Veranda, a home away from home
The Universe is a Symphony and an Aria~Summer Fernihalgh
The Universe is like music~Albert Einstein
The Universe
New! The Aria Equation Proof of Creation
Psalms 37.29 The righteous shall possess The Land, and they shall reside forever upon it.
The Land is any habitable world in The Created Universe, thus fulfilling The Promise to Av’raham that his children would be as numerous as the stars of the heavens and as numerous as the sands of the sea.
Getting there is half the fun!
There is no evolution, it is Creation. The sudden appearance of skeletonized invertebrates with no progenitors proves it. There was no Big Bang. There is a massive wall in space, ask any ballistics expert, an explosion does not create a wall pattern. You have all been educated by Hollywood. Planet of The Apes proves that the skeletal structure of a human face can be made to look ape-like by a skilled make-up artist.
There has never been a scientific experiment that proves that life comes from non-life and there never will be. Next time use a vacuum sealed containment with an oxygen absorber inside the lid. Higgs Boson is a special type of magnet that utilizes the vacuum of space.

A “Feat of Engineering”—How DNA Is Packed: Packing the DNA into the nucleus is an amazing feat of engineering—like packing 24 miles of very fine thread into a tennis ball

One gram of DNA carries as much information as a trillion CDs could
Replication—How DNA Is Copied
This part of the enzyme machine splits the DNA into two separate strands
This part of the machine takes in a single strand of DNA and uses it as a template to create a double strand
Ring-shaped sliding clamp that guides and stabilizes the enzyme machine
Two complete DNA strands are formed

If DNA were the size of a railroad track, the enzyme machine would be moving at the rate of over 50 miles per hour

How can DNA be read and copied so reliably? The four chemical bases used in the DNA ladder—A, T, G, and C—form the ladder’s individual rungs by always pairing in the same way: A with T, and G with C. If one side of a rung is A, the other side is always T; G always meets C. Therefore, if you have one side of the ladder, you know the other side of the ladder. Where one side of the ladder reads GTCA, the other side must read CAGT. The partial rungs differ in length, but when they pair up with their complements, they make complete rungs of one uniform length.
Discovering that fact led scientists to another breakthrough about this remarkable molecule: DNA is perfectly suited for being copied over and over. The enzyme machine that replicates DNA takes in free-floating units of those four chemicals from the environment in the nucleus. Then it uses them to complete each rung on the split DNA strand.
So a DNA molecule really is like a book that is read and copied over and over again. In the average life span of a human, DNA is copied some 10,000,000,000,000,000 times, with amazing fidelity.28
Fact: DNA is packaged within the chromosomes in a manner so efficient that it has been called a “feat of engineering.”
Question: How could such order and organization arise by undirected chance events?
Fact: DNA’s capacity to store information still has no equal in today’s computer age.
Question: If human computer technicians cannot achieve such results, how could mindless matter do so on its own?
Fact: DNA contains all the instructions needed to build a unique human body and maintain it throughout life.
Question: How could such writing come about without a writer, such programming without a programmer?
Fact: For DNA to work, it has to be copied, read, and proofread by a swarm of complex molecular machines called enzymes, which must work together with precision and split-second timing.
Question: Do you believe that highly complex, highly reliable machinery can come about by chance? Without solid proof, would not such a belief amount to blind faith?
To examine, reverse transcription of RNA
I broke a nail, I’m sure it will grow back.

