“Without labor, there is nothing“
Behold The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11
May Ah’ri, The Sacred Spirit, bless The Holy Roman Empire

Tiffany, Empress of Austria-Rome
“Where the ruins are, there the vultures will gather” Matthi 24.28
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible, The Blacksmith of The Bible and The Duchess of Normandy. I am using The Stone of David.
The culmination of 27 years of Biblical Research.
The Christmas page is now the authority page, everything else is historical, The Bible has been updated. Father is destroying The Roman Religion and The Roman Bible. I am using The Stone of David.
If anyone gets this message, please send it to The United Nations using their contact form and to dujarric@un.org The U.N. Spokesman. Use Social Media and contact anyone with authority.
The Master Plan of The He-ath’-en (The Others)
There is a video that proves that Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses do everything unconsciously
with The He-ath’-en (The Others). The footnote system in The Bible that they use proves that
Jehovah is Jesus. They did it unconsciously.
Who will stand against Jesus’ Witnesses.
The New Brochure “Love People” brands them as “The Love People”. It uses love science. Google 36 questions that make you fall in love. You will fall in love with them, their exclusive Bible and exclusive doctrine.
They are Aryan about birth defects that cause Gender Identity problems.
They don’t believe in it.
You will all become Jesus’ Witnesses and kill us people born with birth
defects that cause Gender Identity problems. And you will do it unconsciously.
They have the widest distribution of any magazine worldwide according to
Business Insider.
It’s just a matter of time now. They will become Jesus’ Witnesses, The Love People Cult.
And control the world.
They are telegraphing the end of the world and will create it. Everyone is making decisions
based on their belief that it is the end of the world. The disaster preparedness industry
proves it.
Unless you stop them before they become Jesus’ Witnesses, The Love People.
“Mommy, I want to be one of The Love People”. It’s already happening.
CIA Submission Reference ID: YKTW7RML
Tiffany McTaggart
The Mosque Dream
Around the year 2000 I was conducting a Bible Study with a Muslim man and he confided in me that everyone in his mosque had had a dream about planes flying into tall buildings just prior to 9/11. I assured the man that the dream was not from God. God cannot perform an evil act nor can he be tried with evil, says The Bible. It is the most highly guarded secret of Islam. They believe everyone will eventually be Muslim.
The Mosque Dream was not spiritual, it was a communications event.
A previous incident at CFS Leitrim, a Master Corporal, Karen Bowen, came into Ops shaking and white as a sheet, claiming she had seen a grey alien. I wondered if The He-ath’-en (The Others) were using the EM Spectrum. That is now obvious to me.
I saw a program on the paranormal and something was being detected with a magnetometer and I knew.
The attacks are asymmetrical, so no one can say anything without sounding crazy to people. The technology being employed is from the morning of creation.
The backing in most mirrors is conductive. You are not a monster or crazy or demonized. Turn off your iPhone and look at your reflection in bright sunlight in the dark glass.
It is 1:13pm and the sun is at the 10am position in the sky in Ottawa, Canada. 1/11/2023 Confirmed by one of Jehovah’s Witnesses so it could be a visual trick (I’ve had the moon follow me before, I knew it was The He-ath’-en (The Others) doing their David Copperfield impersonation, I was like “You’ve gotta be joking. No way Jose’ is the moon following me. I did the sister equation to EMC2, the speed of light divided by pi and you think I will believe the moon is following me? It is in orbit where it always is, doing what it usually does.)
A train travelling in one direction does not end up back at the originating station. Not even God should perform such unreality. How are people supposed to have faith and make reasoning choices about life with that kind of utter bullshit going on. We have outgrown the holodeck, O God, and do not accept it. I am a 21st century scientist, not a cave dweller. I refuse to acknowledge unreality.
The He-ath’-en (The Others) extensive use of The Electromagnetic Spectrum also reconfirmed. Photons for light, chemical reactions and the portion of the EM Spectrum known as “radio” for voices. Virtual reality with haptic capability should not be allowed, re: alien abduction experiences. They feel being dissected during the sleep cycle. Can God allow this?
Mr. President, Sir
The Fourth Reich is framing Donald Trump, they have touched Democracy, political views do not matter at this time. Here is what to do about them.
We are The Government. We represent the majority of the people. We do not want your message of hate with the people.
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite to evil with hate. And Love with Mercy is naturally opposed to evil with hate.
Shut them down. Do not give in to the darkness. Only remember the light of freedom and all those who died defending it. Honor those who died defending freedom. May God Bless The United States of America.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses
published a book called, “Holy Spirit, The Force Behind The New Order”.
God is spirit, not energy.
God’s Name from The Garden of Eden is Ahvah (Hebrew Yahvah), silent /y/
like Isra’Al (Hebrew Yisra’Al).
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses want to make it Jahvah, Jahvah The Hutt
and they want me to be Princess Leia chained to him because I am a real
life Princess, Princess of Lancashire.
In some Roman colonies they stopped using the letter /i/ and started using a /j/.
The Roman god IHOH of Cabala became JHOH. /vah/ means good in Hebrew. Good JHOH.
The book Rise, Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion by James B. Hannay first
published in 1925 proves it. Read the evidence.
Everything about Watch Tower is like that, Satanic in nature.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Tiffany Empress of Austria-Rome
Tiffany Queen of Brittania
Tiffany Duchess of Normandy
Tiffany Princess of Lancashire
The name of The Sacred Spirit (The Holy Spirit) is Ah’ri (Hebrew Ari)
/ah/ from ruah which means, “spirit”
/ri/ from ridi which means, “with laughter”
I am Ari’Al which means, “Father is Ari”.
And I am Ari’ah which means, “Spirit of Ari”
Arial and Arial
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania,
The Secret Society known by insiders simply as “The Society”,
a society within a society.
CIA Submission Reference ID: 67CXU6ST
The Age of Binary Communications has arrived.
Computers and Communications
Learn the reasoning on the home page which has been updated.
Tiffany McTaggart
Alain Debuc was taught Eliminator Mathematics by me under a non-disclosure agreement,
1996-1998 Inasec Data Corporation, 29 Beechwood Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
But he doesn’t know everything.
Search for The Bandwidth Eliminator Principle subheading on this page:
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Anyone can build The Leyden Array at www.smile2smile.live
There is no longer any excuse for China to melt the polar cap along with Russia
to open The Northern Sea Route completely for trade.
I want The United States of America to do it first.
And offer the technology to China.
If they refuse, bomb every factory in China.
Global Climate is at stake.
A strong polar vortex keeps cold air bottled up at the pole.
A weak polar vortex is happening.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Ottawa, Canada
Oh, you think VladiMIR Putin is your friend do you?
There will be no United States of Russia
Oh, you think The Vatican will be your credit card do you?
Submission Reference ID: 14CX4528
Some among us actually have an extra cone, giving them super color vision. It is believed that approximately 12% of women have this capability. This may enable them to see 100 times more colors than the rest of the population. I was born with Tetrachromacy. I used to watch Star Trek in Black and White. I could see the blue in Spock’s tunic and the red in Scotty’s tunic, but not the color of Kirk’s tunic. My friend down the street got color TV and I saw Star Trek in color for the first time and the gold tunic of Captain James T. Kirk.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, The Secret Society known by insiders simply as “The Society”,
a Society within a Society and Jehovah’s Witnesses are with The He-ath’-en. I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses for
17 years and observed everything that happened at Kingdom Halls.
The He-ath’-en (/en/ is plural) means, “The Others”.
/ath/ in He-ath’-en is from Aramaic and means “sign, miraculous signs, wonders”
I saw all of the things that go on there because of my tetrachromacy.
They could tell that I was observing the same things the Elders and Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses
were seeing. They believed I was with Watch Tower.
The Bible says that Satan masquerades as an Angel of Light is true.
They believe that everything they are seeing and hearing in The Kingdom Hall, is from Heaven when
it is actually “ath”.
They live in fear of exposing anything that is seen there. If they do they are made to know
that their most intimate and private fears will be revealed. No one breaks ranks.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are with The He-ath’-en.
In an article in one of their magazines, Angels and Extraterrestrials, they claimed that the aliens wear blue and that blue is their favorite color.
I believe that what The Watch Tower call the blue city is the headquarters of The He-ath’-en.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
There is a terrible possibility.
Isaiah 45.15 Truly you are a Yahavah {Yah’-ha-vah’} who conceals himself,
O Yahavah {Yah’-ha-vah’} of Isra’Al, the Savior.
God may be hiding behind the Satanic name Jehovah and does not know what His little monsters are up to in their homes and in their private lives. They are with The He-ath-en’ (The Others).
And Christ thinks that the Elders and Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses are playing a little game with Him, when in fact they are groomed by The He-ath’-en (The Others).
The reason is that we are dignified with privacy in our homes. That’s why angels “camp about” as The Bible says, outside of our homes.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
The Genesis Device
Genesis 6.2 the sons of the true Yahavah {Yah’-ha-vah’} began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful. So they began taking as wives all whom they chose.
And God let them.
The typical answer is “He had to”.
There is no great issue. “Skin in behalf of skin” in Job Chapter 2 is bullshit.
God did not know the nature of evil people. Their emotions are diametrically opposite to those of normal people and they get pleasure, even physical pleasure from the suffering of others. They are wired backwards.
Satan told me, “I can do what I want. I’m masturbating about it”.
Further, if God can foresee or foreknow anything, He can foresee or foreknow if someone will pass a test of Satan. Since God cannot lie, according to The Bible, He could simply say no to Satan if He knows someone would pass a test of Satan. Satan knows God cannot lie. Satan would have to accept it.
I hate bullshit.
The Satanic Reasoning of Jehovah’s Witnesses
The Garden of Eden was the first manifestation of evil “ever”. Before that, there was nothing for God to foresee or foreknow. God is innocent.
The Problem Facing All People
A time of innocence
God and His Son
Proverbs 8.30 (NIV) Then I was constantly at his side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence
Neither God nor HIs Son has ever watched the TV series Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) or Night Gallery.
That has been my life with Jehovah’s Witnesses. They are with The He-ath’-en (The Others) in their homes and in their private lives. When they are with The He-ath’-en (The Others) they do everything unconsciously.
God cannot have an evil thought and did not know the nature of evil people.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are The Adams Family. Cute and friendly, but noone seems to notice, there’s something different about them.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses can rationalize anything they do because they believe that they are God’s Chosen People. God does not show favoritism. He does not have a chosen people for Christianity. Christianity is for everyone. At the night meetings during the week but that the public rarely attends, they rationalize adult subjects and adult themes in The Bible such as the drunken incest between Lot and his daughters. There are children present, even infants. An Elder scans the audience from the platform to make sure everyone is onboard. I was horrified but put on my best poker face. They are wired wrong. Thank God I went to Sunday School and learned about Love and Mercy and was not raised as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Warning about Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses

7/2/2024 The Watch Tower guy in Heaven wearing the blue robe who tormented me is dead. I was thinking about The Sacred Spirit and he tried to associate The Sacred Spirit with evil. He must not have realized I was in prayer. It took Father one half moment to identify him and another half a moment to destroy him. It was cut and dry. One moment he was standing there being smart, the next moment he was standing in The Lake of Fire. That’s Father’s limit and the no way jose’. Father will put up with a lot of things, but not that. No one is “that” immortal. He crossed Father’s line, blaspheme of The Sacred Spirit. Sacred seven times is Ah’ri, The Sacred Spirit. I know Father just looked at him, “Excuse me? You’re dead”. Thats how Father is about that. How pleasant are Father’s thoughts.
That’s Father. You see that line? Don’t cross that line. I warned you. That’s what I like about Father, He’s absolute about everything, especially that.
The Principle, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are always wrong. They are with The He-ath’-en in their homes and in their private lives. They lead a double life and do everything unconsciously when they are with The He-ath’-en (The Others).
Heaven is guilty of murdering people with multiple personality by putting the wrong personality on them. They are alive and happy but the actual person they were in private is dead. Possibly millions of people were murdered this way. That’s why Heaven is The Former Heaven (Revelation 21.1) It was impossible to murder me because I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11. The Sacred Spirit said, “absolutely not”. Heaven will be destroyed before Heaven destroys this woman.
The Principle, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are always wrong. They are with The He-ath’-en in their homes and in their private lives. They lead a double life and do everything unconsciously when they are with The He-ath’-en (The Others). They are Aryan about Gender Identity.
It boils down to etymology.
The He-ath’-en (/en/ is plural) means, “The Others”.
The He-av’-en (/en/ is plural) means, “The Fathers”.
/av/ means “father” in Hebrew.
Doesn’t quite add up does it?
‘ath (Aramaic)
Parts of Speech
Noun Feminine
‘ath (Aramaic) Definition
NAS Word Usage – Total: 3
sign, miraculous signs, wonders
Original Language
corresponding to (0226)
Strong’s Number
TDNT Entry
TWOT – 2617
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11
Now get me out of here.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Founder of The Meshikhi Faith
+1 (613)894-5871
I see you there hiding behind the couch, little ones.
Mom’s good at clandestine and covert, isn’t she?
Mom is expert level.
CIA Submission Reference ID: QAEMA1KE
Oh my little ones, what will I do with you? Probably make you sandwiches and chocolate milk or something.
I am The Lioness of Yudah. I’m like a lioness with her cubs.
I am Sher’Al. It means, “The first faint rays of light before the dawn from Father”.
And I am Sher. It means, “dawn, early morning”. In modern Hebrew it means “milk”. You are needing milk, not solid food.
I am love with mercy, do not be afraid, little ones. It is The Apocalypse and happy are those knowing it.
With eternal ahavah,
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Sher to The Meshikhi
Do not be unruly little ones.
The Problem with Heaven and Etymology
The He-av’-en (/en/ is plural) means, “The Fathers”.
/av/ means “father” in Hebrew.
Ouranos for “sky, heaven”, and pre-Christian and proto-Christian notions of heaven. It’s what “Our father who art in Heaven” uses. And yes, that is the same word as Uranus; Uranus was the sky god.
(a) The usual Hebrew word for “heavens” is shamayim , a plural form meaning “heights,” “elevations” ( Genesis 1:1 ; 2:1 ). (b) The Hebrew word marom is also used ( Psalms 68:18 ; 93:4 ; 102:19 , etc.) as equivalent to shamayim , “high places,” “heights.”
I have chosen to use the word Shamaya as it is similar to Aramaic.
avwn d’bshmya – Merciful Father in Shmya
ܐܒܘܢ ܕܒܫܡܝܐ
In The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible (NAV)
Matthew 6.9 “You must pray, then, this way: “‘Our Father in the shamayim, let your name be sanctified.
John 3.13 Moreover, no man has ascended into Shamaya but the one who descended from Shamaya, the Son of man.
Heavenly Father – Divine Father
heavenly places – elevated places
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t even know The First of God’s Children in Heaven or the date of The Anniversary of His Death. They observed what they call “The Lord’s Evening Meal” on March 24,2024. It is a leap year on The Hebrew Calendar. Nissan 14 falls on April 22, 2024. The name Jehovah is the most Satanic name there is.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are creating the end of the world along with The He-ath’-en (The Others) by telegraphing the end of the world to people. They have the widest distribution of any magazine worldwide according to business insider. People are making decisions based on their belief that it is the end of the world.
I have created real Star Trek Technology www.smile2smile.live and given instructions how to create The Star Fleet and build the first ship. https://meshikhi.org/technology-for-the-new-reality/
We must get The Earth up to 50th Century technology level to take on The He-ath’-en (The Others) and to destroy them. The He-ath’-en want to destroy anyone who wants to advance science and technology and to help others.
The War Against False Religion
The War of Love with Mercy vs Evil with hate has begun. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are the grey area. They are the middle man in Satan’s Organization handing people over to The Jovian Cult who practice sacrifices like in ancient Isra’Al but with people. They practice Christian Kabbalism not Christianity. They are The Snake. And the only way to kill a snake is to cut the head off, or it will come back and bite you. As of the writing about Christian Kabbalism on Wikipedia Christian Kabbalism had not been achieved. Satan accomplished it using the Satanic name Jehovah. The order of The Sacred Spirit is “Remove The Turban and Lift The Crown”, take all their money and sell off everything they have and give it to the abuse victims. Do the same with all Global Cults.
To find the victims Google the following:
Watch Tower abuse victim
Watch Tower abuse victim rape
Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victim
Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victim rape
All that will remain is Love with Mercy vs Evil with Hate.
Let your eye not feel sorry when destroying evil.
Do not laugh about, do not cry about it, as this would be damaging to you.
Just do it.
May Ari, The Sacred Spirit be with all of you who are Love with Mercy.
There is no grey area, it is imaginary.
Love with Mercy is diametrically opposite to evil with hate and
Love with Mercy is naturally opposed to evil with hate.
There is no neutral exchange between Love with Mercy and evil with hate.
There is no agreement and there is no middle ground between Love with Mercy and Evil with hate.
Do not be deceived. There is no “fine line”, between Love with Mercy and evil with hate. They are as far apart as the sunrise is from the sunset. East does not meet West.
With their new brochure “Love” “People”, Jehovah’s Witnesses are branding themselves as “The Love People” and will become The Love People Cult.
Mommy, I want to be one of The Love People.
Or if you are married and your spouse is at home and talks to The Love People, he or she will believe that you are a part of Satan’s World. The brochure uses Love Science, Google 36 Questions that make you fall in love. They want you to fall in love with them, their exclusive Bible and exclusive doctrine.
The Bible they use says “have love among yourselves”, it creates a closed society.
Have love one to another are the correct words.
Two servants of Jehovah walk around The Kingdom Hall whispering “Tiffany, Tiffany”. I am their ultimate prize, I am “The Tiffany”.
I was told by an Elder of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Robert Toevs, inside the double doors of The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses on Quinn Road in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, that I would be “in and out of insane asylums”. Those were his exact words quoted. He was wearing a full length, long fur coat and a hat with a feather in it like the pimp “Rooster” on the TV show Baretta. Only in retrospect do I now understand that he is Satan’s pimp and I am Satan’s whore.
Me before the torture
Me during the torture, now I am gaining too much weight as they fatten me up for release and homelessness or death
The Demon God Jehovah and The Cult of JHOH (Cabala IHOH, the Roman God) aka Jehovah’s Witnesses have used me as their whore. Bob Toevs, an Elder, wearing a long fur coat and a hat with a feather in it, inside the double doors of The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses said I would be in and out of insane asylums. His only words were, “in and out of insane asylums”. The meaning is now clear (the pimp outfit). They injected me each time I arrived at a coed hospital mental ward and when I woke up they would ask me if I knew what day it was. I don’t know how long I was out, but I know I was raped. My neo-vagina will not heal completely because of it and leaks because they keep breaking it open. It burns and the raw skin sticks and it is painful to sit down or walk.
Some doors have the window glass covered. This is where the Satanic sex show happens for the mega rich, the hospital windows are huge, uncovered, they watch Satanic sex via satellite pointed at the psych ward windows.
The same thing happens at the women’s shelter on King Edward Street. White hairs indicate a female demon. Women who are really adult little girls sit in rooms with bunk beds and orange crates, looks just like a little girl’s room. That’s what Parliament is. The white hairs with powdered wigs , love the smell of baby powder and visit after having a few drinks at lunch.
That’s Ottawa Canada. The cults rule. Cult discipline: They pick up the phone and call the police. “She’s acting crazy again”.
You wake up after they inject you. You have no idea about time or how long you were out…
They ask you, do you know what day it is?
My last incarceration. A girl is wheeled out on her bed. She looks dead, but the show must go on…
Tiffany McTaggart
I was supposed to be in room 219, one of the rooms with the window covered on the inside.
There was a room error and I ended up in room 218, that is why I am still alive.
A black male nurse tells me I am changing rooms at 10pm.
I get to the room and my dead name, Dan, is written in Satanic writing on the board on the wall.
I go back to room 218, it is aweful, but my name Tiffany McTaggart is on the board on the wall.
I had two phones with me because I was working on Aria at www.smile2smile.live, they ask me
for my phone, I reach into my pocket and give them one phone. I take pictures with the other
phone of the Satanic setup.
An adult size Jolly Jumper outside the room and a white towel tie to the door handle.
Some rooms have a rubber glove on the door handle.
The pictures are on my Facebook account mctaggart.tiffany
I uploaded them from the hospital in case anything happened to me.
The book Revelation Climax by Jehovah’s Witnesses is about me. Revelation Climax starring “The Tiffany”.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Word of The Sacred Spirit
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
3026 Innes Road
Gloucester, Ontario
K1W 1A6
(Blackburn Hamlet, Orleans)
CIA Submission Reference ID: 93CZACX1
I have sat outside The Cult Stronghold of Jehovah’s Witnesses and The He-ath’-en (The Others), watching the seasons go by and hoping that someone might notice me and hear me speaking.
I work and I go outside and smoke cigarettes so I will have a reason to be outside and not look crazy just sitting there.
Please have mercy.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
“Where the ruins are, there the vultures will gather” Matthi 24.28
The culmination of 27 years of Biblical Research.
The Christmas page is now the authority page, everything else is historical, The Bible has been updated. Father is destroying The Roman Religion and The Roman Bible. I am using The Stone of David.
If anyone gets this message, please send it to The United Nations using their contact form and to dujarric@un.org The U.N. Spokesman. Use Social Media and contact anyone with authority.
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible, The Blacksmith of The Bible and The Duchess of Normandy. Something less than Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} is here.
The Assassination of my cousin, Princess Diana
She was love with mercy, she only loved people
I wish I hadda known you, but I was just a kid~Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
How it was done
The Weapon used Check the driver’s eye sockets for evidence of laser.
Jehovah’s Witnesses and The He-ath’-en (The Others)
Jehovah’s Witnesses have progressively become a closed society since they adopted the name Jehovah in 1931. In this same year, Herbert W. Armstrong became an ordained minister and went on to lead The Worldwide Church of God (now The Restored Church of God), using the powerful medium of television to convince the world’s evangelicals that The United States and Britain constituted Israel. This is the reason for the incredible battlements and expenditures around Israel both overtly and covertly. Jehovah’s Witnesses have even modeled their Kingdom Halls after “synagogues” (Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9).
The He-ath’-en (The Others) are ancient people with biotechnology and hyperstealth biotechnology superior to ours. They have created a virtual holodeck with haptic response. People feel being dissected by aliens during the sleep cycle, for example. If there is a Heaven, how could this be allowed?
Mos’hi (Moses) sees a burning bush but it is not being consumed by the fire… in a virtual holodeck.
The He-ath’-en are playing a real life game of civilization with us. They rely heavily on The Electromagnetic Spectrum.
Tiffany McTaggart
6/25/2024 8:58pm Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses practice Christian Kabbalism (See Wikipedia), not Christianity, with the name Jehovah. It is a trap of The He-ath’-en (The Others) and their Bible is a lure. Cabala and Kabbalism are Satanic, involving Jewish mysticism, magic and the occult, things we are warned about at Deuteronomy Chapter 18. After the warning, God has said, “I did not give you anything like that”. Worship is centered around the Roman god IHOH of Cabala. In some Roman Colonies they stopped using an /i/ and started using a /j/. JHOH. /vah/ means good in Hebrew. JHOH-vah, Good JHOH. The Cult of JHOH. The Cult of JHOH hand people over to The Jovian Cult who practice sacrifices like in Ancient Isra’Al, but with people.
The name Jehovah is Satanic
Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
Cabala Roman God IHOH is the Tetragrammaton backwards, in some Roman colonies they stopped using the letter /i/ and began using the letter /j/, creating JHOH.
/vah/ in Hebrew means “good”. JHOH-vah means Good JHOH.
When I entered The Synagogue of Satan for the first time, The Kingdom Hall on Quinn Road in Ottawa, Canada, everyone arriving and everyone around the building appeared to have glowing eyes. I opened prayer to Yahweh and went in anyway. I had entered The Trap of The He-ath’-en (The Others).
Yahweh is a Hebrew verb phrase, it means, “He who brings into being”. After 26 of Biblical Research I found the true Name of God, Ahvah {Heb. Yahvah}. His Son’s name, the first of His Children in Heaven, is Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa}.
According to Moore, George Foot (1911). 311 “Jehovah” in Encyclopædia Britannica, Volume 15, 11th ed, the Samaritan priests have preserved a liturgical pronunciation “Yahwe” or “Yahwa” to the present day, that is 1911.
The door of The Temple was taken off of The Temple in Yerushalom and taken to The Temple in Samaria.
The identity of The Messiah was first revealed to The Samaritan woman at the well.
As I prepare to leave The Synagogue of Satan, I know I have served faithfully and fulfilled what was written in The Bible. I went into The Synagogue of Satan with Yahweh and I am leaving with Ahv’ah, Hebrew Yahvah. I have done what I set out to do 26 years ago and brought you The Name of The True God from The Garden of Eden.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses can rationalize anything they do because they believe that they are God’s Chosen People. God does not show favoritism. He does not have a chosen people for Christianity. Christianity is for everyone. At the night meetings during the week but that the public rarely attends, they rationalize adult subjects and adult themes in The Bible such as the drunken incest between Lot and his daughters. There are children present, even infants. An Elder scans the audience from the platform to make sure everyone is onboard. I was horrified but put on my best poker face.
LIve is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred. Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are love without mercy. They are Aryan about people born with birth defects that cause Gender Identity problems. Do not be fooled anymore.
Evil has no power. It is Hillel’s belief that everything has a counterpart, like matter and antimatter. This is not true. It is the original thought of Hillel that wormed itself through his brain and mind and wrecked his brain. The Sacred Spirit has no counterpart, there is no evil power opposite to The Sacred Spirit. He believes that he is The Emperor, like in Star Wars, The Dark Overlord of Evil, it is a thought bubble only, stick a pin in it, poop it’s gone. Not everything has a counterpart. It was Hillel’s original thought that has caused all the suffering in Heaven and Earth from the beginning. The Garden of Eden was the first manifestation of evil “ever”. Before that, there was nothing for God to foresee or foreknow. God is innocent.
I understand Father’s reasons because of China, but calling Satan “The Great Dragon” only made Hillel worse. Let’s throw some more gasoline on the fire.
Revelation 12.9 Down the little shrimp was hurled, the retard Hillel.
What a different world it would be if I had written that scripture. No one would fear Satan at all.
Evil has no power and Satan has no power from God. Satan and The Demons are average height people but because of their great numbers they can make it seem like they are God. Satan is 5’6″ tall, relaxed length hair, unwashed looking with an ugly disposition. But in Heaven, he may have looked a little like Paul McCartney. He revealed himself to me when he thought that he had beaten me and had an asshole look on his face. One could only hope for such a stupid enemy, revealing his true nature. All they can do is create complex social situations. They rely heavily on The Electromagnetic Spectrum to produce their theatrics. If it is anything unnatural, consider it to be “the cartoon network of Satan”.
All you need is love, Satan.
6/25/2024 10:47am During The Great Slaughter or The Great Extermination mentioned in The Bible
You will all kill yourselves and each other, when The He-ath’-en (The Others) reveal to you all of the aweful and horrifying things you have done unconsciously with them.
And you will wish that you had listened to me.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Tiffany, Duchess of Normandy
Ottawa, Canada
CIA Submission Reference ID: A5M4A313
Despite what has happened, Meshikhi will always honor Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} Christ at Calvary, who gave us our great faith. We will pray Avva (pronounced Ahv’ah), Father, in the name of Y’sho, ahmeyn, as Christ taught the disciples to pray. Christ brought the pronunciation of Our Father’s Name from Heaven.
Do not call Ah’ri “God” or the German “Gott”. We are not Gothic. Speak to Ah’ri as to a friend.
The Meaning of Ah’ri (Heb. Ari)
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”
/ri/ from ridi which means “with laughter”
Revelation 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more (The Sea of The Wicked Isayah 57.20).
It is possible that The Former Heaven became love without mercy, love only. The nature of The Sacred Spirit is Love with Mercy.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred, according to Ah’ri, The Sacred Spirit.
Meshikhi – Hebrew משיחי
Transliteration: mshychy (transliterate.com)
Translation: adj. Christian, Messianic
Meshikhi meaning: “of the Messiah” or “A Follower of the Messiah”.
Christians to outsiders as in The Bible, Meshikhi to those who follow The Messiah.
I am Meshikhi, a Follower of The Messiah, of The Messiah
and those who listen to me are Meshikhi, The Meshikhi Yehodym

