John 1.1 In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and godly was The Word.
The definition of godly is, “with reverent love, loyal and dutiful with awe”.
Ancient Aramaic and Hebrew are beautiful, soft and musical, not gutteral.
avwn d’bshmya
ܐܒܘܢ ܕܒܫܡܝܐ
ܐܒܘܢ ܕܒܫܡܝܐ
Av wun d’ B’shmya
Merciful Father in Shamaya
net qadda shmach
Sacred be Thy Name
tee-ete mal-ku-tach
May Your Kingdom come
neh-weh tsarayanic
May Your will be done
ay kannat b’shmayaph bonop
as so in Shamaya, also in the Earth
Av wun d’ B’shmya
Merciful Father in Shamaya
net qadda shmach
Sacred be Thy Name
tee-ete mal-ku-tach
May Your Kingdom come
neh-weh tsarayanic
May Your will be done
ay kannat b’shmayaph bonop
as so in Shamaya, also in the Earth
havalah lahma d’sunkunana ya manah
Give unto us the bread of our need today
wash-bu-o-qan hau-bayn waha-tym
And forgive us our debt
ay-kana do-phnan sh-bo-qan ahlay-ban
as we have forgiven all who are indebted to us
we-la tah-lan layanes-yu-nah
and do not let us succumb to temptation
ela pa-tsan min bi-sha
but deliver us from evil,
me-tulin dee-la-khe mal-ku-tah
because Yours is The Kingdom
nu-hay-ee bahan, wah-tesh-buhta
and The Power, and The Glory
l’-ah-lam al-min
never ending, eternal
me-tulin dee-la-khe mal-ku-tah
because Yours is The Kingdom
nu-hay-ee bahan, wah-tesh-buhta
and The Power, and The Glory
l’-ah-lam al-min
never ending, eternal
After the singing, everyone will say
B’eh b’shem Yshoa
In the name of Isho,
Understanding “merciful” in the first line.
It takes 53 seconds to say the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, even less in English. Isho started every day with prayer so He was always prepared spiritually. Isho was not married. If you are married, see the Spiritual Couples page. It is different for couples and God wants you to be happy about prayer.