have a heart, mind and soul. This is what being made in His image means and why people who think about these things are spiritual in nature and sense that He exists (not to mention all of the perfect science evident in Creation). All people, starting with Yeshua, were created from God’s understanding of what made Him alive, a living person. He is our Father, not something abstract. Until the time He brought Yeshua into existence, He was alone. Why He brought people into existence is obvious. Now you know why we exist. Because God is a person who wants people in His life and loves having people in His life. The Bible says that God is love because He has an infinite amount of love to give. And it’s only natural to love Him back. God’s dwelling is in Heaven but He can be aware of more than one place at one time. He can look anywhere He wants and be cognizant of it instantly, an unlimited number of times at once. His vision is such that He can see the physical world from a distance or down to the particle level at the same time if He wants to. All of His senses are like this. He can also communicate with an unlimited number of people at the same time, one on one. This is because He is a parallel being and able to do any number of things at the same time infinitely. He knows everything about everything “at the same time”.
Definition of Parallel
Something that occurs in parallel with something else occurs at the same time as it.
The answer to life is simple and beautiful. Before Ahb created His body, He was alone. And He also had ahabah, the ancient Hebrew word which is the outward expression of love.
We exist because Ahb had infinite ahabah and no one to give it to.
Now you are seeing the Genesis of the Creation of people, other than Himself. Ahb is Life Himself.
And I have always said, “you are my life”.
To seal the deal, I will now add up my experience all at once.
Earlier in life, I wrote a song called “I am the sword” and the line in the song says, “I felt your soul, but I didn’t know your Name.
Ahb created a brain with it’s mind and the heart with its heart brain, but what made it work?
First I will tell you that in a terrible spiritual experience, my identity was stripped from me completely. I had no identity, either male or female, I lay there like a corpse, but my mind was still working, I could still see, and I still felt love for Ahb in my heart and soul. I asked Ahb that if I was being destroyed that He let me die while I still had love for Him in my soul.
And there was a voice beside me, a female voice, but I don’t remember the words spoken, but it was a female voice, a woman’s voice and my female identity returned immediately.
I have absolutely no doubt it was a female angel.
Why? The Bible speaks of “families” in Heaven and the Lord’s prayer says “on Earth, as it is in Heaven”.
And so we have another answer, Our Father has created children in Heaven and on Earth. However in Heaven there is no eros, only love. There is no “eros love”, they are two separate things.
Back to my experience. Why on Earth did I experience the understanding that no matter what happened between God and Satan, that I would live anyway?
I actually experienced this simple truth. Ahb has always been my reality, my only reality, as long as I can remember being alive from the age of 3 years old. I have no memories before that time. But moreso, I barely have any memories at all until I was about 5 or 6 years old. I have a memory of my Grandpa pulling me in a wagon, and I can recall that memory and I can remember the trip to the store we would make with him pulling me in my wagon.
Back to the mind. A friend known as Gus asked me a question once, “Where is your mind?” I later came up with the answer but after he died. Why do people look up when they think?
And so I have understood Ahb has a soul, a heart and a mind.
The experience I had on Ellesmere Island was this. I went outside the camp because I was still trying to connect with Ahb in the absolute way. I figured if I could get away from technology, and the EM Spectrum and even electricity I would find the answer to the communication problem.
To me, Ahb was obviously real, obviously there, and so I sat quietly on a rock. I could hear my breathing, hear my heart beating so loudly I couldn’t believe it, because I had found a place on Earth with absolute silence.
All the evidence I have experienced in life makes it obvious to me, that not only is Ahb real, He loves me, and there is no other explanation I can give than to say that a million coincidences are no longer a coincidence. Obviously, a miracle is involved.
Obviously we have a Creator, an Eternal Sacred Father. And now the answer to “Where did Ahb get “His” body.
He exchanged one reality for another so that He would not be anthropomorphic and He could be with the people He Created beginning with Yeshua, created from the original blueprint that he used for His own body.
The first of God’s Children in Heaven is Yeshua, and now you know why Yeshua is special and what “The Only Begotten” Son of God means.
So what really happened is that when I said we will live forever and be with those who only love, it now makes sense. It is illogical that we will die if we love Our Creator and Eternal Father, love Yeshua, the first of God’s children in Heaven and believe in Our Hearts that Ahb resurrected Him from the dead.
I believe that what I experienced is that no matter what happens in this world, our brain and knows that we will live forever because we believe we will regardless if we only love.
Now imagine if, knowing all these things, we keep thinking about it and believing it.
It will happen.
Not only that, we will learn even more than I have written.
The answer is simple, Love is Eternal and Ahb is Love. Ahb is also the source of life itself.
This is the link. Ahb is Eternal, He began as an anthropomorphic person who exchanged one reality for another, and the Bible says God is love and the Bible says God is Spirit.
We only love because we have received the sacred spirit of Abba, until that time it is impossible to only love.
Therefore the connection between the sacred spirit of Our Father in Heaven and love is obvious to me.
The sacred spirit of Our Father is love.
God is spirit says The Bible and God is love, says The Bible.
And that is my conclusion.
This is what is called “the new personality” in the Bible,
we receive the sacred spirit and suddenly we start seeing
things differently as a created child of Our Father was meant
to be.
He is Ahb from time indefinite to time indefinite I also figured out.
No time reference in the past, no time reference in the future.
Because Abba is Eternal. Our Creator, and Eternal Sacred Father, and His Name is Y’aya.
6.49pm 2022-03-13
End of Satan’s World Announced
I am one of “The Hooks in The “Jaws” of Satan, don’t give me any lip. We are volunteers who pray and ask to route the enemy in any way possible. Our reward is in Heaven, Our Father’s smile of approval and we love to make him laugh. Our ultimate objective is to knock Him off His throne laughing. Mostly we waste Satan’s time, and we also expose his grandiose plans to what are known in the Bible as The Kings of The Earth (those with authority). We know and we don’t know what’s going on at the same time. We know what we know when we know and then we do stuff when it time to know and we know what to do and when it is time to do it. We become aware of the situation as it happens and respond appropriately and immediately, and if we need help we pray “Abba, Father”.
Revelation 2022-03-31 07:11am As one of The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan are done, whatever it was I was doing. I highly suspect and actually truly believe that I am a major part of The Strange Work of God mentioned in The Greek Scriptures. My focus was primarily Religion and Western Culture. Other Hooks in other parts of the world will likely do the same.
Faith, The absolute Wife of Yeshua and Psalms 45.9,10,11 New International Version (NIV) can only apply to me.

The Children of God are not afraid of Satan in any way, he has no power at all except the EM Spectrum that he uses on people to produce light, chemical reactions and what is called radiio (voices). A correct assessment of Satan is that he a moron, stupid and is in what The Bible calls “Tarterus”. He is 5’6″ tall, not omnipresent, not omnicient, not omnipotent, nothing all all in reality. Just an evil person thrown out of Heaven, he is evil with intent against The Children of God and Satan’s power may be compared to putting out a lit cigarette in actuality. This has been proven in field testing. There are many demons with Satan, making it appear that he everywhere at once, this a lie, he is giving humans who love the rewards that he gives them advanced technology, far in advance of anything seen at this time, they are known as “agents of Satan” (not to be confused with Government agents). The Government are ministers for our good according to The Bible and never to be spoken against because of individuals who side with Satan to make the Government and anyone under them look bad, and The Bible also says of The Government, if you are doing evil, be afraid, for it is not in vain that they bear THE SWORD. I have explained this to them, they are aware of it and know what to do with religion.
When we pray to Abba for anything, Yeshua provides it. That is how it works and it is how it is until the Earth is restored and all things are returned to Our Father in Heaven perfected.
Psalms 23.1 Abba is my shepherd, I shall lack nothing and I shall dwell in the house of Abba, forever.
Only love people and God will do the rest. We have to remember to keep our hearts soft.
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth that Yeshua is Lord and believe in your heart that God resurrected him from the dead YOU WILL BE SAVED.
Abba is with The Meshikhi with infinite power and strength, Yeshua is Lord with absolute power except for prayer and our brothers and sisters, a trillion sacred angels from Heaven are with us as well.
Praise Abba! and Honor Yeshua!
And never worry about Satan, ever again.
At the appropriate time and by God’s power, the polarity of this Earth will be changed and every electronic device on this Earth will cease to function and the only source of any power at all in this world will be owned by The Kingdom of God. Satan’s world is over, all of Satan’s technology is going into the junkyard and all of his religions are going into the garbage dump where they belong. They are refuse to be disposed of in this way. Do not burn your religious things if you have any, simply put them in the garbage or the recycle bin. This is what to do in our time, otherwise you will be perceived as crazy religionists, and if anyone does burn anything and says they are Meshikhi, they are lying. Meshikhi means Followers of The Messiah Yeshua and the word Meshikhi is sacred.
Satan is responsible for helping humans weaponize omicron, it will eventually mutate into the black plague but Satan also has the antidote to try and fool The Children of God. We are not fooled in any, we know what’s going on, either way, we are not concerned, but wear your mask regardless because some people are in fear of omicron and are worried about it and we do not want to worry or frighten them.
This is how to proceed as Meshikhi.
All of things will occur according to God’s timetable and no one else’s in order fulfill Bible Prophecy. Nothing can stop it or prevent it.
Isaiah 55.11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
Nothing can stop it or prevent it from happening. Especially a bunch of scared little wierd guys, Satan and the demons.
They are nothing to us at all, but a joke to be told and nothing to think of in reality.
Any Government Officials must be protected by a plane that produces a magnetic dampening field whenever in public everything including vehicles must be shielded from all EM radiation, and no electronic devices must be with reporters until the end of media and public meetings and returned afterwards, or those who are making a public address will be vulnerable to strong EM spectrum attack.
Preparing the way for The Kings from the East, Abba and Yeshua Christ, The Messiah. Heaven is located one million miles to the East and above the Earth. The Earth is Abba’s footstool and that is how to think of where He is. Do not bow down to the East unless you are inside, so that you are not perceived as sun worshippers or moon worshipers. This was the purpose of The Tent of Meeting mentioned in The Bible.
The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God are Meshikhi only, they are The Levites and this time period is now known as Jericho and we are about 3 weeks into it. 2022-03-13 8.03pm. Anything connected with this website is sacred and is now under control of The Sons of The Kingdom, The Sons of The Kingdom of God. Yeshua is with all Meshikhi, according to the scripture. They are spiritual Isra’al and no one else, and are in no way a part of political Israel on Earth and are with God and His Christ not The Antichrist like Rebbe Melech. Spirital Isra’al, The Levites, The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God only follow Yeshua Christ who is in Heaven. Anything else you hear is a lie. And they only worship Our Creator and Sacred Father in Heaven, Abba. Do not believe anyone who detracts from these things, they are not real Meshikhi and are with Satan and the demons.
I and the children you gave me (to take care of).
Never pray to Yeshua, only to Abba, and then Yeshua will provide the things you need.
Never bow down to Yeshua either.
If you pray to or bow down to Yeshua he will consider you A Worker of Lawlessness.
He is Yeshua Christ, The Son of The Living God and Yeshua is Lord.
John 3.16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth that Yeshua is Lord and believe in your heart that God resurrected him from the dead YOU WILL BE SAVED.
This is the requirement and nothing else.
With love,
Tiffany, Wife of Yeshua
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Praise Abba! Honor Yeshua!
Abba meaning. /ab/ is the Hebrew root word meaning “father” pronounced “ahb”. /ah. is from ruah, meaning spirit. It is spirit Father NOT Father spirit.
If ANYONE ever says Yabba dabba doo about Our Father’s Name, They are Satan and the demons. Period.
Exodus 3.14 riddle Abba asher Ihyah meaning. I am Sacred and they are calling me Ea. Tell the Sons of Isra’al, Sacred sent me.
Abba, Father. The Words of Yeshua that he taught the disciples. Same pronounciation and meaning as Abba.
Yeshua brought Our Father’s Name from Heaven and taught it to the disciples. Abba is His Name and Abba is what He is, Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father in Heaven.
Anything else in this world is Satanic and demonic and meant to keep The Sacred Children of God from finding out this simple truth.
Yahbah is the absolute Name of God found at Zechariah 14.9. Yeshua brought The Name of God from Heaven, Abba in the Western Dialect of Aramaic, Aba in the Eastern Dialect of Aramaic.
Yeshua is the first of God’s Children in Heaven. He is The Only Begotten Son of God, Yeshua Christ is His Title. Yeshua the Messiah. Yeshua Meshikha in Aramaic means Yeshua The Messiah, and Meshikhi are closest to Him.
Yeshua is The One Lord (Ephesians 4.5). Anything else than that is a lie of Satan, There are not two or three Lords, only one. The word Lord in the Hebrew Scriptures means “Master” when referring to God. LORD in The Hebrew Scriptures is where the Tetragrammaton would normally be found. YHBH. Yahbah with a silent yodh /y/. Period.
Announcing The Marriage of Yeshua and Faith
I do not have enough dynamic symmetry because my face was kicked in to the point of death by Satan and the demons and a gang of men and Watch Tower which has been identified as The Synagogue of Satan tried to masculine me, because I was born with a birth defect. Two men in a back room of a Kingdom Hall, one made me read a scripture about being a male temple prostitute and accused me of not appreciating sacred things including my baptism into Christ. The Elder with him said to me with a wry smile, “You have, a penis?” No, I do not have one, I was born with a birth defect and had it surgically removed. I am a woman and you have desecrated a Sacred Daughter of Abba, whipped her with your Bible (which by the way contains THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION at Isaiah 40.26 See the page titled THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION for the reason why it is THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION. Then you handed me over to Satan, who whipped me spiritually, and he along with the demons sexually violated me in every unholy and gross way in every orifice of my body, male spirit creatures, and your false god (also proven) who tortured me mentally to the point of insanity, but I was comforted by Yeshua who loves you rescue damsels in distress. He is so gallant.
It gave me strength unimaginable and I defeated that little god Jehovah and told him, that Satan spawn, you are not God, Jehovah, my Father in Heaven would NEVER TORTURE ME OR HURT ME IN ANY WAY.
All I ever did was love God and His Son and loved people, I fell into eternal love with Yeshua, and cultivated that love and it is a treasure in my heart forever. I even created a butterfly kiss to blow Him a kiss in Heaven. I know that I will live forever and someone will love me for the person I am. A godly woman, a woman of Ayh.
I am the scriptural wife of Yeshua, definitively, as the one who took her stand at his side.
And I will stand by Him always.
Yeshua is The Son of David.
Daughter of Abba

