Kind eyes and a nice smile
This is not an image of Yah’-ha-vah’, only a perception of what He is like. The comparison must be made because what has been done to people. I am aware of the commandment about no images of Yah’-ha-vah’. I also know love covers over many sins.

Worshiping Our Father in Heaven is the most natural thing there is, being happy about Him for all that He has done for us. He’s so wonderful and is always there for us. That is Our Father in Heaven, Ahv’ah. It’s natural to worship and to pray once you know Him, because we love Him so much we want to spend time with Him. This is true worship. We adore Him. And He loves spending time with us.
Psalms 83:18 That they may know that You, whose name alone is Ahv’ah, Are the Most High over all the Earth. (end of Scripture)
Ahv’ah, You alone are Yah’-ha-vah’.
Pray Ahvva, Father, once in prayer you can just call Him Ahv or Father. When you need to do something else just say, “Excuse me Father, in the name of Y’sho, Ahmeyn (or Amen).
What is Ahv Like?
Our Father is warm, funny, loving, and wonderful to know. His dream is to fill the Earth with happy healthy people. And it will happen, His Son shares his vision for people. He believes in it so much He was willing to die to make it happen.
Our Father is infinite in Love, Power, Justice , Wisdom and every other attribute. He a true father in every sense of the word. He does not want you to be afraid of Him. The fear of Ahv is not wanting to do anything to disrespect Him or His great love for us. Not wanting to make Him embarrassed of us by us fearing anyone or anything.
Ahv is love (1 John 4:8). Anything in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie.
Deuteronomy 6:4,5
4 Hear Israel, Ahv’ah our Ahv. Ahv’ah is one.
5 And you shall love Ahv’ah your Ahv with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
How Does Ahv Exist?
Ahv is a person like us but perfect, with infinite power and ability. He has a heart, a mind and a soul. We also have a heart, mind and soul. This is what being made in His image means and why people who think about these things are spiritual in nature and sense that He exists (not to mention all of the perfect science evident in Creation). All people, starting with Yesha’vah, were created from His understanding of what made Him alive, a living person. He is our Father, not something abstract. Until the time He brought Yesha’vah into existence, He was alone. Why He brought people into existence is obvious. Now you know why we exist. Because Ahv is a person who wants people in His life and loves having people in His life. The Bible says that Ahv is love because He has an infinite amount of love to give. And it’s only natural to love Him back. Ahv’s dwelling is in Heaven but He can be aware of more than one place at one time. He can look anywhere He wants and be cognizant of it instantly, an unlimited number of times at once. His vision is such that He can see the physical world from a distance or down to the particle level at the same time if He wants to. All of His senses are like this. He can also communicate with an unlimited number of people at the same time, one on one. This is because He is a parallel being and able to do any number of things at the same time infinitely. He knows everything about everything “at the same time”.
Definition of Parallel
Something that occurs in parallel with something else occurs at the same time as it.
Ahv is a loving Father
Psalms 139:14 I will give thanks to You, because I am awesomely and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.
Ahv is aware of the vital signs of every living thing and every person’s soul (Matthew 10:29). For example, this is what causes Him to notice when our intention is to perform an act of kindness. He wants to watch so that He will remember it. He knows what to watch because He knows our intentions. The soul is the result of of our heart and mind (Jeremiah 17:10, See the page “The Soul and The Sacred Spirit” to learn more) He is also aware if we are thinking about Him. He is only a thought or a prayer away if we need Him or simply want to talk to Him. Other than that, He dignifies us with complete privacy. For example, in the Garden of Eden Ahv called out to the man “where are you?”, even though He could obviously have easily located Him (Genesis 3:9).
Ahv can read and remember our memories as easily as an expert can read a video file. In fact He does this the moment before the living cells in our brain die. He also remembers everything in our heart, mind, soul and He knows our genetic blueprint before we are born (Psalms 139:16). With this information He can recreate us as a new person without imperfection. See the page “For those who mourn” for more about this.
Matthew 10:29 What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.
