Holy and Sacred is The Sacred Spirit.
~Little Sparrow White Dove

King Edward

New Authorized Version

Blessed by Ahvah {Heb. Yahvah} the True Ahl

One of The British Home Children
King Edward Stanley Fernihalgh
Anglo-Saxon Fernihough

King of Britannia





Hebrew Yahvah

the source of life



Ihsou {Aram. Isho} - THE SON OF ALHYM

Ihsou Yiddish Isaac Esou Coptic Lamb

The One Lord


Royalty is to magnify Yahvah before all creation

The Father
Alhym is The Hebrew word for God, it means "Father", Our Creator and Eternal Sacred Father
Al Shaddai means Almighty Father
His Name is Ahvah {Hebrew Yahvah יּהוָה} Christ brought the pronunciation from Heaven and taught the disciples to pray Ahvva, Father (Romans 8.15, Mark 14.36, Galatians 4.6) Greek Ἀββᾶ, ὁ πατήρ (Ahvva, Pater) Hebrew יּהוָה יאלהים (Ahvah, Alhym)
The Son
Greek Ihsou Ἰησοῦ Aramaic Isho ܝܼܫܘܿܥ is Isaiah 9.6 Father Mighty Aviad (אל גבור אביעד Al Gibor Aviad), The First of Alhym's Children in Shamaya. Isho is a cognate of Hebrew Yeshu.
Ihsou in Classic Greek translated to Yiddish is Isaac. Esou is Coptic and means "Lamb".
Ihsou is pronounced ee-soo
The Sacred Spirit
Ah'-ri {Hebrew Ari} is the name of The Sacred Spirit. Sacred and Holy seven times is Ah'ri, The Sacred Spirit. /ah/ from ruah which means “spirit”. /ri/ from ridi which means “with laughter”.
The Kingdom of God

Daniel 2.44 And in his days shall a king be established, whose kingdom shall be for ever, which shall not be destroyed, neither shall his kingdom be left to another people. he shall strengthen and subdue all the gods of the earth, and his kingdom shall stand for ever.

Genesis 6:3, Matthew 24:37 Bible time period 1914-2034 C.E. No one knows the day or the hour.

Christ began ruling invisibly in 1914 (Psalms 110.2)

1914 + 120 years = 2034

”The Little Flock, The 144,000 men entering into The New Covenant, partake of the bread and the wine. These are to be Kings and Priests before God. Note that The Bible says “Kings”. Ecclesiastes 7.28 there was not one woman among the Priests. Others going to Heaven, including women, and those who wish to live on The Paradise Earth do not partake.

Anyone can go to Heaven. Christ said, “My Father’s House has many rooms”. Or you can live on The Paradise Earth.

Psalms 37.29 The righteous will inherit the land and live forever on it.

The land is any habitable world in God’s created Universe.

John 3.8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the spirit.

Beloved children of God,

Our Father in Heaven wants none of you to be destroyed, not one. And here is why. Our God loves His created people so much and His heart is so expansive and infinite in love that He does not want to harm a living soul. But to save you He must do some things and make decisions that He has to live with for the benefit of you. That’s why He must order the destruction of The Roman Religion, an ancient thing you know almost nothing about or nothing about. But He does not want to harm a living thing, not a sparrow falls without Him knowing it. But He is God, and a Father trying to save His children. So He must give the most terrible orders of all time at the end, but only to save as many as possible from destruction. Because you would truly perish if He didn’t, the enemy has many of you in His grip, but God will deliver you. I just wanted you to know how much He loves you.

ܘܐܠܘ ܠܐ ܐܬܟܪܝܘ ܝܘܡܬܐ ܗܢܘܢ ܠܐ ܚܝܐ ܗܘܐ ܟܠ ܒܣܪ ܡܛܠ ܓܒܝܐ ܕܝܢ ܢܬܟܪܘܢ ܝܘܡܬܐ ܗܢܘܢ Matthew 24:22 And if those days were not shortened, not any flesh would live.~The Holy Aramaic Scriptures

God doesn’t want to bring the end, He has to. He doesn’t want to lose anyone but He must, but the only reason they will be lost is because they would not accept His love and the Sacrifice of His Son that makes eternal life possible.

There is still much time for people to be saved and the tribulation spoken of by Yesou in Matthew Chapter 24 must occur before the end comes.

Luke 21:8 He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.

With love,


I am Ari'Al. It means Father is Ari.