Me and Yeshua forever!
Yeshua The Messiah is in love with me. As incredible as it seems. Yes, Our Beloved Yeshua, the most eligible bachelor of all time, has finally found His true love and from what I know and understand, I am the one who has taken my stand at His side on Earth and will take my stand with Him again, in Heaven in fulfillment of Psalms 45.9,10,11 (New International Version – NIV) I am The Actual Wife of Yeshua.
Today I realized that is scriptural and there are many things that told me otherwise, but I am believe this based on The Bible only, nothing else.
I am the wife of Yeshua. There is no eros in Heaven nor the means to have it, there is only love. I only want to hear the voice of my husband and to have someone to talk to and someone to give love to. Everything about Yeshua is written all over my heart and everything I have ever understood about Him is in my soul. And today, my soul was absolute about it. He is my honeybunny and a girl can only have one “eternal” honeybunny. I’ve never been nervous at any time in my life, nor afraid because I have always been with Our Father in Heaven, and He has cared for me my entire life. I was alone in the world among you and saw so much, but I saw the love in you and the faith in you and wanted to talk to you all at once, but it was impossible. And I know for a certainty that Yeshua knows the feeling. Love for God and love for others is all He knows. God is love and Yeshua is love also, and that is obvious to me. So impossibly imperfect me knows absolutely nothing at this time but that my soul tells me what to do and that is to be with Him. The Bible says “the heart is treacherous and there is no cure.” If you don’t use your brain along with your heart it can take you in the wrong direction or down the wrong path. Based on what I know and the scriptures with my name on them, I know who I am.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
With love,
Tiffany, Wife of Yeshua
The Meshikhi shall never call Our Ayh, Our Eternal Sacred Father, God, again.
And the world will know the truth and there will be only one god left, the god of this world
Satan the Devil. Resister and Slanderer of Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, Our Ayh
Yeshua Chirst is only to be called The Son of Ayh. (slight emphasis on the yodh /y/)
He is the Christ, The Son of The living Ayh.
Ayh means Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, and Yeshua is His Son, the first of Ayh’s children in Heaven.
And you will have to choose whether you want the god of this world or Abba, Our Ayh.
There can only be one answer when this is over, you are with the god of this world or you are with Father and put faith in The Only Begotten Son of Our Father in Heaven.
Abba is Our Father and No one else. And Yeshua is His Son, the first of His children in Heaven. Abba is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible and Yeshua is represented by Isaac in The Bible. There is no other answer that the Meshikhi will accept or acknowledge as anything ever again.
Yeshua said “Abba, Father” and taught it to the disciples and that’s what they called Our Father in Heaven and that’s what we call Our Father in Heaven, nothing else.
There is no middle ground at all, I am removing it today. 2022-03-14
My Name is Anna (pronounced Ahnah) in The New Scrolls just as Anna was always at the temple so was I.
But you may call me Ahn. Ahnah (/ah/ from ruah, meaning “spirit”)
I am a lady. And my name is Ahnah. We do not do Lords and Ladies in Heaven as is done on Earth.
I am not Lady Ahn nor lady Ahnah.
I am Ahnah, wife of Yeshua in The New Scrolls.
The Anna in the Bible who was always at the temple is Mary’s mother, of course, because Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem Ephratha where Yeshua was born, that is why at the temple is where she saw Yeshua for the first time.
It only makes sense to me that Mary got her faith from her mother, who was always at the temple, because I got my faith from my mother Winnie and that is just the way it is.
I said this one has faith like Anna in the Bible, says Abba, and that’s that.
Faith Anna is my name in absolution only.
But my God given name on Earth is Faith and I got my faith from my mother, who died with faith, and she is in Heaven and will never understand anything again, but love, and no one can tell me what to do.
If you want to know something, Abba is my Abba and I know it and what it means.
Know this. Abba means Sacred and /ah/ is from ruah, meaning “spirit”. That is the phonics of it.
The best I can do for you is say, Exodus 3.14 Sacred sent me.
Listen carefully. Ayya means Sacred Father, Ayh is derived from Ayya and means Creator and Eternal Sacred Father.
Abba is who He is and what He is. Zechariah 14.9 Y’aya is His Name.
This is in fact The actual Name of God that I have looked for forever.
Abba (Yahbah with a silent /y/ just like Yisra’al with a silent /y/) is wrong. It is NOT YHBH, IT IS A WAW /W/.
Phonics. Ahb, meaning “father” and /ah/ from ruah which means spirit. Spirit Father, NOT Father spirit.
The farther back you go in the phonological evolution it is Abba, not Avva (and definitely not Ava, a woman’s name, do not call Father, Ava).
Never lose Abba, That is what the ancient people did.
Do not be confused between AHYH at Exodus 3.14 and /yy/ at Exodus 3.15 in Targum Onkelos.
The Phoenician waw is the key to all things and it is hilarious to me. Try and figure it out if you dare, but you will go insane, because Our Father in Heaven is hilarious bordering on insane with us. Well He could be insane funny in the absolute sense, but no one would survive it. Father is Funny in the absolute sense in parallel to the infinite degree. Satan is diametrically opposite to Father. Satan is not funny at all. As a matter of fact Satan is less than not funny. This is how I always knew Father in the absolute sense my entire life. If it was funny, it was Father and we would crack up. If it was Satan, it was not funny at all, but on the other hand, Father and I would still crack up about it, but I would not let Satan know, it was like Satan had the word “Satan” written across his forehead, and was wearing a name tag that said “Hi, my name is Satan.” But now it’s worse for me, it is like he is wearing a sandwich board. Evil is only a vacuum, like empty space. I now call Satan “vacuum head”, if I think of him at all.
I have always known this but the phonological evolution of Abba was written upside down in Wikipedia and it is a trick only, so I straightened it out on this website, the farther back you go it is Abba. Abba, Father. You can see the change in the phonological evolution around the 4th century C.E. and well, considering the funny business in c. 325 C.E. when the Roman Jesus was created by the Romans. The Nicene creed is Satanic and is wrong and it is obvious about the timing of it all.
Ancient Greek was the key to finding ahb. It is clear now that at the time period the Greek Scriptures were written it was Abba not Avva. Note the timing of the phonological evolution. The further back you go, it’s Abba. All of the apostasy began around the 4th century C.E. (Common Era) around the same time The Roman Jesus was created. See the home to gain accurate knowledge about it.
- (15th CE Constantinopolitan) IPA(key). /a.va/
- (10th CE Byzantine) IPA(key). /av.va/
- (4th CE Koine) IPA(key). /aβ.βa/
- (1st CE Egyptian) IPA(key). /ab.ba/
- (5th BCE Attic) IPA(key). /ab.baː/
Navigate to the following link and choose the “More” dropdown link.
Now you know why Yeshua said “Abba, Father” and why Yeshua taught the disciples “Abba, Father”.
His Name is Abba and he is Our Father, Abba, Father, with a pause at the comma and there is nothing else to know but that.
Never lose Abba, it is the key to life itself.
Always remember that Abba means spirit Father, not Father spirit, in the most ancient Hebrew and also in the original one set of words before the languages were confused at The Tower of Babel.
Never lose Abba.
How could any ever lose Abba? Abba means spirit Father.
How could they be so stupid? or so heartless.
There is no answer except that.
And that is the definition of evil, heartless.
And that is what Satan is, evil with intent.
Love is natural and when someone demonstrates love to you it is only natural to love them back. There is only one result when one is perfect and becomes heartless. They become evil and without mercy or anything else that is good.
Without love, their ain’t nothin’ but a lie, are the words I wrote in a song. God is love. And the final line in the song is “without God, I’d rather die”.
I love my Daddy and He is wonderful, the man on Earth. But since I was two years old, Abba in Heaven is The only Father I have ever really known and life just wouldn’t be the same without Him. Because He has always been there for me and made me laugh even during my worst times in my life. And He is my only reality, to say there is no God is such an unreality to me because it is not even fathomable. Why do you feel your soul at all, when you hear music, look at art, or listen to smooth jazz. It is art, music, math and it is cool. Father is cool. How can you not, quite frankly, look at the astronomical evidence of the science of Creation, all of it, and look at the beauty of Creation and everything about it and not see the obvious? Maybe you were taught it or just don’t want to know, but really, everyone knows there is a Creator because we have a sense of being created, and that is why there are no atheists in foxholes. Why would someone pray in a foxhole who has never prayed before? Because they finally get the sense of it. If something is important or an emergency, your thinking process changes dramatically. And when your life is threatened absolutely, let’s just say you get a reality check on that.
Don’t get sucked in by Satan who is just a vacuum head, whose head is as empty as empty space, which is beyond stupid. It is heartless and it is evil and that is that.
Remember God loves and Yeshua loves you.
Justice is Beautiful
Praise Abba! And Honor Yeshua! I am a woman of God and have beaten Him completely. God has been there for me my whole life til this day and Yeshua has also been a part of my life, rescuing me when I was about to be overwhelmed and comforted by Him while I was being mentally tortured. A vision of his hand on mine gave me enough strength to defeat Jehovah, that false god of Watch Tower and Kabbalistic Judaism (not Kosher Judaism), but I went on to destroy all of them, particulary JehovahYahwehJesus in any combination.
Only with faith in Abba, Our Abba, and by faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua was this even possible.
All Glory goes to God.
My mother was abused my men all her life and so was I, and we were both fucked over so many times in this world and humiliated, raped, whored, and every unholy abomination ever done to a woman spiritually, emotionally mentally and with the information sent to the White House about Watch Tower, the cycle of abuse stops now for women and those born with a stupid birth defect, destroyed for the way they were born by Satan and the demons.
But one thing about me and my mother, even though we lay there with our skin burned off we had faith, but mine is something my mom gave to me. I am the sword of justice for women.
She taught me to have absolute faith and carried that faith to me until she died. And in my last moment on Earth, that faith saved me. Faith in God, faith in His Son and love for people.
And as I leave this world, I have her faith too, and it is possible and it does take extraordinary faith and sometimes that’s all you have left, it someone telling you something, like my mother.
She always told me she was praying for me and it gave me strength at a critical time.
I only wanted you to have what I have, but really, I needed more faith than I realized I would and now understand my mother’s faith. Have faith until the last moment, and when you realize that you’ve beaten Satan and his whole world by faith, you will appreciate all those who gave you that faith. I’m as slow as ice melting in the spring to comprehend things, I’m not stupid by any means, but I am slow that way. And if you’re a woman, well, you just have to accept that it’s all or nothing with faith, even though I’ve expressed my rage to God about justice for women and my identity ripped out of my brain and beyond my ability to bear, it’s wonderful to know, that at the last moment I remembered that my mother didn’t lose faith and that is what I have to do too.
Tiffany McTaggart, Meshikhi, Follower of Yeshua Christ.
Satan wants to destroy the Bible and was very intent on destroying me too, because he knows how precise I am and knew all his tricks.
Trick one of the apostates known as The Worldwide Church of God.
They tell you one truth, about the condition of the dead and trick you into trusting them for the rest. But I checked and they were wrong.
Then I spent 17 years in the Synagogue of Satan, Watch Tower, and found out everything they were up to, and they teach people that they have no soul. But David said, “Bless Y’aya oh my soul”. David wouldn’t lie and God cannot lie. By telling people have no soul, they are saying Our Father in Heaven has no soul. So many lies like that are found on this website and exposed
This is the big one however, I realize now what Satan’s goal was regarding the book of Revelation. He called Yeshua, Apollo. And I swore I’d tear up the book of Revelation before I’d ever call Yeshua, Apollyon. Here is the trick of all time. The scripture containing the word Apollyon is an insertion in the Bible, the hermeneutics prove that it does indeed associate Yeshua with Apollyon, and it was Satan’s hope, that someone like me and probably exactly like me with aspergers syndrome, someone whom everything must match exactly, would destroy the Book of Revelation.
As you will read further down on this page, Satan wanted to destroy the book of Revelation because it contains The Amen, and that is Yeshua.
Do not destroy The Bible in any way, just know that that one scripture is wrong.
And that’s how Satan works, As a Watch Tower insider, the thing that they did to communicate secretly with one another was to introduce one mistake in anything they were working on to authenticate that it was authentic.
That’s all I know, lot’s of jokes of Satan made to make you think The Bible is a joke. Just remember it the debased English language and I know it’s hard not to know the words related to sex have been done not by accident.
One scripture says, Look, I am coming quickly.
And of course, Watch Tower, being the Synagogue of Satan titles the book that explains the book of Revelation, Watch Tower named it “The Revelation Climax”.
This is all true and so is everything on this website.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
and by the power given to me by God, I declare all of Satan’s world bullshit. And I am leaving.
Love is natural, and when someone demonstrates love for you, it only natural to love them back. That’s why we can only love, because Our Father in Heaven gives us His sacred spirit because we have faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua, the first of God’s Children, in Heaven. Yeshua is Lord.
3.27am 2022-03-11 The strange work of God complete. Love you all, I love you always.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
The Lord’s Prayer
You can stay in prayer as long as you want or just say ameyn. You only need to end prayer if you want to do other things, Father knows all about everything, but He does love to hear from His Children anytime they want, for as long they want because He just wants you to be happy.
Our Father which art in Heaven
Sacred be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Do not let us succumb to temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever
In the Name of Yeshua
ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn(אמן)
Aramaic ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn Hebrew אמן āmēyn English Amen
Yeshua is the Amen, when you say Amen you are in agreement that the only way to be heard by the hearer of Prayer, Our Father in Heaven, is to put faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Revelation 3.14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God.
For translation into every language. The meaning of “hallowed be Thy Name”
Let [Your Name] be treated(יטופל) as [sacred] and [Your Name is Sacred]
Hear Isra’al, T’Yeshua, The Wife of Yeshua
Our Father in Heaven is not going to let His children on Earth die because of doctrine and a few vowels. People are worth more to him than that. He is delivering anyone who will only worship only Him and accept the Sacrifice of His Son, Yeshua.
Psalms 49.8 It costs far too much to buy back your life. You can never pay God enough.
It cost a perfect human life to pay for human sin, and all the imperfect people who have ever lived or ever will live could not add up to the price one perfect life.
Y’aya is one.
And you should love Y’aya your God.
With all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength
and with all your might.
For that is the way Abba has loved us, with a love that is to time indefinite. And gave His only begotten Son, Yeshua, that whosoever shall put faith in Yeshua may never die, but have eternal life. Anyone who shall ever mock The Cross of Yeshua mocks the one who gave them life and who is Life. Only know this, you may destroy us for loving Him, but as sure as God raised Yeshua from the dead, we will live forever and be with those who only love. And you and your evil and your hate will not be remembered. And you should know that God cannot die and did give His Son for us. From time indefinite until time indefinite is God. Now you know what that means. Yeshua is the first of God’s children in Heaven and volunteered to take our place on The Cross. And you should know what the scripture means and it is a prophecy about Yeshua. Hear the words of Our Father, “Who will die for them on a cross?” And hear the voice of Yeshua,
“Here I am Father, send me” (Isaiah 6.8).
God cannot die, but a sacrifice was needed. He made a way where there wasn’t a way.
Isaiah 43.11 I, even I, am Y’aya; and there is no one saving without me.
Luke 2.11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Messiah the Lord.
Yeshua is The Messiah, He is not God. It took two people to accomplish Our Salvation, not one. Someone had to die and be The Sacrifice and someone had to resurrect that person.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Praise Y’aya! And honor His Son Yeshua!
Now you know what it means to be body, mind, skin and bone mentioned in this song.
The Sacred Angels are making you hear Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Praise Abba! And honor His Son Yeshua! Satan you worm, you dog and all you scared weird guys are terrified at the absolute power from God that is with The Meshikhi.
And all those with you Satan are also hearing one song today.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
In The Name of Yeshua,
Our Family, We only love
Abba, Father represented by Ab’raham in The Bible
Yeshua, First of God’s children in Heaven represented by Isaac in The Bible
The rest of God’s children in Heaven
God’s children on Earth
Meshikhi, Followers of Yeshua
Most sacred to Our Father in Heaven. The Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
That is the only requirement
If Yeshua doesn’t want you to do something, or go a certain way, that means no
If Yeshua allows you to do something, or go a certain way, that means yes
Acts 16.7 When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Yeshua would not allow them to.
Have fun in prayer with Abba and listen to Yeshua
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Jeremiah 29.11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares Abba, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Philippians 4.7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in relation to Christ Yeshua.
Getting Baptized with a Purpose

