The Passover Meal and The New Covenant

Begin with The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic then return.

The Little Flock, The 144,000 men entering into The New Covenant, partake of the bread and the wine. These are to be Kings and Priests before God. Note that The Bible says “Kings”. Ecclesiastes 7.28 there was not one woman among the Priests. Others going to Heaven, including women, and those who wish to live on The Paradise Earth do not partake.

Anyone can go to Heaven. Christ said, "My Father's House has many rooms". Or you can live on The Paradise Earth.

37.29 The righteous will inherit the land and live forever on it.

The land is any habitable world in God's created Universe.

John 3.8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the spirit.”

I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible. Something less than Ihsou is here.

Ihsou Christ will receive full honor always, He is The Allelouyah. The long night is over beloved. Rest, from your suffering.

This is how He must be honored always, with majesty and glory, it is how The Meshikhi have always honored Him more than any other people on Earth and always will honor Him. Only speak of Ihsou at Calvary, Love with Mercy, no matter what was happening to Him, even on The Cross. His spirit will live forever, in us.

The music group, Celtic Woman has magnified God and Honored His Son, the way they should be honored. That is how you honor God and that is how you honor His Son. It is a statute forever that they should be honored this way with the song “Amazing Grace”. That is the kind of Majesty that is deserved and that will be the standard for The Meshikhi forever. No one will lose appreciation ever again, and it shall be, on The Anniversary of The Death of Ihsou Christ forever. A true day of remembrance.

And it must always be broadcast worldwide. And everyone should be singing on Earth and remembering The Christ at Calvary at 3pm Jerusalem time on The Anniversary of His Death. Because you owe your life to Him. Never forget that. And I want The Sacred Angels to be the choir singing in the background.

After the 1000 years when everything is brought to perfection by Christ we will speak with God directly.

This is written for all future generations and we will not forget the name of Ihsou Christ. To conclude prayer, we will always say, “Thank you for Ihsou”. His name will not be forgotten, only to be in a book on a shelf with dust on it. We shall honor Him forever and never forget His name, Meshikhi.

This is a statute forever for all those who are Love with Mercy and want to be called Meshikhi and Christians. Christians to outsiders as in The Bible, Meshikhi, Followers of The Messiah, to those who follow The Christ.

Future generations of Meshikhi will not be people who do not appreciate sacred things and sacred people.

Why is Passover so late in 2024?

In 2024, Passover will begin on April 22 and end on April 30. This also happens to be a Jewish leap year. Leap years are built into the lunar calendar because the lunar year is about 11 days shorter than the solar year, so an extra month is added to certain years to make up the difference.

Pesach 2024 (Passover) begins before sundown on Monday, April 22, 2024, and ends after nightfall on April 30, 2024.

Passover begins April 22, 2023 before sundown in Jerusalem. The Passover Meal is a sacred event.

7:13 p.m.

Monday, April 22, 2024 (GMT+3)

Sunset in Jerusalem, Israel

If you cannot partake of the bread and wine for some reason but want to, God considers it the same as if you had partaken.

2 Corinthians 8:12 For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.

Sunset 7:13 p.m. in Jerusalem, Isra'Al Tuesday, April 22, 2024 on the Gregorian Celendar.

Current local time in Jerusalem

How it works, And there was Evening and There was Morning, The first day, The day begins at sunset. The Passover Meal happened on the 22nd before sunset, Christ died on the 23rd no matter which calendar you use.

April 22, 2024 The Passover Meal begins before sunset and goes into the first day which begins at sunset. The New Covenant was instituted by Christ after the meal, after sunset, with the bread and the wine.

Communion is fine and teaches children appreciation and helps them remember The Sacrifice of Ihsou, but there is only one Passover Meal and New Covenant Anniversary each year (1 Corinthians 11.26 "as often as you eat this bread, and drink this cup").

The day begins at sunset on The Hebrew Calendar

Genesis 1.5 And there was evening, and there was morning, the first day

The bread and the wine are in no way literally the body and blood of Christ. Meshikhi do not believe in transubstantiation.

Matthew 26.27,28 26 While they were eating, Ihsou took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” 27 Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. 28 This is my blood of the[a] covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. 

1 Corinthians 11:26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.

The evening of the Passover Meal is sacred to Followers of The Messiah.

Communion may be taken at any time during the year as the Scripture says “as often as” you do this. It is a way of remembering and appreciating The Sacrifice of Ihsou.

Why The Messiah is needed

In the video you heard a reference to the angel of the LORD. When you see the LORD in capital letters in a Bible it is referring to Ahv'ah (Hebrew Yahvah) the True God. There is only one Lord, Ihsou (Iesoh) The Messiah (Ephesians 4:5), Isho in Aramaic and Hebrew. Google Aramaic Isho.

