Wrong interpretation of Exodus 3:14
אִהיָה Ihyah
Ihyah asher Ihyah
Exodus 3.14 And God said unto Moses, Ihyah asher Ihyah and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, Ihyah hath sent me unto you.
Meaning of Ihyah asher Ihyah. “I am Ihyah (ee-ah) who is called Ea (ee-ah)”. In other words, “I am Ihyah and they are calling me Ea”.
Hebrew homonyms


The ultimate truth
Double yodh /yy/ in Targum Onkelos at Genesis 1.1 is Ayya (Ayh) is life
Correct interpretation of Exodus 3.14
אָהּיָהּ (Ahyah) asher אִהיָה (Ihyah)

אָהּיָהּ (Ahyah) asher אִהיָה (Ihyah) The /y/ is a slight palatal approximant as in the word eye.
Exodus 3.13,14 אהיה asher אהיה Ahyah asher Ihyah
Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, Ahyah asher Ihyah and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, Ahyah hath sent me unto you.
Meaning of Ahyah asher Ihyah. “I am Ahyah who is called Ea”. In other words, “I am Ahyah and they are calling me Ea”.
In the Beth Mardutha The Syriac Institute word search for Aramaic words, ya is translated “ia” (ee-ah) would win the world.

The emergence of Jah and Yah being pronounced as Ihyah, Iah, Ea and Ia (Ia or Ya or MarYa in The Aramaic Scriptures)
Ea is one of Satan’s gods that he was attempting to implant. He wears many disguises.
Iah, a moon god in ancient Egyptian religion
Iah, a moon god in ancient Egyptian religion and Ea one of the three most powerful gods in the Egyptian Pantheon. The disguising of the name has not escaped our notice.
Yah, the Other Egyptian Moon God
Yah – Another Egyptian moon god also pronounced ee’-ah
Ia or Ya or MarYa
Word search for Aramaic words reveals Ya (the river goddess Yemoja) translated as “ia” (ee-ah).
The Aramaic Connection
Ya – Syriac Eastern Dialect of Aramaic translated by Beth Mardutha the Syriac Institute as “ia” from Aramaic. Also known as MarYa, The Lord Ya or The Lord Yahweh.
Jah (The Roman Religion and Ea combined)
Ea is going mainstream. Listen to the audio at the link. Note the link is on wikimedia.org/wikipedia but has been removed from the article.
Main articles: Jah and Theophory in the Bible
The abbreviated form Jah (/dʒɑː/)[40] or Yah (/jɑː/ (listen); יהּ, Yah) appears in the Psalms[41] and Isaiah.[42] It is a common element in Hebrew theophoric names such as Elijah and also appears in the forms yahu (“Jeremiah“), yeho (“Joshua“), and yo (“John“, ultimately from the biblical “Yohanan” and Jonathan, “God gives”. It also appears 24 times in the Psalms as a part of Hallelujah (“Praise Jah”).[43]
Here is Ea’s counterpart, Eshu who would be disguised as Y’shu

Eshu is prominent at https://thearamaicscriptures.com You may know him as the Jewish Y’shu.
The Aramaic Connection
So we have Ea disguised as Ya or Marya (The Lord Ya or The Lord Yahweh) in The Aramaic Scriptures translated “ia” by Beth Mardutha The Syriac Institute and we have Eshu as his counterpart, the Jewish Y’shu.
Absolute disaster in Aramaic: The Lord Yahweh and Y’shu.
Translating the letter yodh of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton as a double /ee/ must be considered volatile because you will create Iah (ee-ah) or Yah (ee-ah) in either the full or contracted version of the Divine Name.