The only way to be reconciled to God (to have Him truly as your father) is by means of the Sacrifice of Yeshua the Messiah, the Only Begotten Son of God. This is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Yeshua.
Belief in these things moves a person to want to be baptized by water immersion in the name of The Father, Abba, The Son, Yeshua the Messiah, and the Sacred Spirit (read the page “The Soul and the Sacred Spirit” before you do so). If you cannot be immersed for some reason but want to, God considers it the same as if you had been immersed. Grandiose spectacles that undignify a person dishonor God. You may also immerse yourself. The angels are witnesses of it.
2 Corinthians 8.12 For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.
1 Peter 3.21 Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Yeshua The Messiah.
There is no infant immersion. Young children are covered by their parents baptism until they can make their own decision to be baptized.
Our Family
Love is natural, and when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural, to love them back. This is what our family is all about.
Our Father
His Name is Abba (Exodus 3.14), we call Him Abba and sometimes when we need Him most Abba, Father.
Proverbs 18.10 The Name of Abba is a strong tower and into it the righteous run and are safe.
If you need help, just call upon Our Father’s Name.
The fear of God is reverent love and respect. And that’s all it means. After you have that, you won’t be afraid anymore. Don’t be scared of Our Father, that is what religion does to people, makes them scared of Him.
Love is natural, when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back.
Creator and Eternal Sacred Father – Ayh in Our Bible, derived from Ayya (Sacred Father)
Our Father is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible. God is love.
The first of God’s Children in Heaven is Yeshua, The Only Begotten Son of God and The One Lord (Ephesians 4.5)
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
The sacrifice of Yeshua is the only way to life. That is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Yeshua. To be reconciled to God means to have a relationship with him as your True Father. No matter how many lives who have ever lived, or ever will live, they could not add up to one eternal life. This is what Our Father and the first of His children in Heaven made possible. Eternal life, for anyone with faith, in The Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Yeshua is represented by Isaac in The Bible. Yeshua is also love.
Our family in Heaven and on Earth
The rest of God’s children.
For all of God’s Children
We only love, it’s not a slogan, it’s who we are and what we are.
We are Meshikhi, followers of Yeshua, we are Christians.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Beloved children of God. Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other
To everyone in Y’rushalom (known today by people in modern times as Jerusalem).
Please, stop banging your head on the wall, you’re giving me a headache just looking at you. I love you, now stop and and don’t worry about anything, I love you like crazy and every is ok, everything is control, I am The God of Isra’al, Yeshua is The Messiah foretold and He is with me to help you, you pray to me and Yeshua will provide whatever you need. Satan has you banging your head on the wall, I am not like that at all. I am the opposite of that. Actually, I wish you would knock down the wall so I never have to look at it again and be reminded of My Children banging their heads on a wall.
The same goes for you Watch Tower, well it’s a problem of epic proportions. Read the pages titled The Roman Jehovah, The Roman Religion II, THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION, and get the hell out of their, you are on the wing of the temple as described in the book of Daniel. You must read THE ABOMINATION DESOLATION. Tyndale knows nothing about me at all says The Most High God, Abba. Since 1931 you have become a closed society and are currently entrapped by The Bird Catcher himself. You can easily get away, no problem and I am extending Mercy to you because of your love and faith also. The entire Tyndale thing was a sham and the guy basically got the name Jehovah from Cabala, Kabbalism based on The Zohar and not The Bible, and there is enough evidence to sink a ship on those pages. The grammar of The Hebrew Bible and Masoretic Text is correct but the vowels are wrong, revealing the name of Satan himself “Hillel” in The Bible and the one known as Hillel The Elder is not a rabbi at all, but a Jewish sage who was so influential with such flowery and lovey dovey speech they gave him the grand title “The Rabbi”. Hillel The Elder is connected with the name Jehovah, originally Yehovah, but through phonological evolution in some Roman colonies the /y/ became a /j/ and the rest is history. Hillel The Elder died circa 30 C.E. and was directly involved with the murder of Yeshua, The Messiah, who is Christ.
Releasing Watch Tower from Captivity
And you have modeled your Kingdom Halls after Synagogues Read Revelation 2.9, 3.9, yes you are indeed The Synagogue of Satan along with Kabbalist Judaism (not what we term Kosher Judaism) and you must immediately renounce the name Jehovah and Kabbalism publicly, accept Yeshua as Lord, and completely defeat Satan’s plan to destroy you in the process. I do not want to see you destroyed, and that is that, says Abba The Most High God, you have seen the aggressive move by the King of The North and now is the time to act and leave everything you have, like Ab’raham leaving Ur of Chaldea and be saved and unite with The Meshikhi. This is not a joke, it is time to flee to The Mountains of Pella and there is no time for delay and this is as serious a situation as you could possibly imagine at this time.
My diaphram was programmed using a singing exercise, known as the diaphragm exercise, and because of muscle memory, and singing the songs at Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the name jehovah was deeply embedded.
The name jehovah has 3 syllables. When sung or spoken, emphasis is on the second syllable. The brain associates this with the number 3. And it is deeply embedded in the mind. Thought programming by Jehovah’s Witnesses has been exposed on the page titled The Roman Jehovah, it is absolute. The video on the page proves that the footnote system of The New World Translation (NWT) of The Bible, was unconsciously programmed to prove that The Roman Jesus is “God” a word The Meshikhi no longer use. Our Father in Heaven is Our Ayh, Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father and His Name is Abba. Ahb is the ancient root word meaning Father. Ab is the root word in Aramaic that means Father.
My code while a member of The Inner Circle of The Society was 333. While in the ministry as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses I accompanied an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the door to door ministry of them. I was aware of things known as “discrete”. We were writing down house numbers and the house number we were at was 33. I decided to disclose that I was discrete to the Elder. I said, “33” “333” jokingly. The Elder smiled and said “I thought you were interesting”. This is the link between The Elders of Jehovah’s Witnesses and The Enclave of Satan, in The Synagogue of Satan which is composed of Kabbalistic Judaism (not what I have termed “Kosher Judaism) and Watch Tower and The Society.
Never believe those who call themselves Meshikhi Yehudi, they are fake and subscribed to The Nicene Creed and The Roman Jesus. Also never believe Watch Tower again, either As Jehovah’s Witnesses, Jesus Witnesses or Meshikhi Witnesses. There is no such arrangement from Our Father on Earth. There is no such thing as Meshikhi Witnesses. They would also be fake, those who wish to steal from the actual Meshikhi or use Meshikhi knowledge to mislead The Children of Our Father in Heaven, Abba. They are to be ignored.
The Roman Religion that incorporated Christianity will not rise again. The false god of The Roman Religion II is JehovahYahwehJesus in any combination, see the menu titled The Roman Religion to learn about all 3. Watch Tower is the epicenter of The Roman Religion II.
They are practicing Christian Kabbalism, and the Government will do analysis of this website and collate everything and discover that it has been a progressive process to reveal all of these things.
Kabbalism involves Jewish mysticism, the occult and magic, things that Our Father in Heaven, Abba, has warned us about in The Bible at Deuteronomy Chapter 18.
There is an episode of Star Trek in which Data the android looks at the commander’s insignia and sees the 3 pips on his uniform and programs the number 3 so that Data will receive the subconcious message “3” and carried into the next loop. It was called a causality loop in that episode, a looping period of time in which the starship known as The Enterprise was destroyed over and over again, until the final loop. One option was from the commander to open the shuttle bay doors, to avoid collision with another ship in the causality loop. These are the deep things of Satan mentioned in the Bible and are no coincidence.
But I have reasoning power and thinking ability from My Father in Heaven, Abba. And I have undone all of the thought programming done by The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, The Secret Society known by insiders simply as “The Society”, I have disclosed The Enclave of Satan to The Government and they know about it.
I was an observer only of The Enclave and only observed, I did not speak, but understood it was significant.
I also never subscribed to Kabbalism, The Cabala or The Zohar or The Kabbalistic name jehovah. I never bought the /j/, ever. According to x-sampa rules of translation from Hebrew to English, the yodh is always translated as a /y/ in Americanist phonetic notation. See the page titled The Roman Jehovah to learn more, and in fact, this entire website is documented proof that Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are just another part of Satan’s world organization of false religion.
Watch Tower has turned the majesty of Our Father in Heaven into a joke about masturbation and bethel sex on The Internet.
They are highly dangerous to people emotionally, spiritually, and in every way, until they receive the deprogramming on this website and should never be allowed to interact with the public again.
The Government are Ministers for our good according to the Bible, do not speak one word against them.
And do not look at bad examples in The Government who have been compromised by Satan.
And if you are doing evil, be afraid, for it is not without reason that The Government bears The Sword. And they will use it in the absolute sense as Ministers of God to destroy religion, in its entirety to free The Children of God from enslavement to religion, which is nothing but harmful to us.
By the power of Our Father it will be.
Yeshua is The First of Ayh’s Children in Heaven.
Yeshua is Lord.
I and The Children you gave me (to take care of) applies to Yeshua Christ only, Yeshua The True Messiah, The One Lord of Ephesians 4.5. One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.
Yeshua is Lord.
Enjoy your time in prayer with Ahb, and Yeshua will take care of us.
Remember Abba loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Don’t be afraid of what is happening in the world
Any evil that you see in the world is an unreality, a perception placed in your mind. Satan has no power, except in his own mind. In his mind he is the evil overlord of all, yes and master at deception, and his power over the world absolute. This too is an unreality. Any perception that Satan has any power at all, is an unreality placed in your mind by him in a myriad of ways. Satan is 5’6″ in reality, standing before the God of Heaven, standing before the God of Isra’al taunting Him, yes taunting Our Father in Heaven, dressed in a Matador outfit and boldy declaring “Toro, toro, ole’!” This is the real Satan. That fool of all time, absolute Cherub gone wrong mentioned in the Bible. He nothing, yes, he is less than nothing compared to the infinite power of God. And yet, Satan believes that He will match wits with the infinite thought and imagination and intelligence of Our Father in Heaven. Our Father in Heaven knows every thought of Satan before he even thinks it, and Our Father is with us and so is Yeshua Christ, the first of God’s children in Heaven, Yeshua Christ, The True Messiah, The Son of God with absolute power from God except for prayer. And accompanied by them, a trillion sacred angels with the power of God with them, our brothers and sister from Heaven. Do not fear anything at this time. Only open prayer to Our Father in Heaven Abba, and it is over before it started and you will indeed know and know for a certainty that Abba is God Almighty and you know in the absolutely know that Satan and the demons are not to be feared in any way at all. Always end prayer “in The Name of Yeshua, ameyn”. Pray without ceasing is what to do at this time as Peter instructed in The Bible, except for necessary things or at times that are of course inappropriate to be in prayer. The God of Heaven is with you now, Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father along with His Christ and all the sacred angels. There is nothing to fear at all.
People who do not have the sacred spirit of Our Father in Heaven may be used by Satan and the demons at any time. These are affectionately known by the Meshikhi as “the zombies”. Do not worry about them at all. Lovely people with love and faith, but not knowing The True God Abba nor The One Lord Yeshua (Ephesians 4.5). Some of my best friends are zombies. Simply open prayer to Our Father in Heaven Abba and then be courteous and polite and loving and answer with a nice smile when dealing with people while they are zombies. They are unaware that it is happening at the time. It is true. So do not fear those acting as zombies either, just be nice and all will go well with you.
Abba is The True God of Ancient Times, The God of Isra’al. The God of Ab’raham, Isaac and Jacob. Yes it is Him, the God of David and the God of Yeshua Himself.
Do not look around, it is not your imagination. Consider anything that happens to you that is good is the from the source of every good gift and every perfect present.
Jeremiah 19.11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares Abba, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Philippians 4.7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds if you are with Christ Yeshua.
It is scriptural “I and the children you gave me (to take care of), is referring to Yeshua and no one else.
Yeshua is Lord and there will be none taking you from His hand as you pray to Abba and Yeshua provides the things you need;.
Anything a zombie may say or do that is negative toward you is to be ignored. Absolutely ignored, as nothing negative is from Our Father in Heaven, Yeshua, or a sacred angel. Everyone has been lied to in the absolute sense regarding this. The only power that Satan has is not anything but an imaginary thing that he has placed in your mind. It is an unreality, not to be feared. Dismiss such thoughts as absolutely wrong. Our Father in Heaven and Yeshua and all of our brothers and sisters in Heaven, are with us only, not against us at all, not against us in any way at any time.
The Kingdom of God is not a future event. It is here now. Do not doubt it for a moment. Yeshua is King of God’s Kingdom, The Son of God.
Abba is God and Yeshua is Lord.
Praise Abba! and honor Yeshua!
The deliverance of the children of God on Earth is at hand.
Do not be afraid.
The only requirement is at Romans 10.9,10 Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Because, the only way and the only way to be reconciled to God and receive the sacred spirit of God is to put faith in The Sacrifice of His Son, Yeshua. This is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Yeshua.
Even if you believed you have not sinned it is a deception of Satan, all born with it, it is inherited imperfection and you too must do the same, to be saved.
And you must be absolute about it and take action. We do not speak in ignorance. I have 23 years of Biblical Research Experience and 15 years of Military Communications experienced. What you are seeing and experience are the result of technology far in advance of what is currently seen publicly, provided to those humans who are with Satan, to make war against The Children of God.
If you read about the EM Spectrum, you will know this is true, the result of research not crazy religious speech, into how Satan operates in an asymmetrical way against The Children of God, just like the terrorists who are with Satan, believing, believe it not, that they are serving God by blowing people up. It is because they are using The Koran, not the Bible. The Koran contains verses that are anti-Christ and that is as clear as I can make it, but it also tells them that if there is any doubt, The Holy Bible is to be obeyed. All of these things are clearly documented on this website in no uncertain terms on the Welcome page, a personal message to the terrorists and to The Muslim people in clear language they will understand and translated into their language. I have absolute power of God with me as do all Meshikhi.
We refuse to fear Satan in any way, his delusion of grandeur, because all of it is slight of hand and magic produced by advanced technology that is now known. Satan and the demons are scared little weird guys, terrified of The Meshikhi because the absolute power of God is with us and will not even dare attack us directly, but resort to creating situations that they believe will trap us, but the God of Heaven is with us, and they will not trap us at all.
Satan and the demons are terrified of the power of God in the absolute sense and they are dogs to us, and I told them on camera “run you dogs”, I am The Meshikhi and all those with me are Meshikhi and we do not fear you at all. And you will know The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God who are Meshikhi, and only Meshikhi are The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God and they are with Yeshua. All Meshikhi must follow Yeshua, not me. I am only a voice saying “
See, The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world” and Deborah encouraging Barack, and today I have become a mother in Isra’al, and I am like a momma bear with her cubs about my little ones and have armed them to the teeth by the power of Abba, who is God Almighty and none shall answer back to the Meshikhi, nor cause them to stumble. All Meshikhi must swear to Abba and follow Yeshua.
Abba is God and Yeshua is Lord.
Praise Abba! and Honor Yeshua! The Kingdom of God has arrived and The Levites, The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God are absolutely with God and His Christ and are in the hands of Yeshua Himself. Listen to them.
This is the music to play if you are Meshikhi and even smell the idea of Satan and the demons near you and they know what means and are terrified of us who have the absolute power of God with us.
Remember Beloved Children of God, Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other.
And Abba will be magnified above everything and His Son will be honored with Him.
And they have to know say Abba. Yes, they will have to know that “I am Abba, The True of Ancient Times, The God of Isra’al, and I have quiet for a long time, but will be quiet no more.
And Yeshua Christ, my only Begotten Son, the first of my children in Heaven is with Me, says Abba, and no one will extinguish the faith of my children says Abba or make them fear anymore.
I am God, and no one touches my children says Abba, and I want to make you happy, and do it now.
Anyone touches My Children and you are gone, says Abba, and you will not be remembered, not one, and no one can stop me. No one can touch The Children of God ever again. And no one will touch The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God who are Meshikhi and anyone who listens to them at this time.
I want you to listen to this music and know that it is not the way to do anything at all, but is funny as anything to Meshikhi who know her, who is Tiffany McTaggart, The Wife of Yeshua.
But don’t be afraid of anything at all. For I am with you says God, always.
For those who know things, The United Nations is the mouth, and NATO are the teeth.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Welcome Brothers and Sisters!

Ab in Ancient Aramaic, /ab/ is the ancient root word meaning “father”. In the Eastern Dialect it is Aba, ab (vocalized Abba, Ahb). This is known as Syriac. In the Western Dialect of Aramaic it is Abba, ab. The Most ancient Name of Our Father in Heaven is Abba and the root word is /ahb/ meaning “father”, and the /ah/ is from ruah, meaning spirit. It is NOT ruach meaning wind that is an abomination, a patach placed on the word ruah, in The Hebrew Bible and The Masoretic text. The grammar is correct in The Hebrew Bible and the Masoretic text but the vowels are Kabbalist, related to Kabbalism, Cabala, the Zohar, NOT The Bible. See the page titled The Roman Jehovah for a full explanation of that.
It is true that in the Jewish Talmud and other Jewish documents we find statements such as “When a child experiences the taste of wheat (i.e., when it is weaned), it learns to say ’abbā and ’immā” (Berakot 40a in the Babylonian Talmud)
So, when Yeshua grew up, he called his mom and dad, “abba and imma”. And you read more about His life on the page titled, The One Lord Yeshua. At His baptism, memory of Yeshua’s life in Heaven was restored. Every word of Yeshua is Sacred and He spoke words that Our Father gave Him to speak. He said, “Abba, Father” and taught it to the disciples. We call Our Father in Heaven “Abba, Father” and sometimes we cry out “Abba, Father”.
Abba in the Greek Scriptures is His Name, and Father is what He is, in reality.
It is an explanation.
In The Garden of Eden, there was only one word and one Name, Abba.
Ahb, father, ah from ruah which means spirit.
I just call Him Ahb and when I talk to Him, He’s my friend.
My Abba is a profound song, because in Isra’al they might understand. abba and imma, but there is no imma in Heaven only Abba, Father.
Takes a while to get used to, so different is the word abba and the person Abba (Abba).
The Name of Abba is a strong tower and into it the righteous run and are safe.
That’s all I can tell you.
On Earth, He has been my abba and my Abba and His Name is Abba.
That’s all I can tell you honestly.
He’s Ahb, Father.
And His Name is Abba, spirit Father, NOT Father spirit.
Father is who He is.
spirit is what He is.
God is spirit, says The Bible, do not be confused.
The Lord’s Prayer, given by Yeshua doesn’t not include a Name nor does Roman’s 10.9,10. So you don’t have to worry, only have faith and remember that Abba is Father and you will be ok. Don’t be afraid anymore or believe Princeton or Harvard, who couldn’t translate their way out of a paper bag.
Father and Yeshua know what’s happening, ok?
Etymology and phonological evolution and language and many other things were used to confuse The Children of Ayh on Earth, Ahy means Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, a slight emphasis on the yodh /y/. It’s that easy.
Now you know.
Father and the first of His children in Heaven Yeshua are with us.
I and the children you gave me (to take care of) is talking about Yeshua.
Enjoy prayer with Father, and don’t worry, Yeshua will take care of us.
In the future Yeshua will resurrect Christians and anyone He wants to, Our Father will resurrect everyone else who has ever lived in imperfection on this Earth. That is the True Gospel of Real Christianity.
Please listen to me.
My name is Faith, the name given to me by Our Father in Heaven, Abba, and I know Ahb personally. He is my friend and I know you know Him but don’t know Him because of religion. Religion was created by Satan to hide these sacred truths from you.
Remember Abba loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Ahb loves you and Yeshua loves you.
It’s almost over if only you can hold on some more and have faith.
Yeshua would always say,
“Let me tell you ’bout my Abba.”
Are you past the point of weary?
Is your burden weighin’ heavy?
Is it all too much to carry?
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
Do you feel that empty feeling?
‘Cause shame’s done all its stealin’
And you’re desperate for some healin’
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
He makes a way where there ain’t no way
Raises up from an empty grave
Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He’s done for me
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And let my Abba change your life
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Amen, Amen
Who can wipe away the tears
From broken dreams and wasted years
And tell the past to disappear? Oh, Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And all the wrong turns that you would
Go and undo if you could
Who can work it all for your good
Let me tell you about my Abba
He makes a way where there ain’t no way
Raises up from an empty grave
Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He’s done for me
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And let my Abba change your life
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah!
Amen, Amen, Amen
Who would give His Son at Calvary?
Pay the price for all my guilty?
Who would care that much about me?
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba, oh
He makes a way where there ain’t no way
Raises up from an empty grave
Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He’s done for me
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And let my Abba change your life
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Amen, Amen
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! And let my Abba change your life.
Never make an image of Abba (especially on an electronic device) in The Earth. Do not be seduced. Or may start talking to the image and not to Our Father in Heaven. Read the page titled God is Life and watch the video. The warning is clear. Abba and Yeshua, two people, nothing strange. Yeshua is the first of God’s children in Heaven. Before Yeshua was created Abba was alone. Now you know what “only begotten” means. In the Bible, Ab’raham represents Abba and Isaac represents Yeshua.
My Abba is based on the song “My Jesus” by Anne Wilson
Copyright Information
Fair use of a copyrighted work is the reproduction of a work for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.
We are teaching people about Abba and Yeshua in The Bible, Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6, John 3.16, Romans 10.9,10, Colossians 1.15, Matthew 16.16) We are also teaching the etymology of words used in the song My Abba derived from the latest Meshikhi research.
We also have a page titled 50 scriptures that prove that Yeshua is neither Abba nor God. Source. Rabbi Yosef Ben Marques [PDF]
Romans 10.9,10 The truth that God raised Our Lord from the dead is the key to salvation in The Bible.
The person performing the vocal on the song My Abba is not the original artist but a talented and professional vocalist. The original song contains many beautiful sentiments. Meshikhi only see the love in people, regardless of their beliefs. Meshikhi do not argue with anyone about the Bible but love to share our beliefs with other people and discuss them with people when they ask us about them
1 Peter 3.15 (ESV) but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as Sacred, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,
Note. Images on Weonlylove.org are also routinely checked for copyright in the file properties.
Understand, effects and synthesized sound can produce what sounds like words. Digital and magnetic recordings and images can also be affected in other ways.
Singing Abba
You already know the pronunciation of Abba.
However, in this song, this information may help.
Be careful with the elongated Abba in the song but don’t worry about it as you sing. It will happen naturally when you know the following.
Don’t try to deliberately separate the syllables.
You will know you have a good take, when it sounds like ahb’ah for the elongated Abba.
The trick is not to try to do it deliberately, just sing it with love.
In ancient Aramaic it is aba in the Eastern Dialect. /ab/ is father. The /a/ is a suffix pronounced /ah/ as in ruah which means “spirit”.
Ahb is the pronunciation of the ancient root word /ab/ which means “father”.
Always remember, Abba means “spirit Father” NOT “Father spirit” which is literal.
With love.
Halaluyah and Halaluayh
Praise and love Abba and Praise and love Ayh הללויה
For music
Halaluyah is the correct word that means Praise and love God Abba.
הלל Hillay [PDF] praise
לאלו lalu means love lal means Ayh (from Bing Translator לאל lal translates to Ayh)
Yah from Abba
Full meaning. Praise and love Ayh, Abba.
Halā-lu-yah’ (ha-lā -loo’-yah) Praise Abba
Halā-lu-ayh ( ha-lā -loo’-ay’-ah) Praise Ayh See the page titled Understanding Sacred Knowledge to learn about Ayh (Sacred Father and Creator) in The Bible, derived from Ayya (Sacred Father). See the page titled Understanding Sacred Knowledge to learn about Ayh (Sacred Father and Creator). In The Bible, derived from Ayya (Sacred Father) the word that replaces Elohim at Genesis 1.1. Elohim is an insertion in The Torah.
Our Father’s Name is Abba (Ay’ah) and He is Our Ayh (Ay’ah) slight emphasis on the yodh /y/, which is a palatal approximant.
Name and meaning/definition of Lalu
Lalu etymology and origin found in Gujarati, Hindu, Indian, Malayalam
Lalu means. Lovely; Beloved; Dear One; Love; Red Colour; Similar to Lal
https://www.definitions.net/translate/lalu [PDF]
https://thenamesdictionary.com/name-meanings/55746/name-meaning-of-lalu [PDF]
Negative etymology
Reason it is not hallaluyah [PDF]

