Princess of Lancashire (House of Windsor)

Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire

The reigning royal family are not the ones who are nobility. Nobility serves others and would not allow anyone to bow down to them, it is unholy. My family were tobacco merchants and their great fortune was taken by treachery. It must be returned to my family, whose name is deFernihough. Evidence is provided below, but there is much you do not know and that must be understood.
This is from Y’hayah, GOD over ALL. You will note His Signature from Targum Onkelos, The True Torah.
And this is me acting as the representative of Yeshwah Christ, and you will note His Signature as well, as I understood what he represented and the message of love and mercy he had for people while on Earth.
The Hebrew “waw”, pronounced “wah”, not “waw”, for those who do not know ancient Hebrew phonics. /ah/ is from ruah, meaning spirit. /ah/ not /aw/
I may not show you my face as it is because of what has been done to me.
Remember God loves you and Yeshwah loved you.
The Ancient Roman Religion that incorporated Christianity

What does this tell you? Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania representatives, The Secret Society known by insiders simply as “The Society” and The Canada Branch are also being asked to leave Crown land now. I have overwhelming evidence that you are part of The Roman Religion that incorporated Christianity and also definitive proof that you are part of The Synagogue of Satan mentioned at Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9
You are truly dangerous to the welfare of my people.
Genesis 6:3, Matthew 24:37 Bible time period 1914-2034 C.E.
We have entered the Bible time period identical to that of ancient Jericho and we are now an unknown number of weeks into it. Using the Bible principle of a day for a year, that means 7 years. There is a 5 year outside margin, depending on your actions and if you do not act, you will be found unworthy of life at all.
No one knows the day or the hour.
Beloved children of God,
Our Father in Heaven wants none of you to be destroyed, not one. And here is why. Our God loves His created people so much and His heart is so expansive and infinite in love that He does not want to harm a living soul. But to save you He must do some things and make decisions that He has to live with for the benefit of you. That’s why He must order the destruction of The Roman Religion, an ancient thing you know almost nothing about or nothing about. But He does not want to harm a living thing, not a sparrow falls without Him knowing it. But He is God, and a Father trying to save His children. So He must give the most terrible orders of all time at the end, but only to save as many as possible from destruction. Because you would truly perish if He didn’t, the enemy has many of you in His grip, but God will deliver you. I just wanted you to know how much He loves you.
ܘܐܠܘ ܠܐ ܐܬܟܪܝܘ ܝܘܡܬܐ ܗܢܘܢ ܠܐ ܚܝܐ ܗܘܐ ܟܠ ܒܣܪ ܡܛܠ ܓܒܝܐ ܕܝܢ ܢܬܟܪܘܢ ܝܘܡܬܐ ܗܢܘܢ
Matthew 24:22 And if those days were not shortened, not any flesh would live.~The Holy Aramaic Scriptures
God doesn’t want to bring the end, He has to. He doesn’t want to lose anyone but He must, but the only reason they will be lost is because they would not accept His love and the Sacrifice of His Son that makes eternal life possible.
There is still much time for people to be saved and the tribulation spoken of by Yeshua in Matthew Chapter 24 must occur before the end comes.
Luke 21:8 He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.
Do not listen to Watch Tower and do not listen to Kabbalistic Judaism. Kabbalism involves Jewish mysticism, magic and the occult, things we are warned about in The Bible at Deuteronomy Chapter 18. Kosher Judaism does not do these things but must also acknowledge Yeshua Christ in Heaven as The Messiah to be saved.
With love.
Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
Tiffany, Queen of The British Empire Worldwide
Alas my love you do me wrong
To cast me off discourteously;
And I have loved you oh so long
Delighting in your company.
England was my delight,
England my heart of gold
England was my heart of joy
And who but my lady England.
I have been ready at your hand
To grant whatever thou would’st crave;
I have waged both life and land
Your love and goodwill for to have.
England was my delight,
England my heart of gold
England was my heart of joy
And who but my country England.
Thy petticoat of slender white
With gold embroidered gorgeously;
Thy petticoat of silk and white
And these I bought gladly.
England was my delight,
England my heart of gold
England was my heart of joy
And who but my country England.
Dedicated to Winnifred Florence Fernihough (deFernihalgh in actuality), my Mother.
Always funny, always humble, always faithful. She kept our history alive and instilled in us love for people. She could talk to anyone about anything.
