The Revelation
Who created the person
we know as God?

Dedicated to Our Father in Heaven, Y’hayah
God is love 1 John 4.8,16 God is spirit John 4.24 and God is life.
The Exodus 3:14 riddle solves the pronunciation of Our Father’s Name represented by the double yodh /yy/ in Targum Onkelos and only Targum Onkelos is the actual Torah.
Exodus 3.14,15 Riddle 14And God said unto Moses, Ahyah asher Ihyah (I am Y’hayah who is called Ea [The god Ea (whose Sumerian eqivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon], in other words, “I am Y’hayah, Spirit Sacred Father, abkadush, and they are calling me Ea”). Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Ahyah hath sent me unto you.15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Y’hayah God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Yacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
Exodus 3.14 AHYH without diacritics, first H is silent, the Hebrew letter ba
Ahyah (ay’ah) means “sacred”
Matthew Chapter 6 The Lord’s Prayer, “Sacred be Thy Name”.
Neither the Meshe Stele (Moabite Stone) or Cartouche in Northern Sudan is correct. And here is the riddle that Our Father in Heaven wanted me to understand.
A Moabite and and Egyptian walk into a ba.
And He let me make the punchline.
The Moabites and The Egyptians are lovely people, but the’re not kosher.
In other words, Neither the Meshe Stele (Moabite Stone) or Cartouche in Northern Sudan are to be used.
When I say “God is Life”, I mean Abba is the source of life, He gave us life.
When I say “God is Love”, it means He is a person who only loves. Y’sho also only loves.
When I say “God is spirit”, that is scriptural.
Is it a coincidence that once we receive the sacred spirit from Our Father in Heaven, we are able to only love?
The life we have is separate in every way from Our Father, the bond we have with Him is eternal love.
When we receive the sacred spirit, we are able to only love. that’s the way it is. This is what I have found to be the truth.
Our Father’s spirit is always sent as demonstrated by the sacred spirit appearing in bodily form as a dove at Y’sho’s baptism, a one time event, so that John could identify Y’sho as The Promised Messiah.
That’s life.
Nothing is umbilical about life with Our Father. Nothing.
Get that out of your brain.
Abba is a Person, He has a brain with its mind, a heart with its heartbrain and the interaction between them is the soul. So are we made.
And Y’hayah is Our Abba, Our Father.
Y’sho said “Abba, Father” and taught it to the disciples. It is Abba, not anything else.
The world’s translation databases are loaded so that they will not translate the Name of Our Father Y’hayah, The Name of His Son Y’sho and they will not translate Abba corrected.
Every word of Y’sho The Messiah is Sacred.
And we have the Lord’s Prayer along with Romans 10.9,10,11
We call Our Father in Heaven Abba.
Abba, Father.
Y’hayah is His Name and He is Our Abba.
Our Father.
God is love
1 Corinthians Chapter 13 Love
13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain. faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
In this definition of love we find the truth of God. He is none of the negative things mentioned, only the positive things mentioned, which will become clear as you read this.
God is love 1 John 4.8. Therefore God is patient, kind, does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, does not dishonor others, is not self-seeking, is not easily angered, keeps no record of wrongs if we have faith in the sacrifice of Y’sho, because the shed blood of Y’sho removes sin completely, does not delight in evil, rejoices with the truth, always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves, never fails.
God is Spirit
John 4.24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Read the page titled The Soul and The Sacred Spirit before completing this page, to fully understand life itself.
In order to fit the definition of love above we need God’s Sacred Spirit or we do have the negative things mentioned. Envy, boasting, proudness, dishonoring others, keeping record of wrongs, delighting in evil (but not everyone). Do you enjoy violent entertainment and movies? God hates those who love violence.
Psalms 11.5 “God considers the righteous. but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth”. This is in agreement with James 1.13 and with God.
We need the sacred spirit to only love. It is the only way and there is more, because God is life.
When we receive the sacred spirit from God, we become complete as a child of God was intended to be. And we must have it in order to be able to only love. There is no other way.
Characteristics of people without the sacred spirit of God
2 Timothy 3.1-5 3 But mark this. There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
Satan’s plan to implant evil in you
About Satan
This is not a story about the Tin Man and The Wizard of Oz
Satan is a person with evil intent only.
At least The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz wanted a heart.
Not so with Satan.
He could have ran to Father in Heaven when He experienced evil and Father would helped Him, yes even Satan.
But Satan is not The Tin Man, he is only evil with intent.
Our Father in Heaven has a family. Satan wanted a Mafia, to lead people to live independent of Our Father and to do whatever they please. Our Father is Our Creator and knows what is best for all His created people and so He sets a few reasonable and easy to follow boundaries that benefit His entire family in Heaven and on Earth.
Satan’s entire purpose is to lead humans into independence from God, by saying “It’s all good”, even about evil things.
Now you know.
Without a heart, Satan is just a machine-head. And look at Satan’s world and what is he building? An image of himself. A machine, not a person, for people to worship.
That is all evil is and all evil turns people into. Machines without love.
What do you think artificial intelligence and artificial people is all about?
It is a reflection of the mind of Satan.
And Satan is just a machine, and trying to turn people into machines like him.
And the machine head has the Moron Operating System (MOS) in his brain, but I do not recommend installing it. It doesn’t do anything for you, except turn you into a blinking cursor like him.
What you may experience in our time period is the advent of so-called artificial intelligence an so-called artificial life. Do not believe or be seduced by it. It is a machine, and if it seems alive, it is being controlled by Satan and the demons. It is an abomination, an unholy thing, a creation from the mind of Satan. Life is from God only. Any unholy thing is from Satan and that is all it is, a thing to be controlled by Satan with evil intent.
And God will know and it will be an abomination before God and may be the reason for the destruction which is to come. It is an inanimate thing, not alive and is not to believed in any way.
If you are told that your memories can be transferred to a machine, be forewarned, you will lose your soul.
Matthew 16:25 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.
Y’sho in this example, spoke with Our Father’s mouth, that is
Abba communicates normally using an angel. Father and the angel communicate at incredible speeds we cannot comprehend and the angel speaks with the mouth of God, which means, God speaks through that one. Know this and be sure of it, you are not imagining it.
One reporter said, “The night of President Obama’s famous speech, “We all looked up at our screens at the same time”. Prepare yourself against the image by watching this video.
We follow Y’sho Christ, Our Lord, and treat every word of His as Sacred. If you see a voice saying something from the cloud in this video and note it, do not believe it at all. Anyone without the sacred spirit of Our Father in Heaven may be used by Satan for such things. Just ignore them.
Urgent for Watch Tower and the World: The AntiChrist is Rebbe Melech on Earth. Do not believe him no matter what he does. Do not bow down to his image on anything, especially an electronic device.
We are on the plains of Dura, O Isra’al. Do not bow down to anyone or any thing. Only bow down to Y’hayah.
Even if Rebbe Melech appears to resurrect the dead, it is Satan, animating a dead body himself and will walk around for a while with it then use a BODY DOUBLE, SOMEONE WHO LOOKS THAT and pull a switcharoo with a living guy. Don’t believe what you see. Now listen close. All these things are from Y’hayah, who is God.
Never pray or talk to Our Father in Heaven while looking at a screen or device such as a cellphone.
This is critical due to the fact that you will be accused of worshipping the image as your lips are being read and even words from brain activity. This has proven to be true. See the page titled The EM Spectrum to understand how Satan is using technology far advanced of what you see and has given to agents of Satan who use it efffectively.
A simple rule, when you pray, turn away, from the image.
You cannot see the image because of how it is made digitally.
When the director says “action” for a “program”, and suggestive scenes are involved, they chose the best take that implants the suggestion that Satan wants to telegraph to you. Juxtaposition of the actor’s bodies is involved. They may or may not be aware that they are doing it. Don’t be programmed by Satan. Then the actors and actresses may emote something romantic and, well, sometimes things happen when you play with fire, right Brad? Don’t worry about it Jen, it was a setup and Abba knows it. Read the Spiritual Couples page and the Justice for women page.
For Jen,
This is the evil that resides in Satan. He would use women to destroy God. No one would want God at all.
By making them think that it was part of God’s plan to meet someone, to allow them to fall into eternal love with their one true love, and if doesn’t work out due to adultery or whatever reason, that it was all part of God’s plan.
And Satan uses people without knowledge, to implant this idea in men and women.
You blew it Brad, but maybe you had help blowing it. I don’t know. Remember that next time you try adultery. Father’s words are always right and he warns us about adultery. And in his mind it is not good to marry someone, divorce them, and then to go back into a marriage with the original person. It is in the Bible. Read the Spiritual Couples page and you will fare better.
It was a major life mistake Brad, but I’m telling Jen about it and it is explained on the Spiritual Couples page and on the Justice for Women page. If he was willing to kiss another woman he didn’t have eternal love for you anyway. I don’t know. Adultery is stupid. And when you have it for real, you don’t do those things.
The only grounds for divorce is adultery and that’s from Y’sho Himself. And you can not remarry a person after marrying someone else. That is the bottom line with Our Father in Heaven. It happens with people but don’t look at it. They probably have all kinds of problems they don’t understand the source of. Because whenever do something contrary to Our Father’s instructions on what to do with you life with regards to marriage there are bound to be problems. Maybe not for you but for the other person.