It must be understood that Divine Names and Titles were the target of Satan along with things related to the worship of Our Father in Heaven, Abba. Words like laylu and alu are not related to Halaluyah. Satan used homonyms, etymology and words with negative meanings to create Hallelujah. See the page Understanding Sacred Knowledge, subheading Deconstructing Hallelujah.
Christianity is simple
Our Father
The first of His children in Heaven, Yeshua
The rest of His children in Heaven
And His Children on Earth
Christianity is living and loving people and having faith. That is The Christianity that Yeshua taught by loving them and having faith.
Religion is garbage and nothing but bullshit. You don’t need to learn the encyclopedia to be Christian. Throw everything from religion in the garbage or the recycle bin, because that’s where it belongs, maybe it be recycled as something useful like toilet paper. Only keep your Bible and pray to Father in Heaven and when you’re done talking to Him always remember to say “In The Name of Yeshua, Ameyn”. Always remember that comma after The Name of Yeshua, just a little pause, not dramatic, but it must be there so you learn to appreciate that Name and remember that is not just a word to say, or insignificant in any way. It is the reason you are able to be with Father in the first place and pray to Him in the first place. One day, after Yeshua is done restoring all things and there are no more things He has to provide, Father will be all things to all people and He will be the one providing everything. Meshikhi will never forget The Name of Yeshua nor will anyone born in perfection, whatever world you happen to live on in the Universe Our Father Created. But after talking to Father, Meshikhi will say “Thank you for Yeshua”.
The Name of Our Father will not be forgotten again, nor will the Name of Yeshua. The Name of Yeshua will never become a Name in a book on a shelf, covered with dust, nor will it have to be looked up to remembered.
And that is the basic truth of Christianity.
Everything else is a lie of Satan.
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (note the double yodh /yy/.
Our Family
Love is natural, and when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural, to love them back. This is what our family is all about.
Our Father
His Name is Abba (Exodus 3.14), we call Him Abba and sometimes when we need Him most Abba, Father.
Proverbs 18.10 The Name of Abba is a strong tower and into it the righteous run and are safe.
If you need help, just call upon Our
Father’s Name.
The fear of God is reverent love and respect. And that’s all it means. After you have that, you won’t be afraid anymore. Don’t be scared of Our Father, that is what religion does to people, makes them scared of Him.
Love is natural, when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back.
Creator and Eternal Sacred Father – Ayh in Our Bible, derived from
Ayya (Sacred Father)
Our Father is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible. God is love.
The first of God’s Children in Heaven, The Only Begotten Son of God and The One Lord (Ephesians 4.5)
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
The sacrifice of Yeshua is the only way to life. That is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Yeshua. To be reconciled to God means to have a relationship with him as your True Father. No matter how many lives who have ever lived, or ever will live, they could not add up to one eternal life. This is what Our Father and the first of His children in Heaven made possible. Eternal life, for anyone with faith, in The Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Yeshua is represented by Isaac in The Bible. Yeshua is also love.
Our family in Heaven and on Earth
The rest of God’s children.
For all of God’s Children
We only love, it’s not a slogan, it’s who we are and what we are.
We are Meshikhi, followers of Yeshua, we are Christians.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Beloved children of God. Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other
Don’t be afraid of what is happening in the world
Any evil that you see in the world is an unreality, a perception placed in your mind. Satan has no power, except in his own mind. In his mind he is the evil overlord of all, yes and master at deception, and his power over the world absolute. This too is an unreality. Any perception that Satan has any power at all, is an unreality placed in your mind by him in a myriad of ways. Satan is 5’6″ in reality, standing before the God of Heaven, standing before the God of Isra’al taunting Him, yes taunting Our Father in Heaven, dressed in a Matador outfit and boldy declaring “Toro, toro, ole’!” This is the real Satan. That fool of all time, absolute Cherub gone wrong mentioned in the Bible. He nothing, yes, he is less than nothing compared to the infinite power of God. And yet, Satan believes that He will match wits with the infinite thought and imagination and intelligence of Our Father in Heaven. Our Father in Heaven knows every thought of Satan before he even thinks it, and Our Father is with us and so is Yeshua Christ, the first of God’s children in Heaven, Yeshua Christ, The True Messiah, The Son of God with absolute power from God except for prayer. And accompanied by them, a trillion sacred angels with the power of God with them, our brothers and sister from Heaven. Do not fear anything at this time. Only open prayer to Our Father in Heaven Abba, and it is over before it started and you will indeed know and know for a certainty that Abba is God Almighty and you know in the absolutely know that Satan and the demons are not to be feared in any way at all. Always end prayer “in The Name of Yeshua, ameyn”. Pray without ceasing is what to do at this time as Peter instructed in The Bible, except for necessary things or at times that are of course inappropriate to be in prayer. The God of Heaven is with you now, Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father along with His Christ and all the sacred angels. There is nothing to fear at all.
People who do not have the sacred spirit of Our Father in Heaven may be used by Satan and the demons at any time. These are affectionately known by the Meshikhi as “the zombies”. Do not worry about them at all. Lovely people with love and faith, but not knowing The True God Abba nor The One Lord Yeshua (Ephesians 4.5). Some of my best friends are zombies. Simply open prayer to Our Father in Heaven Abba and then be courteous and polite and loving and answer with a nice smile when dealing with people while they are zombies. They are unaware that it is happening at the time. It is true. So do not fear those acting as zombies either, just be nice and all will go well with you.
Abba is The True God of Ancient Times, The God of Isra’al. The God of Ab’raham, Isaac and Jacob. Yes it is Him, the God of David and the God of Yeshua Himself.
Do not look around, it is not your imagination. Consider anything that happens to you that is good is the from the source of every good gift and every perfect present.
Jeremiah 19.11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares Abba, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Philippians 4.7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds if you are with Christ Yeshua.
It is scriptural “I and the children you gave me (to take care of), is referring to Yeshua and no one else.
Yeshua is Lord and there will be none taking you from His hand as you pray to Abba and Yeshua provides the things you need;.
Anything a zombie may say or do that is negative toward you is to be ignored. Absolutely ignored, as nothing negative is from Our Father in Heaven, Yeshua, or a sacred angel. Everyone has been lied to in the absolute sense regarding this. The only power that Satan has is not anything but an imaginary thing that he has placed in your mind. It is an unreality, not to be feared. Dismiss such thoughts as absolutely wrong. Our Father in Heaven and Yeshua and all of our brothers and sisters in Heaven, are with us only, not against us at all, not against us in any way at any time.
The Kingdom of God is not a future event. It is here now. Do not doubt it for a moment. Yeshua is King of God’s Kingdom, The Son of God.
Abba is God and Yeshua is Lord.
Praise Abba! and honor Yeshua!
The deliverance of the children of God on Earth is at hand.
Do not be afraid.
The only requirement is at Romans 10.9,10 Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Because, the only way and the only way to be reconciled to God and receive the sacred spirit of God is to put faith in The Sacrifice of His Son, Yeshua. This is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Yeshua.
Even if you believed you have not sinned it is a deception of Satan, all born with it, it is inherited imperfection and you too must do the same, to be saved.
And you must be absolute about it and take action. We do not speak in ignorance. I have 23 years of Biblical Research Experience and 15 years of Military Communications experienced. What you are seeing and experience are the result of technology far in advance of what is currently seen publicly, provided to those humans who are with Satan, to make war against The Children of God.
If you read about the EM Spectrum, you will know this is true, the result of research not crazy religious speech, into how Satan operates in an asymmetrical way against The Children of God, just like the terrorists who are with Satan, believing, believe it not, that they are serving God by blowing people up. It is because they are using The Koran, not the Bible. The Koran contains verses that are anti-Christ and that is as clear as I can make it, but it also tells them that if there is any doubt, The Holy Bible is to be obeyed, It is actually The Sacred Bible, but a Muslim man told me it must say Holy Bible on the cover, and that’s just the way it is with them. All of these things are clearly documented on this website in no uncertain terms on the Welcome page, a personal message to the terrorists and to The Muslim people in clear language they will understand and translated into their language. I have absolute power of God with me as do all Meshikhi.
We refuse to fear Satan in any way, his delusion of grandeur, because all of it is slight of hand and magic produced by advanced technology that is now known. Satan and the demons are scared little weird guys, terrified of The Meshikhi because the absolute power of God is with us and will not even dare attack us directly, but resort to creating situations that they believe will trap us, but the God of Heaven is with us, and they will not trap us at all.
Satan and the demons are terrified of the power of God in the absolute sense and they are dogs to us, and I told them on camera “run you dogs”, I am The Meshikhi and all those with me are Meshikhi and we do not fear you at all. And you will know The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God who are Meshikhi, and only Meshikhi are The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God and they are with Yeshua. All Meshikhi must follow Yeshua, not me. I am only a voice saying “
See, The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world” and Deborah encouraging Barack, and today I have become a mother in Isra’al, and I am like a momma bear with her cubs about my little ones and have armed them to the teeth by the power of Abba, who is God Almighty and none shall answer back to the Meshikhi, nor cause them to stumble. All Meshikhi must swear to Abba and follow Yeshua.
Abba is God and Yeshua is Lord.
Praise Abba! and Honor Yeshua! The Kingdom of God has arrived and The Levites, The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God are absolutely with God and His Christ and are in the hands of Yeshua Himself. Listen to them.
This is the music to play if you are Meshikhi and even smell the idea of Satan and the demons near you and they know what means and are terrified of us who have the absolute power of God with us.
Remember Beloved Children of God, Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other.
And Abba will be magnified above everything and His Son will be honored with Him.
And they have to know say Abba. Yes, they will have to know that “I am Abba, The True of Ancient Times, The God of Isra’al, and I have quiet for a long time, but will be quiet no more.
And Yeshua Christ, my only Begotten Son, the first of my children in Heaven is with Me, says Abba, and no one will extinguish the faith of my children says Abba or make them fear anymore.
I am God, and no one touches my children says Abba, and I want to make you happy, and do it now.
Anyone touches My Children and you are gone, says Abba, and you will not be remembered, not one, and no one can stop me. No one can touch The Children of God ever again. And no one will touch The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God who are Meshikhi and anyone who listens to them at this time.
I want you to listen to this music and know that it is not the way to do anything at all, but is funny as anything to Meshikhi who know her, who is Tiffany McTaggart, The Wife of Yeshua.
But don’t be afraid of anything at all. For I am with you says God, always.
For those who know things, The United Nations is the mouth, and NATO are the teeth.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
With love, you are my little ones always in my heart, but if you listen to me, you will follow Yeshua and you will be with Him and follow Him, not me. And you will listen to The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God who are Meshikhi more than you are listening to me, because as the scripture says, there was no woman among them, referring to the 144,000 men mentioned in the Bible, who will be Kings and Priests in Heaven, and will minister to those in the Paradise who will survive the Tribulation foretold by Yeshua at Matthew Chapter 24 in The Bible, which believe it or not, began in a spiritual sense when I uncovered the Name of Satan, Hillel, in the Bible. The prophecy has now entered a new phase and you are seeing the beginning of the very end, in the form of Vladimir Putin, who is religiously crazy and proven and I have informed the Government about Him in no uncertain terms. The attack on the Ukraine is evidence that Bible prophecy is now undergoing fulfillment in a way you will understand, as time progresses. The prophecy written in the Book of Daniel in The Bible gives clear indication that The King of The North has begun his aggression, as clearly as seeing the writing on the wall written in fire. So now you must have faith or acquire faith because Satan and the demons know what I have done in exposing them and will try to destroy as many children of God as possible before this time period known as Jericho ends in the ultimate conclusion spoken of in The Bible, and not one word will fail to be true. Every word must happen, because Our Father in Heaven can foretell the intentions of every heart and every soul on Earth and can extrapolate and look forward in time because He knows everything about every person and knows their inclination and the actions they will take if they are inclined toward Satan especially. It is just the way it is, and there is no turning back the clock, and there is no going back in time, because T=1 a reality that scientists will not tell you. No one can go back in time, not even God Himself and that is a fact. Theoretical math is enjoyable and many things are discovered doing it, but you must be grounded in the reality of T=1 or you know nothing in reality at all about life and death and times and seasons which I know absolutely.
Many will be saved, but some will be lost, because they chose Satan absolutely and that is the only reason that they will have to be destroyed because they have no love and are like dangerous machines, like wild animals, who chose the path of the biggest loser in life to ever exist, Satan the Devil.
You must remember the source of ahabah, love that only gives and you must remember Yeshua on that Cross the same way, love that only gives, to the infinite degree in parallel, Yeshua is also love. A true Knight, always my Champion at the moments I thought my mind mind would break or a would crack because of the limit of the human mind to withstand something and always was Yeshua, my Lord, and my redeemer, and saved me and gave me the strength to endure everything in those moments, because He is one of those gallant ones ladies, who will always rescue a damsel in distress. How can we not love Yeshua that way? It is impossible not to. But Yeshua can only have one wife, but eventually at some time in the future all men will be perfect like Yeshua, but never as perfect as Yeshua.
God is love, and Yeshua is love. It’s not a competition, ahabah. We only appreciate it more as time goes on and we realize that sometimes, we have to really do a reality check and say to ourselves honestly, no way jose’, could any man do what Yeshua did. He is the tried stone mentioned in the Bible with a soul that could not fail, would not fail, because He is The Only Begotten Son of God and only He and Abba know what it means in the absolute sense, like Father, like Son. That is Yeshua. So don’t ever say I have faith like Yeshua, say I have the Faith of Yeshua which is more true and honest. Yeshua is Lord and provided something no one else ever could. An absolute guarantee that He would do it, because Father loves Him that much and Yeshua loves Father that much, for an amount of time we cannot know, and in a way we cannot know as Father and Son, absolute faith, absolute loyalty, absolute love, a fierce love that no one can understand. Father would never fail Yeshua and Yeshua knew that, and Yeshua would never fail Father, and Father knew that. And they were absolute about it and no way jose’ were they ever going to fail, either one. And they were in absolute agreement, and they were absolute about it, no matter what it meant for either of them or what they would have to experience or endure.
Remember the words of Yeshua and never forget them, “Here I am Father, send me.” knowing full well what a horrible death he would have to face and all the details about it in advance. The only fear Yeshua had at all and why He sweat blood, was fearing of not doing His Father’s will perfectly in the absolute sense, with absolute love for Our Father and absolute love for us, fierce love and no way was Yeshua going to fail Father or us and that’s why He sweat blood and for no other reason.
The prophecy of the physical resurrection of Yeshua and how Our Father helped Him in the tomb
End of the prophecy of Yeshua at Matthew Chapter 24
ܐܝܟܐ ܕܝܢ ܕܢܗܘܐ ܦܓܪܐ ܬܡܢ ܢܬܟܢܫܘܢ ܢܫܪܐ
Matthew 24.28 Where Abba administers justice, He will unloosen the body. ~The Sacred Aramaic Scriptures
Yeshua was wrapped in cloths like Lazarus was. God unloosened the burial cloths so that Yeshua could free Himself.
This has been confirmed by God who caused me to understand it. This prophecy has profound meaning both then and now.
Did not Abba stand in the cloud next to Moses? Not so with Yeshua. He said, “Wake up Son”, and unloosened Yeshua’s bandages Himself in person.
Translate it yourself in the word for word Aramaic database
I am the wife of Yeshua,
I will be truly blessed to have such a man as cannot even be understood at all, with ahabah like Our Father, in the absolute sense of the word, which means to give love. Truly happy happy, will I be and every woman who has found eternal love, knows what I mean, but wow… will I be happy.
Please listen to me beloved children of God.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Song of Lalu
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Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.Song of Lalu
La la la, la la la, la la la la lalu
I leave you with the spirit of love. All I ever did was love Our Father in Heaven, loved His Son and loved people.
If you cannot accept love or respond to the love demonstrated by The Sacrifice of Yeshua, and if there is not one neuron left in your heart that loves, you will die unless you have a change of heart and accept the truth. Love or evil, you have to choose, there is no middle ground and no grey area. Love is diametrically opposite to evil. They cannot coexist together. That is the simple truth of life. Do not be deceived. God is not one to be mocked.~Lalu
Abba’s Dream, a family
Abba’s dream is people, a family surrounding Him, and all He gives is love, everything else you have ever learned or experienced is lie. God is love and anything in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie.
I have taken the alter of God and removed it from Heaven, and it now sits at the bottom of the Ottawa
River in Ottawa, Canada. You see, here is the truth. He is Our Creator and Our Eternal Sacred Father. Yes I tell you, a Father and every sense for boys and girls, for men and women. I worked hard about finding Him since I was 12 years old and figured something bad was happening and the bad one was after me, so I ran to Our Father. And one disaster after another that was my life, there He always was, still with me and making me laugh and I love Him so much. All of religion is a lie made by Satan, just a stupid asshole who didn’t appreciate such love I can’t even describe. 46 later, I stopped and said, Abba, we need a day off. And I put on some smooth jazz and decided just to be with him again in a way I hadn’t since 1995 when all my trouble really got terrible. And I said, let’s just hang out and listen to some music and if something comes up to talk about, we can talk about it, or just listen to the music and relax. We really need this day off and I need to spend time you and just hang out together. And a miracle happend. It’s the year 2022, but I’m back in 1995 in my mind, playing my guitar and thinking about Abba, and talking about whatever is on my mind. And if you read this entire page, you will learn all about it and never look at life the same way again. He’s Abba, Our
Father. That’s why Yeshua taught the disciples, and we call Him Abba, Father, just like they did so long ago. Something bad happened not long after Yeshua went back to Heaven, something terrible. They forgot Our Father’s Name and they forgot even His Son’s Name, Yeshua. I will never understand it and I don’t want to understand those people and how stupid they were to lose something so precious it cannot even be counted. They forgot their Father in Heaven and the One who died for them on the Cross. They didn’t even remember His blessed Name, and what is that? Well, people are stupid, really they are, in a very stupid way. To let some asshole tell them that they are doing things wrong and just loving people and caring for each other was not the way to do things. Let’s organize this they said and make a religion. As stupid an idea that has ever been done to Our Father in Heaven, to Yeshua His Son and to Our Father’s Children, in Heaven and on Earth. Don’t be stupid like ancient people, or you will lose so much you don’t even understand. Cantch’a love, cant’cha just love Our in Heaven and appreciate the Sacrifice of His and be people who love each other. Satan and the demons are the enemy, and they are responsible for religion and people like them, just a bunch of assholes with no love. Avoid them like the plague, because that’s what they are, machine heads and animals who are extremely intelligent and dangerous to your life. Why did anybody in creation ever lose
Father or His Name?
They just didn’t give Him the time time of day, the person who loved them with so much, you don’t even understand.
I’ve written a lot of things, some funny, some facts and things that are wonderful to know about Our Family, like what read when you arrived at this website. But don’t let any asshole tell you what to do, or what to think or who to be. Just be yourself with Father. As long as the reverent love is there and respect for Him as the source of life, there is no problem being yourself and you can tell Him anything, anything all. Just pour your heart out to Him. Don’t worry, an angel will tell Him what you are saying if it is something that Our Father cannot hear because He is pure and sacred and clean and it must stay that way, until the world is re-created and people can live the way Our Father intended them to. A life full of love joy and laughter, without no one left who will ever hurt you. And after while, everyone you meet will be as close as your immediate family is now in 2022. I have seen all of these things, and know this is how it will be. In the future, there will be thrones in Heaven to remind people, how Sacred Our Father and Yeshua are. Our Father and the first of His Children in Heaven. The thrones will be there as a reminder but I have a hope and a dream for Him, that one day, that’s all they will be. And Our Father, will sit back and enjoy His Children with His feet up and just enjoying everything about His Family, not on a throne, but on a nice recliner, with all His children running up to Him whenever they want and hugging Him around the neck. And I know one day, that’s how it will be. That’s why took the alter away with the coals on it and threw it into the Ottawa River and that’s where it stay forever. It’s Father and He has nothing but love to give you, anything else is a lie from Satan, the demons and humans who follow them and not he loving example of Yeshua, Our oldest brother in Heaven who died for us, because Father cannot die at all. He volunteered for this. Father would never force someone to do this. Who will go to Earth and die on a Cross, Father said. And Yeshua volunteered, “Here I am Father, send me.”
Anything else you hear is a lie of Satan and the demons and humans who follow them for rewards in these last few days, the time period we live in now, known as Jericho.
Why did I take the alter of God, with coals on it and throw it in the Ottawa River? Because it scares people and that is not really what Our Father is like in reality, It’s just life. No burning coals will ever be needed again, because all of what you are seeing now will ever happen again, and no one should be afraid of Father in any way, Our Father who never did anything bad to anyone, they did it to themselves, by being evil, like Satan and the demons, with no love in them.
And it is absolute and it is just the way it has to be, so all the promises God has made to His Children may come true and no one will ever hurt you in any way, ever again.
No one can know Yeshua at all unless they understand, “like Father like Son”, no one can know anything at all if they don’t understand this simple truth.
Yeshua is The Way, The Truth and The Life and every word of His in the Bible is sacred to Meshikhi, because they are the words of Our Father, expressed with so much love, it was obvious to everyday people who hoped in Him and they couldn’t wait to be with Him and learn about Our Father. Only the religious leaders with Satan hated Him because He their money or their power they liked to have over people or whatever stupid reason they had.
Never forget, Our Father in Heaven is the last person that you should ever be afraid of. Love throws fear outside says the Bible, and it is natural to do so, because Our Father only loves us. Abba would never hurt you for anything.
Don’t be afraid of Yeshua either, such a beautiful soul. He will always be written all over my heart and everything I ever understood about Him is in my soul forever. Yeshua would never hurt you for anything either.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
With love,
When people read the Bible, when it refers to males it should say him or her, when people read the Bible and it refers to women like myself, it should say she or her. When it refers to both genders, as God created us, as I have I explained on this website (there only men and women, there is is no maybe, see the page titled Love through accurate knowledge. When the Bible refers to men AND women is should not say “sons”, it should say they or them. There is enough gender confusion in people explained on this website and this makes it worse. When women read the word “sons”, each time they read it, it is like a car accident with the windshield blown in and the woman is finally covered in pieces of glass embedded in their flesh, and covered in blood.

