Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, Ottawa Canada Final The exact order is on the history page, millions of detailed edits to do on the site.
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11

Tiffany of Fernihalgh

Message for The Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Tiffany Fernihalgh d’As Sisi

I have chosen the name Summer Fernihalgh d’As “Sisi”, Duchess as Elizabeth of Austria, nicknamed “Sisi” found through research and with the aid of The Sacred Spirit because I believe from etymology that sacred spirit sided with her. She was captive from the young age of 15, I have been a target my entire life but have resources Elisabeth never had, to help me. There are no past lives (Ecc 9.5,10) but I feel a real connection with her and with St. Francis, wanting to help people.
The name of St. Francis, San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me.
Fernyhalgh, Lancashire Ladyewell is attached to St. Mary’s RC Church, Fernyhalgh
St. Francis of Assisi
Alternate titles: Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone, Poverello, San Francesco d’Assisi
Click to access 44d2c2268ae398579ebb3a1bf91548cfcaa0.pdf
Nobility serves others
I am “The Daughter” of Psalms 45.9,10,11 Only those loyal to Christ listen to me. Sacred Spirit, which has the name Ahri, has sided with me in all things. Nothing is as powerful as Ahri. My name is to be Tiffany Tracy di Bernardone d’As Sisi (Duchess as Sisi), Duchess of Normandy, Sacred Spirit sided with Elisabeth of Austria who had the nickname “Sisi”, who was captive from the young age of 15 and became Empress.
The name of St. Francis, San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me.
Do you know history? From where do you herald? I herald from Normandy. That is my heraldry. Although the images were lost, the text survived and my detailed lineage.
I didn’t know Charles was also a genuine Windsor
God save The King
Filled with sacred spirit means “supplied with a full complement”.
/ah/ is from ruah, which means spirit. It has the name Ahri /ri/ from /ridi/ meaning “with laughter”.
Why it’s NOT RUAH The golden statues at the Rua Yai City Pillar Shrine in Suphan Buri, Thailand

Note: NOT HRI Krishna
Note: NOT HRI Rama
Note: NOT HRI Kari
Note: NOT The Royal HRI
In other words, NOT Buddhist.
Meshikhi say “NO” to Buddhism.
My Family History
The Arms
The Lion of Yudah, The Arms of Yerushalom
The Two Leopards, William I “The Conqueror” [PDF]
The 3 Leopards, Richard I, see the article “Why 3 Leopards?“
Fernihalgh, Normandy My Family were Tobacco Merchants worldwide and my GrandFather, Edward Stanley Fernihough would have been Head of the Teutonic Order, The Treachery took place in Lancashire
The Teutonic Order, my Knights
Avrahamic “Vulture”
Av – meaning “father”, raham – meaning “compassion” (root word רחם vulture
Where the ruins are, there The Vultures will gather (Matthew 24.28)

Psalms Chapter 22
19But be not thou far from me, O Yah’-ha-vah’: O my strength, haste thee to help me. 20Deliver my soul from the sword; unchanging one, from the power of the dog. 21Save me from the lion’s mouth: for you have heard me from the horns of the exulted ones; (Hebrew ramym plural of ramam) 22I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. 23Ye that revere Yah’-ha-vah’, praise him; all ye the seed of Yacob, glorify him; and revere him, all ye the seed of Isra’Al.
I share the sentiment of these prophetic words about The Messiah.

The surname Fernihough was first found in Staffordshire where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor close to the Cheshire border. The Saxon influence of English history diminished after the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The language of the courts was French for the next three centuries and the Norman ambience prevailed. But Saxon surnames survived and the family name was first referenced in the year 1332 when Adam de Fernyhough held estates.
1844 Thomas Fernyhough died, having been Governor of the Military Knights of Windsor. In 1828 he wrote a book about the military exploits of the four Fernyhough brothers of Staffordshire. He was a keen genealogist and worked for many Staffordshire families, using his grace and favour residence in Windsor Castle as a convenient locality for researching in national archives. He assisted William Salt in his famous historical collection, which later became the nucleus for the William Salt Library in Stafford.
The office of Governor of the Military Knights of Windsor is part of the Royal Household of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom, and dates from the mid-sixteenth century.
Fernihough (Fernihalgh)