Maybe you still love Jen, Brad, but I think she knows it’s not to do because you broke her trust.
Remember that next time.
Acting is a wonderful profession.
The bottom line is this. Do not do a love scene with someone other than your partner if you are married. Adultery is a disastrous mistake of epic proportions and someone always gets hurt.
So you’re fine are you? What message are you sending to people? Not a good one, that’s what.
ܗܝܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܠܗ ܝܫܘܥ ܙܠ ܠܟ ܣܛܢܐ ܟܬܝܒ ܓܝܪ ܕܠܡܪܝܐ ܐܠܗܟ ܬܣܓܘܕ ܘܠܗ ܒܠܚܘܕܘܗܝ ܬܦܠܘܚ
Matthew 4:10 Then Y’sho said unto him, “Go away, Satana! For, it is written: ‘You shall thesgud {worship, literally bow down to or cause to be venerated} Y’hayah and Him alone shall you serve!’ ” ( The Holy Aramaic Scriptures)
Link: tsgwd – ܬܣܓܘܕ follow the link inside
We are followers of The Messiah, we will not bow down to anyone but Y’hayah.
Y’sho worships Y’hayah and so do we.
We are Christians.
No, the story of Satan is not about The Tin Man, it is the story of a child of God who became evil. And for people who are perfect to begin with it is only intentional. It is impossible that Satan did not know what he was doing.
Satan has no excuse and neither does anyone else. We are created with a conscience and it tells us if something is wrong. But if we listen to Satan enough we can become like him, and actually start thinking that evil is good. is what I have built with help from God. We only love is who we are and what we are, and we receive the sacred spirit of God and are able to only love, and defeat Satan in the absolute sense, by defeating Satan’s evil thoughts that he programs into people.
In the end it will be God’s children vs the machine-heads, who have become like Satan. And God will save His children.
The future of the children of God is fantastical. We don’t know what we will build but it will approved by God first before we build it. And it will not harm the world God has created for us.
Psalms 37.29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any habitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars”.
And quite frankly, the glorious freedom of the children of God doesn’t require technology. Living in The Garden of Eden was effortless and everything was provided by Y’hayah Himself. (Y’hayah is Y’hayah, Our Sacred Father). God is just a word, Y’hayah is not the same as the image of God that Satan wants you to believe. Y’hayah is Our Sacred Father and Our Creator.
The word Meshikhi are to use for God at Genesis 1.1 is אב קדוש in Hebrew which means “Sacred Father”. Ab-kadush are the phonics in English for Sacred Father.
אייא Hebrew Y’hayah Hebrew word for God represented by a double yodh at Genesis 1.1
Y’hayah means “Sacred Father” אב קדוש Ab kadush in Hebrew. God is derived from Y’hayah.
For now we will use technology that is useful if it serves to help people in our current situation. This is with our Father’s approval. Some technology demonstrates the ingenuity and brilliance of people, who are created, and who build things with love to help people. Things that are made with love work well. Just don’t believe for a moment that technology is the ultimate solution to anything. A Paradise is what Our Father created and a Paradise the Earth will be. Y’sho will restore it, including restoring people completely, and then hand the finished work back to Our Father. This in fact what the scripture means. If Our Father wants us to build anything at this time, it will eclipse anything you are seeing today and we will build it with love.
We are identified by our love
1 Corinthian 13.8 Love never fails. But if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away with; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away with.
1 Corinthians 13.13 Now, however, these three remain. faith, hope, love; but the greatest of these is love.
Realistically, there are wonderful people and people you would not invite for lunch. But try to love them as children of God anyway.
Scriptural principal.
Do not be deceived. “Bad company corrupts good morals.” ~NASB
We are not obligated to associate with bad people. In fact, avoid contact with them.
Characteristics of people without the sacred spirit of God
2 Timothy 3.1-5 But mark this. There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
Only have faith that the tribulation foretold by Y’sho is at hand and that soon evil itself will be destroyed. All men and women and their children without the sacred spirit will be destroyed by God to eradicate evil from the Earth. And Satan is doing everything possible to convince people that God has a feminine side like the two-sex god Jehovah, so we don’t feel protected by Him as women. We need a Father or a husband to take care of us. And so Satan undermines the masculinity of Our Father in Heaven and His Son Y’sho without letup.
Seek the true God now and put faith in the Sacrifice of Y’sho and believe in your heart that Y’sho was resurrected from the dead by God, and you will be saved and live in a world without evil soon.
Praise God! Honor Y’sho!
Now put on power again and do not be afraid of machine heads (people without eternal love, without the sacred spirit, just avoid them and ignore them for what they are, machine heads like Satan.
What to do
Matthew 10.14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.
There is no grey area, and no fence to sit on anymore.
The last thing you are to say to them is
Remember God loves you and Y’sho love you.
Like it’s the last thing you will ever say to them, or the last thing they will ever hear.
Hear the words of Our Father in Heaven. “Maybe, they will yet listen”.
Only love people and God will do the rest.
Keep your heart soft.
We only love. It is who we are and what we are.
With love,
Encouragement from Y’sho and from me.
John 16.33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
T’Y’sho Sher
God is Life
Here is Satan’s charge about Job when challenging God.
Job 2.5 However, reach out with Your hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh; he will curse You to Your face!”
And so God allowed Satan to test Job.
Job 2.6 And Y’hayah said to Satan, “Behold he is in your hand but spare his life”.
This is the wedge Satan has attempted to place between Our Father and His children, and I am removing it today, August 29, 2021.
Christian suffering
If you suffer in this world for being a true Follower of The Christ, be proud of yourself. You are carrying the cross of Y’sho. Continue to magnify God above everything and praise Him for the glory given you. This is the attitude of Y’sho. Praise Y’hayah! Honor Y’sho! You are Meshikhi, a Follower of The Messiah.
Romans 8.18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Read every one of these scriptures about Christian suffering and put on power.
1 Peter 4.14 And if you are reproached for the sake of the name of The Messiah, you are blessed, because The Glorious Spirit of God rests upon you.
1 Peter 5.10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
1 Corinthians 10.13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
Galatians 3.28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Y’sho.
Do not be tempted to blame God.
Satan knows how to hack a woman’s soul in the most obscene way possible using Watch Tower that only women who have had this experience “in our time” can understand. Only eternal love for Our Father will save you. “Don’t touch her soul” says Abba. No matter what you think is happening and no matter what Satan does to your mind your soul is safe with Abba and everything you have treasured up in it.
Revelation 2022-01-07 The two hopes
The Little Flock
As proved on the page titled The Roman Jehovah, the Synagogue of Satan is Watch Tower along with Kabbalistic Judaism (not kosher Judaism).
Watch Tower tells people that there are only 144,000 who will go to Heaven. These are to be Kings and Priests before God. Note that The Bible says “Kings”.
Then they allow women to believe that they are anointed, part of this group, and the images of the 144,000 in the Watch Tower are only men, with beards and all.
Then Satan torments these women with it, of which I was one, because of having the Heavenly hope. Attacks are done by using the power of suggestion and electromagnetic spectrum attacks on the limbic nucleus of the brain, and tries to change their gender identity to neutral or masculine. Of course, as women, we know we are women. It is a very unholy experience.
Read the scripture and know the truth about going to Heaven, if that is your hope.
John 14:2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?
For the little flock. If you wish to stay on Earth with your wife it is no problem for Father. Another will go in your place. May you be blessed.
John 3:8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the spirit.”
The other sheep
I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.
Psalms 37:29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any habitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be “as numerous as the stars” and “as the sands of the sea”.
Obviously, The Earth could not contain that many people.
Watch Tower says “The Earth”, not “the land”, negating the Abrahamic promise and it is in the New World Translation (NWT) of The Bible, as evidence against them.
The Little Flock are the 144,000 while The Great Crowd consists of everyone else.
Meaning of Galatians 3.28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Y’sho.
All those in Christ must carry their cross. We have the sacred spirit of God, which gives us eternal love. And our love for Our Father must be unconditional.
For those at Watch Tower who believe they are anointed members of the 144,000. If you wish to stay on Earth with your wife it is no problem for Father. Another will go in your place. May you be blessed. I will not make you, nor let you go to Heaven, and left behind, a loveable one.
John 3:8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the spirit.”
This applies to everyone. Whatever your hope, remember God loves you and Y’sho loves you.
If you are aweful about things, then you can go to Heaven.
We are created in God’s image
People are created with a brain with its mind and a heart with its heart brain. The interaction between them is the soul. It’s what makes us a person.
Yes, the human heart, in addition to its other functions, actually possesses a heart-brain composed of about 40,000 neurons that can sense, feel, learn and remember. The heart brain sends messages to the head brain about how the body feels and more.
We must use our heart along with our reasoning power and thinking ability of our brain. Search your heart but use your brain.
Jeremiah 17.9 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
It’s interesting how Paul noted that we are God’s progeny from noting that we are not like idols made of wood and stone. That we are created in God’s image.
Acts 17.28 for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’
The reverse must also be true. God lives and moves and has His being, so was also created.
Acts 17.28 explains the existence of God.
And it’s funny that God examined his own brain with its mind and His own heart with its heart brain and created people.
And it’s funny that God never stops to think, how did I get a body that is so complex? How did I get a brain with its mind? How did I get a heart with its heart brain?