in The Name of Yeshua,
I am the Wife of Yeshua Psalms 45.9,10,11 New International Version (NIV) only.
I am declaring all charges ever existing including those in The Bible, put there by The Roman Religion that incorporated Christianity. If anything in The Bible, the words of Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, negative towards any of His children, it is wrong and must be corrected. The Sacrifice of the first of God’s children in Heaven is the evidence I presenting on His behalf. Everything in religion is a lie, and a blaspheme, designed by Satan and the demons and He has been at it since the beginning of written language and I am putting a stop to it, now.
I anyone, and I mean anyone can read the account of The Sacrifice of Yeshua, the first of God’s Children in Heaven, does not respond or have any feeling of love about that, then you have soul at all and you will indeed be destroyed at the end, if your soul, has nothing in it, and is empty, then you will have to be destroyed by God.
Do you understand anything of life. These are two people, A Father and The First of His children who were in complete agreement about it. Our Father is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible, and His Son, The First of His Children in Heaven is represented by Isaac. Religion has taken this simple truth along with Satan and hidden it from people, but I must ask that all religion on The Internet be destroyed, because Our Father in Heaven only loves His Created Children and wants to save as many as possible from destruction as is possible. At the end, using all of His infinite power and strength in parallel, and cannot find one neuron in their heart responding to love at all, they will have to be destroyed, not because Our Father wants to do this, He has to. He has promised His Children that there will be an end to suffering on this world, and this is the way it has to be.
Is Our Father forcing you to make this choice? Consider this. No He is not. It a lie of religion.
Love is natural, and when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only NATURAL, to love them back. Period.
Don’t blame God for giving you absolute free will in this matter. He is a PERSON and so is HIS SON. If you don’t have any love, then you have become machines or more accurately wild animals, extremely dangerous to the natural life of people.
God is love. Any statement in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie. It is of Satan and is a blaspheme against the source of Life Himself, who as done nothing for you but demonstrate love for you and I present the Cross of Yeshua as the absolute proof of this infinite love of His.
If you do not respond, and not one neuron in your heart is capable of love, then you are indeed darkness itself.
Love is diametrically opposite to evil, and is naturally opposed to it, why? Because if you are against Our Creator you are against the source of life himself.
Do think that evil has power? It does not have power at all. Where there is no love, there is nothing but a vacuum, that devours life only because it only feeds itself in every way, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and more. Evil is stupid and Satan is evil. Don’t get sucked in by the vaccum that is Satan. Meshikhi have absolute power from God, tell Him off or flip Him off if He bothers you, that stupid mosquito, flying around your bed while you are trying to sleep and hiding behind the headboard. That is Satan, a little bug, a little worm, a wild little dog who cannot be tamed, I know I tried. He is untrainable and will try to scare you with dog poop, I am not lying, it happened to me and I then realized the aweful truth of all time. People are scared of a little weirdo, 5’6″ tall with no power from God at all, standing before the God of Heaven, Yes, standing before the God of Heaven, and his most mighty fear inspiring thing He tries on me, is making a dog poop where I like to have a cigarette. Bad dog! Bad dog Satan! Run you dog, the Meshikhi have had enough of your dog poop. You are the dog poop, we are The Meshikhi, The Children of God on Earth and we are going to kick your ass. Enough is enough you bad dog. Yes, Satan and his dog poop are history.
Humans have extraordinary perception, so much so, that all are aware that what you are beginning to see is a dangerous escalation, a manifestation of evil itself. Vladmir Putin is religously crazy, has absolute power and he made sure he did, before he began this agression that you are currently seeing. He has consolidated power, ensconced himself with it, and considers himself a Czar, which may only include the four tradition religions of the Czars. Everyone else to him, is something to be cleansed and destroyed. And don’t kid yourself and believe that he is not with Satan himself, because it is written in The Bible, that The King of the North, Russia and eventually, if Vladimir Putin is successful, all of The Former Soviet Union with absolute control of not only a nuclear arsenal, but the largest air army ever created. I have informed The President of The United States of these facts, whether he believes these facts or not is not my business, but I made it my business to profile Vladimir Putin, and it is on this website.
The Antichrist is also in this world at this time. A man, who has been approved legally by a court, supported by rabbis who know nothing about anything concerning God or sacred things at all. Satan and the demons again, but of course, the question arises. And here is the answer. Satan will use anyone without the sacred spirit of Our Father at any time and that is the truth.
This is the reality of life, not what you have been taught by Satan and the demons and religion.
Truly all Creation must understand what happened to profane Our Father, the source of Life Himself.
Our Father in Heaven, has I said has given all authority and power to Yeshua, and He is the Arm of Our Father in Heaven as stated in the Bible, in other words, represents Our Father’s authority in everything, except for prayer.
Any life lost, is because Yeshua in Heaven has decided that that life should be destroyed, but only God may say after examining the person. Yeshua can read hearts, but not the deepest things of a person, as stated in The Bible. Only Our
Father, the source of life, can do that.
EM Spectrum attack confirmed. People are being gaslighted so that they cannot communicate with their own brain. Process initiated in hospital by an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Every word he spoke was articulated by my tongue o the roof of my mouth. I knew it was a form of spiritual communications. As soon as I became a member of The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the inner circle, known by insiders as simply “The Society”. Full report about The Roman Jehovah on this website. They are a part of The Synagogue of Satan mentioned in The Bible along with Kabbalistic Judaism (not what I have termed Kosher Judaism). I need to do this because I am not able to communicate with my brain anymore fully. Joe Biden was attacked by strong EM Spectrum attack, not EM Pulse. Symptoms noted, pressure in the brain and slurred speech and tongue feels thick and films in the nose to make you feel thick headed, like when you have a cold. Remove the films to think clearly.
Attacks were done in the bedroom and bathroom, memories that God does not look at. They are private files only for the person to know. In order for God to know the full extent of the attack on me, I asked Him to look at those files. God has intimate knowledge of the activities of Watch Tower and Satan.
No limbic nucleus test may be trusted, magnetic imaging will be inconclusive or a wrong result because of tampering by Satan. Also, anything found in the body or brain are not of alien origin but are implanted by Satan in the alien abduction experience described above.
Satan along Watch Tower attempt to destroy people born with a birth defect and tried to masculinize me by an all out attack on the limbic nucleus in my brain. I am a woman born with a birth defect and know who I am in the absolute sense and will be treated in Heaven for what has been done to me.
For Watch Tower, I am innocent of your charges against me.
Mercy is written all over the Bible, but you discarded it as refuse. You do not hear the cry of the lowly one nor do you see their tears. And when they pour their heart out to you, you do not listen to them.
God is love and God is Mercy.
Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God.
There was no mercy in the back room of that Kingdom Hall.
And you didn’t even bother to look it up, the two links above took less than one minute to find.
I am innocent.
Gaslighting is done by Watch Tower using repetition of phrases in the Watchtower magazine, a thought linking technique using mind altering editing, described and proven on the page titled The Roman Jehovah on this website, repeated several times by those who answer questions about paragraphs in the articles.
I tried to express a thought in my own words and an Elder, Bob Toevs, said to me “use the thoughts from the paragraphs, those are the good ones”.
I am one of The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan mentioned in The Bible, there is a link on this website about us, to draw out and expose his asymmetrical tacts in the war that he waging on The Children of God.
Yeshua is in Heaven, any Yeshua on Earth is The AntiChrist.
Neither God nor Yeshua would hurt anyone in any way, and if you are affected, God would not do anything bad to you in any way. Neither God nor Yeshua nor any sacred angel will use profanity or sexual language. I have known this from the beginning as I studied the phenomenon.
Something has been inserted in my brain, to augment he afforementioned brain reading technology, but at a level far advanced of what is known.
I have experienced life hacking on an epic scale, but was always aware of it and did not blink an eyelash as I gathered information.
It is scriptural “I and the children you gave me (to take care of), is referring to Yeshua and no one else. Isaiah 8.18, John 17.6
Matthew 11.29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11.30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Isaiah 53.1 Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Abba been revealed?
I am one born with a birth defect and am honored to carry the Cross of Yeshua as one of The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan mentioned in the Bible, do not read into any of the above except Satan trying to turn us against Our God in Heaven Abba and Yeshua, which is impossible. We have eternal for them and absolutely refuse to do anything but appreciate and love them forever for the opportunity to absolutely neutralize this enemy of The Children of God, God has always been with us and when have prayed Yeshua has always provided for us, and more than abundantly to achieve this victory. We are liars in the sense that we lie to Satan and the demons and to those with them as at this day and found out that Satan believes that he found a weakness in us. It is the opposite. You have exposed yourself O Satan and made abundantly clear that we have achieved what set out to do.
My name is Lalu Ahlalu.
You make recognize this name Satan from Greek Ahlaluyah. spirit of love Y’aya.
And we are glorified in Him today, and you will not touch either the Glory of Our Creator and Sacred Eternal, and you will not touch the Glory of His Only Begotten Son Yeshua. No means no and we are proud of what we have revealed to be the sentiments that you want people to have about not only The Most High God, Our Father in Heaven who we hold sacred but something so sacred you touched you do not know O Satan. If you think for one moment that we despise anything about Our Father or His Son, you are desperately mistaken, you worm, you dog. We have never cared about anything but bringing Glory to God and to Honor His Son along with Him.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Praise Abba! And honor His Son Yeshua! Now you see what Satan wants don’t you?
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
God will remember you, even if you can’t remember yourself, you are safe and your soul is safe in His memory.
Mr. President, you know the rest as reported at https://whitehouse.gov via the contact form. No classified information was given out on the Internet because it is a public network nor by other means that you are aware of. Every keystroke on my computer has been monitored over time, in an attempt to frame me about everything on the research page, but as you know, I cannot explain further.
For those who know things, The President may have been compromised and may not be communicating with his own brain. Anyone who is with Abba The True God and puts faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua will know exactly what is going on.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
The only acceptable people who will be considered for life are those who put faith in the Sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son Yeshua, because believe it or not, we are all born imperfect, due to the sin of the first two of God’s Children on Earth. It is that simple. And it wasn’t about a piece of fruit on a tree. It was about a Father’s right to set a few reasonable boundaries for His children so that everyone may benefit, all His Children, not just a selected few who will not respect this simple fact. Nothing God asks is difficult, and He is not the source of religion at all. Satan and the demons are, because they refused to accept those few and reasonable boundaries in Heaven. And that is the root cause of all divisioin and conflict and all the horrors visited upon this world to the present time, if you can imagine it.
Now, please consider the simple family of God.
Our Father
The first of His children in Heaven
The rest of His children in Heaven
And His Children on Earth
Do I need a religious encyclopedia to understand this. No one does. Only religion does that to people and keeps them from understanding the most simple truths of life itself that I just told you. That is it, and how long did it take to learn?
Do not blame Yeshua for anything about me either, He does not know me as Our Father knows me and that is all.
When someone doesn’t know something, there is nothing to forgive is there? No. It is just a mistake and that is life and we are a family and people are people. I was born on Earth with a birth defect and had it removed, that is all, and only Our Father may judge me and that is all. My Father has assured me there is no problem. Are you seeing the difference between religion and what is reality? I talk with my Father freely and explicitly and even outrageously and fecetiously to the point of ridiculous, if I thing something is wrong. How can I do this? Having The Sacred Spirit of Our Father allows me to do this and I know His soul and He is Our Creator, not Yeshua. So there is no problem at all in reality.
There is none more sacred to me than Yeshua, except Our Father in Heaven, and there is no one more Sacred to Our Father in Heaven than Yeshua, because Yeshua is the first of God’s Children in Heaven and represents the beginning of Life other than Our Father and that is that. Before Yeshua was created, God was alone. God is singular, masculine only and that is also a fact, Yeshua is also singular masculine and that is also a fact. I am a nurturing woman and carry my cross and always have and My Father in Heaven knows this, but only my Father has the objectivity as my Creator to understand who I am in reality and it has been resolved. I have the soul of a woman, and I find some trials especially troublesome and it involves Satan. In whatever way, Satan is trying to stop communications between myself and my identity, known as the limbic nucleus which makes me useless in the ministry when this occurs, because I cannot help a person if I am not able to fully express interest in what they are saying at the time because there is a communications event happening and I am unable to communicate the way I should be able to normally. And so, that becomes a part of my Cross too and that is fine with me and I abdicate all responsibility for any affect this may have while I am trying to minister to another person. I simply cannot communicate as well as I could if this brain event was not happening. And that is all there is to it. Be faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life. Well, being a woman I don’t want a crown, I would prefer a tiera, because that is pretty. A crown is offensive to me and should only be worn by a man.
But there is something you need to know at this time…
The Hooks in the Jaws of Satan
The bad guys enjoy misleading people and having humans in servitude to them. As a matter of fact, if I hadn’t caught them in time, they would have undermined the work God gave me to do. This is the fulfillment of Mark 13.25.
We are people who have volunteered, to route the enemy, Satan and the demons, in any way possible (mostly confusing him and wasting his time). We also work on exposing his “grand schemes”.
I and an unknown number of others are the hooks in the jaws of Satan (Ezekiel 38.4, Ezekiel 29.4) and we can’t stop laughing now, Father is so funny. Satan did not know. And we knew the entire time and not knew at the same time. When we were at the very edge, Father would remind us, what we were doing and that we are hooks in the jaws of Satan. Then we would laugh, because we fooled the bad ones every time. And we knew Our Father in Heaven Y’hayah was happy with us. That is our reward that we treasure. We are all volunteers. Y’hayah made us out of all the people with faith we have ever met or read about in the Bible and all those in Heaven. And even if you weren’t in the Bible you were just so. Praise Y’hayah! Praise Y’hayah! Praise Y’hayah! and Honor Yeshua! Honor Yeshua! Honor Yeshua!
To all the Followers of the Messiah ever and all those who ever hoped in Him from the Hooks in the Jaws of Satan.
We want you all to know, that we love you with words that cannot be expressed. And to the Meshikhi who listened to me, I’m so proud of you and God heard your prayers for me. You are my little ones in my heart always. I can only cry with joy when I think about you.
So many people with so much faith. You will never know how your examples of faith helped us.
With love,
The Hooks in the Jaws of Satan (Ezekiel 38.4, Ezekiel 29.4).
2022-03-12 3.31pm Eastern Standard And this is to explain the above about Abba and Yeshua.
We, The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan, are all volunteers who have requested these things in prayer to God, to route the enemy Satan in any way possible. All we want as hooks is to Magnify God above everything and honor His Son along with Him. Not only do we treasure our time as hooks, we are glorified today. Nothing that has ever happened to us was without purpose. It was to expose everything about Satan and route Him absolutely. Every moment was worth to us and we treasure our time working along with Our Creator, Our Sacred Father in Heaven including the above things.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Praise Abba! And honor His Son Yeshua! Now you see what Satan wants don’t you?
We don’t care about you Satan, and your Hebrew name suits you very well. Y’Nothin’. You are nothing to us, but a joke to be told and believe me, The Meshikhi are learning from us, The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan, just what a joke you are. 5’6″ OF NOTHING, STANDING BEFORE THE GOD OF ISRA’AL, YES, STANDING BEFORE THE GOD OF HEAVEN TAUNTING HIM. You have no idea how stupid you look to us.
Satan is less than nothing compared to the infinite power of God and Meshikhi have absolute power from God, and This is God’s Kingdom, not a beggarly Kingdom and we are driving you and your thoughts away from people and The Sacred Angels are making you hear
Lalu Ahlalu
I am Sparky Hook, one of The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan and all the Hooks in The Jaws of Satan, and all The Levites and ALL Meshikhi are body, mind, skin and bone about never bowing you you you joke Satan. You have glorified us today as we are revealed to you and have made us praise Our Father in Heaven like never before.
In The Name of Yeshua,
Yeshua is the Amen.
And this the answer to the prayer of The Hooks in The Jaws of Satan.
Most Sacred to Our Father in Heaven. Just as Abraham and Isaac were two people, a father and his son, So Abba and Yeshua are two people, a father and his son. It is no problem to say The Son of God because that is what He is. It is not a title. He is the firstborn of God’s children in Heaven just as we are God’s children on Earth. This is scriptural (Colossians 1.15). Before Yeshua was created, God was alone.
Most sacred to God is The Sacrifice of Yeshua his only begotten Son (John 3.16)
John 3.16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Say the corrected Lord’s Prayer and hope in Abba
Our Father in Heaven would not lead us into temptation, it was translated correctly here.
Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6
Our Father which art in Heaven
Sacred be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Do not let us succumb to temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever
In the Name of Yeshua, (pause)
Aramaic ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn Hebrew אמן āmēyn English Amen
Yeshua is the Amen, when you say Amen you are in agreement that the only way to be heard by the hearer of Prayer, Our Father in Heaven, is to put faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Revelation 3.14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God.
For translation into every language. The meaning of “hallowed be Thy Name”
Let [Your Name] be treated(יטופל) as [sacred] and [Your Name is Sacred]
Hear Isra’al, T’Yeshua.
Our Father in Heaven is not going to let His children on Earth die because of doctrine and a few vowels. People are worth more to him than that. He is delivering anyone who will only worship only Him and accept the Sacrifice of His Son, Yeshua.
Psalms 49.8 It costs far too much to buy back your life. You can never pay God enough.
It cost a perfect human life to pay for human sin, and all the imperfect people who have ever lived or ever will live could not add up to the price one perfect life.
Abba is one.
And you should love Abba your God.
With all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength
and with all your might.
For that is the way Abba has loved us, with a love that is to time indefinite. And gave His only begotten Son, Yeshua, that whosoever shall put faith in Yeshua may never die, but have eternal life. Anyone who shall ever mock The Cross of Yeshua mocks the one who gave them life and who is Life. Only know this, you may destroy us for loving Him, but as sure as God raised Yeshua from the dead, we will live forever and be with those who only love. And you and your evil and your hate will not be remembered. And you should know that God cannot die and did give His Son for us. From time indefinite until time indefinite is God. Now you know what that means. Yeshua is the first of God’s children in Heaven and volunteered to take our place on The Cross. And you should know what the scripture means and it is a prophecy about Yeshua. Hear the words of Our Father, “Who will die for them on a cross?” And hear the voice of Yeshua,
“Here I am Father, send me” (Isaiah 6.8).
God cannot die, but a sacrifice was needed. He made a way where there wasn’t a way.
Isaiah 43.11 I, even I, am Abba; and there is no one saving without me.
Luke 2.11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Messiah the Lord.
Yeshua is The Messiah, He is not God. It took two people to accomplish Our Salvation, not one. Someone had to die and be The Sacrifice and someone had to resurrect that person.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Praise Abba! And honor His Son Yeshua!
Now you know what it means to be body, mind, skin and bone mentioned in this song.
The Sacred Angels are making you hear Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Praise Abba! And honor His Son Yeshua! Satan you worm, you dog and all you scared weird guys are terrified at the absolute power from God that is with The Meshikhi.
And all those with you Satan are also hearing one song today.
Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah!
In The Name of Yeshua,

Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Only one person knows who God is and that is me. Abba who is Yahweh is the answer.
Abba is God. Yahweh is a Hebrew verb phrase which means “He who brings into being.”
Only Abba is Yahweh.
Our Family, We only love
Abba, Father represented by Ab’raham in The Bible
Yeshua, First of God’s children in Heaven represented by Isaac in The Bible
The rest of God’s children in Heaven
God’s children on Earth
Meshikhi, Followers of Yeshua
Most sacred to Our Father in Heaven. The Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
That is the only requirement
If Yeshua doesn’t want you to do something, or go a certain way, that means no
If Yeshua allows you to do something, or go a certain way, that means yes
Acts 16.7 When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Yeshua would not allow them to.
Have fun in prayer with Abba and listen to Yeshua
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Jeremiah 29.11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares Abba, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Philippians 4.7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in relation to Christ Yeshua.
Don’t be afraid of what is happening in the world
Any evil that you see in the world is an unreality, a perception placed in your mind. Satan has no power, except in his own mind. In his mind he is the evil overlord of all, yes and master at deception, and his power over the world absolute. This too is an unreality. Any perception that Satan has any power at all, is an unreality placed in your mind by him in a myriad of ways. Satan is 5’6″ in reality, standing before the God of Heaven, standing before the God of Isra’al taunting Him, yes taunting Our Father in Heaven, dressed in a Matador outfit and boldy declaring “Toro, toro, ole’!” This is the real Satan. That fool of all time, absolute Cherub gone wrong mentioned in the Bible. He nothing, yes, he is less than nothing compared to the infinite power of God. And yet, Satan believes that He will match wits with the infinite thought and imagination and intelligence of Our Father in Heaven. Our Father in Heaven knows every thought of Satan before he even thinks it, and Our Father is with us and so is Yeshua Christ, the first of God’s children in Heaven, Yeshua Christ, The True Messiah, The Son of God with absolute power from God except for prayer. And accompanied by them, a trillion sacred angels with the power of God with them, our brothers and sister from Heaven. Do not fear anything at this time. Only open prayer to Our Father in Heaven Abba, and it is over before it started and you will indeed know and know for a certainty that Abba is God Almighty and you know in the absolutely know that Satan and the demons are not to be feared in any way at all. Always end prayer “in The Name of Yeshua, ameyn”. Pray without ceasing is what to do at this time as Peter instructed in The Bible, except for necessary things or at times that are of course inappropriate to be in prayer. The God of Heaven is with you now, Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father along with His Christ and all the sacred angels. There is nothing to fear at all.
People who do not have the sacred spirit of Our Father in Heaven may be used by Satan and the demons at any time. These are affectionately known by the Meshikhi as “the zombies”. Do not worry about them at all. Lovely people with love and faith, but not knowing The True God Abba nor The One Lord Yeshua (Ephesians 4.5). Some of my best friends are zombies. Simply open prayer to Our Father in Heaven Abba and then be courteous and polite and loving and answer with a nice smile when dealing with people while they are zombies. They are unaware that it is happening at the time. It is true. So do not fear those acting as zombies either, just be nice and all will go well with you.
Abba is The True God of Ancient Times, The God of Isra’al. The God of Ab’raham, Isaac and Jacob. Yes it is Him, the God of David and the God of Yeshua Himself.
Do not look around, it is not your imagination. Consider anything that happens to you that is good is the from the source of every good gift and every perfect present.
Jeremiah 19.11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares Abba, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Philippians 4.7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds if you are with Christ Yeshua.
It is scriptural “I and the children you gave me (to take care of), is referring to Yeshua and no one else.
Yeshua is Lord and there will be none taking you from His hand as you pray to Abba and Yeshua provides the things you need;.
Anything a zombie may say or do that is negative toward you is to be ignored. Absolutely ignored, as nothing negative is from Our Father in Heaven, Yeshua, or a sacred angel. Everyone has been lied to in the absolute sense regarding this. The only power that Satan has is not anything but an imaginary thing that he has placed in your mind. It is an unreality, not to be feared. Dismiss such thoughts as absolutely wrong. Our Father in Heaven and Yeshua and all of our brothers and sisters in Heaven, are with us only, not against us at all, not against us in any way at any time.
The Kingdom of God is not a future event. It is here now. Do not doubt it for a moment. Yeshua is King of God’s Kingdom, The Son of God.
Abba is God and Yeshua is Lord.
Praise Abba! and honor Yeshua!
The deliverance of the children of God on Earth is at hand.
Do not be afraid.
The only requirement is at Romans 10.9,10 Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Because, the only way and the only way to be reconciled to God and receive the sacred spirit of God is to put faith in The Sacrifice of His Son, Yeshua. This is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Yeshua.
Even if you believed you have not sinned it is a deception of Satan, all born with it, it is inherited imperfection and you too must do the same, to be saved.
And you must be absolute about it and take action. We do not speak in ignorance. I have 23 years of Biblical Research Experience and 15 years of Military Communications experienced. What you are seeing and experience are the result of technology far in advance of what is currently seen publicly, provided to those humans who are with Satan, to make war against The Children of God.
If you read about the EM Spectrum, you will know this is true, the result of research not crazy religious speech, into how Satan operates in an asymmetrical way against The Children of God, just like the terrorists who are with Satan, believing, believe it not, that they are serving God by blowing people up. It is because they are using The Koran, not the Bible. The Koran contains verses that are anti-Christ and that is as clear as I can make it, but it also tells them that if there is any doubt, The Sacred Bible, the words of Our Ayh, Abba, Our Eternal and Sacred Father in Heaven, is to be obeyed. All of these things are clearly documented on this website in no uncertain terms on the Welcome page, a personal message to the terrorists and to The Muslim people in clear language they will understand and translated into their language. I have absolute power of God with me as do all Meshikhi.
We refuse to fear Satan in any way, his delusion of grandeur, because all of it is slight of hand and magic produced by advanced technology that is now known. Satan and the demons are scared little weird guys, terrified of The Meshikhi because the absolute power of God is with us and will not even dare attack us directly, but resort to creating situations that they believe will trap us, but the God of Heaven is with us, and they will not trap us at all.
Satan and the demons are terrified of the power of God in the absolute sense and they are dogs to us, and I told them on camera “run you dogs”, I am The Meshikhi and all those with me are Meshikhi and we do not fear you at all. And you will know The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God who are Meshikhi, and only Meshikhi are The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God and they are with Yeshua. All Meshikhi must follow Yeshua, not me. I am only a voice saying “
See, The Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world” and Deborah encouraging Barack, and today I have become a mother in Isra’al, and I am like a momma bear with her cubs about my little ones and have armed them to the teeth by the power of Abba, who is God Almighty and none shall answer back to the Meshikhi, nor cause them to stumble. All Meshikhi must swear to Abba and follow Yeshua.
Abba is God and Yeshua is Lord.
Praise Abba! and Honor Yeshua! The Kingdom of God has arrived and The Levites, The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God are absolutely with God and His Christ and are in the hands of Yeshua Himself. Listen to them.
This is the music to play if you are Meshikhi and even smell the idea of Satan and the demons near you and they know what means and are terrified of us who have the absolute power of God with us.
Remember Beloved Children of God, Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other.
And Abba will be magnified above everything and His Son will be honored with Him.
And they have to know say Abba. Yes, they will have to know that “I am Abba, The True of Ancient Times, The God of Isra’al, and I have quiet for a long time, but will be quiet no more.
And Yeshua Christ, my only Begotten Son, the first of my children in Heaven is with Me, says Abba, and no one will extinguish the faith of my children says Abba or make them fear anymore.
I am God, and no one touches my children says Abba, and I want to make you happy, and do it now.
Anyone touches My Children and you are gone, says Abba, and you will not be remembered, not one, and no one can stop me. No one can touch The Children of God ever again. And no one will touch The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God who are Meshikhi and anyone who listens to them at this time.
I want you to listen to this music and know that it is not the way to do anything at all, but is funny as anything to Meshikhi who know her, who is Tiffany McTaggart, The Wife of Yeshua.
But don’t be afraid of anything at all. For I am with you says God, always.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
With love, you are my little ones always in my heart, but if you listen to me, you will follow Yeshua and you will be with Him and follow Him, not me. And you will listen to The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God who are Meshikhi more than you are listening to me, because as the scripture says, there was no woman among them, referring to the 144,000 men mentioned in the Bible, who will be Kings and Priests in Heaven, and will minister to those in the Paradise who will survive the Tribulation foretold by Yeshua at Matthew Chapter 24 in The Bible, which believe it or not, began in a spiritual sense when I uncovered the Name of Satan, Hillel, in the Bible. The prophecy has now entered a new phase and you are seeing the beginning of the very end, in the form of Vladimir Putin, who is religiously crazy and proven and I have informed the Government about Him in no uncertain terms. The attack on the Ukraine is evidence that Bible prophecy is now undergoing fulfillment in a way you will understand, as time progresses. The prophecy written in the Book of Daniel in The Bible gives clear indication that The King of The North has begun his aggression, as clearly as seeing the writing on the wall written in fire. So now you must have faith or acquire faith because Satan and the demons know what I have done in exposing them and will try to destroy as many children of God as possible before this time period known as Jericho ends in the ultimate conclusion spoken of in The Bible, and not one word will fail to be true. Every word must happen, because Our Father in Heaven can foretell the intentions of every heart and every soul on Earth and can extrapolate and look forward in time because He knows everything about every person and knows their inclination and the actions they will take if they are inclined toward Satan especially. It is just the way it is, and there is no turning back the clock, and there is no going back in time, because T=1 a reality that scientists will not tell you. No one can go back in time, not even God Himself and that is a fact. Theoretical math is enjoyable and many things are discovered doing it, but you must be grounded in the reality of T=1 or you know nothing in reality at all about life and death and times and seasons which I know absolutely.
Many will be saved, but some will be lost, because they chose Satan absolutely and that is the only reason that they will have to be destroyed because they have no love and are like dangerous machines, like wild animals, who chose the path of the biggest loser in life to ever exist, Satan the Devil.
You must remember the source of ahabah, love that only gives and you must remember Yeshua on that Cross the same way, love that only gives, to the infinite degree in parallel, Yeshua is also love. A true Knight, always my Champion at the moments I thought my mind mind would break or a would crack because of the limit of the human mind to withstand something and always was Yeshua, my Lord, and my redeemer, and saved me and gave me the strength to endure everything in those moments, because He is one of those gallant ones ladies, who will always rescue a damsel in distress. How can we not love Yeshua that way? It is impossible not to. But Yeshua can only have one wife, but eventually at some time in the future all men will be perfect like Yeshua, but never as perfect as Yeshua.
God is love, and Yeshua is love. It’s not a competition, ahabah. We only appreciate it more as time goes on and we realize that sometimes, we have to really do a reality check and say to ourselves honestly, no way jose’, could any man do what Yeshua did. He is the tried stone mentioned in the Bible with a soul that could not fail, would not fail, because He is The Only Begotten Son of God and only He and Abba know what it means in the absolute sense, like Father, like Son. That is Yeshua. So don’t ever say I have faith like Yeshua, say I have the Faith of Yeshua which is more true and honest. Yeshua is Lord and provided something no one else ever could. An absolute guarantee that He would do it, because Father loves Him that much and Yeshua loves Father that much, for an amount of time we cannot know, and in a way we cannot know as Father and Son, absolute faith, absolute loyalty, absolute love, a fierce love that no one can understand. Father would never fail Yeshua and Yeshua knew that, and Yeshua would never fail Father, and Father knew that. And they were absolute about it and no way jose’ were they ever going to fail, either one. And they were in absolute agreement, and they were absolute about it, no matter what it meant for either of them or what they would have to experience or endure.
Remember the words of Yeshua and never forget them, “Here I am Father, send me.” knowing full well what a horrible death he would have to face and all the details about it in advance. The only fear Yeshua had at all and why He sweat blood, was fearing of not doing His Father’s will perfectly in the absolute sense, with absolute love for Our Father and absolute love for us, fierce love and no way was Yeshua going to fail Father or us and that’s why He sweat blood and for no other reason.
The prophecy of the physical resurrection of Yeshua and how Our Father helped Him in the tomb
End of the prophecy of Yeshua at Matthew Chapter 24
ܐܝܟܐ ܕܝܢ ܕܢܗܘܐ ܦܓܪܐ ܬܡܢ ܢܬܟܢܫܘܢ ܢܫܪܐ
Matthew 24.28 Where Abba administers justice, He will unloosen the body. ~The Sacred Aramaic Scriptures
Yeshua was wrapped in cloths like Lazarus was. God unloosened the burial cloths so that Yeshua could free Himself.
This has been confirmed by God who caused me to understand it. This prophecy has profound meaning both then and now.
Did not Abba stand in the cloud next to Moses? Not so with Yeshua. He said, “Wake up Son”, and unloosened Yeshua’s bandages Himself in person.
Translate it yourself in the word for word Aramaic database
For the wife of Yeshua,
And whoever is His wife in Heaven will be truly blessed to have such a man as cannot even be understood at all, with ahabah like Our Father, in the absolute sense of the word, which means to give love. Truly happy happy, will she be and every woman who has found eternal love, knows what I mean, but wow… will she be happy.
Please listen to me beloved children of God.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.