Jeremiah 17:10 I, Ahv’ah, search the heart; I examine the mind to reward a man according to his way, by what his deeds deserve.
Genesis 3:9 Then Ahv’ah called to the man, and said to him, “Where are you?”
Romans 2:14 For when Gentiles who do not have the Law instinctively perform the requirements of the Law, these, though not having the Law, are a law to themselves,
Psalms 139:16 but with your own eyes you saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything about me.
This is how we are designed.
Spiritually, our mind is not responsive to Ahv during private and intimate things unless we pray, like in an emergency and then our mind becomes responsive to Him again. Otherwise, it’s automatic. This is governed by our body signals. This way, He knows when not to be watching us in any way. He does not want to watch His children having sex or using the bathroom and He doesn’t want us to have anything like that in our mind. If we have The Sacred Spirit, that’s how it works. Ahv is not a sexual being but identifies Himself as masculine. He does not want us to combine sensual things and spiritual things. Ahv gave us a conscience to distinguish right from wrong so that He would not have to watch us every moment and make us feel uncomfortable (Romans 2:14). Everyone has a conscience. We can also ask Him to watch us if we are in the hospital or performing or doing something funny or just because we want Him to in some situation. Really, He knows us and will watch us any time we want Him to.
Isn’t our Father wonderful? He is exactly like a perfectly loving human father in every way. He wants nothing to make us feel awkward about Him and we are purposefully created so we will feel comfortable in our relationship with Him. He thought of everything.
And so you see, Ahv is a parallel being with infinite power and ability to do anything He wants to, but doesn’t for our sake. He is a loving father who loves to hear from His children. This is why prayer is so wonderful.
Ahv gave us free will
You are wondering why things are the way they are.
Why, Ahv? – Our first parents broke Ahv’s perfect law based on love. Ahv could have programmed us to obey Him. But He didn’t. We must accept Ahv as Our Father of our own free will because of His love for us and our love for Him. And if we want Him as Our Father, we must accept His right to set boundaries for us. This caused everything. They didn’t love Him enough to listen to Him. Eve listened to someone who was obviously contradicting what Our Father said. Satan told Eve, “You positively will not die. You will be like Ahv, knowing good and bad”. Adam was not deceived, He just saw that Eve didn’t immediately die and so went ahead and joined her. They chose to disobey Him of their own free will. No one forced them. These were not imperfect people making an innocent mistake, but perfect people with full knowledge of what they were doing. Their perfect consciences would have warned them explicitly that what they were about to do was wrong. They were warned what would happen if they did. They would die like the animals they had seen die. This was the tree of life and it represented their life given to them by Ahv. Ahv made it abundantly clear to them what it represented. It was their Father who had given them that life, the one who had lavished them with His love by giving them the paradise and giving them free will to chose to obey Him out of love, not for any other reason. Ahv doesn’t force anyone to love Him. So Ahv sent His best, the first of His children, His only begotten Son, with a soul that would not fail because of His perfect love for Ahv. He would love Ahv enough to obey Him out of love for Him to the point of death. Yesha’vah proved the extent to which we must love Ahv and others, fulfilling Ahv’s universal law based on love. Ahv is Sacred and His law based on love is perfect. Faith in the Sacrifice of Yesha’vah is now required for eternal life. His life did two things. He fulfilled the Mosaic law and replaced it with Ahv’s original law based on love. Faith in the Sacrifice of Yesha’vah is the only thing Ahv will accept for us to have eternal life. By putting faith in the Sacrifice of Yesha’vah, we are accepting Ahv’s universal law based on love and understanding the cost of our life. Out of love, Ahv provided a perfect life in exchange for Adam’s perfect life to save Adam and Eve’s children from sin and death. No number of imperfect lives could pay the price for one eternal life, not even the twenty billion people who have lived so far, not even any amount who will ever live. Yesha’vah wanted to do this for us because He knew that Ahv cannot die, so he stepped forward and said “Here I am Father, send me.” He volunteered (Isaiah 6:8). This is why we can live again. They both love us that much.