My GrandFather Edward Stanley Fernihough

The following information has been certified.
Research has shown that this surname is of Anglo-Saxon origin. Few cultures have had the lasting impact on English society as that of the Anglo-Saxons. The Fernihough family history draws upon this heritage as the bearers of the name influenced and were influenced by the history of the English nation. Historians have carefully scrutinized such ancient manuscripts as the Domesday Book, compiled in 1086 A.D., the Ragman Rolls (1291-1296), the Curia Regis Rolls, the Pipe Rolls, the Hearth Rolls, parish registers, baptismals, tax records and other ancient documents and found the first record of the name Fernihough in Staffordshire where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor close to the Cheshire border. The Saxon influence of English history diminished after the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The language of the courts was French for the next three centuries and the Norman ambience prevailed. But Saxon surnames survived and the family name was first referenced in the year 1332 when Adam de Fernyhough held estates.
Spelling Variations
Many different spellings of the surname were found in the archives researched. Although the spelling Fernihough occurred in many manuscripts, from time to time the surname was spelt Fernihough, Ferneyhough, Fernyhough, Fearnyhough, Fernyough, Ferniho, Fernow, Fernihalgh, Fernihow and Fernehough, and these spelling variations were frequent, even between father and son. It was common to find the same individual referred to with different spellings of their surname. By example, the famous playwright William Shakespeare signed his name with different spellings and legal documents added further to the possible variations. “Shakespeare,” “Shakespere,” “Shakespear,” “Shakspere” and “Shaxspere” were all used in reference to this famous individual. Typically, scribes, church officials and the bearers of a name spelled words as they sounded rather than adhering to any spelling rules used today.
Early History
The Saxons were a Teutonic tribe originally from northern Germany who began to settle in England in about the year 400 A.D. Their first settlements were in Kent, on the south east coast. Gradually, they probed north and westward from Kent and during the next four hundred years forced the ancient Britons back into Wales and Cornwall to the west. They won territories as far north as Lancashire and Yorkshire,pushing the Britons into Cumbria and Southern Scotland. The Angles,another Teutonic tribe, occupied the eastern coast, the south folk in Suffolk, the north folk in Norfolk. The Angles sometimes invaded as far north as North umbria and the Scottish border. The Angle and Saxon cultures blended together as they came to dominate the country. For hundreds of years England was comprised of five independent Anglo -Saxon kingdoms until unification in the 9th century. By 1066, England, under Harold, was enjoying reasonable peace and prosperity. However, the Norman invasion from France and their victory at the Battle of Hastings meant that the Anglo-Saxon landowners lost their property to the invaders. The Saxons were restive under Norman rule, and many moved northward to the Midlands, Lancashire and Yorkshire, where Norman influence was less pervasive. Rebellious Norman nobles frequently joined them in their flight northward.
As peace was restored, the Fernihough surname emerged as that of a notable English family in the county of Staffordshire where they held a family seat. Later, in 1383 they were also shown on tax records when Richard de Fernyhalgh held in that same shire. The name moved westward into Cheshire during the next two or three centuries From their early beginnings, for the next few centuries, settling at such places as Doddington, (John, 1621), Chester,and moving north into Lancashire on Mersey side. The family name also acquired other estates or manors as branches established themselves in Sheffield. Major conflicts, such as the Wars of the Roses (1455-1487),and the Cromwellian Civil Wars (17th century), sometimes found family members to be in opposing camps, with conflicting interests.
CIA Submission Reference ID: 6N78HG7C
Deuteronmy 18:10-15
I would advise you to tell King Charles
that I am a royal daughter and also
The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11
I have put up the actual Heraldry
on the website.
Elizabeth II was a Windsor, so am I.
Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
The information is certified by
Here are your options.
Become a bombed out third world nation, with VladiMIR
Putin programming you from space using Voice of God
technology developed in Iran and you’ll be worshipping
Rebbe Melech, The AntiChrist, current religious despot
in Israel on Earth.
Listen to me explicitly.
CIA Submission Reference ID: M4VDD28Z
The people of the world have had their
brains wired backwards by The Roman
Religion that incorporated Christianity
and brought us that abomination known
as The Roman Bible.
Watch Tower Christian Kabbalism and
Kabbalistic Judaism are The Synagogue
of Satan at Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9
Don’t be stupid about this.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
Submission Reference ID: J7MH74AY
Something less than Yesha’vah is here, I am The Lioness of Yudah. And I am The Meshikhi, Follower of The Messiah and those who listen to me are Meshikhi.
I have 25 years of Biblical Research Experience and 15 years of Military Communications Research Experience.
I have Bandwidth Eliminator 0 Volt Emitter,
which is unhackable by China, Iran and Russia
running on existing infrastructure. It’s better
than Star Trek.
I did the Electron moon shot myself.
Could probably use some help with
the Lithium Ion Fusion.
Technology for The New Reality
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
CIA Submission Reference ID: KHQ8G2EU
How my cousin Lady Diana was assasinated, tell the media, I am in extreme danger