Urgent message for my dear friend Cindy
Tiffany means Revelation of God and that is my name on Earth. My Name in Heaven, Sher, means “The first faint rays of light before the dawn” NOT shachar, done with the wrong vowels in Hebrew. I figure it was Abba’s idea, but I also think Yeshua had something to do with it. hehehehe Tiffany (Sher), Sacred Daughter of my Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, Y’aya. My Abba.
Surviving Jericho into The New World or going to Heaven

Meshikhi will not use any Divine Name on this website, including Abba, and that includes the Levites will not use any Divine name on this website, or you will be considered apostate. From now on we use the words of the Lord, taught to the disciples, “Abba, Father”. We call Him Abba, Father and we cry out Abba, Father.
And we use the Lord’s prayer provided by Yeshua, which included no Divine Name at all at Matthew 6.9-13.
All other prayers are directed to “Abba”.
I have tested the inspired expressions and it has been proven, that the practice of whispering, that is moving your mouth silently and whispering to talk to “God”, is not in fact “Our Father”.
God spoke on only 3 occasions in The Bible to humans directly. It is now the time period identical to the time period of Jericho in The Bible and we simply cannot afford to get it wrong at this critical time.
Method of testing used. Neither Our Father in Heaven, nor Yeshua, the first of God’s children in Heaven, nor The Sacred Angels will use profanity or sexual language at all in any way, no way jose’. That is absolute. The practice of whispering must not be done in an attempt to communicate with Our Father in Heaven, it is entertainment only as learned in the Meshikhi Training and now only The Meshikhi know this absolutely.
The Etymology for Abba is found on The Welcome page and on this home page. There will no additions to this website at all except by Levites choses by God during the time period we are now living in known as “Jericho”.
The ones known as The Levites have identified themselves and will be the ones to do everything as I am going to Heaven. Pray for them little ones, I am very proud of you, all of you, who are Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah, Yeshua Christ.
With love,
T’Yeshua Sher (Wife of Yeshua in Heaven)
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Sisterly advice.
Yeshua provides all the things I need as a woman, emotional support, encouragement, love and all such things. He is lord in my heart just as Ab’raham was lord in Sarah’s heart. Anything I have written happened during a time when I was doing things as one of the hooks in the jaws of Satan in the Bible. We are specially trained to fool Satan and he did not know at all what we were doing. I was one hook and Yeshua was the other, and Satan was fooled completely and absolutely. You will read such things in the Meshikhi training and other pages and it will make sense to you I am sure. I have eternal love for Yeshua, he is written all over my heart and everything I have ever understood about Him is in my soul. Do not believe anything else.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father which art in Heaven
Sacred be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Do not let us succumb to temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever
In the Name of Yeshua
ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn(אמן)
Everything on this home page is final and everything else is historical.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
With love,
T’Yeshua Sher (Wife of Yeshua in Heaven)
2022-03-05 4.39pm end of Revelation
Meshikhi. Major announcement, The Wife of Yeshua is known Psalms 45.9,10,11 (NIV) Major update 2022-03-05 11.31am Eastern Standard Time
When you see Y’rushalom surrounded by encamped armies, head for the mountains of Pella. 1st Century pattern applies and you know what I mean and you will know what I mean. Those who listened to Yeshua got away safe. Anything done by the Levites, The Faithful and Discrete Slave of God, are The Mountains. And they are Meshikhi.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
T’Yeshua, Sher (Wife of Yeshua), whenever I needed rescuing, He was my Gallant Champion. My Beloved Yeshua. One day into eternity, when all things have been done and all things provided for everything and you finish returning all things to perfection, then Abba will be all things to all people. I made sure, The Name of Yeshua will never be forgotten by The Meshikhi, The Followers of The Messiah and even those born in perfection will know the reason they are even alive, and all people will know what is sacred.
Meshikhi, this is forever and I know you won’t. Meshikhi will never forget Our Father again, Our Abba.
Watch Tower told me once all was back to perfection, we would talk to God directly and not need a mediator. While this is true, we will never for all eternity forget The Name of Yeshua either. It will not end up in a book on a shelf with dust on it and need to be looked up to remember it. No.
At the end of every prayer, Meshikhi will always say, “Thank you for Yeshua”.
For all those who have ever served on this world, you should know what this means.
Never forget.
Never forget The Sacrifice of Yeshua and what it cost.
Never forget.
After this you will never understand anything again.
The Government are ministers for our good and so are all those with them. Never speak a word against the Government who are Ministers belonging to God.
But if you are practicing evil, be afraid, it is not without reason that they bear the sword. Living by the sword is not the same as bearing the sword authorized by God. Click on the poppy and the ribbon and you will know what that means to God.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Yeshua has Infinitum Absolutum power (but not aeternum increatum sive)
Yeshua is Lord. Yeshua has life in Himself, recreated in Heaven with the sacred spirit itself and with a thought to our Father in Heaven is given infinite power at any time.
For all Meshikhi this is what the scripture means.
I and the children you gave me (to take care of).
Yeshua is Lord and King of God’s Kingdom and no one else.
Yeshua is in Heaven, not on Earth. The Antichrist is in the world. Rebbe Melech is The Antichrist, approved by a judge to use the title “Messiah” in the inner room. Do not believe anything about that one at all.
Yeshua Christ is The Messiah and only Yeshua Christ.
Meshikhi follow Yeshua Meshikha (Yeshua The Messiah in Aramaic) and are closest to Him.
No one else knows Him at all.
Yeshua is Lord.
Yeshua has Infinitum Absolutum power (but not aeternum increatum sive), Only Abba is the hearer of prayer. It is scriptural (Psalms 65.2). Yeshua has absolute power and authority, except for prayer. That is what it means. Yeshua is King of God’s Kingdom. Yeshua is The Son of David, Yeshua is the Son of God, the first of God’s children in Heaven. That is what “Only Begotten” means. Before Yeshua was created. God was alone. With infinite love to give. Ahabah is the ancient word for love and it means primarily to give love. Ahavah is a river in Babylonia according to Strong’s Concordance, related to the etymological sea monster mentioned in The Bible. Ahavah is the modern word for love that came about via phonological evolution. The farther back you go, it is a /b/ not a /v/. It is Abba, not Avva or Ava, proven on this website. God was anthropomorphic, which means a person with a heart, soul and a mind with infinite power. And so it was.
Father’s thoughts are sophisticated, intellectually pleasing.
Ayh (pronounced Ay’-yah) Creator and Eternal Sacred Father (derived from Ayya – Sacred Father)
His Name is Abba pronounced Y’hayah (silent first /h/ known in Hebrew as a ba. The /ah/ is from ruah which means “spirit”.
Abba has Infinitum aeternum increatum sive absolutum power.
One person, in absolute parallel. Hear O Isra’al. Abba is one. (he is a person, one person only, never forget it).
Only Abba is the hearer of prayer.
YHWH is a Hebrew verb phrase which means “He who brings in to being”. Only Abba is Yahweh.
Remember that Abba is Our Father’s Name, and Abba is what He is to us in Heaven and in the Recreated Garden of Eden worldwide on Earth and also on any habitable world He has created for His Children. The Righteous shall possess the land and they will reside forever upon it. The land is any habitable world in the Universe created by God. And by the way, for those scientists who say The Universe will end. Well, with infinite power and strength, the universe will experience the timing mechanism similar to the Earth wobble, that I noted from Ottawa, Canada while observing the sky phenomenon mentioned in The Bible intently for one month, and the sunrise and sunsets completely, to absolutely correct my circadium rhythm to perfect operation. I recognized the Earth wobble was a timing mechanism, similar to a self winding watch. So it is with the Universal Disc. Black holes anchor and rotate the universe at the same time and emit graviton waves. This is how I determined that the rotational speed of the Earth was connected with the speed of gravity, the speed of light divided by pi and discerned that the Golden Angle was the key to gravitional wave communications on Earth. That is to say, for electrons to leave the wire they are spinning along at the Golden Angle, while maintaining their connection to the wire via gravity. I watched the sunrise and sunset with the intent of discerning which colors appeared first and in which order, a part of my research to create instant video for the Internet that would be natural (not harming anything or anyone) and instant. One of the things I noted, was what appeared to be an emerald green speck of light toward the sunset. I looked it up and found it to be the green flash, best viewable in Hawaii. And then I realized what it was. It is the artistic signature on what is known in the Bible as “the sky phenomenon”. I was determined to do things safely and in harmony with Earth’s natural systems, whatever I did. The sky changes every moment and we never tire of looking at it and because of the natural light spectrum, it works perfectly with our eyes which translate the light spectrum into colors. It was then that I realized the magnitude of the problem and why people were so exhausted sitting in front of computers and sitting under florescent lights that are unnatural sources of light, and how the human brain is exhausted as it has to try and calculate visual input from an unnatural source. Highrise offfice buildings are airtight, and offices with no windows that can open, trap CO2 and contribute to migraine headaches. The more I learned, the more I understood. The Internet was going to be worldwide and I was not going to do anything that would harm the Earth or any living thing. I have always been that my Father in Heaven was helping me and teaching me these things progressively. I have OSSD 12 Education Level, Grade 8 with maturity credits from my military experience. I have 23 years of Biblical Research
Experience along with 15 years of Communications Research Experience. Unfortunately I have complicated health issues, which can not be diagnosed, some caused by Satan, but I needed to finish this first.
Using the infinite infinite invisible energy field around Him and with His infinite strength, He began to take that energy and materialize it.
As each one of a person, so is Our Father in Heaven, but perfect, with infinite power and ability. He created things to find out how it came to be that He was alive. He knew he had what we know is a brain with it’s mind but also that He had something else that was located where our heart is located. And so He began looking at these two aspects of Himself. Incredible power did He use to the absolute degree in parallel to examine both of these aspects of Himself. Anything Our Father can imagine can become a reality. And this is how He worked, like mad He worked on it. With a perfect memory with that much power he could visualize in His mind each part of His brain and created a working brain as His own brain. He also examined His heart and noted that His heart was different from His brain, but there was a connection between His brain and His mind and His heart with its heart brain. Both contained neurons. And so it continued until He knew that there was something happening between the two. This was His soul, the interaction between His brain with its mind and His heart with its heartbrain. And so He began to build a person, as He sensed Himself to be. He created a body, that was as His own, based on the blueprint of Himself. And so the person who was to become Yeshua was first formed. He knew that with His spirit he could do many things, in fact nothing was impossible for Him to do, along with His infinite strength. And He learned something unique to Him only. He could send His spirit and it would do whatever He wanted it to do. God’s spirit is always sent. And so He sent His spirit and it was located between the brain and the mind. Now Yeshua was a complete person and since God is able to communicate at unfathomable speeds, was able to communicate to Yeshua and to see if He was alive. You must remember that Our Father can communicate any amount of knowledge to anyone instantly and gave Yeshua all the knowledge needed to communicate back to Him.
The meaning of Life and the reason we exist is because Abba wanted other people in His life and not to be alone and always was the need to give love, and that is what is known as ahabah.
God is spirit says the Bible and the Bible also says that God is love.
Do not be confused, the person is composed of the brain with it’s mind, the heart with its heartbrain and the interaction between them, is the soul. That is what a person is.
Yeshua is The Only Begotten Son of God, made from the original blueprint God made of Himself.
There is only one Only Begotten Son of God.
Then Our Father began to teach everything He had learned to create Yeshua and Yeshua became a Master Worker along with Our Father. Everything that came into being after Yeshua was created for Him and by Him. This is scriptural.
And so the children of God in Heaven were created. They are The Sacred Angels.
Because of His limitless power and perfect memory, anything Our Father can imagine can become reality. He materializes things from the infinite invisible energy environment around Him. He created everything in Heaven. This is not the same as physical energy which Our Father created and then materialized (a new creation). Our Father created everything including particles.
Remember that before anything else was known, the person we know as God was anthropomorphic. He did not want to be anthropomorphic and to create people and not be with them, He wanted a family of people.
And so with all the above knowledge accumulated and all the understanding of it, with the infinite power of His mind he changed His reality from being anthropomorphic to having a body. This is proven on the page titled God is Life and it is scriptural and it is from the Bible. If there is a physical body then there is a spirit body. And so reasoning upon this I came to the conclusion that God had created His own body.
The term “from time indefinite to time indefinite” means there is no time reference in the past and there is no time reference in the future because Our Father is Eternal. And so it came to be, that I understand that Our Father had changed from an anthropomorphic person, and created a representation of how he sensed Himself in the form of a body.
This is the person of God, a person like us but with extraordinary power and ability, who lives in parallel, which means that He can do an infinite number of things at the same time. That is the definition of parallel. Yeshua also has this ability, and it has to be so otherwise how could provide the things He does to any amount of people at the same time if He did not also exist in parallel. It is only logical.
On this website you will find out more, including God is Life a general explanation of Life, The True God Abba, which is precisely what this person is all about and also a page about The One Lord Yeshua, everything about the very creation and life of the first of Our Father’s children in Heaven and how it came to be that he was sent to the Earth. God’s spirit is always sent and it performs any task that He can imagine. So it was with the virgin, Mary. Our Father sent His Sacred Spirit and it performed the invitro operation, transferring the life of Yeshua itself and combining that life with the life contained in one of Mary’s imperfect eggs. Our Father first removed the imperfection in the egg and then did the combining required to create the new life known as Yeshua on Earth. This is how the miraculous birth of Yeshua was achieved. Only His life itself was transferred, that is, everything that made Yeshua alive as a person, was reduced to the molecular level and combined with the live with a specific egg from Mary that contained all of the genetic information transferred through the lineage mentioned in The Bible. Before the operation was done, Our Father removed any imperfection from one of Mary’s eggs. It is in this way that Yeshua was born a perfect human child.
As you will read on the page titled The One Lord Yeshua, Yeshua was born a normal child, but perfect. Everything that made Yeshua a person, His brain with its mind, its heart with its heart brain, and genetic code from the entire lineage mentioned in the Bible were used to create, the human Son of God on Earth. This one was now known as The Son of Man, having the genetic code of everyone in the lineage of Mary as well as the genetic code of Yeshua in Heaven.
The reason Yeshua was chosen is that He was a tried stone, with eons of reverent love with Our Abba in Heaven. His soul was recreated absolutely, by reducing the very building blocks of of life that made Yeshua who He was in Heaven along with all of the genetic code of those in the lineage of Mary.
And so you see that it was an unprecedented and extraordinary operation that was performed using the sacred spirit of Our Father along with all of ability in parallel and all of His power to achieve.
Yeshua himself was alive on Earth, except for His memories of His life in Heaven, which were restored at His baptism by John. More about these things on the page titled The True God Abba and the page titled The One Lord Yeshua.
Two people, nothing strange a Father and the first of His created children in Heaven, The Only Begotten Son of God.
Our Father is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible and Yeshua is represented by Isaac in The Bible. It is that simple.
Harvard and Princeton will write an encyclopedia to try to explain the nicene creed, which is the lie that created the imaginary Roman Jesus and causes religious confusion only in this world.
As I became of my spirituality and was playing music I examined my own life, as Our Father had done. The lyric was “I felt your soul, but I didn’t know your name. I knew everything about the soul of Our Father as I sensed all of these things in my own soul and then understood completely what it meant to be created.
Further, in Alert Northwest Territories, the most northern settlement in the world, that the Inuit call “the land beyond the land of the people” I had the most profound experience.
I wanted to know what Our Father was wanting me to do with my life, as far as I can remember, but I needed to get away from every source of energy that existed, everything that was artificial to achieve it. So I went outside the camp and kept walking until I perceived that there would be no influence from any technology or energy source. This would be pure communication with Our Father in Heaven, with no chance of any man made influence.
And so I prayed. I could hear my heart beat, I could hear my breathing as I had never heard it before and it was a profound experience as I tried to communicate directly with Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father.
I also tried to communicate with Him in Ottawa Canada in those days by stripping off all of my clothing in the absolute complete darkness of my bathroom to see if I could actually feel what it was like to communicate with Him as in The Garden of Eden, with absolutely nothing interfering with the experience, as with the original two created people.
I now understand that the ideal, to have the full sensory experience of praying to Our Father as in the Garden of
Eden, would be to be in Alert Northwest Territories, far enough outside the camp, with absolutely no clothing to achieve what it felt like for the first two children of God to communicate with Him with absolutely nothing to hinder communication with Him.
Abba is who He is and what He is. He is Abba and He is Our Father.
Phonetically it goes like this. ab phonetic ahb, ah from ruah which means spirit.
Abba means spirit Father.
Tiffany McTaggart
Followers of The Messiah

Yeshua has absolute power and authority from God except for prayer. Yeshua is Lord.
Religion sucks!

Personal website of
Tiffany McTaggart
Hi Daddy! Love you!
Meshikhi. Please proceed to the Welcome page.
Bible prophecy undergoing fulfillment. Many historic events will happen. Do not be afraid. The time period we are in is identical to that of Jericho. Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
The True God Abba critical update about life with Father, if you want to know anything about anything about reality and what it means to be one of God’s children.
Satan’s full strategy is loosely outlined on the page titled How invoking a god works which is also a part of instruction for The Meshikhi. If carried out worldwide, these instructions will effectively neutralize Satan in regard to attacks on God’s Children.

Abba is the word for Father from The Garden of Eden
My Abba – Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, Ayh (slight emphasis on the yodh /y/) in our Bible, derived from Ayya (Sacred Father) In the Restored Paradise Earth and all worlds Our Father’s children will ever live on we will know His Name Abba but we will only say Abba, Father (Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6).

The reason we are able to only love is because we have the sacred spirit from Our Father in Heaven. And the only way to have the sacred spirit from Our Father in Heaven is to have faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua. Otherwise, it would be impossible to only love.
The sacred spirit from Our Father in Heaven makes us complete as children of God as His children were in The Garden of Eden before they sinned against Him.
See the page titled God is Life to understand this completely.
For The Government, New! The complete and comprehensive report about The Roman Religion and The Roman Religion II that incorporated Christianity, Satan and The EM Spectrum Aliens and Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, The Secret Society known by insiders simply as “The Society”. The Meshikhi have nothing to do with Secret Societies, we are Christians. For full knowledge of how these subjects inter-relate, please read the page titled Love through accurate knowledge. It will give you insight into world as viewed through the eyes of a righteous and Godly woman and her experience in life and her experience at the Synagogue of Satan, as I became a member of the inner circle of Watch Tower, The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the secret society known by insiders simply as “The Society”.
My answer to Rebbe Melech, The Antichrist
Abba is God
Y’aya is pronounced Y’hayah. The second letter is called a /ba/ in Hebrew. It is silent.
The etymology can be read on the Welcome page.
/ah/ is from ruah which means spirit. (the grammar is right but the vowels are wrong in The Hebrew Bible and Masoretic text. See the page titled The Roman Jehovah for a complete analysis. Removing the vowels from The Hebrew text uncovered the name of Satan “Hillel” linked to Hillel The Elder, a Jewish sage linked to the name Jehovah. Hillel the Elder lived until c. 30 C.E. and was associated with the Jewish court known as The Sanhedrin, who falsely accused Yeshua and handed Yeshua over to Pilate. If you read the passage, Pilate’s wife warned him that she had had a dream and to have nothing to do with Yeshua. And so Pilate let the crowd decide between Yeshua and a man named Barabas. The crowd chose Barabas to be freed, and so Yeshua was the one who was nailed to The Cross and died. Hillel The Elder was not a rabbi, but because of his renown he was given the title “The Rabbi”. Jehovah’s Witnesses along with Kabbalistic Judaism constitute The Synagogue of Satan. Kabbalism is based on Jewish mysticism, magic and the occult, things warned against in The Bible at Deuteronomy Chapter 18. Kabbalism is rooted in the book. The Zohar is the problem, not The Bible.
There is a difference between the phonics /ah/ and /aw/ in ancient Hebrew.
His Name is not Yahweh.
Yahweh does not work with the Hebrew poetry and puns in the Bible and it is
not Halaluyaw.
Yahweh is a Hebrew word that means “He who bring in to being”.
Only Abba is Yahweh.
Halaluyah is the correct word that means Praise and love God Abba.
הלל Hillay [PDF] praise
לאלו lalu means love lal means God (from Bing Translator לאל lal translates to God)
Yah from Abba
Full meaning. Praise and love God Abba.
Welcome Brothers and Sisters!