ܘܠܐܦܝ ܬܫܥ ܫܥܝܢ ܩܥܐ ܝܫܘܥ ܒܩܠܐ ܪܡܐ ܘܐܡܪ ܐܝܠ ܐܝܠ ܠܡܢܐ ܫܒܩܬܢܝ
Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour, Yesha’vah cried out in a qala rama {a loud voice}, and said, “Eli! Eli! Lamana Shabaqthani {My Ahv! My Ahv! Why have you left me}!?”
He spoke those words out of obedience to fulfill the prophecy at Psalms 22:1, He did not lose faith for one moment. When Ahv’ah withdrew His power (but not the Holy Spirit) so that Yesha’vah could die a natural death, Yesha’vah searched the Scriptures with His perfect mind and spoke the above words. Up until the moment Ahv withdrew His power, Yesha’vah could have saved Himself, but resisted the temptation to do so, even though He was taunted by people and by Satan and the demons. But He would not do anything to fail His Father or us. Nothing could break Him or make Him lose faith in what He was doing. Dying for us. Ahv’s withdrawing His power must not be misunderstood. This was the Sacrifice of His beloved Son for us. If Ahv had not withdrawn His power, there is no way Yesha’vah could have died.
The only reason the Sacred Spirit would be removed from a perfect person is if they sin. Yesha’vah was sinless and therefore had the Sacred Spirit until He died. This proves two scriptural principles. A perfect person with the Sacred Spirit can die. Humans are kept alive forever by what the Bible calls Sacred Spirit on this website will enable you to understand where it is located and how it operates.
Ecclesiastes 12:7 then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to Ahv who gave it.
Satan is the Yah’-ha-vah’ of this world as the Bible calls Him. Those who hate are not compatible with Ahv’s family and our Father doesn’t want them wrecking things for everyone else who want a peaceful life filled with love and fun and laughter. The damage that someone with perfection does to themselves when they sin intentionally is permanent. It affects their entire life and they begin to think like Satan. This is what happened to Adam and Eve. They believed Satan’s lies and paid the price for it. How can the world be a paradise when there are so many hateful people in it? It’s a simple fact of life that it is not possible. Most people are loving and wish things were different. With no hateful people, there is no reason to worry about yourself or your home. Loving people do not break in, steal, hurt people intentionally or commit other hateful acts or cause wars. Now you see the problem. It is love vs hate and if you chose hate, you will cease to exist at the end. People who live a good life and have a clean conscience must put faith in Yesha’vah’s sacrifice to live forever in the Paradise Earth for reasons I have already explained. Yesha’vah Himself said, “I am the way, the truth and the life”. I believe you now know what that means. Ahv’s plan for humans is unity not divisions. Psalms 133
Finally, do not worry about being imperfect at this time. Ahv understands that it is not possible to be perfectly loving all the time. When you are made perfect and are surrounded by loving people, it will be as natural as loving your own family and friends.
Psalms 37:10 In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there.
Ahv’s love and mercy
The only people who will die at the end are those who will not accept Ahv’s love and the sacrifice of His Son. And they will simply cease to exist. There is no hell, even for Satan, although Satan would like you to think there is (Ecclesiasted 9:5,10; Ezekiel 18:4). The etymology of the word Hell can be found as the last entry in Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary. It means to cover over with dirt. The word Hell simply means “the grave” as does the Greek word “Hades” and the Hebrew word “Sheol”. The lake of fire and Gehenna simply mean eternal destruction. Ahv brings the end when He does because He has to, not because He wants to. The situation will require it because no one would survive otherwise (Matthew 24:22).
This will end the present world system. At that time and up until the final moment, Ahv will have one concern. He will use His infinite power to read every heart and mind until He is sure of what must be done. Until that time He is pleading with people to listen to Him and to His Son and be saved.
Good News! A great multitude of people will survive the end.
Revelation 7:9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all the tribes, peoples, and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands;
This is the truth of Ahv’s love and His mercy. Please accept it.
Acts 15:29
Understand and learn about these things. Abstain from things offered to idols. No sex between unmarried people. Hunters must make sure that the meat they eat that is bled properly. Abstain from blood. Use only your own blood including fractions of your own blood for medical reasons. Only warm storage of whole blood up to 72 hours should be used.