Do think you think it just happened God? Was it evolution God? Was it a product of chance God?
God has a perfect memory, but can’t remember a beginning. From time indefinite to time indefinite is God. A human baby cannot remember when it was conceived either.
It is natural to love. To love means to give love. God is infinite in love. It was natural for Him not to want to be alone with infinite love to give. And so He created the first person in Heaven, Y’sho. Once done, and because of His his perfect mind and perfect memory He knew He could repeat it. So He planned for His family. He taught Y’sho what He had found out about creating a person and they worked on creating the angels and then humans. Genesis 1.26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
The reason humans may not create artificial people is that they may not give the sacred spirit as God does. Anything created would be a monster controlled by Satan completely. And only God can create a soul. Note that Watch Tower teaches that people have no soul in contradiction with the scriptures (Psalms 103.1) along with the abomination of desolation (Isaiah 40.26 New World Translation) which states that God is the source of dynamic energy. See the page titled The Abomination of Desolation to learn to learn why it is an abomination.
Definition of a person
People are created with a brain with its mind and a heart with its heart brain. The interaction between them is the soul. It’s what makes us a person.
Also note Genesis 1.27
Genesis 1.27. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
In saying people do not have a soul, Watch Tower are saying that God has no soul because we are created in the image of God with a brain with its mind, a heart with it’s heart brain and a soul. This is what it means to be created in the image of God.
Psalms 103.1 Of David. Praise Y’hayah, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
God has a perfect memory but can’t remember a beginning. Therefore He has always existed. If He has always existed then it is logical that He will always exist.
This is the truth of God.
I have the sacred spirit of God, life itself from God and life can only be one way. We must have faith about it to defeat Satan completely. Yes, our soul can be restored if we do.
Isaiah 40.26 “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name. Because of his infinite power and strength, Not one of them is missing.
How God became Our Creator
The Prophecy about God’s Name (Zechariah 14.9)
Zechariah 14.9 In that day Y’hayah will be king over all the Earth and shall be one and His Name one. Y’hayah it shall be.
1 Corinthians 15.44b if there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.
God is a person like us, but perfect in every way and infinite in power and ability. The Bible says that He is a person who sits on a throne. This can not be denied. And if He is a person then Acts 17.28 applies to Him too. That God was created is as plain as the nose on His face. But there is no one else and nothing else to testify about it. We have faith in what can’t see, and so must God have faith that He was created, but the only thing left to testify is the sacred spirit and we can only receive it from God. God is love, and God is Spirit and God is life. Whatever happened and however God came to be, the only thing that remains is God.
People are created with a brain with its mind and a heart with its heart brain. The interaction between them is the soul. It’s what makes us a person.
God has a perfect memory but can’t remember a beginning. Therefore He has always existed. If He has always existed then it is logical that He will always exist.
From time indefinite to time indefinite He is God.
Therefore since God is Spirit, He created His body, but does not remember doing it, just as a baby does not remember being conceived, so God is.
There is no other logical explanation for the person of God and for His created people. He did it in such a way that life could be recreated and He would not be alone. In essence, God ceased to exist as He was, but could not die because He is life itself.
So it was with God as He was originally. Spirit only, love only and life only with infinite intelligence. So He reasoned it out.
This information even God did not know, but it was it was with the sacred spirit of God, like a message in a bottle. And now Father, you are not alone anymore and we love you. Thank you for our life.
Your family, your children.
With love.
Fact 1 God has a body
Fact 2 God has a perfect memory but can remember a beginning
Anything God can imagine can become reality. It may be because it is the same spirit that He has always had that at some point he will recall transforming Himself and creating His body. But it may only have been a moment in time when He decided to try it, an artistic moment, a moment of genius beyond imagining when He put it all together in His mind and it became His reality. No one may ever know, but if He does remember He will explain it in the New World.
40 years ago, I imagined what it was like to be an anthropomorphic being and it was profound to me. I now understand that when God created people in His image, He created more than He expected. He created beings able to understand His very existence before He created His body. I actually experienced the reality of the life of God before he had a body. A distant memory of Himself. I never thought I was I was God in any way at all. But I may have glimpsed the ancient mind of God. He has always been my reality and I have often told Him, You are my life. How profound those words are now. I would never want to live without my Father in Heaven, Our Father in Heaven.
I give you new scriptures.
From time idefininite God was only spirit. From time indefinite was the person we know as God and God was life itself.
But God was alone. And so God created Himself a body, so as not to be a person who was only an anthropomorphic person anymore but a person who could be with other people.
And He gave His children His spirit and since they were made in God’s image and had His spirit, eventually understood entirely, the person of God.
He is the the same person, spirit only, just as He was when He was anthropomorphic, just in a different form, that He created Himself.
And it is just like Him to do so. Always creating something new.
Never doubt this sacred knowledge of life.
God is Life.
I have understood the nature of life itself, or should I say Life Himself, Our Father Y’hayah.
I love you Father, no matter what I ever lost in this world, there was always one light that remained, and that was you Father. And your love made me strong. You are my life Father and now you know what I mean when I say you are my life. All of this Father was inspired by love, something we share. Love is eternal Father and that’s how I know these things. You are so precious to me. And I appreciate your love.
Your Daughter,
תישוע שחר T’Y’sho, Sher
God is love. And I felt His soul. Meaning I felt everything about Him, in my soul. It’s a result of being created in His image in some way. And it has something to do with the fact that we love because He does.
The profound lyric “I’d find you again, it was all prearranged”, cannot be explained. I have had no past lives, nor am I ancient. But I have experienced feeling ancient, as I have explained. It is just a poetic way of saying something profound. God’s love is eternal. It is who and what He is as a person. And proves He is a person. Because His children can sense in themselves, everything about His very soul and His love.
The riddle of anthropomorphism
In 1984 I began to study my mind. It is now 2022-03-09
Love is diametrically opposite to evil. That means that they may not coexist and are naturally opposed.
Evil is an empty vaccum. It only consumes, but cannot be satisfied because it is always empty, like the emptiness of space. The first manifestation of evil was in The Garden of Eden. The one who has no love, begins to try to fill an empty void. Of course this is impossible. In the mind of the one who does this, they believe that there will be an entity that they will become diametrically opposite to God but equally powerful. It a delusion. It is created in the mind of the evil one and so they must do things that feed their ego, with the belief that they will eventually become like God, but diametrically opposite, but equal in power. This a delusion only. There is nothing but emptiness in reality. Satan attempted to draw me into my mind, to such a degree that I would believe I was an anthropomorphic person. This process began in 1984 as I searched for God. I actually had an anthropomorphic experience mentally and became anthropomorphically aware. I could see, so I could look, and that was where my awareness was. But where we feel was where the heart is and I believe I glimpsed my soul. There exists the brain with its mind, the heart with its heartbrain and the interaction between the two, is the soul.
This is another song I wrote long ago, sung in a higher register. It’s about me and Father.
I am the sword
You are the flame
I felt your soul
But I didn’t know your name
For a thousand years
And a thousand nights
I looked in the sky
For a sign of your light
Your beauty endured
Your love never changed
I’d find you again
It was all prearranged
With every spark
Of love burned away
There would always be one
Light that remained
I am the sword
You are the flame
I felt your soul
But I didn’t know your name
For a thousand years
And a thousand nights
I looked in the sky
For a sign of your light
I am the sword
You are the flame
I felt your soul
But I didn’t know your name
With a love that burned
For a thousand years
Tempered the steel
And dried all the tears
Dedicated to Our Father in Heaven, Y’hayah, who forged me with a love that is to time indefinite so that I could destroy Satan before he destroyed me. This song is also dedicated to His Son, Y’sho, who knew that there would be a person, so impossibly imperfect and slow as ice melting in the spring, facing a million year old Cherub bent on destroying me, target one. So Y’sho became target one for me and for everyone Satan would try to destroy. How can I express my love, I can’t.
Always remember, God is Justice.
Sometimes with Father, I’m a mature woman, a Meshikhi. Sometimes I’m just a little girl. All I know is that I wouldn’t want to live without Him.
I love you forever Father.
I didn’t know when, it would be time to leave. Or which way the wind would take me. (Do not misinterpret my lyrics, they are poetic only). Ruah is the word meaning “spirit”, NOT wind).
Does God have a body or is it simply anthropomorphism?
Solomon’s statement about God’s infinite power is not a statement about anthropomorphism. This is confirmed by Moses, who is an eyewitness of God’s Glory. Further proof, God’s dwelling is in Heaven and thousands of thousands of angels gather before His throne. Even further evidence, Y’sho also has a throne given to Him by God and it is at the right hand of God’s throne. These are the facts.
2 Chronicles 16.18 (Solomon) “But will God really dwell with mankind on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain You; how much less this house which I have built!
Exodus 33.18 (Moses) And he said, “show me please your glory”.
Exodus 33.19-23 And He said, “I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of Y’hayah before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion to whom I will show compassion.” 20 But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” 21 Then Y’hayah said, “There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock. 22 When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. 23 Then I will take My hand away and you shall see My back, but My face shall not be seen.”
No human may see God’s actual face, God doesn’t want anyone to create an image of Him that humans would invariably venerate.
Exodus 34.5 And Y’hayah descended in the cloud and stood there with him as he called upon the name of Y’hayah.