She would have been the greatest Queen that Britannia ever had.
I have come to understand that my father on Earth is also a faithful man, although he and my mother divorced when I was two years old and I only recently learned of his faith.
For my Grandfather, Edward Stanley deFernihalgh. You were orphaned, forgotten and sent away from your home. But look! Your Grandaughter has seen to it. Rest in peace. Your family loves you fiercely and kept the memory of you alive. Your name is restored to its rightful place.
Every life is Sacred and should be treated that way. No one should be discarded or forgotten, and they never are by God.
My beloved Grandfather, in our time no one remembered the name of God either. He knows how you feel. And this we shall also restore to its rightful place above every living thing. Zechariah 14:9, Psalms 83:18 And His Son with Him. Revelation 1:7.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
to be renamed Summer deFernihalgh.
Daughter of Winnifred Florence deFernihalgh
My ashes are upon the alter of God in Heaven, cremated, to bring you the truth of God
My Name is Tiffany Tracy McTaggart Daughter of Winnie Florence Rumble (nee Fernihough)
Tiffany McTaggart, Sacred Daughter of Y’hayah, Winnie Rumble (nee Fernihough) Sacred Daughter of Ahyah.
Daughters of Ahyah, Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father
And neither one of us ever lost our Eternal Love or Faith in Our Creator and Sacred Father, Ahyah.
I only know when I know and I do things according to God’s will.
And that is our pride, proud to have defeated all of Satan and demons, in the absolute sense, and we are righteous and godly women. Sacred Daughters of The True God Ahyah.
As for my mother, Winnifred Florence deFernihalgh, she would have been the best Queen Britannia ever had. She would talk to anyone, anywhere about anything, like she already knew them. She only loved people, and I always try to be like her. She always told me that she was praying for me. And I began to appreciate it more and got even more faith even up until the time she fell asleep in death. One thing is certain, she, would never want anyone to bow down to her either. I find the idea of anyone bowing down to any human revolting and profane and unsacred and in the vernacular, unholy.
Current reigning family, muppets and toy dinosaurs

The Lancashire Connection – Where the treachery took place

Tiffany Tracy McTaggart (Daughter of Winnifred Florence Fernihough), legal heiress to Britannia, verified at Ancestry.com Heraldry sent to College of Arms, England. This is what an actual Coat of Arms looks like. At Ancestry.com lineage of John Charles Fernihough, a tobacco merchant leads to my Grandfather, Edward Stanley Fernihough. Iron clad evidence of this heraldry.
Princess Tiffany of Lancashire
Direct descendant of William the Conqueror
William the Conqueror continued simultaneously to be the Duke of Normandy and when he died his lands were divided between his male children. Normandy went to his first born, and the newly conquered England to his second surviving son. (A deadly power struggle ensued, and the fourth son, Henry I, ended up with the lot). England’s emerging statehood can be summed up in the fact that by 1106 Normandy had been re-claimed by Henry I, as a possession of England!
The need for legitimacy and family connections in an uncertain time may have played a part in the increased use of heraldry that followed Queen Matilda’s short reign.
After the death of Henry I, William’s grandson, Stephen of Blois in France, fought with Henry’s daughter Matilda for the right to rule England. This difficult period, known as The Anarchy, was brought to an end when Henry II (Matilda’s son) regained the crown.
Henry II, son of Geoffrey of Anjou, became the first of the Plantagenet kings. The name came from a flower, called “planta genet” in French; a kind of broom which Geoffrey grew on his French hunting grounds. He took to wearing a sprig of it in his hat and earned the nickname, Geoffrey Plantagenet.
Henry I may have used a single lion as a personal symbol, we can’t be sure, but his grandson Henry II certainly did, and the golden lion entered our consciousness as a symbol of English royalty.
1189–1198The arms of Richard I are only known from two armorial seals, and hence the tinctures can not be determined. His First Great Seal showed one lion on half of the shield. It is debated whether this was meant to represent two lions combatant or a single lion, and if the latter, whether the direction in which the lion is facing is relevant or simply an artistic liberty. A simple lion rampant is most likely.[23] 1198–1340
1360–1369The arms on the second Great Seal of Richard I, used by his successors until 1340: Gules, three lions passant guardant in pale or (Three golden lions on a red field, representing the ruler of the Kingdom of England, Duchy of Normandy and the Duchy of Aquitaine).[5][9]
Blessed be the Templar Knights and blessed be your loyalty and strength and courage and honor, I know that you can not be bought and that you fear nothing. I do love you. God be with you and the Lord be with you.