It was impossible for imperfect people to fulfill The Law. All of the imperfect lives that have ever existed could never replace the Eternal Life of Adam that was lost.

That is what was lost, Perfect Eternal Life.

Ihsou Christ was perfect and fulfilled The Law “a life for a life” and replaced the first created man who sinned, Adam. As children of Adam, we can now be saved if we have faith in The Sacrifice of Ihsou. Ihsou is called “The Last Adam”. We are now under The Law of The Christ, “Love with Mercy”.

The Anniversary of The Death of Ihsou 3pm Jerusalem time on 23 April, 2024

Gave everything

Permission pending from the beloved artist Mia Tavonatti

1 Corinthians 5:7 Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed.

Our Father is represented by Avraham in The Bible. Ihsou is represented by Isaac in The Bible.

When God withdrew his power (but not His spirit) from Ihsou while Ihsou was on The Cross, He knew that Ihsou would be killed. This is the knife of Avraham, The Sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son for us. And He had to watch every moment and remember it forever. He had to watch His beloved Son be tortured and killed. It was the only way to save us because God cannot die, otherwise Our Father would have done it Himself. But everything about Ihsou is in God’s perfect memory. And He knows very well, what Ihsou experienced on that Cross.

Matthew 27:46,47 46 About the ninth hour, Ihsou called out with a loud voice, saying: “Al Aya, Al Aya, laʹma sa·bach·thaʹni?” that is, Father, Spirit Sacred Father, Father, Spirit Sacred Father, why have you forsaken me?” 47 At hearing this, some of those standing there began to say: “This man is calling A·liʹyah.” 

Ihsou did not lose faith for one moment. When God withdrew His power, He searched the scriptures with His perfect mind then spoke those words. He spoke them to fulfull the scripture. They were spoken for our benefit. Even if it seems that God is not there or that His attention is not on us when we are being tried, He is there. God did not take His eyes off of Ihsou for one moment.

John 19.30 When he had received the sour wine, Ihsou said: “It is completed!” and bowing his head, he gave up his spirit.

Every scripture about The Sacrifice of Ihsou was now fulfilled.

The lesson for us. God did not take His attention off of Ihsou for one moment while Ihsou was on The Cross and Ihsou had faith about it. So during trials, even if it seems to us that God is not there, He is there and concerned and His attention is upon us. Only have faith, like Ihsou.

Ihsou Christ was the complete sacrifice of God, The Father, to fulfill the promises of the New Covenant—the only covenant that offers redemption from sin and the gift of eternal life. The promise of eternal life through the New Covenant was sealed by the beaten, scourged and crucified body of Ihsou Christ and the outpouring of His blood.

Glory! Glory! Allelouyah!

Allelouyah (Al lelou Yah) means "Beautiful Father Yah"

If you read The Book of Mark, Ihsou cried out, is the truth. And the sacred spirit formed words only God understood. Glory! Glory! Allelouyah! Pure ahavah, selfless outward love, fierce love, for Our Father and for us.

Luke 23.45 “And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.”

The Death of Ihsou 23 April 2024 about 3pm in Jerusalem is the anniversary of this date and time.

The Resurrection of Ihsou

The Day that belongs to The Lord, The Resurrection of Ihsou.

April 27, 2024 at about 3pm in Jerusalem

Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

It was exactly 3 days and 3 nights.

Dates and Times

This year those 3 days and 3 nights are as follows.

Night 1, 23/24

Night 2, 24/25

Night 3, 25/26

Day 1, The 23rd 3pm (Death of Ihsou) until the 24th 3pm in Jerusalem

Day 2, The 24th 3pm until the 25th 3pm in Jerusalem

Day 3, The 25th 3pm until the 26th 3pm in Jerusalem (Resurrection of Ihsou)

Ihsou is alive in Heaven and happy, but we will never forget what He did for us.

Ihsou is Alive!

Accounts of people not recognizing him are explained in Luke 24:16

Luke 24:16  but their eyes were kept from recognizing him.

They did not recognize Ihsou until God allowed them to.

Accounts of Ihsou appearing on the sea to the disciples and in a locked room are by God’s power, nothing else.

Ihsou returns to Heaven

40 days later Ihsou ascended to Heaven and offered the value of His His perfect human life, His Sacrifice to God to save us. The Scriptures say that flesh and blood cannot enter God’s Kingdom in Heaven (1 Corinthians 15:50), His ascension was the end of His perfect human life. He will never be only human again, even if He were to materialize on Earth.

This is the truth from God, any other explanation is erroneous. Ihsou is called the last Adam, if Adam had been sinless and died accidentally, he would have simply been resurrected like Ihsou.

Mark 16:19
19 When the Lord Ihsou had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand.

The Prophecy at Psalms 110:1 is Fulfilled

A prophecy of David

Psalms 110:1 Yahvah says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”

Ihsou is David’s Lord, the hoped for Messiah.

