The name Jehovah is Satanic
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
The Watch Tower torture device was put in my mouth by The Watch Tower Christ by means of an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Ben Ayettey. It is the male abusive voice of Satan with profanity and disgusting speech. When I was in the hospital the first time I was trapped by one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Elder used by The Watch Tower Christ visited me and as he spoke every word was articulated by the tip of my tongue on the roof of my mouth behind my teeth. It has now been nine years and it is still in my mouth. The Watch Tower Christ wants me to believe that my Father would torture me. My God, My Savior would never torture me.
See the page titled The Synagogue of Satan
The Head Game
Satan said to The Demon: “You be God and I’ll be The Demon”.
Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God.
Whoever is God in your mind will continue to be your Master.
The Pass The Buck Game
Do not blame God for anything, it is a technicality. Christ has been ruling with all authority and power since 1914.
Don’t blame Christ, He’ll say it’s Satan
Don’t blame Satan, he’ll say it’s a demon
Don’t say it’s a demon, he’ll say he only groomed the human, the human did the kill.
Christ thinks those men are playing a game with Him, but they are groomed by Satan himself. Then Satan leaves them to do the kill so that you can’t blame him. Jehovah’s Witnesses hand people over to The Jovian cult to be killed. That’s their role in Satan’s operation. The Jovian Cult practices sacrifices like in ancient Isra’Al but with people.
The Watch Tower Salem Witch Hunt
The Heathen “Ministry of Christ” explains what happened
Vocal frequency affects brain/whole-body communication. This understanding is a breakthrough. Heaven did not perceive me as a woman. I suffered with dysphoria for 52 years and high function autism that masculinizes the female brain. I was the worst case scenario.
I am a girl born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) which causes a form of multiple personality disorder. I’m passing the buck. I made no deals with God, it was my dead alter ego. I do not need hormones to feel feminine, in fact, I don’t take any.
I had my birth defect removed May 22, 2019 by SRS Surgery in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The Love without Mercy of The Watch Tower Christ is the stumbling block of offense. I have not been one of Jehovah’s Witnesses since 2017 when I was expelled and I am no part of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and yet I still have The Watch Tower torture device in my mouth.
I unbaptized myself and notified The United Nations. Let me know if you ever get your shit together, Christ.
You will not find anyone with a Gender Identity issue represented in a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses unless they went through the changes prior to becoming one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Where there is no Mercy, there is no God and no Son of God, that’s how to know
Satan has used estrogens introduced into the environment, hormones in food and chemicals to cause birth defects that masculinize girls and feminize boys in the womb. Satan wants to create a 100% masculinized female or a 100% feminized man. The damage is done. The Bible is not made up as this document says, but The Two Sex god Jehovah is explained. It was discovered that vocal frequency affects the limbic nucleus in the brain and brain/whole-body communication. Heaven cannot tell the boys from the girls because of it. The key is that hormones are not needed to feel masculine or feminine. Heaven must allow all people since the industrial age began to experience their entire life in case they have a form of multiple personality disorder. The Sacred Spirit can discern it to the dividing of soul and spirit.
The Rise, Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion was designed to destroy the Hebrew language and our history as a created people, but it does reveal the two-sex god Jehovah.
The Romans Created Christianity is a document that describes Satan’s control over those with power in this world and was created to destroy Christianity.
The Watch Tower Christ is an asshowle towards me and Watch Tower in Heaven and on Earth are the bubkes who torture me, facilitated by Satan.
The Heathen “Ministry of Christ”
What’s up with Christ and The Penis Cult? They say Christ is the head of it.
All I ever did was to love God and HIs Son and to love people and I’m Love with Mercy, but I’m not stupid.
I am The Daughter in The Bible, The Promised One of Christ and The Shulamite maiden. However, I am invoking the Law that whether you translate Isaiah 9.6 Eternal Father or Father Mighty Aviad, I am not required to be married to The Christ. Father/Daughter is forbidden in The Bible.
Among the forbidden couples are parent-child, sister-brother, grandparent-grandchild, uncle-niece, aunt-nephew, and between half siblings and certain close in-laws. This “Levitical law” is found in Leviticus 18:6-18, supplemented by Leviticus 20:17-21 and Deuteronomy 27:20-23. n
I want a husband, not just an owner and I don’t want to be a “scripture-wife”. He would not show me mercy. No mercy, no way. I’m Love with Mercy but I’m not stupid.