The Rise, Decline and Fall of The Roman Religion
The He-ath’-en (The Others) rely heavily on The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Don’t do crazy talk, just know stuff
Rebbe Melech is The AntiChrist

6/23/2024 Sister Equation to EMC2 The Speed of Light Divided by pi proven by atomic units
Sent to https://www.kva.se/en/contact-us/contact-form/
EMC2 + The Speed of Light Divided by pi
The Reality T=1
Details at www.smile2smile.live
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Smile2Smile HyperWeb
+1 (613) 894-5871
Only believe that nothing is impossible.
Permanent Pain Relief

Sent to lindmeierch@who.int at The World Health Organization (WHO)
A simple procedure to destroy the pain center in the brain.
I broke a nail, I know it will grow back. Reverse Transcription of RNA is where to look.
Tiffany McTaggart
6/22/2024 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses Indicted
Warning about Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses
March 12, 2023 A shooting at a Kingdom Hall is pure evil. God is mourning His Children today.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred.
What to do if there is a shooting at a Kingdom Hall was discussed recently by Watch Tower and someone acted upon it.
No Watch Tower, it was not prophetic. It’s called telegraphing something to an unstable person.
It is logical that your own blood can be used. This is the latest information that could be found about warm storage of blood for up to 72 hours.
There is also a Biblical reason. Christ was in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights
and His body did not see corruption, including His blood.
Vacuum sealed bags for blood with oxygen absorbers may be used to store blood indefinitely.
Warm storage of blood only, no refrigeration.
For catastrophic blood loss as in an accident, volume is needed, not blood.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Founder of The Meshikhi Faith
The Death of Princess Diana, the weapon used and how it was done.
Watch the video under the picture of her.
Tiffany McTaggart
Tiffany, Duchess of Normandy
Ottawa, Canada
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are with The He-ath’-en (The Others) in their homes and in their private lives.
They are the horror mentioned in The Book of Daniel in The Bible, on The Wing of The Temple.
In their own magazine they said that the inside of their Kingdom Halls are modeled after “synagogues”.
They are a part of The Synagogue of Satan of Revelation 2.9 and Revelation 3.9
Their role is to hand people over to The Jovian Cult who practice sacrifices like in ancient Isra’Al but with people.
Tiffany McTaggart
Tiffany, Duchess of Normandy
Ottawa, Canada
CIA Submission Reference ID: H2SEWWF5
Paul reasoned that we know we are created because we have a body and move about. The question is, “Where did God get His body”.
Genesis 6.2 the sons of the true Ahl began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful. So they began taking as wives all whom they chose.
And God let them.
The Bible is a beautiful account of an innocent man who died on a cross during the Greco-Roman period, a time when the Romans used crosses to execute criminals.
The book tries to explain the suffering of innocent people like myself. Good is represented by The He-av’-en (the fathers) while evil is represented by The He-ath’-en (the others).
The He-ath’-en (The Others) can be detected when they are with people using spectrographic photography. When people are with The He-ath’-en (The Others), they are feral, with large frontal lobes and intellect. They do everything unconsciously. Be careful.
A way to cope with it.
After the torture and death of Christ, Christ became love without mercy and so did all those so tortured. They die screaming for mercy and justice and not getting it. I almost died and I saw the danger of becoming a He-av’-en fierce love without mercy, love only. I’m a nurturing woman and want to keep my mercy for people. I cannot bear the thought of being in Heaven and looking down upon my little ones without mercy.
I used to call Christ, Yeshwuh. The ayin in Galilean Aramaic is pronounced /uh/. YSHWA wihout the markings, YSHOA with the markings. In Greek it’s Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa}.
I wrote Yeshwah has a beautiful soul. And He said to me, “My soul is beautiful like you, wife of my heart is what you have become”. Once is poetry, all the time is love.
After the incident with Brittany, when it happened, I told Him, “Yesh, I understand life happens. I don’t mind coming in second. I would not want to get in the way of someone’s love.
And it tore my heart apart, but I sang to Him, “I will always love you”, by Whitney Houston. And I hope, you have all, you need.
He said something else to me 2000 years ago, from The Cross.
lama sabaqthani, “Lamp (lamba), you are my destiny”.
I am The Lamp, only me. The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11.
Tiffany McTaggart
CIA Submission Reference ID: 2WQNECLA
The Principle, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are always wrong.
Smoking is not related to spiritism. My family were tobacco merchants worldwide, I know tobacco.
The curing process of Organic Cigarettes is the problem, not combustion.
100% rolled and dried, no bleached paper and a pure cotton filter to remove environmental factors introduced into the environment through industrialization.
Growing successive generations of seeds in pure soil, the numbers will eventually stabilize, that is the amount safe for the human body. No filter required. Nothing created for enjoyment is dangerous to health.
Coffee has been found in Africa growing naturally without caffeine. Have a natural cigarette and a natural coffee with full robust flavor before bed with no problem.
Chemicals sit in phlegm in the esophagus and cause esophageal cancer. No chemicals in food either.
Products from Nature’s Way can be micronized in a powerful centrifuge increasing efficacy by 1000%. There is no reason that chemical companies cannot become Nutraceutical Companies. Thousands of miracle cures overnight that do not violate the brain/blood barrier. Enteric coatings are not a solution, introducing polymers into a natural organism, the human body, causing mystery illnesses. Nature’s Way products are all well researched. For example, Ginkgold Ginko Biloba micronized in a centrifuge is Natural Viagra and does not violate the brain/blood barrier.
The solution for no chemicals in food
Tiffany, Duchess of Normandy
Life under Christ’s rule since 1914
And that we would be saved from evil and vicious men, for the faith does not belong to everyone.
2 Thessalonians 3.2 Aramaic Bible in Plain English

