A journey deep into etymology and Satan’s plan to create uprisings between the have’s and the have-not’s. You will understand the cause of civil unrest if you look closely at these things. The hav’s worship a god name Hafgufa, unknowingly, enjoying the riches that go along with it.
Etymology of the word /ab/ and Akkadian Cunieform and a misidentification of ab as meaning “sea”.
/ab/ is ancient Aramaic for “father”.
Aba /ab/ with suffix /a/ in the Eastern Dialiect of Aramaic
Abba in the Western Dialect of Aramaic.
See the page titled Ugaritic wo flip to understand absolutely both /ab/ and the Hebrew and Imperial Aramaic /waw/. This is suspected to be a part of the confusing of language at The Tower of Babel.
See also the page titled ayh asher aba to see the ancient Aramaic origin of aba.
The Aramaic Scriptures and The Seduction of Isra’al by Yahu


The mystery. The Khaburis Manuscript. 65 years older than the oldest Greek text.
Beth Mardutha, The Syriac Institute, the absolute authority on translating Aramaic.
God’s Name translated by Beth Mardutha, The Syriac Institute as “ia”
TheAramaicScriptures.com an apparently flawless version of The Aramaic Scriptures featuring The Khaburis Manuscript. And an introduction, claiming discipleship all the way back to the first century.
The English translation, done by unwitting copyists who translate “ia” as MarYa or “The Lord Ya.
And his counterpart Eshu equated to Yeshua.
Before you begin this etymological journey, you must understand the page titled Ea attempts a takeover using The Aramaic Scriptures. Do not be seduced by The Aramaic Scriptures or want them in any way. With our understanding we may use it as a reference only, The Bible is The Hebrew Scriptures and The Greek Scriptures. Do NOT attempt, O Isra’al, ever to have a unified Hebrew Bible using The Aramaic Scriptures. The word for God in Aramaic is Alaha. Alaha translated to Hebrew is “goddess”. And Ya is in reality Yemoja (pronounced Yemo-Ya). Satan is mustering the Orishas to produce YaHu.
Yemanjá (Yoruba: Yemanjá) is a major water spirit from the Yoruba religion.[1] She is the mother of all Orishas.
See also Yemonja at Britannica online.
After you read the page titled Ea attempts a takeover, continue reading this page and learn about the god HU. Ya and HU. The plan of Satan, to create a unified Hebrew-Aramaic Bible, with a Super-God named “YaHu”.
As outlined on page titled The Roman Jehovah, the Hebrew diacritic system is corrupt. Not only did it hide the name of Satan, Hillel and obscure the true pronunciation of God’s Name, it also empowered El, supreme god of the Canaanites. The word used for God at Genesis 1:1 is not to be used. It is an insertion and it has been proven on this page. Our Father’s title does not contain the word “sea” in Hebrew. Plural is also not to be used. He is singular masculine only. Do not call God “Elohim”.
The word Meshikhi are to use for God at Genesis 1:1 is אב קדוש in Hebrew which means “Sacred Father”. Ahv-kadush are the phonics in English for Sacred Father.
Further research indicates in cuneiform that the etymology of the word ab is also “sea”. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%F0%92%80%8A
ABU (ahb-uh)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Av says abu means “father”
Read this page along with the page titled Finding Ahv to learn more.
The Sea Monster
Ezekiel 29:3, Ezekiel 32:2, Isaiah 27:1
The Sea Monster is the entire plan of Satan to use the Name Yahavah along with the Aramaic Scriptures and using the Hebrew vowel system along with the Hebrew Scriptures. See this page about The Sea Monster for more details and see how insidious Satan’s war using Divine Names actually is.
Meshikhi were almost fooled but not fooled because Satan is relentless and that is his trademark and that’s what gives him away every time. Had he left Meshikhi alone, I may have stopped investigating further and accepted the name Yahavah.
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
The Sea Monster (hav means sea or ocean in many languages)
The word hav/have in other languages and their etymology
including the word Sea in them.
