Justice from God

God cannot perform an evil act.
You’ve heard the expression of someone calling down evil on someone else in the Bible. While death can be called “an evil”, God causing a death is not evil. God is only righteous. That means He only does what is right. If God causes the death of a person, it is a righteous act. He has examined their soul and has determined that it the right thing to do.
Our Father’s heart is so expansive, he does not want to harm anyone. He has perfect Love, Wisdom, Justice and Power in perfect balance. But His primary attribute is love. God is love. If He can find a reason to love, He will. God is also mercy. If He can find a reason for mercy, He will show mercy. God is also justice. If he can find justification, He will execute justice. He looks at everything with His infinite power in parallel. God is Sacred, and CANNOT perform an evil act. It is impossible for God to perform an evil act because He is subject to His own Laws.
God is love (1 John 4:8). Anything in contradiction to that statement is a Satanic lie.
Requirement for two witnesses in the Bible misused by religious leaders

A leaked government report from a .gov web address
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1174772/ [PDF]
The mental health of Jehovah’s Witnesses
J Spencer
PMID: 1174772 DOI: 10.1192/bjp.126.6.556
The function of religion in human society is complex. The part played by religion in psychiatric disorders is even more obscure. Previous literature and theories are divided into two groups: one school believes that intense religiosity is a symptom-complex indicative of psychiatric disorder, while the opposing view is that religious belief in some way acts as a defence mechanism protecting the individual and his psyche. The present study of 50 Jehovah’s Witnesses admitted to the Mental Health Service facilities of Western Australia suggests that members of this section of the community are more likely to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital than the general population. Furthermore, followers of the sect are three times more likely to be diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia and nearly four times more likely from paranoid schizophrenia than the rest of the population at risk. These findings suggest that being a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses faith may be a risk factor predisposing to a schizophrenic illness. Further studies would be interesting in investigating whether pre-psychotic people are more likely to join the sect than normal people and what part (if any) membership has in bringing about such a breakdown.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1174772/ [PDF]
While the Bible does say two witnesses are required, it also says to be reasonable (Philippians 4:5). Rape and abuse victims do not usually have witnesses. Therefore report all violence done to the authorities and the police as soon as possible.
Philippians 4:5 Let your reasonableness become known to all men. The Lord is near. ~New World Translation (This in The Bible used by Watch Tower and Jehovah’s Witnesses and it condemns them)
God is love, and He is concerned for victims of violence and abuse and would condemn misuse of the scripture concerning two witnesses. This is likely why He added the admonition to be reasonable to the New Testament.
Google “Watch Tower” abuse victim
Google “Jehovah’s Witnesses” abuse victim.
God is love. And God is Mercy.
Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God.
Watch Tower is “The Synagogue of Satan”. See the page The Roman Jehovah for proof provided to the government.
2 Corinthians 11:14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
Lots of money and powerful lawyers. W. Glen How & Associates.
Victims don’t have that kind of money or power.
Watch Tower enabled by Supreme Court to sexually harass and emotionally abuse members of the religion for the way they are born
As a reference:
Your decision about Jehovah’s Witnesses has caused so much suffering it is criminal.
Watch Tower have powerful lawyers, who fight their battles for them.
They may have the right to say who can be in their religion and who they can expel or not, but they DO NOT have the right to harass sexually or otherwise any person for two years before they do so.
That is what your ruling has accomplished. They hide behind the ruling claiming it is a private religious matter about expelling people and claim it is religiously based.
Even Human Rights will say it is outside of their jurisdiction because W. Glen How & Associates have convinced them that it is a private religious matter about expelling and not about sexual harassment or abuse. There is no recourse for the victims.
Sisters must never go into a back room with two men, elders or not, unless they have another sister with them or a policewoman.
Programmed gender identity is irreversible.
Being raised culturally as a male can cause a form of multiple personality disorder.
Trans females experience dysphoria, a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life.
Transitioning to living as a female occurs when the person realizes their true gender, even later in life.
Gender affirming surgery may alleviate dysphoria completely.
More info
It is actually against the law to discriminate based on gender identity but Howe and Associates have convinced the courts it is a private religious matter about expelling people for religious reasons.