Now you know the the correct explanation of Acts 15:29.
You must know this
The Sacrifice of Yesha’vah replaces the Mosaic Law. The Mosaic was a tutor leading to the Messiah.
Exodus 23:13 “Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other Yah’-ha-vah’s; do not let them be heard on your lips.
Things you must not do. (Deuteronomy 18:9-14)
Recreational things
Ecclesiastes 9:7 Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for Ahv has already approved what you do.
Smoking is not related to spiritism as some claim.
Be moderate in your habits and do not overdo anything. Know your limits and obey the laws and regulations about them.
Proverbs 31:6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine to those who are bitter of soul (deep negative feelings and emotions).
Fortified wine is optimal for depression.
Anything on Ahv’s Earth that is natural is no problem for Him. Make sure you have permission from Ahv’ah for anything else. Read the page about prayer if you have any questions at all about it.
Have love and RESPECT for Ahv’ah Our Ahv with regard to these things.
Sadly, many will choose Satan’s idea of total independence from Ahv’s way of love. Ahv will make them cease to exist along with Satan and the demons. Our Father knows what’s best for His children. Only Ahv’s way of love ensures a peaceful and happy life for all of His children. This is in fact the reason for the problems facing mankind. Selfishness and concern for only what we want without concern for how it affects others causes disharmony in the human family. Are you seeing how profoundly different Ahv’s thinking is about His family? He can’t guarantee the life that He wants and has promised for all people unless He removes those who want total independence from the way He wants us to be, which Yesha’vah showed us. The Way is for everyone to benefit from and to promote peace and harmony in the human family.
The solution to mankind’s problems is love. Love for Our Father and love for others is what Yesha’vah taught. He even added the New Commandment to love people to the extent that He did, putting the lives of others before our own.
And so you see this is a family, not a movement, not a religion. It’s not difficult. It’s fun and it’s a pleasant way to live. And we will have peace as long as we live this way.
Micah 6:8 He has told you, mortal one, what is good; And what does Ahv’ah require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your Ahv?
Revelation 20:3-5; Isaiah 65:20; Revelation 20:7-9; John 13:34
Remember, Ahv doesn’t want anyone to cease to exist, but it’s the way it is. Soon everyone on Earth will have this knowledge and will have to decide if they want to be part of Ahv’s peaceful, loving family or not. It’s an easy decision. Here is Ahv’s final word on it.
Deuteronomy 30:19,20 I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have placed before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants, 20 by loving Ahv’ah your Ahv, by obeying His voice, and by holding close to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days, so that you may live in the land which Ahv’ah swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”
Those who have already died will be resurrected (brought back to life) some time after the end. See the page “For those who mourn” for more information about this. You will be comforted greatly by it and will know how merciful Our Father is.
Message for the children of Ahv
Please hear me beloved children of Ahv. Ahv’ah wants none of you to be destroyed, not one. And here is why. Our Ahv loves His created people so much and His heart is so expansive and infinite in love that He does not want to harm a living soul. But to save you He must do some things and make decisions that He has to live with for the benefit of you. In His heart He does not want to harm a living thing, not a sparrow falls without Him knowing it. But He is Ahv, and a Father trying to save His children. So He must give the most terrible orders of all time at the end, but only to save as many as possible from destruction. Because you would truly perish if He didn’t. I just wanted you to know how much He loves you and worries about you and thinks about you and wants to help you. That’s all He wants.
This website is under attack by Satan, but by Ahv’s power you will able read any page on this website.
At the end, people who will not survive, will destroy each other or themselves. In this way they will cease to exist, without the hope of a resurrection. That is the definition of “cease to exist ” on this page. This is Ahv’s judgement only. It will be a cut and dry decision by Him to allow them to have this fate.
Ahv’ah is the Ahv of David, the Ahv of Abraham and the Ahv of Yesha’vah Himself.
Yesha’vah worships Ahv’ah.