English “have” etymology is hav indefinite plural of hav
Arabic بحر https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D8%A8%D8%AD%D8%B1
Proto Germanic hav https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hav
hav https://etymologies.net/hav
haf Old Norse
Google Norse god haf
Google results description field
Hafgufa — Hafgufa (Icelandic, haf “sea” + gufa “steam”) is the name of a massive sea monster reported in the Örvar-Odds saga to have existed in …
Hafgufa (Icelandic, haf “sea” + gufa “steam”) is the name of a massive sea monster reported in the Örvar-Odds saga to have existed in the Greenland Sea which was said to disguise itself as an island or pair of rocks rising from the sea.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafgufa is the key to civil unrest
Google with quotes “norse god haf”
Result Heimdall – Norse Guardian God
hav has the word sea in it’s etymology and can be traced back to the Norse Guardian God Hafgufa using the word haf
Divines Names were used to target the Bible using The Aramaic Scriptures and an anagram of ahv, hav.
TheAramaicScriptures.com is an example of a unified Aramaic Bible including the Khaburis Manuscript. The title God in the Aramaic Bible would have ended up being Alaha, And the Name of God would be MarYa or Lord Yahweh. Ya happens to be the name of the false goddess Yemoja herself (pronounced Yemo-ya). El, the Supreme god of the Caananites disguised as Yemoja.
Sex and symbolism in language was used by Satan to associate the letter “O” with the woman and the womb.
Yah is Our Father, not Ya in Aramaic. Meshikhi are not to look at the Aramaic Scriptures or want them unless they are in complete agreement with the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. In Aramaic the word for God is Alaha. In Hebrew Alaha means “goddess”. I have identified this goddess as Yemoja (pronounced Yemo-ya).
In some languages hav means “sea”. Do not use this in the Name of Our Father in Heaven. Do not be tempted to use havah in the Name of Our Father in Heaven either. It is a message from Our Father about the great sea monster that the Meshikhi are bring up for a look by the Kings of the Earth.
Strong’s H163 – אַהֲוָא ʼAhăvâʼ, a-hav-aw’; probably of foreign origin; Ahava, a river of Babylonia:—Ahava.
Ezekiel 29:3
Speak these words: ‘This is what Y’hayah says: “Here I am against you, Pharʹaoh king of Egypt, The great sea monster lying among the streams of his Nile, Who has said, ‘My Nile River belongs to me. I made it for myself.’
Ezekiel 32:2
“Son of man, sing a dirge concerning Pharʹaoh king of Egypt, and say to him, ‘You were like a strong young lion of the nations, But you have been silenced. You were like a sea monster, thrashing about in your rivers, Muddying the waters with your feet and fouling the rivers.’
Isaiah 27:1
In that day Yahweh, with his harsh and great and strong sword, Will turn his attention to Le·viʹa·than, the gliding serpent, To Le·viʹa·than, the twisting serpent, And he will kill the monster that is in the sea.

In Hebrew הָו (hav) and הָוָ (havah) produce the word “hu” in English. HU is associated with Ekenkar. Google Ekenkar hu there are about 600,000 results. Use the Reverso Context Hebrew to English search engine to discover the etymologies of false gods.
This is the quiet. The smooth one. The gliding serpent. Do not engage them, only know that HU must not be associated with The Name of God in any way or the Name of any person in The Bible.
Meshikhi “do” Zen nor use the word “Zen” and NEVER associate any form of Zen in association with life or with Our Father in Heaven. Our Father in Heaven is the source of life and only Our Father in Heaven is Life.
Meshikhi never associate color with love or the sacred spirit of Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father.
Especially red or orange, and particularly orange.
