Jerusalem – A New Identity Yerushalom/Yerushalayim
The place name Yerushalom (pronounced yerushalayim in Hebrew) is a combination of two words. The first is yeru meaning “flow”. This word has several applications such as the flowing of water in a river, the throwing of something as being flowed out of the hand or as the flowing of a finger in the sense of pointing out the way one should go. This last use is the use in the name yerushalaim. The shalayim is from the word shalam meaning complete and whole (the word Shalom is also derived from shalam, while it is usually translated as peace it more means to be complete or whole). When these two words are put together they mean something like “pointing the way to completeness”.
To the lovely and faithful people of modern day Jerusalem. You are now under the direction of Yerushalom above which is Heaven (Galatians 4.26). Only Meshikhi, are spiritual Isra’Al.
יִשְׂרָאל Isra’Al meaning: Righteous God (Only Meshikhi are Isra’al)
ירושלום Ye-ru’sha-lom’ Yahavah’s City of Peace NOT Ya and Peace רושלום
יהרוּשָׁלַיִמ Yahrushalay’m (not dual according to report even though /ayim/ indicates plural). Dual is not the only issue. The suffix /im/ indicates feminine. God is singular, masculine only.
יהרוּשָׁלַיִמ Yahrushalayim (not dual With regard to the Divine Name /ayim/ is dual when connected to the two-sex god Yehovah/Jehovah using digraphs /Ye/ or /Je/ as the first syllable. Once again, note the suffix /im/ is feminine and also plural as in Elohim (see Introduction at the top of this page). God is singular, masculine only.
Galatians 4.26 But the Yerushalom that is above is free, and she is our mother.
God loves you, all you have to do is accept His means of Salvation. Isho (Hebrew יְשׁוֹ) Meshikha (ha Mashiach, The Anointed One or Christ)
You must renounce Kabbalism to be spiritually clean.
Etymology by Tiffany McTaggart
of The Meshikhi Faith
“The seeds of conflict were sewn in the roots of language”.~Tiffany McTaggart
Matthew 13:27,28a 27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
28a “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
The Ineffable Name of God is Yahvah יּהוָה
God’s Name is Ahv’ah Hebrew Yahvah יּהוָה YHVH from The Garden of Eden. The Greatest Title of God is Yahavah pronounced Yah’-ha-vah’ in The Torah יָהוָה YHVH. Our Father will be with you if you need Him.

Exodus 3.14 AHYH silent Hebrew letter ba (h) creates Ahyah which means Sacred, in context. In The Lord’s Prayer it is “Sacred be Thy Name”.
Y’hayah is a Hebrew verb phrase (pronounced yə-high’-ah), means “The Living One” or “The One Who Lives”, It cannot be Our Father’s Name because it has the homonym hya (she) in it. Our Father in Heaven. Yahweh is a Hebrew verb phrase, it means, “The One Who Brings Into Being”. This is a descriptive title, not God’s Name. Only Yahvah is Yahavah and only Yahvah is Yaweh.
Listen, O Israel.
You do not need a million rockets to defend you, only the name of Yahvah. Your rockets are an embarrassment to the power of Almighty God because you are relying on men and not on God. Remove your rockets and rely upon Yahvah and call upon His name in trueness and He will defend you as never before.
Proverbs 18.10 The name of Yahvah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous one runs and receives protection.
We do not write G-d and we are not afraid to say His Name, Yahvah.
We, the people of Isra’Al do not have El, supreme god of the Canaanites in our name.
Stop being afraid.
This is a sign from God for you, only have faith.
May you be blessed

Galatians 4.26 But the Yerushalom above is free; she is our mother.
God loves you, all you have to do is accept His means of Salvation. Isho the Messiah.
Proverbs 18.10 The name of Yahvah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous one runs and receives protection.