The Bible is the Word of Ahv’ah
There are no real discrepancies in the Bible only mistakes made by translators, for example:
Ahv speaks to Abram
Genesis 15:7 Then He said to him, “I am Ahv’ah, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to inherit it.”
Ahv speaks to Moses
Exodus 6:3b has been translated wrong.
Westminster Leningrad Codex clarifies to a certain degree, but I’ll clarify it further.
וָאֵרָ֗א אֶל־אַבְרָהָ֛ם אֶל־יִצְחָ֥ק וְאֶֽל־יַעֲקֹ֖ב בְּאֵ֣ל שַׁדָּ֑י וּשְׁמִ֣י יָהָוָה לֹ֥א נֹודַ֖עְתִּי לָהֶֽם
Exodus 6:3 And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as Ahv Almighty and by the Name Ahv’ah I was known.
Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am Ahv’ah; and there is no one saving without me.
Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Messiah the Lord.
Yesha’vah is The Messiah, He is not Ahv.
Hanging out with Father
To understand Father more, first we will look at how humans measure time.
Nowadays, Cesium-133 is used as the definition for the second due to the reliable frequency of microwave it emits. The definition is. The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom.
So we see how humans view time and how we perceive moments.
Father’s perception of time is infinitely more than ours. One second for him divided infinitely is how father lives. So, He can do an unimaginable amount of things at once, compared to us. He also has infinite power, so there is no limit to what He can do.
So we measure time as we do as stated above, for father that one second is divided up infinitely more than that.
So he can be in a moment with one of his children at any time they want to for as long as they want to, one on one and just talk, or listen to smooth jazz, and if anything comes to mind, can just talk about it. This is what I call sharing a moment with Father. It is your moment only with Father. And He can share this type of moment with all of His children at the same time, that is how Father lives, in parallel.
Think of it this way. Each person has their own eternal moment with Father and can spend as much time with Him as they want, whenever they want.
Here’s a great site with some great music, any genre, Father loves any type of music when it’s good music or just made with love. Just to get you started in your new life with Father.
Our Father, Ahvah. Warm, loving, wonderful to know. He’s so cool and He’s funny too! Wonderful to know isn’t it? Ahvah loves people like mad, loves it when people are funny, loves all the arts and everything we do brings glory to Him if it’s good. And you will love having His smile upon you. Praise Ahvah!!!!!!! You must never try to make a picture of Father because you may look at it and talk to it. This is the danger of images. Most people do not know Father because religion has placed an image in their mind of who he is that is false. If you haven’t read about it on the Welcome page yet ahv is the pronunciation of the ancient root word /av/ meaning “father”.
Now, here is where people are mistaken and I misunderstood as well. I said to Father in prayer one time, if you would just spend 5 minutes with each person, all of their problems would be solved, no problem, in five minutes.
Now I understand the truth of the matter, and it was profound to me, that I knew Father in a different way than everyone else but me. No one gives Father the time of day, or takes the time to sit down, open prayer and talk to Father, just for the sake of talking to him. Early in life I figured out or decided, probably from the Bible that Father said He would provide what we need and as David said “I will lack nothing”. So, what does this mean. Try praying sometime with the only purpose of just spending time with Father and hanging out together and doing whatever activity you love to do. This is life itself. Now you know the absolute truth about parallel, the infinite power of Our Father in Heaven and how to learn to just be one of His children and spend time with Him. If you need to use the washroom or anything else just say “I need to be excused Father” and end prayer, “in The Name of Y’sho, amen”. You can return to prayer after doing whatever it is that you need to do. This is what Peter meant when he said “pray without ceasing”. It really is the best way to be for a Christian, especially while the world is the way it is before the Paradise Earth when people will be restored to perfection in every way including genetically, physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
Never combine spiritual things like time with Father, with sensual things like sex. Absolutely do not do anything like that.
Also, people misperceive what worship is. It is not like religion at all. Worship of Father is reverent love for Him and the expression of that love.
The Fear of Yah’-ha-vah’, well is like this. As long as we have reverent love for Our Father and absolute respect for Him and listen to how He says He wants things to be with His children by means of The Bible, after that you will understand something profound.