HU is the glow of a color or the ambience of a sound in Enkenkar. We do not look at the HU nor make the HU, which invokes their false god. HU is the false god of Ekenkar. They neither call him God nor suggest that he is God. They only “hint” at it to suck people into Enkenkar. Once at the website of Ekenkar, and only then do you find out that the God of Ekenkar, is HU. They live a problem free life that cannot be spoken against, lest you fall into the trap of Satan, one word against anyone who is with Enkenkar and you will be accused of being unreasonable people. Meshikhi do not judge and Meshikhi do not accuse anyone in the first place, however we do expose false gods. That is all we do. The words “chin chin” noted. Not to be used by The Meshikhi nor any obscure references in any language while listening to music or as people speak.
Satan is trying to cause a war between the have’s and the have not’s. Satan has created a savior, the modern triune god for the have not’s. Be careful, Satan is using asymmetrical warfare and has both have’s and have not’s. Always remember this saying. Satan said to the demon. “You be God and I’ll be the demon”. The savior has the fish of prosperity as his symbol. But Satan also has the people who worship HU, who are no problem people. No problem at all. HAV is Hafgufa, Hafgufa is HU. Be careful. They do not call him God at all when talking to people. You would never know, they only mention “The HU”, they never directly refer to him or say that he is God. The lure is their no problem attitude towards life along with prosperity.

Do you still think Yahu is a good idea, O Israel? How about Yahavah?
In The Aramaic Scriptures the final words of the Lord on the cross were “Alaha, Alaha, why did you leave me?” (God, God why did you leave me?)
The Seduction of Israel
Genesis 1:1 Torah אלהים should be singular masculine, The first letter is silent. אלהים means Our Father in Heaven. Like the Tetragrammaton, do not attempt vowels at this time. If it indicates anything but that He is Our Father and Our Life and that He is singular masculine, you will be fighting against Our Father in Heaven Y’hayah. If you are a Karaite put faith in the Messiah Yeshua and join us in sanctifying Our Sacred Father in Heaven Y’hayah.
Alahayəm אָלָהָיָם means goddess of life. Alaha אָלָהָ in Hebrew means goddess. יָהָוָה Yahavah Ya, The Living One. אָלָוָהָיָם El and Ya
Look at the vowels O Israel. Look at those symbols and be horrified. Who would doubt it O Israel? Would you change your name to Yarusalem? No, O Israel. Pray at this time. And see
Use this search engine
אֱלְֱהְֱיְֱם Break it down syllable by syllable.
אֱלְֱ el
אֱלְֱה goddess
אֱלְֱהְֱ goddess
אֱלְֱהְֱיְֱ Divine One
אֱלְֱהְֱיְ Divine One
אֱלְֱהְֱיְ Divine One
יְֱם The Sea
Do you know El O Israel? Supreme god of the Caananites?
First, search for אָלָהָ Alaha in Hebrew, then select “goddess”. The second image is the actual page.

El is the supreme god of the Caananites and completes everything.
אָלָוָהָיָם El and Ya and how it works is this.
الله Allah and אלוהים El (vocalized)
אָלָוָהָיָם Alohim and يا إلهي Ya Elahi (Ya and El together)
Allah and El (vocalized)

Ya and El

Now read the website knowing what you know above. The intricate plan of Satan is obvious and so well devised I almost missed it, but Satan always overplays his hand and would not relent against me. So I appealed to Our Father in Heaven in the Name of Yeshua and now I’m fine.
Also, we are leaving the word God alone for the moment because there is much to comprehend for people and it would be too much for them. But for Meshikhi, just say “Our Father in Heaven” instead of God. Y’hayah is Our Father in Heaven.
Note: There are 110,000 results in Google with the name yaweh without the h. Yemoja(Yemo-ya’) and Yima are a reality, not only a few are affected. Be careful and only worship Yahweh .
Satan scares Israel using sex and symbolism in written language. It was thousands of years in the making. See the reasoning, and Satan’s attempt to destroy the Bible completely.
Sex and Symbolism in language is dangerous when associated with God and His Name as represented by the Tetragrammaton.