The red cross in particular was associated with the Templar Knights, from the time of the Second Crusade
but in 1188 red and white crosses were chosen to identify the French and English troops in the “Kings’ Crusade” of Philip II of France and Henry II of England, respectively. Together with the Jerusalem Cross, the plain red-on-white became a recognizable symbol of the crusader from about 1190, and in the 13th century it came to be used as a standard or emblem by numerous leaders or polities who wanted to associate themselves with the crusades.
The red-on-white combination was chosen by Aragon, among others. Saint George was depicted as a crusader knight during this time, but the red cross had no particular association with him.
The Right Rev. Dr. Smith, bishop of
Lichfield and Coventry, had two sons, Edmund
and John. The elder, Edmund Smith,
was father of Sir Thomas Smith, knt. of
Chester, who m. Catherine, daughter of Sir
William Brereton, and had a son, Sir Lawrence
Smith, of Hough. The younger,
John Smith, was father of
William Smith, who left a son and heir,
Thomas Smith, of Newcastle-under-Lyme,
who was s. by his son,
John Smith, esq. of Heath End House, near
Newcastle-under-Lyme, living in 1614, who
in that year, had his arms confirmed by St.
George, Norroy king of arms, at the visitation
then taken. He m. Alice, daughter of
Humfrey Weston, esq. of Madeley, and had
issue, Thomas, his heir ; Ralph; Anne, wife
of John Fernehough ; Eleanor ; Jane ; and
Mary. The eldest son,
Thomas Smith, esq. aged thirty in 1614,
m. Dorothy, daughter of William Yonge,
esq. of Keynton, and had two sons, Thomas
and Samuel. The elder,
Thomas Smith, esq. m. (settlement dated
1656,) Elizabeth Gregson, but had no issue.
By his will, dated 25th December, 1694, he
devised his estates to his brother,
Samuel Smith, esq. who had two sons,
Samuel and Jeremiah, and two daughters,
Sarah and Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Wood.
The elder son,
Samuel Smith, esq. of Hanley, in Staffordshire,
espoused (marriage settlement
dated 1696,) Mary James, of Chester, and
had a son and successor,
Thomas Smith, esq. tenant in tail by settlement
of 1696. He m. Margaret, sister
and heir of Charles Nicholls, esq. of Great
Fenton, in Staffordshire, and had issue, Jeremiah,
Thomas, Sarah, and Margaret. Mr.
Smith died 2nd April, 1729, and was s. by
his son,
Jeremiah Smith, esq. high sheriff of Staffordshire,
2 George III. who m. first, Margaret,
sister of the first Earl St. Vincent, who
died in childbed s.p. and secondly, Elizabeth,
daughter of John Jervis, esq. of Darlaston,
in Staffordshire. By her who died about
1796, he had issue,
Jeremiah, d. young, buried at Stoke.
Charles, d. unm. in 1795.
John, of whom presently.
Grace, m. to the Rev. William Greenwood,
of Bath, fellow of St. Johns
College, Cambridge.
Mr. Smith died in 1792, and was buried at
Stoke. His only surviving son is the present
John Smith, esq. of Elmhurst.
Arms – Gu. two bars wavy erm. on a chief
or, a demi-lion rampt. issuant sa. armed and
langued gu.
Crest – An ostrich holding in the beak a
horse shoe, ppr.
Estates – In Staffordshire.
Seat- Elmshurst, Staffordshire.
LLOYD, JOHN- WILLIAM, esq. of Dan-yr-allt, in the county of Caermarthen,
b. 3rd September, 1781, m. 29th January, 1807, AnnaMaria,
fifth daughter of John Longley, esq. of Boley Hillj
Kent, recorder of Rochester, and has issue,
John-Philipps, b. 27th April, 1808.
Henry-Robert, in holy orders, 6. 9th August, 1809.
St. Vincent, b. 23rd December, 1810.
Joseph-Howard-Francis, b. 29th May, 1812.
William-Christopher, b. 26th August, 1815.
Herbert, b. 26th December, 1821.
Anna-Maria, w. 6th September, 1836, to William, only
son of Robert Peel, esq. of Taliaris, in Caermarthenshire.