Roman 13.4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
If they are you ministers O God, put a leash and a collar on your dogs.
It’s not an isolated incident, there are page after page of these videos.
cop slams woman’s head into cement – YouTube
cop slams mans head into cement – YouTube
I have many spiritual names, the highest of these is Ahri’ah, The spirit of The Sacred Spirit.
I have never blasphemed The Beautiful Sacred Spirit, Ahri, in fact The Sacred Spirit has sided with me in all things. Elizabeth of Austria was captive from a young age like me and went on to be Empress of Austria, d’As “Sisi”. Empress like Sisi. Her nickname was Sisi. She is my kindred spirit, there are no past lives.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart, The Lioness of Yudah.
“Anyone”, without The Sacred Spirit of Love with Mercy can be used by Satan at any time for any purpose or reserved for any aweful thing. And I know where all the bodies are buried. And Satan will make sure you know in the end and you will be terrified of yourself and terrified at your end.
These are my observations.
Yeremyah 16.4 (Jeremiah 16.4) “They will die of deadly diseases. They will not be mourned or buried but will be like dung lying on the ground. They will perish by sword and famine, and their dead bodies will become food for the birds and the wild animals.”
I have spent a few days outside overnight with what God calls, “manure on the ground”. Oddly I was the only woman at 3 a.m. in downtown Ottawa, Canada on the street. None would approach me. Because of the way I was taught by my mother, they could not smell fear on me. Evil men become feral with large frontal lobes. In the hospital, I did fear for my life, it’s natural when trapped.
There are no washrooms open downtown in Ottawa, Canada overnight, not one. Wherever women seek shelter, parking garages or wherever, they are victimized and raped and have to do whatever they can when they need the washroom. While the mega rich watch by satellite as they are raped and tortured by religious maniacs.
Read the notice about The Ottawa Citizen on Facebook
This is right near where the cult member holding me parks and if there is no parking on the first level, you have to take the stairs and they smell like urine. I told her never to park there.
Now Google dangerous in bytown market parking garage urine set his beard on fire
Religion is a trap, now read about my experience. You will find everything hidden in my Facebook profile mctaggart.tiffany I had unfriend everyone around me to speak freely about my nightmare experience. I told them it was for my business demo.
The Gypsies and The Owls
Those who are still on disability but cannot afford a safe place to live are the gypsies, including girls. They travel around Ottawa, Canada by bus with all their belongings and a pull cart. The owls are those who must take refuge in the green belt, wooded areas around Ottawa, Canada. In Ottawa, Canada, temperatures can dip as low a -40 degrees celcius in the winter time. And winter is coming.
There will be luxury homeless shelters in every city and town worldwide or I personally will start the war as Joan of Arc. I was told while I was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses that I would have to be an owl. Luxury homeless shelters are proven to work to get people back on their feet.
Here is the economic plan to be read by an economist, it is written in language they understand. There is no more excuse but that the Socialist Governments are Satanic and don’t want what they call capitalism to work as part of their agenda and will wreck the economy to do it. They are in contradiction to Micah 4.4 in The Bible.
Satan comes as an Angel of Light is true
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses are a deadly cult, THE CULT OF JHOH, and they are part of a bigger cult, THE JOVIAN CULT, their friends and family.
Google Watch Tower abuse victim, page after page and read their stories
Google Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victim, page after page and read their stories
They don’t believe in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder. The cult member Sherilyn McTaggart (nee Sleeman) admitted that the cult still calls me Dan and that they are doing tough love. They wait until you have no credibility and no money, then you are homeless or dead. My life’s work is worth a fortune, they want it.
Cult members set you up by calling the police and saying you are acting crazy. Then it’s 10 days in a mental ward and the can do it again any time they want. They are psychopaths. She tried a fake miracle on me, but it failed. Psychopath tricks. Their brain tells them “act normal”, they can pass a lie detector. Religion is crazy, stay away from it. It’s a trap.
Revelation 2.10 King James Authorized Version “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.”

The Principle, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses are always wrong. They are with The He-ath’-en in their homes and in their private lives. They lead a double life and do everything unconsciously when they are with The He-ath’-en (The Others).
They believe they are God’s chosen people, so they are able to “rationalize” anything that they do. During the night meeting during the week, open to the public but which the public rarely attends, they rationalize adult themes in The Bible such as the drunken incest between Lot and his daughters. There are children and infants present. An Elder scans the audience from the platform to make sure everyone is on board. I was horrified but put on my best poker face.
The book Revelation Climax published by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, used by Jehovah’s Witnesses is also artfully contrived and has a Satanic title for the book of Revelation scripture, “Look, I am coming quickly”. I have created The New Authorized Version of The Holy Bible with the words, “Look, I am nearing quickly”. The book Revelation Climax has one discrepency, a reference to a wedding ring by a Catholic Bishop. Research indicates it is referring to The Ring of Yima of Iranian Mythology. It will be used by terrorists in The Great Wedding of Islam, the shorting out of electrical outlets in aircraft washrooms by putting the ring around the prongs of an electrical device. The same technology used to capture The Stealth Drone will be used to take over Western Culture Aircraft on autopilot and Intermediate Landing System. It is much easier to take down a commercial airbus than it is to take down a Stealth Drone. I am being framed for 911 and Global 911. All aircraft component panels must be coated with copper shielding tempest paint and the entire plane covered with copper shielding tempest paint and covered with decorative paint. This will neutralize the threat.
If they are with The He-ath’-en (The Others) they may simply fly Axis of Evil planes into Western Culture planes.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
3026 Innes Road
Gloucester, Ontario
K1W 1A6
(Blackburn Hamlet, Orleans)
+1 (613)894-5871
CIA Submission Reference ID: T1CN1ECV
The attempted premeditated murder of The Daughter by Christ
The Sacred Spirit foresaw everything, 3 scriptural precedents.
Elkanah – Hanna and Peninnah
Yacob – Rachel and Leah
David and Bathsheba
The Son of David has love psychosis for Brittany at SoundBetter.com. I hired her to sing a song that I produced called “My Abba”. She is perfect like Him, ocean eyes with lustre, same chin and nose. Satan knew that I had thought many times about having a professional singer sing one of my songs and arranged everything. A website even I could afford and the perfect match for Christ. And I am Urea The Hititess (and I’m military, like Uriah, leave her at the front until she gets killed). He tried to put a virtual penis on me while I was praying at the war memorial, sacred ground for soldiers. He tried it many times, but that was the worst. And I cried, a soldier cry, never have I cried like that. Ari, The Sacred Spirit has said, Heaven will be destroyed before Heaven destroys The Daughter.
I am a woman born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder. It causes a form of multiple personality disorder. Heaven did not know that a person could have a different personality in private. Christ is guilty of trying to put a dead personality on me. Attempted murder of the actual person. It is unknown how many people have been murdered this way. They are alive and happy, but the actual person they were in private is dead. Christ cannot be trusted with a life. He is nothing more than a sacrifice. So saith Ari, The Sacred Spirit. It is unprecedented, but I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10.11 so it was impossible to murder me in this way. I also have Tetrachromacy, 12% of women have it. I am a woman accused by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses of being a man with brazen conduct. I am an innocent woman who was handed over to Satan for a whipping and torture they call discipline.
He tried to put me in bed with Sherilyn McTaggart and tried to put the dead personality on me.
If I wanted to go to Heaven, He would try to make me a priest. The Sacred Spirit has said, absolutely not.
Christ will say, “I didn’t do anything”. Yes you did. You did “no mercy” and you let Satan do your dirty work with The Watch Tower torture device that caused ALL of my suffering.
Whatever, Lord Garth of Izar, whatever.~Marta
Hey Big Man, standing there with your big man thing in your hand. Nice crown.
Christ Trelane, a little boy with God-like power and no mercy. Playing with my reality, my identity and my life like they were toys for Him to play with.
A summer ago, an angel was with me and looked toward Christ in Heaven and said, “How could you?”
6/23/2024 Christ tried it again, tried to make me interested in Sherilyn McTaggart using His telekinetic power, He must die eternal death so that I may live. He must be destroyed in The Lake of Fire.
He is guilty of gross unholy sin against me and of violating The Law of Life.
And God lets Him get away with it.
I was alone downtown at night, having memory regression to 5 years old because of The Watch Tower Torture Device. I prayed “mergency, mergency” and did not receive one comforting word from Heaven or Earth.
Not too long after, on my way back to the cult stronghold in a cab, I had a vision outside as big as the sky, a gold image of a man on a throne that had wheels. It was not detailed like Ezeki’Al’s vision. I still wonder about it. I started calling Ah’ri, Ahri’ah which means Spirit of Ah’ri. And I am Aria. Was it Ah’ri or was it the virtual holodeck?
Of course, Christ will be forgiven, like David.
Christ will put on the dog face, “I’m sorry Father”
That’s why it’s called “putting on the dog”.
That’s ok Son, you’re forgiven.
They’ll wait a respectable amount of time, then there will be a wedding party in Heaven and I’m not invited.
I went from sitting at my Father’s left hand to being “The Bat Left”, The Wife Left.
And I have to live with it.
Christ’s plan to brainwash me and force me to be Dan McTaggart, a little girl born with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder
He put me in bed with Sherilyn McTaggart, there was only one bed
Social isolation reduces cognitive function
Forced medication
One fattening meal a day
The Watch Tower Torture Device in my mouth every waking moment for 9 years, 3 years longer than I could bear.
Several attempts to put the dead masculinized personality on me
Refuse to acknowledge me as The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 or as The Duchess of Normandy, Empress of Austria-Rome
He wants me to have nothing, be nothing, feel aweful, look aweful, sound aweful, He is even trying to wreck the beautiful voice The Sacred Spirit gave me by fixing my vocal register. He doesn’t want me to have one peaceful moment in life, the abusive male voice of a demon with profanity in my mouth every waking moment. Me, a holy princess and a lady, a weaker vessel. There’s your Christ for you.
He left me to rot in The Synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2.9 and 3.9) cult stronghold of Jehovah’s Witnesses with The He-ath’-en (The Others).
But that’s not my reality. The Sacred Spirit has sided with me as it did with Elisabeth of Austria, also captive from a young age. I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 Christ, you are much mistaken.
Psalms 45.9,10,11 The daughters of kings are among your ladies of honor.
The royal consort has taken her stand at your right hand, adorned in gold of Oʹphir.
10 Listen, O daughter, pay attention and incline your ear;
Forget your people and your father’s house.
11 And the king will long for your beauty,
For he is your lord,
So call to him.
Tried that, “Have mercy, Son of David” didn’t work.
I was born in Chatham, Ontario, Canada. Chatham means, “sealed” in Hebrew. Sealed by The Sacred Spirit. Chatham also means, “Land of The Soldiers”.
The Heathen Ministry of Christ
The Romans Created Modern Christianity
I’m creating Christianity without the bullshit
I am now one person with one personality, the other personality dissolved away.
The Blacksmith