Origin of the letter “O” in Jehovah. Yima’s “ ring ” for creating life, or the womb or woman (the man who has the womb), creating the name IHOH, a false God of the Roman religion that incorporated Christianity. In some Roman Colonies the /i/ in IHOH was replace with a /j/ creating JHOH.
There is no other reason to use an /o/ in the Name of Our Sacred Father in Heaven. It is not in the Torah and I am Meshikhi and will not bow down to JHOH.
Although imperfect, The Rise, Decline and Fall of the Roman Religion by By James B. Hannay 257 Pages, Published 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-7873-0369-0, does have merit and I credit him for looking at everything in existence to find out the problem with religion.
The Rise, Decline and Fall of the Roman Religion [PDF]
The false god Yima is involved.
It’s a major literary work, but might have the affect of destroying the Bible itself if not understood with discernment.
In semitic language Abwun means “Merciful Father” not “Womb Father”. Some Aramaic references have Abwun at the beginning of the Lord’s prayer. It’s all about Yemoja and trying to say that Our Father has a feminine side or is a woman.
https://augustinecollective.org/mercy-of-the-womb/ [PDF]
All glory to Our Father for this understanding and His great mercy to deliver His people from Satan.
Furthermore, we will not associate Yeshua with the name Yehoshua. No “O” associated with Him either.
Words that people translate to spirit. Instant blaspheme against Ahvva.
roah רֹוח would create Jahwah/Yahvah – Yah/Father/Living
rovih רֹוִח would create Jahwih/Yahvih – Yah/Father/Living
rueh רּוֶח would create Jahweh- Yahveh/Father/Living
Do you want the O?
Now listen to the Messiah O Israel. He said, Pray this way, “Our Father in Heaven”, not Yah Father, not Spirit Father, Not Yah Spirit, not Father Spirit. Use your reasoning power and thinking ability O Israel.
Oh, btw, the Torah has no vowels, O Israel.
It’s not mother Israel. It’s just Israel.
Are your eyes opened yet O Israel?
Are you a mother O Israel?
Jerusalem above is Our Mother, not Israel on Earth. It’s scriptural,
it’s in the Bible (Galatians 4:26), referring to Heaven.
BACKGROUND READING from Meshikhi Early Research which has been superceded on this site. It is included here because of the false god Yima associated with the ring and the letter /o/ and also Aramaic Abwun. Abwun is said at the beginning of The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic and means “Merciful Father” but in reality, people are understand it as “Womb Father” (the womb of The Universe).
Sex and Symbolism in language is dangerous when associated with God and His Name as represented by the Tetragrammaton.
Origin of the letter “O” in Jehovah. Yima’s “ ring ” for creating life, or the womb or woman (the man who has the womb), creating the name IHOH, a false God of the Roman religion that incorporated Christianity. In some Roman Colonies the /i/ in IHOH was replace with a /j/ creating JHOH.
There is no other reason to use an /o/ in the Name of Our Sacred Father in Heaven. It is not in the Torah and I am Meshikhi and will not bow down to JHOH.
Although imperfect, The Rise, Decline and Fall of the Roman Religion by By James B. Hannay 257 Pages, Published 1996 ISBN ISBN 0-7873-0369-0, does have merit and I credit him for looking at everything in existence to find out the problem with religion.
The Rise, Decline and Fall of the Roman Religion [PDF]
The false god Yima is involved.
It’s a major literary work, but might have the affect of destroying the Bible itself if not understood with discernment.
In semitic language Abwun means “Merciful Father” not “Womb Father”. Some Aramaic references have Abwun at the beginning of the Lord’s prayer. It’s all about Yemoja and trying to say that Our Father has a feminine side or is a woman.
https://augustinecollective.org/mercy-of-the-womb/ [PDF]
All glory to Our Father for this understanding and His great mercy to deliver His people from Satan.
Furthermore, we will not associate Yeshua with the name Yehoshua. No “O” associated with Him either.