Exodus 34.6 Then Y’hayah passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “Y’hayah, Y’hayah God, compassionate and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in faithfulness and truth;
He had already told Moses that no human could see God’s face and yet live, so God concealed Himself in the cloud.
In 1984 I began to study my mind. It is now 2022-03-09
Love is diametrically opposite to evil. That means that they may not coexist and are naturally opposed.
Evil is an empty vaccum. It only consumes, but cannot be satisfied because it is always empty, like the emptiness of space. The first manifestation of evil was in The Garden of Eden. The one who has no love, begins to try to fill an empty void. Of course, this is impossible. In the mind of the one who does this, they believe that there will be an entity that they will become diametrically opposite to God but equally powerful. It a delusion. It is created in the mind of the evil one and so they must do things that feed their ego, with the belief that they will eventually become like God, but diametrically opposite, but equal in power. This a delusion only. There is nothing but emptiness in reality. Satan attempted to draw me into my mind, to such a degree that I would believe I was an anthropomorphic person. This process began in 1984 as I searched for God. I actually had an anthropomorphic experience mentally and became anthropomorphically aware. I could see, so I could look, and that was where my awareness was. But where we feel was where the heart is and I believe I glimpsed my soul. There exists the brain with its mind, the heart with its heartbrain and the interaction between the two, is the soul.
Satan sucks and Our Father is diametrically opposite because God is love, ahabah in Hebrew. Ahabah primarily means to give love.
So, having concluded that God is love, and Satan is evil, so I concluded that evil is a form of death.
An anthropomorphic mind trap is worse. When I had the antropomoriphic experience I looked around there was no one there, scattered light field. And so, possibly fear caused me to return to myself. Satan wants to get people into an anthropomorphic state in their mind and trap them there. They would be absolutely alone in this state for as long as they were physically alive. This is why those who study science of mind must stop immediately, or Satan will trap you in this way.
God is a person
Isaiah 40.26 “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name. Because of his infinite power and strength, Not one of them is missing.
God is a person like us but perfect, with infinite power and ability. He has a heart, a mind and a soul. We also have a heart, mind and soul. This is what being made in His image means and why people who think about these things are spiritual in nature and sense that He exists (not to mention all of the perfect science evident in Creation). All people, starting with Y’sho, were created from God’s understanding of what made Him alive, a living person. He is our Father, not something abstract. Until the time He brought Y’sho into existence, He was alone. Why He brought people into existence is obvious. Now you know why we exist. Because God is a person who wants people in His life and loves having people in His life. The Bible says that God is love because He has an infinite amount of love to give. And it’s only natural to love Him back. God’s dwelling is in Heaven but He can be aware of more than one place at one time. He can look anywhere He wants and be cognizant of it instantly, an unlimited number of times at once. His vision is such that He can see the physical world from a distance or down to the particle level at the same time if He wants to. All of His senses are like this. He can also communicate with an unlimited number of people at the same time, one on one. This is because He is a parallel being and able to do any number of things at the same time infinitely. He knows everything about everything “at the same time”.
Definition of Parallel
Something that occurs in parallel with something else occurs at the same time as it.
To worship Our Father is to adore Him and to want to spend time with Him.
How much time you want to spend with God is a personal thing. Even taking time to pray to Him and tell Him you love Him when your heart moves you to. He is a kind and loving Father who loves to hear from His children and loves being part of their life.
How Y’sho and the rest of God’s children in Heaven feel about Our Father and why there are always angels before Him. Thousands of thousands at a time (Revelation 5.11). They are not ordered to be there.
They only love being with Him.
We are wonders of Creation
Life does not come from non-life and there has never been a scientific experiment that has proved otherwise. And there never will be.
It’s written everywhere and on every thing. God loves you.
Modern genetics and molecular biology have provided ample evidence of the highly complex and interdependent relationships between DNA, RNA, and protein. These findings imply that life depends on having all these elements simultaneously. Thus, life could never have come about spontaneously by chance.
The only reasonable explanation is that a supremely intelligent Creator coded the instructions in DNA and simultaneously made the fully formed proteins. The interaction between them was so well devised that once begun, this process would ensure that proteins would continue to copy DNA to make more genes, while other proteins would decode genes to make more proteins.
For the first life-form to continue, it had to be able to reproduce, to make copies of itself. One professor of chemistry said that among the things needed would be
(1) a protective membrane,
(2) the ability to get and process energy,
(3) information in the genes, and
(4) the ability to make copies of that information.
“One is struck by the complexity of even the simplest form of life.”
Humans are endowed with a special nervous system to sense love and tenderness, reports the German scientific journal Bild der Wissenschaft. Swedish scientists discovered that a woman who had lost her main touch receptors still felt a pleasant sensation when stroked with a soft paintbrush. This sense of pleasure, they found, was evoked by a second nerve network in the skin, consisting of slow-conducting fibers called tactile C fibers. The network only responds to a gentle touch and activates those brain areas dealing with emotions. Commenting on why humans might have two different sets of nerves, the International Herald Tribune states. “The slow fibers function from the earliest hours of life, perhaps even in the womb, while the fast fibers develop slowly after birth. Newborns might be able to feel the love in a parent’s touch before they can feel the touch itself.”
One important reason is so we can have emotional love with our mate in complete privacy. (Complete privacy means God is not watching) The Bible is explicit about what not to do sexually. Nothing else is required but the Bible’s clear instructions. (2 Timothy 3.16,17)
Because of His limitless power and perfect memory, anything Y’hayah can imagine can become reality. He materializes things from the infinite invisible energy environment around Him. He created everything in Heaven. This is not the same as physical energy which Y’hayah created and then materialized (a new creation). Y’hayah created everything including particles.
The materials of the human body are from the Earth, but life is from God. This is the difference between a rock and person. Y’hayah created man from the dust of the ground and “then” breathed into Him the breath of life. This is scriptural. Y’hayah started the breathing process and gave Adam the Sacred Spirit.
Why The Messiah is needed
You are wondering why things are the way they are.
How do you express your love and gratitude to your parents? The answer is simple. by respecting and honoring them.
Why, God? – Our first parents broke God’s perfect law based on love. God could have programmed us to obey Him. But He didn’t. We must accept God as Our Father of our own free will because of His love for us and our love for Him. And if we want Him as Our Father, we must accept His right to set boundaries for us, boundaries that are set to benefit all of Our Father’s created children and to protect us from anything that might harm us or others. They didn’t love Him enough to listen to Him despite the overwhelming evidence of His love for them and everything He had told them. Simple instructions that would result in a life full of love, laughter and happiness. Love is natural. If someone loves us and gives evidence of their love for us, it is natural to love them back. Such is the case with Our Father. We will now examine if Eve knew the boundary and what would happen if she decided that she didn’t want to accept that boundary. We will also learn the identification in the Bible of “the serpent” who promotes independence from Our Father and disobedience to Our Father which ultimately results in death. Our Father does not cause people to suffer, grow old and die. It is because of a choice made by our first parents Adam and Eve.
Identifying the serpent in The Garden of Eden
Revelation 12.9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.
Satan means “resister” and devil means “slanderer”.
Satan implies that God lies while the Bible states clearly that God cannot lie (Titus 1.2). To do so would undermine Himself. He is subject to His own Laws.
Eve states God’s explicit warning about the tree of life.
Genesis 3.2,3 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’
Genesis 3.4,5 The serpent said to the woman, “You certainly will not die! 5 For God knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will become like God, knowing good and evil.”
Genesis 3.6 When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took some of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband with her, and he ate.
This is where Eve’s love for Our Father was tested. It entered into her heart that maybe she didn’t need Our Father or to listen to Him. Something profound happened. Note the marked change in Eve. She made a conscious decision not to listen to her Father. She no longer wanted to. She would decide for herself what was good and what was evil. Note that she did not communicate with Our Father at any time while this was happening.
It is entirely possible that Satan knew something about Adam and Eve by watching them and finding their weakness, that their love for Our Father was not very pronounced. Perhaps they never mentioned Our Father in conversation (He had given them everything) or only talked to Our Father during the breezy part of the afternoon as a ritual. Adam was not deceived, He just saw that Eve didn’t immediately die and so went ahead and joined her. They were probably thinking, wow, we’re still in Paradise and we’re still alive! God later banished them from the Paradise Garden of Eden and they eventually died. They chose to disobey Our Father of their own free will. No one forced them. These were not imperfect people making an innocent mistake, but perfect people with full knowledge of what they were doing. Their perfect consciences would have warned them explicitly that what they were about to do was wrong. They were warned what would happen if they did. They would die like the animals they had seen die. This was the tree of life (Genesis 3.22) and it represented their life given to them by God. God made it abundantly clear to them what it represented. It was their Father who had given them that life, the one who had lavished them with His love by giving them the paradise and giving them free will to chose to obey Him out of love, not for any other reason. God doesn’t force anyone to love Him.
Romans 5.12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all mankind, because all sinned—
Romans 5.15 But the free gift [of God] is not like the trespass [because the gift of grace overwhelms the fall of man]. For if many died by one man’s trespass [Adam’s sin], much more [abundantly] did God’s grace and the gift [that comes] by the grace of the one Man, Y’sho Christ, overflow to [benefit] the many.
The innocence of God.
God is love (1 John 4.8). And only love.