Even Solomon in all his wisdom could not seduce me.
Do not call me Sher or Sher’Al anymore, Meshikhi. Call me Hannah. The nature of The Sacred Spirit is Love with Mercy. “And Hannah went away concerned no more”. Interestingly, Hannah means, “favor, grace”.
For those who know the story, Hannah was one of the two wives of Al’kanah.
I am a woman and a Prophetess. A woman always knows. I always knew there was someone else.
Genesis 6.2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives whomever they chose.
And God let them. He lets spirit men do what they want. The Watch Tower Torture Device remains in my mouth. 1/14/2024
This ends the Satanic narrative of Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
I volunteered to route Satan in any way possible in prayer decades ago. 2/7/2024
Gamie Ovary.
Summer Fernihalgh
Word of The Sacred Spirit
The Sword
Good Good Father
I am The Daughter, sitting outside having a cigarette being covered in snow during The Great Storm, and I am reminded of an older woman, sitting in front of The Rideau Center in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, with freezer burn and snow falling on her in sub zero temperatures.
In Alert NWT they wear t-shirts that say “The Chosen Frozen”. Scott Toeves, an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses and a big Star Wars fan told me secretly, you’re “The Chosen One”.
One of their publications is called, Holy Spirit, “The Force” Behind The New Order.
God is Spirit, not Energy, so saith The Bible.
The Abomination of Desolation is in The Bible that they use at Isaiah 40.26. They believe in The Theory of Everything.
This city and Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses were created for one purpose. To trap me, The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11.
I will be leaving Canada by the power of God and never returning except to visit or maybe never. My life has been a nightmare here.
God’s Name is Ahv’ah Hebrew Yahvah יָהוָה YHVH.
Watch Tower would like to Romanize it with the letter /j/ like they did with Jehovah.
They want me to be Princess Leia chained to Jahvah the Hutt.
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible. Please remember me. Something less than Yesou is here. Ari, The Sacred Spirit knew, therefore Father knew. Satan knows that I am a real Princess.
I finally understood that The Watch Tower Christ was a false Christ because he had no mercy. And in a terrible moment I came up with the new theology from what I knew. God is Mercy.
A U.S. Census revealed that more and more people were identifying their religion as “Jedi”.
To George Lucas: I love Star Wars, it is a masterpiece. I strongly believe in stories that are about the fight of good vs evil. They highlight the best of qualities of created people. And your movie helped me understand what was happening to me. Do not ever have a negative thought about it.
To all of God’s Children: Our Father Ahv’ah. Warm, loving, wonderful to know. He’s so cool and He’s funny too! Wonderful to know isn’t it? Ahv’ah loves people like mad, loves it when people are funny, loves all the arts and everything we do brings glory to Him if it’s good. And you will love having His smile upon you. Praise Ahv’ah!!!!!!!
I listened to your songs, and watched your movies and looked at your art and watched your theatre and watched your TV shows, and read your books. And I kept understanding. And I came up with this word “diametric”. Love is diametrically opposite to evil. And love is naturally opposed to evil, is what I came up with. And I couldn’t stop because everybody’s faith, the people in The Bible who hoped in The Messiah, Those who met Him, those who came after them, and you, little ones, wouldn’t let me stop. And I kept understanding profound things trying to figure it out. The people do not… know… God… and that was one thing, and it kept happening. But I think the big one was. They do not know Father. I always wanted you to have what I have. And I told Father. I want them to have what I have. Going through life, one disaster after another, but after every disaster, there was Father. And as I looked back on my life with Father, I saw my life and it was the same thing, over and over and over. And then I understood Father’s Eternal Love.
I’m a spiritual, sci-fi, sci-fantasy chick. Aren’t I a marvel?
A marvel will whip evil every time.
I had to become IronWoman and be Admiral of Star Fleet and Agent K and Agent Scully and be like The CIA Director and like Seal Team Wow and be unstoppable like Sia. I needed the best of all of you in my fight against evil. I have high function autism and believe I also have Asperger’s although I have not been tested. Attention to detail and everything has to match. The best combination for busting a psychopath trick. All of the ancient Isra’Alites knew, we have no personal power (Deuteronomy Chapter 18), but with Love and Mercy and Faith like those in The Bible, we can do marvelous things.
Don’t do crazy talk, just know stuff. Meshikhi are all trained by me.