Mr. Lloyd, who is in the commission of the peace for the counties of Caermarthen and
Kent, succeeded to the estates in September, 1825, upon the demise of Sir Thomas
Stepney, bait, under the will of Admiral William Lloyd, to whom he was distantly
related, both being descended from collateral branches of the same family.
Cite this record
From Vcrnai ; a loc n., Norm. Fernihough. From Fernihalgh ;
is the actual spelling.
Research may be found here and here.
From Vcrnai ; a loc n., Norm. Fernihough. From Fernihalgh ; not Lloyd of Ferney Hall.
Muppets and Plastic Dinosaurs vs Genuine Arms Heraldry – How did this happen? No one really knows
However, Windsor Herald and College of Arms did not recognize this fact.
Anecdotal 1844 Thomas Fernyhough died, having been Governor of the Military Knights of Windsor. In 1828 he wrote a book about the military exploits of the four Fernyhough brothers of Staffordshire. He was a keen genealogist and worked for many Staffordshire families, using his grace and favour residence in Windsor Castle as a convenient locality for researching in national archives. He assisted William Salt in his famous historical collection, which later became the nucleus for the William Salt Library in Stafford.
The office of Governor of the Military Knights of Windsor is part of the Royal Household of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom, and dates from the mid-sixteenth century.
How ironic.
Baptism Record for Edward Cudgington Fernihough “Tobacco Merchant”, note spelling “Cudgington”
Birth record of Edward Stanley Fernihough, legal heir to Britannia.
Lancashire England is the link for the Fernihoughs and where the treachery took place.
My Grandfather was sent away from England

Edward Stanley Fernihough Grandfather birth record
John Charles Fernihough Great Grandfather birth record
S/S Scandinavian (2), Allan Line
Our name is actually deFernihough, the prefix /de/ denotes nobility.
It is my family’s hard earned tobacco money that was taken from us by treachery.

Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
Never forget
Love ”and” mercy
I fell into love with Yeshwa, the one on Earth when I read about him in this time period, and cultivated eternal love for him it was his humility that was the quality that attracted me. His humility and mercy. Now He is only love, like His Father and a girl gets to choose and I say ”NO”, an emphatic ”NO” about being His wife. If I am changed in any way from who I really am, Summer deFernihough, it is an abomination of me by my Creator, who is really only an insane artist, A Creator with no natural feelings of a father for his little girls. He ”has” love and has ”life”, and is the source of life on Earth, but does not understand love or life at all.
I am Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, a girl born with a birth defect and Our Creator does not understand how I came to be.
I am smoking ”natural” cigarettes, not ”organic cigarettes” The curing process of so called ”organic” cigarettes is the problem. 100% natural, dried and rolled natural tobacco with a filter adequate to remove environmental factors introduced into the environment by means of unnatural industrialization are no problem and ate NOT related to spiritism in any way, otherwise Our Creator would be guilty of providing something enjoyable that leads to spiritism. If it is bad for us, then it should not be provided at all and we should have a strong aversion to it. It seems to be a natural compliment to coffee. Tobacco grown in pristine natural soil, with new seeds produced for each generation of tobacco plants, would eventually lead to the actual natural amount of each substance found in tobacco, the numbers would stabilize and this would indicate the amount of these substances, easily tolerated and eliminated by the body. At the correct price point, using the economic guide provided below, tobacco companies would have unprecedented profit beyond their wildest dreams. My actual name is Summer deFernihough and my family were wealthy tobacco merchants, whose money was taken from them by treachery that occurred in Lancashire, England where many deFernihough’s live, stripped of the prefix ”de” which indicates nobility.

Originally French influence de Fernihalgh, “of Fernihalgh” doesnt make sense. In my case it denotes nobility who own Fernihalgh and so it was named, not as Lloyd from Fernihalgh.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart daughter of Winnifred Florence Fernihough daughter of Edward Stanley Fernihough.
From Vcrnai ; a loc n., Norm. Fernihough. From Fernihalgh ;
My Grandfather is Edward Stanley Fernihough, direct descendant of William I
He was originally from Liverpool, England.