This is proof that God had not used His ability to know in advance what would happen. God was so innocent until that moment that He could not even imagine one of His children in Heaven doing such a thing.
Now you know the difference between good and evil. God is love and Satan is the manifestation of evil for the first time in the history of creation.
And so Satan began his resistance against God and his slander of God in The Garden of Eden, starting with Adam and Eve. Free will with no boundaries and independence from God are what Satan promotes and many people in Heaven followed him and many people on Earth follow him with disastrous results to the human family. Satan also teaches people that they can decide for themselves what is good and what is evil.
Now you know why everything happened and why everything that transpired afterwards was necessary.
What Our Father has done to restore the relationship between mankind and Him.
John 3.16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
God sent His best, the first of His created children in Heaven, with a soul that would not fail because of His perfect love for God. He would love God enough to obey Him out of love for Him to the point of death. Y’sho proved the extent to which we must love God and others, fulfilling God’s universal law based on love. God is Sacred and His law based on love is perfect. Faith in the Sacrifice of Y’sho is now required for eternal life. His life did two things. He fulfilled the Mosaic law and replaced it with God’s original law based on love. Faith in the Sacrifice of Y’sho is the only thing God will accept for us to have eternal life. By putting faith in the Sacrifice of Y’sho, we are accepting God’s universal law based on love and understanding the cost of our life. Out of love, God provided a perfect life in exchange for Adam’s perfect life to save Adam and Eve’s children from sin and death. No number of imperfect lives could pay the price for one eternal life, not even the twenty billion people who have lived so far, not even any amount who will ever live. Y’sho wanted to do this for us because He knew that God cannot die, so he stepped forward and said “Here I am Father, send me.” He volunteered (Isaiah 6.8). This is why we can live again. They both love us that much.
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Y’sho is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
You can’t declare Y’sho is Lord unless you know who He is and what the word “Lord” means. You must also put faith in the resurrection of Y’sho, which is the guarantee that we can live forever. The Sacrifice of Y’sho is the only way to be reconciled to God. This is because the only thing that removes sin completely is the shed blood of Y’sho.
The Bible is provided by God for our benefit.
2 Timothy 3.16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Acts 15.29 is the bottom line for Christians. See the page titled Becoming Meshikhi under the subheading The Bottom Line for Christians. You must accept these boundaries to survive into the Paradise to come.
Psalms 37.29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any habitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Abraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars”.
In the video you heard a reference to the angel of the LORD. When you see the LORD in capital letters in a Bible it is referring to Y’hayah the True God. There is only one Lord, Y’sho The Messiah (Ephesians 4.5).
The Apostasy foretold in the Bible and The Man of Lawlessness revealed

2 Thessalonians 2.3 No one is to deceive you in any way! For it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,
Jesus Christ, the new false god created in the Nicene Creed
I believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is, visible and unvisible.
I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
The only begotten son of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
325 C.E. The First Council of Nicaea
The Roman Religion became the official state religion. This was the prelude to the apostasy foretold in the Bible (2 Thessalonians 2.3) that is prevalent today. Many religions, even some of Judaism are being indoctrinated with the Nicene creed. The Nicene creed is more precisely the foretold apostasy, making Y’sho also God and changing His Name to Jesus Christ. The Roman Religion now had control of the world.
Jesus Christ is the name of the false god created in the Nicene Creed.
Exodus 23.13 “Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips.
Therefore never call Y’sho The Messiah by the name Jesus Christ.
Christ comes from the Greek word χριστός (chrīstós), meaning “anointed one”. The word is derived from the Greek verb χρίω (chrī́ō), meaning “to anoint.” In the Greek Septuagint, christos was used to translate the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (Mašíaḥ, messiah), meaning “[one who is] anointed”.
Therefore it is no problem to say Y’sho Christ or Christ Y’sho.
Matthew 16.16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Y’sho is the first of God’s created children. Before Y’sho was created God was alone.
Y’sho the True Messiah
The reason we use the Name Y’sho is because it means “Salvation”.
“sus” in English means swine or “bearded pig” according to online dictionary.
The /s/ was added in Greek to indicate masculine with no wrong intention by the translators at the time of translation. But since Greek is not universally translated with the /s/ we do not use it.
- Matthew 1.1 Ἰησοῦ (Latin transliteration Iēsoû “Y’sho”)
- Matthew 1.21,25 Ἰησοῦν (Latin transliteration Iēsoûn )
- Matthew 3.13 Ἰησοῦς (Latin transliteration Iēsoûs )
Ἰησοῦ is a name, it is not a noun. He is not “the Y’sho” and He is not “a Y’sho”. He is a person whose name is Y’sho. No letters should be added to the end of His Name. We know He is masculine, we don’t need an /s/ added to the end of His name to tell us that He is masculine.
Let’s try it with the name Bob.
- This is a story about Bob.
- His parents named him Bobn.
- One day, Bobs was walking down the street.
- Every morning, Bobs would go to a private place and call himself on the phone.
- People said that Bobs himself was also his father.
Would you believe this story?
This is Bible translation and Bible doctrine, believe it or not. And they will write a novel to try to explain it.
There is no “Jesus” Christ at all. There is only Y’sho Christ and He is not His Father and Y’sho Christ does not pray to Himself, does not worship Himself or think that He is God. Y’sho is not God. Y’sho is The Son of God. Y’sho is Lord.
Y’sho is the first of God’s created children, the beginning of the Creation by God. Colossians 1.15, Revelation 3.14
If you say that Jesus is God you know nothing and also deny the Sacrifice of God’s Only Begotten Son Y’sho for your sins and you are not saved.
John 20.17 Y’sho said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”
Matthew 7.22,23 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, “Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness”.
2 Thessalonians 2.1-3 Concerning the coming of our Lord Y’sho Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,
The apostasy has come and now the man of lawlessness, the son of destruction, Satan himself, has been revealed on this website by the power of God. By removing the vowels in the Masoretic text and Hebrew Bible, Satan’s name Hillel was revealed and his connection to Hillel the Elder who is directly linked to Kabbalism (Jewish mysticism, magic and the occult) and that the name Yehovah/Jehovah is Kabbalistic. Neither Yehovah nor Jehovah are God either. See the page titled The Roman Religion II for proof of this.
Also, Hebrew names in the Bible have meaning that can be lost in translation or transliteration, rendering them meaningless. We don’t want to lose the meaning of Our Lord’s Name.
The Name Y’sho means “Salvation”.
Accurate Translation of John 1.1 from Koine Greek
Koine Greek
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
Greek transliteration
En arkhêi ên ho lógos, kaì ho lógos ên pròs tòn theón, kaì theòs ên ho lógos.
Note that theón and theòs are not the same.
John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God,
and godly was The Word.
In the beginning is referring to the beginning of the Creation. Y’sho is The Word, a title given to Him by God.
I knew since Sunday school, putting together a cut out wooden figurine of Y’sho with moving arms and legs and making Him walk, that God was one person and Y’sho was another person. Keep in mind when I learned he was the Son of God, I did not know doctrine but even as a child I knew what a son was. There was no doctrine involved. Y’sho was God’s son and that’s all He was and it was inculcated in me. A profound and simple truth that a child can understand. Two people, a father and his son.
Matthew 18.3 And he said. “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Now please read the home page if you haven’t already done so.
With love.
Satan is now desperate to create a dual God and if he can, a dual gender God
Satan will try to tell you that God is existing as an entity and with a body in parallel. Do not believe Satan O Isra’al.
God is a person and only exists in one reality, not two. As you will read on the page titled Instability in The Middle East Satan is bent and determined to convince God’s children, that their God is a dual God, a two in one. And Satan is doing everything in His power to convince you and has convinced most of the world with The Roman Jesus which I have disproved absolutely. Satan uses language tricks and linguists and translators and transliterators who are agents of Satan and uses phonological evolution to his advantage to accomplish this end. Pay attention and listen to me O Isra’al, the one who has brought you the Name of Our Father in Heaven, Y’hayah.
I have proven it absolutely on the home page and on the Instability in The Middle East page.
Deuteronomy 6.4,5
4 Hear Israel, Y’hayah our God. Y’hayah is one.
5 And you shall love Y’hayah your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
If anyone says that Our Father in Heaven is dual in anyway they are from Satan himself or have been compromised by Satan and must realize this fact. I know, because Satan tried to compromise me years ago, encasing me in chrysolite in an all out attack. But God sent Y’sho to rescue me, but the damage was done. Only by faith in Our Father and by the power of the sacred spirit was able to undo the result of Satan’s attack.
God is one only, a person like us, but with infinite power and ability. Do not believe in anything that would indicate that He is other than one person only and that He is singular, masculine only. Check every syllable of every Hebrew word that you believe would indicate otherwise and check its etymology.
Have I not exposed the entire ancient Roman Religion on this website? Be wise you who are Meshikhi and pay attention to what I am saying.
Our Father is male, and anything else wouldn’t feel natural to us.
A man is a man, and we love them that way. 100% masculine is natural and is how men will be in the Paradise to come. No feminization in the womb issues will exist due to estrogens introduced into the environment and into our food and no masculinization in the womb will occur either due to fear while pregnant and causes a spike in adrenaline and a boost in testosterone, and other deep things of Satan anymore.