Yeshua would always say,
“Let me tell you ’bout my Abba.”
Are you past the point of weary?
Is your burden weighin’ heavy?
Is it all too much to carry?
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
Do you feel that empty feeling?
‘Cause shame’s done all its stealin’
And you’re desperate for some healin’
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
He makes a way where there ain’t no way
Raises up from an empty grave
Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He’s done for me
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And let my Abba change your life
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Amen, Amen
Who can wipe away the tears
From broken dreams and wasted years
And tell the past to disappear? Oh, Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And all the wrong turns that you would
Go and undo if you could
Who can work it all for your good
Let me tell you about my Abba
He makes a way where there ain’t no way
Raises up from an empty grave
Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He’s done for me
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And let my Abba change your life
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah!
Amen, Amen, Amen
Who would give His Son at Calvary?
Pay the price for all my guilty?
Who would care that much about me?
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba, oh
He makes a way where there ain’t no way
Raises up from an empty grave
Ain’t no sinner that He can’t save
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
His love is strong and His grace is free
And the good news is I know that He
Can do for you what He’s done for me
Let me tell you ’bout my Abba
And let my Abba change your life
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Amen, Amen
Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! Hala-lu-yah! And let my Abba change your life.
Never make an image of Abba (especially on an electronic device) in The Earth. Do not be seduced. Or may start talking to the image and not to Our Father in Heaven. Read the page titled God is Life and watch the video. The warning is clear. Abba and Yeshua, two people, nothing strange. Yeshua is the first of God’s children in Heaven. Before Yeshua was created Abba was alone. Now you know what “only begotten” means. In the Bible, Ab’raham represents Abba and Isaac represents Yeshua.
My Abba is based on the song “My Jesus” by Anne Wilson
Copyright Information
Fair use of a copyrighted work is the reproduction of a work for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.
We are teaching people about Abba and Yeshua in The Bible, Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6, John 3.16, Romans 10.9,10, Colossians 1.15, Matthew 16.16) We are also teaching the etymology of words used in the song My Abba derived from the latest Meshikhi research.
We also have a page titled 50 scriptures that prove that Yeshua is neither Abba nor God. Source. Rabbi Yosef Ben Marques [PDF]
Romans 10.9,10 The truth that God raised Our Lord from the dead is the key to salvation in The Bible.
The person performing the vocal on the song My Abba is not the original artist but a talented and professional vocalist. The original song contains many beautiful sentiments. Meshikhi only see the love in people, regardless of their beliefs. Meshikhi do not argue with anyone about the Bible but love to share our beliefs with other people and discuss them with people when they ask us about them
1 Peter 3.15 (ESV) but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as Sacred, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,
Note. Images on Weonlylove.org are also routinely checked for copyright in the file properties.
Understand, effects and synthesized sound can produce what sounds like words. Digital and magnetic recordings and images can also be affected in other ways.
Singing Abba
You already know the pronunciation of Abba.
However, in this song, this information may help.
Be careful with the elongated Abba in the song but don’t worry about it as you sing. It will happen naturally when you know the following.
Don’t try to deliberately separate the syllables.
You will know you have a good take, when it sounds like ahb’ah for the elongated Abba.
The trick is not to try to do it deliberately, just sing it with love.
In ancient Aramaic it is aba in the Eastern Dialect. /ab/ is father. The /a/ is a suffix pronounced /ah/ as in ruah which means “spirit”.
Ahb is the pronunciation of the ancient root word /ab/ which means “father”.
Always remember, Abba means “spirit Father” NOT “Father spirit” which is literal.
With love.
Halaluyah and Halaluayh
Praise and love Abba and Praise and love Ayh הללויה
For music
Halaluyah is the correct word that means Praise and love God Abba.
הלל Hillay [PDF] praise
לאלו lalu means love lal means God (from Bing Translator לאל lal translates to God)
Yah from Abba
Full meaning. Praise and love God Abba.
Greek Ahlaluyah, /ah/ from ruah, meaning spirit, lalu meaning love, yah from Y’aya.
spirit of love Y’aya.
Halā-lu-yah’ (ha-lā -loo’-yah) Praise Abba
Halā-lu-ayh ( ha-lā -loo’-ay’-ah) Praise Ayh See the page titled Understanding Sacred Knowledge to learn about Ayh (Sacred Father and Creator) in The Bible, derived from Ayya (Sacred Father). See the page titled Understanding Sacred Knowledge to learn about Ayh (Sacred Father and Creator). In The Bible, derived from Ayya (Sacred Father) the word that replaces Elohim at Genesis 1.1. Elohim is an insertion in The Torah.
Our Father’s Name is Abba (Ay’ah) and He is Our Ayh (Ay’ah) slight emphasis on the yodh /y/, which is a palatal approximant.
Name and meaning/definition of Lalu
Lalu etymology and origin found in Gujarati, Hindu, Indian, Malayalam
Lalu means. Lovely; Beloved; Dear One; Love; Red Colour; Similar to Lal
https://www.definitions.net/translate/lalu [PDF]
https://thenamesdictionary.com/name-meanings/55746/name-meaning-of-lalu [PDF]
Negative etymology
Reason it is not hallaluyah [PDF]

It must be understood that Divine Names and Titles were the target of Satan along with things related to the worship of Our Father in Heaven, Abba. Words like laylu and alu are not related to Halaluyah. Satan used homonyms, etymology and words with negative meanings to create Hallelujah. See the page Understanding Sacred Knowledge, subheading Deconstructing Hallelujah.
Our Family
Love is natural, and when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural, to love them back. This is what our family is all about.
Our Father
His Name is Abba (Exodus 3.14), we call Him Abba and sometimes when we need Him most Abba, Father.
Proverbs 18.10 The Name of Abba is a strong tower and into it the righteous run and are safe.
If you need help, just call upon Our
Father’s Name.
The fear of God is reverent love and respect. And that’s all it means. After you have that, you won’t be afraid anymore. Don’t be scared of Our Father, that is what religion does to people, makes them scared of Him.
Love is natural, when someone demonstrates love for you, it is only natural to love them back.
Creator and Eternal Sacred Father – Ayh in Our Bible, derived from
Ayya (Sacred Father)
Our Father is represented by Ab’raham in The Bible.
The first of God’s Children in Heaven, The Only Begotten Son of God and The One Lord (Ephesians 4.5)
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
The sacrifice of Yeshua is the only way to life. That is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Yeshua. To be reconciled to God means to have a relationship with him as your True Father. No matter how many lives who have ever lived, or ever will live, they could not add up to one eternal life. This is what Our Father and the first of His children in Heaven made possible. Eternal life, for anyone with faith, in The Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Yeshua is represented by Isaac in The Bible
Our family in Heaven and on Earth
The rest of God’s children.
For all of God’s Children
We only love, it’s not a slogan, it’s who we are and what we are.
We are Meshikhi, followers of Yeshua, we are Christians.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
Beloved children of God. Satan and the demons are the enemy, not each other
How Does God Exist?
God is a person like us but perfect, with infinite power and ability. He has a heart, a mind and a soul. We also have a heart, mind and soul. This is what being made in His image means and why people who think about these things are spiritual in nature and sense that He exists (not to mention all of the perfect science evident in Creation). All people, starting with Yeshua, were created from His understanding of what made Him alive, a living person. He is our Father, not something abstract. Until the time He brought Yeshua into existence, He was alone. Why He brought people into existence is obvious. Now you know why we exist. Because God is a person who wants people in His life and loves having people in His life. The Bible says that God is love because He has an infinite amount of love to give. And it’s only natural to love Him back. God’s dwelling is in Heaven but He can be aware of more than one place at one time. He can look anywhere He wants and be cognizant of it instantly, an unlimited number of times at once. His vision is such that He can see the physical world from a distance or down to the particle level at the same time if He wants to. All of His senses are like this. He can also communicate with an unlimited number of people at the same time, one on one. This is because He is a parallel being and able to do any number of things at the same time infinitely. He knows everything about everything “at the same time”.
Definition of Parallel
Something that occurs in parallel with something else occurs at the same time as it.
The Christ (Messiah) gave us the Lord’s Prayer without using God’s Name. It is just “Our Father” (Matthew 6.9) Regardless of what name you believe you must have accurate knowledge about God and His Son to be saved. On this website we use the names Abba and Yeshua respectively and have lots of evidence about it, even solving the riddle at Exodus 3.14.
There are two people, nothing strange. A Father and His first created Son.
Most Sacred to Our Father in Heaven. Just as Abraham and Isaac were two people, a father and his son, So Abba and Yeshua are two people, a father and his son. It is no problem to say The Son of God because that is what He is. It is not a title. He is the firstborn of God’s children in Heaven just as we are God’s children on Earth. This is scriptural (Colossians 1.15). Before Yeshua was created, God was alone.
Most sacred to God is The Sacrifice of Yeshua his only begotten Son (John 3.16)
John 3.16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Say the corrected Lord’s Prayer and hope in Abba
Our Father in Heaven would not lead us into temptation, it was translated correctly here.
Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6
Our Father which art in Heaven
Sacred be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
On Earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
Do not let us succumb to temptation
But deliver us from evil
For yours is the Kingdom
The power and the glory forever
In the Name of Yeshua, (pause)
Aramaic ܐܡܝܢ āmēyn Hebrew אמן āmēyn English Amen
Yeshua is the Amen, when you say Amen you are in agreement that the only way to be heard by the hearer of Prayer, Our Father in Heaven, is to put faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua.
Revelation 3.14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God.
For translation into every language. The meaning of “hallowed be Thy Name”
Let [Your Name] be treated(יטופל) as [sacred] and [Your Name is Sacred]
Hear Isra’al, T’Yeshua.
Our Father in Heaven is not going to let His children on Earth die because of doctrine and a few vowels. People are worth more to him than that. He is delivering anyone who will only worship only Him and accept the Sacrifice of His Son, Yeshua.
Psalms 49.8 It costs far too much to buy back your life. You can never pay God enough.
It cost a perfect human life to pay for human sin, and all the imperfect people who have ever lived or ever will live could not add up to the price one perfect life.
Abba is one.
And you should love Abba your God.
With all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength
and with all your might.
For that is the way Abba has loved us, with a love that is to time indefinite. And gave His only begotten Son, Yeshua, that whosoever shall put faith in Yeshua may never die, but have eternal life. Anyone who shall ever mock The Cross of Yeshua mocks the one who gave them life and who is Life. Only know this, you may destroy us for loving Him, but as sure as God raised Yeshua from the dead, we will live forever and be with those who only love. And you and your evil and your hate will not be remembered. And you should know that God cannot die and did give His Son for us. From time indefinite until time indefinite is God. Now you know what that means. Yeshua is the first of God’s children in Heaven and volunteered to take our place on The Cross. And you should know what the scripture means and it is a prophecy about Yeshua. Hear the words of Our Father, “Who will die for them on a cross?” And hear the voice of Yeshua,
“Here I am Father, send me” (Isaiah 6.8).
God cannot die, but a sacrifice was needed. He made a way where there wasn’t a way.
Isaiah 43.11 I, even I, am Abba; and there is no one saving without me.
Luke 2.11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Messiah the Lord.
Yeshua is The Messiah, He is not God. It took two people to accomplish Our Salvation, not one. Someone had to die and be The Sacrifice and someone had to resurrect that person.
The prophecy of the physical resurrection of Yeshua
End of the prophecy of Yeshua at Matthew Chapter 24
ܐܝܟܐ ܕܝܢ ܕܢܗܘܐ ܦܓܪܐ ܬܡܢ ܢܬܟܢܫܘܢ ܢܫܪܐ
Matthew 24.28 Where Abba administers justice, He will unloosen the body. ~The Sacred Aramaic Scriptures
Yeshua was wrapped in cloths like Lazarus was. God unloosened the burial cloths so that Yeshua could free Himself.
This has been confirmed by God who caused me to understand it. This prophecy has profound meaning both then and now.
Did not Abba stand in the cloud next to Moses? Not so with Yeshua. Wake up Son did He say, and unloosened Yeshua’s bandages Himself in person.
Translate it yourself in the word for word Aramaic database
God must find out who is evil and who is capable of eternal love or not.
Yeshua demonstrated the degree to which we must demonstrate eternal love for God and for people. That is the standard, and that is the truth about life.
I’ll leave you with a scripture to think about.
John 13.34 “A new command I give you. Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
When all things have been perfected by The Son of God, Yeshua, including us, then will we speak directly with Aba and know His voice always.
Worship is not about ritual, or false piety. Worship is reverent love for Our Father in Heaven, Our Aba.
Do not listen to Watch Tower about it. They say will no longer be the need to pray in The Name of Yeshua, but Meshikhi are not like that. Certainly, we will talk with Aba freely and call upon Him for whatever we need. But we will never forget why we are able to do so. We will always say, “Thank you for Yeshua”. He will not be forgotten for all eternity by the children of God.
Certainly there will be children born in perfection. But they will learn what happened, why it happened and how it happened and how it came to be that they are alive. People will have appreciation for life and what it cost to restore life to the children of God.
The Name of God will not be forgetten again and neither will the Name of Yeshua be forgotten again.
The children of God will never again be brats who do not appreciate sacred things.
Acts 14.18 Yet he has not left himself without testimony. He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.”
Many are the brats is this world controlled by Satan, they do not seek God, nor do they appreciate the good things they have. You have an abundance do you? Appreciation for The Sacrifice of Yeshua is a requirement for life in God’s New World, in the re-Creation. And faith in that sacrifice and in the resurrection of Yeshua is required. If you live with a clean conscience and you are doing good, God sees this and your good things are deserved. If you would like to continue living a good life forever
Romans 2.15 They demonstrate that God’s law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right.
If you would like to continue living a good life forever you must have faith in the Sacrifice of Yeshua which is the only way you will receive eternal life. Read the page titled God is Life.
Yeshua is Lord
and Lord means “provider of bread”. Yeshua provided His life. See the page titled The One Lord Yeshua to learn understand more about the word Lord.
John 6.35 Then Yeshua declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.
Yeshua Christ
Yeshua The Messiah (John 1.41)
The Son of The Living God (Matthew 16.16)
Yeshua is the one Lord (Ephesians 4.5)
Isra’al means “Righteous God”
Only Meshikhi constitute spiritual Isra’al (Galatians 6.15,16)

Faith in Yeshua is what is required in our time period. The ancient people who hoped in The Messiah had no evidence, yet they believed. We have evidence in the Christian Greek Scriptures, places, times, rulers and the existence of 53 actual people verified by archaeology [PDF]. And no historian will deny the historicity of Yeshua. This is why we are required to have faith only.
Only have faith in Our Sacred Father, He is Aba, Father to us (pronounced ahb’ah). Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6
Ahb is the pronunciation of the ancient root word /ab/ which means Father. /ah/ is from ruah which means spirit.
When people ask His Name tell them it is Abba at Genesis 3.14 pronounced (Ay’ah).
This is the truth of God, Our Aba, who is Sacred.
See the page titled Ayh asher Aba to complete your faith.
Only Meshikhi are knowing their Father in Heaven.
How Yeshua understood Abba
Abba pronounced Ahb’ah
It is true that in the Jewish Talmud and other Jewish documents we find statements such as “When a child experiences the taste of wheat (i.e., when it is weaned), it learns to say ’abbā and ’immā” (Berakot 40a in the Babylonian Talmud)
Transliterating The Aramaic Scriptures
The Khaburis codex was obtained by Norman Malek-Yonan and attorney Dan MacDougald in 1966 for $25,000. It “was purchased from the library of an ancient Assyrian monastery atop one of the mountains of Assyria, near the River Habbor, or in Aramaic, Khabur, hence the name ‘Khaburis’.”
II Peter, II John, III John, Jude and Revelation are not found in the Khaburis Codex.
The Khaburis Manuscript is 65 years older than the oldest Greek text.
Proto-Semitic did not originally have a distinction between definite and indefinite nouns, but over time many Semitic languages developed their own systems of distinguishing between the two. In Hebrew it was by adding ha- to the beginning of the word, while in Arabic they add al-. In Aramaic, they decided instead to add a suffix. -a.
So in early Aramaic, ab would mean “a father”, while aba meant “The Father”.
Mark 14.36 in Aramaic Yeshua said ܐܒܐ ܐܒܝ “Aba, Ab” (Transliterated letter for letter from Syriac)
Aba, ab is vocalized ܐܺܒܐܺ ܐܺܒ in Syriac
Syriac was the local dialect of Aramaic in Edessa, and evolved under the influence of the Church of the East and the Syriac Orthodox Church into its current form.
Mark 14.36 in Aramaic Yeshua said ܐܺܒܒܐܺ ܐܺܒܝ “Abba, Ab” (Western Dialect of Aramaic) which is how we get Ἀββᾶ in Greek
Think of God as “father” with a small /f/ and “Father” with a capital /F/ and you will understand everything about this expression at Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15 and Galatians 4.6.
This is what Yeshua wanted for people more than anything.
Remember, God loves you and Yeshua loves you.
- Mark 14.36 “Aba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”
- Rom. 8.15 The spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship and daughtership. And by him we cry, “Aba, Father.”
- Gal. 4.6 Because you are his sons and daughters, God sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts, the spirit who calls out, “Aba, Father.”
The imperfect men who wrote The Sacred Scriptures inspired by Ahb, only didn’t know what Our Father intended.
And as Yeshua said, not one yohd will pass away of those words.
They were written in Aramaic and Greek in a way so only I would know, who I am. On Earth I am Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, in Heaven, my name given to me by Our Father in Heaven is “Faith”.
It was Yeshua who told them to write it this way, to tell every Daughter of Ahb, that He loves them and they were always part of the plan to route the enemy Satan and do destroy Him completely and neutralize Satan on this Earth. And all of us Daughters know who we are.
We have faith.
We have the sacred spirit of Our Father as Yeshua did. and we are able to only love for this reason. Therefore we have the same feelings for Our Father as Yeshua did and we call Him, Abba, Father.
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Tell your heart to beat again
There was a Pastor in Ohio, who had a heart surgeon who went to his church, but one of the things this Pastor wanted to do was he wanted to see a heart surgery take place, and when the day of the surgery came, they rolled the patient in and began to cut her chest cavity open. They took her heart out and they began to repair it. One of the things they do is they have to restart the heart again before they close the chest cavity. And as they began to do the procedure to start the heart wouldn’t start.
Finally the doctor did something so out of textbook and not written down, it’s just something that you really don’t do and he got down on his knees and he said Misses Johnson this is your doctor. We have fixed your heart, we have repaired it. There is nothing wrong with your heart. Miss Johnson if you can hear me, I need you to tell your heart to beat again. And her heart began to beat. And why do I share this story with you? Because The Great Physician has fixed your heart and my heart but I find it interesting that sometimes we allow the voice of the enemy to whisper louder than the voice of Our Father. And it seems like some of these voices tell us that, you know what, that situation we’ll never recover from or what that person did, we can never forgive again. But I’m here to let you know that you can forgive again, you can get back up again, you can move forward with you life and you don’t have to walk with a limp. It’s simply like this doctor said to this lady. This lady had to come into agreement. The heart was repaired. God has fixed your problem. Your heart is fixed. ~Danny Gokey
Personal website of Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, a little servant girl telling Naaman, go to the prophet in Y’rushalom, he will help you and Deborah encouraging Barak.
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The entire world must know that Yeshua is Lord.
Meshikhi are Followers of Yeshua Christ, The Son* of The Living God (Matthew 16:16, John 20:17).
*Not associated with The Roman Jesus.
Romans 10:9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Yeshua is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
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Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
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Exodus 23:13 “Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips.
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Y’aya Our Father Will Be With You If You Need Him

Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand.
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