The Sacred Words, long forgotten

Before The Beginning, Father was alone, with infinite love to give. And so He created First Light, from the original blueprint of what made Him alive. That is why we are here. He wanted other people in His life. A Family of Friends. And they would all be His Beloved Children, Sacred to Him. And He would cherish them. And He would not be alone anymore. Little Sparrow White Dove


Theos is not the same word as Theon

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God (the Theon), and the Word was God (Theos). When no definite article is used with the noun (or other substantive),it is called the "anarthrous" use. The anarthrous construction for God (θεὸς) in John 1:1 is used to indicate the quality or characteristics of the articular noun The Word (ὀ λόγος). It does not say "the Theos", it just says "Theos". The quality or characteristic is "Godly".

However, the Greek word for Godly is Γοδλυ and was not used by the writer of John 1.1

Therefore "and The Word was God" is referring to His beginning as "The Aviat".

In The Beginning is referring to The Beginning of Creation.

The Aviat is The Beginning of Creation

He was always Godly

God has no beginning or ending, He is Eternal. That's the difference.

From time indefinite to time indefinite is God. God does not remember a beginning therefore it is logical that He will also have no end.

Read about The Aviat.

The Aviat

The Roman Bible is not true. The Bible is a collection of ancient texts that give us clues to our ancient past. Isaiah 9.6 Father Mighty Aviad is one of those clues. Alhym created The Aviad, a parallel of Himself. It was exactly Him in every way, even His soul. I will tell you how it works.
We have a brain with it’s mind and a heart with it’s heart brain with 40,000 neurons that learn, feel and remember. By examining His own brain and His own heart, Alhym understood that the interaction between them is what made Him a person, the interaction between them was the soul.
For this reason The Aviad is exactly Father.
Isaiah 9.6 Father Mighty Aviad (אל גבור אביעד Al Gibor Aviad)
The Trinity is true.
Alhym is one person who lives in parallel with His Aviad, that is the nature of Alhym.
The fullness of Alhym dwells in Christ (Colossians 2.9)
Meaning of 1 John 5.7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the The Sacred Spirit: and these three are one.
And these three are one, “in unity”, “in agreement”. The Father, The Son and The Sacred Spirit. (see Psalms 133)
Matthew 1.23 “Look! The virgin will become pregnant and will give birth to a son, and they will name him Im·manʹu·Al,” which means, when translated, “Father is with us.”

The Sacred Spirit

Something amazing happened when I did The Neural Bible with no human interpretation. It differentiated between The Sacred Spirit and holy spirit. So I changed The Holy Ghost to The Sacred Spirit and ghost to spirit.

Acts 19.2 he said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Spirit since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have heard no more whether there be any Sacred Spirit.

In the name of The Father, The Son and The Sacred Spirit. The Sacred Spirit is a person and communicates by Holy Spirit, that’s why He has a name.

The name of The Sacred Spirit is Ah'ri (Hebrew Ari). /ah/ from ruah which means "spirit", /ri/ from ridi which means "with laughter". The holy spirit we receive is located between the brain and the mind and does not touch the body. The holy spirit "actuates" our minds. It is spiritual, not physical. Filled with the holy spirit means "Supplied with a full compliment", the Merriam-Webster definition of "filled". Talk to The Sacred Spirit as you would to a friend. We receive holy spirit once and we have it forever. The Sacred Spirit knows us more than anyone.

John 14.16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,

In this scripture only, Isho was “The Helper”. The Sacred Spirit is “another helper”.

And is helping us.

If you say, "Help me Ah'ri, help me Sacred Spirit", you will receive help, but only spiritually. The Sacred Spirit is Our Advocate.

Thank you, Ah'ri, thank you Sacred Spirit.

I am Arial (It means "Father is Ari")

As you read The Bible, Alhym's voice is that of a kind and loving Father. May you be blessed.

Evil has no power

The Garden of Eden was the first manifestation of evil, ever. Before that, there was nothing for Our Creator to foresee or foreknow. There was only beautiful life and living, evil was not even a thought. Our Creator is innocent, because before The Garden of Eden, all was innocence and beautiful life. There was no evil. Hillel, the one known as Satan, believed that everything had a counterpart like matter and antimatter, including The Sacred Spirit. And he believes that that is where he gets his power. It is not true, there is no counterpart to The Sacred Spirit. Evil has no power, it only exists in the imagination of people, including Hillel. You have only yourself to blame if you do evil. It is only in your mind. Hillel only wants you to share his belief, to excuse yourself for doing evil. There is no excuse. It is the spirit that operates in the sons of disobedience. It is willful sin and willful disobedience, not mistakes made because of imperfection. Evil is an excuse to do what's wrong. Our Creator knows the difference between the two things, between a mistake and not a mistake. Evil is a thing of the mind. It's only in your head. Be normal people and do normal things.