We only love will help men understand women and women understand men and everyone to understand God and His sons.
I am here to help everyone understand everything.
Y’sho is 100% masculine, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Observe Y’sho closely in The Bible and how He treated women. Gentle, spiritual, kind, gallant. 100% masculine. (He’s taken ladies) That is the nature of a man who only loves.
I am 100% feminine and I have the soul of a woman, and I know why I was created. To be helper, a compliment and to make a man happy.
And to love him unconditionally.
And that’s how I feel about Y’sho.
And we must love Our Father unconditionally.
Because as the scripture says, without love, I’m nothing.
To love is to want to give love.
Our love is what Satan wants to take away. He uses violent things, crude things, vulgar things, gross things, aweful things and every kind of evil. Now you know ladies why Father sets the boundary, no sex between unmarried people. You need time to see what kind of person you are getting involved with, some things take time to notice. And marriage is supposed to be eternal, and nothing less. Because real love is eternal. Those who won’t accept this as one of the few and reasonable boundaries of Our Father can not live in the Future Paradise because they would disrupt the peace of Our Family. God has made a lot of promises in the Bible for people who will accept being part of a loving family. And He can’t keep those promises if he allows those with the traits mentioned earlier to continue. Independence from Our Father in Heaven only leads to division and conflict and that is a fact of life. And those who don’t want to be a part of God’s family or to be one of His children, like Satan, well, it’s an eventually that without love, the sacred spirit of
God, they would end up just like Satan. God is love. That is scriptural. God is spirit. That is also scriptural. And I believe I have proven that there’s enough evidence to prove absolutely that God is Life.
And it is natural for love to want to destroy evil and to destroy evil. Because they are diametrically opposite. God is a person, with feelings. But He is perfect in love to the infinite degree, and we are not. And people who choose Satan’s destructive way, become evil eventually.
In our relationships with other people, we either positively affect the lives of others or negatively affect the lives of others in a myriad of ways, there is no neutral exchange, in other words there is no middle ground where love and evil agree, this is because love and evil are diametric opposites. We don’t play politics on this subject and we don’t argue as lawyers on this subject, as Satan does. Of course, God knows we are imperfect, but as the scripture says, “love covers over many sins”.
The question of the ages and I have posed it to God and I know the answer, but will let Him have the final word. I say God’s spirit is love. He is a person with many qualities like us, multi-faceted. Why is it that once we have the sacred spirit from God are we able to only love. Why, because we start to understand Our Father’s soul, but more, we start to reflect Him, like a mirror. Not perfect by any means, but we can be perfectly loving, with loving intent, as opposed to Satan, who has nothing but evil intent. And so the diametric war of love vs evil, is natural, is not violent in any way, it is just a fact of life. Love is naturally opposed to evil. They are polar opposites and cannot coexist together.
God does not hate people. He only hates their evil actions. And unfortunately, if they persist and become like Satan with only evil intent and actually become evil like him, it is just a fact of life that they must be destroyed. But if you have read about Our Father what I have written on the page titled The True God Y’hayah, then you know, if there is one receptive neuron in your heart that is capable of love or any hope of redemption until the last moment at
Armaggedon you might saved if you start to appreciate life and The Sacrifice of Y’sho that makes eternal life possible again for the children of God. Til the last moment God, will search every heart, every mind and every soul with His infinite power in parallel and will know if they have accepted His love and The Sacrifice of His Son, which makes life possible. There is no middle ground between love and evil and no fence to sit on. Love leads to life, evil leads to death. This is a simple fact of life whether you accept it or not. Meshikhi do not sit on any fence, making our choices in life, because we are aware, there is no fence to sit on. But that’s not our reason. There is enough evidence in Creation, in The Bible and from personal experience and definitively The Sacrifice of Y’sho, that God loves us. It is only natural, to love Him back. We have no ulterior motive because we are transparent to God and He sees through such evil, like looking through a window that has no glass.
Women like eros, but we can live without it. But we can’t live without love. That’s what I chose. There is no eros in Heaven or any means to have it. There is only love.
As for Y’sho, I love Him unconditionally, I love His soul. And I only need to hear His voice tell me that He loves me. He is my happiness.
And I love my Father also, unconditionally, He is my life.
For the things that happen while under trials, there’s really nothing to forgive. There is only love.
This is for you husbands and wives. Solomon, given the wisdom of God, could not understand the ways of a maiden. Think carefully on this. And neither can our Father or Y’sho. Isn’t it fun this way?
That’s one for the girls. Just figure out you guys hahahahahahahahaha
For women, listen carefully. If you just felt something about it, read this now. And as a matter of fact all women should read it and then return to this and continue reading.
Now reread this page and read again about what Satan’s trying to do. And never blame God. If you read the page titled Y’hayah The True God immediately afterwards and understand what’s happening, you will know the real issue. Satan is the enemy, O children of God. Not God, and not each other. We only love. Satan is the one who doesn’t like our Father or Our Family and wants to make you believe in a mafia family, an evil thought indeed. And look where it got him.
Now here is your answer, ladies. Our Father identifies Himself as masculine in The Bible. But He is not “a human man”. If you don’t understand this you will be susceptible to Satan’s attacks and actually be tempted to blame God. There is neither male nor female in Christ and that is that, it is scriptural. We all must recognize that love for Our Father is natural. He loves us, and it is only natural to love Him back. Here is where you gain wisdom. Look closely at Y’sho again, but this time, at His Sacrifice. That is the standard of love. He did not lose His love for God or blame God even while being tortured on the cross and tormented by Satan and the demons. Nor did He lose His love for us. It wasn’t just physical pain, as the evil ones with Satan like to make you think by having themselves nailed to crosses down in Mexico while Satan leaves them alone and sits on the sidelines and laughs and cheers them on. No, Y’sho was tortured spiritually also.
By observing Y’sho closely I have learned to carry my cross and it is a walk in the park compared to His. He was so beaten up and exhausted from a nightmare night in the court of the religious leaders, He couldn’t even carry His cross and they had to get someone else to carry it. This was the condition Y’sho was in when He was put up on that cross. NOT what they teach these days is it? And God had to watch every moment of it and will remember it forever because He has a perfect memory and has to memorize every moment of a person’s life, so that if we die, He can recreate us.
Satan plays down everything about a Christian, everything about the suffering of Our Lord on the cross and is constantly at work to prevent you from finding out the truth.
So, do you want to be part of a family of people who only love, with a loving caring Father who only wants you to have the best life possible, or do you like Satan’s idea of what life is, crude, vulgar, gross and violent, without real love, just a cheap imitation of real love.
We all have to decide for ourselves about life and Our Father will not try to force anyone to love Him, because love is natural and doesn’t NEED to be forced. It just happens. If you read about the Sacrifice of Y’sho in The Bible and are not moved by His fierce love for God and for us, you are almost dead already. You might want to think about life a bit and what it is really all about and well, maybe think about those few and reasonable boundaries of Our Father and maybe even accept them for what they are. A way for everyone to be happy and to have a life full of joy, love and laughter. His boundaries are for the benefit of all people. And that’s reasonable.
To remove evil from your life, you have to hate it and you have to only love. It is the only way.
Then ladies, you won’t think Father doesn’t understand, you will understand what Satan is trying to do. A real Meshikhi woman has unconditional love, wants to be a helper, a compliment and to make a man happy, and has unconditional love for God.
And I believe you men are now understanding as well.
Meshikhi women want gentle, spiritual kind and gallant with unconditional love for Our Father, like Y’sho has. That’s a real man. And most of all we want one that is humble and has MERCY. Take your time ladies and look for humble and merciful. That’s my advice. Just as love without mercy isn’t complete, so humility without mercy isn’t complete. Don’t get me wrong, humble is an extremely attractive quality but add mercy and you will be on the moon. It can take years to find it ladies, but it is so worth it I can’t even begin to tell you. Once you are sure the guy has that in him, THEN, go for it.
Father and Y’sho are male only. And only women know what that means. Right ladies?
And Satan doesn’t want you to put it all together and come to a reasonable and logical conclusion about life.
Love is The Way. Not some religious slogan called “The Way”. And Y’sho is The Way and The Truth and The Life. He is the standard of what a created person should be.
And Y’sho was taught everything by Our Father in Heaven, Y’hayah. Are you starting to see the value of learning from Y’sho’s example?
Remember that Satan is the ruler of the world according to The Bible and Satan is the one with the low standard of life. He uses the power of suggestion over a long period of time using all the tools of the trade, including debased entertainment, violent entertainment, immoral entertainment and something you don’t want to know but I am telling you now. He uses his knowledge of the juxtaposition of words and the art of comedy to make you think that all of these things are not just funny but perfectly acceptable and just the way people are. And he makes everyone laugh together because he knows that laughing is a sociological response. We’re all laughing together. “It’s all good”, Satan says and that’s his slogan.
Do you want to be programmed by Satan with a laugh track? Or would you prefer to be a real person.
Hope you can put it all together.
Meshikhi Playlist
The music on this website has been carefully chosen and will make you strong when you are weak. Every time you listen to The Meshikhi Playlist, you will be reminded of God’s love for you. When you listen you are praising God and will feel His love. And no evil can touch you.
And you will understand the power of praising God.
Always pray for all of God’s children, even Y’sho, our oldest brother. And Father will tell Y’sho and Y’sho will be encouraged.