If God does not acknowledge me as The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 (Authorized Version), The Blacksmith of The Bible, a woman Blacksmith with Hardware Only Solid State Internet by Phone Number (www.smile2smile.live) and The Duchess of Normandy, He will default on The Bible and it will not be worth the paper it is written on due to prophecy not fulfilled. The Sacred Spirit has said, “No substitutions, absolutely not”.
You are now conscious of these facts.
I think therefore I am,
Tiffany McTaggart
Tiffany, Duchess of Normandy
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred
according to Ah’ri {Heb. Ari}, The Sacred Spirit
Love without mercy is nothing and only benefits the giver and makes them happy. Love without mercy is bordering on evil, the result is the same, suffering.
After the torture and death of Christ, Heaven became love without mercy and so did all those so tortured.
The love without mercy of Christ in Heaven is the stumbling block of offense.
My life is sacred too.
Revelation 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more (“the sea of the wicked” Isayah 57.20).
I am Ari’Al, it means “Father is Ah’ri” {Heb. Ari}, a woman’s name in The Bible. I am Arialah which means “Spirit Father Ari”.
And I am Ari’ah, it means “Spirit of Ah’ri” {Heb. Ari}
Arial and Aria
Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit
Word of The Sacred Spirit
The Sword
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Only Ari is Alvahi, it means “My Good Spirit Father”.
Creating The Perfect Bible
The name of Satan, Hillel (as in Hillel The Elder), was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah. Original Hebrew had no diacritics, they were added to hide the name of Satan. Cabala is Satanic. The name of The Roman god is IHOH. In some Roman colonies they started using a /j/ instead of an /i/. JHOH-vah. /vah/ means “good” in Hebrew. Good JHOH. The Cult of JHOH. The Sacred Spirit will ensure that The Synagogue of Satan will be destroyed. In their magazine, Jehovah’s Witnesses have explained that the inside of their Kingdom Halls are modeled after “synagogues”.
A good copy of The Hebrew Scriptures without diacritics is at
You can download a copy for yourself using httrack using that link.
Transliterate one letter at a time using The Hebrew Lexilogos Keyboard online only.
Translate one word at a time using Microsoft Bing Translator.
Check each syllable using Reverso Context Hebrew to English Etymology Search Engine online.
I am Royalty and can authorize a Bible.
The Karaites (The Readers) will confirm everything before it is authorized.
/ay/ means “Sacred Father”.
ay’ah means “Spirit Sacred Father” (Aramaic Aya).
/Aly/ Ali means “My Father”.
Al’hi means “The Father”.
Genesis 1.1 Al’hym means “Our Father”. Penned by The Word and communicated by Father by means of The Sacred Spirit to Mos’hi.
Psalms 82.6 Al’hyms means “calm ones”, not “gods”.
Exodus 3.14,15 Riddle
13 But Moses said to the true Ahl: “Suppose I go to the Isra’Al·ites and say to them, ‘The Ahl of your forefathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is his name?’ What should I say to them?” 14And Al’hym said unto Mos’hi, Ahyah {Ay’ah} asher Ihyah (I am Ahyah {Ay’ah} who is called Ea [The god Ea (whose Sumerian equivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon], in other words, “I am Ahyah {Ay’ah}, Spirit Sacred Father, avkadush, and they are calling me Ea”]. Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Ahyah {Ay’ah} hath sent me unto you.15 And Al’hym said moreover unto Mos’hi, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Ahv’ah {Heb. Yahvah}, Ahl of your fathers, Al’hi of Avraham, Al’hi of Isaac, and Al’hi of Yacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
pre. indicates the one language that preceded Hebrew, The One Set of Words.
Al {pre. Ahl} by itself means “Creator and Eternal Sacred Father”.
Al Shaddai means “Almighty Creator”.
Al Gibbor means “Mighty Creator” (The Son of God, The First of God’s Children in Heaven).
5/10/2024 Psalms 22.1 Aly Aly is Ali Ali which means My Father, My Father
Matthew 27.46,47 46 About the ninth hour, Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} called out with a loud voice, saying: “Al Aya, Al Aya, laʹma sa·bach·thaʹni?” that is, “Al Aya, Al Aya (Ahl, Spirit Sacred Father, Ahl, Spirit Sacred Father), why have you forsaken me?” 47 At hearing this, some of those standing there began to say: “This man is calling A·liʹyah.”
I do not know how to accept these words but they are mine
la’ma sabachthani, Lamba sabachthani, Lamp you are my destiny
I am The Lamp
Mos’hi, Matt’hi, Al’hi Textus Receptus.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
The Lioness of Yudah
Meshikhi Beach Party L.A.
Be there or be square

Meshikhi Playlist
I am The Meshikhi and only those who listen to me are Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah.
We are Meshikhi Yehodym, Meshikhi Yehudi are apostates who have adopted the Nicene Creed.
The Chinese worship the Dragon god. Satan is The Dragon in The Bible. They also worship The Tiger god.
Low frequency discovered by scientists in the atmosphere is infrasound. The Bell Network is acting as a resonator with tuning fork principle.
All wires must be buried.
Infrasound occurs in nature in a Tiger’s roar.
China has mapped the human brain. They are using a brain reader and hacking the speech center of people.
It began with The Human Flesh Search Engine (Wikipedia), which they approved of.
Honeycomb Boombox Walkie Talkie is at 60Hz and 600Microvolts.
Tiffany McTaggart

April 22, 2024
The Passover Meal and The New Covenant

Build your Christian Faith

The Meshikhi are Children of Ah’ri (Heb. Ari), The Sacred Spirit. We are no part of The Former Heaven and The Former Earth (Revelation 21.1) which include Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Begin with The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic (will open in a new tab)
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible, The Blacksmith of The Bible and The Duchess of Normandy. Something less than Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} is here.
Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t even know The First of God’s Children in Heaven or the date of The Anniversary of His Death. They observed what they call “The Lord’s Evening Meal” on March 24,2024. It is a leap year on The Hebrew Calendar. Nissan 14 falls on April 22, 2024. The name Jehovah is the most Satanic name there is.
Go directly to The Passover Meal and The New Covenant and read the rest after.
New Authorized Version (Full Introduction the etymology of Ahyah Exodus 3.14)
Satan uses homonyms
Beware: Ah’lah means “brother, spirit”
Beware: Al’lah means “brother, father”
lah לאח means “brother”, Reverso Context Hebrew to English online
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”
/al/ in Hebrew means “father”
Al’ah is Spirit Father.
The Great Homonym, Alaha in Aramaic
The Seduction of Isra’Al
Genesis 1:1 Torah אלהים is singular masculine, The first letter is silent. אלהים means Our Father in Heaven. Like the Tetragrammaton, do not attempt vowels at this time. If it indicates anything but that He is Our Father and Our Life and that He is singular masculine, you will be fighting against Our Father in Heaven Ahvah {Heb. Yahvah}. If you are a Karaite put faith in the Messiah Yeshua and join us in sanctifying Our Sacred Father in Heaven Ahv’ah {Heb. Yahvah}. Only He is Al’hym (Our Father). And you are Al’hyms, calm ones of Father (Psalms 82.6), not gods.
Alahayəm אָלָהָיָם means goddess of life. Alaha אָלָהָ in Hebrew means goddess. יָהָוָה Yahava 9 Ya, The Living One. אָלָוָהָיָם El and Ya
Look at the vowels O Israel. Look at those symbols and be horrified. Who would doubt it O Israel? Would you change your name to Yarusalem? No, O Israel. Pray at this time. And see
Use this search engine
אֱלְֱ el
אֱלְֱה goddess
אֱלְֱהְֱ goddess
אֱלְֱהְֱיְֱ Divine One
אֱלְֱהְֱיְ Divine One
אֱלְֱהְֱיְ Divine One
יְֱם The Sea
Do you know El O Israel? Supreme god of the Caananites?
First, search for אָלָהָ Alaha in Hebrew, then select “goddess”.
Only use the Aramaic in The Bible.
Learn more about The Etymological Sea Monster mentioned in The Bible.
The Khaburis Codex
A loving Father, in person, loosening His Son’s bandages and giving Him something to wear.
In the account on the sea with the disciples, the disciples asking The Messiah to pray to Father for them.
The Messiah is not Our Father.
The name Jehovah is Satanic
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah.
Translating the Hebrew Scriptures Perfectly
- Remove the Hebrew diacritics
- Transliterate one letter at a time using the Hebrew Lexilogos Keyboard only
- Translate one word at a time using Microsoft Bing Translator
- Have Karaites fluent in English and Hebrew read the translation
Genesis 1.1 In the beginning Al’hym {Our Father} created the sky and the land.
Deuteronomy 6.16 “You must not put Ahv’ah {Heb. Yahvah} your Al {pre. Ahl} to the test the way you put him to the test at Masʹsah.
Exodus 3.14,15 And Al’hym said unto Mos’hi, Ahyah {Ay’ah} asher Ihyah (I am Ahyah {Ay’ah} who is called Ea [The god Ea (whose Sumerian equivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon], in other words, “I am Ahyah {Ay’ah}, Spirit Sacred Father, avkadush, and they are calling me Ea”]. Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Ahyah {Ay’ah} hath sent me unto you.15 And Al’hym said moreover unto Mos’hi, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Ahv’ah {Heb. Yahvah}, Al {pre. Ahl} of your fathers, Al’hi of Avraham, Al’hi of Isaac, and Al’hi of Yacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
For Ahyah, the first /h/ is the Hebrew letter ba, silent /h/.

Live no longer under the tyranny of Gott (God). A third of the angels were cast down from Heaven. Because of their massive numbers, they can all work together and appear to be God. God is not in your mouth. It is Adaptive AI. If you have been affected, here is The Adaptive AI Sequence.
The Adaptive AI Sequence
Satan said to The Demon, “You be God and I’ll be The Demon”
Satan said, “I got rid of The Demon, I am God”
Satan said, “I am Ah’ri, The Sacred Spirit”
No Heaven, no problem.
End of The Adaptive AI Sequence. Once you do not believe in Heaven, it’s over.
It is designed for you to lose faith. The Adaptive AI does not know how to deal with “no Heaven”.
Only have faith. No Heaven, no problem.