I think of Father as father with a small /f/ and Father with a capital /F/, because the reverent love and respect is already there. So most of the time, to me, he is father with a small /f/ but I know and it’s a natural thing to know that there are times when the respect is absolutely needed and then I call him Father with a capital /F/.
Yah’-ha-vah’ is love, says the Bible, and I have found this is not the right word. The word is Ahv, Father.
We are created as we are for a reason. At first Father was alone but wanted to have others in His life, you can read about this on this website for example the page about The One Lord Y’sho, when Y’sho was created.
Psalms 37.29 says The righteous shall possess the land, and they will reside forever upon it. “The land” is the correct translation. The land is any habitable world in The Universe.
This will be the fulfill the promise to Ab’raham that his children would be like the stars of the heavens and like the sands of the sea.
We are Meshikhi and this is Meshikhi cool.
Just one of the types of music Father likes and I like. It’s something special that we share.
What was lost
The disciples of Y’sho had time to relax and hang out with him. This was awesome for them, because they would just relax and do whatever and joke around, and enjoy each other’s company and Y’sho would tell them things that would blow their mind about Father. This is where you learn, like Father like Son. Hanging out with Y’sho was just like it is hanging out with Father. Eventually, everyone forgot about what it was like to be a Christian. Y’sho did everything perfect and was wonderful to be with and taught people how to be with people and to only look for the love in them. How on Earth people forgot how to be Christians is unknown, except for somehow, it turned into RELIGION, once again. They lost everything about being people people like Y’sho and it turned back into the “R” word.
Now you will understand what Peter said and know that it is inspired. Listen carefully. The word prayer is a good word if you know what you are talking about. We pray to Father, Father in Heaven and then you are in your personal moment with Father for as long as you want. Here is the key. Worship is reverent love for Father. I enjoy both listening to the worship music on the playlist above and definitely enjoy hanging out with Father and we listen to Smooth Jazz because it’s something we have in common as Father and Daughter. The Bible also says “Love throws fear outside”, as long as you have reverent love and respect for Father and put faith in the Sacrifice of Y’sho, you will receive the sacred spirit and be able to have this wonderful experience, more wonderful than anything else you will ever know. Whenever you need to do things or every day things or whatever, simply end prayer, I usually say either “I have to excuse myself Father, or I’ll talk to you later Father and then end prayer with “in the name of Y’sho, amen”. You can go back to prayer whenever you want for as long as you want, because for Father it is just a joy spending time with His children, which is His dream and what Y’sho wanted for everyone too, because Y’sho already knew what it was like from living with Father in Heaven.
Fixing the problem
Listen O Watch Tower and Listen O Church. You are all beloved of Yah’-ha-vah’ and Y’sho loves you too, but you absolutely must wake up. On this website are your instructions from Yah’-ha-vah’. You will absolutely route Satan and be successful. I saw the love in all of you and decided. They must absolutely know everything about everything. On the page titled Becoming Meshikhi is the key to defeating Satan. I saw the love in all of you and knew that you must be delivered from Our Great Enemy, Satan. And Yah’-ha-vah’ is absolute about His children who love Him and appreciate The Sacrifice of His Son, Y’sho. You will indeed be delivered.
Remember Yah’-ha-vah’ loves you and Y’sho loves you.
Christianity is simple
Our Father
The first of His children in Heaven, Y’sho
The rest of His children in Heaven
And His Children on Earth
Christianity is living and loving people and having faith. That is The Christianity that Y’sho taught by loving them and having faith.
Religion is garbage and nothing but bullshit. You don’t need to learn the encyclopedia to be Christian. Throw everything from religion in the garbage or the recycle bin, because that’s where it belongs, maybe it be recycled as something useful like toilet paper. Only keep your Bible and pray to Father in Heaven and when you’re done talking to Him always remember to say “In The Name of Y’sho, Ameyn”. Always remember that comma after The Name of Y’sho, just a little pause, not dramatic, but it must be there so you learn to appreciate that Name and remember that is not just a word to say, or insignificant in any way. It is the reason you are able to be with Father in the first place and pray to Him in the first place. One day, after Y’sho is done restoring all things and there are no more things He has to provide, Father will be all things to all people and He will be the one providing everything. Meshikhi will never forget The Name of Y’sho nor will anyone born in perfection, whatever world you happen to live on in the Universe Our Father Created. But after talking to Father, Meshikhi will say “Thank you for Y’sho”.