This is a sign from God for you, only have faith. May you be blessed
The name “Jerusalem” is variously etymologized to mean “foundation (Semitic yry’ ‘to found, to lay a cornerstone’) of the god Shalem”;[49][50] the god Shalem was thus the original tutelary deity of the Bronze Age city.[51]
Shalim or Shalem was the name of the god of dusk in the Canaanite religion, whose name is based on the same root S-L-M from which the Hebrew word for “peace” is derived (Salam or Shalom in modern Arabic and Hebrew).[52][53] The name thus offered itself to etymologizations such as “The City of Peace”,[50][54] “Abode of Peace”,[55][56] “dwelling of peace” (“founded in safety”),[57] alternately “Vision of Peace” in some Christian authors.[58]
Meshikhi will not worship Shalym (Shalim)
Shalim (Šalām, Shalem, Salem, and Salim) is a god in the Canaanite religion pantheon, mentioned in inscriptions found in Ugarit (Ras Shamra) in Syria.[1][2] William F. Albright identified Shalim as the god of dusk and Shahar as god of the dawn.[3] In the Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible, Shalim is also identified as the deity representing Venus or the “Evening Star” and Shahar the “Morning Star”.[1] His name derives from the triconsonantal Semitic root Š-L-M. The city of Jerusalem was named after him.[4]
Etymology and other spellings of Shalim
יהרוּשָׁלַיִמ Yahrushalayim works and ayim is the oldest, read full report below about ayim, not dual.
Why Yahrushalym doesn’t work.
יהרושׁלימ without vowels is Yhrushlym
Yahrushalym (another spelling of Shalim)
The spelling Yerushalayim is Kabbalistic, it is Yahrushalayim (the /e/ is related to Yehovah/Jehovah both Kabbalistic. See the page titled The Roman Jehovah for complete report on Kabbalism in Divine Names and Titles
Strong’s #8171: Sha`aliym (pronounced shah-al-eem’)
plural of 7776; foxes; Shaalim, a place in Palestine:–Shalim.
Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew Lexicon:
Shalim = “foxes”
1) a district in Israel
Part of Speech: noun proper locative
Relation: plural of H7776
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
Plural of shuw’al; foxes; Shaalim, a place in Palestine — Shalim.
see HEBREW shuw’al
Forms and Transliterations
שַׁעֲלִים֙ שעלים ša‘ălîm ša·‘ă·lîm shaaLim
Ayim – critical to understand
With regard to the Divine Name /ayim/ is only dual when connected to the two-sex god Yehovah/Jehovah using digraphs /Ye/ or /Je/ as the first syllable.
The ending -ayim indicates the dual, thus leading to the suggestion that the name Yerushalayim refers to the fact that the city initially sat on two hills.[59][60]
Hebrew Bible and Jewish sources
The form Yerushalem or Yerushalayim first appears in the Bible, in the Book of Joshua. According to a Midrash, the name is a combination of two names united by God, Yireh (“the abiding place”, the name given by Abraham to the place where he planned to sacrifice his son) and Shalem (“Place of Peace”, the name given by high priest Shem).[61]
Oldest written mention of “Jerusalem” Difference of opinion among Hebrew scholars
One of the earliest extra-biblical Hebrew writing of the word Jerusalem is dated to the sixth or seventh century BCE[62][63] and was discovered in Khirbet Beit Lei near Beit Guvrin in 1961. The inscription states: “I am Yahweh thy God, I will accept the cities of Judah and I will redeem Jerusalem”,[64][65][66] or as other scholars suggest: “Yahweh is the God of the whole earth. The mountains of Judah belong to him, to the God of Jerusalem”.[67][68] An older example on papyrus is known from the previous century.[69]
In extra-biblical inscriptions, the earliest known example of the -ayim ending was discovered on a column about 3 km west of ancient Jerusalem, dated to the first century BCE.[69]
Kabbalism and Pluralism
Gender and Number – linked to the two-sex god Jehovah, Kabbalism and Pluralism are Satanic in relation to God
Digraphs /Ye/ and /Je/ are related to the Kabbalistic vowel pointing for Yehovah/Jehovah
Most masculine plural nouns take the ending µy- -îm, e.g., µyrp parîm ‘bulls’; most feminine plural nouns take the ending tw- -ôt, e.g., twrp parôt ‘cows’. But there are many exceptions to this rule, e.g., twba ªabôt ‘fathers’, which naturally is masculine, and µyçn nasîm ‘women’, which naturally is feminine. Apparently, the two plural endings originally designated classes of nouns, one of which came to be identified mainly with the masculine and one of which came to be identified mainly with the feminine. There is an absolute correspondence of these gendered suffixes when attached to adjectives; thus, for example, twpy µyçn nasîm yapôt ‘beautiful women’ (Job 42:15).