I recommend that obviously you cannot tell people how to carry out their religion, but they should not be allowed to interact with the public, especially those who are emotionally vulnerable. If one trans female kills herself because of them, it will be too late. And it could happen if she is experiencing severe dysphoria.
HRTO File No. 2018-34100-I (Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario)
Police Report 2018-811581 (Ottawa Police)
This is the reason people with gender identity issues are not represented in Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses. They are conspicuously absent and turn to Unitarian Universalist Association or some other group to find some kind of spiritual relief.
It is not a person’s fault if they experience masculinization or feminization in the womb.
Watch Tower has both deliberate ignorance and lack of mercy for anyone they personally believe is an evil-doer. People are sexually harassed and expelled for the way they are born.
Watch Tower seeks to control every aspect of life including sexuality and use gaslighting and repetition at meetings to accomplish this. They have an exclusive Bible and matching doctrine and use gaslighting and repetition. You may not be baptized until you conform with their thoughts, sometimes taking six months to a year or more as they suspend disbelief in your mind through gaslighting and repetition. Combined with the natural Christian love of the laity, they are finally convinced that it must it must be the true religion.
I suspect that Jehovah’s Witnesses as an organization has become a haven for abusers who know about Watch Tower and their policy about defending people who are accused without two witnesses. And so it is with everything Watch Tower and they will reap what they sew and it has come home to roost with them. I believe many abusers become Jehovah’s Witnesses for this reason. And Watch Tower is responsible, regardless.
Watch Tower introduces dangerous thought linking technique to make masturbation an unclean practice.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have progressively become a closed society since 1931. They are genuinely loving people by nature and believe their doctrine is the only way to salvation and their god, the only God. The religious leaders know how to control people and they know how to gaslight them and convince them that anything that they say is gospel. They are able to change the reality of God and the Bible in your mind with their doctrine and matching Bible.
The Bible is explicit about what not to do sexually. Nothing else is needed but its clear instructions. 2 Timothy 3:16,17
Normally, the thought linking technique is very sophisticated and invisible to readers. On this subject however, it is abundantly clear.
Watchtower August 2016 paragraph 17 implying masturbation “is the same as” or “is as bad as” sexual immorality when it is not even directly mentioned in the Bible.
Bold is the association.
Italic is the desired belief they want to inculcate in the mind of the reader
Here is the excerpt:
What can help a Christian to decide whether to get married? 17 Whether to stay single or to get married is a matter of determining in one’s heart if one is able to cultivate the gift of singleness. The apostle Paul recommended singleness; yet, he said: “Because of the prevalence of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband.” Paul added: “If they do not have self-control, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to be inflamed with passion.” Getting married can help a person to avoid letting passion lead him to such a practice as masturbation or to sexual immorality.
Note the linkage. …such as a practice as masturbation or to sexual immorality. There is no actual link, it is very sophisticated editing. By tying it to sexual immorality with the word “or” it is making it the same as sexual immorality.
If you want to and insist on tying the word uncleanness to the emission of semen at Leviticus, then what about a woman who is masturbating? There is no emission of semen. You are only ceremonially unclean for a while after sex across the board. But if it is urgent or an emergency, pray anyway.
The leap by Watchtower – Making masturbation an unclean habit, once again making associations, not using scriptural reasoning.
Watch Tower August 2017 paragraph 8 8. What are some things that can make us unclean in God’s eyes?
8 Uncleanness. The original Bible word translated “uncleanness” is a broad term that includes much more than sexual sins. It can refer to the harmful practice of smoking or the telling of obscene jokes. (2 Cor. 7:1; Eph. 5:3, 4) It also applies to unclean activities practiced by an individual in private, such as reading sexually stimulating books or viewing pornography, which may lead to the unclean habit of masturbation.?—Col. 3:5.
To fully appreciate Watch Tower’s view, you must read this page.
Watchtower is the widest distributed magazine worldwide and included the above instructions about masturbation.
It is better to masturbate than to have sex before you are married. Or worse, engaging in spiritual things while sexually aroused.