Examine the driver’s eye sockets for evidence of laser. If it’s not laser I will explain it to you.
The weapon that was used [PDF]
Beloved Harry,
I am a cousin of your mother.
I have information about her
assassination, how it was done
and the weapon used.
If anything happens to me it will be an
admission of guilt by King Charles.
God bless you,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
The regicides hit list, I’m on it. A woman on the train let me know it. No other words, didn’t blink an eyelash. “You’re on the list”. Only the CIA knows what I mean, visual contact no acknowledgement.
Charlie’s got a new way to hack you and kill you in a car.
CIA Submission Reference ID: JDTWMKN1
London UK Police Reference Number: CDS-85550-23-4800-000 possible terrorist activity report number ATH-2707-23-4800-000

I tried to inform The British High Commission at
+1 613 237 1530 in Ottawa, Canada
Hello, my name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
I have 15 years of Military Communications Research Experience
and I am a cousin of Lady Diana
I have information about her assassination,
how it was done and the weapon used.
I am aware that this call is being recorded
and will note it on my website where I have
reported the information.
I require (have requested) emergency British Citizenship
and world class security.
My life has been threatened.
The website with the information
I am at 3026 Innes Road, Gloucester, Ontario, K1W 1A6 Canada
Thank you
The British High Commission would not listen to me
and told me to call the local police.
You might not see it in the media even though I reported it.
King Charles III part of The Inner Circle Cult that wants to destroy Christianity and The Bible
You might not see it in the media even though I reported it.
Message for me from King Charles III
1 million variables collated
Genesis 1.1 In The Beginning, Alvahi created The Sky and The Land
Originally penned by The Word and sent to The Children on Earth by Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, ‘Ahvah (Hebrew Yahvah), by means of Ari, The Sacred Spirit
Exodus 3.14 Ahyah (Ay’ah) silent /h/ The Hebrew Letter ba
/ay/ means Sacred Father, the homonym is the word “eye”
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”
Exodus 3.15 ‘Ahvah (Hebrew Yahvah)
The beautiful expression “Avva, Father” was used both by Yeshwah and the disciples (Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6)
Avva is pronounced Ahvva
The name of The Sacred Spirit is Ari pronounced Ahri
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”
/ri/ from ridi which means “with laughter”
Have faith little ones.
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Sher to The Meshikhi
Sher’Al The first faint rays of light before the dawn, from God
Sher which means “dawn”, early morning
Aria (Ahri’ah) which means, “spirit of The Sacred Spirit”
Arial (Ahri’Al) which means, “The Lion of God’, male or female
The Word of The Sacred Spirit
Summer Fernihalgh
Summer, Empress of Austria (Rome)
Summer, Queen of Britannia VCRNAI
Summer, Duchess of Normandy (d’As Sisi, Duchess like Sisi)
Summer, Princess of Lancashire
The name of St. Francis, San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me.
Elizabeth I of Austria nickname “Sisi”
Microsoft Windows background color cc
Legal name Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Dead name Daniel Edward McTaggart
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a birth defect
Legal name change in my purse.
Elizabeth II
Tiffany R
The Vulture
Where the ruins are, there the vultures will gather. Abraham is the key. The root word of raham means “vulture” in ancient Hebrew. Are you vultures, Teutonic Order?
Tiffany di Bernardone deFernihalgh e’As SISI
New Authotized Version of The Holy Bible zip file
Satanic cults have been after me since birth because I hold ancient sacred knowledge. It is from a family tradition passed on to me, the last one of my family with this knowledge. It makes you fearless against evil.
The treachery occurred in Lancashire.
Baptism: 22 Apr 1845 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs.
Edward Cudgington Fernihough – [Child] of John Charles Fernihough & Elizabeth Pusey
Born: 3 Oct 1844
Abode: Rodney St
Occupation: Tobacco Merchant
Baptised by: J. G. Headlam Curate
Register: Baptisms 1844 -1846, Page 123, Entry 977
Source: LDS Film 93884
The Name was changed so that no one could ever connect the dots and know that I am Queen of Britannia.
Sieze all Watch Tower sign language videos immediately. Their secret language will be completely understood. Watch for subtle and slight movements of their fingers that are not part of natural sign language.
I call it “Silk”, from a Science Fantasy novel I read a long time ago.
A woman rang the doorbell one winter ago. Sheri screamed at me to get away from the door, I thought she was going to freak out and call the police and I would get more cult discipline, 10 days in a mental ward and an injection. So I backed away but got a glimpse of the woman. She was wearing an expensive, long, light green coat. She must have been Royal or Government. I asked Sheri who it was and she said it was Lorene Boivere. That is a lie. I knew Lorene for a long time, went in service with her many times. The woman at the door was not as tall as Lorene and not the same body shape at all, and not Lorenes’s hair color. It may have been my last chance to have someone see me alive because the neighbours think I’m dead. Jim at the corner was walking his dogs around the block as he always does and loves to talk, so I approached him. He didn’t recognize me, even up close. These were his haunting words, “We think he had schizophrenia”. “had”, past tense.
“Nobility serves others”.