We are wonders of Creation
Life does not come from non-life and there has never been a scientific experiment that has proved otherwise. And there never will be.
It’s written everywhere and on every thing. God loves you.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart-brain and the interaction between them is the soul. When we receive sacred spirit, it is is located between the brain and the mind but does not touch the body. It actuates the mind.~Tiffany McTaggart
Modern genetics and molecular biology have provided ample evidence of the highly complex and interdependent relationships between DNA, RNA, and protein. These findings imply that life depends on having all these elements simultaneously. Thus, life could never have come about spontaneously by chance.
The only reasonable explanation is that a supremely intelligent Creator coded the instructions in DNA and simultaneously made the fully formed proteins. The interaction between them was so well devised that once begun, this process would ensure that proteins would continue to copy DNA to make more genes, while other proteins would decode genes to make more proteins.
For the first life-form to continue, it had to be able to reproduce, to make copies of itself. One professor of chemistry said that among the things needed would be
(1) a protective membrane,
(2) the ability to get and process energy,
(3) information in the genes, and
(4) the ability to make copies of that information.
“One is struck by the complexity of even the simplest form of life.”
Humans are endowed with a special nervous system to sense love and tenderness, reports the German scientific journal Bild der Wissenschaft. Swedish scientists discovered that a woman who had lost her main touch receptors still felt a pleasant sensation when stroked with a soft paintbrush. This sense of pleasure, they found, was evoked by a second nerve network in the skin, consisting of slow-conducting fibers called tactile C fibers. The network only responds to a gentle touch and activates those brain areas dealing with emotions. Commenting on why humans might have two different sets of nerves, the International Herald Tribune states. “The slow fibers function from the earliest hours of life, perhaps even in the womb, while the fast fibers develop slowly after birth. Newborns might be able to feel the love in a parent’s touch before they can feel the touch itself.”
One important reason is so we can have emotional love with our mate in complete privacy. (Complete privacy means God is not watching) The Bible is explicit about what not to do sexually. Nothing else is required but the Bible’s clear instructions. (2 Timothy 3.16,17)
Because of His limitless power and perfect memory, anything Y’hayah can imagine can become reality. He materializes things from the infinite invisible energy environment around Him. He created everything in Heaven. This is not the same as physical energy which Y’hayah created and then materialized (a new creation). Y’hayah created everything including particles.
The materials of the human body are from the Earth, but life is from God. This is the difference between a rock and person. Y’hayah created man from the dust of the ground and “then” breathed into Him the breath of life. This is scriptural. Y’hayah started the breathing process after creating man from elements of earth. By means of His spirit, which is ALWAYS sent, never umbilical in any way, he used it to start the breathing process. And then sent Adam the sacred spirit. The sacred spirit is located between the brain and the mind but does not touch the body. It actuates the mind. It does not exist in the physical realm and can not be felt physically but can act upon physical elements. When the Bible says “he”, that is called “personification” when used in The Bible. It is not “ruach” or wind, that is Satanic, it is “ruah” meaning “spirit” and the name of The Sacred Spirit is Ahri, from “ridi”, meaning “with laughter”, truly, this is Father, God is spirit, God is love, His spirit is Eternal and His love for us is also Eternal. He is Sacred and Precious to us and we are Sacred and Precious to Him.
Psalms 139.16
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Because of genetic traits and the sheer power of Our Father’s Perfect Brain and Mind, God can perceive any combination genetically of every person ever created at once and once life has been conceived know the person’s inclination as with Yacob and Esau. Yacob was one of the possibilities that was definite genetically, so he was written as the one who would be spiritually inclined. Only God knows the soul and that is “why” he knows the dominant inclination of a person, but He does not consider them lost unless they sin against His spirit or rebel against Him to the very end. Good to read about Manasseh if you’ve lived a very imperfect or terrible life. You will find that God is Mercy and that you can share in Our Wonderful Hope.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart-brain and the interaction between them is the soul. Genetics are NOT the only factor.
These are the other factors.
Yes, the human heart, in addition to its other functions, actually possesses a heart-brain composed of about 40,000 neurons that can sense, feel, learn and remember. The heart brain sends messages to the head brain about how the body feels and more.
Definition of parallel, “at once” or “at the same time. Yeshua is the First of God’s created Children created from the original blueprint of what God learned about Himself that caused Him to be alive, a living person. Yeshua is also a parallel person, making Him unique of all created people. In Him The “Fullness” of God dwells, this is scriptural truth.
Revelation 25 September, 2022 Yeshua now understood to live as God does. Before Yeshua was created, God was alone, with infinite love to give.
After Yeshua was created, everything was created by Yeshua and for him. The complete and perfect explanation is on another page and will be copied here later.
Life is SACRED. God is the originator of procreation. God is not in the bedroom during sex. Life begins at conception.
Psalms 139.15
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
New International Version
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
The first manifestation of evil was in The Garden of Eden. Before then, there was no reason for God to foreknow or foresee “anything”.
God is innocent, in every sense of the word.
Satan was entrusted with being a steward over the Earth. And in modern times, I believe there was a sympathiser in Heaven cooperating with him, but it is now known in Heaven who and how and why. It involved me. Satan simply knew too much in advance about me for it not to be so.
We must prove ourselves loyal and trustworthy to God, based on faith in The Sacrifice of Yeshua at Calvary.
The Ancient Name of God Yahvah
What About Human Evolution?
No explanation of evolution is scientific or sophisticated, it is Satanic reasoning.
God’s thoughts are sophisticated, intellectually pleasing.
The neuron is a communications device. Communications devices don’t just happen. Ask anyone who builds communications devices, they will look at you like you are a moron if you say it just “happened” and wasn’t made.~I am Sher’Al, in ancient Hebrew it means “The first faint rays of light before the dawn, from God”. And Sher means “dawn”, early morning. Until the Day Star arises in our hearts. “until the day breaks through [the gloom] and the Morning Star rises (comes into being) in your hearts” Day Star or “phosphoros” in the Greek language meaning, “light bearing, morning star”. Yeshua is “The Bright Morning Star”~Sher
The neuron is a communications device
The inner life of The Cell
Proof The Big Bang Theory is False
There is a gigantic wall in space.
Ask any ballistic expert if an explosion makes a wall pattern. They will tell you, definitely not. The Universe was created. What you are seeing when you examine The Creation Moment Fact, the moment before what you call The Big Bang, is an audio pattern. It is the voice of God saying “Behold”.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
The home page is the authority for Biblical names, I didn’t have time to go back and edit hundreds of pages.
E-shu is a false god of the Yoruba Religion and Ye-shu’-ah is also the wrong pronunciation according to Ancient Hebrew. “/shu/” is an Assyrian curse word.
All Glory to Our Father in Heaven and Honour Yeshua, the First of His Children Created in Heaven. Before Yeshua was created, Father was alone, with infinite love to give.
Remember, Father in Heaven loves you with Eternal love and Yeshua, loves you too, with Eternal Love that never dies. We are alive forever with them.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
Satan invested everything in Evolution, The Big Bang and Evil with Hate. I have proven him wrong, spiritually and scientifically, I have taken away all hope for those who insist on being evil and given nothing but Hope to those with Faith who have Love with Mercy. Evil is having a bad day with The Meshikhi.
~Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Zoe Lalu Ahlalu (my spiritual name)
Life, Love, the spirit of Love.
Just a name, but significant in meaning.