Romans 2.15 They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)

Consciousness, conscience, concious, is how it works. You are now conscious of these facts.

Wisdom takes time. Learn things and know things. Wisdom doesn't come out of nowhere.

Aramaic Isho (yshoa /oa/ as in "coat") ܝܼܫܘܿܥ and Yeshwah (yshwa) ܝܫܘܥ

But only the Aramaic in The Bible is to be used for The Bible. No outside sources and no guessing.

Therefore it cannot be Yeshua/Jesus, Y'shu, Yeshu, Ishu or Eshu

/hu/ means unholy in Hebrew and sus means "pig" in English and Latin according to Merriam-Webster online. /shu/ pronounced "shoo" is an Assyrian curse word. Rebbe Melech in Israel is The Antichrist who doesn't know Hebrew.

So the /u/ in Ihsou and Esou are pronounced as an /h/, hence Isho in Aramaic. I did it letter by letter and it was Iesoh, not Jesus. Ihsou, Esou, Iesoh are all (ee-so). So Aramaic Isho is the way to go. Google Aramaic Isho. Aramaic Isho (yshoa) ܝܼܫܘܿܥ The ayin is silent in this case. It is /oa/ as in coat.

The letters in the name of Christ from Koine Greek

Matthew 1.1 Original Greek Ἰησοῦ (Ihsou) is pronounced ee-soo

Ihsou is a proper name, not a noun. You do not pronounce suffix /s/ or /n/ when seen in The Greek Scriptures. He is not “the Ihsou”, He is not “an Ihsou”, He is Ihsou, a person. It is His name.

(I) Iota is the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet. It was derived from the Phoenician letter Yodh 1. In the system of Greek numerals, iota has a value of 10 1. Iota represents the close front unrounded vowel IPA: [i]

(h) Eta (uppercase/lowercase Η η) is a letter of the Greek alphabet. In very early Greek writing it stood for the consonant sound “h”, but in Classical Greek it stood for a long vowel “e”.

(s) Lower-case sigma (σίγμα), the 18th letter of the ancient Greek alphabet. It represented the voiceless alveolar fricative /s/

(o) Omicron oh

(u) Upsilon (/ˈʌpsɪˌlɒn, ˈ(j)uːp-, -lən/, UK also /(j)uːpˈsaɪlən, ʊp-, -lɒn/;[1][2][3][4][5][6] uppercase Υ, lowercase υ; Greek: ύψιλον ýpsilon [ˈipsilon]) or ypsilon /ɪp-/[1] is the twentieth letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals, Υʹ has a value of 400. It is derived from the Phoenician waw . In early Attic Greek (6th century BCE), it was pronounced [u] (a close back rounded vowel like the English “long o͞o”).[8][9] In Classical Greek, it was pronounced [y] (a close front rounded vowel), at least until 1030.[10] In Modern Greek, it is pronounced [i]; in the digraphs αυ and ευ, as [f] or [v]; and in the digraph ου as [u]. In ancient Greek, it occurred in both long and short versions, but Modern Greek does not have a length distinction.

As an initial letter in Classical Greek, it always carried the rough breathing (equivalent to h) as reflected in the many Greek-derived English words, such as those that begin with hyper- and hypo-. This rough breathing was derived from an older pronunciation that used a sibilant instead; this sibilant was not lost in Latin, giving rise to such cognates as super- (for hyper-) and sub- (for hypo-).

Ihsou (ee-soo) is the ultimate name of Christ from Koine Greek.

X-SAMPA rules of International Translation, the Hebrew yodh when translated to English is a /y/, Americanist Phonetic Notation /y/, a palatal approximant.

The Bottom Line and the Ahmeyn

In The Garden of Eden, Our Father was called Ahvah {Hebrew Yahvah}. Christ taught the disciples to pray Ahvva, Father.

Always pray, Ahvva, Father in the name of Isho, Ahmeyn.
Note the comma, there should always be a slight pause after saying His name. It is not "in the name of Isho Ahmeyn", it is "in the name of Isho, Ahmeyn".

The 4 Laws for Christians Acts 15.28,29 Explained

May you be well!