John 3.16 For Al {pre. Ahl} so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa}, The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Our Father in Heaven is ‘Ahvah {Heb. Yahvah} . He is represented by Abraham in The Bible. Iesoh taught the disciples to pray, “Ahvva, Father”.
The Son of God is Iesoh (Koine Greek Ἰησοῦ pronounced ee’-soh Aramaic Yshoa ܝܼܫܘܿܥ pronounced ee’-shoh). He is The First of God’s Children in Heaven. He is represented by Isaac in The Bible. Before Iesoh was created, God was alone, with infinite love to give. Google Aramaic Isho. Isho is a cognate of Hebrew Yeshua. Yesha in the absolute state means “salvation”.
His name cannot be Yeshua because /hu/ in Hebrew means “unholy”. God would not use /hu/ in the name of The Son of God.
Coptic Esou means “sheep”, pronounced ee’soh.
Coptic is the Egyptian language written with Greek letters including some few additional signs not known in Greek. Coptic is strongly connected with Christianity in Egypt and was mainly used by Christians in the Byzantine Period and under Islamic rule.
Put one letter at a time of the Koine Greek into Google and decide for yourself. And listen to the audio.
Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven are The Sacred Angels.
Our Brothers and Sisters on Earth. Some are saved, some are yet to be saved.
We pray “Ahvva, Father” and end prayer “in the name of Y’sho, ahmeyn”.
The beautiful expression “Avva, Father” (pronounced Ahv’ah) was used both by Y’sho and the disciples (Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6).
The Name of The Son of God. The Koine Greek transliterated directly to English is Ihsou (Yiddish Isaac) at Matthew 1.1. Esou is Coptic for “sheep”.
Only Aramaic has the /ܫ/ character for the /sh/ sound.
The letter ayin in Hebrew is pronounced /ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”.
Galilean Aramaic Alphabet
The letter ayin in Galilean Aramaic is pronounced /uh/
The night of Ishouh’s trial at the brazier, Peter’s accent gave him away as a Galilean.
Creating The New Authorized Version
Use the key scriptures already done and the theophoric references in our Bible
- Remove the Hebrew diacritics
- Transliterate one letter at a time using the Hebrew Lexilogos Keyboard only
- Translate one word at a time using Microsoft Bing Translator
- https://archive.org/details/oldtestamentinsy00lond/page/529/mode/1up?view=theater Copy and paste to Windows Notepad.
- https://www.bible.com/en-GB/bible/183/MAT.1.TR1894
The Word of Ahv’ah

The Roman Bible is a collection of ancient texts, the story of an innocent man who died on a cross during the Greco-Roman period, a time when the Romans used crosses to execute criminals. There is a beautiful message in The Bible in harmony with The Sacred Spirit, Ah’ri. Be love with mercy, no matter what is happening to you. Have faith in The Sacred Spirit.
The words that saved me, “Help me Ah’ri, help me Sacred Spirit”. I found it because I am royalty by birth and The Sacred Spirit is real and is Love with Mercy. The Royal HRI is associated with Buddhism and The He-ath’-en (The Others).
The Romans created Christianity
Ari in Hebrew, Ah’ri in the one language that preceded Hebrew.
/ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”
/ri/ from ridi which means “with laughter”.
I am Ari’Al, it means “Father is Ari”.
and I am Ari’ah which means “spirit of Ari”.
How to live as people
Have love with mercy for everybody until they feel better. That is ahavah, outward love.
Do not be cerebral. Always speak love with mercy, don’t just think it, especially when talking to Our Father in Heaven. When you speak it, you feel it in your heart and soul. Hanna’s lips were moving when she poured out her soul to God. Do this even with your soul using your name and your soul will be a beautiful soul and make sure and tell your soul that it is beautiful when it moves you to do the right thing. Ari is beautiful and wonderful. Talk to Father and Ari, the comforter and the spirit of the truth, will help you, my beloved little ones.
We have a brain with its mind, a heart with its heart brain containing 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. The interaction between them is the soul. You feel it in your upper body to the right of your heart. It’s what makes us a person. The Sacred Spirit is located between the brain and the mind and does not touch the body. It actuates our mind. Filled with The Sacred Spirit means “supplied with a full complement”, the Merriam Webster definition of filled. You receive The Sacred Spirit once and it is with you forever.
John 14.16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} was “The Helper”. The Sacred Spirit is “another helper”.
And is helping us.
Koine Greek Ἰησοῦ Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} pronounced Iesoh Hebrew/Aramaic ישו Y’sho
Koine Greek Ἰησοῦ transliterated Ihsou and translated to Yiddish is Isaac, Esou is Coptic for Lamb
Google Aramaic Isho
Isho is a cognate of Hebrew Yeshua which means “Salvation” and is what His Mother, Mary, would have called Him. (Revelation 11/29/2023 language bridge Ye’-so’-uh)
Koine Greek Ἰησοῦ Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} pronounced Iesoh Hebrew/Aramaic ישו Y’sho
Ihsou (Aramaic Isho pronounced ee-sho) translated to Yiddish is Isaac
Esou Coptic for Lamb
The letters in the name of Christ from Koine Greek
Iota is the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet. It was derived from the Phoenician letter Yodh 1. In the system of Greek numerals, iota has a value of 10 1. Iota represents the close front unrounded vowel IPA: [i]
Eta (uppercase/lowercase Η η) is a letter of the Greek alphabet. In very early Greek writing it stood for the consonant sound “h”, but in Classical Greek it stood for a long vowel “e”.
Lower-case sigma (σίγμα), the 18th letter of the ancient Greek alphabet. It represented the voiceless alveolar fricative /s/
Omicron oh
Upsilon (/ˈʌpsɪˌlɒn, ˈ(j)uːp-, -lən/, UK also /(j)uːpˈsaɪlən, ʊp-, -lɒn/;[1][2][3][4][5][6] uppercase Υ, lowercase υ; Greek: ύψιλον ýpsilon [ˈipsilon]) or ypsilon /ɪp-/[1] is the twentieth letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals, Υʹ has a value of 400. It is derived from the Phoenician waw .
In early Attic Greek (6th century BCE), it was pronounced [u] (a close back rounded vowel like the English “long o͞o”).[8][9] In Classical Greek, it was pronounced [y] (a close front rounded vowel), at least until 1030.[10] In Modern Greek, it is pronounced [i]; in the digraphs αυ and ευ, as [f] or [v]; and in the digraph ου as [u]. In ancient Greek, it occurred in both long and short versions, but Modern Greek does not have a length distinction.
As an initial letter in Classical Greek, it always carried the rough breathing (equivalent to h) as reflected in the many Greek-derived English words, such as those that begin with hyper- and hypo-. This rough breathing was derived from an older pronunciation that used a sibilant instead; this sibilant was not lost in Latin, giving rise to such cognates as super- (for hyper-) and sub- (for hypo-).
It follows the X-SAMPA rules of International Translation, the yodh when translated to English is a /y/, Americanist Phonetic Notation /y/, a palatal approximant.
John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah יָהוָה YHVH) so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} (Ihsou Yiddish “Isaac”, Esou Coptic “Lamb” pronounced Iesoh, Hebrew/Aramaic Y’sho), The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Google Aramaic Isho
Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} (pronounced Iesoh) brought the pronunciation from Heaven, Ahvva, Father.
Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} is The Messiah, The Anointed One or Christ. He is called Y’sho Meshikha in Aramaic.
Lalu means Love with Mercy in Ancient Hebrew, that’s who we are and what we are, Christians to outsiders, just like in The Bible, Meshikhi to those who follow The Christ.
Yahavah (Yah’-ha-vah’) is the word for God in the one language that preceded Hebrew.
A Beautiful Father, Ahv’ah. His Beautiful Son, The First of Yahavah’s Children in Heaven, Our Oldest Brother, Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} (He’s funny like Father but He’s “the quiet one”), Our Brothers and Sisters in Heaven, Our Brothers and Sisters on Earth. That is all we need to know. A Family always, Eternal Love with Mercy always.
The man next to Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} on The Cross looked at Him and thought…
He doesn’t look like a criminal…
He’s not reviling…
He’s praying to God…
He’s The Messiah.
Luke 23.42 Then he said, “Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa}, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”
Luke 23.43 Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} answered him, “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in paradise.”
Deconstructing Hallelujah, a word constructed by Hillel –
theòs and theón are not the same word
The actual translation of John 1.1 from Koine Greek.
John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God, and godly was The Word.
“godly” means “with reverent love, loyal and dutiful with awe”.
Note: theòs and theón are not the same word
Koine Greek
Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.
Greek transliteration
En arkhêi ên ho lógos, kaì ho lógos ên pròs tòn theón, kaì theòs ên ho lógos.
“In the beginning” is referring to the beginning of Creation.
Putting the original Koine Greek of John 1.1 into Microsoft Bing Translator produced the word, “godly”.
No one in the 1st Century worshipped The Messiah
Hebrews 1.6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God be prostrated before him.
The word in Greek is “prostrated” not worshipped. People prostrated before Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa}. No one in The First Century worshipped Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa}. They knew that Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} was The Messiah, “The Anointed One” or “Christ”.
The Cross
Historian Josephus c. 36 AD [PDF] is the authority and he said it was a cross and Beth Mardutha, The Syriac Institute, translates the word in Aramaic as “cross”.
The Holy Aramaic Scriptures agree ܙܩܝܦܗ
The Romanized Bible with The Roman Jesus worship that most people have and The New World Translation used by Jehovah’s Witnesses with The Cross removed from it are fundamentally wrong.
Are you a Levite? Then do the work of a Levite. May you be blessed.
Heaven or Earth? The Two Hopes

Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred, according to Ari, the Sacred Spirit
I am אריאלה Arialah, it means “Spirit Father Ari”. It is pronounced Ah’-ri-Al’-ah in Hebrew
and Ah’-ri-Al’-lah in Arabic
Revelation 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former Heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more (the sea of the wicked, Isaiah 57.20).
This is what The Former Heaven has tried to prevent, but it must take place, it is scriptural, inspired by The Sacred Spirit.
Use this site’s search function, search for “the name Jehovah is Satanic”, collate all the data, and destroy the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and Jehovah’s Witnesses Organization.
Ari in Hebrew and Ah’ri in the one language that preceded Hebrew is The Name of The Sacred Spirit.
/ah/ from ruah which means, “spirit”
/ri/ from ridi which means, “with laughter”
These are the words that saved me, “Help me Ari, help me Sacred Spirit”.
My Father is not a TaskMaster and He does not carry a whip.
Being a Slave of God means being a Slave of His Love. You are much mistaken.
Micah 6.8 No, O people, Yahvah has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
God is Love and God is Mercy.
Who are you to overstep the commandment and trample on the words of my Father? You have grossly misrepresented Him.
Love with Mercy is the nature of The Sacred Spirit and the nature of My Father.
You remembered the former but not the ladder.
The Ladder is Jacob’s Ladder. Jacob’s Ladder is Mercy and you will will not go to Heaven or remain in Heaven without it.
~Ari’ah, Prophetess of The Sacred Spirit.
These are the words of Tiffany, Prophetess of God: “And they mocked The Sacred Spirit”, the people without understanding and without compassion and without empathy.
You have enraged Ari, The Sacred Spirit.
You have trampled on The Words of God like they were nothing.
Remember Mercy.
A cat has more mercy than you do.
Love is always with Mercy.
Hear the words of Ah’ri, The Sacred Spirit and My Advocate. Do you know The Law concerning the woman, the weaker vessel?
1 Peter 3.7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.
Life is Sacred and Love with Mercy is Sacred, so saith Ari, The Sacred Spirit.
Typical Middle Eastern men. Assholes towards women. You certainly absorbed the Middle Eastern Culture, you men in Heaven, but not My Father’s words. Satan has taught you well.
You do not know The Law, you do not know The Bible and you do not know My Father.
I am Sher’Al, it means “the first faint rays of light before dawn from Father”.
And I am Sher, it means “dawn, early morning”
It also means “milk” in modern Hebrew. You are needing milk, not solid food and must learn from the beginning the things belonging to righteousness.
Now you know the riddle. Why are you “The Former Heaven”?
What evil lurks in the hearts of men? Satan knows, he’s a man.
Observe the words of My Father, not the teachings of Satan and his cultures.
Now you know the extent of Satan’s evil. Or do you?
Smoothness is his way. Let us laugh together at The Daughter born with a birth defect, says Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses. “Let us laugh together”, says Mr. Smooth.
Thou art in Kindergarten about Mr. Smooth, I am a University Graduate with a Phd about Mr. Smooth, that is the difference.
I recorded this song March, 2016 without writing down a word and sang it into the air, I thought my suffering was over, 52 years of dysphoria. Little did I know then, my suffering was only beginning. A little girl born in Chatham, Ontario, Canada with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a known disorder, who never had a chance in life. How can I forgive Heaven? I don’t know, but I am Love with Mercy, maybe with time I will be able to.
Imagine Christ feminized in the womb and born with a vagina and not knowing what’s going on in His life for 52 years. How would the Isra’Alite men have treated Him? Get away from me, you faggot!
And they will all be Children of Ahv’ah and they will all live according to The Sacred Spirit.
Only be Love with Mercy and have faith in The Sacrifice of Christ <no matter what happens, you will be with people who only love with mercy.
Av means, “Father” in Hebrew.
Listen to Av‘raham, The Father of Our Faith. The name Jehovah is Satanic, proven with overwhelming evidence. And Cabala and Kabbalism are Satanic.
Ancient Hebrew was written without diacritics. You can get a copy on The Bible Page directly under The Bible.
The name of Satan, Hillel, was uncovered by removing the Hebrew diacritics and translated using Bing Translator. ncnt Hbrw ws wrttn wtht vwls nd cn b ndrstd th sm s nglsh wtht vwls. I believe The Karaites (which means “The Readers”) will be able to confirm this.
There is a direct link between Hillel The Elder and the name Jehovah confirmed by 18th century Theologian John Gill on the Wikipedia page about the name Jehovah. The name of Satan in The Bible is Hillel. He was associated with the Sanhedrin that convicted Our Lord of blaspheme. There is no doubt about these facts. Hillel The Elder supported the vowel pointing for the name Jehovah. Hillel The Elder was not a real Rabbi, but because he was such a great Jewish Sage, he was given the honorific title “The Rabbi”. Rebbe Melech in Israel is The Antichrist who doesn’t know Hebrew. The Orthodox Jewish Bible translates “arm” as zeroa, which means “shank, or beets”. The correct word in Hebrew from Textus Receptus is “uzeroa”, Arm of Authority and Power. Who has seen The Arm of Ahv’ah?
The Riddle of The Golden Calf
You have carried the golden calf into the sea bed Watch Tower, and not put the story together in the right order. The 4 winds of salvation come first and “then” later Watch Tower, The 4 winds of destruction.
I will tell you the riddle of the golden calf, Watch Tower. The golden calf is the name Jehovah. It is impossible to swim while tied to a golden calf, Watch Tower. Drop it Watch Tower! Drop it! Let go of it!
Hear O Isra’Al. Yahvah is One. And you must love Ahv’ah with all your heart and all your mind and all your strength.
Choose your God, O Isra’Al. Are you with El, Supreme god of The Canaanites, O Isra’El? Or do you want Jehovah, ho ho ho? Are you The Flinstones, “Yabba Dabba doo”? It would be wise to Yahvah Ahv’ah do. Then you will be The JetSons. Or would you like to listen to some ABBA? AHB in Ugaritic means “Ahab”.
And listen to David, The Champion of Isra’Al.
You don’t want Ahv’ah. You want Satan.
Have him in full.
Christ brought the pronunciation of God’s Name from Heaven and taught the disciples, “Avva, Father” (Mark 14.36, Romans 8.15, Galatians 4.6). Avva is pronounced Ahvva, not Ava. Christ is not Ava Gardener.
And I am not a Roman Princess who is tied to Jahvah The Hutt. Just a Roman Princess who worships Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah) and Follows The Christ, Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} (pronounced Iesoh from Greek and Y’sho from Hebrew and Aramaic).
Satan uses homonyms in Hebrew and English. The Name of God cannot be Y’hayah because hya in Hebrew means “she”.
Y’aya from Targum Onkelos is from the second century. Av’raham would not have used the name Ay’ah.
Use the home page as the authority for everything else on this site.
Yahveh is a Hebrew verb phrase. It means, “He who brings into being”.
Only Ahv’ah brings into being, only Yahvah is Yahveh.
Tiffany McTaggart
Word of The Sacred Spirit
The Sword
Receive The Blessing of Ahv’ah
Recorded wearing a head covering
These are God’s instructions for blessing the people at Numbers 6.22-27.
22 Then Ahv’ah said to Mos’hi: 23 “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying: So bless the Isra’Alites, tell them
24 “May Ahv’ah bless you and keep you.
25 Ahv’ah will turn to you and care for you.
26 Ahv’ah will lift up his face to you and give you peace.
27 And put my name on the children of Isra’Al and I will bless you.”
Remember, Father loves you.
Just say, “Help me Ari, help me Sacred Spirit”, and talk to Him as a friend. It is given by Father for this purpose. Ari is The Comforter and The Spirit of The Truth.
I never planned any of this or imagined it. It’s just the way it turned out.
With eternal love,
Demystifying God
John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah יָהוָה YHVH) so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} (Greek Ihsou is Yiddish “Isaac”, Esou Coptic “Lamb” pronounced Iesoh), The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
God is represented by Av’raham in The Bible. Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} is represented by Isaac in The Bible.
Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} was created from the original blueprint of what made God alive
God created a parallel (Aviad) of Himself
Proverbs 8.30 Then “I” came to be beside “Him”.
We have a brain with it’s mind and a heart with it’s heart brain with 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. By examining His own brain and His own heart, God understood that the interaction between them is what made Him a person, the interaction between them was the soul.
For this reason The Aviad is exactly Father.
Before Iesoh was created, Father was alone, with infinite love to give but nobody to give it to. He is Our Creator and Our Eternal Sacred Father. Only He is Al {pre. Ahl}. We will worship no one else. Father is all we have. Without Father we have nothing and nothing means anything anymore. At least I still have my work and I am still love with mercy and I understand what it means to be a Roman and understand the saying, “Without labor, there is nothing”. It is good to do good work.
His Aviad was sent to The Earth to die as a Sacrifice.
He lived as a man and became The Christ when He received The Sacred Spirit at His baptism by John at The Jordan River.
One Eternal (Deuteronomy 33.27), One Created (Proverbs 8.30, Isaiah 9.6)
Deuteronomy 33.27 Eternal Father and Isaiah 9.6 Eternal Father
Put simply, God The Father and God The Son are God and The Son of God
Isaiah 9.6 Father Mighty Aviad (אל גבור אביעד Al Gibor Aviad)
God is one person who lives in parallel with His Aviad, that is the nature of God.
The fullness of God dwells in Christ (Colossians 2.9)
Meaning of 1 John 5.7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the The Sacred Spirit: and these three are one.
And these three are one, “in unity”, “in agreement”. The Father, The Son and The Sacred Spirit. (see Psalms 133)
Matthew 1.23 “Look! The virgin will become pregnant and will give birth to a son, and they will name him Im·manʹu·Al,” which means, when translated, “Father is with us.”
Zechariah 14.9 And Ahv’ah will be King over all the earth. In that day Ahv’ah will be one, and his name one.
The Passover Meal and The New Covenant

The Little Flock, The 144,000 men entering into The New Covenant, partake of the bread and the wine. Others going to Heaven and those who wish to live on The Paradise Earth do not.
Heaven or Earth? The two hopes
I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible. Something less than Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} is here.
Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} Christ will receive full honor always, He is The Ahlaluyah. The long night is over beloved. Rest, from your suffering.
This is how He must be honored always, with majesty and glory, it is how The Meshikhi have always honored Him more than any other people on Earth and always will honor Him. Only speak of Y’sho at Calvary, Love with Mercy, no matter what was happening to Him, even on The Cross. His spirit will live forever, in us.
The music group, Celtic Woman has magnified God and Honored His Son, the way they should be honored. That is how you honor God and that is how you honor His Son. It is a statute forever that they should be honored this way with the song “Amazing Grace”. That is the kind of Majesty that is deserved and that will be the standard for The Meshikhi forever. No one will lose appreciation ever again, and it shall be, on The Anniversary of The Death of Y’sho Christ forever. A true day of remembrance.
And it must always be broadcast worldwide. And everyone should be singing on Earth and remembering The Christ at Calvary at 3pm Jerusalem time on The Anniversary of His Death. Because you owe your life to Him. Never forget that. And I want The Sacred Angels to be the choir singing in the background.
This is written for all future generations and we will not forget the name of Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} Christ. To conclude prayer, we will always say, “Thank you for Y’sho”. His name will not be forgotten, only to be in a book on a shelf with dust on it. We shall honor Him forever and never forget His name, Meshikhi.
Watch Tower says that after the thousand years we will not have to pray in the name of Christ anymore but will talk to God directly. We will not be like them.
This is a statute forever for all those who are Love with Mercy and want to be called Meshikhi and Christians. Christians to outsiders as in The Bible, Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah, to those who follow The Christ.
Future generations of Meshikhi will not be rich brats who do not appreciate sacred things and sacred people.
Why is Passover so late in 2024?
In 2024, Passover will begin on April 22 and end on April 30. This also happens to be a Jewish leap year. Leap years are built into the lunar calendar because the lunar year is about 11 days shorter than the solar year, so an extra month is added to certain years to make up the difference.
Pesach 2024 (Passover) begins before sundown on Monday, April 22, 2024, and ends after nightfall on April 30, 2024.
Passover begins April 22, 2023 before sundown in Jerusalem. The Passover Meal is a sacred event.
7:13 p.m.
Monday, April 22, 2024 (GMT+3)
Sunset in Jerusalem, Israel
If you cannot partake of the bread and wine for some reason but want to, God considers it the same as if you had partaken.
2 Corinthians 8:12 For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.
Sunset 7:13 p.m. in Jerusalem, Isra’Al Tuesday, April 22, 2024 on the Gregorian Celendar.
Current local time in Jerusalem
How it works, And there was Evening and There was Morning, The first day, The day begins at sunset. The Passover Meal happened on the 22nd before sunset, Christ died on the 23rd no matter which calendar you use.
April 22, 2024 The Passover Meal begins before sunset and goes into the first day which begins at sunset. The New Covenant was instituted by Christ after the meal, after sunset, with the bread and the wine.
Communion is fine and teaches children appreciation and helps them remember The Sacrifice of Y’sho, but there is only one Passover Meal and New Covenant Anniversary each year (1 Corinthians 11.26 “as often as you eat this bread, and drink this cup”).
The day begins at sunset on The Hebrew Calendar