Where it concerns sex, Watchtower doesn’t know anything. Nothing else is needed except for the Bible’s clear instructions about sex.
What can I say about you, beloved Witnesses. So much faith, so much love for God, so much gone wrong.
A young man in the ministry once told the group that an elder had once told him never to put his penis in a girl’s mouth.
This is the truth about the kind of things that happen with people who are raised as Jehovah’s Witnesses.
As for Christianity, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their Elders are socially backwards, spiritually xenophobic and sexually immature people with regards to God, who believe they will lead people to Salvation by telling them not to masturbate.
Transsexual, transgender and intersex people are not represented in Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses because they are sexually harassed and expelled for the way they are born.
The tragedy of it is people believe that they are representative of authority from God.
Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God.
As for gender identity issues, neither God nor The Son of God would condone sexual harassment of individuals for any length of time. The Supreme Court has said that Jehovah’s Witnesses have the right to expel whomsoever they want, and this is true, but they do not have the right to sexually harass anyone for any length of time prior to doing so.
The pain inflicted by Watch Tower [PDF] is real.
For Watch Tower, I am innocent of your charges against me.
Mercy is written all over the Bible, but you discarded it as refuse. You do not hear the cry of the lowly one nor do you see their tears. And when they pour their heart out to you, you do not listen to them.
God is love and God is Mercy.
Where there is no mercy, there is no God and no Son of God.
There was no mercy in the back room of that Kingdom Hall.
And you didn’t even bother to look it up, the two links above took less than one minute to find.
I am innocent.
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
Eli understood, he saw Hanna’s tears, heard the sound in her voice and realized what was going on and then immediately knew what to do. That is a Priest of God with mercy. A man of God.
All I ever did was love you and you threw me away like garbage. So I did what David did, first order of business, set up worship in the wilderness.
Remember God loves you and Yeshua loves you.\
Peace Tower Church best setup for worship, but the same problem as everyone. Worshiping a false god, The Roman Jesus. A few vowels and some doctrine and they could be perfect. (but they are perfectly loving).
Jehovah’s Witnesses enabled by Supreme Court to sexually harass and emotionally abuse members of the religion for the way they are born
As a reference:
Your decision about Jehovah’s Witnesses has caused
so much suffering it is criminal.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have powerful lawyers, Howe and
Associates, who fight their battles for them.
They may have the right to say who can be in their religion and who they can expel or not, but they DO NOT have the right to harass sexually or otherwise any person for
two years before they do so.
That is what your ruling has accomplished. They hide behind the ruling claiming it is a private religious matter about expelling people and claim it is religiously based, when in fact they sexually harassed me for two years because of the way I was born, a trans female.
Even Human Rights will say it is outside of their jurisdiction because Howe and Associates have convinced them that it is a private religious matter about expelling and not about sexual harassment or abuse. There is no recourse for the victims.
Sisters must never go into a back room with two men, elders or not, unless they have another sister with them or a policewoman.
Masculinization in the Womb
“The present study of SOM neurons in the human bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc) provides unequivocal new data supporting the view that transsexualism may reflect a form of brain hermaphroditism such that this limbic nucleus itself is structurally sexually differentiated opposite to the transsexual’s genetic and genital sex.”
The term transgender is a misapplied label. The correct term for girls who suffer from masculinization in the womb is trans female.
Transgender implies changing from one gender to another, while the trans female is a heterosexual female from birth. It is not a lifestyle choice.
Programmed gender identity is irreversible. Here is the scientific proof.
Being raised culturally as a male can cause a form of multiple personality disorder.
Trans females experience dysphoria, a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life.
Transitioning to living as a female occurs when the person realizes their true gender, even later in life.
Gender affirming surgery may alleviate dysphoria completely.
More info
It is actually against the law to discriminate based on gender identity but Howe and Associates have convinced the courts it is a private religious matter about expelling people for religious reasons.
I recommend that obviously you cannot tell people how to carry out their religion, but they should not be allowed to interact with the public, especially those who are emotionally vulnerable. If one trans female kills herself because of them, it will be too late. And it could happen if she is experiencing severe dysphoria.