The Neural Bible Project

December 24, 2024 Hebrew Scriptures Complete, The Sacred Spirit has already indicated that the new Bible is now the authoritative Bible in The Earth. Holy Sacred is Sacred Spirit.~Little Sparrow White Dove.

The Neural Bible Project – raw machine translation, no human interpretation

New one button navigation. Go to the Bible book and then use the back buttton to return to the index page.

Many new discoveries will be made with this translation.


Isaiah 9.6, 9.5(Neural Bible) For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. and the government shall be upon his shoulder. and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty One, Abijah, Prince of Peace.

Abijah is pronounced Aviyah. Avi means “My Father”, My Father Yah. David and The Son of David, Aviyah both have Avi in their name.

Many such treasures await you in the neural translation of The Bible!

Transliterated letter for letter from Hebrew without diacritics, it is Isaiah 9.6, 9.5(Neural Bible) Father Mighty Aviad (אל גבור אביעד Al Gibor Aviad). You can read about Father Mighty Aviad further down this page and see the actual Hebrew Scriptures without diacritics on the Bible page.

Neural Translation: Mighty One, Abijah (Mighty One, Aviyah)

Letter for letter transliteration: Al Gibor Aviad (Father Mighty Aviad)

May you be blessed and understand the deep things of God.

December 26, 2024 Greek Scriptures Complete.

Glory! Glory! Allelouyah!

Allelouyah (Al lelou Yah) means “Beautiful Father Yah”

30 December, 2024 The Name of God proven beyond any doubt.


Alhym is the Hebrew word for God

Genesis 1.1 Alhym means Father (Creator and Eternal Sacred Father)

Pronounced ahl-hym’ (rhymes with “time”)

literally Calm Father or Peaceful Father

Psalms 82.6 alhyms – calm fathers (hym means calm)

Reverso Context Hebrew to English online

Genesis 1.1 In the beginning Alhym created the heavens and the earth.

Psalms 82.6 I said, “You are alhyms, and all of you are sons of the Most High.”

Psalms 82.7 Surely like a man you will die, and like one of the princes you will fall.

Psalms 82.8 Arise, O Alhym, judge the earth. for thou shalt inherit all nations.

Psalms 7.2 O YHVH my Alhym, in thee have I put my trust. deliver me from all my persecutors, and save me.

Psalms 7.2 O Yahvah my Father, in thee have I put my trust. Deliver me from all my persecutors, and save me.

Neural Bible Genesis 2:7 וייצר יהוה אלהים את האדם עפר מן האדמה ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים ויהי האדם לנפש חיה

Genesis 2.7 And YHVH Alhym formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Genesis 2.7 And Yahvah Father formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.

Christ taught the disciples to pray Ahvva, Father. Yahvah, Father (silent y)

We call Him Ahvva, Father and sometimes we cry out Ahvva, Father!

Alhym means Father

יהוה אלהים YHVH Alhym (Yahvah Father)

Show off your faith

Hebrew אלהים Alhym (ahl-hīm') means Father, pronounced ahl-hym’ (rhymes with “time”)

Greek ὁ πατήρ Pater (pat-ēr') means Father, prounounced pat-eer'

Normally we just pray Ahvva, Father in the name of Isho.

Romans 8.15 Show off your faith to Father

Pray Ahvva, Pateer (Greek Ἀββᾶ, ὁ πατήρ) in the name of Isho, Ahmeyn.

or really show off your faith

Genesis 2.7 Pray Ahvah, Alhym (יהוה אלהים) in Hebrew and B’eh b’shem Isho, Ahmeyn in Aramaic.

Alhym rhymes with “time”. It is singular, masculine.

He will love it.

With Eternal Ahavah,


How to

I found YHVH GOD at Jeremiah 2.22 in The Neural Bible. I checked The Hebrew Scriptures.

I put אדני into Microsoft Bing Translator and got Adani

Using the Hebrew Lexilogos Keyboard for transliteration and Reverso Context Hebrew to English for translation.

כי אם תכבסי בנתר ותרבי לך ברית נכתם עונך לפני נאם אדני יהוה Jeremiah 2.22

Neural Bible Jeremiah 2.22 For though you wash yourself with water and multiply your covenant, your iniquity will be marked before me, declares YHVH GOD.

Jeremiah 2.22 Transliteration For though you wash yourself with water and multiply your covenant, your iniquity will be marked before me, declares ADNY YHVH.