The dual ending µy- -ayim is suffixed to nouns standing for items that naturally occur in pairs, especially body parts, e.g., µydy yadayim ‘hands’ (singular dy yad ‘hand’), and to nouns used for measurements of time, distance, etc., e.g., µymwy yômayim ‘two days’ (singular µwy yôm ‘day’).
We may also note that adjectives in Hebrew behave like nouns, that is, they too are marked for gender and number (see above for an example).
The Isra’Al of ancient times
(Numbers 1.4-16) 4 “And some men should be with YOU, one man to a tribe; each is a head to the house of his fathers. 5 And these are the names of the men who will stand with YOU:
Of Reu′ben, E·li′zur the son of Shed′e·ur;
6 of Sim′e·on, She·lu′mi·el the son of Zu·ri·shad′dai;
7 of Judah, Nah′shon the son of Am·min′a·dab;
8 of Is′sa·char, Ne·than′el the son of Zu′ar;
9 of Zeb′u·lun, E·li′ab the son of He′lon;
10 of the sons of Joseph:
of E′phra·im, E·lish′a·ma the son of Am·mi′hud;
of Ma·nas′seh, Ga·ma′li·el the son of Pe·dah′zur;
11 of Benjamin, Ab′i·dan the son of Gid·e·o′ni;
12 of Dan, A·hi·e′zer the son of Am·mi·shad′dai;
13 of Ash′er, Pa′gi·el the son of Och′ran;
14 of Gad, E·li′a·saph the son of Deu′el;
15 of Naph′ta·li, A·hi′ra the son of E′nan.
16 These are the ones called of the assembly, the chieftains of the tribes of their fathers. They are the heads of the thousands of Isra’Al.”
The 12 tribes of Earthly Isra’Al are not identical to the ones listed in the book of Revelation 7.1-8
3 saying: “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.”
4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed, 144,000, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel:
5 Out of the tribe of Judah 12,000 sealed;
out of the tribe of Reuʹben 12,000;
out of the tribe of Gad 12,000;
6 out of the tribe of Ashʹer 12,000;
out of the tribe of Naphʹta·li 12,000;
out of the tribe of Ma·nasʹseh 12,000;
7 out of the tribe of Simʹe·on 12,000;
out of the tribe of Leʹvi 12,000;
out of the tribe of Isʹsa·char 12,000;
8 out of the tribe of Zebʹu·lun 12,000;
out of the tribe of Joseph 12,000;
out of the tribe of Benjamin 12,000 sealed.
Could this not be a reference to literal, fleshly Israel? No, for Revelation 7:4-8 diverges from the usual tribal listing. (Numbers 1:17, 47) Obviously, the listing here is not for the purpose of identifying fleshly Jews by their tribes but to show a similar organizational structure for spiritual Isra’Al. This is balanced. There are to be exactly 144,000 members of this new nation—12,000 from each of 12 tribes. No tribe in this Israel of God is exclusively royal or priestly. The whole nation is to rule as kings, and the whole nation is to serve as priests in Heaven eventually.—Galatians 6:16; Revelation 20:4, 6.
Political Israel geographically located in the Middle East on Earth has nothing to do with spiritual Isra’Al (the anointed ones) and “Yerushalom above” (Heaven) mentioned in the Greek scriptures.
The Mosaic Law Covenant
The Bible says Messiah is the end of The Law (Romans 10.4). Messianists are not under The Mosaic Law. It was a tutor leading to Messiah. (Galatians 3:24). The Law was nailed to the cross (Colossians 2.14, Colossians 2.16-23). Once you know this you are not to return to it.