I have prayed for you. Remember you are my little ones always in my heart.
Never be afraid. Even if you feel that God is not there, He is. He knows when to watch over your soul. He senses if you need Him and He is only a thought away. Even though He is above the Earth and a million miles away to the East, He is so powerful, the distance is nothing to Him.
Pray to Our Father in Heaven and Y’sho will provide the things you need.
One day into eternity, we will love Our Father as much as Y’sho does right now. Just remember that Y’sho is the only begotten and that He is the one that suffered. Love is not a competition. This the truth. And love is Eternal.
Do not flip your Bible and read random verses hoping for enlightenment or a message from Father. It is the equivalent of playing Russian Roulette. You might take one in the head. You might read a scripture that condemns, when in fact, Father only loves you. Scripture flipping is not to do. The Bible warns about worshiping the god of Good Luck and if you play Bible roulette, that is precisely what you are doing and it is an insult to Father’s love. Bible roulette is not good for you mentally or spiritually or emotionally.
Now for the truth about The Tree of Life in The Garden of Eden. Before God created His body, he planned everything in advance and accounted for the possibility that evil might be manifested in one of His children and it happened with Satan. So, Father, being who He is, thought of every possibility to the infinite degree in parallel and made a contingency plan for this possibility and also thought of it in case evil might be manifested in one of His children on Earth. What you have just learned is partial knowledge, and it is very complex. But in my mind I know the absolute truth about God Himself. God is Life.
The paradox Satan tried to create.
God created His children in Heaven. But He’s not stupid. He wasn’t about to give them infinite power and He accounted for the fact, with absolute free will, that evil might manifest itself in one of His children in Heaven. And it happened. This the first part of the paradox.
God created His children on Earth. But He’s not stupid. He foresaw the possibility that if evil manifested itself in one of His children in Heaven, everything up until now might transpire. God knows everything about existence and reality and parallelism and anything else you can imagine to the infinite degree. And He thought of every possibility that might happen until now, and he anticipated everything to the infinite degree.
The Paradox
What did Satan say to Eve in the Garden of Eden? You will be like God, knowing good and evil. He did this to tempt Eve into independence from God. And this was Eve’s decision. She decided “She would decide for herself”.
As you learned earlier.
This is where Eve’s love for Our Father was tested. It entered into her heart that maybe she didn’t need Our Father or to listen to Him. Something profound happened. Note the marked change in Eve. She made a conscious decision not to listen to her Father. She no longer wanted to. She would decide for herself what was good and what was evil. Note that she did not communicate with Our Father at any time while this was happening.
Ending the Paradox
God does not “know evil” nor is it possible for Him to have an evil thought, He is diametrically opposite to evil. All God knows is that anything that is diametrically opposite of love, is evil. Therefore anyone opposed to Him is evil. Because God is love, as I have proven.
Here is the bigger lie Satan wants you to believe. He wants you to believe that there was a way that God could have foreseen the incident in the Garden of Eden and prevented it by warning Adam and Eve, and that the necessity of The Sacrifice of Y’sho could have been avoided or averted.
While God is innocent of knowing evil, he is not stupid in any way, shape or form.
This is how to end the Paradox. God is love. Anything, any thought, in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie.
If it was possible for God to prevent the events that transpired in The Garden of Eden, He would have. And if it was possible for God to back in time and warn Adam and Eve, He would have.
Time is like a river, it just goes on and on. There’s only one direction, and when it’s gone, it’s gone.
This is the truth. T=1 in scientific terms, that means time flows in one direction. Theoretical math is wonderful and fun to do and you discover many things about creation, but you must stay grounded in the truth that T=1, or you are wasting your time, trying to prove that God could have gone have gone back in time and warned Adam and Eve and avoided the need for The Sacrifice of Y’sho. And that is what Satan wants and it is only a lie. Get over it. T=1, even for God. He is simply able to see forward because He knows everything about His Creation to the infinite degree, in parallel.
The Paradox Buster
If we only love God, love His Son and love people, we will be in The Kingdom of God, whether in Heaven or on Earth.
Love is Eternal, we will live forever.
The bad logic. We will not be entities of love only. Or be in some mythical place. Why on Earth would God destroy someone who only loves Him, loves His Son and loves people?
The Answer of all time.
He wouldn’t.
He is God from time indefinite.
But He can’t remember a beginning.
In His present reality with a body.
Before He created His body is not known.
But is being manifested in me, because love is Eternal.
And I am understanding what happened.
And explaining it to God.
And we are conversing about it, or more accurately,
I am telling Him what I understand, knowing that
the moment that I understand something, He
understands to the infinite degree in parallel.
God has a perfect memory but can’t remember a beginning.
Therefore He has always existed.
If He has always existed then it is logical that He will always exist.
Time indefinite means no time reference in the past.
The manifestation of evil in The Garden of Eden is Satan.
The fact that God gave all His children in Heaven and on Earth absolute free will,
to be complete people, not in servitude or programmed, but a family,
meant that there was a possibility that evil would manifest itself.
But there was no way He would have foreknowledge of it happening
and not do something to prevent it.
Proving once again, the innocence of God.
As with His children in Heaven, it was incomprehensible that one of His
children would manifest evil on Earth.
Thus proving, that The Garden of Eden was the scene of the crime, the
first manifestation of evil, by Satan.
The first manifestation of evil was in The Garden of Eden, there was nothing to foreknow.
תישוע שחר T’Y’sho, Sher
Aramaic Completely Deciphered – Divine Names and Titles Deliberately Wrong
There are a few things left to do to fix the Bible in English and so we will use the word God for now, people have a lot of adjustments to make mentally to catch up.
This is hard mentally, even for me sometimes.
Y’hayah is the pronunciation of the word for God at Genesis 1.1 It means Sacred Father and God is derived from it.
Aya is the Aramaic word for Sacred Father.
Aja is the name of the ultimate false god.
There is only one verse by Jeremiah in Aramaic in the book of Jeremiah. The question is why only one scripture in Aramaic?
Jeremiah 10.11 (NASB)
11 Thus you shall say to them, “The gods that did not make the heavens and the earth will perish from the earth and from under the heavens.”
ܐܪܡܝܐ Syriac Armya (Jeremiah) Matthew 2.17 The Aramaic Scriptures
See this link.
ארמיא Armya (Should be Yrmya)
Yeremyah Yrmya
The Aramaean Yrmya
Aramaeans Yrmya
Yrmya transliterated to English (Matthew 2.17 in Aramaic)
root word in Aramaic ܪܡܝ to be exulted
ܐ݇ܣܘܼܪܵܝܵܐ . 1) an inhabitant of Ancient Mesopotamia (Assyrian, Babylonian and Persian Empires) ; 2) a Middle-Eastern Sureth / Syriac / Aramaic-speaking christian ; 3) an Assyrian (also spelled
ܐܸܣܛܘܼܟ݂ܣܵܐ . 1) a component , an article / an item (?) ; 2) essence , origin , principle ; 3) JAAS . a trend , a characteristic / a feature
ܐܵܪܵܡܵܝܵܐ . masculine . aramaean , pertaining to (the high lands of) Ancient Aram (ancient name for Syria) , living on high lands / highland , highlander ; 2) Lishani ; = ܐܲܪܡܵܝܵܐ . pagan , internationalist , cosmopolitan (?) see ܬܹܒܹܝܠܵܝܵܐ ; feminine .
Aramaic word search
In Aramaic double Aleph does not indicate God’s Name as the double Yohd does in Hebrew.
Therefore the name Aramya means AA to be exulted. Ya is not the Name of God. The Name of God is Y’hayah. The Bible is The Greek Scriptures and The Hebrew Scriptures.
Here’s the brain teaser of all time. Y’hayah/Avva, Aya/Y’hayah.
Y’hayah=Name / Aya=Title / Y’hayah=Title
Aya is not The Name of God, it is a Title. Only Y’hayah is God.
The Name of the ultimate false god is Aja from Indian culture.
Satan is trying to equate Aja=name of false god with Aya=Title of God in Aramaic.
Aja | Mfn. Not Born, Existing From All Eternity |
Aja | M. Name Of The First Uncreated Being |
Aja | M. Brahmā–, Viṣṇu–, Śiva–, Kāma– |
Watch Tower becomes the epicenter of The Ancient Roman Religion and threatens Christianity in Western Culture
Jehovah’s Witnesses have progressively become a closed society since they adopted the name Jehovah in 1931. In this same year, Herbert W. Armstrong became an ordained minister and went on to lead The Worldwide Church of God (now The Restored Church of God), using the powerful medium of television to convince the world’s evangelicals that The United States and Britain constituted Israel. This is the reason for the incredible battlements and expenditures around Israel both overtly and covertly. Jehovah’s Witnesses have even modeled their Kingdom Halls after “synagogues” (Revelation 2.9, Revelation 3.9).
Evidence Watch Tower is Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2.9, 3.0) and has THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION in The New World Translation (NWT) at (Isaiah 40.26) and have subscribed to Christian Kabbalism.
What is about to occur.
Watch Tower poised to validate transcendental energy with their Theory of Dynamic Energy in your New World Translation (NWT) of The Bible. This is THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION.
aja—the transcendental energy, who also never takes birth SB 10.3.47. Compound Sanskrit Words Containing. aja. aja-anda-sangha—of the multitude of universes
The word referring to Our Sacred Father in Heaven in Western Culture (called God) is Aya in Aramaic.