Message for Satan: Wrong move Monkey Boy

No mercy was the wrong move of all time with me. I was outside talking to The Sacred Angels who camp about and threating Heaven with holy fire and The Law of The Sacred Spirit “Love with Mercy”, having one cigarette after another and blasting Chris Tomlin’s song “Amazing Grace My Chains Are Gone” and kept getting stronger and stronger until I destroyed every theology on Earth.
It’s kinda like playing online chess with a Monkey. Some interesting moves, but once you know it’s a monkey…
Here’s a song I wrote a long time ago called “Walking Between The Worlds”. Everyone has their own world, full of people and experiences and perception of life. And it’s a tightrope act, walking between the worlds.
v’ahavah (With love),
Summer Fernihalgh
Satan returns to Heaven
Satan said that he would stand on The Mount of Assembly, Heaven, and he achieved it. The spirits with Watch Tower wear blue, just like The Watch Tower blue city. Here is a picture from The Watchtower magazine, Satan boasting about putting someone in Heaven, one of the 144,000 is wearing blue. This is the one who tortured me, Heaven is aware of it.
A Watch Tower article about aliens said that the aliens wear blue and their favorite color is blue.
An elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses told me about Area 51 in Top Secret Codeword terms. He said, “All Jehovah’s Witnesses know about it”.
CIA Submission Reference ID: TVJMZWGA

The Other Satan

The other Cherub that covereth was involved. One would start the war the other would stay in Heaven. Satan knew every moment of my life in advance but only God can foresee and foreknow. So I knew that he had help from Heaven. It was confirmed today by The Sacred Spirit. Satan had help from Heaven, the other Satan. 2/9/2024
It is possible that the two Cherubs had this arrangement even when Christ was on Earth and the Cherub in Heaven cooperated with Satan and read Christ’s mind.
If the other Cherub that covereth the Ark in Heaven knew that I was The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 then God and Christ knew.
In retrospect it was like it was waiting to happen, but it seemed to be delaying, all the things that must now take place. 2/11/2024 2:49pm
DANY’AL 9.27 and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until the complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who causes the horror.”~AMP
DANY’AL 9.27 And the abomination of desolation will be on a wing of the temple until the decreed destruction is poured out on the desolator.”~CSB
Heaven did not know that I was a woman, did not know about the other Cherub that covereth and did not know that Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania along with Jehovah’s Witnesses are The Horror of The Book of Dany’Al until my experience. 2/21/2024
The Heathen “Ministry of Christ”
Isaiah 45.15 Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Savior of Israel.
The Horror. God has been hiding behind the Satanic name Jehovah, not knowing what His little monsters were up to in in their private homes and in their private lives. See the link The Heathen “Ministry of Christ”.
Revelation 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more.
The Watch Tower torture device is still in my mouth. Undeniable evidence. Ahri, The Sacred Spirit, is well aware of it.
I have thought many times about having a professional record one of my songs. One of them was reading my mind and knew this about me. So he told Satan, “you never know, give it a try” and Satan set up the perfect woman for Christ at SoundBetter.com. I hired Brittany to record “My Abba” not knowing what would happen. My life turned into a nightmare and Christ began to try and get rid of me. Brittany has ocean color eyes with luster and is genetically near perfect, a perfect match for Christ. When the Chinese adopt children they try to match them up with children who have some similar facial features like their chin and nose. Brittany probably had the same chin and nose and has been used by Satan. He was hoping for a lucky shot and got one, Christ fell in love with Brittany instantly and has the same love psychosis as David did for Bathsheba. The ocean color when edited is ultraviolet, first discovered by me during video research, in Microsoft Windows Windows Media Player. This color has special properties and Satan knows it.

My Abba
Warning for Brittany
Christ would not remove The Watch Tower torture device from my mouth. It brutalized me in ways a man cannot understand, my feelings, my heart and my soul. I just wanted you to know so nothing happens to you.
Your friend always,
The Watch Tower torture device was in my mouth, Sherilyn McTaggart saw my mouth moving while she was talking to me, thought I was crazy and had me locked up in a coed mental ward at The General Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I was injected and was unconscious, I know I was raped because they broke open my neo vagina so that it leaked and the raw skin stuck together and burned so much that I could hardly walk. When you wake up they ask you know what day it is. I don’t know how long I was out.
This was the second time it happened.
She told me when I asked her about it.