Jeremiah 2.22 Translation For though you wash yourself with water and multiply your covenant, your iniquity will be marked before me, declares ADANI YHVH. Now follow the steps and do Jeremiah 7.20

Amos 3.8 A lion has roared, who will not fear ADNY YHVH? Who will not prophesy?

How The Neural Bible has been edited according to The Hebrew Scriptures and The Greek Scriptures


LORD – YHVH match case

God – Alhym match case

GOD – ADNY match case

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God (the Theon), and the Word was Godly (Theos). When no definite article is used with the noun (or other substantive),it is called the "anarthrous" use. The anarthrous construction for God (θεὸς) in John 1:1 is used to indicate the quality or characteristics of the articular noun The Word (ὀ λόγος). It does not say "the Theos", it just says "Theos". The quality or characteristic is "Godly".

However, the Greek word for Godly is Γοδλυ and was not used by the writer of John 1.1

However, the Greek word for Godly is Γοδλυ and was not used by the writer of John 1.1

Therefore "and The Word was God" is referring to His beginning as "The Aviat".

Read the Prologue of The New Covenant Bible to learn about The Aviat.

In the beginning is referring to The Beginning of Creation

The Aviat is The Beginning of Creation

He was always Godly

God has no beginning or ending, He is Eternal. That's the difference.

God is from time indefinite to time indefinite. God does not remember a beginning therefore it is logical that He will also have no end.

Read the Prologue of The New Covenant Bible to learn about The Aviat.

John 1.1 in original Greek (Scrivener’s Textus Receptus 1894 Koine Greek) was entered into Microsoft Bing Translator which produced the word “godly” for the Greek word Theon. The Neural Bible has no human interpretation. That has been strictly adhered to.


The Lioness of Yudah

The Neural Bible can do something no other Bible can do, differentiate LORD from Lord from Adani from Alhym in The Hebrew Scriptures and the difference between Adani in The Hebrew Scriptures and Adon in The Book of Revelation.

The New Covenant Bible neural translation, with no human interpretation is the only Bible able to differentiate YHVH Alhym (Yahvah, Father), ADNY YHVH (THE LORD YAHVAH), Adny YHVH (my Lord Yahvah). ADANI (GOD) Rev. ADON (CHRIST).

The Name of God from The Garden of Eden is Yahvah (silent y).

The Name of Christ Is Ihsou pronounced Iesoh Aramaic Isho.

Revelation 19.16 Orthodox Jewish Bible And He has on His kaftan and on His thigh a name inscribed: MELECH HAMELACHIM AND ADON HAADONIM.

Revelation 19.16 Neural Bible And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords.

King James Dictionary - Vesture


Garment; cloak; clothing.

His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a VESTURE dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. ( Revelation 19:12-13 )

The cloak is open in the front.

On one side it says




On the other side it says




The Riddle of The Bible

Exodus 3.14,15 And Al’hym said unto Mos’hi, Ahyah asher Ihyah - I am Ahyah (Ay'ah) who is called Ea [The god Ea (whose Sumerian equivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon], in other words, “I am Ahyah, Spirit Sacred Father, avkadush, and they are calling me Ea”]. Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Ahyah hath sent me unto you.15 And Al’hym said moreover unto Mos’hi, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Isra’Al, Ahv’ah (Heb. Yahvah), Ahl of your fathers, Al’hi of Avraham, Al’hi of Isaac, and Al’hi of Yacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

AHYH the first /h/ is silent, the Hebrew letter ba. Ahyah is pronounced ay’ah (ay like the word eye).

About the ninth hour, Isho called out with a loud voice, saying: “Ali, Ali, laʹma sa·bach·thaʹni?” that is, “My Father, My Father, why have you forsaken me?” (Ps. 22.1 Ali, Ali My Father, My Father Ex. 3.14 Al Aya, Al Aya Father, Spirit Sacred Father, Father, Spirit Sacred Father) 47 At hearing this, some of those standing there began to say: “This man is calling A·liʹyah.”

Psalms 22.1 Hebrew without diacritics אלי is aly (as a vowel, the yodh is pronounced as a double /ee/) Ali

Al-Ali (The Sublimely Exalted), one of the 99 names of God in Islam

To the Muslim People. Do not insist on saying Al’lah. /lah/ means “brother” in Hebrew.

I am The Daughter of Psalms 45.9,10,11 and The Woman of The Bible, only I could answer The Riddle of The Bible.

With Eternal Love