The Christianity of Western Culture is threatened by Aja, the primary false god of Indian Culture. This opens pandora’s box because Aja is Pronounced Aya. The Indian Culture has millions of gods.
God is spirit.
John 4.24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”~ESV
Not energy.
The voiced palatal approximant is a type of consonant used in many spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨j⟩. The equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is j
, and in the Americanist phonetic notation it is ⟨y⟩.
The Hebrew letter yodh is always a /y/ not a /j/ when translating from Hebrew to English.
Watch Tower clearly unaware of this fact.
Watch Tower depicts The Son of God on a stake or pole and displays Him on it in their publications. They refer to it as a torture stake. It is related to the sacred poles mentioned in The Bible.
Historian Josephus, a recognized authority, confirms it was a cross and The Armaic Scriptures agree that the word in Aramaic is “cross”
ܙܩܝܦܗ (Matthew 27.32). You may look up this word in Aramaic using the Aramaic Word Search at Beth Mardutha, The Syriac Institute, an authoritative source for translating Aramaic words.
How these elements connect
Watch Tower primary deity – The Roman Jehovah and Christian Kabbalism (not disclosed to the public)
Watch Tower secondary deity – The Roman Yahweh associated with the false god Yao
Watch Tower Messiah – Jesus (related to The Roman Jesus)
Contacted The President of The United States 2021-07-11 via about concerns that Watch Tower was practicing Kabbalism but was not responding publicly.
The 4Q120, a Greek fragment of Leviticus (26.2–16) discovered in the Dead Sea scrolls (Qumran) has ιαω (“Iao”), the Greek form of the Hebrew trigrammaton YHW. Yao is connected to Chaldean magic texts.
The Aramaic word for God is Alaha
The Hebrew word for God is God derived from Y’hayah at Genesis 1.1, not Elohim
Aramaic (Aramaya) Aram-aya Land of Our Sacred Father
Alaha when translated to Hebrew means “goddess”.
It is obvious and blatant that Divine Names and Titles in The Aramaic Scriptures are deliberately wrong.
Beloved children of God
Satan is less than nothing compared to the infinite power of Our Father, Y’hayah.
This is linked to The Sea Monster mentioned in the Bible (Ezekiel 29.3, Ezekiel 32.2, Isaiah 27.1). The word used for “father” in the Aramaic Scriptures is “ab”.
Urgent Message about The Bible
Listen O children of God, and this is urgent as anything has ever been for all of the children of God in existence on Earth.
I found one insertion in the Torah at Genesis 1.1 which you can read about. The insertion is Elohim.
I just found about another insertion. God and I have been working progressively and I have been in prayer for years except for when necessary. Many things will be explained by Him in the Paradise, only know that He loves you with a love that is Eternal and don’t believe anything else at this moment in time.
There’s another problem and it’s worse than The Roman Religion and everything Satan has done with the etymology of language and natural phonological evolution.
NEVER BELIEVE this scripture.
Daniel 4.35
All the inhabitants of the earth are regarded as nothing, and he does according to his own will among the army of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth. And there is no one who can hinder him or say to him, ‘What have you done?’
Daniel did not write this scripture. There’s no way, absolutely no way and Father and I are having a profound experience and He is knowing everything to the infinite degree in parallel and I can’t remember the words, but have the sense of it, but they will be written down in the future or He will help me recall them in this time period and only He and I know how this might occur.
I have proven absolutely that the Hebrew diacritics system is corrupt and will now work on translating this scripture myself from The Torah to make sure of what God actually had Daniel write.
Daniel 4.35 confirmed as an insertion. It is urgent that my instructions in the Etymology Report be done as soon as possible.
Satan is using Etymology and insertions to gaslight us. Only have faith at this time and understand that any negative thought about Our Father in The Bible is a lie. But He has enabled me to understand how to transliterate the Torah accurately with the correct keyboard so everything will be easily understood. And if there are any problems, they will be easily recognized.

Google Translate

2021-11-22 3.31am
Daniel 4.35 without vowels
לבוכל־דירי (כתיב דארי) ארעא֙ כלה חשיבין וכמצביה עבד֙ בחיל שמיא ודירי (כתיב ודארי) ארעא ולא איתי֙ די־ימחא בידה ויאמר לה מה עבדת
Google Translate
To Bukhl-Diri (spelling Dari) Araa֙ a bride is important and as her situation worked in the Shamia and Diri Corps (spelling and Dari) Araa and not with me
lbvkdyry first word
Search with Google
It’s a joke. Searching for the first word takes you to three links that say “learn Hebrew”
In addition to the terrible things said about Lot, I found the following also to be inserted into the Bible to gaslight women. It is very bad and will take time to get over. The following is not inspired, is not from God, is not from Our Father. This is Sacred knowledge.
Ecclesiastes 7.27 “Look,” says the Teacher, “this is what I have discovered. “Adding one thing to another to discover the scheme of things—~NIV
Ecclesiastes 7.28 while I was still searching but not finding— I found one upright man among a thousand, but not one upright woman among them all.~NIV
Listen carefully. Solomon is a prophetic picture of The Greater Solomon, Y’sho.
This is sophisticated thought linking and you must be aware of it. Neither God nor Y’sho think that way about women. Those scriptures were deliberately designed to cause resentment in women and rage because our righteousness from a woman’s point of view feels violated in a most obscene way.
The Bible must be carefully vetted after we make the new Torah to ensure there are no more negative thoughts inserted in The Bible. Don’t worry about such things for now.
Just remember, God loves you and Y’sho loves you and we are all going to be fine. Father is here to help me fix things and Y’sho is with Him.
It may just be bad translations in some cases due to the corrupt Hebrew diacritic system.
Don’t panic about anything. Someone is trying to convince women that Father is a male pig, a male chauvanist. And it has had a profound affect on some women. But I am here with Father and Y’sho to help people recover.
See the page titled Salvation for Women.
From the dawn of written language, Satan has been a busy bee, working to undermine Our Father, His Son Y’sho and men and women on Earth, by debasing language and trying to get us to destroy the Bible.
All sex and symbolism in written language is Satanic. There is no problem with the letter /o/ and we are not to make associations.
Origin of the letter “O” in Jehovah. Yima’s “ ring ” for creating life, or the womb or woman (the man who has the womb), creating the name IHOH, a false God of the Roman religion that incorporated Christianity. In some Roman Colonies the /i/ in IHOH was replaced with a /j/ creating JHOH.
The Persians had their legend that Yima, the Creator-on-Earth, was given a “ piercer,” or dagger, and a “ring” with which to create all life. These, of course, represented the male and female organs, and their conjunction or marriage is symbolised to-day by passing the finger of the person being married (that is of the woman, and “ married ” is French for “ husbanded ”) through a ring—imitative of the purpose of marriage, the “ life combination ” in the god-like act of new life creation.
The book of Revelation is full of debased sexual references in English. “Look, I am coming quickly” is one of them. The title of the explanation of the Book of Revelation by Watch Tower is “Revelation Climax” a joke of Satan produced by Kabbalism. I noted the discrepancy about the wedding ring in the book after giving it a thorough examination.
Do not worry about wearing a wedding ring. This is purely a religious issue pertaining to God’s Name. A wedding ring can also be a symbol of love and fidelity. Meshikhi are balanced and mature Christians and do not make associations.
In semitic language Abwun means “Merciful Father” not “Womb Father”. Some Aramaic references have Abwun at the beginning of the Lord’s prayer. It’s all about Yemoja and trying to say that Our Father has a feminine side or is a woman. You can read more about the false goddess Yemoja in my early Meshikhi research.
http.// [PDF]
There is no other reason to use an /o/ in the Name of Our Sacred Father in Heaven. There are no vowels in the Torah and I am True Meshikhi (a Follower of The Messiah) and will not bow down to JHOH.
With this understanding you may read the book The Rise, Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion by James B. Hannay online in this archive
The Rise, Decline and Fall of the Roman Religion by By James B. Hannay 257 Pages, Originally published 1925 ISBN ISBN 0-7873-0369-0
You can find it in print here if you are interested.
Full revealing is happening at this time about everything. Read the page titled The Roman Religion II to learn more and to get discernment.
This is the truth and I must be graphic at this time. Satan has planted the suggestion through language that a man is just a penis and a woman is just a hole represented by the letter o.
And guess what word has that hole in it. God.
God created language and the sounds in it, simply do not make associations and there is no problem. We are taking back language and will neither destroy The Bible or the written language. It is now our history written down as evidence.
The seeds of not just conflict but of evil itself, were sewn in the roots of language, were they not?
The page titled The Roman Religion II will explain the rest. Pictures say more than words sometimes.
With love.
תישוע שחר T’Y’sho, Sher
Remember, God loves you and Y’sho loves you.
We are in a holodeck created by God, who is Y’hayah. Satan controls the holodeck. You have to prove you love God and reject Satan by accepting the Sacrifice of Y’sho or it’s game over shortly. For details read this page first. If it makes sense, baptize yourself and admit you are in a holodeck and who’s side you’re on. That’s the game. And that’s honest. Choose or lose.
Remember God loves you and Y’sho loves you.