Aramaic ܝܫܘܥ
Hebrew ישוע
The ayin is ah in Hebrew uh in Galilean Aramaic
Transliterated to English Y SH WA
Greek Ἰη σ οῦ
The Hebrew yodh is the tip of the Hebrew waw.
The Hebrew yodh is transliterated /Y/ in English and Hebrew waw is transliterated /W/ in English.
The Phoenician waw looks like the English Y.
*The /w/ in English is two v’s placed side by side /vv/.
The Phoenician waw is Greek /w/.
The Phoenician waw can be any of the following in Latin: F, Y, U, V, W
A late borrowing from the Ancient Greek letter Υ (U, “ypsilon”), first used to write Greek loanwords in Latin, derived from the Phoenician letter 𐤅 (w, “waw”), from the Egyptian hieroglyph 𓏲.
Phoenician Y
English Y
Greek Y
Υ • (Y) (uppercase, lowercase υ)
- The upper case letter upsilon (ύψιλον), the 20th letter of the modern Greek alphabet.
Ѵ, ѵ
In conclusion, the so-called Phoenician waw became the English /v/. Later two v’s were placed side by side to create the voiced bilabial /w/ /vv/, unique to English.
Yeshua is pronounced Ye’-sh’-wa in Aramaic, Greek and English
The waw is a voiced bilabial only formed using the upper and lower lips.
Kiss the Son is the scripture that confirms the voiced bilabial or /w/ sound for Yeshua.
Psalms 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
/ua/ sounds like /wa/
The mysterious ayin
Galilean Aramaic (increasingly referred to as Jewish Palestinian Aramaic) is a Western dialect of Aramaic. Its closest contemporary cousins were Samaritan Aramaic and Christian Palestinian Aramaic (CPA), all of which share similar features. While there are a number of modern Eastern Aramaic dialects, the only dialect of Western Aramaic that survives to this day is spoken in the three villages of Ma’loula, Bakh’a, and Jub’addin in Syria (collectively known as the Ma’loula dialect).
Galilean Aramaic Alphabet
The term Galilean dialect generally refers to the form of Jewish Palestinian Aramaic spoken by people in Galilee during the late Second Temple period, for example at the time of Yeshua and the disciples, as distinct from a Judean dialect spoken in Jerusalem.
The Aramaic of Yeshua, as recorded in the Gospels, gives various examples of Aramaic phrases. The New Testament notes that the pronunciation of Peter gave him away “as a Galilean” to the servant girl at the brazier the night of Yeshua’s trial (see Matthew 26:73 and Mark 14:70).
Yeshua (Ye’shu-uh) is The Son of God
Hebrew/Aramaic יֱשוּעַ translates to Greek Ιησού, Yeshua (Matthew 1:1).
“Biblical” Hebrew (Yēšúa) ישׁוּעָ
לִישׁוּעָתְךָ, קִוִּיתִי יהוה Genesis 49:18 I wait for Thy salvation, O Y’aya.
The Hebrew Scriptures are not to be diminished. In fact no scriptures in any language are to be diminished ( 2 Timothy 3:16). However, the Holy Aramaic Scriptures do clarify the scriptures in a profound way.
YESHUA (Western Dialect of Aramaic)
The name of the Son of God is Yeshua
Lord means provider of bread, and Yeshua provided His life for us.
One Lord, One Faith, One baptism.
Yeshua is Lord.
In Eastern Syriac Yeshua’s Name is ܝܫܘܥ (Yohd, Shin, Waw, Ayin) Yshwa (Ye’-shu-uh).
His Name while on Earth was Yeshua (Ye’-sh’-wa) Galilean Aramaic accent would be Ye’-sh’-wuh.
ܗܘ ܕܒܗ ܟܣܝܢ ܟܠܗܝܢ ܣܝܡܬܐ ܕܚܟܡܬܐ ܘܕܝܕܥܬܐ
Colossians 2:3 He that in whom is hidden all The Treasures of Wisdom and of Knowledge.
I used the Aramaic script at https://TheAramaicScriptures.com not the translation from that site, because it was done by copyists.
I used the translation database at https://sedra.bethmardutho.org/lexeme/search to research the Aramaic word for word.
Yeshua would have used the words “infinite power of God” and they were definitely written down somewhere and the apostles new them. But I have restored them in the English language. Almighty means “the infinite power of God”. Satan and the demons, all 66 million of them are less than nothing in comparison to the infinite power of God.
The following scripture does not apply to Yeshua.
Jude 1:9 But even Michael, “one of” the mightiest of the angels, did not dare accuse the devil of blasphemy, but simply said, “Y’aya rebuke you!” (This took place when Michael was arguing with the devil about Moses’ body.)
Note carefully, Michael, did not “dare” accuse the devil of blaspheme”.