Psalms 37:29 correctly reads “The righteous shall possess the land, and they shall live forever upon it.

The land is any inhabitable world created by God in the universe, thus fulfilling the promise to Avraham that his children would be as numerous as the stars.

The True Gospel

Our Beloved Ihsou, The First of God's Children in Heaven

John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven Ahv'ah (Hebrew Yahvah יָהוָה YHVH), so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Ihsou (Aramaic ܝܼܫܘܿܥ Ihsou), The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.~The Meshikhi Faith

Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am Yahvah; and there is no one saving without me.

Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

For example, this is how Ihsou was able to heal people.

Luke 5:17 One day He was teaching, and there were some Pharisees and teachers of the Law sitting there who had come from every village of Galilee and Judea, and from Jerusalem; and the power of Yahvah was present for Him to perform healing. ~NASB

God wanted the people to recognize Ihsou as The Messiah. Ihsou was fully aware of the presence of God’s power.

1 Corinthians 6:14, NASB: “Now God has not only raised the Lord, but will also raise us up through His power.”

God raised Ihsou through His power. Ihsou did not raise Himself as false religion is now teaching.

Ihsou is Lord

In Anglo-Saxon times, the lord was known as the hläford, from the Viking hläfweard, meaning a bread-keeper or ‘bread ward’. The lord was responsible for providing bread for his household; therefore he was head of the house. Ihsou volunteered and God provided Ihsou’s life for us. Ihsou is The Bread from Heaven. From The Book of Isayah, Our Father said, “Who shall we send”? And Ihsou’s response, “Here I am Father, send me”. He knew that God could not die because God is Eternal. Ihsou replaced Adam as Head of the earthly household, he is The Eternal Father of God’s Children on Earth instead of Adam. We pray to God and Ihsou provides the things we need.

God made Ihsou, Lord.

Acts 2.36 Therefore, let all the house of Isra’Al know for a certainty that God made him both Lord and Christ, this Ihsou whom you executed on a cross.

The Gospel in one minute

John 3.16 For Our Father in Heaven, Ahv'ah (Hebrew Yahvah YHVH) so loved the world, that He gave His beloved only begotten Son, Ihsou (Iesoh), The First of His Children in Heaven, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.~The Meshikhi Faith

Romans 10.9,10 If you declare with your mouth, “Ihsou is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Matthew 28.19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Yahvah and of The Son, Ihsou, The First of God’s Children in Heaven and of the sacred spirit that has the name Ah'ri.

Ihsou resurrects Christians and anyone he wants to. God resurrects everyone else.

That’s the entire Gospel message religious leaders make incomprehensible.

See the home page about the minimal requirements for Christians and about baptism.

The physical resurrection of Ihsou - the evidence

Ihsou appeared to the disciples after his resurrection with a physical body. It was by God’s power that He appeared in the locked room and the scriptures agree he had wound marks in his side and in his hands (Luke 24:36-49, John 20:19,20).

Ihsou told the disciples that He was not a spirit when He appeared in the locked room.

Luke 24:39 See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you plainly see that I have.”~NASB

This means that the angels that appeared to Avraham and ate with Him did not have flesh and bones as Ihsou had after His resurrection.

1 Corinthians 15:44 is not applied to the resurrection of Ihsou. The preceding scripture shows in context that it is referring to imperfect humans with the Heavenly hope.

1 Corinthians 15:43 it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power;

1 Corinthians 15:44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.

1 Corinthians 15:45 and 15:46 apply to Ihsou, his physical resurrection and His ascension to Heaven.

1 Corinthians 15:45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.

1 Corinthians 15:46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.

Experts agree about the physical resurrection of Ihsou. Only Watch Tower contradicts this teaching.

Concluding Notes

It is gross disrespect to associate the fertility goddess with The Resurrection, thus we do not desecrate The Resurrection with rabbit symbols or eggs. The Resurrection is Sacred to us, The Meshikhi.

The false god Tammuz is associated with Astarte.

The Tammuz cross is a creation of Satan, mocking The Cross of Ihsou. It is shaped like the capital letter /T/. Watch Tower, whom we have established are part of The Synagogue of Satan, say that The Cross of Ihsou is a Tammuz Cross with the top part of the /T/ moved down.

We do not agree, because we do not make associations, we only use facts.

Josephus the historian c. 36 AD is recognized as the authority “for the time period” known as Greco-Roman and he says it was a cross.

This is confirmed in The Aramaic Scriptures. The word is translated as "cross" according to Beth Mardutha, The Syriac Institute.

When the scriptures refer to people weeping over their god Tammuz, not the Tammuz Cross. Meshikhi don’t guess about such things, only with evidence and proof do we say something is sacred knowledge.