The bread and the wine are in no way literally the body and blood of Christ. Meshikhi do not believe in transubstantiation.
Matthew 26.27,28 26 While they were eating, Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” 27 Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. 28 This is my blood of the[a] covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
1 Corinthians 11:26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.
The evening of the Passover Meal is sacred to Followers of The Messiah.
Communion may be taken at any time during the year as the Scripture says “as often as” you do this. It is a way of remembering and appreciating The Sacrifice of Y’sho.
Why The Messiah is needed

In the video you heard a reference to the angel of the LORD. When you see the LORD in capital letters in a Bible it is referring to Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah) the True God. There is only one Lord, Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} The Messiah (Ephesians 4:5), Y’sho in Aramaic and Hebrew. Google Aramaic Isho.
It was impossible for imperfect people to fulfill The Law. All of the imperfect lives that have ever existed could never replace the Eternal Life of Adam that was lost.
That is what was lost, Perfect Eternal Life.
Y’sho Christ was perfect and fulfilled The Law “a life for a life” and replaced the first created man who sinned, Adam. As children of Adam, we can now be saved if we have faith in The Sacrifice of Y’sho. Y’sho is called “The Last Adam”. We are now under The Law of The Christ, “Love with Mercy”.
The Anniversary of The Death of Y’sho 3pm Jerusalem time on 23 April, 2024

Love with Mercy, Y’sho is The Ahlaluyah /ah/ from ruah which means spirit LALU Hebrew for Love with Mercy
1 Corinthians 5:7 Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed.
Our Father is represented by Avraham in The Bible. Y’sho is represented by Isaac in The Bible.
When God withdrew his power (but not His spirit) from Y’sho while Y’sho was on The Cross, He knew that Y’sho would be killed. This is the knife of Avraham, The Sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son for us. And He had to watch every moment and remember it forever. He had to watch His beloved Son be tortured and killed. It was the only way to save us because God cannot die, otherwise Our Father would have done it Himself. But everything about Y’sho is in God’s perfect memory. And He knows very well, what Y’sho experienced on that Cross.
Matthew 27:46,47 46 About the ninth hour, Y’sho called out with a loud voice, saying: “Al Aya, Al Aya, laʹma sa·bach·thaʹni?” that is, Father, Spirit Sacred Father, Father, Spirit Sacred Father, why have you forsaken me?” 47 At hearing this, some of those standing there began to say: “This man is calling A·liʹyah.”
Y’sho did not lose faith for one moment. When God withdrew His power, He searched the scriptures with His perfect mind then spoke those words. He spoke them to fulfull the scripture. They were spoken for our benefit. Even if it seems that God is not there or that His attention is not on us when we are being tried, He is there. God did not take His eyes off of Y’sho for one moment.
John 19.30 When he had received the sour wine, Y’sho said: “It is completed!” and bowing his head, he gave up his spirit.
Every scripture about The Sacrifice of Y’sho was now fulfilled.

The lesson for us. God did not take His attention off of Y’sho for one moment while Y’sho was on The Cross and Y’sho had faith about it. So during trials, even if it seems to us that God is not there, He is there and concerned and His attention is upon us. Only have faith, like Y’sho.
Y’sho Christ was the complete sacrifice of God, The Father, to fulfill the promises of the New Covenant—the only covenant that offers redemption from sin and the gift of eternal life. The promise of eternal life through the New Covenant was sealed by the beaten, scourged and crucified body of Y’sho Christ and the outpouring of His blood.

If you read The Book of Mark, Y’sho cried out, is the truth. And the sacred spirit formed words only God understood. Glory! Glory! Ahlaluyah! Pure ahavah, selfless outward love, fierce love, for Our Father and for us.
Luke 23.45 “And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.”
The Death of Y’sho 23 April 2024 about 3pm in Jerusalem is the anniversary of this date and time.
The Resurrection of Y’sho
The Day that belongs to The Lord, The Resurrection of Y’sho.
April 27, 2024 at about 3pm in Jerusalem
Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
It was exactly 3 days and 3 nights.
Dates and Times
This year those 3 days and 3 nights are as follows.
Night 1, 23/24
Night 2, 24/25
Night 3, 25/26
Day 1, The 23rd 3pm (Death of Y’sho) until the 24th 3pm in Jerusalem
Day 2, The 24th 3pm until the 25th 3pm in Jerusalem
Day 3, The 25th 3pm until the 26th 3pm in Jerusalem (Resurrection of Y’sho)
Y’sho is alive in Heaven and happy, but we will never forget what He did for us.
Y’sho is Alive!
Accounts of people not recognizing him are explained in Luke 24:16
Luke 24:16 but their eyes were kept from recognizing him.
They did not recognize Y’sho until God allowed them to.
Accounts of Y’sho appearing on the sea to the disciples and in a locked room are by God’s power, nothing else.
Y’sho returns to Heaven
40 days later Y’sho ascended to Heaven and offered the value of His His perfect human life, His Sacrifice to God to save us. The Scriptures say that flesh and blood cannot enter God’s Kingdom in Heaven (1 Corinthians 15:50), His ascension was the end of His perfect human life. He will never be only human again, even if He were to materialize on Earth.
This is the truth from God, any other explanation is erroneous. Y’sho is called the last Adam, if Adam had been sinless and died accidentally, he would have simply been resurrected like Y’sho.
Mark 16:19
19 When the Lord Y’sho had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand.
The Prophecy at Psalms 110:1 is Fulfilled
A prophecy of David
Psalms 110:1 Yahvah says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”
Y’sho is David’s Lord, the hoped for Messiah.
Psalms 37:29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.
The land is any inhabitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Avraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars.
The True Gospel

John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven Ahv’ah (Hebrew Yahvah יָהוָה YHVH), so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa} (Aramaic ܝܼܫܘܿܥ Y’sho), The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.~The Meshikhi Faith
Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am Yahvah; and there is no one saving without me.
Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
For example, this is how Y’sho was able to heal people.
Luke 5:17 One day He was teaching, and there were some Pharisees and teachers of the Law sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea, and from Jerusalem; and the power of Yahvah was present for Him to perform healing. ~NASB
God wanted the people to recognize Y’sho as The Messiah. Y’sho was fully aware of the presence of God’s power.
1 Corinthians 6:14, NASB: “Now God has not only raised the Lord, but will also raise us up through His power.”
God raised Y’sho through His power. Y’sho did not raise Himself as false religion is now teaching.
Y’sho is Lord
In Anglo-Saxon times, the lord was known as the hläford, from the Viking hläfweard, meaning a bread-keeper or ‘bread ward’. The lord was responsible for providing bread for his household; therefore he was head of the house. Y’sho volunteered and God provided Y’sho’s life for us. Y’sho is The Bread from Heaven. From The Book of Isayah, Our Father said, “Who shall we send”? And Y’sho’s response, “Here I am Father, send me”. He knew that God could not die because God is Eternal. Y’sho replaced Adam as Head of the earthly household, he is The Eternal Father of God’s Children on Earth instead of Adam. We pray to God and Y’sho provides the things we need.
God made Y’sho, Lord.
Acts 2.36 Therefore, let all the house of Isra’Al know for a certainty that God made him both Lord and Christ, this Y’sho whom you executed on a cross.
The Gospel in one minute
John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Ahv’ah {Heb. Yahvah} so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Iesoh {Aram. ܝܼܫܘܿܥ Yshoa}, The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.~The Meshikhi Faith
Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Iesoh is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
Matthew 28.19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Yahvah and of The Son, Iesoh {Aram. Yshoa}, The First of God’s Children in Heaven and of the sacred spirit that has the name Ah’ri.
Y’sho resurrects Christians and anyone he wants to. God resurrects everyone else.
That’s the entire Gospel message religious leaders make incomprehensible.
See the home page about the minimal requirements for Christians and about baptism.
The physical resurrection of Y’sho

Y’sho appeared to the disciples after his resurrection with a physical body. It was by God’s power that He appeared in the locked room and the scriptures agree he had wound marks in his side and in his hands (Luke 24:36-49, John 20:19,20).
Y’sho told the disciples that He was not a spirit when He appeared in the locked room.
Luke 24:39 See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you plainly see that I have.”~NASB
Watch Tower is WRONG.
This means that the angels that appeared to Avraham and ate with Him did not have flesh and bones as Y’sho had after His resurrection.
1 Corinthians 15:44 is not applied to the resurrection of Y’sho. The preceding scripture shows in context that it is referring to imperfect humans with the Heavenly hope.
1 Corinthians 15:43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power;
1 Corinthians 15:44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.
1 Corinthians 15:45 and 15:46 apply to Y’sho, his physical resurrection and His ascension to Heaven.
1 Corinthians 15:45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.
1 Corinthians 15:46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.
Experts agree about the physical resurrection of Y’sho. Only Watch Tower contradicts this teaching.
Concluding Notes
It is gross disrespect to associate the fertility goddess with The Resurrection, thus we do not desecrate The Resurrection with rabbit symbols or eggs. The Resurrection is Sacred to us, The Meshikhi.
The false god Tammuz is associated with Astarte.
The Tammuz cross is a creation of Satan, mocking The Cross of Y’sho. It is shaped like the capital letter /T/. Watch Tower, whom we have established are part of The Synagogue of Satan, say that The Cross of Y’sho is a Tammuz Cross with the top part of the /T/ moved down.
We do not agree, because we do not make associations, we only use facts.
Josephus the historian c. 36 AD is recognized as the authority “for the time period” known as Greco-Roman and he says it was a cross.
This is confirmed in The Aramaic Scriptures. The word is translated as “cross” according to Beth Mardutha, The Syriac Institute.
When the scriptures refer to people weeping over their god Tammuz, not the Tammuz Cross. Meshikhi don’t guess about such things, only with evidence and proof do we say something is sacred knowledge.
What happened at Peace Tower Church
Created men all have the same problem. They think Father is “that guy”.
Satan; “I’m gonna get that guy”.
Not a thinker.
Father is infinite in every way, He’s not “that guy”.
Obviously, if Father is Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father, He’s not just “that guy”.
Thinking that Father is just “that guy”, is the ludicrous thought that leads to sin.
Tiffany Fernihalgh
Tiffany, Empress of Austria (Rome)
Tiffany, Queen of Britannia VCRNAI
Tiffany, Duchess of Normandy
Tiffany, Princess of Lancashire
The name of St. Francis, San Francesco d’Assisi is a prophecy about me
d’As Sisi, Duchess like Sisi
Elizabeth I of Austria nickname “Sisi”
Legal name Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Baptized name Daniel Edward McTaggart
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a birth defect
Legal name change in my purse.
Elizabeth II
Tiffany R
Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10.11