With love, Tiffany
Many different spellings of the surname were found in the archives researched. Although the spelling Fernihough occurred in many manuscripts, from time to time the surname was spelt Fernihough, Ferneyhough, Fernyhough, Fearnyhough, Fernyough, Ferniho, Fernow, “Fernihalgh“, Fernihow and Fernehough, and these spelling variations were frequent, even between father and son. It was common to find the same individual referred to with different spellings of their surname. By example, the famous playwright William Shakespeare signed his name with different spellings and legal documents added further to the possible variations. “Shakespeare,” “Shakespere,” “Shakespear,” “Shakspere” and “Shaxspere” were all used in reference to this famous individual. Typically, scribes, church officials and the bearers of a name spelled words as they sounded rather than adhering to any spelling rules used today.
The surname Fernihough was first found in Staffordshire where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor close to the Cheshire border. The Saxon influence of English history diminished after the Battle of Hastings in 1066. The language of the courts was French for the next three centuries and the Norman ambience prevailed. But Saxon surnames survived and the family name was first referenced in the year 1332 when Adam de Fernyhough held estates.
Anecdotal 1844 Thomas Fernyhough died, having been Governor of the Military Knights of Windsor. In 1828 he wrote a book about the military exploits of the four Fernyhough brothers of Staffordshire. He was a keen genealogist and worked for many Staffordshire families, using his grace and favour residence in Windsor Castle as a convenient locality for researching in national archives. He assisted William Salt in his famous historical collection, which later became the nucleus for the William Salt Library in Stafford.
The office of Governor of the Military Knights of Windsor is part of the Royal Household of the Sovereign of the United Kingdom, and dates from the mid-sixteenth century.
Records Volume 31: Lancashire Registers 5: Fernyhalgh, Goosgargh and Alston Lane
Published on Jan 1, 1932
The district covered by this volume is the south-east corner of the diocese of Lancaster. As Kendal, the only old register in Westmorland, is now in type for another volume of the Catholic Record Society, this leaves only the Preston registers to be printed to finish the parishes of this diocese. There are still four old Missions, north of the Ribble, whose registers have not yet been published, Chipping, Lee House, Ribchester and Stonyhurst, all of the diocese of Salford. When these are done-and it is hoped th’at they will soon be dealt with-the northern half of the county will be complete.
As I have demonstrated elsewhere (Anglo-Norman Armory, 1976) the lion of Flanders led the field 1 as insignia of royal houses. It is not then,surprising to find the English kings bearing a single lion rampant as well. Whatever the lions of England may be called (Robert Viel, Archivum Heraldicum LXXII (1958, p. 18 et seq.); H. Stanford London, The Coat of Arms, vol. 2, p. 291 and Royal Beasts (1954)), the seal of “Willelmusfrater Henrici Regis” attached to a document dated before the winter of1163 (Facsimiles of Early Charters from Northamptonshire Collections,ed. F. M. Stenton, Northants Record Society Vol. IV, 1930, pp. 24-16) is undoubtedly for William Fitz Empress, brother of Henry II, who probably died 30th January 1163/4. (See also Sir Christopher Hatton’s Book of Seals, ed. L. C. Loyd and D. M. Stenton, Oxford 1950, pp. 299-300).
Although we have no direct evidence that King Henry I bore arms he must therefore have borne a single lion rampant which may well have been crowned. Following the descent of the arms borne by his son-in-law,married to his illegitimate daughter Elizabeth, Fergus Lord of Galloway(Coat of Arms No. 106, pp. 35-41) and the account of the famous enamel of Le Mans (Archive Héraldique Suisse and G. H. White have no doubt that he was armigerous to have given arms in this way. It is interesting to note also that the Anjou coat (which descends to the houses of Salisburyand of Bohun) like that of Galloway has a blue and not a red field.Regrettably, the other children of Henry I, legitimate and illegitimate,provide us with little evidence of the use of armorial bearings.Eleanor who married Alfonso XIII, King of Castile and Leon, has depicted on her tomb in the Huelgas monastery of the Cistercian nuns at Burgos, a thirteenth-century shield depicting three crowned leopards (lionspassant guardant) gold on red. Crowned leopards also appear as the English royal arms in the fifteenth-century Burgos armorial (El Libro dela Confradía de Santiago de Burgos, F. M. Pidal de Navascues, 1977)though with two and not three beasts. This number agrees with the two lions passant appearing on the seal of Henry II’s son John, Lord of Ireland and Count of Mortain (C. H. Hunter Blair, Archaeologia Aeliana,3rd ser. Vol. XVII (1920), p. 265 and 282-86 and the very important article by R. Viel, Archivum Heraldicum (1965), pp. 19-23). Francis Sandford, Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England (1677)pp. 81 and 57, illustrates the seals of John, as Lord of Ireland, and his natural son, Richard de Varenne (or de Chilham) respectively. Viel,Archivum Heraldicum (1956) p. 52 illustrates the relationship through John’s sister Matilda, who married Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony, which leads to their son Henry’s use of two lions passant guardant (H. G.Ströhl, Deutsche Wappenrolle, (1897) p. 72) and the present day arms of the House of Brunswick, Gules, two lions passant guardant Or.