HRTO File No. 2018-34100-I (Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario)
Police Report 2018-811581 (Ottawa Police)
The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses was notified by registered mail both in the United States and Canada, but the harassment continued for a year after that, proving that the elders involved had approval to do what they did or were emboldened by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses to continue with the harassment.
Under the Ontario Human Rights Code, discrimination and harassment because of gender identity or gender expression is against the law.
Source: https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/code_grounds/gender_identity
They use the Bible as a whip. They called me a “male temple prostitute”. Were they to “whip” someone with severe dysphoria, that person would likely commit suicide. Imagine, asking a woman if she has a penis and telling her she doesn’t appreciate things like her baptism into Christ when she has always been faithful and is experiencing distressing emotions (Matthew 12:7).
This actually happened after two years of being harassed on the phone and in a back room with two men. I still have the emotional and spiritual scars from it. It was devastating. In the vernacular of the Witnesses they were handing me over to Satan for disciplining as an unrepentant sinner. This is done by announcing it publicly at a meeting where everyone you know accepts them as the ultimate authority. But God is my Witness, it is how I was born. That’s the kind of thing that happens in the back rooms of Kingdom Halls everywhere. It is UNACCEPTABLE by any standard of humanity.
This is my life. I’ve been sexually harassed and beat up spiritually by elders of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I went into a meeting alone with two men whose only intention was to attack me spiritually like animals. That’s the reality of it. I bared my soul, I let myself be vulnerable, I was honest, I poured out my heart to them. Now I’m sitting here, wishing God would do something, anything. I have never experienced as much pain in my entire life accumulated as I did emotionally with those elders. They are supposed to be like a shelter from a windstorm according to the Bible. Instead they are so mean. They have no mercy. They have no education about my situation. They don’t care to learn either. They just beat me up so bad I finally ran out into the rain in terrible emotional pain. That’s my personal experience. My heart is broken, I love God and His Son, it’s so hard to have faith with animals like those in charge of the congregation. This is not the first time I was sexually harassed by the same two men. I was asked to leave my phone outside the room where they were going to accuse me. I was read a scripture implying that I was a male temple prostitute, told I did not appreciate sacred things like my baptism and asked rhetorically if I have a penis.
Finally, it is insane for the Supreme Court of final appeal to empower religionists to carry out whatever they want with people and allow them to hide behind a supreme court ruling just because they can afford powerful lawyers. Certainly, they can throw out whoever they want, all I am saying is that it cannot be preceded by emotional abuse and sexual harassment for two years.
The governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses are highly trained in public speaking and are very slick at what they do, speaking softly from the platform but being ruthless with people in the back rooms of Kingdom Halls everywhere.
When I explained to a Justice of the Peace at the Courthouse what was happening she said of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their elders “People like that scare me” and also “they have lost their way”.
Update: February 23, 2020 I visited Peace Tower Church in Ottawa and heard a talk about gender. I have decided that the problem is greater than I thought. It is all religion that treats people this way, not just Jehovah’s Witnesses. The problem? No education and no mercy. They should not be allowed to talk to the public about the subject of gender without government approved training and education. I have always been treated with dignity by human governments.
Here’s a video I call “Father of a trans female”. The problem immediately makes itself evident. He talks about a little trans female who wants to play with dolls and make cookies and he is going to teach her to be a mighty hunter instead. These are the formative years are they not? Keep in mind, these are some of the best Shepherds possible. So the problem becomes apparent. It is a universal lack of knowledge and understanding about complex human issues. Uneducated religious leaders are teaching the public to create gender confusion in a likely trans female. The deceptive thing is, many of these religious leaders are accomplished public speakers which makes them “sound” educated.
The point of the video is, not the disposition of the Pastor, but what on Earth is he doing teaching the public? I was sitting near the front while he was speaking and he was actually frightening. And so they are teaching people not to accept the way a person is born, because they are uneducated and ignorant in the extreme about it.
Thank you,
Tiffany McTaggart
3424 Albion Road South
Ottawa, Ontario
K1V 8W4
+1 613-894-5871
New info
Tiffany Tracy McTaggart
602-2767 Innes Road
Gloucester, Ontario
Canada K1B 4L4
(613) 894-5871