The Name of Our Father will not be forgotten again, nor will the Name of Y’sho. The Name of Y’sho will never become a Name in a book on a shelf, covered with dust, nor will it have to be looked up to remembered.
And that is the basic truth of Christianity.
Everything else is a lie of Satan.
With love,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Ahvah’s Dream, a family
Ahv’s dream is people, a family surrounding Him, and all He gives is love, everything else you have ever learned or experienced is lie. Yah’-ha-vah’ is love and anything in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie.
I have taken the alter of Yah’-ha-vah’ and removed it from Heaven, and it now sits at the bottom of the Ottawa
River in Ottawa, Canada. You see, here is the truth. He is Our Creator and Our Eternal Sacred Father. Yes I tell you, a Father and every sense for boys and girls, for men and women. I worked hard about finding Him since I was 12 years old and figured something bad was happening and the bad one was after me, so I ran to Our Father. And one disaster after another that was my life, there He always was, still with me and making me laugh and I love Him so much. All of religion is a lie made by Satan, just an ignorant moronic asshole who didn’t appreciate such love I can’t even describe. 46years later, I stopped and said, Ahv, we need a day off. And I put on some smooth jazz and decided just to be with him again in a way I hadn’t since 1995 when all my trouble really got terrible. And I said, let’s just hang out and listen to some music and if something comes up to talk about, we can talk about it, or just listen to the music and relax. We really need this day off and I need to spend time you and just hang out together. And a miracle happened. It’s the year 2022, but I’m back in 1995 in my mind, playing my guitar and thinking about Ahv, and talking about whatever is on my mind. And if you read this entire page, you will learn all about it and never look at life the same way again. He’s Avva, Our Father. That’s what Y’sho taught the disciples, and we call Him Avva, Father, just like they did so long ago. Something aweful happened on Earth not long after Y’sho went back to Heaven, something terrible. They forgot Our Father’s Name and they forgot even His Son’s Name, Y’sho. I will never understand it and I don’t want to understand those people and how stupid they were to lose something so precious it cannot even be counted. They forgot their Father in Heaven and the One who died for them on the Cross. They didn’t even remember His blessed Name, and what is that? Well, people are stupid, really they are, in a very stupid way. To let some asshole tell them that they are doing things wrong and just loving people and caring for each other was not the way to do things. Let’s organize this they said and make a religion. As stupid an idea that has ever been done to Our Father in Heaven, to Y’sho His Son and to Our Father’s Children, in Heaven and on Earth. Don’t be stupid like ancient people, or you will lose so much you don’t even understand. Cantcha love, cantcha just love Our in Heaven and appreciate the Sacrifice of His and be people who love each other.
Cantcha Love?
Satan and the demons are the enemy, and they are responsible for religion and people like them, just a bunch of assholes with no love. Avoid them like the plague, because that’s what they are, machine heads and animals who are extremely intelligent and dangerous to your life. Why did anybody in creation ever lose Father or His Name?
They just didn’t give Him the time time of day, the person who loved them with so much, you don’t even understand.
I’ve written a lot of things, some funny, some facts and things that are wonderful to know about Our Family, like what you read when you arrived at this website. But don’t let any asshole tell you what to do, or what to think or who to be. Just be yourself with Father. As long as the reverent love is there and absolute respect for Him as the source of life, there is no problem being yourself and you can tell Him anything, anything at all. Just pour your heart out to Him. Don’t worry,
Yah’-ha-vah’ spoke to humans on 3 occasions in the Bible, to accomplish His will. So it is with me.