We can dismiss the suggestion that King Richard I’s first seal bore lions combattant. The seal of his uncle William FitzEmpress which repeats the device of the shield on the horse trappings removes that idea of the heraldry manuals once and for all. Both bore a rampant lion, in neither case appearing to be crowned.2 We must turn to the study of chivalricrites to the process of acquisition of armorial insignia along with knighthood to be able to understand the conclusions that can be drawn. Alogical application of these helps us to determine what arms King Henry II may have borne. As my late lamented friend M. Paul Adam-Evenrecalls in his study of the Reggio Emilia enamel (Archivum Heraldicum1954), there is great importance to be attached to the well known medieval custom by which a newly dubbed knight might receive the arms of his sponsor, though frequently with adequate differences (Dictionnaire Héraldique, P.C.A. Loizeau de Grandmaison (1851) pp. 399-403).3
In 1179 Hugh IV, Count of St. Pol in Artois, (died 1215) received armsfrom King Henry II (A. de Cardevacque, Histoire de l’abbaye de Cercamps,1878) “Quo a rege angliae (King Henry II) arma militaria assumpsi” when dubbed a knight by the King of England though one might take this to mean weapons. Douet d’Arcq (Collection de Sceaux 361) and Demay (SceauxArtois 70) illustrate two of Hugh’s seals showing the two leopards of England in 1190 and 1201. Demay (op. cit. 73) gives the two leopards of England impaled with the three wheatsheaves of Candavane for Hugh’s daughter in 1234. His sponsor in chivalry being King Henry II in person this must surely mean that Henry had already changed from the use of the single lion to two lions passant guardant. M. Paul Adam-Even (Revue Française d’Héraldique et Sigillographie, 1952) states that the Seneschal of Anjou was bearing two leopards within a bordure of escallops and the marshal raised a banner of his sovereign bearing the two leopards as arms. (R. Viel, “Les Armoires probables d’Henri IId’Angleterre”, Archivum Heraldicum, lxx (1956), pp 19-23).
Although seals only survive from about 1189, it is not improbable that John, knighted by his father in 1185 (Roger de Hovenden, Chronicles,(Rolls Series) Vol. II, p. 303) and invested with the lordship of Ireland, bore the two lions passant (but apparently not guardant — of Norse and Viking family culture in which the grandson was to be looked upon as the reincarnation of the spirit of his grandfather and understand why King Henry II and Richard I chose a single lion, the two lions watchful and symbolic of abundance being adopted to strengthen the idea of descent. It is absolutely impossible with such considerationsto pretend that the origins of coat armory have anything to do with descent from Charlemagne as has been propounded recently, (Beryl Platts,Origins of Heraldry, 1980) but with so many individuals called “the lion”, one cannot resist the temptation to suggest that these names derived from their armorial bearings. On the other hand, Henry II had been knighted in 1149 by his maternal uncle, King David of Scotland(Hovenden, Vol. I, p. 211; W. L. Warren, Henry II, p. 36 and R. H. C.Davis King Stephen, p. 107). David’s seal shows a single lion which he had probably adopted simultaneously with his kinsman the Count ofHolland. Florent III, Count of Holland, married Ada, sister of William the Lion, and their son Dirk VIII has the lion on his seal in 1198(Corpus Sigillorum Nederlandicorum 1937-40); “Heraldic Notes on theissue of Postage Stamps”, C. J. Holyoake, Family History Aug. 1976).