Hashem means “the name” it is a superstition that God’s name should not be spoken hence “hashem”, the name. God’s personal name is Yahvah and should always be spoken. Many Bibles use LORD in capital letters in place of Yahvah and it is usually explained in the preface of the Bible. Example: Psalms 110:1 is a Psalm of David. The LORD said to my Lord. Y’sho is David’s Lord spoken of prophetically. The actual reading is “Yahvah said to my Lord”. There is no God beside Yahvah and we must only bow down to Yahvah. We must honour the Son of God the same as the Father but we must not bow down Y’sho, He is not God, He is the Son of God, The First of His Children in Heaven. Psalms 45:6 and Hebrews 1:8 trigger the operation of error mentioned in the Bible because they are ambiguous and cause many to believe that Y’sho is God. The correct translation is “thy throne given of God”, referring to Y’sho.
Psalms 45.6 Thy throne given of God, is for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.
Hebrews 1.8 But to the Son He says: “Thy throne given of God, is forever and ever; A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
The Blessing of Yahvah
Old Testament
(Deuteronomy 18.15) A prophet from your own midst, from your brothers, like me, is what Yahavah your God will raise up for you—to him YOU people should listen—
New Testament
(Luke 7.16) Now fear seized them all, and they began to glorify God, saying: “A great prophet has been raised up among us,” and, “God has turned his attention to his people.”
(Luke 24.19) And he said to them: “What things?” They said to him: “The things concerning Isho the Naz·a·rene’, who became a prophet powerful in work and word before God and all the people;
(John 1.45) Philip found Na·than’a·el and said to him: “We have found the one of whom Moses, in the Law, and the Prophets wrote, Isho, the son of Joseph, from Naz’a·reth.”
(John 6.14) Hence when the men saw the signs he performed, they began to say: “This is for a certainty the prophet that was to come into the world.”
(Acts 3.22) In fact, Moses said, ‘Yahvah God will raise up for YOU from among YOUR brothers a prophet like me. YOU must listen to him according to all the things he speaks to YOU.
(Acts 7.37) “This is the Moses that said to the sons of Israel, ‘God will raise up for YOU from among YOUR brothers a prophet like me.’
Clearly, Isho is the prophet spoken of in these books of the Bible.
Justice from Allah. The Government has orders to destroy all terrorists.
Instructions for creating the new Holy Bible without the Roman influence.
Head Covering
Principle 1
ܟܠ ܓܒܪܐ ܕܡܨܠܐ ܐܘ ܡܬܢܒܐ ܟܕ ܡܟܣܝ ܪܫܗ ܡܒܗܬ ܪܫܗ
1 Corinthians 11.4 Every man who prays, or prophesies, while covering his head, shames his Head,
Principle 2
1 Corinthians 11.14-16 Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, 15 but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. 16 If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God.
In other words, men shouldn’t wear one and sisters don’t have to wear one.
If I wear one, I’m not teaching you about Christianity (Hebrews 5.12). We let go of the pre-Christian system of worship and embrace Christianity. The Law belonging to freedom. I only wear one as a sign of authority from Allah because there is no Brother here.
ܐܢ ܕܝܢ ܒܪܘܚܐ ܡܬܕܒܪܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܠܐ ܗܘܝܬܘܢ ܬܚܝܬ ܢܡܘܣܐ
Galatians 5.18 But, if you are led by Ahri, The Riah {The spirit}, you are not under The Namusa {The Law}.
A word taken from the Hebrew for “One Singled Out,” “Dedicated One,” “Separated One.” In ancient times, there were two classes of Nazirites: those who volunteered and those who were appointed as such by God. A man or a woman could take a special vow to Yahvah to live as a Nazirite for a period of time. Those voluntarily taking the vow had three principal restrictions: they were to drink no alcohol nor eat any product of the grapevine, they were not to cut their hair, and they were not to touch a dead body. Those appointed by God as Nazirites remained such for life, and Yahvah specified the requirements for them.—Numbers 6.2-7; Judges 13.5.
So unless a man is a Nazarite and has taken a Nazarite vow, he should not have long hair. Short hair, shaved hair or relaxed hair length is no problem.
May God Bless you.
b’ahabah (With love),
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
Remember Alhym loves you and Isho loves you.