Ahv communicates normally using an angel. Father and the angel communicate at incredible speeds we cannot comprehend and the angel speaks with the mouth of Yah’-ha-vah’, which means, Yah’-ha-vah’ speaks through that one. Know this and be sure of it, you are not imagining it. If you have the sacred of Yah’-ha-vah’ you will know when He finds something funny and when Satan is causing a physiological response, as is done with a laugh track, in an otherwise not funny program. We are imperfect and Our Yah’-ha-vah’ is holy. It is only because of our imperfection that Yah’-ha-vah’ does not communicate directly always, not because He doesn’t want to. It is because of our thoughts, which are sometimes, let’s just just say, very not perfect. Rest assured in the absolute love that Father has for you and it will not concern you at all.
Our Father cannot hear because He is pure and holy and clean and it must stay that way, until the world is re-created and people can live the way Our Father intended them to. A life full of love joy and laughter, without no one left who will ever hurt you. And after while, everyone you meet will be as close as your immediate family is now in 2022. I have seen all of these things, and know this is how it will be. In the future, there will be thrones in Heaven to remind people, how Sacred Our Father and Y’sho are. Our Father and the first of His Children in Heaven. The thrones will be there as a reminder but I have a hope and a dream for Him, that one day, that’s all they will be. And Our Father, will sit back and enjoy His Children with His feet up and just enjoying everything about His Family, not on a throne, but on a nice recliner, with all His children running up to Him whenever they want and hugging Him around the neck. And I know one day, that’s how it will be. That’s why I took the alter away with the coals on it and threw it into the Ottawa River and that’s where it stay forever, just remember what it represents. It’s Father and He has nothing but love to give you, anything else is a lie from Satan, the demons and humans who follow them and not he loving example of Y’sho, Our oldest brother in Heaven who died for us, because Father cannot die at all. He volunteered for this. Father would never force someone to do this. Who will go to Earth and die on a Cross, Father said. And Y’sho volunteered, “Here I am Father, send me.”
Anything else you hear is a lie of Satan and the demons and humans who follow them for rewards in these last few days, the time period we live in now, identical to ancient Jericho. This time period is known as Jericho.
I have 5 octives in my voice and wrote this song long ago as a warning to myself, as if I had already failed. But I did not fail and this is one of the reasons, I prepared my soul by destroying it absolutely so I would never be haughty or arrogant or think I was something. I’m no higher than a blade of grass, so the lawn mower can never get me and I’m even lower than that, I am in the dust of ancient Jericho, and it is not how to think, it is just to have a sense of it and to check your soul for flaws.
Why did I take the alter of Yah’-ha-vah’, with coals on it and throw it in the Ottawa River? Because it scares people and that is not really what Our Father is like in reality, It’s just life. No burning coals will ever be needed again because of what Our Father in Heaven and Y’sho, The First of His Children in heaven did for us, because all of what you are seeing now will never happen again, and no one should be afraid of Father in any way, Our Father who never did anything bad to anyone, they did it to themselves, by being evil, like Satan and the demons, with no love in them.
And it is absolute and it is just the way it has to be, so all the promises Yah’-ha-vah’ has made to His Children may come true and no one will ever hurt you in any way, ever again.
No one can know Y’sho at all unless they understand, “like Father like Son”, no one can know anything at all if they don’t understand this simple truth.
Y’sho is The Way, The Truth and The Life and every word of His in the Bible is sacred to Meshikhi, because they are the words of Our Father, expressed with so much love, it was obvious to everyday people who hoped in Him and they couldn’t wait to be with Him and learn about Our Father. Only the religious leaders with Satan hated Y’sho because of their money or their power they liked to have over people or whatever stupid reason they had.
Never forget, Our Father in Heaven is the last person that you should ever be afraid of. Love throws fear outside says the Bible, and it is natural to do so, because Our Father only loves us. Ahv would never hurt you for anything.
Don’t be afraid of Y’sho either, such a beautiful soul. He will always be written all over my heart and everything I ever understood about Him is in my soul forever. Y’sho would never hurt you for anything either.
Remember Yah’-ha-vah’ loves you and Y’sho loves you.
With love,
Faith, Promised One of Yesha’vah