Henry “the young king” was under the tutelage of the great William the Marshal. He, his brothers Richard, Geoffrey, and John turned to Europe where with Philip Count of Flanders they continued to practise and gain renown at the tournaments after their King, Henry II, had banned the tournament in England. The young king William, the Lion of Scotland,became Richard’s close companion on the crusades, 10,000 marks having been paid to release him from his obligations to Henry II in 1189. (A.L. Poole, From Domesday Book to Magna Carta, Oxford History of England,1951, p. 279, quotes the Scottish chronicler Ford’s description of the friendship.) The third crusade had other relatives, close friends of Richard the Lionheart, who also bore lions on their shields. The successof that crusade amid so much defeat came temporarily in 1192 when Richard and his companions concluded an honourable peace with Saladin guaranteeing Christian pilgrims free access to Jerusalem. Did these“lions” bear similar arms because of a pact, a “brotherhood”?4 Can we suggest that the arms of Richard were Azure, a lion rampant Or and that,in the spirit of the age, he commemorated this event by taking three lions on the field of blood and the colour of his “lionheart” (Gules),making them watchful as leopards? — Except that red and gold may already have been the colours, as Henry II, himself knighted by King David of Scotland in 1148, conferred knighthood on Malcolm, King of Scotland, at Tours in 1159 (Hoveden, Chronicle Vol. 1, p. 217).
Yet again, we must recall that while John, having been knighted by his own father,Henry II, would not unnaturally take the same blazon, Richard wasknighted in 1173 by the King of France (Hovenden, op. cit. Vol. II, p.55), who probably bore gold on blue, yet Richard did not assume fleurs-de-lys. The tendency for the continuation of hereditary insignia had already become too well established and the fleur-de-lys would differ too much from the lion accepted as the symbol of his House. By the premise to which we have already referred it is clear that he retook the lion of his grandfather, Geoffrey Plantagenet. The young son of Geoffrey, Count of Anjou, Henry and David, King of Scotland, in support of the former’s claim to the dukedom of Normandy, had concluded an important treaty just before this event in 1148. As second of the name,and reflecting his grandfather’s symbol, he chose two lions passant.During the crusades and while Richard was in captivity from 1191 to 1194the two lions reigned over England in the person of John, though under much constraint from Richard’s powerful officials. At this time perhaps the two lions were his. When Richard returned he had himself crowned fora second time at Winchester in 1194 (Jean de Pange, Le Roi Très Chrétien, p. 334) thus dismissing the usurpation of John and disengaging himself from his homage to the Emperor to whom he had stood a hostage.At the same time he decided upon a new seal indicating his lineal descent in the third order, differentiating himself from the others of his line, with three lions passant guardant.
However, if Richard had changed his arms as any direct influence of crusading symbolism or relationships, someone among the chroniclers of the Third Crusade would surely have recorded the fact. His brother-in-law, Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony, was hereditarily enemy of the Staufen house which may account for the perversity of retaining two lions but Richard’s main political aims were always in France (not yet inevitably symbolised byfleurs-de-lys). Henry II could emphasize his succession to his maternal grandfather heraldically, Richard could reassert his status after his release from captivity.5
Although the three lions do not appear until the Great Seal of 1195 (L. Landon, Itinerary of Richard I, Pipe Roll Society, new series, xiii, 1935, App. A), it is also likely that Richard harkened back, albeit with some cynicism, to the allegiance he had given to the Staufen Emperor of the Germans. It is supposed that they bore, for a transitory period, three black passant lions. Henry V,the Lion of Saxony, was married to Matilda (or Maud) sister of Richard I. This Henry was the grandson of the Emperor Lothar. Only a few years earlier Canute VI of Denmark, about 1190, reflected his refusal as a boy, twenty years before, to renew his homage to the German Emperor and chose the Danish lions for the first time and perhaps for a similar reason of defiance.
But perhaps the arms of Ramon Berenguer (1157) were earlier established (F. de Sagarra Sigillografía Catalana (1915).Compare J. H. Round, Feudal England (1895, pp. 539-551). and R. Harmignies The Arms of Geoffrey d’Anjou (1980).In 1004, the Emperor Henry IV sent an ensign cum hasta signiferaducatum dedit to his brother-in-law, Henry of Luxembourg (F. L. Ganshof, Feudalism, tr. P. Grierson). See also the banner held by Harold at his“dubbing” in the Bayeux Tapestry.Though much later, see Chaucer’s Knight’s Tale — (Arcite and Paloman) —Wearing the self same arms in blazoned pride”. Keen, “Brotherhood in Arms”, History, XLVII(1962), pp. 1-17.Anstis (Aspilogia I — B.L.M.S. Stowe 655, fo.32) cites examples to suggest that new seals were cut when a Sovereign returned from a crusade. More revenue would accrue in resealing the charters made invalid!
See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Arms_of_England
Surname Variants of Fernihough
- Bernard Fernow (1851-1923) American Chief Forester of the USDA in the late 1800s; he believed that forests were part of the “great economy of nature”• The Ven. Bernard Fernyhough, Archdeacon of Oakham, England (1977 to 1999)
- Ernest Fernyhough (1908-1993) British Labour Party politician
- Karl Ludwig Fernow (1763-1808) German art critic and archaeologist
American Settlers
Surname Variants of Fernihough• Minnie Fernyhough, aged 27, who landed in America, in 1892
- William Fernyhough, aged 46, who immigrated to Seattle, Washington, in 1911
- William Fearnhead, aged 27, who settled in America from Dearne, England, in 1913
- Stanley Fernyhough, aged 21, who immigrated to America, in 1920
- Jack Fernyhough, aged 19, who immigrated to the United States, in 1923
Edward Stanley Fernihough (Grandfather)
Edward Stanley Fernihough born 1901 Tranmere, Birkenhead
birth certificate available upon request
In the 1911 English census, the boys are absent. Three of the girls are in school in Lancaster County (Liverpool, one presumes). The eldest children are also absent.
Louisa Birt
Liverpool Sheltering Home and Louisa Birt
Liverpool Sheltering Home and Louisa Birt Louisa Birt – Knowlton Home’s records are held by Barnardo’s: email: valerie.smith@barnardos.org.uk; website: https://www.barnardos.org.uk
Knowlton Receiving Home, Knowlton, Quebec
Miss Annie MacPherson
Marchmont would be the name given to three of Annie MacPherson’s homes in Bellville.
Canadian British Home Children
Allan Line, Liverpool, England
British Home Children In Canada
John Fernihough (abt. 1853)
Edward Stanley Fernihough born 1901 Tranmere, Birkenhead
Notables for the Surname Fernihough
- Eric Crudgington Fernihough (1905-1938) British motorcycle racer in the 1927 Isle of Man TT, killed while attempting to break the motorcycle land-speed record at Gyón, Hungary
Further Details
Jane Allonby and the children were on the 1901 census at 12 Westbank Rd Tranmere, Birkenhead. Census may have been done before our Grandfather was born (Oct). ref RG 13 3397 120 12.
-1891census showed John Charles Fernihough and Jane Allonby living at Silverdale,Lancs ref RG12 346 127 3, with only Mabel and John as children at that time(ancestry may have name spelled Fernchough?)
– Our Grandfather worked for a dairy farmer in Stratford until he ran away and went to visit Forence(Dolly) in Detroit, then went to join his brother Gordon Leslie, who was working on a farm out west (Waldorf Sask?)until he enlisted.
-WinifredEvelyn Fernihough married George Cowley, Middlesex ON, 1918.
-Dolly married Harry McColl, lived in Detroit (son Bill?)
-Winnifredmoved to Kentucky – son Gordon Leslie, daughter Winnifred Margaret Dunn (Margo)
-shortly after Winnifred and Gertrude came to visit us in the 60s, Gertrudemarried and moved to Johannesburg.
-Mabel(eldest of children) married Matthew Foggo, 1907, England
-John Charles (Jack), oldest brother, born 1890 moved to Moosejaw, Sask.
-Joseph, 3rd oldest, accountant, moved around NY, Chicago
Jane (Allonby) Fernihough died age 42, 1908 -> in 1911 the girls were in school, and possibly younger boys sent to the orphanage by then.
John Charles Fernihough (Great Grand Father)
John Charles Fernihough our great grandfather, was born in 1848. He was the youngest son of a wealthy tobacco merchant.
Baptism Record for Edward Cudgington Fernihough “Tobacco Merchant”, note spelling “Cudgington”
Baptism: 22 Apr 1845 St Peter, Liverpool, Lancs.Edward Cudgington Fernihough – [Child] of John Charles Fernihough & Elizabeth Pusey Born: 3 Oct 1844 Abode: Rodney St Occupation: Tobacco Merchant Baptised by: J. G. Headlam Curate Register: Baptisms 1844 -1846, Page 123, Entry 977 Source: LDS Film 93884
The Lloyd’s and deFernihalghs connect in Lancashire
John William Lloyd (1781 – 1870)